Epicor905 Install Guide SQL

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Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide Windows MSSQL Database Version 9.05.600

Disclaimer Copyright © 2010 by Epicor Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Epicor Software Corporation. Epicor, Vantage, and Vista are registered trademarks of Epicor Software Corporation. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Microsoft product screen shots reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation. Epicor Software Corporation makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents of this document and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality or fitness for any particular purpose. The contents of this document are believed to be current and accurate as of its date of publication. Changes to this document between reprintings and other important information about the software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current release notes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or make improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time without notice. The usage of any Epicor Software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance of any consulting services by Epicor personnel shall be pursuant to Epicor's standard services terms and conditions. Item Code: 90560-905 May 2010

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Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

: Windows MSSQL Database Version 9.05.600

Table of Contents 1. Perform Required Upgrades........................................................................................ Page 5 2. Set Up Test Environment............................................................................................ Page 6 3. Create Back Ups.......................................................................................................... Page 7 4. Epicor 9.05 Pre-Installation Steps............................................................................... Page 8 5. Install the Epicor 9.05 Server.................................................................................... Page 14 6. Install Latest Updates................................................................................................ Page 22 7. Install Epicor Administration Functionality ............................................................. Page 24 8. Install the Epicor 9.05 Client .................................................................................... Page 25 9. Post-Installation Steps on the Server ........................................................................ Page 28 10. Prepare Your Database for Epicor 9.05 .................................................................. Page 37 11. Log in the First Time .............................................................................................. Page 42 12. Restore Demonstration Database ............................................................................ Page 48 Appendix A: Configure 64-Bit Environments (If needed) .......................................... Page 54 Appendix B: Install Embedded Education Courses..................................................... Page 55 Appendix C: Install and Deploy Epicor Web Access .................................................. Page 69 Appendix D: Install Epicor Replication Server ........................................................... Page 74 Appendix E: Install Epicor SQL Server Reporting (SSRS)......................................... Page 79 Appendix F: Install and Configure Epicor Enterprise Search...................................... Page 85 Appendix G: Install Epicor Information Worker......................................................... Page 87 Appendix H: Configure Your Help System................................................................. Page 88 Appendix I: Upgrade to Infragistics NetAdvantage .................................................... Page 92 Appendix J: Install SonicMQ....................................................................................... Page 92 Appendix K: Set Up Multi-Company Functionality.................................................... Page 96 Appendix L: Review Configuration File Settings...................................................... Page 108 Appendix M: Uninstall Options................................................................................. Page 111

Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide: Windows MSSQL Database Version 9.05.600

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Introduction Welcome to the Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide - Version 9.05.600. This guide explains how to install the Epicor 9.05 application system for new or existing customers. Use the following process flow to determine your path through this comprehensive installation guide:

I am an Existing customer on 9.04.50x


Upgrade to 9.04.50xx (latest SP/Patch)

I am a New customer on 9.05

Are you on the latest SP/Patch?


Set Up Test Environment

Create Back Ups

Epicor 9.05 Pre-Installation

Install Epicor 9.05 Server

- Download and install Microsoft Tools: .NET 3.5 and Web Services 3.0 Runtime - Start Server Installation from Epicor DVD - Install OpenEdge 10.2A (Service Pack, Hot Fix) - Share Epicor Folders - Install Epicor 9.05 Server Software

Install Latest Updates (Service Pack, Patch)

Install Epicor Administration Functionality

Install Epicor 9.05 Client

Epicor 9.05 Post-Installation

Optional Installations: - Configure 64-Bit Environments - Install Epicor Education Courses - Install Epicor Web Access - Install Epicor Replication Server - Install Epicor SSRS - Install Epicor Enterprise Search - Install Epicor Information Worker - Configure Your Help System - Upgrade Infragistics NetAdvantage - Install Sonic MQ - Set Up Multi-Company - Review Configuration Settings - Uninstall Options

Prepare Your Database

Log In the First Time

- Download and install Microsoft Tools: .NET 3.5 and Web Services 3.0 Runtime - Start Client Installation from Epicor DVD - Install Epicor 9.05 Client Software

- Install Crystal Runtime; Update Parameter File - Establish Progress AppServer security - Upgrade Service Connect 9.05 (optional) - Upgrade Epicor Portal 9.05 (optional) - Set up ODBC connections (new SQL only) - Set up full-text searching (new SQL only)

- Convert your database - Connect to Epicor and application servers - Import license codes - Run data conversions, stop and start servers New Customers: Set Up system agent (printing) Existing Customers: Import Booking Rules, Set Up system agent, Maintain customizations, Test BAQ / BAM / BPM / custom code

Restore Demonstration Database

Epicor 9.05 is ready!

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Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

: Windows MSSQL Database Version 9.05.600

Perform Required Upgrades

1. Perform Required Upgrades For existing customers, use these instructions to perform required upgrades before you start the installation. Specific upgrades are required based on your current system.

1.1 Verify Access to EPICWeb Use the following instructions to verify you have appropriate permissions to access the EPICWeb site. 1.

Verify you have Internet access at your workstation.


Verify you have a valid User ID and Password for Epicor’s Customer Portal (EPICWeb). If you do not have an Epicor customer User ID and Password, request one by visiting our Epicor’s Customer Portal site. (http://support.epicor.com).


If you are new to EPICweb, review the links available on Epicor’s Customer Portal home page. Information includes: *

An Overview of the New EPICweb


Change or Reset Your Password

1.2 Verify Your Epicor Application is on Version 9.04 If you are an existing customer, prior to installing Epicor 9.05, your Epicor application must be upgraded to the latest version of 9.04.50x. Note! If your Epicor application is at version 8.03.40x or earlier, you must first upgrade to Epicor 9.04. Contact your Epicor consultant for assistance if necessary. 4.

Log on to EPICweb and go to the Documentation website. Click this link to access the website: https://epicweb.epicor.com/doc/Pages/Epicor9.aspx


From the 9.04 section, download the Epicor 9 Installation - 9.04 guide for either Progress, SQL or Linux/UNIX, based on your database.


Use the instructions to upgrade your Epicor application from 8.03.40x to 9.04.


Verify you have completed the required steps in the “Run Additional Conversions” section prior to installing 9.05. Additional conversions include: *

10080 - Creating TranGLC for posted PartTran. If you want to convert or create links from GL Journal detail to historical source documents, it is very

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Set Up Test Environment

important that you manually run this conversion prior to installing 9.05. After converting to 9.05, you cannot run this conversion because the link between the historical data and the converted data is no longer available. *

10012 - Setting BitFlag Field

1.3 Install Latest 9.04.50x Service Pack and Patch Use this step to install the latest 9.04.50x service pack and patch onto your 9.04 system. 1.

After you have upgraded your system to 9.04, log on to EPICweb and go to the Support website. Click this link to access the website: https://epicweb.epicor.com/ Support/epicor9/downloads/Pages/default.aspx


Download and install the latest Service Pack and Patch onto your 9.04 system. For example, download and install the 9.04.506x Patch. Use the Service Pack or Patch Installation Guide, available on that same site, for instructions.


If you want to convert or create links from GL Journal detail to historical source documents, verify you have manually run Conversion 10080 - (Creating TranGLC for posted PartTran).

Note! Do not skip this step if you want to convert or create links from GL Journal detail to historical source documents. It is very important that you manually run this conversion prior to installing 9.05. You cannot run this conversion after you have upgraded to 9.05 because the link between the historical data and the converted data is no longer available.

1.4 Perform Upgrade to SQL 2008 If you use SQL, use the instructions that came with SQL 2008 to install SQL 2008 on your database server. To use the Epicor 9.05 application, SQL 2008 must be installed. Be sure you install any Microsoft service pack and patch updates related to SQL 2008.

2. Set Up Test Environment It is strongly recommended that you set up a test environment where you can test your current system files, such as custom tools, prior to upgrading to Epicor 9.05. Custom tools such as personalizations, customizations, global alerts, Business Activity Queries (BAQs), Business Activity Manager (BAM) events and Business Process Management (BPM) methods need to be tested and maintained prior to upgrading. By using a separate testing environment, you will know what changes you have to make to your live system after the upgrade, which helps ensure a successful upgrade.

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Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

: Windows MSSQL Database Version 9.05.600

Create Back Ups

Note! Do not upgrade to Epicor 9.05 without first testing the upgrade in a separate test environment. 1.

Create a test environment of your system. For reference, use the instructions for setting up a new installation.


Copy your database into your test environment.


Verify your test environment is separate from your live system.

3. Create Back Ups Create the following back ups prior to continuing with your installation.

3.1 Back Up Database and System Database and system backups are very important. Do not skip this step! 1.

Create a backup of all your database files.


Create a backup of your other database files, such as test, train and pilot.


Create a backup of your manufacturing software. In a standard installation, the files are located in the \oe101c and \epicor directories.


For SQL installations, it is recommended that you detach the EpicorTrain904 database so that a new Epicor 9.05 training database version can be installed.


Verify that your backups are valid and can be restored if needed. To test that your backup is valid, restore your backup to a test area, not your production area.

3.2 Back Up Customized Reports If you are using customized Crystal Reports, the report files must be backed up. These backups are very important. Do not skip this step! 1.

Go to your Crystal Reports directory.


Save the reports as file names different from the standard report names.

3.3 Back Up Custom Client MFGSYS Files Use the following instructions to backup your custom MFGSYS files. 1.

Go to the location of the .mfgsys files on your client workstation.

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Epicor 9.05 Pre-Installation Steps


Create a backup of all the .mfgsys files. For example, back up the default, train, test, and pilot files.

At the end of the service pack installation, the ClientZipInstaller program will automatically run and replace any client-side .mfgsys files, such as default, train, and test with the .mfgsys files that currently reside on the server. The program unpacks the client files, updates the current mfgsys files and then repackages the zip file with the updated mfgsys files. This ensures that the mfgsys files are ready for the service pack installation. After the installation, you can run the ClientZipInstaller program anytime you need it.

3.4 Back Up Customizations If you use customizations, it is recommended that you create a backup prior to installing. These backups can be used in case your current customizations do not convert properly. 1.

Navigate to System Management - Utilities.


Select Customization Maintenance.


Click Name to open the search feature.


Select Customization as the Type. Click Search. Click OK.


Select a customization to back up.


Select Export Customization from the Actions menu.


Click Export to export the customization to the filename specified.


Repeat these steps for each customization you wish to export.

4. Epicor 9.05 Pre-Installation Steps Use these steps prior to installing the Epicor 9.05 application.

4.1 Review Epicor Application Dependencies Use the following information to review the dependencies within the Epicor application components and modules. *

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If you have SQL installed and you are using that SQL database for your transactional database, and you plan to use Epicor Enterprise Search, you do not need to install Replication Server because you can use your SQL database. See more detail in the Replication Server appendix.

Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

: Windows MSSQL Database Version 9.05.600

Epicor 9.05 Pre-Installation Steps


If you use Progress for your Epicor 9.05 application database, and you plan to install Epicor Enterprise Search, you must also have Epicor Replication Server installed.

4.2 Review Software Requirements Software requirements have been updated for this release. Use the following information to update your system. *

Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2008 R2 must be installed on the server.


Windows XP Service Pack 2 must be installed on all Windows XP workstations.


You must have the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) installed in order to use several features of the Epicor application, including Embedded Education Courses, and Epicor Web Access. See the Microsoft Corporation website for IIS download information.


If you are hosting an Epicor Web Access site on the Epicor application server, the IIS Server name must not include the underscore character. If the IIS Server name has an underscore character, the user will not be able to log in.


To use a SQL database with the Epicor 9.05 application, you must have SQL 2008 installed on your database server. Use the instructions that came with SQL 2008 to install SQL 2008 on your system.


If you use SQL or SQL Unicode and you are installing the Admin Tools and Schema Change shortcuts from the client workstation onto a Client Server Admin machine, you must also download and install the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client 10.0 driver. The installation of this driver allows the client ODBC connection to be successful.


To run the Epicor Administration Console, you must have the latest Microsoft Management Console (MMC) 3.0 or later installed. See the Microsoft MMC 3.0 download site for download information.


If you have Customer Connect, the service pack for that product must be installed on your system.

4.3 Review Hardware Requirements Hardware requirements may have changed for this release. For a complete list of requirements, review the Epicor 9.05 Hardware Sizing and Configuration Guide on the EPICWeb Support website.

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Epicor 9.05 Pre-Installation Steps

4.4 Verify Windows Server 2008 Compatibility If you have Windows Server 2008 installed on your server, use the following steps to verify the compatibility with the Epicor Application. *

If you use Windows Server 2008, note that to open an executable file, you do not double-click the file. Instead, you right-click and select the Run as an Administrator option.


If you use Windows Server 2008, you also need to install Application Server and IIS with V6 compatibility.


With Windows Server 2008, a firewall is installed. The firewall needs to be disabled in order for connectivity from other machines to allow for administering of the Epicor 9.05 Appservers.

4.5 Determine Web Service Type: WSE or WCF Use this information to determine which type of Web Service you will install later in the installation process. Epicor 9.05 is compatible with two types of Web Services: WSE (Web Service Enhancements) and WCF (Windows Communication Foundation). Based on Microsoft development, WSE will be replaced with WCF. *

If you are a new customer, you can choose to start using WSE or WCF. It is recommended you use the WCF version. Note that WCF is included as part of the base .NET 3.5 framework.


If you are an existing customer using WSE, and you have already invested resources and time in Epicor Service Connect workflows or custom coding that use WSE, you can choose to continue with WSE and start transitioning over to the WCF version.

For more information on WCF, click this link to read the article “What is WCF”. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms731082(VS.85).aspx)

4.6 Review Epicor 9.05 Functionality It is recommended that you become familiar with the features available in the Epicor 9.05 release prior to installing the Epicor 9.05 application. 1.

Review the Epicor 9.05 Feature Summary to learn about the features available in the Epicor 9.05 release. To access the 9.05 Feature Summary, log onto the EPICWeb Documentation site and click the link for Feature Summaries.

Note! You can also view the Feature Summary using the online help system. 2.

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If desired, contact the Services group to learn more about upgrading or migration to Epicor 9.05.

Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

: Windows MSSQL Database Version 9.05.600

Epicor 9.05 Pre-Installation Steps

Note! To request assistance from Services, fill out the Services Request Form. The form is available on the EPICWeb Services site. The link is: https:// epicweb.epicor.com/_layouts/formserver.aspx?XsnLocation=/FormServerTemplates/ Services%20Request.xsn&OpenIn=Browser&Source=https://epicweb.epicor.com/ services/Pages/default.aspx

4.7 Set Up SQL Collation for Epicor 9.05 A typical SQL installation sets the default database collation to be dependent on the Regional Settings of the SQL Server. This collation must match the collation of the individual Manufacturing databases in order for queries to operate properly. For example, if the collation does not match, searches on Parts Entry or Sales Order Entry will not work. This collation is not related to full text indexing; other full text indexed table searches will run fine. This is an issue only when the SQL server is not localized for English (US). Use these steps to verify your SQL database collation. 1.

Review the list of collation settings that are dependent on Regional Settings. To do this, click on the following SQL 2008 link: (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/ library/ms143508.aspx) The correct collation setting for Manufacturing databases is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS , which is the default for English (US) localized systems.


If the collation does not match, you must reinstall SQL Server and select custom to allow a collation setting to be selected. Simply changing the databases to match a different system collation setting does not resolve the issue. The SQL installer does not show the codes; it only shows descriptions. The required selection is under Collation Settings, SQL Collations. An example is Dictionary Order, Case-Insensitive, 1252 codepage. This produces the required matching SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation.


Change the Compatability Level to SQL 2008 (100) for all databases that will run in the Epicor 9.05 application. The Epicor 9.05 application does not support SQL 2005.

4.8 Verify Prerequisite Hardware If you have a Windows 64-Bit installation, use the following steps to verify your hardware requirements. 1.

Verify you have the following three types of workstations available:

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- Server. The central machine that coordinates activity on the network. - Client. The workstation for the typical user. - Windows Admin Workstation. A client workstation for the administrator, from which the installation should be run. This is a very privileged client or “super-client”. This Windows Admin Workstation is available on the network. The workstation hardware can have either a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system.

4.9 Disable Error Reporting Use the following steps to disable error reporting on your workstation. This step is recommended in order to save processing time by not automatically reporting software issues during installations. Using Windows Server 2003 1.

Navigate to Start - Control Panel - System.


Click the Advanced tab. Click Error Reporting.


Select Disable Error Reporting.


Click OK until you exit.

Using Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 1.

Right-click on Control Panel.


If you do not view your Control Panel by classic view, click on System Maintenance.


Click Problem Reports and Solutions.


Click on Change Settings in the left sidebar.


Click the Advanced Settings button.


