ES6 Operating Manual 2070 9470.pdf

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Atlas Copco Control solutions

ES 6

Instruction book

Atlas Copco Control solutions

ES 6

Instruction book Original instructions

Copyright notice Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited. This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings. This instruction book is valid for CE as well as non-CE labelled machines. It meets the requirements for instructions specified by the applicable European directives as identified in the Declaration of Conformity.

2011 - 03 No. 2920 7094 70

Instruction book

Table of contents 1

Safety precautions..........................................................................................................4


SAFETY ICONS...................................................................................................................................4


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING INSTALLATION...........................................................................................4


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING OPERATION..............................................................................................5


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING MAINTENANCE OR REPAIR...........................................................................5


General description........................................................................................................7




SINGLE POINT PRESSURE MEASUREMENT..............................................................................................11


EQUAL WEAR SEQUENCE MODE...........................................................................................................12






DIMENSION DRAWING........................................................................................................................14


INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS..............................................................................................................15


CONNECTION METHODS.....................................................................................................................16


CAN CONNECTIONS ........................................................................................................................21


HARD-WIRED CONNECTIONS...............................................................................................................21


Controller details..........................................................................................................24


CONTROL PANEL..............................................................................................................................24


ICONS USED....................................................................................................................................25


MAIN SCREEN..................................................................................................................................27


ES COMMANDS................................................................................................................................31


CALLING UP MENUS..........................................................................................................................32


ES MENU.......................................................................................................................................33


INPUTS MENU...................................................................................................................................36


OUTPUTS MENU...............................................................................................................................39


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SETPOINT MENU...............................................................................................................................42


EVENT HISTORY MENU.......................................................................................................................44


ACCESS LEVEL.................................................................................................................................45


MENU SETTINGS...............................................................................................................................46


WEEK TIMER MENU...........................................................................................................................52


SERVICE MENU................................................................................................................................62


USER PASSWORD MENU.....................................................................................................................66


INFORMATION MENU..........................................................................................................................67


Configuration and start-up..........................................................................................69


SYSTEM CONFIGURATION...................................................................................................................69




Declaration of conformity............................................................................................75

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Instruction book


Safety precautions


Safety icons

Explanation Danger for life Warning Important note


Safety precautions during installation 1. Place the device where the ambient air is cool and as clean as possible. Consult section Reference conditions and limitations. 2. During installation or any other intervention on one of the connected machines, the machines must be stopped, de-energized and the isolating switch opened and locked before any maintenance or repair. As a further safeguard, persons switching on remotely controlled machines shall take adequate precautions to ensure that there is no one checking or working on the machine. To this end, a suitable notice shall be affixed to the start equipment. 3. Install the equipment in an area free of flammable fumes, vapours and particles, e.g. paint solvents, that can lead to internal fire or explosion. 4. The electrical connections must correspond to the applicable codes. The device must be earthed and protected against short circuits by fuses in all phases. A lockable power isolating switch must be installed near the device. 5. For machines controlled by a central control system, a sign stating "This machine may start without warning" must be affixed near the instrument panel. 6. In multiple compressor systems, manual valves must be installed to isolate each compressor. Non-return valves (check valves) must not be relied upon for isolating pressure systems. 7. Never remove or tamper with the safety devices. Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during operation and Safety precautions during maintenance or repair. These precautions apply to electrical devices. For precautions applying to the connected equipment consult the relevant instruction book. Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence some statements may not apply to your device.


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Instruction book


Safety precautions during operation All responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from neglecting these precautions, or non-observance of the normal caution and care required for installation, operation, maintenance and repair, even if not expressly stated, will be disclaimed by the manufacturer.

1. Persons switching on remotely controlled machines shall take adequate precautions to ensure that there is no one checking or working on the machine. To this end, a suitable notice shall be affixed to the remote start equipment. 2. Never operate the device in the presence of flammable or toxic fumes, vapours or particles. 3. Never operate the device below or in excess of its limit ratings. 4. Do not operate the device when there are flammable or toxic fumes, vapors or particles. 5. Keep all bodywork doors and panels closed during operation. The doors may be opened for short periods only, e.g. to carry out routine checks. 6. People staying in environments or rooms where the sound pressure level reaches or exceeds 90 dB(A) shall wear ear protectors. 7. Periodically check that: • All guards and fasteners are in place and tight • All hoses and/or pipes are in good condition, secure and not rubbing • There are no leaks • All electrical leads are secure and in good order 8. Never remove or tamper with the safety devices. Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during installation and Safety precautions during maintenance or repair. These precautions apply to electrical devices. For precautions applying to the connected equipment consult the relevant instruction book. Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence some statements may not apply to your machine.


Safety precautions during maintenance or repair All responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from neglecting these precautions, or non observance of the normal caution and care required for installation, operation, maintenance and repair, even if not expressly stated, will be disclaimed by the manufacturer.

1. Use only the correct tools for maintenance and repair work. 2. Use only genuine spare parts. 3. A warning sign bearing a legend such as "Work in progress - do not start" shall be attached to the starting equipment, including all remote start equipment. 4. Persons switching on remotely controlled machines shall take adequate precautions to ensure that there is no one checking or working on the machine. To this end, a suitable notice shall be affixed to the remote start equipment. 5. Never use flammable solvents or carbon tetrachloride for cleaning parts. Take safety precautions against toxic vapours of cleaning liquids. 6. Scrupulously observe cleanliness during maintenance and repair. Keep dirt away by covering the parts and exposed openings with a clean cloth, paper or tape. 7. Never use a light source with open flame for inspecting the interior of the device.

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Instruction book

8. All regulating and safety devices shall be maintained with due care to ensure that they function properly. They may not be put out of action. 9. Before clearing the device for use after maintenance or repair, check that operating pressures, temperatures and time settings are correct. Check that all control and shut-down devices are fitted and that they function correctly. 10. Make sure that no tools, loose parts or rags are left in or on the device. 11. Never use caustic solvents which can damage materials of the device. Also consult following safety precautions: Safety precautions during installation and Safety precautions during operation. These precautions apply to electrical devices. For precautions applying to the connected equipment consult the relevant instruction book. Some precautions are general and cover several machine types and equipment; hence some statements may not apply to your machine.

Units and/or used parts should be disposed of in an environmentally friendly and safe manner and in line with the local recommendations and legislation.


