{Location, Date} To: To: [Name and address of Client]
Dear Sir: We, the undersigned, submit !"ression of interest #$%& for [%nsert title of assignment] in accordance 'ith (our notification dated [%nsert Date]) Date]) {%f the Consultant is a *oint +enture, insert the follo'ing: We are submitting $% in as a *oint +enture 'ith: {%nsert a list 'ith full name and the legal address of each member, and indicate the lead member}) We ha+e attached a co"( {insert: of our letter of intent to form a *oint +enture- or, if a ./ is alread( formed, of the ./ agreement-} signed b( e+er( "artici"ating member, 'hich details the li0el( legal structure of and the confirmation of *oint and se+erable liabilit( of the members of the said *oint +enture) We understand that if our firm is shortlisted and in+ited for submission of the 1ro"osal, 'e are not "ermitted to transfer the in+itation to an( other firm, such as our "arent com"anies, subsidiaries and affiliates) We understand that the Client 'ill re*ect a 1ro"osal if the Consultant dro"s a ./ member 'ithout the Client2s "rior consent) We understand that the Client is not bound to acce"t an( 1ro"osal that the Client recei+es) We remain, 3ours 3ours sincerel(, sin cerel(, 4uthori5ed Signature {%n full and initials}: Name and Title of Signator(: Signator(: Name of Consultant #com"an(2s name or ./2s name&: name&: %n the ca"acit( of: 4ddress: Contact information #"hone and e6mail&:
{For a joint venture, either all members shall sign or only the lead member, in which case the power of attorney to sign on behalf of all members shall be attached}
FORMAT Expression of Interest (EOI) Consulting Firm Project Name
Consulting Firm Information
Consultant Name:
EOI Submission Authoried by:
Power of Attorney: (if applicable) "!lease upload the document, if re#uired$ Year of Incorporation / Establishment:
No of !ermanent %mployees:
"&pload 'rganiation structure$ Annual Turnoer: "(uring past five years$ )ear
*urnover in +s Crores
- . / 0 1
!oint "enture# if applica$le
Acrony m
$oint %enture ($%)
EOI Submission Authori&e' y
(escribe the proposed management and coordination approach of the association and the role of each firm
Assignment %pecific &ualifications an' Experience
Tecnical Competence
2ighlight the technical #ualifications of your entity3consortium in underta4ing similar assignments !rovide details of past e5periences wor4ing with similar project authorities
Project References
!lease select most relevant projects to demonstrate the firm6s technical #ualifications "ma5imum -7 projects$
S ! . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
!roject 8ummary "for each assignment specific projects$ 8l No !roject *itle 9ocation 8tart (ate Completion (ate Continuous 3 ntermittent Client Funding 8ource
7escription #erti8cate of Incorporation of the lea' member / Sin9le Entity #erti8cate of Incorporation of the $% member (for each member) *etter of Association Power of Attorney 7ocuments supportin9 annual turnoer for past years Or9ani&ation Structure *ist of Permanent Employees Eperience certi8cates from the #lients / Employers con8rmin9 the assi9nment relate' eperience Other 'ocuments 'eeme' 8t
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