ERICSSON COMMANDS With Example and Explanation

April 14, 2018 | Author: Shariq Ansari | Category: Computing, Technology, Computing And Information Technology, Business
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command_list Command List Updated 2/26/07 allip:acl=a1; ! Alarm list print : Alarm class critical !< ml=tr"e pre#i=o namespace=$ allip:acl=a2; allip:acl=o1; allip:alcat=ap%;

rcdp:mo=rot&'0; r(le:mo=roc#'0)s"(ord!)#orce; rm#p:mo=roc#'0)s"(ord)#a"lt*; rmsp:mo=rot&'0)s"(ord; rtcp:mot*=rot&)cell=+as2,-(; rmop:mo=rot&'0;

! ind   itename !


! ispla*s t3e 45 al"e !

rmop:mo=rotr'0'0!; rlcrp:cell=+ac168(; rapp:mo=rot&'0; &et t3e 9 !

! 9rint deices) diide an* (* 2 to


! 9rints t3e site name !

// Actiate  alt ectors rlstp:cell=+dc081c; rlstc:cell=+an1,6a)state=3alted; rlstc:cell=+an1,6a)state=actie;

// C3ec i# site is L5 >ls(p:cell=a(c001a; ?arredD !

! # C?=@5 site is B4 lie Cell

// A9 ile 9rocessin& a"lt aploc; 3ostname cd3dsls a#pls 'ls @EC01F BE54>CA G #indstr AL5 a#p#ti '# @EC01F BE54>CA a#pls 'ls @EC01F BE54>CA G #indstr AL5 alist eit

// ile 4rans#er ail"res H BI Allip:alcat=ap%)acl=a1; n#ti:dest=(&+01)#ile=tt#ile00')eJ"ip=#tam; ''# t3e 4 #ails +it3 a #a"lt code 10 t3en do t3e #ollo+in&: mlct:sp&=0; l(li:port=1'1'1'1; ! ?loc internet port) ait 1 min"te ! l(le:port=1'1'1'1; 5nd; n#ti:dest=(&+01)#ile=tt#ile00')eJ"ip=#tam;

// >o"tes trsp:r=ro"te; trdp:r=ro"te; state=(loc ! 5dep:de=do+ndeice; tcop:snt=snt;

! 9rints ro"te state ! ! 9rints deices) ma* "se param K)

! 9rints t3e 4 ! ! 9rints t3e 9s +it3 eices !

'# L?L Eaint c3ec #or BMs) also eri#* circ"it is n erice in &ranite 'Contin"it* C3ec ?lodi:de=deice; ?lode:de=deice;

! ?locs deice ! ! e(locs deice !

'4r* to&&lin& 41 line codin&  #ramin& str"ct"re tdep:de="pdna,1'112'1-6; ?lodi:de="pdna,1'112'1-6; t(li:dip=2,"p,; tidc:dip=2,"p,)lc=0)#rs=0; to 0 !

! ets LineCodin&  ramin& tr"ct"re

t(le:dip=2,"p,; t(li:dip=2,"p,; tidc:dip=2,"p,)lc=1)#rs=1; to 1 !

! ets LineCodin&  ramin& tr"ct"re

t(le:dip=2,"p,; tstp:dip=2,"p,; ?lode:de="pdna,1'112'1-6; tdep:de="pdna,1'112'1-6;

seJar:r=ro"te !reset ro"te s"perision

// 9s tstp:dip=dip;

! 9rint state o# 9 !


! 9rint J"alit* stats !


! >eset J"alit* stats !


! >eset J"alit* stats !


! ?loc 9 !


! 5tract 4 !

// > Loop 4est a"lt >(li:mo=rotr'0'0;

! ?loc a##ected radio !


! 4ae o"t o# serice !


! ?rin& into serice !

>lti:mo=rots'0'0'0 to replace radio !

! >"ns loop test) an* AL #ops needs


! e(loc radio) s3o"ld (e #ine !

// i%e Alteration a"lt BI s*("e; +ill stop a"to(ac"pD aploc; d(tsp:ta(=saactions; s*("e;

! Command +ill #ail i# BI ! ! 9rint data(ase ta(le ! ! 9assiate t3e (ac"p !


