English Unlimited Elementary Wordlist English

May 2, 2017 | Author: edgarbg04 | Category: N/A
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EU-Elementary Wordlist-en...


Elementary English





Intro Unit

.org a a a bit a little a lot about about abroad abroad absolutely accident accommodation accountant accounting ache across action film address address address book

http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ I need a car. Take one tablet three times a day. I speak a bit of French. I speak a little Arabic. There are a lot of pots and pans in the cupboard. Family Law is about the difficult relationship between a father and son. I first met Ed when he was about sixteen. Are you going abroad this summer? Moving abroad can be a difficult experience. That sounds absolutely fantastic. a car accident rented accommodation She trained as an accountant. a job in accountancy I've got stomach ache. I was walking across the road. He likes action films, like the Bond films. an email/web address What's your address? I was just looking him up in my address book.

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admire adventurous advice after again age ago agree air airline airport all all right allergic alone always always am ambitious America American an and animated film ankle anniversary answer any anything anyway apartment apologise appearance apple appointment

I admire him for being so determined. I'm going to be more adventurous with my cooking. There's a book giving advice on how to set up your own club. After school, I did a French degree at Liverpool University. Sorry, can you say that again? People of all ages were there. six months ago I agree with you. air pollution Austria's national airline Heathrow airport That's all for now. How about going out for dinner? "All right." Are you allergic to anything? She wants to live alone. I always walk to work. I've always wanted to go to Egypt. I am a student. an ambitious young lawyer He's from America. an American accent an apple tea and coffee They've made an animated film of the book. He broke his ankle playing football. a wedding anniversary I asked when she was leaving but she didn't answer. Do you have any street maps? Are you doing anything now? Anyway, as I said, I'll be away next week. She rents an apartment in the city centre. She apologised for losing the contract. She's very concerned with her appearance. He ate an apple. I've made an appointment with the dentist.

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Arab Arabic architect architecture are Argentina arm armchair art artistic arts Asia ask ask at at at at the moment at the weekend at weekends ATM aubergine aunt Austria available away back back backache backwards bad bad for you badly paid bag baggage collection

Arab countries Do you speak Arabic? He worked as an architect. modern architecture We are from Hong Kong. She comes from Argentina. She held the tiny baby in her arms. He sat back in his armchair. fine/modern art Both of our children are artistic. an arts degree East Asia includes China, Japan and Korea. I asked him about his hobbies. Who do employees ask for help with problems? at 7.00 at a lecture; at school good at meeting new people She's not here at the moment. He's going to a football match at the weekend. They usually go windsurfing at weekends. I got some money out of the ATM. roasted aubergines We were visiting my aunt and uncle. He was born in Austria. This information is available free on the Internet. It's five minutes away. He was lying on his back. What day does she plan to come back? She suffers from backache. Try writing backwards, or writing with your other hand. bad weather Too much salt is bad for you. Cleaners are generally very badly paid. a paper bag I was still waiting for my luggage at baggage collection.

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bakery balcony bald banana bank bare bat bath bathroom be in the middle ofmiddle beach bean bear beard beautiful beautiful beauty spot because bed bedclothes bedroom beef been before believe belt berry best best best wishes better better better bicycle big

There's a very good bakery on the corner. There's a wonderful view from the balcony. John started to go bald at an early age. He peeled the banana. I must remember to go to the bank on my way home. bare feet A bat swooped by. She's in the bath. May I use your bathroom? Sorry, but I'm in the middle of dinner. We walked along the beach. soya beans a brown bear He's grown a beard. a beautiful woman beautiful music She had a beauty spot on her cheek. I like them because they're very sweet. What time did you go to bed last night? I've changed the bedclothes. Lily's in her bedroom. roast beef My parents have never been to the USA. a week before Christmas She says she's only thirty but I don't believe it. She fastened her belt. berries, such as strawberries and raspberries He's the best of the new players. She's one of our best students. Best wishes, Pete He got a better job in the States. I feel much better. I'd like to get to know him better. The government thinks about bicycles first and cars second. Buying that car was a big mistake.

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big bike lane bilingual bin biology birthday biscuit black block blue boarding boarding pass boat body bone book book bookcase bookshop boot boring boss both both bottle bow brain Brazilian bread break break breakfast bridge bring broccoli

I come from a big family. I was cycling in the bike lane. a bilingual dictionary I threw it in the bin. human biology a birthday party I bought a packet of biscuits. a black jacket a block of flats a dark blue jacket Boarding is at 3.45 from gate 20. Can I see your passport and boarding pass, please? a fishing/sailing boat the human body He broke a bone in his hand. a book by Milan Kundera Can you call the restaurant to book a table? We need another bookcase in the office. There are several bookshops in town. a pair of boots a boring job She was my boss. Both her parents are dead. Do you prefer tea, or coffee? "I like both." I always have a bottle of water on my desk. The actors all bowed after the performance. brain damage Brazilian music a slice of bread I'm tired - I'm going to have a short break. We've booked a weekend break in Paris. Have you had breakfast? Brooklyn Bridge Did you bring an umbrella with you? steamed broccoli

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brother brown builder bus stop business business administration business trip busy but butter buy café cake call call camera camping campsite can can Canadian canal cancel can't capital capital car carbohydrate careful carrot carry cash machine castle casual cat

an older brother dark brown hair We have builders in, doing some work on our house. I saw her waiting at the bus stop. We do a lot of business with China. a Masters degree in Business Administration I'm planning a business trip to Paris in February. Mum was busy in the kitchen. I'd drive you there, but I haven't got my car. bread and butter I went to the shop to buy some milk. We had lunch in a café near here. a chocolate cake Can you call the restaurant to book a table? Please call me Maite. Did you bring your camera? They go camping a lot. We stayed on a really good campsite near the beach. Can I use your old rucksack? Can you drive? a Canadian singer the Panama canal Can you call Denise and cancel our meeting? I can't drive. Use capital letters for nationalities and languages. What is the capital of Poland? Where did you park the car? These are all carbohydrate-based meals. Be careful, Michael - that knife's sharp. grated carrot Are you carrying anything for anybody else? Is there a cash machine near here? Let’s visit the castle. I wear casual clothes to work. They have a cat and a rabbit.

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catch catering cave CD CD-ROM ceiling celebrate central heating centre chair change change change chat cheap check check-in cheese chef chemistry cherry chew chicken child child children China Chinese chip chocolate cigarette cinema city city wall class

Catch the number 42 bus. Who did the catering for the party? an underground cave She has a very big collection of CDs. Cambridge dictionaries are available on CD-ROM. The ceilings are very low in these old houses. We went out to celebrate Richard's promotion. Rent includes central heating. in the city centre a table and chairs I think change is good for you. Three small things that changed the world You need to change coaches once. Have you got time for a chat? a cheap flight to check the spelling of a word a check-in counter/desk Would you like a piece of cheese? He works as a chef in a London restaurant. She studied chemistry at university. We were eating cherries. You don't chew your food properly. roast chicken an eight-year-old child Their children have all left home and started families of their own. How many children do you have in your class? She's from China. Chinese students fish and chips a bar of chocolate a packet of cigarettes Shall we go to the cinema tonight? the city of Boston Parts of the city wall are still standing. We were in the same class.

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classmate clean client close close close clothes coach coat coffee coin cold cold colleague college collocation come come with comedy comfortable comment complain computer computer shop concert conference confident consonant continue conversation cook cook cooker corn

You could ask your classmates to help you. clean hands They're a very good client of ours. Lie down and close your eyes. We're very close. What time do the shops close? She was wearing her sister's clothes. a coach trip a winter coat Do you want a cup of coffee? a pound coin It's really cold here! I've got a cold. He's a colleague but I don't know him very well. a teacher-training college In the phrase 'a hard frost', 'hard' is a collocation of 'frost', and 'strong' would not sound natural. Do you want to come to my place for dinner? Does it come with anything? The film is described as a romantic comedy. a comfortable sofa You get a lot of comments, like 'Where's the other wheel?' Lots of people have complained about the noise. We've put all our records on computer. Is there a computer shop near here? a pop concert the annual sales conference He's fairly confident that he'll win. He has difficulty pronouncing some of the consonants. It continued to snow heavily for three days. a telephone conversation the school cook Who's cooking this evening? an electric cooker fields of corn

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corner cost costume Could you …? count country couple courgette course course couscous cousin crack cream create creative crowded Cuba cup cupboard curtain customer customs cutlery dad dance dance dangerous dark dark daughter day day day return Dear …,

There's a table in the corner of my bedroom. It cost $3,995. actors in costume Could you bring my winter coat? Can you count from 1 to 100 in English? in the country There are a couple of shops near here. fried courgettes a three-course dinner She did a ten-week computer course. We ate a lot of couscous on holiday. My aunt came to visit with two of my cousins. There was this really big crack in the ceiling. strawberries and cream Gaudi created one of the best-known and most unusual parks in Europe Her book is full of creative ways to decorate your home. a crowded train She's from Cuba. a cup of coffee The plates are in that cupboard. She drew the curtains to let the light in. I was serving a customer at the time. He was stopped going through customs. a cutlery drawer My dad has curly brown hair. Fiona is interested in dance. I love dancing. It's dangerous to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. A short, dark woman with glasses arrived. dark blue/green I have a daughter and two sons. Not a good day at the office. the days of the week a day return to Norwich Dear Erkan,

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decide decision degree delayed dentist departure describe desert design design desk destination dictionary did die diet different different difficult digital camera dining room dinner direct directions dirty discussion dishwasher dissertation do do doctor documentary dollar dolphin done

She's decided to take the job. It can be difficult to make decisions. He's doing a Master's degree in business administration. The flight was delayed. I've got an appointment at the dentist's (=where the dentist works) tomorrow. the departure of flight BA117 I tried to describe what I had seen. the Sahara Desert fashion design He designs and makes clothes. I usually sit at my desk to write. Spain is a very popular holiday destination. Use your dictionaries to look up any words you don't understand. What did you do last night? He died in 1994. They're good for you if you're on a diet. different parts of the world Jo's very different from her sister, isn't she? That job was really difficult. That was my first digital camera. Could you take these plates through to the dining room? We have dinner around 7:00. Is it direct? We stopped to ask for directions. dirty clothes/dishes They were having a discussion about football. I was just loading the dishwasher. She's writing a dissertation on American poetry. Do you like coffee? I spend 45 minutes in the gym doing weight training. He was our family doctor. a TV documentary about climate change These jeans were fifty dollars. We saw a dolphin out at sea. Did you get your essay done in time?

