Estándares Educativos Nacionales Ingles I, II y III Ciclo (1-9 Grado) Honduras

February 10, 2018 | Author: LuisaPalencia | Category: Reading Comprehension, Human Communication, Linguistics, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Cognition
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Descripción: La secretaria de educación de Honduras creo el Currículo Nacional Básico el cual rige el sistema educativo ...



La Edición original de los Estándares Educativos Nacionales-Ingles, de

1ro. a 9no. Grado, son propiedad de la Secretaría de Educación de Honduras.

Presidencia de la República Secretaría de Estado en el Despacho de Educación Sub Secretaría de Asuntos Técnico Pedagógicos Sub Secretaría de Asuntos Administrativos y Financieros Dirección General de Currículo y Evaluación Sub Dirección General de Educación Básica © Secretaría de Educación Comayagüela, M.D.C. Honduras, C.A. Estándares Educativos Nacionales-Ingles 1ro - 9no grado, Edición año 2011 ISBN:

Revisión Técnico-Gráfico y Pedagógica Neyra Gimena Paz E. Eda Mayra Meza Levis Nohelia Escober Dirección General de Tecnología Educativa

Se prohíbe la reproducción total o parcial de los Estándares Educativos NacionalesIngles de 1ro a 9no grado, por cualquier medio, sin el permiso por escrito de la Secretaría de Educación. Ref. LPI-SEDUC-001-2015 "Impresión y distribución de Textos y Adquisición de Materiales Escolares en el Marco de la Propuesta Curricular del Plan EFA-2015". Financiamiento Fondo Común.





1st - 9th Level




PRESENTATION......................................................................................................................................3 ENGLISH STANDARDS...........................................................................................................................5 ENGLISH STANDARDS MAP..................................................................................................................7 STANDARDS AND COMPONENT...........................................................................................................9 BLOCK, COMPONENT, STANDARD AND INDICATOR PER LEVEL..................................................11 Block 1: Communication. Component 1: Communicate in another language. Students use another language to communicate with others.......................................................11 Block 2: Culture. Component 1: Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures. Students use their understanding of culture to communicate and function appropriately in another culture.............20 Block 3: Connections Component 1: Connect with other disciplines and acquire information. Students use their understanding of another language and culture to reinforce and expand their knowledge of other disciplines and vice versa..................................25 Block 4: Comparisons. Component 1: Develop insight into the nature of language and culture. Students demonstrate an understanding of the similarities, differences and interactions across languages..............................................................................................33 Block 5: Communities. Component 1: Participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world. Students use their knowledge of language and culture to enrich my life and broaden my opportunities............................................................................37


English / Inglés

ESTÁNDARES DE INGLÉS (TRADUCCIÓN).....................................................................................43 MAPA ESTÁNDARES DE INGLÉS......................................................................................................45 ESTÁNDARES Y COMPONENTES.....................................................................................................47 BLOQUE, COMPONENTE, ESTÁNDAR E INDICADOR DE LOGRO..................................................47

BLOQUE 1: Comunicación. COMPONENTE 1: Comunicarse en otra lengua.........................................................................49

BLOQUE 2: Cultura. COMPONENTE 1: Obtiene conocimiento y comprensión de otras culturas.................................53

BLOQUE 3: Conexiones. COMPONENTE 1: Relacionan con otras disciplinas y adquieren información...........................55

BLOQUE 4: Comparaciones. COMPONENTE 1: Desarrolla un enfoque hacia la naturaleza de la lengua extranjera y su cultura..............................................................................59

BLOQUE 5: Comunidades. COMPONENTE 1: Participan en comunidades multilingües en casa y en cualquier otro lugar del mundo........................................................................................51







1st - 9th Level




he Secretaria de Educación, in the process of transforming the National Education System as response to the aspiration of Honduran society embodied in the proposal presented by the Foro Nacional de Convergencia (FONAC), has elaborated the National Educational English Standards for Basic Education that will guide month by month the teacher´s labor in the classroom. The National Educational Standards were made base in the National Curriculum Design for Basic Education for the content area of English. They are align with the National Educational Standards, which has the defined goals of what must be taught and students must achieve during the process of learning. Likewise, the National Education Standards observed a close relationship with the contents of DCNB no scope of any specific literature, so it is recommended the use of multiple resources and texts available, inviting the teachers to be creative and manager in their teaching, thereby seeking to complement a quality educational process. National Education Standards reflect consistency, alignment and gradual approach between the different educational levels and are designed to facilitate the pedagogical practice of teachers in the classroom, providing the information needed to plan, allocate time and work to develop organized content for each week, month and year, and to evaluate the educational process. Being that the effectiveness of this document is a major concern the Secretaria de Educación, it is expected that the use and management on the part of teachers to be directed towards active participation for validation, integrated in a process that allows constructive criticism in achieving the quality of both teaching and learning exercise for students and beneficial to the country’s education quality.


English / Inglés



a Secretaría de Educación, en el marco de la transformación del Sistema Educativo Nacional y en respuesta a las aspiraciones de la sociedad hondureña plasmada en la propuesta presentada por el Foro Nacional de Convergencia (FONAC), ha elaborado los Estándares Educativos Nacionales de Inglés para la Educación Básica que servirán para orientar mes a mes la labor docente en el aula de clase. Los Estándares Educativos Nacionales están elaborados con base en el Diseño Curricular Nacional para la Educación Básica (DCNB) para el área de Inglés. Están además alineados con los Estándares Educativos Nacionales, que son los objetivos que definen lo que se debe enseñar y lo que los alumnos y alumnas deben lograr durante su proceso de aprendizaje. Así mismo, los Estándares Educativos Nacionales observan una relación estrecha con los contenidos del DCNB, sin enmarcarse en ninguna bibliografía específica, por lo que se recomienda el uso de múltiples recursos y textos disponibles en el medio, invitando al docente a ser creativo y gestor en su labor docente, procurando de esa manera complementar un proceso educativo de calidad. Los Estándares Educativos Nacionales reflejan coherencia, alineación y gradualidad entre los diferentes niveles educativos y tienen como finalidad facilitar la práctica pedagógica de los docentes en el aula de clase, brindándole los elementos necesarios para planificar, distribuir el tiempo de trabajo y organizar los contenidos a desarrollar en cada semana, mes y año, así como para evaluar los procesos educativos. Siendo que la efectividad de este documento es una de las mayores preocupaciones de la Secretaría de Educación, se espera que el uso y manejo por parte de los docentes se oriente a la participación activa para su validación, integrándose a un proceso que permita la crítica constructiva en el logro de la calidad, tanto del ejercicio docente como del aprendizaje de los alumnos y alumnas y que redunde en beneficio de la calidad educativa del país.



E n g l i s h



1st - 9th Level



Standards Here are the National Education Standards for English from first to ninth Sub-levels. All blocks and components are distributed in all Sub-levels







1st - 9th Level



STANDARDS AND COMPONENT Block 1: Communication.

Component 1. Communicate in another language.

Standards Standard 1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions (interpersonal). Standard 2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics (interpretive). Standard 3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics (presentational).

Block 2: Culture.

Component 1. Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures.

Standards Standard 1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied. Standard 2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.

Block 3: Connections.

Component 1. Connect with other disciplines and acquire information.

Standards Standard 1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the world language. Standard 2: Students acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language, using technology, print, audiovisual, media, data and human resources (interdisciplinary).


English / Inglés Block 4: Comparisons.

Component 1. Develop insight into the nature of language and culture.

Standards Standard 1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparison of the language studied and their own. Standard 2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.

Block 5: Communities.

Component 1. Participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world.

Standards Standard 1: Students use the world language both within and beyond the school setting. Standard 2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.





1st - 9th Level

Block, Component, Standard and Indicator per Level



Block 1: Communication. Component 1: Communicate in another language. Students use another language to communicate with others. Standard 1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions (interpersonal).

Sub-Level 1

Sub-Level 2

1. Exchange simple greetings and farewells for the correct time of day (e.g., good morning/ afternoon/ evening) (can be pictured activity). 2. Respond to simple oral commands (e.g., line up, sit down, open your note book, get your pencil etc). 3. Use courtesy phrases to express needs and wants, (e.g., May I go to the bathroom please? May I barrow your pencil/eraser, sharpener, ruler please? /Thank you/ You’re welcome). 4. Identify colors, describing school environment (e.g., What color is your pencil? It’s yellow). 5. Identify the days of the week on a calendar up to 31. Answer questions such as: What day is today? / How many days are there in a week? (cardinal numbers). 6. Identify dates, (e.g. birthdays, national celebrations, etc.) using ordinal numbers up to 31. 7. Identify and act out emotions; match feelings with pictures and ask classmates how they feel, (e.g., How do you feel today? I’m happy, I’m sad, I’m fine, I’m sick). 8. Introduce themselves, their family members, and pets (e.g., me, my mother, my father, and my pet, etc). 9. Respond to simple questions about themselves (age, feelings, birthday, etc.) and surroundings (e.g., What is the weather like today? It’s warm/ places in city, right, left, front and back). 1. Give simple commands or instructions to classmates and teacher, (e.g., get in pairs, get in groups of three, underline…, make a circle, highlight…). 2. Identify oneself on the phone. Ask how someone is. (e.g., Julio, hi. This is Maria. How are you?) 3. Express likes and dislikes on a variety of topics (e.g., animals, sports, food, hobbies). 4. Describe routines (e.g., wake up, get up, go to school, go to church, sports, meals). Give time framework (hour, day, month, today, yesterday, tomorrow) for when activities are performed. 5. Ask and respond in simple conversations to questions about peers and teachers (e.g., How are you? Where do you live? What time do you eat lunch? How many family members do you have)? 6. Identify and describe themselves and members of immediate and extended family (e.g., I am tall, my uncle is short, my aunt is blonde). 7. Ask and state location of places and things (e.g., “Where is the zoo? The zoo is behind the park.”).


English / Inglés 1. Expand communicative abilities based on new information (e.g., vacation, activities related to the family, information about student’s community), using there is and there are. 2. Participate in extended exchanges with others using interrogation (e.g., What, When, Which, Where, Who, How many, How much, How and Why, and ask about the school government, artistic groups, sports, favorite musicians, movies, etc). Sub-Level 3

3. Engage in activities that describe future plans (e.g., dream home, ideal vacation, ideal friend, etc). 4. Acquire goods and services through basic communicative skills (e.g., ordering food in a restaurant, purchase goods at a supermarket, purchase at a drug store, at the general stores, school supplies, and others). 5. Exchange opinions, feelings and emotions (e.g., I’m proud, I admire the hero, I hate drugs etc). 6. Accept and decline invitations. 1. Engage in conversational activities based on activities and holidays common to their communities. 2. Use transitional words or phrases to sustain conversations (e.g., First, on the first hand, on the other hand, finally, etc). 3. Give a one sentence opinion about problems in the communities and surrounding areas.

Sub-Level 4

4. Provide and obtain information about ways of solving problems in school, community, and their surroundings. 5. Describe themselves and the members of their family and best friend (e.g., physical features, hobbies and interests, likes and dislikes, and personality traits). 6. Relate the sequence of a story by following the illustrations and saying the key words (e.g., first, second, next, finally, etc). 1. Expand oral abilities based on new information about climate, seasons, school schedule. 2. Exchange opinions about problems in the country (e.g., I think, I believe, In my opinion, etc). 3. Provide three reasons to support an opinion on how to solve current problems that affect the country. 4. Respond to factual and interpretive questions audibly and clearly, varying pace, tone, and stress to enhance meaning.

Sub-Level 5

5. Exchange personal past events and share the biography of a national or international celebrity. 6. Demonstrate an awareness of dialects and regional variations. 7. Respond with simple, appropriate social expressions with correct grammar (e.g., “I have hunger” vs. “I am hungry”, “It makes cold” vs. “It is cold out”). 8. Relate the sequence of a movie video without the sound. 9. Identify customs from target cultures that have been assimilated to daily life in the U.S. (e.g., Taco Bell, Piñata at parties).





1st - 9th Level

1. Read a newspaper article and respond orally to express an opinion about the topic.



2. Provide three reasons, orally, using evidence from a text, to support an opinion about a problem in the global community. 3. Write questions on a particular topic to use in an oral interview (e.g., classmate, guest speaker). 4. Follow instructions (building a paper boat, an invitation card, a recipe, etc). Sub-Level 6

5. Express personal preferences to agree or disagree with someone else’s opinion (e.g., express approval, disapproval, wants, preferences, ask and answer what one likes best, give and respond to compliments). 6. Predict a sequence of events (e.g., preview video without sound and write own dialog). 7. Listen to a debate (e.g., the value of specific cultural traditions) and draw conclusions based on the information provided. 1. Initiate and maintain discussions where some responses may be unpredictable (e.g., scenarios).

Sub-Level 7

2. Provide an opinion on topics of social and personal interest (e.g., music, literature, the arts, and the sciences) and support with details and examples. 3. Engage in extended conversations on a variety of topics. 4. Critique information presented visually (through art, drama, etc). 5. Develop a logical argument on the advantages and disadvantages of a proposed course of action (e.g., the year-round school, lowing the age for getting a driver’s license to 15). 1. Listen to oral language (e.g., interview, broadcast, lecture, etc.) and restate the facts presented. 2. Ask questions to reveal another’s opinion/belief on a topic (e.g., environmental issues) and why they think the way they do (e.g., What do you think about…? Why do you think so…?).

Sub-Level 8

3. Sequence items (presented visually) using transitional words or phrases (to sustain conversations). 4. Persuade others to accomplish a given task (and give supporting details). 5. Analyze and critique current events (e.g., social/ political/ music, literature, artistic performance, etc). 6. Debate both sides of an issue (from a book, a magazine, a newspaper, etc.) developing a logical argument. 7. Connect a common idiomatic expression with its literal meaning (e.g., “I know it like the back of my hand.” “It’s raining cats and dogs.”). 1. Use formulaic expressions appropriately (e.g., state and accept an apology according to the severity of the situation by using appropriate phrases and intonation: “I’m so sorry.”). 2. Verbally distinguish between the roles of members in a community (e.g., a principal has a different role from teachers and students, a priest has different roles from the parishioners).

Sub-Level 9

3. Provide information about future plans and hopes (e.g., I’ll go to La Ceiba next weekend. / I hope the climate will improve). 4. Predict and narrate possible future events in a short story. 5. Describe cause and effect (e.g., If I get a scholarship, I’ll buy a computer). 6. Compare and contrast past and current information on a variety of topics. 7. Comprehend the main idea of an oral discourse, asking and answering questions about it. 8. Describe past situations that are not longer true (e.g., We used to live in a big city. Now we all live in a peaceful and quiet town).


