Eni Completion Design Manual (Petroleum,Oil,Gas)

January 9, 2017 | Author: tarang_tushar | Category: N/A
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DISTRIBUTION LIST Eni - Agip Division Italian Districts Eni - Agip Division Affiliated Companies Eni - Agip Division Headquarter Drilling & Completion Units STAP Archive Eni - Agip Division Headquarter Subsurface Geology Units Eni - Agip Division Headquarter Reservoir Units Eni - Agip Division Headquarter Coordination Units for Italian Activities Eni - Agip Division Headquarter Coordination Units for Foreign Activities

NOTE: The present document is available in Eni Agip Intranet (http://wwwarpo.in.agip.it) and a CD-Rom version can also be distributed (requests will be addressed to STAP Dept. in Eni - Agip Division Headquarter) Date of issue:


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Issued by


M. Bassanini 28/06/99

C. Lanzetta 28/06/99

A. Galletta 28/06/99




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CHARACTERISTICS OF RESERVOIR ROCKS 2.2.1. Porosity 2.2.2. Permeability 2.2.3. Relative Permeability 2.2.4. Wettabilty 2.2.5. Fluid Distribution 2.2.6. Fluid Flow In The Reservoir 2.2.7. Effects Of Reservoir Characteristics 2.2.8. Reservoir Homogeneity

14 14 14 15 16 17 18 24 27


HYDROCARBON DATA 2.3.1. Oil Property Correlation

28 28


RESERVOIR/PRODUCTION FORECAST 2.4.1. Inflow Perfomance 2.4.2. Reservoir Simulation For IPR Curves 2.4.3. IPR Selection 2.4.4. Outflow Performance 2.4.5. Flow Rate Prediction

29 31 42 44 46 55




INTRODUCTION 3.1.1. Types of Tests

60 60








RESERVOIR CHARACTERISTICS 3.4.1. Pressure Build-Up Analysis 3.4.2. Basics Of DST Operations 3.4.3. Common Test Tools Description 3.4.4. Tools Utilised With Permanent Packer Systems 3.4.5. Sub-Sea Test Tools Used On Semi-Submersibles 3.4.6. Deep Water Tools 3.4.7. Downhole Pressure Recording

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WELL PRODUCTION TEST OBJECTIVES 3.5.1. Periodic Tests 3.5.2. Productivity Or Deliverability Tests 3.5.3. Transient Tests

0 83 83 84 84




CASING DESIGN 4.1.1. Casing Profile 4.1.2. Casing Specifications 4.1.3. Casing Connections

87 87 88 89





CASING CEMENTING CONSIDERATIONS 4.3.1. Production Casing Cementing 4.3.2. Production Casing Cement Evaluation

90 90 91




FACTORS INFLUENCING COMPLETION DESIGN 5.1.1. Reservoir Considerations 5.1.2. Mechanical Considerations 5.1.3. Safety Considerations

94 94 96 96


RESERVOIR-WELLBORE INTERFACE 5.2.1. Open Hole Completions 5.2.2. Uncemented Liner Completions 5.2.3. Perforated Completions 5.2.4. Multi-Zone Completions

97 97 98 100 101


CASING-TUBING INTERFACE 5.3.1. Packer Applications 5.3.2. Packer-Tubing Interfaces 5.3.3. Annulus Circulation

104 106 107 108


TUBING-WELLHEAD INTERFACE 5.4.1. Tubing Hanger Systems 5.4.2. Xmas Trees 5.4.3. Metal-To-Metal Seals

109 109 115 115


FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS 5.5.1. Stimulation 5.5.2. Formation Management 5.5.3. Well Servicing Techniques

117 118 118 119


OPTIMISING TUBING SIZE 5.6.1. Reservoir Pressure 5.6.2. Flowing Wellhead Pressure 5.6.3. Gas-Liquid Ratio 5.6.4. Artificial Lift

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FORMS OF CORROSION 6.3.1. Sulphide Stress Cracking (SSC) 6.3.2. Corrosion Caused By CO2 And Cl 6.3.3. Corrosion Caused By H2S, CO2 And Cl-

128 128 135 137








CORROSION RESISTANCE OF STAINLESS STEELS 6.6.1. Martensitic Stainless Steels 6.6.2. Ferritic Stainless Steels 6.6.3. Austenitic Stainless Steels 6.6.4. Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steels 6.6.5. Duplex Stainless Steel

139 139 140 140 140 142


COMPANY DESIGN PROCEDURE 6.7.1. CO2 Corrosion 6.7.2. H2S Corrosion

142 142 142


MATERIAL SELECTION 6.8.1. OCTG Specifications 6.8.2. DHE Specifications 6.8.3. Wellhead Specifications

144 145 146 147










THEORY 7.2.1. Mechanical Properties of Steel 7.2.2. Temperature 7.2.3. Tubing Movement/Stress Relationship

153 154 158 158


WELL DATA. 7.3.1. Casing Profile/Geometry 7.3.2. Tubing Data 7.3.3. Bottom-hole Pressure 7.3.4. Temperatures (Static and Flowing) 7.3.5. Reservoir Fluids 7.3.6. Completion Fluid

160 160 160 160 160 161 161


PRESSURE INDUCED FORCES 7.4.1. Piston Effect 7.4.2. Buckling Effect 7.4.3. Ballooning Effect 7.4.4. Temperature Effect

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7.6. ANCHORED TUBING 7.6.1. Tubing Permitting Limited Motion 7.6.2. Packer Setting

170 172 174


TUBING LOAD CONDITIONS 7.7.1. Pressure Testing 7.7.2. Acid Stimulation 7.7.3. Fracturing 7.7.4. Flowing 7.7.5. Shut-In 7.7.6. Load Condition Summary

174 174 175 175 177 177 181


TUBING SELECTION 7.8.1. Critical Factors 7.8.2. Tubing Size And Weight 7.8.3. Anchoring Systems

181 182 182 184


TUBING CONNECTIONS 7.9.1. Policy 7.9.2. Class of Service 7.9.3. Selection Criteria 7.9.4. NACE And Proximity Definitions 7.9.5. CRA Connections 7.9.6. Connection Data

185 185 185 186 189 190 190

7.10. TUBING STRESS CALCULATIONS 7.10.1. Calculation Methods 7.10.2. Safety Factor 7.10.3. External Pressure Limit 7.10.4. Packer Load Limits 7.10.5. Example Manual Calculation 7.10.6. Example Computation


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PACKERS 8.1.1. Selection Procedure 8.1.2. Selection Criteria 8.1.3. Well Classification 8.1.4. Packer Selection For Single String Completion 8.1.5. Single Selective Completion Packers

206 207 207 209 209 217


SUB-SURFACE SAFETY VALVES 8.2.1. Policy 8.2.2. Applications 8.2.3. Wireline Retrievable Safety Valves 8.2.4. Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Safety Valves 8.2.5. Valve Type/Closure Mechanism Selection

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CONTROL/INJECTION LINE SELECTION 8.3.1. Control Lines 8.3.2. Injection Lines 8.3.3. Tube Specifications 8.3.4. Material Selection 8.3.5. Fittings 8.3.6. Protectors 8.3.7. Encapsulation 8.3.8. SCSSV Hydraulic Control fluid 8.3.9. Control/Injection Line Selection Procedure Flow Chart

225 225 225 226 228 230 230 231 233 236


WIRELINE NIPPLE SELECTION 8.4.1. Tapered Nipple Configuration 8.4.2. Selective Nipple Configuration

237 238 239







GUN TYPES 9.2.1. Wireline Conveyed Casing Guns 9.2.2. Through-Tubing Hollow Carrier Guns 9.2.3. Through-Tubing Strip Guns 9.2.4. Tubing Conveyed Perforating

241 241 243 243 243


GUN PERFORMANCE 9.3.1. API And Performance Data 9.3.2. Underbalanced Perforating 9.3.3. Firing Heads 9.3.4. Perforating Procedures

244 244 246 247 247



10.1. GAS LIFT 10.1.1. Impact On Completion Design 10.1.2. Common Problems

251 253 254

10.2. ELECTRICAL SUBMERISBLE PUMPS 10.2.1. ESP Performance 10.2.2. Impact On Completion Design 10.2.3. Common Problems

254 256 259 259

10.3. HYDRAULIC PUMPING SYSTEMS 10.3.1. Impact On Completion Design

260 262

10.4. ROD PUMPS 10.4.1. Impact On Completion Design

262 265





10.7. SUMMARY ARTIFICIAL LIFT SELECTION CHARTS 10.7.1. Design Considerations And Comparisons 10.7.2. Operating Conditions Summary 10.7.3. Artificial Lift Considerations

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11.1. POLICY






11.4. RISK ASSESSMENT 11.4.1. Well Testing 11.4.2. Completions

275 275 275












































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The purpose of this manual is to guide experienced engineers of all technical disciplines, within the Eni-Agip Division and Affiliated Companies, in the completion design process and its importance on well productivity, well servicing capabilities and completion life. These in consequence, have a large impact on costs and field profit. The Corporate Standards in this manual define the requirements, methodologies and rules that enable to operate uniformly and in compliance with the Corporate Company Principles. This, however, still enables each individual Affiliated Company the capability to operate according to local laws or particular environmental situations. The final aim is to improve performance and efficiency in terms of safety, quality and costs, while providing all personnel involved in Drilling & Completion activities with common guidelines in all areas worldwide where Eni-Agip operates. The approach to completion design must be interdiscipline, involving Reservoir Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Production Engineering and Drilling Engineering. This is vital in order to obtain the optimum completion design utilising the process described in this manual. The manual will provide the engineers within the various disciplines with a system to guide them through the process with the objectives of helping them make the key decisions and obtaining the optimum design to maximise productivity and, hence profit. Many of the decisions made by the various disciplines are interrelated and impact on the decisions made by other disciplines. For instance, the decision on the well architecture may subsequently be changed due to the availability of well servicing or workover techniques. This does not mean that the process is sequential and many decisions can be made from studies and analysis run in parallel. The design process consists of three phases: • • •

Conceptual Detailed design Procurement.

The process of well preparation and installation of completions is fully described in the ‘Completions Procedures manual’. The activities in each phase are illustrated in figure 1.a, figure 1.b and figure 1.c. The conceptual design process guides the engineers through analysis and key questions to be considered. During this phase, the user will resolve many of the dilemmas, raised by the interrelated decisions, at an early time. The final conceptual design will be used as the basis for the detailed design process. The conceptual design process begins at the field appraisal stage when a Statement Of Requirements (SOR) of the completion is produced. It is essential that this is an accurate statement including all the foreseen requirements, as it has a fundamental effect on the field final design and development.




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As more information is gleamed from further development wells and as conditions change, the statement of requirements need to reviewed and altered to modify the conceptual design for future wells. This provides a system of ongoing completion optimisation to suit changing conditions, increased knowledge of the field and incorporate new technologies.

Figure 1.A - Conceptual Completion Design Process




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Figure 1.B - Detailed Completion Design Process




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Figure 1.C - Procurement Process





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OBJECTIVES The fundamental objectives for a completion are: • • • • • • •

Achieve a desired (optimum) level of production or injection. Provide adequate maintenance and surveillance programmes. Be as simple as possible to increase reliability. Provide adequate safety in accordance with legislative or company requirements and industry common practices. Be as flexible as possible for future operational changes in well function. In conjunction with other wells, effectively contribute to the whole development plan reservoir plan. Achieve the optimum production rates reliably at the lowest capital and operating costs.

These may be summarised as to safely provide maximum long term profitability. This, however, in reality is not simple and many critical decisions are needed to balance long term and short term cash flow and sometimes compromises are made. An expensive completion may derive more long term profit than a low cost completion but the initial capital costs will be higher (Refer to figure 1.d).

Figure 1.D - Completion Design Versus Profitability




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On the other hand if the data available is not accurate, the estimate of some well performance and characteristics throughout the life of the well may be wrong and early workover or well intervention operations will impact on well profitability. An inherent problem is that the Reservoir Engineering Department’s objectives do not coincide with the Completion Engineering Department’s in that Reservoir Engineering’s objectives are for the whole field performance whereas the Completion Group’s is to optimise for profit on a long term well by well basis which includes well servicing/workover. Reservoir and geoscience groups often have to set plans and objectives for the field on well performance based on limited information, in the early stages, but are not concerned about production problems, well maintenance or detailed operations. 1.3.

FUNCTIONS OF A COMPLETION The main function of a completion is to produce hydrocarbons to surface or deliver injection fluids to formations. This is its primary function, however a completion must also satisfy a great many other functions required for safety, optimising production, servicing, pressure monitoring and reservoir maintenance. These main functional requirements must be built into the conceptual design and include: • • • • • • •


Protecting the production casing from formation pressure. Protecting the casing from corrosion attack by well fluids. Preventing hydrocarbon escape if there is a surface leak. Inhibiting scale or corrosion. Producing single or multiple zones. Perforating (underbalanced or overbalanced). Permanent downhole pressure monitoring.

MANUAL UPDATING, AMENDMENT, CONTROL & DEROGATION The Corporate Standards in this manual define the requirements, methodologies and rules that enable to operate uniformly and in compliance with the Corporate Company Principles. This, however, still enables each individual Affiliated Company the capability to operate according to local laws or particular environmental situations. The final aim is to improve performance and efficiency in terms of safety, quality and costs, while providing all personnel involved in Drilling & Completion activities with common guidelines in all areas worldwide where Eni-Agip operates.




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Oil and gas wells are expensive faucets that enable production of petroleum reservoirs or allow injection of fluids into an oil or gas reservoir. As pointed out in section 1.1, a completion conceptual design must take into account all the well objectives to produce the optimum design to maximise profitability. The purpose of this section is to consider the characteristics of reservoir fluids and the flow of these in the area around the wellbore to allow these parameters to be tied into the well completion design and well intervention/workover operational requirements. 2.2.



Porosity Porosity or pore space in reservoir rocks provides the container for the accumulation of oil and gas and gives the rock characteristic ability to absorb and hold fluids. Most commercial reservoirs have sandstone, limestone or dolomite rocks, however some reservoirs even occur fractured shale.


Permeability Permeability is a measure of the ability of which fluid can move through the interconnected pore spaces of the rock. Many rocks such as clays, shales, chalk, anhydrite and some highly cemented sandstones are impervious to movement of water, oil or gas even although they may be quite porous. Darcy, a French engineer, working with water filters, developed the first relationship which described the flow through porous rock which is still used today. Darcy’s Law states that the rate of flow through a given rock varies directly with permeability (measure of the continuity of inter-connected pore spaces) and the pressure applied, and varies inversely with the viscosity of the fluid flowing. In a rock having a permeability of 1 Darcy, 1cc of a 1cp viscosity fluid will flow each second 2 through a portion of rock 1cm in length and having a cross-section of 1cm , if the pressure across the rock is 1 atmosphere. K=

qµL A∆p

Eq. 2.A




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In oilfield units the linear form of Darcy’s Law for flow of incompressible fluid through a rock filled with only one fluid is: q=1.127 ×10 −3

kA(p 1 −p 2 ) BµL

Eq. 2.B

where: q k A µ L p1 p2 B 2.2.3.

= = = = = = = =

Flow rate, stb/day Permeability, md 3 Flow rate, ft Viscosity, cp Flow length, ft Inlet pressure, psi Outlet pressure, psi Formation volume factor, res bbl/stb

Relative Permeability As normally two or three fluids exist in the same pore spaces in a reservoir, relative permeability relationships must be considered. Relative permeability represents the ease at which one fluid flows through connecting pore spaces in the presence of other fluids, in comparison to the ease that it would flow if there was no other fluid. To understand this, assume a rock filled with only with oil at high pressure where gas has not been able to come out of solution: • • • • •

All available space is taken up by the oil and only oil is flowing. If reservoir pressure is allowed to decline, some lighter components of the oil will evolve as gas in the pore spaces. Flow of oil is reduced but gas saturation is too small for it to flow through the pores. If pressures to continue to decline, gas saturation continues to increase and at some point (equilibrium gas saturation) gas begins to flow and the oil rate is further reduced. With further increases in gas saturation, the gas rate continues to increase and less oil flows through the pores until finally only gas flows. Significant oil may still occupy the pores but cannot be recovered by primary production means as the permeability to oil has dropped to zero.

This same principle governs the flow of oil in the presence of water. The saturation of each fluid present affects the ease of fluid movement or relative permeability. The gas-oil or water-oil relative permeability relationships of a particular reservoir rock depend on the configurations of the rock pore spaces and the wetting characteristics of the fluids and rock surfaces. In an oil-water system, the relative permeability to oil is significantly greater when the rock is ‘water wet’.




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Where two or more fluids are present, the permeability in eq. 2.b represents the permeability of the rock to the desired fluid. This can be achieved by multiplying absolute permeability of the rock by the relative permeability of the rock to the desired fluid. q=1.127 ×10 −3

k abs k ro A(p1 −p 2 ) B o µL

Eq. 2.C

where: qo kabs kro

= = =

Oil flow rate, stb/day Absolute permeability, md Relative permeability to oil

For a well producing both water and oil, the ‘water cut’ or fraction of water in the total flow stream at standard conditions of temperature and pressure can be calculated by: fw =

1 k o µw Bw 1× + + k w µo Bo

Eq. 2.D

where: ko kw µo µw Bo Bw 2.2.4.

