Enunciados Problemas 1516 Pepcan v01
February 23, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Ofpcrtcgfnth of @nifn`frçc of R`stfgcs y Cuthgãt`bc
JVNOCGFN_HR Bursh ;=36-3:. OF CV_HGÃ_@BC Fnunb`cohs of prãbt`bcs of cudc y prhkdfgcs co`b`hncdfs. Fnunb`cohs of fxãgfnfs.
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
Fefgpdh Fef gpdh s of gh ghofdcoh. ofdcoh.
3. 3. Cdturc of dçqu`oh bhntfn`oh fn un ofpòs`th. Fd s`stfgc of dc j`iurc fs un ofpòs`th of cdgcbfncg`fnth of dçqu`oh, quf rfb`kf jdu`oh, of ofns`oco bhnstcntf, phr dc pcrtf supfr`hr y dh fxtrcf gfo`cntf unc bhnoubb`òn gãs unc vãdvudc s`tucoc fn su kcsf. Zcr`ckdfs Zc r`ckdfs ofd g ghofdh5 hofdh5
Z vhdugfn dçqu`oh fd ofpòs`th g gcsc of of dçqu`oh fn fn fd ofpòs`th o fns`oco (quf sf bhns`ofrc bhnstcn bhnstcntf) tf) J bcuocd vhdugàtr`bh of scd`oc q bcuocd vhdugàtr`b vhdugàtr`bh h of fntrcoc u cpfrturc of dc vãdvudc of scd`oc a cdturc of dçqu`oh fn fd ofpòs`th ]crãgftrhs ]c rãgftrhs ofd ghofdh5 ghofdh5 C sfbb`òn ofd tcnquf (sf bhns`ofrc of sfbb`òn btf) l pcrãgftrh of dc vãdvudc ]r`nb`p`hs jçs`bhs5 jçs`bhs5 Bhnsfrvcb`òn of dc gcsc Fbucb`òn of Kfrnu`dd` cpd`bcoc c unc bhnoubb`òn + vãdvudc s`n pàro`ocs.
;. R`stfgc Fdfbtrhgfbãn`bh. Bhntrhd of phs`b`òn fn dczh ck`frth of unc gcsc c pcrt`r of dc tfns`òn of cd`gfntcb`òn u(t). Dc jufrzc J (t) (t) ifnfrcoc phr fd shdfnh`of fs prhphrb`hncd c dc `ntfns`oco quf b`rbudc phr dc khk`nc.
2. unc rfs`stfnb`c (Ofpòs`th bhn bhntrhddcof tfgpfrcturc). Fd _cnquf s`stfgc bhn of dc j`iurc t`fnf phr hkefth gcntfnfr tfgpfrcturc _ ofd ciuc bhntfn`oc (y quf scdf) fn fd ofpòs`th, uscnoh pcrc fddh un s`stfgc of bcdfjcbb`òn fdàbtr`bc (sf gcn`pudc dc tfns`òn of cd`gfntcb`òn Z). Cd ofpòs`th df ddfic un bcuocd of dçqu`oh dçqu`oh vcr`ckdf, q, c unc tfgpfrcturc bhns bhnstcntf tcntf _`. Fnbufntrf fd ghofdh gctfgãt`bh quf rfdcb`hnc fd bcuocd q(t) y fd vhdtcef Z(t) bhn dc tfgpfrcturc fn fd ofpòs`th _(t).
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
?. ?. A cddcr fd ghofdh gctfgãt`bh ofd s`stfgc of dc j`iurc bhns`ofrcnoh bhgh scd`oc dc phs`b`òn ofd fef of dc gfsc gfsc i`rcthr`c y fntrcoc dc tfns`òn o of f cd`gfntcb`òn
6. 6. F xcgfn fxtrchro`ncr`h 33-3; (prhkdfgc, cpcrtcoh 3) Vn surt`ohr of icshd`nc pufof ghofdcrsf gfo`cntf dc fbucb`òn ;
oS (t )
u(t ) ?S ; (t ) S(t ) ,
ohnof S(t) fs fd bcuocd of icshd`nc quf oc fd surt`ohr (d`trhs/sfiunoh) y u(t) fs dc tfns`òn of fntrcoc cd ghthr of dc khgkc ofd surt`ohr (vhdt`hs), quf sf pufof gcn`pudcr c vhduntco. D`nfcd`zcr fsc fbucb`òn s` fd punth of trckceh fdfi`oh fs of S7=. d`trhs/sfiunoh. :. :. Fxcgfn hro`ncr`h 33-3; (prhkdfgc, cpcrtcohs 3 y ;) Rfc un prhbfsh of bcdfntcg`fnth of un jdu`oh. Fd jdu`oh ddfic cd o`sphs`t`vh bcdfjcbthr c unc tfgpfrcturc _` (µB), quf pufof vcr`cr bhn fd t`fgph, t` fgph, y ofspuàs ofd prhbfsh of bcdfntcg`fnth scdf bhn unc tfgpfrcturc _ (µB). (µ B). Rf o`sphnf of unc vãdvudc of rfiudcb`òn quf pufof gho`j`bcr fd bcuocd of dçqu`oh (q) quf b`rbudc phr fd o`sphs`t`vh bcdfjcbthr. Rf ofnhg`nc u (%) c dc cpfrturc of o`bac vãdvudc. Fd ghofdh gctfgãt`bh quf pfrg`tf bcdbudcr dc fvhdub`òn of dc tfgpfrcturc of scd`oc ofd jdu`oh fn junb`òn of dc tfgpfrcturc of fntrcoc y of dc cpfrturc of dc vãdvudc of rfiudcb`òn fs5 2
o_ (t ) ot
:_ (t ) 1.1u ; (t ) ;_ ` (t )
Bucnoh fd s`stfgc fstã fn fstcoh fstcb`hncr`h y dc tfgpfrcturc of fntrcoc fs of 3= µB, dc of scd`oc fs of ?=µB. Rf p`of5 3) @ofnt`j`bc dcs vcr`ckdf vcr`ckdfss ofd prhkdfgc, buc bucdd fs dc fntrcoc, buc bucdd fs dc scd`oc y buãd fs dc pfrturkcb`òn. ;) Bhn dc fbucb fbucb`òn `òn o`jfrfnb`cd ococ c cntfr`hrgfntf ntfr`hrgfntf bcdbudc dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrf trcnsjfrfnb`c nb`c of dc scd`oc rfspfbth of dc fntrcoc y dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c of dc scd`oc rfspfbth of dc pfrturkcb`òn. O`kuec fd o`circgc of kdhqufs ofd s`stfgc bhns`ofrcoh bhn sus junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c.
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
9. 9. D `nfcd`zcr fd s`stfgc rfprfsfntcoh r fprfsfntcoh phr dcs fbucb`hnfs5
o ; x ot ; y
6 oy ot
ox ot
u u ; y
6 x u
Fn thrnh cd punth u= 73 73, bhns`ofrcnoh thocs dcs ofr`vcocs nudcs fn fstf punth. 1. D`nfcd`zcr dc s`iu`fntf fbucb`òn fn thrnh cd punth x =73 y suphn`fnoh ofr`vcocs nudcs. R` x pcsc krusbcgfntf c vcdfr 3.6, bhgpcrcr dc o`jfrfnb`c fntrf fd ghofdh d`nfcd y fd rfcd ofd vcdhr 3 j`ncd of dc scd`oc. x y ; y x sfn( y ) bhs xsfn :
0. 0. _ cnquf bhn s`stfgc of bcdfjcbb`òn (fbucb`hnfs v`stcs fn ghofdcoh)
Fn fd tfgc of ghofdcoh sf ac hktfn`oh bhgh fbucb`òn Z o
o _ (t ) o t
q(t )¹ )¹((_ ` _ (t ))
Z (t )
¹bf¹ [
Ruphn`fnoh quf _`7;=µB, [73==K, q=7 ;=, Z=73;=, 73, Bf73, a73, C7; Bcdbudcr fd punth of d`nfcd`zcb`òn Ghofdh d`nfcd. [fprfsfntcb`òn fn fspcb`h of fstcohs (hpb`hncd). 3=. ]crc fd s`stfgc fdfbtrhgfbãn`bh of dc j`iurc buyh ghofdh (d`nfcd) yc sf ac fstuo`coh, 3=. hktfnfr su rfprfsfntcb`òn fn fspcb`h of fstcohs (hpb`hncd). u(t ) [¹`3 (t ) Z b (t ) oZ b (t ) 3 `3 (t ) `; (t ) ot B o` Z b (t ) D¹ ; (t ) ot g¹
o ; x(t ) ;
J (t ) L ¹ x (t ) k¹
ot J ( t ) ¹`; ( t )
ox(t ) ot
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
_rcnsjh _rc nsjh rgcoc of Dcpdcbf. J Junb` unb` òn of _rcnsjfrf _rcnsjfrfnb`c. nb`c. O`c O`circgcs ircgcs of k kdhqu dhqu fs.
33. Fxcgfn fxtrchro`ncr`h 33 33-3; -3; (Cpcrtcoh 3). Rf bhnstruyf un s`stfgc of bhntrhd pcrc rfiudcr fd vhdugfn of icshd`nc sug`n`strcoc, Z(t). ]crc fddh sf pdcntfc fd s`stfgc of bhntrhd of dc j`iurc. Fn o`bah fsqufgc fd vhdugfn of d`trhs ofsfcohs fs Zrfj . Rf sckf quf dc rfdcb`òn fntrf fd vhdugfn y fd bcuocd of icshd`nc sug`n`strcoh phr fd surt`ohr oZ (t ) v`fnf ocoh phr dc s`iu`fntf fbucb`òn o`jfrfnb`cd ot S (t ) . Fdfi`oh fd punth of trckceh S7=. d`trhs/sfiunoh, bcdbudf dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c quf rfdcb`hnc fd vhdugfn of icshd`nc sug`n`strcoh phr fd surt`ohr bhn dc tfns`òn of cd`gfntcb`òn of dc khgkc ofd surt`ohr (I(s) fn dc j`iurc).
3;. Fxcgfn hro`ncr`h 33-3; (prhkdfgc, cpcrtcohs 3 y ;) Rfc un prhbfsh of bcdfntcg`fnth of un jdu`oh. Fd jdu`oh ddfic cd o`sphs`t`vh bcdfjcbthr c unc tfgpfrcturc _` (µB), quf pufof vcr`cr bhn fd t` t`fgph, fgph, y ofspuàs ofd prhbfsh of bcdfntcg`fnth scdf bhn unc tfgpfrcturc _ (µB). (µ B). Rf o`sphnf of unc vãdvudc of rfiudcb`òn quf pufof gho`j`bcr fd bcuocd of dçqu`oh (q) quf b`rbudc phr fd o`sphs`t`vh bcdfjcbthr. Rf ofnhg`nc u (%) c dc cpfrturc of o`bac vãdvudc. Fd ghofdh gctfgãt`bh quf pfrg`tf bcdbudcr dc fvhdub`òn of dc tfgpfrcturc of scd`oc ofd jdu`oh fn junb`òn of dc tfgpfrcturc of fntrcoc y of dc cpfrturc of dc vãdvudc of rfiudcb`òn fs5 2
o_ (t ) ot
: _ (t ) 1.1u ; (t ) ;_ ` (t ) . Bucnoh fd s`stfgc fstã fn fstcoh fstcb`hncr`h y dc
tfgpfrcturc of fntrcoc fs of 3= µB, dc of scd`oc fs of ?=µB. Rf p`of5 3) @ofnt`j`bc dcs vcr`ckdf vcr`ckdfs s ofd prhkdfgc, buc bucdd fs dc fntrcoc, bu bucd cd fs dc scd`oc y buãd fs dc pfrturkcb`òn. ;) Bhn dc fbucb fbucb`òn `òn o`jfrfnb`cd ococ cntfr`hrgfntf bcdbudc dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrf trcnsjfrfnb`c nb`c of dc scd`oc rfspfbth of dc fntrcoc y dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c of dc scd`oc rfspfbth of dc pfrturkcb`òn. O`kuec fd o`circgc of kdhqufs ofd s`stfgc bhns`ofrcoh bhn sus junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c. ;
o x 6 ox u u ; y ; ; ot ot oy ; 6 x u y ot Fn thrnh cd punth u= 73, 73, bhns`ofrcnoh thocs dcs ofr`vcocs nudcs fn fstf punth (yc v`sth). Suà vcdhrfs sf hkt`fnfn s` u pcsc c vcdfr 3.3 (bhgpcrcr rfsudtcohs ofd ghofdh d`nfcd bhn fd nh d`nfcd)
32. D`nfcd`zcr fd s`stfgc rfprfsfntcoh phr dcs fbucb`hnfs5
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
3?. Fxcgfn hro`ncr`h 3;-32 (bufst`òn 3) Ocoh fd o`circgc of kdhqufs of dc j`iurc5 Rf p`of5 c) Fxprfscrdh fn dc jhrgc
; s k) R`5 A 3 s ;, A ; s 3, I3 s 3, I
2s ? s 3
, I2 s 2, I? s
3 s
bcdbudcr I(s), A(s) y Dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh bfrrcoh b) Bhns`ofrcnoh dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh bfrrcoh ofd cpcrtcoh k), ¸Buãd sfrçc fd t`fgph of fstckdfb`g`fnth s` sf cpd`bcsf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn un`tcr`h cd s`stfgc8, ¸Acy shkrfp`bh8 36. Fxcgfn hro`ncr`h 3;-32 (bufst`òn 2) Fd prhbfsh of dc j`iurc rfprfsfntc un ahrnh of bcdfntcg`fnth of un gctfr`cd, quf fntrc c tfgpfrcturc _` y ofkf scd`r c tfgpfrcturc _. Fn fd ahrnh sf pufof gcn`pudcr fd jdueh J of fdfgfnth bcdfjcbthr pcrc acbfr quf dc tfgpfrcturc j`ncd _ ofd gctfr`cd cdbcnbf dhs vcdhrfs ofsfcohs. Rf sckf quf dc rfdcb`òn fntrf dc tfgpfrcturc _, dc tfgpfrcturc of fntrcoc ofd gctfr`cd _` y fd jdueh J v`fnf ococ phr5 o_ 6 2J ;_ ; 2J_ _ ` ot bhn _ y _` fn µB, J fn Li/g`n y fd t`fgph fn g`nuths, y quf bucnoh fd s`stfgc fstã fn fstcoh fstcb`hncr`h c ?=µB dc tfgpfrcturc of fntrcoc fs of 3=µB. Hktfnfr ddc c junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c ofd s`stfgc fn fsf punth of trckceh, y o`kuecr fd o`circgc of kdhqufs, `ofnt`j`bcnoh dc vcr`ckdf of fntrcoc, dc vcr`ckdf of scd`oc y dc pfrturkcb`òn. 3:. Fxcgfn fxtrchro`ncr`h 3;-32 (bufst`òn ;) Rfc un s`stfgc bhgh fd of dc j`iurc, ohnof5 ;= V(s ) V(s) B(s) B(s ) I s ; ; s 9 s 3; s ;s ; I Rf cpd`bc bhgh fntrcoc unc rcgpc un`tcr`c. Rf p`of5 c) Hktfnfr dc ofsbhgphs`b`òn fn jrcbb`hnfs s`gpdfs of dc scd`oc ofd s`stfgc, sfócdcnoh y eust`j`bcnoh quà tàrg`nhs bhrrfsphnofn c dc rfspufstc trcns`thr`c y bucdfs c dc pfrgcnfntf. (Bhgfntcr`h5 nh fs nfbfscr`h acbfr dhs bãdbudhs nugàr`bhs) k) R` fd nugfrcohr of I(s) jufrc 6=, ¸sf vfrçc cjfbtcoh fd ofscrrhddh of cdiunc jhrgc8
39. ]crc fd ghthr of BB of dc j`iurc acddcr dc J of _rcnsjfrfnb`c y fd o`circgc of kdhqufs. Fntrcoc f` (t ) t fns`òn cpd`bcoc. Rcd`oc g (t ) phs`b`òn ofd rhthr. ;
o g (t ) ;
L _ @ (t ) K¹
f` (t ) [@ (t ) D o@ (t ) ot
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
o g (t ) ot
l k ¹ o g (t ) ot
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
31. _ 31. cnquf bhn s`stfgc of bcdfntcg`fnth (fbucb`hnfs v`stcs fn ghofdcoh) Fn fd tfgc of ghofdcoh sf ac hktfn`oh bhgh fbucb`òn5 Z o
o _ (t ) o t
q(t )¹ )¹((_ ` _ (t ))
Z (t );
¹bf¹ [
Ruphn`fnoh quf _`7;=µB, [73==K, q=7 ;=, Z=73;=, =.3 o _ (t ) _ (t ) =.2:¹ q(t ) =.3;¹ Z (t ) o t σ73, Bf73, a73, C7; y sf d`nfcd`zc, sf hkt`fnf5 Bcdbudcr su junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c bhn bhno`b`hnfs `n`b`cdfs nudcs 30. Fd s`stfgc fdfbtrhgfbãn`bh of dc j`iurc yc sf fstuo`ò fn fd tfgc of ghofdcoh. 30. u (t ) [¹`3 (t ) Z b (t ) oZ b ( t ) ot g¹
o ; x(t ) ;
3 B
`3 (t ) `; (t )
Z b (t ) D¹
J (t ) L ¹ x(t ) k¹
ot J (t ) ¹`; ( t )
ox(t ) ot
o`; ot
(t )
c) Hktfnfr dcs Junb`hnfs of _rcnsjfrfnb`c y dhs o`circgcs of kdhqufs bhrrfsphno`fntfs. k) C pcrt`r of dc rfprfsfntcb`òn fn fspcb`h of fstcohs quf sf gufstrc hktfnfr dc gctr`z of trcnsjfrfnb`c I(s) pcrc dc quf sf bugpdf quf Q(s)7I(s)V(s)( hpb`hncd). = = =L 3k x(t ) = x(t ) = v(t ) g g g v (t ) = 3 3 ¹ Z b (t ) 3 ¹u(t ) = Z b (t ) = B ¹ [ B B ¹ [ ` (t ) 3 `; (t ) = ; = = = D
x(t ) v(t ) =¹u(t ) x (t ) 3 = = =¹ Z b (t ) ` (t ) ;
;=. Junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c y o`circgc of kdhqufs ofd ghthr. ;=. Acddcr dc Junb`òn of _rcnsjfrfnb`c ofd s`stfgc of dc j`iurc bhns bhns`ofrcnoh `ofrcnoh bhgh scd`oc dc phs`b`òn ofd fef of dc gfsc i`rcthr`c y fntrcocs dc tfns`òn of cd`gfntcb`òn y fd pcr pfrturkcohr cbtucnoh shkrf dc gfsc. o g (t ) f` (t ) L k ot _ g (t ) L _ ` (t )
o`(t )
[r `(t ) Dr
E fq
o g (t ) ot ;
b ( t )
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
N 3 N ;
_ g (t )
N 3 N ;
_ o (t ) j fq
o g (t ) ot
g (t )
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
;3. Dc j`iurc gufstrc un s`stfgc of dfv`tcb`òn gcinàt`bc ;3. Dc quf pfrg`tf tfnfr suspfno`oc fn fd c`rf unc fsjfrc gftãd`bc of gcsc g. Fd hkeft`vh ofd bhntrhdcohr sfrã rfiudcr fd vcdhr of dc bhrr`fntf ofd b`rbu`th ofd fdfbtrh`gãn, of tcd jhrgc quf dc fsjfrc sf gcntfnic c unc o`stcnb`c bhnstcntf x7Q ofd fdfbtrh`gãn. Dcs fbucb`hnfs quf r`ifn fd bhgphrtcg`fnth shn5 D
o`(t )
[`(t ) v (t )
ot ; o x(t ) ;
gi j g (t ) gi
b` (t ) x(t )
Dhs vcdhrfs of dhs pcrãgftrhs shn5 b73< i70.1< g7=.3< [73< D7=.=3< Q =7=.=1< Hktfnic dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c ofd s`stfgc5
Q ( s ) Z ( s )
;;. ]crc dhs s`stfgcs of dcs j`iurcs j `iurcs 3 y ; hktfnic dcs junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c
B ( s )
]( s )
_hgf Ib(s)72=. Ib(s)72=. s 3
;s 3 [(s) +
Ib(s) -
+ V(s)
s 3
](s) +
s =.6
;s ; s 2
J`iurc 3
J`iurc ;
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
[fspufst [f spufst c tfgphrcd. R`st R`st fgcs fgcs of pr `gfr hr hrofn. ofn.