English / Inglés Block 1: Communication. Component 1: Students understand what others are trying to communicate in another language. Standard 2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics (Interpretive).

Sub-Level 1

Sub-Level 2


1. Listen and respond appropriately to greetings, farewells and statements of feelings. 2. Listen to simple questions and commands on classroom topics by responding correctly either orally or physically (e.g., Where is the trash can? Student says, “The trash can is in the corner” or points to the trash can). 3. Recognize classroom objects in oral and written forms (e.g., clock, door, pencil sharpener). 4. Orally supply missing word(s) to a song, rhyme, game or story at correct time (e.g., Twinkle, twinkle little_____). 5. Use pictures to tell the sequence of simple stories. 6. Listen to, imitate and use gestures in simple songs, rhymes and stories (whenever possible they should be culturally authentic). 7. Identify letters, symbols, or common characters in alphabetic, phonetic or syllabic systems. 8. Recognize beginning letters of posted classroom words. 9. Comprehend the main idea of orally related personal anecdotes, songs, rhymes, familiar fairy tales and other narratives (familiar and/or culturally related) based on well known age appropriate themes. 10. Comprehend the main idea in highly illustrated texts in which cognates, repetition, predictability and rhythm are used (stories, simple advertisements and/or other literacy sources). 11. Compare differences between opposites (e.g., tall/short, big /small, black/white). 12. Read aloud familiar words demonstrating initial awareness of pronunciation, interaction, and stress. 13. Make connections between illustrations and simple written texts (e.g., use picture dictionary, match illustrations with short phrases or sentences). 14. Find key words in songs, rhymes, stories or games. 1. Comprehend culture based material, listening to and imitating simple songs, rhymes and stories. 2. Understand and use interaction, pronunciation and stress (e.g., recites aloud). 3. Decode new vocabulary using contextual clues from previous knowledge (e.g., “The dog is inside the house.”). 4. Elaborate on a simple picture dictionary. 5. Read aloud a familiar short story with correct intonation and pronunciation (e.g., language ladder or simple rhymes). 6. Retell the main storyline after reading a short narrative text (magazines, advertisements, newspapers, books, etc). 7. Listen to an announcement and identify the main idea using contextual clues. 8. Understand and follow five steps directions for classroom activities (e.g., origami, handcraft, etc). 9. Read and demonstrate comprehension by acting out a fable using creativity in terms of staging, customs, values, etc.




1st - 9th Level

1. Read aloud authentic materials (newspapers, magazines, advertisements, etc.) with correct intonation, pronunciation and stress.



2. Demonstrate understanding of written or oral text by summarizing or paraphrasing (e.g., setting, characters, plot etc). 3. Read simple texts in target language and answer simple questions (e.g., weather report, travel poster or brochure, T.V. Guide, etc). 4. Use primary bilingual dictionary, picture dictionary or glossary to access information. Sub-Level 3

5. Obtain information from short messages (oral or written) (e.g., invitations, directions, announcements, appointments). 6. Predict the plot of a story after looking a sequence of illustrations. 7. Read a text and identify features such as: title, table of contents, chapters, headings, diagrams, charts, glossaries, and indexes. 8. Read and prepare simple activities involving a series of steps (e.g., recipe, science experiment, etc). 9. Read and perform a short simple story using creativity and imagination in terms of staging, customs, values, and characterization. 10. Use a variety of idioms appropriately both in speech and writing. 1. Read and respond to a variety of texts (designing a poster, making a graph, etc). 2. Express viewpoints on newspaper articles and other non-fiction texts, etc. 3. Summarize and establish sequence in a familiar event (e.g., a soccer game). 4. Explore cultural components of Internet (where available).

Sub-Level 4

5. Read and respond to poetic texts by writing a rhyming poem (e.g., nonsense rhyming, the diamond poem). 6. Predict the development of a story after reading the title or looking at illustrations. 7. Read and indentify the main idea in authentic texts. 8. Listen to an oral text and answer questions regarding main idea, setting, and characters. 9. Read aloud familiar and unfamiliar texts with fluency and competent delivery. 1. Write a narrative on a current issue. 2. Read and respond creatively to texts by performing a play. 3. Examine and discuss socio-cultural elements represented in text (e.g., values, attitudes and beliefs). 4. Identify the tone, mood, and/ or point of view of speakers.

Sub-Level 5

5. Create a class bulletin board on a theme using visual images, quotes, and personal writing. 6. Read and summarize a story. 7. Identify organizational features of texts (e.g., paragraphs, diagrams, titles, headings, table of contents, references). 8. Read and identify organizational features in magazines and newspapers. 9. Use a variety of idioms, both in speech and writing.


English / Inglés 1. Read and comprehend unfamiliar texts using contextual clues and words with more than one meaning (scientific articles, business articles). 2. Present a brief report on a current event. 3. Read a text and represent it creatively (e.g., comic strips, play, video, etc). Sub-Level 6

4. Use the dictionary to determine the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary (idioms and words with multiple meanings). 5. Obtain and use information through different media sources. 6. Use authentic documents to read and compare costs of goods and services in the home (e.g., gasoline, food, shelter, etc). 7. Examine and discuss social cultural elements within larger communities. 8. Compare and contrast the motives of characters in a work of fiction 1. Read a piece of literature and show comprehension through identifying the different elements of literature (setting, plot, characters, etc). 2. Read aloud plays and poetry with fluency and confident delivery. 3. Infer a writer’s assumptions, purpose, or point of view (e.g., in an editorial from a popular newspaper, stories, etc).

Sub-Level 7

4. Analyze recurrent themes across literary works. 5. Analyze purpose, social context and tone of spoken and written discourse (a coach pep talk, a presidential candidate speech, etc). 6. Interpret and explain the significance of information presented visually. 7. Respond to a series of instructions that involve interrelated tasks (e.g., how to set a cell phone, how to text message, how to open an account). 1. Recognize multiple meaning of words and apply them to different texts. 2. Read and identify the different elements in non-fiction texts (e.g., in business communication).

Sub-Level 8

3. Analyze information presented (e.g., in resumes and cover letters). 4. Read literature (e.g., stories, folktales, etc.) and apply skills of critical analysis. 5. Read a poem and demonstrate understanding through various tasks (e.g., identifying the theme, the pattern, etc). 6. Read an authentic historical text and relate it to the present. 1. Recognize multiple meanings of words and apply them to different academic settings (technical schools, teachings schools, computer system schools, accounting schools, etc). 2. Establish contact with school or person via the Internet, or business letters. 3. Analyze a variety of rhetorical styles found in writing (e.g., contracts, warranties, manuals, informational materials, etc).

Sub-Level 9

4. Analyze the features and rhetorical devices of at least two types of documents intended for the general public (e.g., notices, signs, ads, newspapers, magazines, junk mail promotions, etc). 5. Read material and analyze how clarity is affected by patterns of organization, repetition of key ideas, syntax and word choice. 6. Do research on (investigate) a particular content area and write and revise a paper which contains all the required elements of research papers (e.g., introduction, thesis statement, body parts, supporting details, evidence from various sources, conclusion, etc).





1st - 9th Level

Block 1: Communication Component 1: Communicate in another language. Students present information, concepts and ideas in another language in a way that is understood.



Standard 3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics (Presentational).

Sub-Level 1

1. Identify and pronounce proper nouns (e.g. own name and classmates). 2. Identify and label vocabulary connected to the lesson theme (personal introduction and items in the classroom). 3. Complete simple sentences, phrases and/or short dialogues to accompany illustrations. 4. Talk about pictures from simple stories, rhymes or songs (sequence in a story). 5. Predict events in a story. 6. Trace, copy words or characters from various sources (follow writing strategies employed in the L1) 7. Begin to write familiar words, phrases and simple sentences in a meaningful context (school items, objects in the classroom and at home). 8. Perform short conversations on topics related to school, community and home. 9. Use information from a text or oral story to show sequence. 10. Label pictures, diagrams, or charts. 11. Collaborate with the teacher creating a story. 12. Spell common words correctly and take written dictation. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Sub-Level 2

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Spell common words correctly and take written dictation. Speak about situations related to the lesson theme. Write simple sentences related to the lesson theme. Illustrate and discuss the beginning, middle, and ending of a story through pictures and short sentences. Dramatize a fable and write a sentence about each part. Predict events using pictures from news papers. Participate in posting illustrations or pictures with captions for the student bulletin board. Use a picture dictionary to create an alphabet based on a theme (e.g., food alphabet, animal alphabet, cultural alphabet, etc). Write simple descriptive sentences given simple situations, (e.g., John is tall, short).

1. Spell common words correctly and take written dictation. 2. Create and perform short skits, puppet shows and role play. 3. Produce and use basic print, capitalization and punctuation conventions (e.g., in English no inverted Spanish question marks, quotation marks, upper case for days of the week, etc). Sub-Level 3

4. Write short narrative paragraphs (e.g., concrete topics about themselves). 5. Begin to write for different purposes (e.g. the writing of a letter). 6. Write and record a message (e.g., advertisement, weather reports, phone messages, etc). 7. Summarize orally the plot of a folktale (e.g., the beginning, the middle, and the end). 8. Complete text based on words from a known story using a word bank.


English / Inglés 1. Take written dictation on unfamiliar text that is orthographically predictable. 2. Engage in writing about chronology (own life story or someone else’s, more than one paragraph). 3. Write informative texts (poster, news paper article). Sub-Level 4

4. Follow and understand written instructions (simple instructions in manuals, writing a recipe). 5. Write a personal letter with key words (e.g., Dear…, Sincerely, Yours Truly, Love, etc). Prepare envelopes. 6. Write descriptions using posters or different scenarios. 7. Engage in the writing and discussion of stories. 8. Write, review, and edit own writing with teacher guidance. 1. Write, review, and edit own writing with teacher guidance. 2. Write a personal letter following letter writing conventions. 3. Create and present short plays that show creativity and use of vocabulary.

Sub-Level 5

4. Prepare and present brief reports on a variety of topics (e.g., weather commercial, etc.) using different types of formats (e.g., brochures, diagrams, travel posters, etc). 5. Identify in narrative texts the setting, main characters and events according to chronological appearance. 6. Write a letter to the editor following the conventions for this type of writing. 1. Write, review, and edit own writing with support from peers. 2. Write responses to short newspaper articles or other news events presented in the target language. 3. Create written journals in response to teacher prompt (introduction to the five paragraph essay).

Sub-Level 6

4. Take notes from recorded phone messages. 5. Take notes from teachers lectures. 6. Write personal letters and emails. 7. Write a business letter identifying problems to somebody in a position of authority. 8. Respond in writing to personal questions. 1. Fill in authentic forms (e.g., magazine subscriptions, invitations, Internet forms where available). 2. Write and act out a commercial with a group. 3. Write brief paraphrases and summaries on teacher-given topics.

Sub-Level 7

4. Narrate/give an oral report in present, past and future tenses. 5. Represent information visually. 6. Design announcements. 7. Write and present an original story. 8. Propose solutions to problems (e.g., write a business letter, an email, a letter to the Editor of a newspaper, etc).





1st - 9th Level

1. 2. 3. 4.

Sub-Level 8

Sub-Level 9

Identify main ideas in short texts (e.g., articles, stories, etc). Extract information from non-fiction texts (e.g., timetables, menus, advertisements, etc). Write letters to news papers in response to editorials or news events. Write an editorial or opinion based on teacher-designed topic or real-world situation (e.g., why people should vote for a particular person, etc). 5. Create an original poem and illustrate it (on a poster). 6. Write a narrative or description on a given topic (e.g., an account of an event, a problem, etc). 7. Take detailed notes on topics presented orally and in writing. 8. Retell events (sequencing) of video or lectures using detailed notes. 9. Write a well-organized 5 paragraph essay with supporting details. 10. Proofread and peer-edit essays with the use of developed rubrics and indicators. 11. Prepare and give oral presentations taking into account target audience (use introduction, three supporting details, and a conclusion). 12. Write different types of business communication.



1. Identify and understand organizational elements of writing (e.g., titles, paragraphs, bibliography). 2. Write a well-organized composition (including introduction, body paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting details, and conclusion). 3. Complete, online (where available), authentic forms and documents (e.g., passport, job application). 4. Write and proofread essays paying attention to the macro issues of compositions. 5. Engage in the writing of a research paper, following the requirements of research (quality of sources and citing sources). 6. Give a formal, well-organized, and sustained oral presentation on research done. 7. Give speeches on various topics (e.g., about their academic plans using specialized vocabulary).


English / Inglés Block 2: Culture. Component 1: Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures. Students use their understanding of culture to communicate and function appropriately in another culture. Standard 1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.

Sub-Level 1

1. Respond to cultural expressions and gestures for greetings and farewells in appropriate social situations (e.g., good morning, good afternoon, good night, good evening, goodbye). 2. Introduce oneself (e.g., Hi, Hello, What is your name? My name is…) in culturally appropriate ways (e.g., shaking hands). 3. Participate in cultural activities and traditions (e.g., fairs, birthdays, Independence Day, etc).Match animals with sounds perceived by target culture (e.g., rooster says “cocka doodle do” in English and “Quiquiriqui” in Spanish). 4. Name and experience foods and eating customs of the target culture (e.g., typical foods, table manners, etc).

Sub-Level 2

1. Respond with fluency to cultural expressions and gestures for greetings and farewells in appropriate social situations (e.g., to introduce another person, How are you? I’m fine, thank you. You’re welcome). 2. Give introductions of oneself and others. 3. Participate in cultural activities and traditions (e.g., fairs, birthdays, Independence Day, etc). 4. Listen and respond/react to stories, songs, and rhymes of the Honduran culture and the target culture. 5. Respond to routine courtesy exchanges (e.g., use polite language). 1. Respond with appropriate cultural expressions and gestures for greetings and farewells in appropriate social situations and use in classroom routines. 2. Make a list to plan and participate in cultural activities established on the civic calendar.

Sub-Level 3

3. Read and rewrite stories, songs, and rhymes of the Honduran culture and target culture noting similarities and differences between cultures. 4. Organize and sequence stories and folktales from target culture through pictures. 5. Identify chores of each member of the family in the target culture. 6. Name and identify capitals and major topographical features of countries from target culture(s) on maps written in target language (e.g. map of central America, rivers, ports, volcanoes, lakes, etc). 1. Make a request in a variety of social situations (e.g., asking for help, asking an adult for permission). 2. Identify chores of each member of the family in the Honduran culture and compare with traditional tasks and chores of those in the target culture. 3. Demonstrate understanding that families meet basic needs in a variety of ways across cultures.

