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September 3, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Equipment Using the BOP configuration shown below answer the following questions by b y ticking yes or No box

(The questions are based on whether the operations can be physically performed and don’t represent field practice or operating procedure of the company)




Choke Line


Kill Line



31/2” PIPE RAM

1.  With the well shut in under pressure on 5 ” drill ”  drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to repair the side outlets of the drilling spool.  

A. Yes B. No



2.  With no drill pipe in the hole, is it possible to shut in the well in under pressure and change the 3 1/2” rams to 5” rams?  rams?   A. Yes B. No B. No  

3.  With the well shut in on 3-1/2” 3- 1/2” rams (on 33-1/2” pipe) under pressure, and with the safety valve in the string, is it possible to change 5” rams to variable bore rams?  rams?   Yes   A. Yes B. No

4.  With the well shut in on 5” pipe rams under pressure, is it possible to change blind rams 5” pipe rams?  rams?  A. Yes Yes   B. No

5.  With the well shut in on 5” pipe p ipe rams under pressure, can the annular element be replaced? Yes   A. Yes B. No

6.  With the well shut in on 5” rams r ams under  under pressure, pressur e, can the manual valve on the choke line be replace? A. Yes B. No  No 



7.  What are ram type preventers designed to do? No. of required answers


a.  Hold pressure only from above b.  Hold pressure only from below c.  Hold pressure only from both above and below

8.  Most of the conventional front packer elements fitted on ram BOP’s are enclosed between steel plates. What are the main reasons for this type of design? d esign?

No. of required answers


a.  To ensure metal to metal seal b.  To prevent the rubber extruding top and bottom when the rams are closed c.  To protect the rubber packing during operations

9.  During which of the following operations would rams normally be changed out? ( Two answers) No. of required answers


a.  Before electric logs. b.  Before running casing. c.  Before fishing. d.  Before coring. e.  Before running liners.

10. What is the main purpose of Blind/ Shear rams?

No. of required answers


a.  To shear tabular like drill pipe while simultaneously sealing the hole b.  To shear tabular like drill pipe without sealing the hole c.  To effect the seal with drill collars in the hole



11. Which three Statements about annular BOP preventers pr eventers are correct?

No. of required answers


a.  They are a mean of secondary well control b.  They will seal around any object in the well bore. c.  They will not seal on a square or hexagonal Kelly d.  They will not allow tool joints to pass through e.  They will allow reciprocating or rotating the drill string while maintaining a seal seal against well bore pressure f.  They can require a variable hydraulic closing pressure according to task carried out

12. There is a 5” d/pipe in the hole, the well surface pressure is 1000 p psi, si, find out how much the closing pressure for 13-5/8” 13-5/8” – 5000Psi. – 5000Psi. Annular preventer, Hydril, Hydril, type “GK”. (Guide lines to determine initial closing pressure for stripping operation with Hydril manufacture annular preventer). No. of required answers

a.  200-300psi b.  300-400psi c.  400-500psi




13. On the surface BOP stack there are hydraulically operated valve installed for the kill and choke lines on the BOP side outlet connections. Is it true that hydraulic valve is designed d esigned to close automatically if the hydraulic pressure in the hydraulic line to the valve is lost? No. of required answers


A. Yes B. No B. No  

14. Figure below illustrates the profile of an API 6BX type flange. Which number indicates the nominal flange dimensions?


No. of required answers a.  Dimension No.1 b.  Dimension No. 2 c.  Dimension No.3 d.  Dimension No.4



15. Should diverter vent lines have small internal diameter to create sufficient back pressure for control? No. of required answers


a.  Yes b.  No

“Good  practice” in relation to diverter system?  system?  16. Which one of the following “Good No. of required answers


a.  A full-bore hoses are accepted on vent line bends b.  As vent line are not designed to take high pressure, they can have bends when needed. c.  If a rig can have only one vent line, then that th at line should discharge downwind of the rig. 17. What are the components of a 29-1/2 inch diverter system? No. of required answers


a.  A low pressure annular preventer with a large internal diameter b.  A vent line of sufficient diameter to permit safe venting using the mud- gas separator c.  A high pressure rams type preventer with a large l arge internal diameter d.  A vent line with manually operated full opening valve e.  A vent line of sufficient diameter to permit safe venting and proper disposal of flow from the well