= = = = = =

Relative permeability to oil Relative permeability to water Viscosity of oil, cp Viscosity of water, cp Formation volume factor for oil, res bbl/stb Formation volume factor for water, res bbl/stb

Wettabilty Most reservoirs were formed or laid down in water with oil moving in later from adjacent zones to replace a portion of the water. For this reason, most reservoir rocks are considered to be ‘water wet’. This means that the grains of the rock matrix are coated with a film of water permitting hydrocarbons to fill the centre of the pore spaces. The productivity of oil in this condition is maximised. Although it is extremely difficult to determine wettability of cores due to the cutting and preparing specimens for laboratory testing which alters the wettability characteristics, it is not important as this characteristic is included in the permeability measurements. However, it is important when completing or servicing the well in that any foreign substance which may come into contact with the rock may alter its wettability characteristic and reduce the relative permeability to hydrocarbon fluids and cause emulsion which may block flow.




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Fluid Distribution The distribution of fluids vertically in the reservoir is very important as the relative amounts of oil, gas and water present at a particular level determines the fluids that produced by a well completed at that level and also influence the relative rates of fluid production. In rock the capillary forces, which are related to water wettability, work to change the normal sharp interfaces between the fluids separated by density. From the point in a zone of the free water level upward to some point where water saturation becomes constant is called the ‘transition zone’. Relative permeability permits both water and oil to flow within the transition zone. Water saturation above the transition zone is termed ‘irreducible water saturation’ or more commonly the ‘connate water saturation’. Above the transition zone, only oil will flow in an oil-water system. Connate water is related to permeability and pore channels in lower rocks are generally smaller. For a given height, the capillary pressure in two different pore sizes will be the same, therefore the water film between the water and the oil will have the same curvature, hence more oil will be contained in larger pore spaces. The nature and thickness of the transition zones between the water and oil, oil and gas, and water and gas are influenced by several factors: uniformity, permeability, wettability, surface tension and the relative density differences between the fluids. These can be summarised in three statements: • • •

The lower the permeability of a given sand, the higher will be the connate water saturation. In lower permeability sands, the transition zones will be thicker than in higher permeability sands. Due to the greater density difference between gas and oil as compared to oil and water, the transition zone between the oil and gas is not as thick as the transition zone between oil and water.

A well completed in the transition zone will be expected to produce both oil and water, depending on the saturations of each fluid present at the completion level. figure 2.a summarises oil, water and gas saturation in a typical homogeneous rock example.




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Figure 2.A - Example Fluid Distribution in a Uniform Sand Reservoir (Containing Connate Water, Oil and Gas Cap) 2.2.6.

Fluid Flow In The Reservoir Oil has little natural ability to produce itself into the wellbore. It is produced principally by pressure inherent in gas dissolved in oil, in associated free gas caps, or in associated aquifers. Pressure Distribution Around the Wellbore Pressure distribution in the reservoir and factors which influence it are of great of significance in interpreting well production trends caused by pressure characteristics. Pressure distribution around a producing oil well completed in a homogeneous zone will gradually drop from the reservoir pressure some distance from the wellbore until closer to the wellbore where it will decline quite sharply. The wellhead pressure will be much lower due to the influence of hydrostatic pressure and tubing frictional effects.




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In a radial flow situation, where fluids move towards the well from all directions, most of the pressure drop in the reservoir occurs fairly close to the wellbore. As shown in figure 2.b, in a uniform sand, the pressure drop across the last 15ft of the formation surrounding the wellbore is about one half of the total pressure drop from the well to a point 500ft away in the reservoir. Obviously flow velocities increase tremendously as fluid approaches the wellbore. This area around the wellbore is the ‘critical area’ and as much as possible should be done to prevent damage or flow restrictions in this critical area.

Figure 2.B - Pressure Distribution Near Wellbore In Radial Flow Radial Flow Around The Wellbore Steady state radial flow of incompressible fluid is described by Darcy’s Law: q=

0.00708kh(p o −p w ) r Bµ1n( o ) rw

Eq. 2.E

Corrections are required to account for the flow of compressible fluids and for turbulent flow velocities.




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Figure 2.C- Units For Darcy’s Law Equation For non-homogeneous zones, which is the usual case, permeablities must be averaged for flow through parallel layers of differing permeabilities. k=

k 1h1 +k 2 h 2 +k 3 h 3 h1 +h 2 +h 3

Figure 2.D - Radial Flow In Parallel Combination of Beds

Eq. 2.F




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Varying permeabilities around the well in series can be averaged as follows: ro ) rw k= r r r 1n( 1 ) 1n( 2 ) 1n( 3 ) rw r1 r2 + + k1 k2 k3 1n(

Eq. 2.G

Figure 2.E - Radial Flow In Series Combination Of Beds Linear Flow Through Perforations Ideally perforating tunnels should provide be large and deep enough to prevent any restriction to flow. In cases where there may be sand problems and a gravel pack is used, the tunnels are packed with gravel to hold the formation in place, which will cause a restriction. Flow through perforating tunnels is linear rather radial and Darcy’s equation must be corrected as turbulent flow usually exists. Experiments have shown that pressure drop through gravel filled perforations compared with uncorrected linear flow Darcy’s Law calculations is substantial as shown in figure 2.f below. Curve A indicates that plugging with even high permeability (1 Darcy) sand gives a large pressure drop. Actual test data with very high permeability sand, curve B, proves turbulent flow results in higher pressure drop than Darcy’s Law calculations, curve C, predict. Investigators have provided turbulence correction factors which can be applied to Darcy’s equation to permit calculation of pressure drop through perforating tunnels.




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Figure 2.F - Pressure Drop Versus Flow Rate Through Perforation Causes Of Low Flowing Bottom-Hole Pressure In a well with uniform sand and fluid conditions, two factors may cause low flowing bottomhole pressures. These are permeability and producing rate. With low permeability or excessive rate of production, pressure drawdown will be appreciable higher than normal thus reducing flowing bottom-hole pressures and causing the well to be placed on artificial lift if higher productions rates are necessary. Low permeability is often caused by damage close to the wellbore through drilling, completion or intervention operations. This is particularly detrimental as the effect close to the wellbore is greatly magnified.




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The existence of damage can be calculated by well test results analysing the pressure build-up periods. The skin effect (abnormal pressure drop) or the normal radial flow pressure drop can be calculated by: ∆p s =

141.2qBµ ×s kh

Eq. 2.H

Other terms which are used to quantify formation damage are Damage Ratio and Flow Efficiency. Damage ratio calculation is: DR=

Eq. 2.I

qt qa

where: = =

qt qa

Theoretical flow rate without damage Actual flow rate observed

also: DR= =

Jideal Jactual

Eq. 2.J

p−p wf p−p wf −∆p s

Flow efficiency: FE= =

Jideal Jactual

Eq. 2.K

p−p wf −∆p s p−p wf

In multi-zone completion intervals, where transient pressure testing techniques may give questionable results concerning formation damage, production logging techniques may provide helpful data. Flow profiling may highlight zones, in an otherwise productive interval, which are not contributing to the total flow. Non-contributing zones are likely to have been damaged.




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Effects Of Reservoir Characteristics Reservoir Drive Mechanisms In an oil reservoir, primary production results from existing pressure in the reservoir. There are three basic drive mechanisms: • • •

Dissolved gas Gas cap Water drive.

Most reservoirs in actuality produce by a combination of all three mechanisms. In a dissolved gas reservoir, the source of pressure is principally the liberation and expansion of gas from the oil phase as pressure is reduced. A gas drive reservoir’s primary pressure source is the expansion of a gas cap over the oil zone. A water drive reservoir’s principle pressure source is an external water hydrostatic pressure communicated to below the oil zone. The effect of the drive mechanism on the producing characteristics must be evaluated in the completion design process, and also for later re-completions, to systematically recover reservoir hydrocarbons. figure 2.g and figure 2.h, show typical reservoir pressures versus production trends and gas-oil ratio production trends for the three basic drive mechanisms. In a dissolved gas drive reservoir without any artificial pressure maintenance technique, pressure declines rapidly, gas-oil ratio peaks rapidly and then declines rapidly, and primary oil recovery is relatively low. Re-completing would not reduce the gas-oil ratio. In a gas cap drive reservoir, pressure declines less rapidly and gas-oil ratios increase as the gas cap expands into the up-structure well completion intervals. Well intervention or recompletion to shut-off up-structure intervals may control the gas-oil ratio, therefore lose pressure less rapidly. Water drive reservoirs pressure remains high and gas-oil ratios are lower but downstructure well intervals quickly begin to produce water. This is controlled by well interventions or re-completions to shut-off the water production or the well is shut-in. Gradually even the up-structure wells will water out to maximise oil recovery. Obviously many factors must be considered in developing a reservoir, however the main factors concentrate on the reservoir itself and the procedure used to exploit hydrocarbon recovery. Well spacing, or well location, is fundamental and the cost of time, labour and materials consumed in the drilling are largely non-recoverable, therefore if development drilling proceeds on the basis of close spacing before the drive mechanism is identified, the investment will have already been made. This does not usually present an insurmountable problem as a field of any considerable size will require a minimum number of wells to be drilled in any case to define the reservoir, i.e. establish the detailed geological picture regarding zone continuity and locate oil-water and gas-oil contacts. By careful planning when enough information is gained to determine the well locations, these can be drilled at the appropriate spacing to maximise recovery with the least amount of wells.




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Many case histories are available to show problems resulting from reservoir development without having sufficient information about the stratigraphy of the reservoir.

Figure 2.G - Reservoir Pressure Trends For Various Drive Mechanisms

Figure 2.H - Gas-Oil Ratios Trends For Various Drive Mechanisms




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With regard to drive mechanisms, some general statements can be made: Dissolved gas drive reservoirs: Well completions in reservoirs with low structural relief can be made in a regularly spaced pattern throughout the reservoir and, provided the rock is stratified, can be set low in the reservoir bed. A regular spacing can also be used for dissolved gas reservoirs with high angle of dip. Again the completion intervals should be structurally low because of the angle of dip and the exact sub-surface location would vary with well location on the structure. In this scenario it would be expected that oil recovery would be greater with the minimum well investment as the oil will drain down-structure through time. If this is recognised after drilling begins, the well locations must be changed quickly to take full advantage of the situation. Due to the low recovery by the primary drive mechanism, some means of secondary recovery will almost certainly be required at some point in life of the reservoir and the initial well completion design should take this into account. Gas cap drive reservoirs: Wells are generally spaced on a regular pattern where the sand is thick, dip angle is low and gas cap is completely underlayed by oil. Again completion intervals should be low in the structure to permit the gas cap to grow for maximum recovery and minimum gas production. Like the dissolved gas drive reservoir, the wells in thin sands with a high angle of dip is likely to be more efficiently controlled by having the completion irregularly spaced and low to conform to the shape of the reservoir. Regular spacing would place many completions too near the gas-oil contact. Such reservoirs are common where multiple this sands are found on a single structure and the oil column is only a fraction of the total productive relief. Water drive reservoirs: Wells can be spaced on a regular pattern on a thick sand and low angle of dip. Completion intervals should be selected high on the structure to permit long production life while oil is displaced up to the completion intervals by invading water from below. A water reservoir in a thin sand with high angle of dip may best be developed with irregular well spacing because of the structural characteristics. Regular spacing of the wells may cause early water production and possible early abandonment in conjunction with reducing the drive effectiveness through excessive water production. Significant levels of water production are unavoidable in later field life when maximising production rates.




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Reservoir Homogeneity The general procedures, as described in the previous section is to complete water drive reservoirs high and for dissolved gas drive reservoir low on the structure to obtain an adequate number of wells without excess. However this is only practical if the reservoir is uniform. Most sandstone reservoirs were originally laid down as stratified layers of varying porosity and permeability. Similar assumptions can be made for carbonate and even reef type reservoirs which results in reservoirs of a highly stratified nature. Fluids from such reservoirs will flow through the various layers at different restrictions to flow and often there are impervious beds between the layers so that fluid cannot flow between the bed to bed. This is demonstrated in figure 2.i and figure 2.j. In thin beds or highly stratified beds, ‘fingering’ of the free gas down from a gas cap, or water from a water basin, is a distinct possibility, especially if the interval is short and production rates are high. If the reservoir is stratified, either by shale breaks or by variations in permeability, it will probably be necessary to stagger the completion intervals in various members of the reservoir to be sure that each is drained properly. Vertical staggering of the completion can be effected during development to obtain proportionate depletion of the various strata. Additional distribution of intervals in the various members can then be made during later well interventions on the basis of data obtained, experience and operating conditions. To maximise recovery, intervals should be produced independently wherever practical (usually determined by economics). Single string/single zone completions are preferred to facilitate thorough flushing for higher recovery and flexibility of re-completion to control reservoir performance. Completions with more than one zone are termed multi-zone completions and are required for long completion intervals for obtaining sufficient volumes of production.

Figure 2.I - Irregular Water Encroachment and Breakthrough




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Figure 2.J - High GOR Production by Encroachment of Gas 2.3.

HYDROCARBON DATA The practical approach to the study of reservoir fluid behaviour is to anticipate pressure and temperature changes in the reservoir and at surface during production, and to measure, by laboratory tests, the changes occurring in the reservoir samples. The results of these tests then provide the basic fluid data for estimates of fluid recovery by various methods of reservoir operations and also to estimate reservoir parameters through transient pressure testing. Two general methods are used to obtain samples of reservoir oil for laboratory examination purposes, by means of subsurface samplers and by obtaining surface samples of separator liquid and gas. The surface samples are then recombined in the laboratory in proportions equal the gas-oil ratio measured at the separator during well testing. Information concerning the characteristics and behaviour of gas needed for gas reservoirs, depends upon the type of gas and the nature of the problem. If retrograde condensation is involved, it may require numerous tests and measurements. If the gas is wet with no retrograde condensation, or if dry gas, the information is less complex.


Oil Property Correlation Several generalisations of oil sample data are available to permit correlations of oil properties to be made (refer to the Compant Well Test Manual for sampling techniques).




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RESERVOIR/PRODUCTION FORECAST To obtain the optimum performance from a well, it is first necessary to determine its full potential and which way this can be fully exploited within any technical or economic constraints. The determination of the well’s performance entails analysing the following: • • • •

In-flow performance Near wellbore performance and design Multiphase flow of tubing performance Artificial lift.

The process of this analysis is shown in figure 2.k which requires continuous repetition during field life to account for changing conditions. The inflow performance relationship (IPR) provides the flow potential of the reservoir into the wellbore against the resistance to flow of the formation and near wellbore region. The theoretical IPR is an idealistic assumption of flow performance without pressure drop due to skin effect in the near wellbore region and governed only by the size, shape and permeability of the producing zone and the properties of the produced fluids. The basic theory of this is described in this section along with some simplified IPR relationships from observed field data. Flow behaviour in the near wellbore region may cause a dramatic effect on the IPR curve which results in greatly reduced flow capability. This is characterised by a damaged IPR curve and the amount of damage or skin effect, is mainly caused by the drilling and completion practices. Good drilling and completion practices can or may minimise this damage allowing use of the idealised IPR curve to be used for completion design. Some completion designs to deal with reservoir conditions, such as gravel packs for unconsolidated sands, will also cause reduced IPR curves which must be anticipated during the design phase. Two phase flow, velocity effects in gas wells, high rate or high GOR oil wells, in undamaged near wellbore regions also reduce the IPR curve. Alternatively, stimulation procedures which can provide a negative skin are desirable as this increases production. Once the IPR is completed, the outflow performance can be determined which takes into consideration the relationship between the surface flowrate and pressure drop in the tubing. The prediction of this relationship is complicated by the nature of multi-phase fluid flow. Hence, analysis of the outflow performance requires predictions of phase behaviour, effective fluid density, friction losses and flowing temperatures. The results of the outflow performance analysis are usually produced graphically depicting how bottom hole flowing pressure (BHFP), or pump intake pressure, varies with flowrate against a fixed back-pressure which is normally the wellhead or separator pressure. These curves are termed tubing performance curves (TPC) and the point of intersection is the natural flowing point as demonstrated earlier in figure 2.k.




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Figure 2.K - Process of Determining Optimum Well Performance Selecting, or optimising, the tubing size is necessary to optimise the well performance over the life of the well and should include the potential benefits of artificial lift systems and/or stimulation to reduce near wellbore skin effects.




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Inflow Perfomance This section addresses the fundamental principles of inflow performance for oil and gas wells. The use of IPRs generated from reservoir simulation models is also described as is the technique for the applications of the various techniques for predicting inflow performance. Essentially the less data which is available, the more appropriate it is to use theoretical radial flow equation. As more data becomes available, an empirical expression can be validated and applied, however for larger projects, reservoir simulation is usually employed. Oil Well - Straight Line IPR The simplest IPR equation assumes that inflow into a well is proportional to the pressure differential between the reservoir and the wellbore which is termed the ‘drawdown’. ∆p=p R −p wf

Eq. 2.L

where: ∆p pR pwf

= = =

Drawdown pressure, psi Reservoir pressure, psi Bottom-hole flowing pressure, psi.

