Esteem for the Self

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Esteem For The Self

Restoring the Divine Holographic Energy Field With the Mind Resonance Process® (MRP)

Nick Arrizza M.D.

Esteem For The Self

Esteem For The Self Restoring the Divine Holographic Energy Field With the Mind Resonance Process® (MRP)

Nick Arrizza M.D. © Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc. 2009 Published by: | 3101 Hillsborough St | Raleigh, NC 27607-5436 First Edition Soft Cover ISBN: 978-0-557-14951-3

All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the author. This material has been written and published solely for educational purposes. The author, Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc., and the publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this book.


Esteem For The Self

Table of Contents Self Esteem a New Perspective............................................ 5 Making a Choice ............................................................... 13 The Divine Holographic Energy Field ............................... 16 Spiritual Health ............................................................... 19 Responsibility for the Bio-field ......................................... 23 Frozen Light ..................................................................... 25 We Are Connected ............................................................. 27 Emotional Gravity ............................................................ 60 Loving Your Body .............................................................. 67 The Flight from the Physical ............................................ 74 A Tuned Bio-Field and a New Definition of Consciousness 77 Erasing Negative Memories with MRP ............................... 95 The Matrix of Consciousness .......................................... 100 Evidence of Our Spiritual Connectedness ....................... 103 Energy Fields and Group Healing ................................... 106 Esteem for the Self ......................................................... 108 How to Use the Exercises ................................................ 109 A Final Comment ............................................................ 110 The Exercises.................................................................. 111 Guilt ............................................................................ 111 Worry ........................................................................... 116 Fear of Rejection ......................................................... 121 Fear of Failure ............................................................. 127 Need for Approval from Others..................................... 132 To Love Hurts .............................................................. 138


Esteem For The Self I Don't Deserve Happiness ........................................... 143 I'm Responsible for the Happiness of Others ................ 149 Epilogue.......................................................................... 154 Some Other Negative Beliefs and Emotions for Processing ....................................................................................... 156


Esteem For The Self

Self Esteem a New Perspective Self-esteem, a person’s ability to like, love or appreciate themselves, is something we all wish we had more of. Why is it that many of us go through our entire lives feeling "self-esteem deficient"? Well you may think it’s because somewhere along the line you didn’t get the kind of love you deserved from parental figures or other caretakers. Perhaps this makes you feel like you’re










“something” that you can’t quite put your finger on. This may leave you feeling confused and frustrated by your situation not really knowing what or whether anything can really be done about it. The constraints placed on us by low self esteem can feel so impenetrable that often we feel handicapped. For instance feelings of low self esteem contribute to low self confidence and low self worth which cause us to shrink back from our dreams thereby severely incapacitating our ability to create a fulfilling and abundant life. This fuels feelings of insecurity, emptiness, sadness and deprivation which serve to remind us of how inadequate or undeserving we are. This further dampens any positive feelings we may have towards ourselves creating a vicious negative spiral leading towards depression and a tendency to give up on life all together.


Esteem For The Self Is it really possible to stop and permanently reverse this downward pull into despair? Absolutely! Although a great deal has been written about the issue of selfesteem, here I wish to bring to light a new perspective that I trust will give you real hope in permanently freeing yourself from a life of quiet desperation. In order to begin this journey I ask you first to note that I have entitled this book "Esteem for the Self" and not "Self Esteem". Before you read on please take a moment and observe for yourself, which of these terms feels most appealing to you. Most people feel that the former expression, "Esteem for the Self", somehow sounds and/or feels better to them. For instance it connotes “something you can do” such as having the intention to “like or appreciate yourself” which inherently feels hopeful if not empowering. The term "Self-Esteem" on the other hand connotes “some commodity” you either have or don't have enough of. It implies that, if lacking, something went wrong somewhere in your life and that there is little you can do to go back and change it. This of course leaves you feeling stuck in a deficient state with no way of moving forward. Take a moment to see if what has been said resonates for you. As you explore and work through some of the exercises I present throughout the book I trust you will begin to see how this new perspective adds a dimension that brings greater clarity and freedom into your life. Earlier I made the observation that negative emotions can lead one into a negative spiral that further depletes ones feelings of


Esteem For The Self self esteem. This simple observation will become another critical factor in allowing us to discover a way to begin to boost our “esteem for ourselves” and thereby restore our self esteem. For instance you will recall how feelings of helpless, frustration, anger, sadness, depression, low self worth, guilt and fear etc. all serve to deplete one’s self esteem. If you don’t quite see this simply notice what happens to your self esteem when you allow yourself to feel some of these. Did it go up or down? An obvious question emerges from this last exercise. If these, so called negative emotions make self esteem plummet then are there corresponding emotions that can make self-esteem rise? Well let's see. Here are some “positive” emotions: joy, love, happiness, inner peace, feeling grateful and forgiveness. Allow yourself to feel some or all of these and notice how they make you feel about yourself. What happened to your selfesteem? Well if you were able to genuinely connect to any of these positive emotions I think you’ll readily see that not only did you feel better but you probably also felt better about yourself. In other words a simple shift in your internal emotional landscape made your self esteem rise. This simple exercise also brings to light what is meant by the adjectives “positive” and “negative” when used in reference to emotions and their effect on self esteem. Positive emotions are those emotions that make self esteem rise and negative emotions make it fall.


Esteem For The Self Now in attempting the last exercise some of you may have found that the ever present assault of negative emotions prevented you from truly connecting to those positive emotions. In other words it was difficult to spontaneously “manufacture” a positive emotional landscape simply by intending it. Does this frustrate you? More importantly, does it make you wonder why this is the case? Well I hope so because it is certainly not normal or pleasant to be constantly weighed down by this negativity It turns out that many individuals walk around daily with an internal emotional landscape full of negative emotions without ever wondering why they exist at all. Many others spend much of their time attempting to avoid feeling the negativity through one form of addictive behavior or another believing that if the feelings are extinguished they will simply go away. Unfortunately the negativity is generated and supported by the storehouse of “heavy” negative memories that permanently reside within the unconscious mind and which make up a person’s “life history”. In other words it’s like each individual has a growing invisible weight chained to their foot that holds them down emotionally and physically. Ultimately it is this “videotape” of a life history which is recording in real time that is responsible not only for these negative emotions but also for the level of one’s self esteem. To date it appears that no one has yet to discover how or whether it is possible to stop the recording or even whether there is a “delete” button that can be pressed to wipe away some or all of that history. If such an idea has ever crossed your mind then consider yourself one of the more enlightened human


Esteem For The Self beings on this planet. It is also likely therefore that synchronicity has led you to this book. After years of personal research I have discovered that both a “stop” and a “delete” button do exist. Now stop for a moment and reflect on how that feels to you. Some of you may have begun to feel a sense of relief or like you can relax and actually breathe. Others may feel like a weight has just been removed from their shoulders. Others still may feel a great sense of inner peace, optimism and lightness expand throughout their being. If you are experiencing any of the above or any other positive feelings simply do the following if you wish. Place one hand over your Heart and as if you are speaking to yourself from there simply say the following: “I love this feeling I am now experiencing”. Now take a moment and notice how you are feeling inside. It’s very likely that you’re feeling even better. Isn’t it interesting how such a simple idea can cause such a dramatic shift in one’s internal emotional landscape? I now also ask you to notice how you feel about yourself i.e. qualitatively gauge the level of your self esteem. With this emerging new and pleasurable positive experience don’t you also feel better about your self? Do you like this new feeling? If you do then once again simply say so as if you are speaking to yourself from your Heart and it too will grow stronger. It is this emerging new experience that I hope to build on as we move through the succeeding chapters.


Esteem For The Self

Life Force Energy

On close observation an interesting parallel is observed between one's level of self-esteem and the subjective experience of one's energy level. If you observe what happens to your energy level as your self-esteem fluctuates, you will observe that energy goes up with self-esteem and vice-versa. Another way of saying the same thing is that one feels lighter, more buoyant, more optimistic and more excited about life as self-esteem rises. Conversely one feels heavier, more weighed down, more tired and more pessimistic as self-esteem goes down. So in effect, negative emotions appear to drain you of energy and positive emotions help to re-infuse you with energy. The energy we are talking about is what I call "Life Force Energy” or more simply the energy of life. Life Force Energy, also called “spirit” by some, although not officially recognized by medicine or science, is responsible for the structural integrity and the optimal physiological functioning of the mind and body at all levels. It is a less commonly known fact that one’s Life Force Energy is also imbued with and responsible for all one’s internal strengths and resources such as one’s self confidence, self worth, clarity of thought, courage, strength, peace of mind, happiness, optimism, sense of completeness or wholeness, inner wisdom, the capacity for discernment, one’s resilience, self esteem and so on. In other words it’s the source of many of those things most individuals feel they lack within!


Esteem For The Self So what is the consequence to you of having your Life Force Energy drained from your life? Well it means the Life Force Energy that was meant to support you in living a full, healthy, happy, effortless life is disappearing from your mind and body. In other words there is less life in you as the energy becomes progressively depleted. This makes you feel handicapped as you try to move through your life, it makes life feel difficult i.e. stressful, it causes you to give up on it and ultimately accept death as a way out of your pain and suffering. So are you beginning to recognize the real impact of negative emotions on your life? Recall as well that those negative emotions are “anchored in” or “sourced from” the videotape of your life history. In other words your unconsciously recorded life history is effectively killing you! How does this realization make you feel? Well on the one hand not so good yet perhaps paradoxically the knowledge might also feel somewhat empowering. Why empowering? Well because in gaining this new perspective you are waking up to an inner knowing that something can be done to remedy this situation once and for all. This is an inner knowing that has been inside of you all of your life and which has been waiting for you to rediscover it. If you are beginning to feel this growing sense of hopefulness then place one hand over your Heart again and as if you are speaking to yourself from there simply affirm that to yourself and it will grow stronger.


Esteem For The Self The good part of the story is that it’s now possible to effectively erase the effects of all negative emotions as well as the life history tapes that we individually and collectively experience in our lives. Once again I return to the word reversal I spoke about in the title of the book earlier. The process of choosing to end the life destroying effects of negative thoughts, emotions and memories is what I call having Esteem for the Self! By this I mean that as you engage the contents of this book from a sincere and real desire to accept what it has to offer you are choosing to "love" your Self. And loving the Self is really the same as having the highest form of Esteem for the Self. Creating Esteem for the Self will be introduced through a new modality that I developed over 10 years ago which I have called the Mind Resonance Process® or MRP. MRP has the remarkable ability to literally erase all negative thoughts, emotions and their underlying negative memories from the unconscious mind and body. The power and significance of this modality to permanently alter your life will become clear shortly. So effectively what I am doing is giving you a tool by which you can actually “do something” to enhance your self esteem rather than feel like a helpless victim of your past. Does this not feel empowering? Before we move on, let me briefly summarize what we have learned so far: •


Self Esteem can change and we can change it

Esteem For The Self •

Self Esteem rises when we experience positive thoughts and emotions

Self Esteem falls when we experience negative thoughts and emotions

Through our decision to choose which thoughts and emotions we allow into our mind/bodies we can influence the level of our self esteem

Negative thoughts and emotions drain our Life Force Energy

Negative thoughts and emotions are rooted in unconsciously stored negative memories from the past

Positive thoughts and emotions re-infuse us with Life Force Energy

We can enhance Self-Esteem by having Esteem for One's Self

A new modality called the Mind Resonance Process® or MRP can erase negative thoughts, emotions and memories thereby giving us a tool to have Esteem for the Self

Having Esteem for the Self can have significant positive effects on one's mental, emotional, physical, spiritual health and well being

Making a Choice

Having noted these earlier points, one might wonder why it is that their self-esteem is always on the low end. Well it's often because they are in the habit of choosing to invite negative thoughts and emotions into their life without realizing they are


Esteem For The Self doing so or that they have a choice. If this is so, then why aren't we in the habit of inviting positive thoughts and emotions rather than negative ones into our lives? Well if you focus on a negative thought or emotion of your choice you’ll likely see that it creates a feeling that change is difficult or impossible. This may be experienced as pessimism and manifest in a lack of motivation or a negative attitude. An understanding of this pessimism emerges when one recalls that those negative thoughts and emotions are generated by the negative video tape of one’s life history which is just that, “history,” i.e. part of the unchangeable past. As one irreversibly “records” and “stores” more and more negative experiences the average level of their emotional polarity becomes increasingly negative. Employing the analogy of a thermostat we could say that the “emotional temperature” set point gets pulled downwards and gets stuck on a lower and lower setting. Interestingly some people seem to naturally have emotional temperature settings that are higher than for others i.e. they are generally in good or better spirits and feel good about themselves. What makes these people different? Well as we’ll see negative emotions are generated and supported by negative beliefs we carry deep down in the unconscious mind. As mentioned earlier our negative beliefs are anchored in the memories of negative experiences we have had earlier in our lives. All of this can be called one’s conditioned life history which many feel is impossible to change because it is part of the past. Some individuals have had a past that has been more forgiving and therefore do not feel as weighed down. Do not feel


Esteem For The Self discouraged however if your past has not spared you because now there is a way to change it. An important key to releasing this past rests on “knowing” the reasons why we consciously or unconsciously invite negative thoughts and emotions into our lives. These “reasons” include notions that: •

Certain negative thoughts and emotions are useful

Certain negative thoughts and emotions are necessary in daily life

Certain negative thoughts and emotions are normal to have

Certain negative thoughts and emotions are part of what it means to be a normal human being

All of the above serve to obfuscate the deleterious impact of negative thoughts and emotions on one's life at all levels: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. What’s also interesting is that many individuals carry such beliefs without even knowing it. Here in lays the crux of the problem. In other words, if you knowingly or unknowingly choose to believe that negative emotions (i.e. anger, worry, guilt, fear of being alone, unworthiness, etc) are somehow useful to you, necessary for you, a normal human experience and what it means to be human then you are more likely to allow them to intrude into your life. This ultimately brings your self-esteem and your Life Force Energy down. Try it for yourself.


Esteem For The Self Additionally, if you do not recognize the deleterious impact that a negative emotion is having on your self-esteem, your energy level and your life then you are less likely to want to do something about it. This awareness, as you will learn, throughout this book, is so important that it alone can determine the overall level of self-esteem that you experience daily. I assume that in reading this book you already have some awareness of the deleterious effects that negative emotions have on you. Later on you will have many opportunities to expand this awareness thereby giving you greater mastery over your internal emotional environment.

The Divine Holographic Energy Field From a strictly scientific perspective it’s becoming increasingly evident that human beings and other living things have what has been called an energy bio-field that exists throughout their physical structure. This energy bio-field is detectable through instruments that measure what is called the aura. It is believed that these fields contain within them information that affects, guides and organizes the physiological processes that occur in our physical bodies. This information stored in the energy bio-field is experienced across many dimensions. For instance, although the information is embedded in energetic form it may manifest


Esteem For The Self multi-dimensionally as emotions/feelings, thoughts/beliefs, memories, as psychological/physiological processes occurring in the mind/body and as the physical structure of the body itself. It appears that when deleterious forms of information, such as negative emotions, negative memories, or traumatic memories are cleared from the energy bio-field healing of the mental, emotional, and physical self occurs spontaneously. This suggests that submerged “beneath” all of the information in the energy bio-field there is a fundamental life supporting energy field that is attempting to support life and keep the mind/body in an optimally functional state. I have called this fundamental field of energy the Divine Holographic Energy Field. The DHEF is, by this definition, a purely life giving and life supporting field of energy. It is "divine" in the sense that it has embodied in it the "miracle of life". It is "holographic" in the sense that any part of it contains all the information necessary to support and sustain life. The information embodied within it is exclusively oriented towards helping us function optimally at every level, emotional, mental and physical. In other words, there is nothing in this field that is in any way deleterious to life, or more specifically your life. The existence of such a field is hypothesized to exist based solely on the spontaneous healing that is seen to occur when "negativity" is cleared from the bio-field. Such a field must out of necessity exist because if there was no such life supporting energy field then theoretically no spontaneous healing should occur. Others have referred to the DHEF as the spirit, prana. Qi, and the soul.


Esteem For The Self As the DHEF is oriented towards life it is said to carry a “positive” magnetic polarity. Under normal circumstances such as when an individual is in a state of optimal discernment or consciousness the integrity of the DHEF is optimized. In this state the DHEF will remain resilient and immune to any negative influences. Clearly this would be a highly desirable state to exist in and is in my view what I would refer to as our natural, albeit uncommon, human state of being. When one looks around at the state of human beings on the planet it appears however for some unexplained reason that this “natural” state has been compromised and the defenses of the DHEF breached leaving individuals prone to the influence of negative energies. As mentioned earlier much of this negativity exists energetically within the bio-field in the form of negative beliefs, emotions and memories. It also appears that the only way negativity could have found its way into the vicinity of a positive energy field which should naturally repel it is through some form of disguise or deception. Whatever the reason for this breach the integrity of the DHEF has been undermined and has cascaded down to the physical level of being as illness, aging and eventual death of the human organism. In other words the negativity has managed to completely reverse the life oriented power of the DHEF. Clearly this is not desirable to anyone. If any of this is resonating with you then once again place one hand over your Heart and as if you are speaking to yourself from there simply affirm this to yourself. This simple gesture will


Esteem For The Self serve to convey the message to the rest of the bio-field that you wish it to realign itself with the DHEF and restore itself completely. The feelings that emerge from this statement will be felt throughout your body and is the experience of the realignment itself. Notice how life affirming it feels to you.

