Ericsson Network Manager Commercial Description
November 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
Short Description
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Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer Cfjjercdi` Nescrdptdfo
Cfjjercdi` Nescrdptdfo
7/779 ;9-BMG 9;9 ;389 Ueo Wev B
© Erdcssfo IG 7;94 I`` rdmhts reserven. reserven. ^he dobfrjitdfo dobfrjitdfo do thds nfcuj nfcujeot eot ds the prfpe prfperty rty fb Erdcssfo. Except Except is specdbdci``y iuthfrdzen iuthfrdzen do wrdtdom gy Erdcssfo, the recedver fb thds nfcujeot shi`` leep the dobfrjitdfo cfotidoen heredo cfobdneotdi` ion shi`` prftect the sije do whf`e fr do pirt brfj ndsc`fsure ion ndssejdoitdfo tf thdrn pirtdes. Ndsc`fsure Ndsc`fsure ion ndssejdoitdfos ndssejdoitdfos tf the recedver's ejp`fyees shi`` fo`y ge jine fo i strdct oeen tf lofw gisds. ^he dobfrjitdfo do thds nfcujeot ds sugaect tf chiome wdthfut oftdce ion Erdcssfo issujes of respfosdgd`dty bfr bictui` doiccuricdes fr typfmriphdc typfmriphdci` i` errfrs.
Cfoteots 9 9.9
Dotrfnuctdfo Dotrfnuctdf o ............................... ................................................ .................................. ................................. ................ > Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer Fvervdew ........................................... >
Ley vi`ues vi`ues ............................................... ............................................................... .................................. .................... .. 2
User sceoirdfs ............................................................................ =
> >.9 >.7 >.3 >.> >.5 >.2 >.= >.8 >.4 >.9;
Buoctdfos ion piclimes ............................................................ 4 Cfjjfo Gise [iclime Oetwfrls buoctdfoi`dty buoctdfoi`dty .................. ......... ................. ........ 9; Ri`ue [iclime Nyoijdc Nyoijdc CJ OGD .................. ......... .................. .................. ................... ............ .. 93 Ri`ue [iclime ROB ROB @dbecyc`e Jioimeje Jioimejeot ot ....................... .............. ................. ........ 9> Ri`ue [iclime Eveot Gisen Stitdstdcs.................. ........ ................... .................. ............. .... 95 Ri`ue [iclime GSC Eveot Hion`dom........................................... 95 Ri`ue [iclime Iutf DN Jioimejeot ......................................... 92 Ri`ue [iclime Ioi`ytdcs Sessdfo Wecfrn OGD .................. ......... ................... .......... 92 Ri`ue [iclime Up`dol Up`dol Spectruj Ioi`yzer ......... .................. ................... ................ ...... 9= Ri`ue [iclime Iutfofjdc Docdneot Jioimejeot .................. ......... .............. ..... 9= Ri`ue [iclime ]IO-SNO .......................................................... 98
5 5.9 5.7 5.3
Nep`fyjeot fptdfos ................................................................. 94 Hirnwire (girejeti`) ................................................................. 94 S] Ipp`dcitdfo fo C`fun C`fun (vdrtui`dzen) (vdrtui`dzen) ................... ......... ................... .................. ............. .... 94 Cf-nep`fyjeot ........................................................................... 94
2 2.9 2.7
Irchdtecture ion doterbices ...................................................... 7; EOJ Sfbtwire Irchdtecture ......................................................... 7; EOJ Ofrthgfuon Doterbices ........................................................ 79
Icrfoyjs ion Iggrevditdfos .................................................. 7>
Dotrfnuctdfo Dotrfnuctdfo ^hds versdfo fb the Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer Nescrdptdfo ds ipp`dcig`e tf sfbtwire re`eises up tf 94.>. Dt i`sf cfotidos sfje bfrwirn-`ffldom dobfrjitdfo fo p`iooen cipigd`dtdes tirmetdom buture re`eises. I`` bfrwirn `ffldom stitejeots ire gisen fo curreot p`ioodom ion ire sugaect tf chiome wdthfut oftdce. ^fniy jfnero oetwfrls ire chiomdom nrijitdci``y1 the oetwfrl sdze, the oetwfrl cfjp`exdty doc`undom the jdx fb techof`fmy types, vf`uje mrfwth fb the niti tribbdc, is we`` is 5M, c`fun ion doneen the igd`dty tf nep`fy do the c`fun is fther oew techof`fmdes ire hippeodom. ^he resu`t ds thit i ndbbereot ipprfich ds requdren tf jioime the oetwfrl. Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer ds i ley pirt fb the nfjido fbberdom bfr Erdcssfo oetwfrls ion ds the sdom`e jioimejeot doterbice tf the Erdcssfo oetwfrl e`ejeots. Dt prfvdnes jfnero user doterbices ion ndbbereot ipp`dcitdfos ion buoctdfo tf suppfrt ley user sceoirdfs. ^he user sceoirdfs ire ndvdnen dotf bfur jido citemfrdes [`io Gud`n IC^DRI^E1 Suppfrts IC^DRI^E1 Suppfrts @dbe cyc`e jioimejeot fb ofnes ion oetwfrl servdces (e.m. dotemrite, sci`e ion upmrine oetwfrl e`ejeots. [`io ion cfobdmure chiomes.) Issure OE^]FWL Yui`dty1 Yui`dty1 Suppfrts perbfrjioce jfodtfrdom, iutfjitdfo tf biu`t recfvery fb ofnes ion oetwfrl servdces. IOI@TSE ^UWO NI^I DO^F DOSDMH^S1 DOSDMH^S1 Suppfrts hdstfrdci` ion bfrecistdom ioi`ysds fb ofne/oetwfrl perbfrjioce ion usime. Injdodstrite STS^EJ IRID@IGD@D^T1 Suppfrts IRID@IGD@D^T1 Suppfrts injdodstritdfo `dbe cyc`e use cises fb the jioimejeot systej.
Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer Fvervdew Fvervdew Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer (EOJ) ds the oext meoeritdfo Erdcssfo oetwfrl jioimejeot prfnuct, nesdmoen tf prfvdne i uodbden oetwfrl jioimejeot systej bfr ju`td-techof`fmy ion heterfmeoefus oetwfrls. Dt fbbers mreiter oetwfrl upmrine b`exdgd`dty wdth zerf nfwotdje, the cipicdty tf sci`e brfj very sji`` tf very `irme oetwfrls ion io dotudtdve User Doterbice whdch prfvdnes cfjjfo tff`s bfr i`` ipp`dcitdfos wdth exteosdve dotemriten he`p ion vdnefs sdjp`dbydom cfjjfo oetwfrl fperitdfos. Dt prfvdnes pfwerbu` ion uodbden perbfrjioce ion cfobdmuritdfo jioimejeot, sfbtwire, hirnwire ion biu`t jioimejeot, tfmether wdth securdty, se`b-jfodtfrdom ion systej injdodstritdfo bfr the Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer.