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Instruction book


General description




ES 6, general view

The ES 6 is a stand-alone central control system that regulates the net pressure within programmable limits by starting and stopping, loading and unloading (in case of fixed speed compressors) or controlling the speed (VSD compressors) of the connected compressors according to a programmed algorithm (see section Equal wear sequence mode). Up to six compressors, connected to a common air net, can be connected. The ES 6 can control fixed speed compressors as well as frequency converter driven compressors (VSD). Fixed speed Atlas Copco compressors may have any Elektronikon® regulator or may be pressure switch controlled. VSD compressors must however have an Elektronikon® regulator of the fourth (MkIV) or fifth generation (Mk5) in order to have all control options. Competitor VSD compressors can only be started and stopped by the ES 6 via digital contacts. The status of each compressor can be checked on the display. Operating parameters are accessible via the menu. The ES 6 consists out of a metal cubicle with: • • • •

An Elektronikon® Graphic Plus controller (Mk5) An expansion module type I/O 2 (part number 1900 5200 31) A 4-20 mA pressure transmitter (delivered loose) A supply transformer, fuses and connectors

Controller types Over the past years, many different versions of the Elektronikon® regulator are developed. A short survey:

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Instruction book

Elektronikon MkI and MkII regulators

Elektronikon MkIII Low Range (LR) regulator

Elektronikon MkIII High Range (HR) regulator with 4 x 16 display


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Instruction book

Elektronikon MkIII High Range (HR) regulator with 4 x 40 display

Elektronikon I - MkIV (A controller)

Elektronikon II - MkIV (B controller)

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Instruction book

Elektronikon III - MkIV (D controller)

Elektronikon controller (Mk5)

Elektronikon Graphic controller (Mk5)


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Instruction book

Elektronikon Graphic Plus controller (Mk5)


Single point pressure measurement


The ES 6 measures the net pressure by means of a 4-20 mA pressure transmitter (P), connected to the I/O 2 module in the ES 6 cubicle. The ES 6 controls the compressors in the network in order to keep the pressure within the limits of the programmed pressure band. As an alternative or as backup, another pressure sensor (0-5 V transducer) can be used. This other or extra sensor must be connected to the I/O2 module.

Two pressure bands are available. A switch-over between the pressure bands can be performed in different ways (week timer based, controlled by a switch, via the display menu or via CAN communication).

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Instruction book


Equal wear sequence mode

Description In this operation mode, the ES 6 controls the connected compressors in function of the outcome of following checks: • • • •

Position of the measured pressure versus the selected pressure band Priority check Compressor availability check Equal wear check

Priority check Two priority schemes are available. In each priority scheme, six priority levels can be set. The lower the number of the priority level, the higher the priority: machines of level 1 will be started first, those of level 6 will be started last. Each compressor can be given a different priority. Compressors with the same priority level will have the same priority. Within a group of compressors with the same priority, the VSD compressor (if available) will be the top load machine. The VSD compressor will be started first and stopped last within the priority group. The highest placed variable speed driven compressor will be the control VSD compressor. If more than one VSD compressor is put in this priority level, the one with the least number of running hours will be the control (top load) VSD. The other one(s) will be controlled as a fixed speed compressor, meaning that it (they) will run at its (their) maximum motor speed, when started. The controller allows two different ways of switching between the priority schemes: • Manual shift: a new scheme is selected manually. • Time based shift: the scheme shifts automatically according to a programmed list (e.g. Monday 07:00 h priority scheme 1, Tuesday 08:00 h priority scheme 2, etc.). Availability check Before a compressor in a group is started, an availability check is performed. This means that only the compressors that are running in unloaded condition or are ready to be started will be taken into account. A compressor is unavailable if: • • • •

The minimum stop time is not yet expired The compressor is shut down Its emergency stop button is pressed There is no communication with the ES 6

Equal wear Within the group of compressors that have the same priority, the available compressor with the least running hours will be started first, compressors with the most running hours will be stopped first. Exception: this is not applicable when the priority group contains the control VSD compressor. The other VSD compressor(s) will run as fixed speed compressor(s).


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Instruction book

Temporary activation of a standby machine By using the priority schemes, a standby machine can be activated for a certain time to keep the machine in optimal condition. In the example below, the last machine (number 6) is set to standby (priority scheme 1). It is only activated when all the other machines are already running. To keep the machine in optimal condition, the sequence can be changed so that the standby compressor has the highest priority (priority scheme 2). This can be done by changing the schemes manually or by means of a timer based switch. Example Compressor number

Priority scheme 1

Priority scheme 2 Priority level


Priority level







Fixed speed


Fixed speed



Fixed speed


Fixed speed



Fixed speed


Fixed speed












Matching flow fluctuations with variable speed driven compressor(s)

Description If a variable speed driven compressor is installed, the latter is used to meet the changing demands of the air net. When two compressors are running, the fixed speed compressor runs 100% loaded while the variable speed driven compressor is used to fine tune the pressure. If a competitor VSD is connected, together with a number of fixed speed compressors, the competitor VSD needs to be controlled via remote start/stop command (small pressure band). Its setpoint must be set below the Pressure Band Low setting of the ES 6. When there is more than one VSD compressor, the Atlas Copco VSD compressor will be the control compressor. The competitor VSD will run as a fixed speed compressor.

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Instruction book




Dimension drawing



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Instruction book


Installation instructions

Procedure • Fix the ES 6 to a wall (e.g. in the compressor room), taking into account the following maximum cable lengths: • 250 m (820 ft) for a CAN network 500 m (1640 ft) if a repeater is installed, 970 m (3180 ft) if two repeaters and one CAN bridge are installed. • 1000 m (3280 ft) between the pressure transmitter and the ES 6. • The pressure transmitter should preferably be connected to an air receiver, in order to avoid pressure pulsations. Also vibrations should be avoided. It is also recommended to connect it via valves, allowing the pressure transmitter to be replaced after isolating and depressurising it. The pressure transmitter must be installed in an upright position to avoid accumulation of condensate in the device. • Isolate and depressurise the part of the air net to which the pressure transmitter will be connected. • Provide a threaded hole (ISO R 1/4) in the depressurised part of the air net. • Screw the pressure transmitter into place. • Wire the pressure transmitter cable to the module of the central control system. Respect the pin numbers as indicated on the electrical diagram, which is delivered with the device.

