C wcjj ah rlthg lj`ib tmh n`jj`wcib? l. \uljcty \uljcty `n dy `ashr `ashrvltc vltc`is `is lig lig g`fudhi g`fudhitltc tltc`i, `i, a. F`dpjht F`dpjhthih hihss ss lig lig ghptm ghptm `n dy liljysc liljyscs, s, f. Ghptm lig fjlrcty `n dy fjlssr``d fjlssr``d `ashrvltc`i-a `ashrvltc`i-alshg lshg rhnjhftc`is, rhnjhftc`is, g. F`dpjht F`dpjhthih hihss, ss, `rblicz `rbliczltc` ltc`i, i, fjlrcty fjlrcty `n dy p`rtn`jc` p`rtn`jc` lig h. Wcdh `n suad suadcssc cssc`i `i `n `n dy p`rtn`jc p`rtn`jc` ` Dy Jhlricib Hsshitcljs
Mhrh lrh tcdh-thsthg prcifcpjhs `n jhlricib?
Hnnhftcvh jhlricib stlrts wctm quhstc`is, i`t liswhrs. Cithrlftcvh thlfmcib cs dlgh p`sscajh wctm thlfmhrs– hnnhftcvh quhstc`icib lig li g rhlft rhlftcib cib thfm thfmicq icquh uhs. s. (Q (Qhnh hnhrr t` @ash @ashrv rvltc ltc`i `i Vmhh Vmhhts ts #1 lig lig 6 n`r n`r quhstc`icib lig rhlftcib thfmicquhs).
\uhstc`icib hilajhs thlfmhrs t` fmhfk jhlrihrs– uighrstligcib. Ct ljs` ahihncts jhlrihrs ls ct hif`url hif`urlbhs bhs hiblbhdhit lig n`fushs tmhcr tmcikcib `i khy f`ifhpts lig cghls.
Hpcs`gh 3? Hnhftvh \uhst`icib lig Qhlftib Whfmicquhs
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