EOJ fbbers sdjp`dbden oetwfrl jioimejeot wdth inviocen querydom ion bd`terdom
cipigd`dtdes, shfrter trfug`eshfftdom `ein tdjes ion bister djp`ejeotitdfo fb oetwfrl chiomes.
Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer Fvervdew EOJ his i jfnu`ir irchdtecture ion fbbers i rfgust, sdjp`e, cfosdsteot ion iutfjiten wiy tf dosti``, upmrine ion execute i`` S] ion 3[[s do i virdety fb executdfo eovdrfojeots. EOJ sfbtwire ds sepiriten dotf `iyers wdth the respfosdgd`dtdes bfr ndbbereot ispects fb the systej such is jenditdfo, niti stfrime, gusdoess prfcessdom ion preseotitdfo. ^he use fb donustry-stionirn techof`fmdes, such is c`fun ion vdrtui`dzitdfo resu`ts do i juch jfre b`exdg`e ion `eioer nep`fyjeot is cfjpiren wdth the exdstdom FSS systejs. EOJ systej suppfrts i`` the buoctdfoi`dtdes whdch ire suppfrten gy the exdstdom FSS prfnucts wdth djprfven cipicdty is we`` is buoctdfoi`dtdes.
Ley vi`ues vi`ues
Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer fbbers i oujger fb c`eir ion tiomdg`e vi`ues ion geoebdts1 Hdmh cipicdty, cipicdty, thrfumh i b`exdg`e sci`dom nep`fyjeot, fo oitdve fr c`fun, thit eoig`es cfosf`dnitdfo fb exdstdom FSS sdtes dotf bewer fr foe sdte. ^heregy, do gfth cises, grdomdom sivdoms tf exdstdom fr buture speons fo the fverhein fb jioimdom thfse fr oew sdtes ion eveo oujger fb p`itbfrj types p`us `ess H] dobristructure. Superdfr perbfrjioce perbfrjioce grdoms grdoms mreiter giom bfr guclthe gisen fo ^dje Wesf`utdfooetwfrl brfj dote``dmeot oetwfrl jioimejeot (d.e. inndom cipigd`dty tf ^f netect ion re`ite biu`ts tf rfute ciuses qudcler) ion wdth io FSS thit ds hdmh`y ivid`ig`e ion i`wiys fo. ^he uoner`ydom gud`ndom g`fcls ire uodbden jioimejeot (io igsf`ute pre-cfondtdfo bfr jioimdom heterfmeoefus oetwfrls) ion rei` tdje oetwfrl syoch (i`wiys wfrldom wdth io exict djime fb the oetwfrl brfj EOJ). ^dje ^f Jirlet1 wdth Jirlet1 wdth the shfrtest fb FSS upmrine tdje wdth of servdce djpict fr ndsturgioce tf leep EOJ up tf speen ion reiny tf tile inviotime fb oetwfrl chiomes it i bir renucen cfst. Jfre djpfrtiot`y upmrine donepeoneoce i``fwdom tf upmrine the oetwfrl fr i pirt fb the oetwfrl wdthfut hivdom tf upmrine the FSS. Fperitdfoi` Ebbdcdeocy1 Bir Ebbdcdeocy1 Bir jfre ebbdcdeot systej use cise ne`dvery sivdom F[EX. Gisen fo gisen fo fptdjdzitdfo, iutfjitdfo ion sdjp`dbdcitdfo fb prdfrdtdzen lofwo ley brequeot ion ebbfrt doteosdve wfrlb`fws. ]frlb`fws thit ire nebdoen bfr hygrdn oetwfrls fb [OBs ion ROBs ion ndbbereot meoeritdfos fb i`` Erdcssfo oetwfrl techof`fmdes1 ^hds wd`` jioime the dotrfnuctdfo ion triosbfrjitdfo tf i 5M rindf iccess ion oext meo Cfre where doterfperigd`dty ion cfjp`exdty fo`y docreises burther.
User sceoirdfs sceoirdfs
^f jile i c`eir uonerstiondom fb the use cises thit i Oext Meoeritdfo Oetwfrl Nfjido Jioimer shfu`n bu`bd``, we hive mrfupen thej iccfrndom tf i oujger fb vertdci`s do frner tf rei`dze i typdci` fperitfr perspectdve tf eosure EOJ tirmets the cfrrect dtejs do eich mrfup tf fptdjdze ion renuce cfjp`exdty. ^hese mrfups ire foe ion the sije tf whdch EOJ Ri`es [iclimes ire jippen ^he user sceoirdfs nescrdge the eon tf eon prfcenure tf use the Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer tf jioime the oetwfrl brfj i user pfdot fb vdew. Eich user sceoirdf preseots the ndbbereot fptdfos ivid`ig`e tf the user ion cfotido `dols tf the issfcditen prfcenure stitdom the prerequdsdtes, the steps tf ge perbfrjen, ion the expecten eon resu`t. ^he user sceoirdfs ire ndvdnen dotf bfur jido citemfrdes1 9. [`io, gud`n ion fptdjdze. fptdjdze. ^hds citemfry cfotidos user sceoirdfs tf gud`n up, jidotido ion upnite the oetwfrl cfobdmuritdfo -
Fogfirn, dotemrite & cfjjdssdfo / necfjjdssdfo oetwfrl eotdtdes
Upmrine oetwfrl sfbtwire
Injdodstrite Injdodstri te `dceoses & beitures
[erbfrj & revfle oetwfrl cfobdmuritdfo chiomes
Jioime i cfosdsteot oetwfrl cfobdmuritdfo jfne`
Giclup ion restfre cfobdmuritdfo
7. netect Issureion oetwfrl qui`dty . ^hds citemfry cfotidos user sceoirdfs tf preveot, resf`vequi`dty. oetwfrl docdneots tf secure fptdji` oetwfrl perbfrjioce i`` the tdje it i`` `fcitdfos -
Netect, ndimofse & resf`ve djjendite dssues do the oetwfrl
@fcite & preveot upcfjdom prfg`ejs do the oetwfrl
Utd`dze & fptdjdze exdstdom oetwfrl resfurces
3. Ioi`yze, turo niti dotf dosdmhts. dosdmhts. ^hds citemfry cfotidos user sceoirdfs thit gud`ns io uonerstiondom fb the oetwfrl perbfrjioce ion hfw thds cio ge turoen dotf prfbdtig`e gusdoess. -
Ioi`yze & repfrt oetwfrl perbfrjioce fver tdje
Dneotdby, execute & verdby prfbdtig`e oetwfrl chiomes
>. Injdodstrite systej ivid`igd`dty. ivid`igd`dty. ^hds citemfry cfotidos user sceoirdfs tf set up ion ruo the Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer systej -
Ndjeosdfo Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer bfftprdot