Sub-Level 4

4. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the history and geography and the people of the Honduran culture and those in the target culture. 5. Identify and participate in sport activities and/or recess games typical of the Honduran culture and those of the target culture. 6. Describe natural-ecological, cultural, archeological and engineering achievements, and/or symbols of the Honduran culture and the target culture. 7. Describe (and participate in, if possible) cultural activities and traditions typical of the target culture.





1st - 9th Level

Sub-Level 5

1. Ask orally and write a polite request in a variety of social situations (e.g., asking for help, asking an adult for permission, sending an email to a person in authority vs. a friend, etc). 2. List, explain and compare chores of each member of the family in the Honduran culture and compare with traditional tasks and chores of those in the target culture. 3. Demonstrate with examples an understanding that families meet basic needs in a variety of ways. 4. Illustrate a basic knowledge of the history and geography and the people of the Honduran culture and those of the target culture. 5. Explain how to play (process and rules), and participate in sport activities and/or recess games typical the target culture. 6. Share information about natural-ecological, cultural, archeological, engineering achievements and/or symbols from the target culture (include meanings, materials, dates, etc). 7. Explain a cultural activity or tradition from the target culture.

Sub-Level 6

1. Make a formal request in a variety of social situations (e.g., writing for help to a newspaper, or asking for permission to government agencies, etc). 2. Identify chores of school members and the local government members in the Honduran culture and the target culture. 3. Explain how families meet basic needs in a variety of ways. 4. Use maps and timelines to show the history and geography of the target culture. 5. Teach others to play games played in the target culture. 6. Prepare a report about a natural-ecological, cultural, archeological and/or engineering achievement in the target culture. 7. Share how the target culture practices a cultural activity and/or tradition and why.



1. Support an opinion statement with evidence (e.g., on how the roles of men and women and their occupations are changing). 2. Identify the economic situation of the Honduran culture and its position in the global economy in relation to the target culture. 3. Identify subcultures within the target culture and chart out the characteristics of the groups (e.g., use food, language, etc). Sub-Level 7

4. Identify various values reflected in food, clothing and shelter in the target culture. 5. Describe cultural activities and traditions. 6. Describe attitudes toward money in the target culture. 7. Identify practices and beliefs with regard to body hygiene. 8. Identify and name political leaders from the target culture (e.g., President of the USA, Prime Mister of the UK, etc). 9. Exchange opinions with classmates on social issues from the target culture. 1. Compare and contrast two things (e.g., the roles of men and women and their occupations in various countries). 2. Compare and contrast various subcultures within the target cultures studied. 3. Identify and describe various values reflected in food, clothing and shelter in various cultures. 4. Compare and contrast similarities and differences between various cultural activities and traditions.

Sub-Level 8

5. Explain how money is used in the target culture. 6. Compare and contrast practices and beliefs with regard to body hygiene between various cultures. 7. Identify and name forms of government (e.g., democracy, monarchy, etc.) and political leaders from the target culture. 8. Make hypotheses with classmates on what will happen if social issues are not dealt with around the world. 9. Identify the economic situation of the target culture and its position in the global economy.


English / Inglés

Sub-Level 9


1. Based on a criteria for selection, make a choice between two options and provide supporting details for the choice. 2. Investigate a subculture in the target culture and prepare a short report (orally and/or in writing). 3. Explain how food, clothing and shelter are represented in the target culture in short oral and written reports. 4. Plan and carry out a cultural festival including an agenda of events and a description of the various cultural practices of the target culture. 5. Describe the monetary system in the target culture. 6. Provide recommendations for dealing with cultural differences about beliefs and practices with regard to body hygiene. 7. Compare and contrast various forms of government and the views of leaders in the target culture(s). 8. Give recommendations for solutions to problems and social issues from around the world. 9. Describe the economic situation of the target culture and its position in the global economy.




1st - 9th Level

Block 2: Culture. Component 1: Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures. Students use their understanding of culture to communicate and function appropriately in another culture.



Standard 2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied.

Sub-Level 1

Sub-Level 2

1. 2. 3. 4.

Listen and respond/react to stories, songs, and rhymes from the target culture. Participate in the creation of a group story from a cultural theme. Identify flags and symbols of the target culture. Name some Honduran holidays and /or festivals which the country has in common with the target culture. 5. Dramatize simplified authentic folktales from the target culture. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Listen to and retell stories from the target culture. Participate in children’s traditional games from the target culture (e.g., Duck Duck Goose). Listen and respond/react to stories, songs, and rhymes of the target culture. Dramatize simplified authentic folktales from the target culture. Create a calendar with Honduran and target culture’s holidays.

1. Name and explain the significance of some of the target culture’s holidays and/or festivals. 2. Dramatize simplified authentic folktales and stories. 3. Identify artwork (visual and performing arts) as reflection of the target culture. Sub-Level 3

4. Celebrate selected holidays with games, dances, food, songs, etc. 5. Recognize and label foods and crafts from the target culture. 6. Identify and name selected commercial establishments in the target culture (e.g., role play shopping). 1. Match sport activities and/or recess games with pictures typical of the target culture. 2. Identify natural-ecological, cultural, archeological engineering achievements, and/or symbols of the target culture.

Sub-Level 4

3. Identify cultural activities, traditions, celebrations, etc. from the target culture (and participate in them if possible). 4. Read and respond to simple comprehension questions information found in cookbooks, folktales, and short stories on a variety of cultural holidays and festivals. 1. Identify and participate in sport activities and/or recess games typical of the target culture. 2. Describe natural-ecological, cultural, archeological, engineering achievements and/or symbols of the target culture.

Sub-Level 5

3. Identify cultural activities and traditions from the target culture and prepare informational bulletins regarding these activities. 4. Identify and discuss significant individuals/heroes and events in the target culture. 5. Write recipes and cookbooks for meals in the target culture and include ingredients and measurements from the target culture. 1. Explain the rules for sports activities and/or recess games typical of the target culture.

Sub-Level 6

2. Research and report on a natural-ecological, cultural, archeological, engineering achievements and/or symbols of the target culture. 3. Ask and answer questions regarding cultural activities and traditions of the target culture. 4. Present an oral or written report on a cultural topic (e.g., dishes used in holiday celebrations, clothing, dance, roles and responsibilities of participants, etc).


English / Inglés

Sub-Level 7

1. Read directions (e.g., to learn to play a new game). 2. Use different media (written sources and technology) to increase understanding of the target culture. 3. Expand knowledge and use of idiomatic expressions. 4. Describe the use of money in the target culture. 5. Use appropriate etiquette in public places, at school, etc. (role play). 6. Identify music and musicians in the target culture.

Sub-Level 8

1. Teach others to do something (e.g., play a game or to participate in a cultural activity, dance, etc). 2. Use different media (written sources and technology) to research information regarding the target culture. 3. Expand knowledge and use of idiomatic expressions. 4. Recognize use of slang in conversations and text. 5. Explain how to convert currency into the money of the target culture. 6. Use appropriate etiquette with persons of different ages and status, in public places, at school, etc. 7. Identify and analyze the role of music and television in showcasing attitudes and values in the target culture (e.g., youth, white teeth, in USA). 1. Participate in cultural activities and traditions. 2. Use different media (written sources and technology) to present information regarding the target culture.

Sub-Level 9

3. Expand knowledge and use of idiomatic expressions. 4. Recognize use of slang, dialectics, and regionalisms in conversations and in writing. 5. Describe attitudes and spending habits of the target culture. 6. Use appropriate etiquette in phone conversations, public places, at school, etc. 7. Summarize a story and/or movie from the target culture.





1st - 9th Level

Block 3: Connections Component 1: Connect with other disciplines and acquire information. Students use their understanding of another language and culture to reinforce and expand their knowledge of other disciplines and vice versa.



Standard 1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the world language. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Sub-Level 1

Count, recognize, represent, name, and order a number of objects (up to 31). (MATH) Match and identify numbers on timeline and calendar. (MATH) Count and use numbers from 0 to 31. (MATH) Identify and classify objects by attributes (e.g., color, shape, etc). (MATH/ART) Identify the different parts of the clock. (MATH) Ask and provide basic personal information such as name, age, address and telephone number. (MATH) 7. Name the seven days of week and 12 months of the year in correct order. (MATH) 8. Match animals with their foods, homes, body parts, etc. (SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES) 9. Identify the four seasons relating weather expressions to each one (e.g., “It’s cold in the winter.”). (SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES) 10. Make connections between months, seasons and holidays. (SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES) 11. Describe the environment according to the 5 senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch). (SCIENCE) 12. Repeat names of different types of homes or habitats from models and illustrations (e.g., “house,” “nest”). (SCIENCE) 13. Identify eight colors using, pictures, children’s clothing and related items. (ART) 14. Use vocabulary learned from songs about colors, numbers, alphabet, body parts, shapes, seasons, greetings, etc. (MUSIC) 15. Copy the English alphabet legibly, and read the letters aloud. (LANGUAGE ARTS) 16. Follow simple directions through total physical response for activities typical of a physical education class (e.g., jump, run in place, crab walk, etc). (PHYSICAL EDUCATION) 17. Demonstrate contrasts between slow and fast speeds while using loco motor skills. (PHYSICAL EDUCATION) 18. Follow rules, such as sharing and taking turns, and know the consequences of breaking them. (SOCIAL STUDIES) 19. Associate sounds of different modes of transportation with pictures (e.g., “Which goes choo choo?”) (SOCIAL STUDIES)


English / Inglés 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sub-Level 2

Count from 0 – 31, match and identify numbers on timeline and calendar. (MATH) Count and use numbers from 0 to 50 and use numbers in arithmetical operations. (MATH) Match the different parts of the clock. (MATH) Identify and classify objects by attributes. (MATH/SCIENCE) Ask and provide basic personal information such as name, age, address and telephone number. (MATH / SOCIAL STUDIES / LANGUAGE ARTS) 6. Match animals with their foods, homes, body parts, etc. (SCIENCE /SOCIAL STUDIES) 7. Name seven days of the week and the 12 months of the year in correct order. (MATH) 8. Identify the four seasons relating weather expressions to each one. (SCIENCE) 9. Organize the months into seasons and include holidays (e.g., “Christmas is celebrated in December.”) (SOCIAL STUDIES) 10. Classify and describe in simple words living and nonliving things of the environment. (SCIENCE) 11. Match homes or habitats to animals in illustrated scenes using phrases or chunks of language (e.g., “bee hive,” “in a pond”). (SCIENCE / SOCIAL STUDIES) 12. Identify primary colors and tell how to create secondary colors. (ART) 13. Identify authentic instruments of national culture (tambourine, drum, maracas, wooden key, rattle, bells). (MUSIC) 14. Write a few words or phrases about an event or character from a story read by the teacher. (LANGUAGE ARTS) 15. Follow complex directions through total physical response for activities typical of a physical education class (e.g., jump around the court yard, run in different speeds, jump rope etc). (PHYSICAL EDUCATION) 16. Create shapes at high, medium, and low levels by using hands, arms, torso, feet, and legs in a variety of combinations. (ART) 17. Match puzzle-type shapes and places of five or six regions or countries of target culture on primary map of the world. 18. Identify modes of transportation from visually supported rhymes or chants (e.g., “The Wheels on the Bus”). (SOCIAL STUDIES) 19. Speak and write about situations related to children’s rights. (SOCIAL STUDIES) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sub-Level 3


Count to 100 by 1’s, 5’s, and 10’s. (MATH) Count and identify foreign currency. (MATH/SOCIAL STUDIES) Classify foods according to colors, shapes and food groups. (HEALTH/SCIENCE /MATH/ART) Tell time in the target language. (MATH) Ask and provide personal and family information such as name, age, address and telephone number. (LANGUAGE ARTS /SOCIAL STUDIES) 6. Match animals with their foods, homes, body parts, etc. (SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES) 7. Name seven days of week and 12 months of the year in correct order. (MATH) 8. Identify the four seasons relating weather expressions to each one. (SCIENCE) 9. Make connections between months, seasons and holidays. (SOCIAL STUDIES/SCIENCE) 10. Classify animals by type, diet, habitat, body parts, etc. (SCIENCE) 11. Describe different types of homes or habitats from illustrated scenes using phrases or short sentences. (SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES) 12. Describe in the target language original works of arts. (ART) 13. Name at least 10 different musical instruments of the target language. (MUSIC) 14. Select right answer to factual comprehension questions about stories. (LANGUAGE ARTS) 15. List from five to eight sport terms of the target language (soccer, basketball, baseball, etc). (PHYSICAL EDUCATION) 16. Identify and describe parts of the body: the head, shoulders, neck, back, chest, waist, hips, arms, elbows, wrists, hands, fingers, legs, knees, ankles, feet, and toes. (HEALTH/ SCIENCE / PHYSICAL EDUCATION) 17. Place on a map pictures of people of specific regions according to their clothing, race, life styles, etc. (SOCIAL STUDIES) 18. Match pictures of modes of transportation with descriptive statements (e.g., “Airplanes go fast.”). (SOCIAL STUDIES) 19. Describe different types of homes or habitats from illustrated scenes using phrases or short sentence. (SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES)




1st - 9th Level

Sub-Level 4

1. Count to 100 by 1’s, 5’s, and 10’s. Odd and even numbers. (MATH) 2. Count and identify for foreign currency and make simple conversions. (MATH/SOCIAL STUDIES) 3. Classify foods according to colors, shapes and food groups. (HEALTH/SCIENCE /MATH/ ART) 4. Recognize emotional facial expressions through the use of pictures (e.g., “He’s happy.”). (SOCIAL STUDIES / ART) 5. Provide personal information from the immediate environment using simple words and functional language. (LANGUAGE ARTS) 6. Match animals with their foods, homes, body parts, and place them on a map by region. (SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES) 7. Make connections between months, seasons and national holidays. (SOCIAL STUDIES) 8. Design some simple rules to take care of the environment within the school (e.g., reduce, reuse, recycle). (SCIENCE) 9. Identify and list colors, shades, tones and texture to create a collage. (ART) 10. Describe simple patterns found in music. (MUSIC) 11. Create simple sentences or phrases with some assistance. (LANGUAGE ARTS) 12. Identify common positions of the different sport teams of the target language. (PHYSICAL EDUCATION) 13. Use prepositional phrases by demonstrating under, over, behind, next to, though, right, left, up, down, forward, backward, and in front of by using the body and an object. (LANGUAGE ARTS) 14. Match simple descriptions of work that people do and the names of related jobs at the school, in the local community, and from historical accounts. (SOCIAL STUDIES) 15. Pair modes of transportation with their environment (e.g., “Jets fly in the air,”) based on pictures and oral directions. (SCIENCE)

