Entering Into the Per Ankh by Bro. Reggie

April 18, 2017 | Author: Catherine Hodges | Category: N/A
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Entering into the Per Ankh Or Finally Learning the Wisdom of Kemet Bro. Reggie

It has only been about 100 years that African People have reconnected with Ancient Kemet in away that we may be able to restore and reconstruct the Great Wisdom and Spiritual Teachings. I am not saying that there are Africans in Ethiopia, Nubia, Nigeria, Congo, Senegal, Mali, Ghana and elsewhere that do not know aspects of Ancient Kemet. I am saying that it now must be cohesive.

In addition, even though African People have made great strides in understanding the Wisdom of Kemet in the America and Europe, there are far too many entry points and far too many so called experts who I believe have good intentions to a certain degree but have built full houses of either degrees or spiritual levels where the best of the new knowledge we are just gaining entry to.

I want to suggest on Miss Blue’s Remix an entry point into the spiritual and wisdom teachings of Ancient Kemet. That Entry Point is in the Per Ankh which is the name for the Educational System of the People of Kemet. I will give you an internet resource to show you that it is Real. For many of you it will be your First Time – though many of your teachers may have told you – very few teachers have showed you it in context.

Everyone has experiences or reasons why they are doing things. There is a very important reason why I am on this show with Miss. Blue.

Maybe a few of you know that Dr. Ben who is 95 years of age – appeared in Washington D.C. this weekend to attend the 30th Annual Ascac Conference. He has returned to the nursing home about a year ago. At any rate, I was selected by a Sem Priestess and an Elder to bring Dr. Ben to the 3 day conference, then there were consultations with the President of ASCAC, Dr. Mario Beatty, Dr. Ben’s Daughters and his Attorney. I was given permission.

On the second day of the conference and Miss Blue does not know this – Dr. Ben started his morning with a Glass of Orange Juice, some Toast and a Bowl of Blue Berries – which he commented on and enjoyed. (A Sign, an opening). In the car – half way to the conference – probably the best time available. Not getting him in the car – Not helping him exit the car – but the perfect moment. Miss Blue calls to introduce herself to me. For some particular reason – I felt Better. I can tell you – handling the Grand Master Dr. Ben can be a little bit stressful. Dr. Ben was also a little stressed – getting into the Car. For a man who used to run up and down pyramids – having difficulty with a car can be irritating. I realized the call from Miss Blue was the perfect opportunity to help Dr. Ben. The call of healing was not for me – but for Dr. Ben, I realized. I gave the phone to her and she told Dr. Ben about being honored and that she Loved him. This was the perfect first encounter.

The conference went well, the Next Day for Breakfest, Dr. Ben had Blue Rasberies for Breakfast (Sign) – then I was able to get him home safe. A few days later, Miss Blue called me and I told her a little more about myself and a little about herself and her work. It was here that I knew in my mind I would share something that I have only shared with one other person – which was Mfundishi Jhutyms. This time I was sharing for an entire different reason. Miss Blue – has a life’s mission, she does readings, she is a guide in travels. I thought that it would be good to share with her – the earliest and most complete experience of this kind in the world coming out of Kemet copied from some text in the 3rd dynasty.

This document has much to do about my conversation today so I want to introduce it to you but I want an agreement from you. If you use it in any way you have to give credit. Credit that it comes from Dr. Davidovits work at the Geopolymer Institute and that it comes from my research – Bro. Reggie and that you heard it on Miss Blue’s Remix. This is the agreement. This document is the only document in the world where the King and in this story, Ntr Khet or Djoser consults with his High Priest – Imhotep and Imhotep goes to the Pr Ankh, to the most sacred temple – the Mansion of the Net or the Shrine of Tehuti and consults with the Souls of Re (The Records, Divine Records) – then returns to the King – Lets him what he has to do spiritually and then the King – while in some stage of awareness (not sleep) get’s visited by one who says he is his Maker. (Khnum). I want to show you in the Mdu Ntr this – So if you have the internet go to www.secretoftheankh.com/resources/blue.pdf The Kings Name and Titles, Imhotep, the Mansion of the Net, Per Ankh and the Souls of Re. https://pantherfile.uwm.edu/prec/www/course/egypt/274RH/Texts/The% 20Famine%20Stela.htm

