ESL Placement Test

January 22, 2017 | Author: Mf Fonseca | Category: N/A
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Placement Test Reading Te

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Placem Name: Level:

Find the ESL Level That Fits Your Student

Intercambio Oral Evaluation The Intercambio Oral Evaluation (I.O.E.) is the English language assessment used to place new students in levels 1-6. Similar to the BEST Test, the assessment consists of several open-ended questions, which gradually become more challenging. The questions are in line with the topics and structures introduced in the Intercambio Curriculum. Scores are based on fluency, vocabulary, and grammar. Each question is scored on a 0-2 point scale. 0 = No response or the question is not understood. 1 = The question is understood and the response is partially correct. 2 = The response is completely correct. Encourage them to answer in complete sentences if possible. For example: What’s your name? My name is Lee. That response would be 2 points. What’s your name? Lee = 1 point Each question can be repeated one time only. Begin the evaluation by saying that if they don’t know anything it’s okay. This test is to help determine which level will be best for them. Be playful and set a comfortable tone with them, and if you want and are able to talk with them for a bit in their native language that can be a good way to settle the nerves. If they can not understand the first few questions then end the test early and place them in level 1.

Intercambio Oral Evaluation Evaluator’s Name:

Student’s Name:


1. My name is ___________ What is your name? 0 Checking for full sentence. Remind them to give complete answer each time. 2. I spell my name___________. How do you spell your name? 0 Checking for alphabet accuracy 3. Look at my clothes. Please describe my clothes. 0 Checking for color and clothing identification 4. How is the weather today? 0 Checking for description of the weather 5. Act out walking, running, writing and ask: 0 What am I doing? Checking for verb + ing 6. Can you give me directions from your house to the grocery store? 0 Checking for accuracy of directions: straight, right, left, etc. 7. This weekend I am going to clean my house. 0 What are you going to do? Checking for the future tense: “I am going to…” 8. Yesterday I washed my clothes and went to the store. 0 What did you do yesterday? Checking for the past tense 9. Before we started this test I was talking to another student. 0 What were you doing before we started this test? Checking for past progressive(be + verb + ing) 10. I want to meet new people in this town. 0 What do you think I should do? Checking for correct use of should 11. How long have you lived in the United States? 0 Checking for: “I have lived…” 12. I have been studying Spanish for 10 years. 0 How long have you been studying English? Checking for present perfect continuous (have been + verb + ing) 13. What do you like about the United States? 0 Checking for fluid conversation 14. What surprised you about the United States? 0 Checking for fluid conversation 15. If you spoke English perfectly, what would you do? 0 Checking for conditional form: “I would…” L1: 0-4 L2: 5-8 L3: 9-12 L4 13-16 L5 17-20 L6: 21-25 L7:26-30 Total Score: Student Level:































Intercambio Placement Test - Writing Name: _________________________ Level: __________________________

1. ________ three oranges on the table. a. There are c. There is b. Are there d. Is there 2. ________ from Los Angeles? a. I am c. Where are you b. Are you d. You are 3. She __________ about her mom. a. is thinking c. thinking b. think d. are thinking 4. I ____ going to Denver tomorrow. a. is c. am b. are d. will 5. ____ you _______ in Boulder? a. Do/works c. Do/work b. Do/working d. Does/work 6. Yesterday, I _______ to the bank. a. go c. went b. came d. will go 7. To mail a letter, you should go to the ____. a. grocery store c. hospital b. bank d. post office 8. My teacher is ___ Shainis. He is very nice. a. Miss c. Mrs. b. Mr. 9. My little sister is _______ than me. a. younger c. young b. youngest d. too young 10. Yesterday my brother _____ a new car. a. buy c. buyed b. buys d. bought 11. You _____ eating when I ______. a. was/called c. are/called b. was/call d. were/called

12. I am tired. a. You should eat something b. You should sleep. 13. He is always in a hurry. He walks very ___. a. quietly c. quickly b. slowly d. carefully 14. I am going ____ Denver ____ Friday. a. to/on c. to/in b. at/on d. in/on 15. Have they ever ______ their house? a. paint c. painting b. painted d. paints 16. I ________ swimming for 2 years. a. have been c. has been b. have d. has 17. Have you been to the new mall? a. No, I haven’t been there yet. b. Yes, I have been there yet. 18. We live in the _____ house on our street. a. smaller c. smallest b. small d. most small 19. If I ___ a dog, I ______ take him hiking. a. had/will c. have/would b. have/won’t d. had/would 20. Did you ___ the dishes and ___ your bed? a. do/make c. make/do b. do/do d. make/make

Intercambio Placement Test - Writing Scoring: 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. c 6. c 7. d 8. b 9. a 10. d 11. d 12. b 13. c 14. a 15. b 16. a 17. a 18. c 19. d 20. a

Level 1: 0-5 correct Level 2: 6-10 correct Level 3: 11-14 correct Level 4: 15-16 correct Level 5: 17-18 correct Level 6: 19-20 correct This written test score should be considered along with the oral test to determine a student’s level. We recommend that slightly more weight be put on the oral test. For instance, if a student places in level 6 according to the oral test and level 3 for the written test, we suggest placing them in level 5.

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