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Instruction book


Connection methods







Connection channel 1 to 6

For each compressor a connection channel is provided. For the ES 6, six connection channels can be selected, configured and used to connect compressors. Physical connection possibilities There are three different ways to connect a compressor to the ES 6: 1. CAN (LAN) The CAN (Controller Area Network) allows all the compressors and controllers in a network to be connected to one another using a single 3 core cable, which is daisy-chained from one device to the next. The CAN network acts as a universal communication system which can be used for both control and monitoring. This type of connection uses the LAN connection of the regulator. 2. CANBox Interface For fixed speed compressors which cannot be connected directly to a CAN network, the CANBox interface can be used. This DIN rail mounted box acts as an interface between traditional digital and analogue I/O and the CAN network. One CANBox has to be provided per compressor. 3. Hard-wired The ES 6 can also control any fixed speed compressor using a series of digital inputs and outputs. In this case the compressor will need to be hard-wired to the ES 6. Connecting Atlas Copco compressors equipped with Elektronikon® MkIV or Mk5 regulators The simplest way to connect these machines to the ES 6 is via the CAN network. A single machine can be connected directly to the ES 6 or multiple machines can be linked together and then connected, as shown below:


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Instruction book

Some older versions of the MkIV controller have limited control possibilities and do not allow proper control over the CAN network or simply have no LAN connection. In this case there are two options: • Replace the controller by the current version (see details below). • Connect the machine via hard-wiring. See section Hard-wired connections.

Regulators with limited CAN functionality

Part number

Used on

Part number replacement regulator

Elektronikon® I

1900 0711 01

GA 5-90 C

1900 0712 71

Elektronikon® I

1900 0711 02

GA 5-90 C

1900 0712 71



1900 0711 03

GA 5-90 C

1900 0712 71

Elektronikon® I

1900 0711 06

GA 5-90 C

1900 0712 71

Elektronikon® II

1900 0710 01

GA 11-90 C

1900 0710 12


1900 0710 11

GA 11-90 C

1900 0710 12


Connecting Atlas Copco machines with Elektronikon® MkIII This previous generation of the Elektronikon® controller came in two variants, a low range and a high range version. One of the key differences between these two variants were the communication possibilities. The details below explain the possibilities for each variant: • Elektronikon® MkIII Low Range controller (part number 1900 0700 0x) There are two connection possibilities for this controller: either a CANBox Interface can be used (part number 1900 0712 61), which means that the machine will use the CAN network to communicate with the ES 6 or the machine can be hard-wired directly to the ES 6. In both cases some simple changes will be necessary inside the electrical cubicle. More specifically two relays must be added, one to signal the running status and the other to signal the load/unload status. • Elektronikon® MkIII High Range controller (part number 1900 0701 0x) If the high range version of the MkIII includes an extra module known as COM 1, the easiest way to connect the machine to the ES 6 is to add a Combox-S interface (part number 8092 2482 54), which converts all communication to CAN. Alternatively the compressor can be hard-wired directly to the ES 6. If the machine does not include a COM 1 module there are three possibilities: • Use both a COM 1 (part number 8104 0115 00) and a Combox-S • Use a CANBox interface (part number 1900 0712 61) 2920 7094 70


Instruction book

• Hard-wire the machine directly to the ES 6

Connecting Atlas Copco machines fitted with Elektronikon® MkI or MkII The Combox-S is the easiest option to install and provides the most flexible and complete communication mechanism. Therefore this is the recommended connection method for the ES 6.


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Instruction book

Connecting Electo-pneumatic machines and non Atlas Copco machines There are two ways to connect these machines to the ES 6: • Add a CANBox Interface (part number 1900 0712 61) to each machine and then use the CAN network • hard-wire each machine directly to the ES 6

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Instruction book

Connection of electro-pneumatic or non Atlas Copco machines

Details on how to hard-wire machines to the ES 6 can be found in section Hard wired connections. A full explanation of how to install, configure and use a CANBox can be found in the CANBox instruction book, which is provided with the CANBox hardware.






CAN network


CANBox Interface


ComBox S


Hard-wired connection




Elektronikon® MkIII - low range


Elektronikon® MkIII - high range without COM 1


Elektronikon® MkIII - high range with COM 1


Elektronikon® MkI or MkII

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Instruction book





Electro-pneumatic controlled compressors or non Atlas Copco machines

CAN connections

CAN addresses The ES 6 can be connected through a LAN (CAN technology). The connection point on the ES 6 is labelled LAN.

For connections that are connected over LAN, appropriate CAN addresses must be used. On each compressor, CANBox or Combox S, the correct CAN address must be set depending on the channel: Only the CAN addresses 1 up to 6 can be used. Channel

CAN address

Channel 1


Channel 2


Channel 3




Channel 6


CAN address The ES 6 requires a CAN address between 1 and 30. By default, the CAN address of the ES 6 is 31. After the download the CAN address has to be changed manually. Principally every available CAN address can be used, but the preferred CAN address is 30.

See section Menu settings - Network settings to check or adapt this parameter.


Hard-wired connections

Description Stop the compressors and switch off the power during the connecting process.

On the ES 6, two digital inputs and two relay outputs are provided for each connection channel. Required inputs: • Compressor status indication, compressor stopped/running • Compressor status indication, compressor unloaded/loaded Provided outputs:

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Instruction book

• Contact to control the selection between Local or Remote Control through the ES 6 • Contact to control the Load/Unload condition through the ES 6 Connecting the compressor Select the correct input and output contacts in the list below.