Spiritual Health What is meant by the phrase “spiritual health”? I will define spiritual health as a state in which the DHEF is the main, and in fact the only energy field pervading the human bio-field. As stated earlier this does not appear to be the norm. For example the fields of other organisms, i.e. bacteria that are toxic to us, can affect the bio-field. Such extraneous fields convey foreign and disorganizing "field effects” on the DHEF field which then cascade downwards towards the physical level and manifest as an illness i.e. an infection. In other words the foreign field of the bacteria disorganizes, and or depletes the energy of the human DHEF and creates something akin to an “energy hole” that “leaks” life energy from the bio-field. Now although traditional medicine does not recognize such field effects they have been recorded and acknowledged by other healing modalities such as Homeopathy, Acupuncture a sub discipline of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the new field of Energy Medicine. Negative field effects can also occur via, what I and Energy Psychologists term "Thought Fields". These are the energy fields in which thought information is stored. Thought fields are


Esteem For The Self sometimes also referred to as the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. Thoughts as we know them take the form of words, sentences, beliefs, images, dreams and memories. Our bio-fields appear to have different “energy compartments" in which different types of information are stored. For instance there are "emotional fields" and “physical fields” where the information stored pertains to the emotions and to the body's physiology respectively. As different sub-fields of the bio-field are interrelated and reciprocally affect each other, a change occurring in one sub-field will, at some point be reflected in all the others. For instance, if we were to have a negative thought it would soon be followed by a negative emotion, which would also manifest physiologically in some detectable way. In the same way, a physical change i.e. a shift in the physical field would also be accompanied by corresponding shifts in the thought and emotional fields. It has been my observation that shifts in the sub-fields making up the bio-field become oriented in one of two "directions". I use the term "direction" loosely here, not to represent a physical direction, rather more like a tendency to support the DHEF or to oppose it. So when we say that a shift is aligned with the DHEF it is in support of life, and when it is not aligned with the DHEF, it is supporting illness and death. A shift that supports the DHEF and therefore life is often experienced emotionally and physically as a rise in self-esteem and Life Force Energy respectively. Overall, it is experienced as


Esteem For The Self an elevated state of well being at every level in one's being. Conversely, a shift that opposes, or is out of alignment with the DHEF, is experienced as a drop in self-esteem and ones Life Force Energy respectively. This is often experienced as an increase in one's level of stress and it correspondingly places one's entire being in a more vulnerable state. Up until now it has been accepted that both kinds of shifts were a normal and necessary part of the human condition. That is, both life supporting and death supporting tendencies have been thought to be normal and acceptable forces in our lives. Anyone will tell you, for instance, that it is normal for there to be a "death force" in the universe, after all, they will say, "Doesn't everything have a life cycle that ends in death as far as we can tell?" Such statements even appear to have support from the Second Law of Thermodynamics from which the concept of Entropy is derived. Entropy is defined as a measure of the level of “disorder” in the universe and is believed to be constantly on the increase. Many of us have come to accept that both a life force field (the DHEF) and a death force field are equally important and naturally valid forces affecting our lives. In this book I challenge this very hypothesis which many accept as a fact. If we go back to our discussion of the self-esteem issue we will notice something rather odd. Don't we all strive to have high self-esteem? Are we not saddened when we realize that our selfesteem is lower than we would like it to be? Isn't that the reason you are reading this book, to find an answer to how you can


Esteem For The Self raise your self-esteem and thereby feel better about yourself? Of course the answer is yes to all three questions. So once again kindly place one hand over your Heart and affirm to yourself from there that this is the case. Now recall what was said earlier; self-esteem is lowered by something negative. That negative thing, i.e. thought, emotion, belief, image or memory is disruptive to the DHEF. They all deplete Life Force Energy and therefore are aligned with the death force field. We clearly don't enjoy low self-esteem and are trying to eliminate it, are we not? Isn't this the same as saying that we are unhappy with the presence of a death force field? Now if you've followed this so far once again: Place one hand over your Heart and simply affirm to yourself your displeasure with the presence of any negativity within your bio-field. Now pause for a moment and notice how you feel inside. You might be experiencing some interesting feelings inside. At this point some people begin to feel a strange sense of inner joy, peace, expansiveness, buoyancy, happiness, calmness, strength or some other positive experience. If not, don't worry, it will come at some point. If you are feeling any of this and you like the experience affirm this to yourself via your Heart and they will likely grow stronger.


Esteem For The Self

Responsibility for the Bio-field At some level you've already begun to realize who you really are. By this I mean that you've realized that you are the DHEF and only the DHEF. That is you are a Force for Life! You are not the death force field! The reason you are the DHEF is because that is what feels good to you, right to you, what you desire and what you naturally strive to preserve. Conversely, you are not the death force field because it does not feel good to you, it does not feel right to you, you don't desire it and you try to eliminate its effect on your life. The death force field actually begins to feel like something that is intruding on your health and happiness because it is doing exactly that. In the process it is reducing your self-esteem. By reducing your self-esteem it is undermining your health and vitality. So you see it works both ways. Anything that lowers your self esteem and disrupts the DHEF is clearly toxic to your Life Force Energy because it cascades down into your physical body predisposing it to some form of deterioration. The extent to which we allow this to happen is a sign of our lack of esteem for ourselves. Therefore to have Esteem for the Self implies taking personal responsibility for maintaining one’s DHEF in a pure and undisturbed form. That in turn implies becoming aware of and releasing any disruptive fields of information that distort or disrupt the natural life force that is the DHEF.


Esteem For The Self Developing an awareness of the toxicity and its toxic effects is what I call developing discernment. Discernment is equivalent to becoming conscious or eradicating unconsciousness. Unconsciousness is by far the most significant factor that allows negativity to remain implanted within one’s energy bio-field. To be conscious or unconscious is always a personal choice. In other words to allow negativity to kill you is always a free will choice. Making a choice that is conscious and respectful of the life supporting DHEF is also what I call maintaining one’s integrity. Maintaining one’s integrity requires discernment and a measure of personal honesty. Honesty refers to the recognition that the negativity is toxic, that it is not part of the human bio-field, and that it must be eradicated completely. It is only through its eradication that one can live a full empowered life. Now this discussion of keeping the DHEF in its pure and unfettered state would naturally be a waste of time if there were no way of achieving it in reality. This is indeed possible through the modality known as the Mind Resonance Process® (MRP). What may not be immediately evident, contrary to many religious ideologies, is that the desire to live a full and empowered life is a valid one to have as a human being. In fact it's what makes us human beings. It keeps us alive and as we shall see it also makes it possible for us to move beyond the limitations of the physical body state. One familiar limitation is the phenomenon we experience as the deterioration of the physical body over time. Such limitations are, by definition,


Esteem For The Self negative and undesirable. This is obvious by the amount of energy, time and money many spend trying to deal with them. By getting beyond the limitations of the physical body I do not mean jettisoning it like the hollowed out husks of space junk from rocket ships and becoming energy or spirit. Rather I am referring to releasing those negative energies that block the DHEF from manifesting its full potential in an optimal state of health and functionality. Isn’t that what feels satisfying to you? Unlike death which is only associated with feelings of sadness and despair, life is energizing, fulfilling and what is most appealing to us. That’s because it represents our authentic state as human beings. So clearly, "getting beyond the limitations of the physical body" must entail something altogether different than death. As we will learn in the next section freedom from the limitations imposed on the bio-field entails more than just the release of negativity it also requires an extraordinary transmutation of the physical body back into its normal state.

Frozen Light I ask you to consider what follows next with an open Heart and Mind. Employing a common metaphor consider the human bio-field (in the form of what has been called “subtle energy”) and the physical body (in the form of “physical matter”) it sustains as


Esteem For The Self different states of energy, similar to how water and ice are different states of matter. From Einstein's theory of General Relativity he showed us that matter is just another form of energy. Some have also referred to matter metaphorically as "frozen light" or aptly as “frozen energy”. It can then be said that in the same way that water and ice coexist in equilibrium at a given temperature, i.e. zero degrees Centigrade, the human energy bio-field and the physical human body also coexist at something I will call the "Enlightened Temperature" of the human species. Temperature is a number statistically representing the average vibrational kinetic energy in a system. It is commonly known that the ratio of ice to water in a system will depend on the amount of energy in the entire system. In other words as it gets colder (i.e. the temperature is lowered) energy will leave the system and more water will be converted into ice. The "Enlightened Temperature" (ET) is defined as the average Life Force Energy sustaining life in the collective bio-field of all human beings on the planet which also corresponds directly to the average level of "self esteem" that exists in the human species “system” (as measured by the degree to which they love themselves, others, other species and the planet itself). As you can see, given by the state of affairs on the planet, the ET is much lower than some would desire it to be. Now as was said earlier there appears to be an inverse correlation between one's level of Life Force Energy and the amount of negativity in one's bio-field. That is the more negativity the lower the Life Force Energy. So as negativity is


Esteem For The Self cleared from each individual’s bio-field, the level of their Life Force Energy and of their self-esteem increases. As each human being is also part of the collective this contributes to a rise in the Enlightened Temperature and the average level of selfesteem of the entire human species. We recall that with the water/ice metaphor when the ambient temperature rises ice turns into water and then ultimately into water vapor. In the same way when the "Enlightened Temperature" rises physical matter begins to transmute into energy. Some have referred to this as the process of “enlightenment” which ushers in the experience of the “light body”. My work with hundreds of individuals helping them clear negative field energies with MRP yields numerous reports describing a re-infusion of Life Force Energy into their bodies that is associated with feelings of emotional and "physical" buoyancy or lightness, a greater level of conscious awareness and the experience of being perceived by others as more "radiant”. Additionally there is a wonderful feeling of rejuvenation where one looks and feels younger. These reports suggest that MRP may have the capability to effect the transmutation process of matter into energy alluded to above.

We Are Connected From other case studies I have also observed that when a group of individuals share some form of negativity among themselves


Esteem For The Self (i.e. a negative traumatic memory) and one of the individuals clears their bio-field of the negativity, the other members of the group spontaneously have their bio-fields cleared of the negativity as well. This suggests an interesting hypothesis suspected and supported by other researchers that we are connected in some way that goes beyond the physical. In other words, we are connected through energetic channels as suggested by quantum mechanics. Clearly this is also in keeping with the idea that we are beings of energy as mentioned earlier. Two other points worth noting here are: a) A positive energetic shift in one individual will raise the Enlightened Temperature to a level higher than expected because as it causes a shift in the entire group energy and not just in that member of the group, b) A rise in the Enlightened Temperature allows individuals in the group to become more loving towards themselves and others thereby setting in motion a positive feedback effect for further positive changes to occur. Neither a) nor b) occur in the water/ice metaphor that we used to create the Self-Esteem model; hence we must acknowledge the limitations of that metaphor in helping us fully describe this emerging model. So what does this all mean in real life terms? Well as an individual is releasing negativity from their bio-field they are engaging a process which we have called "having esteem for themselves". They are, in effect, loving themselves, just like


Esteem For The Self when one chooses to undertake a detoxification of the physical body in order to clear out chemical and other toxins. Another way of saying this is that they are allowing themselves to be more completely aligned with or supported by the Life Force Energy that flows through the DHEF. This Life Force Energy is, by the way, also the energy that we experience as and call "Love". So by having esteem for one’s self one is allowing the energy of love to "flow" through their being and allowing it to reintegrate with the bio-field at every level in resonance with the DHEF. It is this reintegration that we experience as the healing that occurs physically and emotionally in our minds and bodies.

Trauma and the Bio-field This process of reintegration occurs spontaneously once the individual engages the esteeming of the self process. In effect, that's all they need to do. The rest, a very complex process at the physiological level, is taken care of by the DHEF, which has built into it all the necessary information for the healing to occur. This information has actually always been there, we've just been disconnected from it. Again, the disconnecting forces derive from the negativity or life detracting force fields that create this disruption in our bio-fields. Now from a real life perspective what does it mean to keep the DHEF in its natural state? Well it means being aware of whatever drains your vital life energy or lowers your self-esteem and clearing it from your life permanently. As mentioned earlier,


Esteem For The Self you may notice that things that drain your energy or reduce self-esteem consist of negative unwanted thoughts, beliefs, emotions, memories, habits and behaviors. These are ever present in one's experience of life. How do they get there? Well it is my hypothesis that negativity enters the bio-field in a number of ways. The most common way is through an experience of trauma during one's life experience. The trauma can vary from being extremely serious to the daily bump and grind we all experience and call stress. Whenever some form of trauma is experienced it may germinate negative emotions, negative beliefs, negative behaviors, negative flashbacks, negative dreams and the negative memory of the trauma itself. To see this for yourself, recall a traumatic experience you may have had and try to list all the stated negative components that are generated by that experience. Other hypothetical ways that negativity may enter the bio-field include: A) Through the inheritance of accumulated family or "generational" trauma history that is held in the bio-field as it passes from one generation to the next. This is made more plausible when you consider how your genes carry the bio-field information of your parents, their parents and so on. B) Through the experience of past life trauma. It is not entirely clear to me whether past lives occur or not, but if they do then one could conceptually see how the bio-field information


Esteem For The Self accumulated during such lives would still be present in your bio-field today C) Through some psychic effect in which your bio-field is being accessed at the subtle energy level. An example might be the placing a "spell" or "curse" on someone you don’t like. A more positive example is the effect that prayer has in the distant healing of an ill person. D) As we are all connected we also share all the history of all of humanity through our energy field and hence are impacted by the endless history of events that is stored therein. It may start to feel daunting when one considers the overall impact on the collective human DHEF, or the Life Force Energy, of the collective accumulated history of humanity. What does it augur for the integrity of the collective human life force for it to be carrying the negativity inherent in this massive storehouse of information? Well from the perspective of the Enlightened Temperature one might surmise that the overall effect of this history would be to bring it downwards. Why downwards and not upwards? Well because every human being that has been part of or will be a part of that history will eventually succumb to death. That implies that the average polarity of the collective bio-field is negative. This also implies that each, whether individually or collectively, is being “pulled” down by each trauma into a heavier, de-energized physical state with all its inherent limitations and frustrations. In this light isn’t it interesting that the term “frozen” in “frozen light” already has “limitation” embedded within?


Esteem For The Self Conceptually this also means that transitioning into a lighter, freer more energized state is becoming more challenging for the human race. It is only by making a free will choice to do one’s spiritual work that each of us can make a positive contribution to the overall level of the Enlightened Temperature so as to empower ourselves and become free from all limitations even death. A clear sign that some progress is being made is the fact that we are even able to recognize the situation for what it is, thus making it more probable that it can be turned around. In order to facilitate this I wish to expand on our discussion of the nature of the DHEF itself.

A Life Supporting Process As we said the DHEF is a field that embodies a life giving force and life supporting information. The DHEF does not carry anything in it that is unsupportive of life. Complete healing as I’ve suggested depends on the flow of Life Force Energy through the DHEF into all levels of the bio-field. This can only occur when we are able to clear all the negativity from the bio-field that blocks this flow. This implies we must be able to identify and be clear about what is negative and what is not. This may appear to be an easy process but I would like to suggest that it might not be as easy as one "thinks".


Esteem For The Self For instance, let us take the negative emotion called "guilt". Now by definition we have called it a "negative" emotion, so, in line with our discussion, it would make sense to try and clear guilt from our bio-field. That is, "all" the guilt! How does that sit with you? If you feel fine about it then you have made it through a major roadblock and I congratulate you. If however, you've started having some doubts about whether it's a good idea to clear "all" guilt from your bio-field, and therefore from your life then you'll have begun to recognize how challenging it is to clear your bio-field of all negativity. If you have "doubts" about clearing all the guilt you’ll recognize that there are a host of underlying reasons why you might have them. For instance some might go like this: •

Guilt serves as a moral compass that helps me make compassionate decisions

Without guilt this world would deteriorate into chaos

Guilt is a necessary and normal human emotion

Guilt helps me to be and feel like a good person


All of the above reasons act to support why some guilt might be useful to hang on to. So if you choose to accept some of these reasons they will act to "anchor" the guilt feelings into your biofield and your life. What will this do to your self-esteem and Life Force Energy? Well just allow yourself to recall the feeling of


Esteem For The Self guilt about something from your past and notice the impact it has on your feelings about yourself. Notice also what happens to your energy level as you recall the feeling of guilt. Clearly it depletes your Life Force Energy. You will also see that the feeling of guilt "always" makes you feel bad about yourself, that’s because guilt is equivalent to emotional “self loathing” the exact opposite of self-esteem. So, given the need to accept some or all of the reasons for hanging onto the guilt you will find yourself unable to completely clear it and this will always put a limit on your selfesteem and your energy level. How does that feel? Well most people might start to feel frustrated and trapped with no way out of this conundrum. I would like to suggest that indeed there is a very clear way to experience freedom. This again necessitates clearing the bio-field of "all" negativity, even guilt itself. In order to help one clear all negativity I have developed the new and powerful tool called the Mind Resonance Process® (MRP). This process is a simple and elegant approach that: •

Helps one become aware of the negativity

Helps one recognize the effects of the negativity on one's health and happiness

Helps one uncover and challenge the underlying beliefs that anchor the negativity into one's bio-field


Helps one clear these anchors from the bio-field

Helps one clear the negativity from the bio-field

Esteem For The Self •

Helps one create a vision for themselves without the negativity, and

Helps one step into this new experience of "self" with all of its rewards.

The later chapters of this book are full of introductory examples that you’ll be able to work through on your own to give you an experience of what MRP can do for you. Before we move on to this section it’s first important to run through how MRP works in some detail and to describe some of the benefits that you are likely to experience from it. A) Becoming Aware of the Negativity

At first identifying negativity might seem like a simple matter, but as discussed with the guilt example sometimes it's not as simple as it first appears. What makes it even more difficult is that different negative beliefs, emotions, memories etc. are often interwoven at many levels within the bio-field and reinforce each other in ways that may not be obvious. It’s also often the case that a given problematic situation in one's life may be propped up by many inter-related unconsciously buried negative beliefs, emotions, and memories that must all be exposed and released.

When an individual presents themselves to me wishing to resolve a problem in their life I will regularly spend time helping them become aware of the many negative beliefs, emotions, and underlying memories that make up the foundation of their particular problem. This takes time and can only be facilitated by someone who has themselves become fully conscious of their own negative beliefs, emotions, and memories and cleared them


Esteem For The Self from their bio-field. It is not recommended at this time that one who is inexperienced in the use of MRP attempt to use it for such complex problems. As a side note I often have experienced therapists and coaches contact me about training in MRP who become disillusioned by the idea of having to undertake their own MRP evolution before they can effectively administer it. I remind them that the power of MRP resides not in the technique which is fairly simple but in the level of consciousness of the facilitator. Sadly despite much of the “therapy” and other work many facilitators have done on themselves over their lives many still are very unconscious about their current state. To give you a head start in your evolution I address later in the book familiar negative beliefs, and emotions that are universal in nature and which everyone experiences at one time or another. Keep in mind however that the undertaking of these exercises are only meant to give you an introductory experience of the MRP process and cannot fully address your unique life situation. These include such negative emotions or beliefs as: guilt, I'm not good enough, I'm a bad person, shame, I'm unworthy, I'm selfish, the fear of not being loved, the fear of abandonment, the fear of being alone, the fear of saying no when it's necessary to protect my best interests, I'm inadequate, and I'm defective. These can be addressed in a simplified manner so I will attempt to do so later. It is important to note that although this is my goal it may not always succeed for everyone, as each person's situation may have complexities that cannot be addressed in


Esteem For The Self this manner alone. I also purposely leave out the matter of how MRP is employed to address the underlying negative memories that fuel the negative beliefs and emotions as this is a more complex topic. I suggest that more personal help be sought in cases where one feels the process did not achieve the desired results or where there is still some confusion about the process itself Throughout the exercises it is also suggested that you not automatically assume that the beliefs and emotions that I cover here are negative for you. It is important that you are able to come to this awareness yourself. Without this awareness, the motivation will not be there to address them in an adequate fashion. In order to decide whether what I present as a negative belief or negative emotion is in fact negative for you it’s useful for you to decide how "to decide" when something is negative. For this I offer the following suggested protocol: •

Say the belief to yourself or feel the emotion within your self

Notice how your energy is affected by the belief or the emotion

Notice how your self-esteem is affected by the belief or the emotion

Decide whether your energy went up or down

Decide whether your self-esteem went up or down

If energy and self-esteem went down I would define such a belief or emotion as "negative.


Esteem For The Self •

Decide for your self whether you agree with the previous statement above; if so then follow this protocol each time to verify the "negativity” of the items I present in the later exercises.

If you still don't understand this and have a strong desire to get help please contact me for further assistance.

