
October 18, 2017 | Author: nameless1112 | Category: Concrete, Construction Aggregate, Foot (Unit), Lime (Material), Cement
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CHAPTER - IO PAINTING 10-1 Pail1t 10-2 ' Ingredient of Paint ' . 10-3 Essential and Specific Properties of Good 10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 10-8 10-9

Quality Paint .' Elements of a Good Painting Job Surface Preparation Kinds of Paint, Uses and Area Coverage Estimating Your Paint Paint Failures and Remedy Wall Papering

297 298 300 301 302 305 311 317





11-1 11-2 11-3 11-4 11-5 11-6 11-7 11-8

Accordion Door Cover Glass Jalousie Water Tank Wood Piles Bituminous Surface Treatment Filling Materials Nipa Shingle Roofing Anahaw Roofing

CONCRETE 1-1 PLAIN AND REINFORCED CONCRETE Concrete is either Plain or Reinforced. By definition, Plain Concrete is an artificial stone as a result of mixing cement, fine aggregates, coarse aggregates and water. The conglomeration of these materials producing a solid mass is called plain concrete.


325 326


Reinforced Concrete or'! the other hand, is a concrete with reinforcement properly embedded in such a manner that the two materials act together in reSisting forces.

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The Different Types of Concrete Used in Construction are : 1. The Ordinary Portland cement. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The Rapid Hardening Portland Cement which is preferred when high early strength cc;mcr,ete is desired. The Blast Furnace or Sulfate Cement used on concrete structures designed to resist chemical attack. The Low Heat Portland Cement used for massive' sections designed to reduce the heat of hydration. The Portland Pozzolan Cement with a low hardening characteristic concrete. . The High Alumina Cement. (

The High Alumina Cement is sometimes called aluminous cement or cement fundu. Its chemical composition is different from that of Portland cement for having predominant alumina -oxide conlent of at least, 32% by weight. The alumina lime is within the limit of 0.85% .1.3%.


SIMPLIFIED CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE This type of cement has a very high rate of strength development compared with the ordinary Portland cement. Aside from its rapfd hardening properties, it can resist chemical attack by sulfate and weak acids including sea water. It can also withstand prolonged exposure to high temperature of more than o

1,000 C. Alumina cement however, is not advisable for mixing


The coarse aggregate should be small enough for the concrete mixture to flow smoothly around the reinforcement. This Is referred to as workability of concrete.


with any other types of cement.

The Main Composition of Cement 1.6 to 65% 18.0 - 25% 8% 3.0 5% 3.0 5% 2.0 5% 1.0



Lime Silica Alumina Iron oxide Magnesia Sulfur trioxide


" The purpose in mixing concrete is to select an optimum proportion of cement, water and aggregates, to produce a concrete mixture that will meet the following requirements:

1. Workability 2. Strength

3. Durability 4. Economy

The proportion that will be finally adopted in concrete mixing has to be established by actual trial and adjustment processes to at~ain the desired strength and quality of concrete required under the following procedures:

1. The water cement ratio is first determined at the very first Aggregates for concrete work are classified into two:


1. Coarse Aggregate such as crushed stone, crushed gravel or natural gravel with particles retained on a 5 mm sieve. 2.

Fine Aggregate such as crushed stone, crushed gravel, sand or natural sand with particles passing on a 5 mm sieve.

Size of Aggregates. - For coarse aggregate (gravel), the maximum nominaisize varies from 40, 20,14 or 10 mm diameter. The choice from the above sizes depends upon the dimensions of the concrete member more particularly, the spacing of the steel bars reinforcement or as specified. Good practice demand that the maximum size of coarse aggregate (gravel) should not exceed 25% of1he' minimum thickness of the member structure nor exceed the clear distance between the reinforcing bars and the form.


hour of mixing to meet the requirements of strength and durability. 2.

The cement-aggregate ratio is then chosen and established to satisfy the workability requirements. Workability, means the ability of the fresh concrete to fill all the voids between the steel bars and t~e forms withollt necessarily exerting much effo.rt in tamping.

Laboratory tests showed that the water-cement content ratio is the mO$! important consideration in mixing because it determines not only the strength and du~ability of the concrete but also the wo"rkability of the mixture. Concrete mixtures in a paste form, is preferred than those. mixtures which are flowing With water. .

The ACI Requirements for Concrete are as follows: 1. Fresh concrete shall be workable. Meaning, that fresh con3



CONCRETE SIMPLIFIED CONSTRllCTION ESTIMATE crete could freely flow around the reinforcements to fill all the voids inside the form.

Today, i~stead of the·traditional measuring wooden box, the empty plastic bag of cement is popular1y used to measure the volume of sand and gravel for convenience ·in handJing aggregates during the mixing operations.

2. That, the hardened concrete shall be strong enough to


carry the design load.