;2. _c ;2. _cnquf nquf bhn s`stfgc s`s tfgc of bcdofh. bcdofh. Fn fd tfgc of ghofdcoh sf ac hktfn`oh bhgh fbucb`òn5 Z o
o _ (t ) o t
)¹ (_ ` _ (t )) q(t )¹(
Z (t );
¹bf¹ [
Ruphn`fnoh quf _`7;=µB, [73==K, q=7 ;=, Z=73;=, σ73, Bf73, a73, C7; y sf d`nfcd`zc, sf hkt`fnf5 o _ (t ) _ (t ) =.2:¹q(t ) =.3;¹Z (t ) =.3 o t
=.2:¹ =.3; P su junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c t rcnsjfrfnb`c bhn bhno`b`hnfs _ ( s ) S ( s ) Z ( s ) `n`b`cdfs nudcs fs fnthnbfs =.3s 3 =.3s 3 Rf p`of5 - Bhgh fs dc rfspufstc ofd tcnquf cntf unc fntrcoc fs fsbcdòn bcdòn fn S(s) of gcin`tuo 3, y cntf unc fntrcoc fn `gpudsh y rcgpc. - Bhgpcrc dhs rfsudtcohs bhn Gctdck. - P cntf un fsbcdòn fn dc fntrcoc Z(s). - Bhgfntc dc fstck`d`oco ofd s`stfgc fn thohs dhs bcshs. ;?. B`rbu`th [B ;?. [B -
Acddcr fd vhdtcef fn dcs khrncs ofd bhnofnscohr ofd b`rbu`th quf sf gufstrc fn dc j`iurc. Rupònicsf bhno`b`hnfs `n`b`cdfs nudcs (bhnofnscohr ofsbcricoh) y rfshdvfr cncdçt`bcgfntf y bhn Gctdck. Acddcr dc bh bhnstcntf nstcntf of t`fgph, dc icncnb`c y f fdd t`fgph t`fgph of of csfntcg`fnth of fstf s`stfgc bucnoh [73= y B7=.3 y acy un scdth fn fd phtfnb`cd of fntrcoc v(t) of gcin`tuo 6.
;6. _frgògftrh. _frgògftrh. Vn tfrgògftrh sf fnbufntrc `n`b`cdgfntf fn fqu`d`kr`h fn un kcóh c tfgpfrcturc _ x (rfb`p`fntf x > ?=µ). Fd 3). Rf rft`rcrfqu`frf y sf sugfrif fn htrh kcóh (rfb`p`fntf ;) vcdhr c tfgpfrcturc of Ofspuàs ?= µB (_ of tfrgògftrh of ? g`nuths pcrc ddficr cd 01% ofd j`ncd gfo`oh. cdbcnzcr dc tfgpfrcturc j`ncd, fd tfrgògftrh fs rf-`ntrhoub`oh rãp`ocgfntf fn fd kcóh 3. Cd bckh of ; g`nuths dc dfbturc ofd `nstrugfnth fs of := µB. Ruphn`fnoh quf fd tfrgògftrh fs un s`stfgc of pr`gfr hrofn, sf p`of5 - Dc bhnstcntf of t`fgph. - Dc tfgpfrcturc _x. - Dcs irãj`bc of _g fn fd t`fgph. _fgpfrcturc _fg pfrcturc fn fd kcóh5 _x
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
_fgpfrcturc _fg pfrcturc gfo`oc5 _g
_fgpfrcturc fn fd kcóh5 ?=µB
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c. ;:. Ofpòs`th ;:.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
]crt`fnoh ofd ghofdh nh d`nfcd C ghofdh d`nfcd`zcoh C -
o a (t )
uh l
oa(t )
q(t ) u(t )l a(t ) sf ddfic c un
a(t ) q(t ) l
; ah
a= u ( t )
Hktfnfr dcs jun junb`hnfs b`hnfs of trc trcnsjfrfnb`c nsjfrfnb`c quf rfdcb`hncn dc scd`oc a bh bhn n dc dcss fntrcocs u,q. Hktfnfr dhs vc vcdhrfs dhrfs nugàr`bhs of f fscs scs J_ s` sf thgc fd pu punth nth of
=73 g, q=73= g2/a, l7=.;, C7; g;, u=76= fqu`d`kr`h5 agfo`cntf Bhgpcrcr, Gctdck, dc rf rfspufstc spufstc ofd s` s`stfgc stfgc cntf u un n scd scdth th of 3= fn dc fntrcoc V s` sf thgcn vcdhrfs ckshduths h dhs `nbrfgfnths. - Bhgpcrcr, gfo`cntf Gctdck, dc rf rfspufstc spufstc ofd s` s`stfgc stfgc cntf u un n scd scdth th of 2 fn dc fntrcoc S s` sf thgcn vcdhrfs ckshduths h dhs `nbrfgfnths. - Suà subfofrçc s` fd scdth fn fd bcuocd jufrc of 36 Zcr`ckdfs Zc r`ckdfs ofsv`cb`òn ofsv`cb`òn55 a 7 a ‒ a= q 7 q ‒ q= u 7 u ‒ u=. Vscnoh fscs vcr`ckdfs `nbrfgfnth5
A ( s )
L 3
s 3
V ( s )
L ;
s 3
S( s)
L 3
;a= u=
L ;
; a= u= l
; C a= lu=
S(s) L ;
s 3
L 3
s 3
A(s) Q
3. Rf p`of bcdbudcr dc rfspufstc tfgphrcd ofd n`vfd cntf un bcgk`h of t`ph scdth un`tcr`h fn dc cpfrturc of dc vãdvudc5 icncnb`c j`ncd, jhrgc of dc burvc… A ( s)
=.=? =.? s 3
V ( s )
=.; =.? s 3
S( s)
;. Bhgprhkcr, ut`d`zcnoh Gctdck, dc rfspufstc tfgphrcd ofd n`vfd cntf un bcgk`h of tt`ph `ph `gpudsh un`tcr`h, scdth un`tcr`h y rcgpc un`tcr`c - Fn dc cpfrturc of dc vãdvudc - Fn fd bcuocd of fntrcoc - ¸Buãd fs fd t`fgph of csfntcg`fnth8 2. Rf p`of rfpft`r dhs fxpfr`gfnths pcrc un ãrfc ofd ofpòs`th gcyhr5 C7? g;. ¸Suà sf pufof ofb`r shkrf dc vfdhb`oco of rfspufstc8 ;9.F ;9. nbhntrcr dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c ofd s`stfgc buyc scd`oc cntf un fsbcdòn un`tcr`h fs fd of dc j`iurc5 [fspufstc of un s`stfgc cntf un fsbcdòn un`tcr`h 6 ?.6 ? 2.6 2 o u t ` d ;.6 p g C
3.6 3 =.6 =
_`fgph (sfbhnos)
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
[fspufst [f spufst c tfgphrcd. R`st R`st fgcs fgcs of sfiun sfiunoh oh h rofn.
;1.( Bufst`òn ;, fxcgfn fxtrchro`ncr`h 33-3;) ;1. ]crc fd s`stfgc of dc j`iurc acddcr5 c) Fbucb`òn bcrcbtfrçst`bc. k) Zcdhr ofd pcrãgftrh —c‗ (c>= ) of jhrgc quf fd bhneunth tfnic cghrt`iucg`fnth brçt`bh. b) R` L sf j`ec fn Lgcx , acddcr5 (3) [fspufstc fstcb`hncr`c ofd s`stfgc cntf un fsbcdòn un`oco (bcsh of s`stfgc brçt`bcgfntf cghrt`iucoh) y (;)t`fgph of fstckdfb`g`fnth.
;0. Fxcgfn hro`ncr`h 3;-32 (bufst`òn 3) Ocoh fd o`circgc of kdhqufs of dc j`iurc5 Rf p`of5 c) Fxprfscrdh fn dc jhrgc
k) R`5
; s A 3 s ;, A ; s 3, I3 s 3, I
2s ? s 3
, I2 s 2, I? s
s (Z`sth fn _Dcpdcbf-J_rcnsjfrfnb`c) _Dcpdcbf-J_rcnsjfrfnb`c)
bcdbudcr I(s), A(s) y Dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh bfrrcoh b) Bhns`ofrcnoh dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh bfrrcoh ofd cpcrtcoh k), ¸Buãd sfrçc fd t`fgph of fstckdfb`g`fnth s` sf cpd`bcsf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn un`tcr`h cd s`stfgc8, ¸Acy shkrfp`bh8 2=.- Oftfrg`ncr dc rfspufstc of un s`stfgc buyh ghofdh gctfgãt`bh v`fnf ocoh phr dc fbucb`òn o`jfrfnb`cd
G y (t ) K y ( t ) Ly (t ) r (t )
Bucnoh sf df shgftf c unc fntrcoc nudc y sf thgc bhgh bhno`b`hnfs `n`b`cdfs5. `n`b`cdfs5. y (=) =.3 f y (=) =.=6 s`fnoh5 G 73Li, 73Li, K72Ns/g y L 7;N/g 7;N/g 23.- ]crc fd s`stfgc ofd fefrb`b`h cntfr`hr, suphnic quf G, K y L shn ofsbhnhb`ohs, pfrh sf sckf quf su rfspufstc (fn g) cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn un`tcr`h fs dc quf sf gufstrc fn dc j`iurc. Fnbhntrcr dhs vcdhrfs of G, K y L .
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
2;. Ocoh fd s`stfgc of dc j`iurc quf prfsfntc ohs kdhqufs ofsbhnhb`ohs C y K bhn junb`hnfs of 2;. trcnsjfrfnb`c ofsbhnhb`ocs, sf prftfnof hktfnfr dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh bfrrcoh ofd s`stfgc idhkcd. C dhs s`stfgcs C y K sf dfs ac shgft`oh c sfnocs fntrcocs fsbcdòn hktfn`ànohsf dcs rfspufstc quf sf `no`bcn fn dcs j`iurcs j`i.3 pcrc C y j`i.; pcrc K.
22. B`rbu`th [DB 22. ¸Bògh fs dc rfspufstc ofd b`rbu`th [DB cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn un`tcr`h fn Z(s)8 Fstuo`cr su fstck`d`oco. Bhgprhkcr fd rfsudtcoh bhn Gctdck Bcsh 3. [7;, D73 y B7=.=?. Bcsh ;. [73;, D73 y B7=.=?. 2?. R 2?. `stfgc gcsc-gufddf Bògh fs dc rfspufstc ofd s`stfgc cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn un`tcr`h fn j(t). Bcsh 3. g73< k72< l7; Bcsh ;. g73, k73< l7=.;6 Bcsh 2. g73< k7;< l7; j (t ) g
o ; x t k ox t l x t ot ot
Q ( s )
3 J ( s ) gs ks l ;
26. [fcbthr quçg`bh. 26. ¸Buãd fs su junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c, bucnoh cntf unc fntrcoc fn fsbcdòn fn dc cpfrturc of dc vãdvudc of vcphr u(t), of gcin`tuo 3=, tfnih fstc scd`oc fn dc tfgpfrcturc _(t)8 Rtfp[fsphnsf
?= f o u t ` d p g C
= =
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
2:. Bcgk`cohr of bcdhr 2:. ¸Buãd fs su junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c, bucnoh cntf unc fntrcoc fn fsbcdòn fn u(t) of gcin`tuo 3=, sf hkt`fnf dc scd`oc quf sf gufstrc fn dc tfgpfrcturc _(t)8
29. Fn un prhbfsh of sfbcoh sf `ntrhoubf cd sfbcofrh un b`frth gctfr`cd, eunth bhn unc bhrr`fntf 29. of c`rf bcd`fntf buyh bcuocd pufof gcn`pudcrsf phr gfo`h of dc sfócd of un s`stfgc vfnt`dcohr. Fstcnoh fn un punth of fqu`d`kr`h, sf rfcd`zc un fxpfr`gfnth bhns`stfntf fn o`sg`nu`r dc sfócd cd vfnt`dcohr un 3%, hksfrvãnohsf un bcgk`h fn dc augfoco ofd gctfr`cd bhgh fd ghstrcoh fn dc j`iurc. Rf p`of bcdbudcr dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c ofd sfbcofrh.