! ncrease si%e limit !


! C3ec processor load !


! orce (ac"p !

; s*t"c; s*("i:disc; dp+sp;

! ets N o# (ac"p #iles ! ! Actiates (ac"p ! ! eri#ies C9 states !

// i%e Alteration a"lt A9I s*("e; +ill stop a"to(ac"pD aploc;

! c:O 9rompt !


! tart EEL session #rom B


! 9rint data(ase ta(le !


! 9assiate t3e (ac"p !


! ncrease si%e limit !


! C3ec processor load !


! C3ec operatin& s*stem ! ! # C9 seperates a#ter saali r"n

(ac"p immediatel*. s*("p:#ile;

! orce (ac"p !

; s*t"c;

! ets N o# (ac"p #iles !


! Actiates (ac"p !


! eri#ies C9 states !

// A9 9roccess >einitiated) >estarted Aploc; Cl"ster >es ! eri#* all reso"rces are BL5) ot3er+ise contact 4ier 2 ! Alist ! 9a* attention to t3e Alarm denti#ier ! ! >eplace a#ter acease command ! Acease 602-:0 5it P  alarm repeatedl* comes (ac open a ticet +/4ier 2 and call o"t.

// >9 a"lts repri:rp=7; remri:rp=7)pc(=>9I-; recri:rp=7;

! >epair 9roced"re ! ! Ean"al nterention ! ! >epair C3ec !

// 5E a"lts repri:rp=)em=; remri:rp=)em=)pc(=em(inter#ace;; recri:rp=)em=; dp+sp;

// C9 a"lts) CALL 4C/45> 2 repci: remci:ma&=C9U)9C?=C9U'?; recci;

! C9 >epair ! ! Ean"al nterention ! ! >epair C3ec !


// Iro"p +itc3 a"lts Isstp;

! 9rints IMs  tates !


! ?locs I !


! 4ests I !


! e(locs I !

Isstp:tsm=tsm'('-0; namespace=$9rints tate !

! < ml=tr"e pre#i=st1

// Iro"p istri("ted a"lts Idstp; &dstp:"nit=QE'A'1'2)detail; &d(li:"nit=QE'A'1'2; &dtei:"nit=QE'A'1'2; &d(le:"nit=QE'A'1'2;

// 9s


!9rint t3e 41Ms and 9s associated;


!9rint t3e 4!;


!9rint 9s and 41s!;


!9rint state o# deices) o#ten *o" +ill #ind

t3em E?L) i# not test 41!;

// Contin"it* C3ec ail"re tcc#p:det*=U9AE;

!e are looin& to print t3e 5


!9rint t3e state o# t3e 5


!?loc t3e 5


!e(loc t3e 5

# t3e alarm comes (ac a 44 +ill need to (e sent to t3e s+itc3 // 4 4>A C3annel a"lts >adrp:de=>44A1',1',-; ! 9rints >9/5E #or deices ! 5emp:rp=261)em=7;

! 9rints 5E data !


! ets/>esets 5E Control !

// 4 a"lts tcop:snt=snt; t(li:snt=snt;

! ?locs 4 !


! 4ests 4 !


// et+or *nc3roni%ation a"lt nsdap; ns(li:et=et'1; nstei:et=et'1;

! e(locs 4 !


// 5I5 rl(dc:cell=nR801a)n"mreJe&prs(pc=0)c3&r=0; ! eactiate 5I5 ! rl(dc:cell=nR801a)n"mreJe&prs(pc=)c3&r=0; !Actiate 5I5 ! rl(dp:cell=nR801a;

! tat"s 5I5 !

// 4 EUQ #a"lts >rt(i:de=;

! ?locs deices !


! e(locs deices !

// 95C >9 a"lts tdip:dip=2r(lt; tcop:snt=54>?L4'6)dipin#; tdep:de=>?L42',76; >adrp:de=>?L42',76; 5emp:rp=66)em=8; pecs:rp=2F2)cm=0;

// *stem 4est 4est s*stem;

! 3o"ld pop"late in 54Q !

5nd test;

// emi perm connection #a"lts 5scp:name=r0,067'smlc;

// o#t+are 5rrors *rip:s"re*;

! 9rints data !