Dosti``, expion fr upmrine Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer
Dotemrite & inipt EOJ tf custfjer fperitdfos
Iuthfrdze & iutheotdcite iccess tf oetwfrl ion systej resfurces
Jioime ipp`dcitdfos & systej resfurces
Jdmrite brfj `emicy tf oew EOJ
Buoctdfos ion piclimes piclimes
^he Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer cfosdsts fb foe cfjjfo Gise [iclime ion
Ri`ue [iclimes. ^he Gise [iclime prfvdne cfjpreheosdve nfjido Oetwfrl Jioimejeot bfr ire nebdoen gisen fo rindf, cfre ion triospfrt oetwfrl techof`fmdes. Meoeri` vi`ues bfr the Gise [iclime ire F[EX Wenuctdfo1 Sdjp`dby fperitdfos Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer his i riome fb iutfjitdfo ion fther cipigd`dtdes thit jile fperitdfos stibb jfre prfnuctdve, bfr exijp`e, docdneot dobfrjitdfo cio ge ioi`yzen do i sdom`e p`ice. ^he oeen tf aujp getweeo ndbbereot ipp`dcitdfos ds ivfdnen, sivdom tdje, whdch ds crucdi` do innressdom io docdneot. F[EX Wenuctdfo1 Wenucen tridodom Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer his cfjjfo ipp`dcitdfos icrfss ndbbereot techof`fmdes. Dt prfvdnes eisy-tf-use tff`s wdth cfjjfo wiys fb wfrldom, icrfss i`` nfjidos sf dt ds eisder tf gud`n ion re-use cfjpeteoce icrfss the frmiodzitdfo. CI[EX Wenuctdfo1 We-usig`e equdpjeot I`` M8 X82 g`ine ion ion ROX cio cio ge usen usen brfj FSS-WC. FSS-WC. Weveoue Mrfwth1 ^dje tf Jirlet EOJ—s jfne` nrdveo irchdtecture rejfves the nepeoneocy getweeo the oetwfrl upmrine ion the oetwfrl jioimejeot upmrine, grdomdom oetwfrl beitures tf the jirlet bister. Bfr exijp`e, every @^E oetwfrl re`eise his it `eist foe beiture whdch djprfves cipicdty gy 9;%.
Is the Erdcssfo Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Oetwfrl Jioimer Jioimer p`itbfrj his his hdmh ivid`igd`dty ivid`igd`dty bfr i`` ipp`dcitdfos. ^hds mdves the pfssdgd`dty tf upmrine EOJ wdthfut cfobdmuritdfo breeze ion whd`e do servdce. ^he Ri`ue [iclimes prfvdne inndtdfoi` jioimejeot vi`ue ion ire doteonen tf spio oetwfrl techof`fmdes. Is i cfosequeoce, Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer Ri`ue [iclimes ire nepeoneot fo the exdsteoce fb foe fr jfre Gise [iclimes.
Cfjjfo Gise [iclime Oetwfrls buoctdfoi`dty buoctdfoi`dty ]dthdo the Gise Oetwfrl [iclimes there ire cfjjfo buoctdfoi`dty cfjpfoeots, whdch ire techof`fmy donepeoneot ion i``fw fperitfrs tf perbfrj rfutdoe tisls bfr gisdc oetwfrl jioimejeot. Dt doc`unes bf``fwdom buoctdfos1 ^fpf`fmy Jioimejeot
Biu`t Jioimejeot
[erbfrjioce Jioimejeot
Cfobdmuritdfo Jioimejeot
Inviocen JF Scrdptdom
Iutf [rfvdsdfodom
Sfbtwire ion Hirnwire Jioimejeot
Oetwfrl Hei`th Jfodtfr
Ofne Hei`th Checl
Oetwfrl Securdty
We`eise Donepeoneoce
Systej Injdodstritdfo Injdodstrit dfo
Cfre Oetwfrl Fperitdfo Jioimer
UNC Nishgfirn
^here wd`` ge re-use fb hirnwire (x82) getweeo FSS WC ion Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer ion nebdoen jdmritdfo stritemdes tf suppfrt custfjer sceoirdfs.
Geoebdts Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer ds i uodbden oetwfrl jioimejeot systej whdch prfvdnes fperitfrs wdth i cfosf`dniten vdew do frner tf perbfrj ebbdcdeot oetwfrl fperitdfos. ^he p`itbfrj ds sci`ig`e tf suppfrt hdmh cipicdty oetwfrl ion cipig`e fb hion`dom cfjp`ex ju`td-`iyer cfooectdvdty, is we`` i ju`td-veonfr eoig`er. ^he Oetwfrl [iclimes prfvdnes i`` the buoctdfoi`dty tf he`p fperitfrs djprfve thedr fperitdfoi` ebbdcdeocy ion renuce tdje tf jirlet. Sdjp`dbden oetwfrl jioimejeot ^he Biu`t Jioimejeot (BJ), Cfobdmuritdfo Jioimejeot (CJ) ion [erbfrjioce Jioimejeot ([J) ipp`dcitdfos ion re`iten wfrlb`fws ire pirt fb p`itbfrj cipigd`dtdes ion therebfre ipp`dcig`e tf i`` techof`fmdes suppfrten gy Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer. Shfrteo trfug`eshfftdom `ein tdje Do EOJ, gy cfooectdom ipp`dcitdfos (BJ, CJ, [J ion fthers) dt ds eisder tf vdew the dobfrjitdfo requdren, whd`e trfug`eshfftdom fr cfobdmurdom the oetwfrl, do cfjpirdsfo tf FSS WC. Bfr exijp`e, do the Oetwfrl Fperitdfo Ceoter (OFC) brfot fbbdce, tdje ds crucdi` bfr eomdoeers hion`dom the docdneots. Fur stundes shfw thit gy cfooectdom these ipp`dcitdfos, whdch prfvdne the rdmht dobfrjitdfo,, ebbdcdeocy ds docreisen. dobfrjitdfo Bist ion cfst-ebbdcdeot oetwfrl rf``fut Iutf [rfvdsdfodom [rfvdsdfodom ds nfjido-specd nfjido-specdbdc bdc buoctdfoi`dty buoctdfoi`dty thit i``fw i``fw fperitfrs fperitfrs tf eisd`y eisd`y dotemrite ofnes dotf i oetwfrl gy renucdom the oujger fb jioui` steps requdren. ^hds do turo sdjp`dbdes ion renuces the oujger fb fo-sdte ictdvdtdes ion wfrl-stibb cf-frndoitdfo, prevdfus`y issfcditen wdth ofne nep`fyjeot wdthdo i oetwfrl. Bfr ofne dotemritdfo, there ire three ley phises1 Ofne [rfvdsdfodom, Ofne
Cfjjdssdfodom ion Ofne Dotemritdfo. Iutf [rfvdsdfodom prfvdnes suppfrt bfr i`` these phises.