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don't door dose down downstairs drama drawer dress drink drive driver driving licence DVD each other ear earache early east easy eat economics education effectively egg Egypt elbow electronic else email email employee empty end energy engineer

I don't like bad news. Please shut the door behind you. What is the recommended dose? I go down some steps and into a quiet, riverside park. She went downstairs to see who was at the door. a historical drama I put the letter away in a drawer. She was wearing a simple red dress. We always go for a drink. She's learning to drive. a bus/train driver Do you have a driving licence? Is this film available on DVD? We don't see each other a lot. She whispered something in his ear. I've got earache. I usually go to bed early. I live in the east of the city. The exam was easy. Who ate all the cake? She studied economics at university. More money should be spent on education. Can you tell me how to work at home more effectively? a boiled/fried egg We went to Egypt for our holidays. I banged my elbow on the edge of the table. All electronic equipment is tested for safety. Would you like anything else? He sent me an email today. What's your email address? How many employees does the firm have? an empty house I get my salary at the end of the month. Looking after children takes up a lot of time and energy. a mechanical engineer

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engineering English English enjoy enough enough entertain entrance escalator especially essay Europe evening class ever every everything exactly example exchange exciting Excuse me exercise exhibition exit expensive extra eye face factory family famous fantastic far farm fashion

She wants to study engineering. Do you speak English? He found the English a little cold and reserved. I enjoy taking photos of people. Get enough exercise That's not enough. We hired a clown to entertain the children. I'll meet you at the main entrance. We took the escalator down to the basement. I especially miss my dog. He wrote an essay on modern Japanese literature. She's never been outside of Europe. He does evening classes in German. Have you ever seen the Taj Mahal? It's well paid and it's different every day. Is that everything? I don't know exactly. It's useful to see an example of a word in a sentence. Let's exchange business cards. an exciting football match Excuse me, have you got a moment? It's good exercise. There's a new exhibition of sculpture on at the city gallery. a fire exit expensive jewellery Where are the extra bedclothes? Sara has black hair and brown eyes. She's got a long, thin face. a textile factory I'm from a big family. a famous actress He looks fantastic in that suit. Is it far? a sheep farm Long hair is back in fashion.

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fashionable fast father father-in-law favourite feel feel well feet female field film find find find find out fine fine finger first first first fish fish fit five-star flat flatmate flight floor floor fly food foot football for

fashionable clothes fast cars Steve's father was from Poland. My father-in-law died recently. What's your favourite colour? You shouldn't feel embarrassed. I'm not feeling well. He has very large feet. a female butterfly a field of corn a cowboy film I came home to find that the kitchen window had been smashed. I still find exams very stressful. The office wan't very easy to find. to find out what a word means Fine with me. We're fine. She has long, slim fingers. I first went swimming six years ago. Ken was the first person to arrive. the first floor Did you catch any fish? Happiness is going fishing on a boat with my friends. Using the stairs keeps you fit. a five-star hotel I live in a flat on my own. My flatmates arranged a party for me. Did you have a good flight? a wooden floor the second/third floor Do you like flying? baby/dog food bare feet a football match/team He often comes here for work.

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for for for for life forest forget form fountain free free free time French fresh fridge friend friendly -friendly frightened from from from ... to ... fruit full full full-time fun funny funny furnished furniture further furthest garden garlic clove gate

I was a cook in a restaurant for a few months. P for Peter. She cooks dinner for us at the weekend. It wasn't a job for life. pine forest Don’t forget to pick up Mario. What forms of transport do most people use where you live? There are some beautiful fountains in the park. Are you free on Saturday evening? I tried to sleep on some free seats. In my free time I like to read and go running. I speak French. Fresh air is good for you. There's plenty of milk in the fridge. Sarah's my best friend (=the friend I like most). He's very friendly. a bicycle-friendly city I've always been frightened of going to the dentist. I'm from Austria. It's five minutes from the kids' school. The museum is open from Monday to Saturday. dried/fresh fruit a sky full of stars My suitcase is full. I have a full-time job. I had lots of fun. It's funny because I'm 30 and she's 20 but our mum says we're like twins. Vikram's … creative, and sometimes very funny. a fully furnished apartment antique furniture Let's walk a bit further down the road. What is the furthest distance you can run? the front/back garden How many cloves of garlic go in this sauce? Boarding is at 3.45 from gate 20.

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geography German get get get get get get divorced get in touch get married get off get on get together get up gift gift gift shop give glass glasses go go go going to good good good good good good for you government graded reader grammar grandfather grandmother

I used to love geography at school. She has a German boyfriend. Can we talk when I get home? Did you get some U.S dollars for me? How many emails do you get a day? Try this if you get stomach ache Where's the best place to get a good cup of coffee? They got divorced in 2009. We get in touch maybe twice a year. They're getting married next month, Get off at East Broadway Station. I get on with my sister really well. Let's get together again soon. What time did you get up this morning? a birthday/wedding gift She has a gift for design. There's a very nice gift shop in the museum. Can you tell him to give it to her? a glass of apple juice a pair of glasses I'd love to go to America. Let's go for a walk. Where do you go shopping? I'm going to stay in China for another few years. a good book; It's good to meet you Anna is a good cook. Oh good, he's arrived at last. She's a good friend. The food at this restaurant is very good. Carrots are good for you. The Government has cut taxes. They publish graded readers for English students. My grandfather was Russian. My grandmother lived with my mother's family.

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great green greeting ground floor group grow up guest guide gum gun gym had hair hairstyle hamburger hand hand luggage happen happiness happy hard-working have have have have have have a baby have got head headache headphones heads health healthy healthy

It's a great job, really. She's got green eyes. We exchanged greetings. They have a flat on the ground floor She was with a group of friends. She grew up in Italy. We've got some guests coming this weekend. Look at this restaurant guide. Would you like a stick of chewing gum? Someone fired a gun into the crowd. Nick goes to the gym three times a week. We've never had a TV at home. a girl with long, fair hair Do you like my new hairstyle? a hamburger and fries good for people who like working with their hands Do you have any hand luggage? Accidents can happen to anyone. At last she had found happiness. She looked really happy. He's always been hard-working and conscientious. Do you have a big family? have a shower I've never been to Canada. We have a nice living room. What time did you have breakfast? They had a baby last year. She's got a green Toyota. He fell and hit his head on the table. I've got a bad headache. a pair of headphones Heads or tails? Her health is very poor. a healthy diet Maria is a normal healthy child.

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hear heard of heart heavy heavy heavy heel Hello Hello help help her her herb here Here you are. Hi high heels high in hill his history history hobby home town honey hope hope horror film hospital hot hotel hour house house-sit

It's good to hear from you. Have you heard of Petra in Jordan? My heart was beating fast. heavy bags heavy traffic How heavy are you? I have a blister on my heel. Hello, Christina, how are you? Hello, this is Alex. Do you need any help? The right colour helps you to be be more creative. That's her house on the corner. Where's Kath - have you seen her? They sell a good range of herbs and spices. Sorry, he isn't here at the moment. Have you got the paper? "Here you are." Hi! How are you? She was in high heels. a diet that is high in carbohydrates They climbed up the hill to get a better view. Phillip is sitting over there with his daughter. a history book American history Do you have any hobbies? My home town is Cairo. I like honey on my toast. I hope you're well. What are your hopes and plans for the future? He's a big fan of horror films. He was in hospital for two weeks. a hot summer's day We're staying three nights in the hotel. It's a six-hour flight. We went to my aunt's house for dinner. Do you ever house-sit for friends or family?

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how How about …? How are you? How far … ? How long … ? How many …? How much? hug humanities Hungarian hungry hurt husband I idea idea if if I'll have… I'm afraid … I'm sorry image immediately important improve in in in in the end in the morning in the morning included independent Indian information

How do you spell that? How about six thirty? How are you? How far is it? How long was the First World War? How many times a week do they travel? Sorry, how much? They hugged and kissed each other. I'm studying humanities at Berlin University. He married a Hungarian woman. I'm hungry. What's for dinner? My eyes really hurt. My husband is away at the moment. I've bought some chocolate. That's a good idea. This makes new connections in your brain and can help you get new ideas. If you get stomach ache, try this remedy. There are some extra towels in the wardrobe if you need them. I'll have the fish, thanks. I'm afraid I'm not interested. No, I'm sorry. I can't. They want to improve the public image of the police. The room is available immediately. My family is very important to me. Scott's behaviour has improved a lot lately. Can you do these things in English? My birthday is in October. We were neighbours in Melbourne. We thought we might go abroad for Christmas, but in the end we stayed at home. I listen to the radio in the morning. I'll pack my bags in the morning. Is heating included in the rent? She's a very independent four-year-old. The class includes six Indians. Do you have any information about local schools?

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inhale intelligent interested in interesting international internet into invention inventor invitation invite Ireland is island it IT it it Italian its jacket Japan Japanese jewel jewellery job journalism journalist journey juice junk food just just keep key

People who had inhaled the fumes were taken to hospital. She is a highly intelligent young woman. Melek is interested in music. an interesting person an international team of scientists Check out this music website on the Internet. Get into bed! A lot of great inventions have come from America. a famous inventor I've had an invitation to Celia's party. They've invited us to the wedding. She's from Ireland. It is quite easy. the Hawaiian Islands Have you seen my bag? "It's in the hall." He's an IT technician. It's cold here. It's OK to talk about politics with friends. Italian food The house has its own swimming pool. a leather jacket Yuko is in Japan, visiting her family. Japanese design a crown studded with jewels She has a lot of valuable jewellery. She got a job as a cleaner. He wants a job in journalism. She's a journalist on a national paper. a train journey apple juice You eat too much junk food. I just hate shopping. Just this bag. Using the stairs keeps you fit. I've lost my car keys.