Turn off Problem reporting.

4.10 Download Latest Updates Use these steps to download the latest service pack and patch files that will be installed later in the installation process. 1.

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Log on to EPICweb and go to the Customer Portal Page. Navigate to Support > Epicor 9 > Downloads.

Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

: Windows MSSQL Database Version 9.05.600

Epicor 9.05 Pre-Installation Steps

Note! You can use this link: https://epicweb.epicor.com/Support/epicor9/Downloads 2.

Navigate to Epicor 9 > Version 9.05.600.


Download the latest Epicor 9.05 application service pack related to this installation. For example, select one of the following files, based on your environment: - Progress on Windows (32 bit): SP90560x-P.EXE - Progress on Windows (64 bit): SP90560x-P64.EXE - SQL Server (32 bit): SP90560x-S.EXE - SQL Server (64 bit): SP90560x-S64.EXE - SQL Unicode (32 bit): SP90560x-SU.EXE - SQL Unicode (32 bit): SP90560x-SU64.EXE


Download the latest Epicor 9.05 application patch related to this installation, if one is available. For example, select one of the following files, based on your environment: - Progress on Windows (32 bit): PA90560xx-P.EXE - Progress on Windows (64 bit): PA90560xx-P64.EXE - SQL Server: PA90560xx-S.EXE - SQL Server 64: PA90560xx-S64.EXE - SQL Unicode: PA90560xx-SU.EXE - SQL Unicode 64: PA90560xx-SU64.EXE


Download the latest Epicor 9.05 help content pack related to this installation. For example, download the HELP90560x.EXE file.


Go to the OpenEdge/Version 10.2A directory. Based on your environment, download the latest OpenEdge service pack file onto your machine. For example, select one of the following files: - For Windows 32: 102ASP2.exe - For Windows 64: 102ASP2x64.exe


Go to the OpenEdge/Version 10.2A directory. Based on your environment, download the latest OpenEdge hot fix file onto your machine. For example, select one of the following files: - For Windows 32: Rl102asp0211hf.EXE file

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Install the Epicor 9.05 Server

- For Windows 64: Rl102asp0211hf-64.EXE file. 8.

If you need to use the OpenEdge Explorer, instead of the Progress Explorer Tool, go to the OpenEdge/Version 10.2A folder. Based on your environment, download the necessary files, including the OpenEdge Management and Explorer Guide. These files are also located on the Epicor 9.05 DVD in the OEManage folder.

5. Install the Epicor 9.05 Server This installation creates the application directory on your server, so you only need to install once. You must install the application on the server before you install the client on any workstations. Note! Do not reference mapped drive letters in these instructions. Only use physical drive letters or UNC paths. If you use mapped drive letters, the server installation will not work. For example, these instructions use C:\ drive but you can use any physical drive of your choice.

5.1 Install Microsoft Tools: .NET 3.5 and WSE or WCF Runtime Use the following steps to download and install Microsoft tools, such as .NET and either WSE (Web Services Enhancements) or WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) from the Microsoft Download Center website. Note that WCF is included as part of the base .NET 3.5 framework. Note! Review your decision to install either WSE or WCF which you determined during a Pre-Installation step. 1.

Click the following link to go to the Microsoft Download Center to Download Microsoft .NET 3.5. (The link is: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/ details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=ab99342f-5d1a-413d-831981da479ab0d7 - Download the latest version of Microsoft .NET 3.5 to your server. - Use the instructions provided on the website to guide you through the installation process.

Note! The .NET 3.5 installation includes the .NET Service Pack when you download .NET 3.5 from the Microsoft Download Center website. 2.

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If you want to install WSE, click the following link to go to the Microsoft Download Center to Download Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 Runtime. (The link is http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/ details.aspx?FamilyID=1F445589-818A-4E7B-B49BFFE9393E4D0A&displaylang=en).

Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

: Windows MSSQL Database Version 9.05.600

Install the Epicor 9.05 Server

- Download the latest version of Microsoft Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 Runtime to your server and Windows Admin workstation. - Use the instructions provided on the website to guide you through the installation process.

5.2 Stop Appservers and Database Use the following steps to stop the appservers and database prior to starting the installation. 1.

Sign on to the server and Windows Admin workstation as Administrator or Administrator equivalent.


Existing customers (Epicor 9 /Vantage/Vista) need to select Start — Programs — OpenEdge 10.1C — Progress Explorer Tool. Use the Progress Explorer Tool to stop the following functions in order: *

Stop the Appservers.


Stop the OpenEdge database.


Select Start — Settings — Control Panel — Administrative Tools — Services. The Services window appears.


Right-click on AdminService for OpenEdge 10.1C, and select Properties. The AdminService dialog box appears. On the General tab, click Stop. Click OK.


Close all applications except Windows.

5.3 Start Server Installation Use the following steps to start the server installation. 1.

Insert your Epicor 9.05 DVD in the Windows Admin workstation's DVD-ROM drive (D:\). The autorun feature should launch the Epicor 9.05 Installation program. If not, choose Start — Run and enter the command: D:\setup.exe.


The Welcome dialog box appears. Click Next.


The Check Customer Center on the Web option appears. Click Next.


The Select the Software to Install window appears. Select the Install Epicor 9.05 Server option. Click Next.

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Install the Epicor 9.05 Server

5.4 Install Progress OpenEdge 10.2A Use these instructions to install Progress OpenEdge 10.2A on your server and Windows Admin workstation You will need to reboot the server after completing this section. Note! If you are using Windows Server 2008, the Progress Explorer Tool is not available. Instead, you must set up a workstation to act as the Windows Admin Workstation. A remote Progress Explorer Tool connection must be made from this Windows Admin Workstation to the server running Windows Server 2008 in order to monitor appservers and database status. 1.

Review the 10.2A OpenEdge Getting Started: Installation and Configuration Guide (on the Progress Software Developers Network website) if you plan to select the Advanced/Manual type installation of OpenEdge. If you plan to select the Typical/Automatic installation, you do not need to review this guide.


Launch the installation program and proceed to the Select the Software to Install window. Click Install Epicor 9.05 Server. Click Next.


On the Epicor 9.05 Server Setup menu, click Install OpenEdge 10.2A.


The Welcome window appears. Click Next.


The Progress OpenEdge Type of Install window appears. Select the type of installation based on your current system: *

OpenEdge Typical/Automatic Install — Select if the OpenEdge software should automatically specify web server settings and permissions. This is a preferred method of installation for systems that have never had OpenEdge installed. The installation runs and displays a minimized icon in the task bar.


OpenEdge Advanced/Manual Install — Select if you want to customize how OpenEdge is installed. This includes manually specifying the software and working paths, web server settings, and permissions. This is the preferred method of installation for existing systems that have a version of OpenEdge previously installed.


For either selection, click Next.


Depending of which install you selected, use one of the following sets of steps: Typical/Automatic or Advanced/Manual:

If you selected the Typical / Automatic Install option: 1.

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Select the OpenEdge folder location for the Progress software directory. The default directory is C:\Program Files\Epicor\oe102a. It is recommended you select a shorter path, such as C:\Epicor\oe102a.

Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

: Windows MSSQL Database Version 9.05.600

Install the Epicor 9.05 Server


If you need to install files for the web service, select the "Install Web Service Files" check box. Click Next.


The Ready to Install window appears. Click Install.


You may be prompted with registry warnings if the following file extensions have already been registered as configuration file types: .CFG, .DB. When prompted, select "Y".


A status meter appears indicating the progress of the installation. When the installation is finished, you are returned to the desktop.


Reboot your server.

If you selected the Advanced / Manual Install option: 1.

The OpenEdge 10.2A window appears. Click Install.


The Welcome window appears. Click Next.


Enter the serial numbers for the products that you will be using. Click Next.


On the Before You Start window, click Next.


On the Select Server Engines window, click Both. Click Next.


On the Previous Installation Settings, click No.


On the Destination and Working Path Directories window, select the destination and working path directories. Recommended paths are \Epicor\oe102A and \Epicor\oe102A_wrk. Click Next.


On the Setup Type window, click Complete. Click Next.


On the Configuring / Installing Components window, clear the Sonic ESB option. Click Next. If you leave the settings blank, click OK at the alert message.

10. On the Program Folder window, select the OpenEdge 10.2A group. Click Next. 11. On the Web Server Type window, select the Microsoft Web Server (IIS) or ISAPI - compatible check box. Browse and select the Web Server Script directory and the Web Server Document Root directory. Recommended paths are C:\InetPub\adminscripts and C:\InetPub\wwwroot. If these are unknown, for each directory select C:\Epicor. Clear the Copy static HTML files to Document Root directory check box. Click Next. 12. On the Language window, select the default language. Click Next.

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13. On the International Settings window, select your settings. Click Next. 14. If you have configured the web server, configure the web services adapter settings. If not, accept the defaults. Click Next. 15. On the Admin Server Authorization Options window, select the security options for the Admin Server. Click Next. 16. On the Summary window, click Next. The installation begins. The installation can take up to 45 minutes on older machines. 17. Click Finish. The Commit Shared Files window appears. 18. Reboot your server.

5.5 Install Progress OpenEdge 10.2A Service Pack Use the following instructions to install the latest Progress OpenEdge service pack file on your server and Windows Admin workstation. Note! Do not skip this step! 1.

For existing users, select Start — Programs — OpenEdge 10.2A — Progress Explorer Tool. Stop any OpenEdge App Servers or databases that may be currently running.


Select Start — Control Panel — Administrative Tools — Services. The Services window appears.


Right-click on AdminService for OpenEdge 10.2A, and select Properties. The AdminService dialog box appears. On the General tab, click Stop. Click OK.


Go to the OpenEdge service pack file that you downloaded to your machine during a Pre-Installation step. For example, for SP2 (32 bit) go to the 102ASP2.exe file or for SP2 (64-bit) go to the 102ASP2x64.exe file.


Double-click the OpenEdge service pack file. The installation program opens.


The Welcome window appears. Click Next.


Click Next to confirm you have backed up your system files.


Click Next to confirm the summary information. The installation proceeds. - You may be prompted with registry warnings if the following file extensions have already been registered as file types: .I, .DB, .UDF, .CLS. When prompted to overwrite the registry entry and register this file extension as a Progress file,

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Install the Epicor 9.05 Server

select "Y". 9.

Click Finish. The Service Pack installation is now complete.

5.6 Install Progress OpenEdge 10.2A Hot Fix Use the following instructions to install the latest Progress OpenEdge hot fix file on your server and Windows Admin workstation. Note! Do not skip this step! 1.

Go to the OpenEdge hot fix file that you downloaded to your machine during a PreInstallation step. For example, for SP2 Hot Fix 11 (32 bit) , go to Rl102Asp0211hf.EXE or for SP2 Hot Fix 11 (64 bit) Rl102Asp0211hf-64.EXE


Double-click the file. The installation program opens.


The Welcome window appears. Click Next.


Click OK to confirm you have stopped the OpenEdge related functions.

Note! If you have not stopped the AppServer, database and AdminServices functions, click No and then stop the functions before continuing. 5.

Select the OpenEdge 10.2A directory as your Destination directory. For example, select C:\Epicor\oe102A. Click Next.


The Ready to Install window appears. Click Next. The installation proceeds.


Click Finish. Depending on your selection, the files appear for review.


Reboot your server.

5.7 Share the Epicor Folders Use the following steps to share the Epicor folders. If you are using Windows Server 2008, the steps may be slightly different. Note! If you want to secure the folders, your Administrator can change these values. 1.

On the C: drive, create the C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905 folder if it does not already exist. - Right-click on the \Epicor Software\Epicor905 folder and select Sharing and Security.

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- Select the option to Share this Folder. Epicor905 displays as the default share name. Do not change the name. The folder must be named Epicor905. - Click the Permissions button. It is recommended that you assign Full Control to the Everyone group. Click OK to accept the permissions. - Click the Security tab. It is recommended that you assign read-only permissions to Users. Read-only includes Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, and Read. Add an Administrator and assign the Administrator Full Control. Click OK. 2.

On the C: drive, create the C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\EpicorData folder. - Right-click on the folder icon and select Sharing and Security. - Select the option to Share this Folder. EpicorData displays as the default share name. - Click the Permissions button. It is recommended that you assign Full Control to each user folder. Click OK. - Click OK to accept the share options.

5.8 Install Epicor 9.05 Server Software Use the following steps to install the server software. 1.

Launch the installation program and click Next to proceed to the Select the Software to Install window. Select the Install Epicor 9.05 Server button. Click Next.


On the Epicor 9.05 Server Setup window, select the Epicor 9.05 Server Software option.


Select which Server platform option you want to run: - OpenEdge on Windows - SQL on Windows - SQL Unicode on Windows After selecting your platform option, the InstallAware Wizard verifies that your software environment is compatible with your selection. This may take several minutes.


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The Welcome window appears for installing the server software. Click Next.

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Install the Epicor 9.05 Server



The Destination Location window appears, prompting for the destination path for the software and for the printer work path. Enter the paths of the installation directory and the printer work directory. Click Next after specifying the locations. *

The default installation directory is C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905 or specify a different drive location.


The default installation directory for a 64-bit Windows install is C:\Program Files (X86)\Epicor Software\Epicor905 or specify a different drive location.


The default printer work directory is C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\EpicorData or specify a different drive location.


The default printer work directory for a 64-bit Windows install is C:\Program Files (X86)\Epicor Software\EpicorData or specify a different drive location.

The Server Setup window appears, prompting for the UNC path name for the Share directory for clients. The default is \\\Epicor905\, where \\ equals the machine name of the server. Click Next. - On that same window, select a location where you want the SQL databases (.mdf) files installed. Browse to find a location or select the default which is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data. Click Next.


The Microsoft SQL Server Instance window appears. Browse and select your SQL 2008 instance. Click Next.


When prompted with a “SQL Connection failed. Would you like to try again?” message, click Cancel. This is normal.


The Wizard completion window appears. Click Next.

10. The Start Installation window appears. Click Next. Processing messages appear. This may take several minutes. - If prompted with a message that “The SQL Database restore failed, most likely because you selected a SQL Instance that is not SQL 2008 or later”, click OK.. This is normal. The installation continues. 11. After the Client Files Installer configures the client, the installation is complete. On the Finish window, click Finish. 12. On the Server Setup window, click Exit. If prompted to confirm exiting the setup program, click OK. The server software installation is complete.

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Install Latest Updates

6. Install Latest Updates Use these steps to install the latest Epicor 9.05 service pack, patch and help system patch on your system.

6.1 Verify Specific Folders are Not Read-Only Use these steps to verify that the Client, ClientServer and Server folders are not readonly. These folders need to have write access so that files can be added to them during the installation. 1.

Go to the location where your Epicor 9.05 application is installed. For example, go to C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905.


Right-click on the Client folder.


Select Properties.


On the General tab, unselect the Read Only check box.


Click Apply.


The Confirm Attribute Changes dialog appears. The Apply changes to this folder, subfolders and files option is selected by default. Click OK.


Click OK to exit the Client Properties folder.


Repeat the previous steps for the ClientServer folder.


Repeat the previous steps for the Server folder.

6.2 Install Epicor 9.05 Service Pack on the Server Use these instructions to install the Epicor 9.05 service pack on the server. 1.

Go to the directory where you downloaded the latest service pack file.


Double-click on the file to run it.


A Welcome window appears. Click Next.


A confirmation window appears. Click Yes to proceed.


Enter the directory where your program files are located. Click Next.


Enter the directory where your OpenEdge files are located. Click Next.

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Install Latest Updates


You might be prompted to verify your server name, operating system or database type. If prompted, select the appropriate option and click Next.


The Start Installation window appears. Click Next.


A message appears, stating that the application service pack installation is complete. Click Finished.

The Epicor application service pack is now installed.

6.3 Install Epicor 9.05 Patch on the Server Use these instructions to install the Epicor 9.05 patch on the server, if a patch is available. 1.

Go to the directory where you downloaded the patch file.


Double-click on the file to run it.


A Welcome window appears. Click Next.


A confirmation window appears. Click Yes to proceed.


Enter the directory where your program files are located. Click Next.


Enter the directory where your OpenEdge files are located. Click Next.


You may be prompted to verify your server name, operating system or database type. If prompted, select the appropriate option and click Next. Note that this prompt is only displayed if your mfgsys.ver file is incomplete.


The Start Installation window appears. Click Next.


A message appears, stating that the application patch installation is complete. Click Finished.

The Epicor application patch is now installed.

6.4 Install Epicor 9.05 Help Content Service Pack Use these steps to install the Epicor Help Content Service Pack on your system. 1.

Go to the Epicor 9.05 Help Content service pack file that you downloaded during a Pre-Installation step.


Double-click on the file to run it.

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Install Epicor Administration Functionality


A Welcome window appears. Click Next.