Sub-Level 5

1. Count and use numbers between 0 and 1000 to do the four operations (add, subtract, multiply and divide). (MATH) 2. Describe and classify geometric shapes. (MATH) 3. Use adjectives that express personal emotions to write short sentences. (HEATH/SOCIAL STUDIES/ LANGUAGE ARTS) 4. Provide personal information from the immediate environment using key words and functional language. (LANGUAGE ARTS) 5. Match animals with their foods, homes, body parts, and place them by region. (SCIENCE / SOCIAL STUDIES) 6. Make connections between months, seasons and American holidays. (SOCIAL STUDIES) 7. Make a list to of rules to take care of the environment within the community. (SCIENCE/ HEALTH) 8. Recognize characteristics/ style of three to five famous artists and draw or paint a picture with your style. (ART) 9. Recognize characteristics of three to five famous musicians and use key vocabulary (e.g., jazz, classical, pop, rock, hip hop, blues, etc). (MUSIC) 10. Identify different characters and settings in simple literacy texts by using words or phrases. (LANGUAGE ARTS) 11. List some physical activities that are enjoyable and challenging (e.g., swimming, running, tennis, etc). (PHYSICAL EDUCATION) 12. Explain how nutritious food provides energy for physical activity (e.g., Calcium helps build bones.” “Proteins are necessary for life.”). (SCIENCE / HEALTH) 13. Recognize national symbols and icons from the target language countries (e.g., symbols such as eagles, flags, etc). (SOCIAL STUDIES) 14. Differentiate modes of transportation from the past or present based on pictures and oral descriptions. (SOCIAL STUDIES)




English / Inglés

Sub-Level 6

1. Count and use numbers between 0 and 1000 to do the four operations (add, subtract, multiply and divide). (MATH) 2. Identify and sort geometric shapes. (MATH) 3. Write adjectives that express personal emotions to write compound sentences. (LANGUAGE ARTS) 4. Provide personal information from the immediate environment using compound sentences with connectors but, and, or. (LANGUAGE ARTS) 5. Match animals with their foods, homes, body parts, and place them within the world. (SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES) 6. Make connections between months, seasons and world holidays. (SOCIAL STUDIES) 7. Invent and describe some ways to handle organic and inorganic waste within the school. (Environmental communication campaign). (SCIENCE/HEALTH) 8. Explain how art reflects the target culture. (ART) 9. Apply knowledge of language to analyze and derive meaning from contemporary songs. (MUSIC) 10. Create pictures, lists, charts, and tables to identify the sequence of events in simple literacy texts. (LANGAUGE ARTS) 11. Explain that nutritious food provides energy for physical activity, and then describe the role of water as an essential nutrient for the body. (HEALTH/SCIENCE) 12. Demonstrate the characteristics of sharing in a physical activity and describe how positive social interaction can make physical activity with others more fun. (PHYSICAL EDUCATION) 13. Give examples of honesty, courage, determination, individual responsibility, and patriotism in world history from stories and folklore from around the world. (SOCIAL STUDIES / LANGUAGE ARTS) 14. Compare different national modes of transportation to those of the target language. (SOCIAL STUDIES) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sub-Level 7


Solve story problems using numbers up to 1 million. (MATH) Compare metric system to inches, feet, pounds, etc. (MATH) Tell time according to the 24-hour clock. (MATH) Retell the main ideas from information in a speech. (LANGUAGE ARTS) Identify wildlife from various regions and briefly describe the climatic conditions of the region. (SCIENCE / SOCIAL STUDIES) 6. Listen to and record weather forecasts. Present weather forecasts. (SOCIAL STUDIES / SCIENCE) 7. Compare works of art from different cultures. (ART) 8. Explain how music reflects the target culture. (MUSIC) 9. Make a list of how literature reflects the target culture. (LANGUAGE ARTS) 10. Recognize contemporary music in the target language (e.g. Selena, Celine Dion, etc). (MUSIC) 11. Write responses to selected literature that exhibit understanding of the text, using detailed sentences and transitions. (LANGUAGE ARTS) 12. Identify and independently use personal space, general space, and boundaries and discuss why they are important. (SOCIAL STUDIES) 13. Label and/or create several types of maps of target countries (e.g., political, topographical, linguistic, products, natural resources, ethnic groups, etc). (SOCIAL STUDIES)




1st - 9th Level

Sub-Level 8

1. Use authentic documents to compare costs of goods and services, wages/salaries, etc., in the home and target culture(s). (MATH / SOCIAL STUDIES /ECONOMICS) 2. Use metric system to describe objects. (MATH) 3. Read and set the clock in different regions time. (MATH / SOCIAL STUDIES) 4. Produce independent writing with consistent use of standard grammatical forms. (LANGAUGE ARTS) 5. Explain why a particular region is suited to various types of wildlife (e.g., climate, geography, etc). (SCIENCE / SOCIAL STUDIES) 6. Examine and describe unusual weather patterns. (SCIENCE /SOCIAL STUDIES) 7. Recognize world famous art work and architecture describing the pieces and their locations. (ART) 8. Compare how music reflects the target culture and the national culture. (MUSIC) 9. Explain how (a piece of) literature reflects the target culture and the national culture. (LANGAUGE ARTS) 10. Identify and sing contemporary songs in the target language. (MUSIC) 11. Write brief expository compositions (e.g., description, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, and problem and solution) that include a thesis and some points of support. (LANGAUGE ARTS) 12. Explain that strong muscles help the body to climb, hang, push, and pull. (PHYSICAL EDUCATION / HEALTH) 13. Describe how location, weather, and physical environment affect the way people live, including the effects on their food, clothing, shelter, transportation, and recreation. (SCIENCE /SOCIAL STUDIES)

Sub-Level 9

1. Use authentic documents to compare costs of goods and services, wages/salaries, etc., in the home and target cultures(s) including the use of abbreviations (e.g., “W/D = washer and dryer,” LR = living room”). (MATH / SOCIAL STUDIES / ECOMONICS) 2. Demonstrate ability to use large numbers in real life situations (e.g., buying a car, taking a trip, renting a house). (MATH) 3. Write a schedule for a daily routine of the family members. (SOCIAL STUDIES / MATH) 4. Write reflective compositions that explore the significance of events. (LANGUAGE ARTS / SOCIAL STUDIES) 5. Describe a biome or ecosystem and include reasons why the conditions are ideal for the wildlife that live there. (SCIENCE) 6. Listen to and analyze reports on causes of unusual weather (e.g., hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, earthquakes, etc.) and explain how to prevent disasters or what to do in the event of a disaster. (SCIENCE / HEALTH / SOCIAL STUDIES) 7. Examine 20th century developments in the area of art in the target language. (ART) 8. Describe 20th century developments in the area of music (e.g., jazz, hip hop, etc.) in the target culture. (MUSIC) 9. Write a 3 paragraph essay about a person (e.g., author, character, etc). (LANGUAGE ARTS) 10. Identify and sing contemporary songs in the target language then recognize and describe themes stated directly in a song. (MUSIC) 11. Identify the use of English in the community and reflect on its presence; then write an essay. (SOCIAL STUDIES / LANGUAGE ARTS) 12. Explain that strong muscles help the body to climb, hang, push, and pull, and then describe the role of muscles in moving the bones. (PHYSICAL EDUCATION / HEALTH) 13. Explore and analyze how people in the target culture solve societal issues (e.g. terrorism, welfare, unemployment, and health care). (SOCIAL STUDIES)




English / Inglés Block 3: Connections. Component 1: Connect with other disciplines and acquire information. Students use their understanding of another language and culture to broaden and deepen their understanding of that language and culture and access and use information that would otherwise be unavailable. Standard 2: Students acquire and use information from a variety of sources only available in the world language, using technology, print, audiovisual, media, data and human resources (Interdisciplinary).

Sub-Level 1

Sub-Level 2

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Acquire new vocabulary (memorize) through the use of flashcards, posters, pictures, etc. Identify key words in recorded information. Read and highlight key words and phrases. Retell stories using story elements from picture books or short stories. Find and reproduce number words (e.g., from 1-31) from an assortment of labeled visuals. Identify symbols, objects or people associated with classrooms or school areas, personnel or activities from pictures and oral statements (e.g., “Office” or “Exit”). 7. Name everyday objects depicted visually in real-life contexts (e.g. “paper” in a classroom scene). 1. Listen to short stories read aloud and answer comprehension questions (e.g., story books, magazines, CD player). 2. Identify important details in a recorded session. 3. Read and highlight key details. 4. Describe settings or characters in illustrated folktales from phrase banks. 5. Distinguish number words from other mathematics words using graphic or visual support and word banks. 6. Locate school areas, personnel or activities from pictures and oral descriptive phrases (e.g., “corner of the room,” “washroom down the hall”). 7. Tell primary function or use of everyday objects depicted visually (e.g., Show a piece of paper: “You write on it.”). 1. Acquire new vocabulary by analyzing cognates from other content areas (math, science, health, art, etc.) through the use of flashcards, posters, interactive software, videos, etc. 2. Listen to recorded information and identify main ideas, important details and concepts. 3. Read and highlight main ideas, important details and concepts.

Sub-Level 3

4. Retell a modified version of an authentic story (fable, legend and/or folktale) using multimedia sources. 5. Present (alone or with a group) numbers presented in graphs or visuals using phrases or short sentences (e.g., “This group has more than 40.”) 6. Examine illustrated scenes and orally describe what they see, (e.g., school scenes depicting various activities and personnel; “The teacher is teaching the students in the class.”). 7. Relate multiple functions or uses of everyday objects depicted visually (e.g., “I do homework on the table and eat dinner there.”). 1. Use the internet, newspaper, or other sources, to read, take notes or record and graph Information (e.g., the weather in capital city or other town of target country for 1 week). 2. Identify two- or three-dimensional shapes depicted in illustrations described orally (e.g., “Find a shape like the sun.”).

Sub-Level 4

3. Interpret visual connections between characters, places, or objects in paragraphs or pages read aloud from illustrated pattern or predictable books. 4. Match story sequence read aloud to a series of pictures (e.g., “Once upon a time…and they lived happily ever after.”). 5. Recall persons (characters) or settings of stories from picture books. 6. Express an opinion (e.g., about an artistic event such as concerts, drama, theater, movie, presentations, expositions, awards).





1st - 9th Level

Sub-Level 5

1. Compare/contrast uses of everyday objects depicted visually (e.g., “I wash myself with soap. I dry myself with a towel.”) 2. Match attributes of two- or three-dimensional shapes described orally to objects. 3. Draw conclusions about main ideas from patterned or predictable books read aloud. 4. Narrate main events of plot sequences in given time frames of picture books or illustrated short stories. 5. Describe characters of stories from picture books. 6. Evaluate and give reasons for usefulness of everyday objects (e.g., “Pencils are better than crayons for writing. You can write neater with pencils.”).

Sub-Level 6

1. Use multimedia (and the dictionary) to learn the meaning of unknown words (e.g., students create (vocabulary) displays (showcases or bulletin boards related to science, health, art, math, etc) of pictures from magazines, newspapers, and text from computer technology, library and/or realia from home or teacher). 2. Identify objects composed of multiple two- or three-dimensional shapes described orally (e.g., “Put a sphere or ball on either side of a cylinder. What do you see?”). 3. Listen to and select logical outcomes or endings to stories read aloud. 4. Summarize features of places or objects from multiple compound sentences in nonfiction books. 5. State main ideas or themes of stories, including characters or settings, from picture books or illustrated short stories. 6. Connect illustrated features or photographs of places or objects with descriptive words or phrases in nonfiction books.



1. Use tools to find the meaning of unknown words (thesaurus) (e.g., students create (vocabulary) displays (showcases or bulletin boards related to science, health, art, math, etc.) of pictures from magazines, newspapers, and text from computer technology, library and/or realia from home or teacher). 2. Interpret visual connections between characters, places, or objects in paragraphs or pages read aloud from illustrated pattern or predictable books (e.g., predictable books).

Sub-Level 7

3. Make use of rhyme, repetition of words, phrases, sentences and refrains, and such patterns as cumulative structure, repeated scenes, familiar cultural sequences, interlocking structure and turn-around plots. (These stories invite students to make predictions or guesses about words, phrases, sentences, events and characters that could come next in the story.) 4. List technological resources of communities or regions of the target language. 5. List the sequence of events related to characters and settings in illustrated folktales using graphic organizers. 6. Identify components of food chains or life cycles from diagrams or graphic organizers 7. Explain the importance or impact of the iterative nature of food chains or life cycles. 1. Use tools (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, multimedia) to find the meaning of new words (e.g., students create displays (showcases or bulletin boards) of figures (e.g., people in native costume, musical instruments, crafts, toys, children’s literature, etc.) May use pictures and text from computer technology, library and/or realia from home or teachers).

Sub-Level 8

2. Produce personal messages for friends or family using text, models and pictures. 3. Compare technological resources of communities or regions of the target language. 4. Give examples of components or functions of food chains or life cycles from diagrams or graphic organizers. 5. Describe how food chains or life cycles within ecosystems are interdependent.


English / Inglés

Sub-Level 9


1. Review typical radio commercial clips and create a simplified advertisement for a product from the target language. 2. Compose personal stories from pictures or illustrated scenes. 3. Make a list and include a short description of technological resources of communities of the target language. 4. Observe and record information about societal issues in the target culture through a variety of authentic texts and media. 5. Tell the sequence within food chains or life cycles from diagrams or graphic organizers. 6. Classify and compare how international food chains of cycles within ecosystems are interdependent.




1st - 9th Level

Block 4: Comparisons. Component 1: Develop insight into the nature of language and culture. Students demonstrate an understanding of the similarities, differences and interactions across languages.



Standard 1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparison of the language studied and their own.

Sub-Level 1

1. Compare names in English with closest equivalent in Mother language. 2. Identify and use (in greetings) titles for school personnel (e.g. Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms. for principal, librarian, etc). 3. Recognize the writing system (alphabet and numbers of the mother tongue) and note similarities in the target language. 4. Practice writing simple words in the mother tongue and in the target language (e.g. names, label for classroom objects, animals to label drawings, etc. 5. Respond to alphabet cards in L1 and L2 identifying which are from L1 and which are from L2

Sub-Level 2

1. Address the classroom teacher appropriately in the mother language using courteous language and body language, following by addressing the classroom teacher appropriately and courteously in English. 2. Review and recognize the writing system (alphabet and numbers) of the mother tongue and the target language. 3. Recognize some differences in the sound systems of the English (target) language. 4. Practice writing simple words in the target language (e.g. names, label for classroom objects, animals to label drawings, etc). 1. Recognize root words in two languages and compare cognates.