Education in Kemet is recorded to happen in the Pr Ankh. Let’s draw it – It is a rectangle with and opening on one of the long sides. In the opening draw put the ankh in it. In your travels to museums to kmt you will look for this. You will see it if you go to the Island of Sehel and see the famine text – and you will see it in a number of text – People are starting to use it as a Logo – It is the Logo of Dr. Theophile Obenga’s publication if you are looking you will see it so this is why It is important to draw – but this document is the earliest and most complete document of an Ancient Reading. It will be up for only a day or so.

At the same time, I want to show you that Ancient Judaism, Christianity and Islam can not live up to the same Ancient Primary Evidence. Would you believe that the Ancient Torah was written by the Greeks. I have to do this to break the Psychological Hold and show you the Real and Unreal.

The Per Ankh I know that there are other systems out there but all education happens in the House or Temple of Life. I have heard people using the Tree of Life and other systems – In my world – if I can see the Glyph then I know that it exist in Kemet – If I do not see the Glyph then I perceive it as some modern day revelation but it is not Ancient. There are some other systems out there such as Egyptian Yoga – this does have Glyphs but it would be in the House of Life. Let me tell you why.

Well to open up you mind, I have to relieve you of Paradigm Blindness – to do this I have to teach you about Paradigms. Paradigms are apart of the Teachings in the House of Life – but let me teach you about Paradigms and then Circle Back.

Definition Paradigms – Part of Dr. Joel Barker’s work. • • • • • • •

Paradigms are sets of rules written/unwritten that controls how your mind solves problems. If you are not smart enough or haven’t learned a rule – you will be blind to see how to solve a problem. Change the Rules and the Future is Created At any given time there are multiple paradigms competing to solve a problem Paradigms cane be graphed against each other to Find out who is changing the rules – destroy them with chaos and insert a your Paradigm Kill Malcolm, Insert King, Kill King Insert NAACP, Take over NAACP, Intergration … American Dream or Nightmare – No Self Determination – New leader emerges – they see the future – Poison, or coop them – Status Quo.

Change the Rules and You Change the Future African Rule Changers: Diop, James, Ben Jochannan, Clarke, Carruthers, Karenga, Obenga, Hilliard, Rkhty , Jeffries They have allowed us to solve the unsolvable problems Paradigm Blindness is when you do not have the learning strategies to break free of you the collection of rules and extend yourself to the universe to solve problems. This happens to lots of us when we are not conscious of the rules that are in our mind. To break free, we need meditation, prayer, readings, experiences and education. So I appreciate you listening to me and hope that you will be able to use what I have to offer.

Some Words • Kemetou – Not Kemites – cruel joke naming us similar to our enemy the Hitties • Remetj - Citizen Shemsu - Follower Shemsu-ankh, Shemsu-hor Ntr – Divine • Mdu Ntr, Mdu Nfr

One of the Chains, we have had was the lack of information and the lack of primary information about Kemet. The world has fed off of Kemet for more than 2,000 years since Kemet was invaded and yet Africans are only know being able to see it for ourselves. We no longer need Gerald Massey, Vail, Volney etc. to that matter – Moses, Jesus, Muhammad. We can see the information bear if we want to. We can even finish lines of our Great Teachers like Dr. Ben or go past our own immediate teachers. Once you understand what is in the House of Ankh – Your education becomes Rapid.