Enter the directory where your program files are located. Click Next.


The Start Installation window appears. Click Next.


A completion message appears. Click Finish.

The Help Content Pack is now installed.

7. Install Epicor Administration Functionality Use these instructions to install administration functionality, including the Epicor Administration Console and Windows Admin Workstation, if needed.

7.1 Install Epicor Administration Console Use these steps to install the Epicor Administration Console on your server or Windows Admin Workstation. 1.

Go to the directory where your Epicor application is installed. For example, go to C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905.


Double-click on the EpicorUtilities.exe file.


On the Welcome to the Epicor Utilities Setup wizard, click Next.


On the Epicor Utilities Setup dialog, click the Install Administration Console button to start the installation.


On the Welcome dialog, click Next.


On the Confirm Installation dialog, click Next. The files are installed.


When the installation is complete, click Close.

The Epicor Administration Console is now installed.

7.2 Configure Windows Admin Workstation (64-bit Only) If you installed the 64-bit versions of OpenEdge and the Epicor 9.05 application, you must use these steps to configure the Windows Admin Workstation. These steps can be run on a client or server machine, but they cannot be run on a server that already has a 64-bit version of OpenEdge installed.

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Note! The 32-bit and 64-bit OpenEdge Software cannot be located on the same machine. 1.

Verify that your machine does not have a 64-bit version of OpenEdge installed.


If you use SQL or SQL Unicode and you are installing the Admin Tools and Schema Change shortcuts from the client workstation onto a Client Server Admin machine, you must also download and install the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client 10.0 driver. The installation of this driver allows the client ODBC connection to be successful.


Install the 32-bit version of Progress OpenEdge 10.2.A. See the Install Progress OpenEdge 10.2A section of this document for instructions.


Apply the 32-bit version of Progress OpenEdge 10.2.A Service Pack. See the Install Progress OpenEdge 10.2A Service Pack section of this document for instructions.


Apply the 32-bit version of Progress OpenEdge 10.2.A Hot Fix. See the Install Progress OpenEdge 10.2A Hot Fix section of this document for instructions.


Install the Epicor 9.05 Client. See the Install the Epicor 9.05 Client section of this document for instructions. You must complete all the steps in that section.

Note! During the installation, if this Windows Admin Workstation machine is where you plan to run the Epicor Admin Tools and Epicor Schema Changes, be sure to select the following check boxes to create the shortcuts: Epicor Admin Console and Epicor Schema Change. Note! During the installation, if this Windows Admin Workstation machine will also be used as a normal Epicor 9.05 client machine, you have the option of also selecting the following check boxes to create additional shortcuts: Epicor 9.05 and Epicor 9.05 MES.

8. Install the Epicor 9.05 Client Use the following instructions to install the Epicor 9.05 client on your workstation.

8.1 Before You Start Use the following instructions before you install the client. 1.

Verify you have Internet Explorer version 6 (or greater) installed on each workstation.


Be sure to log in as the Local Administrator on the client workstation.

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8.2 Install Microsoft Tools: .NET 3.5 and WSE or WCF Runtime Use the following steps to download and install Microsoft tools, such as .NET and either WSE (Web Services Enhancements) or WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) from the Microsoft Download Center website. Note that WCF is included as part of the base .NET 3.5 framework. Note! Review your decision to install either WSE or WCF which you determined during a Pre-Installation step. 1.

Click the following link to go to the Microsoft Download Center to Download Microsoft .NET 3.5. (The link ishttp://www.microsoft.com/downloads/ details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=ab99342f-5d1a-413d-831981da479ab0d7 - Download the latest version of Microsoft .NET 3.5 to your workstation. - Use the instructions provided on the website to guide you through the installation process.

Note! The .NET 3.5 installation includes the .NET Service Pack when you download .NET 3.5 from the Microsoft Download Center website. 2.

If you want to install WSE, click the following link to go to the Microsoft Download Center to Download Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 Runtime. (The link is http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/ details.aspx?FamilyID=1F445589-818A-4E7B-B49BFFE9393E4D0A&displaylang=en). - Download the latest version of Microsoft Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 Runtime to your server and Windows Admin workstation. - Use the instructions provided on the website to guide you through the installation process.

8.3 Install Epicor 9.05 Client Software Use the following instructions to start the client installation. New customers or existing customers who are adding a new client workstation should use the following instructions to install the Epicor 9.05 client. 1.

On the client workstation, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the server where Epicor 9.05 was just installed.


Go to the Epicor905 folder. Double-click to run the Epicor9Client.msi file.


The Epicor 9.05 Client Setup menu opens. Click Install Epicor 9.05 Client Software.

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The Welcome window appears for installing the client software. Click Next.


The Destination Folder window appears. Specify the Client Destination and the Server Share Location path. - For the Client Destination, click Browse to navigate to a destination folder. For example, you can use C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905. - For the Server Share Location, use \\\Epicor905, where is the machine name where the server installation was done. Click Next.


The Shortcut Creation window appears. Select the Create Desktop Icons check box to create the following shortcut icons on your client desktop. - Epicor 9.05: Select this checkbox to run your Epicor 9.05 database from this workstation. - Epicor 9.05 MES: Select this checkbox to run the Data Collection programs from this workstation.


On that same window, you can also select the following check boxes to create icons in your program menu: *

Create Training Icons: Select this checkbox for training icons that can access the training database.


Create Test Icons: Select this checkbox for test icons that can access the test database.


Create Pilot Icons: Select this checkbox for pilot icons that can access the pilot database.


Click Next.


The Ready to Install the Application window appears. Click Next.

10. When finished, click Finish to complete. 11. If prompted, reboot the workstation at this time.

8.4 Copy Shortcuts for All Users Use these steps to make the shortcuts available on the Start menu for all users. 1.

Go to the location where your system is installed. For example: C:\Documents and Settings\\Start Menu\Programs\Epicor Software.


Copy the Epicor905 folder.

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Post-Installation Steps on the Server



Go to one of the following locations, based on your operating system: *

Windows 2003/ Windows XP: Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Epicor Software


Windows 2008/ Windows 7/ Vista: Users\Public\Start Menu\Programs\Epicor Software

Paste the Epicor905 folder.

9. Post-Installation Steps on the Server Use the following instructions to set-up your server after installation.

9.1 Install Crystal Reports 2008 Runtime Use the following steps to install Crystal Reports 2008 Runtime on your server and Windows Admin workstation. This step is only required if you plan to print Crystal Reports forms from the server. 1.

Log on to EPICweb and go to the Customer Portal Page. Navigate to Support > Epicor 9 > Downloads.

Note! You can use this link: https://epicweb.epicor.com/Support/epicor9/Downloads 2.

Navigate to Epicor 9 > Version 9.05.600.


Go to the Third Party Products / Crystal directory. Download the latest Crystal 2008 Runtime file. For example, download Crystal_2008_Runtime.zip.


Unzip the file. Double-click to run the EXE file. For example, run the CRRuntime_12_0_mlb.exe file.


The Welcome window appears for Crystal Reports 2008 Runtime. Click Next.


Review the o agreement information. Select I accept the License Agreement. Click Next.


When prompted for the Product ID, do the following: - Using a text editor, open the License Key.txt file that was extracted in a previous step. - Copy the text and paste it into the Product ID field. - Click Next.


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If prompted, confirm the installation. Click Next.

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The installation proceeds. When it is finished, click Finish.

9.2 Update Basic Parameter File Settings Use these steps to improve database performance if you have more than 4 GB RAM on the server where your Epicor application is installed. 1.

On the server where your Epicor application is installed, navigate to the Server\Config folder.


With a text editor, open the parameter file for the database you want to configure. The available parameter files include: - Mfgsys.pf - MfgTrain.pf - MfgTest.pf - MfgPilot.pf


Find the -Bt 4096 parameter entry. Increase the 4096 to a higher number based on the amount of memory available. For example, if you have 8 GB of RAM available on the server, increase the number to 8192.


Save the file.

9.3 Establish Security for Progress AppServer Use the following instructions to setup security and allow necessary privileges for the Progress AppServer software. These instructions can be used anytime, not just after installation, to keep your company’s security requirements current. Establishing an administrative account 1.

Create an account, or use an existing account, as an administrator. The account can be local (only to the server) or a domain account (usable anywhere).


Verify that the account has administrative rights on the server where Progress OpenEdge 10 is installed.

Establishing Local Security Policy Use the following instructions to establish the local security policy. 1.

Using the admin logon account specified above, select Control Panel — Administrative Tools — Local Security Policy.

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On the left pane, select Local Policy — User Rights Assignment.


In the right panel, double-click each of the following Policies, and add the domain User Account of the user or group with system administrative rights for the server. You will connect these accounts through Progress Explorer. - Act as part of the operating system - Adjust memory of quotas for a process - Create a token object - Create permanent shared objects - Log on as a batch job - Log on as a service - Replace a process level token

Establishing the AdminService Setting Use the following instructions to establish the AdminService setting. 1.

Use the Progress Explorer Tool to verify that your appservers and databases are not running.


Using the admin logon account specified above, select Control Panel — Administrative Tools —Services.


Verify that the AdminService is stopped. To do this, right-click AdminService for OpenEdge 10.2A and select Stop if the service is running.


To set up the service account, right-click AdminService for OpenEdge 10.2A and select Properties.


In the Log On section, click This Account, and specify the same user or group as with the Local Security Policy settings. Again, the user or group must have administrative rights for the whole server.


Click OK. Then exit the Services window.


Click Start to start the service.

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9.4 Upgrade to Service Connect 9.05 If you use Epicor Service Connect, you must upgrade to the latest version. Use the following instructions to upgrade to the latest version of Service Connect, such as Service Connect 9.05. 1.

Go to the directory where your system is installed.


Run the runtime version of Service Connect 9.05.


Test your system to verify that Service Connect works successfully.

9.5 Upgrade to Epicor Portal 9.05 If you use Epicor Portal, you must upgrade to the latest version. Use the following instructions to upgrade to the latest Epicor Portal version, such as Epicor Portal 9.05. 1.

Locate the Epicor Portal 9.05 Installation Guide. Click this link to access EPICweb: https://epicweb.epicor.com/Support/epicor9/Downloads


Complete the instructions to upgrade your portal installation. Be sure to install any Epicor Portal service packs after the portal installation.


Test your system to verify that Epicor Portal works successfully.

9.6 Setup Full-Text Searching on MS SQL Server To emulate the Progress database engine on Microsoft SQL Server, the need for keyword searches on certain fields is required. However, SQL Server does not allow the same, less featured, quicker searches that Progress natively allows. In order to fulfill this need, you are required to use the more fully featured and resource-intensive Microsoft Search Service. The Microsoft Search Service uses Full-Text Catalogs to perform word searches on specific fields in the database. The Full-Text Catalogs are separate files of proprietary data structures, established for the purpose of evaluating ‘Contains’ and ‘FreeText’ queries. These files are not automatically updated along with the rest of the database. Full-Text Catalogs must be “refreshed” on a periodic basis for them to reflect current data. The following information reviews the approach to keeping these Catalogs up-to-date while minimizing the impact of the refresh process on the overall server performance.

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Review the Process - Building Full-Text Catalogs Populating Full-Text Catalogs requires a great deal of processing power and substantial writes to the Disk subsystem on the server. Due to this, you benefit greatly from moving the catalogs to separate disks to avoid contention for the disk when writing the catalogs. More than one Catalog being built onto a disk results in Catalogs competing for space. The server’s resources will dictate how well you can avoid this bottleneck. Another variable in the creation of the Catalogs is the ‘Noise’ files used. Noise files contain any words or characters to be skipped in the creation of the Catalogs. Since our description fields largely do not contain actual text, the noise files are blank since this allows searching on most everything. The noise file feature is targeted more at the evaluation of text where there are many filler words that are unimportant for searching. SQL Server allows two “refresh” options: Full Population which refreshes the entire catalog from the metadata in the database; and Incremental Population which refreshes only the parts that have been changed. Results vary based on the placement of the catalogs on the disks, server resources, and the number of changes. However, Incremental populations take on average about one-third the time of Full populations. Since populating (refreshing) the Catalogs is done on a regular basis and since the process can be intensive, optimizing performance is an important part of optimizing the overall database server. Starting the MS SQL Search Service 1.

To verify that MS Search Service is running on the server, select Start — Control Panel — Administration Tools — Services.


Confirm that the following Services are set: *









SQLServer FullText Search Started


For any services that are not started, start the service and change the startup configuration if needed. 3.

You may need to register a new SQL Server. To do this, open SQL Server Management Studio. Register the server by selecting SQL Server Group. Rightclick and choose New SQL Server Registration. Follow the prompts to set this up.

Enabling Full-Text Search for Your Database After starting the MS Search Service, you need to enable the full-text searching on the

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specific database. 1.

In SQL Server Management Studio, right-click on the database that you want to enable full text searching and select Properties.


In the Select a page section on the left side, select the Files option. Select the Use full-text indexing check box. Click OK.

Defining the Catalogs After enabling full-text search on the database, you need to you need to enable the fulltext searching on the specific database, tables, and columns. To do this, you need to define the Catalogs. The Catalogs are separate files, so you need to determine where to place the files. For performance reasons, locating the Catalogs on separate drives avoids contention for disk resources during the regular populations of the Catalogs. Consider this, along with the times that you will run the jobs. If you choose to change the locations, you need to perform step 6 in the following steps to drop the catalogs then you can re-edit the scripts and jobs to reflect the new strategy. Note! The MSSQL Full Text scripts are available in the following folder: C:\:Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\server\sql. 1.

At the server, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the batch file CatalogDirCreate.bat. This file is located in C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\server\sql. (All SQL scripts are located in this path.).

Note! By default, the CatalogDirCreate.bat file is configured to use Drive E:. If you want to change the location from E:, right-click on the file, and edit it in a text editor to specify a different drive. For example, on the first line of execution code, change the e: to d: to specify the D: drive. Save and close the file. 2.

Double-click to run the file. This batch file places the Catalogs on the E: drive and in the single folder called FullTextCatalogs. If you prefer to place some Catalogs on a different drive to improve performance, edit this batch file or create the folders manually.


Open Query Analyzer and connect to the MSSQL Server running the Epicor905 database. Open the following script file: FullTextCatalogCreate.sql.


Review each catalog ‘create’ statement for each Catalog to verify the drive path. For example, in the custxprt catalog, the ‘create’ statement looks similar to the following: *

sp_fulltext_catalog 'custxprt', 'create','e:\fulltextcatalogs\custxprt'

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The above statement locates the Catalog on the E: drive in the fulltextcatalogs\custxprt folder. If you changed the drive path in the CatalogDirCreate.bat file, you must edit this statement to reflect the physical path on the server to the folders created when the bat file was run. Catalogs can only be created on hard drives on the server, not on tapes or network drives. After editing the FullTextCatalogCreate.sql script, save the changes and keep for future needs. 5.

Run the script from the Query Analyzer, the results window should read ‘Query batch completed’ at the bottom of the window when completed. Confirm that the catalogs are created by opening SQL Server Management Studio then your server, ‘Databases’. Choose the Epicor905 Database, then drill down to ‘Full-Text Catalogs.’ All 32 Catalogs should appear in this list. You may need to ‘Refresh the display or open and close SQL Server Management Studio to get it to reflect the new Catalogs.


This is an optional step to change location. To drop the existing metadata and Catalogs, run the FullTextCatalogDrop.sql script in the Query Analyzer. After this step, you will need to perform the above steps in the previous “Starting the MS Search Service” section again to re-setup the Catalogs.

Changing Database Schema In order to run the Incremental population, the tables with the column used in a FullText population must contain a “timestamp’ column. The SQL Server can use this column to determine whether columns have been changed since the last Refresh. 1.

Back up your MSSQL database before proceeding.


In the Query Analyzer, from the File menu, select Open - File. Select and run the FullTextSchemaChange.sql script. This script adds the Timestamp field to each of the tables to allow MSSQL Server to know whether a record has changed since the last population.

Note! If the “timestamp” column already exists in a table, due to a previous script run, the message “Column name in each table must be unique” is displayed in the Results pane. This message lets you know that the “timestamp” field has already been successfully added to the table. Initial Population of Catalogs At this point, the MSSQL Server database is prepared and the Catalogs are created. You now need to add data. You do this by initially fully populating them.

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Return to the Query Analyzer. From the File menu, select Open - File. Select and run the FullTextCatalogFullPop.sql script to perform a Full population of the database. This may take a few minutes to several hours depending on the size of your database and the speed of your server. This step needs to be run only once. When running the this initial population of the catalogs, you can use the Windows Task Manager to help you determine when the populations have completed. To do this, open the Windows Task Manager and click on the Performance tab. Review your CPU usage. Once your CPU usage returns to a less utilitized status, then the Catalog Initial Population should be complete.