With a straight line IPR, the flow rate is directionally proportional to the drawdown. The linear relationship can be substantiated from theoretical arguments for a single incompressible fluid (i.e. above the bubble point). However, it has been verified that the straight line approach also provides the accuracy needed for well performance calculations in situations which exceed the theoretical basis, e.g. low drawdowns and damaged wells. In situations which allow the use of a straight line IPR, the constant of proportionality is termed the productivity index (PI). PI defined as J by the API, is: J=

q p R − p wf

Eq. 2.M

where: q


Total liquid flow rate at surface under stock tank conditions (14.7psia, o 60 F)




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Figure 2.L - Straight Line IPR or Productivity Index J The assumption of stable inflow performance relationship, or stabilised flow, is that well is producing in pseudo-steady state or steady state flow conditions. Before this the well produces under transient conditions, as in most well tests, result in higher estimates of productivity than when under stabilised conditions. Productivity Index, J, also needs to be treated with caution as Production Engineers and Reservoir Engineers assume different basis for J. Production Engineers relate J to gross liquid production (oil and water) whereas Reservoir Engineers relate it to oil productivity.

J can be calculated directly from bottom-hole gauges in well test results or estimated pressures from simulation studies. Oil PI, J, can also be derived theoretically from Darcy’s radial flow equation: Jo =

Eq. 2.N

k oh  r 141.2µ o B o 1n e   rw

  −0.75+S′  

where: h ko µo Bo ro rw S’

= = = = = =

Net pay thickness, ft Effective oil permeability, md Reservoir fluid viscosity, cp Reservoir formation volume factor, bbl/stb Drainage radius, ft Wellbore radius, ft Total effective skin, dimensionless (S ’= S + Dq)




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This assumes pseudo-steady state flow from a well in the centre of a circular reservoir and it is worth noting that ko is the effective permeability to oil for an oil PI. As water saturation increases, Ko obviously decreases and as does Jo. Deviation from the theoretical ideal PI (i.e. S’ = 0) should be expected as a result of additional pressure losses in the near wellbore area due to damage, fractures, increased gas saturation in oil wells, producing below the bubble point, changes in radial flow geometry and non-Darcy pressure losses due to high flow velocities in gas wells, high rate or high GOR oil wells. Damaged wells with positive skins have straight line IPRs with PIs less than the ideal PI. Straight line IPRs with PIs greater than the ideal are typical of wells with negative skin such as when they have been stimulated, have natural fractures or are highly deviated. The PI is very useful for describing the potential of various wells as it combines all rock and fluid properties as well as geometrical issues in a single constant making it unnecessary to consider these properties individually.

Figure 2.M- Effect of Damage And Fractures on a Well’s PI




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Oil Well - Vogel’s Two Phase Flow IPR The previous straight line IPR does not hold with two phase flow (gas and liquid) in the reservoir. Once the BHFP falls below the bubble point pressure, gas saturation builds up around the wellbore which reduces the permeability to liquid which of course reduces well productivity at that particular drawdown compared to predicted by linear PI. This means the true IPR is curved and, hence the PI J, decreases with increasing drawdown (slopes 1 and 2 in figure 2.o). There may also be some non-Darcy gas flow effects in wells producing below the bubble point. Vogel used a computer programme to model a variety of solution gas reservoirs and developed a generalised IPR reference curve to account for the two phase flow effects below the bubble point. He also presented an approximation using the expression: p =1−0.2 wf qmax  pR q

 p −0.8 wf   pR

  


Eq. 2.O

where: pR pwf q qmax

= = = =

Reservoir pressure, psi Bottom-hole flowing pressure, psi Liquid production, stb/d Maximum liquid production rate when pwf = 0, stb/d

Qmax is a theoretical value sometimes referred to as Absolute Open Flow (AOF) of the oil well.

Figure 2.N - Typical IPR Curve for Saturated Reservoir




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Vogel’s equation has been validated through observed field data particularly on pumped wells with high drawdowns where pwf approaches zero. The model used to develop Vogel’s reference curve did not include skin effects which would tend to straighten the IPR curve. Procedures to correct for skin are available.

Figure 2.O - Vogel’s IPR Reference Curve




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Where inflow relationship passes through the bubble point, a straight line IPR is drawn above the bubble point and the curved IPR signifies the two phase flow below this point. For this, Vogel’s equation is combined with the PI to develop a general IPR equation. This has been published by Brown. When the BHFP is above the bubble point use the normal straight line equation: q o =J(p R −p wf )

Eq. 2.P

and when it drops below the bubble point use the modified Vogel equation: p Jp  qo =J(p R −p wf )+ b 1−0.2 wf 1 .8   pb 

 p −0.8  wf   pb

  


   

Eq. 2.Q

where: pb


Bubble point pressure, psi

If water production is involved, it is dependant upon whether it is produced from the same interval or others. As oil is normally produced from a different zone to the water, the following equations are applied: q w =J(p R −p wf )  p q o =q o max 1−0.2 wf   pR 

Eq. 2.R

 p −0.8 wf   pR

  


   

Eq. 2.S

If oil and water both flow from the same zone then the Vogel equation is used for the gross flow rate:  p q o +q w =(q o +q o max )1−0.2 wf   pR

 p −0.8 wf   pR

  


  

Eq. 2.T




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Figure 2.P - Combined Straight Line IPR and Vogel IPR Oil Wells - Generalised IPR Curves As described earlier, curvature of the IPR curve is not solely due to the reasons highlighted above but also due to rate dependent skin. This is where Darcy’s law which is good for moderate to low flow rates is affected by high velocities. This non-Darcy flow, or turbulence, is sometimes the most dominant factor especially for gravel packs and high rate gas-liquid ratio wells. Fetkovich recognised that many oil wells could be handled in the same way as gas wells using the curved IPR:


q o =C p R −p wf 2


2 n

where: C n

= =

Linear deliverability coefficient Deliverability exponent (0.5 to 1.0)

Eq. 2.U




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Golan and Whitson showed how this relationship could be expressed in a similar form to Vogel’s reference curve as:  p = 1− wf q max   p R  q

  


   


Eq. 2.V

This equation is compared with Vogel’s reference curve in figure 2.q, for two values of the exponent, n. It is seen that when n = 1, the Vogel and Fetkovich IPRs are similar. It is recommended that n be assumed to be 1 where no multi-rate data is available. n is considered as the means to account for non-Darcy flow but there is no theoretical technique for finding it as it is a function of the rate used during testing. If multi-rate data is 2 2 available then a log-log plot of q versus (pR - pwf ) will give a straight line with a slope of 1/n.

Figure 2.Q - Vogel And Fetkovich IPR Curve Comparisons Use of this approach will provide better results than Vogel’s method, however it requires four points at widely different flow rates to maximise the benefit of this method. If such data is not available, n should be assumed as 1. Blount and Jones presented an alternative generalised IPR equation which was an extension to the Forcheimer equation to include the non-Darcy flow effects: p R −p wf =aq+bq 2

Eq. 2.W




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The Darcy flow coefficient, a, can be determined theoretically for a well producing at pseudo-steady state flow in the middle of a circular reservoir: a=

141.2µ o B o   re ln kh   rw

  −0.75+S  

Eq. 2.X

The skin term, S, is relative to all non-rate dependent skin contributions. The other non-Darcy flow coefficient, b, can also be found theoretically but requires a knowledge of the turbulence factor, β, which is rarely measured in the laboratory. Similarly, it takes no account of completion non-Darcy effects such as inefficient perforating, etc. Again, if multi-rate test data is available, both a and b can be determined using a plot of (q R - pwf)/q versus q gives a straight line with a slope of b and an interception of a. In very high permeability wells, coefficient b can be much greater than b and perforating efficiency (shots/ft and penetration) is a very important to productivity. Oil Wells - Predicting Future IPRs Estimates of future IPR curves throughout the life of the reservoir are frequently required for production forecasting and planning artificial lift designs. The effects of increasing water influx on the gross PI, described earlier in Section 2.2, leads to a significant increase in skin due to scaling, mobilisation of fines, skin damage during remedial operations and reduced contribution from reduced pay through plugging back. In solution drive reservoirs, the reservoir pressure will decline against time, shifting the IPR curve downwards resulting in a decline of the production rate and causing flow instability. The relative permeability to oil will also decrease due to increased gas saturation further shifting the curve downwards. The liberation of gas also affects the oil fluid properties. Standing presented a method of predicting future IPR curves by the equation:

J * future J * present

 k ro     µ o B o  future =  k ro     µ o B o  present

Eq. 2.Y

and: q future =J * future

  p p R future 1−0.2 wf  p R future   

  −0.8 p wf   p Rfuture  

2      

Eq. 2.Z

where: J*


PI at minimal drawdown (i.e. where two phase flow effects are negligible)




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J* at present conditions is established by carrying out a well test or theoretically. Relative permeabilities and fluid saturations are determined from special core analysis data and reservoir material balance analysis (using either analytical calculations or a reservoir simulation model). Fluid viscosities and volume are determined from PVT correlations. If data for Standing’s equation are not available, the simpler approach like Fetkovich relation for predicting qmax in Vogel’s reference curve. Eickmeier first proposed an expression based on Fetkovich’s work, which in modified form is: q max .present  p Rpresent = q max .future  p R future

   


Eq. 2.AA

It may be shown theoretically that exponent m could vary between 1 and 3. An exponent of 2.5 gives the best fit to the gas drive IPR curves by Vogel while values of 1.66 have been found in actual field studies by Eickmeir. Gas Wells - Simplified Deliverability Relationship Rawlins and Schellardt developed a simplified gas well back-pressure equation which relates gas flow rate to the BHFP and is the well Known AOF equation;


p g =C p R −p wf 2


2 n

Eq. 2.BB

This equation was developed empirically using several hundred multi-rate gas well test data and not by theory but satisfactorily describes the behaviour of the gas well tests considered. The exponent, n , in the equation must be estimated from one of a number of well test methods (e.g. isochronal test) due to there being no accepted theoretical basis available. A 2 2 log-log plot of (pR - pwf ) versus q is conducted from which the slope gives the value of 1/n. This exponent can vary between 1.0 for laminar flow to 0.5 for fully turbulent flow. Obviously at low to moderate rates there is little turbulence and n is close to 1, however in high rates this is highly improbable and makes the IPR projections almost impossible and erring on the optimistic side. It is, therefore, critical that well tests are conducted up to or above the rate of intended production. The constant C is also found from the log-log plot and varies as a function of flow time until it reaches a constant pseudo-steady state. In some instances C can be calculated from reservoir parameters, using kh and S from build-up data but is only applicable if flow is laminar (n = 1). To obtain a value of n, it is normal to test the well at three rates at a fixed period of time followed by a single rate until stabilisation is reached to obtain C. The problem with this isochronal test is the time required to reach stabilised flow in tight gas sands which could be months. While this method is widely used throughout the industry, it is not recommended for estimating IPRs as it lacks the theoretical basis and other rigorous equations are available.




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Gas Wells - Generalised Deliverability Due to the shortcomings of the back-pressure equation described above and since turbulence which is common in gas wells, it must be accounted for properly and a theoretical based method is more often used in modern engineering. The expression below is based on the work of Forchemier and is: p R −p wf = Aqg + Aqg

Eq. 2.CC


The Darcy and non-Darcy coefficients, A and B, are determined in a similar manner as the 2 2 generalised IPR equation for an oil well, however the straight line plot is (pR - pwf )/q versus q. It will be seen that the gas IPR is curved even when the non-Darcy term is 0. eq. 2.cc is not precisely correct since inherent in its derivation is an assumption that the product of µ and z is constant. For most gas compositions this is valid only at pressures less than approx 2,000psi or if drawdown pressure changes are small which is the case in high permeability wells above 3,000psi when µz is proportional to pressure, an equation similar to eq. 2.w can be used. Between 2,000psi and 3,000psi, there is curvature in the plot of µz against p making neither approach applicable. In this range the correct inflow equation is written in terms of pseudo-pressures:


Eq. 2.DD

p dp pb µ z g


where: µg z

= =

Gas viscosity, cp Gas deviation factor

and where the integration limits are substituted with the pressure range being considered, normally pg and pwf for inflow calculations, hence: m(p R )−m(p wf )= Aq g +Bqg

Eq. 2.EE


where: A



T   re ln k g h   r w




TD k gh

  −0.75+S  

Here the results of the multi-rate test would be plotted as m(pg) - m(pwf)/q versus q to find a value of B from the slope and to check the value of A from the intercept. The non-Darcy coefficient B can also be calculated theoretically but, as for oil wells, requires knowledge of the correct turbulence factor, β. The non-Darcy skin is also frequently accounted for by using: m(p R )−m(p wf )=1422

q g T   re ln k gh   rw

  −0.75+S+Dqg   

Eq. 2.FF




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where: D qg T S D kg

is = = = = =

Derived from well tests Gas flow rate, mscf/d o Reservoir temperature, F The sum of all non-rate dependent skin Rate dependent skin Effective gas permeability, md

As modern test analysis use computer software, the pseudo-pressure values are readily available, therefore there is a growing trend to use gas pseudo pressures for predicting gas well IPRs at all pressure conditions although the pressure squared method has a use in the field for convenience. 2.4.2.

Reservoir Simulation For IPR Curves Reservoir simulation is commonly used in the development, planning and reservoir management of many fields today. With the use of simulation the production engineer is able not only to predict pressures, WORs and GORs to obtain production targets, but also to generate IPR curves for determination of how current and future well IPRs will vary across the field. To obtain the best use of simulation studies, a model needs to be set up by the reservoir engineer with input from the production engineer. Typically the following should be addressed: • •

• •

• •

Assumptions on the minimum permissible value of Pwf as dictated by the outflow performance altered by varying water-cut, artificial lift or use of compression. Variations between the ideal IPRs and actual IPRs which may be expected from the undrilled well locations. This information is derived from well test results and is input into the models theoretical IPR equations as skin factor. Future stimulation or any damaging effects need to be considered. Long term effects from well interventions, workovers and movement of fines will have on near wellbore performance causing changes of skin during the life of the project. Using expected off takes, predict turbulence and two phase flow effects by the use of total skin S’ inclusive of near wellbore and rate dependent skin effects. The value of D (Refer to eq. 2.ff) can also be directly entered into some simulators. If a PI is entered in rather than skin, well radius, etc., it will be necessary to correct it for the grid block’s size and shape. Outflow performance curves should be derived from an accurate computer programme as some programmes are not rigorous in the handling of two phase flow.




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The results from such field models will provide the reservoir pressure, production rates and wellbore saturations at various time steps, however judgement is required when using these results, in particular check: • • • • •

Confirm if non-Darcy and multi-phase flow effects have been taken into consideration. Input on skin is realistic for the period covered. Ensure that proposed completion effects on near wellbore performance, e.g. gravel packing, partial completion, deviation, stimulation, etc. have been considered. If the reservoir pressure refers to grid block or to the drainage area. Whether rates have been modified for downtime due to maintenance, workover or sales contracts, etc.

As the use of full field reservoir simulation requires many assumptions and simplifications are made to manage the problem, therefore the predicted flow rates should not be considered as precise and the relevant reservoir engineer should be consulted to establish the accuracy. They may also be able to advise on possible sudden changes in water cut or gas production due to conning or cusping. Often more reliable predictions in shape of the well IPR can be achieved by engineers using single well models to study the probability of water or gas conning or to model transient well test results. It is also used to determine the sensitivity of production to drawdown and optimise perforating strategy. When and as new well data from log and RFT/DST results becomes available, it should be used to update the generalised IPR to reflect the actual pay interval, reservoir quality, skins, saturations, pressure and mechanical data. From this, revisions can be made to the completion designs, programmes and production forecast. After using measured IPR curves, the model needs to be updated to include actual log and test results. Once this achieved, then the model can be used to evaluate the effect of depletion, water breakthrough and saturation changes on production and used for artificial lift studies. Care must be exercised, however, in extrapolating the shape of the IPR and determining the effects by well operations and production may have on skin. It is extremely important that production engineers understand that the uncertainties involved and do not give greater reliability on model studies than reasonably can be expected.




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IPR Selection In developing representative IPRs for a field, the appropriate IPR model needs to be selected based upon the anticipated production conditions. These are summarised again in the following table: Type Of Well

Producing Conditions

Recommended IPR Model

Undersaturated oil

Pwf > pb

Linear PI or radial flow equation

Saturated oil

Pwf < pb

Vogel or Fetkovich

Damaged saturated oil

Pwf < pb S > +3

Standing or linear PI if very damaged (S > 7)

PR > pb

Composite Vogel and linear

Undersaturated oil at pR but saturated at pwf

Pwf < pb

Wells producing oil and water

WC > 0

Use as above for the appropriate oil and linear PI or radial flow equation for water

WC > 90%

Linear PI or radial flow equation

High rate undersaturated oil

q > 25stb/d/ft

Blount - Jones or radial flow equation with turbulence

High rate saturated oil

q > 25stb/d/ft

Blount - Jones

Water zone

Pwf < pb Gas wells

Pseudo-pressure equation 2

(m(pR) - m(pwf) = Aq + Bq ) Omit B if only single rate data available Table 2.A - IPR Selection Based on Reservoir Type The appropriate technique will also depend on the reservoir data that is available which is function of the development stage. The selection of an IPR model based on this is given in table 2.b.




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Radial Flow Equation


Reservoir Model IPRs

Empirical IPRs

Technical Evaluations Prospect evaluation

Guestimate potential.