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kilometre kind kiss kitchen kiwi fruit km knee know know lake lamb lamp land language laptop large last last last last late later laugh law lawyer leader learn learning leave leg lemon lentil lesson let let's

It's about fifty kilometres from the sea. What kind of food do you like? He kissed her cheek. He's in the kitchen, making dinner. Kiwi contain a lot of vitamin C. It's 800 km away. a knee injury I don't know. We know each other very well. Lake Ladoga roasted lamb I have a lamp next to my bed. The plane landed at nine o'clock. How many languages do you speak? He works on his laptop on the train. a large number of people last thing at night Last time I went to Browne's last week The last born child is often quite creative. I'm sorry I'm late. Can I call you later? You never laugh at my jokes. You're breaking the law. Have you contacted your lawyer? a religious leader I learned a lot about computers. language learning I leave the office at about seven o'clock. My legs are tired after so much walking. lemon juice She uses a lot of lentils in her cooking. I am taking guitar lessons. Please let me know if you can come. Let's go out tonight.

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lettuce lexis library lie down lift light light light like like like line literature live live living room local long long long look look after look for lot lots love love lovely lovely low in low-carb lunch lunchtime magazine make

lettuce leaves lexis and grammar a library book Lie down and close your eyes. Shall we use the stairs or take the lift? My bag is very light. Natural light makes you feel happier. traffic lights But sometimes I do extra work, like writing reviews. I like boat trips. She's 26, like me. Which metro line do you live on? classical literature I live in Malta. There's a bar near here that does live music on Friday evenings. I was in the living room, watching TV. She goes to the local school. a long film How long was the First World War? long hair Unicycles are safer than they look. I look after my home. I'm looking for the new book by Paulo Coelho. There are a lot of plates in here. There are lots of interesting shops near here. He loves his music. I'm sure he loves his kids. a lovely dress We had a lovely day together. These are special potatoes that are very low in carbohydrates. a low-carb diet Shall we have lunch? See you at lunchtime. a fashion magazine Money doesn't make you happy.

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make make (new) friends make-up male Malta management manager mango many map market marketing marriage married match mathematics maybe me meal mean meaning meat media medicine medicine medium meet meet meeting melon memory menu message method metre

So, you make clothes, yeah? He's shy and finds it difficult to make friends. She's wearing white make-up a male colleague He flies back to Malta on Thursday evenings. management skills an office manager slices of mango I've read so many books about them. a road map a flower market a career in marketing/sales and marketing It was a very happy marriage. a married couple a tennis match a professor of mathematics Maybe about 13 hours a day. She gave me some money. a three-course meal Do you mean …? The word 'squash' has several meanings. I don't eat meat. The issue has been much discussed in the media. cough medicine He studied medicine at Bristol University. He's medium height. His assistant will meet you at the airport. Nice to meet you. I have a meeting at six. a slice of melon I have a good memory for names. a dinner menu Can I take a message? What's the best method of solving this problem? Our bedroom is five metres wide.

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metro Mexico microwave midnight milk minute miss miss Miss mixed mobile mobile phone moment money monolingual month more more most mother mother-in-law motorbike motorway mountain moustache mouth move Mr Mrs Ms much much mum muscle museum

the Paris metro She's travelling around Mexico. I cook rice in the microwave. We didn't get home till midnight. a carton of milk It'll take you thirty minutes to get to the airport. He missed the plane to Dublin. I miss my friends. Miss Olivia Allenby a mixed salad I called him from my mobile. She was speaking on her mobile phone. Excuse me, have you got a moment? How much money have you got? monolingual dictionaries Next month will be very busy. Flying is more expensive than taking the train. Is there any more soup? Which are the most important for you? My mother and father are divorced. My mother-in-law is coming to stay. He rides a motorbike. I hate motorway driving. to climb a mountain He's grown a moustache. She opened her mouth but no words came out. They moved into a new house last year. Good morning, Mr Smith. Hello, Mrs. Jones. Ms Holly Fox How much lettuce would you like? not much free time Can we go now, Mum? stomach muscles a museum of modern art

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mushroom music music musician my name nationality natural near near neck necklace need neighbour neither nephew never new new New Year news newsagent newspaper next next next to nice niece night no no No problem. No, thanks. noisy noodles

How many mushrooms do you want? I never learnt to read music (=understand written music). pop/dance music a jazz musician My name's Claudia. What's your name? What nationality is she? natural gas near the mountains Where's the nearest rickshaw stop? She had a red scarf around her neck. a pearl necklace I need six tomatoes. Our next-door neighbours are always arguing. Were you on the river or the mountain? "Neither. We were on a plane." It was my nephew's birthday. Have you ever been to Australia? "No, never." Are you good with new technology? The new job is hard work. Happy New Year! I'm just watching the news. There's a newsagent's on the corner. I read about his death in the newspaper. next year What time does the next coach leave? Our new place in Malta is next to the sea. They have a very nice house. My niece is 16 on Saturday. at night No, I'm not. There's no computer in the flat. Can you get me to the airport by 11.30? "No problem." Would you like a cup of coffee? "No, thanks." We've had problems with noisy neighbours. The soup comes with noodles in it.

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normal north northern nose not not enough now number number nurse nut occupation of of of of of of course off offer office often Oh no! oil OK OK OK old old olive on on on on on

It's normal for couples to argue now and then. in the north of Argentina northern Europe She has a big nose. I'm not his sister. That's not enough. Can you talk now? What's the number of his house? What's your phone number? She worked as a nurse for forty years. a brazil nut You have to give your occupation on the application form. a bottle of water A friend of mine went to live there. a kilo of apples the centre of town, the north of Poland the fourteenth of February Yes, of course. You should take a day off. an offer of help an office worker I often see her there. Oh no! It's gone all over the carpet! vegetable oil I'm OK. Let's meet this afternoon. "OK." The film was OK. an old man Have you got my old rucksack? black/green olives on March 25th on television, on the internet on the bus on the second floor The village is on the Chorillos river.

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once onion online only child open open return orange order organise other our out of outgoing over there own pack packet pain pair palace pale paracetamol parent park part-time party passport passport control past past pasta pastry pay pea pen

once a week I love the smell of onions frying. When was the first time Sang-mi bought music online? She was a much-loved only child. Do you know when it's open? How much does an open return ticket cost? orange juice What can she order? Who is going to organise the party? One of the other shop assistants was a student too. Alice is our youngest daughter. I go out of my front door and across Southend Street. Anne is very outgoing, but her sister's quite shy. Yes, they're over there. Does the room have its own bathroom and kitchen? Did you pack your bag yourself? a packet of cigarettes I've got a pain in my back. I'm looking for a pair of black shoes. Buckingham Palace You're looking a bit pale - are you all right? I took two paracetamol for my headache. Her parents live in Oxford. It's difficult to park in the centre. I'm doing a part-time course in catering. a birthday party a British passport We've got to go through passport control. In the past people would bathe once a month. What's the past of 'eat'? Spaghetti is my favourite pasta. coffee and pastries Helen paid for the tickets. rice and peas Could I borrow your pen?

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people pepper pepper person personal personality personally pet petrol petrol station pharmacist pharmacy phone call phone number pick up picnic picture picture pigeon pineapple place plan plan plan plant plate plum plumber police officer Polish polite politics popular postcode potato

Our company employs over 400 people. red peppers salt and pepper You're the only person I know here. Please take all personal belongings with you when you leave the train. She's got a lovely warm personality. Personally, I think Michael Grose is right. my pet rabbit Could you put some petrol in the car? I'll stop off at the petrol station on the way home from work. I'll ask the pharmacist for advice. Could you get some plasters from the pharmacy, please? I've got to make a phone call. I don't remember his phone number. pick up Mario from football We're going to have a picnic down by the lake. She's got pictures of pop stars all over her bedroom. The house was very different from how I'd pictured it. He was feeding the pigeons. chopped pineapple His leg's broken in two places. a street plan We're just planning our holidays. What are your plans for the weekend? How often does the big plant need water? a dinner plate She was eating a plum. We had a plumber round to fix the tap. A police officer happened to be walking by. My granny is Polish. She was too polite to point out my mistake. He has little interest in politics. 'Jack' was the most popular boy's name. What's your postcode? boiled potatoes

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pots and pans practice practise prawn prefer present present price private probably problem professor programme project pronunciation public holiday public transport purple question quick quiet quiet rabbit radio rat read reading really really Really? receptionist red relationship relative relax

That cupboard there is where all the pots and pans go. football practice They're practising for tomorrow's concert. a prawn sandwich I prefer dogs to cats. present occupation present simple high/low prices You can't park here - this is private property. Probably about five hours a week. I've got a problem with my knee. a professor of history at Oxford a cinema programme He's working on two projects. There are two different pronunciations of this word. Christmas day is a public holiday in the UK. How much time do you spend on public transport? a purple jacket Is it OK if I ask you a few questions? I tried to catch him but he was too quick for me. Can you be quiet, please? We're trying to work. I fancy a quiet night in tonight. She keeps rabbits. a car radio Rats carry disease. I've never read a Harry Potter book. I did a lot of reading on holiday. I really miss the sun. My mobile takes really good photos. Apparently, he's leaving. "Really?" a hotel receptionist a red shirt He has a very good relationship with his older sister. a party for friends and relatives I find it difficult to relax.

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relaxed religion remedy remember rent rent repeat reply report request request restaurant rice ride right river road romantic room round rucksack rug ruin Russian sachet safe sales rep salesperson salmon salt sand sandwich say say school

She seemed relaxed and in control of the situation. the Christian religion a flu remedy I can't remember his name. Is heating included in the rent? We're renting a flat in Madrid. So, just to repeat, … I don't understand, she replied. Dean is working on a report. His doctor made an urgent request for a copy of the report. We have requested two more computers. an Italian restaurant boiled rice He rides a motorbike. The right colour improves your mood. the River Thames Be careful when you cross the road. a romantic film a hotel room Round watermelons are difficult to keep in fridges. He had a rucksack on his back. The dog was lying on the rug in front of the fire. Thousand of tourists wander around these ancient ruins every year. a Russian restaurant sachets of sugar and coffee powder a safe driver Their sales rep came and gave us a presentation on the product. A salesperson almost sold me the package. smoked salmon salt and pepper The children were playing in the sand. a cheese sandwich He said that he was leaving. I'd like to go home, she said. I ride my bike to school.