To test that the Catalogs have been populated, log onto the Epicor application. Check that the keyword searches function is based on the data currently in your database. The preferred testing method is to use the Where Part Description Contains field for the Part Search component.

If your search returns appropriate data, then your Full-Text configuration is complete. Verifying that the MSSQL Server Agent is Running The MSSQL Server Agent is an optional service that must be started and set to Autostart with the MSSQL Server engine service. 1.

Verify that in the above section “Starting the MS Search Service” you confirmed that certain services were running and configured, including MSSQLServerAgent.


Navigate to Start — Control Panel — Administration Tools — Services. Verify the following services are started:



MSSQL Server


MSSQL Server Agent

Close the Services program.

Setting Up the Catalogs to Update Incrementally After you have finished the initial population of your full-text catalogs, you may want to set your catalogs to be updated incrementally so they reflect the most current information. Each Full-Text enabled column has been split into its own separate Catalog to allow the flexibility of being run independently. Certain Catalogs will not be changed often enough to warrant running the refresh jobs on a daily basis (such as langorg). Use the following steps to configure an incremental schedule. 1.

Log into Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Expand the SQL Server Agent.


Right-click the Jobs folder and select New Job.

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On the General page, enter a name for the schedule. For the category, select FullText. Enter a brief description of the schedule task.


Select the Steps page. Click the New button. Enter the name for the step. Verify that Transact-SQL script (TSQL) type is selected. Select the database on which you want this job to run. Click Open.


Select the FullTextIncremental.sql script. Click Open. You should see the contents of the script displayed in the window. Verify that the USE statement contains the name of your database. Click OK.


Select the Schedules page. Click the New button.


Enter the desired days and times you want the schedule to run. Click OK. Click OK on the Job Properties window.

You have now configured your catalogs to be incremented automatically on a schedule. Testing Server Impact for each Job After building the full-text catalogs and setting up the schedule, each Administrator should review the overall impact of the process and determine a strategy to balance timeliness and server performance. To do this: 1.

At the server, go to Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools and open the Performance program. Right-click on the Counter column and select Add Counters. For Performance Object: Processor, add % Processor Time. For Performance Object: Memory, add Pages/sec.


Run each job individually.


In the Performance monitor, review the Processor and Memory values and verify that they are low enough to see the effect of the populations, such as Processor Time: 25% or under and Pages/sec: 10 or under. Note that this process may need to be the only activity running against the server in order to view the real effect.


You can also confirm the current status of the Catalog using Enterprise Manager Databases - Manufacturing - Full-Text Catalogs. The listing of the Catalogs with their ‘Status’ and ‘Last Population’ are included. Note that this screen does not refresh easily. You can also run ‘sp_help_Fulltext_Catalogs’ in the Query Analyzer to determine the current status. See the BOL (SQL Server books online) for detail.


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Adjust the individual schedules of the Catalog Refreshes to optimize timeliness and server performance.

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Prepare Your Database for Epicor 9.05

10. Prepare Your Database for Epicor 9.05 Use the following instructions to prepare your database prior to logging in the first time. If you are an existing Epicor 9 / Vantage / Vista customer, you must complete this entire section. Note! If you are an existing customer upgrading from a 32-bit platform to a 64-bit platform, no special database preparation is necessary. As with a normal upgrade, you must complete this entire “Prepare Your Database” section. Note! If you use SQL and you are a new customer installing the Epicor 9.05 application for the first time, you only need to complete the “Restore Schema Holders” steps in the “Convert Your Database” section.

10.1 Convert Your Database Use these instructions to convert your database from 9.04.50x to Epicor 9.05 for compatibility with the Epicor 9.05 application. Pre-Conversion Tasks 1.

For SQL installations, verify that you have SQL and Progress installed on any machine where Epicor Admin Tools is installed.


For SQL installations, verify that the following steps are completed on the same server as where your SQL database is located. The Epicor 9.05 Schema Change process cannot be executed remotely.


If your database and Appservers are running, you need to select Start — Programs — OpenEdge 10.2A — Progress Explorer Tool. Use the Progress Explorer Tool to stop the following functions in order: *

Stop the Appservers.


Stop the OpenEdge database.


On the server, log in as the Local Administrator.


Navigate to the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.


Detach the Epicor904 database.


Place a copy of the Epicor904 database on the Epicor 9.05 test server.


In the Management Studio, delete the existing Epicor 905 Database.


In the Management Studio, attach your copied Epicor904 database as Epicor 905.

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Prepare Your Database for Epicor 9.05

Restore Schema Holders 1.

If your database and Appservers are running, use the Progress Explorer Tool to stop the following functions in order: *

Stop the Appservers.


Stop the OpenEdge database.


Navigate to Start - Programs - OpenEdge 10.2A - Proenv.


Go to the folder where your schema holder is located. For example, go to the \Epicor905\db\newdb folder.


To restore the schema holder backup file, at the prompt type one of the following commands, based on your environment: - SQL (32 bit): prorest mfgsyssh mfgsyssh32.bkup - SQL (64 bit): prorest mfgsyssh mfgsyssh64.bkup - SQL Unicode (32 bit): prorest mfgsyssh mfgsyssh32U.bkup - SQL Unicode (64 bit): prorest mfgsyssh mfgsysshU64.bkup


Exit the ProEnv Utility.

Run Schema Change 1.

Use the Progress Explorer Tool to start the databases which you will be converting to the Epicor 9.05 level.


Open the Epicor Schema Change program. To do this, navigate to Start Programs - Epicor Software - Epicor 9.05 - Epicor Schema Change icon for the appropriate database.

Note! If prompted with a message that it is unable to open message file: PROMSGS, click OK to the message. Then, you need to edit the Shortcut properties. To do this, right-click on the icon and select Properties. In the Target field, locate the part of the path that says “server\config\epicor905.ini” and add a “\” character before that part of the path. For example, it should look like: “\server\config\epicor905.ini”. Note that there needs to be a “\” before the word ‘server’. Do not change the rest of the target path. 3.

The Schema Change Required window appears. In the Password field, enter CHANGESCHEMA. Click Continue.

Note! The automated SQL database conversion may take longer than normal because it now more fully accommodates the upgrade to SQL 2008.

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Prepare Your Database for Epicor 9.05


The Finish window appears. Click OK.

10.2 Connect to Epicor and Application Servers Use the following steps to run the Epicor Administration Console to add and then connect to the Epicor and application servers. 1.

Use the Progress Explorer Tool to verify that your Epicor database and main AppServer are running.


Login to the Epicor Administration Console. To do this, select Start - Programs - Epicor Software - Epicor Administrative Tools - Epicor Administration Console.

Note! You may be prompted to update your Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to version 3.0 or later. See the Microsoft MMC 3.0 download site for more information. 3.

Right-click on the Server Management node. Select Add Epicor Server.


Enter the Name of the server.


Click Ping Server. Click OK to confirm that the server was located.


Click OK to add the Epicor Server.


Right-click the Epicor Server you just added. Select Add Application Server.


Select New Application Server Properties, including the following: - Name. Enter the name of the application server. - Port Number. Enter the identifier of the port to which you are connecting. - User Name. Enter a valid user name to log into the Epicor database. - Password. Enter a valid password to login to the Epicor database.


Click Test Connection. Click OK to confirm the connection.

10. Right-click on the Application Server you just added. Select Connect to Application Server. Note! If you are a new customer, a User Name called “Manager” is created when you connect to the Application server for the first time. The Epicor and application servers should now be configured.

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Prepare Your Database for Epicor 9.05

10.3 Import License Codes Use the following steps to import your Epicor 9.05 application license codes. 1.

In the Epicor Administration Console, right-click on the Licensing node. Select Import License File.


Browse to the location where you previously downloaded the license code file. Select the file and click Open to import the file.


Double-click on the licensing code to open it. The Properties dialog opens.


Click the Modules tab. Select the check box for each module you want enabled.

Note! It is recommended that you carefully review the modules that you have selected to enable. Failure to enable your modules may result in possible data corruption. Also, if you enable a new module at this time, you are committing to basic configuration and implementation steps within the application. 5.

Click OK.

10.4 Run Data Conversions Use these steps to run the data conversions on your Epicor 9.05 application. Set Epicor Admin Tools PROPATH Use these steps to set the Epicor Admin Tools PROPATH prior to running the conversions. 1.

Locate the Epicor905.ini file. In a standard installation, it is located in the following directory: ...\Epicor905\Server\Config.


Using Notepad, open the Epicor905.ini file. Locate the line that starts with 'PROPATH='.


In the PROPATH line, locate '\BPMExec'. Immediately following '\BPMExec', add one of the following folders, based on your database: \LiveBPM, \PilotBPM, \TestBPM or \TrainingBPM. For example, here is the line BEFORE you make the change:

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PROPATH=.,C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\Clientserver,C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\Server,C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\BPMExec,C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905,c:\program files\epicor\oe102a\gui,c:\program files\epicor\oe102a,c:\program files\epicor\oe102a\bin And here is the line AFTER you make the change: PROPATH=.,C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\Clientserver,C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\Server,C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\BPMExec\LiveBPM,C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905,c:\program files\epicor\oe102a\gui,c:\program files\epicor\oe102a,c:\program files\epicor\oe102a\bin 4.

Save the Epicor905.ini file.

Run the Conversions 1.

Open the Epicor Admin Tools program. To do this, navigate to Start - Programs - Epicor Software - Epicor 9.05 - Epicor Admin Tools.

Note! If prompted with a message that it is unable to open message file: PROMSGS, click OK to the message. Then, you need to edit the Shortcut properties. To do this, right-click on the icon and select Properties. In the Target field, locate the part of the path that says “server\config\epicor905.ini” and add a “\” character before that part of the path. For example, it should look like: “\server\config\epicor905.ini”. Verify that there is a “\” character before the word ‘server’. Do not change the rest of the target path. 2.

You are prompted that conversions need to run. Click OK to start the conversions.


When the conversions are completed, close Epicor Admin Tools.

10.5 Stop and Start Database and App Servers Use these steps to stop and start the database and App servers. It is strongly recommended that you complete these steps after running the automatic data conversions. 1.


Use the Progress Explorer Tool to stop the following functions in order: *

Stop the Appservers.


Stop the OpenEdge database.

Use the Progress Explorer Tool to start the following functions in order:

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Log in the First Time


Start the OpenEdge database.


Start the Appservers.

11. Log in the First Time Use the following steps to verify and test your Epicor 9.05 application upgrades the first time you log in. Note! If you are a new customer, you only complete the “Set Up System Agent for Printing” steps. All other steps can be ignored.

11.1 Import Posting (Booking) Rules for Extended Rules Use these steps to import your posting rules if you use Extended Rules. If you only use standard rules, this step has already been automatically completed for you when you converted your data. 1.

Open the Epicor 9.05 application.


Select Financial Management - General Ledger - Setup - GL Transaction Type.


From the Actions menu, select Import ACT Type.


Click the Input File Name button. Navigate to the Extended posting rules folder. For example, go to the following: *

Extended rules: \\\Epicor905\server\PostingRules\Extended


Select one or more .XML files. You can select multiple files by pressing the SHIFT key while you highlight the files. Click Open to select the highlighted files.


Select the Import All check box to specify that you want to import all the selected XML files. To specify individual XML files instead, you can select the Selected check box for each file.


If this is not the first time you are importing posting rule files, you can select the Replace All check box to replace your existing revision with the same name. To specify to replace individual XML files instead, you can select the Replace Existing check box for each file.


Select the Change All Revision Statuses To Active check box if you want to change the revision from a draft to active for all transaction types being imported. To specify to activate individual XML files instead, you can select the Activate check box for each file.

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Log in the First Time


Select the Import into all companies check box if you want to import the posting rules into each company.

Note! Newly created revisions are automatically set to Active in the current company only. In other companies, you need to update the status manually. In order to make changes, your User Id must have access to the company. 10. Click OK to begin the import. 11. You may be prompted with the Book Mapping dialog. Select the book identifier you previously defined from the Map Book selection list. If you want to map the selected book identifier to all transaction types, select the Use for all transaction types check box. Click OK. 12. Click Save to save your imported financial data. Note! To copy the rules from one book to another, you can use GL Transaction Type Maintenance. You create a revision, and then copy both the header and detail rules one at a time into a new book. Then activate the revision.

11.2 Review Blocked Standard Posting Rules (if any) Use the following steps to review any standard posting rules that were not updated during the conversion. If you were not prompted with an Information message during the conversion, you can skip this step. 1.

Get the screen capture of the Information message that you took during the conversion process.


Select Financial Management - General Ledger - Setup - GL Transaction Type.


Search and select a transaction type that is listed on the Information message.


In the Tree View area, select a revision. From the Actions menu, select Change Log Menu. Review the list of revisions that were added and blocked during the last conversion process.


If a Revision you want is listed as Blocked, you can change it to Active. To do this: - Click on the Revision to select it. - From the Status drop-down list, select Active. - Click Save from the standard toolbar.


Repeat the above step for each Revision listed on the Information message.

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Log in the First Time

Note! If you have multiple companies, the Information message may list the same blocked transaction type for each company. You must review the blocked posting rules for each company where you have access.

11.3 Set Up System Agent for Printing Use the following steps to set up the System Agent for your system to enable printing. 1.

Review the paths you specified during the server software installation for the following locations: *

Destination Location


Print Folder Destination Location


Server Share Location


Launch your Epicor 9.05 application.


Navigate to System Management - Utilities - System Agent.


Click Agent ID to search for the system agent identifier.


The identifiers are listed. Select SystemTaskAgent. Click OK.


In the SystemAppServer section, enter your directory paths. For example:




Server File

specifies the local path on the server to the print directory

c:\Program Files\Epicor Software\EpicorData /usr/epicor/epicordata

Client File

specifies the unc path to the print directory


Client Program

specifies the unc path to the server directory


11.4 Maintain Your Customizations / Personalizations Use the following steps to verify and maintain your customizations and personalizations. Note that the Customization / Personalization Maintenance program attempts to automatically correct any problems that it encounters during the verification process.

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Log in the First Time

The verification process checks that each customization includes the following: a valid customization script, valid custom properties, valid control keys, valid controls that are located on the form and properly docked, and user-defined controls are added to the form. It also deletes customization properties that are no longer applied, and cleans up the grid layout to remove obsolete fields. 1.

Launch your Epicor 9.05 application.


Navigate to System Management - Utilities - Customization Maintenance.


Click the Search icon (binoculars) from the tool bar.


Select Customization as the Type and All as the Status.


Click Search. The customizations are displayed. Click OK to select all.


Click on the Actions menu.


Select the Verify All command.


You are warned that this process may take several minutes. Click Yes.


The verification process reviews the selected personalizations and customizations. When complete, you are returned to the Customization/Personalization Maintenance window.

10. Select a customization/personalization you want to review. 11. Click the Warnings tab to review any elements that were not validated. Usually warnings are caused by properties stored in the customization data that cannot be applied. Common warnings that you might see include: - Cannot locate control on form. The key used for the customization is no longer on the form. This could result from a renamed control or changed EpiGuid. - Could not set the property. No code exists that sets this property. - EpiBinding is not valid. Identifies the database field that should be used. - Invalid Parent Type. Custom control was added to an invalid parent. 12. Use the Run, Modify, and Show Custom Data features from the Actions menu to correct the warnings. 13. After fixing a warning, select the row and click Remove Selected Item. 14. Click the Errors tab to review error messages generated by the selected program. Usually errors are caused by problems with the customization script.

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Log in the First Time

15. Use the Run, Modify, and Show Custom Data features from the Actions menu to correct the errors. 16. After fixing the errors, from the Actions menus, select Verify Customization. 17. Click the Detail tab to verify that the customization has passed validation. If it is valid, the current manufacturing version is Valid For and Pass is the Status. 18. Repeat these instructions and select Personalization as the Type to verify and maintain your personalizations, if necessary.

11.5 Test Business Activity Query (BAQ) Calculations During the Epicor 9.05 installation, unused obsolete fields are automatically deleted. Obsolete fields that are used in calculations within BAQ are not deleted, but calculations with obsolete fields no longer work. 1.

Review your calculations within any BAQs you want to continue using after upgrading your system.


Launch the online help system.


Review the Field and Table Change topic to see which fields have been changed or removed.


Change each BAQ calculation so that it uses current fields.

After you upgrade, your BAQ reports should work since your fields are valid.

11.6 Test Business Activity Manager (BAM) Upgrades If you use any global alerts that activate procedure (.p) programs, use these steps to compile these programs using the newly installed Progress 10.2A. 1.

Review each BAM event that has a procedure program on your system. Verify that it still has a valid business reason for being upgraded to the next version.


Add Comments within your procedure program, explaining your changes.


