Epidemiology summary – weeks 1 to 6 Defnition: Study Defnition: Study of distribution & determinants of health-related events in specic populations, & applying it to prevent & control health problems Risk actor: actor: Factors that are positively associated with risk of disease development but are not sucient to cause the disease e!g! smoking is a risk factor for "#$% Prevalence: Freuency Prevalence: Freuency of e'isting cases in a predened population at a given point of time (eriod prevalence ) over a longer time% Incidence: Incidence: *umber of new cases of disease during a specied time period period number of people e'posed !umulative incidence: *umber incidence: *umber of people who get a disease during a specied period period number of people free of disease in the population at risk at beginning of the period! Population attri"uta"le risk : + of disease in whole population that can be attributed to a particular e'posure e'posure Risk di#erence: di#erence: $ierence in rates of occurrence between e'posed & une'posed groups in population !onounding: hen !onounding: hen another e'posure e'ists in the study population! .inks both disease & e'posure being studied $ortality: $eath $ortality: $eath rates! $or"idity: $or"idity: /llness rather than mortality %ealt& determinants: determinants: 0nderlying factors e!g! env, social, econ% that are responsible responsible for health & disease D'(): 1ears D'(): 1ears of lost life 2 years lost to disability *+,DIE* See *+,DIE* See the triangle% 3cological: 3cological: 4bservation 4% made on groups not individuals%! 3!g! .iver disease and alcohol consumption 5-sectional: 6ssess e'posure & outcome simultaneously! *o evaluation of temporality! 3!g! cannabis and depression "ase-control: "ase-control: 7ackwards in time to look for e'posure! Start with diseased state! 8are diseases, odds ratio (rospective "ohort: Forwards in time! Start with healthy people 2 e'posure and without e'posure and see who gets the disease! 8etrospective "ohort: Forwards in time! 3'posure is dened at time in past! *o knowledge of possible outcomes!
*u-cient .ecessary 6 cause is 6 cause is sucient when it necessary if an inevitably outcome cannot produces or develop in its initiates an absence! outcome Smoking is not 1ou 1ou must have sucient to cause the lung cancer mycobacterium Some smoke tuberculosis tuberculosis in ;t get it% tuberculosis $emorise t&is ta"le/ $isease lung cancer% )es )es .o +otal 8isk factor )es )es 6 7 627 4r .o " $ "2$ e'posur +ot 62" 72$ e al 0dds ratio: 6ssociation ratio: 6ssociation of e'posure to disease 0sed in case control & cross sectional studies ? for when disease is rare% Formula: (Proves hypothesis)/(disproves hypothesis)/(disproves it)
( ( )( )
Exposure Exposure with disease Exp ¿= ÷ Noexposur No exposuree with disease No e A B = AD ÷ C D BC
Relative risk : For cohort & 8"9s 8e ) 6@627%, 8u ) "@"2$% 88 ) 8e@8u ) 6 5 "2$%%@" 5 627%% Risk di#erenceattri"uta"le risk ) ) 8e-8u 'ttri"uta"le raction: raction: + of cases attributed to e'posure: 8e8u%@8e%'A==+ /f 88@48 includes A: *o di, includes)di Population attri"uta"le risk : B6@ 62"%C5A==+ *tandard Error: Error: $istance from sample statistic to population parameter! 6s n increases, S3 decreases! 6s S$ increases, S3 increases as well!
SE =
√ n
!onfdence interval: interval : /nterval around sample statistic that captures population parameter ) x ± T
mult multipl iplie ierr × SE( x ¯x )
1ou should get a range of values% !I "etween means:
multip ipli lier er × SE( x¯ 1− x ( x¯ 1− x¯ 2 ) ± T mult ¯ 2) /f "/ includes Dero: *o di, if includes ) di!
4f course, 8"9 and eta-6nalyses +2test ? +2test ? E kinds: A sample mean vs! hypo%, sample sep! means% paired
Esta"lis&ing causation: A! 9empora emporall relat relation ionshi ship p GG% GG% "ause must precede event ! (lau lausibi sibillity ity "linical tests E! "on "onsist istency ncy Several studies showing similar results H! Stre Streng ngth th of of asso associ ciat atio ion n $egree of association between cause and eect
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