It’s It’s chemical Molecular Molecular Ethanol Ethanol
formula: CH 3CH 2OH formula:
Weiht: !"#$%rams We
is an alcohol & has a hydro'yl roup( roup( an )OH
*onded to a car*on atom+# Is Is
a clear( clear( colorless li,uid -ith sliht odor odor
In In
dilute a,ueous solution( has relati.e relati.ely ly s-eet fla.or(( *ut -hen concentrated( fla.or concentrated( it has a *urnin taste#
25 April 2001
Estera Tomulet
Properties Pro perties &continued+ Meltin
point of )//!#/ of )//!#/ derees Celsius
point of %1# derees Celsius
of $#%415m6 at 2$ derees Celsius
*ut hihly flamma*le
-ith acids( al8ali metals( moisture(( pero moisture pero'ides( 'ides( etc#
25 April 2001
Estera Tomulet
9ses of Ethanol 9sed
as thermometer for temp#’s temp#’s *elo- H’s H’s freein fre ein point &)!$ derees Celsius+
as antifreee in automo*ile radiators
to ma8e se.eral types of alcohol &such as -his8y and *randy+
Ethanol can *e mi'ed to *urn in -ith asoline &/:4+ to automo*ile enines li8e help reduce air pollution) CO is asoline 25 April 2001 Estera Tomulet
;he Alcohol Part Made Made
since ancient times *y fermentation fermentation of suars &*e.erae ethanol is still still made *y this process: pro cess: simple suars are are the ra- material( and
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