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science fiction scooter sculpture sea sea seat second second security see see see see See you soon. self-employed sell sell seminar send serious set shake hands shared she shelf shellfish shoe shop shop shop assistant short short should shoulder shout

a science-fiction novel/story He rides around on a scooter. a wooden sculpture I'd like to live by the sea. the Black Sea Please, have/take a seat (=sit down). It takes eight minutes and 18 seconds for light to travel from the sun to the earth. They live on the second floor. airport security Do you want to see 'Family Law'? I see. I'd like to see the Blue Mosque actually. See you at the meeting. Bye, then. See you soon. He's been self-employed for over ten years now. He sold his guitar for £50. Sicilia just sells expensive pizzas. I’m planning my seminar and I want your advice. When was the first time Sang-mi sent a text message? a serious child It's set in Spain in the 1940s. The two leaders smiled and shook hands for the photographers. Shared living room and kitchen. When is Ruth coming? "She'll be here soon." a book shelf They eat a lot of shellfish. a pair of shoes a book shop I hate shopping. The shop assistant persuaded me to buy the smaller size. a short conversation short, brown hair You should put a wet teabag on the sore tooth. He put his arm around my shoulder. Look out! she shouted.

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shower shut sick sight silly singer single single sister sister-in-law skill skin skin skyscraper sleep sleep slow down small smoke snack snake snow snowman so sofa some some time something sometimes son soon sore sorry sorry Sorry to be …

I had a shower and got dressed. What time does the supermarket shut? I'm feeling a bit sick. Are you interested in seeing some sights? I think they're silly. a jazz singer furnished single room on tenth floor Is it a single or a return ticket? an older/younger sister I've got to buy a birthday present for my sister-in-law. You need good communication skills to be a teacher. Now supermarkets sell carrots with purple or yellow skins. Pale skin was fashionable in Europe for hundreds of years. the skyscrapers of New York I don’t get enough sleep. We had to sleep in the car that night. Sorry, can you slow down a bit, please? We teach the children in small groups. Do you mind if I smoke? Shall we have a quick snack now? She's very afraid of snakes. Children were playing in the snow. We built a snowman. It's very hot in there, so by the end of the day I'm tired. I sat next to him on the sofa. You'll need a pair of scissors and some glue. I'll text you some time. Something like that. He does cook sometimes, but not very often. I have two sons and a daughter. Hope to hear from you soon. I've got a sore throat. I was sorry to hear about your brother's accident. Sorry I'm late. Sorry to be so boring.

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Sorry? south southern Spain Spanish spare speak special special spell spend spend spice spider sport square square squash stairs start start statue stay stay stay up late steam stomach stomach stop stop strange stranger strawberry stress stress

Sorry? What was that? The south of the country is hotter. southern Europe She lives in Spain. She's Spanish. It has a spare bed. I speak English and Japanese. Do you do anything special on your birthday? special clothes for special occasions Can you spell your surname? He spent 18 months working on the project. She spends a lot on clothes. herbs and spices She's afraid of spiders. winter sports The Japanese first made square watermelons in about 2001. When you land on a dark square, answer the question. roasted squash to go up/down the stairs She started laughing. the start of the day a statue of Shakespeare I'm going to stay in China for a few more years. We stayed in a hotel. I usually stay up late on New year's Eve. Steam was rising from the pan. a flat stomach stomach pains a bus stop Can you ask your children to stop running round the airport lounge? It was really strange. I can't ask a complete stranger to help me. strawberries and cream In the word 'blanket', the stress is on the first syllable. work-related stress

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strong student study subject subject subtitle suggestion suit sun sun sunglasses sunny sure surname surprised Sweden sweet sweet symptom table tablet tails take take take take Take care. take off take photos take turns take up talk talk tall tan

a strong leader a law student Where do you study? Chemistry is my favourite subject. What's the subject of this sentence? films with subtitles Phillip made a few suggestions. She wore a dark blue suit. I miss the sun. I really miss the sun. She had a pair of sunglasses on. a lovely sunny day I'm not sure. His surname is Walker. I'm surprised to see you here. He's from Sweden. I like them because they're very sweet. I think I eat too many sweets. What are your symptoms? the kitchen table Take three of these tablets a day. Let's toss a coin - heads or tails? Can I take a message? How long does it take to Reading? Take three of these tablets a day. What things do you take on holiday? See you soon, Bob - take care! The plane took off at nine o'clock. I took a lot of photos of the kids. The children took it in turns to hold the baby. I took up languages. She gave a talk about road safety at the school. We were just talking about Simon's new girlfriend. He's tall and thin. He's got a tan.

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taxi tea teabag teacher team team technology telephone television television temperature tennis terrible text text text message Thanks. that that that that that That's all right. the same the same the United States theatre their there there these they thing thing think

I'll take a taxi to the airport. Would you like a cup of tea or coffee? Do you use teabags or tea leaves? a science teacher a football team a management team computer technology The telephone rang and she hurried to pick it up. I mostly watch television in the evening. Richard switched the television on. I've got a temperature. Polly plays a lot of tennis. a terrible accident a page of text I sent her a text. I send too many text messages. Can you pass me the book? Thanks very much. Did you see that woman in the post office? Have you eaten all the cake that I made yesterday? Have you seen that man over there? I passed my driving test. "That's great!" What's that in the corner? Thanks for cleaning the kitchen. "That's all right." He looks exactly the same as he did ten years ago. He's the same age as me. I was in the United States on business. the Arts Theatre It was their problem, not mine. I drive to the sea and walk there. There's a computer in the living room. Can I try these shoes on? I saw Kate and Nigel yesterday - they came over for dinner. The first thing I saw was a huge spider on the wall. You don't always have time to do all the tourist things. I think it's a terrible idea.

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think thirsty this this this this is to … those through throw thumb ticket tie time time time tired title to to toast toaster today toe together toilet toilet tomato tomb tomorrow tonight too too much tooth toothache toothbrush

I'll think about it. I felt really hot and thirsty after my run. How much does this CD cost? I'll see you this evening. This is my girlfriend, Beth. This is to invite you to my 30th birthday party. Can I have some of those carrots? The River Seine flows through Paris. Amy threw the ball to the dog. I've hurt my thumb. a lottery ticket a shirt and tie I had a lovely time. spend time at home the first time I used a computer I'm too tired to go out tonight. What's her title - is she 'doctor'? I'd like to go to Istanbul. To relax, I watch TV. a slice of toast I've put two slices of bread in the toaster. It's Johann's birthday today. He accidentally trod on my toe. We were at college together. I need the toilet She's in the toilet, I think. slices of tomato That's where all the kings' tombs are. It's my birthday tomorrow. What are you doing tonight? Most people feel that a metre is too far away. Don't eat too much junk food. You should brush your teeth twice a day. I've got really bad toothache. Put some toothpaste on your toothbrush.

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towel traditional traffic jam traffic light train transport travel tree trip trousers try try on tutor TV programme twice twins ugly uncle uncomfortable uncomfortable underground understand unemployed unfriendly unicycle university unusual up upstairs us use usually veg vegetable very

a bath towel traditional farming methods We were in a traffic jam for two hours. Turn left at the traffic lights. Do you like taking the train? I rely on public transport. I spent a year travelling around Asia. He climbed the tree. a business trip a pair of trousers Have you tried Sicilia? Could I try these shoes on? a private tutor Which TV programmes do you watch? twice a week Our mum says we're like twins. an ugly city My uncle and aunt are coming to stay. I feel a bit uncomfortable if I don't know anyone. These shoes are really uncomfortable. I usually get the underground. She didn't understand so I explained it again. I've been unemployed for six months. I must have appeared unfriendly. He rides a unicycle to work. I was at university in 2007. an unusual name He ran up the stairs. The bedrooms are upstairs. She gave us all a present. Can I use your mobile phone? I usually get home at about six o'clock. fruit and veg fruit and vegetables It was very hot.

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village visit visitor vowel waiter waitress Wales walk walk wallet want wardrobe wash washing machine watch water water waterfall watermelon way way we wear wear weather website wedding week weekend weird well well paid Well, … west wet

She lives in a small village outside Oxford. Did you visit St Petersburg while you were in Russia? The museum attracts large numbers of visitors. The waiter eventually brought us our food. Did you tip the waitress? Kathryn is from Wales. I usually walk to the shops. It's a ten-minute walk. My wallet's in my bag. Do you want something to eat? I hung your shirts up in the wardrobe. Dad was washing the dishes. Could you put the washing machine on? We like watching something good on TV together. hot/cold water I was just watering the flowers. We stood and admired the waterfall. a slice of watermelon the way men dress What's the best way to get there? My wife and I both play golf and we love it. I wear jeans a lot of the time. The carpet is already starting to wear in places. bad/good weather a website address We're going to a wedding on Saturday. last week Are you doing anything this weekend? I had a really weird dream last night. We don’t know each other very well. a well-paid job Well, this was a few weeks ago. They live in the West of the country. a wet towel

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what about … ? what else? what time? what? when? where? which? who? why? wife wig window winter with word work work work for work hard work on worker work-life balance worse worst would / 'd rather … would like to would love to Would you like …? wrist write wrong www. yeah year yellow

What about you? What else would you like to do? Sorry, what time? Sorry, what's your name again? Sorry, when? Sorry, where? Sorry, which hotel? Sorry, who? Why didn't you call me? Your wife just called. He so obviously wears a wig. Open the window if you're too hot. We went skiing last winter. He wants to stay with Erkan. 'Hund' is the German word for 'dog'. He works with me. How's work? I work for Alstom. She worked really hard at college. I'm working on a report. an office worker It's difficult to get the right work-life balance. The exam was worse than I expected. What's the worst job you've ever had? I'd rather have normal potatoes. I'd like to go to Cuba. We'd love to come. Would you like some magazines? I've sprained my wrist. Write your name at the top of the page. Sorry, I'm wrong. It's … http://www.cambridge.org/ Yeah, I agree. He joined the company a year ago. a bright yellow tablecloth

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yes, please yoghurt you young

Would you like a drink? "Oh yes, please." I have yoghurt for breakfast. I love you. young people

Unit 02 Unit 05 Intro Unit Unit 01

your yourself youth hostel

What's your name? Did you pack your bags yourself? We stayed in a youth hostel.