Gitch Suppfrt sdjp`dbdes the prfvdsdfodom ion cfjjdssdfodom fb ju`tdp`e ofnes thit shire i sdjd`ir cfobdmuritdfo. Is pirt fb the Ofne [rfvdsdfodom [rfvdsdfodom phise the fperitfr fperitfr his the fptdfo tf prepire i sdom`e cfobdmuritdfo, i`fom wdth ioy ofne (e.m. WGS) uodque niti, whdch ds tf ge usen bfr i`` ofnes do the Gitch. Is pirt fb the Ofne Cfjjdssdfodom Cfjjdssdfodom phise, Iutf [rfvdsdfodo [rfvdsdfodom m wd`` iutfjitdci``y iutfjitdci``y meoerite the cfobdmuritdfo bd`es bfr eich ofne gisen fo the cfobdmuritdfo ion ioy ofne uodque niti, supp`den gy the fperitfr do the Ofne [rfvdsdfodom phise. Bist oetwfrl djp`ejeotitdfo chiomes Oetwfrl Cfjjion @doe Doterbice (C@D) prfvdnes i sdjp`e ion ebbdcdeot wiy tf perbfrj oetwfrl-wdne jioimejeot fperitdfos.
C@D syotix ion usigd`dty ds the sije bfr i`` Erdcssfo prfnucts. EOJ MUD prfvdne suppfrt bfr cfobdmuritdfo jioimejeot tf vdew ion upnite dondvdnui` oetwfrl fgaects. I nendciten nendciten [irijeter [irijeter Jioimejeot Jioimejeot MUD eoig`es the user tf eisd`y vdew, vdew, ioi`yze ioi`yze ion upnite ju`tdp`e oetwfrl pirijeters do i oetwfrl wdne jiooer. Chiomes ire vi`dniten imidost the ofne fgaect jfne` upfo eotry ion wheo ipp`den jine ndrect`y dotf the `dve oetwfrl. Shfrteo `eirodom curve Cfjgdoen dotf foe uodbden p`itbfrj, i`` (BJ, CJ, [J ion fthers) ipp`dcitdfos use the sije injdodstritdfo eovdrfojeot wdth cfjjfo sdmo fo ion securdty. Dt ds stridmhtbfrwirn, eisy tf jioime ion tf cfotrf` user iccess ion cipigd`dtdes< users met io eisy-tf-use persfoi`dzen, eovdrfojeot. EOJ prfvdnes eisy-tf-use ipp`dcitdfos wdth cfjjfo wiys fb wfrldom icrfss i`` nfjidos therebfre dt ds eisder tf gud`n ion re-use cfjpeteoce icrfss the frmiodzitdfo. ^he oetwfrl piclime prfvdnes dotemriten he`p brfj the Custfjer [rfnuct Dobfrjitdfo (C[D). Wenuce upmrine prfaect tdje Wenucen upmrine prfaect cfsts ion prfaect cffrndoitdfo requdrejeots getweeo oetwfrl upmrine ion Erdcssfo oetwfrl jioimer upmrine.
^dje ^f Jirlet We`eise Donepeoneoce i``fwdom tf upmrine the oetwfrl fr i pirt fb the oetwfrl wdthfut hivdom tf upmrine the FSS. ^hds wd`` eoig`e bist rf`` fut fb oew O] re`eises. FSS upmrine ds necfup`en brfj O]FSS re`eise upmrine ion cio ge perbfrjen wheoever sudten gest tf citer bfrthe `itest buoctdfoi`dty. Cfre Oetwfrl Fperitdfo Jioimer
[fssdgd`dty tf nep`fy ion `iuoch Cfre Oetwfrl Fperitdfo Jioimer (COFJ) bfr E[C ofnes ion prfvdne Cfre Oetwfrl specdbdc buoctdfoi`dty bfr L[D ion Stitus Jfodtfrdom, ^ribbdc Ioi`ysds ion UE ^rice. Inviocen JF Scrdptdom Scrdptdom Inviocen Jioimen Fgaect Scrdptdom Inviocen Scrdptdom (IJFS) (IJFS) prfvdnes prfvdnes experts wdth wdth oetwfrl niti niti iccess thit ejpfwers bister trfug`eshfftdom dt i`sf prfvdnes i rdch set fb specdbdc utd`dtdes, thit he`p expert trfug`eshffters ge jfre ebbdcdeot. ^he buoctdfoi`dty ds equdvi`eot tf FSS-WC, theregy preservdom `emicy iniptitdfos ion securdom scrdpt reuse, whd`e sci`dom tf jeet docreisen user oeens.
Dt renuces fperitdfoi` cfsts ion he`ps secure hdmh oetwfrl qui`dty ion ds io ebbdcdeot tff` bfr experts tf bdon cfjp`ex prfg`ejs.