It is so important to understand this protocol that you not work through the exercises until you do. Once again if you need help with any of this please again feel free to contact me. B) Recognizing the Effects of a Negative Belief or Emotion on Health and Happiness Apart from noticing the effects on ones' self-esteem and one's energy, if you are really aware of your body, some or all of the following reactions to a negative belief or emotion might also be evident: feelings of heaviness, sadness, disappointment, frustration, anger, constriction, increased stress, dread, anxiety, fear, helplessness, hopelessness, and feeling trapped and so on. What is the negative belief or emotion contributing to your health or happiness? Nothing! In fact, aren't they, outright, ruining your health and robbing you of your happiness? Another way of saying this is that the negative belief or emotion is life detracting/depleting and therefore not part of the DHEF, i.e. not part of the life force field. C) Uncovering Anchoring Beliefs


Esteem For The Self As we saw with the guilt example there were underlying beliefs that justified or anchored the guilt into the bio-field and kept it there. Without an awareness and release of these underlying beliefs any work to release the guilt feeling from the bio-field is apt to fail. It is both possible to uncover these anchoring beliefs and to readily challenge their validity through the use of MRP. How are anchoring beliefs uncovered? Well let's take the guilt example again. Ask yourself the following questions: •

What is a good reason to hang onto the guilt?

What am I afraid would happen if I let the guilt go completely?

What does the guilt motivate me to do?

Are there any other reasons why the guilt is necessary in my life?

These questions will begin the process of making the anchoring beliefs conscious. As one goes through the process it becomes evident that each anchoring belief is supported by other underlying anchoring beliefs i.e. a belief that anchors another anchoring belief and so on. By following this through as far as possible one can begin to flush out the "roots", so to speak, of the original negative belief or emotion in question. Often the number of anchoring beliefs is limited to a small finite number. Repeated work with MRP will eventually flush out the unconsciously held negative memory that is responsible for the negative belief or emotions being worked on. Once this comes


Esteem For The Self into conscious awareness then it too can be completely and permanently erased. I will illustrate this process of uprooting the anchoring beliefs employing the first question above which is: What is a good reason to hang onto the guilt? Potential answers include: •

A good reason to hang onto the guilt is so that I can avoid doing bad things.

A good reason to avoid doing bad things is so that I can feel like and be perceived as a good person.

A good reason to be a good person is so that people will appreciate and think well of me.

A good reason to have people think well of me is so that I can feel good about myself and so I will be accepted by others.

A good reason to be accepted by others is so that I will not be alone.

A good reason to not be alone is so that I will have others there to help me when I need it.

A good reason to receive help when I need it is so that life will be easier, and so on…

As you can see this can flush out a large number of anchoring beliefs which keep the guilt rooted in the bio-field and this contributes to a lowering of self-esteem and life energy. From the above analysis one can conclude from the last anchoring belief above that:


Esteem For The Self “Guilt makes life easier”. Does this feel true to you? Does it resonate with you? Does it feel somewhat paradoxical? Recall for a moment your experience of feeling the guilt. Notice how your energy and your self-esteem are lowered by it. Does this feel like your life has just become easier? If you answered with a resounding "NO" then the belief that: "Guilt makes life easier" is clearly “NOT TRUE" for you. So you see the anchoring beliefs themselves are not in themselves true. However without this detailed analysis of them one might never recognize the negative effects of the guilt. This would leave such an individual perpetually and unknowingly trapped in it. D) Clearing the Anchoring Beliefs from the Bio-field

To clear anchoring beliefs it becomes necessary to recognize first their presence and then how they attempt to deceive you into accepting the idea that there are benefits to holding onto the negative belief or emotion in question i.e. guilt in this case. This deception, as alluded to above, comes in the form of an unconsciously buried “lie” that remains out of awareness and hence is inaccessible to the individual. As such it acts very much like a hypnotic suggestion. In other words the individual is essentially walking around in a pre-programmed trance while believing that they are awake, aware and very much in charge of themselves. This belief, in


Esteem For The Self itself, also diffuses any motivation for self analysis and thus acts to veil the underlying programming which then continues its control over the individual’s mind, body and life in stealth. The process of making the “lie” consciously available is an empowering step which effectively makes the individual more conscious and which can be likened to being de-programmed or de-hypnotized. An interesting and important side note here is that doing so effectively means that light is being shed into the darkness of the subconscious mind. In other words by becoming more conscious the territory of the subconscious mind starts to recede or dissolve. So MRP, unlike other processes that simply delve into the unconscious mind, is actually dismantling it and rendering the individual fully conscious. After making the anchoring belief, i.e. the “lie”, conscious one must then ask one’s self whether they want to go on accepting the lie as truth. The answer in most cases is "no" because now with the individual more awake the deception is readily exposed. When it is “yes” or when one feels reluctant about relinquishing the anchoring belief I point out that this means they will continue to experience the negative belief/emotion (i.e. guilt in this case) with all the negative consequences to their selfesteem, life energy, health or happiness. In such cases the individual is in a semi-conscious state and still enslaved by the programming in question. In most cases reacquainting them with the toxicity generated by the negative belief or emotion drives the point home. I say “reacquaint” to point out that the individual essentially exists in a state of “split consciousness” where the toxicity is held in a separate compartment of awareness that must be reactivated


Esteem For The Self into consciousness. Interestingly, when this experiential “information” is realized it becomes the “evidence” the individual spontaneously needs to release the lies that attempt to anchor the negative belief or emotion in place. In cases when it isn’t readily possible to bring the deception into consciousness it usually means that there is either more than one anchoring belief present or that a significant buried negative memory is in place that must also be released and erased. I will discuss this matter in some depth at a later time. Clearly when an individual is not ready to undertake this journey to freedom and consciousness it is of no use pushing them to do something they are not ready to do. Rather it is more useful and powerful to allow them to experience the toxic nature of the negative emotion or belief until they are ready to summon up the motivation and desire for freedom themselves. So when the individual is ready to release the lie from their thought field, their bio-field, and therefore their life, they are directed to make a simple, powerful and seemingly magical statement as if spoken from their Heart or from what I call the “Core Self”. The Core Self is essentially located in their body where the word "myself" resonates for them. This is often in the mid-chest area i.e. over the Heart, but for some it may be felt throughout the entire body. The statement that they are asked to make, if they wish is: "I desire to purge this lie from my life forever".


Esteem For The Self This simple statement is effective because once they have recognized the "lie" for what it is; it becomes readily obvious that they want it gone. It is the awareness of the lie, the desire to clear it and the statement of intention to have it purged that effectively clears the lie from the bio-field permanently. The first powerful step I have found resides in becoming aware or conscious of the lie. When the individual recognizes it they often experience a surge of energy that makes them spontaneously laugh. The laughter is reflective of the immediate sense of freedom and joy that accompanies the new realization. It is delightful for others around to experience this vicariously, as the individual becomes free and feels more "enlightened". By “enlightened” I refer to the frequently experienced triad encompassed by feelings of “lightness” or buoyancy, a “brightening” or increased radiance and a heightened clarity of consciousness. It’s as if the entire mind and body are lighting and lightening up at all levels. In addition to these there is a great sense of well being that erupts throughout one’s entire being as they literally come to life. When this process is undertaken in a group setting often other members of the group will also experience, benefit from, support and contribute to the shift. Individuals sensitive to energy field changes will usually feel a dramatic positive rise in the energy field of the group, which is a sign that it is aligning itself directly with the DHEF. In this way, more than one individual can experience the healing effect.


Esteem For The Self Additionally it has been my observation that such energy fluctuations are also instantaneously transmitted to the absent friends and family of the group members through Heart to Heart loving energetic channels. For instance I have shown in repeated case studies that individuals who shared the memory of some traumatic event were able to help each other erase the memory of trauma in a surrogate fashion at a distance using MRP. In one such case a middle aged client who worked with me for a period of about a year on her own personal issues reported throughout this time the progressive and positive dramatic changes in the life of her estranged and wayward daughter who I never met. E) Clearing the Negativity from the Bio-field

Once the anchoring belief is released the next step is the clearing of the negative belief/emotion itself. I remind you that the anchoring belief is the unconsciously held “lie” that “anchors” or holds the negative belief/emotion (i.e. guilt as an example) in place within one’s bio-field. The initial release of the anchoring belief weakens the attachment of the negative belief/emotion and thereby makes it possible to release it as well. In some cases there may be more than one anchoring belief present for a given negative belief/emotion hence it becomes necessary to release all of them (usually a small finite number) before moving on to the next step. This is also invariably the case when one attempts to erase/release a negative memory. Interestingly as each anchoring belief is released the negative belief/emotion is


Esteem For The Self experienced as floating away or receding until it is no longer present. The release of the negative belief/emotion itself hinges on the earlier step as well as the realization and acknowledgement that it is toxic and life depleting. With this one similarly clears the negativity with the following statement:

"I desire the negative belief or emotion (i.e. guilt in this case) purged from my life permanently".

Another energy rise is usually detectable at this stage. At this point the individual is in a new yet strangely familiar energy state that is often associated with feelings of inner peace, contentment, lightness, joy, happiness, buoyancy, love, relaxation, and most importantly feeling more like their real self. Here I often ask them whether they feel "more" or "less" like their real self. The awareness that they feel "more" like their real self often comes as a delightful surprise as they realize that the persona (or personality) who they thought they were before was an imposter. The re-emergence of this real self experience is associated with a sense of great liberation and reconnects them to old fleeting memories of having been themselves at some distant time in the past. Other questions I ask following the release that yield interesting responses include:


Esteem For The Self 1. Does the negativity feel like it's inside you? 2. Does it feel like the negativity was ever inside you? 3. Does the negativity feel like it came from you? 4. Do you remember what it was like to have the negativity inside you? Ironically the answers to these questions are usually "no"! The profound nature of these responses takes one so far outside of what many consider to be "normal" human experience, that it baffles those uninitiated in MRP. Let me briefly address the nature of these responses. First, to say that the negativity is "not inside me" at first seems to follow, after all isn't that what we've been trying to achieve? Indeed! But let us put in another way. If I use guilt as an example of the negative emotion what if one was to say, "The guilt no longer feels like it's inside me"? That means that they no longer harbor the feeling of guilt in their life about anything! Is that even possible? Isn't guilt supposed to be a normal human emotion? Are we even human without it? Well that's where it starts to get interesting. I would say that guilt is actually "not" a "normal" human emotion rather it only serves to "distract" us from a true experience of our "humanness". That explains why most individuals initiated in MRP experience themselves as more "real" after the process than before. They’re actually starting to return "back" to their "normal" state of being. In other words although they "were" in a state that was considered normal it


Esteem For The Self was actually anything but. This becomes more evident when one recognizes how unhappy most individuals are with their lives. It’s because somewhere down deep inside they know that something is not right. This discussion also ushers in the need to redefine what it means to be "human" which I address shortly. Question 2 which asks "Does it feel like the negativity was ever inside you?" may sound baffling beyond belief. The uninitiated would say, "Of course it was inside you, we just spent the last 30 minutes observing you go through the process of releasing it". Yes, that may be true but to the individual experiencing MRP that seems irrelevant. To them, the negativity feels like it never existed inside them prior to this moment! This is like saying that their entire experience of what they call their "life" has changed. If it is possible, and I realize it isn’t without a direct MRP experience, I will attempt to describe this situation. When you delete a file from your computer and then later search for it on your hard drive what happens? Well if you use a PC as do I you’ll get that little waving flashlight that is strenuously looking for that file. The file however has been erased and is not to be found. As far as the computer knows that file not only doesn’t exist now it also “never existed”! The same is true of the negativity. Once it is gone so is the history of it ever having been present. I sense you may appreciate here that what we are talking about is erasing the past. That by the way is at the heart of what MRP is all about.


Esteem For The Self With respect to Question 3 if one accepts the answer to 2) then the answer to 3) i.e. “Does the negativity feel like it came from you?” follows readily. If it was never inside them then how could it possibly originate from them? Well of course it couldn't. That’s like the computer “saying” (if it had a consciousness) that the file it cannot find and which it has no history of originated from it. Well that’s ludicrous, isn’t it? There is also a more subtle but crucial point to be made here. That is that as the individual starts to "remember" who they "really" are they immediately know that they are strictly a positive energy from which negativity cannot be sourced. That positive energy is the Life Force Energy which supports and informs the DHEF. This is the same as saying that they identify themselves entirely with the DHEF which ushers in the “real self” experience. Now because the DHEF is life itself and therefore a positive loving energy field it can never germinate anything that is of a negative polarity. Hence such negativity could never have come from them. Instead it was simply living inside their bio-field posing as a clever imposter hypnotizing the host to believe it was part of them. So you see the MRP experience allows one to spontaneously "redefine" themselves by becoming conscious and discerning of what is taking place in their bio-field. As the negativity becomes more readily felt as foreign and toxic to life such discernment allows one to easily maintain their DHEF in a state of integrity and health. To make this clearer I would suggest that if you could not discern whether there was any traffic on the roadway you would have no way of knowing


Esteem For The Self when it was safe to cross to get to the other side. Hence being able to discern, i.e. be conscious of, other foreign toxic energies within the bio-field would stand one a good chance of restoring it to health. Now it's not as if MRP has transformed the individual, rather it has made them "remember", who they are and in fact who they have "always" been. Most people walk around as if they think they know who they are but instead feel devoid of this experience as is reflected by the pervasive feelings of inadequacy, low self worth, low self esteem, unhappiness and emptiness to name a few. This negative state of being flows directly from their identification with all the toxic negativity in their bio-field. This identification obscures and makes them forget the experience of their true/real selves. The answer to Question 4 above speaks to the fact that MRP can powerfully and permanently erase the history of the negativity. In order to achieve this it occasionally becomes necessary to uproot and erase the negative memories that reside in a “lower” unconscious compartment in the bio-field and which feed, generate and support the negativity. In summary MRP clears negativity accumulated over the period of one’s life history from the “polluted” human bio-field and restores it to its natural pristine state i.e. the DHEF state. As each individual consciousness is directly part of and connected to the collective human consciousness this process also indirectly cleanses the latter as well.


Esteem For The Self Those courageous individuals who have taken up this journey and who undeniably desire the full manifestation of this pristine bio-field in their lives have therefore contributed greatly to the evolution of the planetary consciousness. To date there still remains much negativity present in individual and collective bio-fields hence there is still much work to be done. Does this not feel like what you have been striving for in your heart? A world where the energy of love is the sole organizing principle? So MRP is not just about healing trauma rather it's more clearly about restoring us as human beings back into our natural state, one in which we are totally aligned with and supported by the DHEF and the energy of love. This is what many have termed being connected to the divine source. We have now arrived at the point where we begin to define what it means to be human. This may sound like a rather challenging task but I choose to approach it in a very simple manner. I define "humanness" as the characteristics, qualities, desires, and motivations that derive from the DHEF and therefore from the energy field of love. You will notice that in this definition I left out all mention of the negativity such as negative thoughts, beliefs, emotions and behaviors. These were left out because through the MRP experience enlightened individuals immediately recognize that they have nothing to do with being human. Rather these enlightened individuals identify with and relate only to the positive feelings that remain and which emerge from the DHEF.


Esteem For The Self This may feel challenging for those who believe that such negativity is naturally a human characteristic. This group of skeptics likely side with what many of the world’s religions promote and reinforce in their teachings, the idea that human beings are inherently bad, sinful or defective. Personally that doesn’t resonate with me. So if the negativity is not a human characteristic then we are faced with two interesting questions: 1.

Where does the negativity come from?


Why has it been with us for so long?

To answer 1) I refer briefly to the animal kingdom. It has been observed by biologists working in the wild that animals that are never exposed to predators learn not to fear them. That is, they grow up without fear. Now in the wild this is considered an abnormal or maladaptive state for the animal. It is considered abnormal because many believe that fear is protective and enhances survival potential. Another way to understand this is that animals that learn fear do so as a result of being traumatized by their predators. In other words they have developed a form of post traumatic stress disorder similar to that seen in humans. Yet we tend to consider the traumatized state as normal and adaptive while the untraumatized state is considered abnormal and maladaptive. Does this sound odd to you? Considering the human species it becomes apparent that we have lived with negative emotions and beliefs from the beginning


Esteem For The Self of time. Most, if not all, of these are also fear based and could conceivably be thought of as the consequences of a cumulative post traumatic stress disorder that has affected the entire species. Yet because it is familiar and pervasive we have come to believe and accept it as “normal” for us to be this way. This is despite the fact that the negativity is just that, "negative" or undesirable to us. So it can be surmised that the negativity emerged from the repeated trauma, through wars, killing, illness, death etc. that has occurred throughout the history of the human race. This history of cumulative trauma remains stored in the individual and collective human bio-field. Additionally it is self perpetuating because negativity draws to it more negativity just as trauma breeds more trauma allowing history to unfold in the same manner. If the DHEF is strictly a positive emotional field and cannot possibly generate negativity then how did the trauma start? Well this is a question that cannot be answered at this time however I will make the following observation. As mentioned earlier all negativity is sourced from the negative memories that live in the unconscious mind. Since the mind resides within the human DHEF bio-field, which has a positive “magnetic polarity” because it is supportive of life, it too must have a positive polarity. Clearly negative memories having a negative magnetic polarity, being antithetical to life, must naturally be repelled by a positive DHEF bio-field. So how is it possible for this negative polarity energy to remain so deeply embedded in a bio-field that would naturally repel it?


Esteem For The Self Well the answer is that it must somehow make itself “appear” like a positive energy in order to be allowed entry into the positive polarity DHEF bio-field. In other words it must disguise itself as something that it is not i.e. it must pose as an imposter. Negative memories are very much like biological parasites. They exist as encapsulated energy packets with a surface coating that is disguised to look positive while its contents are in fact negative. The “coating” consists of “hooks” that latch on to the human bio-field and serve to keep the negative memory attached. These hooks exist in the form of what I have called anchoring beliefs. These are as previously discussed unconsciously held beliefs or lies about how the memory supposedly serves the individual. In other words the anchoring beliefs act like emissaries that attempt to convince, hypnotize even brainwash the individual into believing that the memory is worth having within. All effective anchoring beliefs tend to reside unconsciously and outside of the individual’s awareness. This prevents them from being readily detected, exposed and thus rejected. The MRP process as mentioned earlier facilitates the exposure of these lies in order to weaken them and the hold the negative memory has on the individual. Such exposure has the effect of making it obvious to the individual that the memory’s polarity is in fact negative. In other words it lifts the disguise. As this happens the memory is naturally released and repelled away effortlessly. As this happens the Life Force Energy that was being consumed by the


Esteem For The Self parasitic memory is reclaimed spontaneously by the bio-field thus rejuvenating it. In addition I would like to add that the negativity has been with us for a long time for the following reasons: •

We’ve become so accustomed to it that we never challenged its presence in our lives

We become so engaged with it in our day to day lives that it starts to structure everything we do. In other words it begins to define who we are, the nature of our reality, why we’re supposedly here and it oddly gives a sense of meaning to life.

We're "afraid" to get rid of it. Doing so would mean beginning to challenge the very foundation upon we have structured our lives and this can feel threatening to most people. Additionally the fear is a mechanism the negativity uses to reinforce, strengthen and perpetuate itself thus keeping it alive, whether we like or not.