// 4 a"lts ntcop:snt=U954AE'18 edrp:de=U954AE'18 erpp:rp=2F0; !>9Ss r"n in parallel ' +e need to s+itc3 it to t3e ot3er processor. 43is +ill list t3e ot3er processor dpecs:rp=2F1)cm=; !s+itc3 rp dpecs:rp=2F0)cm=; !s+itc3 (ac # alarm doesnSt clear sent to s+itc3

ind t3e eent t3at lists @5 Cop* t3e Code) 1) 2 and remoe all spaces C3oose correct lin ?C or EC 3ttp://,1/ericsson/errors/msc/totals/ 3ttp://,1/ericsson/errors/(sc/totals/ Bpen ne+est doc"ment earc3 ControlTD #or t3e code/in#1/in#2 strin& # not #o"nd) create ticet to 4ier 2 5ricsson.. ncl"de entire line +3ere eent=*es >"n (elo+ command and incl"de #rom start o# printo"t to end o# a"lt* ?loc


/ O G ?LBC=(loc /


LAL9: T G)9Q9>4GT ; G ?=(n O /G O / laslp:(n=3S02,C;

! 9rints o"t #a"lt* (loc) clears alarm !

# 3S02,C doesnSt +or inert t3e 1 (loc to 3S,C02

43is +ill &ie *o" t3e (loc. Bpen 4ier Ss +e(site and &oto 5ricsson '$ 5ast >Ss '$ IE C> L4

o a Ctrl T  on t3e (loc on t3e +e(site. # it is #o"nd t3en 4ier   5ricsson are a+are o# t3e so#t+are pro(lem and +ill release a patc3 in t3e #"t"re.

saaep:sae=,1; o t3e saactions and #ind t3e (loc. Use Ale to searc3 +3at t3is (loc represents.

// ?ac"p Commands *("p:#ile; *t"c; *("i:disc;

// 7 tat"s/?o"ncin& 7lsp:ls=211'172'20;

! Use i# linset "naaila(le !


! ?locs LC !


! e(locs LC !


! Use i# destination alarm !

7pcp:dest=all; 7dep:dest=211'17-'1FF; 7slp:ls=211'1F6'20F; 7&lp:ls=211'1F6'20F; 7opp;

! 9rint 7 lin  cilli !


! 9rint all si&nallin& ro"tin& data !

// 9orts ?loc e(loc mlct:sp&=0;

! Allo+s #or B commands !


! ?locs port !


! e(locs port !


! 9rints state !


! 5its #rom B !

// ei%"re "perision o# eices ?CD >asap; ("s* assi&n to s+itc3 !

! 9rints state o# deices) i# contin"all*

>asar:det*=ralt-; ralt-/ralt2 !

! >esets s"perision alarm)

// C >r&(p;

! 9rints ites on ?C data state !


! ?locs do+n Ci !


! 4aes t3e Ci BB !


! >estores Ci to serice !


! e(locs Ci !

>adrp:de=>4I9'6; ?lrpi:rp=8-; recommends !

! 9rints >9 ! ! ?loc  e(loc >9 i# est Coast


! 9rint N o# actie pdc3 on cell !


! 9rint &prs data #or cell !

// Cell Lo&ical C3an ei% prsn CC/4C >llp;

! 9rints s"perision o# cells) all

s3o"ld (e ncl"ded ! >lap; 41D ! >lar:c3t*pe=sdcc3;

! 9rints an* ("s* c3annel sites 4est

! >esets s"perision !

// Cell ei%"er prsn o# Lo& C3an Cell ites >lle:cell=+ac168)c3t*pe=sdcc3; >lli:cell=+ac168)c3t*pe=sdcc3;

! 5nds s"perision ! ! tarts s"perision !

// >ad 4ranscoder 9ool el# Con#i& 4imeo"t >rpar; in assi&n to 4ier 2 !

! >esets alarm) i# contin"all* comes

// >ad 4ranscoder 9ool Eean old 4ime >rmsp:trapool=all; >rmse:trapool=all; !or trapool=! >rmsi:trapool=all)acl=a2;

// >ad 4ranscoder 9ool (locin& >rtpp:trapool=all)printde; >rtpi:trapool=;

! ?locs trapool !


