ERAN Capacity Monitoring Guide

August 24, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Inter-Dependence of BBU Uplink Resource Feature Parameter Trial on 25 Sites in Different Resource Pool HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.


Inter-Dependence of BBU Uplink Resource Feature Parameter Description Overview: Many operators have have deployed three or four carriers per sector to accommodate increased traffic on UMTS networks. In typical three-sector scenarios, a NodeB supports a maximum of 9 or 12 cells. However, the the uplink resource group that uses only the WBBP boards can serve a maximum of six cells. To serve more cells, more than one uplink resource group is required, but the channel elements (CEs) cannot be shared among the uplink resource groups. To ensure that CEs are shared among the resource groups, Huawei has introduced the WRFD-151210 Inter-Dependence Inter-Dependence of BBU Uplink Resource feature. Activation: Deactivate the cells before changing. //Setting the chain mode for cell deployment on the baseband equipment on the NodeB SET NODEBALGPARA: ULRESWORKMODE=AUTO_CHAIN; //Adding //Add ing all local cells served by uplink baseband equipment 2 to uplink baseband equipment 1 MOD ULOCELL: ULOCELLID=7, LOCELLTYPE=NORMAL_CELL, ULBASEBANDEQMID=1; MOD ULOCELL: ULOCELLID=8, LOCELLTYPE=NORMAL_CELL, ULBASEBANDEQMID=1; MOD ULOCELL: ULOCELLID=9, LOCELLTYPE=NORMAL_CELL, ULBASEBANDEQMID=1; //Adding //Add ing all baseband boards to the same uplink baseband equipment on the NodeB RMV BASEBANDEQM: basebandEqmId=2, basebandEqmType=UL; MOD BASEBANDEQM: BASEBANDEQMID=1, BASEBANDEQMTYPE=UL, OPMODE=ADD, SN=0;//Reestablishing all local cells on the NodeB STR REALLOCLOCELL:; REALLOCLOCELL:;//Activ //Activating ating all logical cells on the RNC Reactivate cell after implementation.