We have come to believe and accept that the negativity is part of what we are as human beings and that it is therefore also somehow useful to us. F) Creating a New Vision for One's Life

Once the negative emotions or beliefs are released one begins to experience themselves in an entirely "new" way. I say "new" cautiously because it's actually not new at all. This new state is often accompanied by feelings of clarity, inner peace, joy, compassion, love, contentedness, lightness, buoyancy,


Esteem For The Self expansiveness, self esteem, self confidence, and much more. In this blissful experience also emerges an awareness of one’s sense of total perfection. I choose to identify this state as that of Divine Presence in which one not only feels connected to the divine energy of love but in fact is the embodiment of that energy. Everyone who experiences this state following MRP recognizes it to be strangely familiar and ancient at the same time. It's as if something they've known forever has all of a sudden re-emerged into their awareness. Indeed it could be said that the negativity was keeping this divine experience "submerged" or unconscious. In other words the negativity, acting like a veil in “front of one’s eyes” was subtly preventing them from being fully aware of whom they really were. At the same time it was “hypnotizing” them into believing themselves to be something less than perfect. Once an individual re-experiences this divine presence through the MRP process I will often ask them whether they like this state and whether they wish to stay grounded in it. In every case the answer has been a resounding "yes". They are also guided through the use of imagery to envision how they would like themselves and their lives to be from this point on. This visualization often feels very powerful and enabling for them. With this exercise they feel like, for the first time, they’re finally beginning to take full responsibility for their lives.


Esteem For The Self

G) Stepping into a New Experience of One's Authentic Self

Unlike other approaches, when an individual has been through an MRP exercise around a specific offending negative belief or emotion they do not need to practice or do any further ""homework". The reason for this is that the negativity has effectively been "permanently" cleared from their bio-field, never to return. They have been transformed at a very fundamental level. What is interesting is that they invariably also forget what it was like to have the negativity inside them. So much so that when a statement referring to the negative belief or emotion that was cleared is presented to them they a) no longer associate themselves with it b) feel the offending statement no longer has a negative charge and c) the offending statement feels absolutely foreign and bizarre. At the bio-field level their field has been completely and irreversibly reorganized to come into greater alignment with the DHEF. In the new state they often find themselves feeling surprised as seemingly new ways of being i.e. thoughts, emotions, and behaviors spontaneously emerge from them largely evoked by daily events they encounter. For instance old emotional triggers that used to evoke undesirable responses now no longer have any impact on them. A growing sense of resilience is realized as a new divine being emerges.


Esteem For The Self Interestingly life begins to feel lighter, easier and more effortless. Stress becomes a forgotten experience of the past and a great sense of inner peace and well being becomes the primary internal set point. One becomes anchored in the experience of the present as the story of the past begins to literally evaporate away into the ethers. As the MRP experience progresses it becomes increasingly difficult to access the past and one enters into what might be described as a “real time meditative state” i.e. one in which they feel present, blissful, clear and peaceful throughout their daily activities without actually having to stop and meditate. As the story of the past falls away so does one’s identification with it. In other words that “life history” that was previously theirs no longer feels like it has, or ever had, anything to do with them. Clearly this is a very difficult concept to convey to you here as it is far beyond any human experience you may have had to date. Yet, once you have had an MRP experience it will feel paradoxically familiar and natural to you. With such an experience one readily realigns themselves with the flow of positive Life Force Energy that revitalizes their mind and body. This leaves them feeling joyfully optimistic about their life, free to create and exceedingly resilient.

Spiritual Enlightenment Although the discussion of MRP so far has been oriented towards the release of negativity from the bio-field there is a much larger perspective that must be addressed. I stress that the ultimate aim of MRP is the achievement of a pure and


Esteem For The Self unfettered human bio-field which is completely aligned with the DHEF or the Love Energy Field. Several things appear to happen as this occurs that I wish to address here. With the release of negative, “heavy”, “low vibration” energies from the bio-field there emerges an experience of "lightness" in the body. The lightness is characterized by three coincident experiences of "lightness". The first experience of lightness speaks to a feeling of greater "buoyancy" or reduced heaviness. In one interesting case following an MRP session one of my clients spontaneously, much to our surprise, found her arms beginning to levitate. Indeed I have also noticed that some individuals who go on to use MRP repetitively experience an actual and significant loss of physical weight in a short span of time which corresponds with the light, buoyant feeling. The second experience of “lightness” manifests as a state of increased luminescence or brightness where the individual literally looks objectively and feels subjectively more radiant. Often these individuals appear more "radiant" to the people around them who often comment that something about them has changed. New scientific research in Europe has shown that the physical body does in fact release photons of light under different conditions and it is my hypothesis that Life Force Energy is the main source from which such radiance is sourced. Finally, the third experience of “lightness” is associated with a great sense of clarity and a deep connection to one’s inner knowing and truth. This has been described by some in spiritual circles as the much cherished state of “enlightenment”.


Esteem For The Self In this light I propose that the definition of “enlightenment” be expanded to include all three of the above phenomena i.e. buoyancy, radiance and a greater clarity of one’s inner truth. Henceforth I refer to this as the “enlightenment triad”. I also propose that it is the re-integration of one’s Life Force Energy with the mind and body that is the route by which complete enlightenment is achieved. MRP has been shown to readily facilitate the emergence of this desired state. In an attempt to explain these interesting phenomena I first need to address the issue commonly referred to as gravity. Gravity is familiar to all of us as the term coined by Sir Isaac Newton in the 1700's to describe the well known invisible but palpable force that holds all physical matter to the earth. This force has been the focus of scientific research for some time now. I would like to draw your attention to a connection between physical gravity and another well known concept, "emotional gravity".

Emotional Gravity An understanding of "emotional gravity" emanates from the root of the word gravity, which is the word "grave". When a situation is "grave" we mean it is serious, somber, heavy or dark. It suggests that there is an element of negativity associated with the situation. I ask that for a moment you draw your attention to something "negative" or grave you’ve experienced in your life. It might for instance be an experience of a major loss. Notice, as you think about it what happens to how you feel inside.


Esteem For The Self As you do notice what happens to your energy level and to how “heavy” you feel. Can you sense how focusing on this negative memory makes you feel depleted, tired, de-energized, heavy and weighed down? Notice how, as you move in and out of the negativity, the feeling of heaviness increases and diminishes respectively. Note how the negativity evokes and is responsible for the feelings of heaviness. From a feeling perspective can you see how this “emotional heaviness” is weighing you down and tiring you out in the same way as a physical weight might? In other words the net effect of physical gravity appears to be the same as that of emotional gravity i.e. the over all depletion of your Life Force Energy. Additionally the effects of the two “fields” are experienced in a similar fashion i.e. as heaviness, a weighed down feeling, tiredness, and a greater feeling of inertia etc. Isn’t it interesting that two such similar phenomena have become so disassociated from each other when in fact they are so similar? Is it possible that they are more closely linked than we even realize? For instance is it possible that perhaps they represent the same state in every respect and hence are indistinguishable? That’s something for you to contemplate. What's fascinating is that after releasing an “emotional” weight, characterized by say a negative emotion with MRP one feels both “emotionally” and “physically” more buoyant. In other words, the gravitational pull of the earth on that individual seems to have palpably decreased. Is it not then even more plausible to conjecture that there is a relationship between physical gravity and emotional gravity, perhaps that they may even be one and the same force field? The other interesting observation is that it


Esteem For The Self seems to be possible to alter the effects of physical gravity by releasing from the bio-field the “heavy” emotional aspects of unconsciously embedded negativity. I realize some of these assertions may sound crazy to you however I will attempt to explain how the two fields may be linked. In summary I discuss how: •

MRP helps an individual reclaim Life Force Energy by releasing “emotional gravity” in the form of negative thoughts, emotions and memories

A rise in that individual’s Life Force Energy causes a rise in the average Collective Life Force Energy

A rise in the average Collective Life Force Energy represents, by definition, a rise in the Enlightened Temperature

A rise in the Enlightened Temperature is associated with the manifestation of an “enlightened triad” represented by: increased buoyancy, radiance and clarity of inner knowing

This triad can be explained by a process whereby matter is transmuted into energy

The transmutation connotes a decrease in physical density and therefore a decrease in the physical gravity force field

MRP is hypothesized to facilitate a decrease in physical gravity by reducing the effects of emotional gravity

Firstly it has been shown that MRP by releasing negativity, i.e. emotional gravity, from the bio-field causes a rise in an individual’s Life Force Energy and thereby a corresponding


Esteem For The Self incremental rise in the average level of Life Force Energy sustaining life in the collective bio-field that individual is a part of. You will also recall the definition of Enlightened Temperature introduced earlier as “the average Life Force Energy sustaining life in the collective bio-field of all human beings on the planet”. In other words MRP is capable of elevating the Enlightened Temperature of the human species. Later on I report on an MRP case study that shows how we are indeed connected in accordance with quantum entanglement theory. I conjectured earlier that as the Enlightened Temperature of the human species rises this manifests as the “enlightenment triad” of increased buoyancy, radiance and clarity of inner knowing. The “buoyancy” reflects a decrease in one’s physical density and a corresponding rise in one’s energy density. The “radiance” corresponds to a higher energy “emitting” or “radiating” state i.e. the “body” in a state approaching what some have termed a “light body” or a “body of light”. In other words a body that is in a transmuted energy or energized state. Finally as the Enlightened Temperature rises the resonant frequency of the “body” also rises and as it does its ability to “tune” into and receive higher vibration signals is enhanced. This, I suggest explains the increased clarity or heightened level of consciousness, i.e. the “receiving of a clearer signal”, the third element in the triad. Some have described this as tuning into one’s higher self or to universal truth. This is a process not dissimilar to tuning your radio to the correct channel frequency in order to receive the desired signal. (Later I also discuss an


Esteem For The Self article written several years ago which discusses how attunement can help us redefine the nature of consciousness.) Hence this triad of “enlightenment” appears to manifest out of the transmutation of a detuned physical “low vibration” body into a corresponding resonant energized “high vibration” body. Invoking a process of “transmutation” of matter into energy appears to be a useful and fitting way of accounting for the experience that MRP seems to elicit. So returning to the gravity issue it becomes clear how using MRP to release emotional negativity (i.e. emotional gravity) responsible for a detuned, low vibration, materially dense, “heavy” body, helps one reclaim vital Life Force Energy, transmutes the body into a resonant high vibration, energetically dense, “light” body. The light body is inherently less “materially dense” which implies that the physical effects of gravity have lessened. In other words reducing emotional gravity with MRP has reduced the effects of physical gravity. In this light it is evident the current collective human situation is such that the resonant frequency of the “physical” or “material” body is at a low ebb and out of tune with the higher frequency signal of universal truth because it is in a low vibration “material” state. This material state is inherently deficient of sufficient Life Force Energy responsible for imparting a higher resonant frequency to it. In other words the Enlightened Temperature is too low. Finally the deficiency of Life Force Energy is the result of Life Force Energy depleting negativity embedded in the collective


Esteem For The Self human bio-field in the form of negative thoughts, emotions and memories i.e. also known as the collective programmed “life history” of humanity. If this history is not released it will inevitably continue to magnetically draw more negative energy towards itself thereby lowering the Enlightened Temperature further. Humanity simply cannot afford such a fate. Another way of viewing this is that the “videotape” known as one’s life history acts as a wedge that separates the mind and body from its Life Force Energy thereby creating the experience we call death and dying. In other words it is the negativity that hastens one’s death. MRP by releasing such negativity from the bio-field allows the Life Force Energy to spontaneously reunite with its corresponding mind and body therefore revitalizing it. It is extremely unnatural for such a separation to exist at all. When it does it is experienced by the individual as feelings of depletion, tiredness, heaviness, sadness, depression and ill health to name a few. The separation also causes an attractive tension to build up between the Life Force Energy and its corresponding mind and body that is similar to the tension that exists between the two ends of an elastic band whose ends are pulled apart. In other words there is a natural and normal tendency for Life Force Energy to be united with its mind and body. Having said this notice for a moment how it resonates with you. For some of you it may feel like something just fell into place or like something you have known but had forgotten was just remembered. This epiphany may be associated with feelings of lightness, expansiveness, joy, inner peace, clarity, a sense of


Esteem For The Self empowerment and so on. If you feel any of this then once again, if you wish, place one hand over your Heart and as if you are speaking from there simply affirm these feelings to your self with the following statement: “What was just said resonates positively with me in my Heart and I love this experience”. By doing so it will continue to grow and expand throughout your entire being. This is the experience of reclaiming and reuniting more and more so with your own Life Force Energy. As I’m sure you know the reintegration of Life Force Energy with the mind and body is a process that is the reverse of the separation process. You will also recall that the separation process equates to the process of dying. So what does reversing the “dying process” actually imply? Well it implies that death and dying are being eradicated from your life. How does that idea resonate with you? I’m sure that for some of you once again there was a feeling of resonance with this idea. If so, as above, simply affirm this to yourself and you will experience another surge of positive energy. For others such a statement implying the eradication of death and dying will sound absolutely crazy. In other words it will challenge many commonly held beliefs about the naturalness of death and how its eradication is impossible and perhaps even undesirable. All I can say to this group is to stay focused on the feelings that you feel in your Heart region so that soon you too may know the truth about this challenging topic.


Esteem For The Self

Loving Your Body Earlier I discussed how MRP appears to initiate a process where by the effect of physical gravity is diminished through the transmutation of the physical material body into energy. In what follows I hope to elaborate on the significance of that “body” and our changing relationship to it. Specifically I elaborate how: •

The material body is essentially Life Force Energy in a low vibration or “frozen” state

As Life Force Energy reunites with the physical the latter begins its transformation and transmutation back into its natural energetic state

With the transmutation process the physical or material state disappears, dissolves and ceases to exist

The disappearance of the physical or material dimension ushers in several distinct but related phenomena

The first phenomenon is the disappearance of the duality we call spirit/body or Life Force Energy/body

The second phenomenon is disappearance of what we know of as death and dying

The third is the re-establishment of an integrated energy body that is alive, radiant, enlightened and immortal


Esteem For The Self •

The recognition that this integrated state is and was always meant to be our normal state of being

That this state is what it means to be alive, a true human being, spiritually enlightened and divine

That we have always known this truth deep in our Hearts

The material body is essentially Life Force Energy in a low vibration or “frozen” state Although quantum mechanics has shown that all matter really consists of energy intellectually this is difficult for those of us who are used to living in a macroscopic material world to comprehend. So when I say that the macroscopic material body exists at a low vibration microscopic energy level and that it can be helped to shift to higher vibration energy levels thereby losing its macroscopic material nature this might be hard to grasp or even accept. In other words much like ice which has had heat removed is in a frozen state the material body is also in a similarly “frozen state”. The “heat” removed in this case represents the Life Force Energy removed by the negativity that exists in the DHEF. As Life Force Energy is depleted a “split” or “duality” comes into being that we recognize as the spirit/body duality or the Life Force Energy/body duality. Indeed it is so familiar to us that we have come to believe and accept it to be our normal and natural state of being. That duality however leaves us prone to many undesirable consequences which we have also reluctantly come to accept. What are they?


Esteem For The Self Well by definition the physical state is prone to deterioration i.e. aging and ultimately death. Interestingly the idea of death, although apparently accepted as a normal part of life evokes sadness in the Hearts of those willing to feel it. This seemingly profound emotion has never been analyzed for its relevance rather it has written off as part of what therapists refer to as the grieving process. If death and dying were normal parts of life however should we not embrace them with joy rather than with sadness? Is it possible that this emotion is a signal from our Hearts trying to tell us that there is something wrong with this picture? If this resonates with you simply affirm that resonance via your Heart to yourself as before and again it will yield more clarity. As Life Force Energy reunites with the physical the latter begins its transformation and transmutation back into its natural energetic state What’s important to realize is that this frozen state is unnatural simply by the fact that it feels so to us. That feeling is what we all experience as “stress” each an every day. Stress is the feeling that goes with having your Life Force Energy “ripped away” from your body. As none of us really truly enjoy being stressed does that tell you that maybe there’s something wrong with it? As Life Force Energy is separated from the body the latter begins to deteriorate and ultimately becomes lifeless, energy-less or enters into a very low vibration energy state which macroscopically is experienced as purely material. What happens to the Life Force Energy that is separated is a topic I will not address here as it is not my desire to do so. Religious


Esteem For The Self and other spiritual doctrines have their views but I personally do not endorse or resonate with any of them. What I will say is that as MRP releases the negativity from the bio-field that is responsible for this split the Life Force Energy spontaneously reintegrates with the body stimulating or “vitalizing” (i.e. metaphorically and literally “breathing the energy of life” into it) the latter to enter higher and higher microscopic vibration energy states. Macroscopically this is perceived at many levels i.e. mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. For instance at the mental level one has greater clarity, peace of mind, and the ability to stay focused in the moment. Thoughts become positive and the individual experiences what many refer to as a meditative state of mind but without having to meditate. Emotionally there are feelings of joy, stillness, peace, light heartedness, love, empowerment, inner strength, elevated self esteem, self worth, self confidence, optimistic, a great sense of resilience and much more. Physically one feels lighter, energized, strong, healthy, youthful, radiant and so on. At the so called “spiritual” level the individual has a connection to their inner truth, has a heighted sense of discernment, feels authentically themselves, is in a state of integrity, feels love, and a sense of connection to universal creative energy. This also includes the manifestation of the “enlightenment triad” referred to earlier. With the transmutation process the physical or material state disappears, dissolves and ceases to exist


Esteem For The Self Although not immediately noticeable all of the above experiences signify the disappearance or dissolution of the physical state and its transition to a higher vibration microscopic energy state. With this transition, like ice dissolving into the water with which it is in equilibrium, the physical state vanishes or transmutes and manifests in its higher energy state as energy. It must be understood that there is no death occurring here rather the physical body is transmuted into a higher energy state of being and continues to exist in this higher state. The disappearance of the physical or material dimension ushers in several distinct but related phenomena o

The first phenomenon is the disappearance of the duality we call spirit/body or Life Force Energy/body

The higher energetic state reached by the previously “physical” aspect causes it to become essentially indistinguishable from the Life Force Energy itself. The reason for this is that the two are and always were sourced from the same energy. In other words the “physical aspect” was essentially Life Force Energy in a frozen state that has now become unfrozen. So as the physical aspect resumes its normal and natural state it is no longer distinguishable from the Life Force Energy that transmuted it. Hence the duality we experience as spirit/body or as Life Force Energy/body ceases to exist. o

The second phenomenon is disappearance of what we know of as death and dying


Esteem For The Self As this duality vanishes along with the physical aspect so does any possibility of deterioration of that physical aspect. In other words where there is no physical body there is no death. Essentially this means that death and dying cease to exist. o

The third is the re-establishment of an integrated energy body that is alive, radiant, enlightened and immortal

So what we are left with is a new state of being where all is energy and there is no death. Some have referred to this as a light body state of being. From the MRP experience this is associated with a feeling of “aliveness” that is beyond what most individuals know in their current experience in this planetary reality. In fact it is what I would define as being “alive”. Associated with it are the enlightened triad and an inner knowing that a) this is one’s authentic state b) that this is what it means and feels like to be a true human being and c) that death is an aberration while immortality is the natural state of being. Now when I use the term immortal here I am literally implying that the body (now transmuted into energy) fully integrated with the Life Force Energy that transmuted it now form an indestructible and indivisible unit. This is the experience of “oneness” that many have in fact been searching for in their spiritual quests. The recognition that this integrated state is and was always meant to be our normal state of being


Esteem For The Self As an individual begins to reacquaint themselves experientially with their integrated state they begin to “remember” that this “is” who they are and also who they were always meant to be. They also become increasingly conscious and discerning of the factors kept them in an unconscious, separated, low vibration energy state and how much of an aberration this state is. That this state is what it means to be alive, a true Human Being, spiritually enlightened and divine The integrated state affords one a deep and intimate connection with one’s inner truth which is expressed through the emotions emanating from the Human Heart, the center of one’s being. This center is also the portal through which Life Force Energy enters the body re-infusing it with life and the experience of aliveness. As this energy flows spontaneously and naturally throughout the bio-field it reconnects all aspects of itself to itself reestablishing a feeling of wholeness, completeness, solidity, strength, resilience, a sense of security, inner peace, joy, confidence, lightness, radiance, creative potential, a sense of empowerment and a connection to one’s experience of themselves as a divine being. Through this experience an individual immediately recognizes that to be human automatically means they are divine in their own right in every way. That we have always known this truth deep in our Hearts The awareness that this knowledge was always there waiting for the individual to reclaim it also emerges.