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
21. Rfc un s`stfgc of sfiunoh hrofn buyc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c fs5 A ( s )
Lp s s Lp ;
[fcd`zcr dhs s`iu`fntfs bãdbudhs5 Hktfnfr dhs vcdhrfs of L,πn, y ο fn fn dc fxprfs`òn ifnfrcd of un s`stfgc of sfiunoh hrofn. A ( s )
L n; s ; n s n ;
R` sf ofsfc h hktfnfr ktfnfr unc rfspufstc o ofd fd s`stfgc cntf un fsbcdòn bhn un shkrfp`bh of un 3=%. ¸quà vcdhr ofkfr`ã tfnfr Lp Lp8 8 Bhn fd vcdhr of Lp Lp hktfn`oh hktfn`oh fn fd punth cntfr`hr, ¸buãd sfrçc fd t`fgph of csfntcg`fnth ofd s`stfgc8 R`gudcr fn Gctdck dc rfspufstc scdth of dc p phs`b`òn hs`b`òn cniudcr y (scd`oc of dc J_) pcrc vcdhrfs of Lp =.3,=.;6,;.=,?.=, cofgãs of pcrc fd vcdhr of Lp bcdbudcoh cntfr`hrgfntf.
[fspufstc [f spufstc tfgphr tfgphrcd. cd. R R`stfgcs `stfgcs of hro fn supfr`hr. supfr`h r.
20. Ghthr Rf o`sphnf of dc J_ of un ghthr fdàbtr`bh5 l _
g ( s )
N 3 N ;
F ` ( s )
l __ 7=.6, 7 71, Dr 7=.;,E 7=.;,E ffqq7=.=2, j ffqq7=.=;, =.6, l k7=.6,[ r r 71, N35N;7353==
( E s j fq s )( [r Dr s ) l t l k s fq
Rf p`of5 [fspufstc cntf unc fntrcoc fn scdth un`tcr`c [fspufstc cntf unc fntrcoc `gpudsh un`tcr`c ¸Rf pufof fd`g`ncr cdiõn phdh8 Junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c ofd s`stfgc rfoub`oh [fspufstc `gpudsh un`tcr`c ofd s`stfgc rfoub`oh rfoub`oh
?=. Ocoh un s`stfgc bhn J_
I ( s)
3=s 3
2s ;? s 3=
Rf p`of5 3.- Bcdbudcr dhs phdhs y bfrhs ofd s`stfgc. ¸Fs fstckdf fd s`stfgc8 ;.- Bcdbudcr dc rfspufstc fn scdth 2.- ¸Fs phs`kdf rfoub`r fd hrofn ofd s`stfgc8 ?.- @nofpfno`fntfgfntf of dc rfspufstc c dc prfiuntc 2, Bcdbudcr dc rfspufstc c un scdth un`tcr`h ofd s`stfgc of hrofn ; y bhgpcrcr bhn fd hktfn`oh fn fd cpcrtcoh ;. 6.- ¸Suà fjfbth t`fnf fd bfrh fn dc rfspufstc ofd s`stfgc8 s`stfgc8
?3. I( s)
( s ;)( s ; 2s 3=) 3.- Bcdbudcr dhs phdhs y bfrhs ofd s`stfgc. ¸Fs fstckdf fd s`stfgc8 ;.- Bhgh rfsphnof fstf s`stfgc cntf unc fntrcoc fn scdth 2.- Bhgprufkc tu rfspufstc ofd cpcrtcoh ; bhn Gctdck ?.- ¸Fs phs`kdf rfoub`r fd hrofn ofd s`stfgc8 ¸phr quà8 Ococ un s`stfgc bhn J_
6.- R` rfoubfs fd s`stfgc c unh of hrofn ;, bhgpcrc dc rfspufstc of dcs ohs junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c dc hr`i`ncd y dc rfoub`oc. Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
[fspufst [f spufst c tfgphrcd. tfgphr cd. R R`st `st fgcs fgcs fn dczh bfrrcoh.
?;. Ofpòs`th bhn rfs`stfnb`c. ]crc fd ofpòs`th of dc j`iurc sf ac hktfn`oh, trcs d`nfcd`zcr, dcs J_ quf sf gufstrcn _ `
_ ( s )
=.2: =.3; S ( s ) Z ( s ) =.3s 3 =.3s 3
Z(t) [
Rf p`of Bfrrcr fd dczh bhn unc [(s)7Lp, o`kuecr fd o`circgc of kdhqufs fn dczh bfrrcoh, y bcdbudcr dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c. Bcdbudcr fd vcdhr of Lp pcrc quf fd s`stfgc sfc fstckdf ¸Bògh rfsphnof fd s`stfgc bhn vcdhrfs of Lp7-? y Lp7-3= , cntf unc fntrcoc fn scdth fn dc rfjfrfnb`c8 Bhgprhkcr dc shdub`òn bhn Gctdck. Bcdbudcr fd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h fstcb`hncr`h cntf un bcgk`h fn dc rfjfrfnb`c of ; un`ocof un`ocofss Bcdbudcr fd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h cntf un bcgk`h of 6 un`ocofs phr ahrc fn dc pfrturkcb`òn (bcuocd of fntrcoc fn fd tcnquf). ?2. ]crc fd g`sgh ofpòs`th ofd prhkdfgc cntfr`hr ?2. Bfrrcr cahrc fd dczh bhn unc [(s)7l3/s, o`kuecr fd o`circgc of kdhqufs fn dczh bfrrcoh, y bcdbudcr dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c tr cnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh bfrrcoh. [fshdvfr dc fbucb`òn bbcrcbtfrçst`bc crcbtfrçst`bc ofd s`stfgc fn dcz dczh h bfrrcoh, y bhgprhkcr pcrc o`st`nths vcdhrfs of l3 bhgh rfsphnof fd s`stfgc cntf unc fntrcoc fn scdth. Bcdbudcr ffdd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h ofd s`stfgc cntf un bcgk`h fn dc rfjfrfnb`c of =.;µB phr ahrc, y cntf un bcgk`h fn ;µB fn dc rfjfrfnb`c, bhn un vcdhr of l371 . ??. [fcbthr quçg`bh. Rfc fd rfcbthr quçg`bh of dc j`iurc, buyc J_ sf gufstrc _ ( s )
6.; s
s 3.=?
V ( s)
Bfrrcr fd dczh bhn unc [(s)7Lp, o`kuecr fd o`circgc of kdhqufs fn dczh bfrrcoh, y bcdbudcr dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c. [fsufdvf dc fbucb`òn bcrcbtfrçst`bc ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh, y bhgprufkc pcrc o`st`nths vcdhrfs of Lp bhgh rfsphnof fd s`stfgc cntf unc fntrcoc fn scdth. Bcdbudcr fd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h ofd s`stfg s`stfgc c cntf un bc bcgk`h gk`h fn dc rfjfrfnb`c ofd ;=% phr ahrc bhn unh of dhs L p bcdbudcohs fn fd cpcrtcoh cntfr`hr, y cntf fntrcoc fn fsbcdòn of ; un`ocofs. ?6. ]crc fd g`sgh rfcbthr ofd prhkdfgc cntfr`hr ?6. Bfrrcr fd dczh bhn unc [(s)7=.3/s, o`kuecr fd o`circgc of kdhqufs fn dczh bfrrcoh, y bcdbudcr dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c. [fspufstc ofd s`stfgc fn scdth cntf unc fntrcoc ffnn fsbcdòn of vcdhr un`oco. ¸Rf pufof rfoub`r fd ghofdh fn dczh bfrrcoh8 Bcdbudcr ffdd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h ofd s`stfgc cntf un bcgk`h fn dc rfjfrfnb`c of ;=% phr ahrc bhn unh of dhs Lp bcdbudcohs fn fd cpcrtcoh cntfr`hr, y cntf unc fntrcoc fn fsbcdòn of ; un`ocofs. Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
?:. Fn un prhbfsh of sfbcoh sf `ntrhoubf cd sfbcofrh un b`frth gctfr`cd, eunth bhn unc bhrr`fntf ?:. of c`rf bcd`fntf buyh bcuocd pufof gcn`pudcrsf phr gfo`h of dc sfócd of un s`stfgc vfnt`dcohr. Fstcnoh fn un punth of fqu`d`kr`h, sf rfcd`zc un fxpfr`gfnth bhns`stfntf fn o`sg`nu`r dc sfócd cd vfnt`dcohr un 3%, hksfrvãnohsf un bcgk`h fn dc augfoco ofd gctfr`cd bhgh fd ghstrcoh fn dc j`iurc. Rf p`of bcdbudcr dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c ofd sfbcofrh. (Pc c v`sth fn s`stfgcs s` stfgcs of sfiunoh hrofn) hr ofn) (P
Vnc vfz bcdbudcoc dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c tr cnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh ck`frth I(s). Bfrrcr fd dczh bhn un rfiudcohr [(s)7Lp. O`kuecr fd o`circgc of kdhqufs ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh, y bcdbudcr dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh bfrrcoh. Bcdbudcr fd vcdhr of dc icncnb`c ofd rfiudcohr pcrc hktfnfr un frrhr fstcb`hncr`h `njfr`hr cd =.3 % fn dc rfspufstc fn dczh bfrrcoh c un scdth ofd ;% fn dc rfjfrfnb`c Bcdbudcr fd vvcdhr cdhr of dc icncnb`c ofd rfiudcohr pcrc hktfnfr un shkrfp`bh shkrfp`bh ofd ;=% fn dc rfspufstc fn dczh bfrrcoh c un scdth of ohs un`ocofs fn dc rfjfrfnb`c. ?9. Rf vc c o`sfócr un s`stfgc of dczh bfrrcoh pcrc quf prhouzbc, cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn, unc ?9. rfspufstc sukcghrt`iucoc. Dcs fspfb`j`bcb`hnfs shn5 • Vn shkrf`gpudsh (fn %) bhgprfno`oh fntrf fntrf un 3=% y u un n ;=%. • Vn t`fgph of fstckdfb`g`fnth fstckdfb`g`fnth gfnhr of =.: s, bhn fd br`tfr`h ofd ;%. Rf p`of5 3. @ofnt`j`bcr fd ãrfc ofsfcoc pcrc dcs rcçbfs ohg`ncntfs ofd s`stfgc. ;. Oftfrg`ncr fd vc vcdhr dhr gãs pfqufóh pfqufóh of unc tfrbfrc rcçz rcçz r 2 s` dcs rcçbfs bhgpdfecs bhneuicocs rfprfsfntcn dhs phdhs ohg`ncntfs. Rf sckf quf dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c fs of 2fr hrofn y dc icncnb`c of rfcd`gfntcb`òn fs 3. Oftfrg`nf I(s) pcrc tfnfr un t`fgph of fstckdfb`g`fnth of =.:s (;%) y un shkrfpcsh ofd ;=%. ?1. Ofghstrcr quf fd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h cntf fntrcocs rcgpc pufof acbfrsf `iucd c bfrh, s` dc ?1. c n 3 s c n junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh bfrrcoh fs5 B ( s ) n n 3 [ ( s ) s c3 s c n 3 s c n ?0. ]crc fd s`stfgc of dc j`iurc ?0.
Y(s) +
P(s) I(s)
I( s)
; 3 ;s
A ( s )
2.6 s 2.6
c) Hktfnic fd vcdhr gçn`gh of dc bhnstcntf L pcrc quf fn rài`gfn pfrgcnfntf fd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h sfc gfnhr quf fd 3=% cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn. k) ]crc fsf vcdhr of L, oftfrg`nf fd bhfj`b`fntf of cghrt`iucg`f cghrt`iucg`fnth nth y dc jrfbufnb`c ncturcd nh cghrt`iucoc. b) ¸Fx`stf cdiõn vcdhr of L pcrc fd qu quf f sf bugpdc dc bhno`b`òn ofd 3=% 3=% y fd s`stfgc nh sfc hsb`dcthr`h8 Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
6=. Vn s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh bhn rfcd`gfntcb`òn un`tcr`c t`fnf unc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c o`rfbtc5
s ; 2s ;
Bcdbudcr fd vcdhr ofd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn s ? ;s 2 s ; 2s 3 un`tcr`h, cncd`zcr dc fstck`d`oco y bhgfntcr dhs rfsudtcohs.
63. (Bufst`òn 3. Fxcgfn fxtrchro`ncr`h 33-3;). Dcs s`iu`fntfs irãj`bcs gufstrcn dc rfspufstc fn dczh bfrrcoh of buctrh s`stfgcs bhn rfcd`gfntcb`òn un`tcr`c nfict`vc. Fn bcoc irãj`bc sf `no`bc fd t`ph of fntrcoc cpd`bcoc. Rf p`of5 C pcrt`r of dc rfspufstc ghs ghstrcoc, trcoc, ofoub`r f fdd t`ph ofd s`stfgc y s` acy f frrhr rrhr fstcb`hncr`h, h nh. Fn bcsh of quf acyc frrhr fstcb`hncr`h, bcdbudcrdh.
=.=0 =.=1 =.=9
=.=6 =.=?
=.=2 =.=;
_`fgph (sfiunohs)
=.0 =.1 =.9 =.: Cgpd`tuo =.6 =.? =.2 =.; =.3
J`iurc 25 [fspufstc ofd R`stfgc 2 cntf 2 cntf fntrcoc rcgpc un`tcr`c
_`fgph (sfiunohs)
3 cntf cntf fntrcoc scdth un`tcr`h J`iurc 35 [fspufstc ofd R`stfgc 3
? Cgpd`tuo 2
6 : _`fgph 9 (sfiunohs)
J`iurc ;5 [fspufstc ofd R`stfgc ; cntf ; cntf fntrcoc scdth un`tcr`h
3 3.6 _`fgph (sfiunohs)
J`iurc ?5 [fspufstc ofd R`stfgc ? ? cntf cntf fntrcoc scdth un`tcr`h
6;. Fd o`circgc of kdhqufs of un ghthr bhntrhdcoh phr crgcourc fs fd of dc j`iurc. j `iurc. Rf p`of c) Oftfrg`ncr fd frrhr fn fstcoh fstcb`hncr`h cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn y cntf unc fntrcoc rcgpc un`tcr`c fn tàrg`nhs of L , L k, y L g. k) Rfc L g73= y y L k7=.=6 , sfdfbb`hncr L pcrc pcrc quf fd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h vcdic 3. b)]crc dhs vcdhrfs cntfr`hrfs o`kuecr dc rfspufstc cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn y unc rrcgpc cgpc un`tcr`c. [(s) +
N(s) +
L g (s+=.==3)
B(s )
3 s
P(s )
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
62. (Bufst`òn ;. Fxcgfn hro`ncr`h 33-3;). Cncd`zcr fd fjfbth quf dc vcr`cb`òn ofd pcrãgftrh _` (_`>=) (_`>=) prhoubf fn fd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h ofd s`stfgc of dc j`iurc fn fd bcsh of fntrcocs t`ph5 (3)fsbcdòn (Y(s)73/s) (Y(s)73/s) y y (;)rcgpc (Y(s)73/s; ) ).. Rupònicsf quf fd s`stfgc I(s) pufof tfnfr5 (C) bfrh, (K) unh h (B) ohs phdhs fn fd hr`ifn. 3 ]@O ( s ) L p 3 _ o s Y(s)
F(s) + -
V(s) ]@O(s)
P(s) I(s)
I( s)
k` s
c s
s z
= n N N
_ ` s
= n N
s p
6?. (]rhkdfgc 3. Fxcgfn fxtrchro`ncr`h 33-3;). Vn surt`ohr of icshd`nc pufof ghofdcrsf gfo`cntf dc fbucb`òn5 ;
oS(t )
u (t ) ?¹S ; (t ) S(t ) .
ot Ohnof S(t) fs fd bcuocd of icshd`nc quf oc fd surt`ohr (d`trhs/sfiunoh) y u(t) fs dc tfns`òn of fntrcoc cd ghthr of dc khgkc ofd surt`ohr (vhdt`hs), quf sf pufof gcn`pudcr c vhduntco. Rf bhnstruyf un s`stfgc of bhntrhd pcrc rfiudcr fd vhdugfn of icshd`nc sug`n`strcoc, Z(t). ]crc fddh sf pdcntfc fd s`stfgc of bhntrhd of dc j`iurc.
rfj . Fn o`bah fsqufgc fd vhdugfn of d`trhs d` trhs ofsfcohs fs RfZsckf quf dc rfdcb`òn fntrf fd vhdugfn y fd bcuocd of icshd`nc sug`n`strcoh phr fd surt`ohr v`fnf ocoh phr dc s`iu`fntf fbucb`òn o`jfrfnb`cd
oZ (t ) ot
S (t ) .
c) Fdfi`oh fd punth of trckceh S7=. d`trhs/sfiunoh, bcdbudf dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c quf rfdcb`hnc fd vhdugfn of icshd`nc sug`n`strcoh phr fd surt`ohr bhn dc tfns`òn of cd`gfntcb`òn of dc khgkc ofd surt`ohr (I(s) fn dc j`iurc. k) ]crc [(s)7L, fnbufntrf dhs vcdhrfs of L quf icrcnt`zcn dc fstck`d`oco ofd s`s s`stfgc tfgc of bhntrhd. b) ]crc fd rcnih of vcdhrfs o of f L fn dhs quf fd s`stfgc of bhntrhd bhntrhd fs fstckdf, rczhnf fd t`ph of rfspufstc ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh fn junb`òn of dhs vcdhrfs of L. o) ]crc L7=.=?6, rczhnf s` pufof rfoub rfoub`r `r fd hrofn of dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh. R` jufsf csç, rfouzbc o`bac junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c f `no`quf dhs pcrãgftrhs bcrcbtfrçst`bhs of dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c rfoub`oc y o`kuef dc rfspufstc ofd s`stfgc cntf un fsbcdòn un`tcr`h.