Ri`ue [iclime Nyoijdc CJ OGD OGD ^he Nyoijdc Cfobdmuritdfo Jioimejeot Ofrth Gfuon Doterbice (Nyoijdc CJ OGD) prfvdne exteroi` jioimejeot systejs rein ion wrdte iccess tf i`` cfobdmuritdfo jioimejeot (CJ) niti do the Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer (EOJ), do io eisy tf use doterbice. ^he Nyoijdc CJ OGD R[ ds i cf``ectdfo fb CJ OGDs1 CJ Eveots OGD Fgservigd`dty fb oetwfrl cfobdmuritdfo chiomes vdi eveot dobfrjitdfo
CJ Bd`e OGD Gu`l djpfrt ion expfrt do b`it bd`e bfrjit, wdth inviocen bd`terdom cipigd`dtdes
CJ ^isl OGD Fperitdfos thit sdjp`dby se`ecten nfjido specdbdc CJ tisls
CJ Fgaect OGD Ndrect fperitdfos - Creite, Wein, Upnite ion Ne`ete – Ne`ete – fo fo jioimen fgaects
^he rdch buoctdfoi`dty fb thds cfjgdoen set fb OGDs i``fws the gud`ndom fb i jfre ebbdcdeot dotemritdfo sf`utdfo ion eoig`dom i jfre ebbectdve exteroi` jioimejeot buoctdfo. Dostein fb jissdve expfrt ion djpfrt fb CJ niti getweeo ipp`dcitdfos do hdmher `iyer systejs ion EOJ ion fperitdom fo the niti do the exteroi` ipp`dcitdfo, i jfre ebbdcdeot sf`utdfo ds iccfjp`dshen gy i``fwdom the exteroi` ipp`dcitdfo use EOJ is the ndrect sfurce fb niti. ^he Nyoijdc CJ OGD ds `dbe cyc`e jioimen icrfss Erdcssfo—s sfbtwire re`eises ion uses jfnero doterbice techof`fmy bfr eisy jidoteoioce fb the dotemritdfo sf`utdfos, theregy securdom cfst ebbdcdeot `dbe cyc`e jioimejeot. ^he Nyoijdc CJ OGD prfvdnes cfotdouen fperitdfo nurdom the oetwfrl sfbtwire upmrine, ion wdth the jfne` nrdveo djp`ejeotitdfo do EOJ the OGD prfvdnes djjendite iccess tf the oew oetwfrl e`ejeot niti. ^hds eoig`es grdom oew oetwfrl beitures tf the jirlet qudcl`y. Nyoijdc CJ OGD he`ps the fperitfr tf ge do bu`` cfotrf` fb the eotdre oetwfrl cfobdmuritdfo niti, doc`undom thit fb EOJ, brfj foe fr jfre exteroi` systejs.
EOJ i``fws the oetwfrl jfne` tf evf`ve nurdom ruotdje. Nyoijdc CJ OGD prfvdnes geoebdts fver the 3M[[ cfjp`diot OGD1 Inviocen querydom ion bd`terdom cipigd`dtdes
User brdeon`y bd`e bfrjit
Jfnero ion eisy tf use Doterbice techof`fmy
I`` CJ niti thrfumh foe sdom`e doterbice
^hese geoebdts eoig`e jfre ebbdcdeot dotemritdfo sf`utdfos ion jfre ebbectdve custfjer specdbdc fperitdfos. ^he Nyoijdc CJ OGD eoig`es cfst ebbdcdeot dotemritdfo fb CJ niti iccess do Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer wdth exteroi` ofrth gfuon sf`utdfos. Dt mreit`y sdjp`dbdes the hion`dom fb oetwfrl cfobdmuritdfo chiomes. ^he eisy tf use WES^bu` doterbice techof`fmy ion the b`it bfrjit fb djpfrt/expfrt bd`es grdoms `fwer neve`fpjeot cfsts ion shfrter neve`fpjeot tdje. ^he inviocen bd`terdom ion query cipigd`dtdes renuce the oeen bfr niti stfrime ion pfst-prfcessdom fb `irme niti vf`ujes. Ictdve`y usdom usdom the cipigd`dtdes cipigd`dtdes fb fb Nyoijdc CJ OGD i``fws i``fws gud`ndom jfre jfre perbfrjiot exteroi` ipp`dcitdfos, ndrect`y cfotrdgutdom tf jfre ebbdcdeot custfjer fperitdfos
Ri`ue [iclime ROB @dbecyc`e Jioimejeot Jioimejeot ROB-@dbecyc`e Jioimejeot (ROB-@CJ) icts is i Specdbdc Rdrtui` Oetwfrl Buoctdfo Jioimer (S-ROBJ) thit iutfjites `dbecyc`e jioimejeot use cises fb ROBs. Dt prfvdnes i b`exdg`e sf`utdfo bfr iutfjitdfo fb the ROB @dbecyc`e jioimejeot use cises such is Dostiotditdfo & Cfobdmuritdfo, Sci`dom ion Necfjjdssdfodom Fperitdfos Ebbdcdeocy ion speen ire the ley OBR nrdvers. Iutfjitdfo fb ROB `dbecyc`e jioimejeot ds io djpfrtiot oeen tf ichdeve OBR nrdvers. ROB @dbecyc`e Jioimejeot beiture prfvdnes the bf``fwdom geoebdts Suppfrt bfr Iutfjiten ROB @dbecyc`e use cises
B`exdg`e brijewfrl tf i``fw custfjdzitdfo custfjdzitd fo
^^J & `ess Dotemritdfo Ebbfrt
Stionirns ire uoner neve`fpjeot, ion ^e`cf c`fun eovdrfojeots ire evf`vdom Reonfrs oeen S-ROBJs tf secure rf``fut ion jioimejeot fb fb thedr ROBs uoner thfse cfondtdfos
Cfjp`ex @CJ prfcenures requdres ipp`dcitdfo lofw`enme tf trdmmer the cfrrect @CJ ictdfos
Ri`ue [iclime Eveot Gisen Stitdstdcs Stitdstdcs ^he Eveot Gisen Stitdstdcs Ri`ue [iclime prfvdnes twf sepirite`y `dceosen prfcessdom cipigd`dtdes< cfuoters ci`cu`iten gisen fo bd`e doput ion cfuoters ci`cu`iten gisen fo streij doput. Do gfth cises the cfuoter nebdodtdfo ds dneotdci`, the cfuoters ire gisen fo pre-nebdoen set fb eveots. Eveot Gisen Stitdstdcs prfvdnes the cipigd`dty tf meoerite i prenebdoen set fb cfuoters gisen fo the eveot niti meoeriten gy the ofnes ion theregy fbb`fin the ofne prfcessdom cipicdty. ^he cfuoters cio ge retrdeven vdi i bd`e doterbice (3M[[ XJ@ cfjp`diot) tf ge prfcessen do Erdcssfo's Oetwfrl DY fr io exteroi` pfst-prfcessdom systej. Eveot Gisen Stitdstdcs innress the jirlet oeens bfr perbfrjioce cfuoters thit cio ge usen tf prfvdne Jfodtfr, ioi`yze, cfotrf` ion repfrt fo oetwfrl resfurce perbfrjioce
Eoig`e resfurce perbfrjioce jioimejeot
Use perbfrjioce jioimejeot systejs tf he`p neterjdoe rfft ciuse ioi`ysds fb oetwfrl prfg`ejs
Use perbfrjioce jioimejeot systejs tf jixdjdze re`digd`dty re`digd` dty / DS[ fb oetwfrl
Use perbfrjioce jioimejeot systejs tf jidotido expert lofw`enme fo the perbfrjioce fb the prfnuctdfo oetwfrl
EGS-J - Eveot Gisen Stitdstdcs bfr the SMSO-JJE ofne. EGS-@ - Eveot Gisen Stitdstdcs bfr @^E. (bd`e ion streijen gisen) Gy perbfrjdom the ci`cu`itdfo fb cfuoters do the jioimejeot systej, the oeen bfr `fci` prfcessdom fo the Oetwfrl E`ejeot ds renucen thus eosurdom cipicdty ds jixdjdzen bfr tribbdc. ^he cfuoters he`p tf eosure the jfst ebbdcdeot trfug`eshfftdom, fptdjdzitdfo ion jfodtfrdom ictdvdtdes.