! e(locs trapool !

>rtpp:trapool=)printde; transcoder pool !

! 9rints all deices (elon&in& to

// User 5ceeded Access Attempts BID o"ae:"ser="sername; o"ai:"ser="sername; !  "ser reJ"ests pass+ord reset !

! Cancels "ser ! ! >einstates "ser !

o"&p; o"ar:"ser="sername;

! 9rints "ser &ro"ps ! ! >emoes acco"nt #rom element !

o"al:"ser="sername)ps+=pass+ord)"ser&r="ser&ro"p; (ac !

! Add "ser

// ec"rit* alarms in A9I aploc; alist

! nits A9 Local mode !

net "ser ! Lists all "sers on s*stem) email) call "ser to eri#* it +as t3em lo&&in& in ! acease : ! Ceases alarm ! eit

! 5its local mode !

// ist"r(ance "perision >o"tes "dap:r=ro"te;

! 9rints s"perision data !


! >esets alarm !

// Ali a"lts ! 43ese are t3e +3ite(oards t3e s+itc3 sees alarms on ! Alalp;

! 9rints AL stat"s !


! ?loc AL !


! e(loc AL !

// ei%"re "perision EC etip;

! 9rints s"perision data !


! >esets alarm !

// A9I c3ec node stat"s ! Lo&s in local mode) c3ecs A9 state) eri#ies node *o"r in) c3ecs all reso"rces are BL5) and prints alarm list !

Aploc; 9rcstate ostname Cl"ster >es Alist

// 4est *stems 4est *stem;

! nits a test s*stem alarm to 54Q !

5nd 4est;

! 5nds t3e test !

! ?elo+ +ill clear a st"c 4est *stem alarm in t3e element) 3o+eer t3is reall* s3o"ldnMt (e r"n ! ocmi:B2=4'77F; 5nd test; ocme; ocmi:io2=at'; 5nd test; ocme;

// 9rint all ?Cs on EC E&(sp:(sc=all;

// ind ei&3(orin& Cells >lncp:cell=(as0,,a;

// emi perm connected deices 5scp:de=; 5sce:de=;

// et allip times alltc:time=1F-01F-2; alltp; calcp;

// Acco"ntin& Class ata B"tp"t Alarm Acolp;

! ata 9rint !


! Alarm >eset !

// 9o+er ?oost on 2106 >(li:mo=rotr'27'0)s"(ord)#orce; >ese:mo=rotr'27'0)s"(ord; >moc:mo=rot'27'0)mp+r=7; >mop:mo=rot'27'0;

// Eetrica tat"s mlct:sp&=0; ddop:o(Rt*pe=cp)area=oper;

! 9rint stat"s o# metrica co"nters !


! nits stat co"nter !


! nits translation ta(les !


! eri#* metrica co"nters are actie !

5nd; d#op:rptid=all;

! List reports and attac3ed #iles !


! 9rint meas"rement pro&ram in#o !


! 5nd meas"rement pro&ram !

dtpe:mp=0)date=****mmdd)time=33mm)int'1,; pro&ram !

! tart meas"rement

// et+or *nc3roni%ation sdap; data !

! 9rint net+or s*nc s"perision


! ?loc dip #or net+or s*nc !

stei:dip=1ralt; s(le:dip=1ralt;

! 4est t3e net+or s*nc deice ! ! e(loc t3e dip #or net+or s*nc !

// ol"me 4a(le n#o nmct:sp&=0; nop; nop:ol=callol"me; lrop:rot=all;

! Lists ol"me ta(les ! ! C3ec call ol"me ! ! C ro"te data !

// A? 9at3 Unaaila(le >app:mo=rot&'10;

! A(is 9at3 stat"s !

>api:mo=rot&'10)dcp=10)de=r(lt2'10; ! Adds de to t& as dcp  ! 5dai:de=r(lt2'1010;

! n serice #or added de !


! e(loc added de !


! e stat"s !


! eri#* added de are on a(is pat3 !

! 43en reload radio +it3 #a"lt !