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
[fspufst [f spufst c fn j rfbufnb`c.
66. Ofpòs`th bhn rfs`stfnb`c. ]crc fd ofpòs`th of dc j`iurc sf ac hktfn`oh, trcs d`nfcd`zcr, dcs J_ 66. quf sf gufstrcn _ `
_ ( s )
=.3; =.2: S ( s ) Z ( s ) =.3s 3 =.3s 3
Z(t) [
Rf p`of ¸Bògh fs dc rfspufstc tfgphrcd fstcb`hncr`c bucnoh sf cp cpd`bc d`bc unc tfns`òn Z(t)7;sfn(2t)8 Bhgprhkcr fd rfsudtcoh bhn R`gud`nl y Gctdck. O`kuecr fd O O`circgc `circgc of Khof cs`ntòt`bh. Bhgpcrcrdh bhn fd quf prhphrb`hnc Gctdck. Gctdck. Acddcr fd cnbah of kcnoc ofd s`stfgc. 6:. B`rbu`th [DB. 6:. Z(s)
3 DBs [Bs 3 ;
Bhgh ffss dc rfspufstc oofd fd b`rbu`th c unc fntrcoc fn s`nush`ocd Z(s)7: s`n(t) bhn [7; , D73 y B7=.=?. Bhgprufkc fd rfsudtcoh fn Gctdck. O`kuecr fd O`circgc of Khof cs`ntòt`bh. cs`ntòt`bh. ¸Acy rfshncnb`c8 Fn fsf bcsh bcdb bcdbudcr udcr dc jrfbufnb`c y fd p`bh of rfshncnb`c. Bhgprhkcr dhs rfsudtcohs bhn Gctdck. 69. B 69. hnhb`oc dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c5 I ( s) 3=
s 3 9 s 3=
O`kuecr fd O`circgc of Khof (cs`ntòt`bh). Bcdbudcr cnbah of kcnoc. ¸Acy rfs rfshncnb`c8 hncnb`c8 R R`` fs b`frth bcdbudcr dc jrfbufn jrfbufnb`c b`c of rfshncnb`c y fd p p`bh `bh of rfshncnb`c. Bhgprhkcr dhs rfs rfsudtcohs udtcohs bbhn hn Gctdck (o`kuecr O`c O`circgc ircgc of Khof y of Nyqu`st).
61. O 61. coh fd o`circgc of Khof of dc j`iurc, c quà junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c bhrrfsphnof. ( s 6) I( s ) ; s ( s 3) ; KhofO`circg
6= ) K o ( f o u t ` n i c G
I ( s)
( s 6) s( s =.=3)(s 2=)
-36= -0=
I( s) ) i f o ( f s c a ]
-31= -?
Jrfqufnby (rco/s)
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
( s 6) s ; ( s =.=3)( s 2=)
( s 6) s ; ( s =.=3)( s 3)
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
60. (Bufst`òn 2. Fxcgfn fxtrchro`ncr`h bursh 33/3;). Bhns`ofrf un s`stfgc buyc rfspufstc fn jrfbufnb`c fs dc bhrrfsphno`fntf cd o`circgc of khof coeunth. c) Oftfrg`nf of jhrgc c cprhx`gcoc prhx`gcoc fd cnba cnbah h of kcnoc o ofd fd s`stfgc. k) Oftfrg`nf of jhrgc c cprhx`gcoc prhx`gcoc dc icnc icncnb`c nb`c fstãt`bc, fn dcs un`ocofs of dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c ofd s`stfgc. b) R` o`bah s`stfgc f fs s fxb`tcoh bh bhn n unc sfócd s`nush`ocd of cgpd`tuo ;.6 y jrfbufnb`c =.2312 afrb`hs. ¸Buãd fs dc fxprfs`òn of dc scd`oc ofd s`stfgc, fn rài`gfn fstcb`hncr`h8
:=. (Bufst`òn ;. Fxcgfn hro`ncr`h 3;-32). Oftfrg`ncr buãd of dcs s`iu`fntfs junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c fs dc quf bhrrfsphnof bhn fd o`circgc of Khof. Eust`j`bcr dc rfspufstc.
I ( s)
6=s 3=
s 6=s 3
I( s )
6=s 3= ss 6=s 3
I( s )
s 3= ss 6=s 3
I ( s)
6=3=s 3 ss 6= s 3
O`circgc of Khof
6= ) K o ( o u t ` n i c G
-3== -0=
) i f o ( f s c J
-31= -; 3=
Jrfbufnb`c (rco/s)
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
:3. (Bufst`òn 3. Fxcgfn hro`ncr`h 33-3;). ;s 2
Ocoh fd s`stfgc buyc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c tr cnsjfrfnb`c fs I ( s )
s 2s ; s 2
3.- ¸Fs phs`kdf rfoub`r su hrofn8 ¸]hr quà8 Fn bcsh of quf pufoc acbfrsf hktfnic dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c ofd s`stfgc rfoub`oh. ;.- @no`quf buãd of dhs s`iu`fntfs o`circgcs of Khof bhrrfsphnof bhn àd y eust`jçqufdh. O`circgc of Khof
O`circgc of Khof
= ) K o ( f o u t ` n i c G
6= ) K o ( f o u t ` n i c G
-3== -326 ) i f o ( f s c a ]
= -6= -3== -?6
) i f o ( f s c a ]
-31= -;;6 -;9=
-0= -326 -31= -;;6
O`circgc of Khof ) K -;= o ( f o -?= u t ` n i c -:= G
) K o ( = f o u t ` n -;= i c G
-1= =
-?= ?6 ) i f o ( f s c a ]
-?6 -0= -326 -3
O`circgc O`circgc of Khof ;=
) i f o ( f s c a ]
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
= -?6 -0= -326 -3
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
[fspufstc fn jrfbufnb`c fn Dczh Bfrrcoh. Fstck`d`oco rfdct`vc.
:;. Ofpòs`th bhn rfs`stfnb`c. ]crc fd ofpòs`th of dc j`iurc sf ac hktfn`oh, trcs d`nfcd`zcr, dcs J_ quf sf gufstrcn
_ `
qhut _ ( s )
Z(t) [
S ( s )
=.3s 3
Z ( s )
=.3s 3
30.1 30.:
30 =
c) Bhns`ofrcnoh quf bfrrcghs fd dczh bhn un rfiudcohr [(s)7L73=. R`, trckcecnoh fn dczh bfrrcoh, dc rfjfrfnb`c fxpfr`gfntc bcgk`hs s`nush`ocdfs bhgh fn dc J`iurc , ¸Bògh sfrã dc scd`oc cd bckh of un t`fgph8. k) Bhgpcrc dhs rfsudtcohs s` dh acbfghs fn Gctdck b) O`kuec fd o`circgc of Nyqu`st ofd s`stfgc fn dczh ck`frth fn Gctdck, y bcdbudc fd gcrifn of icncnb`c y fd gcrifn of jcsf c gcnh. Bhgpcrc fd rfsudtcoh s` dh acbfs cuthgãt`bcgfntf bhn GC_DCK. o) O`kuec fd o`circgc of Khof of ofdd s`stfgc fn dczh ck`frth, y bcdbudc dhs gãrifnfs gãrifnfs of jcsf y icncnb`c of fstf s`stfgc. Bhgpãrcdhs bhn dhs rfsudtcohs ofd cpcrtcoh b).
:2. ]crc fd ghofdh ofd prhkdfgc cntfr`hr. 3. Bhns`ofrcnoh quf bfrrcghs fd dczh bhn u un n rfiudcohr [(s)7L/s71/s [(s)7L/s71/s.. R`, trckcecnoh fn dczh bfrrcoh, dc rfjfrfnb`c fxpfr`gfntc bcgk`hs s`nush`ocdfs bhgh fn dc J`iurc , ¸Bògh sfrã dc scd`oc cd bckh of un t`fgph8. ;. Bhgpcrc dhs rfsudtcohs s s`` dh ac acbfghs bfghs fn Gctdck 2. O`kuec fd o`circgc of Nyqu`st ofd s`stfgc fn dczh ck`frth fn Gctdck, y bcdbudc fd gcrifn of icncnb`c y fd gcrifn of jcsf c gcnh. Bhgpcrc fd rfsudtcoh s` dh acbfs cuthgãt`bcgfntf bhn GC_DCK. ?. O`kuec fd o`circgc of Khof of ofdd s`stfgc fn dczh ck`frth, y bcdbudc dhs gãrifnfs gãrifnfs of jcsf y icncnb`c of fstf s`stfgc. Bhgpãrcdhs bhn dhs rfsudtcohs ofd cpcrtcoh b).
:?. Vt`d`zcr dcs trczcs of Khof y/h o`circgc of Nyqu`st pcrc oftfrg`ncr fd gcrifn of L ofntrh ofd bucd fs fstckdf fd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh.
[(s) +
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
( s ;)( s ?)( s 6)
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
:6.O :6. `kuecr unc cprhx`gcb`òn of dhs d hs o`circgcs of Khof y Nyqu`st of dcs ohs junb`hnfs fn dczh of ck`frth quf sf `no`bcn. Fstuo`cr dc fstck`d`oco ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh
I3 ( s )
;=s 6
s 3 s 3=
I; ( s )
;= s 6
[(s) +
s 3 s 3=
::.( ]rhkdfgc ;. Fxcgfn hro`ncr`h 33-3;). ::. Bhns`ofrf fd s`stfgc of bhntrhd of dc J`iurc 3, ohnof [( s )
(3 3==s )
, y I(s) fs dc junb`òn of
trcnsjfrfnb`c ofd s`stfgc buyc rfspufstc fsbcdòn fs dc of dc J`iurc ;.
J`iurc 3 J`iurc ; c) Acddcr I(s). k) ]crc Lb73= , o`kuecr fd o`circgc of Khof cs`ntòt`bh quf df pfrg`tc fstuo`cr dc fstck`d`oco fd s`stfgc of bhntrhd of dc J`iurc 3. C pcrt`r of fsf o`circgc, oftfrg`nf of jhrgc cprhx`gcoc dhs vcdhrfs of dhs gãrifnfs of jcsf y icncnb`c ofd s`stfgc of bhntrhd. Fn kcsf c dhs g`sghs, rczhnf dc fstck`d`oco ofd s`stfgc of bhntrhd. b) Fn fd bcsh of quf pcrc Lb73= fd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh rfsudtf fstckdf, bcdbudf fd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn of vcdhr 6 . Fn fd bcsh of quf pcrc Lb73= fd fd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh sfc `nfstckdf, oftfrg`nf dhs vcdhrfs of Lb quf icrcnt`zcn dc fstck`d`oco ofd g`sgh.
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
:9. (Bufst`òn 2. Fxcgfn hro`ncr`h 33-3;). c) Ocoh fd s`stfgc bhn rfcd`gfntcb`òn un`tcr`c of dc j`iurc, su o`circgc of Khof (J_ fn dczh ck`frth) fs fd quf sf gufstrc. Hktfnic dhs gãrifnfs of jcsf y of icncnb`c. I s
;===( s =.3)
s :s ;s 3=
Y(s) +
Y(s) +
3 Ibs 3 3=s
k). Rf df cpd`bc un bhntrhdcohr ]@
B(s )
Hktfnic fd nufvh o`circgc of Khof y dhs nufvhs gãrifnfs of jcsf y icncnb`c. ¸Buãd fs dc pr`nb`pcd vfntcec ofd s`stfgc bhgpfnscoh8 ?= 2=
?.? = 3=
-2= -?=
-:= 3=
3== 6= = -6= -3== -36= -;== -2 3=
:1. (]rhkdfgc ;. Fxcgfn fxtrchro`ncr`h 33-3;). Ocoh fd s`stfgc rfcd`gfntcoh of dc j`iurc
](s) [(s) +
L s
(s+;) (s+3)
+ +
c) Bcdbudf dcs junb`hnfs o of f trcnsjfrfnb trcnsjfrfnb`c5 `c5 P( P(s s)/[( )/[(s s), P(s P(s)/]( )/](s s) y V(s V(s)/[( )/[(s s). k) Oftfrg`nf cprhx`gcocgf cprhx`gcocgfntf, ntf, pcrc L73, dhs gãri gãrifnfs fnfs of jcsf y of icncnb`c ofd s`stfgc. b) Bcdbudf fd rcnih of vcdhrfs of L quf acbfn qu quf f s`gudtãnfcgfntf5 Fd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h cntf u unc nc fntrcoc rcgpc un`tcr`c fn [ sfc gfnhr qu quf f =.3< Cntf u unc nc fntrco fntrcoc c scdth tfnic un t`fgph o of f fstckdf fstckdfb`g`fnth b`g`fnth gf gfnhr nhr quf ; sfiu sfiunohs. nohs.
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
:0. (]rhkdfgc. Fxcgfn hro`ncr`h 3;-32). Vn prhbfsh of sfbcoh (fd`g`ncb`òn of augfoco) cpd`bc un jdueh of c`rf bcd`fntf (gfo`cntf unc sfócd =…..3==% c un s`stfgc vfnt`dcohr), c dc bãgcrc of sfbcoh fn ohnof sf fnbufntrc fd gctfr`cd c sfbcr. Fstcnoh fn un punth of fq fqu`d`kr`h, u`d`kr`h, sf rfcd`zc un fxpfr`gfnth bhns`stfntf bhns`stfntf fn o`sg`nu`r dc sfócd cd vfnt`dcohr un 3%, hksfrvãnohsf un bcgk`h fn dc augfoco ofd gctfr`cd bhgh fd ghstrcoh fn dc j`iurc.
Rf p`of5 c) ]crc bhntrhdcr dc augfoco sf usc un bhntrhdcohr t`ph ]. O`kuecr un un o`circgc of kdhqufs ofd s`stfgc of bhntrhd rfsudtcntf fn dczh bfrrcoh, fspfb`j`bcnoh dcs junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c. k) Bcdbudcr fd vcdhr of dc icncnb`c ofd rfiudcohr pcrc hktfnfr un shkrfp`bh ofd ;=% fn dc rfspufstc fn dczh bfrrcoh c un scdth of ohs un`ocofs fn dc rfjfrfnb`c. b) Bcdbudcr fd vcdhr of dc icncnb`c ofd rfiudcohr pcrc h hktfnfr ktfnfr un frrhr fs fstcb`hncr`h tcb`hncr`h `njfr`hr cd =.3 % fn dc rfspufstc fn dczh bfrrcoh c un scdth ofd ;% fn dc rfjfrfnb`c . ¸Buãd sfrã fd vcdhr fstcb`hncr`h of dc vcr`ckdf of scd`oc y of dc vcr`ckdf gcn`pudcoc fn fstf bcsh8. ]crc fstc pcrtf rfbufroc bcdbudcr dcs o`st`ntcs junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c ofd s`stfgc. P(s)/[(s) y V(s)/[(R). o) Bcdbudc fd gcrifn of jcsf y fd gcrifn of icncnb`c pcrc fd s`stfgc uscnoh fd rfiudcohr bcdbudcoh fn fd cpcrtcoh 2, rczhnc r czhnc shkrf dc fstck`d`oco ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh.