I recently presented a paper The Khemennu is an Essential Cosmology for Intellectual Warfare Some more Words

Dr. Josef Ben Levi’s paper available on the internet: The Intellectual Warfare of Dr. Jacob H. Carruthers and the Battle for Ancient Nubia as a Foundational Paradigm in Africana Studies: Thoughts and Reflections breathes new life into the Mission and unfinished work of Ancestors Carruthers, Diop, Clarke, Hilliard, Ratibishi and our Living Treasure Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan as well as our Frontline Soldiers – Karenga, Ben Levi, Rkhty Amen, Jeffries, ASCAC - Beatty, Carr and US. In the Paper, He says his article is intended to remind Africana scholars about what Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop called the necessary “pluridisciplinary skills” encompassing what he described as three factors: Historical, Linguistic, and Psychological. This has vast implications for the field of Africana Studies. African-Centered scholars engaging in what Dr. Jacob H. Carruthers called “Intellectual Warfare” are struggling against well-financed and organized European intellectual armies to do battle with us to the end. In order to combat these challenges Africana scholars must be grounded in African-Centered theory, methodology and pedagogy.

He continues to say, In his article he explain what led him to become a soldier in this battle for the liberation of the African mind. Then he explain the importance of Nubian Studies to Africana Studies as a form of emancipatory thinking against those interlopers, Black and white, who would dismiss our intellectual struggle. Until we recognize that it was through ancient Nubia that Kemetic civilization flowed, we will continue to engage in debates based on the “modern falsification” of African history (Diop, 1974). As we survey, the Battle Field metaphorically – Land, Air, Sea –Nubia, Kemet , Classical African Civilizations, Archeology, foundations of Mathematics, Science, Language, etc. – I would like to Add the Khemennu Cosmology to this form of emancipator thinking against those interlopers.

To begin to answer why - Khemmenu Cosmology should be at the Top of this list of Battle Field necessities. I want to say – The psychological effects of this War has been devastating to the African World. •

It does not seem to matter to the World that the African is the Species of Man. The African is the Species Homo Sapien Sapien and all others are Races of the Species!!! Simply they are Inter-Bred.

It does not seem to matter to the World that the Language began in Africa with the Species of Man.

It does not seem to matter that the Ethical and Moral Laws even though we Know as Dr. Ben has said that the so called Moses was running from the Nwst for committing Murder – a law that the Africans already had and the Hebrews didn’t get it until in their story – God have it to that Murderer

That , Mathematics, Science, Literature, Agriculture, i.e. Humanity flowed first through the River Valleys of Africa and then Down North at the same time Down South to South Africa – Follwing Ethiopia,Pwnt, Napta Playa, Ta Nahesi, Ta Merri and to the Dsrt, Mediterranian and finally to the Asiatic People in the North Lo the miserable Asiatic, He is wretched because of the place he's in: Short of water, bare of wood, Its paths are many and painful because of mountains. He does not dwell in one place, Food propels his legs, He fights since the time of Horus.. He does not announce the day of combat, Like a thief who darts about a group..“ "The Instruction for King, Merikare takes a similar tone for peoples in the north (Lichtheim 1973)

These Great inroads that have come about in this century practically do nothing in the Psychological War and the Paralyses of the African Mind. For what stands in the Way is that the African must understand completely that the Creator Created the World for the African. So Enough about Death – the Book of Pert Em Heru – Lets’ March on to Learn about the Magic of Life (Nkh) through the Khemennu in the Per Ankh Exercise - Everybody breath in through your nose and exhale through your throat. What sound does it make!!! What sound do you make when you Snore

What is Khemennu Cosmology and Why. Essentially Khemmenu Cosmology is one of the four five cosmologies of Ancient Nile Valley Civilization that we should master and Dr. Carruthers began the discussion in Essays in Ancient Egyptian Studies, 1986. Because of lack of time – Khemennu Cosmology is essentially the Cosmology that shows the Creation of Everything – It is Quantum Physics, String Theory, the Infinity Puzzle, the Prime Number – It is the finest writing in the World on Genesis that was stolen by the Ancient Hebrews while at the same time demonizing their benefactor. What I am saying is that the Khemennu Cosmology shows completely that the African knew the Nature of God and the Creation of Everything and couldn’t know it unless God Gave it to Us. In the Per Ankh, you would have to master the comsomologies and particularly the Khemennu To Understand Genesis or Sp Typ for the sake of time I will list the other well known cosmologies and their variations – there are more but I think I can get some agreement that these are acceptable. However remember that Glyph of the Per Ankh As we go further we will learn more why it is important.

