Independent Academic, Educational and Professional Publisher of the Year 2013
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Edward Elgar Publishing
Entrepreneurship Policy Family Business International Entrepreneurship Social Entrepreneurship
Textbooks.............................................. 2 Creativity & Entrepreneurship............. 18 Entrepreneurship & Development...... 20 Entrepreneurship & Innovation........... 16 Entrepreneurship & Organisation........ 21 Entrepreneurship & Strategy............... 10 Entrepreneurship Education................ 14 Entrepreneurship Policy...................... 15
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Entrepreneurship.................................. 3 Family Business................................... 12 Gender & Entrepreneurship................ 24 International Entrepreneurship........... 18 New Venture Creation
& Entrepreneurial Finance........... 11
Social Entrepreneurship...................... 22 Author Index........................................ 27 Title Index............................................ 26
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With our business and management list, we seek to publish the very best research from around the world. We are proud to have the broadest and most innovative portfolio in management research, publishing across all areas of management from entrepreneurship to human resource management, marketing to strategy. Our Handbooks boast specially commissioned contributions from the key thinkers in their field and are essential for any library.
Our tailored entrepreneurship eBook collection consists of 170 titles published until the end of 2012.
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Front List – 2013 • 43 monographs • 16 Research Handbooks Book Total = 59
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Essentials of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice
Evidence and Practice
Paradoxes in Play
Robert A. Baron, Oklahoma State University, US
Suna Løwe Nielsen, Kim Klyver, Majbritt Rostgaard Evald and Torben Bager, University of Southern Denmark
This essential text will be a perfect fit for any introductory course, both within and outside of the business school. Entrepreneurs are, in essence, individuals who take action to convert their ideas into reality. Doing so involves completing many steps; Robert Baron describes these steps, and provides guidance for performing them successfully. To do so, the book incorporates several features: • the information presented is based on current evidence, rather than ‘informal knowledge’ or comments of specific entrepreneurs • the focus is primarily on the essentials – the issues and topics most central to the field • the book does not assume extensive knowledge of basic management disciplines, and so is accessible to readers with a wide range of backgrounds.
A creative, accessible textbook for both undergraduate students and would-be entrepreneurs. ‘Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice is not your typical textbook in entrepreneurship. The authors have taken a very creative look at the seeming contradictions that make up the creation of a new business venture. Their use of current research as well as thought provoking cases to illustrate behaviors such as opportunity recognition make this book one that both professors and would be entrepreneurs should read.’ – Alan L. Carsrud, Ryerson University, Canada 2012 Paperback 978 0 85793 531 1 £25.00 2012 264 pp Hardback 978 0 85793 529 8 £75.00 ebook 978 0 85793 530 4
March 2014 c 280 pp Paperback 978 1 78347 178 2 c £30.00 Hardback 978 1 78347 177 5 c £70.00 eBook 978 1 78347 179 9
About Entrepreneurship Björn Bjerke, Linnaeus University, Sweden This textbook is written for students on upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes in entrepreneurship, or business-related disciplines. This engaging textbook offers a modern perspective on all that is essential to know about entrepreneurship. It will prove required reading for both lecturers and undergraduate and Masters students on upper-level entrepreneurship courses. Björn Bjerke covers all kinds of aspects of entrepreneurship including the history of the subject, our modern entrepreneurial society, local community development, entrepreneurship in different national cultures and women as entrepreneurs. He addresses some theoretical developments, and considers a narrow and a broad view of entrepreneurship, rational and natural entrepreneurial start-ups and entrepreneurship in space and place. 2013 Paperback 978 1 78254 539 2 £30.00 • 2013 296 pp Hardback 978 1 78254 538 5 £85.00 ebook 978 1 78254 540 8
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Entrepreneurship NEW KEY TITLE
Entrepreneurship An Evidence-based Guide
Handbook of Research on Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Robert A. Baron, Oklahoma State University, US
Edited by Elizabeth Chell, Kingston University and Mine Karataş-Özkan, University of Southampton, UK
An ideal text for undergraduate and MBA entrepreneurship courses in business, engineering and the social sciences. ‘This outstanding, clearly written, psychology-oriented book is based on careful, extensive, evidence-based research rather than on the personal views of entrepreneurs and includes many excellent examples, tables, and figures to explain the ideas presented. . . . An excellent contribution to the entrepreneurship literature. Highly recommended.’ – D.W. Huffmire, Choice ‘Deftly written, superbly presented, and highly recommended for community and academic library business studies collections, Entrepreneurship is ideal for use as a classroom textbook or as a primer for non-specialist general readers with an interest in entrepreneurship.’ – The Midwest Book Review 2012 Paperback 978 1 78100 039 7 £26.00 2012 240 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 037 3 £85.00 ebook 978 1 78100 038 0 Awarded Choice Outstanding Academic Title for 2012
This insightful Handbook introduces a variety of contemporary topics, research methods and theoretical frameworks that will provide cutting edge analysis, stimulate thought, raise further questions and demonstrate the complexity of this rapidly-advancing field. Entrepreneurship is such a young discipline, relatively speaking, that there is considerable opportunity for researchers to make their mark and to shape its future direction. Both scholars new to the area, as well as established academics looking to extend their research scope to encompass the field of entrepreneurship and small business, will find this work to be an invaluable and timely resource. Contributors include: A. Anderson, R. Barrett, B. Bird, J. Broad, J. Byrne, M. Casson, D. Chalmers, E. Chell, A. de Bruin, M. Della Guista, A. Discua Cruz, A. Fayolle, C. Forson, E. Garnsey, W.B. Gartner, S. Gherardi, X. Gu, R. Hanke, R. Holt, C. Howarth, J. Howells, S. Jack, J. Jackson, O. Jones, M. Karataş-Özkan, M. Kerrin, M. Levesque, S. Lubik, A. Macpherson, S. Mayson, E. McKeever, M. Minniti, M. Özbilgin, M. Ozturk, F. Patterson, M. Perrotta, L. Pittaway, A. Rauch, L. Schjoedt, E. Shaw, L. Spence, A. Tatli, O. Toutain, C. Yavuz
March 2014 c 464 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 923 8 c £140.00 Elgaronline 978 1 84980 924 5
Environmental Entrepreneurship Markets Meet the Environment in Unexpected Places Laura E. Huggins, PERC and Stanford University, US In this innovative book, Laura E. Huggins finds path breaking entrepreneurial solutions to difficult environmental challenges in some of the world’s poorest areas.
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The approaches entrepreneurs are taking to these challenges involve establishing property rights and encouraging market exchange. From beehives to barbed wire, these tools are creating positive incentives and promoting both economic development and environmental improvements. The case studies are from the developing world and reveal where the biggest victories for less poverty and more conservation can be won. The pursuit begins by learning from local people solving local problems. 2013 224 pp Hardback 978 1 78195 396 9 £70.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78195 397 6
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Entrepreneurship NEW KEY TITLES
Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship
How to Get Published in the Best Entrepreneurship Journals
What We Know and What We Need to Know
A Guide to Steer Your Academic Career
Edited by Alain Fayolle, EMLYON Business School, France This indispensable Handbook offers a fresh look at entrepreneurship research, addressing what we already know, and what we still need to know, in the field. Over the course of 17 chapters, a collaboration of 24 highly-regarded researchers, expert in their fields, provide an insightful new perspective on the future of the study of entrepreneurship. They show that there is a need to redesign research in the field – enacting entrepreneurship out of the box – and consider the history of entrepreneurship whilst developing the future course for research. They also underline the importance of developing research at the crossroads of different fields and the need to explore new domains and/or revisit existing ones from differing perspectives. Finally, they express a desire for more continuity in research, developing knowledge around key concepts and insightful domains. Contributors include: B. Anderson, L. Beguin, G. Caciotti, J. Covin, P. Desbrieres, S. Dolmans, S. Dubard Barbosa, A. Fayolle, W. Gartner, J. Hayton, C. Henry, B. Honig, B. Johannisson, H. Landstrom, S. Marlow, B. Martin, G. McElwee, S. Mian, H. Neergaard, S. Read, K. Shaver, R. Smith, P. Somerville, M. Wright
March 2014 c 400 pp Hardback 978 0 85793 691 2 c £130.00 Elgaronline 978 0 85793 692 9
Edited by Alain Fayolle, EMLYON Business School, France and Mike Wright, Imperial College London, UK and University of Ghent, Belgium ‘This book fills a critical need in the field. It is co-edited by two highly respected and accomplished entrepreneurship scholars, and the chapters are prepared by seasoned authors who provide the knowledge of how to publish research in the top entrepreneurship journals. Publication in these journals has become highly competitive, with only a small percentage of the submitted manuscripts accepted. As such, this is a highly valuable treatise for entrepreneurship scholars and PhD students. It should be required reading for all entrepreneurship researchers.’ – Michael A. Hitt, Texas A&M University, US Competition to publish in the top journals is fierce. This book provides entrepreneurship researchers with relevant material and insights to support them in their efforts to publish their research in the most prestigious entrepreneurship outlets. Contributors include: D. Ahlstrom, D. Audretsch, M. Baucus, R. Blackburn, G. Bruton, C. Carson, A. Corbett, N. Coviello, P. Davidsson, D. Dimov, A. Fayolle, H. Frank, I. Hatak, B. Honig, S. Jones, F. Lohrke, H. Neergaard, F. Welter, M. Wright
Jan 2014 c 320 pp Hardback 978 1 78254 061 8 c £85.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78254 062 5
Alain Fayolle is winner of the European Entrepreneurship Education award
Research Handbook on Sustainable Co-operative Enterprise Case Studies of Organisational Resilience in the Co-operative Business Model Edited by Tim Mazzarol, University of Western Australia, Perth and Groupe ESC Dijon Bourgogne, Dijon, France, Sophie Reboud, Groupe ESC Dijon Bourgogne, Dijon, France and University of Western Australia, Perth, Elena Mamouni Limnios, University of Western Australia and Delwyn Clark, University of Waikato, New Zealand Co-operatives are found in all industry sectors and almost all countries around the world. However, despite their significant economic and social contributions, the academic literature has largely ignored these important businesses. This book is a detailed examination of the co-operative enterprise business model and the factors that help to enhance its sustainability and resilience, as well as those forces that lead to its destruction. Contributors include: I. Allemand, I.A. Berriozabalgotia, J. Bijman, J.Birchall, B. Brullebaut, N. Byrne, F.R. Chaddad, D. Clark, M.L. Cook, M.E. Fulton, M. Gmür, Y. Gao, I. Hatak, C. Iliopoulos, E. Juno-Delgado, R. Lang, Q. Liang, E. Mamouni Limnios, M. Martin, T. Mazzarol, M. Mazzoli, O. McCarthy, M. McCulloch, B. Plunkett, G. Quadrelli, S. Raimbault, S. Reboud, E. Reiner, D. Roessl, S. Sacchetti, L. Savery, R. Simmons, C. Sinapi, G.N. Soutar, P. Suter, C. Tanguy, I. Theodorakopoulou, E.C. Tortia, F.N. Uzea, M. Ward, G. Whyatt, X. Xu
Feb 2014 c 640 pp Hardback 978 0 85793 777 3 c £175.00 • Elgaronline 978 1 78347 202 4
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Entrepreneurial Processes in a Changing Economy
Creating Competitiveness
Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policies for Growth
Edited by Friederike Welter, IfM, Bonn, University of Siegen, Germany and Jönköping International Business School, Sweden, David Smallbone, Kingston University, UK and Anita Van Gils, Maastricht University, The Netherlands This insightful book presents leading-edge European research on entrepreneurial processes in a changing global world. The contributors take a closer look at what constitutes entrepreneurial processes; how entrepreneurs develop their businesses and access critical resources in times of crisis; and which roles knowledge and innovation play in continuous venture development. The chapters included in this volume give a flavour of the themes and approaches featuring in contemporary entrepreneurship and small business research in Europe. The collection reflects the methodological diversity that is typical of European research, as well as heterogeneity in terms of topics studied. 2012 224 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 472 2 £65.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 473 9 Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship series
Enhancing Entrepreneurial Excellence Tools for Making the Possible Real Robert A. Baron, Oklahoma State University, US ‘Enhancing Entrepreneurial Excellence is a fascinating and valuable treatise on how entrepreneurs achieve the transformation of an idea into a product that is successful in the marketplace. It is practical but wellgrounded in the academic research. The book explains the tools that entrepreneurs need to be successful and displays the passion of the author, Robert Baron, to help more entrepreneurs become “engines of change” in order to improve human life. The book is a must read for all scholars of entrepreneurship and aspiring entrepreneurs.’ – Michael A. Hitt, Texas A&M University, US 2013 208 pp Hardback 978 1 78195 208 5 £70.00 Nov 2013 Paperback 978 1 78254 422 7 c £25.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78195 209 2
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Edited by David B. Audretsch, Indiana University, US and Mary Lindenstein Walshok, University of California, San Diego, US ‘An impressive body of original and seminal academic scholarship, Creating Competitiveness is very strongly recommended for professional and academic library economic studies reference collections and supplemental reading lists.’ – The Midwest Book Review 2012 232 pp Hardback 978 1 78195 404 1 £65.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78195 405 8
Marketing for Entrepreneurs and SMEs A Global Perspective Maja Konečnik Ruzzier, University of Ljubljana, Mitja Ruzzier, University of Primorska, Slovenia and Robert D. Hisrich, Thunderbird School of Global Management, US ‘A timely text, which presents key marketing concepts, frameworks, and tools in an easy-to-follow manner. The case vignettes, drawn from contemporary marketing practices of entrepreneurial companies around the world, provide nice illustrations of the issues discussed in the chapters. The book is an appropriate anchor text for courses in marketing, entrepreneurship, and small business management, and a great reference for practitioners.’ – Tatiana Manolova, Bentley University, US In recent years, entrepreneurs and SMEs have been forced to adapt to a rapidly changing, increasingly globalized world, an evolution that has had a profound impact on marketing strategies. This timely volume identifies the many new opportunities available to entrepreneurs and SMEs in the global marketplace, and offers tactical and strategic marketing approaches to help them succeed in the modern business world. Nov 2013 c 264 pp Hardback 978 1 78195 596 3 c £75.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78195 597 0
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The International Library of Entrepreneurship series Series editor: David B. Audretsch, Indiana University, US Entrepreneurship, or its absence, becomes increasingly prominent as the process of change accelerates in a rapidly globalizing economy. Yet the scholarly traditions focusing on entrepreneurship have been relatively underdeveloped and dispersed across a broad spectrum of academic disciplines. The purpose of this series is to bring together the most seminal and compelling scholarly research on entrepreneurship which provides the intellectual framework and foundations underlying entrepreneurship as an important field of scholarship. Each volume is edited by a leading specialist and provides an authoritative overview of its subject area, drawing together a careful selection of the key articles set in context by a new introduction.