Huawei Confidential

Page 2


Analysis and Observation UL CE Util iz ization









0 .0 0% 0%

0 .0 .0 0% 0%

0 .0 .0 0% 0%

6 8. 8.7 6% 6%

UA UABA BA00 005 5

62.8 62.82% 2%

68.3 68.38% 8%

5.56 5.56% %

10 100. 0.00 00% % 100. 100.00 00% %   0.00%   15 155

83   -46.61%   2 24 43

125   -48.55%   64.5




UA UABA BA01 012 2

52.1 52.19% 9%

53.3 53.34% 4%

1. 1.15 15% %

83.9 83.94% 4%

74.0 74.02% 2%   -9.92%   65

79   22.17%   73 73

80   8.93%




7 1. 1.6 8% 8%











UA B BA A0 00 03

0 .0 .0 0% 0%   -68.76%   0














0 .0 .0 0% 0%   -71.68%   10

0   -100.00%   17

0   -100.00%   32

93.7 93.77% 7% 10 100. 0.00 00% %   6.23%   10 107

144   34.84%   23 235

205   -12.92%   1 18 18 7. 7.5

-1 -14. 4.89 89% %

93.9 93.91% 1% 10 100. 0.00 00% %   6.09%   14 147

174   17.93%   34 349

269   -22.76%   5835

-8.2 -8.26% 6%

90.6 90.65% 5% 100. 100.00 00% %   9.35%   14 142

340   138.79%   2 21 14

356   66.20%   47 47 0. 0.5

44.1 44.11% 1%

-1 -17. 7.99 99% %

91.2 91.23% 3% 10 100. 0.00 00% %   8.77%   10 100

270   171.24%   3 36 65

395   8.33%   20 20328

40   99.80%

56.3 56.31% 1%

-1 -17. 7.27 27% % 100 100.0 .00% 0% 100. 100.00 00% %   0.00%   10 101

94   -6.74%   44 440

322   -26.72%   1107 110792 92

271 271   99.76%

UA B BA A0 02 24

0 .0 0% 0%

0 .0 .0 0% 0%

0 .0 .0 0% 0%

UA UABJ BJ00 001 1

48.1 48.14% 4%

28.6 28.67% 7%

-1 -19. 9.48 48% %

UA UABJ BJ00 002 2

64.6 64.63% 3%

49.7 49.74% 4%

UA UABJ BJ00 003 3

54.0 54.04% 4%

45.7 45.78% 8%

UA UABJ BJ00 004 4

62.1 62.10% 0%

UA UABJ BJ00 007 7

73.5 73.58% 8%

0   100.00% 6 7   94.36% 0   100.00% 2 75 75   41.55%

UA UABJ BJ00 009 9

47.1 47.13% 3%

48.6 48.65% 5%

1. 1.52 52% %

89.8 89.88% 8% 1 100 00.0 .00% 0%   10.12%   7 79 9

180   128.41%   1 12 25

305   144.86%   27

UA UABJ BJ01 010 0

52.7 52.73% 3%

43.4 43.43% 3%

-9.3 -9.30% 0%

10 100. 0.00 00% % 100. 100.00 00% %   0.00%   14 144

101   -29.96%   2 22 20

140   -36.68%   2.5

0   100.00% 0   100.00%

UA UABJ BJ01 011 1

57.9 57.97% 7%

40.0 40.07% 7%

-1 -17. 7.90 90% %

99.8 99.80% 0% 10 100. 0.00 00% %   0.20%   14 141

162   15.12%   21 217

194   -10.53%   35805

0   100.00% 39   97.05%

UA UABJ BJ01 016 6

44.5 44.57% 7%

43.6 43.62% 2%

-0 -0.9 .95% 5%

97.2 97.22% 2%

99.9 99.95% 5%   2.73%   92 92

73   -19.96%   2 29 99

251   -15.85%   1322

UA UABJ BJ01 019 9

40.2 40.26% 6%

29.1 29.10% 0%

-1 -11. 1.16 16% %

93.1 93.14% 4%

99 99.1 .19% 9%   6.05%   11 110

122   10.85%   14 140

141   1.32%   2981

0   100.00%

UA UABJ BJ02 020 0

75.8 75.82% 2%

61.8 61.88% 8%

-1 -13. 3.95 95% %

92.6 92.63% 3%

95 95.8 .81% 1%   3.17%   6 60 0

142   136.34%   1 15 58

355   124.39%   1 128 289 9

3207 3207   -148.80%

UA UABJ BJ02 022 2

59.1 59.15% 5%

47.6 47.66% 6%

-1 -11. 1.50 50% %

98.1 98.13% 3%

99 99.2 .20% 0%   1.07%   13 139

257   85.26%   27 277

380   37.12%   1254

0   100.00%

UA UABJ BJ02 025 5

69.8 69.85% 5%

74.4 74.46% 6%

4. 4.61 61% %

99.9 99.98% 8%

99. 99.86 86% %   -0.12%   1 15 58

133   -15.79%   2 22 20

172   -21.79%   0

UA UABJ BJ04 049 9

52.1 52.16% 6%

42.3 42.32% 2%

-9 -9.8 .85% 5%

85.1 85.10% 0%

99.1 99.16% 6%   14.06%   7 72 2

177   146.52%   8 89 9

233   162.73%   6227

UA UABJ BJ07 076 6

64.7 64.79% 9%

51.6 51.65% 5%

-1 -13. 3.14 14% %

88.7 88.74% 4%

99 99.9 .99% 9%   11.25%   4 49 9

179   267.84%   9 91 1

258   182.62%   33638

0   100.00%

UA UABJ BJ22 224 4

53.6 53.68% 8%

49.0 49.02% 2%

-4 -4.6 .65% 5%

99.8 99.89% 9%

86.7 86.73% 3%   -13.15%   86

111   29.27%   11 114

164   43.28%   5324

0   100.00%

UA UABJ BJ23 239 9

76.5 76.56% 6%

62.8 62.89% 9%

-1 -13. 3.67 67% %

94.3 94.30% 0%

93 93.6 .61% 1%   -0.69%   47 47

103   120.92%   8 81 1

153   89.56%   2024.5


UA UABJ BJ32 329C 9C

56.7 56.76% 6%

48.3 48.38% 8%

-8.3 -8.38% 8%

88.6 88.63% 3%

99 99.0 .01% 1%   10.38%   1 12 26

157   24.71%   13 136

152   11.73%   36126

96   99.73%

1   -100.00% 100   98.39%


UB UBEN EN03 034 4

64.3 64.36% 6%

59.3 59.36% 6%

-4.9 -4.99% 9%

99.9 99.90% 0% 1 100 00.0 .00% 0%   0.10%   13 138

176   27.29%   17 179

277   55.00%   1671


UL ULAG AG58 580 0

58.2 58.26% 6%

55.6 55.61% 1%

-2 -2.6 .65% 5%

95.3 95.35% 5%

62.4 62.41% 1%   -32.95%   146

44   -70.01%   233

87   -62.64%   24179

0   100.00%

62.0 62.07% 7%

-5.5 -5.59% 9%

86.3 86.39% 9%

84 84.4 .44% 4%   -1.95%   46 46

141   207.23%   3 38 8

138   263.72%   1790


UT UTCM CM10 105M 5M 67. 67.66 66% % TOTA TOTAL L

54.3 54.37% 7%

46.6 46.66% 6%   7.71%   92.12% 92.12%





99.88% 99.66%

87.73% 87.73%   -4.39%   2458 2458 3443 3443   40.06%   4552 5154 5154   13.22%   292375 292375 4115 4115   98.59%

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Page 3

After Inter-Dependence of BBU Uplink Resource Feature Parameter implementation on 25 trial sites, the following was observed in site performance.    UL CE congestion reduced by 98.59%.. 98.59%    PS Traffic Traffic increased by 40.06% 40.06%..    CS Traffic Traffic increased increased by 13.22% 13.22%..    Other major KPIs also keep stable.


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