Essay National Youth Science Congress

February 28, 2019 | Author: Gautam Jayasurya | Category: Science, Technology, Science And Technology, Wellness, Science (General)
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Innovative use of Science & Technology to address the Societal Challenges...


Innovative use of Science & Technology to address the Societal Challenges Present Day Advances

India is making huge strides in the fields of pharmaceutical industry, aerospace industry, nuclear  energy industry and software industry. Our government has taken a vow to put science and technology as the top priority areas as far as financing of research and development goes. However, the pertinent uestion is to find out how much these investments would translate into uantifia!le changes in lives of the people from the !ottom rung of the society. "urther to follow the visionary path laid down !y #r. $.%.m!edkar, emancipation of the marginalised is truly  possi!le through education which instils in us scientific inuiry and rigour, challenging the notion notionss of superi superiori ority ty !ased !ased on caste, caste, religion religion or place place or !irth. !irth. 'ore than than any materi material al contri!utions from the world of science, it is the potential of science and technology to usher a re!irth of human thinking that makes is it the most important tool at the disposal of humankind. %enaissance movement was an instance of science and technology !ringing a!out an everlasting change in the way humans perceived nature and its marvels. The lens of mysticism and divine intervention was replaced !y lens of rationality and courage to e(periment. Need for Criticism

It is only thing to !e !lindly optimistic and another to do avoid realistic introspection for the fear  of criticism and loss of reputation. Constructive criticism would only help the nation to move forward !y identifying its weakest links.  nation is only strong as its weakest link. Education

The future of our education system lies in the #igital Connectivity 'ission which would cover  schools across the country. This mission of the future would !e connecting these schools to a centralised knowledge !ase, ensuring that there is euality of opportunity in letter and spirit. n am!itious student from a lesser know village from northeast would !e a!le to compete with a student from a cosmopolitan city !rining the !est out of !oth of them, adding to country)s intellectual prosperity in the long run. Intellectual capital for the design and e(ecution would !e  provided !y Indian scientific diaspora and financial capital from CS% funds and other relevant government schemes. Clean energy Agriculture and Biotechnology Health care

Scientists have !een in the forefront of efforts to mitigate manmade and natural resources throug through h advanc advancemen ements ts in healthc healthcare are system systemss and !etter !etter predic predictio tion n system systemss in the disast disaster  er  management machinery. The glo!al response time for scientists against *!ola was far lesser than

the epidemics !efore. HudHud was predicted earlier than the tropical cyclones that have hit the Indian shore !efore. Conclusion

t this +uncture, the people of this country owe to the hard working and underappreciated scientists who pro!a!ly have set aside the lucrative offers from the private sector and to work for  the !etterment of the nation. ast Indian governments have disappointingly !ut not surprisingly shunned away from providing the funding that is reuired for high profile pro+ects in science and technology. artly, this may have worked to the advantage of the nation, we have earned ourselves a name for cost effective technologies at half or uarter of the monetary cost incurred  !y other nations. $ut in other ways, our innovations failed to transform it into cutting edge technologies and !ecame restricted in terms of the scale of the pro+ect- limited in terms of  capacity and geographical reach of our innovations. "oreign diplomacy is an undere(plored channel for getting the reuired funding for our high profile pro+ects.

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