18. There is only one inside BOP with an NC50( 4-1/2 4 -1/2 inch IF) pin/box connection on the rig. The drill string consists of 5-inch drill pipe (NC50) 5-inch Heavy wall drill pipe ( NC50) 8- inch drill collars (6-5/8 Reg.) 9-1/2 inch drill collars ( 7-5/8 Reg .) Which one of the following covers must be on the rig while tripping? (Two answers) No. of required answers


a.  NC50 (4-1/2 inch IF) box x 6-5/8 Reg. pin b.  NC50 (4-1/2 inch IF) box x 7-5/8 Reg. pin c.  NC50 (4-1/2 inch IF) box x 6-5/8 Reg. box d.  6-5/8 Reg. pin x 7-5/8 Reg. pin e.  NC50 (4-1/2 inch IF)Pin x 7-5/8 Reg. box

19. Full opening safety valve ( stab in Kelly cock type) should be placed on the rig floor at all times, ready for use, to fit the tabular being used. Which W hich of the following actions can be performed with a full opening valve in the th e string? No. of required answers



a. Easier to stab if strong flow is encountered up the drill string. b.  Must not be run in the hole in the closed position. c.  Has to be pumped open to read Shut in drill pipe pressure d.  Will not allow wire-line to be run inside the drill string. e.  Is kept in its open position by a rod secured by a T T-handle. -handle. f.  Requires the use of a key to close



20. During a trip out of the well, a kick was taken while the bit b it was half way up inside casing. A drill pipe safety valve was installed on the drill pipe and closed, there was not afloat valve in the drill string, and the well was shut in on annular BOP. What is the driller’s next action before commencing to strip back to the bottom? No. of required answers


a.  Open the drill pipe safety valve and install the Inside BOP b.  Replace the drill pipe Safety valve with Inside BOP. c.  Install the Inside BOP above the drill pipe safety valve and open the drill pipe safety valve d.  Install drill pipe safety valve on the top in closed position e.  Keep the drill pipe safety valve in closed position. 21. In which of the following situations, is it an advantage to use full closing float valve in the drill string? No. of required answers


a.  To avoid back-flow while tripping or during a connection b.  To read the drill pie pressure value following a well kick c.  To not allow reverse circulation d.  To reduce surge pressure

22. Indicate whether the following operations can or cannot be performed with a float valve (non-return) type in the string. Can the correct shut in drill pipe pressure be read on the gauge after the pumps are stopped?

No. of required answers a.  Yes b.  No




23. Which of the following is used to operate oper ate the remotely operated valves on the choke and kill line? No. of required answers


a.  Hydraulic fluid fluid.. b.  Air. c.  Nitrogen d.  Wires 24. How can the maximum working pressure of the MGS be affected if the returning fluid is condensate? No. of required answers a.  Increase b.  Decrease c.  Not affected




25. Use the illustration of the mud/gas separator in figure below b elow and the following data:

H1-body H1 -body height =20feet H2-- dip tube height= H2 height= 15feet H4-- derrick vent line height = 147 feet H4 Mud density  density  = 10 ppg Calculate the maximum hydrostatic head pressure if the returning mud mu d free gas 10 ppg?

No. of required answers

a.  3psi b.  5 psi c.  7.8psi d.  76 psi




26. What is the most common use of vacuum degasser? No. of required answers


a.  It is only used while circuiting a kick b.  It is should be used to remove gas from mud while drilling, circulating or killing a well


c. It is mainly used to separate gas from the liquids while testing d.  It is used as a standby in the event of the “Mud/Gas Separator (Poor Boy)” failing.  failing.   27. Which of the following statements is true in relation to the barrier test t est documents and chart recorders?

