essay Catching Fire
February 11, 2017 | Author: DianaAurora | Category: N/A
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essay Catching Fire...
Nombre del estudiante: Diana Aurora Chávez Ramírez
Nombre del trabajo: The hunger game’s opinion
Fecha de entrega: April 16, 2013
Campus: Toluca
Carrera /Prepa: IMT
Nombre del maestro: Oleg Cravioto
Katniss and Peeta have returned to their home District, but the return is hardly triumphant. Haunted by nightmares of the brutal deaths in the arena, Katniss is confused by her feelings for Peeta, while her relationship with her hunting partner and oldest friend, Gale, is changed in subtle ways. Most challenging, though, is her relationship to the leaders in the Capitol. Her act of defiance in attempting a double suicide at the end of the Games forced them to allow both her and Peeta to live, and there are intimations that Katniss has now become a symbol for rebellion in the Districts. The Victory Tour, designed to remind the people in the Districts of the power of the Capitol, may be having quite a different effect this year. Then President Snow announces plans for the Quarter Quell, the 75th anniversary Games. Every 25 years the Capitol devises a new twist for the reaping, and this year they announce that the tributes will be chosen from among the victors of previous Games. Thrown into the arena once more with Peeta, Katniss’s strategy must be different this year, but even Katniss doesn’t realize the implications of these Games and the outside forces that are gathering strength to undermine the entire society. If you read Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins, you yourself will change as a person. It really made me think about my life and others lives to. I think the story, Catching Fire, is about a poor girl and boy who are brave enough to make a difference. Also, they’re brave enough to compete in the hunger games again. Katniss and Peeta were brave to speak up for themselves. They were also brave to not of killed themselves. Katniss and Peeta think they’re done with the hunger games and out of the reaping, but they’re not. When Katniss found out that she had to go back in the arena, she was so mad and upset that she ran into the woods to try to calm down a bit. After that happened Prim buried her face in her hands and cried. Katniss went to Peeta to see how he took the news, but he was so calm. Katniss wondered how he took it so easily and calmly. On the tour, Katniss was brave enough to talk about her past tributes. Katniss expected the tour to go by fast, quick, and easy. The tour was the flat out opposite. During the tour, Katniss accidently got three people killed. Also Katniss got emotional when she saw the family’s of the children she killed. In district eleven Katniss stood up for what she believed in. She said “the capitol has no rights to force people, who are kids, to go in a dangerous arena to fight to their deaths”. In the arena only one survives, 23 die. Saying that could of gotten her killed. Katniss and Peeta learned that in the hunger games you feel as if you’re a piece of a puzzle and that if you try you will make a difference. Peeta said that “he wished he could defeat the capitol by showing them that his self and the other tributes weren’t just a piece of the hunger games. Katniss made a difference by showing them that the capitol had no rights to kill twelve year old Rue at such a young age or anyone at any age. In Katniss’ first hunger games, she tried to help Rue survive by giving her food, blankets, and happiness and even made her feel less lonely. After Rue died, Katniss buried her in flowers and sang her a song. She also held and kissed three fingers to show how she wants Rue to rest in peace. Doing that risked Katniss’ life too. Katniss really showed feelings for Rue by thinking of her a lot, like when she was watching Hamich’s hunger games tape, she saw how he was too late to save Maysilee and thought of how she was to late to save Rue. Overall, I really liked Catching Fire because the story was neat and well written. It also made me learn that I should be thankful for what I have. I would recommend this book to people who like books that make them think. Also, for people who like gory books. This book really made me think and changed how I act.
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