Exploration well results

Extrapolate test results.


Validate interpretation

Conceptual design, large field

Primary method.

Identify variations geographically with time.

Validate results. Highlight damage risks.

Conceptual design, small field/single well

Primary method.


Validate results. Highlight damage risks.

Development plan

Validate results and skin assumptions.

Primary method.

Validate results. Highlight damage risks.

Detailed design, large field

Validate results. Evaluate completion results.

Primary method.

Validate results. Highlight damage risks.

Detailed design, small field/single well

Primary method. Evaluate completion methods.

If available, use for future IPRs.

Validate results. Highlight damage risks.

Development Planning

Optimising Operations/ Workover Well performance assessment

Estimate skin and determine cause.


Primary method.

Field studies (forecasts/ artificial lift, lift/ compression)

Primary method for post workover IPR

Predict future IPR

Primary method for current IPRs.

Workover planning

Primary method for post workover IPR.

Predict future IPR

Primary method for current IPRs.

Revised development plan

Define model input

Primary method.

Validate reservoir model results.

Table 2.B - IPR Selection Based on Development Stage




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Outflow Performance Tubing Performance Predicting fluid flow behaviour in tubing involves combining the basic fundamentals of mass momentum and energy conservation with complex mass transfer phenomena for multicomponent hydrocarbon mixtures. Application of these concepts, results in utilising the following interrelated topics: • • •

Phase behaviour. Flowing Temperature prediction. Pressure drop prediction.

The relationship between pressure and temperature drop in wells and PVT behaviour is complex. Pressure drop is determined using empirical and semi-empirical correlations and carried out on computer software programmes. Refer to the following sections. The methods for predicting pressure and temperature drops are addressed in the following sections. PVT Relationships There are two PVT methods used in the prediction of mass transfer between oil and gas, the ‘black oil’ model and the ‘compositional’ model. The black oil model assumes a constant composition for the liquid phase and accounts for mass transfer using the parameters gas-oil ratio and formation volume factor. The variable composition model requires performing vapour-liquid equilibrium (VLE) or ‘flash’ calculations to determine the amount and composition of both the gas and liquid phases. Each model uses differing methods to determine the densities and viscosities for each phase and interfacial surface tension. In general the black oil model is easier to use than the compositional model. Oil Well - PVT Relationships With most modern software programmes there are four methods of obtaining PVT properties for oil wells which are listed in order of preference. In the vast majority of cases there are sufficient data to use the tuned black oil model correlation method. • • • •

Interpolate directly from experimental data. Interpolate from compositional simulation data. Tuned black oil model empirical correlations. Untuned black oil model empirical correlations.




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The approach adopted when choosing the appropriate method for each application should be: a)

Use the black oil model flash vaporisation lab data if they are available. Do not use differential separation data since it is not representative of the vaporisation that occurs in the tubing.


Use the tuned empirical correlations for black oil model variables if the appropriate although limited experimental data are available.


Use black oil model parameters generated from results of compositional simulation if it has been performed for incidental reasons, e.g. reservoir or production reasons, but only if experimental data is not available.


Do not use untuned black oil model empirical correlations unless the data available cannot justify a more rigorous method.

Gas/Gas Condensate Wells - PVT Relationships In software programmes, PVT properties for gas and gas condensate wells must be described with the compositional model. Black oil models parameters should never be used to predict PVT properties for gas or gas condensate systems. Temperature Drop Calculation Predicting the temperature loss in the wellbore as a function of depth and time is necessary to determine PVT properties for use in calculating pressure drop. Some software programmes, temperature profiles may be specified in five ways: • • • • •

Linear profile based on measured or assumed wellhead and bottom-hole temperatures. Profile based on adiabatic heat transfer, i.e. constant temperature throughout the length of the string. Profile based on a specified heat transfer coefficient. Profile based on conservation of energy that utilises complex wellbore heat transfer calculations. Profile based on a simplified version of the complete rigorous calculation involving correlating parameter for which there is unavailable information but with data which are available.

The linear profile is the most widely used due to the complexity of heat transfer calculations in conjunction with the lack of sufficient measured data. Although the linear approach is unrealistic, the error has been found to be less than 15% in overall temperature drop in typical wells. However, in gas wells it has amore significant effect. Some wells have produced fluids with special properties that are very sensitive to temperatures and more complex heat transfer calculations are required. These are: • • •

Gas condensate wells with retrograde condensate. High pour point crude oil wells. Wells in which hydrate formation can occur.




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Pressure Drop Calculation Calculating pressure drop in tubing involve numerical integration of the steady-state pressure gradient equation over the entire tubing length. The equation consists of three components and can be expressed as follows: dp  dp   dp   dp  =  +  +  dL  dL HYD  dL FR  dL  ACC

Eq. 2.GG

pgsin θ  dp   =  gc  dL HYD

Eq. 2.HH


is the pressure gradient caused by the hydrostatic head of potential energy of the multiphase liquid. f pv 2  dp   =   dL FR 2g c D

Eq. 2.II

is the pressure gradient caused by wall friction. p vdv  dp  =   g c dL  dL  ACC

Eq. 2.JJ

is the pressure gradient caused by fluid acceleration. In multi-phase systems, the variables such as p and v in the pressure gradient equation are normally averages for the gas and liquid phases present, therefore, the pressure is sensitive to the relative amounts of gas and liquid present at any location in the tubing. The hydrostatic head is the most predominant component of the pressure gradient in oil wells, often accounting for 90% of the pressure drop. The friction losses are the remainder of the pressure loss and are more significant in gas wells with acceleration effects being negligible except when near to atmospheric pressure. Gas and oil phases normally flow at different speeds which is the phenomenon referred to as slippage. This slippage causes an additional accumulation of liquid in the tubing which is termed liquid hold up. The amount of slippage that occurs is dependent upon the geometrical distribution of the gas and liquid in the pipe, referred to as the ‘flow pattern’ or ‘flow regime’. Flow patterns are governed primarily by the flow rates of each phase, tubing diameter and to a lesser extent PVT properties.




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Typical flow patterns are: • • • • •

Annular flow Churn flow Slug flow Bubble flow Liquid flow.

Considering the above, it is obvious that the pressure at each point in the well and, therefore, the total pressure drop is very dependent on flow pattern. Typical pressure gradients in wells for different flow patterns are: • • • •

Single phase oil Bubble flow Slug flow Mist flow

= = = =

0.36psi/ft 0.25psi/ft 0.20psi/ft 0.1 - 0.2psi/ft

Hence, it is seen that prediction of pressure drop in multi-phase systems is complex and has led to the development of different correlations to be used. Although many of these have been successful to some degree, no single method has been universally been accepted. The early developed correlations assumed the flow as homogeneous mixtures ignoring liquid hold up effects. Attempts were made to compensate for these errors in the equations by single empirical derived friction factor. Subsequent correlations were developed to predict liquid hold up but most of these first required an empirical correlation or ‘map’ to predict the flow pattern. The accuracy of existing correlations for predicting flow pattern, liquid hold up pressure gradient is limited by the ranges of data used in their development and no single method can be applied universally. More recent models developed based on flow mechanisms and conservation principles, referred to as mechanical models, offer more potential for accurate predictions but these are not readily accepted as standard design methods as yet. Some software programmes use all the correlations available and the more recent promising mechanical models can be added. Flow Patterns Transition between the various flow patterns, as listed in the previous section, can be identified using flow pattern maps. The most common maps are empirically derived with coordinates based on dimensionless groups of variables that include volumetric flow rates, diameter and PVT properties. Although bubble, slug and churn floe predominate in oil wells, it is possible for oil and gas wells to include all flow patterns in addition to single phase liquid and gas.




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Classification Of Methods Published methods of multi-phase flow pressure gradients in wells can be placed into one of three general categories based on the assumptions from which the method was developed: • • • •

Homogeneous flow correlations where slippage and flow pattern are not considered. Slip flow correlations where slippage is considered but not flow pattern. Flow pattern dependent correlations where liquid hold up and flow pattern are considered. Mechanised models where slippage, flow pattern and basic flow mechanisms are considered.

Oil Well Correlations Oil well correlations for predicting pressure gradients in oil wells have been published and those most widely accepted in the Industry are: • • • • •

Duns and Ros (1963) Hagedorn and Brown (1967) Orkiszewski (1967) Aziz, Covier and Fogarasi (1972) Beggs and Brill (1973).

As illustrated in figure 2.r and figure 2.s, these correlations predict different pressure drops for the same application, however any one of these may be successful in a given field. Validation and actual field data are the only means of choosing a pressure loss method but this is not available at the time of designing the completions. Ansari recently performed an evaluation of the most widely used correlations and his own proposed mechanistic model., performed using the TUFFP well databank consisting of 1775 flowing well surveys covering a broad range of production variables and pressure loss methods were also evaluated for each flow pattern. table 2.c presents the overall results below:

Average Error

Absolute Average Error

Standard Deviation

Relative Performance Factor, RPC





































Table 2.C - Evaluation of Pressure Loss Methods Using TUFFP Well Databank




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Selecting the best prediction method from table 2.c is not appropriate as the best statistical results do not guarantee the best performance for a specific application. The choice must be made on experience. The applicability of the various methods is compared in table 2.d.

Figure 2.R - Comparison Lift Curves for High Gas-Oil Ratio Well




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Figure 2.S - Comparison of Lift Curves for Low Gas-Oil Ratio Well




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Mechanistic Model




Appears a little conservative. Gives consistent results for all flow patterns and TCP minimum. Needs to be verified through use.

Flow Pattern Dependent

Variable depending on version

Laboratory and field

Oil, water, gas

Optimistic. tends to under-predict pressure drop.


Flow Pattern



Air, water

Developed for deviated wells but tends to significantly over-predict pressure drop. Should be avoided unless well is highly deviated.

Beggs and Brill with Palmer

Flow Pattern Dependent



Air, water

Developed for deviated wells but tends to over-predict.


Good in some flow patterns

Field (annular flow)

Oil, Gas

Does not predict a TPC minimum. Usually not applicable for completion design.


Flow Pattern Dependent


Laboratory , experiment al plus field data

Oil, gas, water

Conservative. Tends to over-predict pressure drop. Good where several flow patterns exist.


Slip Flow

Good in some flow patterns

Field experiment

Oil, water, air

Does not predict a TCP minimum. Poor in bubble flow. Liquid hold up prediction can be less than for no slip flow. Should be used with caution.

Hagedorn and Brown with Griffith Bubble and restriction on hold up

Flow Pattern Dependent


Field experiment

Oil, water, air

Optimistic. Tends to under-predict pressure drop. This is the preferred correlation in the absence of other data.

Kleyweg et al Occidental mod (1983)

Slip Flow


Oil, water, Gas

Developed to optimise gas lift in o highly deviated wells (>70 ) in Claymore field. Should not be used except for similar conditions.

Orkiszewski (1967)

Flow Pattern Dependent

Some Hagedorn and Brown data, field

Oil, water, gas

Conservative. Tends to over-predict pressure drop. can cause convergence problems in computing algorithm.

Ansari 1963)


Aziz et al (!972)

Beggs (1973)


Cornish (1976)

Duns (1963)


Hagedorn Brown (1965)


Table 2.D- Applicability of Pressure Loss Prediction Methods Gas And Gas Condensate Correlations For gas and gas condensate wells the following methods are frequently used: • • • •

Cullender and Smith Single phase gas with modified gravities Multi-phase flow correlations Gray correlation.




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As with oil wells, validation with field data is the only reliable method for determining the most appropriate correlation and, similarly, this is never usually available at the time that the completions are designed. If this is the case, the Gray correlation is generally recommended although the Ansari model mat prove to be even more accurate since it includes a good model for predicting pressure gradient in annular flow which is the most predominant in gas wells. Care is needed in the selection of tubing in that, even in low liquid rates, wells can quickly ‘load up’ over a few weeks if it is not correctly sized. Although any of the correlations can be used, the Gray correlation is recommended based on the work with ‘Reinicke et al’ but results should be used with caution. In gas wells, liquid loading can also be predicted using simplified methods presented with Turner et al which are independent of pressure drop calculations. These methods have been reviewed by Lea and Tighe. For wells producing high gas-water or gas-condensate ratios, it is recommended that tubing size be assessed using these methods in addition to lift curve methods and that the most conservative approach be adopted. Effect Of Deviation Angle Nowadays most wells of interest to operators are directional or deviated wells. The accuracy of pressure drop calculations in these circumstances using correlations developed for vertical is obviously extremely questionable. Flow pattern and liquid hold up is very dependent on deviation angle. For wells with o deviations up to 45 from vertical, vertical correlations perform accurately enough for wells o greater than 45 , accounting for deviation by simply using the sine in the hydrostatic component of the pressure gradient equation may not be adequate in these cases, either the Beggs and Brill correlation or a mechanistic model would be necessary. In any study, differing correlations should not be used for different deviations, as the difference between the predicted pressure drops is generally greater than the effect of the deviation itself. Effect Of Restrictions Most oil and gas wells contain some types of flow control devices in the completion which choke flow. The geometry of these restrictions varies from a simple reduced diameter axial flow path to a tortuous complex path. When a multiphase mixture flows through a restriction, the phase velocities dramatically increase. If these reach sonic velocity, critical flow occurs. For critical flow, simple empirical correlations such as the Gilbert equation are sufficiently accurate. For sub-critical flow, behaviour is very dependent on geometry and a simple Bernoulli type equation with a discharge coefficient is recommended.




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Effect Of Erosion Erosion in completions occurs when there are high velocities and if there are solids particles in the flow stream. The most common points for erosion is where there are restrictions which cause increased velocities. The API have published a method in API RP 14E, to determine the threshold velocities for erosion to occur in piping systems but the validity of this for all conditions is questionable. 2.4.5.

Flow Rate Prediction Following the establishment of both the IPR and TPC, they must be presented in the same plot from which the intersection of the lines can be used to predict the flow rate of a well at given set of stable flow conditions (Refer to figure 2.t ). Changing the system parameters like the tubing ID, reservoir pressure, GLR, etc., will effect either or both the IPR and TPC and in consequence alters the production rate. Systematically varying the system parameters allows comparison of the incremental effects on production and these can, in turn, be forecast and analysed for cost/benefit of the completion options. Continuing in this manner provides information on which decisions can be made on optimum well configuration or optimum operating conditions. This section describes this analysis.

Figure 2.T - Combining IPR and TPC Curves




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Natural Flow Point The characteristic ‘J’ shape of the TPC means there can be several possible intersections with the IPR as shown in figure 2.t through figure 2.v. The TCP, Pmin, occurs due to the gas and liquid phase velocities differ at low flow rates, i.e. slippage occurs. At low flow rates, the hydrostatic component in the total pressure drop predominates. As liquid velocities tend toward zero, the gas escapes from the well and the hydrostatic gradient approaches the static pressure of the liquid. On the other hand, as the flow rate increases, the hydrostatic component reduces due the gas lift effect while the friction component increases until the minimum is reached when the friction pressure drop exactly offsets the decrease in hydrostatic pressure drop. In figure 2.t, the IPR and TPC curves intersect well to the right of the minimum and, under these conditions, the well will flow at a stable rate defined as the natural flow point. The optimum tubing size, or GLR, will give an intersection well to the right of the pmin and out of the flat portion of the TCP curve. but without incurring excessive friction losses. If the intersection is either close to or to the left of the minimum (Refer to Figure), the well will tend to head and flow at unstable conditions due to the cyclic build up of liquid and periodic slug lifting by accumulated pressure of the trapped gas. Because of the inaccuracies of the two phase flow correlations and the difficulty in obtaining reliable data in this region, the start of unstable flow conditions is rarely known especially with large size tubing. As the usual aim is to keep to the right of Pmin, this is generally not a problem.

Figure 2.U- Combined IPR and TPC Curves Under Unstable Conditions




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If the natural flow point is in the unstable region, a smaller size tubing or artificial lift system should be considered. Using smaller tubing may result in higher frictional pressure drops and if this reduces flow rates to below uneconomic levels, a tapered tubing string may be a consideration. Where the IPR and TCP curves intersect close to, or to the left of the minimum, the flow will become increasingly unstable and wells with large size tubing will die quickly, whereas small tubing may sustain unsteady flow until the IPR and TPC curves become almost tangential. Where the curves intersect at two rates (Refer to figure 2.v), the intersection point to the left is always unstable and the well will either die or progressively produce more fluid until it reaches the stable flow point. To obtain flow at these conditions, it is necessary to kick the well off quickly.

Figure 2.V - IPR and TPC Curves with Two Apparent Intersection Points




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Artificial Lift Effects A well will not flow naturally if the IPR and TPC curves do not intersect and in this case artificial lift could be used to provide the pressure differential between the curves (Refer to figure 2.w). An artificial lift system places an injection of energy into the flow system which displaces the TPC curve downwards. In a pumping well, the displacement is dependent on the pump performance curve (i.e. pump differential versus rate) which is plotted below the well performance curves as shown in figure 2.w. This results in a combined outflow performance curve termed the pump intake curve. It is necessary when carrying out this analysis, to consider the effect of downhole gas separation on pump outflow performance. In gas lifted wells, the TPC is displaced as a result of the effect of the gas on the density, velocity and flow regime in the tubing above the operating gas lift valve. By generating an outflow performance curve for each potential system, they can be used to compare the deliverability of the various methods. From this an economic cost analysis can be produced to analyse capital and operating cost differences.