No. of required answers


a.  The test document must be signed by an authorized person and chart destroyed after test. b.  The test document should record the type of test to be conducted ‘leak or  or function’ function’   c.  The test document should record the test pressure and test duration d.  The test document don’t require a signature of the authorized person. But the chart must be signed. 28. Which action must be done during the initial test if the Annular BOP leak?

No. of required answers


a.  Can ignore the annular failure if rams tested successfully b.  Can exclude annular preventer from the service c.  Repair the annular preventer immediately & re-test it d.  Repair the annular preventer at next test time & retest it it



29. What the correct action should be taken if well barrier fail while testing as API Standard RP 53?

No. of required answers


a.  Repair must be done under pressure then retest it again

b.  It is neither important to pressure test this barrier barrier after fixing the problem nor the the corrective action c.  Bleed off pressure to half pressure, repair and pressure test it. re leased and all parties are d.  Repair must done only after verification that all pressure is released agreed that no chance of trapped pressure 30. Under what circumstances a ‘CUP‘CUP-TYPE’ tester would be used in preference pr eference to a ‘Test‘Testplug’ when testing when testing a surface BOP stack. No. of required answers


a.  There is no difference, they are interchangeable b.  When you require to test entire casing head, outlets and casing to wellhead seals. c.  To test stack without applying excess pressure to wellhead and casing. 31. When testing a Surface BOP stack with a test plug, the side outlet valves below the plug should be kept in open position? No. of required answers


a.  Because the test will create extreme hook loads. b.  Because of potential damage to casing/ open hole c.  Otherwise reverse circulation will be needed to release test plug. d.  To check for a leaking test plug.



32. What is the purpose of inflow test?

No. of required answers


a.  An Inflow test is to check the integrity of formation and surface equipments before running string of casing b.  An Inflow test is to check the integrity of casing and surface equipments before drilling out float collar and casing shoe c.  An inflow test is to check there is no communication from the formation through the casing, a linear lap or a cement plug. d.  An inflow test is to check for communication between the choke manifold and surface BOP stack

33. Which gas is used to pre-charge pr e-charge the accumulator bottles on a BOP Hydraulic Control Unit? No. of required answers


a.  Air b.  Nitrogen c.  Oxygen d.  Carbon Dioxide (CO2). e.  Methane 34. Which function on a BOP stack is supplied from the annular pressure regulator?

No. of required answers


a.  Rams and hydraulically operated choke and kill line valves b.  Annular preventer only c.  Annular preventer and hydraulically operated choke choke and kill li line ne valves d.  Ram preventer, annular preventer and hydraulically operated choke and kill line valves


e. No function is supplied with this pressure, the value on the gauge only indicates the maximum allowable working pressure for the annular preventer in use.



35. Figure below illustrates a hydraulic control schematic for a BOP control System.

Select the list below that indicates the valves that should be open op en while drilling. No. of required answers


a.  Valves; 2,3,5,6,7,8,11,13,14,16,17,18 b.  Valves; 1,3,5,7,8,10,11,14,15,17,18 c.  Valves; 2,3,4,7,9,10,12,13,15,16,18 d.  Valves; 1,2,4,5,7,8,9,11,12,14,17

36. 3 position/ 4 way valves are used on the hydraulic h ydraulic BOP control unit to control stack functions. Which of the following statements are true about there th ere operation?

No. of required answers


a.  They can be manually operated. operated. b.  They cannot be operated from the remote BOP Control Pannel c.  They can be placed in 4 positions. d.  They have four active hydraulic connections (inlets/ outlets)



37. Where are the electric micro switches for the BOP remote control panel lights located?

No. of required answers


a.  On the pressure gauge mounted on the remote control panel b.  On the BOP hydraulic control unit

c.  Inside the BOP operating chambers d.  On the remote control panel operating handles

38. What is the function of master control valve on the remote BOP control panel on the rig floor?

No. of required answers


a.  To ensure that all BOP functions are “two hand” operated from the Driller’s remote panel b.  To activate open or close lights c.  To activate power to the control unit charge pumps d.  To adjust pipe ram closing pressure 39. What would the pressure on the ram opening lies between the BOP Hydraulic control Unit and the BOP stack normally while drilling?