Intro Unit Unit 11 Unit 11

Elementary English


.com .org a bit a little address address answer Arabic ask Austria can can't count country Egypt email email English English father first French

http://www.myspace.com/ http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ I speak a bit of French. I speak a little Arabic. an email/web address What's your address? I asked when she was leaving but she didn't answer. Do you speak Arabic? I asked him about his hobbies. He was born in Austria. Can you drive? I can't drive. Can you count from 1 to 100 in English? in the country We went to Egypt for our holidays. He sent me an email today. What's your email address? Do you speak English? He found the English a little cold and reserved. Steve's father was from Poland. Ken was the first person to arrive. I speak French.

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from German Hello Hello her Hi his home town how Hungarian I internet it its Japan Japanese language Mexico Miss mobile Mr Mrs Ms music my name nationality number number our people phone number Polish postcode question

I'm from Austria. She has a German boyfriend. Hello, Christina, how are you? Hello, this is Alex. That's her house on the corner. Hi! How are you? Phillip is sitting over there with his daughter. My home town is Cairo. How do you spell that? He married a Hungarian woman. I've bought some chocolate. Check out this music website on the Internet. Have you seen my bag? "It's in the hall." The house has its own swimming pool. Yuko is in Japan, visiting her family. Japanese design How many languages do you speak? She's travelling around Mexico. Miss Olivia Allenby I called him from my mobile. Good morning, Mr Smith. Hello, Mrs. Jones. Ms Holly Fox I never learnt to read music (=understand written music). My name's Claudia. What's your name? What nationality is she? What's the number of his house? What's your phone number? Alice is our youngest daughter. Our company employs over 400 people. I don't remember his phone number. My granny is Polish. What's your postcode? Is it OK if I ask you a few questions?

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read remember Russian say say she some Spanish speak spell surname teacher telephone the United States their they title understand Wales we website www. you your age am appointment architect are badly paid best best boring boss bow

I've never read a Harry Potter book. I can't remember his name. a Russian restaurant He said that he was leaving. I'd like to go home, she said. When is Ruth coming? "She'll be here soon." You'll need a pair of scissors and some glue. She's Spanish. I speak English and Japanese. Can you spell your surname? His surname is Walker. a science teacher The telephone rang and she hurried to pick it up. I was in the United States on business. It was their problem, not mine. I saw Kate and Nigel yesterday - they came over for dinner. What's her title - is she 'doctor'? She didn't understand so I explained it again. Kathryn is from Wales. My wife and I both play golf and we love it. a website address http://www.cambridge.org/ I love you. What's your name? People of all ages were there. I am a student. I've made an appointment with the dentist. He worked as an architect. We are from Hong Kong. Cleaners are generally very badly paid. He's the best of the new players. She's one of our best students. a boring job She was my boss. The actors all bowed after the performance.

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Brazilian brother builder business café call Canadian change class classmate colleague college computer consonant cook cook customer daughter different difficult driver easy every exchange female for for life friend good good good good great greeting hot

Brazilian music an older brother We have builders in, doing some work on our house. We do a lot of business with China. We had lunch in a café near here. Please call me Maite. a Canadian singer I think change is good for you. We were in the same class. You could ask your classmates to help you. He's a colleague but I don't know him very well. a teacher-training college We've put all our records on computer. He has difficulty pronouncing some of the consonants. the school cook Who's cooking this evening? I was serving a customer at the time. I have a daughter and two sons. Jo's very different from her sister, isn't she? That job was really difficult. a bus/train driver The exam was easy. It's well paid and it's different every day. Let's exchange business cards. a female butterfly I was a cook in a restaurant for a few months. It wasn't a job for life. Sarah's my best friend (=the friend I like most). a good book; It's good to meet you Anna is a good cook. She's a good friend. The food at this restaurant is very good. It's a great job, really. We exchanged greetings. a hot summer's day

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hotel How are you? How much? hug husband interesting is IT job journalist kiss late male manager married media meet mother neighbour no not nurse occupation office OK OK OK old open other parent party past past person

We're staying three nights in the hotel. How are you? Sorry, how much? They hugged and kissed each other. My husband is away at the moment. an interesting person It is quite easy. He's an IT technician. She got a job as a cleaner. She's a journalist on a national paper. He kissed her cheek. I'm sorry I'm late. a male colleague an office manager a married couple The issue has been much discussed in the media. Nice to meet you. My mother and father are divorced. Our next-door neighbours are always arguing. No, I'm not. I'm not his sister. She worked as a nurse for forty years. You have to give your occupation on the application form. an office worker I'm OK. Let's meet this afternoon. "OK." The film was OK. an old man Do you know when it's open? One of the other shop assistants was a student too. Her parents live in Oxford. a birthday party In the past people would bathe once a month. What's the past of 'eat'? You're the only person I know here.

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plumber police officer present present price relationship restaurant sales rep school shake hands shop assistant sister son sorry Sorry? stranger student television television terrible the same think together university use usually very vowel waiter waitress weekend well paid what time? what? when?

We had a plumber round to fix the tap. A police officer happened to be walking by. present occupation present simple high/low prices He has a very good relationship with his older sister. an Italian restaurant Their sales rep came and gave us a presentation on the product. I ride my bike to school. The two leaders smiled and shook hands for the photographers. The shop assistant persuaded me to buy the smaller size. an older/younger sister I have two sons and a daughter. Sorry I'm late. Sorry? What was that? I can't ask a complete stranger to help me. a law student I mostly watch television in the evening. Richard switched the television on. a terrible accident He's the same age as me. I think it's a terrible idea. We were at college together. I was at university in 2007. Can I use your mobile phone? I usually get home at about six o'clock. It was very hot. The waiter eventually brought us our food. Did you tip the waitress? Are you doing anything this weekend? a well-paid job Sorry, what time? Sorry, what's your name again? Sorry, when?

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where? which? who? wife window work worst year young a abroad all right an apple beautiful beautiful bed best wishes book boot bring camera can capital capital China cinema clothes coat coffee cold comfortable concert Could you …? Cuba

Sorry, where? Sorry, which hotel? Sorry, who? Your wife just called. Open the window if you're too hot. He works with me. What's the worst job you've ever had? He joined the company a year ago. young people I need a car. Are you going abroad this summer? How about going out for dinner? "All right." an apple He ate an apple. a beautiful woman beautiful music What time did you go to bed last night? Best wishes, Pete a book by Milan Kundera a pair of boots Did you bring an umbrella with you? Did you bring your camera? Can I use your old rucksack? Use capital letters for nationalities and languages. What is the capital of Poland? She's from China. Shall we go to the cinema tonight? She was wearing her sister's clothes. a winter coat Do you want a cup of coffee? It's really cold here! a comfortable sofa a pop concert Could you bring my winter coat? She's from Cuba.

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cup dance day Dear …, dictionary different drink eat empty family flat food football for for friendly full glass guest have heavy heavy heavy house How long … ? in in information interested in Ireland it juice kitchen learn light

a cup of coffee Fiona is interested in dance. the days of the week Dear Erkan, Use your dictionaries to look up any words you don't understand. different parts of the world We always go for a drink. Who ate all the cake? an empty house I'm from a big family. I live in a flat on my own. baby/dog food a football match/team He often comes here for work. She cooks dinner for us at the weekend. He's very friendly. My suitcase is full. a glass of apple juice We've got some guests coming this weekend. We have a nice living room. heavy bags heavy traffic How heavy are you? We went to my aunt's house for dinner. How long was the First World War? Can you do these things in English? My birthday is in October. Do you have any information about local schools? Melek is interested in music. She's from Ireland. It's cold here. apple juice He's in the kitchen, making dinner. I learned a lot about computers. My bag is very light.

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live long magazine make (new) friends map miss money month museum music new newspaper No problem. No, thanks. of course offer old orange public holiday rabbit really request request room rucksack sandwich see See you soon. short shower sight snow sofa something spare

I live in Malta. How long was the First World War? a fashion magazine He's shy and finds it difficult to make friends. a road map I miss my friends. How much money have you got? Next month will be very busy. a museum of modern art pop/dance music The new job is hard work. I read about his death in the newspaper. Can you get me to the airport by 11.30? "No problem." Would you like a cup of coffee? "No, thanks." Yes, of course. an offer of help Have you got my old rucksack? orange juice Christmas day is a public holiday in the UK. She keeps rabbits. I really miss the sun. His doctor made an urgent request for a copy of the report. We have requested two more computers. a hotel room He had a rucksack on his back. a cheese sandwich I'd like to see the Blue Mosque actually. Bye, then. See you soon. a short conversation I had a shower and got dressed. Are you interested in seeing some sights? Children were playing in the snow. I sat next to him on the sofa. Something like that. It has a spare bed.

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special sport stay stress sun sun Sweden tea Thanks. travel ugly uncomfortable unfriendly want washing machine what else? winter with work would like to Would you like …? yes, please again always anniversary at the weekend at weekends boat celebrate children come dance do don't drive

Do you do anything special on your birthday? winter sports We stayed in a hotel. In the word 'blanket', the stress is on the first syllable. I miss the sun. I really miss the sun. He's from Sweden. Would you like a cup of tea or coffee? Can you pass me the book? Thanks very much. I spent a year travelling around Asia. an ugly city These shoes are really uncomfortable. I must have appeared unfriendly. Do you want something to eat? Could you put the washing machine on? What else would you like to do? We went skiing last winter. He wants to stay with Erkan. How's work? I'd like to go to Cuba. Would you like some magazines? Would you like a drink? "Oh yes, please." Sorry, can you say that again? I always walk to work. a wedding anniversary He's going to a football match at the weekend. They usually go windsurfing at weekends. a fishing/sailing boat We went out to celebrate Richard's promotion. How many children do you have in your class? Do you want to come to my place for dinner? I love dancing. Do you like coffee? I don't like bad news. She's learning to drive.

