Ericsson Command Handling-1

March 20, 2017 | Author: mamshadmm | Category: N/A
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Ericsson Command Handling

1. Giving Performance test against a TRX rxbli:mo=rxotrx-395-5; (Block) rxtei:mo=rxotrx-395-5; (Perf. Test) rxble:mo=rxotrx-395-5; (Deblock) 2. To see the frequency state of a TRX(With fault code) rxmfp:mo=rxotrx-395-5; 3. To see TRX status 1. rxmsp:mo=rxotrx-395-5; (For having only one TRX status) 2. rxmsp:mo=rxotrx-395-4&&-5; (for having two or more TRX status 4. To see all (TX,TS,TRX) status rxmsp:mo=rxotrx-395-5,subord; Note: State, BLO, BLA all the values will be zero for active TRX (TRX in good condition) 5. To find the TG value of a Site rxtcp:moty=rxotg , cell=dx03214; 6. To see all external alarm of a BSC allip:alcat=bts; 7. To see all internal alarm of a BSC allip:alcat=sw_dev; 8. To see active alarm of a BSC allip; allip:acl=a1; allip:acl=a2; allip:acl=a3; allip:acl=a1,alcat=ext/bts;

(For all the active alarm of a BSC) (where a1=critical alarm only) (where a2=major alarm only) (where a3=minor alarm only) (for critical ext alarms)

9. To see the total number of TRX of a Site rxcdp:mo=rxotg-27,details; (where 27 is the TG value of 900B of a site.) 10. Block-Deblock of a TRX rxbli:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord; (Block) rxese:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord; (Reload Order) rxesi:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord; (Reload Execute) rxble:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord;(Deblock)

11. TRX no. of 900B and 1800B 900B Cell

1800B Cell







0 1 2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11

0 1 2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11

(No. of Cell) | | | (No.

12. To find out The RBL2,RBLTB,RBLT2 number of a Specific site a) rxapp:mo=rxotg-353; where 353 is the TG value of a site b) ntcop:snt=all; Note: Searching format to find out the Fault description, Action from the PDF file: No of class: fault code. Example: 1B:33, 2A:30 13. To see the GPRS Status of a BSC rrgbp; 14. Lock-unlock of a TRX(including all TX,TS etc corresponding the TRX) rxbli:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord; (Lock) rxble:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord; (Unlock) 15. Lock-unlock of a TRX(excluding all TX,TS etc corresponding the TRX) rxbli:mo=rxotrx-23-0; (Lock) rxble:mo=rxotrx-23-0; (Unlock) 16. Lock – unlock of a cell rlstc:cell=dx12341,state=halted; (The first cell lock of DHK_X1234 site) rlstc:cell=dx12341,state=active; (The first cell unlock of DHK_X1234) rlstc:cell=dx12341,chgr=1,state=active; (The first cell of 1800 band unlock of DHK_X1234) 17. To check the RBL2 of a site either it is Working or not (Loop check) dtstp:dip=84rbl2; (where 84 is the rbl2 number of a site) 18.To check PCMS loop from BSC end of a site dtstp:dip=84rtltb; 19.To check PCMS loop from TRAU end of a site dtstp:dip=84rtltt; 20.To know the time from the system caclp;

21.To find the number of traffic channel of a site rxapp:mo=rxotg-6; where 6 is the TG value. 22. To get all the signaling of a BSC c7ltp:ls=all; 23. To clear “digital path quality supervision”alarm dtqsr:dip=all,es; dtqsr:dip=all,cs2; dtqsr:dip=all,ses; dtqsr:dip=all,ses2; dtqsr:dip=all,sf; 24. To look into either a cell holding call or to see channel status rlcrp:cell=dx00932; 25. To monitor signaling point c7spp:sp=all; 27. To know frequency of all BTS in a BSC 1. rlcfp:cell=all; (For all BTS) 2. rlcfp:cell=dx00501; (For a specific cell) 27. To know cell configuration frequency data rlcfp:cell=dx00931; (Where 1 is for 1st cell of DHK_X0093) 28. To have all the data of a cell rldep:cell=dx00931; 29. To get either a cell is 900B or 1800B Lj-l 30. The command to point the connected BSC’s for the TRC rrbsp; 31. The command of getting the name of MSC to which BSC is connected rrmbp; 32. To have the name of all MSC rrmbp:msc=all; 33. To see all PCM status dtstp:dip=all;