Concepts of Entrepreneurship
History of Entrepreneurship: Innovation and Risk-taking, 1200–2000
Edited by Héctor O. Rocha, IAE Business School, Argentina, David B. Audretsch, Indiana University, US and Julian Birkinshaw, London Business School, UK One of the obstacles for understanding the phenomenon of entrepreneurship is the lack of integration of different assumptions, units and levels of analysis that are implicit in its many conceptualisations. This important book offers a pathway to integration by considering eight associated disciplines and theories, presenting an authoritative selection of the most significant published work on entrepreneurship from each perspective. Including an original introduction, this is a key reference for academics and policy makers.
Edited by Mark Casson, University of Reading and Catherine Casson, University of Oxford and University of Birmingham, UK ‘This exciting collection, framed by an authoritative introduction, puts the intellectual excitement back into the study of entrepreneurship. We escape from the selfimposed straightjacket of high-tech start-ups to explore the role of entrepreneurship in multiple geographical settings over the last thousand years, as well as in a wide range of institutional forms. This volume is transformational.’ – Geoffrey Jones, Harvard Business School, US
30 articles, dating from 1921 to 2010 Contributors include: R. Burgelman, M. Casson, G. Hamel, M.T. Hannan, I.M. Kirzner, F.H. Knight, D.C. McClelland, R.R. Nelson, J.A. Schumpeter, S.G. Winter
61 articles, dating from 1938 to 2011 Contributors include: F. Amatori, A. Bell, C. Dyer, A. Godley, D. Jeremy, M. Kirby, M. Rose, K. Ryerson, P. Scranton, J. Stobart
Series no. 30 Oct 2013 c 776 pp Hardback 978 1 78254 011 3 £255.00
Series no. 29 Two volume set Oct 2013 c 1,584 pp Hardback 978 1 78195 523 9 £525.00
Entrepreneurial Failure Edited by Dean A. Shepherd, Indiana University, US Entrepreneurs act in environments of great risk and high uncertainty, and as a result, failure is a common occurrence. For this volume, Professor Shepherd has made a judicious selection of published articles, which explore the antecedents to and potential outcomes of entrepreneurial failure. By understanding these causes and consequences, entrepreneurs may become better able to manage failure, to reduce its costs and to capitalize on its benefits. 36 articles, dating from 1986 to 2011 Contributors include: H. Aldrich, R. Amit, J. Cope, E. Douglas, R. McGrath, D.A. Levinthal, H.Patzelt, A. Swaminathan, D. Ucbasaran, J. Wiklund
Series no. 28 2013 784 pp Hardback 978 1 78195 445 4 £255.00
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New Perspectives on Firm Growth
Intellectual Roots of Entrepreneurship Research
Per Davidsson, Queensland University of Technology, Australia and Jönköping International Business School, Sweden and Johan Wiklund, Syracuse University, US and Jönköping International Business School, Sweden
Edited by Hans Landström, Lund University, Sweden and Franz T. Lohrke, Samford University, US ‘Landström and Lohrke have compiled the seminal works that have shaped the field of entrepreneurial inquiry. This book should be mandatory reading for every doctoral student.’ – Andrew Zacharakis, Babson College, US This single volume includes classic works on the theoretical foundations of entrepreneurship research and provides important groundwork for future investigations. 36 articles, dating from 1921 to 2000 Contributors include: Z. Acs, H. Aldrich, D. Audretsch, G. Dess, C.M. Fiol, W. Gartner, F. Knight, G.T. Lumpkin, S. Shane, A. Tversky
Series no. 23 2012 912 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 000 5 £299.00
Corporate Governance in Small and Medium-sized Firms Edited by David B. Audretsch, Indiana University, US and Erik E. Lehmann, University of Augsburg, Germany ‘Corporate governance scholarship has been considerably enriched over the past decade as more scholars have begun to ask how governance problems vary across organizational contexts. Scholars seeking to understand and build on those developments will find this volume a very useful resource. In it, Audretsch and Lehmann have assembled several “classic” pieces of governance scholarship alongside a number of more recent pieces that point the way towards promising new avenues of research.’ – Daniel Forbes, University of Minnesota, US 37 articles, dating from 1965 to 2010 Contributors include: J.J. Chisman, C.M. Daily, H. Demsetz, D.K. Denis, E.F. Fama, M. Huse, M. Jenson, P.G.Klein, M. Wright, L. Zingales
Series no. 21 2011 768 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 044 0 £253.00
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‘This collection of articles by an internationally recognized team of authors is a welcome addition to the literature on firm growth. The authors, singly and together, have previously made important contributions with regard to frameworks for understanding growth, as well as cuttingedge empirical research on the actual growth process. In this volume, the authors bring previous research up-todate, providing a critical look at what has been published in the last decade and offering new theoretically informed insights in how and why firms grow.’ – Howard Aldrich, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, US 2013 352 pp Hardback 978 0 85793 360 7 £95.00 Elgaronline 978 0 85793 361 4
Entrepreneurial Opportunities Edited by Dean A. Shepherd, Indiana University and Denis A. Grégoire, Syracuse University, US This authoritative collection presents the most important and influential contributions to the study of entrepreneurial opportunity. The first section investigates the nature of entrepreneurial opportunity. The second presents the best work of the last ten years on the dynamics and nature of opportunity emergence. The careful selection of articles, alongside an original introduction by the editors, concludes by highlighting the varying contexts in which entrepreneurial opportunity can occur and strategies for researching it. 38 articles, dating from 1987 to 2011 Contributors include: T. Baker, R. Baron, P. Davidsson, D. Dimov, J.E. Dutton, I.M. Kirzner, J.S. McMullen, S. Sarasvathy, S.A. Shane, D. Ucbasaran
Series no. 25 2012 864 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 046 5 £275.00
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Entrepreneurial Business and Society
Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship in Professional Services
Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research
Edited by Markus Reihlen, University of Lueneburg, Germany and Andreas Werr, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Edited by Friederike Welter, IfM, Bonn, University of Siegen, Germany and Jönköping International Business School, Sweden, Robert Blackburn, Kingston University, UK, Elisabet Ljunggren, Nordland Research Institute and Bjørn Willy Åmo, University of Nordland, Norway Entrepreneurial Business and Society summarizes contemporary research in the field of entrepreneurship and small business and explores the interplay between the entrepreneur, the entrepreneurial firm and society. Contributors: B.W. Åmo, F. Bertoni, M. Bianchi, R. Blackburn, M. Brettel, D. Chiaroni, J. Collis, A. Croce, P. Eckerle, F. Frattini, J. Grande, M. Guerini, J. Heinonen, L. Hurmerinta, U. Hytti, E. Kašperová, J. Kitching, E. Ljunggren, R. Mauer, T. Minola, Ö. Örge, E. Paavilainen-Mäntymäki, R.K. Pati, E. Vuorinen, F. Welter, S.A. Zahra, L. Zhao
2013 232 pp Hardback 978 1 78254 601 6 £75.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78254 602 3
‘Professional service firms are critical agents of contemporary economies and understanding them has become a central focus of recent scholarship. This very timely and well organized Handbook brings together several leading scholars who explore how we might think and theorize about professional service firms and their entrepreneurial behaviours. The Handbook will become a key source for the growing community of researchers in this area.’ – Royston Greenwood, University of Alberta, Canada Contributors: J. Benders, D.M. Brock, T. Clark, L. Empson, R. Fincham, J. Flood, J. Glückler, H. Gruber, A. Halinen, K. Handley, S. Heusinkveld, E. Jaakkola, K. Laursen, L. Lefsrud, B.R. Løwendahl, V. Mahnke, N. Malhotra, M. Mohe, M. Mone, T. Morris, D. Muzio, N. Nikolova, M. Reihlen, S. Segal-Horn, J. Sieweke, M. Smets, M. Stollfuß, L. Strannegård, A. Sturdy, R. Suddaby, R.-J. van den Berg, P. Vejrup-Hansen, A. Werr, M. Woywode
2012 424 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 626 7 £125.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 910 9
Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship series
Conceptual Richness and Methodological Diversity in Entrepreneurship Research
Law and Entrepreneurship
Edited by Alain Fayolle, EMLYON Business School, France, Paula Kyrö, Aalto University School of Business, Finland, Tõnis Mets, Tartu University and Urve Venesaar, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia ‘I can confidently say that I believe the chapters published in this volume are addressing interesting questions that we should care about. I can only applaud the series editors for their initiative, effort and time in producing yet another exceptional volume.’ – Helle Neergaard, Aarhus University, Denmark Contributors: M. Bau’, C. Compagno, L.A.G. Da Gbadji, A. Fayolle, J. Fernández, B. Gailly, A. Garofano, C. Guzmán, O. Hägg, M. Ikävalko, I. Jaén, J. Kolhinen, A. Kurczewska, P. Kyrö, W. Lamine, G. Lauto, F. Liñán, H. Ling, J.C. Márquez-López, T. Mets, K. Moberg, J.A. Moriano, M.R. Napolitano, H. Neergaard, N. Osei-Bonsu, K. Peltonen, A. Riviezzo, I. Romero, E. Ruskovaara, T. Rytkölä, J. Seikkula-Leino, U. Venesaar
Edited by Robert E. Litan, Bloomberg Government and Anthony J. Luppino, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law, US ‘Litan and Luppino perform a great service in creating a single volume that offers both the depth and breadth of “law and entrepreneurship” scholarship. Like other great anthologies, their book provides not only a ready reference but serves to define this burgeoning field.’ – Karl Okamoto, Drexel University, US 20 articles, dating from 1996 to 2012 Contributors include: O.B. Arewa, F.B. Cross, R.J. Gilson, E.J. Gouvin, A. Hyde, S.R. Jones, R.A. Katz, A. Page, A.S. Rinehart, J.E. Tyler III
2013 804 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 932 1 £235.00
2013 352 pp Hardback 978 1 78254 730 3 £90.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78254 731 0 European Research in Entrepreneurship series
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Technological Innovation and Prize Incentives