In the House of Life – The Per Ankh you will learn over a period of decades (40 we are told) many things but Central to all Learning is where everything comes from – which is the cosmologies. Now Each Cosmology is an answer to a problem that the Ancient People of Kemet needed Answers too and this is my approach.

If you are in a Shrine – the Shrine of let’s say Amun, Ptah, Khnum, Re – You need to hear this more than ever. Both Secret and in Plain Sight is Kemet. People do not know that the Secret History of Kemet is installed in the King Names- the King usually has two to four names – He has the Sa Re name, the Nwsut Bity name, the Golden Horus name and other names and Titles… These names are the secret names of what the Kemetou or the Remetj were going through and the Nwst had to solve. Ankh Tut Amun and Ankh es Amun – Wasn’t they both restoring the old ways after it was destroyed by Akenaton. Shabaka Neferkare – Beautiful is the Souls of Re – didn’t he restore the records from being worm eaten , Maat Ka Re – Hatshepsut – Truth is the Soul of Re – did she not consult the records and make a magical journey to pwnt not done since the earliest times. Pi-Ankhy – Did he not put Life back on its pedestal like Ankh tut Amun. Do you know Ankh Tut Amun’s other name was Neb Khepera Re and PiAnkhy’s name was Men Kephera Re. Did you know that Djoser’s other name was was Ntr Khet – or Divine of Body and he and Imhotep build the first Divine Pyramid – The Step Pyramid.

I want to quickly introduce the Cosmologies in the Per Ankh and then Go deeper into the Khemennu Cosmology and show you some of the most Sacred Writings to African People that you have not Seen and will now be apart of your Life, and Prayers. Before I do this I have to teach you some essential tools to process the information.

Remember – I spoke about Paradigms – I have to give you now the Teaching tools of the Ancestors. I hope that you are ready.

Dr. George G.M. James in the Stolen Legacy and Dr. Ben commanded us to master the following virtues: He said on p. 27 – The earliest salvation is the Egyptian Theory. The Egyptian Mystery System had as its more important object, the deification of man, and thaugh that the sould of man if liberated from its bodily fetters could enable him to become godlike and see the Gods in this life and attain the beatific vision and hold communion with the Immortals – He quotes C.H. Vail p. 25 … Such was the Egyptian Theory of Salvation through which the individual was trained to become Godlike while on earth and at the same time qualified for everlasting happiness. This was accomplished through the efforts of the individual, through the cultivation of the Arts and Sciences on the one hand, and a life of virtue on the other. There was no mediator between man and his salvation, ad we find in the Christian theory.

• Control of Thought • Control of Action • Steadfastness of Purpose • Evidence of a Mission • Identity with Higher Ideas • Call to a spiritual order • Freedom from Resentment • Faith in the Master as teacher • Faith in our Ability to learn • Preparedness for Initiation

What literally took me 25 years to do as part of my training is to find these 10 Virtues in the Mdu Ntr. Finding them in the Mdu Ntr now allows us to link the Virtues to the Sacred Text in the Souls of Re. The Real Ten Virtues rediscovered by Hm Ntr - Bro. Reggie From the Mdu Ntr. Sia - Divine Thought Sedjem - Hearing -the Master Teacher and yourself Maa- Perception - Ability to Learn Hu - Divine Speech - Purposeful Heka - Divine Action Sa - The State of these principles - Evidence of Higher Ideas Maat - Truth, Justice and Righteousness - The Spiritual Order Gr Maa - The Silent Self Mastered One - Mission Oriented Maat Kheru - True of Voice - God Lke - Vindicated by Deeds and Actions Asr - In the Company of the Gods - The final Initiation