Figure 2.W- Combining Pump Performance and TCP Curves




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As shown in the example (figure 2.x below), it is apparent that gas lift will maximise the deliverability of good wells (PI = 2.5std/d/psi) provided 2 7/8ins tubing is installed, while submersible pumping gives the maximum rate from the poorer zones (PI = 0.4 to 1.0stb/d/psi) provided there is no drawdown limitation. Artificial lift is often widely used to improve flow stability and increase the production of existing producing wells, however the operating and capital costs of equipment must be justified against the incremental increase in production rate.

Figure 2.X - Artificial Lift Options for Deep Wells with 5 1/2ins Casing




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The main objective when drilling an exploration well is to test and evaluate the target formation. The normal method of investigating the reservoir is to conduct a well test. There are two types of well test methods available: •

Drill Stem Test (DST) Where Drillpipe/Tubing in combination with downhole tools is used as a short term test to evaluate the reservoir.

Production Test Many options of string design are available depending on the requirements of the test and the nature of the well.

Many designs of well testing strings are possible depending on the requirements of the test and the nature of the well and the type of flow test to be conducted but basically it consists of installing a packer tailpipe, packer and downhole test tools and a tubing or drill pipe string then introducing a low density fluid into the string in order to enable the well to flow through surface testing equipment which controls the flow rate, separates the fluids and measures the flow rates and pressures. 3.1.1.

Types of Tests Drawdown A drawdown test entails flowing the well and analysing the pressure response as the reservoir pressure is reduced below its original pressure. This is termed drawdown. It is not usual to conduct solely a drawdown test on an exploration well as it is impossible to maintain a constant production rate throughout the test period as the well must first cleanup. During a test where reservoir fluids do not flow to surface, analysis is still possible. This was the original definition of a drill stem test or DST. However, it is not normal nowadays to plan a test on this basis. Multi-Rate Drawdown A multi-rate drawdown test may be run when flow rates are unstable or there are mechanical difficulties with the surface equipment. This is usually more applicable to gas wells but can be analysed using the Odeh-Jones plot for liquids or the Thomas-Essi plot for gas. It is normal to conduct a build-up test after a drawdown test. The drawdown data should also be analysed using type curves, in conjunction with the build up test.




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Build-Up A build-up test requires the reservoir to be flowed to cause a drawdown then the well is closed in to allow the pressure to increase back to, or near to, the original pressure which is termed the pressure build-up or PBU. This is the normal type of test conducted on an oil well and can be analysed using the classic Horner Plot or superposition. From these the permeability-height product, kh, and the near wellbore skin can be analysed. On low production rate gas wells, where there is a flow rate dependant skin, a simple form of test to evaluate the rate dependant skin coefficient, D, is to conduct a second flow and PBU at a different rate to the first flow and PBU. This is the simplest form of deliverability test described below. Deliverability A deliverability test is conducted to determine the well’s Inflow Performance Relation, IPR, and in the case of gas wells the Absolute Open Flow Potential, AOFP, and the rate dependant skin coefficient, D. The AOFP is the theoretical fluid rate at which the well would produce if the reservoir sand face was reduced to atmospheric pressure. This calculated rate is only of importance in certain countries where government bodies set the maximum rate at which the well may be produced as a proportion of this flow rate. There are three types of deliverability test: • • •

Flow on Flow Test Isochronal Test The Modified Isochronal Test.

Flow-on-Flow Conducting a flow-on-flow test entails flowing the well until the flowing pressure stabilises and then repeating this at several different rates. Usually the rate is increased at each step ensuring that stabilised flow is achievable. The durations of each flow period are equal. This type of test is applicable to high rate gas well testing and is followed by a single pressure build up period. Isochronal An isochronal test consist of a similar series of flow rates as the flow-on-flow test, each rate of equal duration and separated by a pressure build-up long enough to reach the stabilised reservoir pressure. The final flow period is extended to achieve a stabilised flowing pressure for defining the IPR. Modified Isochronal The modified isochronal test is used on tight reservoirs where it takes a long time for the shut-in pressure to stabilise. The flow and shut-in periods are of the same length, except the final flow period which is extended similar to the isochronal test. The flow rate again is increased at each step.




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Reservoir Limit A reservoir limit test is an extended drawdown test which is conducted on closed reservoir systems to determine their volume. It is only applicable where there is no regional aquifer support. The well is produced at a constant rate until an observed pressure drop, linear with time, is achieved. Surface readout pressure gauges should be used in this test. It is common practice to follow the extended drawdown with a pressure build-up. The difference between the initial reservoir pressure, and the pressure to which it returns, is the depletion. The reservoir volume may be estimated directly from the depletion, also the volume of produced fluid and the effective isothermal compressibility of the system. The volume produced must be sufficient, based on the maximum reservoir size, to provide a measurable pressure difference on the pressure gauges, these must therefore be of the high accuracy electronic type gauges with negligible drift. Interference An interference test is conducted to investigate the average reservoir properties and connectivity between two or more wells. It may also be conducted on a single well to determine the vertical permeability between separate reservoir zones. A well-to-well interference test is not carried out offshore at the exploration or appraisal stage as it is more applicable to developed fields. Pulse testing, where the flowrate at one of the wells is varied in a series of steps, is sometimes used to overcome the background reservoir pressure behaviour when it is a problem. Injectivity In these tests a fluid, usually seawater offshore is injected to establish the formation’s injection potential and also its fracture pressure, which can be determined by conducting a step rate test. Very high surface injection pressures may be required in order to fracture the formation. The water can be filtered and treated with scale inhibitor, biocide and oxygen scavenger, if required. Once a well is fractured, which may also be caused by the thermal shock of the cold injection water reaching the sandface, a short term injection test will generally not provide a good measure of the long term injectivity performance. After the injectivity test, the pressure fall-off is measured. The analysis of this test is similar to a pressure build-up, but is complicated by the cold water bank.




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DST OBJECTIVE A DST is conducted to determine the productivity characteristics of one specific zone. Currently, analysis can provide good data to help evaluate the productivity of the zone, completion practices, extent of formation damage and if there is a requirement for stimulation. In many cases, actual well production rates can be accurately predicted from DST data as it shows what the well will produce against a gradually increasing back-pressure. From this a Productivity Index (PI) or Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) can be established (Refer to Section 2.4) and, if the flowing pressure gradient in the tubing can be estimated, then actual producing rates can also be determined. Testing is an expensive and high risk operation and, therefore, should only be conducted for essential data. The starting premise should be that testing is not required unless it is clearly justified. The second premise is that, if testing is warranted, it should be done in the simplest possible manner, avoiding any operations which entail higher risk, such as running wireline or coil tubing through the testing string. By adopting this position, the Petroleum Engineer should not appear to be negative but work towards obtaining essential data, which the company needs rather than that which is nice to have, in the most cost-effective manner. The test objectives must be agreed by those who will use the results and those who will conduct the test before the test programme is prepared. The Petroleum Engineer should discuss with the geologists and reservoir engineers about the information required and make them aware of the costs and risks involved with each method. They should select the easiest means of obtaining data, such as coring, if possible. Such inter-disciplinary discussions should be formalised by holding a meeting (or meetings) at which these objectives are agreed and fixed. The objectives of an exploration well test are to: • • • • • • • •

Conduct the testing in a safe and efficient manner Determine the nature of the formation fluids Measure reservoir pressure and temperature Interpret reservoir permeability-height product (kh) and skin value Obtain representative formation fluid samples for laboratory analysis Define well productivity and/or injectivity investigate formation characteristics Evaluate boundary effects.




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DST STRING The well testing objectives, test location and relevant planning will dictate which is the most suitable test string configuration to be used. Some generic test strings used for testing from various installations are shown overleaf. For more detailed information on well test strings and tooling, refer to the Company ‘Well Test Manual’. In general, well tests are performed inside a 7ins production liner, using full opening test tools with a 2.25ins ID. In larger production casing sizes the same tools will be used with a larger packer. In smaller casing sizes, smaller test tools will be required, but similarly, the tools should be full opening to allow production logging across perforated intervals. For a 5 barefoot test, conventional test tools will usually be used with a packer set inside the 9 /8ins casing. If conditions allow, the bottom of the test string should be 100ft above the top perforation to allow production logging of the interval. In the following description, tools which are required both in production tests and conventional tests are included. The list of tools is not exhaustive, and other tools may be included. However, the test string should be kept as simple as possible to reduce the risk of mechanical failure. The tools should be dressed with elastomers suitable for the operating environment, considering packer fluids, prognosed production fluids, temperature and the stimulation programme, if applicable.




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Figure 3.A- Typical Jack Up Test String With TCP Guns On Permanent Packer




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Figure 3.B - Typical Test String With TCP Guns Stabbed Through Production Packer




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Figure 3.C - Typical Jack Up Test String With Retrievable Packer




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Figure 3.D - Typical Semi-Submersible Test String - Retrievable Packer




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RESERVOIR CHARACTERISTICS Reservoir characteristics that may be estimated from DST analysis include: •

Average Effective Permeability. This may be better than core permeability since much greater volume is averaged. Also effective permeability rather than absolute permeability is obtained. Reservoir Pressure. Measured if shut-in time is adequate, or calculated if not. Wellbore Damage. Damage ratio method permits estimation of what the well should make without damage. Barriers/Permeability Changes/Fluid Contacts. These reservoir anomalies affect the slope of the pressure build-up plot. They usually require substantiating data to differentiate one from the other. Radius Of Investigation. An estimate of how far away, from the wellbore, the DST can ‘see’. Depletion. Can be detected if the reservoir is small and the test is conducted properly.

• • • • •

In summary, the DST if properly applied is an essential tool for the Completions Engineer. 3.4.1.

Pressure Build-Up Analysis Horner Equation Transient pressure analysis is based on the Horner pressure build-up equation which describes the re-pressuring of the wellbore area during the shut-in period as the formation fluids moves into the ‘pressure sink’ created by the flowing portion of the test: p ws =p i −

162.6qµB  t ′−∆t ′  log10   kh  ∆t ′ 

where: pws t’ ∆t’ pi q µ B k h

= = = = = + = = =

Measured pressure in the wellbore during the build-up, psig Flowing time, mins Shut-in time, mins Shut-in reservoir pressure, psig Rate of flow, stb/day Fluid viscosity, cp Formation volume factor, reservoir bbl/stb/day Formation permeability, md Formation thickness, ft

Eq. 3.A




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Conditions which must be assumed during the build-up period for eq. 3.a to be strictly correct are: • • • • •

Radial flow Homogenous formation Steady state conditions Infinite reservoir Single phase flow.

Most of these conditions are met on a typical DST although steady state flow is the condition which may cause most concern particularly at early shut-in time. Horner Build-Up Plot  t ′p + ∆t ′   should yield a Assuming these conditions are met, then a plot of pws versus log10   ′ ∆ t   straight line and the slope (m) of the straight line should be: m=

162.6qµB kh

Eq. 3.B

The constant m is representative of a given fluid having physical properties µB flowing at a rate q through a formation having physical properties kh. figure 3.e shows an idealised Horner Plot with the pressure chart showing very simply how t’p and formation pressure pws at varied shut-in times ∆t’ are picked from the chart and related to the Horner plot. Usually pws is determined at 5min intervals along the shut-in pressure curve. In a multi-phase flow period DST, selecting a value for t’p creates some problem mathematically, however little error is caused by assuming that t’p is the time of the flowing period immediately before the particular shut-in period. With equal flow periods on a multiple flow period DST, this is usually done. With a very short initial flow period, t’p can be assumed to be the total of the flowing times with very little error. In figure 3.e, ,the slope m of the straight line is numerically the difference between the t’p  t ′ + ∆t ′   t ′p +∆t ′   =0 and at log10  p pressure value at log10   ∆t ′ =1.0  ′ ∆ t     If the points are plotted on semi-log paper, m is the change in pressure over one log cycle. The ideal plot is where all the points align up in a straight line but is seldom found in actuality, since ‘after-flow’ or wellbore storage effects cause deviation from the straight line in the early region. As a rule of thumb, four points are the fewest to determine a straight line. An important issue is the time required to approach steady state or straight line conditions, depends on reservoir and fluid characteristics, and flow conditions. Experience has formulated some certain rules of thumb to help determine the shut-in time. One of these is that generally the shut-in pressure must reach at least 65% of the static pressure.




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Prior to type curve matching methods, no analysis of the plot was possible unless the straight line was achieved, however, sometimes reasonable estimates of formation parameters could be made.

Figure 3.E - Idealised Horner Build-Up Plot Reservoir Parameters Obtained By Build-Up Analysis Average permeability, k, can be calculated:: k=

162.6qµB mh

Eq. 3.C

Parameters, viscosity, µ, and formation volume, B, can be estimated from available correlations if the gravity of the crude oil and the gas-oil ratio are determined by measurement. Formation thickness, h, must be the net thickness of the productive zone, determined from electric log analysis. If the net thickness is not available then kh or formation capacity is determined: kh=

162.6qµB m

Eq. 3.D




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If all the parameters are unknown, transmissibility

0 kh is determined: µB

kh 162.6q = m µB

Eq. 3.E

Static reservoir pressure, pi, is obtained by extrapolating the Horner straight line to an ‘infinite’ shut-in time: At infinite shut-in time,

 t ′p + ∆t ′  t ′ + ∆t ′  = 0. = 1.0.0 , or as shown in figure 3.e, log10   ′ ∆t ′ t ∆   st


In figure 3.e, both the 1 build-up and 2 build-up plots extrapolate to the same static pressure lending confidence to the analysis. If the second build-up pressure was lower than st the 1 , them depletion may have occurred. Wellbore damage, is presented by the empirical equation for the dimensionless value, s, skin factor: k t ′p  p −p  +2.85  s=1.151 i ff −log φµcrw  m 

Eq. 3.F

However, this factor cannot be readily applied to specific formations to obtain to show the potential of the zone would be if there was no damage. This was carried on a stage further introducing the concept of damage ratio, DR, which compares the flow rate observed, q, to the theoretical flow rate without damage: DR=

qt qa

An another equation, for calculation of DR based on the skin factor relation of Hurst and van Everdingen, is: DR=

p i −p ff k t ′p

  −2.85  m log 2  φµcr w 

where: pi pff c Φ µ rw k t’p

= = = = = = = =

Shut-in reservoir pressure, psi Formation pressure at flow time T, psi (final flowing pressure) Fluid compressibility, vol/vol/psi Formation porosity, fraction Viscosity of reservoir pressure, cp Well bore radius, ins Effective permeability, md Flowing time, mins

Eq. 3.G




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Reservoir And Fluid Anomaly Indications Many times the Horner build-up equation does not hold up under actual case. If changes occur within the radius of investigation of the DST, they can be detected by a change in shape of the slope of the of the line. If it is seen that the rate of flow q remains constant, then permeability k or fluid viscosity µ are likely suspects for change as the wave of increasing pressure travels towards the wellbore. Permeability may change due to natural lensing or formation damage but it is doubtful that formation damage would affect sufficient volume of formation to be detected as a change of slope on the build-up plot. Fluid viscosities change by phase change or type of fluid. ‘Seeing’ a gas-liquid contact from an up-structure well would be difficult due to the normally short radius of investigation through a gas column. Alternatively, seeing a gas-liquid contact from a down-structure well is a much more likely possibility. A sealing barrier such as a fault or permeability pinchout can cause a change of slope m. If the barrier is a straight line as A - A’ in figure 3.f , then the build-up slope will change by a factor of 2. In summary, a change in permeability, viscosity, or existence of a barrier, can cause a change in the slope of the Horner plot, therefore the fact that a change of slope appears on the build-up plot, leaves open the question of what caused the anomaly. This must be resolved through other geologic or reservoir information.

Figure 3.F - Effect of a Fault




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The distance to the anomaly, ra, whether it be a barrier, change of permeability, or a fluid contact, can be calculated:  − 3,793r 2 a φµc   t + ∆t a =2.303ln p − E  ∆t   kt p a   

   

Eq. 3.H

where: ra Tp ∆ta -E

= = = =

Distance to anomaly, ft Flow time, hrs Shut-in time at the point of slope change, hrs Exponential integral value.

Radius Of Investigation The following equation from Van Poollen may be used to estimate the radius of investigation of any particular DST in an infinite radial flow system: ri =

Eq. 3.I

kt i 5.76×10 φµc 4

where: ri tp

= =

Radius of investigation Flow time, mins

Needless to point out, the longer the flowing time, the deeper the radius of investigation. Depletion As explained previously, if the extrapolated pressure from a second build-up is lower than the initial pressure of the first build-up, then depletion may be the cause. Obviously, a reservoir would need to be extremely small for this to occur, however there is plenty of field examples to prove that it occurs. Another reason that a recorded initial shut-in pressure may be higher than true shut-in pressure. This effect is termed supercharged which may be caused by leak off of filtrate over-pressuring the formation. This effect needs to be diagnosed to confirm supercharging.