World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship Edited by Léo-Paul Dana, GSCM – Montpellier Business School, France ‘This comprehensive reference work features entries on numerous aspects of entrepreneurship, written by wellqualified academics from around the world. . . Readers will appreciate the contributors’ explanations of the application of entrepreneurship in a variety of complex environments.’ – P. Judy Li, Choice Contributors: Z.J. Acs, K. Althoff, R.B. Anderson, A. Atherton, D.B. Audretsch, U. Backes-Gellner, G. Baldacchino, W.J. Baumol, D. Bögenhold, J. Bonnet, R.T. Bradley, T. Brau, M. Casson, P. Cussy, L.-P. Dana, T.E. Dana, A.A. Degen, S. Down, U. Fachinger, A. Fayolle, L. Ferguson, L.J. Filion, K. Frith, Y. Gasse, W.A. Ghoul, P. Gottschalk, R.T. Hamilton, M. Han, R. Harms, T.H. Hawver, J. Huebscher, P.-A. Julien, K.R. Kao, R.W.Y. Kao, R.R. Kao, T. Kautonen, P. Kilby, A.M. Kleinbaum, A. Koch, S. Kolb, S. Kraus, P. Kyrö, C. Lendner, D. Leong, I.H. Light, C.M. Mason, P.P. McDougall, G. McElwee, M. Morris, M. Niemi, J.J. Obrecht, B.M. Oviatt, J. Palmroos, A.M. Peredo, J.M. Pollack, V. Ratten, M.T. Schaper, L. Schjoedt, A.E. Singer, U. Staber, D. Storey, S. Terjesen, D. Tomasino, P. Vainio, P.C. Weber, I. Welpe, F. Welter, K. Wennberg, A. Werner
2011 512 pp Hardback 978 1 84542 479 4 £160.00 2013 Paperback 978 0 85793 593 9 £39.95 Elgaronline 978 1 84980 845 3
An Evolutionary Approach to Entrepreneurship
Luciano Kay, University of California, Santa Barbara and Georgia Institute of Technology, US ‘The recent renaissance in the use of prizes to spur innovation and extraordinary novel performance warrants close attention. Luciano Kay does so through a series of compelling case studies which shows the potential of prizes, the range of factors that influence their performance and the importance of understanding their non-pecuniary dimensions, even when there is a substantial purse. This is an important contribution to the innovation literature.’ – David J. Teece, University of California, Berkeley, US 2012 256 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 647 4 £65.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 648 1
Historical Foundations of Entrepreneurship Research Edited by Hans Landström, Lund University, Sweden and Franz T. Lohrke, Samford University, US ‘A major contribution to historical research in entrepreneurship. History is a vital link to our understanding of this critical activity, a link that is no longer missing. It is arguable that history provides us the richest body of information that will enable us to understand what entrepreneurs can contribute to social welfare and what is lost from misdirection of their efforts. This book provides an abundance of such important insights.’
Selected Essays by Howard E. Aldrich Howard E. Aldrich, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, US ‘Howard Aldrich. . . has been a significant factor in the growing interest in the application of evolutionary approaches to the study of entrepreneurship. . . A collection of his papers, accessible at one place, will naturally be of great interest to researchers and scholars of entrepreneurship. . . the book presents a valuable collection that should provide scholars with a sound base for further research in the application of evolutionary theories to the study of entrepreneurship.’ – Vijaya Sherry Chand, The Journal of Entrepreneurship 2011 616 pp Hardback 978 0 85793 336 2 £129.00 2012 Paperback 978 0 85793 846 6 £31.00
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The Google Lunar X Prize and Other Aerospace Competitions
– William J. Baumol, New York University and Princeton University, US 2010 448 pp Hardback 978 1 84720 919 1 £129.00 2012 Paperback 978 0 85793 132 0 £42.00 Elgaronline 978 1 84980 694 7
A Business Model for Entrepreneurship Thierry Verstraete and Estèle Jouison-Laffitte 2011 160 pp Hardback 978 0 85793 904 3 £67.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 246 9 In Association with Groupe de Boeck S.A.
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Entrepreneurship & Strategy
Entrepreneurship, Social Capital and Governance
Entrepreneurship and Leadership
Directions for the Sustainable Development and Competitiveness of Regions
Edited by Donald F. Kuratko, Indiana University and Michael H. Morris, University of Florida, US ‘A very thoughtfully chosen collection of excellent articles focused on key issues in the field of entrepreneurship. This book will be a very useful reference source for entrepreneurship faculty and graduate student alike, and I, personally, look forward to having a copy in my bookcase.’ – Robert Baron, Oklahoma State University, US
Edited by Charlie Karlsson, Jönköping University, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden and European Regional Science Association, Börje Johansson, Jönköping University and Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden and Roger R. Stough, George Mason University, Songdo Campus, Korea The expert contributors to this work highlight the role of governance in regional growth, an area that has so far been relatively under-researched, underpinning their findings with new theoretical and empirical evidence.
53 articles, dating from 1996 to 2012 Contributors include: M. Cardon, A. Corbett, J. Covin, K. Eisenhardt, R. Duane Ireland, M. Hitt, E. Locke, R. McGrath, J. McMullen, S. Sarasvathy, D. Shepherd
2012 432 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 283 4 £110.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 284 1
Series no. 27 2013 1,056 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 231 5 £335.00
Entrepreneurship as Experience
Establishing a Thriving Entrepreneurial Spirit in Government
The International Library of Entrepreneurship series
How Events Create Ventures and Ventures Create Entrepreneurs Michael H. Morris, Christopher G. Pryor, University of Florida and Minet Schindehutte, Syracuse University, US ‘This scholarly, theoretical, and thought-provoking volume examines the intertwined nature of business ventures and the entrepreneurs who undertake them, underscoring how both change based on the experiences encountered during the development of a venture. . . This work can be used as the basis for research on the entrepreneurial experience to better understand how to identify, pursue, and take advantage of a venture opportunity to achieve success.’
New Horizons in Regional Science series
Robert Hisrich, Thunderbird School of Global Management, US and Amr Al-Dabbagh, Al-Dabbagh Group, Saudi Arabia ‘After more than twenty years in public office and ten years traveling the world for my Foundation, I’ve concluded that the best outcomes occur when a strong, effective private sector works together with an innovative, entrepreneurial government to promote the economy. I know that as you read this book, you’ll gain invaluable insights about the type of government that will succeed in the twenty-first century.’ – From the foreword by President William Jefferson Clinton
– D.W. Huffmire, Choice 2012 352 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 048 7 £90.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 518 7
Strategic Innovation in Small Firms An International Analysis of Innovation and Strategic Decision Making in Small to Medium Sized Enterprises Edited by Tim Mazzarol and Sophie Reboud 2011 464 pp Hardback 978 1 84542 905 8 £98.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 302 2
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2012 288 pp Hardback 978 1 78195 162 0 £75.00 2012 Paperback 978 1 78195 228 3 £31.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78195 163 7
The Competitive Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Market Entry Edited by Gideon D. Markman and Phillip H. Phan 2011 552 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 271 0 £129.00 Elgaronline 978 0 85793 641 7 The Johns Hopkins University series on Entrepreneurship
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New Venture Creation & Entrepreneurial Finance
Handbook of Research on New Venture Creation
Finance in an Age of Austerity
Edited by Kevin Hindle, Deakin University, Australia and Kim Klyver, University of Southern Denmark
Johnston Birchall, Stirling University, UK
The Power of Customer-owned Banks
This comprehensive Handbook provides an essential analysis of new venture creation research. The eminent contributors critically discuss and explore the current literature as well as suggest improvements to the field. They reveal a strong sense of both the ‘state-of-the-art’ (what has and has not been done in new venture creation research) and the ‘state-of-the-could-be’ (future directions the field should take to improve knowledge). Contributors: H.E. Aldrich, F. Åström, T. Bager, O. Basso, D. Blackman, M. Brännback, C.G. Brush, A.L. Carsrud, P. Davidsson, G. Don, A. Elam, M.R. Evald, A. Fayolle, W.B. Gartner, S. Gordon, P.G. Greene, G. Hancock, K. Hindle, M. Imas, J.A. Katz, P.H. Kim, K. Klyver, F. Kropp, H. Landström, J. Legge, B. Leleux, J. Levie, N.J. Lindsay, M. Mulej, M. Rebernik, D. Al-Shanfari, D. Smallbone, P. Steffens, J. Sundbo, S. Terjesen, E.T. Tornikoski, F. Welter
2011 416 pp Hardback 978 1 84720 095 2 £145.00 2012 Paperback 978 0 85793 518 2 £37.00 Elgaronline 978 0 85793 306 5
2013 256 pp Hardback 978 1 78195 183 5 £75.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78195 184 2
Handbook of Research on Venture Capital: Volume 2 A Globalizing Industry
Edited by Hans Landström, Lund University, Sweden and Colin Mason, University of Glasgow, UK
Nascent Entrepreneurship Edited by Per Davidsson, Scott R. Gordon and Heiko Bergmann Series no. 22 2011 688 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 137 9 £232.00 The International Library of Entrepreneurship series
THOMSON REUTERS’ BOOK CITATION INDEX We are one of the first publishers to agree to include book titles in the new Thomson Reuters’ Book Citation Index. Historically, only leading journals and conference proceedings have been included in the citation index. The index is accessed through the Thomson Reuters’ Web of Knowledge research platform by 20 million users across 3,800 research institutions in 90 countries.
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This is a book in search of an alternative to the discredited investor-owned banks that have brought the rich countries into crisis and the world economy into a long period of austerity. It finds customer-owned banks – credit unions, co-operative banks, building societies – have hardly been affected by the crisis and continue to operate according to their organisational DNA: low-risk, close to the customer, underpinned by real savings, and still lending to SMEs to protect jobs and local economies. They are big business – in some countries with over 40% of the market – but networked in smaller, democratic societies whose origins go back to 1850s Germany.