Connection Channel

Connector terminals


Channel 1, Digital Load/Unload

3X33; DIO4

Digital Link 1 Motor Status [4703]

3X33; DIO5

Digital Link 1 Load Status [4704]

3X30; K04

Digital Link 1 Local/remote [4804]

3X30; K05

Digital Link 1 Load/Unload [4805]

3X33; DIO4

Digital Start/Running 1 [7086]

3X30; K04

Digital Start/Running 1 [7080]

3X33; DIO6

Digital Link 2 Motor Status [4705]

3X33; DIO7

Digital Link 2 Load Status [4706]

3X30; K06

Digital Link 2 Local/Remote [4806]

3X30; K07

Digital Link 2 Load/Unload [4807]

3X33; DIO6

Digital Start/Running 2 [7087]

3X30; K06

Digital Start/Running 2 [7081]

3X33; DIO8

Digital Link 3 Motor Status [4707]

3X33; DIO9

Digital Link 3 Load Status [4708]

3X30; K08

Digital Link 3 Local/Remote [4808]

3X30; K09

Digital Link 3 Load/Unload [4809]

3X33; DIO8

Digital Start/Running 3 [7088]

3X30; K08

Digital Start/Running 3 [7082]

3X33; DIO10

Digital Link 4 Motor Status [4709]

3X33; DIO11

Digital Link 4 Load Status [4710]

3X32; K10

Digital Link 4 Local/Remote [4810]

3X32; K11

Digital Link 4 Load/Unload [4811]

3X33; DIO10

Digital Start/Running 4 [7089]

3X32; K10

Digital Start/Running 4 [7083]

3X33; DIO12

Digital Link 5 Motor Status [4711]

3X33; DIO13

Digital Link 5 Load Status [4712]

3X32; K12

Digital Link 5 Local/Remote [4812]

3X32; K13

Digital Link 5 Load/Unload [4813]

3X33; DIO12

Digital Start/Running 5 [7090]

3X32; K12

Digital Start/Running 5 [7084]

3X33; DIO14

Digital Link 6 Motor Status [4713]

3X33; DIO15

Digital Link 6 Load Status [4714]

3X32; K14

Digital Link 6 Local/Remote [4814]

3X32; K15

Digital Link 6 Load/Unload [4815]

Channel 1, Digital Start/Stop Channel 2, Digital Load/Unload

Channel 2, Digital Start/Stop Channel 3, Digital Load/Unload

Channel 3, Digital Start/Stop Channel 4, Digital Load/Unload

Channel 4, Digital Start/Stop Channel 5, Digital Load/Unload

Channel 5, Digital Start/Stop Channel 6, Digital Load/Unload


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Instruction book

Connection Channel

Connector terminals


Channel 6, Digital Start/Stop

3X33; DIO14

Digital Start/Running 6 [7091]

3X32; K14

Digital Start/Running 6 [7085]

Principle drawing how to connect an electro-pneumatically controlled compressor

Text on image






Start Motor

Start motor


Line relay

Electrical cabinet


Start relay

Electrical cabinet


Time relay, delayed motor stop

Electrical cabinet


ES control relay

To be added


Compressor air switch

Electrical cabinet


Solenoid valve (load/unload compressor)

Electrical cabinet

K Local Remote

ES Local/remote relay



ES Load/unload relay


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Instruction book


Controller details


Control panel

Parts and functions

Control panel







Shows the ES 6 operating condition and a number of icons to navigate through the menu.



Automatic operation



General alarm


General alarm LED

Flashes if a shut-down warning condition exists.





Service LED

Lights up if service is needed.


Automatic operation LED

Indicates that the regulator is automatically controlling the compressor.


Voltage on LED

Indicates that the voltage is switched on.



Voltage on


Enter key

Key to select the selected parameter.


Escape key

To go to previous screen or to end the current action.


Scroll keys

Keys to scroll through the menu.


Stop button

Button to stop the ES 6. LED (7) goes out.


Start button

Button to start the ES 6. LED (7) lights up indicating that the ES 6 is operative.

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Instruction book


Icons used

Status icons Name Stopped / Running


Description When the ES 6 is controlling the connected units, the icon is rotating. The ES 6 is stopped.

Automatic restart

Automatic restart after voltage failure is active

Week Timer

Week timer is active

Active protection functions

Emergency stop

The ES has stopped all connected units




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Service required


Instruction book

Input icons Icon

Description Pressure

Load/unload compressor

Digital input

Frequency converter driven compressor

System icons Icon

Description Failure expansion module Network

General alarm Regulation General

Access key / User password

Menu icons Icon

Description ES Commands icon Chart icon



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Description Alarms (Warnings, shutdowns) Week Timer


Counters Setpoint Inputs

Outputs ES

Event history (saved data) Settings

Navigation arrows Icon

Description Up Down


Main screen

Description When the voltage is switched on, the main screen is shown automatically. The main screen layout depends on the preference of the user. There are 5 possibilities: 1. ES main screen This is the basic display mode for the ES 6.

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Instruction book

Typical view of the ES main screen

2. Chart display (high resolution) This display shows the fluctuations of the net pressure per minute.

Chart display (typical)

3. Chart display (medium resolution) This display is similar to the above, but shows the fluctuations of the net pressure per hour. 4. Chart display (low resolution) This display shows the fluctuations of the net pressure per day. 5. 2 Value Lines display This display mode is more suitable to control the compressors connected to the ES 6. It is not used for the ES 6.

Selection of a screen layout To change between the different screen layouts, select the far right icon in the control icons line and press the Enter key. A screen similar to the one below opens:


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Instruction book

Select the layout required and press the Enter key. The corresponding icon of the selected main screen is shown at the far right of the control icons line (line (2) in below image). Detailed description

Example of the ES 6 main screen display (typical)

The ES main screen gives an overview of the operating condition of the connected compressors (conditions, alarms, etc.). See section Icons used for information about the icons shown. The screen consists out of four main sections: (1)

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Menu and navigation messages: • The ES commands icon is selected: The grey area around the second icon in line (2) and the text ES Commands is displayed. The Menu button can be selected to go to the Menu screen. •


Instruction book


Control icons (from left to right): • When the ES 6 is controlling the connected compressors, the rotating icon

is shown. If the ES 6 is stopped,

is shown. The ES Commands icon

is a short-cut that allows to start and stop the ES 6, see also section ES commands.

• The regulation icon

is a short-cut to the pressure settings, see also section Setpoint menu.

• The Automatic Restart After Voltage Failure icon

is only displayed if the function is activated. See also section Menu settings.

• The ES icon

at the right means the ES Main screen is selected.



Status of connected channels: • Compressor 1 is a VSD compressor (indicated by the frequency converter icon underneath the bar), running at partial speed (indicated by the partially filled bar), used to fine tune the pressure in the net (indicated by the yellow colour). • Compressors 2, 3, 5 and 6 are fixed speed compressors, running loaded (indicated by the completely filled bar). The blue colour indicates they are used as basic load compressors. • Compressor 3 shows a service message (indicated by the service icon). Details can be found on the controller of the compressor. • Compressor 4 is a VSD compressor running at full speed. • The horizontal line under compressor 5 shows the next action (stop or unload) is planned for this compressor. • Compressor 6 is a pressure switch controlled compressor (indicated by the digital input icon), running fully loaded (indicated by the completely filled bar).