Sub-Level 3

2. Recognize that languages are inter-related and belong to language family (s) (e.g., count to ten in two or three related languages and compare). 3. Recognize simple cognates and identify through listening and reading which words, from a list, are cognates. 4. Compare word order in simple phrase or expression (e.g., red car, car red, etc). 1. Recognize differences in writing systems print, symbols, syllabic, alphabets, characters, orientations of written language, and punctuation conventions (e.g. read right to left).

Sub-Level 4

2. Recognize that letters/characters can represent different sounds in the mother tongue and in English (e.g., vowels, key consonants, etc). 3. Read aloud simple monosyllabic and disyllabic words demonstrating capacity to closely reproduce sounds and comprehension of which letter /characters represent those specific sounds. 1. Cite and use examples of words and roots borrowed from the mother language used in English and English words that are currently used in the mother language. Illustrate some of these words (e.g., rodeo, kindergarten, etc).

Sub-Level 5

2. Recognize that vocabulary conveys different meanings in various contexts within different cultures. 3. Discuss false cognates and draw two different meanings (e.g., trampa in Spanish and tramp in English means a homeless person). 4. Compare the concept of gender in the target language and the mother tongue. 1. Compare and contrast differences and similarities in the pronunciation systems. Give examples that are more complicated than in earlier years (e.g., esdrujulas in Spanish diphthongs in many languages).

Sub-Level 6

2. Contrast language characteristics which may or not be present in English (e.g. formalities, levels of politeness, formal and informal language, different registers of language, etc). 3. List proverbs and compare with the equivalent translation in English (e.g., It`s raining cats and dogs with Spanish version “Esta lloviendo a cantaros”).


English / Inglés

Sub-Level 7

1. Cite and use borrowed words from other languages and hypothesize why languages in general need to borrow words (e.g., Japanese uses “pan” for bread from the Portuguese). 2. Identify the use different titles of address used in the home country and the countries where the target language is spoken. 3. Demonstrate how idiomatic expressions work in general. 4. Recognize that vocabulary conveys different meanings in various contexts (e.g., plant: can be a manufacturing plant, a living thing, a spy, or one can plant a tree or one’s foot).

Sub-Level 8

1. G8.4.1.1. Collect and list examples showing differences in the grammar structure of the two languages (e.g. word order gender, agreement, tense etc). 2. G8.4.1.2. Initiate a telephone conversation and compare differences in telephone etiquette in the English and their own cultures (e.g. state one `s identity, ask to speak to someone, ask when someone will return, state that they will call again, conclude a call). 3. G8.4.1.3. Generate idiomatic expressions in both the native language and the English language and discuss how idiomatic expressions work in general. 4. G8.4.1.4. Compare grammatical structure between the native and the target language (e.g., word order, verb tenses, noun cases, number etc). 1. Recognize noun and verb forms and how they function in the mother tongue in relation to comparable elements in English. 2. Compare nuances of meaning and pronunciation of cognates.

Sub-Level 9

3. Recognize the existence of language varieties within cultures through dialect comparisons. 4. List and compare corresponding words with their social meanings in their particular cultures.





1st - 9th Level

Block 4: Comparisons. Component 1: Develop insight into the nature of language and culture. Students demonstrate an understanding of the similarities, differences and interactions across cultures.



Standard 2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.

Sub-Level 1

1. Identify customs from the target culture (e.g., role play bowing, hand shaking, kissing on the cheeks, etc). 2. Compare customs of a holiday in the target culture to that of the home culture (e.g., celebrate a holiday or birthday according to the custom of home culture, and compare simple aspects with customs used in the target culture). 3. Compare and contrast school dress (uniforms) in the home country and the countries where the target language is spoken.

Sub-Level 2

1. Identify dolls, pictures and /or photos of people in traditional/folkloric clothing in the Honduran culture and compare with costumes for traditions/folklore in countries where the target language is spoken (e.g., Maori of New Zealand, Navajo of USA, etc). 2. Compare and contrast the taste of different food (i.e., fruit or deserts/pastries that are native to Honduran culture and with those from the target culture—alcitrones and apple pie in the USA). 3. Identify toys and/or games of the home culture and compare with the toys and /or games of children from the target culture (e.g., el trompo , el enchute, la rayuela compared to robots or electronic games). 1. Identify pictures of houses and stores typical of Honduran culture with the ones in the target culture (e.g., mercados compared to WalMart stores). 2. Compare songs and instruments used during holiday celebrations in Honduran culture with those used in the target culture.

Sub-Level 3

3. Compare climatic differences in the home country and target language countries and the clothing in differences worn in each region. 4. Recognize selected foods from target cultures related to holidays and seasons of the year and compare with food served in the target culture at similar occasions. 5. Compare two versions of a folktale/song/game through pictures and through listening to text read aloud from the Honduran and the target culture. 1. Compare weather and the implications (e.g., dress, sports, foods, houses) in the Honduran culture with the target culture. 2. Indicate what people wear in hot and cold weather (e.g., make a collage/poster of weather highlighting a theme: in hot weather, people wear…).

Sub-Level 4

3. Write a menu (process writing) associated with two similar items (e.g., holidays in two cultures). (Students can cut and paste pictures for the project.) 4. Compare and contrast dress in two cultures (e.g., urban, modern, clothing for special holidays). 5. Compare daily living between both cultures (e.g., diet, schooling, leisure, shopping). 6. Explain in very simple English, the roles of men, women and children in the target culture. 1. List, identify and describe ten daily activities in two different cultures (e.g., times which people wake up, go to school, eat dinner, etc). 2. Compare and contrast the roles of selected family members in two different cultures (e.g., a grandmother in other cultures lives far away, in Honduran culture she lives close to her family).

Sub-Level 5

3. Compare and contrast school and family life in two different cultures (e.g., extended family living under one roof or getting together every weekend, respect for parents, teachers, etc). 4. Illustrate/write about how birthday, or Saint’s Day” or “coming of age” is celebrated in different cultures (compare the celebration of the fifteenth birthday to a girl in the Honduran culture with “Sweet Sixteen” in the target culture).


English / Inglés

Sub-Level 6

1. Compare and contrast beliefs regarding sickness and treatment (e.g., the roles of doctors in the two cultures). 2. Compare and contrast male and female heroes from the local and target cultures and how people celebrate their heroes, (statutes of heroes riding horses and the ones in the target culture, museums, naming buildings after a hero, etc). 3. Compare and contrast cultural meaning of proverbs, jokes, riddles in target language / culture, (this may be carried out in partly in English (e.g., You move your feet and you lose your seat. /el que se va a sevilla pierde la silla). 4. Identify cultural activities/ sports that take place according to seasons and compare with similar activities /sports in the target culture (e.g., skiing is done in the winter and hiking in the summer).

Sub-Level 7

1. Describe something orally and in written language (e.g., a holiday in Honduran culture and a similar celebration in the target culture explaining similarities and differences). 2. Describe appropriate clothing and celebration activities for different holidays /ceremonies (e.g. gifts, etc). 3. Choose a profession and tell about the career in both cultures. 4. Describe a leisure activity in both native and target cultures. 5. Compare and contrast literature, art, music, etc. in different cultures. 1. Describe a particular myth associated with a celebration in two cultures that incorporates symbolism. 2. Compare and contrast food and the concept of “snacks” in the home and target cultures.

Sub-Level 8

3. Compare nuances meaning of words idioms, and vocal inflections in the target language and their own. 4. Identify and explain the relationship between weather and cultural activities / practices in different countries. 1. Compare and contrast seasons and weather conditions of the target countries and the implications for travel and tourism.

Sub-Level 9

2. Discuss the similarities and differences between one`s own culture and the target culture as represented in the media and/or literature. 3. Compare and contrast typical food at home and in the target language. 4. Compare and contrast tangible products of the home and target cultures (e.g. dress, toys, sports, equipment). 5. Compare and contrast career choices and social roles in the target culture and their own.





1st - 9th Level

Block 5: Communities. Component 1: Participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world. Students use their knowledge of language and culture to enrich my life and broaden my opportunities.



Standard 1: Students use the world language both within and beyond the school setting.

Sub-Level 1

1. Introduce themselves in the target language to peers (e.g., in the classroom and throughout the school, and in the local area, online if possible). 2. Listen to/ sing/ recite songs and nursery rhymes from the target culture. 3. Recognize words in the target language commonly used heard/seen in the radio, TV. (e.g., Hello, please, etc). 4. Recognize the world areas where the target language is spoken.

Sub-Level 2

1. Participate in simple conversations with classmates and peers in the target language (e.g., Hello, how are you?, fine, thanks). 2. Sing and perform songs and rhymes from the target culture. 3. Identify words in the target language heard/seen outside of school, on T.V., advertisements, etc). 4. Identify some countries where the target language is spoken. 1. Participate in dialogues using community helpers (e.g., fireman, police officers, etc.) and role play scenarios in the target language. 2. Memorize and repeat phrases and rhymes from the target culture.

Sub-Level 3

3. Identify and use words in the target language heard/seen outside of school on a conversation, on T.V. advertisement, etc). 4. Identify the regions on a map where the target language is spoken. 5. Discuss with classmates how the target language benefits the area (e.g., tourism, environment, etc). 1. Identify professions in Honduras which require proficiency in the target language studied. 2. Research and list holidays and special celebrations from the target culture.

Sub-Level 4

3. Engage in simple conversation with classmates using basic target language introductions phrases (e.g., How are you? What is your name?). 4. Identify and list the regions in Honduras where the target language is spoken (or can be used) and research basic information on how this benefits the area (e.g., tourism, environment, etc). 1. Identify and briefly describe professions and occupations in Honduras which require proficiency in the target language studied. 2. Describe, compare and contrast holidays from the target culture with the national culture.

Sub-Level 5

3. Engage in simple conversation with classmates using basic target language phrases to ask for something, (e.g., Could you please…, May I have…). 4. Identify and list the countries in America where the target language is spoken (Belize, Puerto Rica, USA, Canada). 1. Write to international corporations requesting information on job qualifications that include a second language. 2. Organize a food festival from the target culture.

Sub-Level 6

3. Engage in simple conversation with classmates responding to questions and requests in the target language. 4. Research basic information on the countries in America where the target language is spoken (Belize, Puerto Rico, USA, Canada).


English / Inglés

Sub-Level 7

1. Interview members of the community that have the common occupations and professions and be able to translate the conversation in the target language studied. 2. Design a map placing food, arts and crafts, clothing, etc. (hamburgers, Hawaiian necklace, winter coat, scarf, etc.) from target culture. 3. Exchange information about current issues with a classmate using the target language. 4. Research basic information of the countries in the Americas where the target language is spoken (Belize, Puerto Rica, USA, Canada), make a presentation of the main characteristics.

Sub-Level 8

1. Write an executive summary to members of the school community after conducting an interview in the target language studied. 2. Make a collage or display placing food, arts and crafts, clothing (e.g., hamburgers, Hawaiian necklace, winter coat, scarf, etc.) from target culture. 3. Exchange information about current issues with a classmate using the target language. Write a small report about it. 4. Research basic information of the countries in the world where the target language is spoken (Australia, United Kingdom, USA, Canada, etc.), make a presentation of the main characteristics including occupations which require multilingual proficiency. 1. Write an essay about a person (e.g., any member of the school community, a famous person in the community, etc.) in the target language studied and give an oral presentation.

Sub-Level 9

2. Compare and contrast the food, arts and crafts (e.g., hamburgers, Hawaiian necklace, winter coat, scarf, etc.) in the target culture to regions in Honduras. 3. Exchange information about current issues with a classmate using the target language. Write the main ideas about it. 4. Exchange information with foreign pen-pal s or e-pals on topics of personal interest, community interest, and world concerns.





1st - 9th Level

Block 5: Communities. Component 1: Participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world. Students use their knowledge of language and culture to enrich my life and broaden my opportunities.



Standard 2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.

Sub-Level 1

School and Community 1. Introduce themselves in the target language to native – speaker peers in their school and community. 2. Identify places where the language is spoken (through field trips, use of internet, photographs, etc). 3. Recognize words in the target language heard/seen outside of school (e.g., on TV, on labels, advertisement, music etc). 4. Interact/work/play through school projects (Science fairs, cards sales projects, etc.) with children/adults that speak the language. 5. Celebrate special days with people from community where target language can be practiced (e.g., birthdays, dance performance, art, etc). Personal Enrichment 1. Share favorite songs and nursery rhymes from different culture(s), (e.g., Christmas songs, lullabies, etc). 2. Read simple text in authentic illustrated story book and/or picture dictionary.

Sub-Level 2

School and Community 1. Introduce themselves and others in the target language to native speakers, peers in their schools and community. 2. Exchange information by phone about themselves in the target language with relatives living in another country. 3. Express likes and dislikes when talking about food, movies, TV programs, toys, pets, etc. 4. Engage in simple conversations with native-speaker personnel at site visited (e.g., How are you? What is your name? Where do you come from?, etc). 5. Use community resources to explore target cultures, (e.g., community cyber places, human resources working in ONG). Personal Enrichment 1. Participate in multicultural celebrations such as festival song, recite poems, etc. 2. Attend a children’s movie/theater/ sports event delivered in target language with elements from target culture. School and Community 1. Exchange information about themselves in the target language with native/non-native speakers. 2. Provide information by phone about themselves and others using the target language with relatives and friends living abroad. 3. Expresses agreement or disagreement appropriately when interacting in games.

Sub-Level 3

4. Interview a native-speaker (preferably close to same age) in the target language. 5. Understand and follow instructions, directions, warnings, descriptions and diagrams. Personal Enrichment 1. Collect and read advertisements of products/video clips from target language. 2. Explore cultural components of the Internet. 3. Go with family to ethnic restaurants with menus in target language and speak to waiter in target language.


English / Inglés

Sub-Level 4

School and Community 1. Exchange information about themselves, their relatives, and others in the target language with native/non-native speakers. 2. Observe, take notes, and write a summary of an interview with a speaker of the target language. 3. Expresses agreement or disagreement interacting appropriately in group cultural activities such as: games, storytelling, celebrations, and dramatizations. 4. Exchange information about school, town and state with foreign pen pals. 5. Understand and follow instructions, directions, and warnings, technical, product descriptions and diagrams, application forms, maps, signs, and symbols. Personal Enrichment 1. Plan an imaginary trip to a country of the language that includes itinerary, budget, transportation, etc. 2. Perform a story/play TV program in the target language to be presented to the community. 3. Exchange information with foreign pen-pal on topics of personal interest, community interests, and world concerns.