Save each BAM event, including the procedure files, in an archive location.


Move these BAM events and their procedure files to a new location.


If any Epicor 9.05 schema changes affect the procedure program, update the .p program to reflect the new schema.


Compile each procedure program using Progress 10.2A.

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Log in the First Time


Test each procedure program for issues.

11.7 Update/Test Business Process Management (BPM) Directives Use these instructions to update your outdated BPM directives after upgrading and to identify any that need special attention due to schema changes or other factors. Note! You must use these steps to properly upgrade your BPM directives. You cannot just copy the BPM directives in the Epicor905\BPM\bo directory to another directory. You also cannot keep the BPM directives in the current folder, they must be properly upgraded to a new location. 1.

Navigate to System Management - Business Process Management - General Operations - Directive Update.


From the Actions menu, select Recompile All Outdated Directives. As the directives are converted and re-compiled, an hour glass is displayed.


Upon completion, the compile results are displayed. Any Method Directives that failed to compile after the conversion are listed.


Navigate to System Management - Business Process Management - Setup Method Search.


Use the Method Directives program to search for any Outdated Directives


Open an outdated directive.


Click on the Actions menu and select Validate Method.


If a directive is outdated, the Pre-Processing, Base Processing and/or Post Processing sheets display the Outdated icon on each directive's Detail sheet. Research how to update each outdated directive to make it compatible with Epicor 9.05. This may involve updating your custom 4GL code to reflect the new schema.


Repeat these steps for all the outdated directives that you find.

11.8 Test Custom Code Programs Use these steps to test any custom code programs that were created and updated for you by the Epicor Custom Solutions Group. 1.

Test your custom code programs.

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Restore Demonstration Database


Contact the Epicor Custom Solutions Group if you need other custom code upgraded. Note that the Epicor Custom Solutions Group requires time to review, estimate, schedule, and complete the custom solution for you.

11.9 Test System and Repeat Installation Based on your installation process, you are at one of the following points: *

If you completed the Epicor 9.05 installation in a test environment, you are now ready to test the installed Epicor 9.05 application in that environment. After your testing is complete, you must repeat the entire installation in your production environment.


If you completed the Epicor 9.05 installation in your production environment, you are now ready to use the installed Epicor 9.05 application in that environment.

12. Restore Demonstration Database Use the following instructions to restore the Epicor 9.05 Demonstration Database, if desired. The Epicor 9.05 Demonstration Database is released with every Service Pack and is used with the Embedded Education Courses.

12.1 Download Demonstration Database File Use the following instructions to download the appropriate Demonstration Database file based on your database platform. Each *.zip file includes a copy of the Demonstration Database that can be restored to replace the existing Demonstration Database. 1.

Log on to EPICweb and go to the Customer Portal Page. Navigate to Support > Epicor 9 > Downloads.

Note! You can use this link: https://epicweb.epicor.com/Support/epicor9/Downloads 2.

Navigate to Epicor 9 > Version 9.05.600 > Demonstration Database.


Download the latest Epicor 9.05 Demonstration Database related to this installation. For example, download the necessary files, based on your environment: - Progress (32): Epicor9_Database_905600_Vx_Win32Progress.zip - Progress (64): Epicor9_Database_905600_Vx_Win64Progress.zip - SQL (32):

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Restore Demonstration Database

- SQL (64):


- SQL Unicode (32): Epicor9_Database_905600_Vx_Win32SqlUnicode.zip - Linux (32):


- Linux (64):


- UNIX (32):


- UNIX (64 Itanium): Epicor9_Database_905600_Vx_Unix64ia.zip - UNIX 64 RISC:


12.2 Verify Prerequisites Use the following instructions to verify the prerequisite steps have been completed. *

All Appservers and OpenEdge Databases are stopped.


Epicor 9.05 Service Pack or Patch has been installed, if available.


Epicor 9.05 Post-Installation steps have been completed.

12.3 Restore the Demonstration Database - SQL Server Use the following instructions to restore the Demonstration Database using SQL Server. These instructions assume you have an EpicorTrain905 database in SQL Server 2008. 1.

Go to the location where you downloaded the zipped files.


Open the zip file. For example, open Epicor9_Database_905600_V1_WinxxSQLx.zip file. Extract the Epicor9_Database_WinxxSQLx.BAK file directly into the C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\db\Training folder.


Navigate to Start - Program - OpenEdge 10.2A - ProEnv. A DOS window opens.


At the proenv> prompt, type: Prompt and press Enter.


Type: cd\ and press Enter.


At the c:\> prompt, type: cd Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\db\Training and press Enter.

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Restore Demonstration Database


At the C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\db\Training> prompt, run the Prorest command. For example, type: prorest mfgsyssh mfgsyssh and press Enter.


At the overwrite message, type Y and press Enter.


When the restore is completed, you are returned to the C:\Programs Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\db\Training> prompt. Type exit to close the DOS window.

10. At your server, navigate to Start — Programs — Microsoft SQL Server 2008 — SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). 11. Within SSMS, verify the Server Type is connected to the database engine. 12. Navigate to the Databases node. 13. Right-click on the EpicorTrain905 database. From the context menu, select Tasks — Restore — Database. The Database window displays. 14. Click on the General tab. Within the Source for Restore section, select From Device. 15. Click on the [...] button. The Specify Backup window displays. 16. For the Backup Media option, select File. 17. Click the Add button to locate and select the backup file. This file is: Epicor9_Database_WinxxSQLx.BAK 18. Click OK twice to complete the selection. 19. Select the check box next to the Backup Name field. This defines the back up set to restore. 20. Click on the Options tab. 21. Select both the Overwrite the existing database and Leave Database Ready to use (Restore with Recovery) check boxes. 22. Verify the Restore Database Files As fields match the correct server directory paths where the database files currently exist. For example:

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C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\ EpicorTrain905.mdf


C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\ EpicorTrain905_log.ldf

Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

: Windows MSSQL Database Version 9.05.600

Restore Demonstration Database

23. Click OK. 24. A dialog box displays indicating the database restoration is complete. Click OK. 25. Exit SQL Server Management Studio.

12.4 Import Product Licenses and Enable Modules Use the following instructions to import the product licenses and enable the modules. 1.

Open the Epicor Admin Console. To do this, navigate to Start - Programs Epicor Software - Epicor Administrative Tools - Epicor Administration Console.


Login with a valid User ID and Password. Note that the user must have Security Manager rights. For example, login as manager / manager.


Connect to the location of your training environment, such as Epicor Train905.


Specify the imported license file for each company. To do this: - Right-click on Company, such as Epic01, and select Properties. - Browse and select the license serial number to the imported license file. Click OK. The file is imported. - Repeat for each of the other companies, such as Epic02 and Epic03.


Enable the modules attached to the imported licenses. To do this: - From the list, select Licensing. - Right-click on the license serial number and select Properties. - Click the Modules tab. - Select the individual modules to activate, or click Enable all Licensed to select all the modules. The Enabled check box should be selected for the modules you want to activate. - Click OK.


When finished, exit the Epicor Administration Console.

12.5 Restart Database and Main Appserver Use the following instructions to start the database and main Appserver

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Restore Demonstration Database


Select Start — Programs — OpenEdge 10.2A — Progress Explorer Tool. Use the Progress Explorer Tool to start the following functions in order: *

Start the Database: EpicorTrain905


Start the Appserver: EpicorTrain905


Minimize the Progress Explorer Tool. Do not start the other Appservers yet.


Activate your Embedded Education Courses module licenses. To do this, follow the steps detailed in the previous “License Embedded Education Courses” section.

12.6 Run Manual Conversion Use the following instructions to run the required manual conversion to reset the sequence table. 1.

Open the Epicor Admin Tools program. To do this, navigate to Start - Programs - Epicor Software - Epicor 9.05 - Epicor Admin Tools.


Login with a valid User ID and Password. Note that the user must have Security Manager rights. For example, login as manager / manager.


Select Run Database Conversion.


Scroll down the list of programs to number 5460 called “Re-set DB Sequences”. Highlight the program to select it.


From the Conversion menu, select Run Conversion Program. Click Yes to confirm.


After the conversion finishes, exit Epicor Admin Tools.

12.7 Set Up System Agent for Printing Use the following instructions to set up your system agent. The paths for the System Agent, which control report printing, must be reset after a database restore. These instructions assume your database is set to be the main Mfgsys database directly located in this folder: C:\Programs Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\db\Training. 1.

Log into Epicor 9.05. Use the Username and Password of manager/manager.


Navigate to System Management - Utilities - System Agent.


In the Task AppServer section, change the AppServer URL to AppServerDC:// localhost:9413.

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Optional Installations and Configurations


In the System AppServer section, change the AppServer URL to AppServerDC:/ /localhost:9411.


For the Password, enter manager.


For the Server File Directory, enter \\\EpicorData. You can locate your machine name by selecting Properties - Computer Name.


For the Client File Directory, enter \\\EpicorData.


For the Client Program Directory, enter: \\\Epicor Software\Epicor905\Server.


Save the System Agent changes. Exit System Agent Maintenance.

10. Close the Epicor 9.05 application.

12.8 Restart Remaining Appservers Use the following instructions to start the remaining Appservers. 1.


Open the Progress Explorer Tool. Start the following Appservers in order: *




Exit the Progress Explorer Tool.

12.9 Test Demonstration Database Update Use the following instructions to verify that the Demonstration Database was properly updated. 1.

Open the Epicor 9.05 application.


Log on using your Username and Password.


From the Help menu, select About Epicor 9.


Verify that the version has changed to the correct version you installed.

13. Optional Installations and Configurations Use the following appendices to complete optional installations and configurations.

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Optional Installations and Configurations

Appendix A: Configure 64-Bit Environments (If needed) If you use a 64-bit environment, you must enable the 32-bit version of ASP.NET 2.0 in the 64-bit environment in order to install and deploy web based products, such as Epicor Web Access and the Embedded Education courses. Note! When using a 64-bit server, you may encounter login issues when using Internet Explorer 64-bit. Epicor Web Access allows users to enter login credentials, but the application may not start. To resolve this security issue, use Internet Explorer to add the Epicor Web Access site to the server’s trusted site list. Windows 2008 64-bit Environment If you have installed a Windows 2008 (64-bit version) environment, use these steps to enable the 32-bit version of ASP.NET 2.0 in a Windows 2008 64-bit environment. 1.

Go to Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.


From the Application Pools node, select DefaultAppPool.


From the Action menu, select Advanced Settings.


Select the Enable 32-Bit Application check box.


Restart the Application Pool.

Windows 2003 64-bit Environment If you have installed a Windows 2003 (64-bit version) environment and you are running IIS 6, use these steps to enable the 32-bit version of ASP.NET 2.0 in a Windows 2003 64-bit environment. 1.

From the Start menu, select Run. Type cmd and click OK.


Type the following command to uninstall all versions of ASP.Net: %SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis -ua


Type the following command to enable the 32-bit mode: cscript %SYSTEMDRIVE%\inetpub\adminscripts\adsutil.vbs SET W3SVC/AppPools/ Enable32bitAppOnWin64 1


Type the following command to install and register the version of ASP.NET 2.0 (32-bit) and to install the script maps at the IIS root and under: %SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis -i

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Optional Installations and Configurations


Run iisreset.


Open the Internet Information Services Manager.


Expand the server node. Select the Web Service Extensions folder in the tree view.


In the WS Extensions window, select ASP.Net v2.0.50727 (32 bit). Verify that the Allow check box is selected.


Expand the Default Web Site node in the tree.

10. If you use Embedded Education Courses, right-click on the EpicorEducation virtual directory and select Properties. 11. On the Virtual Directory tab, click the Configuration button. 12. Select the application extensions for the .htm and .html extensions. Verify that they are not pointing to the Framework64 directory. 13. If these extensions are not mapped, you must manually add each one separately. To add the .htm extension, click Add and enter the following: - Executable: C:\WINDOWS\microsoft.net\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll - Extension: .htm - Verbs: Select All Verbs. - Click OK. 14. To add the .html extension, click Add and enter the following: - Executable: C:\WINDOWS\microsoft.net\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll - Extension: .html - Verbs: Select All Verbs. - Click OK.

Appendix B: Install Embedded Education Courses Use these steps to install and license the embedded Education courses. Using the embedded courses requires a Windows Server operating system and Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS 6 or IIS 7).

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Note! Embedded Education Courses must be installed in your training environment, not in your live production environment.

B.1 Install Embedded Education Courses Use these steps to install the embedded education courses using the Epicor Education Course Installer. 1.

Go to the directory where your Epicor application is installed. For example, go to \Epicor Software\Epicor905.


Double-click on the EpicorUtilities.exe file.


On the Welcome to the Epicor Utilities Setup wizard, click Next.


On the Epicor Utilities Setup dialog, click Install Epicor Embedded Education Courses to open the Epicor Education Course Installer.

Note! You can also open the Epicor Education Course Installer by navigating to the Epicor Education folder and running the EduCourseInstaller.exe file. 5.

Verify that the Epicor 9.05 Education Course Installer program opens. The user interface looks different based on whether you have Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 (or Windows Vista) installed.


If you have Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista installed, you must first select the following: *

Select the Web Site where you want to install the Education courses. It is recommended that you select the DefaultWebSite.


Select the App Pool to use for the Education courses. It is recommended that you select the DefaultAppPool and then verify that it is set to 32-bit and Integrated. To verify the settings: - Open the Internet Information Services Manager (IIS 7). - In the Connections tree view, select Application Pools. - In the Application Pools list, select the application pool used by the Epicor Education virtual directory. For example, select DefaultAppPool. - In the Action panel, click on Advanced Settings. - Verify that Integrated is selected as the Managed Pipeline Mode. - Verify that Enable 32-Bit Applications is set to True, if your system is a 64bit server. - Click OK to close the dialog and save your changes.

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- Close the IIS Management panel. 7.

Enter the Alias you want to use to gain access to the courses. The alias is used as part of the course server URL. Do not use spaces. The default is EpicorEducation.

Note! It is recommended that you record the Alias that you enter. In the next section, you are required to configure the client by editing the .mfgsys configuration file. To edit this file, you will need to enter the Alias and the course server URL. 8.

Enter the Directory. The directory can be any folder on the server. For example, if you have a folder on your server where you host Web content, such as C:\Inetpub\wwwroot, you can install the courses to that folder. If the directory does not exist, the installer creates it. You can install a new batch of courses to an existing directory by using the browse button.


For the Server Name enter the name of the server where your Epicor application is installed.

10. Enter the Port used by the AppServer. To find your port number: - Go to the Config folder on the server where your Epicor application is installed. For example, go to the Epicor905\client\config folder. - Open your train.mfgsys file and look at the AppServer node. The port number should be listed. For example, the default port for the training database is 9011. Note! The Server Name and Port must point to a training database and not a live database within your production environment. 11. Enter a valid Epicor application User ID and Password. The course web site uses this User ID and Password to login to the Training AppServer to verify licensing information. The default User ID and Password for the Epicor Education database is manager / manager. 12. Click Create. Note! If any entries were not valid, a warning icon appears next to the invalid field. Enter a valid entry in the field and click Create again. 13. After a message displays that the site has been created, close the Epicor Education Course Installer.

B.2 Configure Embedded Education Courses Client Use these steps to configure the embedded education course client. 1.

On your client workstation, navigate to the client\config folder.

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Open the train.mfgsys file in a text editor, such as Notepad.


In the node, edit the following lines: *

Edit the line to specify the location where the education courses are installed. For example, if the courses are installed on a server named Company1 and the alias is set to EpicorEducation, the line would be: .

Note! Be sure to use the Alias that you entered and recorded in a previous step when you ran the EduCourseInstaller program. *

Edit the line to specify the location where the help files are installed. For example, if the help files are installed on a server named Company1, the line would be: .

Note! If the help files are installed on the deployment server, it is not necessary to edit the line. - For example, the node with the edited lines would look similar to the following: ...

B.3 License Embedded Education Courses Use these steps to license the embedded education courses. License keys are specified by Education Course module, not Epicor 9.05 modules. Note! You must retrieve your license information for your embedded courses when you access the embedded education courses for the first time, and each time a Service Pack is applied. 1.

Open the Epicor 9.05 application.


On the Standard toolbar, click the Education Course button (student with a graduation cap). The Education Course program opens.


From the Actions menu, select one of the following options: - Load License from file. Choose this option to enter the name of the license file.

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- Enter License Keys. Choose this option to manually enter the key if you were sent a file that contains your license keys. At the file prompt, browse to the file and open it. Manually copy the license key information from the file into your database. This step only has to be completed once and it is saved in the Education database. - Retrieve the key from EPICweb. Choose this option to download and install license key information from EPICweb. Log on to EPICweb by entering your User Id and Password. Click OK. Your EPICweb login information is verified and then your embedded education course license keys are automatically installed on your system. Note! When a Service Pack is applied, the Education database is updated and the license key information must be re-imported. If courses are delivered with the service pack, reinstall them in the same location on the server. 4.