34. To see either a cell is halted or active rlstp:cell=dx00931; 35. To see the halted cell status of all BTS in a BSC rlstp:cell=all,state=halted; 37. To know all TRX faults 1. rxasp:moty=rxotrx; (for all kinds of OML fault of a BSC) 2. rxasp:moty=rxotg; (For all kinds of Fault of a BSC) 39. To know either a Site carrying 2E1 or 1E1 rxapp:mo=rxotg-6; Here 6 is the TG value of the site. If no. of TCH starts from 1 to 31 then 2E1. If starts from 1 to 15 then it will be 1E1 carrying site . 36. To get all PCM status which are down dtstp:dip=all,state=abl; 38. To know individual TRX fault rxasp:mo=rxotrx-260-0; Where 260 is TG value & 0 is for TRX number 40. To have the TEI number of a site rxmop:mo=rxocf-8; 41. To manually block or unblock a specific rbtl2 1. dtble:dip=78rblt2; (Unblock) 2. dtbli:dip=78rblt2; (block) 42. To have the site ID (name of site) from an unknown TG value rxasp:mo=rxotg-340; 43: To get the software version of a Site rxmop:mo=rxotg-8; 44. A TRX having hardware or not rxmfp:mo=rxotrx-8-0; If RU Version, Position all values show zero then the TRX is without hardware. 45. To check if AP is up 1) aploc; 2) prcstate –l

AP is equivalent to BAM. APs are redundant.

46.How to find out RALT2 belongs to which BSC Let’s assume RALT2:49 in TEDHK01 Connect to TEDHK01 ntcop:snt=all; There will be a DEV list against all DIPs Against 49RALT2 there will be a range [RALT2-1568&&-1599] Add 1 with the lower range, which will be 1569 for 49RALT2 racip:dev=RALT2-1569; The second command will show connected MSC & BSC. 47.To find out under which sector a TRX is RXMOP:MO=RXOTX-TG-TRX Elaboration: TS= Time slot TX= Transmission of TRX RX= Receiver of TRX TG= Transceiver Group CF= Control Function TF= Timing Function IS= Interface SW Note: DXU of ericsson site is equivalent to COBA of Siemens For CDU-G : If TG value is less than 200 then it is 900B else 1800B For CDU-K : Both bands will have same TG Sometimes 1800B and 900B are thrown over 1E1 in that case RBLT2 of Both will be same but their TG value will be different. If OML fault appears against a TRX or site that means OMC connection is broken for that site or TRX. So no command will be successful in that case. One DTRU Contains two TRXs BTS ! !------RBLT2 ! BSC !------RTLTB/RTB/RTB2 ! !------RTLTT/RTT TRC ! !------RAL2/RALT2 ! MSC

RAL2/RALT2 equivalent to PCMA RTLTT/RTT2 equivalent to PCMS RBL2/RBLT2 equivalent to PCMB BSC BSCT01 BSCT03 BSCT04 BSDH04 BSDH06 BSDH17 BSDH20 BSDH26 BSDH30



Location Chittagong Chittagong Chittagong CRP-Mirpur Hosna Kaderia Hosna Hosna Kaderia

48. To see whether CDU cable is K or G type. Rxmfp:mo=rxocf-33; 49.To Find out how many ckt are block of a STM( for this command please connected to respective switch ) Stdsp:dety=rtltt2,bsc=all; 50, To see the trx band(900/1800) here 289 TG value,2b TRX number RXMOP:MO=RXOTRX-289-2,subord; 51. for circuit measurement:(TRC) stdsp:dety=rtltt2,bsc=all; Calculation: NBL/NDV 52. For created but unconfigured TRX Status: RXMSP:MO = RXOTG-##,SUBORD; RXESI:MO = RXOTRX-##-##,SUBORD; RXBLE:MO = RXOTRX-##-##,SUBORD;

53. To find out TG value against a BTS. Rxtcp:moty=rxotg,cell=dx22661; where dx22661 is cell no. 54. To find out whether is signaling down or not? Tpcop:sdip=2etm2; 54,……… Rrgbp;

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