Sub-Level 5

School and Community 1. Use who, what, when, where, and how to make questions in the target language. 2. Use the target language to elaborate and exchange drawings or photograph with relatives and peers of their community. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of learned expressions, sentences, questions, and polite commands in oral messages. 4. Recollect, talk, and write about books read during the school year. 5. Understand and follow instructions, directions, warnings, descriptions, technical, product labels, diagrams, application forms, maps, signs, and symbols. Personal Enrichment 1. Travel (true or vicarious trip) with family on vacation to a country where target language is spoken. 2. Attend museum with target culture exhibit on display. 3. Exchange oral reviews about a story, play, movie, or other form of literature. 4. Establishing ongoing communication through correspondence, multiple interviews or conversations with native/non-native speakers.

Sub-Level 6

School and Community 1. Respond to who, what, when, where, and how questions coherently in the target language. 2. Use the target language to elaborate and exchange cards, drawings or photograph, and discuss them orally or in letters and e-mail with students in another community, Honduras or another country. 3. State and support opinions to convince or persuade a listener or reader. 4. Write e-mail correspondence with peers to compare and contrast interests. 5. Prepare an article for school newspaper in target language about cultural aspects of target countries. Personal Enrichment 1. Design/prepare thematic bulletin board/showcase display of an aspect of target culture with labels in target language (e.g., dolls, postcards, musical instruments, etc). 2. Continue exploring an area of interest on the Internet (chat lines, sites, downloads, etc).





1st - 9th Level

Sub-Level 7

School and Community 1. Participate in a language immersion experience. (e.g., interviewing a person to get general information). 2. Use the target language to welcome native speakers visiting their communities. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of printed or recorded advice and suggestions. 4. Use the target language to write greeting cards, notes, letters requesting specific information, and e-mails. 5. Identify the main points and details in a radio or TV news program.



Personal Enrichment 1. Enroll in a community work program (e.g., a tutoring club for members of their communities). 2. Use the country’s currency on an imaginary trip.

Sub-Level 8

School and Community 1. Retell tales and stories from the target culture to younger students. 2. Engage in activities to become tourist guides of native speakers. 3. Establish and maintain communication with peers in the target culture. 4. Create a portfolio showing involvement in at least 10 leisure activities where the target language was heard/ read/ spoken by the student. 5. Write or give a review of a cultural event/ performance attended. Personal Enrichment 1. Do volunteer work in the community using the target language (e.g., assisting visitors, missionaries, etc). 2. Explore international shopping market on the Internet.

Sub-Level 9

School and Community 1. Develop a resume in the target language studied. 2. Write a cover letter and resume in the target language. 3. Explore opportunities to live and study in a target language culture. 4. Create a portfolio showing involvement in at least 20 leisure activities where the language studied was heard, read, or spoken by the student. 5. Record audio or video material, or dramatize, for an audience. Personal Enrichment 1. Use target language to request information about scholarships and career opportunities for bilingual speakers. 2. Write to international corporations requesting information on job qualifications that include a second language.



I n g l é s



1st - 9th Level



Estándares A continuación se presentan los Estándares Educativos Nacionales para Español desde Primer Subnivel hasta Tercer Subnivel. Se distribuyen por Bloques y Componentes en todos los grados.















1. Comunicarse en otra lengua.



1. Obtienen conocimiento y comprensión de otras culturas


1. Relacionan con otras disciplinas y adquieren información.


1. Desarrollar un enfoque hacia la naturaleza del lenguaje y su cultura.


1. Participan en comunidades multilingües en casa y en cualquier otro lugar del mundo.


ánn ESstta


1ster - 9thno Level Nivel

dda ar rd ess


BLOQUE 1: Comunicación.

COMPONENTE 1. Comunicarse en otra lengua.

ESTÁNDARES Estándar 1: Participan en las conversaciones, proveen y obtienen información, expresan sentimientos y emociones, e intercambian opiniones. (Interpersonal) Estándar 2: Entienden e interpretan el lenguaje hablado y escrito sobre una variedad de temas (Interpretativo) Estándar 3: Presentan información, conceptos e ideas a una audiencia de oyentes o lectores en una variedad de temas (Presentacional)

BLOQUE 2: Cultura.

COMPONENTE 1. Obtienen conocimiento y comprensión de otras culturas

ESTÁNDARES Estándar 1: Demuestran comprensión de la relación entre productos y perspectivas de la cultura de la lengua extranjera. Estándar 2: Demuestran comprensión de la relación entre productos y perspectivas de la cultura de la lengua extranjera.

BLOQUE 3: Conexiones

COMPONENTE 1. Relacionan con otras disciplinas y adquieren información.

ESTÁNDARES Estándar 1: Demuestran comprensión de la naturaleza de la lengua a través de la comparación del lenguaje estudiado y el propio. Estándar 2: Adquieren y utilizan información de una variedad de fuentes solo disponibles en la lengua extranjera, usando tecnología, impresos, audiovisuales, medios de comunicación, datos y recursos humanos (Interdisciplinarios)


English/ /English Inglés Inglés BLOQUE 4: Comparaciones.

COMPONENTE 1. Desarrollan un enfoque hacia la naturaleza del lenguaje y su cultura.

ESTÁNDARES Estándar 1: Demuestran comprensión de la naturaleza de la lengua a través de la comparación de la lengua extranjera y la propia. Estándar 2: Demuestran comprensión del concepto de la lengua a través de la comparación del lenguaje estudiado y el propio.

BLOQUE 5: Comunidades.

COMPONENTE 1. Participan en comunidades multilingües en casa y en cualquier otro lugar del mundo.

ESTÁNDARES Estándar 1: Usan la lengua extranjera en ambos ambientes dentro y fuera de la escuela. Estándar 2: Muestran evidencias de ser aprendices de por vida mediante el uso de la lengua para el disfrute y enriquecimiento personal.


ánn ESstta


1ster - 9thno Level Nivel

dda ar rd ess

BLOQUE 1: Comunicación. COMPONENTE 1: Comunicarse en otra lengua. ESTÁNDAR 1: Participan en las conversaciones, proveen y obtienen información, expresan sentimientos y emociones e intercambian opiniones. (Interpersonal)

Subnivel 1

1. Intercambian saludos y despedidas sencillas de acuerdo a la hora del día (por ejemplo, Buenos (as) días / tardes / noches) (puede ser una actividad representada visualmente). 2. Responden a sencillos comandos orales (por ejemplo, hacer la línea, sentarse, abrir la libreta de notas, sacar su lápiz, etc.). 3. Utilizan frases de cortesía para expresar sus necesidades y deseos (por ejemplo, ¿Puedo ir al baño? Por favor ¿Puedes prestarme tu lápiz /sacapuntas, goma de borrar, regla, por favor? / Gracias / De nada). 4. Identifican colores, describiendo los alrededores de la escuela (por ejemplo, ¿De qué color es tu lápiz? Es de color amarillo). 5. Identifican los días de la semana en un calendario hasta 31. Responden a preguntas como: ¿qué día es hoy?/ ¿cuántos días hay en la semana? (Números Cardinales). 6. Identifican las fechas (por ejemplo, cumpleaños, fiestas nacionales, etc.). utilizando los números ordinales hasta el 31. 7. Identifican y actúan las emociones, asociando correctamente con sentimientos en ilustraciones o fotos y preguntar cómo se sienten sus compañeros de clase (por ejemplo, ¿cómo te sientes hoy? Estoy feliz, estoy triste, estoy bien, estoy enfermo). 8. Presentan a los miembros de su familia y sus mascotas (por ejemplo, mi madre, mi padre y mi mascota, etc.). 9. Responden a preguntas sencillas acerca de ellos (edad, sentimientos, cumpleaños, etc.).

Subnivel 2

1. Dan instrucciones u órdenes sencillas a compañeros y al maestro (por ejemplo, colocarse en pares, hacer grupos de tres, subrayen, hagan un circulo, resalten,..).. 2. Identificarse en el teléfono. Preguntar cómo está alguien (por ejemplo, Julio hola. Habla María. ¿Cómo estás?). 3. Expresan lo que gustan y lo que no en una variedad de temas (por ejemplo, animales, deportes, comidas, o pasatiempos). 4. Describen rutinas (por ejemplo, al despertarse, ir a la escuela, ir a la iglesia, deportes, comidas). Dan el marco de tiempo (hora, día, mes, hoy, ayer, mañana) cuando se desarrollen las actividades. 5. Preguntan y responden conversaciones sencillas a preguntas sobre sus compañeros y maestros (por ejemplo, ¿Cómo estás? ¿Dónde vives? ¿A qué hora almuerza? ¿Cuántos miembros tiene tu familia). 6. Se identifican y describen ellos mismos y a miembros inmediatos de su familia (por ejemplo, soy alto, mi tío es bajo, mi tía es rubia). 7. Preguntan y declaran la ubicación de lugares y cosas (por ejemplo, “¿dónde está el zoológico? El zoológico está detrás del parque”).

Subnivel 3

1. Expanden habilidades comunicativas basadas en información nueva (por ejemplo, vacaciones, actividades relacionadas con la familia, información acerca de la comunidad del estudiante), usando ahí es o ahí están. 2. Participan en intercambios extendidos con otros usando interrogaciones (por ejemplo, Qué, Cuando, Cual, Donde, Quién, Cuantos, Cómo y Porqué, y pregunta acerca del gobierno de la escuela, grupos artísticos, deportes, músicos favoritos, películas, etc.). 3. Se involucran en actividades que describen planes futuros (por ejemplo, La casa soñada, vacaciones ideales, el amigo ideal, etc.). 4. Adquieren bienes y servicios a través de destrezas comunicativas básicas (por ejemplo, ordenando comida en un restaurante, comprando bienes en el supermercado, hacer compras en la farmacia, en librerías, y otros). 5. Intercambian opiniones, sentimientos y emociones (por ejemplo, estoy orgulloso, admiro al héroe, odio las drogas, etc.). 6. Aceptan y declinan invitaciones.


Inglés English/ /English Inglés BLOQUE 1: Comunicación. COMPONENTE 1: Comunicarse en otra lengua. ESTÁNDAR 2: Entienden e interpretan el lenguaje hablado y escrito sobre una variedad de temas (Interpretativo)


Subnivel 1

1. Escuchan y responden apropiadamente a saludos, despedidas y expresiones de sentimientos. 2. Escuchan preguntas sencillas y comandos de temas del aula al responder correctamente oralmente o físicamente (por ejemplo, ¿dónde está el basurero? “el basurero está en la esquina” o señalar el basurero). 3. Reconocen objetos del aula de manera oral y escrita (por ejemplo, reloj, puerta, sacapuntas, etc.). 4. Suplen oralmente palabra(s) faltante(s) de canciones, rimas, juegos o cuento (Twinkle, twinkle little _____). 5. Usan fotos o gráficas para contar la secuencia de cuentos sencillos. 6. Escuchan, imitan y utilizan gestos en canciones, rimas y cuentos sencillos (cuando sea posible deberán ser auténticos culturalmente hablando). 7. Identifican letras, símbolos o caracteres en el sistema alfabético, fonético o silábico. 8. Identifican letras iniciales de las palabras en los afiches o carteles colocados en el aula. 9. Comprenden las ideas principales de relatos orales de anécdotas, canciones, rimas, cuentos familiares y otras narraciones (familiar o culturalmente relacionadas) basados en temas propios de la edad estudiantil. 10. Comprenden la idea principal en textos altamente ilustrados con cognados, repetición, predictabilidad y ritmos usados (cuentos, anuncios sencillos u otras fuentes literarias). 11. Comparan diferencias entre opuestos (por ejemplo, alto/bajo, grande/pequeño, blanco/ negro, etc.). 12. Leen en voz alta palabras familiares demostrando conciencia de la pronunciación, interacción y entonación. 13. Hacen conexiones entre ilustraciones y textos sencillos escritos (por ejemplo, usar la ilustración del diccionario, y relacionan la ilustración con el texto o frases cortas). 14. Encuentran palabras claves en canciones, rimas o juegos.

Subnivel 2

1. Comprenden material basado en la cultura de estudio, escuchando e imitando canciones, rimas y cuentos sencillos. 2. Entienden y usan interacción, pronunciación y entonación (por ejemplo, recita en voz alta). 3. Descodifican el nuevo vocabulario usando pistas contextuales del conocimiento previo (por ejemplo, “El perro está dentro de la casa”). 4. Elaboran un diccionario sencillo con imágenes. 5. Leen en voz alta un cuento corto con la correcta entonación y pronunciación (por ejemplo, la escalera de lenguaje, o rimas sencillas). 6. Parafrasean ideas importantes después de leer un texto narrativo corto (revistas, anuncios, libros, etc.). 7. Escuchan un anuncio e identifican la idea principal utilizando pistas contextuales. 8. Entienden y siguen instrucciones de cinco pasos para actividades del aula (por ejemplo, hacer origami, manualidades, etc.). 9. Leen y demuestran comprensión al actuar una fábula utilizando creatividad usadas en escena, vestimentas, valores, etc., etc.

ánn ESstta

Subnivel 3

1. Leen en voz alta materiales auténticos (periódicos, revistas, anuncios, etc.). con la correcta entonación, pronunciación y fuerza de voz. 2. Demuestran comprensión de textos escritos y orales al resumir o parafrasear (por ejemplo, entorno, personajes, trama, etc.). 3. Leen textos sencillos en la lengua extranjera y responden preguntas sencillas (por ejemplo reporte del clima, láminas de viajes o panfletos, la guía de TV, etc.). 4. Utilizan diccionarios bilingües primarios o glosario para accesar a información. 5. Obtienen información de mensajes cortos (orales o escritos) (por ejemplo, invitaciones, direcciones, anuncios, citas, etc.). 6. Predicen la trama de un cuento después de ver una secuencia de ilustraciones. 7. Leen un texto e identifican partes tales como: título, tabla de contenidos, capítulos, encabezados, diagramas, tablas, glosarios e índices. 8. Leen y preparan actividades sencillas que involucren una serie de pasos (por ejemplo, recetas, experimentos de Ciencias Naturales, etc.). 9. Leen y ejecutan un cuento corto y sencillo usando su creatividad e imaginación en términos como la puesta en escena, disfraces, valores y caracterización. 10. Utilizan una variedad de expresiones idiomáticas tanto habladas o por escrito.

