ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRO NMENTAL LAW (Semester (Semes ter VII) Course Outline Objective: Environmental problems have attained alarming proportions The objective of this paper is to acquaint the students with the environmental issues and the measures taken for its protection along with the norms prevailing at international and national level.
Mo!ule " I Intro!uction to Environment#l L#$s
a) b) c) d)
Environmenta Environmentall Protection: Protection: Issues Issues and Problem Problemss International and ational Efforts for Environmental Protection !onsti !onstitut tution ion of India India and and Environ Environment ment Environmenta Environmentall Polic" Polic" #esolut #esolution$ ion$ %bjects %bjects and and &chemes &chemes
Mo!ule " II %u!ici#l Reme!ies #n! &roce!ures a) 'aw of Tort ort and and Envi Environ ronmen mentt b) 'aw of !rimes and Environment c) Public Public Interest Interest 'itigation 'itigation and Environm Environmental ental Protection Protection d) The The (hop (hopal al as as 'eak 'eak !as !asee e) ati ationa onall ree reen n Trib Tribuna unall
Mo!ule " III Sust#in#ble 'eveloment #n! #sic Environment#l &rinciles
a) b) c) d) e) f) g)
!onc !oncep eptt and and &cop &copee Precautionar" Principle Poll Pollut uter er Pa" Pa"ss Prin Princi ciple ple Interg Intergener enerati ationa onall Equit" Equit" Intr Intrage agener nerat atio iona nall Equi Equit" t" Publ Public ic Trus Trustt *oct *octri rine ne Public Public Participat Participation ion in in Environment Environmental al *ecision *ecision +aking
Mo!ule " IV Intern#tion#l Concern *or Environment &rotection a) &tockh &tockholm olm *eclar *eclarati ation on of ,-/ ,-/ b) Earth &ummit: The #io0*eclaration on Environment and *evelopment$ ,--/ c) 1 2ramew 2ramework ork !onven !onventio tion n on !limate !limate !hange !hange$$ ,--/ d) !onvention !onvention on (iological (iological *iversit" *iversit"$$ ,--/
e) !artagena Protocol on (iosafet"$ /333 f) ago"a Protocol on 4ccess and (enefit &haring$ /3,3 g) 5"oto Protocol ,-- 0!lean *evelopment +echanism 0!arbon !redits h) i) j) k)
4arhus !onvention$ ,--6 7orld &ummit on &ustainable *evelopment$ /33/ 1nited ations !onference on &ustainable *evelopment 81!&*)$ #io /3,/ 8#io9/3) 1nited ations !onference on !limate !hange$ Paris /3,
Mo!ule " V T+e W#ter (&revention #n! Control o* &ollution) Act, -./0 8a) &alient 2eatures of the 4ct 8b) Pollution !ontrol (oards and their 2unctions 8c) +echanism to !ontrol the Pollution with reference to &ling$ !onsent +echanism and Power to give directions 8d) Procedure and Penalties
Mo!ule " VI T+e Air (&revention #n! Control o* &ollution) Act, -.18a) &alient 2eatures of the 4ct 8b) Pollution !ontrol (oards and their 2unctions 8c) +echanism to !ontrol the Pollution with reference to &ling$ !onsent +echanism and Power to give directions
8d) Procedure and Penalties
Mo!ule " VII T+e Environment &rotection Act, -.12 8a) &alient 2eatures of the 4ct 8b) *efinitions 8c) !entral overnment;s powers to take environmental measures. 8d) +echanism to !ontrol the Pollution 8e) Procedure and Penalties 8f) Environmental Impact 4ssessment 8g) #egulation of
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