These Virtues and Commandments do several things at once. First they give you the stages of Deep Learning and Self Mastery – something that is required in the Per Ankh – second they are aligned with all of the Spiritual and Wisdom Teachings. For Example here is a Wisdom Teaching – I believe it is in both the HuSia and in the Ancient Egyptian Literature by Litchiem. If you are a leader and command many, strive for excellence in all you do so that no fault can be found in your character. For Maat. The way of Truth, Justice, and Righteousness is great; its value is lasting and it has remained unequalled and unchanged since the time of its Creator This is one of the text that is infused with Maat that you would add to your learning paradigm of the 10 Virtues. If one comes before you in the context of teaching African People directly and their language is foul, their character is foul and they claim to be a leader - be silent, leave the room. They are not who they say they are.

You can see that many of the virtues or commandments listed earlier are in this text and it is also connected to the beginning of time. Let’s enter the House of Life – Look at your drawing.

Believe it or not – I am almost ready to continue. Essential is some understanding of the Mdu Ntr. I recommend Dr. Rkhty Amen’s online course, also Mfundishi Jhtyms, Dr. Mario Beatty at Howard University and Dr. James Conyers at Kean College – there are a host of others. When you embark on mastery of these virtues – you will train in the 12 hours of Life and the 12 Hours of meditation and sleep. Hence what is called the Gates. An Author – Dr. Douglass A. White wrote an amazing paper A Tour of Atlantis or What Happens in the Astral Realm – The Amduat. URL: Here in the paper – He tells us that Atlantis derives from a Mdu Ntr word closely connected to the Book of Gates.

He references heavy another scholar – who has translated the first six hours. Url:

Douglass A. White

Who are the Khemennu –

Dr. Carruthers first spoke about them to ASCAC In Essays in Ancient Egyptian Studies Depending on the Variations – we find them in Eight Town. We find them as Nun/Nunet, Kek/Kekhet, Heh/Hehet and with variations of Imn/ Imnt, Gereh/Gereht Or Nun/Nunet, Kek/kehet, Heh/Hehet – Nkh with Amen/Ament - Ankh. Whether it’s a play on words, a strange coincidence, a formula – the primordial sounds of the primordial forces combine to create the Kemeteou word for Life Ankh and they according to the words have the most direct connection to creating the Light, Re, and the Life that Follows.

• The Khnum Cosmology – Khnum, Anqet, Satet

I am Khnum, your creator, My arms are around you, to steady your body, to safeguard your limbs. I bestow on you ores with precious stones since antiquity (existing) that were not worked before to build temples, rebuild ruins, sculpt chapels for his master. I am master of creation. I have created myself, the great ocean which came into being in past times, according to whose pleasure the Nile rises. For I am the master who makes, I am he who makes himself exalted in Nun, who first came forth, Hapi who hurries at will; fashioner of everybody, guide of each man to their hour. I am Tenen, father of Gods, the great Shu living on the shore. From the Famine Stela on the Island of Sehel

The Iwnu Cosmology or Heliopolis Cosmology

● Self-generated creation | Atum (creator god) born out of the Nun (land mound), which itself arises or rather is self-generated out of the primordial waters or chaos of beginning. ● Creation by masturbation | Atum, according to one version of the theory, masturbates to bring forth eight other gods (Shu, Tefēnet, Gēb, Nūt, Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys) to assist him in creation.

● Creation by sneeze or spit | Atum, according to alternative version of the theory, “sneezes” out Shu and “spits” out Tefnut, the first two gods, who in turn, copulate to make the next two gods: Geb (earth) and Nut (heaven), who in turn copulate to make the next four gods: Osiris and Isis (sibling-mate pair) and Seth and Nephthys (sibling mate pair).