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Reservoir Parameters - Gaseous System When conducting DSTs of gas zones, flow rate is calculated in scf/day or if in large quantities mscf/d. This involves correcting for deviation of the reservoir gas from the o perfect gas law using the gas deviation factor, Z. and the absolute temperature factor, R. For the Horner build-up plot, the square of the formation pressure, pws, during the build-up is  t ′p + ∆t ′   as shown in figure 3.g. plotted versus    ∆t ′  If the SG of the gas is known, the values of Z and µ can be found from standard testing literature.

Figure 3.G - Typical Horner Plot - Gas well Equations for permeability, estimated wellbore AOFP for a gas zone are: Permeability: k=

1637 q g Tf µZ mg h

where: Z Qg Tf mg

= = = =

Gas deviation factor Rate of flow, mscf/day o o Formation temperature, R = ( F + 460) Horner build-up slope for gas well

Eq. 3.J




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Wellbore Damage: 2 2 p −p i ff EDR = 1   m g  log t + 2.65  p  

Eq. 3.K

Absolute Open Flow Potential Using the single point back-pressure test method: AOF=

( )

qg p 2 i




Eq. 3.L


2 n i −p i

where: n is an exponent varying between 0.5 and 1.0

If n=1.0Max AOF=

qg p 2 i

Eq. 3.M

p 2 i −p 2 ff

If n=0.5Max AOF=

qg p i

Eq. 3.N

p 2 i −p 2 ff

Type Curve Methods There are several type curve methods are available for analysing early time DST data from pressure transient tests. Although these methods are generally used on longer term production tests, they can be used on DST analysis to salvage some information from a test where sufficient data not available to obtain a straight line. Ramey, McKinley and Earlougher-Kersch methods have applications with McKinley being the easiest to use but the others perhaps more accurate. It should be iterated that the Horner should be used whenever possible and type curves used to in picking correct straight line by indicating when wellbore storage effects have ended.




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Basics Of DST Operations In simple terms, a DST is carried out by running test tools in a BHA on a test string in the hole (Refer to previous Section 3.3). When the string is successfully installed and all pressure and function testing is completed, a fluid is circulated into the tubing to provide an underbalance to allow the well to flow after perforating. The downhole tester valve is opened to flow the well to clean up perforating debris and invasive fluids from the formation, the tester valve is then closed to allow the formation fluids to build-up back up to reservoir pressure which is recorded on pressure recorders or gauges. 1

After a suitable time (usually 1 /2 times the flow period), the tester valve is then reopened to conduct the planned flow and shut-in periods in accordance to the programme requirements to obtain other additional data and verification. figure 3.h shows a typical schematic of a simple single flow operational sequence.

A description of the tools used in DST test strings are outlined in the next section. Figure 3.H - DST Typical Sequence of Events 3.4.3.

Common Test Tools Description Refer to the Company ‘Well Test Manual’. Bevelled Mule Shoe If the test is being conducted in a liner the mule shoe makes it easier to enter the liner top. The bevelled mule shoe also facilities pulling wireline tools back into the test string. If testing with a permanent packer, the mule shoe allows entry into the packer bore.




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Perforated Joint/Ported Sub The perforated joint or ported sub allows wellbore fluids to enter the test string if the tubing conveyed perforating system is used. This item may also be used if wireline retrievable gauges are run below the packer. Gauge Case (Bundle Carrier) The carrier allows pressure and temperature recorders to be run below or above the packer and sense either annulus or tubing pressures and temperatures. Pipe Tester Valve A pipe tester valve is used in conjunction with a tester valve which can be run in the open position in order to allow the string to self fill as it is installed. The valve usually has a flapper type closure mechanism which opens to allow fluid bypass but closes when applying tubing pressure for testing purposes. The valve is locked open on the first application of annulus pressure which is during the first cycling of the tester valve. Retrievable Test Packer The packer isolates the interval to be tested from the fluid in the annulus. It should be set by turning to the right and includes a hydraulic hold-down mechanism to prevent the tool from being pumped up the hole under the influence of differential pressure from below the packer. Circulating Valve (Bypass Valve) This tool is run in conjunction with retrievable packers to allow fluid bypass while running in and pulling out of hole, hence reducing the risk of excessive pressure surges or swabbing. It can also be used to equalise differential pressures across packers at the end of the test. It is automatically closed when sufficient weight is set down on the packer. This valve should ideally contain a time delay on closing, to prevent pressuring up of the closed sump below the packer during packer setting. This feature is important when running tubing conveyed perforating guns which are actuated by pressure. If the valve does not have a delay on closing, a large incremental pressure, rather than the static bottom-hole pressure, should be chosen for firing the guns Safety Joint Installed above a retrievable packer, it allows the test string above this tool to be recovered in the event the packer becomes stuck in the hole. It operates by manipulating the string (usually a combination of reciprocation and rotation) to unscrew and the upper part of the string retrieved. The DST tools can then be laid out and the upper part of the safety joint run back in the hole with fishing jar to allow more powerful jarring action.




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Hydraulic Jar The jar is run to aid in freeing the packer if it becomes stuck. The jar allows an overpull to be taken on the string which is then suddenly released, delivering an impact to the stuck tools. Downhole Tester Valve The downhole tester valve provides a seal from pressure from above and below. The valve is operated by pressuring up on the annulus. The downhole test valve allows downhole shut in of the well so that after-flow effects are minimised, providing better pressure data. It also has a secondary function as a safety valve. Single Operation Reversing Sub Produced fluids may be reversed out of the test string and the well killed using this tool. It is actuated by applying a pre-set annulus pressure which shears a disc or pins allowing a mandrel to move and expose the circulating ports. Once the tool has been operated it cannot be reset, and therefore must only be used at the end of the test. This reversing sub can also be used in combination with a test valve module if a further safety valve is required. One example of this is a system where the reversing sub is combined with two ball valves to make a single shot sampler/safety valve. Multiple Operation Circulating Valve This tool enables the circulation of fluids closer to the tester valve whenever necessary as it can be opened or closed on demand and is generally used to install an underbalance fluid for brining in the well. This tool is available in either annulus or tubing pressure operated versions. The tubing operated versions require several pressure cycles before the valve is shifted into the circulating position. This enables the tubing to be pressure tested several times while running in hole. Eni-Agip’s preference is the annulus operated version. Drill Collar 3

Drill collars are required to provide a weight to set the packer. Normally two stands of 4 /4 ins drill collars (46.8 lbs/ft) should be sufficient weight on the packer, but should be regarded as the minimum. Slip Joint These allow the tubing string to expand and contract in the longitudinal axis due to changes in temperature and pressure. They are non-rotating to allow torque for setting packers or operating the safety joint.




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Crossovers Crossovers warrant special attention, they are of the utmost importance as they connect every piece of equipment in the test string which have differing threads. If crossovers have to be manufactured, they need to be tested and fully certified. In addition, they must be checked with each mating item of equipment before use. 3.4.4.

Tools Utilised With Permanent Packer Systems A permanent or permanent retrievable packer arrangement is used on a Jack-up or Land Rig test utilising a production Xmas tree. Pressure Operated Bypass Valve This allows the test string to be stabbed into the packer in an un-performed well. The tool equalises pressure between the sump and the annulus when the tester valve is closed, preventing the sump from being pressured up due to the volume of the seal assembly entering the packer. The valve is very similar to the circulating valve (bypass valve) except it is closed by annulus pressure instead of weight. If the tester valve can be run in the open position then this valve is not required. Sub-Surface Safety Valve A subsurface safety valve is often run for safety being placed at least 100 ft below the mud line. A control line is run to the valve through a conventional tubing hanger/spool arrangement. The designs can be like a modified lubricator valve or a completion type subsurface safety valve. Some versions required by other operators are installed in the string immediately below a surface test tree in the BOP stack arrangement but this does not provide safety in the ultimate catastrophic situation when there is a collision by another vessel. Tubing Hanger This will be spaced out to position the packer seal assembly into the packer and land off in the tubing hanger spool.


Sub-Sea Test Tools Used On Semi-Submersibles The sub-sea test tree (SSTT) assembly includes a fluted hanger, slick joint, and sub-sea test tree. Fluted Hanger The fluted hanger lands off and sits in the wear bushing of the wellhead and is adjustable to allow the SSTT assembly to be correctly positioned in the BOP stack so that when the SSTT is disconnected the shear rams can close above the disconnect point.




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Slick Joint (Polished Joint) The slick joint (usually 5ins OD) is installed above the fluted hanger and has a smooth (slick) outside diameter around which the BOP pipe rams can close and sustain annulus pressure for DST tool operation or, if in an emergency disconnection, contain annulus pressure. The slick joint should be positioned to allow the two bottom sets of pipe rams to be closed on it and also allow the blind rams to close above the disconnect point of the SSTT. Sub-Sea Test Tree The SSTT is a fail-safe sea floor master valve which provides two functions; the shut off of pressure in the test string and; disconnection of the landing string from the test string due to an emergency situation or for bad weather. The SSTT is constructed in two parts; the valve assembly consisting of two fail safe closed valves and; a latch assembly. The latch contains the control ports for the hydraulic actuation of the valves and the latch head. The control umbilical is connected to the top of the latch which can, under most circumstances be reconnected, regaining control without killing the well. The valves hold pressure from below, but open when a differential pressure is applied from above, allowing safe killing of the well without hydraulic control if unlatched. Lubricator Valve The lubricator valve is run one stand of tubing below the surface test tree. This valve eliminates the need to have a long lubricator to accommodate wireline tools above the surface test tree swab valve. It also acts as a safety device when, in the event of a gas escape at surface, it can prevent the full unloading of the contents in the landing string after closing of the SSTT. The lubricator valve is hydraulic operated through a second umbilical line and should be either a fail closed or; fail-in-position valve. When closed it will contain pressure from both above and below 3.4.6.

Deep Water Tools Retainer Valve The retainer valve is installed immediately above the SSTT on tests in extremely deep waters to prevent large volumes of well fluids leaking into the sea in the event of a disconnect. It is hydraulic operated and must be a fail-open or fail-in-position valve. When closed it will contain pressure from both above and below. It is usually run in conjunction with a deep water SSTT described below.




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Deep Water SSTT As exploration moves into deeper and remote Subsea locations, the use of dynamic positioning vessels require much faster SSTT unlatching than that available with the normal hydraulic system on an SSTT. The slow actuation is due to hydraulic lag time when bleeding off the control line against friction and the hydrostatic head of the control fluid. This is overcome by use of the deepwater SSTT which has an Electro-Hydraulic control system. The Hydraulic Deep Water Actuator is a fast response controller for the deepwater SSTT and retainer valve. This system uses hydraulic power from accumulators on the tree controlled electrically from surface (MUX). The fluid is vented into the annulus or an atmospheric tank to reduce the lag time and reducing closure time to seconds. If a programme required deepwater test tools, the tool operating procedures would be included in the test programme. 3.4.7.

Downhole Pressure Recording The complete sequence of events are recorded by bottom-hole pressure gauges and some flow data may also be recorded on surface read-out systems. The gauges record the events from initial running of the test string to well kill and retrieval procedures although, with the modern type gauges, they may be programmed to ‘sleep’ while the string is being installed as it wastes memory. However, with the large memory electronic gauges on the market today, this is not necessary as they have sufficient memory to record at fast intervals throughout even long term tests without running out of memory. The problem then is to dump or ignore data points which are not relevant to data gathering. Other gauges, termed ‘smart’ gauges can be programmed to collect data at moderate time intervals until they detect a quick pressure change, such as opening or shutting in the well, when they change to very short time intervals where this facility is required.




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WELL PRODUCTION TEST OBJECTIVES The main objective of well production varies from simple determination of the amount and type of fluids produced to sophisticated transient pressure determinations of reservoir parameters and hetrogenities. In short, well tests are tools which can be used to help establish the condition of production or injection wells. Engineers need to make themselves familiar with the various test procedures and know their advantages and limitations in order for them to fully utilise them to optimise the design of completions. Well production tests may be classified as follows: • • •

Periodic Productivity or Deliverability Transient Pressure.

Descriptions of some of these tests are described earlier in this section. Periodic production tests have the purpose of determining the relative quantities of oil, gas and water produced under normal producing conditions. They serve as an aid in well and reservoir operation and meeting legal and regulatory requirements. Productivity or deliverability tests are usually performed on initial completion, or recompletion, to determine the capability of the well under various degrees of pressure drawdown. Results may set production allowables, aid in selections of well completion methods and design of artificial lift systems and production facilities. Transient pressure tests require a higher degree of sophistication and are used to determine formation damage or stimulation related to an individual well, or reservoir parameters such as permeability, pressure, volume and hetrogenities. 3.5.1.

Periodic Tests Production tests are carried out routinely to physically measure oil, gas and water produced by individual wells under normal producing conditions. From the well and reservoir viewpoint, they provide periodic physical well conditions where unexpected changes such as extraneous water or gas production may highlight well or reservoir problems. Abnormal production declines may also indicate artificial lift problems, sand build-up, scale build-up in perforations, etc. On oil wells, results are reported as oil production rate, gas-oil ratio and water oil ratio as a percentage of water in the total liquid stream. Accuracy in measurement, with careful recording of the conditions is essential. Choke size, tubing pressures, casing pressure, details of artificial lift system operation and all other effects on the well producing capability should be recorded. Potential production problems should be recognised in order that they can be properly handled such as emulsions, security of power fluid or gas lift gas supply, etc. It is important that the well is produced at its normal conditions as flow rate will vary the relative quantities of oil, gas and water. On gas wells, routine are less common as each well normally has individual measuring capability. Gas production is reported as well as condensate and water. Similar to oil wells, the wells must be produced at the normal rates.




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Productivity Or Deliverability Tests This test is different from the periodic test in that the liquid flow performance can be determined empirically using measured flow rates at varying bottom-hole pressure drawdowns and they do not rely on mathematical descriptions of the flow process. With a limited number of measurements, they permit prediction of what a well could produce at other pressure drawdowns. This is then used to predict the PI (Refer to Section 2.4.1) and are successfully applied to non-Darcy conditions. They do not permit calculation of formation permeability or the degree of abnormal flow restrictions (formation damage) near the wellbore. They do, however include the effects of formation damage, therefore can be used as an indicator of well flow conditions or a basis for simple comparison of completion effectiveness among wells in a particular reservoir. Commonly used deliverability tests for oil wells may be classified as: • • • •

Productivity Index Inflow Performance Flow-After-Flow Isochronal.

These tests are described in Section 2.4.1 or in Section 3.4.1 above. Gas well deliverability tests are designed to establish AOFP. Termed multi-point backpressure tests, they can be classified as: • •

Flow-After-Flow Isochronal.

These tests are described in Section 2.4.1 or in Section 3.4.1 above. 3.5.3.

Transient Tests Radial Flow Characteristics Flow from reservoirs are characterised as transient, pseudo-steady state or steady state flow, depending on whether the pressure response initiated by opening the well had reached the drainage area boundary and on the type of boundary. Transient flow occurs when the well is initially opened or has a significant rate change, and is a result of the pressure disturbance moving out towards the outer boundary of the drainage area. During this the production conditions at the wellbore change rapidly and the BHPF, pwf, decreases exponentially with time. Most DSTs and many production tests are conducted under transient flow conditions and consequently the observed productivity will often appear greater than that seen in long term production. This means that corrections need to made to compensate for transient flow behaviour as well as for skin effects.




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When the flow reaches the outer boundary, flow becomes steady state or pseudo- steady state. If the boundary is a constant pressure boundary, then PR will not alter with time and is termed steady state. However if it is a no-flow boundary, then PR will decline purely as a result of depletion and the flow is then termed pseudo-steady state. When the BHFP appears to be constant or declining slowly proportionally with time, the well is stabilised and pseudo-steady state flow equations can be used to predict the long term deliverability of a well. Transient pressure tests are classified as: • • • • •

Pressure Build-up Pressure Drawdown Multiple Rate Injectivity or Fall-off Multiple Well Interference.

Each type presents certain advantages and limitations and factors which are important for reasonable results. Transient pressure testing and calculation procedures for oil wells are particularly well covered in SPE Monograph No. 5 - Advances in Well Test Analysis. Pressure Build-Up Tests Pressure build-up tests are described earlier in Section 3.4.1 - DST tests. Pressure Drawdown Testing Pressure drawdown tests have advantages over pressure build-up tests, production continues as the test is being carried out, and an estimate can be made of the reservoir volume in communication with the wellbore. Therefore, the ‘Reservoir Limit Test’ can be used to estimate if there is sufficient hydrocarbons in place to justify additional wells in a new reservoir. Multiple Rate Testing Pressure build-up or drawdown tests require a constant flow rate which is sometimes difficult to achieve over a long period of time. Multiple rate analysis can be applied to several flow situations, e.g. uncontrolled variable rates, a series of constant rates or constant bottom-hole pressure with continually changing flow rate. Multiple rate tests have the advantage of providing transient test data without the need for well shut-in. They minimise wellbore storage effects and phase segregation effects so provide good results where build-up or drawdown tests would not. Accurate flow rate and pressure measurement is essential and more critical than on buildup or drawdown tests. The rate changes must be significant enough to effect the transient pressure behaviour. The analysis procedure is direct and simple but computations are more troublesome and are often conducted by computer software.