ES 6 pressure band and measured pressure indication: • 10.00 bar: Upper Pressure Band Level • 6.83 bar: actual pressure • 7.00 bar: Lower Pressure Band Level

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Instruction book


ES commands

Control panel

Control panel


Enter key


Escape key


Scroll keys

Menu icon, ES commands

Function To start and stop the ES 6. The menu is also used to reset the ES 6. Procedure Starting from the main screen, use the scroll keys to select the ES Commands icon:

Next, press the enter key. Following screen appears:

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Instruction book

After selecting the required item, press the Enter key on the controller to confirm your selection. The Reset command is used to reset the ES 6 after a failure.


Calling up menus

Control panel

Control panel


Enter key


Escape key


Scroll keys

Description When the voltage is switched on, the main screen is shown automatically (see also section Main screen):

ES 6 main screen display (typical)

• To display the Menu screen, select the Menu button, using the Scroll keys and press the Enter key. 32

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Following screen appears:

Menu screen

Text on image (1)




• The screen shows a number of icons (see section Icons used). Each icon indicates a menu item. By default, the Regulation icon is selected. The status bar (2) shows the name of the menu that corresponds to the selected icon. • Use the Scroll keys to select the required icon. • Press the Enter key to activate the required menu or press the Escape key to return to the Main screen.


ES menu

Control panel

Control panel


Enter key


Escape key


Scroll keys

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Instruction book

Menu icon, ES

Function To call up or modify information regarding the number of connected units, to switch the ES on and off, to visualise and modify the pressure band settings, etc. See also section System configuration. Procedure Starting from the Menu screen (see section Calling up menus), • Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the ES icon (see above, section Menu icon) and press the Enter key on the controller. Following screen appears:

Text on image (1)



Slave 1


Slave 2



The screen shows a list of all machines in the network, i.e. one master (the ES 6) and up to six slaves. If changes are required, Select the item required (in the above image the Master is selected, which is indicated by the light grey background) and press the Enter key. A screen similar to the one below appears:

Text on image (1)



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Instruction book



On or Off


Number of Compressors

Between 1 and 6


Pressure Band 1 High

As displayed


Pressure Band 1 Low

As displayed



Using the scroll keys, also other items become visible:

Text on image (1)



Pressure Band 2 High

As displayed


Pressure Band 2 Low

As displayed


Pressure Band In Use

Pressure Band 1 or 2


Digital Pressure Band Selection

Can be On or Off. When On, it allows to switch the pressure band of the ES control by means of a digital input.



More settings become visible when scrolling down. See section System configuration for the complete list. The Modify button is automatically selected. If Enter is pressed, the highlighted item becomes adjustable. In a similar way, also the settings of any connected slave modules can be viewed and edited (see also section System configuration):

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Inputs menu

Control panel

Control panel


Enter key


Escape key


Scroll keys

Menu icon, Inputs

Function To call up information regarding the actually measured data and the status of some inputs such as the emergency stop switch. Procedure Starting from the Menu screen (see section Calling up menus), • Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Inputs icon (see above, section Menu icon). • Press the Enter key. Following screen appears:

Text on image (1)



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Net Pressure


Net Pressure 2


Emergency Stop


Contact Run



The screen shows a list of all inputs with their corresponding icons and readings. If an input is in warning or shutdown, the original icon is replaced by the warning or shutdown icon respectively. If changes are required:

• Select the Modify button (light grey background) and press the Enter key on the controller. A screen similar to the one below appears:

The first item is highlighted in a light grey colour. When a small Chart Icon is shown below this item, this means the digital input is shown on the chart on the main screen (when selected). • To remove the digital input from the main chart: press the Enter key again. A pop-up window opens:

Text on image (1)

Main Chart Signal


Remove From Main Chart

• A confirmation pop-up opens (2):

Select Yes to remove or select No to quit the current screen without changes. If a user wants to change the chart input, follow the steps below:

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• Click the Modify button and remove the current input as described above. • Next, select the next item in the list and press the Enter key of the controller.

A pop-up window opens, asking to put the selected item as Main Chart signal. Click the Enter key to confirm.

Text on image (1)

Main Chart Signal


Set As Main Chart Signal

Note: If the previous input is still on the chart, following screen will be shown:

Select Yes to confirm or No to quit the current action without making changes. The active button is marked with a grey background. Use the scroll keys left/right to change.


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Outputs menu

Control panel

Control panel


Enter key


Escape key


Scroll keys

Menu icon, Outputs

Function To call up information regarding the actual status of certain outputs. If an output is in warning or shutdown, the original icon is replaced by the warning or shutdown icon respectively. The list cannot be modified. Procedure Starting from the Menu screen (see section Calling up menus), • Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Outputs icon (see above, section Menu icon). • Press the Enter key. A screen similar to the one below appears:

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Example of an output menu

Text on image





General Shutdown


Start pulse


Control panel

Control panel


Enter key


Escape key


Scroll keys

Menu icon, Counters

Function To call up:


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• The running hours per ID • The number of hours that the ES 6 has been powered • The ES 6 running hours Procedure Starting from the Menu screen (see section Calling up menus), • Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Counters icon (see above, section Menu icon) • Press the Enter key. A screen similar to the one below appears:

Text on image (1)



Running Hours ID 1


Running Hours ID 2


Running Hours ID 3


Running Hours ID 4

• Scrolling down results in a screen showing the remaining data:

Text on image (6)

Running Hours ID 5


Running Hours ID 6


Module Hours


Running Hours

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4.10 Setpoint menu Control panel

Control panel


Enter key


Escape key


Scroll keys

Menu icon, Setpoint

Function If desired, the operator can program two pressure bands: (Pressure Band 1 High/Low and Pressure Band 2 High/Low). The menu is also used to select the active pressure band. Procedure Starting from the Menu screen (see section Calling up menus), • Press the Enter key (the Setpoint icon (see above, section menu icon) is selected by default). Following screen appears:

And by using the scroll keys:


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Text on image (1)



Pressure Band 1 High


Pressure Band 1 Low


Pressure Band 2 High


Pressure Band 2 Low




Pressure Band in Use


Pressure Band 1


Digital Pressure Band Selection



To modify the settings, press the Modify button. The first line of the screen is now highlighted in grey. • Use the Scroll keys to highlight the setting to be modified and press the Enter key. Following screen appears:

Text on figure (1)



Pressure Band 1 High



• The upper and lower limit of the setting is shown in grey, the actual setting is shown in black. Use the ↑ or ↓ key of the Scroll keys to modify the settings as required and press the Enter key to accept. If necessary, change the other settings as required in the same way as described above.