Click OK to complete the embedded education course setup.


To view the Embedded Education Courses, click the Refresh button from the toolbar in the application. If the refreshed Embedded Education Courses do not display, you should close and reopen the application.

Appendix C: Install and Deploy Epicor Web Access Use these steps to install and deploy Epicor Web Access using a Windows 2003 or Windows 2008 based Internet Information Server. The Epicor Web Access forms and components are an optional installation and are required only if Browser-based access to your Epicor 9.05 environment is desired. Note! While it is possible to deploy the Epicor Web Access forms on your Windows based Epicor 9.05 Server, it is not recommended. For optimal performance and ease of maintenance, a separate Internet Information Server is recommended.

C.1 Install Crystal Reports Runtime and Embedded Server If you use report generation from Epicor Web Access, you must install Crystal Reports 2008 Runtime and Crystal Reports 2008 Embedded Server. Review Platform Requirements Use the following to review the specific platform requirements for Crystal Reports 2008 Runtime and Crystal Reports 2008 Embedded Server. *

Crystal Reports 2008 Embedded Server SP0 can only be installed on Windows Server 2003, not Windows Server 2008.


Crystal Reports 2008 Embedded Server SP0 does not currently support Windows Server 2008 as a report server platform. If you intend to use Windows

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Server 2008 (32-bit or 64-bit) as the web server platform for Epicor Web Access, then the Crystal Reports 2008 Embedded Server report server must be placed on a separate server machine running Windows Server 2003 (32-bit or 64-bit). Uninstall Previous Versions of Crystal Reports Runtime and Embedded Server Use the following steps to uninstall any previous version of Crystal Reports Runtime and Crystal Reports Embedded Server. Do not skip this step. 1.

Uninstall any previous version of Crystal Reports .Net Runtime.


Uninstall any previous version of Crystal Reports Embedded Server.


Verify the uninstallations were completed successfully.

Install Crystal Reports 2008 Runtime Use the following steps to install the latest version of Crystal 2008 Runtime. This component must be installed on the web server that is hosting Epicor Web Access. Crystal Reports 2008 .Net Runtime can be installed on Windows Server 2008. 1.

Log on to EPICweb and go to the Customer Portal Page. Navigate to Support > Epicor 9 > Downloads.

Note! You can use this link: https://epicweb.epicor.com/Support/epicor9/Downloads 2.

Navigate to Epicor 9 > Version 9.05.600 > Third Party Products > Crystal.


Download the latest Crystal Reports Runtime file from EPICweb to your workstation. For example: Crystal_2008_Runtime.zip.


Navigate to the downloaded file. Open the .zip file and extract the contents. Move the extracted files to the report server where the files are to be installed.


Navigate to the extracted file folder. Double-click the CRRuntime_12_0_mlb.exe file.


The Crystal wizard Welcome window appears. Click Next.


Specify the folder for the installation of Crystal Reports 2008 .Net Runtime, and select Everyone as the user of the computer. Click Next.


When prompted for the Product ID, do the following: - Using a text editor, open the License Key.txt file that was extracted in a previous step.

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- Copy the text and paste it into the Product ID field. - Click Next. 9.

A confirmation window appears. Click Next to confirm.

Install Crystal Reports Embedded Server Use these steps to install the latest version of the Crystal Reports 2008 Embedded Server on your server. This component can be installed either on the same server as the Epicor Web Access forms, if Windows 2003 is being used for both Epicor Web Access and Crystal Reports, or on another server within the trusted domain. Note! This version of Crystal Reports 2008 Embedded Server SP0 is not compatible with Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (32-bit or 64-bit) as a report server. 1.

If you are upgrading from Crystal XI R2 Embedded (RAS) Server, you must obtain a new Crystal 2008 Embedded Server license prior to starting the installation.


Log on to EPICweb and go to the Customer Portal Page. Navigate to Support > Epicor 9 > Downloads.

Note! You can use this link: https://epicweb.epicor.com/Support/epicor9/Downloads 3.

Navigate to Epicor 9 > Version 9.05.600 > Third Party Products > Crystal.


Download the latest Crystal Reports Embedded Server file from EPICweb to your workstation. For example: Crystal Reports 2008 Embedded Server SP0.zip.


Navigate to the downloaded file. Open the .zip file and extract the contents.


Move the extracted files to the report server where the file are to be installed.


Navigate to the extracted file folder. Double-click the Setup.exe file.


The Crystal wizard Welcome window appears. Select the installation language in the wizard, and review the Installation Guide and Release Notes located in the extracted files folder.


On the Crystal Reports 2008 Embedded Server Edition Setup form., click Next.

10. Review the license statement and select to accept it. Click Next. 11. For the Product Keycode, enter your license key. Click Next. Note! If you are upgrading from Crystal XI R2 Embedded (RAS) Server, you must obtain a new Crystal 2008 Embedded Server license prior to starting the installation

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12. Specify the installation folder. Click Next. 13. For the Install Type, select the New checkbox. 14. Click Next to confirm to start the installation. A meter displays the progress. 15. When completed, click Close. The installation of the Crystal Reports 2008 Embedded Server is complete.

C.2 Configure Forms and Components The Epicor Web Access forms and components are delivered as part of the Epicor application server installation. The files are located in the /Epicor Web Access folder on your server. Use the following steps to configure those forms and components. 1.

Go to the /Epicor Web Access folder on your server. It is located at the same folder level as Administration/Client/Server/Help.


Move the entire folder to the Windows 2003 or Windows 2008 Internet Information Server (IIS) that will host your Epicor Web Access web site.


Go to the /Epicor Web Access Utilities 9.0 folder.


Double-click the Epicor Web Access Utilities.msi file to run the pre-installation configuration process.

C.3 Install Epicor Web Access Use the following steps to complete the installation of your Epicor Web Access Forms. 1.

Navigate to Start - Programs - Epicor Software - Epicor Administrative Tools - Epicor Web Access Utilities - Epicor Web Access Installer.

Note! To run the Epicor Web Access installer on Server 2008 or Windows 7, you must launch the installer as an Administrator. To do this, right-click on the Epicor Web Access Installer icon, and select Run as Administrator from the menu. 2.

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The Epicor Web Access Installer windows appears. Click Next.

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The Basic Installer Settings dialog opens. It looks similar to the following:

Enter the following information: *

Web Forms Package: Enter EpicorWebAccessForms.zip which stores the files that related to web forms such aspx, js, and css.


Web Services Package: Enter EpicorWebAccessServices.zip which stores the files that are related web services such as asmx, and dll.


Optimize Site: Select this check box to improve performance. If selected, the installer optimizes most of the web service assemblies. If not selected, the installer installs the web service assemblies in the Bin folder.

Note! Do not select the Optimize Site check box if you have installed Epicor Web Access on the same server as your Epicor application. Only select this option if you have installed Epicor Web Access on a different server than your Epicor application. Click Next.

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The Site Settings dialog opens. It looks similar to the following:

Enter the following information: *

Epicor Web Access Site: Enter your site name.


Install Path: Enter the directory path where the EWA files will be located. The final installation directory uses both the Install Path and the Epicor Web Access Site values. For example, if you enter “EWATest” as your Epicor Web Access Site, and “C:\temp” as your Install Path, then the final installation path would be “C:\temp\EWATest”. The Install Path is available for entry for both IIS 6 and IIS7 environments.


Web Site: Select the IIS web site where the application will get created. For example, in IIS, the web site 'Default Web Site' is always available. If you want to select a different web site, you can create one using the IIS Admin Console. The Web Site is available only when installing in an IIS 7 environment.


App Pool: Select the Application Pool that will be used by the Epicor Web Access application. The drop-down list displays only the application pools that are set to use Classic Pipeline mode. If the list is empty, click the New button to create a new application pool that uses a classic pipeline. The App Pool is available only when installing in an IIS 7 environment.


Progress Server: Enter the name of your Epicor Progress Application Server (AppServer).


AppServer Port: The AppServer port number defaults to 3090. Change this number to identify your AppServer port. For example, the Appserver port for the live database is 9001.


Enable Single Sign On: Select this check box to use Windows authentication for a single sign on. If it is not successful, it prompts for an EpicorWeb login. Click Next.

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The Reporting Settings dialog opens. It looks similar to the following:

Enter the following information: *

Enable Reporting: Select this check box if you have Crystal 2008 Embedded Server installed on the same server or on the network. Selection enables the Report Setting section. Note that this check box is only enabled when a Crystal 2008 Runtime is installed on the server.


Report Appserver. The Report Appserver defaults to the name of the webserver. If the Crystal 2008 Embedded Server is installed on a different server, change this name to identify the name of the server where it is installed.


Report Monitor Polling for Server (ms): Select the number of milliseconds for report polling from the web server.


High Priority Interval For Client (ms): Select the number of milliseconds the process waits immediately after the report is submitted. When the time is greater than High Priority Duration for Client time, the process shifts it to Low Priorty Interval for Client.


Low Priority Interval For Client (ms): Select the number of milliseconds the process waits between process after the time specified for the High Priority Duration for Client is done.


Auto Purge Older Reports For Server (days): Select the number of days the report is available before it is automatically delete from the server.


High Priority Duration for Client (ms): Select the number of milliseconds for the duration time that the reports check for new reports. This setting is similar to the System Monitor in the Win Client. When the duration times out, it sets it to Low Priority Interval For Client.

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NLB Report Repository: Specify the NLB (Network Load Balancing) report repository location. This location is a shared repository that can be accessed by other EWA installations. This is an optional field. Click Next.


The Summary dialog opens. Review the information. Click Finish. The Epicor Web Access installation proceeds.


To verify that the installation was successful, in Windows Explorer enter the Epicor Web Access URL. For example, enter http:////default.aspx where is the name you specified as your Progress server and is the name you specified as your Epicor Web Access Site.


If your Epicor Web Access installed successfully, a window similar to the following should appear:


Enter a valid User ID and Password that you use to log into your Epicor application. This sign-in consumes a user license.

10. Click Login.

C.4 Deploy Epicor Web Access Use these steps to deploy Epicor Web Access. The delivered web forms are generated at the same version as the Epicor application software deployed in the release. The Web Menu includes the forms that are available for Epicor Web Access. 1.

Epicor Web Access includes the majority of the Epicor application forms, with a few exceptions of the drag-and-drop scheduling forms and most of the system setup forms. Review the form exceptions, which include: - Job Scheduling Board

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- Multi Resource Scheduling Board - Resource Scheduling Board - Business Activity Query Designer - BPM Method and Data Directive Maintenance - Financial Report Designer - Menu and Security Maintenance - Mobile, Customer and Supplier Connect Maintenance - Translation Maintenance - System Agent - W2 Processing 2.

Determine if you need further control over web forms that you need to exclude from Epicor Web Access. To exclude a form, use Menu Maintenance (using the Epicor Smart Client) and on the Security sheet, select the Exclude Epicor Web Access check box associated with each menu option.

Note! Epicor Web form supports group access security so this exclusion is only required when a form should be available to users from the Epicor Smart client but not the Epicor Web Client. 3.

Determine if you need to customize any forms or create any user dashboards since these must be specially generated for Epicor Web Access.

Note! A prerequisite for generation is that any customization script must be supported in C# rather than VB.Net code. This is due to the fact that the process converts customization code from C# into Java Script for Browser deployment. This process is not possible from VB.Net code. Although VB.Net is supported for backward compatibility with the Epicor 9.05 application, it is not recommended that new customizations are created using VB.Net with the Epicor 9.05 application since they do not generate for Web Access without conversion to C#. 4.

Determine how to process the customizations and dashboards containing customization code in VB.Net that were created prior to upgrading to the Epicor 9.05 application. You must either recreate those customizations using C#, or manually convert code either by hand or using a commercially available VB.Net to C# conversion routine. Instructions are available in a the document entitled “Guidelines for Conversion of VB.Net to C# Customization Code in Epicor 9.05”. Contact Epicor Support for this documentation.

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C.5 Configure Epicor Web Access Use these steps to configure Epicor Web Access within your Epicor application. 1.

Navigate to System Management - Company Maintenance and open the Company program.


Click the System - Epicor Everywhere tab.


Enter your Epicor Everywhere URL. For example, enter http:/// .


Enter your Metadata Output Path. This is from the perspective of a client PC that might be generating Epicor Web Access forms. For example, enter: \\\ where is the name of your web server and is a share on that server to your Web Access site name. Example: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\.


Click Save on the Standard toolbar.

C.6 Assign Resource Folder Properties and Sharing Use the following steps to assign required properties and sharing to the Resource folder. 1.

Navigate to the Epicor Web Access virtual directory. For example, if your Epicor Web Access was installed to IIS, the default directory would be: :\inetpub\wwwroot\EWA\Resources


Right-click on the Resources folder and select Properties.


Click the Security tab. Select the IIS_WPG group from the Group or user names list.


Click the Edit button.


Re-select the IIS_WPG group.


In the Permissions for IIS_WPG list, select the Modify and Write check boxes in the Allow column.

Note! The IIS_WPG group now has Allow selected for Modify, Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, Read, and Write. 7.

Click OK until you exit.


Right-click on the Resources folder and select Sharing and Security.

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Select the Share this folder check box. Click OK.

C.7 Install Full Adobe Reader on Epicor Web Access Client Use the following steps to install Adobe Reader on your Epicor Web Access client. Installing the full Adobe Reader installs the appropriate browser add-on that is required to render and view report .pdf files (from IIS). 1.

Go to the Adobe Reader website. The link is: http://get.adobe.com/reader


Download the latest version of Adobe Reader.

C.8 Update Epicor Lightweight Client Installer File Use the following steps to update the “lightweight” Epicor Web Access client installer .msi file. A lightweight client allows a local smart client to work in conjunction with the EWA browser client to provide functionality not available from EWA forms. 1.

Verify that your Epicor Web Access site has been created.


Open the Epicor Web Access Utilities. To do this, navigate to Start - Programs Epicor Software - Epicor Administrative Tools - Epicor Web Access Utilities.


Select the Epicor Lightweight Client Install Updater program.


Enter or browse for the Installer File Name. The file is called SmartClientInstall.msi file and it is located in the following folder: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\\SmartClientInstaller.


Enter the Deployment server URL. To find the value, do the following: - On the smart client, go to the \config directory. - Open the configuration file for that smart client. For example, open the default.mfgsys file. - Locate the line: . - Copy the value and paste it into the Deployment server URL field.


Enter your Configuration file name. For example, enter the configuration file used by your smart client, such as default.mfgsys.


Click OK.


When the installation is finished, click OK.

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To test that the Epicor Lightweight Client Installer file was updated, do the following: - Open Epicor Web Access. - Click on the Download Smart Client Installer icon that is located in the toolbar. - The Epicor Lightweight Client Installer is downloaded to your machine.

C.9 Configure EWA Reporting URL Display Features If you use Windows Server 2003 (32 or 64) or Windows Server 2008 (32 or 64) for your web server you must use these steps to configure the Epicor Web Access report display feature. You need to configure both PDF and XLS report formats. Crystal Reports Embedded Server 2008 SP0 does not currently support Windows Server 2008 as a report server platform. If you intend to use Windows Server 2008 (32bit or 64-bit) as the web server platform for Epicor Web Access, then the Crystal Reports Embedded Server 2008 SP0 must be placed on a separate server machine running Windows Server 2003 (32-bit or 64-bit). Note! Epicor Web Access reporting has only been certified with Crystal Reports Embedded Server 2008 SP0 and Crystal Reports 2008 Runtime SP0. Prior releases and versions have not been certified or supported. Configure 1: Windows 2008 64-bit Web Server - PDF If you use Windows Server 2008 64-bit web services, use the following steps to set up a PDF configuration. 1.

After creating an Epicor Web Access site, open Internet Information Server.


Expand the Sites and Default Web Sites nodes.


Locate the Epicor Web Site and single-click to enable the Feature view pane.


Under IIS section, double-click to open Handler Mappings.


In the Actions section, select Add Script Map. - For the Request path, enter*.pdf. - For the Executable, browse and select the file: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll - For the Name, enter AboMapperCustom PDF 32. - Click Request Restrictions. - Go to the Verbs tab. Select the One of the following verbs checkbox.

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- Manually enter GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG. - Click OK. - Review the Edit Script Map setup form. The values should be the same as you previously entered. Click OK. - A message appears asking if you want to allow the ISAPI extension. Click Yes. Configure 2: Windows 2003 64-bit Web Server - PDF If you use Windows Server 2003 64-bit web services, use the following steps to set up a PDF configuration. 1.

After creating an Epicor Web Access site, open Internet Information Server.