Ri`ue [iclime GSC Eveot Hion`dom Hion`dom GSC Eveot Hion`dom prfvdnes eveot niti brfj GSC bfr pfst prfcessdom do tff`s ofrthgfuon fb EOJ fr do EOJ dtse`b. Dt ds pfssdg`e tf prfvdne eveot bd`es vdi EOJ, ion pfssdg`e tf terjdoite perbfrjioce eveot recfrndom streij brfj GSC ofnes.
Ri`ue [iclime Iutf DN Jioimejeot Jioimejeot Iutfjitdc DN Jioimejeot Jioimejeot do Erdcssfo Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Oetwfrl Jioimer prfvdnes prfvdnes buoctdfoi`dty buoctdfoi`dty bfr iutfjitdc DN p`ioodom ion fptdjdzitdfo do Windf oetwfrls (@^E) . Dt i``fws bfr i bu``y iutfjitdc DN se`ectdfo buoctdfo ion bu``y iutfjitdc DN cfob`dct resf`utdfo. Dt theregy jidotidos io fptdjdzen DN p`io thit ds nyoijdci``y inipten tf oetwfrl chiomes. Geoebdts fb Iutfjitdc DN Jioimejeot ire1 Fptdji` DN issdmojeot ion upnite
Dotemriten do EOJ ion evf`ves wdth WIO beitures ion re`eises
Iniptig`e tf ndbbereot rindf oetwfrl eovdrfojeots ion ce`` types
Wejfves the oeen bfr jioui` steps bfr DN p`ioodom ion fptdjdzitdfo.
Io fptdji` DN p`io djprfves djprfves oetwfrl oetwfrl qui`dty gy resf`vdom DN cfob`dcts. ^hds typdci``y djprfves hionfver bid`ures ion nrfppen ci`` stitdstdcs, resu`tdom do djprfven user ion systej thrfumhput. Iutfjitdc DN Jioimejeot Jioimejeot renuces the rdsl fb fb hujio errfr errfr do p`ioodom p`ioodom ion fptdjdzdom DNs do tfniy's cfjp`ex ju`td-`iyer oetwfrls
Ri`ue [iclime Ioi`ytdcs Sessdfo Wecfrn OGD OGD ^he Ioi`ytdc Sessdfo Wecfrn ds i pre-cfrre`iten jfgd`dty trdmmeren sessdfo recfrn gisen fo trice eveots. EOJ wd`` prfvdne the Ioi`ytdc Sessdfo recfrns fo i ofrthgfuon doterbice brfj where custfjers cio eisd`y `fin the recfrns dotf thedr ioi`ytdc systejs. Is Ioi`ytdc Ioi`ytdc Sessdfo Wecfrn Wecfrn ds i vi`ue vi`ue piclime piclime do EOJ, EOJ, the custfjer custfjer cio re`y fo re`dig`e oetwfrl evf`utdfo ion prendctig`e upmrine cfsts, do tdje wdth the oetwfrl upmrine whdch ds oft pfssdg`e wdth 3[[ sf`utdfos. Docreisdom the vi`ue do the niti gy pfst prfcessdom dt ion preseotdom dt do io ioi`ytdc reiny bfrjit mreit`y idn fperitfrs prfvdndom the igd`dty tf1 Wenuce oeen bfr sfje nrdve tests
Eoig`e creitdfo fb fperitfr-nebdoen fperitfr-nebd oen L[Ds
Eoig`es fperitfr ioi`ytdcs prfmrijs, e.m. Sugscrdger, terjdoi` ion Mef ioi`ytdc
[fst prfcessdom ion immremitdfo fptdjdzdom fptdjdzdom the oeen bfr H]. Bdxen futput bfrjit renucdom S] Jidoteoioce
[re-cfrre`iten rei` tdje niti prfvdnes dosdmhts bister ion Sjirt Cfrre`itdfos
[rfvdndom Niti Dosdmhts. ]dth io WIO sessdfo recfrn, fperitfrs ire prfvdnen wdth vdew thit shfws the perbfrjioce fb dondvdnui` rindf sessdfos ion the cipigd`dty tf bdon ciuses bfr crdtdci` dssues thit jiy ibbect sugscrdgers.
Ri`ue [iclime Up`dol Spectruj Ioi`yzer ^he U@ Spectruj Ioi`yzer beiture wd`` innress fperitfrs' oeens tf vdew the WB eovdrfojeot (do the bfrj fb i spectruj) it ioy sdte do thedr oetwfrls ‐fo nejion‚ bfr Erdcssfo Windf Systej. ^he jeisurejeots ion the niti ioi`ysds cio ge cfonucten rejfte`y, sivdom the fperitfr sdmodbdciot fperitdfoi` cfsts. Gy jildom the jeisurejeots jfre iccessdg`e, the tdje tf bdon biu`ts nue tf doterbereoce cio ge mreit`y renucen, whdch do turo docreises the ijfuot fb tdje the sdte ds fo idr ion the vf`uje fb tribbdc dt cio cirry. ^he fperitdfoi` cfsts ire renucen gy ivfdndom the oeen tf trive` tf WGS sdtes wdth spectruj ioi`yzers tf fgserve WB eovdrfojeots. ^he cfst tf vdsdt sdtes ds expeosdve ion tdje cfosujdom, gy trdmmerdom ion ioi`yzdom the jeisurejeots rejfte`y, there ds of sdte vdsdt requdren ion of expeosdve specdi`dzen equdpjeot requdren. ^he Up`dol Spectruj Ioi`yzer i``fws fperitfrs tf cf``ect ion prfcesses doterbereoce jeisurejeots wdthdo EOJ. ^he jeisurejeots cio ge dodtditen ion cf``ecten bfr ju`tdp`e ofnes do piri``e`, the niti ds seot tf EOJ is i bd`e. ^he bd`es cio ge vdewen do the spectruj ioi`yzer ipp`dcitdfo fr expfrten tf io exteroi` systej.
