Ensayo Simce Cuartos Años

September 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Cjj jstg cjyje cjyje`g `g shbrj shbrj jc ueodhr ueodhreoh eoh y cujk cujkh h rjsphe rjsphe`j `j cgs prjk prjkuetgs uetgs..

Ludfhs g÷hs gtrçs, duge`h jc lue`h jrg gþe luy nhvje, sgcvgnjs y lgrgvocchsgs drogturgs ueodhreoh.dhrrìge cobrjs phr th`gs pgrtjs. Jc lçs fjrlhsh `j th`hs jcchs jrg jc Dhestgetjljetj pjrsjkuo`h phr chs ph`jrjs lçkodhs `j su dujreh, jc ueodhreoh eh jrg içdoc `j dgpturgr. Eh sôch jrg sugvj y kjetoc, soeh tglboïe jxtrjlg`gljetj rçpo`h, sjkurh y gkrgdog`h, ch quj irustrgbg fgstg g chs lçs jxpjrths dgzg`hrjs.

Qjrh ch quj gsjkurgbg cg dgpturg `jc ueodhreoh jrg cg gyu`g `j ueg nhvje j oehdjetj eo÷g eo ÷g.. Qu Qujs js dh dhlh lh g cg dr droogt gtur urg g cj gt gtrg rgìg ìg su pu purj rjzg zg,, sj gd gdjr jrdg dgbg bg dh dhei eioog` g`h h y `jsdgesgbg su dgbjzg je cgs pojregs `j cg nhvje. Jrg gsì dhlh cg oe`jijesg y `jsprjhdupg`g drogturg jrg dgpturg`g. _ `j jstg lgejrg, `jspuïs `jsgpgrjdojrhe th`hs chs ueodhreohs.

¡Hf, jc lue`h gfhrg cgljetg cg pïr`o`g `j jstj sjr tge lçkodh! _ gfhrg quj js `jlgsog`h tgr`j, gþe jxtrg÷glhs su bjccjzg.

7. ¸Du ¸Duçc çc js cg cg dgrgdt dgrgdtjrì jrìsto stodg dg `j cgs cgs cjyje cjyje`gs `gs8 8

g. b. d. `.

The rjc The rjcgt gths hs ig iget etçs çstod todhs hs.. The Th e rjc rjcgt gths hs rj rjgc gcjs js.. The rjcgth rjcgthss olgkoegroh olgkoegrohs, s, trgeslot trgesloto`hs o`hs `j `j kjejrgdo kjejrgdoôe ôe je kjej kjejrgdoô rgdoôe. e. Eoek Eo ekue ueg g js dh dhrr rrjd jdtg tg..

2. Jc ljnh ljnhrr tìtuc tìtuch h pgrg pgrg jst jstg g cjyje cjyje`g `g js> js>

g. b. d. `.

Chs ph` ph`jrj jrjss lçkod lçkodhs hs `j `j chs ueo ueodhr dhreoh eohs. s. Cg kje kjetocj tocjzg zg `j chs ueo ueodhr dhreoh eohs. s. Cg dg dgpt ptur urg g `j `j chs chs ueod ueodhr hreo eohs hs.. Cgss cjtrg Cg cjtrgss g y d she she dhr dhrrj rjdt dtgs gs..

4. ¸Dô ¸Dôlh lh jrge jrge dgp dgptur turg`h g`hs s chs ueod ueodhre hreohs ohs8 8

g. b. d. `. j.

Dhe ue ue cg cgzh. Qhrr cg gt Qh gtrg rgdd ddoô oôe e `j `j ueg ueg eo÷ eo÷g. g. Qhr cg cjetotu` `j jcchs. Eh iujrhe dgpturg`hs.


jstj tjxth tjxth y rjsphe rjsphe`j `j cgs prjku prjkuetgs etgs quj quj vojeje vojeje g dhetoeug dhetoeugdoôe. doôe. OO. Cjj jstj

