ETAP ETAP provid provides es two short-ci short-circu rcuitit calculat calculation ion metho methods ds based based on ANSIIE ANSIIEEE EE and IE! standards. "ou can select select the calculation method method #rom the Short-!ircuit Short-!ircuit Study !ase Editor. This section describes describes the IE! standard method method o# calculation. calculation.
Standard !o !ompliance ETAP short-circuit calculation per IE! standards #ully complies with the latest IE! documentation as listed below% Standard
(i)h vo volta)e al alternatin)-cu -current ci circuit-br -brea*ers ,uses uses #or #or volt volta) a)es es ece eceeedin) din) 1000 1000 ac Electrical Installations Installations o# Ships and obile and ,ied ##shore 2nits Application )uide #or calculation o# short-circuit currents in low volta)e radial systems Shor Shortt-ci circ rcui uitt cal calcu cula latition on in thre threee-ph phas asee ac syst system emss Elec Electr tric ical al e5u e5uip ipme ment nt - dat dataa #or #or shor shortt-ci circ rcui uitt curre current nt cal calcu cula latition onss in accordance with IE! 404 7ow 7ow vol volta ta)e )e swit switch ch)e )ear ar and and cont contro rol) l)ea ear8 r8 Par Partt 1% 1% 9 9en ener eral al rule ruless 7ow volt voltaa)e swit switch ch))ear and and contro ntrol) l)eear8 Part Part $% !irc !ircuuititbrea*ers
These standards are #or short-circuit calculation and e5uipment ratin) in ac systems with nominal volta)es up to $60 * and operatin) at '0 (: or &0 (:. They cover ; -
three-phase8 line-to-)round8 line-to-line8 and line-to-line-to-)round line-to-line-to-)round #aults.
IE! 404 and the associated standards classi#y short-circuit currents accordin) to their ma)nitudes ma)nitudes
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