The Shabaka/Menefer Cosmology - Ptah

● Creation by word | Creator god brings things into being by pronouncing the necessary command for it to be. In the Memphite Theology, Ptah existed in the Nun before creation. He joined with Tatenen to become Ptah-Tatenen. Ptah rose from the Nun to stand on the primeval mound. Djehuty took form in Ptah as the creator's tongue. Heru-Wer took form in Ptah as the creator's heart (the place of thinking in Kemetic beliefs). Through Heru-Wer as thought, and Dhuty as speech, Ptah created Atum. Atum then created his Ennead.

It is he (the heart) who causes that every conclusion should come forth, it is the tongue which announces the thought of the heart. Thus all gods were fashioned, Atum and his Divine Ennead …; while every divine word came into being through that which the heart thought and the tongue commanded; and thus the stations (official positions) were made and the functions (of government) were assigned, which furnished all nutrition and all food, by this (preceding) speech. Shabaka Stone

Other Kemetou Cosmologies Amun Khonsu Aten Plus the Multitude of Variations of all of the Cosmologies or is that how they Teach?

What we know is that there are Common Themes even in the differences of these Cosmologies. • • • •

Creation of the Deity, Creation of Everything essentially begins in the Primordial Ocean, the ‘Nkh (Breath of Life) is an essential component of creation, The Creator finds a Foothill or Mound to stand on in Africa

There are Different Creators? You will be excited to learn what the Kemetou say from their own mouths

The Pr Ankh – What is the Ankh

Essentially they have the following qualities: • • • •

Nnw/Nnwt - (Male and Female) Personification of the primeval water – or Dark Matter Radiation. Hhw/Hhwt – (Male and Female) The Personification of Infinity - ( Micro/Macro /Subatomic/Speed) Kkw/Kkwt – (Malle and Female) The Personification of Darkness – What makes Darkness Imn/Imn – (Male and Female) - The Personification of the Unknown

NKH(I) (I)– Hidden) = Particles that Create Life

What is Quantum Physics? Quantum physics is a branch of science that deals with discrete, indivisible units of energy called quanta as described by the Quantum Theory. There are five main ideas represented in Quantum Theory: Energy is not continuous, but comes in small but discrete units. 1 The elementary particles behave both like particles and like waves. 2 The movement of these particles is inherently random. 3 It is physically impossible to know both the position and the momentum of a particle at the same time. The more precisely one is known, the less precise the measurement of the other is.4 The atomic world is nothing like the world we live in. 5

Dr. Gabrial Oyibo has of the Grand Unified Theory has proved the mathematic existence of God and he has also spoken of this Wave – Which he calls the Word of God. However, I am directly giving elements of Kemetic Cosmology to prove the point and I am showing What the People of Kemet believed and said. However, Dr. Oyibo’s work and conclusion is Right. His work implies that Atum is Hydrogen and that all elements are built upon Hydrogen. He is Right.

The Kemetou Creation Formula When the Eight Quarks – Join identified by this Symbol

Joined in the Dark Matter

They released an energy wave ( ) traveling (Hh) Infinite in speed and distance causing Kk/Kkt (anti-mater) to separate creating the God Particle ( ) Bringing forth Life.

Binary and Algebra

Big Bang Theory

You, Kemotou How do I know this

The Khemennu, Creation or the Ankh is almost always pointed to.

In the Khemennu Cosmology

Lotus Variant Later, when Atum had become assimilated into Ra as Atum-Ra, the belief that Atum emerged from a (blue) lotus bud, in the Ennead cosmogeny, was adopted and attached to Ra. The lotus was said to have arisen from the waters after the explosive interaction as a bud, which floated on the surface, and slowly opened its petals to reveal the beetle, Khepri, inside. Khepri, an aspect of Ra representing the rising sun, immediately turns into a weeping boy - Nefertum (young Atum), whose tears form the creatures of the earth. In later Egyptian history, as the god Khepri became totally absorbed into Ra, the lotus was said to have revealed Ra, the boy, rather than Ra being Khepri temporarily. Sometimes the boy is identified as Horus, although this is due to the merging of the myths of Horus and Ra into the one god Ra-Herakty, later in Egyptian history.