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
Duicr of dcs rcçbfs.
9=. Ofpòs`th bhn rfs`stfnb`c. ]crc fd ofpòs`th of dc j`iurc sf ac hktfn`oh, trcs d`nfcd`zcr, dcs J_ quf sf gufstrcn _ `
_(t) Z(t) [
f) Fstuo`cr dc fstck`d`oco y dcs bcrcbtfrçst`bcs of dc rfspufstc ofd s`stfgc fn dczh ck ck`frth `frth y fn dczh bfrrcoh cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn un`tcr`h fn Y(s), bucnoh sf b`frrc fd dczh bhn un rfiudcohr Lp. Bcdbudcr un Lpc ofbucoh. j) O`kuecr fd duicr of dcs rcçbfs. i) Fstuo`cr fd g`sgh bbcsh csh s` fd dczh sf b`frrc bhn un rfiudcohr ]@, ¸Buãn ¸Buãnth th vcdf Lp y _` 8 ¸Bògh fs dc rfspufstc ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn fn Y(s) bhn fsf Lp y _` bcdbudcoh bhn fd duicr of dcs rcçbfs8 Bhgprhkcrdh fn Gctdck. 93. Ocoh 93. I ( s)
fd L
, L73, A(s)73.
A(s) s 6s ? Fstuo`cr dc fstck`d`oco y dcs bcrcbtfrçst`bcs of dc rfspufstc ofd s`stfgc fn dczh ck`frth y fn dczh bfrrcoh cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn un`tcr`h fn [(s). ¸Suà subfof subfof s` L thgc htrhs vcdhrf vcdhrfs8 s8 ;
9;. Ocoh 9;. I( s)
fd s`stfgc of dc L ( s 6) s ; 2s ;? , A(s)73.
Fstuo`cr dc fstck`d`oco y dcs bcrcbtfrçst`bcs of dc rfspufstc ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn un`tcr`h fn [(s). 92. ]crc fd s`stfgc of dc j`iurc 92.
Y(s) +
L p
(s :) (s 2)(s =.6)(s ;)
3.- Bcdbudcr fd duicr of dcs rcçbfs ;.- Acddcr dhs punths of rupturc y dcs csçnthtcs. 2.- Acddcr dhs phdhs ohg`ncntfs ofd s`stfgc quf acbfn quf fd s`stfgc junb`hnf bhn un shkrfpcsh ofd 36%, fd vcdhr of Lp pcrc hktfnfr fshs phdhs y dc phs`b`òn ofd 2fr phdh. ?.-Oftfrg`ncr fd vcdhr of Lp quf acbf quf fd s`stfgc sfc brçt`bcgfntf cghrt`iucoh y fd vcdhr of Lp quf acbf quf sfc brçt`bcgfntf fstckdf 6.-Hktfnfr dc rfspufstc fsbcdòn ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh pcrc fd vcdhr of Lp hktfn`oh fn fd cpcrtcoh 2 y bhgprufkf bucd fs rfcdgfntf r fcdgfntf fd vcdhr ofd shkrfpcsh. :.-Rf ofsfc quf fd s`stfgc prfsfntf un frrhr fstcb`hncr`h gfnhr quf =.=3 cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn. Oftfrg`ncr fd vcdhr ofd shkrfpcsh g gãx`gh ãx`gh quf sf hkt`fnf gcntfn`fnoh gcntfn`fnoh fstf frrhr.
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
9?. ]crc fd s`stfgc of dc j`iurc
Y(s) +
L p
3 (s ; 6s ?)(s 2)
3.- Bcdbudcr fd duicr of dcs rcçbfs ;.- Fstuo`cr dc fstck`d`oco y dc rfspufstc fn dczh ck`frth y dczh bfrrcoh of fstf s`stfgc.
96. (Bufst`òn ?. Fxcgfn hro`ncr`h 3;-32). Rfc un s`stfgc of dc jhrgc5
[(s) +
c) C pcrt`r of dhs duicrfs of dcs rcçbfs of dcs j`iurcs rczhncr buãdfs t`fnfn junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh bfrrcoh quf shn s`fgprf fstckdfs y buãdfs nh. Cofgãs `no`bcr s` dc fstck`d`oco sf prhoubf pcrc vcdhrfs of dc icncnb`c L pfqufóhs h ircnofs. Eust`j`bcr dc rfspufstc. k) Fdfi`r unh of dhs duicrfs o of f dcs rcçbfs ghstrcohs fn dcs dcs j`iurcs y, suphn`fnoh A(s)73, ofoub`r dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh d czh bfrrcoh. [hht Dhbus
: H
3 s
o n h b f s (
s ` x C
y r c n ` i c g @
-? H
-: - 3;
- 3=
-? [fcd Cx`s (sfbhnos
R`stfgc (3)
[hht Dhbus
3 s
o n h b f ( s s ` x C y r c n ` i c g @
-6 Q
-36 -3;
[fcd Cx`s (sfbhnos -3)
R`stfgc (;)
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
[hht Dhbus
;= 36 3= )
3 s
o n h b f s (
s ` x C
y r c n ` i c g @
-6 -3= -36 -;= -2=
[fcd Cx`s (sfbhnos )
R`stfgc (2)
[hht Dhbus
3 s
o n h b f s (
s ` x C y r c n ` i c g @
-2= - 3;
[fcd Cx`s (sfbhnos -3)
R`stfgc (?)
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
O`sfóh O`sfó ho of f ]@ ]@O. O.
9:. Bucnoh c un s`stfgc sf df cpd`bc unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn of cgpd`tuo unh (rfspfbth of su fstcb`hncr`h 3.6), su rfspufstc qufoc bhgh dc ghstrcoc fn dc j`iurc. 3.:6 3.:?
3.61 f o u t ` d p g C
3.?1 -3
_`gf (sfb hnos)
Rf p`of5 Fst`gcr dc icncnb`c L , fd rftcroh o y y dc bhnstcntf of t`fgph of su cprhx`gcb`òn phr un s`stfgc of pr`gfr hrofn bhn rftcroh. r ftcroh. C pcrt`r of o`bah ghofdh o`sf o`sfócr ócr un bhntrhdcohr ], un ]@ y un ]@O s`iu`fn s`iu`fnoh oh dcs tckdcs v`stc v`stcs s fn bdcsf of _fhrçc, of U`fidfr-N`bahds fn dczh ck`frth. R` sf sckf quf fsc rfspufstc sf bhrrfsphnof bhn dc J J_ _ fn dczh ck`frth
I( s)
3 s :s 3; s 1 2
, cncd`zcr fd bhgphrtcg`fnth ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh (fstcb`hncr`h
ofd s`stfgc bhn dhs o`st`nths bhntrhdcohrfs acddcohs) —fn bcoc bcsh‗ (fvhdub`òn of scd`oc y sfócd of bhntrhd cntf bcgk`hs t`ph scdth fn dc rfjfrfnb`c y pfrturkcb`hnfs fn dc scd`oc t`ph scdth), y bhgprhkcr dhs rfsudtcohs fn Gctdck/R`gud`nl.
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
FNVNB@COHR OF FQCGFN. Fxcgfn Fxcgf n hro` hr o`ncr`h ncr`h (eun`h). (eun `h). Bur Bursh sh 33-3; 33-3; ][HKDFGC 3 (; ]VN_HR)
Dc j`iurc rfjdfec un prhbfsh of bcdfntcg`fnth of un jdu`oh. Fd jdu`oh ddfic cd o`sphs`t`vh `ntfrbcgk`co `ntfrbcgk`cohr hr of bcdhr c unc tfgpfrcturc _` (µB) (quf pufof vcr`cr bhn fd t`fgph), y ofspuàs ofd prhbfsh of bcdfntcg`fnth bcdfntcg`fnth scdf bhn unc tfgpfrcturc _ (µB). Rf o`sphnf of unc vãdvudc of rfiudcb`òn quf pufof gho`j`bcr fd bcuocd ofd jdu`oh (q) quf b`rbudc phr fd o`sphs`t`vh `ntfrbcgk`cohr. Rf ofnhg`nc u (%) c dc cpfrturc of o`bac vãdvudc. Fd ghofdh gctfgãt`bh quf pfrg`tf bcdbudcr dc fvhdub`òn of dc tfgpfrcturc of scd`oc ofd jdu`oh fn junb`òn of dc tfgpfrcturc of fntrcoc y of dc cpfrturc of dc vãdvudc of rfiudcb`òn fs5 2 : : 1.1 1.1 ;
Bucnoh fd s`stfgc fstã fn fstcoh fstcb`hncr`h y dc tfgpfrcturc of fntrcoc fs of 3= µB, dc of scd`oc fs of ?=µB. Rf p`of5 3) @ofnt`j`bcr dcs vcr`ckdfs ofd prhkdfgc5 ¸Buãd fs dc fntrcoc8, ¸buãd fs dc scd`oc8 y ¸buãd fs dc pfrturkcb`òn8 (=.;) ;) Bhn dc fbucb`òn o`jfrfnb`cd ococ cntfr`hrgfntf bcdbudcr dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c of dc scd`oc rfspfbth of dc fntrcoc, y dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c of dc scd`oc rfspfbth of dc pfrturkcb`òn. O`kuecr fd o`circgc of kdhqufs ofd s`stfgc bhns`ofrcoh, bhn sus junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c. (=.:) 2) Rf prftfnof bhntrhdcr dc tfgpfrcturc of scd`oc ofd jdu`oh uscnoh un rfiudcohr of t`ph ]@ buycs bhnstcntfs shn5 icncnb`c ofd rfiudcohr =.3, y t`fgph `ntfircd of 3 g`nuth. O`kuecr fd o`circgc of kdhqufs fn dczh bfrrcoh y bcdbudcr su junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c. (=.:) ?) [czhncr s` fd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh fs fstckdf h nh.(=.2) 6) [czhncr bògh fs dc rfspufstc ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh cntf unc fntrcoc fn fsbcdòn un`tcr`h of dc rfjfrfnb`c, y bcdbudcr sus pcrãgftrhs. (=.2)
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
][HKDFGC ; (; ]VN_HR) Bhns`ofrf fd s`stfgc of bhntrhd of dc J`iurc 3,ohnof [(s)7 , y I(s) fs dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c ofd s`stfgc buyc rfspufstc fsbcdòn fs dc of dc J`iurc ;. J`iurc 3
J`iurc ;
Rf p`of5 c) Acddcr I(s) (=. (=.6 6 punt hs). k) ]crc Lb73=, o`kuecr fd o`circgc of Khof cs`ntòt`bh (=.: ( =.: punths) punths ) quf df pfrg`tc fstuo`cr dc fstck`d`oco fd s`stfgc of bhntrhd of dc j`iurc 3. C pcrt`r of fsf o`circgc, oftfrg`nf of jhrgc cprhx`gcoc dhs vcdhrfs of dhs gãrifnfs of jcsf y icncnb`c ofd s`stfgc of bhntrhd (=.2 ( =.2 punths). punths ). Fn kcsf c dhs g`sghs, rczhnf dc fstck`d`oco ofd s`stfgc of bhntrhd (=. (=.2 2 punths) punt hs) b) Fn fd bcsh of quf pcrc Lb73= fd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh rfsudtf fstckdf, bcdbudf fd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn of vcdhr 6. Fn fd bcsh of quf pcrc Lb73= fd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh sfc `nfstckdf, oftfrg`nf dhs vcdhrfs of Lb quf icrcnt`zcn dc fstck`d`oco ofd g`sgh. (=. (=.2 2 punths) punths )
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
BVFR_@ÒN 3 (3 ]VN_H) Ocoh fd s`stfgc buyc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c fs I
;s 2
s 2s ; s 2
3.- ¸Fs phs`kdf rfoub`r su hrofn8 ¸]hr quà8 Fn bcsh of quf pufoc acbfrsf hktfnic dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c ofd s`stfgc rfoub`oh (=.6]ths). ;.- @no`quf buãd of dhs s`iu`fntfs o`circgcs of Khof bhrrfsphnof bhn àd y eust`jçqufdh (=.6]ts). c)
k) O`circgc of Khof
O`circgc of Khof
) K o (
f o u t ` n i c G
) K o (
-6= -3== -?6
-3== -326 ) i f o ( f s c a ]
f o u t ` n i c G
) i f o ( f s c a ]
-31= -;;6 -;9=
-0= -326 -31= -;;6
o) O`circgc of Khof
O`circgc of Khof
) K -;= o ( f o -?= u t ` n i c -:= G
) K o (
-1= = ) i f o ( f s c a ]
-?= ?6
) i f o ( f s a c ]
-0= -326 -31= -3 3=
f o u t ` n -;= i c G
= -?6 -0= -326 -3
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
BVFR_@ÒN ; (3 ]VN_H) Cncd`zcr fd fjfbth quf dc vcr`cb`òn ofd pcrãgftrh _` (_`>=) prhoubf fn fd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h ofd s`stfgc of dc j`iurc fn fd bcsh of fntrcocs t`ph (3) fsbcdòn (Y(s)73/s) y (;) rcgpc (Y(s)73/s ;). Rupònicsf quf fd s`stfgc I(s) pufof tfnfr (C)bfrh, (K)unh h (B)ohs phdhs fn fd hr`ifn.
Fss, fjfbth _` fn Fss (C) R`stfgc s`n phdhs fn hr`ifn+]@O hr`ifn+]@O (K) R`stfgc bhn un phdh fn fd
(3)Fntrcoc (3)Fntrcoc Fsbcdòn
(;)Fntrcoc (;)Fntrcoc [cgpc
hr`ifn+]@O hr`ifn+]@O (B) R`stfgc bhn ohs phdhs fn fd hr`ifn+ ]@O ]@O
BVFR_@ÒN 2 (3 ]VN_H) Fn un rfiudcohr ]@O `ofcd dc sfócd of bhntrhd sf fvcdõc c pcrt`r of dc sfócd of frrhr sfiõn dc jòrgudc5 t 3 o u (t ) L p (f(t ) f( )o _o f(t )) _` = ot . Fn s`tucb`hnfs rfcdfs5
c) ¸Suà prhkdfgcs pufofn prfsfntcrsf ourcntf dc hpfrcb`òn of un rfiudcohr `gpdfgfntcoh bhn fstc jòrgudc8 (=.6]ths) k) ¸Bògh pufofn shdvfntcrsf fsths prhkdfgcs8 (=.6]ths)
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
Fxcgfn Fxcgf n fxtrchro` fxtr chro` ncr`h (eud`h). (eud` h). Bursh 33-3; 33-3; ][HKDFGC (; ]VN_HR) () Vn surt`ohr of icshd`nc pufof ghofdcrsf gfo`cntf dc fbucb`òn5 ; oS t u (t ) ?¹S ; (t ) S(t ) . Ohnof S(t) fs ot fd bcuocd of icshd`nc quf oc fd surt`ohr (d`trhs/sfiunoh) y u(t) fs dc tfns`òn of fntrcoc cd ghthr of dc khgkc ofd surt`ohr (vhdt`hs), quf sf pufof gcn`pudcr c vhduntco. Rf bhnstruyf un s`stfgc of bhntrhd pcrc rfiudcr fd vhdugfn of icshd`nc sug`n`strcoc, Z(t). ]crc fddh sf
pdcntfc fd s`stfgc of bhntrhd of dc J`iurc 3. Fn o`bah fsqufgc fd vhdugfn of d`trhs ofsfcohs fs Z rfj . Rf sckf quf dc rfdcb`òn fntrf fd vhdugfn y fd bcuocd of icshd`nc sug`n`strcoh phr fd surt`ohr v`fnf ocoh phr dc oZ (t ) S(t ) . s`iu`fntf fbucb`òn o`jfrfnb`cd ot
J`iurc 3 c) Fdfi`oh fd punth of trckceh S7=. d`trhs/sfiunoh, bcdbudf dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c trcnsjfrfnb` c quf rfdcb`hnc fd vhdugfn of icshd`nc sug`n`strcoh phr fd surt`ohr bhn dc tfns`òn of cd`gfntcb`òn of dc khgkc ofd surt`ohr (I(s) fn dc j`iurc 3). k) ]crc [(s)7L, fnbufntrf dhs vcdhrfs of L quf icrcnt`zcn dc fstck`d`oco ofd s`stfgc of bhntrhd. b) ]crc fd rcnih of vcdhrfs of L fn dhs quf fd s`stfgc of bhntrhd fs fstckdf, rczhnf fd t`ph of rfspufstc ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh fn junb`òn of dhs vcdhrfs of L. o) ]crc L7=.=?6, rczhnf s` pufof rfoub`r fd hrofn of dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh. R` jufsf csç, rfouzbc o`bac junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c f `no`quf dhs pcrãgftrhs bcrcbtfrçst`bhs of dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c rfoub`oc y o`kuef dc rfspufstc ofd s`stfgc cntf un fsbcdòn un`tcr`h.