Expand the Sites and Default Web Sites nodes.


Browse to the Epicor Web Access site. Right-click and select Properties.


Click the Virtual Directory tab. Select the Configuration button.


In the Application Configuration window, click the Add button. - For the Executable, browse and select the file: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll - For the extension, enter *.pdf - For the Verbs, select the Limit to checkbox. - Manually enter GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG. - Click OK.

Configure 3: Windows 2008 32- or 64-bit Web Server - XLS If you use Windows Server 2008 32-bit or 64-bit web services, use the following steps to set up a XLS configuration. 1.

Under IIS section, double-click to open Handler Mappings.


In the Actions section, select Add Script Map. - For the Request path, enter*.xls. - For the Executable, browse and select the file: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll - For the Name, enter xlsMappingCustom XLS 32.

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- Click Request Restrictions. - Go to the Verbs tab. Select the One of the following verbs checkbox. - Manually enter GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG. - Click OK. - Review the Edit Script Map setup form. The values should be the same as you previously entered. Click OK. - A message appears asking if you want to allow the ISAPI extension. Click Yes. Configure 4: Windows 2003 64-bit Web Server - XLS If you use Windows Server 2003 64-bit web services, use the following steps to set up a XLS configuration. 1.

After creating an Epicor Web Access site, open Internet Information Server.


Expand the Sites and Default Web Sites nodes.


Browse to the Epicor Web Access site. Right-click and select Properties.


Click the Virtual Directory tab. Select the Configuration button.


In the Application Configuration window, click the Add button. - For the Executable, browse and select the file: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_isapi.dll - For the extension, enter *.xls - For the Verbs, select the Limit to checkbox. - Manually enter GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG. - Keep the Script Engine and Verify that file exists checkboxes selected.

Click OK.

C.10 Generate Web Forms for Customized Epicor 9.05 Forms Use these steps to generate Web Forms for customized Epicor 9.05 application forms. 1.

Click on the User Security tab. Verify that the Customization Privileges check box is selected.


From the Options menu, select the Developer Mode check box.

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Run the Customized form under the customization that you wish to Generate.


From the Tools menu of the customized form, select Generate Web Form.


Click OK. The customized form is generated to the Epicor Web Access site.

C.11 Generate Web Forms for User Dashboards Use these steps to generate Web Forms for user Dashboards: 1.

Click on the User Security tab. Verify that the Customization Privileges check box is selected.


Open the Dashboard that you wish to generate a web form.


From the Tools menu, select Developer.


From the Tools menu, select Application Builder - Deploy UI Application. This deploys the dashboard as a UI form.


Select Application Builder - Generate Web Form. This deploys the UI Dashboard to the Epicor Web Access site

C.12 Review Supported Browsers and Configuration Use these steps to review the browsers and browser configurations that are supported with Epicor Web Access. 1.


Verify that one of the following browser versions is installed on your system: *

Internet Explorer - Internet Explorer 7


Mozilla Firefox - FireFox 3.0.4


Apple Safari - Safari 3.2

If you use Firefox, complete the following steps to change your security settings to support Java popups such as the search dialog box: - In the Navigation bar, type about:config. - In the Filter text box, type signed.applets.codebase_principal_support. - Double-click on the entry. The value changes from “false” to “true”. - Restart firefox.


If you use Firefox, complete the following steps to access some Microsoft plug-in files to support Window Authentication:

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- In Fire Fox, browse to the following: http://www.microsoft.com/genuine/diag/default.aspx?displayLang=en - Click the Start Diagnostics button. Follow the online instructions to add the plug-in files.

Appendix D: Install Epicor Replication Server Epicor Replication Server is designed to replicate tables from the Epicor application database to a secondary SQL database. It is recommended that Replication Server is installed on a server other than the main Epicor application server since it's primary purpose is to allow offloading of reporting and query functions from the main transactional server. Replication database tables are selected using profiles designed in the Epicor application and applied to companies in the main system. One replication database can contain data from multiple companies, even if these companies are on multiple application servers, as long as the Company IDs are unique. Similarly, multiple replication databases can subscribe to data from a single application source.

D.1 Review Epicor Replication Server Types Replication subscribing databases have two types: *

Ad Hoc. An Ad Hoc subscribing database starts as an empty SQL database and all table schemas and data are loaded from the source database. This replicated database may be used for ad hoc reporting using tools such as Crystal.


Fully Functional. A Fully Functional subscribing database starts as an empty Epicor SQL database with all tables and stored procedures and functions predelivered. These empty databases are included with the Epicor application. This replicated database may be configured as the database for a running installation of the Epicor application. This database is marked as “Read Only” and Epicor application forms cannot be updated. The main purpose of this type of database is to offload query functions, such as dashboards and reports.

D.2 UnInstall Epicor Replication Server If you have a previous version of Epicor Replication Server installed, use these steps to review options and then uninstall Replication Server. Review PROPATH Option Use these steps to review your Progress Explorer Tool PROPATH option if you have a previous version of Epicor Replication Server installed.

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Open the Progress Explorer Tool.


Select Properties.


For the PROPATH option, the value contains a comma delimited list of folders. Open the folder that ends with BPM.


Navigate to the Snapshots subfolder.


Delete all contents of the Snapshots folder.


Exit from the Progress Explorer Tool.

UnInstall Epicor Replication Server 1.

Select Start - Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs.


Select Epicor Replication Server and click Remove.


Verify that Epicor Replication Server has been uninstalled.

D.3 Install Epicor Replication Server on a Server Use these steps to install Epicor Replication Server on a server that will host one or more subscribing replicated databases 1.

Go to the directory where your Epicor application is installed. For example, go to \Epicor Software\Epicor905.


Double-click on the EpicorUtilities.exe file.


On the Welcome to the Epicor Utilities Setup wizard, click Next.


On the Epicor Utilities Setup dialog, click one of the following to start the installation: - For a 32-bit system: Click Install Replication Server 32 bit. - For a 64-bit system: Click Install Replication Server 64 bit.


On the Welcome to the Epicor Database Replication SetupWizard, click Next.


For the TCP/IP settings accept the Default Port 11111 or select another port.


Select a Destination Folder and click Next.


On the Confirm Installation dialog, click Next to start the installation.

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When the installation is complete, click Close.

10. Navigate to Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services. 11. Highlight to select the Epicor Database Replication Server service. 12. Click Start this service. 13. Verify that the status of the service is Started.

D.4 Verify Prerequisite Configurations Use the following steps to verify installations and configurations of prerequisite software. 1.

Verify that Sonic MQ 7.6 has been installed and properly configured.

Note! Sonic MQ 7.6 is required, but it is not included in the Replication Server installation. 2.

Configure the Replication Server Services. To do this: - Select Start - Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services. Select Epicor Database Replication Server. - Change the Service logon account to be a domain account. - Verify that the TCP/IP port used by the Replication Management Console to connect to the server is not in use. To do this, open a command prompt window and type: netstat -na|more. The port is specified in the Epicor.Mfg.Replication.Server.WinService.exe.config file located in the server installation folder.

D.5 Configure using the Epicor Application Use the following steps to configure Replication Server using the Epicor application. See the Epicor application help system for more detailed steps, if necessary. 1.

Create one or more replication profiles. To do this: - Log into the Epicor application. - Go to System Management - Replication - Replication Profile Maintenance. - Click New. Enter a profile and description. Click Save.

Note! If you use Epicor EPM (Enterprise Performance Management), you can review the “zEPM” profile. This profile contains the tables required by the four EPM content packs available with this release.

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Verify the Replication settings values related to Sonic. To do this: - Go to System Management - Replication - Replication System Maintenance. - From the Tools menu, select Settings. The Replication Settings dialog opens. - Review the following fields: Sonic Topic Prefix. Identifies the ID linking the publisher and subscriber. Copy and paste this value into the same field on the Replication Server Publisher Properties tab. Note that the System ID is used as a part of Sonic Topic Prefix. This value can be changed, however it should remain unique among all publishers feeding data to the same replication server. Sonic LAN Host Name. Displays the IP address or host name of the machine running Progress SonicMQ server. Sonic Administrator Password. Displays the password of the Sonic administrator. The value is displayed in non-encrypted format. OpenEdge Name Server Port. Displays the number of the OpenEdge name server port. This value can also be copied from the name server Properties dialog box. To access the name server Properties dialog box, open the Progress Explorer Tool. Connect to the machine, on which the Epicor 9.05 application server is installed. Expand the Name Server node. Right-click the name server and select Properties. Copy the value in the Port number field. Sonic Broker Port. Displays the value of the Sonic broker port. This value can also be looked up in the Sonic MQ Domain Manager log. For example, the Sonic Broker Port is marked in bold below: [09/07/24 11:42:27] (info) Management connection (re)established (Socket[addr=localhost /,port=2506,localport=1714])

Max Records Per Message. Displays the maximum number of database change records, which can be sent by the Replication Log Reader process to the Replication Server in a single Sonic message. Sonic Connection Protocol. Select the protocol used by the publishing Epicor 9.05 system to connect to the Sonic server. Available values include: TCP, SSL, HTTP, HTTPS 3.

Assign the created replication profiles to one or more companies. To do this: - Go to System Management - Replication - Replication System Maintenance. - In the tree view, select the company to which you want to assign a profile. - In the Available Profiles list, select one or more profiles, which you want to

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assign to the selected company. Click the Add (arrow) button. Click Save. - If required, select another company and assign profiles. 4.

Configure the Replication Agent process. To do this: - Go to System Management - Replication - Replication Agent Process. - For the Continuous Processing Delay, enter the time interval (in minutes) for starting up the task, produced by this process. - For the Log Filename, enter or browse for the file, where replication agent data is to be stored.


Configure the Replication Log Reader process. To do this: - Go to System Management - Replication - Replication Log Reader Process. - Select the Continuous Processing check box if you want the task to run continuously, with the interval, specified as the value of the Continuous Processing Delay parameter. - For the Log Filename, enter or browse for the file, where replication log reader data is to be stored. - Select the Recurring check box to indicate that the process should be run on a repeating basis. This check box is available only if a schedule other than Now is selected. - Select the Schedule option during which you would like the process to run. Options include Now, Startup Task Schedule, and any other user-defined schedules created for your company.


Use the Progress Explorer Tool to stop, and then restart the server.


Verify that the log files produced by the Replication Agent and Replication Log Reader do not contain errors.

D.6 Configure using Replication Management Console Use the following steps to configure Replication Server using the Replication Management Console. See the Replication Management Console help system for more detailed steps, if necessary. 1.

Open the Replication Management Console.


Add a publisher for the Epicor application.

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Note! Verify that the Sonic Topic Prefix setting in the Publisher properties matches the Sonic Topic Prefix indentified as a Replication Setting in the Replication System Management program. 3.

Select a subscribing database. Types include AdHoc, Functional or other.


Select a Subscriber Class. The subscribing database is represented by a Subscriber Class entity.


Add a Target Database. A target database includes connection information for the subscribing database.


Add a Subscriber instance. A subscriber instance links the target database to the publisher.


Define filters to specify which tables and companies should be received by the subscriber instance.


Initialize the Subscriber Instance. Initializing the subscriber instance creates tables in the target database and copies the existing data to the target database.

Appendix E: Install Epicor SQL Server Reporting (SSRS) Use these steps to install Epicor SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS). During the installation, the report portal and Report Service Monitor Service are created. Epicor SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is a reporting technology that provides additional functionality not currently available with the current Crystal Reports client runtime. The installation of SSRS is optional.

E.1 Verify SQL Server Prerequisites Use these steps to verify the requirements before you begin the installation of SSRS. 1.

Verify that you are using SQL Server 2008.


Verify that your SQL Server 2008 installation has Reporting Services enabled. Reporting Services must be installed in Native mode. To do this: - Navigate to Start - All Programs - Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Configurator Tools - Reporting Services Configuration Manager. - Connect to the Reporting Services. - In Current Report Server information, verify that Report Server Mode = Native.

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E.2 Enable IIS 6 Management Compatibility (optional) If you are running IIS 7, use these steps to enable IIS 6 Management Compatibility. The steps are different based on your operating system. Using Vista and Windows 7 1.

Open the Control Panel. Click Programs or Programs and Features.


Select the Turn Windows features on or off option


Expand Internet Information Services - Web Management Tools - IIS 6 Management Compatibility.


Verify that IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility is selected.


Exit the Control Panel.

Using Server 2008 1.

Run Server Manager.


From Roles - Web Services (IIS), right-click and select Add Role Services. Note that this node is only present when IIS is already installed.


Expand Management Tools - IIS 6 Management Compatibility.


Verify that IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility is installed.


Exit the Server Manager.

E.3 Install Custom Assembly DLL File (Report Server) Use these steps to install custom assembly DLL file. Installation includes copying the .dll file and editing the .config file. 1.

Go to the Assembly folder on the server where SSRS is installed. For example, go to C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\SSRS\Epicor SSRS Assembly.


Copy the CLSEpicor.dll file to the location where your Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Server files are installed. For example, copy the file to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin folder.

Note! The name of your folder depends on your installation location or other Epicor tools that have already been installed.

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Go to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\\Reporting Services\ReportServer folder.


Locate the rssrvpolicy.config file. Create a backup copy of the file.


Open the rssrvpolicy.config file with a text editor. In the config file, locate the following code:


Paste the following code right below the code you located in the previous step:

Note! You may need to change the URL based on the location where the ReportServer\bin folder is located on your server. 7.

In the code, locate the description: Description="This code group grants default permissions for code in report expressions and Code element."


In the line above this description, change PermissionsSetName = Execution to PermissionSetName = FullTrust. This enables the expressions in the report to access the configuration file and call the .dll file.

E.4 Install Epicor SQL Report Monitor Use these steps to install Epicor SQL Report Monitor. 1.

Go to the SSRS directory on the server where your Epicor application is installed. Example: C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\SSRS.


Copy the EpiSSRS.msi file to the server where your Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is located.

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Double-click on the EpiSSRS.msi file on the server where your Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is located.


On the Welcome dialog, click Next.


On the Select Installation Address dialog, enter the following: - Site. Enter the web location site to install Epicor SQL Report Monitor. The default is Default Web Site. - Virtual Directory. Enter the virtual directory. For example, EpiSSRSPortal. The virtual directory is created under inetpub/wwwroot, unless a specific path is specified. - Application Pool. From the drop-down list, select Classic .NET AppPool as the application pool. Click Next. The web location is created.


The Configuration utility opens to begin the SSRS configuration. On the Set up the Epicor SQL Report Monitor Service User Account dialog, select Local System Account or “This Account”. If you select This Account, you must define the user name, domain, and password. For example, create a user name such as Administrator. Click Next.


On the Configure the SQL Report Server dialog, enter the following information: - SSRS ReportServer site. This site was created when you installed Microsoft SQL Server with Reporting Services ennabled (SSRS). For example, enter a URL such as: http://localhost/reportserver. - User name. Enter a user name that has administrative rights. - Domain. Enter your domain identifier. For example, localhost. - Password. Enter a password and confirmation password for the user. - Click Next.


On the Enter the application server information dialog, enter the following: - Application Server URL. Enter the URL for the Epicor application. For example, AppServerDC://Epicor9servername:AppserverPortNumber. - User name. Enter a user name for logging into the Epicor application. - Password. Enter a password and confirmation password for the user. - Click Next.

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On the Enter the mail configuration information dialog, enter your company’s SMTP values. If you do not know your this information, use your Epicor application to open Company Configuration and review the System values. - SMTP server. Enter the name of the SMTP server. - SMTP port. Enter your port number. The port value is >0 and < 65536. - Email from. Enter the originating email address. Click Next.

10. To configure the Windows Service, you can accept the defaults, or enter your own values. The defaults include: - Concurrent agents. Specifies the number of agents allowed to run simultaneously. Default is 5. Value is > 0 and 0 and 0 and Working With > Multi-Site Technical Reference Guide topic. Note! You must install the SonicMQ application before you can run Consolidation processing. This application is required in order to pass data between multiple companies and databases.

K.1 Verify Multi-Site Management License Verify you have the Multi-Site Management license module codes for both companies participating in Multi-Company communication. If the companies reside on different databases, a separate serial number is required.

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K.2 Verify SonicMQ Broker Status Use the following steps to verify the DomainManager and SonicMQ Broker status. The DomainManager and SonicMQ Broker is a batch file that enables a TCP port to listen for messages being passed between two Epicor companies. The DomainManager and SonicMQ Broker must be running in order for two companies to communicate in a Multi-Company environment. The executable files used to start the SonicMQ Broker can be configured to start as a Windows service. Contact Support for the batch file required to set up the Windows service. Note! If needed, you can run SonicMQ 6.1 (with Vantage 8.03x) and SonicMQ 7.6 (with Epicor 9.05) on the same machine. To do so, contact Support for specific installation and configuration instructions. 1.