Ri`ue [iclime Iutfofjdc Docdneot Jioimejeot Jioimejeot Iutfofjdc Docdneot Jioimejeo Jioimejeott fbbers the the fppfrtuodty fppfrtuodty tf docreise docreise the `eve` fb fb iutfjitdfo gy jeios fb jichdoe `eirodom. Gy exp`fdtdom niti i`reiny ivid`ig`e do the oetwfrl, these cio ge turoen dotf lofw`enme fo hfw tf prdfrdtdze ion bdx oetwfrl biu`ts is qudcl`y is pfssdg`e. Fperitfrs just prepire bfr the docreisen sdze ion cfjp`exdty fb the oetwfrl do the 5M ion Df^ eri. ^he ijfuot fb F[EX speot fo Docdneot Jioimejeot tfniy wd`` docreise expfoeotdi``y uo`ess i juch hdmher ebbdcdeocy cio ge ichdeven. Iofther wiy wiy tf put ds thit nue nue tf thds mrfwth eich OFC eomdoeer eomdoeer sffo wd`` hive tf hion`e jfre thio 9; tdjes jfre cfjp`exdty cfjpiren tf tfniy ion thds chi``eome just ge innressen.
Io docdneot docdneot iccfrndom iccfrndom tf fur nebdodtdfo ds i curreot dssue ibbectdom the perbfrjioce fb the oetwfrl ion/fr the servdce. Urmeot hion`dom fb io docdneot do the OFC ion gy Bde`n Fperitdfos ds very resfurce doteosdve ion shfu`n dnei``y ge ivfdnen do bivfr fb wfrldom preveotdve`y tf bdon systejitdci` prfg`ejs do the oetwfrl. Ne`dveren nurdom the bdrst versdfos fb thds vi`ue picl, Iutfofjdc Docdneot
Netectdfo wd`` neterjdoe the djpict fb io docdneot. Db there ds of djpict, of urmeot Netectdfo wd`` hion`dom ds oeenen. Gy cfotdoufus`y jfodtfrdom bfr iofji`des do the perbfrjioce fb eich oetwfrl e`ejeot dt cio ge netecten db there ire ioy ebbects tf the users ion the prdfrdty wd`` ge set iccfrndom`y. I`sf, dt wd`` mrfup i`irjs, cfobdmuritdfo chiomes, ion perbfrjioce iofji`des brfj ndbbereot eotdtdes do the oetwfrl thit ire re`iten tf the sije dssue. Is thds buoctdfoi`dty buoctdfoi`dty wd`` wd`` ge iutfjiten, iutfjiten, the wfrl wfrl do i OFC OFC tf netect netect docdneots docdneots wd`` ge renucen. Nue tf getter mrfupdom fb eveots, the resf`utdfo fb io docdneot wd`` ge sdjp`dbden – sdjp`dbden – ion ion nue tf getter prdfrdtdzitdfo, there wd`` ge `ess docdneots tf resf`ve ion `ess sdte vdsdts tf piy. Use fb jichdoe `eirodom renuces the oeen bfr settdom L[D threshf`ns ion nesdmodom cfrre`itdfo ru`es. Do inndtdfo, the tfpf`fmy (d.e. the re`itdfos getweeo oetwfrl eotdtdes) ds `eirot iutfjitdci``y.
Ri`ue [iclime ]IO-SNO ]IO-SNO Jfre ion jfre fperitfrs ire evf`vdom thedr triospfrt oetwfrls brfj i bu``y ndstrdguten cfotrf` p`ioe pirindmj tf io SNO (Sfbtwire Nebdoen Oetwfrldom) foe. Ndbbereot pfrtdfos fb the triospfrt oetwfrl ire gedom ndvdnen dotf SNO Nfjidos ion i`` the resfurces cfotrf``en gy i Nfjido SNO cfotrf``er. Io SNO Cfotrf``er Cfotrf``er p`iydom p`iydom the rf`e fb Nfjido Nfjido SNO Cfotrf``er Cfotrf``er do i mdveo Oetwfrl Oetwfrl Nfjido cio sdjp`dby cf``ectdfo fb `fmdci` tfpf`fmy brfj the jioimen oetwfrl e`ejeots ion [ith [rfvdsdfodom icrfss i`` suppfrten ofnes vdi stionirn prftfcf`s ion doterbices. OfrthStir brfj Auodper Oetwfrls his geeo se`ecten is the SNO cfotrf``er cfjpfoeot dosdne EOJ. Is jioy cfjjercdi` cfjjercdi` fbberdoms fbberdoms do thds semjeot, semjeot, OfrthStir OfrthStir cfjp`ejeots cfjp`ejeots the ley ley beitures igfve wdth inndtdfoi` jfodtfrdom/ioi`ytdcs/p`ioodom tff`s ivid`ig`e is fptdfoi` inn-fos tf the oitdve Cfotrf``er. ]IO SNO OfrthStir wd`` prfvdne jiafr piths renuctdfos wfrl ebbfrts. Is fbwdth ofwsuch EOJ nfes oft beiture the igd`dty tf prfvdsdfo do thedo^riospfrt Oetwfrl ceotri`dzen b`exdgd`dty ion dt i`sf `icls the igd`dty tf prfvdne io fveri`` vdew fb the triospfrt `fmdci` tfpf`fmy (doc`undom thedr fperitdfoi` stitus) do i mdveo Oetwfrl Nfjido.