‘The second volume of the Handbook of Research on Venture Capital provides an important guidepost for venture capital researchers. As Landström and Mason point out, the nature of venture capital has changed dramatically over the last ten years. The asset class as a whole has failed to return principal and the old model is under tremendous strain. The contributors nicely highlight many of these changes, especially how venture capital has scaled beyond the US. For those of us active in venture capital research, the chapters raise many interesting research questions that deserve further attention.’ – Andrew Zacharakis, Babson College, US Contributors: A. Avdeitchikova, G. Avnimelech, D. Cumming, D. De Clercq, D. Dimov, S. Harel, S.A. Johan, H. Landström, D. Lingelbach, H. Lu, C. Mason, A. Parhankangas, J. Sohl, R. Sørheim, Y. Tan
2012 304 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 168 3 £120.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 911 6 Handbooks in Venture Capital series
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Family Business NEW KEY TITLE
The Landscape of Family Business
Handbook of Research on Family Business, Second Edition
Edited by Ritch L. Sorenson, University of St. Thomas, Andy Yu, University of WisconsinWhitewater, Keith H. Brigham, Texas Tech University and G.T. Lumpkin, Syracuse University, US ‘The editors should be commended for developing a Map of the Landscape of Family Business Outcomes. It gives future research direction to the discipline considering both short-term profitability and long-term sustainability. It considers conventional concepts of structure, roles, and rules as well as family/firm processes, the uniqueness of family businesses and the essence of their resilience capacity. There are thought-provoking nuggets for new and seasoned researchers, counselors and advisors, business and executive educators, as well as family business owners.’ – Sharon M. Danes, University of Minnesota, US 2013 256 pp Hardback 978 1 78254 753 2 £75.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78254 754 9
Exploring Transgenerational Entrepreneurship The Role of Resources and Capabilities Edited by Pramodita Sharma, University of Vermont and Babson College, US, Philipp Sieger, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, Robert S. Nason, Syracuse University, US, Ana Cristina Gonzalez, Universidad ICESI, Colombia and Kavil Ramachandran, Indian School of Business ‘This book represents a breakthrough in our knowledge of family businesses. You will read some fascinating stories in this book. But it is more than a collection of stories. The authors show you how you can learn from the stories others tell, and the lessons are both positive and negative. Here we are introduced to real family businesses, addressing real problems, both regarding the future of the firm and the relationships among family members. The authors of these chapters show us how theories can be practically applied in understanding and managing the family enterprise.’ – Frank Hoy, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, US Nov 2013 c 232 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 361 9 £70.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 362 6 The Successful Transgenerational Entrepreneurship Practices series
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Edited by Kosmas X. Smyrnios, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, Panikkos Zata Poutziouris, UCLan, Cyprus and Sanjay Goel, University of Minnesota Duluth, US ‘This is a very business-like book in its approach. It has an impressive global reach in its authorship, focal areas and use of evidence; it hits all the major practical challenges of family firms in a spirit that is fresh and current; and it deals with the cutting-edge themes and issues that are uppermost in the minds of owners, executives, advisors and researchers in the field.’ – Nigel Nicholson, London Business School, UK, author, Managing the Human Animal, Family Wars and The ‘I’ of Leadership Contributors: D. Arijs, B. Arosa, P. Bachiller, S.B. Mahmoud-Jouini, A. Bloch, A. Blombäck, I.C. Botero, L. Cabeza-García, D. Caspersz, S. Chang, J.J. Chrisman, G. Corbetta, L.-P. Dana, S.M. Danes, A. Dawson, B.J. Debicki, F. di Donato, E.L. Giménez, M.-C. Giorgino, L. Gnan, S. Goel, S. Gómez-Ansón,J.L.C. González, T. Goto, V. Gupta, E. Hadjielias, E. Hamilton, C. Howorth, T. Ikäheimonen, M. Ikävalko, T. Iturralde, J. Kansikas, F.W. Kellermanns, A. Kirmanen, A. Koeberle-Schmid, R. Labaki, I. Le Breton-Miller, J. Lee, N.M. Levenburg, C.M. Lindow, S.R. Litchfield, A. Maseda, C.F. Matherne III, N. Michael-Tsabari, S. Mignon, D. Miller, A. Minichilli, F.M. Mizumoto, D. Montemerlo, M. Nordqvist, J.A. Novo, S. Paternostro, A. Pena-López, T. Pihkala, D. Pittino, P.Z. Poutziouris, F. Negreira del Río, J. Negreira del Río, M. Sacristán-Navarro, M.S. Macchione Saes, J.M. Sánchez-Santos, P. Sharma, K.X. Smyrnios, L. Songini, K. Stafford, E. Su, R. Tiscini, G. Valentini, A.G. Vietes, F. Visintin, R.K. Zachary, V. Zheng
2013 800 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 322 8 £195.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 938 3 In Association with IFERA
Entrepreneurship across Generations Narrative, Gender and Learning in Family Business Eleanor Hamilton, Lancaster University Management School, UK Entrepreneurship across Generations examines dimensions of identity, gender and learning to understand the complex fabric of family business. An interpretation of narratives from two generations in five families constitutes entrepreneurship as an inherently social, rather than individual, phenomenon. This enriching book explains how entrepreneurial capacity is shared between generations, showing how learning is embedded within everyday social practice in the family and the business. 2013 208 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 624 4 £70.00 Elgaronline 978 1 84980 625 1
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Family Business
Family Business Studies
Family Business and Social Capital
An Annotated Bibliography Alfredo De Massis, University of Bergamo, Italy, Pramodita Sharma, University of Vermont and Babson College, US, Jess H. Chua, University of Calgary, Canada and Zhejiang University, China and James J. Chrisman, Mississippi State University, US and University of Alberta, Canada ‘If I had been asked to suggest the currently most-needed editorial endeavor for advancing family business studies, I would have answered with no hesitation: an up-to-date annotated bibliography. The field’s growth over the past 15 years has been so intense, that even experts who devote most of their research efforts to family business – not to mention younger scholars approaching the field – will significantly benefit from De Massis, Sharma, Chua, and Chrisman’s indispensable work.’ – Carlo Salvato, Bocconi University, Italy and Associate Editor, Family Business Review 2012 368 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 297 1 £95.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 298 8
‘In view of the fact that family businesses are passing through a difficult phase all over the world, this volume is a very timely publication. The analyses are based on and informed by the experiences and family dynamics of the developed West, particularly the United States. But the recommendations are not culture specific. Thus, the book can provide useful insight to the owners and managers of family businesses in the developing countries as well.’ – Dwijendra Tripathi, The Journal of Entrepreneurship 2011 304 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 737 1 £78.00 2012 Paperback 978 1 78254 444 9 £31.00 Elgaronline 978 1 84980 738 8
Family Enterprise in the Asia Pacific
Understanding Entrepreneurial Family Businesses in Uncertain Environments
Exploring Transgenerational Entrepreneurship in Family Firms Edited by Kevin Au, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Justin B. Craig, Bond University, Australia and K. Ramachandran, Indian School of Business, India
Opportunities and Resources in Latin America Edited by Mattias Nordqvist, Jönköping International Business School and Center for Family Enterprise Ownership, Sweden, Giuseppe Marzano, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador, Esteban R. Brenes, INCAE Business School, Costa Rica and Nicaragua, Gonzalo Jiménez, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile and Proteus Management Consulting and Maria Fonseca-Paredes, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico Understanding Entrepreneurial Family Businesses in Uncertain Environments, the third volume in the STEP series, is uniquely centered on familial entrepreneurial activity in Latin America. The contributions, based on empirical evidence and an overall theoretical framework, focus on practical learning in addition to the advancement of scholarly knowledge. 2011 328 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 465 3 £78.00 Elgaronline 978 1 84980 473 8 In Association with the Successful Transgenerational Entrepreneurship Practices Program
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Edited by Ritch L. Sorenson, University of St. Thomas, US
Researchers in Australia, China, and India discussed eleven in-depth case studies to shed light on the challenges that business families and family businesses faced in continuing and extending their entrepreneurial capabilities across multiple generations. 2011 224 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 792 9 £67.00 Elgaronline 978 0 85793 815 2 In Association with the Successful Transgenerational Entrepreneurship Practices Program
Family Business Dynamics A Role and Identity Based Perspective Annika Hall, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden This engaging book reveals how and why family relations influence the dynamics of family owned businesses. The author examines the relevance of role and identity to the strategic development and the succession process of family businesses. 2012 192 pp Hardback 978 1 84542 830 3 £59.95 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 908 6
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Entrepreneurship Education NEW
Teaching Entrepreneurship to Postgraduates Colin Jones, University of Tasmania, Australia ‘As insightful as ever Colin Jones provides a fresh perspective on entrepreneurship education as it relates to the specific needs of postgraduate students. The book includes many aspects that educators will find useful including insights into teaching philosophy, tactics for enhancing pedagogy and appreciation of context in educational practice. For those educators new to entrepreneurship education this is an essential read while more established teachers can use the book to help reflect on their own experiences.’ – Luke Pittaway, Ohio University, US Written by the author of the successful Teaching Entrepreneurship to Undergraduates, this book promotes a learner-centred approach to thinking about how to teach entrepreneurship to postgraduates. Dec 2013 c 168 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 474 6 c £65.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78347 260 4 SAVE 25%!: This volume is available as a discounted set at c £99.00 + p&p, along with Colin Jones’ Teaching Entrepreneurship to Undergraduates (978 1 84980 406 6 £67.00) Email
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Entrepreneurship Programs and the Modern University Michael H. Morris, University of Florida, Donald F. Kuratko, Indiana University and Jeffrey R. Cornwall, Belmont University, US ‘I am a believer in the concept of the entrepreneurial university, and think our institutions of higher learning must learn to think and act in more entrepreneurial ways. The kind of entrepreneurial culture which this book champions can transform student lives, invigorate university campuses, and make a fundamental difference in our communities.’ – Burns Hargis, President, Oklahoma State University, US 2013 304 pp Hardback 978 1 78254 462 3 £80.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78254 463 0
Handbook on the Entrepreneurial University Edited by Alain Fayolle, EMLYON Business School, France and Dana T. Redford, UCP-Porto, Portugal
This insightful Handbook offers a lens through which to view entrepreneurship strategy for higher education institutions, as it becomes increasingly necessary for universities to consider changing their strategies, culture and practices to become more entrepreneurial.