Esteem For The Self So in summary one becomes acutely aware that the physical body is not simply an unnecessary vehicle waiting to be jettisoned at the end of one’s life. Ratn =her it is a vitally essential, albeit a physical aspect, of their Life Force Energy that must be re-energized, re-vitalized and re-integrated with the energetic aspect of Life Force Energy in order to restore one to their normal and natural state as human divine beings of light.

The Flight from the Physical On our planet there seems to be a love-hate relationship going on with the physical body. We enjoy for instance the pleasures it affords us in terms of our sensual experiences and our mental, emotional, physical and extrasensory capabilities. Yet at the same time we feel limited and restricted by its multitude of needs that must be met on a daily basis. What's more, it tends to accumulate unwanted negative experiences of trauma and hurt, that we call memories, which seem impossible to release. This negativity shapes the experience of ourselves, our feelings towards others and our environment and ultimately gives us the experience of what we call our lives. Over time, the amount of negativity that accumulates in us weighs us down, depletes us of Life Force Energy, makes us ill and literally leads us to the "grave" (another meaning for the word). Throughout it seems that many unconsciously start to hate the body for putting us through this pain and suffering and begin to build up a case about why it would be useful to get rid


Esteem For The Self of it. Many religions and spiritual enlightened beings promote the notion that the spirit would be that much better off without the physical body. Adopting such notions causes many to turn against the body, against life and ultimately against ourselves. In so doing one is most importantly turning against their own vast energy resources that exist in "crystallized form" as frozen light manifesting in the form of the physical body. As one is making the case that the Life Force Energy would be better off without the body the latter is literally “forced out” of the body thereby leaving the latter to cope on its own. Do you not feel how handicapped your mind and body become without you at the helm? So why would you or anyone want to do this to themselves? The tendency to accept this forced separation is reflected in our lives through what I call the "flight from the physical". A very good example of this arises with that of severely traumatized individuals. In such cases a person will find that they can palliate themselves of their emotional pain by "leaving" their body momentarily. They may for instance experience themselves from a perspective that is outside of their body. Technically this is called a dissociated state. Although this may feel momentarily protective and comforting what is in fact occurring is a sharp separation between the individual’s Life Force Energy and their physical body. If the individual feels somewhat comforted in this "out of body experience" and they know no other way to deal with the internal emotional pain it may become their default way of alleviating or separating themselves from it and therefore their


Esteem For The Self body. This dissociative approach to the problem however is both abnormal and incapacitating. What’s more it exists along the same spectrum referred to earlier as the abnormal body/spirit duality phenomenon. Some curious observers who have been transfixed by this dissociated or dualistic phenomenon have, in my view, naively entertained it as an interesting vehicle to exploring altered states of consciousness and to having what they consider spiritual experiences. Some of these individuals also claim that this is a viable road to spiritual enlightenment i.e. a direct route to the experience of one's higher spiritual self. Does that conform to the feelings many have about death and dying? What feelings are those you may ask? Well if you reflect on the last time your health was in jeopardy you may recall that you might have felt s certain level of vulnerability, dread, helplessness and sadness, etc. Does that reflect a blissful spiritual state of being? Hardly! What does that signify? Well if you reflect on it for a moment you’ll see that it represents a preference for life, health and vitality not death. In other words built into your very nature, your very essence is the natural and intense desire for life. Isn’t that where you would prefer to have your spiritual experience? I would like to remind you once again that those dissociative (i.e. dying) states are precipitated by the negativity that an individual is "forced" to bear through recorded experiences (i.e. memories) of trauma, illness, and the threat of death that they have no other way of discharging than through separating themselves from their bodies. In other words this so called


Esteem For The Self “spiritual” experience is not coming out of a higher or more profound connection with the energy of love; instead it is coming out of avoidance and a dread of the negativity. It is the dread of the negativity stored in the physical aspect which is forces one to flee their physical body thereby forfeiting the immense energy resources that are their divine right. Recall from our earlier discussions that the release of negativity from the bio-field led to a profound reconnection with the experience and energy of life. This gives the body a wonderful feeling of rejuvenation and lightness and a strong desire to remain in it. So ultimately it is not the body that is the problem but the negativity stored in it that makes it vulnerable to fragmentation, aging, illness and death. So does it make sense to “throw the baby out with the bathwater” as they say and call the forced separation of Life Force Energy from the body (i.e. death) a spiritual experience? Well I’ll let you decide that one for yourself.

A Tuned Bio-Field and a New Definition of Consciousness This is an article I wrote in 2005 which I include here for your interest. It reintroduces the Heart as the true center of our Divine Human Consciousness. It also addresses how Humanity lost its “Center” and how it can reclaim it through a new modality called the Mind Resonance Process® (MRP). In so doing it lays the potential to completely transform the collective consciousness, the mortal human body


Esteem For The Self and our limited reality back into alignment with the Universal Plan. I rarely hear about the role of the Heart or the power of Love as relevant determinants of human health or spirituality. This was particularly highlighted at a recent energy psychology conference in which a keynote presentation on the topic of Enlightenment seemed to focus almost entirely on achieving altered states of consciousness. I could feel my heart crying out inside me how incomplete this felt. Also at a breakout session where an energy therapy was being presented as an effective way of releasing ego based negativity (i.e. negative emotions, perceptions, beliefs and memories) one question from the audience shockingly drove home to me the level of disconnection we have with our hearts. The question: "As nature abhors a vacuum, once we release this ego based negativity, what do we replace it with?" My answer: "With the essence of who we are and have always been, the Life Force Energy that will readily flow back into our minds and bodies through our hearts!" So on hearing all this, as a duty to my Heart and Myself, I feel it imperative to help bring the Human Heart back into the forefront of our work and personal development. As a result I will share here some of my clinical experiences of the crucial role that I feel both the Heart and the energy of Love play in the destiny of humanity. I start by addressing the following issues: 1. How the current concept of consciousness as a mental phenomenon has deflected our attention from the Heart.


Esteem For The Self 2. The awareness that the Heart is the equivalent of the Core Human Self 3. Core Human Emotions 4. Conditioned Emotions 5. The role of the Heart as an organ of perception and discernment 6. The role of the Heart as a source of immense wisdom and knowledge 7. The energy field that we call the feelings of Love 8. The healing power of Love. 9. The concept of a Divine Holographic Energy Field 10. Factors which impinge negatively on this Divine Holographic Energy Field 11. A new definition of "consciousness" 12. A new definition of illness 13. A new definition of health 14. The Body-Spirit Dichotomy 15. The Road to Enlightenment


Esteem For The Self Both Western and Eastern spiritual traditions have largely gravitated towards an understanding of consciousness and its altered states as possible doors to spiritual enlightenment. Unfortunately many define “consciousness” in a limited fashion as a mental or mind state phenomenon. Rarely does one think of the Heart in this picture let alone emotions or feelings of Love. As science is largely a mind/brain dominated and driven discipline it is not difficult to understand how Heart and emotion become relegated to the back rooms never to be heard from again. It’s not surprising then that our species is confused about the true nature of our inner emotional life and also has a great fear of it. Isn’t that why we have given the brain/mind executive status and all but quenched our emotions through the use of appropriate “sedatives” i.e. work, sex, drugs, and alcohol etc? In this light doesn’t it seem odd to you that our “robots”, as depicted in our many films are so envious of our ability to feel? Perhaps they know something we have forgotten and would stand to benefit from in the remembrance of it. What’s more without a true awareness and understanding our emotional landscape exactly what are we talking about when we do discuss our “feelings” with each other? I would suggest that it is a specious facsimile of the real thing. Here I hope to shed some light on the real experience and to facilitate a reconnection with a deep and natural inner emotional wisdom.


Esteem For The Self To say that we as feeling human beings consider ourselves primarily “thinking” beings is to essentially forget who we really are. It is difficult to understand then how we will ever achieve Enlightenment if we in fact are leaving ourselves behind. Hence it is my view that by focusing primarily on consciousness, as a mental phenomenon, we are missing an opportunity to know ourselves and our true nature as Divine Beings. The concept of the Self has received endless dissertations by psychologists, psychiatrists and others over the last century. Opening an erudite text on the subject can mesmerize one to such an extent that they can walk away feeling totally confused about what appears to be an elusive and complex concept. In my view this situation exists largely because the Self has been defined theoretically as a mind/brain construct. That is we often consider the Self to be related in some complex way to what we term personality. I would like to suggest a more pragmatic and personal way of defining the Self that everyone can identify with and feel almost instantly. This new approach entails a personal awareness of one’s Self. This awareness can be facilitated by one of the following simple exercises: 1. Say the word “Myself” to yourself and notice where inside your body the word resonates for you, or 2. Think of something about yourself that you appreciate, appreciate yourself for it, and notice what you feel and where you feel it. The location of the feeling in your body is the location of your Self.


Esteem For The Self In most cases both 1 and 2 yield the same location, i.e. in the mid-chest or over the Heart region. For individuals who have been heavily mind/brain oriented (i.e. overly analytical people like most well educated professionals) the tendency may be to say that they feel the Self in their mind. A close examination of this will often reveal an inability of such individuals to feel their feelings or even worse a fear of feeling them. When one is in a state of self-appreciation one usually feels joyful, happy, content etc. With some self-awareness I know that you will recognize that these can only originate in the Heart. This personal awareness of the Self is also clearly felt as being the “core” of that person i.e. where they feel themselves to be. Hence we can also refer to the experience of the Self as the Core Self or more generally the Core Human Self. Again, I must emphasize that these statements are drawn from one’s personal awareness of themselves and not from theoretical considerations. This caveat is necessary to avoid endless debates on the merits of one theory of Self over another. Your personal awareness of your Self is what it is for you. As core feelings clearly emerge from the Core Self (or the heart, used interchangeably here) one might ask oneself what the nature or purpose of these "core emotions" is? We will address this shortly. The nature of the core emotions can be classified into two categories: Category 1: Emotions of joy, happiness, peace, love, contentedness, expansiveness, hope, buoyancy or lightness, And,


Esteem For The Self Category 2: Emotions of sadness, darkness, constriction, heaviness or sinking We contrast these emotions with what we describe below as “conditioned emotions”. It has been observed that animals that grow up in an environment where they are not hunted have yet to “learn” (or have imprinted in them via trauma) the experience of fear. Another way of saying this is that these animals have yet to develop a post-traumatic syndrome. Is it not strange then that we consider animals that fear for their survival to be in a normal “emotional” state? So as you may have begun to realize the problem is not just with us but also with how we supposedly perceive and understand the world around us. Our “emotional blind spots” appear to have left us with a deficient and at best a “distorted” view of our reality. To what extent do you think, or should I say “feel”, this distorted perception creeps into our scientific research and theory making? If after this discussion you are feeling perhaps confused, annoyed or better still “enlightened” simply affirm this to yourself via your Heart and your feeling state should improve.


Esteem For The Self I define “trauma-based” emotions here as “conditioned emotions”. Some examples include worry, fear, anxiety, panic, defensiveness, avoidance, mistrust, etc. If we now consider the history of the human species, one could say that our survivalbased emotions also represent a post-traumatic syndrome of sorts. That suggests that there may have been a time, before the cumulative history of human trauma, where we humans were in our natural state and our survival did not feel threatened. Occasionally one will feel "conditioned emotions" such as anger, worry, guilt, unworthiness, fear, desperation, self doubt, low self esteem, etc in the region of the Core Self. In such cases these individuals have experienced emotional trauma during their lifetimes that have occluded the pure expression of their Core (Emotional) Self. Such "conditioned emotions" cannot originate from a Heart that is inherently Loving but from the personal and collective (as alluded to above) history of trauma that has imprinted itself deeply enough to allow one to mistrust their Heart and the innate wisdom of their Core Self. Interestingly, if we look at the impact of these conditioned emotions, on our species and on the planet, we notice that they are responsible for the perpetuation of trauma at every level i.e. trauma begets trauma. The net result is the deepening of these conditioned emotions in the human bio-field. This sets up a vicious negative spiral leading to a more negative state both individually and collectively Clearly then, conditioned emotions cause humans to become further distanced from their core human emotions. The net result is a relative and sometimes complete disconnection from the Core Human Self. Often this results in behaviors that we as


Esteem For The Self bystanders feel and define as "inhuman" i.e. reflex behaviors such as violence and killing for example, not originating from the human being rather from their conditioned response based on traumatic imprinting. Another example is someone who has been hurt so many times that they are reluctant to engage a genuine desire for Love coming from within their Core Human Self. For instance, have you ever heard someone say, "I can't entrust myself to feelings of Love again after my last disappointing experience with relationships"? From a mind/brain standpoint, where feelings are often left out, we might find ourselves trying to rationalize, or even steer clear of these core emotions emerging from within us. However with some reflection one readily notes their crucial importance. Category 1 Emotions are a sign that your situation is where you want it to be and Category 2 Emotions are a sign that it is not where you want it to be. Hence your Core Self regularly and automatically monitors the desirability of your situation for you. In other words, your Core Self is a perceiving entity (i.e. your heart is a perceiving and discerning organ). One can go further and say that the Core Self is knowledgeable about what is and is not good for you. This is evident by the fact that when you feel sad about something it can be taken to mean that the offending event is neither desirable to you nor is it in your best interests. So in other words the Core Self has immense wisdom about you, your life, and your direction in life etc.


Esteem For The Self An interesting example is the recognition of the sadness that goes with being too afraid to love again i.e. our Core Self telling us that it is not good for us to be cutting ourselves off from the experience of Love. If you follow this so far then you might start to wonder why we spend so much time trying to "figure out" (i.e. a mental activity) what direction to steer our lives in when we have this inner emotional guidance system already inside us beckoning us to listen to it. Conditioned emotions of hurt on the other hand do not emerge from us but appear to be imprinted and stored in our bio-fields as a result of individual and inter-generation based trauma. They have the net effect of obfuscating and derailing our connection to our Core Emotions. Sadly because they have been with us for such a long time they start to feel familiar, normal perhaps even necessary. Despite how badly they make us feel, because of their pervasiveness, we start to rationalize why they “may” be useful to us. This of course only makes matters murkier because then we have to wade through this sea of beliefs to shore with no GPS (Global Positioning System) on board. Without realizing it all of us come up with such rationalizations each and every day as a way of poking fun at or making light of our helpless and victimized state. I wonder how many of you really feel that this is a viable or a desirable long term strategy?


Esteem For The Self Doesn’t it make you feel lost, confused and insecure about your path? This is very much like putting on a pair of prescription glasses that don't belong to you; they just make everything blurry. We now turn to the phenomenon we call Love. This is a tricky subject because conditioned emotions (and corresponding beliefs) have largely distorted one's experience of the pure emotion of Love. For instance many people "believe" that Love has something to do with needing that someone they "love". I would like to suggest that the "need" for someone is really a conditioned emotion and not a core emotion at all. For instance, if you ask yourself the question, "Well why do I need this person?” you'll most likely find that it is because you might feel anxious, empty, lost, alone, even desperate if they weren't there with you. It's the fear of being alone or abandoned, imprinted by the trauma of earlier loss or separation, that is creating the need which then becomes "defined" as an experience of Love. Relationships, which are based on this definition of “Love” become unhealthy co-dependent relationships rather than genuine healthy loving ones. Love, real Love, is the feeling one has when they are appreciating the deep beauty of something in their life i.e. a landscape, a pet, a lover, a friend, themselves etc. It is a feeling that emerges from the Core Self and is associated with other Category 1 Emotions listed above. Allow yourself to tap into this feeling for a moment. Now that you have rekindled the core emotion of Love, notice how it feels in your body. You might note that it makes you feel


Esteem For The Self warm, lighter, more relaxed, more contented, more at peace, more buoyant, and more expansive, to name a few. You may notice that as you retain this connection to the core emotion of Love it may begin to spread throughout your body, even beyond. In other words you may feel it, or yourself, since the feeling also feels like you, expanding beyond your physical body. This is a personal awareness of yourself and the feeling of Love as an expanding field of energy. Some people call this spirit or soul. I refer to it here as Divine Self or the Divine Holographic Energy Field. You will recognize that, when fully engaged, your Divine Holographic Energy Field (DHEF) makes, you feel energized, clear, focused, relaxed, alert, at peace, joyful, wise, contented, rejuvenated, healthy, etc. In other words it reduces any apparent stress you may be feeling in the moment and has the potential to enhance your overall well being. This may be one of the reasons, among others, why people with pets or a loving relationship live longer than those without. The term "holographic" here refers to the fact that this field has embedded in it information at every level that co-ordinates mind/body functions in an optimal manner. So it is starting to appear that a) Love is a healing force that we experience as an energy field and b) we can tune into the "Love Field" or DHEF if we wish to enhance its effect on our lives. Now what do we mean by “tune into”? Well it means to create the highest level of loving feelings (to sustain the optimal DHEF as our desired bio-field state) towards others our environment and ourselves.


Esteem For The Self What sorts of things block us from experiencing the optimal DHEF as our bio-field? Well, all conditioned emotions, along with their associated negative beliefs, perceptions, behaviors and memories adversely affect the optimal DHEF state. For example the memory of a failed relationship undermines the core emotion of Love by making one mistrust it. This conditioning is embedded in the bio-field as energy irregularities or blocks which then manifest at the physical level as handicaps that manifest mentally, emotionally, behaviorally, socially, and physically. Unlike other approaches a new and promising coaching modality called the Mind Resonance Process® (MRP), addresses conditioning due to trauma at the level of the Thought Field. MRP is a cognitive strategy which allows one to bring into awareness contradictory pieces of information such as feelings, beliefs, perceptions, behaviors or memories which have been compartmentalized and kept separate. The very fact that we have an unconscious mind implies that there are “things” in “it” that are outside of our awareness. These “things” are represented by what many refer to as their past history; the very same history from which all the conditioned emotions derive. So how does it feel to have something that is “conditioning” or “forcing” you to perceive, think, feel, and behave in distorted ways that deflect you from experiencing your true essence as the human being you are? I’ll leave that for you to reflect on here for a moment.


