^rokovlr os `erletos l protlflr ms aremhæms l govlhs lk plrefo mtrmvås `l rlspostms
voamaeohm`ms7 - pmrm o `lslhvodveklhto plssomd l soaemd `m aremhæm l `o govlk huk mkjelhtl slfuro l imkedemr qul dbls proporaeohl slfurmhæm, sm÷`l, iorkmæáo,
Ms Aokessüls `l ^rotlæáo `l Aremhæms l Govlhs (A^AG) sáo ehstetueæüls oieaemes háo gu`eaeírems qul protlflk ms aremhæms l govlhs lk plrefo, lhvodvlh`o os pmes ou rlprlslhtmhtl dlfmd, pmrm lvet lv etmr mr ou m` m`em emrr m eh ehtl tlrv rvlh lhæá æáo o `o `oss Pr Prej ejuh uhme mes. s.
prlv lvlh lher er ou Ms Aokessüls vesmk prokovlr os `erletos `m aremhæm l pr pðr tlrk rko o m setumæüls qul possmk por lk plrefo m sum slfurmhæm, sm÷ m÷`l `l,, io iork rkmæ mæáo áo,, l` l`ua uamæ mæáo áo ou `l `lslh slhvod vodve vekl klhto hto eh ehtlf tlfrm rmd. d.
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