ESSAY the Sapphires and Pocahontas

April 27, 2018 | Author: EthanBryant | Category: N/A
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My comparitive essay on The Sapphires and Pocahontas....


Comparative Essay Essay:: The Sapphires & Pocahontas Topic: Discovering our identity is a challenging journey.  This essay will discuss the topic of how discovering our identity is a challenging challenging journey. journey. It will compare the lm ‘The Sapphires’ with the lm ‘Pocahontas’ and will analyse them and nd out what aspects of the topic they contain. This essay will see why young people have diculties when it comes to nowing who they are. It will also loo at the two lms and see why family and friends can help one decide who they are and see why sometimes even older people have to as themselves who they are.  The rst point this essay essay will discuss is how the the two lms! The Sapphires Sapphires and Pocahontas! display why young people have diculties when it comes to nowing who they are. In the movie The Sapphires! "ulie! #ail! $ynthia and %ay all struggle with nowing who they are when they are young! and as they mature and &ecome themselves! they slowly nd their true identities. Throughout the whole lm! %ay and #ail have many ghts! usually %ay &eing the one victimised. These little li ttle disagreements were always a&out %ay nding her true identity' white or &lac( )eing )ei ng so young! she struggles with really nowing who she is as she hasn’t matured enough to mae advanced decisions yet. "ulie was also very confused a&out her identity! always wondering if she’ll &ecome a famous singer or not. *hen told that she can’t go to +ietnam &ecause she has a child and she is no less than a child herself! she says ‘I now I’ve got a child! that’s why I want to mae something of myself,- ll of this proves why young people have diculties when searching for their true identity. identity. /ow changing onto the topic of Pocahontas! the titular character! Pocahontas! struggles with nowing who she is! where her life is leading her and what path she is going down since she is still a young woman. )y the end of the movie! she’s matured and she realises who she is. Pocahontas always wondered and ased the spirits! ghosts and dream0givers who she really was to nd herself. She nds identity and love throughout the story! the two main themes in the lm! showing that it contains similarities with The Sapphires as they are the two main themes in that as well. In one of the songs in the lm! Pocahontas sings a&out what’s going to happen to her in the future and what her identity i dentity is! asing herself 1*hat’s around the river&end! waiting just around the river&end for f or me(- This is a metaphor as Pocahontas is wondering what’s just around the corner for her! just waiting for her to reach it and discover and gra& her true identity. identity. Pocahontas truly discovers her identity when her father speas fondly of her &y saying 12y daughter speas with the wisdom &eyond her years. *e have all come here with anger in our hearts! &ut she comes with courage and understanding.- This ena&les Pocahontas to &elieve in herself and understand her true identity! showing that it is is very dicult as a young person when it comes to nowing who they are.  This essay will also loo at how the two lms! The Sapphires Sapphires and Pocahontas! Pocahontas! e3plore why family and friends can help you decide who you are. In The Sapphires! "ulie! #ail! $ynthia and %ay all try to help each e ach other with nding what their identities are 4sometime in harsh and harmful ways as displayed &y #ail and %ay5. 6ave also tries to help the four girls nd their identities as he is older and more mature than them! although he still wonders a&out his own identity 4as this essay will tal a&out later on5. Throughout the lm! the four girls shape each other’s identities! helping each other with their relationships! their singing and dancing talents! their image and their personalities. lso! the four girls’ parents help them assume their identities and discover themselves. This is shown when they are provided with the news of the girls going to +ietnam! as "ulie’s mum says 1I suppose #ail and $ynthia can go! &ut "ulie stays here. She’s too young.- This is something "ulie is not very pleased a&out as she storms o7 while #ail is 8uite happy! nowing that "ulie will denitely &e safe. These points show that family and friends can help you discover your identity! whether it &e through harmful or easy methods.

/ow on to the other chosen lm in this comparative essay! Pocahontas! where the titular character’s identity is shaped &y her family and friends who decide who she will &ecome and who she wants to &e. Throughout the lm! Pocahontas’ family such as her dad 4$hief Powhatan5! her grandmother 4#randmother *illow5 and her &est f riend 4/aoma5 all try to help Pocahontas discover and choose her identity. 9er dad wants her to &e a stereotypical /ative0merican Indian woman! marrying a warrior and &ecoming a future chief’s wife. /aoma wants her to &e safe and responsi&le and not mingle with the pale :nglishmen. The most tting and appropriate assumption for the right identity is that of #randmother *illow’s! telling Pocahontas to lead in her mother’s footsteps and follow her dreams and go down the path she wants to go down! not the path /aoma and her dad! $hief Powhatan! want her to go down. #randmother *illow says something very meaningful relating to Pocahontas’ identity and the path she should go down when she touches on the ripples in the pond! saying how they’re 1so small at rst- &ut then 1loo how they grow- and how 1someone has to start them!- telling Pocahontas to strive for what she &elieves in. This shows that friends and family can help you decide who you are. ;astly! this essay will discuss and investigate how the two lms! The Sapphires and Pocahontas! display why sometimes even older people have to as themselves who they are. In The Sapphires! 6ave ;ovelace! the four girls’ friend and manager! struggles with his own identity as he is not sure a&out his marriage! a&out his love life or a&out his career. s he is well into his =s! 6ave is still trying to nd out who he really is and what he wants to do with his life. This is 8uite a common theme in many older and more mature adults if they haven’t really &ranched out into one particular career path or fallen in love. #ail really helps with maing 6ave aware of who he is! &ecause at the end of the movie! he says 1I was never good enough at music and certainly not at life and that’s a hard thing to tae &ecause I didn’t have a place and then I met these cra?y &original girls and one ama?ing woman and I had a place and I lied it!- showing that even if you are an older or more mature adult! you still may have to as yourself who you are sometimes. In Pocahontas! #overnor @atcli7e! the main antagonist in the lm! struggles with nding his identity. *hen travelling to +irginia! he is not sure of what he will nd there. 9e is hoping that it is gold &ut he is not sure. fter his worers have &een digging for hours on end! he loses his mind since he thins he 1should &e wallowing in riches- &y then and they 1havenAt found as much as a spec.- In one of the songs in the lm! @atcli7e says how after he nds lots of gold! 1the ing will reward me. 9eAll night meB /o! lord me,- )ut as he doesn’t nd any gold! he &ecomes confused and not sure of who he is. 9e’s now not sure on what to do since he has wasted all of this time and money into coming to +irginia to nd gold! only to nd none. This shows that even older people really do have to as themselves who they are sometimes. fter reading this essay! the topic of 1discovering our identity is a challenging journeyshould &e much simpler! clearer and comprehensi&le than it was &efore since the two chosen lm te3ts 4The Sapphires and Pocahontas5 made it very easy and understanda&le to display what the topic means. The three points used in this essay to dene what the topic means are that' C. young people nd it dicult when it comes to nowing who they are! D. your friends and family can help you decide who you are and
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