// orlopp 9rinto"ts *#ap:all;

! 9rints all actie #orlopps !


! 9rints #orlopp d"ration s"perision !


! 9rints "sers connected to #orlopp !


! 9rints #orlopp eec"tion stat"s !

// orlopp >elease >mop:mo=rot&'10; *#ip:#id=3M022c'0000;

! 9rints s+ ersion and t& #orlopp id ! ! 9rints "ser connected to #orlopp !

*#ri:#id=3M022c'0000)#ilen"m=3M1)ind=3M27c()(loc=rcmoo; ! nit #orlopp release on (loc/#id !

// C94 a"lt mlct:sp&=0; ll(i:np=1'1'1'-'1;

! ?loc cpt lin 1 !


! ?loc cpt lin 2 !


! ?loc cpt lin - !


! ?loc cpt lin  !


! ?loc cpt lin 1 !


! ?loc cpt lin 2 !


! ?loc cpt lin - !


! ?loc cpt lin  !


// *t"c #a"lt code ,n#it:#ile1=#ile_a)#ile2=#ile_(; can tae 20min to clear !

! Cop* #ile a to #ile () a is "nc3an&ed)

// Contin"it* C3ec ail"re 4cc#p:det*="pd,-p;

! 9rint cont c3ec #a"lt data !


! 9rint deice state details !


! ?loc deice !


! 9lace deice BB !


! 9lace deice in serice !


! 9er#orm cont c3ec test !


! 9rint ro"te deice state !

// i&nallin& a"lt "perision aiap:r=all; deices ! aiar:r=ro"teoro"tei;

// 4ransaction Lo&s at speci#ic times !

! 9rint si&nallin& #a"lt s"perision

! >eset #a"lt s"perision alarm !

! 9rints lo& o# "sers r"nnin& speci#ic cmds

Ecstp:command=allip)"ser=mnatale)stime=00-0)sdate=20060-1F)etime=0 0-0)edate=20060-20;

// 9 4race *stem mlct:sp&=0; mtsp; ! 9rints test s*stem in#o ! mtsi:mode=nosi&)node=all; ! Actiate test s*stem ! mtse:node=all; ! eactiate test s*stem !

// Eiscellaneo"s Cell Admin Commands >l(dc:cell=a(c12-a)n"mreJ(pc=8; >lstp:cell=all)state=actie; >lstp:cell=all)state=3alted;

! >eset (pc#ail on timeslots ! ! 9rint all actie cells ! ! 9rint all 3alted cells !


! 9rint cell description data !


! List eternal nei&3(or cells !


! 4o internal nei&3(or cells !


! Cell po+er data print !


! >adio reJ"encies !


! 9rints cell c3&r data !


! 9rints cells in LA !


! >eset lo&s !


! 9rint imei lo& !

E&aar; E&arp:nlo&=all; Co#ar; >rmar:trapool=all; >pli:mo=roc#'10)"c; >lsli:cell=a(c12-a)sct*pe="l/olD;

! >eset a"t3entication ! ! 9rint #ailed a"t3entication lo& ! ! reset #ile con&estion ! ! >eset trapool ! ! Load so#t+are to C ! ! Lo&ical c3an s"perision init !

// EC5LLA5BU 5rpp:rp=all;

! >9 ata 9rint !


! C3ec 9rocessor ata Load !

E&cep:cell=all; respectie ?C ! >a(lp:det*=all;

! 9rint all cells connected to EC ! C3ec s"perision on #or deices !


! C3ec transcoder s"perision !


! C3ec (ac"p time !


! 9rint B/ in#o !


! 5rror Lo& !


! 9rints A9 Eaintenance 4a(les !


! Eaps EAB to 4 !


! e#ined Lo&ical C3annels !

>lslp:cell=+an0-6a; aaila(le !

! "m(er o# Lo&ical C3annels


! escription ata !


! reJ"encies on site !

>lc3p:cell=+an010a; ! C3annel Iro"ps and EABs ! >lnrp:cell=+an010a)cellr=+an010(; ! ei&3(or relation parameters ! >lnrp:cell=+an010a)cellr=all;

! All ei&3(or relations !


! Cell ?arred !

mlct:sp&=0; ?Cs !

