Entre Nous June_July 2015

May 31, 2016 | Author: https://www.facebook.com/EvangelineBaptistAssociation | Category: N/A
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Entre Nous June/July 2015...


Entre’-Nous Evangeline & Gulf Coast Bapst Associaons PO Box 81244 Lafayee, LA 70598-1244 337.237.6956 * Fax: 337.237.4319



PAID Lafayee, LA

PERMIT No. 201


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DOM Lines - Bert Langley, Interim Director of Missions “Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers (ESV Proverbs 17:6).” As fathers all over the world are remembered this month, I thought I would share some of my favorite, humorous Father’s Day statements/memories. I hope they bring back memories and a lile laughter laughter into your home as you think of your dad: “Having children is like having a bowling alley installed in your brain. ” – Marn Mull "By the me a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong." — Charles Wadsworth A father was at the beach with his children when his four -year-old son Bob ran up to him, grabbed his hand, and led hi m to the shore, where a seagull lay dead in the sand. "Daddy, what happened to him?" Bob asked. "He died and went to Heaven," the dad replied. Bob thought a moment and then said, "Did God throw him back down?" "Small boy's denion of Father's Day: It's just like Mother's Da y only you don't spend so m uch." -- Unknown ”When I was a kid, I said to my father one aernoon, ‘Daddy, will you take me to the zoo? ’ He answered, ‘If the zoo wants you, let them come and get you. ’” – Jerry Lewis “My father can not nish a sentence. When we were kids he would go, ‘Girls the most important thing in life to remember is …’ ‘Daddy, what is it? ’ ‘What’s what, honey?’ ‘The most important thing in life to remember. ’ ‘Oh, what’s that?’” – Caroline Rhea “My father didn’t tell me how to live. He lived, and let me watch him do it.” – Clarence Budington Kelland “Honor your father and your mother, so that you m ay live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you .” Exodus 20:12

Counselor’s Corner - Mary Langford, Counselor In the counseling room I oen talk with people about the model they had for being a parent, a wife or a husband. Consciously or not, we all tend to follow what we experienced as normal during our formave years. We somemes must be made aware of beer paerns which will enhance current relaonships. Determining to make those changes is worth the eort. In recent days I have seen rst hand another kind of model I want to e mulate. I have received powerful lessons from two people on how to die. The rst was from Nancy Lemarie ’ (member of FBC, Lafayee) who nally lost her brave struggle with a respiratory disease. At her funeral, her husband husband Larry told of one of their nal conversaons conversaons that went something like this: Nancy: “Do I get paid for this?” Larry: “What do you mean? ” Nancy: “You know, insurance. ” Larry: “Yes, but not unl you are gone. ” Nancy: “I want to spend it. ” Larry: “But you can ’t take it with you. ” Nancy: “I know, but I want to tell you how to spend it. ” Then she proceeded to give him her plan: He was to use the money to take their two sons on a mission trip to Hai to further invest in the work of a missionary friend there. How the Lord must have loved that conversaon! Then my husband and I received a lengthy e -mail from an 87 -year-old Australian man with whom we ’ve had a y -year friendship. He had many years as a respected chest surgeon in several countries. Now he suers with pulmonary brosis, and says that  just geng through the day is a marathon. I quote now from his leer to us: “The logical approach is to understand that I may have a circulatory arrest, a stroke or a terminal pneumonia at any me. As only the Lord knows that me, it behooves me to try to ll each minute with sixty seconds ’ worth of distance run. What I can assure you is that I ’m ready to answer my call. I’m passing each day simply as part of waing. Believe me, this is as much a test of faith as anything in life. We know what we believe, but the crical fact remains that we sll believe by faith in what we cannot prove. I went through a phase when Old Nick tried his worst to tell me I was only talking myself into faith. So God sent lovely reassuring hymns bobbing up in my mind from far aeld. I was soon reassured of the reality that has driven my life. What pleases me is my mind is increasingly involved with thinking about others and oen with talking about my faith. Shalom, dear friends. ” I cannot imagine beer examples for us to follow, can you?



Mission Performance Program Director ’s Meeng; 10 am; EBA Oce; CALENDAR PLANNING! 13 Crossover; Columbus, OH 14-15 WMU Missions Celebraon/Annual Meeng; Columbus, OH 16-17 SBC Annual Meeng; Columbus, OH GCA Brotherhood Breakfast; 8 am; Calumet GCA Execuve Council Meeng; 6:30 pm; Forest Restaurant; CALENDAR PLANNING! 29 GCA—Eddie Landry @ Bayou Vista; 6:30 pm JULY EVENTS 4 EBA Oce Closed 9 Missions Development Commiee; 10:30 am; EBA Oce 20 EBA Council/Execuve Board Mtg; 11:30 am; EBA Oce; BUDGETS DUE!

JUNE BIRTHDAYS 6 Pres Riley, FBC Abbeville Joe Garner, Christ Church 8 Bey (Mrs. Zack) Young, Rered 11 Sandra (Mrs. Roland) Fontenot, Rered Bobby Powell, Bayou Vista 15 Elizabeth (Mrs. Larry) Langley; EBA; The Garden Sam Brooks, The Open Door 18 Norma (Mrs. Lonnie) Cleveland, Beau Basin 19 Ric White, Highland 23 Maria (Mrs. Edgardo) Mancia, Jehovah -Jireh 24 Tracy (Mrs. James) Cra, Calvary 25 Jeaneth (Mrs. Pres) Riley, FBC Abbeville 27 Charles Gilder, Rered 28 Steven Kelly, Bayou Vista

JULY BIRTHDAYS 1 Joe Jenkins, Teche 2 Judy (Mrs. Wallace) Millsaps, FBC Jeaneree 5 Gary Funderburk, The Bayou 6 Peggy (Mrs. Tony) Ronsonet, Coteau Holmes 18 Zack Young, Rered 22 Thurman Floyd, FBC Pecan Island Sam Perry, The Bayou 24 Sco McKenzie, FBC Lafayee 25 Martha (Mrs. Joe) Jenkins, Teche 29 Johnny Ward, FBC Delcambre Ginger (Mrs. Jessie) Charpener, Jenkins Memorial

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