Teaching Entrepreneurship Challenging the Mindset of Entrepreneurship Educators Edited by Heidi M. Neck, Patricia G. Greene and Candida G. Brush, Babson College, US Entrepreneurship education has not changed significantly in over thirty years. This book advocates teaching entrepreneurship as a method, prioritizing a practicebased approach over the traditional process approach. The entrepreneurship method presents a selection of practices (empathy, play, creation, experimentation, and reflection) designed to develop and enhance entrepreneurial learning capacity and provide entrepreneurs of all kinds with the skills necessary to navigate an uncertain, constantly changing world. Entrepreneurship educators will find a great deal of useful knowledge in this volume, which provides relevant, targeted exercises for immediate application in the classroom. June 2014 c 224 pp Hardback 978 1 78254 055 7 c £65.00 Paperback 978 1 78254 069 4 £19.95
Is the idea of an entrepreneurial university a myth or a reality? Is the university model capable of adapting to new evolving trends and a more complex professional world? And, what is the impact of entrepreneurship in education? Through extensive research and case studies from some of the leading entrepreneurial thinkers around the world, Alain Fayolle and Dana Redford answer these questions and raise further issues for debate. Contributors include: B.W. Åmo, V. Blok, J. Crayford, H. Dons, L.-J. Edwards, T. Erikson, C. Fearon, A.A Gibb, P. Groenewegen, M. Guerrero, M. Grünhagen, G. Haskins, W. Hulsink, N. Kalaitzandonakes, C. Kolympiri, T. Lans, D. Leunbach, R. Lubberink, N.G. MacKenzie, E.M. Markowska, S. McCarthy, K. Moberg, E.J. Muir, E.S. Mwasalwiba, O. Omta, G. Packham, D. Pickernell, M. Reihlen, A. Salamzadeh, M. Saua Svalastog, K. Schneeberge, S. Steiner, D. Urbano, E. van Burg, G. van Vuuren-Cassar, W. van Vuuren, C. Volkmann, I. Wakkee, F. Wenzlaff, Q. Zhang
Jan 2014 c 528 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 701 3 c £150.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 702 0 Alain Fayolle is winner of the European Entrepreneurship Education award
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Entrepreneurship Education
Entrepreneurship Policy
In Search of Research Excellence Exemplars in Entrepreneurship Ronald K. Mitchell and Richard N. Dino 2011 360 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 762 3 £93.00 2011 Paperback 978 0 85793 090 3 £31.00 Elgaronline 978 1 84980 763 0
Learning in the Global Classroom
Public Support of Innovation in Entrepreneurial Firms Albert N. Link, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, US ‘This is a fine collection of papers focusing on the role of public support in facilitating innovation. A key theme is the concentration on innovation by small firms, which is both timely and crucial. The collection should be of value to scholars, policymakers and students.’ – Rajeev K. Goel, Illinois State University, US
A Guide for Students in the Multicultural University
Dec 2013 c 208 pp Hardback 978 1 78347 017 4 c £70.00
Carol Dalglish, Peter Evans and Lynda Lawson
2011 192 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 869 8 £67.00 2012 Paperback 978 0 85793 761 2 £26.00 Elgaronline 978 0 85793 120 7
Academic Entrepreneurship in Asia The Role and Impact of Universities in National Innovation Systems Edited by Poh Kam Wong 2011 368 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 307 6 £83.00 Elgaronline 978 0 85793 800 8 New Horizons in Entrepreneurship series
Entrepreneurship Education in Asia Edited by Hugh Thomas and Donna Kelley
Public Policy in the Entrepreneurial Society David B. Audretsch, Indiana University, US In this book David Audretsch examines the impact of public policy in the entrepreneurial society and in ensuring that entrepreneurship continues to serve as a driving force for economic performance. Do university policies or knowledge conditions make a difference to entrepreneurship? Does policy influence the commercialization route? This comprehensive book addresses such questions in a thoughtful selection of essays from one of the most influential and erudite sources in entrepreneurship research. The result is an interesting and informative book, which will appeal to scholars of business, entrepreneurship, evolutionary economics and public policy. Dec 2013 c 336 pp Hardback 978 1 78347 223 9 c £85.00
2011 264 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 947 4 £73.00 Elgaronline 978 1 84980 948 1
Institutional Entrepreneurship Edited by Magnus Henrekson, Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Sweden and Tino Sanandaji, University of Chicago, US and Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Sweden The growing recognition of the extent to which institutions determine economic outcomes has been one of the key developments in economic research and policy analysis in the last two decades. At the same time, the entrepreneur has made a comeback, resurrected as one of the prime value creators in society. This comprehensive volume builds on Baumol’s 1990 framework to categorize and classify the growing research field that explores the interplay between institutions and entrepreneurship. 25 articles, dating from 1991 to 2010 Contributors include: Z. Acs, O. Bandiera, W. Baumol, P. Boettke, E. Glaeser, P. Leeson, J. Lerner, D. Rodrik, A. Shleifer, L. Zingales
Series no. 24 2012 552 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 028 9 £175.00 The International Library of Entrepreneurship series
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Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Managing Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship
Maureen McKelvey, University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Aalborg University, Denmark
How Technology and Entrepreneurship are Shaping the Development of Industries and Companies
Handbook of Research on Techno-Entrepreneurship, Second Edition
Edited by François Thérin, Curtin University, Sarawak, Malaysia
This original and exciting new work differs from existing books on entrepreneurship by focusing specifically on the relationship between knowledge and entrepreneurship. Moreover, the book differs by uniting an academic review of theoretical and empirical contributions with an analysis of the practical implications for engaging in and learning about venture creation. The authors concentrate on specific types of firms reliant upon advanced knowledge and show how a systemic perspective of entrepreneurship is required, involving design thinking, in order to capture the relationships between individual, venture and eco-system. 2013 208 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 551 4 £70.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 552 1
This up-to-date second volume of a high-quality Handbook examines the latest trends in technoentrepreneurship. From family-business, to green entrepreneurship or effectuation, the major topics are covered with insightful recommendations for researchers and practitioners. With chapters focusing on China, India, South-East Asia and South America, the Handbook explores views on the new hot spots in techno-entrepreneurship development. Contributors include: R. Abdullah, P.M. Banerjee, B. Bhardwaj, A.Y. Bhatiya, V. Blok, J. Borchardt, A. Brem, W. Carter, G. Criaco, C. Dessì, C. Fitzgerald, M. Floris, Z. Fuquan, M. Hoppe, J. Houterman, D.A. Isabelle, D. Jolly, T. Kollmann, K.-H. Lai, M. Ledwith, A. Leirner, L. Manral, T. Minola, L.M. Nor, R. O’Shea, O. Omta, H. Othman, J. Pellikka, M.S. Salimath, C. Serarols-Tarres, M.S. Siddiq, J. Woolley, M. Yusof, N. Zakaria
Jan 2014 c 432 pp Hardback 978 1 78195 181 1 c £140.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78195 182 8
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Evolving Economies
How Entrepreneurs do what they do Case Studies in Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship
The Role of Law Edited by Megan M. Carpenter, Texas Wesleyan School of Law, US Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Evolving Economies examines the role of law in supporting innovation and entrepreneurship in communities whose economies are in transition. It contains a collection of works from different perspectives and tackles tough questions regarding policy and practice, including how support for entrepreneurship can be translated into policy. Additionally, this collection addresses more concrete questions of practical efficacy, including measures of how successful or unsuccessful legal efforts to incentivize entrepreneurship may be, through intellectual property law and otherwise, and what might define success to begin with. 2012 288 pp Hardback 978 0 85793 469 7 £65.00 Nov 2013 Paperback 978 1 78195 189 7 £30.00 Elgaronline 9780 85793 470 3
Edited by Maureen McKelvey, University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Aalborg University, Denmark Case studies can be used as a key element in learning and understanding what really occurs, as well as for illustrating theoretical points. This book provides a series of in-depth case studies of knowledge intensive entrepreneurship from different industries to elucidate relevant phenomena and topics. They focus upon the venture creation process, involving close interactions between the individual, the company, and the external eco-system and environment. The cases primarily provide a managerial perspective on the process, from the sources of ideas, through opportunities and strategies, to outcomes and interactions with external networks. 2013 240 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 549 1 £75.00 Elgaronline 9781 78100 550 7
Elgar Law and Entrepreneurship series
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Entrepreneurship & Innovation NEW
Technological Entrepreneurship in China
Competing Through Innovation
How Does it Work?
Technology Strategy and Antitrust Policies
Edited by Claudio Petti, University of Salento, Italy
David J. Teece, University of California, Berkeley and Berkeley Research Group, LLC, US This cohesive collection brings together David J. Teece’s most important work on the nexus of innovation and competition policy. He was one of the first to flag the importance of innovation issues to competition policy 25 years ago. He has also pioneered the application of economic and organizational principles to issues in the management of innovation. 2013 520 pp Hardback 978 1 84720 671 8 £110.00
Handbook of Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
– Dominique Jolly, SKEMA Business School, France 2012 208 pp Hardback 978 0 85793 898 5 £65.00 Elgaronline 9780 85793 899 2
Edited by David B. Audretsch, Indiana University, US, Oliver Falck, University of Munich, Germany, Stephan Heblich, University of Stirling, UK and Adam Lederer, DIW Berlin, Germany Leading researchers use their outstanding expertise to investigate various aspects in the context of innovation and entrepreneurship such as growth, knowledge production and spillovers, technology transfer, the organization of the firm, industrial policy, financing, small firms and start-ups, and entrepreneurship education as well as the characteristics of the entrepreneur. Contributors: Z.J. Acs, P. Aghion, D.B. Audretsch, G. Avnimelech, W.J. Baumol, W. Bönte, P. Braunerhjelm, U. Cantner, B. Carlsson, M. Dejardin, G. Duranton, A. Eisingerich, O. Falck, M.P. Feldman, K. Fogel, M. Fritsch, R. Gold, M. Guerzoni, D. Harhoff, S. Heblich, R.A. Jensen, M. Keilbach, W.R. Kerr, I.M. Kirzner, A. Kleinknecht, T. Kretschmer, K. Lee, A.N. Link, W. McCumber, R. Nanda, N. Nicolaou, B. Nooteboom, S.C. Parker, G. Pellegrino, M. Piva, S. Prantl, C.F. Sabel, A. Saxenian, S. Shane, D.S. Siegel, D.F. Spulber, E. Stam, G. van der Panne, M. van Praag, M. Vivarelli, C.W. Wessner
2011 528 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 087 6 £155.00 2012 Paperback 978 0 85793 525 0 £47.00 Elgaronline 9781 84980 776 0
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‘This unique book offers a series of case studies about how technology creation has evolved in China. This is an in-depth perspective about the trajectory and the entrepreneurial transformations of some successful high-tech Chinese companies in different industries. The book pictures as well the roles played by government, universities and companies in fostering regional systems of innovation in different parts of China. Written by Chinese and foreign experts, those views are not partial; authors reveal an untruncated and thorough analysis.’
The Shift to the Entrepreneurial Society A Built Economy in Education, Sustainability and Regulation Edited by Jean Bonnet, University of Caen, France, Marcus Dejardin, University of Namur and Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium and Antonia Madrid-Guijarro, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Spain In the constant challenge economies face to grow and adapt, entrepreneurship and innovation are considered key factors. This impressive book shows the complementary and decisive role that education, access to an efficient financial system, and regulation may have in creating an entrepreneurial society. 2012 296 pp Hardback 978 0 85793 893 0 £75.00 Elgaronline 9780 85793 894 7
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Second Tier Regions Heike Mayer 2011 272 pp Hardback 978 1 84720 359 5 £73.00 Elgaronline 9780 85793 869 5
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Creativity & Entrepreneurship
International Entrepreneurship
Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Creativity
Current Issues in International Entrepreneurship
Edited by Rolf Sternberg, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany and Gerhard Krauss, Université de Rennes 2, France
Edited by Hamid Etemad, McGill University, Canada, Tage Koed Madsen, Erik S. Rasmussen and Per Servais, University of Southern Denmark
Entrepreneurship and creativity are undoubtedly linked. Researchers examining the relationship between the two will find the Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Creativity to be an instructive collection with specially commissioned contributions from leading scholars and an international perspective.
‘This book is an important addition to the literature on International Entrepreneurship (IE). Edited by the founder of the McGill Conference series on IE and the hosts of the 14th annual conference, this collection challenges readers to push the boundaries of this emerging field and explore the implications of leadership, emerging economies, gender and family ownership for the internationalization of new ventures.’
Rolf Sternberg and Gerhard Krauss provide an expert introduction to the role of creativity in the field of entrepreneurship, and vice versa. The remaining contributions, both empirical and conceptual, are arranged in sections that will provide the reader with a unique guide to the progress of research in this area. Of particular interest are the exploration of the influence of the spatial context, and the overview of government policy attempts to support entrepreneurship and creative economic development.