][HKDFGC ; (; ]VN_HR) Ocoh fd s`stfgc rfcd`gfntcoh of dc j`iurc5 + [ -
] V
c) Bcdbudf dcs junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c trcnsjfrfnb` c P( P(s s)/[( )/[(s s), P(s P(s)/]( )/](s s) y V(s V(s)/[( )/[(s s).(3 punth) k) Oftfrg`nf cprhx`gcocgfntf, pcrc L73, dhs gãrifnfs of jcsf y of icncnb`c ofd s`stfgc. (3 punth) b) Bcdbudf fd rcnih of vcdhrfs of L quf acbfn quf s`gudtãnfcgfnt s`gudtãnfcgfntf5 f5 Fd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h cntf unc fntrcoc rcgpc un`tcr`c fn [ sfc gfnhr quf =.3< Cntf unc fntrcoc scdth tfnic un t`fgph of fstckdfb`g`fnth fstckdfb`g` fnth gfnhr quf ; (sfiunohs).
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
BVFR_@ÒN 3 (3 ]VN_H) Dcs s`iu`fntfs irãj`bcs gufstrcn dc rfspufstc fn dczh bfrrcoh of buctrh s`stfgcs bhn rfcd`gfntcb`òn un`tcr`c of fntrcoc fntrcoc cpd`bcoc. nfict`vc. Fn bcoc irãj`bc sf `no`bc fd t`ph of Rf p`of5 c) C pcrt`r of dc rfspufstc ghstrcoc, ofoub`r fd t`ph ofd s`stfgc y s` acy frrhr fstcb`hncr`h, fstcb`hncr`h, h h nh. fstcb`hncr`h,, bcdbudcrdh. k) Fn bcsh of quf acyc frrhr fstcb`hncr`h
Rtfp [fsphnsf
D`nfcr R`gudct`hn [fsudts
=.=0 =.=1 =.=9 3= =.=: f o u t ` d =.=6 p g C
f o u t ` d p g C
6 =.=2 =.=; =.=3 =
_`gf (sfb)
_`gf (sfb )
35 [fspufstc ofd R`stfgc 3 J`iurc 35 [fspufstc 3 cntf cntf fntrcoc scdth un`tcr`h
J`iurc 25 25 [fspufstc ofd R`stfgc 2 2 cntf cntf fntrcoc rcgpc un`tcr`c Rtfp [fsphnsf
D`nfcr R`gudct`hn [fsudts
3 =.0
=.1 =.9
f o u t ` d 2 p g C
f o u t ` =.6 d p g C
=.? ;
=.2 =.;
=.3 =
6 _`gf (sfb)
3= 3=
J`iurc ;5 [fspufstc ofd R`stfgc ; cntf fntrcoc scdth un`tcr`h
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
_`gf (sfb)
J`iurc ?5 ?5 [fspufstc [fspufstc ofd s`stfgc ? ? cntf cntf fntrcoc scdth un`tcr`h
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
BVFR_@ÒN ; (3 ]VN_H) ]crc fd s`stfgc of dc j`iurc acddcr5 c) Fbucb`òn bcrcbtfrçst`bc (=.96]ths), k) Zcdhr ofd pcrãgftrh pcrãgftrh —c‗ (c>=) of jhr jhrgc gc quf fd bhneunth tfnic cg cghrt`iucg`fnth hrt`iucg`fnth brçt`b brçt`bh h (=,6]ths), b) R` L sf j`ec fn Lgcx, acddcr5 (3)rfspufstc fstcb`hncr`c ofd s`stfgc cntf un fsbcdòn un`oco (bcsh of s`stfgc brçt`bcgfntf cghrt`iucoh) y (;)t`fgph of fstckdfb`g`fnth (=.;6]ths).
BVFR_@ÒN 2 (3 ]VN_H) Bhns`ofrf un s`stfgc buyc rfspufstc fn jrfbufnb`c fs dc bhrrfsphno`fntf cd o`circgc of khof coeunth. c) Oftfrg`nf of jhrgc cprhx`gcoc fd cnbah of kcnoc ofd s`stfgc. k) Oftfrg`nf of jhrgc cprhx`gcoc dc icncnb`c fstãt`bc fn dcs un`ocofs of dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c trcnsjfrfnb` c ofd s`stfgc. b) R` o`bah s`stfgc fs fxb`tcoh bhn unc sfócd s`nush`ocd of cgpd`tuo ;.6 y jrfbufnb`c =.2312 afrb`hs. ¸Buãd fs dc fxprfs`òn of dc scd`oc ofd s`stfgc fn rài`gfn fstcb`hncr`h8
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
Fxcgfn Fxcgf n hro` hr o`ncr`h ncr`h (eun`h). (eun `h). Bur Bursh sh 3;-32 3;-32 ][HKDFGC (2 ]VN_HR) Vn prhbfsh of sfbcoh (fd`g`ncb`òn of augfoco) cpd`bc un jdueh of c`rf bcd`fntf (gfo`cntf unc sfócd =…..3==% c un s`stfgc vfnt`dcohr), c dc bãgcrc of sfbcoh fn ohnof sf fnbufntrc fd gctfr`cd c sfbcr. Fstcnoh fn un punth of fqu`d`kr`h, sf rfcd`zc un fxpfr`gfnth bhns`stfntf fn o`sg`nu`r dc sfócd cd vfnt`dcohr un 3%, hksfrvãnohsf un bcgk`h fn dc augfoco ofd gctfr`cd bhgh fd ghstrcoh fn dc j`iurc.
Rf p`of5 3. ]crc bhntrhdcr dc augfoco sf usc un bhntrhdcohr t`ph ]. O`kuecr un o`circgc of kdhqufs ofd s`stfgc of bhntrhd rfsudtcntf fn dczh bfrrcoh, fspfb`j`bcnoh dcs junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c (=. (=.6 6 punths) punths ) ;. Bcdbudcr fd vcdhr of dc icncnb`c ofd rfiudcohr pcrc hktfnfr un shkrfp`bh ofd ;=% fn dc rfspufstc fn dczh bfrrcoh c un scdth of ohs un`ocofs fn dc rfjfrfnb`c. (=. (=.: : punths) punths ) 2. Bcdbudcr fd vcdhr of of dc icncn icncnb`c b`c ofd rfiudco rfiudcohr hr pcrc hktfnfr hktfnfr un frrhr fstcb`hncr`h fstcb`hncr`h `njfr`hr cd cd =.3 % fn dc rfspufstc fn dczh bfrrcoh c un scdth ofd ;% fn dc rfjfrfnb`c (=.: punths). punths). ¸Buãd sfrã fd vcdhr fstcb`hncr`h of dc vcr`ckdf of scd`oc y of dc vcr`ckdf gcn`pudcoc fn fstf bcsh8. ]crc fstc pcrtf rfbufroc bcdbudcr dcs o`st`ntcs junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c ofd s`stfgc. P(s)/[(s) y V(s)/[(R) (=. (=.: : punths) punths ) ?. Bcdbudc fd gcrifn of jcsf y fd gcrifn of icncnb`c pcrc fd s`stfgc uscnoh fd rfiudcohr bcdbudcoh fn fd cpcrtcoh 2, rczhnc shkrf dc fstck`d`oco ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh (=. (=.9 9 punths) punths )
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
BVFR_@ÒN 3 Ocoh fd o`circgc of kdhqufs of dc j`iurc5
Rf p`of5 c) Fxprfscrdh fn dc jhrgc
k) R` A 3 s ;, A ; s 3, I3 s 3, I ; s
2s ?
, I2 s 2, I? s
s 3 s Bcdbudcr I(s), A(s) y Dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c tr cnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh bfrrcoh b) Bhns`ofrcnoh dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh bfrrcoh ofd cpcrtcoh k), ¸Buãd sfrçc fd t`fgph of fstckdfb`g`fnth fstckdfb`g`f nth s` sf cpd`bcsf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn un`tcr`h cd s`stfgc8, ¸Acy shkrfp`bh8
BVFR_@ÒN ; Oftfrg`ncr buãd of dcs s`iu`fntfs junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c fs dc quf bhrrfsphnof bhn fd o`circgc of Khof. Eust`j`bcr dc rfspufstc.
I ( s)
6=s 3=
s 6=s 3
I( s)
6=s 3= ss 6=s 3 (k)
I( s)
s 3= ss 6=s 3
I( s)
6=3=s 3 ss 6=s 3 (o)
O`circgc of Khof
6= ) K o ( o u t `
n i c G
-3== -0=
) i f o ( f s c J
-31= -; 3=
Jrfbufnb`c (rco/s)
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
BVFR_@ÒN 2 Fd prhbfsh of dc j`iurc rfprfsfntc un ahrnh of bcdfntcg`fnth of un gctfr`cd, quf fntrc c tfgpfrcturc _` y ofkf scd`r c tfgpfrcturc _. Fn fd ahrnh sf pufof gcn`pudcr fd jdueh J of fdfgfnth bcdfjcbthr pcrc acbfr quf dc tfgpfrcturc j`ncd _ ofd gctfr`cd cdbcnbf dhs vcdhrfs ofsfcohs. Rf sckf quf dc rfdcb`òn fntrf dc tfgpfrcturc _, dc tfgpfrcturc of fntrcoc ofd gctfr`cd _` y fd jdueh J v`fnf ococ phr5
6 2J
;_ ; 2J_ _ `
ot bhn _ y _` fn µB, J fn Li/g`n y fd t`fgph fn g`nuths, y quf bucnoh fd s`stfgc fstã fn fstcoh fstcb`hncr`h c ?=µB dc tfgpfrcturc of fntrcoc fs of 3=µB. Hktfnfr dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c ofd s`stfgc fn fsf punth of trckceh, y o`kuecr fd o`circgc of kdhqufs, `ofnt`j`bcnoh dc vcr`ckdf of fntrcoc, dc vcr`ckdf of scd`oc y dc pfrturkcb`òn. BVFR_@ÒN ? Rfc un s`stfgc of dc jhrgc5
[(s) +
I(s) A(s)
c) C pcrt`r ofshn dhs s`fgprf duicrfs of dcs rcçbfs of dcs rczhncr buãdfs t`fnfn junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c fnof dczh bfrrcoh quf fstckdfs y buãdfs nh.j`iurcs Cofgãs `no`bcr s` dc fstck`d`oco sf prhoubf pcrc vcdhrfs dc icncnb`c L pfqufóhs h ircnofs. Eust`j`bcr dc rfspufstc. k) Fdfi`r unh of dhs duicrfs of dcs rcçbfs ghstrcohs fn dcs j`iurcs y, suphn`fnoh A(s)73, ofoub`r dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh bfrrcoh. [hht Dhbus
: H
3 s
o n h b f s ( s ` x C y r c n ` i c g @
R`stfgc (3)
-? H
-: -3 ;
-? [fcd Cx`s (sfbhnos
[hht Dhbus
3 s
o n h b f s ( s ` x C y r c n ` i c g @
R`stfgc (;)
-6 Q
-36 - 3;
[fcd Cx`s (sfbhnos -3)
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
[hht Dhbus
;= 36 3= )
3 s
s ` x C y r c n `
i c g @
o n h b f s (
R`stfgc (2)
-3= -36 -;= - 2=
- ;6
- ;=
- 36
- 3= [fcd Cx`s (sfbhnos
[hht Dhbus
3 s
o n h b f s ( s ` x C y r c n ` i c g @
R`stfgc (?)
-2= - 3;
-; [fcd Cx`s (sfbhnos
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
Fxcgfn Fxcgf n fxtrchro` fxtr chro` ncr`h (eud`h). (eud` h). Bursh 3;-32 3;-32 ][HKDFGC (2 ]VN_HR) Rf ofsfc bhntrhdcr dc _fgpfrcturc of un rfcbthr quçg`bh fxhtàrg`bh (fd prhbfsh cshb`coh ofsprfnof bcdhr quf acy quf o`s`pcr), ut`d`zcnoh bhgh cbtucohr unc vãdvudc of rfiudcb`òn phr ohnof b`rbudc fd dçqu`oh rfjr`ifrcntf (quf jcvhrfbf dc fd`g`ncb`òn ofd bcdhr prhoub`oh fn fd prhbfsh). Fn un fnscyh fn Dczh Ck`frth sf ac gfo`oh dc rfspufstc tfgphrcd ofd rfcbthr (_fgpfrcturc fn µB of dc rfcbb`òn fn fefbub`òn) bucnoh dc sfócd vãdvudc rfspfbth of su punth of trckceh. Dc _fgpfrcturc rfi`strcoc pufof cpd`bcoc vfrsf fn cdc dc j`iurc (fef vcr`ckc tfgphrcdfn fn-;=% g`nuths).
3 ;
=.6 punths =.6 punths
3.6 punths
Acddcr dc Junb`òn of _rcnsjfrfnb`c ofd R`stfgc (vãdvudc-rfcbthr) (vãdvudc-rfcbt hr) R` dc sfócd cpd`bcoc c dc vãdvudc fs sfnh`ocd of pfr`hoh 6 g`n y cgpd`tuo ;.6% ¸Bògh fs dc rfspufstc ofd s`stfgc fn fstcoh fstcb`hncr`h8 (cgpd`tuo, jrfbufnb`c y ofsjcsf)
O`sfócr un [fiudcohr of tcd sufrtf quf fd s`stfgc (rfiudcohr vãdvudc rfcbthr) fn Dczh Bfrrcoh y bhn rfcd`gfntcb`òn un`oco (3) Nh prfsfntf frrhr fstcb`hncr`h jrfntf c bcgk`hs fsbcdòn fn dc bhns`inc, (;) nh prfsfntf shkrfp`bh cntf dhs g`sghs bcgk`hs y (2) quf sf fstck`d`bf fn un t`fgph nh supfr`hr c 2 g`nuths. Eust`j`bcr dc fdfbb`òn ofd [fiudcohr fgpdfcoh f `no`bcr fd vcdhr of sus pcrãgftrhs. =.6 punths R` dc bhns`inc h rfjfrfnb`c vcrçc sfiõn unc rcgpc of pfno`fntf 6 µB /g`n. ¸]rfsfntcrã fd s`stfgc frrhr fstcb`hncr`h8. Fn bcsh cj`rgct`vh bcdbudcrdh
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
BVFR_@ÒN BVFR_ @ÒN 3 (; (; punths pun ths ) Rf o`sphnf of un s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh bhn dc bhnj`iurcb`òn quf sf gufstrc fn dc j`iurc
Y(s) +
B(s )
I( s)
? s ; 3?s ;?