"You [the Eight] have made from your seed a germ [bnn], and you have instilled this seed in the lotus, by pouring the seminal fluid; you have deposited in the Nun, condensed into a single form, and your inheritor takes his radiant birth under the aspect of a child." (Esna V, 263.) Seth

Then says the Great Khemennu of the initial moment,as they respect the god who is between [th]em, the one most-secret of visible-forms, in his manifestations of Re.Transforming into Re, having been ma[de as the god] who came about by himself. Whose bones are silver, whose skin is gold, whose hair is true lapis-lazuli, whose teeth are likewise of turquoise. The good god. GREAT AMUN HYMN p. 197 - Adoration of the Ram: Five Hymns to Amun-Re from Hibis Temple (2006)by David Klotz

It is in the radiance of his sun-disk which shines every day that he has distanced himself. His Ba belongs to the sky when he rises from the Akhet, having cared for the heavens, earth and underworld. The morning becomes pregnant in order to birth him in the morning, at his moment of yesterday. He who enters in the mouth and emerges from (between) her thighs, who straddles the back of his mother, who rises without ever tiring, having illumined the banks beyond the Isles. Runner who runs eternally, shining everyday without cease. He who appears upon earth at the Lake of Two-Knives. who sails the heavens in the morning and evening as a living child of the Heh-gods, who rests upon Maat, who brightens the day and dispels darkness. P. 217 Adoration of the Ram: Five Hymns to AmunRe from Hibis Temple (2006) by David Klotz

• The first primeval ones, The sons and daughters of Iri-ta, The males and females who created light, Who were fashioned in Opet by their father, Tatenen, in his workshop of the first moment.(…) The Ogdoad, they give praise to Re when he illumines earth for them. • p. 69 Adoration of the Ram: Five Hymns to Amun-Re from Hibis Temple (2006)by David Klotz

You are Amun, you are Atum, you are Khepri, you are Re. Sole one who made himself into millions, Tatenen who came about in the beginning. You are the one who built his body with his own hands, in every form of his desire. You are the great wingedscarab within Nut, who protected A heaven and earth in their entirety, while rising from Nun within the primeval mound. The Ogdoad rises [for him in] jubilation when he appears, they seeing by means of his [his first] manifestation as Horus-who-illumines, whose entire circuit is in the spit-fire and [torch-fi re] of his eyes,B having illumined the circuit of heaven with his great double-plumes. p. 54 - Adoration of the Ram: Five Hymns to Amun-Re from Hibis Temple (2006) by David Klotz

• The Ogdoad (…) who swam their hometown, the Island of Flames, who created Light within the primeval mound (oAy.t), who made their throne in Hermopolis (Wnw) before their father, Shepsi. • p. 103 Adoration of the Ram: Five Hymns to Amun-Re from Hibis Temple (2006)by David Klotz

Lord of the HH-gods who support the gods, Most primeval of the gods, Eldest of the primeval ones, Builder of builders, Renenet of Renenets, Khnum, who made the Creator Gods, effective counsel, open (?) and sharp of face, lord of all that exists, who predetermined every event. Bull of his mother, begetter of his father, who destroys [Apopis when he] manifests manifestations,Just as he wept mankind from his divine eyes, so did he spit out the gods from his mouth.

p. 141 Adoration of the Ram: Five Hymns to Amun-Re from Hibis Temple (2006) by David Klotz

(1) Hmni.w m iAw n Hr=f nfr SAa.n=f kA.t m zp-tpy (...) iw=f m bA-n-Ax Sps m Hr n sr os.w=f m HD iwf=f m nwb Hr.w-tp=f m xsbd n mAa.t The Ogdoad is in adoration of his (Khnum-Re’s) beautiful face, he having begun (his) work in the initial moment (…) He is an august, transfigured Ba, with the head of a ram, his bones being silver, his flesh gold, and his hair true lapis-lazuli.