– Rod B. McNaughton, University of Auckland, New Zealand Nov 2013 c 384 pp Hardback 978 1 78195 341 9 c £90.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78195 342 6
The McGill International Entrepreneurship series
July 2014 c 320 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 442 5 c £75.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 443 2
Handbook of Research on Born Globals
Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Edited by Mika Gabrielsson, University of Eastern Finland and V.H. Manek Kirpalani, Bloomsburg University, US and Concordia University, Canada
Changing Currents in Education and Public Life Edited by Lynn Book and David P. Phillips, Wake Forest University, US ‘This is a timely book that establishes the imperative for advancing creativity and entrepreneurship in the 21st century, not just for economic development, but more importantly, for social and moral growth. The book demonstrates the transformative possibilities of embedding creative practice and interdisciplinary exploration in our schools, businesses, and communities. But, the authors also acknowledge the institutional challenges and constraints that often stand in the way of creative entrepreneurs. With a clarion call for better research and more sophisticated theories, Creativity and Entrepreneurship suggests we might be able to make radical changes in some of our most crucial public arenas – education, medicine, politics and more.’ – Steven J. Tepper, Vanderbilt University, US 2013 208 pp Hardback 978 0 85793 719 3 £70.00 Elgaronline 978 0 85793 720 9
‘The immense literature on born globals contains a cottage industry of research that includes many different definitions, operationalizations and conclusions. It is time to reflect on what insights we have gained. The editors have really succeeded in putting a highly needed great Handbook together that presents this at its best. It will stimulate further research. It is an appealing, useful and well crafted end product.’ – Torben Pedersen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Contributors: A. Aspelund, M. Baum, S. Freeman, I. Galván-Sánchez, M. García, P.N. Ghauri, R.-J. Jean, R. Kabst, O. Kuivalainen, L.C. Leonidou, N. Løvdal, R. McNaughton, J. Partanen, N. Pezderka, A. Rialp, S. Saarenketo, S. Samiee, C. Schwens, P. Servais, M. Sheppard, R. Shneor, V.C. Simões, R.R. Sinkovics, C.A. Solberg, K. Ukrainski, T.J. Vapola, T. Vissak, X. Zhang, H. Zou
2012 448 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 953 4 £129.00 Elgaronline 978 0 85793 804 6
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International Entrepreneurship KEY TITLE
Entrepreneurship and Multinationals Global Business and the Making of the Modern World Geoffrey Jones, Harvard Business School, US ‘Harvard Business School Professor Geoffrey Jones has long been a student of the history of multinational enterprise. He has taken a leadership role in the field. This volume reflects the extraordinary breadth of his historical research, spanning continents and industries. His focus is on the firm as an actor on the stage of the history of globalization. This book contains a selection of his unpublished and published articles. Of special interest is his updated previously unpublished 2006 talk that explores how firms and entrepreneurs fit into the scholarly debates on the Great Divergence between the West and the Rest. This is a splendid collection.’ – Mira Wilkins, Florida International University, US This fascinating volume explores the roles played by entrepreneurship and multinational enterprises in the development of the modern world. Geoffrey Jones demonstrates how multinational corporations have driven globalization through the transfer of innovation and cultural values. 2013 240 pp Hardback 978 1 78195 194 1 £75.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78254 818 8
The Process of Internationalization in Emerging SMEs and Emerging Economies
Shaping China’s Innovation Future University Technology Transfer in Transition
Edited by Hamid Etemad, McGill University, Canada This book, the fourth volume in The McGill International Entrepreneurship Series, brings together 27 top scholars to explore the structural complexities, evolving relations and dynamic forces that are shaping a new system of multi-polar, multi-level international business relations. It examines entrepreneurial efforts and relations in different national and corporate cultures, each embedded in and also constrained by country-specific socio-economic structures and each vying for consumer attentions in competitive global markets. 2013 448 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 318 3 £100.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 319 0 The McGill International Entrepreneurship series
International Entrepreneurship in the Life Sciences Edited by Marian V. Jones, Colin Wheeler and Pavlos Dimitratos
John L. Orcutt, University of New Hampshire, School of Law – Franklin Pierce Center for Intellectual Property, US and Hong Shen, Longan Law Firm, Beijing, China Shaping China’s Innovation Future employs a thorough analysis of a combination of factors including: the role of law and China’s legal system; economic theory and the development of China’s economy; China’s educational, intellectual property, and financial systems; China’s innovation capacity; and Chinese culture. Though the recommendations on how to improve China’s technology commercialization system are unique to China, the scope of the research makes the conclusions found here applicable to other countries facing similar challenges. 2010 320 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 358 8 £85.00 2012 Paperback 978 1 84980 775 3 £26.00 Elgaronline 978 1 84980 909 2 Elgar Intellectual Property and Global Development series
2011 360 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 819 4 £98.00 Elgaronline 978 1 84980 820 0
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Entrepreneurship & Development KEY TITLES
Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index 2013
Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
Zoltán J. Ács, George Mason University, US, László Szerb, University of Pécs, Hungary and Erkko Autio, Imperial College London Business School
National and Regional Perspectives Edited by Michael Fritsch, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany ‘There is substantial evidence regarding the considerable regional variation in business creation. Michael Fritsch has done a fine job of assembling the most recent analyses of the best scholars on the regional factors affecting firm creation and the consequences. It is essential reading for any scholar or policy analyst seeking a state-of-the-art overview of the current empirical status of research on this important topic.’ – Paul D. Reynolds, George Washington University, US 2011 360 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 264 1 £125.00 2013 Paperback 978 0 85793 619 6 £35.00 Elgaronline 978 0 85793 649 3
Acclaim for previous editions: ‘The Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index . . . focuses on high-growth companies. It tries to measure the ambition of entrepreneurs as well as the prevalence of start-ups. It presents its results in ways that are designed to capture the attention of policymakers. It produces a ranking of 71 countries (for all their faults, nothing makes a politician jump like a league table). It also identifies bottlenecks that prevent countries from doing better. The index concludes that development and enterprise are correlated.’ – The Economist 2013 352 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 844 6 £280.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78254 042 7
Cross-Border Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Europe’s Border Regions
Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index 2012 Zoltán J. Ács and László Szerb
Edited by David Smallbone, Kingston University, UK, Friederike Welter, IfM, Bonn, University of Siegen, Germany and Jönköping International Business School, Sweden and Mirela Xheneti, University of Sussex, UK This topical study focuses on entrepreneurship and economic development in Europe’s border regions. It highlights the effects of EU enlargement in these regions – both within the EU and in neighbouring countries – paying particular attention to cross-border entrepreneurial activity. 2012 288 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 768 4 £65.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78195 216 0
2011 400 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 843 9 £289.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 115 8 Also available as a 3-volume set: 978 1 78100 706 8 email
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Entrepreneurship, Growth and Economic Development Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research Edited by Mário Raposo, David Smallbone, Károly Balaton and Lilla Hortoványi 2011 320 pp Hardback 978 0 85793 467 3 £83.00 Elgaronline 978 0 85793 490 1 Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship series
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Entrepreneurship & Organisation NEW KEY TITLE
Handbook of Organizational and Entrepreneurial Ingenuity Edited by Benson Honig, McMaster University, Canada, Joseph Lampel, City University London, UK and Israel Drori, College of Management, Academic Studies, Rishon Lezion, Israel ‘Professors Drori, Honig and Lampel have put together a collection of thought provoking articles on ingenuity written by an exciting group of scholars from around the world. The authors critically explore the difficult yet rewarding concept of ingenuity, and then apply this concept to the study of processes such as improvisation, bricolage, jugaad in a range of domains and settings such as sustainability, haute cuisine, dance and microfinance. I would recommend this book to academicians and practitioners alike interested in creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship.’ – Raghu Garud, Pennsylvania State University, US Contributors include: A. Banerjee, B. Chiera, S. Clegg, L.W. Cox, A. Cropley, D. Cropley, I. Drori, G. Gorse, P. Groenewegen, B. Honig, J. Koch, J. Lampel, S.R.H. Mariano, F. Masciarelli, J. Matthews, D.T. Methé, J. Moraes, P. Neves, P. Oliveira, M. Pina e Cunha, A. Prencipe, A. Rego, W. Rothmann, T. Sagiv, N. Senf, J.G. Shearer, A.C.O. Siqueira, A.M.C.E. Stam, L. Välikangas, I.A.M. Wakkee, D.B. Zoogah
Handbook on Organisational Entrepreneurship Edited by Daniel Hjorth, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark ‘Daniel Hjorth is justifiably famous for thinking differently about those things “we all know”, and this Handbook adds fuel to that fire. The Handbook reasserts the intellectual and practical primacy of organizational creation as the driving force of entrepreneurship. By getting some of the best minds in entrepreneurship to explore and speculate on the organizational aspects of entrepreneurship, this Handbook reframes and repositions entrepreneurship as the organizing trope for the postindustrial age.’ – Jerome Katz, Saint Louis University, US Contributors: H. Ahl, H.E. Aldrich, E. Barinaga, T. Beyes, P.L. Bylund, L. Devin, N.J. Foss, W.B. Gartner, P. Guillet de Monthoux, R.D. Hisrich, D. Hjorth, C. Jones, C. Kearney, P.G. Klein, A. Kovalainen, D.F. Kuratko, J. Lyngsie, M. Martinez, A.-M. Murtola, S. O’Donnell, S. Sarasvathy, D. Smallbone, B.M. Sørensen, C. Steyaert, E. Sundin, R. Swedberg, F. Welter
2012 496 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 378 6 £145.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 905 5
Feb 2014 c 304 pp Hardback 978 1 78254 903 1 c £110.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78254 904 8
Human Resource Management in Small Business
Achieving Peak Performance
Entrepreneurship as Organizing Selected Papers of William B. Gartner William B. Gartner, Clemson University, US This book draws together William B. Gartner’s key contributions to entrepreneurship research over the past 25 years. An original introduction by the author offers a comprehensive overview and analysis of his work as it pertains to the development of entrepreneurship as a scholarly field, and the articles demonstrate the many ways in which his research has explored entrepreneurship in relation to individuals, firms, environments and processes. July 2014 c 400 pp Hardback 978 1 78347 114 0 c £95.00
Edited by Cary L. Cooper CBE, Lancaster University, UK and Ronald J. Burke, York University, Canada ‘Cooper and Burke have provided us with fifteen excellent chapters that help fill our knowledge gap regarding the role of human resource management policies and practices in small- and medium-sized enterprises. Cooper and Burke provide an excellent overview chapter that describes the need, importance and scope of the topic and this is followed by fourteen well-orchestrated chapters contributed by international experts. This is a superb book for graduate and undergraduate students in human resource management worldwide, most of whom will end up working in small- and medium-sized enterprises.’ – Randall S. Schuler, Rutgers University, US 2011 384 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 121 8 £114.00 2012 Paperback 978 0 85793 283 9 £37.00 Elgaronline 978 0 85793 319 5 New Horizons in Management series
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Social Entrepreneurship NEW
Social Entrepreneurship in the Water Sector
Social Entrepreneurship
Getting Things Done Sustainably Rafael Ziegler, Lena Partzsch, Universität Greifswald, Jana Gebauer, IÖW, Marianne Henkel, Justus Lodemann, Universität Greifswald and Franziska Mohaupt, IÖW, Germany There are few sectors where ‘getting things done sustainably’ is as important as it is for the water sector. From drinking water and sanitation to water use in agriculture, industry, and ecosystems, Rafael Ziegler and his co-authors investigate the contribution of social entrepreneurship to the sustainable use of water. In doing so, they critically discuss the ethics and politics of new innovations, with the emphasis on ideas changing heads rather than money changing hands. By bringing together questions from ecology, ethics, management, and political science and drawing on research in close collaboration with practitioners across the world, the approach taken is both inter- and transdisciplinary. June 2014 c 180 pp Hardback 978 1 78347 130 0 c £65.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78347 131 7