Select Start - Programs - Sonic Software - SonicMQ 7.6 - Start DomainManager.


Verify that the SonicMQ Broker is running. A successful startup of the DomainManager looks like the following:


Select Start - Programs - Sonic Software - SonicMQ 7.6 - Start .

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Verify that the SonicMQ Broker is running. A successful startup of the SonicMQ Broker looks like the following:

K.3 Configure an External System Record Use the following steps to configure an external system record. 1.

Verify the status of External System Maintenance. To do this, select System Management — External System Integration — Setup — External System Maintenance.


Search by clicking the External System button, and selecting the "Multi" record.


On the detail sheet, enter the information necessary for the Epicor application to know how to communicate with Sonic. The fields include: - Sonic LAN Hostname & Sonic WAN Hostname. Enter the Hostname or IP Address of the machine where the Sonic Container is running. If the value is left blank, the default "localhost" is used. - Sonic Security Enabled & Sonic Administrator Password. Use these fields if Sonic password security was enabled during installation. Select the Sonic Security Enabled checkbox and enter a Sonic Administrator Password. Note that the values in Sonic are case-sensitive. If the value is left blank, the default "Administrator" is used. - Sonic Session Port. Enter a value that corresponds to the port number of the Progress NameServer. This is used to find the SonicMQ Adapter, which is the software that Progress uses to communicate with Sonic. If the value is left blank, the default "5162" is used. If more than one version of Progress/ OpenEdge is installed on the server, one of the two installations must use a different port number.

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- Sonic Broker Port. Enter the value that corresponds to the port number of the SonicMQ Container. If the value is left blank, the default "2506" is used. - Sonic Listener Pause (sec). Enter the amount of time required for Progress to wait before it assumes Sonic has finished sending all incoming messages. If the value is left blank, the default "10" is used. - Sonic Communication Protocol. Enter the following values: - TCP - Transmission Control Protocol - this is the default value - SSL - Secure Socket Layer - HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTPS - Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol The External System record would look similar to the following:

K.4 Configure an External Company Record Use the following steps to configure an external company record. 1.

Configure an External Company record for each company that will commuicate with the current company. For example, if you have three companies in your multi-company setup, each company will have two external company records set up. In a two company multicompany setup, each company will have one external company record.


Open External Company Maintenance. To do this, select System Management — External System Integration — Setup — External Company Maintenance.


In the drop-down selection list at the top, select Multi-Company.


Search to see if any multi-company records already exist.

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If the record does not exist, enter in the external company ID with which you will be exchanging information. This isn’t the current company you are logged into. (You cannot enter the current company ID as an external company.)


Enter the applicable information into the external company record. The External Company record would look similar to the following:


Optionally, click on the available tabs and enter the following information: *

Connection. If you are connecting to a mult-company dashboard, enter connection options for the servers so that you are allowed to view information between companies.


External Plant. If you using consolidated purchasing, enter the external plant detail information.


External Warehouse. If you are using consolidated purchasing, enter the external warehouse detail information.


Multi-Company. If you are using onsolidated purchasing, multi-site GL journals, or AP allocations, enter the necessary information.


Save the record. Close the External Company Maintenance window.


Switch companies. To do this, select Options — Change Companies.

10. Select the other company that will be used in this Multi-Company configuration. 11. Go back into External Company Maintenance and set up an external company record for this company pointing to the original company.

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As a result, each of the two companies in this example have an external company record pointing to each other company in this Multi-Company setup.

K.5 Verify Your Startup Schedule Use the following step to verify if you have a Startup Schedule. 1.

Determine if a startup schedule has been created. To do this, select System Management — Utilities — System Agent.


Click on the Agent ID button.


Perform a search, and open the only record returned. Expand the tree on the left until you see a list of schedules. This may be blank. The screen should look similar to the following if you have a startup schedule already created. Notice the schedule type of StartUp.


If you do not have a startup schedule created, create one by selecting File — New — New Schedule.


Enter the Startup Task Schedule description and select StartUp as the Schedule Type.


Save the record. You now have a startup task schedule to which you can assign tasks, such as the Multi-Company Server process.

K.6 Schedule the Multi-Company Server Process Use the following steps to put the Multi-Company process on a Startup schedule: 1.

Select System Management — Utilities — Multi-Company Server Process. The screen should look similar to the following:

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Select Startup Task Schedule (the schedule that already existed, or the one just created) from the Schedule drop-down selection list.


Select Continuous and Recurring.


Click the Submit button in the toolbar. Now the process is submitted to run. If you look at your system monitor, the Scheduled Tasks tab would look similar to the following:

K.7 Start the Multi-Company Process The Multi-Company process is attached to a startup schedule so it will not run until the server starts. Use the following steps to mimic this server action, which will start and stop the process server and task agent in the Progress Explorer Tool for this database. 1.

Open the Progress Explorer Tool. Connect to the server, and go to AppServers. For example, if a database was named custdb15, then the process server could be custdb15ProcessServer, and the task agent could be custdb15TaskAgent.


Right-click on each entry and choose Stop, or press the Stop button at the top when the Appserver is selected. Your screen would look similar to the following:

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The task agent may take a minute to fully stop. To check to see if it stopped, rightclick on it and select Status. If you see the status screen, the process is still stopping. Once this screen goes away, the process has stopped.


Restart the processes after they have stopped. To do this, right-click on each one and click Start, or highlight the Appserver and press the Start button at the top.


After you have restarted both processes, check the task agent status to verify it is running. (Broker Status = Active, Active Server = 1 and Busy Server = 1.)


Return to the System Monitor. The Multi-Company Process instance that was scheduled appears in the Active Tasks tab. It will also still be in the Scheduled Tasks tab. When Multi-company functionality is running, your System Monitor should look similar to the following:

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K.8 Review Multi-Company Log File Use these steps to review the informative log file that is created during processing. The file is located by default in the working directory of the database, or wherever you specified during process scheduling. 1.

Open the log file. Activity in the log file will look similar to the following:


Notice the messages stating there was a "Sonic Session Failure". This message can be a result of any of the following: - SonicMQ Container not installed, configured or running properly - SonicMQ Adapter not installed, configured or running properly - SonicMQ Security installed, but password value is not entered correctly - Inability to reach SonicMQ Container using the hostname and/or port numbers provided After the issue is resolved, the session failure messages stop.

Note! In a Multi-Company environment, the Multi-Company Server Process needs to be running only once. In a Multi-Site environment, the process must be running for each database.

K.9 Test the Communication Use the following steps to test the Multi-Company environment is communicating properly. You need to create a Global Customer and verify that the customer is transmitted to the other companies. 1.

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Verify that the main (Epicor904) AppServer logging level is set to Verbose or Extended. This will also increase the logging level for the Multi-Company log.

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In one company (for example VN10T), create a new customer and select the Global checkbox. The Multi-Company Process transmits Customer and ShipTo records from that company and sends it to the other companies (for example VN20C and VN30C).


Save the record.


Review the MultiCompany.log file to verify that the record was sent to the Sonic Container. The log file could look similar to the following


If the outbound transmission is working properly, the Multi-Company log will include the message: "Processing Outbound Customer (VN10T/VN20C)".


If the inbound transmission is working properly, the Multi-Company log will include the message: "Processing Inbound Customer (VN20C)".

If the records are being sent and received, your Multi-Company functionality is configured and running.

K.10 Review Sonic Container Information Use the following steps to login to the Sonic Management Console, which provides an in-depth look into the Sonic Container. 1.

Open the Sonic Management Console. Enter your login information. The default information will work if the management console is opened from the server that is also running the Sonic Container. Click OK


Click on the Manage tab. Expand the tree on the left to the broker level.


Right-click on a subscription on the left and click Browse Local Subscriptions. Available message are displayed. Click on the Body tab to view the message contents in XML format.

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This same methodology for viewing contents in a sonic container apply for any Sonic application.

K.11 Review Validation Errors Use these steps to review the validation errors. Careful examination is required when sharing information between two companies. The companies may have different sets of codes, and intervention is needed during the transmission process. 1.

Review the log file for errors. With errors, your log file may look simlar to the following:


Notice that the Company record, Quote Markup, Allocation Priority, Tax Region, Customer Group, and FOB sent from company VN10T were invalid when the company arrived in company VN20C. On the ShipTo record, the Territory and Tax Region were invalid.


Find out why the records were invalid. Correct the issues.

K.12 Review Automatic Data Translations Use these steps to review the results of the automatic translation that runs during the inbound portion of the transmission process. The translation process compares the code sets of the two companies and synchronizes the data in order to save manual steps. 1.

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Review the translation data. Your data could look similar to the following:

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For example, if the Terms Code "NET30" exists in company VN10T, but the same code is "N30" in company VN20C, the inbound customer will fail validation. A translation should be set up in company VN20C on the external company record for VN10T with Source Value "NET30" and Target Value "N30". If company VN10T sends Customer records where the Terms Code is blank, and your system needs inbound Customer records to have the Terms Code default to "N30", create a record indicating the default value.

K.13 Review Integrated Workbench When a Validation Error occurs, manual intervention is required. Most of the functions within Multi-Company have a specially designed screen for handling these errors. Functions include Link Customer, Link Part, Link Vendor, Incoming Intercompany PO Suggestions, and Add Intercompany Receipt. 1.

If you are unable to fix a validation error using one of these screens, use the Integrated Table Workbench to access the record. Your workbench could look similar to the following:


Modify the required values.

K.14 Review Multi-Company Functionality Use the following programs to review Multi-Company functionality.

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Global Table. Using Global Part, Global Customer, and Global Supplier functionality, a child company has the ability to control which fields they want to be maintained by the Global Parent company. This can be controlled for all external companies or can be maintained separately for each external company


Global Part. Use the Link Part tab in Part Maintenance.


Global Customer. From the Actions menu within Customer Maintenance, select the Link Customer option.


Global Supplier. From the Actions menu within Supplier Maintenance, select the Link Supplier option.


Inter-Company Trading. Use the Incoming Intercompany PO Suggestions options from the Main Menu or the Incoming Linked PO Suggestions in Customer Maintenance.


Global BAQ. Global BAQs are visible within Business Activity Query.


Consolidated Purchasing. Consolidated Purchase Orders are handled using the normal functionality in Purchase Order Entry, Receipt Entry, and AP Invoice Entry.

Appendix L: Review Configuration File Settings Use this appendix as a reference when modifying the configuration file settings in the default.mfgsys file. The mfgsys file defines the main settings for server installation and each client installation. If the .exe file can see the default.mfgsys file, the application is ready to run. The configuration file is an XML file that contains syntax understood by the application. System Administrators use it to control various installations. Note! You can also create a different configuration file and then have each workstation launch with this alternate file. You can then keep the original file while you experiment with different configurations. Create the alternate configuration, and then define the /CONFIG run time argument on each workstation. . Configuration File (*.mfgsys) Tags XML Tag

Purpose and Expected Value

Application Settings

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Configuration File (*.mfgsys) Tags XML Tag AppServerURL

Purpose and Expected Value The address of the appserver where the client connects protocol:/ /server:port; it uses the form value "AppServerDC:// servername:port" Protocol: AppServerDC by default, or else AppServer for load balancing. Server: Host name of the machine that runs AppServer. Port: The port of the broker that runs the software. Default is 8301. Also, AppServer accepts strings and numbers, but the port value only accepts numbers.

CultureCode value

The ISO language code for the software installation. This will be the language used on the overall system or the specific client machine. For example "enu" (English language)


A path name to the resource file. This file contains images and other resources that can be changed by partners for branding purposes; for example "C:\mfgsys\client\res\MfgBaseImages.resources"


The path and XML file that defines the users’ default settings for the toolbar functionality. For example, ".\res\ToolbarSettings.xml"

ProductID value

The product identifier; for example "Epicor"

Version value

The current release and patch number for the application; for example "9.05.500"


Whether multiple concurrent sessions are allowed on the workstation. The choices are true or false (the default).


The SMTP server that will be used to send e-mail.

ProductBrandText value

The text that appears with the desktop icon

ProductBrandIcon value

The icon for the application that appears on the desktop

ProductLogonImage value

The bitmap file that is double-clicked to log into the system


The splash screen image when you first log in

HelpAboutImage value

The bitmap file for the Help About window

User Settings UserID value

The user ID for auto-login; for example, "BobJones"

Password value

The password for auto-login; for example, "BobJ"

Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide: Windows MSSQL Database Version 9.05.600

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Optional Installations and Configurations

Configuration File (*.mfgsys) Tags XML Tag

Purpose and Expected Value

DataCollectionUser value

Defines whether or not this user is a data collection user; these users only have access to Data Collection functionality. Only two values can be used - "true" or "false"

StartSystemMonitor value

Defines whether or not the System Monitor will start when the application is launched. Only two values can be used - "true" or "false"

LastLoginID value

The most recent login identifier that was used to access the application; for example "BobJones"

LoginDefault value

The login default setting that defines what appears in the User Name field. Four values are possible: "Last" - Displays the last user ID that was used "List" - Displays a list of all the recently entered user identifiers "Windows" - Displays the same user ID used to log onto Windows on this client machine "None" - No default value; the User Name field will be blank

FormOpenMode value

The mode by which each form within the application will launch. Three values are possible: "AutoSearch" - Each form automatically displays its search program. For example, the Sales Order Entry program will automatically launch with its Sales Order Search program ready for input "AutoPopulate" - Each form automatically displays data from the first record linked to the form "Blank" - Each form loads without a special mode; all the fields are empty


The area on your screen where all Search forms will appear by default: "top" - All Search forms will automatically display in the top center of your screen "center" - All Search forms will automatically display in the middle of your screen

SingleSignOn value

The choices are true or false (the default). A value of true means that single sign-on logic should be used. No prompt for user ID and password, should appear, but instead the user ID of the current Windows user should be used.

Deployment Settings DeploymentServer

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The URI of the deployment directory on the deployment server.

Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

: Windows MSSQL Database Version 9.05.600

Optional Installations and Configurations

Configuration File (*.mfgsys) Tags XML Tag

Purpose and Expected Value

deploymentType value

The method the deployment system uses to deploy client assemblies. The only accepted values are xcopy (the default) and zip (which copies a named zip file locally and then unzips).

deploymentPackage value

If the deploymentType is of type zip, the name of the zip file. The default is ReleaseClient.zip.

optimizeAssemblies value

The choices are true or false. A setting of true requires the user to have admin rights on the machine.


If deploymentType is set to xcopy, this setting determines whether the xcopy runs and does a date comparison with the /D switch, or downloads all files regardless of date. The choices are true (the default) or false. If it is set to false, then xcopy copies all files regardless of modification date.

Help Settings HelpServerURL

The path name that is used to point the client machine to the help files. If you want to link the help files to a central server instead of individually on each client, enter the path to the help files location on the server.

Epicor on the Web CustomerCenter product

The product and URL used when the user accesses the Customer Center; for example "Epicor" followed by the URL href = "https://epicweb.epicor.com/SupportVantage/default.aspx”

OnlineSupport product

The product and URL used when the user accesses online (ePortal) support; for example "Epicor" followed by the URL href = "https://eportal.epicor.com"

Appendix M: Uninstall Options Use these instructions if you need to uninstall the Epicor Application, if needed. 1.


Select Start — Programs — OpenEdge 10.2A — Progress Explorer Tool. Use the Progress Explorer Tool to stop the following functions in order: *

Stop the Appservers.


Stop the databases.

Delete the databases: *

For SQL: Use SQL Management Studio to manually delete the SQL databases.


For Progress: Browse to the database folder and manually delete the database

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Optional Installations and Configurations

files that are located in the database subfolders. For example, go to C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905\DB. 3.

Remove the Epicor 9.05 application. To do so: *

Insert your Epicor 9.05 DVD in the workstation's DVD-ROM drive (D:\). The autorun feature should launch the Epicor 9.05 Installation program. If not, choose Start — Run and enter the command: D:\ setup.exe.


The Welcome dialog box appears. Click Next.


The Check Customer Center on the Web option appears. Click Next.


The Select the Software to Install window appears. Select the Install Epicor 9.05 Server option. Click Next.


Select which Server platform option you want to uninstall: - Progress OpenEdge 32 bit on Windows - SQL 32 bit on Windows - SQL Unicode 32 bit on Windows


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The installation goes into Repair Mode. Choose Uninstall. Click Next.


To confirm the uninstall, click Next.

The uninstall process does not delete files that were added or updated since the initial installation. To complete the uninstall process, go to the location where you initially installed the Epicor application. For example, go to C:\Program Files\Epicor Software\Epicor905. Manually delete any existing files and folders.

Epicor 9.05 Installation Guide

: Windows MSSQL Database Version 9.05.600

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