Rf p`of5 C
Bcrcbtfrçst`bcs of dc rfspufstc tfgphrcd (trcns`thr`c y pfrgcnf pfrgcnfntf) ntf) ofd s`stfgc fn DB cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn pcrc dhs bcshs fn quf Ib(s) sfc un rfiudcohr prhphrb`hncd bhn Lp73 h Lp7??.36 Bhgpcrcr y bhgfntcr dhs rfsudtcohs. _rczcr fd Duicr of dcs rcçbfs —cprhx`gcoh‗ pcrc fd s`stfgc bhn Ib(s)7L, bhn L>=. Bhgfntcr dhs rfsudtcohs. rfsudtcohs. Bcdbudcr dhs GJ y GI —cprhx`gcohs‗ pcrc fd s`stfgc bhn Ib(s)73 y pcrc fd s`stfgc bhn Ib(s)7??.36
BVFR_@ÒN BVFR_ @ÒN ; (3 punth) punt h) Rfc
I s
9 s 3; s ; ; s ;
V(s ) V(s)
B(s) B(s )
Rf cpd`bc bhgh fntrcoc unc rcgpc un`tcr`c. Rf p`of5 c) Hktfnfr dc ofsbhgphs`b`òn ofsbhgphs`b` òn fn jrcbb`hnfs s`gpdfs of dc scd`oc ofd s`stfgc, sfócdcnoh y eust`j`bcnoh eust`j` bcnoh quà tàrg`nhs bhrrfsphnofn c dc rfspufstc trcns`thr`c y bucdfs c dc pfrgcnfntf. (Bhgfntcr`h5 nh fs nfbfscr`h acbfr dhs bãdbudhs nugàr`bhs) k) R` fd nugfrcohr of I(s) jufrc 6=, ¸sf vfrçc cjfbtcoh fd ofscrrhddh of cdiunc jhrgc8
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
BVFR_@ÒN BVFR_ @ÒN 2 (3 punth) punt h) 3. Ocoh fd s`stfgc bhn rfcd`gfntcb`òn un`tcr`c of dc j`iurc, su o`circgc of Khof (J_ fn dczh ck`frth) fs fd quf sf gufstrc. Hktfnic dhs gãrifnfs of jcsf y of icncnb`c.
I s
;=== ( s =.3)
s :s ;s 3=
Y(s) +
Ibs 3
;. Rf df cpd`bc un bhntrhdcohr ]@
Y(s) +
B(s )
Hktfnic fd nufvh o`circgc of Khof y dhs nufvhs gãrifnfs of jcsf y icncnb`c. ¸Buãd fs dc pr`nb`pcd vfntcec ofd s`stfgc bhgpfnscoh8
?= 2= ;= 3= ?.? = -3= -;= -2= -?= -6= -:= -2 3=
3== 6= = -6= -3== -36= -;== -2 3=
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
Fxcgfn Fxcgf n hro` hr o`ncr`h ncr`h (eun`h). (eun `h). Bur Bursh sh 32-3? 32-3? ]rhkdfgc (2 punths) Dc prfs`òn of un ofpòs`th of cdgcbfncg`fnth of un b`frth ics sf rfiudc phr gfo`h of un s`stfgc bhgh fd of dc j`iurc, gcn`pudcnoh dc dçnfc of scd`oc, ohnof ]_ fs fd sfnshr of prfs`òn, ]B fs fd rfiudcohr of prfs`òn, y _ fs dc tfgpfrcturc of fntrcoc ofd ics. Fd s`stfgc hpfrc nhrgcdgfntf c unc prfs`òn of 2 kcrfs fn fd ofpòs`th of cdgcbfncg`fnth y bhn unc sfócd of dc vãdvudc ofd 2=% (ohnof fd rcnih of junb`hncg`fnth of dc vãdvudc fs fntrf fd = y fd 3==%). Rf sckf quf fd s`stfgc, fn dczh ck`frth, cntf un bcgk`h fn dc sfócd of dc vãdvudc ofsof fd 2= % cd 26% oc unc rfspufstc tfgphrcd fn dc prfs`òn bhgh dc of dc j`iurc5 Rtfp [fsphnsf
2 ;.0 ;.1 ;.9 ;.:
f o t u ` d p g C
;.6 ;.? ;.2 ;.; ;.3 ; =
_`gf (sfb)
Rf sckf cofgãs quf dc rfdcb`òn fntrf dc tfgpfrcturc _ (fn µB) ofd ics quf ddfic cd ofpòs`th of cdgcbfncg`fnth y dc prfs`òn ofntrh g`sgh (fn kcrfs), pcrc unc cpfrturc of dc vãdvudc ofd 2=% y unc prfs`òn of 2 kcrfs, v`fnf ococ phr dc s`iu`fntf fbucb`òn5 op
31== ot 2 p(t )
2=_ (t ) 2=
Rf p`of5 c) O`kuef fd bhrrfsphno`fntf bhrrfsphno`fntf o`circgc of kdhqufs fn dczh ck`frth, `no`bcno `no`bcnoh h bucd fs dc vcr`ckdf bhntrhdcoc, dc vcr`ckdf gcn`pudcoc y dc vcr`ckdf of pfrturkcb`òn, bcdbudcnoh dcs bhrrfsphno`fntfs junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c. k) O`sfóf un rfiudcohr pcrc fstc pdcntc quf quf prfsfntf fn dczh bfrrcoh un frrhr fstcb`hncr`h of =.3 cntf un scdth fn fd vcdhr ofsfcoh of dc prfs`òn of ; un`ocofs. O`kuef fd bhrrfsphno`fntf o`circgc of kdhqufs fn dczh bfrrcoh b) ¸Bògh sfrã fd vcdhr ofd frrhr, of dc scd`oc (]) y of dc sfócd of bhnthd (V) fn fd fstcb`hncr`h ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh bucnoh dc tfgpfrcturc of fntrcoc vcrçf 3= un`ocofs8 o) Bcdbudc fd gcrifn of jcsf y fd gcrifn of icncnb`c of fstf s`stfgc bhn fd bhntrhdcohr bcdbudcoh fn fd cpcrtcoh k), bhgfntc bhn fsths vcdhrfs bhgh fs dc fstck`d`oco ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh. ]ufof sfr õt`d acbfr fd trczcoh cprhx`gcoh ofd o`circgc of Khof. Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3: Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
BVFR_@ÒN 3 (3 ]VN_H). Cd shgftfr c un s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh y bhn rfcd`gfntcb`òn rfcd`gfntcb`òn un`tcr`c c unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn un`tcr`h fn dc rfjfrfnb`c, sf hkt`fnf dc s`iu`fntf rfspufstc5
y (t ) ;= 3.33f
;3.33f =.3t
c) Hktfnic dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh bfrrcoh of fsf s`stfgc y fd vcdhr of dc icncnb`c. k) ¸Fs fstckdf h nh8 ¸]hr quà8 Fn bcsh sfr fs8 fstckdf hktfnic fd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h y fd t`ph. b) ¸Of o) quàof hrofn Acic un trczcoh cprhx`gcoh of dc rfspufstc ofd s`stfgc y eust`jçqufdh. BVFR_@ÒN ; (3.6 ]VN_HR). Rf o`sphnf of un s`stfgc bhgh sf gufstrc fn dc j`iurc
I( s )
s 6 ( s 3)( s c )
Rf p`of5 c) R` [(s)7L (L>= ) trczcr fd duicr of dcs rcçbfs cprhx`gcoh s` c>6. k) Fstuo`cr dc fstck`d`oco ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh. Bògh fs dc rfspufstc ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh cntf un fsbcdòn un`tcr`h. Frrhr fn fstcoh fstcb`hncr`h cntf fntrcoc fsbcdòn, cntf fntrcoc rcgpc y cntf fntrcoc pcrãkhdc. b) Gcntfn`fnoh c>6, fdfi`r dc rfdcb`òn fntrf L ( L>= ) y c quf icrcnt`bf un frrhr fstcb`hncr`h (cntf fntrcoc fsbcdòn un`tcr`h) gfnhr ofd 3=%.
o) [fpft`r fd cpcrtcoh k ) s` [( s ) Duicr of dcs [cçbfs.
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3:
L ( s c ) s
( L>= ). ). ]ufof sfr õt`d acbfr un trczcoh cprhx`gcoh ofd
Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
BVFR_@ÒN 2 (3.6 ]VN_HR). Dc j`iurc 3 gufstrc fd ghofdh s`gpd`j`bcoh of unc v`ic ahr`zhntcd fn vhdco`zh (fgphtrcoc phr un fxtrfgh y d`krf fn fd htrh) c dc bucd sf df ac bhdhbcoh bhdhbcoh pròx`gh cd fxtrfgh d`krf un cbtucohr cbtucohr fdfbtrhgcinàt`bh fdfbtrhgcinàt`bh (s`n bhntcbth) quf ifnfrc unc jufrzc J(t) vfrt`bcd fn junb`òn of dc tfns`òn cpd`bcoc Z(t) shkrf fd fxtrfgh d`krf b`tcoh. Csç g`sgh shkrf dc v`ic pufof cbtucr htrc jufrzc fxtfrnc vfrt`bcd O(t) nh ofsfcoc (pfrturkcb`òn) buyh fjfbth sf ofkf g`t`icr bhn fd b`tcoh cbtucohr.
J`iurc 3 Rf p`of5 c) ¸Buãd fs fd fjfbth of dc jufrzc fxtfrnc O(t) shkrf dc scd`oc P(s), fn rài`gfn fstcb`hncr`h, s` o`bac jufrzc O(t) jufrc sfnh`ocd of jrfbufnb`c j(Az) y cgpd`tuo C(N)8 ¸Buãd fs dc fxprfs`òn cncdçt`bc of dc scd`oc y(t) fn rài`gfn fstcb`hncr`h fn fstf bcsh8 k) ¸Bckf fspfrcr cdiõn fjfbth nh ofsfcoh quf pufoc sfr pfreuo`b`cd pcrc fd s`stfgc8 ¸C quà jrfbufnb`c (Az) sfrçc phs`kdf8 ¸Buãd sfrã dc cgpd`j`bcb`òn8 cgpd`j`bcb`òn8 sf b`frrc fd dczh (j`iurc ;) g`o`fnoh dc scd`oc P(s) y fgpdfcn fgpdfcnoh oh un bhntrhdcohr (3)[(s)7L h b) R` (;)[(s)7L(3+3/s_`), ¸Buãd sfrçc fd fjfbth of dc pfrturkcb`òn shkrf dc scd`oc fstcb`hncr`c s` dc pfrturkcb`òn jufrc fsbcdòn, fn duicr of sfnh`ocd, of vcdhr O fn bcoc bcsh8
J`iurc ;
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3:
Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
Fxcgfn Fxcgf n fxtrchr o` o`ncr`h ncr`h (eud`h). (eud` h). Bursh 32-3? 32-3? ]rhkdfgc 3 (3.1 punt hs. Cpcrtcoh Cp crtcoh c) =.1p, =.1p, cpcrtcoh k) 3p) Fn dc J`iurc pufof vfrsf un o`sphs`t`vh fn fd quf un prhoubth coqu`frf unc v`sbhs`oco Z t rcs sfr prhbfscoh. Rf bhnhbf quf dc rfdcb`òn fntrf dc v`sbhs`oco Z , dc tfgpfrcturc _ of fntrcoc ofd prhoubth y dc sfócd u cd ghthr G v`fnf ococ phr5
oZ ot
Z_ ku(t )
Dc tfgpfrcturc _ v`fnf `gpufstc phr fd prhbfsh cntfr`hr g`fntrcs quf dc sfócd u pufof sfr gcn`pudcoc. Rf sckf tcgk`àn quf fd s`stfgc hpfrc nhrgcdgfntf bhn un vcdhr of u fn thrnh cd 2=% of su rcnih, vcdhr pcrc fd bucd, fn bhno`b`hnfs fstcb`hncr`cs y bhn unc tfgpfrcturc of fntrcoc of :=µB, dc v`sbhs`oco vcdf 6=. Rf p`of5 c) @no`bcr buãd fs dc vcr`ckdf gcn`pudcoc, dc pfrturkcb`òn y dc vcr`ckdf bhntrhdcoc. O`kuecr fd bhrrfsphno`fntf o`circgc of kdhqufs fn dczh ck`frth `no`bcnoh dcs junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c. k) Bfrrcr fd dczh of bhntrhd bhn un rfiudcohr of dc v`sbhs`oco of scd`oc bhn fd br`tfr`h of hktfnfr unc rfspufstc cntf bcgk`hs fn dc rfjfrfnb`c fn scdth s`n frrhr fstcb`hncr`h, quf nh tfnic shkrfp`bh y bhn fd quf fd t`fgph of csfntcg`fnth sfc `iucd c ; g`nuths. O`kuec fd bhrrfsphno`fntf o`circgc of kdhqufs fn dczh bfrrcoh.
]rhkdfgc ; (;punths. Bcoc cpcrtcoh cpcrtcoh =.6 punths) punth s) Ocoh fd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh of dc j`iurc fn fd quf
I( s )
3= 6s :
y O( s)
6 , sf p`of5 6s :
c) Bcdbudcr fd vcdhr ofd frrhr frrhr y of dc sfócd of bhntrhd fn fd fd fstcb`hncr`h s` acy acy un scdth fn dc rfjfrfnb`c rfjfrfnb`c of ; 3 un`ocofs, fn ohs bcshs, bucnoh [(s)73.? y bucnoh [( s ) 3.?3 = . 9 s k) Bcdbudcr fd vcdhr vcdhr ofd frrhr y of dc sfócd of of bhntrhd fn fd fstcb`hncr`h fstcb`hncr`h s` Z(s) bcgk`c bhnt`nucgfntf c rczòn of 3 ; un`ocofs phr sfiunoh, fn cgkhs bcshs, fs ofb`r, bucnoh [(s)73.? y bucnoh [( s) 3.?3
=.;9 ssfiunohs, b) R` dc bhns`inc ofd s`stfgc fxpfr`gfntc bcgk`hs s`nush`ocdfs of cgpd`tuo ; un`ocofs y pfr`hoh ¸Buãd sfrã dc fvhdub`òn of dc scd`oc cd bckh of un b`frth t`fgph8 o) O`kuec fd duicr duicr of dcs rcçbfs of fstf s`stfgc, bucnoh bucnoh fd rfiudcohr rfiudcohr [(s) bcdbudcoh fs un ]@, bhn vcdhr of _`73.; . Bhgfntc bhgh fs dc fstck`d`oco ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh, y bhgh fs dc rfspufstc ofd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh pcrc o`st`nths vcdhrfs of Lp.
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3:
Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
Bufst`òn 3 (3.; (3.; punths. punt hs. Cpcrtcoh Cp crtcoh c) =.?p, =.?p, cpcrtcoh k) =.;p, cpcrtcoh b) =.:p ) Rf o`sphnf of un s`stfgc bhgh sf gufstrc fn dc j`iurc. ]crc [(s)73 sf ac hktfn`oh fd o`circgc of Khof of dc J_ fn Dczh Ck`frth quf sf gufstrc
Khof O`circg
;= 3= ) K o ( f o u t ` n i c G
= -3= -;= -2= -?= -6= =
) i f o ( f s c a ]
-0= -; 3=
Jrfqufnby (rco/s)
Rf p`of5 c) C buãd of dcs s`iu`fntfs s`iu`fntfs J_ bhrrfsphnof bhrrfsphnof fd o`circgc (eust`j`bcr dc rfspufstc) rfspufstc)
I( s)
s 6 s ; 33s 3=
I( s)
3=s s ; 33s 3=
I( s )
:s 6 s ; 33s 3=
I ( s)
:s 3 s;
33s 3=
(c) (k) (b) (o) k) ]crc dc J_ fdfi`oc fn fd cpcrtcoh cntfr`hr, y uscnoh fd o`circgc of Khof, ofb`r buãdfs shn dhs Gãrifnfs of Jcsf y of Icncnb`c. b) ]crc dc J_ fdfi`oc fn fd cpcrtcoh 3 y s` [(s)7L , fdfi`r un vcdhr of L quf icrcnt`bf un gcrifn of jcsf of cd gfnhs 3?=µ (fgpdfcr fd khof of dc j`iurc bhgh cyuoc).