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4.11 Event history menu Control panel

Control panel


Enter key


Escape key


Scroll keys

Menu icon, Event History

Function To call up the last shutdown and last emergency stop data. Procedure Starting from the Menu screen (see section Calling up menus), • • • •


Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Event History icon (see above, section Menu icon) The list of last shutdown and emergency stop cases is shown. Scroll through the items to select the desired shutdown or emergency stop event. Press the Enter key to find the date, time and other data reflecting the status of the compressor when that shutdown or emergency stop occurred.

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4.12 Access level Control panel

Control panel


Enter key


Escape key


Scroll keys

Menu icon, access level

Function Access key is used to change parameters which are not accessible for a standard user Principally, there are 2 access levels: • In the user level, a basic set of parameters is visualised. No password is required. • In access level 1, a basic set of parameters can be modified. A password can be required to enter level 1. Procedure Starting from the Menu screen (see section Calling up menus), • Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Access Level icon (see above, section Menu icon), (the second icon from right in the bottom row) and press the Enter key to enter the user level. • To enter the next level, a code can be required.

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Text on image (1)

Access Key


Access Level



Enter the code using the scroll keys.

4.13 Menu settings Control panel

Control panel


Enter key


Escape key


Scroll keys

Menu icon, Settings


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Function To display and modify a number of settings (e.g. Time, Date, Date format, Language, units ...), to control the Automatic Restart after Voltage Failure function, to enter a code to change certain parameters and to change and modify the network settings. Procedure Starting from the Menu screen (see section Calling up menus), • Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Settings icon (see above, section menu icon). • Press the Enter key. Following screen appears:

Text on image (1)



Automatic restart (the text corresponds to the icon selected)


Network icon


General settings icon


Automatic restart after voltage failure icon


Graph icon

• To enter the required submenu, select the dedicated icon using the Scroll keys and press the Enter key. Network settings Menu icon:

Function: To display or modify the network settings. Procedure A number of network settings is shown:

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Text on image (1)






• Selecting Ethernet, the screen shows following data:

Text on image (1)





IP Address


Subnet Mask


Gateway IP

• CAN is used for network connection and to modify CAN settings:

Text on image (1)



CAN Address


Communication Profile

When the CAN status is On, turn it off to change the CAN Address settings. When the status is Off, press the Enter key on the controller to modify the CAN address. Use the scroll buttons to select the Can Address line in the list. Press Enter again. The value can be between 1 and 31. The communication profile shows the behaviour of the controller. You can choose between MK4 or Mk5 profile, but both options are OK. General Settings Menu icon:


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Function: To display and modify general settings such as language, time and date, date format, pressure unit, temperature unit, etc. Procedure • Language Use the Scroll keys to select the Language in use and press the Enter key:

Text on image (1)



Language in Use






Date Format

The user can choose at least from 3 languages in the language list, e.g. English, Dutch, French:

Text on image (1)

Language in Use







Press Enter to confirm or press the Escape key to leave the screen without changes. • Time Use the scroll keys to select the Time control unit and press the Enter key.

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Enter the time, using the scroll keys and press the Enter key to confirm. • Date Use the scroll keys to select the Date control unit and press the Enter key.

Enter the date, using the scroll keys and press the Enter key to confirm. Pressure Unit, Temperature Unit, Vibration Unit, Level Unit Volume Unit and Flow Unit can be modified in a similar way. • Display Time out Display Time out is used to optimize the lifetime of the display. Use the scroll keys to select Display Time out and press the Enter key.

The time can be set between 5 and 60 minutes. The ideal time is 5 minutes. Use the scroll keys to modify and press the Enter key to confirm. Automatic restart after voltage failure Menu icon:

Function: The ES 6 controller has a built-in function to automatically restart when voltage is restored after voltage failure. This function is standard deactivated when leaving the factory, and can only be modified after entering a password. Please consult Atlas Copco to activate this function.


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Procedure There are 3 options: • Not activated: the controller will remain stopped. • Activated: the controller will resume controlling when the power is restored within the programmed Power Down time • Activated without time limit: the controller will always restart, independent from the Power Down time. Select Automatic Restart, using the Scroll keys and press the Enter key.

Text on image (1)

Automatic Restart


Automatic Restart


Maximum Power Down Time

The Maximum Power Down Time (Power recovery time) is the time during which the controller will restart. The minimum and the programmed value is 10 s, the maximum is 3600 s. The Restart time is the time delay between the moment the power is restored and the moment the controller resumes controlling. The minimum delay is 0 s, the maximum is 3600 s. For the ES 6 this delay should be on 0 s. For proper operation of the controller, the automatic restart after voltage failure function on the compressor regulator must be: • Activated for compressors equipped with an Elektronikon® MkIII LR regulator. • Set inactive for compressors equipped with an Elektronikon® MkI, MkII, MkIII HR or MkIII 4X40 regulator, Elektronikon® II , MkIV and Mk5. Chart settings Menu icon:

Function: To programme which settings are represented by the charts and how they are shown. Procedure • Select the above menu icon and press the Enter key. Following screen appears:

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Text on image (1)

Main Chart


Main Chart signal


Chart Range


Chart Band

• By selecting the item that needs to be changed, the corresponding value becomes adjustable. This way following variables can be set: • Main Chart Signal (Net Pressure 1 or Net Pressure 2) • Chart Range (Minimum and Maximum, each adjustable between values indicated on the display) • Chart Band (Off or On)

4.14 Week timer menu Control panel

Control panel



Enter key


Escape key


Scroll keys

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Menu icon, Week timer

Function • • • •

To program time-based start/stop commands for the compressors To program time-based change-over commands for the pressure band Four different week schemes can be programmed. A week cycle can be programmed. A week cycle is a sequence of 10 weeks. For each week in the cycle, one of the four programmed week schemes can be chosen. If the week timer of the ES 6 is active, the timer settings of the slave units are overruled !