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Injection Well Tests Injection well transient testing is basically simple provide the mobility of the injected fluids is similar to the in-situ fluids. The injectivity parallels the drawdown test and a pressure fall-off test parallels the build-up test. Calculation of reservoir characteristics is similar. A stepped rate injectivity test can be carried out to estimate fracture pressure in an injection well which is useful in tertiary flood applications to avoid accidental injection of expensive fluid into uncontrolled fractures. Interference Tests (multiple well testing) In interference testing, a long duration rate change in one well creates a pressure change in an observation well that is related to reservoir characteristics. A pulse test is an interference test that provides data by changing production rate in a cyclic manner to produce short term pressure pulses which are measured in the observation well(s). The responses may be very small, therefore, accurate pressure monitoring devices are required. Using computers the data can be analysed to give a description of the variation in reservoir properties according to location. Vertical pulse testing may indicate vertical formation continuity. Orientation and length of vertical fractures may be estimated through pulse testing and reservoir simulation techniques.




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DRILLING CONSIDERATIONS These are primarily the responsibility of drilling engineering, however the production department provide the design parameters to the drilling engineers.


CASING DESIGN Refer to the Drilling Design and Casing Design Manuals for all casing design policies and criteria. These manuals provide the policies and design procedures for both exploration and development wells.


Casing Profile The surface and intermediate casings are designed to provide well control and borehole stability during the drilling operation. The production casing is the string, or combination of strings, through which the well will be completed and controlled throughout its life. The production casing and its cement isolates the producing intervals to facilitate reservoir control, anchor the completion equipment and act as a safety barrier to the uncontrolled emission of hydrocarbons. The production casing is usually: • •

A full string of pipe cemented at TD. A drilled through casing and liner.

In highly productive wells, e.g. offshore, the production casing size may be swedged to accommodate larger tubing and completion equipment (i.e. TRSSV’s with control line) near surface or a hot string of isolated pipe. This larger tubing reduces friction losses. The size of the production casing is primarily dictated to accommodate the optimum size of completion tubing and equipment, and/or artificial lift systems. However, as is obvious in deep high pressure wells, there is a limit to the size of production casing which can be provided. In low rate and deep land wells, production casing sizes are typically 7ins or 1 3 5 5 /2ins. In high rate and offshore wells, 10 /4ins, 9 /8ins and 7ins are the common sizes (Refer to the Casing Design Manual). The decision whether to run a liner or not primarily lies with the drilling engineer however the impact of the completion needs to thoroughly considered. If there were a choice, the completions engineer would always prefer the largest casing possible to provide the flexibility in well interventions, workovers and re-completions with artificial lift, etc. However today, the popularity of the mono-bore completion, where a large size tubing mates to a similar size liner utilising a PBR or similar type system, it is a completion design parameter. This is a design which provides the greatest flexibility to live well intervention operations as the completion is full bore allowing regular tools to be run and used in the sump area eliminating the use of through-tubing devices. This gives live well interventions much more scope to conduct stimulation, plugging back, straddle packing-off gassed out zones, etc. which may have required a workover in previous times. figure 4.a shows these various casing profile options.




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Figure 4.A - Casing Schemes and Terminology 4.1.2.

Casing Specifications Design criteria and casing specifications are fully described in the ‘Casing Design Manual’. Specifically with regard to metallurgy, it is Eni-Agip’s policy to use standard service production casing where there is a casing tubing annulus as the tubing is designed for the well environment and isolates the production casing. However, production casing or liner below the production packer or liner hanger PBR system, will have similar specification to the tubing in order to combat corrosion from produced fluids. The crossover between the two different materials must be selected in order that there is no localised erosion. Casing exposed to H2S will have a specification in accordance to NACE MR01-75. Casing above the packer is exposed to the completion or packer fluid which must be chemically dosed to prevent any corrosion although, in general, only a biocide and possibly corrosion inhibitor needs to be added.




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Casing Connections Where an annulus is to be used as a production conduit for gas production, injection or gas lift supply, a premium thread connection should be used to reduce the risk of leakage especially if the pressure is above circa 1,250psi. This is due to the poor performance of the API Buttress Thread. Some operators specify premium connections if the wellhead pressure is to be above 5,000psi. The main problem in casing design of producing wells over exploration wells is the increased temperature. Usually production casing is held in tension but this may not be adequate enough in high temperature and thermal wells to prevent buckling. An overpull is often required especially if the casing is not cemented into the previous shoe.


WELL DEVIATION SURVEYS A well directional survey must be carried out to ensure the tolerances for well deviation and doglegs have not been exceeded as the installation of the completion is sensitive to angle and getting fairly large diameter tubing through casing doglegs as well as placing extreme bending loads on the tubing. Refer to the ‘Directional Control and Surveying Procedures Manual’ and the ‘Casing Design Manual’. Any anomalies found in the deviation survey needs to be communicated to the completion engineer to ensure that all potential problems are analysed and will not impede the completion of the well. Although the drilling of highly deviated and horizontal wells is now commonplace it should o be noted that in wells above 70 deviation, there are problems with logging, cementing, gravel packing and the completion process as wireline cannot be used above this limit. Completion tools or equipment operated by different methods must be adopted. To help overcome these problems, many operators drill ‘S’ shaped profiles with drop off through the pay zone for critical wells, however this does not satisfy all situations. The method of drilling horizontal wells also needs to be considered by the drilling engineer as the turning radius will be dependant upon the completion method employed. For instance, the turning radius for an open hole or liner may be short but a long radius is required for gravel packing or installation of pre-packed screens.




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CASING CEMENTING CONSIDERATIONS The primary function of the cement around the production casing is to isolate individual formations to provide selectivity, prevent movement of formation fluids along the well path for reservoir control, and to isolate higher weaker formations from well pressures. The cement also acts to support and protect the casing from buckling, eccentric loading, excessive movement due to pressure or temperature and external corrosion.


Production Casing Cementing The minimum cement column height requirements will depend upon local regulations, operating conditions, temperatures, formation properties, fluid properties and pressures. The cement column should extend well past (circa 500m) above the highest pay zone but also cover aquifers or any other potential producing zones. A minimum lap of 100m is normal. Many operators prefer to cement up inside the previous casing shoe to provide even greater support and protection, however this is not possible in high rate offshore wells where temperature increase in the casing/tubing annulus on the trapped fluids causes pressure which cannot be bled off at surface, therefore is allowed to bleed off at the casing shoe. Thermal wells are normally cemented to surface to avoid this problem. A cement job which does not successfully flush out the drilling fluid in front of the cement and, if there is poor bonding between the outside of the pipe and the cement, and bonding between the cement and the formation, channelling and micro-annuli may be formed which are paths through which the formation fluids can flow. This problem can be alleviated by thorough planning, using a good fluids programme and adopting good operating procedures. The main problems associated with primary cementing are: • • • • • • •

Channelling of the cement and bypassing of mud due to pipe eccentricity and poor fluid rheology. Failure to cement washouts. Poor formation bonding due to lack of mud cake removal. Poor cement procedure leading to gas entry or cross flow. o Cement strength loss due to high temperatures (10,000





9 9 9

9 9 9

8 8 9

9 9 9





9 9

8 9

8 8

9 9





9 9

8 9

8 8

9 9

H2S Service Wells Sealing WP, psi 5,000 10,000 Gas Injectors Sealing WP, psi 5,000 10,000




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Water Injectors Sealing WP, psi 5,000 10,000





9 9

8 9

8 8

9 9

Artificial Lift Wells (both onshore and offshore wells) Sealing WP, psi 5,000 10,000





9 9

8(1) 9

8 8

9 9

(1) If H2S is present it will be a YES. 5.5.

FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS Built into the conceptual stage, a design life for the completion will have been established. During this process future well servicing and maintenance will also have been planned. This will have included identification of the potential reasons for well interventions or workover servicing. This will have an impact of the completion architecture and establish a philosophy. The well location and type of development has a large impact on the techniques available and cost of well servicing and maintenance optimising the completion design around the potential problems and remedial techniques is a balancing act between effectiveness and cost. As an example of this is horizontal completions selected to maximise initial well productivity, where the stand-off from the water or gas zones increases the risk of producing early unwanted fluids. In this case to the stand-off can be increased but there is a penalty in lower initial production rates. Another example is on offshore subsea fields, due to the high cost of subsea well re-entrys, well servicing should be minimised as they require a floating vessel from which to deploy the re-entry system. This means well life should be planned for the life of the field or as long as feasible (typically 7-10 years) although some unplanned problems may occur. Alternately, on an easily accessible land wells where servicing and workover methods are relatively much less costly, servicing can be conducted almost on demand. This may lend to the selection of a wireline retrievable type safety valve rather than a tubing retrievable type as in the event of failure, the valve can be replaced cheaply without requiring a workover. Well servicing or workover techniques also have an impact on the well area with regard to height and lateral space, and may be problematic on platforms where space, height and weight are at a premium.




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Stimulation If future stimulation operations are required such as fracturing, the effects of the pressures causing additional stresses on the tubing and packer need to be input and catered for in the tubing design process (Refer to Section 7). If the costs of upgrading the well tubulars to resist these stresses are prohibitive, e.g. the surface pressure would demand a higher pressure rated Xmas tree than required for production only, then straddles are sometimes utilised to keep pressure off the SCSSV and Xmas tree. It could also increase the tubing movement and alter the choice of tubing movement device and spacing out. If acid stimulations are planned, the effects on the completion materials needs to be considered or alternatively to use coiled tubing for spotting of the acid before pumping to the formation.


Formation Management As the fluid interfaces move through time and unwanted fluids are produced, or as producing zones become depleted and require isolating before brining on other zones, cement squeezes and reperforating techniques are required. Also, producing zones are sometimes damaged by scale build up or movement of fines, etc. and need reperforating. If the well has been planned for these operations then the completion may have been designed to accomplish these operations without pulling of the tubing in a workover operation. A single string sequential completion may be employed where existing perforations can be isolated simply by installation of a bridge plug on wireline but often the perforations require to be squeezed off with cement (Refer to Section 5.2.4). This can be conducted by coiled tubing or snubbing services without killing the well. The next production zone can then be perforated using through tubing perforating techniques (Refer to Section 9). If a multi-zone single string selective completion design has been installed then producing zones can be closed off or opened up by wireline techniques and hence, are more flexible but have higher initial capital cost. Excessive water or gas production due to fingering which requires continuing production from lower zones can be isolated by cement squeezing or if using a monobore type completion by installing a straddle across the interval on wireline or coiled tubing methods. If multi-zone multi-string completions are installed then the individual zones can simply be closed off by shutting in the well at surface or, if there are more than one zone to a string, by opening and closing isolation sleeves. Where this problem has not been planned into the completion design a complete workover to re-complete may be required.




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Well Servicing Techniques Well servicing includes live well intervention services or major workovers to pull the tubing. Live well interventions can be conducted by: • • • •

Wireline (electric line or slickline). Coiled Tubing. Snubbing. Pumps.

Snubbing cannot be deployed from any floating installation. A specialist subsea wireline technique has been developed for subsea well interventions without using the riser re-entry system which is much quicker and less costly. Workovers can be conducted by: • • •

Workovers rigs Drilling rigs Hydraulic workover units.

Hydraulic workover cannot be deployed from any floating installation. Slickline Is probably the most widely used well servicing method and is used for: • • • • • • • • • •

Mechanical well clean out (tubing and sump) Installation and retrieval of flow controls (plugs, chokes, standing valves, gas lift valves, etc.) Tubing control (drifting) Calipering Swabbing BHP pressure and temperature monitoring Electronic memory logging Opening and closing of circulation devices Perforating Fishing.

Braided Line Braided line is used for: • •

Heavy duty wireline work (installing large heavy flow controls). Fishing (when slickline has been unsuccessful, fishing electric line).




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Electric Line Electric line is used for: • • • • • •

Logging (PLT, etc. Calipering Real time BHP surveys Perforating Packer setting Installing bridge plugs.

Coiled Tubing Coiled tubing (C/T) is used for: • • • • • • • • •

Stimulation (acidising) Cementing Cleaning out tubing and sump Gas lifting Logging (stiff wireline) Installing flow controls (wireline type tools) Milling Drilling (underbalance side tracking, multi-laterals) Fishing (generally when wireline has been unsuccessful).

Snubbing Snubbing is used for: • • • • • • •

Stimulation (acidising) Cementing Cleaning out tubing and sump Gas lifting Installing flow controls (wireline type tools) Milling Drilling (underbalance side tracking, multi-laterals).

Snubbing has found a revival with platform horizontal wells where it is used to work in long horizontal sections where C/T may not be capable.




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OPTIMISING TUBING SIZE The optimum tubing size is selected to obtain the desired offtake rates at the lowest capital and operating costs. This usually means at the maximum initial flow rate and maintaining it as long as possible, however, depending on the inflow capability (Refer to Section 2.4), it may be possible to accelerate offtake by the early installation of artificial lift. Whatever the case, the selection process inevitably involves analysis of the gross fluid deliverability and flow stability under changing reservoir conditions to confirm that the production forecast can be met and to determine when artificial lift or compression is required. A fixed flow rate, as tubing size increases, fluid velocities decrease and reduces the frictional effects. The net result should be higher production rates only if the IPR/TPC intercept remains to the right of the TPC minimum. If the PI was infinite, one increase in API tubing size would double the maximum theoretical capacity. 1

The example well #1 in figure 5.j shows that the 4 /2” tubing size should be selected to ensure the offtake exceeds the target of 8,000 to 9,000stb/d and perhaps even larger tubing could be investigated. However, at low rates, the reduced fluid velocities experienced in larger tubing increase the hydrostatic head because of slippage. This shifts the TPC minimum to a higher rate and, therefore widening the flat uncertain portion around the minimum. If the IPR curve intersects the TPCs in the region near the minimum, the optimum tubing size will be a compromise maximising flow rate and having steady producing 1 conditions. For example, using the IPR for well 2, the maximum flow rate is obtained with /2” 7 tubing but only a slight reduction in flow rate is seen if the 2 /8” tubing is selected which gives steadier and regular flow. It is generally recommended to select a tubing size such that the flowing pressure, Pwf, is greater than 1.05 of pressure minimum, pmin to ensure stability. As previously mentioned, the changing conditions over the life of the well must be considered when selecting tubing size. These changes are normally declining reservoir pressure and increasing water cut which will reduce flow rates. This trend is downwards towards cessation of flow and ,obviously the tubing selected for the start of production will not be the optimum size after some period of time. The choice at that time will be to reduce wellhead pressure, replace the tubing with a smaller size or to implement artificial lift which will have associated costs. The optimum size of tubing is clearly the size which will be most cost effective over a number of years, typically 5-8 years. Where high costs workovers are involved such as on subsea wells, the selection may be for an even longer period of time, incurring early loss of potential production. The following sub-sections describes the various factors and there effect on TPC.




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Figure 5.J - Example Tubing Sizes on Well Deliverability

Figure 5.K- Effect of Reservoir Pressure on TPC




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Reservoir Pressure As reservoir pressure declines over time, it collapses towards the origin, as illustrated in figure 5.k, leading to decreasing natural flow rates. Unstable flow conditions and eventually cessation will occur unless some other change in the system is made. In reservoirs where significant reductions in reservoir pressure are anticipated, the effect on productivity must be considered during the completion design stage to find the most cost effective method of maximising productivity, e.g. where workover costs are high to complete with smaller size tubing to ensure stability through the economic life of the well.


Flowing Wellhead Pressure Any flowing wellhead pressure is actually back-pressure transmitted downhole to the bottom-hole flowing pressure, therefore reducing the potential drawdown. Also high wellhead pressures reduces the amount of free gas and compresses the remaining free gas, both which increase hydrostatic head. All of these reduce the natural flow rate of the well. The larger tubing sizes are more sensitive to changes in flowing wellhead pressure as the density factor dominates more than in smaller tubing. Again this means that smaller tuning may need to be selected instead of the ideal larger tubing to cater for anticipated changes in wellhead pressure. Changes in wellhead pressure can be attributed to slugging in the flowline, wells being produced or closed in which use the same flowline, facility malfunctions, build-up of wax, etc. This clearly shows how important the assumed wellhead pressure accuracy is in the well deliverability forecast and economics.


Gas-Liquid Ratio Increasing gas-liquid ratios cause a decrease in hydrostatic head and increase in frictional pressure drop which in the early stages may actually result in increased flow rates. However, above a critical point there will be a net increase in the overall pressure drop, hence flow rates. In these circumstances the frictional effects near surface become very dominant and can be alleviated by the use of a tapered tubing string. figure 5.l shows the effect of increasing GLR.




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Figure 5.L - Effect of Increasing GLR 5.6.4.

Artificial Lift The intention of installing artificial lift is to reduce the hydrostatic head and, therefore, bottom-hole pressure. This effectively shifts the TPC downwards bringing the intersection point further towards stable flowing conditions. An example of rates which can be obtained by different artificial lift methods is illustrated in figure 5.m. Refer to section 10 for the applications and comparisons of the various methods of artificial lift.




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Figure 5.M - Examples of Artificial Lift Performance




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CORROSION A production well design should attempt to contain produced corrosive fluids within tubing. They should not be produced through the casing/tubing annulus. However, it is accepted that tubing leaks and pressured annuli are a fact of life and as such, production casing strings are considered to be subject to corrosive environments when designing casing for a well where hydrogen sulphide (H2S) or carbon dioxide (CO2) laden reservoir fluids can be expected. During the drilling phase, if there is any likelihood of a sour corrosive influx occurring, consideration should be given to setting a sour service casing string before drilling into the reservoir. The BOP stack and wellhead components must also be suitable for sour service.