Esteem For The Self MRP exposes two aspects of this unconscious conditioning a) beliefs about the purpose of the negativity’s presence in the biofield and b) the actual mental/emotional/physical experience associated with having the negativity in the bio-field. The client is made aware of an inherent contradiction between these two and taken through a process of determining for themselves, which most resonates truthfully with their “inner wisdom”. By aligning themselves with their own “inner wisdom”, which is felt to emerge from the location of their Core Self, they are able to make powerful intentional statements requesting that anything not aligned with this inner wisdom be purged from their bio-field. A more complete description of MRP is available in: Arrizza, N., “A Shared Memory Case Study: The Mind Resonance Process™ and Evidence for Non-Local Consciousness, International Journal of Healing and Caring, January 2005, 4:1. These early case studies with MRP have suggested that negative conditioning plays a very significant role in disrupting and detuning the bio-field from the optimal DHEF Additionally, MRP suggests that one person's disrupted bio-field affects and can even entrain another's bio-field into a disrupted state. The opposite is also true. MRP appears to concurrently re-tune a disrupted bio-field state shared by a group of individuals while working with only one individual in the group; clear evidence of our connection across time and space. By so doing, a large amount of depleted Life Force Energy seems to return to the group field as everyone starts to feel rejuvenated. It is hypothesized that such events can assist such groups in


Esteem For The Self achieving a co-operative state of resonance, which can further promote the re-tuning of larger collective energy fields. Individuals experiencing MRP initially release the energy blocks at the Thought Field level. This appears to be followed by a reinfusion of Life Force Energy that appears to cascade to other levels of the bio-field spontaneously. This results in rapid, spontaneous, natural realignment of the bio-field in resonance with the DHEF. This supports the concept of a DHEF that is ever present and attempting to support the entire being in a natural way. Conceptually then we have reached a point here where we can hypothesize that “restoring” the optimal DHEF is what is required to facilitate a return to one’s authentic and optimal state of being. To illustrate the impact on the DHEF of conditioned negative experiences I often use the visual analogy of a pebble bobbing up and down at an even frequency at the center of a pond to represent it 2 Dimensions. Without disruptive (negative) effects present the pebble sets up a regular even series of expanding circular waves that travel outwards in beautiful geometric form. This is conceptually analogous to the subjectively experienced energy field of Love emerging and expanding from the Core Self. The field, in our model, remains undisturbed only if we assume an infinitely large pond and no loss of energy due to gravity or friction at the molecular level. This is equivalent to a bio-field optimally tuned to the DHEF and in which no energy is drained or depleted from the system. Now let us add back gravity, intermolecular forces and assume a dramatic shift in the weather with high winds and rain. The pristine beauty of the original wave gets so distorted and its


Esteem For The Self energy depleted that we can no longer recognize it. Given enough time we lose an ability to make it out entirely. Note however that in the midst of the chaotic energy the pebble’s effects are still present yet obfuscated and much attenuated especially at considerable distances from the pebble. This state is equivalent to the bio-field becoming de-tuned from the DHEF, losing its energy, its pristine form and being overtaken by a chaotic, disorganizing field of energy and information. How does this feel? Well it feels like stress. At this point I would like to offer a new definition of consciousness that departs from the mind/brain-centered definition we have been so used to. I would like to propose that we refer to consciousness as representing the “state of tuning” of the human bio-field. According to this definition, a "conscious" individual is one whose bio-field is optimally tuned to or in resonance with the DHEF and in which they experience only an unfettered Love field embracing their entire being. All extraneous negative energies would have been eliminated. In the metaphor above “optimal tuning” of the pond’s field is depicted by the state of its surface represented by it’s initial pristine and undisturbed state with only the pebble’s undulations radiating through it. On the other hand a lack of tuning would be represented by the additional presence of chaotic energy. These two states are also reminiscent of what happens when you tune your radio to a certain radio station. When tuned all extraneous “noise” energy is eliminated or absent.


Esteem For The Self In this light being "unconscious" would imply having dissonant field effects intruding in on the bio-field thereby leading to a sub-optimal tuning or resonance with the DHEF. This is felt as an intrusion of conditioned emotions thoughts and memories into the mind/body and as a disconnection from the Love Field thus contributing to energy distortion, depletion and stress. Employing this new definition of "consciousness" we can then say that health is a state of being “conscious” and illness is a state of being "unconscious". The question becomes then; can any of us ever become truly "conscious" that is embraced by the Love Field entirely? Additionally what potential resides with respect to healing our bodies if we could achieve such a state? In my work I have noticed that as individuals effect major retuning of their bio-fields with MRP, they not only reconnect to a state of wellbeing, they also start to feel and look younger. Additionally they become aware that this “new state” not only feels good, it feels strangely familiar. Almost all individuals experience this as their Core Self. Many also recognize that the conditioned emotions of trauma have cheated them of this experience of themselves their entire lives. Once in this highly tuned state, all individuals recognize that the conditioned emotions are an unwelcome overlay to the human experience and not what it means to be human at all. In other words they achieve a higher awareness and experience of what it truly means to be a human being. Others have also noted that this is what they consider an experience of their Spiritual Self. In other words, they achieve an experience of their Spiritual Self while alive and in their bodies. This seems to counter the notion that one needs to leave


Esteem For The Self the body through dissociative experiences to achieve what many have called spiritual enlightenment or a heightened state of consciousness. I do not dispute such experiences alter one’s state of consciousness but do challenge the notion that they “heighten” it. In closing I wish to address one issue that I feel is crucial in optimally tuning our bio-field to the DHEF. This has to do with the Esteem with which we hold ourselves. Some people call this self-esteem. For pragmatic reasons, which will become clear, I prefer the phrase "Esteem for the Self". Putting it this way makes one feel that one is more able to do something about it. It is, I feel, only by nurturing total and complete "Esteem for the Self" that one can optimally tune the bio-field to the DHEF. One factor that, in my estimation, has impaired our ability to completely esteem ourselves is the belief that our bodies are just vessels waiting to be discarded. When we choose to believe this we automatically devalue part of who we are. The ultimate results are energy blockages, illness and death. Descartes introduced the mind-body dichotomy several hundred years ago and it's only now that we're beginning to work our way out of that trap. I would like to suggest that we also question the body-spirit dichotomy that some of us now embrace. Something that is physical also derives from energy. Perhaps the physical nature of the body is solely a manifestation of the chaos that exists in the bio-field at this time in human history. As a result doesn’t it make sense to get rid of the negativity in the form of negative emotions, beliefs and memories rather than the body? This is akin to what I call a “life history


Esteem For The Self detoxification”. MRP has the capacity to rapidly and permanently “turn off” the “storm” that emanates from the ever playing video in the back of the mind that is those “life history tapes”. Doing so helps to restore the pristine nature of the biofield and our optimal state of being with the ever present Life Force Energy or Love Energy. After all doesn't the feeling of Love make one literally feel “lighter” (as in enlightened) and more buoyant (as in less physical and more spiritual)? What would happen to the physical nature of the body were we as a species to truly love our bodies? I would like to suggest that it would not only make us healthier but also begin the process of transforming physical matter (frozen light) into energy (pure light). In effect I am suggesting that tuning the human bio-field to the DHEF or the “Love Field” is the road to Spiritual Enlightenment. I would like to suggest that the prophets were correct when they suggested that Love is the answer to all things.

Erasing Negative Memories with MRP As mentioned earlier MRP has made it possible to completely and permanently delete a negative memory, no matter how old or how recent it is from within. In doing so it leaves the individual feeling like the memory a) no longer lives inside them and b) like it never happened to them. Of course this is such an unusual experience that it is impossible for me to convey it to you if you haven't already experienced it yourself.


Esteem For The Self In order to appreciate how any of this is possible it is necessary to understand the anatomy and purpose of a negative memory. Let me start with the latter first. You can easily gauge the effects of a negative memory by dredging up one that lives inside you. As you do notice what it does to your energy. I think you'll readily see that the memory is energy depleting. What energy are we referring to? Well it’s your Life Force Energy! In other words it is depleting your life from your body i.e. it is effectively killing you! As a result its nature is essentially parasitic. Like most parasites each memory has tendrils with “hooks” that it uses to hang to you with and a "proboscis", or sucker, through which it siphons your life energy from within you. The "hooks" play an important role in keeping it anchored. These so called hooks are represented by the same series of beliefs i.e. "anchoring beliefs" that lie to you about the usefulness of the memory so that you will allow it to reside inside you. Anchoring beliefs for negative memories take on a predictable form and include beliefs about: 1. How the memory defines who you are. 2. How it is a life lesson that will make you stronger, more capable, or more successful. 3. How it is part of the so called unchangeable past and hence not to be tampered with. 4. How it justifies your right to engage in self pity, anger or vengeful thoughts or behaviours towards your abusers.


Esteem For The Self The only reason that such beliefs anchor anything is because they present as well camouflaged lies that are buried at the unconscious level of the mind. An interesting similarity exists with the so called hypnotic suggestion which works in the same manner; it convinces the person that something that is untrue is true. In other words it creates a delusional state of mind. The DHEF is a life supporting field of energy and inherently has what can be termed a positive magnetic polarity. In this light and in accordance with the well known universal Law of Attraction it will only attract energies of the same polarity. As “negative” beliefs, emotions and memories are inherently of a negative magnetic polarity i.e. against life they should, according to the same law, be spontaneously repelled away from the DHEF. Then how is it that they seem to permeate the DHEF so readily? Well, that’s where the “lies” play a significant role. Lies are “illogical truths” that are perceived as truths. In other words they are negative energies that are camouflaged with a seemingly “positive” outer coating. They are seductive in nature and they have the ability to circumvent and incapacitate, at least temporarily, the individual’s discerning apparatus. When one’s ability to discern is undermined they effectively become unconscious or develop a “blind spot” to the lie in their awareness which then renders their DHEF vulnerable to further energetic insults. By making the lie or the anchoring belief (and therefore the individual) conscious it loses all its power to anchor the memory into the bio-field. As more of these beliefs are released the memory’s true negative magnetic polarity is exposed, it dislodges


Esteem For The Self from the bio-field and is spontaneously propelled away from the positive DHEF. The individual experiences the memory rapidly receding to the point that it can no longer be recalled. Interestingly MRP which was developed over 10 years ago is painless, effortless and requires no hypnosis, no pharmaceuticals, no EFT, no NLP, no psychotherapy, no surgery etc. can effect such a release rapidly and permanently. In individual case studies MRP has also been shown to facilitate the rapid release of multiple traumatic memories that have a similar theme. Such a result can be readily understood by the fact that a given lie may anchor many negative memories with a common theme. Another way of understanding this last result is through what I call the “wake” phenomenon; resembling the wake that one observes behind a boat moving through the water. If metaphorically the boat represents the first negative memory with a given theme once it becomes lodged into the bio-field it will create and attract to itself similar “negative” scenarios that will in themselves repeat the same theme. As each of these subsequent negative events is experienced the memories generated by them will be recorded, absorbed into the bio-field and will coagulate with the original root memory making it stronger. This is the reason that individuals find themselves repeating the same negative life event over and over again such as a dysfunctional relationship, an abuse issue or some other negative theme. As expected the root memory is often the most deeply buried i.e. the most unconsciously held. If accessible however by


Esteem For The Self addressing it first all other similar memories that it generated in its wake will spontaneously dissolve and disappear. In this manner MRP is said to exhibit a generalizing effect on a group of negative memories and their associated beliefs and emotions. This is experienced as a very powerful and rapid transformation by the individual that feels nothing short of miraculous. One of the most interesting and challenging of “lies” that many individuals accept as truth is the belief that “the negative memory happened to them”. Now I know that you may find that last idea difficult to comprehend. It is also impossible for me to give you an understanding of how that belief might even be untrue simply in this dissertation. The only effective way to give you a complete appreciation of it would be by taking you through the MRP process itself. In the midst of all that I have said about MRP’s ability to erase negativity this last theme is at the crux of its effectiveness in permanently and completely erasing negative memories and leaving one feeling like they actually never took place. This is tantamount knowing that and feeling like the past never took place. Clearly such an experience might sound to some like a form of brainwashing or a powerful hypnotic trance. Paradoxically it’s actually about becoming a truly conscious and empowered human being which cannot be said of the above mentioned processes. As a discussion of the release of negative memories is somewhat more complex than what I wished to convey in this book if you are interested in having such an experience again I refer you to my web site where you can access a free consultation.


Esteem For The Self

The Matrix of Consciousness It’s such an accepted belief that the memories of our life histories are hardwired within the brain that the information I present here will likely challenge many who read what follows. In 2005 I undertook several case studies that revealed some amazing insights about the nature memories. This information is so revolutionary and important that in my view it could unravel many of the problems we as human beings currently experience here on the planet. These case studies followed on the foot heels of over 10 years of experience with what was then the Mind Resonance Process® (MRP) in early development. MRP repeatedly and with 100% efficacy was revealing itself with individual clients to have the capability of rapidly and permanently erasing negative memories. Individuals were often left with the strange experience of feeling like the memory never actually happened to them. They were also unable to access any of the details of their particular memory after the process. MRP has the remarkable ability to permanently and completely erase negative memories that are responsible for negative emotions, perceptions, beliefs, intrusive thoughts, and behaviours. Such negativity is responsible for placing severe limitations on many of our lives. Now by "permanently erase" I mean that when the individual attempts to return to the memory in their mind after undergoing the process they have a difficult time doing so. Often they are left feeling like a "white impenetrable curtain" separates them from the memory. This is


Esteem For The Self not dissimilar to using an eraser to erase a word you write on paper. It simply isn’t there any more! Interestingly in the process the individual also experiences a remarkable restoration of many positive attributes that are desirable i.e. feelings of freedom, self confidence, self esteem, peace, calmness, relaxation, a sense of empowerment, feeling more grounded and uplifted at the same time, feelings of lightness, joy, happiness, feeling more present and more alive to name a few. All of these I have attributed to the reclaiming of Life Force Energy into their minds and bodies. In other words the negativity was acting as a Life Force Energy “parasite”. As negative memories were becoming impossible to access following MRP it made me wonder what had happened to them. I contemplated the computer metaphor of software stored on the hard drive. Once software is erased there is no trace of it anywhere and therefore it becomes completely inaccessible to the user and anyone else. I wondered whether a negative memory once erased from the “hard drive” of one’s unconscious mind was accessible to other individuals who shared and had “stored” within them the same memory as that individual. This led me a number of years ago to consider doing a case study to see what would happen when two individuals shared a negative memory in common and only one of them was taken through the MRP process. I have written a summary paper called "Some Evidence of How We Are Spiritually Connected" which I present as a later chapter in this book that outlines this study and its results.


Esteem For The Self Basically, I was able to show that when one of the individuals has a particular negative memory, that they share with another person, erased this same memory “stored” in the second person also spontaneously disappears. This happens even when the second person is not present and has no idea that I am helping the first erase their particular memory. So if we believe that memories are hardwired in the brain how are we to explain this result which has been repeated hundreds of times? Well it is my opinion that the “hardwired” idea is not only a limited view of where memories are stored it is also completely inaccurate. I hypothesize that memories actually exist in a “collective library” which some have called the collective unconscious and that our brains act as receivers of this information being selectively tuned to specific frequency channels that receive "signals" from this larger conscious storehouse. The experience of receiving a “signal” is what we call “remembering” or more aptly “downloading” a memory. In this regard the memories themselves are actually not stored in the brain of an individual yet are accessible to that brain. This is not much different than loaning a book from the library; you can take it home and read it but it doesn’t actually belong to you. Many of you are also familiar with a popular movie where “programs” are downloaded into individuals’ brains thereby giving them the illusion of different realities. What I am describing here speaks to a "matrix" of consciousness similar to the one alluded to in that film.


Esteem For The Self An interesting question might arise such as why would anyone want to tune their brains to negative life depleting signals? Well I bet that until you actually were led to this new perspective such a question would never have occurred to you. Now that it has pause a moment and reflect on your current “brain channel choices”. Is this the kind of “brain candy” you want to be tuned into? Are these the kinds of signals you want coming into your brain, and body? Well up until this moment you probably never even knew you had a choice. How does it feel to realize that you do have a choice? If you like how that feels to you then simply affirm that to your self as if you are speaking from your Heart and then notice how you feel there. MRP is what helps you shut off not only the channels that are tuned to signals we call negative life depleting memories but the very signal generators in the collective transmitting station itself. As you can imagine, yes, it is a very empowering and freeing experience. What's more this process appears to be the key to completely freeing one's self from this enslaving matrix and reclaiming full control of one’s life.

Evidence of Our Spiritual Connectedness This is an article I published in 2005 based on a seminal case study done at that time that studied the ability of MRP to erase shared negative memories. Its results support the theory of quantum entanglement.


Esteem For The Self It has long been surmised that emotional trauma can lead to physical illness. It is also conceptualized that such toxic trauma fragments may exist at the level of our energy fields. What, if any, effect might this have on others close to the client such as family members, friends, colleagues etc.? If we are connected via a collective energy field, then it is reasonable to speculate that some, or all, of the "negative" information in this realm may be detrimental to others around the holder of such negativity through some form of "field effect". Conversely, releasing trauma from an individual's energy field could potentially have beneficial non-local field effects, which could potentially help others heal as well. It is also reasonable to speculate that this could translate into the possibility of group non-local healing occurring spontaneously by treating only one or a small number of individuals. A new process called the Mind Resonance Process® (MRP) has been shown in preliminary case studies to effect rapid and lasting clearing of traumatic fragments (i.e. memories of trauma, and derivatives of trauma such as negative emotions and beliefs) by targeting them in one's thought field. Additionally a recent case using MRP, by the author, addresses non-local field effects in the case of shared traumatic memories. In the latter, two individuals who we call John and Mary shared a traumatic experience of having had their house burglarized while they were at home asleep. Neither was harmed but Mary subsequently developed recurring nightmares and fears of


Esteem For The Self falling asleep. John on the other hand began to feel angry, guilty and inadequate about his inability to confront the intruders. MRP was used to help Mary release her memory of the trauma thereby eliminating her symptoms. Immediately after Mary's release, John, who had been sequestered and unaware of the details of my work with Mary, was interviewed about his recollection of the trauma. Interestingly his experience of the memory was such that it never happened to him. He could recall it but it no longer felt like it was an event in his life. Additionally, his negative symptoms had also disappeared. The health benefits accrued by both individuals were strikingly similar i.e. both experienced a complete release of the traumatic experience from consciousness. This was associated by a feeling that the memory was no longer their memory, a feeling that it had never happened to them, feelings of inner peace, joy, calmness, increased energy, revitalization, rejuvenation and resilience. An interesting consequence was that after MRP each individual felt more genuinely themselves than they had felt even before the traumatic event. Further case studies, soon to be published, also suggest the efficacy of MRP in helping individuals release any number of traumatic memories from consciousness simultaneously in a single session. As Life Force Energy is required to hold traumatic material out of consciousness for one to function adequately on a daily basis, it is felt that one could rapidly reclaim this energy with MRP. This hypothesis has in fact


Esteem For The Self received some supporting evidence as individuals releasing multiple traumas simultaneously with MRP feel a noticeable surge of Life Force Energy throughout their entire being. The combined results of the MRP Shared Memory Study and the MRP Multiple Memory Study could lead to significantly new, powerful treatment modalities for groups of individuals i.e. family groups, catastrophic accident victims, victims of terrorist attacks etc. Additionally, the economic benefits of treating large groups using MRP in this way would be highly significant. References: Arrizza, N., Releasing Multiple Traumatic Memories Simultaneously in a Single Session using the Mind Resonance Process®, Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc., 2004 (Journal for the Advancement of the Human Condition, Akamai University Press) Arrizza, N., A Shared Memory Case Study: The Mind Resonance Process® & Evidence for Non Local Consciousness, International Journal of Healing and Caring, Jan. 2005, Vol. 5, No. 1.