Ygcpgrgìsh, 76 `j lgrzh `j 2171

Wujro`g glokg Qocgr> Lj ccglh Tge`rg, vovh je jc pujrth `j Ygcpgrgìsh, je cg Wuoetg Rjkoôe. Jsthy je 0± Bçsodh, tjekh trjs fjrlgehs y lo dgsg jstç je jc djrrh Bgrôe. Pj dujeth quj je jstg dou`g`, chs quj vovolhs je chs djrrhs tjejlhs quj lhvocozgrehs `j ihrlg `ostoetg g cgs pjrshegs quj vovje je htrgs pgrtjs. Pjejlhs quj subor y bgngr je uehs  gsdjeshrjs  quj  sj  pgrjdje   gc  iueoducgr   quj  jstç  je  jc  djrrh  Tg Tge e  Drostôbgc   `j  Tgetogkh. Jsths gsdjeshrjs iuedohege dhe jcjdtrodo`g`, g vjdjs sj lujvje ludfh y prh`udje ue phdh `j ruo`h. Cg kjetj quj subj phr proljrg vjz sj gsustg ludfh, pjrh ehshtrhs jstglhs gdhstulbrg`hs. ,

_h sojlprj fj vovo`h gquì y lj kustg ludfh jstj djrrh, phrquj puj`h vjr chs bgrdhs quj ccjkge y sgcje `jc pujrth. Je jcchs ccjkg kjetj `j `ostoeths pgìsjs dhlh> otgcogehs, irgedjsjs, oekcjsjs j oedcush dfoehs y ngphejsjs. Pglboïe lj kustg lorgr chs `oijrjetjs pçngrhs quj vujcge shbrj jc lgr, dhlh cgs kgvohtgs, pjcìdgehs y dhrlhrgejs. Qgrg ioe `j g÷h, ccjkg ludfg kjetj g hbsjrvgr chs iujkhs grtoiodogcjs quj oculoege th`g cg zheg dhstjrg `j lo dou`g`, `j Yo÷g `jc Lgr y tglboïe je Dhedôe. Je jstg ijdfg ccjkge ludfhs iglocogrjs g lo dgsg, quj vojeje g hbsjrvgr jc jspjdtçduch. Js ueg `j cgs iojstgs lçs olphrtgetjs `j cg dou`g`. Lj kustgrìg quj lj jsdrobojrgs y lj dhetgrgs dôlh js tu dou`g`. Jevìh los sgcu`hs g tus glokhs `j Dhofogquj. Ze gbrgzh.  Gtjetgljetj, Tge`rg Ygcjezujcg Dgstocch 0. ¸W ¸Wuï uï to toph ph `j tj tjxt xth h js8 js8

g. b. d. `.

Ze dujeth. Zeg dgrtg. Zeg Ze g oe oevvototgd gdoô oôe e. Ze gvosh.

:. Jc rjd rjdjp jpth thrr `j jst jstg g dgrt dgrtg g js> js>

g. b. d. `.

Tge`rg. Chss glo Ch glokh khss `j `j Dho Dhofg fgoq oquj uj.. Qocgr. Cg kj kjet etj j `j Yg Ygcp cpgr grgì gìsh sh..

9. Cg o`j o`jg g proed proedopg opgcc `j jst jstj j tjxth tjxth js js>>

g. b. d. `.

Fg Fgbc gr `j Ygcp grgì gìsh sh. Cg bcgr ccjkg ccj kg`g `gYg `jcpgr turost tur ostgs gs. gc pujr pujrth. th. Dhlu Dh lueo eodg dgrs rsj j jetr jetrj j chs chs glok glokhs hs.. Yjrr chs Yj chs iujkh iujkhss grtoio grtoiodo dogc gcjs js..


¸Wuï ï j`g` j`g` tje`rç tje`rç Tge` Tge`rg rg gprhxo gprhxolg` lg`glj gljetj etj8 8 ;. ¸Wu

g. b. d. `.

9 g÷hs. 7: g÷hs. 21 g÷hs.

? g÷hs.

6. ¸@ ¸@ôe ôe`j `j vo vovj vj Tg Tge` e`rg rg8 8

g. b. d. `.

Je Yo Yo÷g `jc Lgr. Je jc dj djrr rrh h Bg Bgrô rôe. e. Je Tg Tgetogkh. Je Dh Dhofgoquj.

?. ¸Qh ¸Qhrr quï quï cj kust kustg g tgeth tgeth vovor vovor je jc puj pujrth rth8 8

g. b. d. `.

Qhrquj sj jetrj Qhrquj jetrjtojej tojej dhe cgs cgs dhsgs dhsgs quj quj hdurrje hdurrje je jc jc pujrth. pujrth. Qhrquj Qhr quj sub subj j y bgng bgng je chs chs gsdj gsdjesh eshrjs rjs.. Qhrq Qh rquj uj sgc sgcj j g pj pjsd sdgr gr.. Qhrq Qh rquj uj fg fgdj dj lu ludf dfh h dgc dgchr hr..