! 4o access co"nters in non'A9I 0

dtdp:rptid=101)o(Rt*pe=celtc3#)o(R=+an010a)int=1,; ! rops and 4ra##ic #or 1, min"tes ! dtdp:rptid=16,)o(Rt*pe=cltc3dr#)o(R=+an010a)int=1,; ! etailed rops #or last -0 min"tes ! dtdp:rptid=1,1)o(Rt*pe=ncellrel)o(R=+an010a'+an010()int=1; ! andoer stats +it3in ?C #or last 3o"r ! dtdp:rptid=1,0)o(Rt*pe=necellrel)o(R=+an010('+dc0-Fa)int=2; ! andoer stats to site o"tside ?C #or last 2 3o"rs ! dtdp:rptid=210)int=1,; ! rops per 4imeslot report #or all da* *esterda* !

dtdp:rptid=2-)o(Rt*pe=celtc33)o(R=+dc018c)int=2; ! > rops #or all da* *esterda* ! dtdp:rptid=21)o(Rt*pe=cltc3dra3)o(R=+dc018c)int=2)per=c"r; ! etailed > rops #or all da* toda* ! 5nd;

! 4o &et o"t o# co"nters !

! 4o access co"nters in A9I 0 ?Cs ! Aploc; ! rops and 4ra##ic #rom midni&3t to F am ! tm#o 'i '% L '( 20008010000 's 20008010F00 'd drops_til_Fam_a"&01 C5L4C ! etailed rops ! tm#o 'i '% L '( 20008010000 's 20008010F00 'd detaileddrops_Fam_a"&01 CL4C>

// ail*  dp+sp; caclp; allip; test s*stem; end test; in#dp; c3odp:#n=tt; in#sp:#ile=tt#ile01)dest=(&+02)order=last; strsp:r=all; (lorp; s7lsp:ls=all; s7ncp:sp=all)ssn=all;

m&cop:&i+"=all)&i+s"=all; c7ltp:ls=all; strdp:r=mi+"d;

// Call >o"tin&  4racin& ! 4racin& a call #rom an 5ricsson EC) r"n #rom an EC ! 5tpe:(n(=1F7-6-F27;

! Clears *o"r test N #rom s+itc3 !


! nitiates t3e test N !


! 4est p3one +ill rin&) ans+er it !


! Connects t3e t+o !


! 5nds t3e call !

4C4:??=AL5 I4D)?B=-0; +it3o"t an KA n"m(er presentation

replicates a mo(ile ori&inated call)

4C4:??=AL5 I4D)?B=10; replicates an incomin& #rom 94 call t3ro"&3 tree 10. replicates a call #rom B"tside o"r net+or a#ter it 3its o"r s+itc3D oV.. *o"Me replicated t3e error (* main& a test call.. and no+ *o" +ant to see 3o+ its ro"tin& #rom t3e s+itc3 All mo(ile ori&inated calls ro"te #rom tree -0. -0 is t3e startin& ori&inV o *o" +ill start lie t3is: An(sp:(=-0'19AQQD; 5ample: AAL@ A4A B95>A4I A>5A ?'UE?5> -0'1

EC5LL /


CA>I5 L

CC=1 L=1'11




-0'161 -0'1610


43e a(oe s3o+s *o" 3o+ its &oin& o"t o# tree -0 and is tellin& *o" t3at *o" +ill tae t3e "ll di&its to tree F0 =F0D so *o"r net command +ill (e: An(sp:(=F0'161086-; AAL@ A4A B95>A4I A>5A ?'UE?5>

EC5LL /




CA>I5 L



?4= 5 43e a(oe is s3o+in& *o" 3o+ t3e s+itc3 is &oin& to (rea o"t t3e is sa*in& #rom tree F0 *o" +ill tae t3e net past t3e K1 to tree 1F0. o *o"r net command +ill (e lie t3is: An(sp:(=1F0'61086-;

