Enzyme Kinetics

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ENZYME KINETICS By: Engr. Vera Marie L. Lanaria ChE Department CIT Universit University y


Kinetics of Enzyme Reactions deals with the rate of enzyme reaction and how it is affected by various chemical and physical conditions  it provides information about the basic mechanism of the enzyme reaction and other parameters that characterize the properties of the enzyme  rate equations can be applied in calculating reaction time, yields, & optimum economic 

conditions needed in designing bioreactors


S – be the substrate (reactant) Let S – E – be the enzyme P – be the product  A simple reaction reaction would would be: S + E → P  P 

Rate can be expressed in terms of: ofr reaction = vs = - dS/dt or:

vp = dP/dt


Victor Henri (1902, a French physical chemist) proposed a quantitative theory of  enzyme kinetics and formulated the rate equation: v = vmax S KM + S In 1913, Leonor Michaelis (German biochemist) and Maud Menten (Canadian physician) continued continued the work of Henri in which later on it becomes the MichaelisMenten model




Michaelis-Menten Model


Lock-and-Key Model (Emil Fischer  – 1894) 1894)  


Induced-fit Model (Daniel Koshland – 1958) 1958)  


Derivation of Reaction Rate Equation

 Assumptions:  Assumptio ns: 

The total during enzyme concentration constant reaction, that is, stays CEo = CES + CE  The amount anamount enzyme very small compared to of the ofissubstrate; so the formation of enzyme-substrate complex does not significantly deplete the substrate.


 The

product concentration is so low that product inhibition may be considered negligible.


Linear Forms of Michaelis  

Menten Equation

Langmuir plot (or Hanes Woolf plot) Lineweaver-Burk plot Lineweaver-Burk Eadie-Hofstee plot


Langmuir Plot


Lineweaver-Burk Plot


Eadie-Hofstee Plot


Sample Problem: From a series of batch runs with a constant enzyme concentrations, the following initial rate data were obtained as a function of  initial substrate concentration. concentration. (Refer to the next slide for the data.) Evaluate the Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameters by employing the 3 linear forms or plots. In evaluating the parameters do not include data points which deviate systematically from the Michaelis-Menten model.


  S (mmol/L) 1


v (mmo/L-min) 0.20




3 5


0.30 0.45














Solution: Examination of the data reveals that as the substrate concentration concentration (S) increased up to 10 mmo/L, the rate increased. However, the further increases the S to 15This mmol/L, the initial reaction rateindecreased. behavior  may be due to substrate or product inhibition. Since the Michaelis-Menten does not incorporate the inhibitionequation effects, thus these two data points will be included.



   ) 0.50   n   i   m0.40   L    /   l   o0.30   m0.20   m    (   v0.10 0.00 0




S (mmo/L (mm o/L))




y = 1.5866x + 4.6417

Langmuir Plot

R2 = 0.9497 25    ) 20

15    i   n   m    (   v 10    /    S 5 0 0




S (mmol/L





From the line equation: y = 1.5866x + 4.6417 slope = 1/vmax = 1.5866 vmax = 1/1.5866 vmax = 0.63 min-1  y-intercept = KM/vmax = 4.6417 KM = (4.6417)(0.63) KM = 2.92 mmol/Lmin2 


y = 3.4575x + 1.945

Lineweaver-Burk LineweaverBurk Plot

R2 = 0.8463 6   v 4    /    1

2 0 0









From the line equation: y = 3.4575x + 1.945 y-intercept = 1/vmax = 1.945 vmax = 1/1.945 vmax = 0.514 min-1  slope = KM/vmax = 3.4575 KM = 3.4575(0.514) KM = 1.78  1.78 mmol/Lmin2


Eadie-Hofstee Eadie-Hofst ee Plot

y = -1.8923x + 0.5386 2

R = 0.6618

0.60 0.50 0.40    V0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0








From the line equation: y = -1.8923x + 0.5386 y-intercept = vmax = 0.5386 vmax ≈ 0.54 min-1 

slope = -KM = -1.8923 KM = 1.8923 KM  ≈ 1.89  1.89 mmol/Lmin2


Enzyme Reactor with Simple Kinetic

Bioreactor  –  – is a device/equipment within which biochemical transformation are caused by the action of enzyme or living cells Classifications Classificatio ns of bioreactor: 1) Batch 2) Steady-State Plug-Flow Reactor (PFR) 3) Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor (CSTR)


Batch Reactor 

is normally equipped with agitator 

pH is maintained by using either a buffer  solution or a pH controller 

an ideal batch reactor is assumed to be well mixed so thatatthe are uniform in composition all contents times


Reaction Mechanism: - dS = vmax S dt KM + S rearranging & integrating:

 -(KM+S).dS/S =  vmax.dt passing the limits: limits: at t=0 ; S = So  at t=t ; S = S - KM ln(S/So) – (S (S –  – So) = vmaxt KM ln(So/S) + (So –  – S) = vmaxt


PFR Reactor (or Tubularflow Enzyme Reactor) 

the substrate enters one end of a cylindrical tube which is packed with immobilized enzyme and the product stream leaves at the other end

properties of flowing stream will vary in both longitudinal and radial directions since there is no agitator used


since the variation in the radial direction is small compared to that in the longitudinal direction, it’s called plug-flow reactor   if PFR is operated at steady-state, the properties will be constant with respect to time equation in batch reactor can be applied to an ideal steady-state PFR, however, the time, t, should residence time,be   replaced with the So –  – S = -KM + vmax  . ln(So/S)




is an ideal reactor which is based on the assumption that the reactor contents are well mixed

continuous operation can increase the productivity significantly by eliminating the downtime

easy to automate


substrate balance can be set up as follows: Input - Output + Generation = Acc. F(So) - F(S) + r sV = V(dS/dt) where: F = flow rate V = volume of the reactor  r s = rate of substrate consumption

but steady-state the concentration offor substrate shouldCSTR, be constant, thus dS/dt = 0


and if Michaelis-Menten equation can be used for the rate of substrate consumption, then the equation can be arranged as: F = D = 1/ =

vmax S


V (So –  – S)(KM + S) where: D = is known as dilution rate (Note: It’s common in biochemic biochemical al reaction to use the term dilution rate, than the term residence time.) S = -K + (v M

S)(S  –  – S) max



Inhibition of Enzyme Reaction Inhibitor  –  – can decrease the rate of reaction either competitively, non-competitively, partially competitively, or mixed  mixed 


Other Factors that influences Enzyme Activity   temperature 

 pH  effect of shear 

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