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early enjoy fish free free time go go go going to good gym happiness health her here I'm sorry in the morning in the morning invitation invite it learning love love make me meal meeting message never New Year night often picnic polite

I usually go to bed early. I enjoy taking photos of people. Happiness is going fishing on a boat with my friends. Are you free on Saturday evening? In my free time I like to read and go running. I'd love to go to America. Let's go for a walk. Where do you go shopping? I'm going to stay in China for another few years. Oh good, he's arrived at last. Nick goes to the gym three times a week. At last she had found happiness. Her health is very poor. Where's Kath - have you seen her? Sorry, he isn't here at the moment. No, I'm sorry. I can't. I listen to the radio in the morning. I'll pack my bags in the morning. I've had an invitation to Celia's party. They've invited us to the wedding. It's OK to talk about politics with friends. language learning He loves his music. I'm sure he loves his kids. Money doesn't make you happy. She gave me some money. a three-course meal I have a meeting at six. Can I take a message? Have you ever been to Australia? "No, never." Happy New Year! at night I often see her there. We're going to have a picnic down by the lake. She was too polite to point out my mistake.

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politics radio reading religion right see shut slow down sometimes stay up late subject take talk team tennis there time us watch week why? address book ago all back bad bank big big break break breakfast buy car cat

He has little interest in politics. a car radio I did a lot of reading on holiday. the Christian religion The right colour improves your mood. I see. What time does the supermarket shut? Sorry, can you slow down a bit, please? He does cook sometimes, but not very often. I usually stay up late on New year's Eve. What's the subject of this sentence? Can I take a message? We were just talking about Simon's new girlfriend. a football team Polly plays a lot of tennis. I drive to the sea and walk there. spend time at home She gave us all a present. We like watching something good on TV together. last week Why didn't you call me? I was just looking him up in my address book. six months ago That's all for now. What day does she plan to come back? bad weather I must remember to go to the bank on my way home. Buying that car was a big mistake. I come from a big family. I'm tired - I'm going to have a short break. We've booked a weekend break in Paris. Have you had breakfast? I went to the shop to buy some milk. Where did you park the car? They have a cat and a rabbit.

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CD change conversation cost did digital camera dinner directions driving licence exciting film find find find fine first fly fun get married get up grammar had happen have have have have a baby headphones hear hope important invention inventor journey key

She has a very big collection of CDs. Three small things that changed the world a telephone conversation It cost $3,995. What did you do last night? That was my first digital camera. We have dinner around 7:00. We stopped to ask for directions. Do you have a driving licence? an exciting football match a cowboy film I came home to find that the kitchen window had been smashed. I still find exams very stressful. The office wan't very easy to find. We're fine. I first went swimming six years ago. Do you like flying? I had lots of fun. They're getting married next month, What time did you get up this morning? We've never had a TV at home. Accidents can happen to anyone. Do you have a big family? have a shower What time did you have breakfast? They had a baby last year. a pair of headphones It's good to hear from you. I hope you're well. My family is very important to me. A lot of great inventions have come from America. a famous inventor a train journey I've lost my car keys.

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kind laptop last lesson lexis lovely lovely lunch meet mobile phone most move new online passport pen personal plan pronunciation sand second sell send small snowman soon strange study sunglasses take technology text text message ticket time

What kind of food do you like? He works on his laptop on the train. last week I am taking guitar lessons. lexis and grammar a lovely dress We had a lovely day together. Shall we have lunch? His assistant will meet you at the airport. She was speaking on her mobile phone. Which are the most important for you? They moved into a new house last year. Are you good with new technology? When was the first time Sang-mi bought music online? a British passport Could I borrow your pen? Please take all personal belongings with you when you leave the train. We're just planning our holidays. There are two different pronunciations of this word. The children were playing in the sand. They live on the second floor. He sold his guitar for £50. When was the first time Sang-mi sent a text message? We teach the children in small groups. We built a snowman. Hope to hear from you soon. It was really strange. Where do you study? She had a pair of sunglasses on. What things do you take on holiday? computer technology I sent her a text. I send too many text messages. a lottery ticket I had a lovely time.

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time toothbrush train tree trip visit weather a lot airport America apartment Arab Argentina armchair Asia available away balcony bath bathroom beach bedclothes bedroom bin block bookcase bridge bus stop canal ceiling central heating centre chair cheap city

the first time I used a computer Put some toothpaste on your toothbrush. Do you like taking the train? He climbed the tree. a business trip Did you visit St Petersburg while you were in Russia? bad/good weather There are a lot of pots and pans in the cupboard. Heathrow airport He's from America. She rents an apartment in the city centre. Arab countries She comes from Argentina. He sat back in his armchair. East Asia includes China, Japan and Korea. This information is available free on the Internet. It's five minutes away. There's a wonderful view from the balcony. She's in the bath. May I use your bathroom? We walked along the beach. I've changed the bedclothes. Lily's in her bedroom. I threw it in the bin. a block of flats We need another bookcase in the office. Brooklyn Bridge I saw her waiting at the bus stop. the Panama canal The ceilings are very low in these old houses. Rent includes central heating. in the city centre a table and chairs a cheap flight the city of Boston

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clean close cooker couple crack crowded cupboard curtain cutlery dangerous desert desk dining room dirty dishwasher door downstairs drawer DVD east egg Europe expensive extra factory farm feel field first floor floor forest fridge from furnished

clean hands What time do the shops close? an electric cooker There are a couple of shops near here. There was this really big crack in the ceiling. a crowded train The plates are in that cupboard. She drew the curtains to let the light in. a cutlery drawer It's dangerous to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. the Sahara Desert I usually sit at my desk to write. Could you take these plates through to the dining room? dirty clothes/dishes I was just loading the dishwasher. Please shut the door behind you. She went downstairs to see who was at the door. I put the letter away in a drawer. Is this film available on DVD? I live in the east of the city. a boiled/fried egg She's never been outside of Europe. expensive jewellery Where are the extra bedclothes? a textile factory a sheep farm You shouldn't feel embarrassed. a field of corn the first floor a wooden floor the second/third floor pine forest There's plenty of milk in the fridge. It's five minutes from the kids' school. a fully furnished apartment

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furniture garden ground floor hill hospital house-sit How many …? if immediately in included island km lake lamp line living room long lot Malta market metro microwave motorway mountain near next to no noisy north northern of Oh no! on on

antique furniture the front/back garden They have a flat on the ground floor They climbed up the hill to get a better view. He was in hospital for two weeks. Do you ever house-sit for friends or family? How many times a week do they travel? There are some extra towels in the wardrobe if you need them. The room is available immediately. We were neighbours in Melbourne. Is heating included in the rent? the Hawaiian Islands It's 800 km away. Lake Ladoga I have a lamp next to my bed. Which metro line do you live on? I was in the living room, watching TV. a long film There are a lot of plates in here. He flies back to Malta on Thursday evenings. a flower market the Paris metro I cook rice in the microwave. I hate motorway driving. to climb a mountain near the mountains Our new place in Malta is next to the sea. There's no computer in the flat. We've had problems with noisy neighbours. in the north of Argentina northern Europe A friend of mine went to live there. Oh no! It's gone all over the carpet! on March 25th on television, on the internet

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on on on own park pet petrol station picture picture place plant plate pots and pans quiet quiet Really? rent rent river road rug safe sea sea shared shelf shop single south southern stop table theatre there toaster

on the bus on the second floor The village is on the Chorillos river. Does the room have its own bathroom and kitchen? It's difficult to park in the centre. my pet rabbit I'll stop off at the petrol station on the way home from work. She's got pictures of pop stars all over her bedroom. The house was very different from how I'd pictured it. His leg's broken in two places. How often does the big plant need water? a dinner plate That cupboard there is where all the pots and pans go. Can you be quiet, please? We're trying to work. I fancy a quiet night in tonight. Apparently, he's leaving. "Really?" Is heating included in the rent? We're renting a flat in Madrid. the River Thames Be careful when you cross the road. The dog was lying on the rug in front of the fire. a safe driver I'd like to live by the sea. the Black Sea Shared living room and kitchen. a book shelf a book shop furnished single room on tenth floor The south of the country is hotter. southern Europe a bus stop the kitchen table the Arts Theatre There's a computer in the living room. I've put two slices of bread in the toaster.

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too towel uncomfortable upstairs village wardrobe wash water water west yeah yoghurt and any ATM aubergine bad for you banana bean because beef berry bilingual biscuit book bookshop bread broccoli but butter cake call cancel carbohydrate carrot

Most people feel that a metre is too far away. a bath towel I feel a bit uncomfortable if I don't know anyone. The bedrooms are upstairs. She lives in a small village outside Oxford. I hung your shirts up in the wardrobe. Dad was washing the dishes. hot/cold water I was just watering the flowers. They live in the West of the country. Yeah, I agree. I have yoghurt for breakfast. tea and coffee Do you have any street maps? I got some money out of the ATM. roasted aubergines Too much salt is bad for you. He peeled the banana. soya beans I like them because they're very sweet. roast beef berries, such as strawberries and raspberries a bilingual dictionary I bought a packet of biscuits. Can you call the restaurant to book a table? There are several bookshops in town. a slice of bread steamed broccoli I'd drive you there, but I haven't got my car. bread and butter a chocolate cake Can you call the restaurant to book a table? Can you call Denise and cancel our meeting? These are all carbohydrate-based meals. grated carrot

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cash machine CD-ROM check cheese cherry chicken chip chocolate come with computer shop corn courgette couscous cream diet electronic else entrance escalator everything example exit favourite find out fish flatmate forget fruit give good for you healthy healthy help herb high in