A4I A>5A ?'UE?5>

EC5LL /


1F0'6 1F0'61 1F0'610

=18F >C=86 =-'1 4>=610


CA>I5 L


43e a(oe is s3o+in& *o" a&ain 3o+ it is (reain& o"t t3e code #"rt3er. 5en t3o"&3 *o" see a ro"tin& case 3ere) t3atMs not necessaril* +3ere it stops in t3e ro"&tin&.. ("t t3e code mi&3t de#a"lt (ac 3ereV o *o" +ill #ollo+ t3e map t3at its o"tlinin& #"rt3er.. it is tellin& *o" a(oe to tae t3e ULL to tree 18F =18FDVso *o"r addin& t3e one (acV.@..tree 18F is +3ere +e +o"ld (rea o"t mo(ile codesVi# 4mo(ile 3ad a (loc o# code in t3is npa'nD An(sp:(=18F'161086-; AAL@ A4A B95>A4I A>5A ?'UE?5> 18F'1

EC5LL /


CA>I5 L



5 43e a(oe is tellin& *o" to tae t3e 5Q4 to tree 18F =18FDso *o" +ill r"n t3e #ollo+in&: An(sp:(=18F'61086-; AAL@ A4A B95>A4I A>5A ?'UE?5>

EC5LL /

18F'6 18F'61 18F'610 18F'6108 18F'61086 18F'610865



CA>I5 L


43is is a&ain tellin& *o" to tae t3e ULL to tree 200Vso *o" +ill r"n t3is: An(sp:(=200'161086-;

< notice t3e 1 (ac in t3ere

AAL@ A4A B95>A4I A>5A ?'UE?5> 200'1

EC5LL /



CA>I5 L




43e net past t3e 1 a&ain to tree 200: An(sp:(=200'61086-; AAL@ A4A B95>A4I A>5A ?'UE?5>

EC5LL /


CA>I5 L


200'6 200'61 200'610 200'6108 200'61086 200'61086-


5 B B$.. loo *o"r at t3e end.. *o" 3ae t3e endin& ro"tin& case!! @A@.. it didnMt de#a"lt (ac to >C 86Vso no+ lets see +3at +e do +it3 >C=81 A>9:>C=81; 9:>C=81; 5: @EC08 : -F,6060 4E5: 01/-1/2006


>BU4I CA5 A4A B95>A4I A>5A >C CC ?> >BU4I 9 A4A 81 @5 901=1 >=EI008B ??1 CB4 54  0 0 0 0 ?4 > 9> BL BL2 00 0 C C9  0 901=2 >=EI108B ??1 CB4 54  0 0 0 0 ?4 > 9> BL BL2 00 0 C C9  0 901=- >C=F8

5 5>

5 5>

5 44I'2,;

!# t3ere is a call on t3is deice it +ill drop it !

! Un(loc t3e transcoder deice !

ealin& +it3 cell s"perision alarms< ml=tr"e pre#i=o namespace= ns="rn:sc3emas'microso#t'com:o##ice:o##ice$

A2/A94 5?C001?00001 -0 070206 18F C5LL LBICAL CA5L AALA?L4@ U95>B C5LL

C4@95 C4@95 C>A45 9





irst) +e can c3ec t3e +3ole sector #or s"perision data. 43e a(oe A2 alarm printo"t tells "s t3e #a"lt is on a #"ll rate 4C tra##ic c3annelD +it3 an 9 al"e o# 1.

B B LBICAL CA5L AALA?L4@ A4A




AC45 @5

C4@95 C>A45 9 LA



1 A1


8 A2





12 A2





0 A-





0 A-





0 A-





0 A-



0 A2




An*time t3e LA or Limit al"e #or Aaila(ilit*D is &reater t3an t3e C "m(er o# Aaila(le c3annelsD t3is alarm +ill (e &enerated. Bt3er+ise +e can reset t3e s"perision.


43is +ill t"rn o## s"perision on a sector. o ne+ alarms +ill (e &enerated.


"perision +ill (e t"rned (ac on. A&ain) t3is is onl* a temporar* #i i# t3e LA al"e is set too 3i&3. 43e s+itc3 +ill (e a(le to c3an&e t3e LA to preent it #rom alarmin& in t3e #"t"re.