No. of required answers

a.  Zero b.  500psi c.  1500psi d.  3000psi




40. How much fluid is required to close, open and close Three Pipe Rams, one Annular Preventer, one Kill Line and Choke Line valve? Annular preventer: 12 gallon to close Pipe Ram:

6 gallon to close

9 gallons to open 5 gallon to open

Kill and one choke line valves: 1 gallon to close or open. op en.

No. of required answers


a.  203.5 Gallon b.  135 Gallon c.  170 Gallon d.  90 Gallon 41. Which of the following correctly describes the operation of the master valve on the BOP remote panel?

No. of required answers


a.  The master valve when operated moves the 3 position valve to the close position b.  The master valve when operated will do a panel light test c.  The master valve must be continually operated whilst functions on the panel are made d.  Holding the master air valve for 5 seconds then releasing it will allow functions to take place



42. Only a small volume of fluid is required to operate the hydraulic h ydraulic valves on the BOP side outlet on the surface BOP installation On a Driller’s air operated panel, if the Drillers pushes “Master” and  and “Choke Open” simultaneously – simultaneously  – he  he observes that the light change color Do the changing lights confirm that the choke line is in open position?

No. of required answers


a.  Yes b.  No 43. On the Drillers air operated panel for a surface sur face BOP the ram close operated and the following was seen:

Green light went out Red light came on Annular pressure remain steady Manifold pressure remain steady Accumulator pressure remain steady What is the most probable cause of the problem?

No. of required answers


a.  There is a blockage between the hydraulic line connecting connecting the BOP with the BOP control control unit b.  There is a leak in the hydraulic line connecting the BOP to the BOP control unit c.  T he selector valve valve ( 3 position/4 position/4 way valve) is stuck stuck in the the open position d.  The pressure switch or the pumps on the BOP control unit did not work



44. When shutting the well at BOP panel, a problem may occur that causes doubt about whether the selected function has operated. What has happened if the light illuminates but the pressure gauge doesn’t drop?  drop? 

No. of required answers


a.  The 4-way valve on the hydraulic closing unit failed to shift. b.  The hydraulic closing line to the BOP is plugged. c.  There is a leak in the hydraulic line to the BOP d.  The bulb has blown

45. You are drilling ahead and the gauges on your BOP accumulator control system read as follows: (the BOP has not been operated).

No. of required answers




What is the likely reason for the change? a.  Everything is Ok b.  There is a leak in the hydraulic system


c. There is malfunction in the remote panel master switch/handle d.  There is a malfunction in the manifold hydraulic regulator. e.  Electric motor stop/ starts switch is faulty

46. What is the API Standard 53 definition of “Rated Working Pressure” Pressure”   a.  Twice the rated working Pressure of the tool used (upto 5000 psi) b.  The maximum internal pressure that equipment is designed to contain or control c.  The proof test pressure of a body or shell member d.  The test pressure that equipment is designed to contain or control 47. Which pressure should be used to determine the rated working pressure of the ram type BOP to be installed on well? a.  Maximum anticipated surface pressure b.  Maximum anticipated pore pressure c.  Maximum anticipated MAASP d.  Maximum anticipated hydrostatic drilling mud pressure e.  Maximum anticipated bottom hole pressure 48. What is the advantage of having a weep hole (drain or vent hole) on a ram ty type pe BOP? a.  To indicate if the bonnet seal are leaking b.  To indicate if the closing chamber operating pressure is too high c.  To show that the primary ram shaft seal is is leaking  leaking d.  To indicate if the ram body rubbers are leaking

49. At what point might rams be replaced before running casing a.  Before recording Electric Logs b.  When the bit is at the shoe while tripping out the string c.  While rigging up for running casing