Is there a cash machine near here? Cambridge dictionaries are available on CD-ROM. to check the spelling of a word Would you like a piece of cheese? We were eating cherries. roast chicken fish and chips a bar of chocolate Does it come with anything? Is there a computer shop near here? fields of corn fried courgettes We ate a lot of couscous on holiday. strawberries and cream They're good for you if you're on a diet. All electronic equipment is tested for safety. Would you like anything else? I'll meet you at the main entrance. We took the escalator down to the basement. Is that everything? It's useful to see an example of a word in a sentence. a fire exit What's your favourite colour? to find out what a word means Did you catch any fish? My flatmates arranged a party for me. Don’t forget to pick up Mario. dried/fresh fruit Can you tell him to give it to her? Carrots are good for you. a healthy diet Maria is a normal healthy child. Do you need any help? They sell a good range of herbs and spices. a diet that is high in carbohydrates

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hungry idea I'll have… just kiwi fruit lamb lemon lentil lettuce lift live look for low in low-carb mango maybe meaning medicine melon menu milk mixed monolingual much mushroom need newsagent nice noodles normal nut oil olive onion order

I'm hungry. What's for dinner? That's a good idea. I'll have the fish, thanks. I just hate shopping. Kiwi contain a lot of vitamin C. roasted lamb lemon juice She uses a lot of lentils in her cooking. lettuce leaves Shall we use the stairs or take the lift? There's a bar near here that does live music on Friday evenings. I'm looking for the new book by Paulo Coelho. These are special potatoes that are very low in carbohydrates. a low-carb diet slices of mango Maybe about 13 hours a day. The word 'squash' has several meanings. cough medicine a slice of melon a dinner menu a carton of milk a mixed salad monolingual dictionaries How much lettuce would you like? How many mushrooms do you want? I need six tomatoes. There's a newsagent's on the corner. They have a very nice house. The soup comes with noodles in it. It's normal for couples to argue now and then. a brazil nut vegetable oil black/green olives I love the smell of onions frying. What can she order?

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over there packet pasta pastry pay pea pepper pepper pharmacy pick up pineapple plan plum potato prawn prefer purple red reply rice round salmon salt shellfish shop silly skin snack spice square squash stairs strawberry sure sweet

Yes, they're over there. a packet of cigarettes Spaghetti is my favourite pasta. coffee and pastries Helen paid for the tickets. rice and peas red peppers salt and pepper Could you get some plasters from the pharmacy, please? pick up Mario from football chopped pineapple a street plan She was eating a plum. boiled potatoes a prawn sandwich I prefer dogs to cats. a purple jacket a red shirt I don't understand, she replied. boiled rice Round watermelons are difficult to keep in fridges. smoked salmon salt and pepper They eat a lot of shellfish. I hate shopping. I think they're silly. Now supermarkets sell carrots with purple or yellow skins. Shall we have a quick snack now? herbs and spices The Japanese first made square watermelons in about 2001. roasted squash to go up/down the stairs strawberries and cream I'm not sure. I like them because they're very sweet.

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sweet that that that that that That's all right. these thirsty this this this those toast toilet toilet tomato trousers try on tutor veg vegetable watermelon weird word would / 'd rather … write yellow accountant accounting architecture art arts ask bakery

I think I eat too many sweets. Did you see that woman in the post office? Have you eaten all the cake that I made yesterday? Have you seen that man over there? I passed my driving test. "That's great!" What's that in the corner? Thanks for cleaning the kitchen. "That's all right." Can I try these shoes on? I felt really hot and thirsty after my run. How much does this CD cost? I'll see you this evening. This is my girlfriend, Beth. Can I have some of those carrots? a slice of toast I need the toilet She's in the toilet, I think. slices of tomato a pair of trousers Could I try these shoes on? a private tutor fruit and veg fruit and vegetables a slice of watermelon I had a really weird dream last night. 'Hund' is the German word for 'dog'. I'd rather have normal potatoes. Write your name at the top of the page. a bright yellow tablecloth She trained as an accountant. a job in accountancy modern architecture fine/modern art an arts degree Who do employees ask for help with problems? There's a very good bakery on the corner.

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be in the middle ofmiddle before biology bottle business administration business trip busy casual catering chef chemistry client conference corner costume course course decision degree design design dissertation do doctor drama economics education employee end engineer engineering especially essay exactly feel well

Sorry, but I'm in the middle of dinner. a week before Christmas human biology I always have a bottle of water on my desk. a Masters degree in Business Administration I'm planning a business trip to Paris in February. Mum was busy in the kitchen. I wear casual clothes to work. Who did the catering for the party? He works as a chef in a London restaurant. She studied chemistry at university. They're a very good client of ours. the annual sales conference There's a table in the corner of my bedroom. actors in costume a three-course dinner She did a ten-week computer course. It can be difficult to make decisions. He's doing a Master's degree in business administration. fashion design He designs and makes clothes. She's writing a dissertation on American poetry. I spend 45 minutes in the gym doing weight training. He was our family doctor. a historical drama She studied economics at university. More money should be spent on education. How many employees does the firm have? I get my salary at the end of the month. a mechanical engineer She wants to study engineering. I especially miss my dog. He wrote an essay on modern Japanese literature. I don't know exactly. I'm not feeling well.

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full-time geography hand history history hour humanities I'm afraid … international journalism know last later law lawyer leader leave library literature look after lots make management marketing mathematics medicine much musician news of of of of once pair

I have a full-time job. I used to love geography at school. good for people who like working with their hands a history book American history It's a six-hour flight. I'm studying humanities at Berlin University. I'm afraid I'm not interested. an international team of scientists He wants a job in journalism. I don't know. last thing at night Can I call you later? You're breaking the law. Have you contacted your lawyer? a religious leader I leave the office at about seven o'clock. a library book classical literature I look after my home. There are lots of interesting shops near here. So, you make clothes, yeah? management skills a career in marketing/sales and marketing a professor of mathematics He studied medicine at Bristol University. not much free time a jazz musician I'm just watching the news. a bottle of water a kilo of apples the centre of town, the north of Poland the fourteenth of February once a week I'm looking for a pair of black shoes.

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part-time phone call probably professor project public transport report salesperson self-employed seminar sleep so spend spend start strong subject suit team tie tired twice unemployed wear wear work for work hard work on work-life balance admire adventurous agree alone ambitious appearance

I'm doing a part-time course in catering. I've got to make a phone call. Probably about five hours a week. a professor of history at Oxford He's working on two projects. How much time do you spend on public transport? Dean is working on a report. A salesperson almost sold me the package. He's been self-employed for over ten years now. I’m planning my seminar and I want your advice. We had to sleep in the car that night. It's very hot in there, so by the end of the day I'm tired. He spent 18 months working on the project. She spends a lot on clothes. the start of the day a strong leader Chemistry is my favourite subject. She wore a dark blue suit. a management team a shirt and tie I'm too tired to go out tonight. twice a week I've been unemployed for six months. I wear jeans a lot of the time. The carpet is already starting to wear in places. I work for Alstom. She worked really hard at college. I'm working on a report. It's difficult to get the right work-life balance. I admire him for being so determined. I'm going to be more adventurous with my cooking. I agree with you. She wants to live alone. an ambitious young lawyer She's very concerned with her appearance.

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artistic aunt bald beard beauty spot blue brown child child close confident cousin creative dad dark dark dress each other exhibition eye fashion fashionable father-in-law funny funny get in touch get on glasses grandfather grandmother green hair hairstyle happy hard-working

Both of our children are artistic. We were visiting my aunt and uncle. John started to go bald at an early age. He's grown a beard. She had a beauty spot on her cheek. a dark blue jacket dark brown hair an eight-year-old child Their children have all left home and started families of their own. We're very close. He's fairly confident that he'll win. My aunt came to visit with two of my cousins. Her book is full of creative ways to decorate your home. My dad has curly brown hair. A short, dark woman with glasses arrived. dark blue/green She was wearing a simple red dress. We don't see each other a lot. There's a new exhibition of sculpture on at the city gallery. Sara has black hair and brown eyes. Long hair is back in fashion. fashionable clothes My father-in-law died recently. It's funny because I'm 30 and she's 20 but our mum says we're like twins. Vikram's … creative, and sometimes very funny. We get in touch maybe twice a year. I get on with my sister really well. a pair of glasses My grandfather was Russian. My grandmother lived with my mother's family. She's got green eyes. a girl with long, fair hair Do you like my new hairstyle? She looked really happy. He's always been hard-working and conscientious.

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have got heel high heels image independent intelligent jacket jewel jewellery know last like like like long make-up medium mother-in-law moustache mum necklace nephew niece only child outgoing pale personality personally relative relaxed serious short sister-in-law skin special

She's got a green Toyota. I have a blister on my heel. She was in high heels. They want to improve the public image of the police. She's a very independent four-year-old. She is a highly intelligent young woman. a leather jacket a crown studded with jewels She has a lot of valuable jewellery. We know each other very well. The last born child is often quite creative. But sometimes I do extra work, like writing reviews. I like boat trips. She's 26, like me. long hair She's wearing white make-up He's medium height. My mother-in-law is coming to stay. He's grown a moustache. Can we go now, Mum? a pearl necklace It was my nephew's birthday. My niece is 16 on Saturday. She was a much-loved only child. Anne is very outgoing, but her sister's quite shy. You're looking a bit pale - are you all right? She's got a lovely warm personality. Personally, I think Michael Grose is right. a party for friends and relatives She seemed relaxed and in control of the situation. a serious child short, brown hair I've got to buy a birthday present for my sister-in-law. Pale skin was fashionable in Europe for hundreds of years. special clothes for special occasions

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tall tan to to traditional twins uncle way well wig across better better better bicycle bike lane careful catch change coach comment day return decide departure direct dollar down exercise far fast for form -friendly from ... to ... further

He's tall and thin. He's got a tan. I'd like to go to Istanbul. To relax, I watch TV. traditional farming methods Our mum says we're like twins. My uncle and aunt are coming to stay. the way men dress We don’t know each other very well. He so obviously wears a wig. I was walking across the road. He got a better job in the States. I feel much better. I'd like to get to know him better. The government thinks about bicycles first and cars second. I was cycling in the bike lane. Be careful, Michael - that knife's sharp. Catch the number 42 bus. You need to change coaches once. a coach trip You get a lot of comments, like 'Where's the other wheel?' a day return to Norwich She's decided to take the job. the departure of flight BA117 Is it direct? These jeans were fifty dollars. I go down some steps and into a quiet, riverside park. It's good exercise. Is it far? fast cars P for Peter. What forms of transport do most people use where you live? a bicycle-friendly city The museum is open from Monday to Saturday. Let's walk a bit further down the road.