?'"m(er Anal*sis is "sed trace t3e Ro"rne* t3o"&3 t3e s+itc3es and ?CSs.  traced mine o"t o# (oredom toda* and come "p +it3 some interestin& res"lts.

irst) ?'"m(er anal*sis "ses *o"r 9A'QQ to #ind t3e ro"tin& seJ"ence. E* p3one n"m(er is 8'8-2'1,02.  t3en "se R"st 8'8-2 in m* anal*sis.

AAL@ A4A B95>A4I A>5A ?'UE?5> EC5LL / -0'1 -0'1 -0'18 5


CA>I5 L A CC=1 L=1'11 L='11


43e de#a"lt tree in o"r net+or al+a*s starts +it3 tr"n -0. 43e an(sp command is anal*sis ( spec print. 43e n"m(er +e are mainl* looin& at is t3e ro"te. et) +e (asicall* r"n t3e same command ("t replace t3e tree +it3 F0.

AAL@ A4A B95>A4I A>5A ?'UE?5> EC5LL / >BU45 F0'1 =1F0 ?4= 5

CA>I5 L


o) +e did t+o ro"tin& anal*sis and +e are main& pro&ress. LetSs eep &oin&.

AAL@ A4A B95>A4I A>5A ?'UE?5> 1F0' 1F0'8 1F0'8

EC5LL /


CA>I5 L


CA>I5 L


CA>I5 L


=18F >C=121 =-'1 4>=8


eep moin&...

AAL@ A4A B95>A4I A>5A ?'UE?5> EC5LL / >BU45 18F' 18F'8 18F'8 18F'88 18F'88=200 5 AAL@ A4A B95>A4I A>5A ?'UE?5> EC5LL /


200' 200'8 200'8 200'88 200'88200'88-2



o+) as *o" can see a(oe +e 3ae #inis3ed o"r ? n"m(er anal*sis and no+ +e 3ae a ro"tin& case.

E* #irst ro"te is act"all* L9X>@. 43is so"nds a(o"t ri&3t (eca"se  ported m* n"m(er into 4'Eo(ile. L9X>@ is a Local "m(er 9orta(ilit* X"er*. A#ter t3at t3e tr"ns are listed in order. ?"t +e are not done. 43e last E4 ro"te &oes to @IEC00 t3o"&3 o"r "se o# &ranite. A#ter +e pop"late t3e ?C / EC in remed*) +e can J"er* (* tr"n &ro"p. e R"st need to drop t3e  or B #rom t3e tr"nin& name. ?"t) een a#ter all t3is +e are not #inis3ed. e 3ae to do t3e same steps on IEC0.

BU4I CA5 A4A B95>A4I A>5A >C CC ?> >BU4I 9 A4A 80 @5 4 '0 901=1 >=L9X>@ ??2 CB4 54  0 0 1 0 ?40 > 9> BL BL2  00 C C9  0 901=2 >=F04I0UB ??2 CB4 54  0 0 0 0 ?4 > 9> BL BL2 00 0 C C9  0 901=- >=EI1I0B ??1 CB4 54  0 0 0 0 ?4 > 9> BL BL2 00 0 C C9  0 901= >=EI2I0B ??1 CB4 54 

5 5>

5 5>

5 5>

5 5>


0 0 0 ?4 > 9> BL BL2 00 0 C C9  0 901=, >=E22I0B ??1 CB4 54 

5 5>


0 BL BL2 ?40 >0 9> 00 0 C C9  0 901=6 >C=F8 4 '1 902=1 >=F04I0UB ??2 CB4 54  0 0 0 0 ?4 > 9> BL BL2 00 0 C C9  0


5 5>

902=2 >=EI1I0B ??1 CB4 54  0 0 0 0 ?4 > 9> BL BL2 00 0 C C9  0 902=- >=EI2I0B ??1 CB4 54  0 0 0 0 ?4 > 9> BL BL2 00 0 C C9  0

5 5>

902= >=E22I0B ??1 CB4 54  0 0 0 0 ?4 > 9> BL BL2 00 0 C C9  0 902=, >C=F8

5 5>

5 5>

EB tat"s ?LL ?loced d"e to loadin& ?L4 ?loced d"e to testin& E?L Ean"all* (loced ?LB A"tomaticall* (loced ?LA ?loced d"e to Actiit* eeded

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