50. On a surface BOP Stack, in which position must the valves on the kill line and choke line be placed during drilling? a.  Hydraulic valves closed and manual valves open b.  All valves must be closed c.  Manual Valves closed and hydraulic valves open d.  All valves must be open e.  Both types of valves closed on Kill Kil l line and open on choke line 51. What is a 7 1/16” 10,000 psi flange?  flange?  a.  It has a 10,000 psi rated working pressure and 7 1/16” ID  ID   b.  It has a 7 1/16” OD and 10,000 psi rated working pressure  pressure   c.  It has a 10,000 psi test pressure and 5000 psi rated working pressure d.  It is designed for RX ring gasket type

52. What is the main function of diverter? a.  To act as a backup system if the pipe rams fail b.  To create sufficient back-pressure to stop formation fluids entering the wellbore c.  To shut the well in d. 

To direct fluids to a safe distance from the rig floor


53. There is only one inside BOP with with an NC50 (4 ½” IF) pin/box connection on the rig. The Drill String consist of 5” HWDP (NC50) & 8” (6 5/8”) DC. Which of the the X-Over must be on the rig floor while tripping? a.  6 5/8” Reg Box x 7 5/8” Reg Pin  Pin   b.  NC50 ( 4 ½” IF) Box x 7 5/8” Reg Pin  Pin   c.  NC50 ( 4 ½” IF) Box x 6 5/8” Reg Pin  Pin   d.  NC50 ( 4 ½” IF) Box x 6 5/8” Reg Box  Box  



54. Before cutting the Drill line, with the bit at the Casing Shoe, which item of equipment must be installed to make the operation safe? a.  Make-up Top Drive/ Kelly b.  Full Open Safety Valve c.  Circulating Head d.  Full Open Safety Valve and Inside BOP e.  Inside BOP 55. With a float valve installed in the Drill String a Kick is taken with the bit 32 Stands Offbottom. Is it necessary to install an inside BOP above the safety valve to be able to strip back to bottom? a.  Yes b.  No

56. Inside BOP (Stab-in Non-Return Valves) should be placed on the Rig Floor at all times ready for use to fit the tubulars being used. Which of the following are correct for this type of valves? (3 – (3 – Answers)  Answers) a.  Will not allow wireline to be run inside the drill string b.  Easier to stab then a drill pipe pi pe safety valve when flow is encountered up the drill string c.  Has to be pumped open to read shut in Drill Dril l Pipe Pressure d.  Is kept in its open position by a rod secured by a T-handle e.  Can be run in the hole in the open position f.  Has potential to leak through the open/close key 57. While POOH a kick is taken. The Hydril ‘drop in’ back-pressure back-pressure valve is dropped and pumped down and the well is shut-in. After a while it is observed that the pressure on the drill pipe continues to increase. Which of the following f ollowing are the causes of this pressure increase? (2 Answers) a.  The drop in back pressure valve is not yet seated b.  The bit nozzles are plugged c.  The stabilizers are balled-up d.  The indented surface inner seat is washed out by the mud flow



58. What is the correct statement if a well barrier element fails a pressure test according to API Standard 53? a.  One of the drill crew should be posted next to the equipment being tested to observe for leaks. If there is a leak then they should be tightened immediately b.  Tightening, repair of any other work can be done only after verification that all the pressure has been released. All parties must agree there is no potential for trapped press c.  Tightening, repair or any other work can only be done if the test press is reduced by half. There is no need to consult with any other party d.  Tightening repair or any other work can be done with the test press still applied to the element. All parties agree before work starts 59. How should the manually operated and hydraulic operated kill line valves on the BOP be press tested? a.  From the wellbore side with check valves installed b.  From the pump-side, because the check valve on the outside of the valves prevents the detection of a faulty Valve if they are tested from the bore side c.  From the wellbore side with the check valve removed and the kill line vented d.  From the pump side; with the check valve removed so that the pressure can be bled-off 60. The Mud/Gas Separator illustrated in below figure has the following dimensions H1 – H1  – Body  Body Height: 30 ft H2 – Dip H2 –  Dip tube Height: 10 ft H3 – H3  – Derrick  Derrick vent line Height: 150 ft D1 – D1  – Separator  Separator body Diameter: 5 ft D3 – D3  – Derrick  Derrick Vent Line Diameter: 10 in D4 – D4  – Mud/Gas  Mud/Gas Inlet Diameter: 4 in Mud Density: 10 ppg Assume that an oil kick was taken with density of 6 ppg