71. ¸@j quï htrg ihrlg sj puj`je puj`je dhlueodgr cgs pjrshegs pjrshegs quj jstçe cjnhs8 ........................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................. .................................... .................. ...................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ........................... ........ .................................... .................. ...................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ........................... ........ .................................... .................. ...................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... .......................... ....... 77. ¸P ¸Pj j kustgrìg vovor djrdg `jc `jc lgr8

Tì> ........... Eh> ........... ¸Qhr quï8 .......................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................... .................................... .................. ...................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... .......................... .......


OOO. Cjj jstj tjxth tjxth y rjsphe`j rjsphe`j cgs prjkuetgs prjkuetgs quj vojeje vojeje g dhetoeugdoô dhetoeugdoôe. e.

 @J KGCCJPGT tjs> ucdjs j cjdfj dhe`jesg`g  je phcvh hco`gs h dhdh rgccg`h g `j dhchrjs oôe> y boje cgs kgccjtgs. gs kgccjtgs lhco`gs dhe cg cjdfj dhe`jesg`g, fgstg ihrlgr ueg pgstg. quj÷gs bhcotgs, jlpcjge`h cgs pgclgs `j cgs c gs lgehs. jr cgs lgehs pgrg jvotgr quj cg lgsg sj pjkuj je jccgs. bhcotgs phr jc dfhdhcgtj, cg lhstgdoccg `j dhchrjs, phr cgs eujdjs h phr jc dhdh rgccg`h, `j gdujr`h dhe jc oekrj`ojetj quj sj fgyg jcjko g`g bhcotg je ue phdocch `j pgpjc oe`ovo`ugc y prjsjetgrch je ueg bge`jng.

72. ¸Wuï toph `j tjxth js8 js8

g. b. d. `.

Zeg rj rjdjtg. Ze gvosh. Zeg Ze g oe oevvototgd gdoô oôe e. Ze oe oest stru ruddtotovvh.

74. Tjkþe jc tjxth, jc hr`je hr`je `j cgs gddohejs sjrìg> sjrìg>

g. b. d. `.

 Grlgr - lhcjr - ljzdcgr. ljz dcgr. Lhcjr - ljzdcgr - grlgr. Ljzdcgr - lhcjr - grlgr. Lhcjr - grlgr - ljzdcgr.

70. ¸Qgrg quï sj usg cg cjdfj dhe`jesg`g dhe`jesg`g je jstg rjdjtg8

g. b. d. `.

Qgr grg g g`hregr. Qgrg lhcjr. Qgrg nuetgr. Qgrg codugr.


jstj tjxth y rjsph rjsphe`j e`j cgs prjkue prjkuetgs. tgs. OY. Cjj jstj

Cg thrtukg lgroeg Cgs thrtukgs h qujcheohs she rjptocjs quj fge gphstg`h phr cg `jijesg pgsovg, g`hptge- `h ueg prhtjddoôe þeodg je jc lue`h geolgc> cg dhedfg `j `hbcj dgpgrgzôe. Jsth olpcodg ue dhlpcjnh dglboh jstrudturgc je cg hrkgeozgdoôe dhrphrgc `j jsths geolgcjs, quj cjs dheioroô ueg fhlhkjejo`g` y uegs dgrgdtjrìstodgs luy `ostoetgs g cgs `jc rjsth `j chs rjptocjs. Cgs thrtukgs lgroegs dhestotuyje ue pjquj÷h kruph quj sj fg g`gptg`h g cg vo`g je jc lgr, rjthrege`h g sus hrìkjejs, pujs `jc lj`oh lgroeh surkojrhe sus gedjstrhs, chs geiobohs. Yovje je cgs gkugs dçco`gs `j chs lgrjs `j th`h jc lue`h, guequj puj`je lgetjejr su dujrph dgcojetj je gkugs lçs irìgs. Jtjregs vognjrgs, jstgs thrtukgs rjdhrrje locjs locjs `j loccgs pgrg vhcvjr g cgs pcgygs pcgygs je cgs quj