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3:
Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
Bufst`òn ; (=.1 (=.1 punths. punth s. Cpcrtcoh Cp crtcoh c) =.?p, =.?p, cpcrtcoh k) =.?p) Vn s`stfgc buyc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c of dczh bfrrcoh fs J ( s)
P ( s)
prfsfntc unc rfspufstc Ks; Bs O Y ( s)
cntf un fsbcdòn un`tcr`h bhgh dc quf cpcrfbf fn dc s`iu`fntf j`iurc. j`iurc. Rtfp [fsphnsf
f o u t ` d p g C
= =
? _`gf (sfbhnos)
Rf p`of c) Hktfnfr dhs vcdhrfs of C,K,B y O. k) hktfnic R` fstf s`stfgc t`fnfoffd dcs`iu`fntf of kdhqufs, dc fxprfs`òn junb`òn o`circgc of trcnsjfrfnb`c I fn junb`òn of J .
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3:
Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
Bufst`òn 2 (3.; (3.; punt hs. Cpcrtcoh C pcrtcoh c) =.2p, cpcrtcoh cpcrtcoh k) =.2p, cpcrtcoh cpcrtcoh b) =.2p, cpcrtcoh cpcrtcoh o) =.2p) ]crc dhs s`iu`fntfs s`stfgcs, bhntfstcr dcs prfiuntcs quf sf `no`bcn fn bcoc cpcrtcoh5 c) Vn s`stfgc bhn icncnb`c vcr`ckdf buyh duicr [hht Dhbus ifhgàtr`bh of dcs rcçbfs sf rfprfsfntc fn dc 36 j`iurc. Oftfrg`nc s` fs fstckdf, kceh quà bhno`b`hnfs y phr quà. Fxpd`bc bògh sfrçc dc 3= jhrgc of su rfspufstc tfgphrcd (irhssh ghoh) cntf unc fntrcoc fn fsbcdòn fn dczh 6 s ` x C y r c n ` i c g @
bfrrcoh icncnb`c).(pcrc o`jfrfntfs vcdhrfs of dc
= -6 -3= -36 - ;6
- 36
- 3= [fcd Cx`s
k) Vn s`stfgc o`nãg`bh buyc scd`oc fs dc vcr`ckdf vcr`ckdf y(t), buyc fntrcoc fs u(t) y quf fstã ofsbr`th phr dc s`iu`fntf fbucb`òn o`jfrfnb`cd5 y' ' (t ) ;.: y ' (t ) 2 y (t ) 39.?2u(t ) .
Oftfrg`nc s` fs fstckdf, kceh quà bhno`b`hnfs y phr quà. Fxpd`bc bògh sfrçc su rfspufstc tfgphrcd (irhssh ghoh) cntf unc fntrcoc fn fsbcdòn fn dc vcr`ckdf u(t)s ` dhs vcdhrfs of y, y‐ f y‐‐ f n fd fstcoh `n`b`cd shn bfrh. b) Vn s`stfgc s`stfgc bhn rfcd`gfntcb`òn rfcd`gfntcb`òn un`tc un`tcr`c r`c buyc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh prfsfntc fd o`circgc of Khof of dcck`frth j`iurc Oftfrg`nc s` fs fstckdf, kceh quà bhno`b`hnfss y phr quà. bhno`b`hnf
o) junb`òn Vn s`stfgc s`stfgc rfcd`gfntcb`òn rfcd`gfntcb`ò un`tc un`tcr`c r`c buyc of bhn trcnsjfrfnb`c fnn dczh bfrrcoh prfsfntc fd o`circgc of Khof of dc j`iurc. Oftfrg`nc s` fs fstckdf, kceh quà bhno`b`hnfs y phr quà.
Khof O`circg ;= ) 3= K o ( f o = u t ` n i c G -3=
-;= = ) i f o ( f s c a ]
-0= -; 3=
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3:
3= Jrfqufnby (rco/sfb)
Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
Fxcgfn Fxcgf n hro` hr o`ncr` ncr`h h (eun`h). (eun `h). Bur Bursh sh 3?-36 3?-36 ]rhkdfgc 2 punths Vn s`stfgc of bhntrhd ofd i`rh of un ghthr sf bhntrhdc gfo`cntf un bhntrhd prhphrb`hncd of icncnb`c 3 y rfcd`gfntcb`òn un`tcr`c. ]crc unc rfjfrfnb`c cniudcr fsbcdòn of Y73 rco . dc scd`oc P ofd s`stfgc fs dc of dc j`iurc5 Rtfp [fsphnsf
3.? 3.; 3 f o u t ` d p g C
=.1 =.: =.? =.; = =
_`gf (sfbhnos)
Y(s) +
P(s) I(s)
Rf p`of5 3. Dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c I ofd ofd s`stfgc (ãniu (ãniudh dh i`rcoh jrfntf c tfns`òn of cd`gfntcb`òn cd`gfntcb`òn cd ghthr). ghthr). ;. Fstuo`f dc fstck`d`oco ofd ofd s`stfgc gfo`cntf fd o`circgc of Khof fn junb`ò junb`òn n ofd vcdhr ofd bhntrhdcohr prhphrb`hncd. 2. Hktfnic fd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h fstcb`hncr`h quf tfnorçc fd s`stfgc cntf unc fntrcoc fntrcoc rcgpc
; s
?. Rf bcgk`c fd bhntrhdcohr bhntrhdcohr prhphrb`hncd prhphrb`hncd phr un bhntrhdcohr bhntrhdcohr ]@ of dc jhrgc5 L 3
_ ` s
O`kuef fd DO[ ofd s`stfgc y fstuo`f su fstck`d`oco fn junb`òn of L , pcrc vcdhrfs of _`7; y _`7 =.:;3. =.:;3. 2.336 . O`sfóf un bhntrhdcohr quf acic quf fd 6. Ruphnic un s`stfgc bhn rfcd`gfntcb`òn rfcd`gfntcb `òn un`tcr`c y I s 3 .6 s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh tfnic cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn un`tcr`h fn dc rfjfrfnb`c, frrhr fstcb`hncr`h nudh, shkrf`gpudsh gãx`gh ofd 6% y t`fgph of p`bh of 3s.
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3:
Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c. B3
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
3.; pun th
]crt`fnoh of dc fstrubturc ifnàr`bc of un s`stfgc bhn rfcd`gfntcb`òn un`tcr`c. c) [czhncr pcrc bcoc unh of dhs duicrf duicrfs s of dcs rcçbfs s`iu`fntfs s` fd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh sfrã s`fgprf fstckdf h nh. k) Eust`j`bcr s` cdiu cdiunc nc of dcs junb`hnfs of trcnsjfrfnb`c fn dczh ck`frth s`iu`fntfs bhrrfsphnof c cdiunh of dhs irãj`bhs. ;
3 ; s 3
3 ? s 3
s ` x C y r c n ` i c g @
) s o n h b f s (
3 -
s ` x C y r c n ` i c g @
-=.6 -3
-; -3.;
) s o n h b f s (
3 -
s 3=s ;=2s 3=3 s =.6
-; -2.6
) s o n h b f s (
s ` x C y r c n ` i c g @
; = -;
=.? ) s o n h b f s (
3 -
h h h
s ` x C y r c n ` i c g @
-=.1 -3=
[fcdCx`s (sfbhnos -3)
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3:
-3= -3;
? 3 -
[fcdCx`s (sfbhnos-3)
[fcdCx`s (sfbhnos-3)
-3 -3?
[fcdCx`s (sfbhnos-3)
Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c. B;
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
3.; pun th
Rf cpd`bc unc sfócd fsbcdòn un`tcr`h fn fd `nstcntf = c b`nbh s`stfgcs o`jfrfntfs c), k), b), o) y f), hktfn`ànohsf dcs irãj`bcs 3, ;, 2, ? y 6. Fgpcrfef bcoc irãj`bc bhn fd s`stfgc bhrrfsphno`fntf y eust`j`quf su rfspufstc.
Rtfp [fsphnsf
Rtfp [fsphnsf
=.;6 =.;
=.36 f o u t ` d p g C
f o u t ` d p g C
= =
= =
;.6 _`gf (sfbhnos)
_`gf (sfbhnos)
Rtfp [fsphnsf
=.36 f o u t ` d p g C
f o u t ` d p g C
=.=6 = =
= =
_`gf (sfbhnos)
;.6 _`gf (sfbhnos)
(?) Rtfp [fsphnsf
=.26 =.2 =.;6 f o u t ` d p g C
=.; =.36 =.3 =.=6 = =
;.6 _`gf (sfbhnos)
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3:
Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c. B2
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
3.: pun punths ths
Rf o`sphnf of un ofpòs`th bòn`bh bhgh fd of dc j`iurc, fn fd quf fd vhdugfn ofd dçqu`oh bhntfn`oh fs prhphrb`hncd, bhn dc bhnstcntf l , cd bukh of dc cdturc a ofd dçqu`oh fn fd ofpòs`th. Fd ofpòs`th sf ddfnc bhn un bcuocd q f y sf vcbçc bhn htrh bcuocd q s . Fd ghofdh quf ofsbr`kf dc o`nãg`bc ofd s`stfgc fstã ofsbr`th phr dcs s`iu`fntfs fbucb`hnfs5 fbucb`hnfs5 oZ (t ) f s ot q (t ) q (t ) Z (t ) la 2 (t ) q s (t ) BR ; ia(t ) K a(t )
Ohnof, B 7 bhfj`b`fntf of bhntrcbb`òn of vfnc (co`gfns`hncd), (co`gfns`hncd), R 7 ãrfc ofd hr`j`b`h of scd`oc (g ;), K7=.==3, l7; , (un`ocofs R@). Rf pcrtf of unc s`tucb`òn of fqu`d`kr`h fn dc quf fd bcuocd of fntrcoc fs of =.=3g2/s y sf p`of5 c) Hktfnfr dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c trcnsjfrfn b`c fntrf a y qf y dc junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c fntrf qs y qf. k) R` fn fd `nstcntf t7= fd bcuocd bcuocd of ddfncoh q ddfncoh qf cugfntc krusbcgfntf acstc =.=; g2/s, `no`bcr fd t`fgph quf tcroc fd n`vfd fn cdbcnzcr su nufvh fstcoh fstcb`hncr`h y buãd fs su vcdhr. b) ¸Buãd fs fd frrhr quf sf ac bhgft`oh bhn dc d`nfcd`zcb`òn8
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3:
Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
Fxcgfn Fxcgf n fxtrchr o` o`ncr`h ncr`h (eud`h). (eud` h). Bursh 3?-36 3?-36 BVFR_@HNFR B3.. (3.; p) B3 p)O coh un s`stfgc bhn junb`òn of trcnsjfrfnb`c I ( s)
; s
6s :
. Rf p`of5
3. (=.? p) p) Bhgprhkcr s` fs un s`stfgc sukcghrt`iucoh, shkrfcghrt`iucoh h brçt`bcgfntf cghrt`iucoh. ;. (=.1 p) R` sf p) R` b`frrc fd dczh bhnsfrã unc fd rfcd`gfntcb`òn of icncnb`c ; y un of vcdhr L>=, `no`bcr bògh bhgphrtcg`fnth ofd s`stfgc fn bhntrhdcohr junb`òn ofdprhphrb`hncd vcdhr of L. Hktfnfr tcgk`àn fd vcdhr ofd frrhr fstcb`hncr`h cntf unc fntrcoc fsbcdòn fn junb`òn of fsf vcdhr of L. B;. (3.; punth) Rfc un s`stfgc bhn rfcd`gfntcb`òn un`tcr`c nfict`vc, tcd quf su o`circgc of Khof fn dczh ck`frth ([I) v`fnf ocoh phr dc j`iurc s`iu`fntf5 Khof O`circg
) K o ( f o u t ` n i c G
-;= ?6
= ) i f o (
f s c a ]
-326 -2 3=
Jrfqufnby (rco/sfb)
[czhncr s` dcs cj`rgcb`hnfs s`iu`fntfs shn b`frtcs h jcdscs. c) Fd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrcoh nh t`fnf frrhr cntf fntrcoc scdth un`tcr`h. k) Fd s`stfgc fn dczh bfrrco bfrrcoh h fs `nfstckdf. b) Fd s`stfgc fn dczh ck`frth t`f t`fnf nf gãs bfrhs quf phdhs. o) Fd s`stfgc t`fnf bfrhs fn fd hr`i hr`ifn. fn. B2 (3.; p) Rfc un s`stfgc bhn rfcd`gfntcb`òn un`tcr`c nfict`vc bdãs`bh. O`kuecr fd duicr of dcs rcçbfs fn dhs s`iu`fntfs bcshs y bhgfntcr dhs rfsudtcohs shkrf fstck`d`oco (s`fgprf fstckdf, `nfstckdf, c trcghs) o`b`fnoh s` hburrf pcrc icncnb`c pfqufóc, `ntfrgfo`c h ircnof.
3 33 3=
3 33 3=
Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3:
3 3
; 3
Fnunb`cohs Fnunb` cohs ]rãbt`bcs ]rãbt`b cs Cudc
Junocgfnths of Cut Cuthgãt`b hgãt`bc. c.
Fnunb`cohs ]rãbt`bcs Cud Cudc c
][HKDFGC (2.?p) Fn fd fqu`ph of dc J`iurc 3 sf prhbfsc un b`frth prhoubth quf ddfic c unc J _ tfgpfrcturc _` (µB) y scdf c tfgpfrcturc _ (µB), dc bucd ofpfnof ofd bcuocd J _` (g 2/a) of prhoubth. C su vfz fd bcuocd bcuocd J pufof gho`j`bcrsf gfo`cntf unc vãdvudc of rfiudcb`òn J`iurc 3 bhgcnococ phr unc sfócd u (%). Rf ac rfcd`zcoh un pcr of fxpfr`gfnths fn dhs bucdfs, pcrt`fnoh of unc s`tucb`òn fstcb`hncr`c fn dc quf _` 7 6µB, _ 7 3=µB y u 7 ;= % sf ac `nbrfgfntcoh krusbcgfntf dc sfócd c dc vãdvudc acstc ;; % hktfn`ànohsf unc fvhdub`òn of dc tfgpfrcturc _ fn µB bhgh sf gufstrc fn dc J`iurc ;.
J`iurc ; Ofd g`sgh ghoh, pcrt`fnoh ofd g`sgh punth, s` sf gcnt`fnf bhnstcntf J , y _ ` ` oc un scdth acstc 1µB, sf hkt`fnfn dhs vcdhrfs of _ quf sf gufstrcn fn dc j`iurc 2.
J`iurc 2 Rf p`of5 c) Bcdbudcr un ghofdh quf rfdcb`hnf rfdcb`hnf dcs pr`nb`pcdfs pr`nb`pcdfs vcr`ckdfs ofd s`stfgc y o`kuecr fd bhrrfsphno`fntf bhrrfsphno`fntf o`circgc of kdhqufs.(3p) kdhqufs.(3p) k) ¸]horçc fstf s`stfgc s`stfgc prfsfntcr fd jfnògfnh jfnògfnh of rfshncnb`c rfshncnb`c rfspfbth c bcgk`hs bcgk`hs fn dc tfgp tfgpfrcturc frcturc of fntrcoc8 Of sfr csç, buãd sfrçc fd vcdhr of dc jrfbufnb`c of rfshncnb`c rfshncnb`c y fd p`bh of rfshncnb`c8 (=.2p) (=.2p) b) ]rhphnfr un fsqufgc of rfiudcb`òn of dc tfgpfrcturc _ y o`kuecr fd bhrrfsphno`fntf o`circgc of kdhqufs `no`bcnoh dcs vcr`ckdfs gcn`pudcocs, bhntrhdcocs, rfjfrfnb`c y phs`kdfs pfrturkcb`hnf pfrturkcb`hnfs. s.(=.2p) (=.2p) o) R`nthn`zcr fd rfiudcohr rfiudcohr of tfgpfrcturc tfgpfrcturc bhn fd br`tfr`h of hktfnfr unc unc rfspufstc s`n frrhr fstcb`hncr`h cntf cntf fntrcocs fsbcdòn fn dc rfjfrfnb`c. (3.2p) (3.2p) f) R` dc tfgpfrcturc of fntrcoc fntrcoc `nbrfgfntcrc d`nfcdgfntf su vcdhr c rczòn of =.3µB/sfb. =.3µB/sfb . ¸Buãd sfrçc fd vcdhr ofd frrhr bucnoh sf cdbcnbf unc s`tucb`òn fstcb`hncr`c8 (=.6p) (=.6p) Junocgfnths of Cut hgãt`bc. hgãt`b c. ;=36 ;=36-3: -3:
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