ESL Language Test Inglés 2021 02-10-91494

February 21, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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HOLA ELIZABETH MIRANDA! Según los resultados de esta prueba, tienes un nivel:

B2 (intermedio superior)

Eleg El egid ida a mej mejor or ag agen enci cia a

Gara Ga rant ntía ía de dell mej mejor or pr prec ecio io

Serv Se rvic icio io gr grat atui uito to


Watch the video and choose the answers you think are correct.


Your answer

Correct answer

A teacher is standing with his back to the class and a smart student sneaks into the room, looks at the teacher, takes a seat and acts as though she had been in the classroom for ages . . ages

A teacher is standing with his back to the class and a smart student sneaks into the room, looks at the teacher, takes a seat and acts as though she had been in the classroom for ages . . ages

Put the two halves of these sentences together.


Your answer

Correct answer

1. I have caught a cold, I shouldn't have gone out without a coat. 2. She did it without my knowledge and without my consent. 3. I am not satisfied with the quality of your work. 4. He is, without exception, the best student I have ever had.

1. I have caught a cold, I shouldn't have gone out without a coat. 2. She did it without my knowledge and without my consent. 3. I am not satisfied with the quality of your work. 4. He is, without exception, the best student I have ever had.

Choose the best words from the word bank.


Your answer

Correct answer

He saw saw a  a hundred Euro note note on  on the pavement, picked picked it  it up and put it in his pocket.

He saw saw a  a hundred Euro note note on  on the pavement, picked picked it  it up and put it in his pocket.

Match the following items with their descriptions:


Your answer

Correct answer

1. There are many stereotypes

1. There are many stereotypes

about British people. 2. She is very fond of British people. 3. We really like talking to British people. 4. I once borrowed some money from some British people.

about British people. 2. She is very fond of British people. 3. We really like talking to British people. 4. I once borrowed some money from some British people.

Choose the correct answer in each drop-down d rop-down list:


Your answer

Correct answer

The old man would like to use the technology he was used

The old man would like to use the technology he was used

to using when he was young. His colleague is against going back to old technology.

to using when he was young. His colleague is against going back to old technology.

Eleg El egid ida a mej mejor or ag agen enci cia a

Gara Ga rant ntía ía de dell mej mejor or pr prec ecio io

Serv Se rvic icio io gr grat atui uito to


Match the two halves of these sentences.


Your answer

Correct answer

1. I didn't keep my promise yesterday. 2. I have tried to keep my promise many times in my life. 3. I never keep

1. I didn't keep my promise yesterday. 2. I have tried to keep my promise many times in my life. 3. I never keep

my promises because I am a bad man. 4. I have never kept a promise in my whole life.

my promises because I am a bad man. 4. I have never kept a promise in my whole life.

Put this paragraph into a logical order.


Your answer

Correct answer

1. I found organizing my own homestay program a 6. of everything for me 4. to trust people that we have never met before so 2. little scary because I would be living in someone 3. else's home while I studied and it is not always easy 5. I called a company called ESL and they took care

1. I found organizing my own homestay program a 2. little scary because I would be living in someone 3. else's home while I studied and it is not always easy 4. to trust people that we have never met before so 5. I called a company called ESL and they took care 6. of everything for me

Match the words on the left with the words on the right.


Your answer

Correct answer

1. An alarm clock went off at the right time. 2. The man broke off in mid-sentence. 3. The students turned up ten minutes late. 4. The boring man went

1. An alarm clock went off at the right time. 2. The man broke off in mid-sentence. 3. The students turned up ten minutes late. 4. The boring man went

on and on and would not stop talking.

on and on and would not stop talking.

Listen to the audio file and choose ch oose the best answers.


Your answer

Correct answer

The man is in a nice nice hotel.  hotel. There are 68 68 rooms  rooms in the hotel and the man at reception first suggests room number 25 25 . . The client does not want that room because it has got a small window . window . The client prefers has got a large window carpets in hotel rooms.

The man is in a nice nice hotel.  hotel. There are 86 86 rooms  rooms in the hotel and the man at reception first suggests room number 25 25 . . The client does not want that room because it has got a small window . window . The client prefers red red carpets  carpets in hotel rooms.

Eleg El egid ida a mej mejor or ag agen enci cia a

Gara Ga rant ntía ía de dell mej mejor or pr prec ecio io

Serv Se rvic icio io gr grat atui uito to


Choose the correct answer in each drop-down d rop-down list:


Your answer

Correct answer

It is generally an excellent idea to take a gift from your own culture to your new new family.  family. We find that it is a very good path to path  to break the ice when you arrive.

It is generally an excellent idea to take a gift from your own culture to your host family. We find that it is a very good way to break the ice when you arrive.


Match the following items. Your answer

Correct answer

1. pick up lift 2. pick on bully 3. put away return something to its proper place 4. put off disgust 5. put up give a place to sleep

1. pick up lift 2. pick on bully 3. put away return something to its proper place 4. put off   disgust 5. put up give a place to sleep

Match these sentences.


Your answer

Correct answer

1. The simplicity of English grammar makes the apprenticeship easy. 2. People who don't know English at all have become a minority. 3. Not being able to speak English has become a handicap for job seekers. see kers. 4. Learning English in context is the natural way to learn.

1. The simplicity of English grammar makes the apprenticeship easy. 2. People who don't know English at all have become a minority. 3. Not being able to speak English has become a handicap for job seekers. 4. Learning English in context is the natural way to learn.

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Eleg El egid ida a mej mejor or ag agen enci cia a

Gara Ga rant ntía ía de dell mej mejor or pr prec ecio io

Serv Se rvic icio io gr grat atui uito to

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