3. That, hardened concrete could withstand the conditions to

Accurate Value

Approximate Value


Accurate Value

1 2 3 4 5

.0254 .0508 .0762 .1016 .1270

.025 .050 .075 .100 .125

21 22 23 24 25

.5334 .5588 .5842 .6096 .6350

.525 .550 .575 .600 .625

6 7 8 9 10

.1524 .1778 .2032 .2286 .2540

.150 .175 .200 .225 .250

26 27 28 29 30

.6604 .6858 .7112 .7366 .7620

.650 .675 .700 .725 .750

11 12 13 14 15

.2794 .3048 .3302 .3556 .3810

.275 .300 .325 .350 .375

31 32 33 34 35

.7874 .8128 8382 · 8636 .8890

.775 .800 .825 850 .875

16 17 18 19 20

.4064 .4318 4572 .4826 .5080

.400 .425 .450 .475 .500

36 37 38 39 40

.9144 .9398 .9652 .9906 1.016

.900 .925 .950 .975 1.00

which it is expected to perform.

That, concrete should be economically produced.


Concrete Mixture,may be classified as either: a.

Designed Mixture

b. Prescribed Mixture Designed Mixture. Where the contractor is responsible in establishing the mixture proportion that will achieve the required strength and workability as specified in the plan. Prescribed Mixture. Where the designing engineer specify the mixture proportion. The contractor's responsibility is only to provide a prcpert y mixed concrete containing the right proportions as pre cribed in the plan.


1-3' THE UNIT OF MEASURE Prior tn 'the wor1dwide acceptance of Metrication, otherwise

Approximate Value



known as 5ystem Intemational (51), materials for concrete structures were estimated in terms of cubic meter although, the components thereof like; cement, sand, gravel and water, are measured in pounds, cubic foot and gallons per bag respectively.


Lately however, under the 51 measures, the 94 pounds per bag cement equivalent to 42.72 kilograms was changed and fIXed at 40 kilograms per bag. The traditional wooden box used to measure the sand and gravel is 12 inches wide by 12 inches long and 12 inches high, having a"net volume of 1 cubiC foot.


The values presented in Table 1-1 could be useful in:

1. Find~ng the accurate conversion of length from English to Metnc measure.


~eterm~nin~ the approximate value to be used generally In our slmpliffed methods of estimating. '




For Instance: A) In solving problems, the probability of committing error is substantially high when sevem! digit numbers are being use!::!.


Take note that all length in inches is divisible by one or any combination of these 'five numbers. Thus, it could be easily converte~ to meters by summing up their quotient equivalent.

Example:, a. What IS the meter length equivalent of 7 inches? By sim-

It is easier to use .10 meter, the approximate equivalent of 4 inches than .1-016 it's exact equivalent, be it by multiplication or by division processes.

= 80 by inspection and analysis JL = 78.7 by long process of division



ple analysis, 7 inches could be the sum of 4 and 3, therefore: 4 Inches = .10 meter 3 Inches .0'75 _meter .175 meter Answer

= =

h, How about 21 . inches? 5 x 4 inches

.1016 B) To memorize the values given in Table 1-1 is a wast~ of time and not a practical approach in estimating. A simple gUide will be adopted so that one could easily determine the equivalent values from English to Metric or vise versa.

since 4" = 1"


5 x .10 m.

1. To convert Meter to Feet: Say

6.00 meters

Divide the length by .30

= 20 ft .


.10 m. and .025; multiply

= .50 + .025 .

:: , .525 m,

Using the foregoing simple guide, convert the following numbers from inches to meters or vise versa. Inches

To convert Feet to Meters: Multiply by .30 , Say, 30 feet x .30


= 21 inches

+ 1

Problem Exercise



= 20

= 9.00 meters

To convert Inches to Meter, just remember the following values of equivalent.




99 113

2.42 3,35 4.27








1-4 CONCRETE PROPORTION Proportioning concrete mixture is done in two different ways: by weight or by volume method. The most common and convenient way is by the volume method using the empty plastic bag of cement, ' or by a measuring box for sand and gravel as





explained in Section 1-3. Measuring the aggregat~s and water by weight is sometimes used. in a . concrete batchmg plant for ready-mix


Closed Stringer Tread Riser Handrail Molding Eave . Projection Framework Gutter Conductor

PII JPINO I . :1lige, Poste Gililan Soleras Sahig, Suwelo Sepo Biga Kilo Barakilan Tahilan Reostra Sinturon Senepa Tabike Pilarete Pabalagbag Kostilyahe Pasamaric Sombrero Hamba Hardinera Madre de Eskalera Baytang Takip Silipan Gabay Muldora

Wrought Iron Strap Bolt Scaffolding Stake Plastered Course Stucco or Plaster Scratch Coat Pickwork on Masonry Varnish Fin ish Spacing or Gap Concrete Slab (rough) /,Iignment Plumb Line Cement Tiles Cement Brick Door Fillet Groove Wood Grain Pattern or ScHedule Hinge Paneled Door Earthfill Masonry Fill Adobe Anchor Solder Soldering Lead Temper ( metal work)

Plantsuwela Piemo Plantsa Staka Kusturada Palitada Rebokada Piketa Monyeka Biyento Larga Masa Asintada Hulog Baldosa Ladrilyo Batidora Kanal Haspe Plantilya Bisagra Oe-Bandeha Eskumbro Lastilyas Uyabe Hinang Estanyo Suban, Subuhan

Sibe Bolada Balangkas Kanal Alulod

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