Core Network STS and KPI Heiry Hamzah 24-April-2010
Agenda • KPI • STS in MGW • STS in MSC
KPI KPI • Key Performance Indicator (KPI) — a main measurement indicator, used to highlight the status of vital functionality • Performance Indicator (PI) — a supporting measurement indicator, used both to provide additional information about functionality covered by the KPIs as well as for providing information about additional functionality not directly covered by the KPIs
MSC Statistic • STS Object type Trunkroute, C7SL1, UPDLOCAT, NBRMSCLST, EOS, LOAS, HLRSTAT, LOSSROUTE • Counters Every STS Object type contain Counters which is used for achieving the statistic.
Trunkroute Counter NCALLSI
Description Number of detected seizures (incoming route). The counter is stepped when an accepted seizure is received. Number of detected seizures (outgoing route) Number of calls with congestion (incoming route) Number of calls with congestion (outgoing route) Number of devices in the trunk route (devices in pre or post service state are excluded) Number of accumulations Accumulated traffic level (incoming route) Accumulated traffic level (outgoing route) Number B-answers in the incoming route Number B-answers in the outgoing route
Trunk Route Continue • Trunk utilization • Call Attempt • ASR Sample of the Formula
Description Number of SIF and SIO octets transmitted Number of SIF and SIO octets received Number of MSUs transmitted Number of MSUs received Description Duration of SL unavailability (all reasons) in seconds Duration of link In-Service state in seconds
C7SL1…Continue • Signalling link utilization • C7 availability
Formula PI Link-avail_ETSI = ASLDUR / (ASLDUR+UNAVAILDUR) * 100%
Description Total nr. of location updating attempts for already registered subscribers over A-interface and Iu-interface
Total nr. of location updating attempts from nonregistered subscribers (IMSI attach, normal LU or periodic LU) over A-interface and Iu-interface
Nr. of successful location updating for already registered subscribers over A-interface and Iu-interface
Nr. of successful location updating for non-registered subscribers over A-interface and Iu-interface
Number of location updating attempts from nonregistered subscribers (IMSI attach, normal location updating, or periodic updating) over Gs-Interface
Number of successful location updatings for nonregistered subscribers over Gs-Interface
Number of location updating attempts for already registered subscribers over Gs-Interface
Number of successful location updatings for already registered subscribers over Gs-Interface
UPDLOCAT…Continue • LOCATION UPDATE performance Formula
NBRMSCLST • Object type for Handover InterMSC performance Counter NNBRHBANTOT
Description Number of basic handover attempts to a neighbouring MSC
Number of successful basic handovers to a neighbouring MSC
Number of subsequent handover attempts from the neighbouring MSC back to the anchor MSC/VLR Server
Number of successful subsequent handovers from the neighbouring MSC back to the anchor MSC/VLR Server
Number of incoming handover attempts from neighbouring MSC (incoming handovers include basic handovers and subsequent handovers from neighboring MSC)
Number of successful incoming handovers from neighbouring MSC(incoming handovers include basic handovers and subsequent handovers from neighboring MSC)
Number of subsequent handover attempts to neighbouring MSC (back to anchor or to third MSC)
Number of successful subsequent handovers to neighbouring MSC(back to anchor or to third MSC)
Number of subsequent handover attempts from neighbouring MSC to third MSC. The target MSC is the measuring object.
Number of successful subsequent handover attempts from neighbouring MSC to third MSC. The target MSC is the measuring object.
LOAS and HLRSTAT • LOAS is the general Object type that found in all AXE platform, it shown the processor Load • HLRSTAT is the object type of MSC that will shown the subscriber attached and registered
LOSSROUTE • Last but not the least, LOSSROUTE will shown all the Route that used for IN, Interrogation, and Announcement
EOS • Is the Statistic for End Of Selection • Related to the ISUP release Cause. • Useful for troubleshooting in the operation
Statistic In MGW • In MGW the data collected called Performance Measurement data, PM • It collected in the OSS for post processing, and the post processing tool that used is the Business object
PM Counter in MGW • • • • • •
MediaStream Channel utilization rate TDM termination Group Processor Load MTP2 Signalling Usage AAL2 Traffic per VC AAL2 Pipe utilization
Business Object
Media Stream • Erlang Load in the MGW The current traffic load = MgwApplication.pmNrOfMediaStreamChannelsBusy /2.005
• The Software Licensing, Media Stream Channel Utilization Rate measurement is used for calculating the utilization rate of licensed media stream channels, that is utilized licensed software capacity. The measurement is made for physical MMGw. Media stream channel utilization rate (in %) = (MgwApplication.pmNrOfMediaStreamChannelsBusy / MgwApplication.maxNrOfLicMediaStreamChannels) * 100
TDM Termination Group • The TDM Termination Group Utilization Rate measurement is used for calculating the current utilization rate of a Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) termination group and the amount of TDM traffic in the node. • TDM group utilization rate (as %)= (TdmTermGrp.pmNrOfTdmTermsBusy /MAX_NR_OF_TDM_TERMS) * 100
Processor Load • The Processor Load measurement is used for calculating the processor load of a board • The measurement will provide the average processor load of a board for the last 5 minutes • From processor load point of view, General Purpose Boards used for signalling are considered to be the most critical ones to monitor • Formula The average processor load of a board (in %) = PlugInUnit.pmProcessorLoad
GCP statistic • The GCP Link Uptime measurement shows the time in seconds the GCP link has been in operation. • GCP link uptime in seconds = Vmgw.pmGcpSystemUpTime
MTP2 Signalling Link usage • The MTP2 Signalling Link Usage measurements are used to show the number of received and sent Message Signal Units (MSUs) per second, as well as kbps, during the measurement period •
Received kbps on an MTP2 link = ((Mtp2TerminationPoint.pmNoOfSIOSIFReceived * 8) + (Mtp2TerminationPoint.pmNoOfMSUReceived *MTP2_MSU_HDR)) / (1000 * MEAS_LENGTH)
Transmitted kbps on an MTP2 link = ((Mtp2TerminationPoint.pmNoOfSIOSIFTransmitted * 8) + (Mtp2TerminationPoint.pmNoOfMSUTransmitted *MTP2_MSU_HDR)) / (1000 * MEAS_LENGTH)
AAL2 • The Usage Rate of Received and Transmitted ATM Cells on an ATM Port measurements are used for calculating the usage rate (as %) on an ATM port during the measurement period. The measurement is made for ATM port. Usage rate of received cells = (1 – ((AtmPort.pmReceivedAtmCells / MEAS_LENGTH) / 353,207) * 100)
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