Energy Fields and Group Healing I want to share here an exciting and powerful consequence of having done MRP work in groups over the years which clears negative energy from the collective human bio-field. Often each individual in the group brings with them an issue that is blocking them from feeling truly in charge of their life. These "issues" can always be linked to some underlying negative


Esteem For The Self belief that they are holding within their thought energy field. With MRP one is able to tease out the offending beliefs and permanently erase them from consciousness. The result is that the issue no longer has any emotional charge and it disappears altogether as if it never existed in the first place. What is most interesting however is that even though other individuals who are participating in that group experience may not personally feel that the matter being addressed is relevant to them they too start to feel a shift in themselves that allows them to spontaneously release similar negativity within their thought field. Such a shift is often experienced as a feeling of lightness, a sense of relief, feeling more joyful, a greater feeling of love and compassion for self and others, a feeling of expansiveness, a greater sense of inner resilience, a deeper connection with ones' true Self and with the universe and a greater awareness that one is indeed a Divine Being. So what is going on here? Well I hypothesize the following: 1. All beliefs that an individual holds in their thought field are also held in the thought fields of other individuals. 2. In other words, our thought fields are linked and this is what some have termed the "collective consciousness". 3. MRP has the ability to tap into the thought fields of individuals helping them release the negativity that is being held there and by doing so facilitates the release of that belief in the entire "group thought field".


Esteem For The Self 4. Helping one individual "heal" spontaneously heals the entire group quickly and easily. 5. That the negativity that is carried in the group thought field holds everyone in a state of helplessness and victim hood. 6. That helping individuals within the group achieve an experience of their Divine Self facilitates the emergence of a Divine Group Energy Field. 7. That the Divine Group Energy Field is the state we have all been searching for and which will help us shift our reality to the utopian ideal we all hold and know in our hearts. The ramifications of this simple yet powerful process can extend to the helping of many groups across the planet be they familial, cultural, political, and organizational, etc. It has been my goal to bring MRP into the planetary consciousness in order to awaken humanity to a higher consciousness.

Esteem for the Self I now return to the issue of having Esteem for the Self. It can now be said that it implies having esteem for the "entire self" i.e. emotional, intellectual, spiritual and “physical". It is only by doing so that you will be able to reclaim you’re your entire Life Force Energy which the source of all that you feel you may lack within. As a result you will re-establish a feeling of wholeness, completeness and the awareness that you are a divine empowered being of light and love. You will also come to the


Esteem For The Self awareness that negativity is not and never has been a part of your true nature. The latter statement can be readily discerned if you ask yourself a) whether you are a being of love, and b) whether negativity can ever emerge from a being of love. Clearly love cannot create anything negative, hence this had to come from somewhere other than you. Unfortunately many individuals have come to believe and accept that the negativity is sourced from them. In other words they believe themselves to be inherently bad or evil. Such beliefs cannot sustain a healthy level of self esteem and must out of necessity be erased or released. This is where MRP comes to the rescue.

How to Use the Exercises The exercises were created to give you only an introductory experience of the Mind Resonance Process® (MRP) in order to kick start your awareness of how negative emotions and beliefs are blocking you from having a more complete experience of your True Authentic and Divine Self. The sections that follow will take you through a series of simple exercises that will attempt to help you release some common beliefs and emotions that you wish to release. Although some of it may start to feel repetitive I ask you to reflect on each exercise in a thoughtful and personal manner so as to get the most benefit from it.


Esteem For The Self It is useful to address one chapter each day, each week or whenever you feel drawn to it. It is preferable that you turn to the chapter that you most resonate with in the moment rather than read through them in the order I have laid them out. It is difficult to present MRP in this impersonal written format as it is best administered one on one so if you find yourself wanting a more personal experience that addresses your specific needs kindly get in touch with me via my web site at: or directly via email at: [email protected] As part of the purchase of this book you are also offered a complimentary 1 hour telephone session which you may take advantage of at any time to give you a more personal experience of MRP.

A Final Comment This book is not meant to be used as a diagnostic or treatment tool for underlying mental, emotional, physical or spiritual illnesses. For such issues I direct you to an appropriate medical practitioner, therapist or alternative healthcare practitioner.


Esteem For The Self

The Exercises Guilt Many people accept guilt into their lives because: •

They believe it will keep them from doing bad things.

They believe that it protects them from becoming a bad person.

They believe it will make them a highly moral person.

They believe that it will help them make more loving choices.

They believe it will make them a good person.

They believe it's what it means to be human.

They believe it will make them feel like a good person.

They believe it is necessary to make this a better world.

They believe it will improve their relationships.

Summary Statement: In summary people accept guilt into their lives because they believe it will improve the overall quality of their lives. Is this what you believe? If so, please go on to the Section A. If not, reflect on whether you feel you are still prone to feeling guilt in the future. If you feel you are prone then please go on to Section A.


Esteem For The Self If you feel that you are completely free of guilt then I wish to congratulate you on this truly remarkable accomplishment! Please go on to the next chapter. Section A Recall briefly the last time you felt guilty about something. Notice the feeling of guilt itself and how it makes you feel inside. Do you feel any of the following? •

Like a bad person.

Like your heart just sank.

Like yourself worth just vanished.

Like your mood just plummeted

Like your energy just got depleted

Like your stress level just went up


Self hate or self disgust.

Like your self-esteem just went lower.

Like avoiding others.

Like hiding in a corner.

Do you recognize how the feeling of guilt is ruining the quality of your inner emotional and physical state and therefore the quality of your life?


Esteem For The Self Do you recognize how this result contradicts what you "believe" about guilt (the Summary Statement above)? Can these two contradictory statements be simultaneously true? If you're not sure try these two statements: You are sitting down right now You are standing up right now These two conflicting statements are clearly NOT both true at the same time for you are they? Hence the two conflicting statements about guilt: A) Guilt improves the quality of my life B) Guilt reduces the quality of my life Cannot be simultaneously true. When you focus on the experience of guilt that you feel inside while recalling an unpleasant experience involving it do you feel better OR worse? Which statement above A) or B) resonates with what you feel inside? Most people recognize that guilt makes them feel worse whenever they bring it into their bodies.


Esteem For The Self This clearly would make: B) True and A) False. Most people however unconsciously believe that: A) Is True and B) is False In other words most people, without realizing it are choosing to believe that a false statement (i.e. the Summary Statement) about the guilt is actually the truth about it. These people are clearly lying to themselves about this without realizing it. If this is you are you aware of how you have been lying to yourself about what it means to accept feelings of guilt into your life? If so, do you wish to stop lying to yourself about the need to accept guilt into your life? If so, there are three steps to begin freeing yourself from guilt: 1) From the Core of Your Self make the following statement sincerely:

“I request that the lie that guilt improves the quality of my life be purged from my life forever."


Esteem For The Self 2) Then again from the Core of Your Self make the following statement sincerely:

"I request that all guilt and any unconscious beliefs that anchor it in my body be purged from my life forever"

3) Finally, contemplate how you would live your life without guilt reducing the quality of your experience and spend some time visualizing this new state of being. Then make the following sincere statement from the Core of Your Self:

“I desire to live my life in this way from now on. Now notice how you feel inside. If all went well i.e. you followed and understood the exercise step by step and were sincere in your desire to be free of guilt then you might be feeling some or all of the following: You may be feeling a sense of relief, joyful, happy, lighter (both emotionally and physically), feeling more like your real Self, feeling relaxed, having a inner sense of peace, or perhaps noticing that your level of energy has increased. If you've achieved this then I wish to congratulate you on your accomplishment!


Esteem For The Self Occasionally, there may be some unconscious reasons why you may not fully wish to give up guilt. In such cases the guilt will not be fully cleared from your life. This is often experienced as feelings of residual guilt still present inside you as you scan your life. This implies that there are still other unconsciously held anchoring beliefs anchoring the guilt into your bio-field which need to be addressed.

Worry Many people accept worry into their lives because: •

They believe it will help them stay on top of things.

They believe that it will help their life run smoother.

They believe it will help them remember things that need doing.

They believe that it will help them be in control of their lives.

They believe it will make them more efficient.

They believe it will protect them from unforeseen circumstances.

They believe it will keep them safe.

They believe it will protect them from disappointment

They believe it's what it means to be human.

They believe it will make them feel like a good person.

They believe it will improve their relationships.


Esteem For The Self Summary Statement: In summary people accept worry into their lives because they believe it will improve the overall quality of their lives. Is this what you believe? If so, please go on to Section A. If not, reflect on whether you feel you are still prone to feeling worry in the future. If you feel you are prone then please go on to Section A. If you feel that you are completely free of worry then I wish to congratulate you on this truly remarkable accomplishment! You can go on to the next chapter. Section A Recall briefly the last time you were caught up in worrying about something. Notice the feeling of worry itself and how it makes you feel inside. Do you feel any of the following? •



Like your heart just got heavier

Like your mood just plummeted


Esteem For The Self •

Like your energy just got depleted

Like your stress level just went up

Like you're in danger or vulnerable to unforeseen circumstances

Feeling afraid of being out of control of your situation or your life

Feeling out of control of your thoughts or emotions

Like your self-confidence just went lower.

Like you have a heavy burden on your shoulders

Like hiding in a corner.

Like giving up

Do you recognize how the feeling of worry is ruining the quality of your inner emotional and physical state and therefore the quality of your life? Do you recognize how this result contradicts what you "believe" about worry (the Summary Statement)? Can these two contradictory statements be simultaneously true? If you're not sure try these two statements: You are sitting down right now You are standing up right now These two conflicting statements are clearly NOT both true at the same time for you are they?


Esteem For The Self Hence the two conflicting statements about worry: A) Worry improves the quality of my life B) Worry reduces the quality of my life Cannot be simultaneously true. When you focus on the experience of worrying that you feel inside while recalling an unpleasant experience involving it do you feel better OR worse. Which statement above A) or B) resonates with what you feel inside?

Most people recognize that worry makes them feel worse whenever they bring it into their bodies. This clearly would make: B) True and A) False. Most people however unconsciously believe that: A) Is True and B) is False In other words most people, without realizing it are choosing to believe that a false statement (i.e. the Summary Statement) about the worry is actually the truth about it.


Esteem For The Self These people are clearly lying to themselves about this without realizing it. If this is you are you aware of how you have been lying to yourself about what it means to accept worry into your life?

If so, do you wish to stop lying to yourself about the need to accept worry into your life? If so, there are three steps to begin freeing yourself from worry: 1) From the Core of Your Self make the following statement sincerely:

“I request that the lie that worry improves the quality of my life be purged from my life forever."

2) Then again from the Core of Your Self make the following statement sincerely:

"I request that all worry and any unconscious beliefs that anchor it in my body be purged from my life forever" 3) Finally, contemplate how you would live your life without worry reducing the quality of your experience and spend some time visualizing this new state of being. Then make the following sincere statement form the Core of Your Self:


Esteem For The Self

“I desire to live my life in this way from now on.

Now notice how you feel inside. If all went well i.e. you followed and understood the exercise step by step and were sincere in your desire to be free of guilt then you might be feeling some or all of the following: You may be feeling a sense of relief, joyful, happy, lighter (both emotionally and physically), feeling more like your real Self, feeling relaxed, having a inner sense of peace, or perhaps noticing that your level of energy has increased. If you've achieved this then I wish to congratulate you on your accomplishment! Occasionally, there may be some unconscious reasons why you may not fully wish to give up worry. In such cases the worry will not be fully cleared from your life. This is often experienced as feelings of residual worry still present inside you as you scan your life. This is the result of other unconsciously held anchoring beliefs holding in the worry that need to be released.

Fear of Rejection Many people accept the fear of rejection into their lives because: •

They believe it will keep them safe from rejection


Esteem For The Self •

They believe that it protects them from becoming emotionally vulnerable

They believe it will protect them from being emotionally hurt

They believe it protects them from getting hurt.

They believe it protects them from being abandoned

They believe it will protect them from being disappointed

They believe it will protect them from feeling bad about themselves

They believe it will protect them from feeling inadequate

They believe it will keep them feeling strong inside

They believe that it will leave them feeling at peace.

Summary Statement: In summary people accept the fear of rejection into their lives because they believe it will improve the overall quality of their lives. Is this what you believe? If so, please go on to Section A. If not, reflect on whether you feel you are still prone to the feeling the fear of rejection in the future. If you feel you are prone then please go on to Section A. If you feel that you are completely free of the fear of rejection then I wish to congratulate you on this truly remarkable accomplishment! You can go on to the next chapter.


Esteem For The Self Section A Recall briefly the last time you experienced the fear of rejection. Notice how the fear of rejection itself makes you feel inside. Do you feel any of the following? •








Like an outcast

Like your self confidence just sank

Like your heart just sank.

Like yourself worth just vanished.

Like your mood just plummeted

Like your energy just got depleted

Like your stress level just went up


Self hate or self disgust.

Like your self-esteem just went lower.

Like avoiding others.

Like hiding in a corner.

Do you recognize how the fear of rejection is ruining the quality of your inner emotional and physical state and therefore the quality of your life?


Esteem For The Self Do you recognize how this result contradicts what you "believe" about the fear of rejection (the Summary Statement)? Can these two contradictory statements be simultaneously true? If you're not sure try these two statements: You are sitting down right now You are standing up right now These two conflicting statements are clearly NOT both true at the same time for you are they? Hence the two conflicting statements about the fear of rejection: A) The fear of rejection improves the quality of my life B) The fear of rejection reduces the quality of my life Cannot be simultaneously true. When you focus on the experience of the fear of rejection that you feel inside while recalling an unpleasant experience involving it do you feel better OR worse? Which statement above A) or B) resonates with what you feel inside?

Most people however unconsciously believe that:


Esteem For The Self A) Is True and B) is False In other words most people, without realizing it are choosing to believe that something (the Summary Statement) false about the fear of rejection is actually the truth about it. These people are clearly lying to themselves about this without realizing it. If this is you are you aware of how you have been lying to yourself about what it means to accept the fear of rejection into your life? If so, do you wish to stop lying to yourself about the need to accept the fear of rejection into your life? If so, there are three steps to begin freeing yourself from the fear of rejection:

1) From the Core of Your Self make the following statement sincerely:

“I request that the lie that the fear of rejection improves the quality of my life be purged from my life forever."

2) Then again from the Core of Your Self make the following statement sincerely:


Esteem For The Self

"I request that all fear of rejection and any unconscious beliefs that anchor it in my body be purged from my life forever"

3) Finally, contemplate how you would live your life without the fear of rejection reducing the quality of your experience and spend some time visualizing this new state of being. Then make the following sincere statement form the Core of Your Self:

“I desire to live my life in this way from now on. Now notice how you feel inside. If all went well i.e. you followed and understood the exercise step by step and were sincere in your desire to be free of the fear of rejection then you might be feeling some or all of the following: You may be feeling a sense of relief, joyful, happy, lighter (both emotionally and physically), feeling more like your real Self, feeling relaxed, having a inner sense of peace, or perhaps noticing that your level of energy has increased . If you've achieved this then I wish to congratulate you on your accomplishment! Occasionally, there may be some unconscious reasons why you may not fully wish to give up the fear of rejection. In such cases the fear of rejection will not be fully cleared from your life. This is often experienced as feelings of residual fear of being rejected


Esteem For The Self still present inside you as you scan your life. This is due to the presence of other unconsciously buried anchoring beliefs that hold the fear in and which need to be addressed.

Fear of Failure Many people accept the fear of failure into their lives because: •

They believe it will keep them from making mistakes

They believe it will protect them from disappointment

They believe it will keep them safe and out of harms way

They believe it will make their life run more smoothly

They believe that they will feel less stressed

They believe that they will feel more at peace

They believe they will be protected from feeling inadequate

They believe it will protect their self esteem, self confidence and self worth

They believe that it will leave them feeling better about themselves

Summary Statement: In summary people accept the fear of failure into their lives because they believe it will improve the overall quality of their lives. Is this what you believe? If so, please go on to Section A.


Esteem For The Self If not, reflect on whether you feel you are still prone to the fear of failure at any time in the future. If you feel you are prone then please go on to Section A. If you feel that you are completely free of the fear of failure then I wish to congratulate you on this truly remarkable accomplishment! You can go on to the next chapter. Section A Recall briefly the last time you felt the fear of failure in something you were attempting to undertake. Notice the fear of failure itself and how it makes you feel inside. Do you feel any of the following? •




Like avoiding doing what you set out to do.





Like your heart just sank.

Like yourself worth just vanished.

Like your mood just plummeted

Like your energy just got depleted

Like your stress level just went up


Self hate or self disgust.


Esteem For The Self •

Like your self-esteem just went lower.

Like giving up

Do you recognize how the fear of failure is ruining the quality of your inner emotional and physical state and therefore the quality of your life? Do you recognize how this result contradicts what you "believe" about the fear of failure (the Summary Statement)? Can these two contradictory statements be simultaneously true? If you're not sure try these two statements: You are sitting down right now You are standing up right now These two conflicting statements are clearly NOT both true at the same time for you are they? Hence the two conflicting statements about the fear of failure: A) The fear of failure improves the quality of my life B) The fear of failure reduces the quality of my life Cannot be simultaneously true.


Esteem For The Self When you focus on the experience of the fear of failure that you feel inside while recalling an unpleasant experience involving it do you feel better OR worse. Which statement above A) or B) resonates with what you feel inside? Most people recognize that the fear of failure makes them feel worse whenever they bring it into their bodies. This clearly would make: B) True and A) False. Most people however unconsciously believe that: A) Is True and B) is False In other words most people, without realizing it are choosing to believe that a false statement (the Summary Statement) about the fear of failure is actually the truth about it. These people are clearly lying to themselves about this without realizing it. If this is you are you aware of how you have been lying to yourself about what it means to accept the fear of failure into your life? If so, do you wish to stop lying to yourself about the need to accept the fear of failure into your life?


Esteem For The Self

If so, there are three steps to begin freeing yourself from the fear of: 1) From the Core of Your Self make the following statement sincerely: “I request that the lie that the fear of failure improves the quality of my life be purged from my life forever." 2) Then again from the Core of Your Self make the following statement sincerely: "I request that all fear of failure and any unconscious beliefs that anchor it in my body be purged from my life forever" 3) Finally, contemplate how you would live your life without the fear of failure reducing the quality of your experience and spend some time visualizing this new state of being. Then make the following sincere statement form the Core of Your Self: “I desire to live my life in this way from now on. Now notice how you feel inside. If all went well i.e. you followed and understood the exercise step by step and were sincere in your desire to be free of the fear of failure then you might be feeling some or all of the following:


Esteem For The Self You may be feeling a sense of relief, joyful, happy, lighter (both emotionally and physically), feeling more like your real Self, feeling relaxed, having a inner sense of peace, or perhaps noticing that your level of energy has increased. If you've achieved this then I wish to congratulate you on your accomplishment!

