Error en Las Sillas

October 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Today Ms. Green was very late for work. She waited for the delivery of h her er new chair. But the delivery man brought the wrong chair. Ms. Green called the store manager. "I ordered a brown chair," she said, "not green!" "Don't be angry," said the manager. mana ger. "We all make mistakes, don't we?" "Some people make bigger mistakes than others!" Ms. Green answered. The manager found her order. "Ha," he laughed. Another customer, Mr. Brown, ordered a green chair and got your chair instead. Isn't that funny?" "No, it isn't. I want chair. chair," I paid enough ehe nough store now and get a my different for it," said Ms. Green. "Come to the But Ms. Green went to work instead. After work, she went to the store, but it was alread already y closed. A handsome young man was also there. "I'm late," he said. "Now I have to wait until tomorrow for my green chair." "Are you Mr. Brown?" she asked. "Yes, but ... " "I can help you with your chair," said Ms. Green. And she smiled for the first time that day. Read the story. If you need help, use the student tools. TRADUCCION Hoy la señorita Green llegó muy tarde al trabajo. Esperó la entrega de su nueva silla. Pero el repartidor trajo la silla equivocada. La Sra. Green llamó al gerente de la tienda. "Pedí una silla marrón", dijo, "¡no verde!" "No te enojes", dijo el gerente. "Todos cometemos errores, ¿no?" "¡Algunas personas cometen errores más grandes que otros!" La Sra. Green respondió. El gerente encontró su orden.


"Ha", se rió. Otro cliente, el Sr. Brown, ordenó una silla verde y consiguió su silla en su lugar. ¿No es gracioso? "No, no lo es. Quiero mi silla. Pagué suficiente dinero por ella", dijo la Sra. Green. "Ven a la tienda ahora y consigue una silla diferente", dijo. Pero la Sra. Green fue a trabajar en su lugar. Después del trabajo, ella fue a la tienda, pero ya estaba cerrada. Un joven apuesto también estaba allí. "Llego tarde", dijo. "Ahora tengo que esperar hasta mañana por mi silla verde". "¿Es usted el señor Brown?" ella preguntó. "Sí, pero ... " "Puedo ayudarlo con su silla", dijo la Sra. Green. Y ella sonrió por primera vez ese día. Lee la historia. Si necesitas ayuda, usa las herramientas de los estudiantes.

Why was Ms. Green late for work? The delivery man brought her the wrong chair.

The manager of the store spoke to her for too long. She had to go out and buy another chair. What was the delivery man's mistake? He brought Ms. Green a green chair.

He went to the wrong house. He brought Ms. Green a brown chair. ch air. Why did the store manager laugh when he found Ms. Green's order?

He thought it was funny that she was so angry. He thought it was funny that Mr. Brown still wanted a green chair. He understood that Ms. Green and Mr. Brown got each other's chairs . How did Ms. Green get her brown chair? She met Mr. Brown outside the store, and then they switched chairs.

She went to another store and bought a brown chair. She went to the store, and the manager gave her the chair she wanted. Ms. Green was late for work. early  Mr. Brown received the wrong chair. right  Ms. Green and Mr. Brown went to the store, but it was closed. open The store manager laughed when he found the mistake.cried 





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