egdojrhe y jijdtugr su pujstg, pgrg prjsjrvgr cg jspjdoj. Cgs thrtukgs lgroegs she ljehs getokugs quj cgs tjrrjstrjs y rjprjsjetge ueg vujctg g chs hrìkjejs, gc fgbjrsj rjg`gptg`h g cg vo`g je jc lgr, `he`j jvhcudohegrhe chs proljrhs vjrtjbrg`hs. Fgdj uehs 7:1 locchejs `j g÷hs, gckuegs thrtukgs tjrrjstrjs y `j gkug `ucdj sj oestgcgrhe je cg dhstg, g`gptçe`hsj prhkrjsovgljetj g cg vo`g je jc oetjrohr `jc lgr. Fgdj 711 locchejs `j g÷hs, gprhxolg`gljetj, yg sj `ostoekuìge vgrog iglocogs dhe jspjdojs `jc lgr, ueg `j cgs dugcjs jrg ue kokgetj `j 0 l y vgrogs thejcg`gs `j pjsh. jxdcusovgs Cgs sojtj jspjdojs `j thrtukgs lgroegs quj fge shbrjvovo`h fgstg cg gdtugco`g` she cgs þeodgs supjrvovojetjs supjrvovojetjs `j jstj glpcoh glpcoh kruph, quj gcdgezô su jspcje`hr je jc

Nurçsodh-Drjtçdodh (jetrj 211 y 9: locchejs `j g÷hs gtrçs).

7:. Cgs thrtukgs thrtukgs tjrrjstr tjrrjstrjs js she>

g. b. d. `.

Ljehs get Ljehs getoku okugs gs quj cgs lgr lgroeg oegs. s. Lçss getok Lç getokug ugss quj quj cgs cgs lgro lgroeg egs. s. Okug Ok ugcj cjss je je jc jc toj tojlp lph. h. 7:1 7: 1 g÷hs g÷hs lçs lçs get getok okug ugs. s.

79. Chs gedjstrhs gedjstrhs `j cgs thrtukgs lgroegs lgroegs she>

g. b. d. `.

Chs vj Chs vjrt rtjb jbrg rg`h `hs. s. Chs lg lglì lìij ijrh rhss. Chs ge geiobohs. Chs pjdjs.


jspjdojs `j thrtukgs lgroegs gþe shbrjvovje8 shbrjvovje8 7;. ¸Duçetgs jspjdojs

g. b. d. `.

9 js jspjdojs. 71 jspjdoj ojss. ; jspjdojs. Eh sj sgbj.

76. Cgs thrtukgs thrtukgs lgroegs lgroegs vovje> vovje>

g. b. d. `.

Tôc ôch h je je Glï Glïrrod odg. g. Tôc ôch h je Jur Jurh hpg pg.. Je th` th`h h jc jc lue lue` `h. Je Çirodg.

7?. Cgs thrtukgs thrtukgs lgroegs lgroegs egdje egdje je>

g. b. d. `.

Jc gkug. Jc ih ihe` e`h h `jc `jc lgr. Cgs rhdgs. Cg grjeg.

21. Cgs thrtukgs lgroegs jxostje fgdj> fgdj>

g. b. d. `.

41 lo locccche hejs js `j g÷ g÷hs hs.. Lje jeh hs `j `j 9: 9: g÷h g÷hss. 91 lo locccche hejs js `j g÷ g÷hs hs.. Lçs `j 9: locchejs `j g÷hs.

27. Cg o`jg proedopgc `jc tjxth js>

g. b. d. `.

Cg vo vo`g `g `j cg cgss thr thrtu tukg kgs. s. Dgrgdt Dgr gdtjrì jrìsto stodgs dgs `j chs ge geiob iobohs ohs.. Cgss thr Cg thrtu tukg kgss lgr lgroe oegs gs.. Cgs thrt thrtukg ukgss y su ljdge ljdgeosl oslh h `j prhtj prhtjddo ddoôe. ôe.

22. Cg irgsj –jijdtugr su pujstg“ sokeoiodg> sokeoiodg>

g. b. d. `.

Ccjkgr g `jsdgesgr. Kugr`gr su dhlo`g.

Nuetgr Nuet grsj sj dh dhe e htrg htrgss thrt thrtuk ukgs gs.. Qhej Qh ejrr su suss fu fujv jvhs hs..

24. Cg pgcgbrg –jspcje`hr“ sokeoiodg, sjkþe jc tjxth>

g. b. d. `.

Roqujzg. Brocch. Gukj. Jxtoedoôe.


hr`je>  20. Gegcozg cgs pgcgbrgs `jstgdg`gs je jstg hrgdoôe, je jc loslh hr`je> 

Cgs thrtukgs lgroegs she ljehs getokugs quj cgs tjrrjstrjs . g. b. d. `.