1ster - 9thno Level Nivel

dda ar rd ess


English/ /English Inglés Inglés BLOQUE 1: Comunicación COMPONENTE 1: Comunicarse en otra lengua ESTÁNDAR 3: Presentan información, conceptos e ideas a una audiencia de oyentes o lectores en una variedad de temas (Presentacional)

Subnivel 1

1. Identifican y pronuncian nombres propios (por ejemplo, nombres propios y de sus compañeros) 2. Identifican y etiquetan vocabulario relacionado con el tema de la lección (introducción personal y de artículos en el aula). 3. Completan oraciones, frases sencillas y/o diálogos cortos acompañados de ilustraciones. 4. Completan oraciones, frases sencillas y/o diálogos cortos (secuencia en un cuento). 5. Predicen eventos de un cuento. 6. Trazan, copian palabras o caracteres de varias fuentes (siga las estrategias de escritura de la lengua propia). 7. Comienzan a escribir palabras conocidas, frases y oraciones sencillas en un contexto significativo (artículos escolares, los objetos en el aula y en casa). 8. Realizan conversaciones cortas sobre temas relacionados a la escuela, a la comunidad y el hogar. 9. Usan información de un texto o una historia oral para mostrar la secuencia. 10. Etiquetan imágenes, diagramas o gráficos. 11. Colaboran con el maestro creando un cuento. 12. Escriben correctamente palabras comunes y tomar dictado por escrito. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Subnivel 2

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Subnivel 3


Escriben correctamente palabras comunes y toma dictado por escrito. Hablan acerca de situaciones relacionadas con el tema de la lección. Escriben oraciones sencillas relacionadas con el tema de la lección. Ilustran y discuten el comienzo, el medio y el final de un cuento a través de fotos o imágenes con oraciones cortas. Dramatizan una fábula y escriben una oración de cada parte de la fábula. Predicen eventos usando imágenes de periódicos. Participan en la colocación de ilustraciones o fotos con comentarios para la pizarra de estudiantes. Utilizan diccionario de imágenes para crear un alfabeto basado en un tema (por ejemplo, alfabeto de comidas, alfabeto de animales, alfabeto cultural, etc.). Escriben oraciones descriptivas sencillas dadas determinadas situaciones (por ejemplo, Juan es alto, bajo).

1. Escriben correctamente palabras comunes y tomar dictado por escrito. 2. Crean y realizan parodias cortas, presentación de marionetas y el juego de roles. 3. Producen y utilizan impresiones básicas, utilizando las normativas del uso de mayúsculas y puntuación. 4. Escriben un párrafo narrativo corto (por ejemplo, temas concretos acerca de ellos). 5. Comienzan a escribir para diferentes propósitos (por Ejemplo, Escribir una carta). 6. Escriben y graban mensaje (por ejemplo, un anuncio, reportes del clima, mensajes telefónicos, etc.). 7. Resumen oralmente la trama de un cuento (por ejemplo, el comienzo, el medio, y el final). 8. Completan texto basado en palabras de un banco de palabras de un relato o historia conocida.

ánn ESstta

BLOQUE 2: Cultura. COMPONENTE 1: Obtiene conocimiento y comprensión de otras culturas

1ster - 9thno Level Nivel

dda ar rd ess

ESTÁNDAR 1: Demuestran comprensión de la relación entre productos y perspectivas de la cultura de la lengua extranjera.

Subnivel 1

1. Responden a expresiones culturales y gestos de saludos y despedidas en caso situaciones sociales (por ejemplo, buenos días, buenas tardes, buenas noches, buenas noches, adiós). 2. Presentarse a sí mismo (por ejemplo, hola, ¿cómo te llamas? mi nombre es...) de manera culturalmente apropiada (por ejemplo, dando la mano). 3. Participan en actividades culturales y tradiciones (por ejemplo, ferias, cumpleaños, Día de la Independencia, etc.). 4. Juntan los animales con los sonidos percibidos por la cultura de destino (por ejemplo, el gallo dice “cocka doodle do” en Inglés y “quiquiriquí” en español). 5. Nombran y experimentan alimentos y costumbres alimenticias de la cultura de la lengua extranjera (por ejemplo, comidas típicas, modales en la mesa, etc.).

Subnivel 2

1. Responden con fluidez a expresiones y gestos culturales para saludar y despedirse en situaciones sociales apropiadas (por ejemplo, Presentar a otra persona, ¿Cómo estás? Estoy bien, gracias. De nada). 2. Hacen la presentación de uno mismo y de otros. 3. Participan en las actividades culturales y tradiciones (por ejemplo, ferias, cumpleaños, Día de la Independencia, etc.). 4. Escuchan y responden/reaccionan a cuentos,

Subnivel 3

1. Responden con gestos y expresiones culturalmente apropiadas para saludos y despedidas en situaciones socialmente apropiadas y utilizarlas en las rutinas del aula. 2. Hacen un listado para planear y participan en actividades culturales establecidas en el calendario cívico. 3. Leen y reescriben relatos, canciones y rimas de la cultura hondureña y de la lengua extranjera resaltando las similitudes y diferencias entre las culturas. 4. Organizan y colocan en secuencia historias y cuentos de la cultura de la lengua extranjera a través de imágenes. 5. Identifican responsabilidades de cada miembro de la familia en la cultura de la lengua extranjera. 6. Nombran e identifican las capitales y las principales características topográficas de los países de la cultura de la lengua extranjera en mapas escritos en la lengua extranjera (por ejemplo, mapas de Centroamérica, ríos, puertos, volcanes, lagos, etc.).


English/ /English Inglés Inglés BLOQUE 2: Cultura. COMPONENTE 1: Obtienen conocimiento y comprensión de otras culturas ESTÁNDAR 2: Demuestran una comprensión de la relación entre productos y perspectivas de la cultura de la lengua extranjera.


Subnivel 1

1. Escuchan y responden/ reaccionan a historias, canciones y rimas de la cultura de la Lengua Extranjera. 2. Participan en la creación de una historia de grupo en un tema cultural. 3. Identifican las banderas y símbolos de la cultura de la Lengua Extranjera. 4. Nombran algunos días de fiesta en Honduras y/o festivales que el país tiene en común con la cultura de estudio. 5. Dramatizan cuentos simplificados, auténticos de la cultura de la lengua extranjera.

Subnivel 2

1. Escuchan y parafrasean cuentos de la cultura de la lengua extranjera. 2. Participan en juegos infantiles tradicionales de la cultura de la lengua extranjera (por ejemplo, Duck, Duck Goose). 3. Escuchan y responden/reaccionan a cuentos, canciones y rimas de la cultura de la lengua extranjera. 4. Dramatizan cuentos sencillos, auténticos de la cultura de la lengua extranjera. 5. Crean calendario con los días feriados de la cultura de la lengua extranjera y los hondureños.

Subnivel 3

1. Nombran y explican el significado de algunos feriados o días festivos de la cultura de la lengua extranjera. 2. Dramatizan cuentos y relatos sencillos auténticos. 3. Identifican trabajos de artes (visuales y en realización) como una reflexión de la cultura de la lengua extranjera. 4. Celebran feriados selectos con juegos, bailes, comidas, canciones, etc. 5. Reconocen y etiquetan comidas y artesanías de la cultura de la lengua extranjera. 6. Identifican y nombran establecimientos comerciales selectos de la cultura de la lengua extranjera (por ejemplo, el papel a jugar cuando compras).

ánn ESstta

BLOQUE 3: Conexiones COMPONENTE 1: Relacionan con otras disciplinas y adquieren información

1ster - 9thno Level Nivel

dda ar rd ess

ESTÁNDAR 1: Demuestran comprensión de la naturaleza de la lengua a través de la comparación del lenguaje estudiado y el propio.

Subnivel 1

1. Cuentan hasta 100 de uno en uno, de cinco en cinco, y de diez en diez. (MATEMÁTICAS) 2. Cuentan e identifican divisas extranjeras. (MATEMÁTICAS/ CIENCIAS SOCIALES) 3. Clasifican comidas de acuerdo al color, forma, y grupos de comidas. (SALUD/ MATEMÁTICAS/ CIENCIAS NATURALES) 4. Dicen la hora en la lengua extranjera. (MATEMÁTICAS) 5. Preguntan y proveen información personal y familiar tales como el nombre, la edad, dirección y números telefónicos. (ESPAÑOL/CIENCIAS SOCIALES) 6. Asocian animales con sus alimentos, sus casas, partes del cuerpo, etc. (CIENCIAS NATURALES / CIENCIAS SOCIALES) 7. Nombran los siete días de la semana y los doce meses del año en el orden correcto (MATEMÁTICAS). 8. Identifican las estaciones climáticas relacionando las expresiones con cada estación (CIENCIAS NATURALES)) 9. Establecen conexiones entre meses, estaciones y feriados. ( CIENCIAS SOCIALES/ CIENCIAS NATURALES) 10. Clasifican animales por su tipo, dietas, hábitats, partes del cuerpo, etc. (CIENCIAS NATURALES). 11. Describen diferentes tipos de casas o hábitats de escenas ilustradas utilizando frases u oraciones sencillas (CIENCIAS NATURALES/CIENCIAS SOCIALES). 12. Describen en la lengua extrajera trabajos de arte originales (EDUCACIÓN ARTÍSTICA). 13. Nombran por lo menos 10 diferentes instrumentos musicales de la lengua extranjera (EDUCACIÓN MUSICAL). 14. Seleccionan la respuesta correcta a preguntas acerca de hechos ocurridos en un relato. (COMUNICACIÓN) 15. Enlistan de cinco a ocho términos deportivos de la lengua extranjera (fútbol, basquetbol, beisbol, etc.). (EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA) 16. Identifican y describen las partes del cuerpo: la cabeza, hombros, cuello, espalda, pecho, cintura, caderas, brazos, codos, muñecas, manos, dedos, piernas, rodillas, tobillos, y dedos de los pies. (SALUD/ EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA) 17. Colocan en un mapa imágenes de personas de regiones específicas con sus respectivas ropas,, razas, estilos de vidas, etc.( CIENCIAS SOCIALES) 18. Emparejan fotos o imágenes de las formas de transportarse con oraciones descriptivas de los mismos (por ejemplo, “Aviones viajan rápido.”) (CIENCIAS SOCIALES) 19. Describen diferentes tipos de casas o hábitats de escenas ilustradas utilizando frases u oraciones sencillas (CIENCIAS NATURALES/CIENCIAS SOCIALES).


English/ /English Inglés Inglés

Subnivel 2


1. Cuentan del 0- 31, identifica y coloca en pares los números en una línea de tiempo y en el calendario. (MATEMÁTICAS) 2. Cuentan los números del 0 al número 50 y utilizarlos en operaciones aritméticas. (MATEMÁTICAS). 3. Aparean las diferentes partes del reloj. (MATEMÁTICAS). 4. Identificar y clasificar objetos por sus atributos (MATEMÁTICAS/CIENCIAS NATURALES). 5. Preguntan y proveen información básica personal como nombre, la edad, dirección y el número de teléfono. (MATEMÁTICAS, CIENCIAS SOCIALES Y ESPAÑOL) 6. Aparean animales con sus comidas, lugares en que viven, partes del cuerpo, etc. (CIENCIAS NATURALES/ CIENCIAS SOCIALES). 7. Nombran los siete días de la semana y los doce meses del año en el orden correcto (MATEMÁTICAS). 8. Identificar las estaciones climáticas relacionando las expresiones con cada estación (CIENCIAS NATURALES). 9. Organizan los meses en las estaciones e incluyen los feriados (por ejemplo, “Navidad se celebra en Diciembre”) (CIENCIAS SOCIALES). 10. Clasifican y describen en palabras sencillas las cosas vivientes y no vivientes del medio ambiente (CIENCIAS NATURALES). 11. Colocan con el correspondiente hogar o hábitat de los animales en escenas ilustradas usando frases o piezas de la lengua extranjera (CIENCIAS NATURALES/ CIENCIAS SOCIALES). 12. Identifican colores primarios y relatan cómo crear colores secundarios (EDUCACIÓN ARTÍSTICA). 13. Identifican instrumentos auténticos de la cultura propia (pandereta, marimba, maracas, campanas) (EDUCACIÓN MUSICAL) 14. Escriben unas pocas palabras o frases acerca de un evento o personaje de una historia leída por el maestro (ESPAÑOL). 15. Siguen instrucciones complejas a través de una respuesta totalmente física para actividades típicas de la clase de Educación Física (por ejemplo, saltar alrededor de la cancha, correr a diferentes velocidades, saltar la cuerda, etc.). (EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA). 16. Crean formas de los niveles altos, medios, y bajos utilizando manos, brazos, torso, pies, y piernas en una variedad de combinaciones (EDUCACIÓN ARTÍSTICA). 17. Aparean formas del tipo de rompecabezas de cinco a seis regiones o países de la cultura de la lengua extranjera, en un mapa mundial. 18. Identifican las maneras de transportarse de las rimas y cánticos apoyados visualmente (por ejemplo, “Las ruedas en el bus”) (CIENCIAS SOCIALES). 19. Hablan y escriben acerca de situaciones relacionadas con los derechos de los niños (CIENCIAS SOCIALES).

ánn ESstta

1ster - 9thno Level Nivel

dda ar rd ess 1. Cuentan hasta 100 de uno en uno, de cinco en cinco, y de diez en diez. (MATEMÁTICAS)

Subnivel 3

2. Cuentan e identifican divisa extranjera. (MATEMÁTICAS/ CIENCIAS SOCIALES) 3. Clasifican comidas de acuerdo al color, forma, y grupos de comidas. (SALUD/ MATEMÁTICAS/ CIENCIAS NATURALES) 4. Dicen la hora en la lengua extranjera. (MATEMÁTICAS) 5. Preguntan y proveen información personal y familiar tales como el nombre, la edad, dirección y números telefónicos. (ESPAÑOL/CIENCIAS SOCIALES) 6. Asocian animales con sus alimentos, sus casas, partes del cuerpo, etc. (CIENCIAS NATURALES / CIENCIAS SOCIALES) 7. Nombran los siete días de la semana y los doce meses del año en el orden correcto (MATEMÁTICAS). 8. Identifican las estaciones climáticas relacionando las expresiones con cada estación (CIENCIAS NATURALES)) 9. Establecen conexiones entre los meses, estaciones y feriados. ( CIENCIAS SOCIALES/ CIENCIAS NATURALES) 10. Clasifican animales por su tipo, dietas, hábitats, partes del cuerpo, etc. (CIENCIAS NATURALES). 11. Describen diferentes tipos de casas o hábitats de escenas ilustradas utilizando frases u oraciones sencillas (CIENCIAS NATURALES/CIENCIAS SOCIALES). 12. Describen en la lengua extrajera trabajos de arte originales (EDUCACIÓN ARTÍSTICA). 13. Nombran por lo menos 10 diferentes instrumentos musicales de la lengua extranjera (EDUCACIÓN MUSICAL). 14. Seleccionan la respuesta correcta a preguntas acerca de hechos ocurridos en un relato. (COMUNICACIÓN) 15. Enlistan de cinco a ocho términos deportivos de la lengua extranjera (fútbol, basquetbol, beisbol, etc.). (EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA) 16. Identifican y describen las partes del cuerpo: la cabeza, hombros, cuello, espalda, pecho, cintura, caderas, brazos, codos, muñecas, manos, dedos, piernas, rodillas, tobillos, y dedos de los pies. (SALUD/ EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA) 17. Colocan en un mapa imágenes de personas de regiones específicas con sus respectivas ropas,, razas, estilos de vidas, etc.( CIENCIAS SOCIALES) 18. Emparejar fotos o imágenes de las formas de transportarse con oraciones descriptivas de los mismos (por ejemplo, “Aviones viajan rápido.”) (CIENCIAS SOCIALES) 19. Describen diferentes tipos de casas o hábitats de escenas ilustradas utilizando frases u oraciones sencillas (CIENCIAS NATURALES/CIENCIAS SOCIALES).