Procedure Starting from the Menu screen (see section Calling up menus), • Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Week Timer icon (see above, section Menu icon). • Press the Enter key. Following screen appears:

Text on image (1)

Week Timer


Week Action Schemes


Week Cycle




Week Timer Inactive


Remaining Running Time

By default, the first item in the list is highlighted. Select any item and press the Enter key on the controller to modify. Programming Week Action Schemes • Select Week Action Schemes and press Enter. A new window opens. The first item in the list is highlighted. Press the Enter key on the controller to modify Week Action Scheme 1.

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Text on image (1)

Week Action Schemes


Week Action Scheme 1


Week Action Scheme 2


Week Action Scheme 3


Week Action Scheme 4

• A weekly list is shown. Monday is automatically selected and highlighted. Press the Enter key on the controller to set an action for this day.

Text on image (1)

Week Action Scheme 1















• A new window opens. The Modify action button is selected. Press the Enter button on the controller to create an action.


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Text on image (1)




• A new pop-up window opens. Select an action from this list by using the Scroll keys on the controller. When ready, press the Enter key to confirm.

Text on image (1)











Pressure Setpoint 1



• A new window opens. The action is now visible in the first day of the week.

Text on image

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• To adjust the time, use the Scroll keys on the controller and press the Enter key to confirm.









• A pop-up window opens. Use the ↑ or ↓ key of Scroll keys to modify the values of the hours. Use the ← or → Scroll keys to modify the minutes.

Text on image (1)








• Press the Escape key on the controller. The action button Modify is selected. Use the Scroll keys to select the action Save.


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Text on image (1)








• A new pop-up window opens. Use the Scroll keys on the controller to select the correct actions. Press the Enter key to confirm.

Text on image (1)



Are you sure?









Press the Escape key to leave this window. • The action is shown below the day the action is planned.

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Text on image (1)

Week Action Scheme 1


Monday - Start













Press the Escape key on the controller to leave this screen. Programming the week cycle A week cycle is a sequence of 10 weeks. For each week in the cycle, one of the four programmed week schemes can be chosen. • Select Week Cycle from the main Week Timer menu list.

Text on image (1)

Week Timer


Week Action Schemes


Week Cycle




Week Timer Inactive


Remaining Running Time

• A list of 10 weeks is shown:


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Text on image (1)

Week Cycle


Week 1


Week 2


Week 3


Week 4



Press twice the Enter key on the controller to modify the first week. • A new window opens. Select the action, example: Week Action Scheme 1

Text on image (1)

Week Cycle


Week 1


Week Action Scheme 1


Week Action Scheme 2


Week Action Scheme 3



• Check the status of the Week Timer Use the Escape key on the controller to go back to the main Week Timer menu. Select the status of the Week Timer.

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Text on image (1)

Week Timer


Week Action Schemes


Week Cycle




Week Timer Inactive


Remaining Running Time

• A new window opens. Select Week 1 to set the Week Timer active.

Text on image (1)

Week Timer




Week Timer Inactive


Week 1

• Press the Escape key on the controller to leave this window. The status shows that week 1 is active.

Text on image


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Week Timer


Week Action Schemes


Week Cycle




Remaining Running Time

• Press the Escape key on the controller to go to the main Week Timer menu. Select Remaining Running Time from the list and press the Enter key on the controller to Modify.

Text on image (1)

Week Timer


Week Action Schemes


Week Cycle




Remaining Running Time

This timer is used when the week timer is set and for certain reasons the compressor must continue working for example 1 hour. It can be set in this screen. This timer is prior to the Week Timer action.

Text on image (1)

Week Timer


Week action schemes


Remaining Running Time

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4.15 Service menu Control panel

Control panel


Enter key


Escape key


Scroll keys

Menu icon, Service

Function As such, the ES 6 doesn't need any specific maintenance. Nevertheless, the Service menu feature can be used to follow up common components of the installation that not have their own controller, e.g. a common filter. Service messages will than be based on the running hours of the ES 6 controller. • • • •

To program service intervals To reset the service plans which are carried out. To check when the next service plans are to be carried out. To find out which service plans were carried out previously.

Procedure Starting from the Menu screen (see section Calling up menus), • Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Service icon (see above, section Menu icon). • Press the Enter key. Following screen appears:


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Text on figure (1)





Service plan


Next service



• Scroll through the items to select the desired item and press the Enter key to see the details as explained below. Overview

Text on figure (1)



Running Hours (green)


Real Time hours (blue)



Example for service level (A): The figures at the left are the programmed service intervals. For Service interval A, the programmed number of running hours is 4000 hours (upper row, green) and the programmed number of real time hours is 8760 hours, which corresponds to one year (second row, blue). This means that the controller will launch a service warning when either 4000 running hours or 8760 real hours are reached, whichever comes first. Note that the real time hours counter keeps counting, also when the controller is not powered. The figures within the bars are the number of hours to go till the next service intervention. In the example above, the compressor was just started up, which means it still has 4000 running hours or 8280 hours to go before the next Service intervention.

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Service plans A number of service operations are grouped (called Level A, Level B, etc...). Each level stands for a number of service actions to be carried out at the time intervals programmed in the Elektronikon controller. When a service plan interval is reached, a message will appear on the screen. After carrying out the service actions related to the indicated levels, the timers must be reset. From the Service menu above, select Service plan (3) and press Enter. Following screen appears:

Text on figure (1)

Service plan




Running hours


Real time hours



Modifying a service plan Dependant on the operating conditions, it can be necessary to modify the service intervals. To do so, use the Scroll keys to select the value to be modified. A screen similar to the one below appears:

Press the Enter key. Following screen appears:


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Modify the value as required using the ↑ or ↓ scroll key and press the Enter key to confirm. Note: Running hours can be modified in steps of 100 hours, real time hours can be modified in steps of 1 hour. Next Service

Text on figure (1)

Next service




Running hours



In the example above, the A Service level is programmed at 4000 running hours, of which 0 hours have passed. History The History screen shows a list of all service actions done in the past, sorted by date. The date at the top is the most recent service action. To see the details of a completed service action (e.g. Service level, Running hours or Real time hours), use the Scroll keys to select the desired action and press the Enter key.