It is over twenty years since the first research article on social entrepreneurship was published. The literature has reached the critical mass necessary for reflection and singling out of exemplar pieces, and the exponential growth in research interest in the field now merits identification of foundational and model papers to aid and guide future advancements. In creating this two-volume collection, the editors have successfully brought together the most important and influential social entrepreneurship articles to date. Topics covered include social entrepreneurship opportunities and creation, developing business models and organizational forms, social impact and contextual influences on social entrepreneurship. 75 articles, dating from 1987 to 2011 Contributors include: D. Bornstein, T. Dacin, J. Dees, H. Haugh, T. Lumpkin, J. Mair, T. Moss, A. Nicholls, A.M. Peredo
The International Library of Entrepreneurship series
Theory and Empirical Research in Social Entrepreneurship Edited by Phillip H. Phan, Johns Hopkins University, Jill Kickul, New York University, Stern School of Business, Sophie Bacq, Northeastern University, D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Boston, US and Mattias Nordqvist, Jönköping International Business School, Sweden and Center for Family Enterprise Ownership (CeFEO), Sweden ‘Social entrepreneurship has emerged as an academic field, due to growing interest among students, academics, and policymakers in understanding the antecedents and consequences of these activities. Unfortunately, there has been no comprehensive collection of state-of-theart theoretical and empirical research on this topic. This timely and important book fills this gap, by effectively synthesizing the burgeoning interdisciplinary literature on social entrepreneurship. Given growing interest in social entrepreneurship, the usefulness of this book to academics, entrepreneurs, and policymakers will not diminish over time.’ – Donald S. Siegel, University at Albany, SUNY, US Feb 2014 c 272 pp Hardback 978 1 78254 682 5 c £80.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78254 683 2
The Johns Hopkins University series on Entrepreneurship
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Edited by Jill Kickul, New York University, Stern School of Business, David Gras, Texas Christian University, Sophie Bacq, Northeastern University, D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Boston and Mark Griffiths, Miami University, Ohio, US
Series no. 26 Two volume set 2013 1,256 pp Hardback 978 0 85793 941 8 £425.00
Societal Entrepreneurship Positioning, Penetrating, Promoting Edited by Karin Berglund, Stockholm University, Bengt Johannisson, Linnaeus University and Birgitta Schwartz, Mälardalen University, Sweden Most social ventures cross the boundaries between the private, the public and the non-profit/voluntary sectors, and this broad involvement of actors and intertwining of sectors makes the label ‘societal’ entrepreneurship more appropriate. Stating the importance of both the local and the broader societal context, the book reports closeup studies from a variety of social ventures. Generic themes include positioning societal entrepreneurship against other images of collective entrepreneurship, critically penetrating its assumptions and practices and proposing ways of promoting societal entrepreneurship more widely. 2012 304 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 632 0 £70.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 633 7
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Social Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship
Community Co-Production Social Enterprise in Remote and Rural Communities
To Act as if and Make a Difference
Edited by Jane Farmer, La Trobe University, Australia, Carol Hill, University of Glasgow and Sarah-Anne Muñoz, University of the Highlands and Islands, UK
Björn Bjerke and Mathias Karlsson, Linnaeus University, Sweden ‘This book offers an innovative, theory-driven account of social entrepreneurship that is located in new thinking around the constructs of community and “public” entrepreneurship. Bjerke and Karlsson draw on a wide range of sources to offer useful new insights and analyses of this emerging sector and contribute a variety of useful and challenging new models of the relationship between society, innovation, and politics. All in all, this represents a valuable addition to the growing theoretical literature on social innovation and entrepreneurship.’ – Alex Nicholls, University of Oxford, UK 2013 208 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 697 9 £65.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 698 6
Governments around the globe are promoting coproduction and community social enterprise as policy strategies to address the need for local, 21st century service provision – but can small communities engage spontaneously in social enterprise and what is the true potential for citizens to produce services? This book addresses a clutch of contemporary societal challenges including: aging demography and the consequent need for extended care in communities; public service provision in an era of retrenching welfare and global financial crises; service provision to rural communities that are increasingly ‘hollowed out’ through lack of working age people; and, how best to engender the development of community social enterprise organizations capable of providing high quality, accessible services. 2012 224 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 840 8 £65.00 Elgaronline 978 1 84980 841 5
Handbook of Research Methods on Social Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship in the Age of Atrocities
Edited by Richard Seymour, The University of Sydney Business School, Australia
Changing Our World
Defining ‘social entrepreneurship’ has in the past proved problematic, and debate continues concerning what it does and does not entail and encompass. This unique book frames the debates surrounding the phenomenon and argues that many of the difficulties relating to the study of social entrepreneurship are rooted in methodological issues. Highlighting these issues, the book sets out ideas and implications for researchers using alternative methodologies. Contributors: M. Bachmann, S. D’Alessandro, K. Kumar, A.F. McKenny, J. Ormiston, J. Ruskin, F. Salignac, R.G. Seymour, J.C. Short, C. Steyaert, M. Tasker, G. Tyge Payne, C. Webster, L. Westberg, H. Winzar
2012 288 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 965 7 £99.95 Dec 2013 Paperback 978 1 78100 541 5 c £35.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 105 9
Edited by Zachary D. Kaufman, George Washington University, US ‘How can anyone make a difference in a world marked by genocide, civil war, refugee crises, disease epidemics? With conscience, hope, and sweat equity, Dr. Zachary Kaufman and the other contributors to this book have offered aid, created organizations serving victims of human rights violations, and learned from set-backs and failures. Their insight into challenges of sustainable fundraising, organizational design and management, and skepticism about young Western volunteers can inspire and instruct others who hope to address suffering and injustice through initiative, analysis, and commitment.’ – Martha Minow, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Jeremiah Smith, Jr. Professor of Law, Harvard Law School, US and author, Between Vengeance and Forgiveness: Facing History After Genocide and Mass Violence 2012 304 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 213 1 £90.00 2012 Paperback 978 1 78100 221 6 £31.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 214 8
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Social Entrepreneurship
Gender & Entrepreneurship
Patterns in Social Entrepreneurship Research
Women Entrepreneurs in the Global Marketplace
Edited by Jill Kickul, New York University, Stern School of Business and Sophie Bacq, Northeastern University, D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Boston, US
Andrea E. Smith-Hunter, Siena College, US
‘This is an excellent collection of papers that makes a significant contribution to the academic literature on social entrepreneurship. As well as highlighting opportunities for research in this area, the book emphasizes three issues that are central to social entrepreneurship – the role of leadership, the role of stakeholders, and the role of legitimacy – about which relatively little has been written. It therefore constitutes an important resource for social entrepreneurship researchers.’ – Paul Tracey, University of Cambridge, UK 2012 320 pp Hardback 978 1 78100 358 9 £80.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 359 6
Handbook of Research on Social Entrepreneurship
2013 416 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 170 5 £95.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78254 821 8
An International Review
This timely Handbook provides an empirically rigorous overview of the latest research advances on social entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs and enterprises. It incorporates seventeen original chapters on definitions, concepts, contexts and strategy, including a critical overview and an agenda for future research in social entrepreneurship. Contributors: T.F. Barr, J. Boncler, F. Brouard, G. Cajaiba-Santana, J. Defourny, A. Fayolle, M.D. Griffiths, L. Gundry, V. Hackl, C. Hervieux, D. Hjorth, M. Hlady Rispal, J. Kickul, S. Larivet, G.A. Lichtenstein, J. Mair, H. Matlay, P. Myers, T. Nelson, R. Saner, B.R. Smith, C.E. Stevens, E. Sundin, M. Tillmar, M.-F.B. Turcotte, P. Valéau, T. Volery, L. Yiu
2010 352 pp Hardback 978 1 84844 427 0 £129.00 2012 Paperback 978 0 85793 330 0 £37.00 Elgaronline 978 1 84980 468 4
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– Colette Henry, Tromso University Business School, Norway
Minorities in Entrepreneurship
Edited by Alain Fayolle, EMLYON Business School, France and Harry Matlay, Birmingham City University, UK
‘This nine-country study draws on government reports, books and journal articles to underpin unique empirical data that helps highlight the economic impact of women entrepreneurs. The book aims to improve women’s position as entrepreneurs globally and, in this regard, draws attention to the need to alleviate women’s poverty levels in some of the less developed economies. Women Entrepreneurs in the Global Marketplace should be of value to both scholars and policy makers by not only enhancing their understanding of women’s entrepreneurship, but also by helping them realise that a complex support matrix is required to ensure women’s future advancement.’
Glenice J. Wood, Davidson and Wood, Marilyn J. Davidson, University of Manchester and Davidson and Wood and Sandra L. Fielden, University of Manchester, UK ‘There are books on minorities and there are books on entrepreneurship, but there are no books combining the two – and amongst a wide range of minorities in society. This truly is a novel and innovative work, and should be essential reading for all interested in this topic.’ – Cary L. Cooper, CBE, Lancaster University Management School, UK 2012 232 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 242 0 £65.00 Elgaronline 978 1 78100 242 1
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Gender & Entrepreneurship
Global Women’s Entrepreneurship Research Diverse Settings, Questions and Approaches Edited by Karen D. Hughes and Jennifer E. Jennings, University of Alberta, Canada Global Women’s Entrepreneurship Research responds to recent calls from academic researchers and policy analysts alike to pay greater attention to the diversity and heterogeneity among women entrepreneurs. Drawing together studies by 26 researchers affiliated with the DIANA International Research Network, this collection contributes to a richer and more robust understanding of the field. 2012 272 pp Hardback 978 1 84980 462 2 £70.00 Elgaronline 978 1 84980 475 2
International Research Handbook on Successful Women Entrepreneurs Edited by Sandra L. Fielden, University of Manchester and Marilyn J. Davidson, University of Manchester and Davidson and Wood, UK ‘This collection on successful women entrepreneurs is timely. Entrepreneurship and small business creation and management are vital to tackle the current worldwide economic recession. Various stakeholders – policy-makers, academics, budding entrepreneurs – will find this book of interest. A number of country-level initiatives that serve to support women’s entrepreneurship are offered that can work almost anywhere. The focus on successful women entrepreneurs is valuable in showing that women can do it and how they achieved their successes. Readers will find the women’s voices reported here to be inspirational.’ – Ronald J. Burke, York University, Canada Contributors: T. Agarwala, M.J. Davidson, M.R. Evald, S.L. Fielden, R.T. Harrison, K.D. Hughes, J. Hussain, G. İnal, D. Jamali, M. Karataş-Özkan, K. Klyver, L. Levin, K. Lewis, N.O. Madichie, S. Marlow, B. Mathur-Helm, M.C. Mattis, M. McAdam, C. Millman, R. Naz, S.L. Nielsen, M.F. Özbilgin, R.D. Pathak, C. Reis, J.M. Scott, A. Shuvalova, Y. Sidani, G. Singh, A.E. Smith-Hunter, J. Syed, M. Tremaine, G. Wood
2010 256 pp Hardback 978 1 84720 918 4 £114.00 2012 Paperback 978 0 85793 143 6 £31.00 Elgaronline 978 1 84980 669 5
Announcing the new series
ELGAR ADVANCED INTRODUCTIONS Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the Social Sciences and Law, expertly written by some of the world’s leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the issues associated with discrete subject areas. The aims of the series are two-fold; to pinpoint essential principles of a particular field, and to offer insights that stimulate critical thinking. By distilling the vast amount of information available on the subject area into a concise and meaningful form, the volumes serve as accessible introductions for undergraduate and graduate students coming to the subject for the first time. Importantly, they also develop well-informed, nuanced critiques of the field that will challenge and extend the understanding of advanced students, scholars and policy-makers.
Readership Elgar Advanced Introductions will appeal to graduate students, advanced undergraduate students, policy-makers and non-specialist academics (though by crystallizing a field it is expected they will contribute to overall scholarly understanding).