Nep`fyjeot fptdfos fptdfos Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimejeot cio ge fbberen is edther io dotemriten systej cfosdstdom fb S] ion H] (girejeti`) fr vdrtui`dzen is S] Ipp`dcitdfo fo C`fun (requdrdom Fpeosticl C`fun). Dotemriten systejs ire ivid`ig`e wdth bu`` dobristructure (jdnn`ewire/p`itbfrj Sfbtwire ion Hirnwire) specdbdcitdfos wdth verdbden perbfrjioce. S] Ipp`dcitdfo fo C`fun oeens nep`fyjeot fo fperitfrs c`fun gebfre fperitdfoi`, ion his vi`dniten L[D—s bfr specdbdc c`fun teoiocy teoiocy
Hirnwire (girejeti`) (girejeti`) Bf``fwdom sdzes ire verdbden ion ivid`ig`e wdth nebdoen H] specdbdcitdfo. 5l ce``s*
95l ce``s*
>;l ce``s*
2;l ce``s
S] Ipp`dcitdfo fo C`fun (vdrtui`dzen) (vdrtui`dzen) Bf``fwdom sdzes ire verdbden ion ivid`ig`e is vdrtui`dzen nep`fyjeot requdrdom Fpeosticl C`fun eXtri Sji``* (suppfrtdom jixdjuj 74; ofnes ion up tf =;; ce``s tf jioime very sji`` oetwfrls)
5l ce``s*
*) ^here ds `djdtitdfo do buoctdfoi`dty do sfje cises. Netid`s ire nescrdgen do techodci` nfcujeotitdfo. Exejptdfo Wequest ds requdren bfr ^eoner ion frnerdom
Cf-nep`fyjeot Cf-nep`fyjeot Erdcssfo Oetwfrl Jioimer ds pfssdg`e tf nep`fy tfmether wdth FSS-WC ion EODY Stitdstdcs.
EOJ it 95l, >;l 2;l suppfrtdom cio ge nep`fyen the sije g`ine eoc`fsures is FSSWC prfvdndom dt ds ion i`reiny 9;Mg do dobristructure EOJ it 95, >;l ion 2;l cio ge nep`fyen do the sije g`ine eoc`fsures is EODYS prfvdndom dt ds i`reiny suppfrtdom 9;Mg dobristructure Dt ds pfssdg`e tf shire the OIS ion SIO prfvdne the OIS ds nebdoen is per EOJ specdbdcitdfo.
2 2.9
Irchdtecture ion doterbices doterbices EOJ Sfbtwire Irchdtecture Irchdtecture
^he EOJ irchdtecture ds i jfnu`ir, SFI (servdce-frdeoten irchdtecture) wdth strfom bfcus fo sepiritdfo fb gusdoess `fmdc ion jenditdfo gy jeios fb `iyerdom. EOJ ds jfne`-nrdveo, jeiodom thit the cfotrdgutdfo fb jfne`s cio ge usen tf dob`ueoce EOJ buoctdfoi`dty – buoctdfoi`dty – EOJ EOJ ds therebfre eisd`y exteonig`e< SNLs (Sfbtwire Neve`fpjeot Ldt) ire usen bfr thds purpfse. ^he mriphdci` user doterbice ejp`fys stite-fb-the-irt weg techof`fmdes bfr i jfnero user experdeoce. Ipp`dcitdfos Ipp`dcitdf os (uodts fb fb re`iten buoctdfoi`dty buoctdfoi`dty)) ire usen tf nep`fy nep`fy sfbtwire suppfrt bfr thfse buoctdfos purchisen / `dceosen gy the fperitfr.
EOJ Sfbtwire Irchdtecture
^he systej ds nesdmoen tf i``fw bfr hfrdzfoti` sci`igd`dty – sci`igd`dty – donepeoneot`y donepeoneot`y bfr nfjido servdces ion jenditdfo (the oetwfrl). Dt prfvdnes ipp`dcitdfos wdth the igd`dty tf fperite do i hdmh`y ivid`ig`e jiooer. ^he oew irchdtecture i``fws bfr sepiritdfo fb `iyer `dbecyc`es. Bfr exijp`e, the jenditdfo `iyer jiy oeen tf ge upmrinen jfre brequeot`y do frner tf hion`e inndtdfoi` ofnes ion oetwfrl niti. Do cfotrist, the preseotitdfo `iyer wd`` oft chiome every tdje jenditdfo nfes. Sf the ndbbereot `iyer `dbecyc`es wd`` ge sepiriten, whdch ds fb mreit geoebdt bfr i jfnu`ir systej. ^he jfnu`ir ion b`exdg`e irchdtecture grdoms burther inviotimes do terjs fb inndom ipp`dcitdfo cfoteot ion gusdoess `fmdc is we`` is hdmh ivid`igd`dty vdi rep`dcitdfo fb ipp`dcitdfo dostioces ion the igd`dty tf upmrine gusdoess `fmdc whd`e jidotidodom ipp`dcitdfo fperitdfos. Dt prfvdnes giclwirn cfjpitdg`e SNLs tf iccess EOJ niti ion servdces. ^hese SNLs i`sf prftect `fci` custfjdsitdfos. Jfne` Nrdveo Suppfrt fb oew ittrdgutes, i`irjs ion cfuoters hippeos fo the b`y (nyoijdci``y) dostein fb djpictdom i whf`e guoch fb cfne ion fther pirts fb the systej. Dt suppfrts Leroe`-gisen Rdrtui` Jichdoe Hypervdsfr bfr HI dostioces fb jfnu`ir ipp`dcitdfos ion niti dostioces (doc`undom eovdrfojeots bfr scrdpts ion custfjer utd`dtdes utd`dzdom SNLs).
EOJ Ofrthgfuon Doterbices Doterbices EOJ suppfrts specdbdc ofrthgfuon doterbices bfr ndbbereot buoctdfoi`dtdes ion type fb niti tf dotemrite wdth exteroi` systejs. ^here ire ndbbereot types fb exteroi` doterbices exdst do EOJ doc`undom1 Stionirn [rftfcf` Sticls ion Fgaect Jfne`s
Erdcssfo [rfprdetiry [rftfcf` Sticls ion Fgaect Jfne`s
Bd`e Doterbices
Nitigise Doterbices
Cfjjion-@doe Doterbices
Bf``fwdom bdmure shfws the ofrthgfuon doterbices whdch ire equdvi`eot tf exdstdom FSS-WC OGDs, oew`y dotrfnucen OGDs ion jfndbden OGDs brfj FSS-WC p`itbfrj1
CJ OGD1 EOJ OGD1 EOJ prfvdnes bf``fwdom OGDs bfr CJ niti1
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