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4.16 User password menu Control panel

Control panel


Enter key


Escape key


Scroll keys

Menu icon, User Password

Function If the password option is activated, it is impossible for not authorized persons to modify any setting. Procedure Starting from the Menu screen (see section Calling up menus), • Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Password icon (see above, section Menu icon), i.e. the upper right icon on the bottom row. • Press the Enter key. A screen similar to the one below appears:

Text on image


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User Password


Not Activated



• Select the Activate button using the Scroll keys and press the Enter key. A new screen appears:

Next, enter the password as required. A confirmation window opens. Re-enter the password and press the Enter key to confirm.

4.17 Information menu Control panel

Control panel


Enter key


Escape key


Scroll keys

Menu icon, Information

Function The information display shows basically an URL (

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Also a number of other parameters is visible in this menu. See below. Procedure Starting from the Menu screen (see section Calling up menus), • Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Information icon (see above, section Menu icon) • Press the Enter key. Following screen appears:

• After clicking on the Enter button a list of parameters is shown:

Scrolling down results in a screen showing the remaining data:

Text on images





MAC Address


Expansion Modules


Boot software


Operating system


Application software


PEG software


Licence ES

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Configuration and start-up


System configuration

System setup After all physical connections are made, a number of selections still has to be made in order to perform a system setup. This can be done via the ES 6 display or via special software, available to the Aftermarket organization. For setup via the display, most settings can be viewed/changed via the ES menu. Following steps have to be followed: 1. Master settings • Activate the ES in the Master controller:

Text on image (1)




must be On


Number of Compressors

between 1 and 6


Pressure Band 1 High

as required


Pressure Band 1 Low

as required



• • • •

Enter the number of compressors connected to the ES 6. Enter the pressure band settings. Enter which is the pressure band in use. Digital Pressure Band Selection: when "On", it allows to switch Pressure band by means of a digital input.

Text on image

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Pressure Band 2 High

as displayed


Pressure Band 2 Low

as displayed


Pressure Band In Use

Pressure Band 1 or 2


Digital Pressure Band Selection

Can be On or Off. When On, it allows to switch the pressure band of the ES control by means of a digital input.



• Scrolling down shows more settings:

Text on image (1)



Scheme in Use

Each participant has a priority. Two priority schemes are possible.


Digital Scheme Selection

When active, digital selection between the schemes is possible.


Forced Time

Setting used to decide to start a stopped compressor irrespective of the pressure algorithm.


Remote To Local Time

Time between two remote to local requests.



• And

Text on image



Start/Load Time

Time between two start - load requests.


Unload Time

Time between two unload requests.


Delta Time

Setting used to decide to load an unloaded compressor or to start a stopped compressor.


Remote Start/Stop

If selection is On, the regulation can start and stop with a digital input.

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• And also:

Text on image (1)

Central Stop

Central stop allowed when parameter is On.



Local allowed when parameter is on


System Forced Function

When On, allows to force a compressor start to prevent a certain compressor in the system would remain inactive during a long time.


Automatic Restart

Auto Restart After Voltage Failure • When 'Does not Exist', ARAVF is not present (cannot be activated in this screen). • When 'Exist but not active', ARAVF is present but not yet active. Can be activated on the display. • When 'Exist and is active': ARAVF is present and Active. Can be de-activated on the display. • When 'Exist and is active infinite': ARAVF is present, active and a restart will always be executed independent of Power Off time. See section Menu settings.

• Further settings:

Text on image

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Maximum Power Down Time

Auto restart is possible if the power down time is less then this parameter.


Sequence Method

Manual sequence: selection of the slaves depending on: • Group Sequence • Priority scheme check • Running hours check Each slave of a group starts at the same time. Equal Wear: selection of the slaves depending on: • Priority scheme check • Running hours check • Each slave will be started one by one.


Operation Mode

Possibility to control the regulation: Possible values: • Local • Remote • LAN


Group Sequence

Contains the groups which have to start for this sequence.

2. Slave settings For each slave, following settings are to be checked: •

Text on image



Scheme 1 Priority

Two priority schemes are present. In each Priority scheme a Priority Level can be set per compressor. The lower the priority level the higher the priority. Compressors with the same Priority Level will have the same Priority. By default all priorities in both schemes are set to 1. Since two Priority schemes are available, a switch over from one to the other Priority Scheme is possible (by Digital Input, Week Timer or via Display Menu) .


Scheme 2 Priority


Start/Load Reaction Time

Maximum time for the compressor to reply to a Start/ Load command.


Load Reaction Time

Maximum time for the compressor to reply to a Load command.

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Text on image (1)

Unload Reaction Time

Maximum Time for the compressor to reply to an Unload command.


Stop Reaction Time

Maximum Time for the compressor to reply to a Stop command.


VSD Maximum Starts per Day

The second up to sixth VSD compressor will be seen as a Fixed Speed compressor running at optimal/ maximum speed. Since these VSD's are seen as fixed speed compressors, a 'Number of starts per day' is required for the regulation.


VSD Maximum RPM Factor

Percentage of Control VSD Speed: required for the decision to start/load/unload and stop fixed speed and maximum speed VSD's.


VSD Minimum RPM Factor

Percentage of Control VSD Speed: required for the decision to start/load/unload and stop fixed speed and maximum speed VSD's.


VSD Zero RPM Band Factor

Percentage multiplied with the 'Minimum Speed' to decide that the Control VSD can be considered as stopped.


Running Hours

Running hours are the hours of the selected slave compressor



A user can change to integrate a compressor in the ES or isolate a compressor.

Text on image

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Text on image



VSD Zero RPM Band Factor

See previous image


Running Hours

See previous image



See previous image


Manual Sequence group

Each slave must be put in a group. These groups we need to define a manual sequence.


Preparations for initial start-up • Stick labels near the control panels of the compressors connected to the ES 6 as well as on an obvious place inside these compressors, warning the operator that the compressor is remotely started and stopped by a remote controller. These labels must also warn the operator that, after voltage failure, the controller can remotely start and stop the compressors, depending on the air demand and programmed values. • Connect the power supply cables of the ES 6 controller to an appropriate single-phase voltage. • Switch on the voltage. The ES 6 is now ready for use.


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Declaration of conformity

Typical example of a Declaration of Conformity document

(1): Contact address: Atlas Copco Airpower n.v. P.O. Box 100 B-2610 Wilrijk (Antwerp) Belgium

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In order to be First in Mind—First in Choice® for all your quality compressed air needs, Atlas Copco delivers the products and services that help to increase your business’ efficiency and profitability.

No. 2920 7094 70 / 2011 - 03 - Printed in Belgium

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