Title Index A
About Entrepreneurship ................................................2
Family Business and Social Capital ..............................13 Family Business Dynamics ............................................13
Academic Entrepreneurship in Asia . ...........................15
Family Business Studies ...............................................13
B Business Model for Entrepreneurship, A ........................9
Finance in an Age of Austerity .....................................11
Community Co-Production ..........................................23
Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index .................................................20
Competing Through Innovation . .................................17 Competitive Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Market Entry, The . ..................................................10 Concepts of Entrepreneurship . .....................................6 Conceptual Richness and Methodological Diversity in Entrepreneurship Research ....................8 Corporate Governance in Small and Medium-sized Firms . ................................................7 Creating Competitiveness . ............................................5 Creativity and Entrepreneurship .................................18 Cross-Border Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Europe’s Border Regions . .............20 Current Issues in International Entrepreneurship .......18
E Enhancing Entrepreneurial Excellence ..........................5 Entrepreneurial Business and Society ...........................8 Entrepreneurial Failure . ................................................6 Entrepreneurial Opportunities ......................................7
Global Women’s Entrepreneurship Research ..............25 Governpreneurship .....................................................10
H Handbook of Organizational and Entrepreneurial Ingenuity .......................................21 Handbook of Research Methods on Social Entrepreneurship .....................................23 Handbook of Research on Born Globals ......................18 Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship ................4 Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Creativity ..........................................................18 Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Regional Development .....................................20 Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship in Professional Services . ...........................................8 Handbook of Research on Family Business, Second Edition .........................................................12 Handbook of Research on Innovation
Entrepreneurial Processes in a Changing Economy .......5 Entrepreneurship............................................................3 Entrepreneurship Growth and Economic Development ..........................................................20
and Entrepreneurship .............................................17
Entrepreneurship across Generations .........................12 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Evolving Economies . ...........................................16 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Second Tier Regions ............................................17
Handbook of Research on Social Entrepreneurship ....24 Handbook of Research on Techno-Entrepreneurship, Second Edition ........................................................16
Entrepreneurship and Leadership ...............................10 Entrepreneurship and Multinationals . ........................19 Entrepreneurship as Experience . ................................10 Entrepreneurship as Organizing ...................................21 Entrepreneurship Education in Asia ............................15 Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice ......................2 Entrepreneurship Programs and the Modern University ...................................................................4 Entrepreneurship, Social Capital and Governance ......10 Environmental Entrepreneurship ..................................3 Essentials of Entrepreneurship ......................................2 Evolutionary Approach to Entrepreneurship, An . .........9 Exploring Transgenerational Entrepreneurship ...........12
Family Enterprise in the Asia Pacific ............................13
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Handbook of Research on New Venture Creation .......11 Handbook of Research on Small Business and Entrepreneurship ...............................................3
Handbook of Research on Venture Capital: Vol. 2 .......11 Handbook on Organisational Entrepreneurship ..........21 Handbook on the Entrepreneurial University . ............14 Historical Foundations of Entrepreneurship Research ..9 History of Entrepreneurship: Innovation and Risk-taking, 1200–2000 ......................................6 How Entrepreneurs do What they do . ........................16 How to Get Published in the Best Entrepreneurship Journals ........................................4 Human Resource Management in Small Business . .....21
I In Search of Research Excellence . ...............................15 Institutional Entrepreneurship ....................................15 Intellectual Roots of Entrepreneurship Research ..........7 International Research Handbook on Successful Women Entrepreneurs . ..........................................25
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Author Index L
Landscape of Family Business, The . ............................12
Ács, Zoltán J. ................................... 20 Al-Dabbagh, Amr ............................ 10 Aldrich, Howard E. ............................ 9 Åmo, Bjørn Willy . ............................. 8 Audretsch, David B. ..... 5, 6, 7, 15, 17 Au, Kevin . ....................................... 13 Autio, Erkko .................................... 20
Law and Entrepreneurship ............................................8 Learning in the Global Classroom ................................14
M Managing Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship . ....16 Marketing for Entrepreneurs and SMEs ........................5
Minorities in Entrepreneurship ...................................24
Research Handbook on Sustainable Co-operative Enterprise ............................................4
Bacq, Sophie ............................. 22, 24 Bager, Torben . .................................. 2 Balaton, Károly . .............................. 20 Baron, Robert A. .......................2, 3, 5 Berglund, Karin ............................... 22 Bergmann, Heiko ............................ 11 Birchall, Johnston ........................... 11 Birkinshaw, Julian ............................. 6 Bjerke, Björn ............................... 2, 23 Blackburn, Robert ............................. 8 Bonnet, Jean ................................... 17 Book, Lynn ...................................... 18 Brenes, Esteban R. .......................... 13 Brigham, Keith H. . .......................... 12 Brush, Candida G. ........................... 14 Burke, Ronald J. .............................. 21
Shaping China’s Innovation Future ..............................19
Carpenter, Megan M. . .................... 16 Casson, Catherine ............................. 6 Casson, Mark .................................... 6 Chell, Elizabeth ................................. 3 Chrisman, James J. . ........................ 13 Chua, Jess H. ................................... 13 Clark, Delwyn . .................................. 4 Cooper CBE, Cary L. ........................ 21 Cornwall, Jeffrey R. ......................... 14 Craig, Justin B. ................................ 13
N Nascent Entrepreneurship . .........................................11 New Perspectives on Firm Growth ................................7
P Patterns in Social Entrepreneurship Research .............24 Process of Internationalization in Emerging SMEs and Emerging Economies, The ................................19 Public Policy in the Entrepreneurial Society ................15 Public Support of Innovation in Entrepreneurial Firms...........................................15
Shift to the Entrepreneurial Society, The . ...................17 Social Entrepreneurship (Kickul et al) ...........................22 Social Entrepreneurship (Bjerke, Karlsson) . ................23 Social Entrepreneurship in the Age of Atrocities .........23 Social Entrepreneurship in the Water Sector ..............22 Societal Entrepreneurship ...........................................22 Strategic Innovation in Small Firms .............................10
Teaching Entrepreneurship . .........................................14
Dalglish, Carol ................................. 14 Dana, Léo-Paul . ................................ 9 Davidson, Marilyn J. . ................ 24, 25 Davidsson, Per ............................ 7, 11 De Massis, Alfredo .......................... 13 Dejardin, Marcus ............................ 17 Dino, Richard N. .............................. 15 Drori, Israel ..................................... 21
Teaching Entrepreneurship to Postgraduates . ............14 Technological Entrepreneurship in China ....................17 Technological Innovation and Prize Incentives ..............9 Theory and Empirical Research in Social Entrepreneurship ......................................22
U Understanding Entrepreneurial Family Businesses in Uncertain Environments .....................................13
E Etemad, Hamid ......................... 18, 19 Evans, Peter .................................... 14
W Women Entrepreneurs in the Global Marketplace . ....24 World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship ......................9
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Author Index F
Krauss, Gerhard .............................. 18 Kuratko, Donald F. . ................... 10, 14 Kyrö, Paula ........................................ 8
Falck, Oliver .................................... 17 Farmer, Jane ................................... 23 Fayolle, Alain . ...................4, 8, 14, 24 Fielden, Sandra L. ..................... 24, 25 Fonseca-Paredes, Maria ................. 13 Fritsch, Michael .............................. 20
Gabrielsson, Mika ........................... 18 Gartner, William B. ......................... 21 Gebauer, Jana ................................. 22 Goel, Sanjay .................................... 12 Gonzalez, Ana Cristina .................... 12 Gordon, Scott R. . ............................ 11 Gras, David . .................................... 22 Greene, Patricia G. . ........................ 14 Grégoire, Denis A. . ............................ 7 Griffiths, Mark ................................. 22
Lampel, Joseph ............................... 21 Landström, Hans . ...................7, 9, 11 Lassen, Astrid Heidemann .............. 16 Lawson, Lynda ................................ 14 Lederer, Adam ................................ 17 Lehmann, Erik E. ............................... 7 Link, Albert N. ................................. 15 Litan, Robert E. ................................. 8 Ljunggren, Elisabet ........................... 8 Lodemann, Justus ........................... 22 Lohrke, Franz T. ............................. 7, 9 Løwe Nielsen, Suna . ......................... 2 Lumpkin, G.T..................................... 12 Luppino, Anthony J. .......................... 8
Madrid-Guijarro, Antonia ............... 17 Madsen, Tage Koed ........................ 18 Mamouni Limnios, Elena .................. 4 Markman, Gideon D. ...................... 10 Marzano, Giuseppe . ....................... 13 Mason, Colin . ................................. 11 Matlay, Harry .................................. 24 Mayer, Heike ................................... 17 Mazzarol, Tim ............................. 4, 10 McKelvey, Maureen ........................ 16 Mets, Tõnis ....................................... 8 Mitchell, Ronald K. . ........................ 15 Mohaupt, Franziska ........................ 22 Morris, Michael H. .................... 10, 14 Muñoz, Sarah-Anne ........................ 23
Hall, Annika...................................... 13 Hamilton, Eleanor . ......................... 12 Heblich, Stephan ............................ 17 Henkel, Marianne ........................... 22 Henrekson, Magnus . ...................... 15 Hill, Carol ........................................ 23 Hindle, Kevin . ................................. 11 Hisrich, Robert D. . ...................... 5, 10 Hjorth, Daniel ................................. 21 Honig, Benson ................................ 21 Hortoványi, Lilla .............................. 20 Huggins, Laura E. .............................. 3 Hughes, Karen D. ............................ 25
J Jennings, Jennifer E. ....................... 25 Jiménez, Gonzalo.............................. 13 Johannisson, Bengt ......................... 22 Johansson, Börje . ........................... 10 Jones, Colin . ................................... 14 Jones, Geoffrey ............................... 19 Jouison-Laffitte, Estèle . .................... 9
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Sanandaji, Tino ............................... 15 Schindehutte, Minet ....................... 10 Schwartz, Birgitta ............................ 22 Servais, Per ..................................... 18 Seymour, Richard . .......................... 23 Sharma, Pramodita ......................... 12 Shen, Hong ..................................... 19 Shepherd, Dean A. ........................ 6, 7 Sieger, Philipp ................................. 12 Smallbone, David ........................ 5, 20 Smith-Hunter, Andrea E. ................. 24 Smyrnios, Kosmas X. ....................... 12 Sorenson, Ritch L. ..................... 12, 13 Sternberg, Rolf . .............................. 18 Stough, Roger R. ............................. 10 Szerb, László ................................... 20
T Teece, David J. ................................ 17 Thérin, François .............................. 16 Thomas, Hugh . ............................... 15
V Van Gils, Anita . ................................. 5 Venesaar, Urve . ................................. 8 Verstraete, Thierry . .......................... 9
Orcutt, John L. . ............................... 19
Partzsch, Lena ................................. 22 Petti, Claudio .................................. 17 Phan, Phillip H. ......................... 10, 22 Phillips, David P. .............................. 18 Poutziouris, Panikkos Zata .............. 12 Pryor, Christopher G. ...................... 10
Xheneti, Mirela ............................... 20
Karataş-Özkan, Mine . ....................... 3 Karlsson, Charlie ............................. 10 Karlsson, Mathias ........................... 23 Kaufman, Zachary D. . ..................... 23 Kay, Luciano ...................................... 9 Kelley, Donna .................................. 15 Kickul, Jill .................................. 22, 24 Kirpalani, V.H. Manek ..................... 18 Klyver, Kim .................................. 2, 11 Konečnik Ruzzier, Maja ...................... 5
Walshok, Mary Lindenstein ............... 5 Welter, Friederike ...................5, 8, 20 Werr, Andreas ................................... 8 Wiklund, Johan ................................. 7 Wong, Poh Kam .............................. 15 Wood, Glenice J. ............................. 24 Wright, Mike ..................................... 4
Nason, Robert S. ............................. 12 Neck, Heidi M. ................................ 14 Nordqvist, Mattias .................... 13, 22
Rasmussen, Erik S. .......................... 18 Reboud, Sophie .......................... 4, 10 Redford, Dana T. ............................. 14 Reihlen, Markus . .............................. 8 Rocha, Héctor O. . ............................. 6 Rostgaard Evald, Majbritt ................. 2 Ruzzier, Mitja .................................... 5
Y Yu, Andy . ......................................... 12
Z Ziegler, Rafael ................................. 22
R Ramachandran, Kavil ................ 12, 13 Raposo, Mário ................................ 20
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