Need for Approval from Others Many people accept the need for approval from others into their lives because: •

They believe it will validate them and make them feel better

They believe it helps them fit in with the crowd

They believe it protects them from winding up alone

They believe it will guide them to make right decisions

They believe it will give them a sign that they are OK and going in the right direction

They believe it will reinforce their self confidence, self esteem and their sense of self worth

They believe it will make them feel like a good and likeable person

They believe that it will make them feel loved by others

They believe it will make them feel better about themselves

They believe that it protects them from becoming a bad person.


They believe it's what it means to be human.

Esteem For The Self •

They believe it will improve their relationships.

Summary Statement: In summary people accept the need for approval from others into their lives because they believe it will improve the overall quality of their lives. Is this what you believe? If so, please go on to the Section A. If not, reflect on whether you feel you are still prone to feeling the need for approval from others in the future. If you feel you are prone then please go on to Section A. If you feel that you are completely free of the need for approval from others then I wish to congratulate you on this truly remarkable accomplishment! You can go on to the next chapter. Section A Recall briefly the last time you experienced this need for approval and notice how it made you feel inside. Do you feel any of the following? •




Not in control of your own life

Feeling yourself helplessly at the whim of others


Esteem For The Self •









Like your heart just sank

Like yourself worth just vanished

Like your mood just plummeted

Like your energy just got depleted

Like your stress level just went up


Self hate or self disgust.

Like your self-esteem just went lower.

Angry or frustrated


Like rebelling


Do you recognize how the need for approval from others is ruining the quality of your inner emotional and physical state and therefore the quality of your life? Do you recognize how this result contradicts what you "believe" about the need for approval from others (the Summary Statement)?


Esteem For The Self Can these two contradictory statements be simultaneously true? If you're not sure try these two statements: You are sitting down right now You are standing up right now These two conflicting statements are clearly NOT both true at the same time for you are they? Hence the two conflicting statements about the need for approval from others: A) The need for approval from others improves the quality of my life B) The need for approval from others reduces the quality of my life Cannot be simultaneously true. When you focus on the experience of the need for approval from others that you feel inside while recalling an unpleasant experience involving it do you feel better OR worse? Which statement above A) or B) resonates with what you feel inside? Most people recognize that the needing approval from others makes them feel worse whenever they bring it into their bodies.


Esteem For The Self This clearly would make: B) True and A) False. Most people however unconsciously believe that: A) Is True and B) is False In other words most people, without realizing it are choosing to believe that a false statement about the need (the Summary Statement) is actually the truth about it. These people are clearly lying to themselves about this without realizing it. If this is you are you aware of how you have been lying to yourself about what it means to accept the need for approval from others into your life? If so, do you wish to stop lying to yourself about the need to accept the need for approval from others into your life? If so, there are three steps to begin freeing yourself from the need for approval from others: 1) From the Core of Your Self make the following statement sincerely: “I request that the lie that the need for approval from others improves the quality of my life be purged from my life forever."


Esteem For The Self 2) Then again from the Core of Your Self make the following statement sincerely:

"I request that all need for approval from others and any unconscious beliefs that anchor it in my body be purged from my life forever" 3) Finally, contemplate how you would live your life without the need for approval from others reducing the quality of your experience and spend some time visualizing this new state of being. Then make the following sincere statement form the Core of Your Self: “I desire to live my life in this way from now on. Now notice how you feel inside. If all went well i.e. you followed and understood the exercise step by step and were sincere in your desire to be free of the need for approval then you might be feeling some or all of the following: You may be feeling a sense of relief, joyful, happy, lighter (both emotionally and physically), feeling more like your real Self, feeling relaxed, having a inner sense of peace, or perhaps noticing that your level of energy has increased. If you've achieved this then I wish to congratulate you on your accomplishment!


Esteem For The Self

To Love Hurts Many people accept the belief that to love hurts because: •

They believe it will protect them from getting hurt.

They believe that it protects them from being disappointed

They believe it will protect them from being abandoned

They believe it will protect them from repeating old relationship patterns

They believe it will make their life a lot easier

They believe it will leave them feeling safer and more secure

They believe it protects them from being abused.

They believe it will make them a highly moral person.

They believe it will protect them from the ravages of loneliness

They believe it will protect them from becoming dependent or co-dependent on others.

They believe it will leave them feeling more emotionally stable and happy.

Summary Statement: In summary people accept the belief to love hurts because they believe it will improve the overall quality of their lives. Is this what you believe? If so, please go on to Section A.


Esteem For The Self If not, reflect on whether you feel you are still prone to believing that love hurts in the future. If you feel you are prone then please go on to Section A. If you feel that you are completely free of the belief that love hurts then I wish to congratulate you on this truly remarkable accomplishment! You can go on to the next chapter. Section A Recall briefly the last time you believed that to love hurts. Notice the feeling that arises within your Self when you say to yourself "love hurts". Do you feel any of the following? •

Afraid to care about others close to you

Afraid to love others close to you

Feeling like a cold human being

Feeling like an uncaring human being

Feeling isolated

Feeling alone and cut off from others

Feeling life as an empty experience

Feeling sad or depressed

Feeling hopeless

Feeling frustrated and powerless

Feeling deprived of a normal human experience

Feeling like there's something wrong with you

Feeling inadequate or defective


Esteem For The Self •

Feeling desperate for a meaningful connection

Feeling insecure and needy

Like your heart just sank.

Like your mood just plummeted

Like your energy just got depleted

Like your stress level just went up

Shame or embarrassment

Self hate or self disgust.

Like your self-esteem just went lower.

Like avoiding others.

Like not being open and honest with others about your feelings

Do you recognize how the belief to loves hurts is ruining the quality of your inner emotional and physical state and therefore the quality of your life? Do you recognize how this result contradicts what you "believe" about the belief "to love hurts" (the Summary Statement)? Can these two contradictory statements be simultaneously true? If you're not sure try these two statements: You are sitting down right now You are standing up right now These two conflicting statements are clearly NOT both true at the same time for you are they?


Esteem For The Self Hence the two conflicting statements about "love hurts". A) The belief that to love hurts improves the quality of my life B) The belief that to love hurts reduces the quality of my life Cannot be simultaneously true. When you say to yourself "to love hurts" do you feel better OR worse inside? Which statement above A) or B) resonates with what you feel inside? Most people recognize that the belief "to love hurts" makes them feel worse whenever they bring it into their bodies. This clearly would make: B) True and A) False. Most people however unconsciously believe that: A) Is True and B) is False In other words most people, without realizing it are choosing to believe that something (the Summary Statement) false about the statement "to love hurts" is actually the truth about it. These people are clearly lying to themselves about this without realizing it.


Esteem For The Self If this is you are you aware of how you have been lying to yourself about what it means to accept the belief "to love hurts"? If so, do you wish to stop lying to yourself about the need to accept the belief "to love hurts"? If so, there are three steps to begin freeing yourself from the belief that "love hurts": 1) From the Core of Your Self make the following statement sincerely: “I request that the lie that the belief that "to love hurts" improves the quality of my life be purged from my life forever." 2) Then again from the Core of Your Self make the following statement sincerely: "I request that the belief that "to love hurts" and any unconscious beliefs that anchor it in my body be purged from my life forever" 3) Finally, contemplate how you would live your life without the belief “to love hurts" and spend some time visualizing this new state of being. Then make the following sincere statement from the Core of Your Self: “I desire to live my life in this way from now on. Now notice how you feel inside. If all went well i.e. you followed and understood the exercise step by step and were sincere in


Esteem For The Self your desire to be free of the belief "to love hurts" then you might be feeling some or all of the following: You may be feeling a sense of relief, joyful, happy, lighter (both emotionally and physically), feeling more like your real Self, feeling relaxed, having a inner sense of peace, or perhaps noticing that your level of energy has increased. If you've achieved this then I wish to congratulate you on your accomplishment!

I Don't Deserve Happiness Many people accept the belief that they don't deserve happiness into their lives because: •

They believe it will prevent them from becoming disappointed

They believe it protects them from the envy of others

They believe that complaining is a more acceptable way of being with friends

They believe that they will lose their friends

They believe they will wind up alone and miserable

They are afraid they will become apathetic and lose all motivation to do anything

Others have said so and these other people must be right

They are afraid to admit that they really want to be happy

They believe it is not possible to be truly happy always


Esteem For The Self •

They believe happiness is an illusion created by the mind

They will be perceived as selfish and feel like a selfish person

They believe that it protects them from becoming a bad person

They believe it will make them a highly moral person

They believe that being a victim gets more attention from others

They believe others will be more kind and caring towards them

They believe it will prevent them from being alone.

Summary Statement: In summary people accept the belief "I don't deserve happiness" into their lives because they believe it will improve the overall quality of their lives. Is this what you believe? If so, please go on to Section A. If not, reflect on whether you feel you are still prone to believing "I don't deserve happiness" in the future. If you feel you are prone then please go on to Section A. If you feel that you are completely free of the belief "I don't deserve happiness" then I wish to congratulate you on this truly remarkable accomplishment! You can go on to the next chapter.


Esteem For The Self Section A Recall briefly the last time you said to yourself "I don’t deserve happiness". Notice how the statement "I don't deserve happiness" makes you feel inside. Do you feel any of the following? •

Like a bad person

Like an unworthy person

Deprived and cut off from something that you desire more than anything



Like there's something wrong with you that you don't know how to fix or change

Feeling trapped by something that was said about you that you feel cannot be undone

Unhappy or sad

Like you've done something wrong that can't be undone

Like your heart just sank

Like yourself worth just vanished.

Like your mood just plummeted

Like your energy just got depleted

Like your stress level just went up


Self hate or self disgust

Like your self-esteem just went lower

Like an outcast.


Esteem For The Self Do you recognize how the belief “I don't deserve happiness" is ruining the quality of your inner emotional and physical state and therefore the quality of your life? Do you recognize how this result contradicts what you "believe" about the statement "I don't deserve happiness" (the Summary Statement)? Can these two contradictory statements be simultaneously true? If you're not sure try these two statements: You are sitting down right now You are standing up right now These two conflicting statements are clearly NOT both true at the same time for you are they? Hence the two conflicting statements about the statement "I don't deserve happiness": A) The belief "I don't deserve happiness” improves the quality of my life B) The belief "I don't deserve happiness" reduces the quality of my life Cannot be simultaneously true. When you focus on how you feel inside when you say to yourself "I don't deserve happiness" do you feel better OR worse?


Esteem For The Self Which statement above A) or B) resonates with what you feel inside? Most people recognize that the belief "I don't deserve happiness" makes them feel worse whenever they bring it into their bodies. This clearly would make: B) True and A) False. Most people however unconsciously believe that: A) Is True and B) is False In other words most people, without realizing it are choosing to believe that something (the Summary Statement) false about the belief "I don't deserve happiness" is actually the truth about it. These people are clearly lying to themselves about this without realizing it. If this is you are you aware of how you have been lying to yourself about what it means to accept the belief "I don't deserve happiness" into your life?

If so, do you wish to stop lying to yourself about the need to accept the belief "I don't deserve happiness" into your life? If so, there are three steps to begin freeing yourself from this belief: 1) From the Core of Your Self make the following statement sincerely:


Esteem For The Self “I request the lie that the belief "I don't deserve happiness" improves the quality of my life be purged from my life forever." 2) Then again from the Core of Your Self make the following statement sincerely: "I request that the belief “I don't deserve happiness" and any unconscious beliefs that anchor it in my body be purged from my life forever" 3) Finally, contemplate how you would live your life without the belief "I don't deserve happiness" in your body, and spend some time visualizing this new state of being. Then make the following sincere statement form the Core of Your Self: “I desire to live my life in this way from now on. Now notice how you feel inside. If all went well i.e. you followed and understood the exercise step by step and were sincere in your desire to be free of the belief "I don't deserve happiness" then you might be feeling some or all of the following: You may be feeling a sense of relief, joyful, happy, lighter (both emotionally and physically), feeling more like your real Self, feeling relaxed, having a inner sense of peace, or perhaps noticing that your level of energy has increased. If you've achieved this then I wish to congratulate you on your accomplishment!


Esteem For The Self

I'm Responsible for the Happiness of Others Many people accept the belief "I'm Responsible for the Happiness of Others" into their lives because: •

They believe it will make them more lovable or special

They believe it will make them feel like a more loving person

They believe it will make them feel like a better person

They believe it makes them a more moral person

They believe that it will help them make a positive contribution to the world

They believe it will make others happy

It will make them feel like a more valuable person in the eyes of others and in society in general

They believe that they are somehow responsible for the unhappiness of others around them

They believe that it is a way of making up for past slights they may have committed to others

They believe they will be more accepted by others and therefore help them retain family and friends

They believe that it protects them from feeling like a bad person.

They believe it's what it means to be human

They believe it is necessary to make this a better world

They believe it will improve their relationships.


Esteem For The Self Summary Statement: In summary people accept the belief “I’m Responsible for the Happiness of Others" into their lives because they believe it will improve the overall quality of their lives. Is this what you believe? If so, please go on to Section A. If not, reflect on whether you feel you are still prone to the belief “I’m Responsible for the Happiness of Others". If you feel you are prone then please go on to Section A. If you feel that you are completely free of this belief then I wish to congratulate you on this truly remarkable accomplishment! You can go on to the next chapter. Section A Recall briefly the last time you believed or felt “I’m Responsible for the Happiness of Others". Notice how the belief, as you say it to yourself, makes you feel inside. Do you feel any of the following? •

Like a you have a lot of work ahead of you

Like your energy just got drained or depleted


Confused about how you're going to make everyone happy

Torn between the competing and seemingly irresolvable needs of other people


Esteem For The Self •

Frustrated and angry at others for not complying with or listening to you

Wanting to scream at others and tell them that they're not listening to you

Helpless and hopeless

Cynical about other human beings

Like a failure

Like giving up

Like your heart just sank

Like your mood just plummeted

Like your stress level just went

Trapped in something you never wished for

Like avoiding others.

Do you recognize how the belief "I'm Responsible for the Happiness of Others" is ruining the quality of your inner emotional and physical state and therefore the quality of your life? Do you recognize how this result contradicts what you "believe" about the belief “I’m Responsible for the Happiness of Others” (the Summary Statement)? Can these two contradictory statements be simultaneously true? If you're not sure try these two statements: You are sitting down right now You are standing up right now


Esteem For The Self These two conflicting statements are clearly NOT both true at the same time for you are they? Hence the two conflicting statements about the belief “I’m Responsible for the Happiness of Others" A) The belief “I’m Responsible for the Happiness of Others" improves the quality of my life B) The belief “I’m Responsible for the Happiness of Others” reduces the quality of my life Cannot be simultaneously true. When you notice how you feel when you say to yourself “I’m Responsible for the Happiness of Others", do you feel better OR worse. Which statement above A) or B) resonates with what you feel inside? Most people recognize that the belief “I’m Responsible for the Happiness of Others" makes them feel worse whenever they bring it into their bodies. This clearly would make: B) True and A) False. Most people however unconsciously believe that: A) Is True and B) is False


Esteem For The Self In other words most people, without realizing it are choosing to believe that something (i.e. the Summary Statement) false about the belief “I’m Responsible for the Happiness of Others" is actually the truth about it. These people are clearly lying to themselves about this without realizing it. If this is you are you aware of how you have been lying to yourself about what it means to accept the belief “I’m Responsible for the Happiness of Others" into your life?

If so, do you wish to stop lying to yourself about the need to accept the belief “I’m Responsible for the Happiness of Others" into your life? If so, there are three steps to begin freeing yourself from this belief: 1) From the Core of Your Self make the following statement sincerely: “I request that the lie that the belief “I’m Responsible for the Happiness of Others" improves the quality of my life be purged from my life forever." 2) Then again from the Core of Your Self make the following statement sincerely: "I request that the belief “I’m Responsible for the Happiness of Others" and any unconscious beliefs that anchor it in my body be purged from my life forever"


Esteem For The Self 3) Finally, contemplate how you would live your life without the belief “I’m Responsible for the Happiness of Others" and spend some time visualizing this new state of being. Then make the following sincere statement form the Core of Your Self: “I desire to live my life in this way from now on. Now notice how you feel inside. If all went well i.e. you followed and understood the exercise step by step and were sincere in your desire to be free of the belief “I’m Responsible for the Happiness of Others" then you might be feeling some or all of the following: You may be feeling a sense of relief, joyful, happy, lighter (both emotionally and physically), feeling more like your real Self, feeling relaxed, having a inner sense of peace, or perhaps noticing that your level of energy has increased. If you've achieved this then I wish to congratulate you on your accomplishment!

Epilogue Now that you have gone through a number of exercises I trust that you are beginning to get a handle on the way the process works. As I'm sure you recognize the Mind Resonance Process® (MRP) can be used to address all negative beliefs and emotions. . I have taken the liberty to list some others below that you can


Esteem For The Self work on yourself. As you go down the list you will likely become aware of others that lie much deeper within you. Although not addressed here in this volume MRP can more powerfully assist one in erasing the negative memories from which negative thoughts and emotions are derived. If you make an effort to address one or two negative thoughts or emotions each day, in time you will start to see changes in yourself that will amaze you. Expect that your emotional landscape will rapidly start to change. It's useful to have a record of your progress down on paper as you move forward to help you recognize the longer term changes that will take place. This is often the only way to know that the negative emotions and beliefs you release, assuming you are doing the process correctly, are no longer inside of you. As these are released your unconscious past will start to emerge into consciousness awaiting its release. If this happens you may opt to contact me for more personal in depth work that will free you and allow you to step into the present moment in an effortless and powerful manner. The changes you experience will at times be so subtle that only daily surprises at how effortlessly you glide through your day will be the only evidence that you have changed. I think you will know what I mean when you begin to experience this first hand for yourself. As I alluded earlier that the capabilities of the Mind Resonance Process® (MRP) go much farther than simply releasing negative beliefs and emotions.


Esteem For The Self It can also accomplish the following: 1. The erasure/release of single or multiple traumatic memories quickly and easily 2. The erasure/release of generational memories i.e. memories that you inherited in your bio-field from your family and your ancestors 3. The erasure/release of past life memories if these actually exist. 4. The erasure/release, spontaneously and from a distance, of traumatic memories that are shared with a loved one. 5. The erasure/release of large unconsciously stored “period memories” representing emotionally turbulent parts of one's life quickly and easily. 6. It is also currently being studied for its potential to facilitate physical healing.

Some Other Negative Beliefs and Emotions for Processing Fear of Taking Responsibility for My Life I Need Others to Be There for Me Fear of the Unknown Fear of Being Judged by Others I Need to Judge Myself Anger Jealousy Fear of Committing to a Good Relationship


Esteem For The Self

Finally I wish to thank you for having taken the time to raise the level of your Life Force Energy. By doing so you’ve not only empowered yourself but you have also made a significant contribution to the rest of the planet.


Nick Arrizza M.D.


Esteem For The Self


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