What would the maximum operating pressure be as the kick is being circulated through the Mud/Gas Separator. a.  46.8 psi b.  9.36 psi c.  3.12 psi



61. For which ram operation is it most likely that the by-pass valve on a surface hydraulic BOP control unit will be used? a.  Variable bore rams b.  Blind/Shear Rams c.  3 ½” Pipe Rams  Rams  d.  5” Pipe Rams  Rams  62. What is the purpose of the by-pass by- pass button on the Driller’s remote BOP control panel on a surface BOP installation? a.  To increase the hydraulic manifold pressure to the existing accumulator press b.  To increase the accumulator pressure to 3000 psi c.  To increase the manifold pressure to 2000 psi d.  To increase the hydraulic annular pressure to the existing accumulator pressure

63. If the air pressure gauge on an air operated remote BOP control panel reads zero, which of the following statement is true? a.  No stack function can be operated from the remote panel b.  The annular preventer can still be operated from the remote panel c.  Choke and kill line valves can still be operated from remote panel d.  All stack functions can be operated from the remote panel 64. What is normal manifold pressure gauge reading on a 3000 psi ps i hydraulic BOP control unit? a.  3000 psi b.  2500 psi c.  1000 psi d.  1500 psi



65. Given the volumes below, how much hrdraulic fluid will be required to carry out the close then open operation without safety margin with one annular preventer, two pipe rams and one shear blind rams? Volumes: Annular: 19 gal to close & 16 gal to open Pipe Rams: 7rams: gallons to closeto&close 6 gallons to open Shear/blind 7 gallons & 6 gallons to open o pen

a.  68 gallons b.  74 galllons c.  61 gallons

66. Which one of the following is the correct procedure to activate a BOP function from the Driller’s Control Panel on a surface BOP Stack installation? installation?   a.  The BOP function button is depressed and then released. The master button then must be activated b.  The master button must be activated for 5 sec and then released before a BOP function button is depressed c.  The master button must be activated while a BOP function button is depressed 67. The Driller has shut-in on a kick with the annular BOP from the remote panel. SIDPP and SICP were observed and it was noted that casing pressure was increasing rapidly nearing the rated working press of the annular BOP. The driller activated the pipe rams close function to save the annular BOP. The following pressures were observed on the Drillers remote panel: Accumulator Press static at 3000 psi Annular press static at 1500 psi Annular indicator steady on red colour Manifold press immediately decreased to 0 psi Which of the following malfunctions do these pressures indicate? a.  The hydraulic line to the upper pipe ram is blocked b.  There is a leak in the hydraulic line to the upper pipe ram c.  The selector valve is stuck in the open position d.  The manifold pressure reducing and regulating valve is malfunctioning



68. The gauges on the Driller’s remote BOP control Panel are used to observe the status of the surface BOP control unit while drilling. Below figure shows a set of gauge readings with the change that is occurring (the BOP has not been operated and the electrically driven pump is not running)

What are the possible reasons for the accumulator pressure reading? (Two Answers) a.  Problem with the hydraulic pumps b.  Accumulator Pre-charge pressure too high c.  Accumulator Pre-charge pressure too low d.  Leakage in the hydraulic circuit



69. Annular pressure should be adjusted according to well pressure.

Based on this information select the correct closing pressure for an annular BOP 13 5/8” 5000 psi WP to close on 10 ¾” Casing  Casing  a.  500 500 –  – 600  600 psi b.  300 300 –  – 400  400 psi c.  400 400 –  – 500  500 psi

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