G`njtovh G`njt ovh dgcoi dgcoiodg odgtov tovh h - sustgeto sustgetovh vh dhlþe dhlþe - vjrbh. vjrbh. G`njtovh G`nj tovh dgcoio dgcoiodgtov dgtovh h - g`vj g`vjrboh rboh `j dgeto` dgeto`g` g` - vjrb vjrbh. h. Tustge Tus tgetov tovh h dhlþe dhlþe - vjrbh vjrbh - g`njto g`njtovh vh dgcoio dgcoiodgt dgtovh ovh.. Tustgetovh Tustg etovh dhlþ dhlþe e - g`vjrb g`vjrboh oh `j dgeto` dgeto`g` g` - g`njtov g`njtovh h dgcoiodgt dgcoiodgtovh. ovh.

Y. Cjj gtjet gtjetglje gljetj tj y cujk cujkh h rjsphe` rjsphe`j j cgs prjk prjkuetgs uetgs..

Cg Z. Dgtôcodg sj sgcj dhe cg suyg y vjedj gc Icgljekh Jlhdohegetj pgrto`h phr cg Cobjrtg`hrjs

Jc Icgljekh brgsocj÷h dgyô phr 2-1 je dgedfg `j cg Zeovjrso`g` Dgtôcodg `j Dfocj y sj quj- `ô dhe gpjegs sojtj pueths je jc sjkue`h cukgr `jc kruph 6, quj eh cj gsjkurge su pgsj g chs hdtgvhs `j ioegc `j cg Cobjrtg`hrjs.  G chs `hs loeuths voeh ue djetrh pgrg Nuge Nhsï Lhrgcjs Lhrgcjs,, quj cg bgnô y jetrjk jetrjkô ô g @gloçe @ìgz, quoje `jioeoô dhe dcgsj y gehtô jc proljr khc `j chs ueovjrsotgrohs g chs 2 loeuths `j nujkh. Gc ioch `jc tïrloeh tïrl oeh `jc proljr tojlph, Irgedosdh Tocvg `ospgrô ue zgpgtgzh `js`j jc çrjg krge`j quj oekrjsô je chs trjs pgchs `jije`o`hs phr Brueh,

guljetge`h g 2 jc lgrdg`hr. Icgljekh sj sgcvô `j ueg khcjg`g je chs proljrhs 0: loeuths, yg y g quj jc jquoph ueovjrsotgroh

lhstrô ue iþtbhc `oeçlodh, gkrjsovh y `j ludfg tïdeodg.

2:. Je jc tjxth, tjxth, cg jxprjsoôe jxprjsoôe –trjs pgchs“ pgchs“ sokeoiodg>

g. b. d. `.

Jc bgedh. Prj rjss lococch che ejs js.. Jc grdh. Jc bge`jrìe.


29. Jc Icgljekh Icgljekh js ue ue jquoph jquoph `j>

g. b. d. `.

Grkjetoeg. Qjrþ. Dfocj. Brgsoc.

2;. Cg jxprjsoôe jxprjsoôe –`ospgrô ue zgpgtgzh“ zgpgtgzh“ sokeoiodg>

g. b. d. `.

Grrhng Grrh ngrr ue zg zgpg pgth th.. Cgez ezgr gr ue pj pje egc gc.. Porg Po rgrr cg pjc pjchtg htg iuj iujrg rg `j cg dge dgedfg dfg.. Dfut Df utjg jgrr cg cg pj pjch chtg tg..

26. ¸Wuï toph `j `j tjxth tjxth js8

g. b. d. `.

Zeg dgrtg. Zeg phjsìg. Zeg ehtodog.

Ze dujeth.

2?. Jc sjkue`h sjkue`h khc khc sj fozh> fozh>

g. b. d. `.

Gc oe oeod odoh oh `jc `jc prol proljr jr toj tojlp lph. h.

 Gc tjrloegr tjrl oegr jc proljr tojlph.  Gc oeodoh `jc sjkue`h sjk ue`h tojlph.

Gc tjr tjrlo loeg egrr jc sjk sjkue ue`h `h toj tojlp lph. h.

41. Je jc tjxth, tjxth, cg pgcgbrg pgcgbrg `jioeoô dhrrjsphe`j dhrrjsphe`j g>

g. b. d. `.

Ze su sust stg getotovvh. Ze g`njtovh. Ze pr prhehlbrj. Ze vjrbh.

47. Chs `hs khcjs `j cg Z. Dgtôcodg sj fodojrhe> fodojrhe>

g. b. d. `.

Je jc sj sjku kue` e`h h tojl tojlph ph.. Je jc jc prol proljr jr y sjk sjkue ue`h `h toj tojlp lph. h. Je jc pr prol oljr jr totojl jlph ph.. Qhr pjegcj cjss.

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