DEVELOPMENT WELLS Casing corrosion considerations for development wells can be confined to the production casing only. •

Internal corrosion The well should be designed to contain any corrosive fluids (produced or injected) within the tubing string by using premium connections. Any part of the production casing that is likely to be exposed to the corrosive environment, during routine completion/workover operations or in the event of a tubing or wellhead leak, should be designed to withstand such an environment.

External corrosion

Where the likelihood of external corrosion due to electrochemical activity is high and the consequences of such corrosion are serious, the production casing should be cathodically protected (either cathodically or by selecting a casing grade suitable for the expected corrosion environment). 6.2.

CONTRIBUTING FACTORS TO CORROSION Most corrosion problems which occur in oilfield production operations are due to the presence of water. Whether it may be present in large amounts or in extremely small quantities, it is necessary to the corrosion process. In the presence of water, corrosion is an electrolytic process where electrical current flows during the corrosion process. To have a flow of current, there must be a generating or voltage source in a completed electrical circuit.




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The existence, if any, of the following conditions alone, or in any combination may be a contributing factor to the initiation and perpetuation of corrosion: •

Oxygen (O2) Oxygen dissolved in water drastically increases its corrosivity potential. It can cause severe corrosion at very low concentrations of less than 1.0ppm. The solubility of oxygen in water is a function of pressure, temperature and chloride content. Oxygen is less soluble in salt water than in fresh water. Oxygen usually causes pitting in steels.

Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) Hydrogen sulphide is very soluble in water and when dissolved behaves as a weak acid and usually causes pitting. Attack due to the presence of dissolved hydrogen sulphide is referred to as ‘sour’ corrosion. The combination of H2S and CO2 is more aggressive than H2S alone and is frequently found in oilfield environments. Other serious problems which may result from H2S corrosion are hydrogen blistering and sulphide stress cracking. It should be pointed out that H2S also can be generated by introduced microorganisms.

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) When carbon dioxide dissolves in water, it forms carbonic acid, decreases the pH of the water and increase its corrosivity. It is not as corrosive as oxygen, but usually also results in pitting. The important factors governing the solubility of carbon dioxide are pressure, temperature and composition of the water. Pressure increases the solubility to lower the pH, temperature decreases the solubility to raise the pH. Corrosion primarily caused by dissolved carbon dioxide is commonly called ‘sweet’ corrosion. Using the partial pressure of carbon dioxide as a yardstick to predict corrosion, the following relationships have been found: Partial pressure >30psi usually indicates high corrosion risk. Partial pressure 3-30psi may indicates high corrosion risk. Partial pressure 80 ), the risk of corrosion by H2S is higher since the water, even if in very small quantities, deposits on the surface of the tubulars and so the problem can be likened to the gas well case where the critical threshold for the water cut drops to 1% (WC 0.0035 atm and SBHP >4.5 atm. Oil Bearing Well The problem of SSC exists when there is wetting water; i.e.: Water cut >15% for vertical wells o Water cut >1% for horizontal or highly deviated wells (>80 ) 3 3 or if the GOR >800 Nm /m The pH2S calculation is different for undersaturated and oversaturated oil. Undersaturated Oil In an oil in which the gas remains dissolved, because the wellhead and bottom-hole pressures are higher than the bubble point pressure (Pb) at reservoir temperature, is termed undersaturated. In this case the pH2S is calculated in two ways: • •

Basic method. Material balance method.

If the quantity of H2S in gas at the bubble point pressure [mole fraction = Y(H2S)], is not known or the values obtained are not reliable, the pH2S is calculated using both methods and the higher of the two results is taken as the a reliable value. Otherwise the basic method is used.




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Basic Method This method is used, without comparison with the other method, when the H2S value in the separated gas at bubble point conditions is known and is reliable or if Y(H2S), molar fraction in the separated gas at bubble point pressure (Pb) is higher than 2%. The pH2S is calculated by: pH2S = Pb x Y(H2S)/100

Eq. 6.B

where: Pb = Y(H2S) = pH2S


Bubble point pressure at reservoir temperature [atm] Mole fraction in the separated gas at bubble point (from PVT data if extrapolated) Partial H2S pressure [atm]

Material Balance Method This method is used when data from production testing is available and/or when the quantity of H2S is very small (0.0035 atm and STHP >18.63 atm. Procedure For Calculating Henry Constant The value of the Henry constant is a function of the temperature measured at the separator. The mapping method can be applied for temperatures at the separator of between 20°C and 200°C. Given the diagram in figure 6.a which represents the functions H(t) for the three types of oils: •

Heptane PM


N-propyl benzene PM

= 120

Methylnaphthalene PM





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Remarks On The H1 Calculation Having calculated the molecular weight of the produced oil PM using the formula in eq. 6.d, the reference curve is chosen (given by points) to calculate the Henry constant on the basis of the following value thresholds: •

If PM > 142, the H(t) curve of methylnaphthalene is used.

If PM > 120, the H(t) curve of propyl benzene is used.

If PM > 100, the H(t) curve of heptane is used.

If 100 < PM < 120, the mean value is calculated using the H(t) curve of propyl benzene and the H(t) curve of methylnaphthalene.

• •

If 120 < PM < 142 the mean value is calculated using the H(t) curve of heptane and the H(t) curve of propyl benzene. Given FTHT, wellhead flowing temperature, the H1 value is interpolated linearly on the chosen curve(s). For this purpose the temperature values immediately before and after the temperature studied are taken into consideration.

Comments On The H2 Calculation Having calculated the molecular weight of the reservoir oil PM res, using temperature measured at the separator, H2 is measured in a similar way as H1.




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Henry atm/Y[H2S]






methylnaphthalene PM = 142 80

N-propylbenzene PM = 120 heptane PM = 100






20 20








100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200

T C°

Figure 6.A - H(t) Reference Curves Oversaturated Oil Oil is considered oversaturated when the gas in the fluid separates because the pressure of the system is lower than the bubble point pressure. Two situations can arise: Case A FTHP < Pb FBHP > Pb Case B FTHP < Pb FBHP < Pb




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Calculation Of Partial Pressure In Case A: 1)

Calculation is of the partial pressure in the reservoir: In this case pH2S is calculated in the way described for undersaturated oil.


Calculation is of the partial pressure at the wellhead, i.e. when FTHP 0.0035 atm and STHP >18.63 atm. Calculation Of Partial Pressure In Case B: Calculation of partial pressure in the reservoir: In the reservoir the gas is already separated, FBHP 0.2%, the partial pressure is calculated as: pH2S = Y(H2S) x FBHP 1 where: Y(H2S) =

Molar fraction in gas separated at FBHP and at reservoir temperature (from PVT)

The PVTs are not reliable, the material balance method can be used as in the case of undersaturated oil; these are the worst conditions. The error made can be high when Pb > FBHP.

Calculation Of Partial Pressure At Wellhead The calculation method is that used for case A (FTHP 0.2 atm. Oil Bearing Wells The problem exists where there is wetting water; i.e.: • •

Water cut >15% for vertical wells. Water cut >1% for horizontal or highly deviated wells (> 80 degrees).

Undersaturated Oil Wells The partial pressure of CO2 is calculated: pCO2 = Pb x Y(CO2)/100 where: Pb = Y(CO2) = pCO2


Bubble point pressure at reservoir temperature Mole fraction of CO2 in separated gas at bubble point pressure (from the PVTs) Partial pressure of CO2 [atm]

Corrosion occurs if pCO2 >0.2 atm. The pCO2 values calculated in this way are used to evaluate the corrosion at bottom hole and wellhead; i.e. pCO2 at wellhead is assumed as corresponding to reservoir conditions.




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Oversaturated Oil The oil is considered oversaturated when the gas separates in the fluid because the pressure of the system is lower than bubble point pressure. Two situations may arise: Case A FTHP Pb Case B FTHP 0.2 atm. Calculation Of pCO2 At Wellhead: pCO2 = STHP x Y(CO2)/100 where: Y(CO2) = STHP =

Mole fraction in separated gas at STHP3 Static tubing head pressure [atm]

Corrosion occurs if pCO2 >0.2 atm.


If the percentage (ppm) of CO2 in the gas under static conditions is not known, the corresponding value in reservoir conditions is assumed as being partial pressure at the wellhead




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Calculation Of Partial Pressure In Case B: Calculation of pCO2 at reservoir conditions: pCO2 = FBHP x Y(CO2)/100 where: Y(CO2)


Mole fraction in separated gas at pressure FBHP (from the PVTs)

Calculation Of pCO2 At Wellhead: The calculation method is the same as the one used in the wellhead conditions in case A: pCO2 = STHP x Y(CO2)/100 where: Y(CO2) =

Mole fraction in separated gas at STHP4

There is corrosion if pCO2 >0.2 atm. 6.3.3.

Corrosion Caused By H2S, CO2 And Cl-

It is possible to encounter H2S and CO2 besides Cl . In this case the problem is much more complex and the choice of suitable material is more delicate. The phenomenon is diagnosed by calculating the partial pressures of H2S and CO2 and comparing them with the respective thresholds.


If the percentage (ppm) of CO2 in the gas under flowing/static conditions is not known, the corresponding value in reservoir conditions is assumed as being partial pressure at the wellhead.




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CORROSION CONTROL MEASURES Corrosion control measures may involve the use of one or more of the following: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Cathodic protection Chemical inhibition Chemical control Oxygen scavengers Chemical sulphide scavengers pH adjustment Deposit control Coatings Non metallic materials or metallurgical Control Stress reduction Elimination of sharp bends Elimination of shock loads and vibration Improved handling procedures Corrosion allowances in design Improved welding procedures Organisation of repair operations.

Refer to table 6.a below. Measure


Control of the environment

• • • • • • • • •

Surface treatment

• Plastic coating • Plating

pH Temperature Pressure Chloride concentration CO2 concentration 2 H S concentration 2 H O concentration Flow rate Inhibitors

Improvement of the corrosion resistivity of the Addition of steel structure



Table 6.A - Counter Measures to Prevent Corrosion






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CORROSION INHIBITORS An inhibitor is a substance which retards or slows down a chemical reaction. Thus, a corrosion inhibitor is a substance which, when added to an environment, decreases the rate of attack by the environmental on a metal. Corrosion inhibitors are commonly added in small amounts to acids, cooling waters, steam or other environments, either continuously or intermittently to prevent serious corrosion. There are many techniques used to apply corrosion inhibitors in oil and gas wells: • • • • • •


Batch treatment (tubing displacement, standard batch, extended batch) Continuous treatment Squeeze treatment Atomised inhibitor squeeze - weighted liquids Capsules Sticks.

CORROSION RESISTANCE OF STAINLESS STEELS Stainless steel is usually used in applications for production tubing, however it is occasionally used for production casing or tubing below the packer depth. The main reason for the development of stainless steel is its resistance to corrosion. To be classed as a stainless steel, an iron alloy usually must contain at least 12% chromium in volume. The corrosion resistance of stainless steels is due to the ability of the chromium to passivate the surface of the alloy. Stainless steels may be divided into four distinct classes on the basis of their chemical content, metallurgical structure and mechanical properties these are:


Martensitic Stainless Steels The martensitic stainless steels contain chromium as their principal alloying element. The most common types contain around 12% chromium, although some chromium content may be as high as 18%. The carbon content ranges from 0.08% to 1.10% and other elements such as nickel, columbium, molybdenum, selenium, silicon, and sulphur are added in small amounts for other properties in some grades. The most important characteristic that distinguishes these steels from other grades is their response to heat treatment. The martensitic stainless steels are hardened by the same heat treatment procedures used to harden carbon and alloy steels. The martensitic stainless steels are included in the ‘400’ series of stainless steels. The most commonly used of the martensitic stainless steels is AISI Type 410. The only grade of oilfield tubular used in this category is 13Cr. As their name indicates, the microstructure of these steels is martensitic. Stainless steels are strongly magnetic whatever the heat treatment condition.




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Ferritic Stainless Steels The second class of stainless steels, is the ferritic stainless steels, which are similar to the martensitic stainless steels in that they have chromium as the principal alloying element. The chromium contents of ferritic stainless steels is normally higher than that of the martensitic, stainless steel, and the carbon content is generally lower. The chromium content ranges between 13% to 27% but are not able to be hardened by heat treatment. They are used principally for their temperature properties. Ferritic stainless steels are also part of the ‘400’ series, the principal types being 405, 430, and 436. The microstructure of the ferritic stainless steels consists of ferrite, which are also strongly magnetic. Ferrite is simply body cantered cubic iron or an alloy based on this structure.


Austenitic Stainless Steels The austenitic stainless steels have two principal alloying elements, chromium and nickel. Their micro-structure consists essentially of austenite which is face cantered cubic iron or an iron alloy based on this structure. They contain a minimum of 18% chromium and 8% nickel, with other elements added for particular reasons, and may range up to as high as 25% chromium and 20% nickel. Austenitic stainless steels generally have the highest corrosion resistance of any of the stainless steels, but their strength is lower than martensitic and ferritic stainless steels. They are not able to be hardened by heat treatment although they are hardenable to some extent by cold working and are generally non-magnetic. Austenitic stainless steels are grouped in the ‘300’ series, the most common being 304. Others commonly used are 303 free machining, 316 high Cr and Ni which may include Mo, and 347 stabilised for welding and corrosion resistance. These steels are widely used in the oilfield for fittings and control lines, but due to its low strength is not used for well tubulars.


Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steels The most recent development in stainless steel is a general class known as ‘precipitation hardened stainless steels’, which contain various amounts of chromium and nickel. They combine the high strength of the martensitic stainless steels with the good corrosion resistance properties of the austenitic stainless steels. Most were developed as proprietary alloys, and there is a wide variety of compositions available. The distinguishing characteristic of the precipitation hardened stainless steel is that through specific heat treatments at relatively low temperatures, the steels can be hardened to varying strength levels. Most can be formed and machined before the final heat treatment and the finished product being hardened. Precipitation in alloys is analogous to precipitation as rain or snow. These are most commonly used for component parts in downhole and surface tools and not as oilfield tubulars. Refer to figure 6.b for the various compositions of stainless steels.




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Figure 6.B- Stainless Steel Compositions




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Duplex Stainless Steel In general, ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steel consists of between 40-70% ferrite and has a typical composition of 22% Cr-5.5% Ni-3% Mo-0.14% N. The resulting steel has properties that are normally found in both phases: the ferrite promotes increased yield strength and resistance to chloride and hydrogen sulphide corrosion cracking; while the austenite phase improves workability and weldability. This material is used extensively for tubulars used in severe CO2 and H2S conditions. As a general note, there is a large gap between the 13Cr and Duplex Stainless Steels used as tubulars for their good anti-corrosion properties. This gap is attempted to be filled with ‘Super 13Cr’ tubing being developed.




CO2 Corrosion In producing wells, the presence of CO2 may lead to corrosion on those parts coming in contact with CO2 which normally means the production tubing and part of the production casing below the packer. Corrosion may be limited by: • •


The selection of high alloy chromium steels, resistant to corrosion. Inhibitor injection, if using carbon steel casing. Generally, wells producing CO2 partial pressure higher than 20psi requires inhibition to limit corrosion.

H2S Corrosion In wells, where there is H2S, consideration should be given to limit casing and wellhead yield strength according to API 5CT and ‘NACE’ standard MR-01-75. Casing and tubing material will be selected according to the amount of H2S and other corrosive media present. Refer to figure 6.c and figure 6.d for partial pressure limits.




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Figure 6.C - Sour Gas Systems

Figure 6.D - Sour Multiphase Systems




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MATERIAL SELECTION The choice of material is based on the application of engineering diagrams supplied by manufacturers of tubing and, hence the use of the modified SMI has been adopted, refer to figure 6.e and figure 6.f. The choice of materials proposed is conservatively as recent develop materials such as 13%Cr and Super Duplex class have not been considered because experiments on these materials are not completed. In the partial pressures of H2S and CO2 are below the critical thresholds established in the previous section, all materials in class C-steel/L-A-steel can be used, otherwise the following combinations of conditions may exist: • • • •

Solely H2S in oil wells Solely H2S in gas or gas condensate wells Solely CO2 and Cl Both H2S and CO2.

The tables regarding the choice of materials are shown below. These give the rules used by Eni-Agip sectioned on the basis of the conditions as listed above and the use in the well. Materials are sub-divided into three categories, OCTG, DHE materials and wellhead materials.




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OCTG Specifications Refer to table 6.b below. OCTG Materials For Corrosion By H2S Only In Oil Wells Conditions o

0.0035< pH2S max < 0.1 0.0035< pH2S max < 0.1 0.0035< pH2S max < 0.1 pH2S max < 0.1

FBHT >80 C o o 60 C< FBHT >80 C o FBHT >80 C



J55, K55, N80, C95, P110 J55, K55, N80 L80 L80 Mod, C90-1, T95-1

L80-Mod, C90-1, T95-1 L80-Mod, C90-1, T95-1 L80-Mod, C90-1, T95-1

OCTG Materials For Corrosion By H2S Only In Gas Wells Conditions o

0.0035< pH2S max < 0.1 0.0035< pH2S max < 0.1

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