English/ /English Inglés Inglés BLOQUE 3: Conexiones COMPONENTE 1: Relaciona con otras disciplinas y adquieren información. ESTÁNDAR 2: Adquieren y utilizan información de una variedad de fuentes solo disponibles en la lengua extranjera, usando tecnología, impresos, audiovisuales, medios de comunicación, datos y recursos humanos (Interdisciplinarios)


Subnivel 1

1. Adquieren vocabulario nuevo (memorizan) al hacer del uso de tarjetas, posters, fotos, etc. 2. Identifican palabras claves en la información registrada. 3. Leen y resaltan palabras claves y frases. 4. Parafrasean historias con elementos de la historia en los libros con sus imágenes o cuentos cortos. 5. Buscan y reproducen las palabras de los números (por ejemplo, del 1 al 31) a partir de un grupo de imágenes etiquetadas. 6. Identifican símbolos, objetos o personas relacionadas con las aulas o áreas de escuelas, personal o actividades de imágenes y declaraciones orales (por ejemplo, “Oficina” o “Salida “). 7. Nombran objetos cotidianos representados visualmente en el contexto de la vida-real (por ejemplo, “papel” dentro del escenario del aula).

Subnivel 2

1. Escuchan cuentos cortos, lee y responde en voz alta preguntas de compresión (por ejemplo, libros de cuentos, revistas, discos compactos). 2. Identifican detalles importantes de una sesión grabada. 3. Leen y resaltan detalles importantes. 4. Describen los ambientes o personajes de un cuento ilustrado de un conjunto de frases previamente seleccionadas. 5. Distinguen las palabras de los números de otras palabras utilizadas en Matemáticas usando gráficas o soporte visual y banco de palabras. 6. Localizan áreas de la escuela, personal o actividades provenientes de imágenes y de frases descriptivas (por ejemplo, “en la esquina de la habitación”, “el sanitario está al final del pasillo”). 7. Dicen la principal función de objetos de uso diario representados visualmente (por ejemplo, Mostrar una pieza de papel: “tú escribes en él”).

Subnivel 3

1. Adquieren nuevo vocabulario al analizar palabras cognadas de otras áreas (Matemáticas, Ciencias Naturales, Educación Artística, etc.). a través del uso de tarjetas didácticas, láminas, programas interactivos, videos, etc. 2. Escuchan información grabada e identifican las ideas principales, detalles y conceptos importantes. 3. Leen y resaltan las ideas principales, los detalles y conceptos importantes. 4. Contar una versión modificada de una historia autentica (fábula, leyenda y/o cuento) utilizando fuentes de multimedia. 5. Presentan (individualmente o en grupos) números presentados en gráficas o con soporte visual utilizando frases u oraciones cortas. (por ejemplo, “Este grupo tiene más de 40.”) 6. Examinan ilustraciones y las describen oralmente lo que ven (por ejemplo, escenas de la escuela mostrando diversas actividades y personal; “el maestro enseña a los estudiantes en la clase.” 7. Relatan las múltiples funciones o usos de objetos de uso diario representados visualmente (por ejemplo, “Yo hago la tarea en la mesa y como mi cena ahí.”)..”).

ánn ESstta

BLOQUE 4: Comparaciones. COMPONENTE 1: Desarrolla un enfoque hacia la naturaleza de la lengua extranjera y su cultura.

1ster - 9thno Level Nivel

dda ar rd ess

ESTÁNDAR 1: Demuestran comprensión de la naturaleza de la lengua a través de la comparación de la lengua extranjera y la propia.

Subnivel 1

1. Comparan nombres en inglés con sus equivalentes más cercanos en español. 2. Identifican y utilizan (en saludos) títulos para el personal del centro educativo (por ejemplo, Mr. Mrs. Miss, para el bibliotecario(a), director, etc.). 3. Reconocen el sistema de escritura (el alfabeto y los números de la lengua materna) y tienen en consideración las similitudes con la lengua extranjera. 4. Practican escritura de palabras sencillas en la lengua materna y en la lengua extranjera (por ejemplo, nombres, etiquetas para objetos del aula, etiquetar los dibujos de animales, etc.). 5. Responden a las fichas del alfabeto en inglés y en español, identificando cual es en Inglés y cual es en Español.

Subnivel 2

1. Se dirigen al maestro del aula apropiadamente en la lengua materna utilizando lenguaje cortés y con gestos (lenguaje kinésico) acto seguido dirigirse al maestro cortés y apropiadamente en la lengua extranjera. 2. Reconocen y revisan el sistema de escritura (alfabeto y números) de la lengua materna y del a lengua extranjera. 3. Reconocen algunas diferencias en el sistema de sonidos de la lengua extranjera. 4. Practican escribir palabras sencillas en la lengua extranjera (por ejemplo, etiquetar objetos del aula, o etiquetar dibujos de animales, etc.).

Subnivel 3

1. Reconocen raíces de las palabras en las dos lenguas y comparan palabras cognadas. 2. Reconocen que las lenguas están inter-relacionadas y pertenecen a una familia de lenguas (por ejemplo, cuentan hasta diez en dos o tres lenguas relacionadas y comparan). 3. Reconocen palabras cognadas sencillas y las identifican al escucharlas y leerlas, de una lista, y reconocer las cognadas. 4. Comparan el orden de las palabras en frases sencillas o expresiones (por ejemplo, carro rojo, rojo carro, etc.).


English/ /English Inglés Inglés BLOQUE 4: Comparaciones. COMPONENTE 1: Desarrollar un enfoque hacia la naturaleza del lenguaje y su cultura. ESTÁNDAR 2: Demuestran comprensión del concepto de la lengua a través de la comparación de la lengua extranjera y la propia.


Subnivel 1

1. Identifican costumbres de la cultura de extranjera (por ejemplo, cómo hacer una reverencia, estrechar las manos, besarse en las mejillas, etc.). 2. Comparan costumbres de los feriados en la cultura estudiada y la nuestra. (por ejemplo, la celebración de feriados o cumpleaños de acuerdo con la costumbre de nuestra cultura, y comparar aspectos sencillos con las costumbres usadas en la cultura de la Lengua Extranjera). 3. Comparan y contrastan uniformes en Honduras y los utilizados en países en donde se habla la lengua extranjera.

Subnivel 2

1. Identifican muñecas, fotos y/o dibujos de personas en ropas folklóricas de la cultura hondureña y compara con vestidos tradicionales/folklóricos en países donde se habla la lengua extranjera (por ejemplo, maori de Nueva Zelanda, navajos de Estados Unidos). 2. Comparan y contrastan el sabor de diferentes comidas (por ejemplo, frutas o postres/ pasteles que sean originarios de la cultura hondureña con los de la cultura de la lengua extranjera (alcitrones de Honduras y el pastel de manzana de los EUA). 3. Identifican juguetes y/o juegos de la cultura propia y compararlos con los juguetes y/o juegos de la cultura de la lengua extranjera (por ejemplo el trompo, el enchute, la rayuela comparadas a los robots o los juegos electrónicos).

Subnivel 3

1. Identifican fotos de casas y tiendas típicas de la cultura hondureña con esas de la cultura de la lengua extranjera (por ejemplo, los mercados con los supermercados Wal-Mart). 2. Comparan canciones e instrumentos usados durante las celebraciones en la cultura hondureña, con esos de la cultura de la lengua extranjera. 3. Comparan las diferencias climáticas en el país y los países de la lengua extranjera y la ropa que se utiliza en cada región. 4. Reconocen comidas selectas de la cultura de la lengua extranjera relacionadas con feriados y las estaciones del año, y las comparan con las comidas servidas en la cultura hondureña en ocasiones similares. 5. Comparan dos versiones de cuentos/canciones/juegos a través de fotos y de escuchar el texto leído en voz alta tomado de las culturas, hondureña y de la lengua extranjera.

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1ster - 9thno Level Nivel

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ESTÁNDAR 1: Usan la lengua extranjera en ambos ambientes dentro y fuera de la escuela.

Subnivel 1

1. Se presentan ellos en la lengua extranjera a sus compañeros (por ejemplo, en el aula, a través de la escuela, y en el área local o en internet si es posible). 2. Escuchan/cantan/recitan canciones o rimas infantiles de la cultura de la Lengua Extranjera. 3. Reconocer palabras en el idioma extranjero que se escuchan o ven en la radio o televisión (por ejemplo, hello, please, etc.). 4. Identifican lugares donde se habla la lengua (con mapas, el uso de Internet, fotografías, etc.).

Subnivel 2

1. Participan en conversaciones sencillas con compañeros y compañeros en la lengua extranjera (por ejemplo, hola, ¿cómo estás?, bien, gracias). 2. Cantan e interpretan canciones y rimas de la cultura de la lengua extranjera. 3. Identifican palabras en la lengua extranjera oídas/vistas fuera de la escuela, en la televisión, en anuncios, etc.). 4. Identificar países donde se habla la lengua extranjera

Subnivel 3

1. Participan en diálogos usando ayuda de miembros de la comunidad (por ejemplo, bomberos, oficiales de la policía, etc.). y juegan el papel en escenarios, en la lengua extranjera. 2. Memorizan y repiten frases y rimas de la lengua extranjera. 3. Identifican y utilizan palabras en la lengua extranjera que escuchan/ven (por ejemplo, en conversaciones, en anuncios de TV, etc.). 4. Identifican las regiones en un mapa donde se habla la lengua extranjera. 5. Discuten con compañeros como la lengua extranjera beneficia el área (por ejemplo, turismo, medio ambiente, etc.).


English/ /English Inglés Inglés BLOQUE 5: Comunidades. COMPONENTE 1: Participan en comunidades multilingües en casa y en cualquier otro lugar del mundo ESTÁNDAR 2: Muestran evidencias de ser aprendices de por vida mediante el uso de la lengua para el disfrute y enriquecimiento personal.


Subnivel 1

1. Se presentan ellos mismos en la lengua extranjera a sus compañeros o a hablantes nativos en su escuela y comunidad. 2. Identifican los lugares donde se habla la lengua (con mapas, el uso de Internet, fotografías, etc.). 3. Reconocen palabras en la lengua extranjera oído / vistos fuera de las escuela (por ejemplo, en la televisión, en etiquetas, publicidad, música, etc.). 4. Interactúan / trabajan / juegan con proyectos de la escuela (ferias de ciencia, proyectos de venta de tarjetas, etc.). con niños/adultos que hablan el idioma. 5. Celebran días especiales con personas de la comunidad donde la lengua extranjera puede ser practicada (por ejemplo, Cumpleaños, bailes, arte, etc.).Enriquecimiento Personal 6. Comparten canciones favoritas y rimas infantiles de diferentes culturas (por ejemplo, Canciones navideñas, canciones de cuna, etc.). 7. Leen texto sencillo de un libro auténtico de historias ilustradas y / o diccionario con imágenes.

Subnivel 2

1. Presentarse a sí mismos y otras personas en la lengua extranjera para hablantes nativos, a sus compañeros en la escuela y comunidad. 2. Intercambian información por teléfono sobre sí mismos en la lengua extranjera con familiares que viven en otro país. 3. Expresan lo que les gusta y no les gusta acerca de comidas, cine, programas de televisión, juguetes, mascotas, etc. 4. Participan en conversaciones sencillas con personas que sean hablantes-nativos del lugar visitado (por ejemplo, ¿Cómo estás?, ¿Cuál es tu nombre?, ¿De dónde vienes?, etc.). 5. Utilizan recursos en su comunidad para explorar la cultura de la lengua extranjera (por ejemplo, el internet de la comunidad, recursos humanos trabajando en ONG). Enriquecimiento Personal 6. Participan en celebraciones multiculturales como el festival de la canción, recitar poemas, etc. 7. Asisten a una película/ obra de teatro/ deporte infantil que se lleve a cabo en la lengua extrajera con elementos de la cultura extranjera.

Subnivel 3

1. Intercambian información acerca de ellos mismos en la lengua extranjera con hablantes nativos y no nativos. 2. Proveen información por teléfono acerca de ellos mismos y otros usando la lengua extranjera con familiares y amigos que viven en el extranjero. 3. Expresan conformidad o avenencia apropiadamente cuando interactúan en juegos. 4. Entrevistan a un hablante-nativo (preferiblemente de la misma edad del estudiante) de la lengua extranjera. 5. Entienden y siguen instrucciones, direcciones, advertencias, descripciones y diagramas. 6. Colectan y leen anuncios de productos/videos cortos en la lengua extranjera. 7. Explorar los componentes culturales del Internet. 8. Van con la familia a restaurantes étnicos con menús en la lengua extranjera y hablarle al mesero en la lengua extranjera.




1st - 9th Level



Agradecimiento Maestros, padres y madres de familia, alumnos, representantes de colegios magisteriales y autoridades educativas participantes en los procesos de la definición de las Programaciones Educativas Nacionales



Adela Margarita Rodríguez Ana Betancourt Sierra Ana Lourdes López Cheryl Núñez Denia Maricia Nelson Dina Lagos Esmelí Sandoval Fernando Valladares Gloria Ulloa Graciela Rico Jacqueline Aguilera Joceline Ramírez José E. Machado Juan Carlos Martínez Karla Aguilar María Elena Alméndarez María Fátima Fuentes Marta Cruz Valladares Noé Arístides Oliva Omar Eliphaz Álvarez

Reina Eduviges Iscoa Sandra Cristiana Aguilar Zoila Gloria Pinto



Estándares Educativos Nacionales-Ingles (1ro - 9no grado) Se imprimió en la imprenta (Nombre de la imprenta) Lugar ___________________________ En el mes de _________ del año _____ Su tiraje consta de _______ejemplares

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