Ericssons AMOS

November 15, 2018 | Author: riboetriboet | Category: System Software, Digital Technology, Digital & Social Media, Computer Architecture, Software
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Ericssons – AMOS Command

LTE RAN Trouble roublesho shooti oting ng

LTE Troublesh roub leshooti ooting ng Commands

LTE RAN Trouble roublesho shooti oting ng

LTE Troublesh roub leshooti ooting ng Commands



The objective of this resentation to understand some useful AMOS commands!

To get access to s"stem# or tools needed# lease refer to tools document!

Log$in to eNode% • • • • • • • •

v94868@vtc2e1cx1> amos


__ __ ____ _____  /\ | \/ |/ __ \ / ____| / \ | \ / | | | | (___  / /\ \ | |\/| | | | |\___ \ / ____ \| | | | |__| |____) | /_/ \_\_| |_|\____/|_____/ |_|\____/|_____/ OSS !amewo!" fo! #oS$e%%&8'0v #oS$e%%&8' 0v

amos!_*+, - 2.24

$ec"+ +* cotact'''O3 

• • • • • •

7 # :$ ;ASet L*!oxGM>

.erif" connection bet/een eNode% to S56 S'$() 0S' – (ser )lane1 after eN% or S56 restart

To verif" S'$() 0lin, from eNode% to S$561# "ou have to run ing command from (E to alication server! )ing 74) address2 $t

-o/ to verif" connection *+ lin, 0Lin,s bet/een eN%1 •

fwtxeSA509> st te!m*o+ttoe

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

100.2.&14:28:05 10'26'4'1.4 8'0, ?;S_O=_#O=_A_9_2 sto*C%e-/tm*/18164 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7!oxG A,m State O*' State #O ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------684 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) o,e;Fct+o -1Ht!a etwo!"-1H xte!a%o ,e;Fct+o- fwtx06006 .1He!m7o+to;-fwtx06 006.1 692 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) o,e;Fct+o -1Ht!a etwo!"-1H xte!a%o ,e;Fct+o- fwtx06000 08He!m7o+to;-fwtx06 00008 694 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) o,e;Fct+o -1Ht!a etwo!"-1H xte!a%o ,e;Fct+o- fwtx06000 29He!m7o+to;-fwtx06 00029 .0 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) o,e;Fct+o -1Ht!a etwo!"-1H xte!a%o ,e;Fct+o- fwtx06006 0.He!m7o+to;-fwtx06 0060. .08 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) o,e;Fct+o -1Ht!a etwo!"-1H xte!a%o ,e;Fct+o- fwtx06000 49He!m7o+to;-fwtx06 00049 .12 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) o,e;Fct+o -1Ht!a etwo!"-1H xte!a%o ,e;Fct+o- fwtx06006 .4He!m7o+to;-fwtx06 006.4 .18 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) o,e;Fct+o -1Ht!a etwo!"-1H xte!a%o ,e;Fct+o- fwtx06000 55He!m7o+to;-fwtx06 00055 .22 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) o,e;Fct+o -1Ht!a etwo!"-1H xte!a%o ,e;Fct+o- fwtx06000 0.He!m7o+to;-fwtx06 0000. .25 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) o,e;Fct+o -1Ht!a etwo!"-1H xte!a%o ,e;Fct+o- fwtx06000 6He!m7o+to;-fwtx06 0006 .0 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) o,e;Fct+o -1Ht!a etwo!"-1H xte!a%o ,e;Fct+o- fwtx06000 44He!m7o+to;-fwtx06 00044

 $+s comma, w+%% ve!+fG N2 %+"s' A max+mFm of 64 $ost #Os ( et +*access$ostet 100.2.&14:11:52 10'26'4'1.4 8'0, ?;S_O=_#O=_A_9_2 sto*C%e-/tm*/18164 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------620

eN% at Site Level and and Cell Level

Chec, status at cell Level •

• • • • • • • • •

fwtxeSA509> st eFt!ace%%f,, oerational status&

BCell Status administrative and

120220&09:52:0. 184'142'242'18 8'0v ?;S_O=_#O=_;_1_5 sto*C%e-/tm*/2.228 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7!oxG A,m State O*' State #O ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1445 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) o,e;Fct+o-1Ht!ae%%==-fwtxeSA509_.A_1 15 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) o,e;Fct+o-1Ht!ae%%==-fwtxeSA509_.;_1 1616 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) o,e;Fct+o-1Ht!ae%%==-fwtxeSA509_._1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ota%:  #Os

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

-o/ to chec, status of cell and sector# loc,>unloc, cell

fwtxeSA509> st f,,

100.2.&14:46:20 10'26'4'1.4 8'0, ?;S_O=_#O=_A_9_2 sto*C%e-/tm*/18164 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7!oxG A,m State O*' State #O ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  628 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) o,e;Fct+o-1Ht!ae%%==-fwtxeSA5092   842 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) o,e;Fct+o-1Ht!ae%%==-fwtxeSA509   889 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) o,e;Fct+o-1Ht!ae%%==-fwtxeSA5091 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ota%:  #Os fwtxeSA509> st sec 100.2.&14:46:26 10'26'4'1.4 8'0, ?;S_O=_#O=_A_9_2 sto*C%e-/tm*/18164 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7!oxG A,m State O*' State #O ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  98 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) Secto!F+*metFct+o-S1   99 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) Secto!F+*metFct+o-S2   944 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) Secto!F+*metFct+o-S ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ota%:  #Os