• PT utterance 249, the deceased king, in the form of Nefertum, “the lotus-bloom which is at the nose of Re,” proclaims “I have come into the Island of Fire,” the place where light is born and reborn in the cosmos and from which the divine flame projects, “I have set Right [ma‘at] in it in the place of Wrong.”

These intimate dramatic texts should be startling to us and aid us in our intellectual warfare, rebirth and renaissance. They speak all of a period as the Creator is being created at the First time. Our ancestors have put in words the most intimate words to describe the birth of everything that will follow the birth of the Creator and life. They describe the group of Eight forces named the Khemenuu or the HH. They created Light or possibly articulated as the spark that created Re. . The latter Hibis texts later during the time of the Persian King Darius II invasion of Kmt help us with many problems. One main embedded problem solved is Monotheism and it is related to this paper directly because the drama we are speaking of is the Birth of the One Creator God. It is clear and startling that the Nile Valley Africans wrote in their own words – that the Deity even though called Amun, Re, Khepri…. Is the Sole one that created millions. In another breath, they show the intimacy of the Creator God between them. We find this startling and holy phrase: as a living child of the Heh-gods, who rests upon Maat, who brightens the Day and Dispels Darkness. m xy anx HHw Htp Hr mAa.t sHD tA xsr kkw

It is the African who knew the Nature of the Creator and other Borrowed from us

The importance of these points about the beginning of Life (‘nkh) and the relation to the Khemennu is not only found in the literature of the Kemetou but in Hebrew itself. More work obviously has to be done with this but European Scholars are very familiar with the following subject. The question is are we? Important to this work is the work of R. Davidson, Genesis III (Cambridge, 1973),14 – where the author pulls his points from.

Intellectual Warfare Again more work has to be done on this to make a definitive statement but in intellectual warfare this information is astonishing because Ancient Hebrew or Hebrew Thinkers or Hebrew Characters were not sheltered at all from the Cosmologies of Kmt in fact in many cases of the Hebrew Text there is a one to one relationship of the Kemetou and what the Hebrews wrote for their own. In closing, here are images of these Fathers and Mothers who in the words of the Kemeteou created Light. You will quickly notice that they almost all carry the Ankh – However at the same time they again are the most directly connected to the creation of Life.

• Evidence form Earlier Text Pyramid Texts, § 446: "You have your offering-bread, O Niu and Nenet, you two protectors(?) of the gods Who protect the gods with your shadow. You have your offering-bread, O Amun and Amaunet, You two protectors(?) of the gods Who protect the gods with your shadow. You have your offering-bread, O Atum and Ruti, Who yourselves created your godheads and your persons. O Shu and Tefenet who made the gods, Who begot the gods and established the gods..." Pyramid Texts, § 446, transl. R.O. Faulkner

Pyramid Text 301 names two of the pairs: Your offering-cake belongs to you, Nun and Naunet, Who protects the gods, who guards the gods with your shadows, Your-offering cake belongs to you, Amun and Amaunet, Who protects the gods, who guard the gods with your shadows.

Coffin Text spell 76 names the four pairs, and connects the Ogdoad with some of the Ennead:

O you eight chaos gods, keepers of the chambers of the sky, whom Shu made from the efflux of his limbs, who bound together the ladder of AtumI am Shu, whom Atum created, from whom Ra came to be. I was not fashioned in the womb, I was not bound together in the egg. I was not conceived, but my father Atum spat me outtogether with my sister Tefnut The bnbn of Ra was that from which Atum came to be as Heh (chaos), Nun, (the watery abyss), Kek (darkness), Tenem (gloomsubstituted for Amun in this verse).

Temple d’Opet, salle du nord, paroi nord (d’après Opet II, pl. 4)

Temple de Khonsou, « chapelle de la barque » : l’Ogdoade en compagnie d’Amon, Ptah-Tatenen et Hathor (d’après D. MENDEL, Die kosmogonischen Inschriften, pl. 1).)

Propylône du temple de Montou : encensement et libation devant les huit membres de l’Ogdoade (d’après Propylône d’Amon-Rê-Montou, fig. 63).

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