Cont!! fwtxeSA509> % ce%%f,, 100809&16:20:22 10'26'66'110 8'0, ?;S_O=_#O=_A_9_2 sto*C%e-/tm*/2860 ;%oc" fo%%ow+ #Os  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  629 o,e;Fct+o-1Ht!ae%%==-fwtxeSA5091   90 o,e;Fct+o-1Ht!ae%%==-fwtxeSA5092   95. o,e;Fct+o-1Ht!ae%%==-fwtxeSA509 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------A!e GoF SF!e PG/Q   Res fo! %oc" ce%% a, o fo! F%oc" ce%% fwtxeSA509> ,e ce%%f,, 100809&16:2.:04 10'26'66'110 8'0, ?;S_O=_#O=_A_9_2 sto*C%e-/tm*/2860 =e%oc" fo%%ow+ #Os  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------  629 o,e;Fct+o-1Ht!ae%%==-fwtxeSA5091   90 o,e;Fct+o-1Ht!ae%%==-fwtxeSA5092   95. o,e;Fct+o-1Ht!ae%%==-fwtxeSA509 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------A!e GoF SF!e PG/Q   Res fo! % F%oc" ce%% a, o fo! %oc" ce%%

-o/ to verif" eNode% health chec, 

fwtxeSA509> acc 0 sta!t$ea%t$c$ec"

• • • • • •

100.2.&15:06:22 10'26'4'1.4 8'0, ?;S_O=_#O=_A_9_2 sto*C%e-/tm*/18164 a%% Act+o sta!t$ea%t$c$ec" o fo%%ow+ #Os  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 #aae,%emet-1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A!e GoF SF!e PG/Q  G

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7!oxG #O Act+o ! of 7a!ams ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 #aae,%emet-1 sta!tea%t$$ec" 0  >>> ?etF! va%Fe - 0 (SA?=)

• • • • • •

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ota%: 1 #Os attem*te,H 1 #Os act+oe,


Contt!! -o/ to restart eN% fwtxeSA509> acc 0 maFa%!esta!t 100809&1.:2:20 10'26' 66'110 8'0, ?;S_O=_#O=_A_9_2 sto*C%e-/tm*/2868 a%% Act+o maFa%!esta!t o fo%%ow+ #Os  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 #aae,%emet-1 !ese!ve,;G - !as*o!tetwo!"-1HSGc$!o+Eat+o-1 Fse!ae% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ota%: 2 #Os

To verif" status of s"nc device • • • • • • • •

fwtxeSA509> st sGc 100.2.&15:10:29 10'26'4'1.4 8'0, ?;S_O=_#O=_A_9_2 sto*C%e-/tm*/18164 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------7!oxG A,m State O*' State #O --------------------------------------------------------------------------------95 1 (O3=) 1 (A;=) F+*met-1HSF!ac"-1HS%ot-1H7%Facoms3-'70/, >acorb3-*0#? Trying file;ar;opt;ericsson;amos;moshell4logfiles;edonngu;logs4moshell;tempfiles;/0-00/"--15+4-1-/;ior-1-/ 3esoling the alarm serice in 68)... )imple *larm 'lient initialized... )tarting to retriee actie alarms r of actie alarms are: #  )eer )pecific @roblem 'ause 8o"3eference  'rit 9icense Aey =ile =ault configuration4or4customizing4error 9icensing8a> &attery8issing configuration4or4customizing4error &attery&ackup8a> Temperature)ensor=ailure e!uipment4malfunction &attery&ackup8a> Upgrade @ackage 'orrupt file4error Upgrade@ackage3/0&T

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 *larm Bd : )ubet%ork6384366T48643,)ubet%ork7=C"2&,8e'onte(tf%t(e)*50+45 2ent Time : Dul -0, /0-0 +:##:#- *8 @erceied )eerity : 'ritical 8anaged 6b>ect 'lass : 9icensing 8anaged 6b>ect Bnstance : )ubet%ork6384366T48643,)ubet%ork7=C"2&,8e'onte(tf%t(e)*50+,8anaged2lement-,)ystem=unctions-,9icensing)pecific @roblem : 9icense Aey =ile =ault @robable 'ause : configuration4or4customizing4error   *dditional Te(t : o license key file installed  *ckno%ledged by :  *ckno%ledgement Time : 0  *ckno%ledgement )tate: / )ystem 7 : )ubet%ork6384366T48643,)ubet%ork7=C"2&,8e'onte(tf%t(e)*50+ otification Bd :   *dditional Bnfo :

Chec, the Alarm -istor" • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

fwtxeSA509> %a &s 20120218 B Alarm histor" & 120220&10:05:5 184'142'242'18 8'0v ?;S_O=_#O=_;_1_5 sto*C%e-/tm*/28245 Sta!t,ate-20120218'000000H ,,ate-20120221'15055 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Iet /c/%oC%es/a%a!m_evet/AA?#_OI'xm% /va!/o*t/e!+csso/amos/mos$e%%_%oC%es/v94868/%os_mos$e%%/tem*C%es/20120220&100116_28202/a%a!mo28245'xm% ''' O3  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +mestam* () S 7!o%em #O (aFse/A,,+t+oa%
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