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furthest get get get get get get off gift shop government How far … ? into kilometre light look mean minute more more motorbike near next open return out of petrol private quick repeat ride scooter single sunny take taxi through traffic jam

What is the furthest distance you can run? Can we talk when I get home? Did you get some U.S dollars for me? How many emails do you get a day? Try this if you get stomach ache Where's the best place to get a good cup of coffee? Get off at East Broadway Station. There's a very nice gift shop in the museum. The Government has cut taxes. How far is it? Get into bed! It's about fifty kilometres from the sea. traffic lights Unicycles are safer than they look. Do you mean …? It'll take you thirty minutes to get to the airport. Flying is more expensive than taking the train. Is there any more soup? He rides a motorbike. Where's the nearest rickshaw stop? What time does the next coach leave? How much does an open return ticket cost? I go out of my front door and across Southend Street. Could you put some petrol in the car? You can't park here - this is private property. I tried to catch him but he was too quick for me. So, just to repeat, … He rides a motorbike. He rides around on a scooter. Is it a single or a return ticket? a lovely sunny day How long does it take to Reading? I'll take a taxi to the airport. The River Seine flows through Paris. We were in a traffic jam for two hours.

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traffic light transport underground unicycle up walk walk way worse wrong about about absolutely action film animated film birthday castle comedy day describe documentary fantastic fine get together horror film How about …? laugh let let's lunchtime match practice programme romantic science fiction

Turn left at the traffic lights. I rely on public transport. I usually get the underground. He rides a unicycle to work. He ran up the stairs. I usually walk to the shops. It's a ten-minute walk. What's the best way to get there? The exam was worse than I expected. Sorry, I'm wrong. It's … Family Law is about the difficult relationship between a father and son. I first met Ed when he was about sixteen. That sounds absolutely fantastic. He likes action films, like the Bond films. They've made an animated film of the book. a birthday party Let’s visit the castle. The film is described as a romantic comedy. Not a good day at the office. I tried to describe what I had seen. a TV documentary about climate change He looks fantastic in that suit. Fine with me. Let's get together again soon. He's a big fan of horror films. How about six thirty? You never laugh at my jokes. Please let me know if you can come. Let's go out tonight. See you at lunchtime. a tennis match football practice a cinema programme a romantic film a science-fiction novel/story

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second see set suggestion this is to … today tomorrow tonight what about … ? would love to airline anyway apologise at at at at the moment bag baggage collection bat bear belt boarding boarding pass carry check-in complain customs delayed destination five-star flight free frightened gate

It takes eight minutes and 18 seconds for light to travel from the sun to the earth. Do you want to see 'Family Law'? It's set in Spain in the 1940s. Phillip made a few suggestions. This is to invite you to my 30th birthday party. It's Johann's birthday today. It's my birthday tomorrow. What are you doing tonight? What about you? We'd love to come. Austria's national airline Anyway, as I said, I'll be away next week. She apologised for losing the contract. at 7.00 at a lecture; at school good at meeting new people She's not here at the moment. a paper bag I was still waiting for my luggage at baggage collection. A bat swooped by. a brown bear She fastened her belt. Boarding is at 3.45 from gate 20. Can I see your passport and boarding pass, please? Are you carrying anything for anybody else? a check-in counter/desk Lots of people have complained about the noise. He was stopped going through customs. The flight was delayed. Spain is a very popular holiday destination. a five-star hotel Did you have a good flight? I tried to sleep on some free seats. I've always been frightened of going to the dentist. Boarding is at 3.45 from gate 20.

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gun hand luggage Here you are. in the end just land midnight miss pack passport control pigeon rat receptionist seat security shoe shout snake spider start stop take off TV programme wallet wedding Well, … yourself youth hostel a accident ache advice air allergic ankle

Someone fired a gun into the crowd. Do you have any hand luggage? Have you got the paper? "Here you are." We thought we might go abroad for Christmas, but in the end we stayed at home. Just this bag. The plane landed at nine o'clock. We didn't get home till midnight. He missed the plane to Dublin. Did you pack your bag yourself? We've got to go through passport control. He was feeding the pigeons. Rats carry disease. a hotel receptionist Please, have/take a seat (=sit down). airport security a pair of shoes Look out! she shouted. She's very afraid of snakes. She's afraid of spiders. She started laughing. Can you ask your children to stop running round the airport lounge? The plane took off at nine o'clock. Which TV programmes do you watch? My wallet's in my bag. We're going to a wedding on Saturday. Well, this was a few weeks ago. Did you pack your bags yourself? We stayed in a youth hostel. Take one tablet three times a day. a car accident I've got stomach ache. There's a book giving advice on how to set up your own club. air pollution Are you allergic to anything? He broke his ankle playing football.

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arm back backache bare black body bone close cold collocation dentist dose ear earache effectively elbow energy entertain face feet finger fit foot fresh garlic clove head headache heart help honey hope hurt if improve

She held the tiny baby in her arms. He was lying on his back. She suffers from backache. bare feet a black jacket the human body He broke a bone in his hand. Lie down and close your eyes. I've got a cold. In the phrase 'a hard frost', 'hard' is a collocation of 'frost', and 'strong' would not sound natural. I've got an appointment at the dentist's (=where the dentist works) tomorrow. What is the recommended dose? She whispered something in his ear. I've got earache. Can you tell me how to work at home more effectively? I banged my elbow on the edge of the table. Looking after children takes up a lot of time and energy. We hired a clown to entertain the children. She's got a long, thin face. He has very large feet. She has long, slim fingers. Using the stairs keeps you fit. bare feet Fresh air is good for you. How many cloves of garlic go in this sauce? He fell and hit his head on the table. I've got a bad headache. My heart was beating fast. The right colour helps you to be be more creative. I like honey on my toast. What are your hopes and plans for the future? My eyes really hurt. If you get stomach ache, try this remedy. Scott's behaviour has improved a lot lately.

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inhale keep knee large leg lie down light mouth muscle natural neck nose off organise pain paracetamol pharmacist popular problem remedy sachet should shoulder sick sore Sorry to be … steam stomach stomach symptom tablet take take photos talk teabag

People who had inhaled the fumes were taken to hospital. Using the stairs keeps you fit. a knee injury a large number of people My legs are tired after so much walking. Lie down and close your eyes. Natural light makes you feel happier. She opened her mouth but no words came out. stomach muscles natural gas She had a red scarf around her neck. She has a big nose. You should take a day off. Who is going to organise the party? I've got a pain in my back. I took two paracetamol for my headache. I'll ask the pharmacist for advice. 'Jack' was the most popular boy's name. I've got a problem with my knee. a flu remedy sachets of sugar and coffee powder You should put a wet teabag on the sore tooth. He put his arm around my shoulder. I'm feeling a bit sick. I've got a sore throat. Sorry to be so boring. Steam was rising from the pan. a flat stomach stomach pains What are your symptoms? Take three of these tablets a day. Take three of these tablets a day. I took a lot of photos of the kids. She gave a talk about road safety at the school. Do you use teabags or tea leaves?

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temperature thumb toe tooth toothache unusual wet wrist always American anything been believe both both cave chat cigarette city wall create die dolphin done evening class ever Excuse me famous fountain grow up guide hamburger have heard of Indian Italian

I've got a temperature. I've hurt my thumb. He accidentally trod on my toe. You should brush your teeth twice a day. I've got really bad toothache. an unusual name a wet towel I've sprained my wrist. I've always wanted to go to Egypt. an American accent Are you doing anything now? My parents have never been to the USA. She says she's only thirty but I don't believe it. Both her parents are dead. Do you prefer tea, or coffee? "I like both." an underground cave Have you got time for a chat? a packet of cigarettes Parts of the city wall are still standing. Gaudi created one of the best-known and most unusual parks in Europe He died in 1994. We saw a dolphin out at sea. Did you get your essay done in time? He does evening classes in German. Have you ever seen the Taj Mahal? Excuse me, have you got a moment? a famous actress There are some beautiful fountains in the park. She grew up in Italy. Look at this restaurant guide. a hamburger and fries I've never been to Canada. Have you heard of Petra in Jordan? The class includes six Indians. Italian food

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last many metre moment neither now palace ruin sculpture see sell skill skyscraper smoke some time sorry Spain statue surprised Take care. thing thing think tomb try visitor waterfall worker abroad accommodation after backwards brain camping campsite

Last time I went to Browne's I've read so many books about them. Our bedroom is five metres wide. Excuse me, have you got a moment? Were you on the river or the mountain? "Neither. We were on a plane." Can you talk now? Buckingham Palace Thousand of tourists wander around these ancient ruins every year. a wooden sculpture See you at the meeting. Sicilia just sells expensive pizzas. You need good communication skills to be a teacher. the skyscrapers of New York Do you mind if I smoke? I'll text you some time. I was sorry to hear about your brother's accident. She lives in Spain. a statue of Shakespeare I'm surprised to see you here. See you soon, Bob - take care! The first thing I saw was a huge spider on the wall. You don't always have time to do all the tourist things. I'll think about it. That's where all the kings' tombs are. Have you tried Sicilia? The museum attracts large numbers of visitors. We stood and admired the waterfall. an office worker Moving abroad can be a difficult experience. rented accommodation After school, I did a French degree at Liverpool University. Try writing backwards, or writing with your other hand. brain damage They go camping a lot. We stayed on a really good campsite near the beach.

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chew Chinese coin continue discussion enough enough full get divorced gift gift graded reader group gum heads hobby idea junk food local marriage meat memory method next not enough plan practise really relax singer sleep square stay stress subtitle

You don't chew your food properly. Chinese students a pound coin It continued to snow heavily for three days. They were having a discussion about football. Get enough exercise That's not enough. a sky full of stars They got divorced in 2009. a birthday/wedding gift She has a gift for design. They publish graded readers for English students. She was with a group of friends. Would you like a stick of chewing gum? Heads or tails? Do you have any hobbies? This makes new connections in your brain and can help you get new ideas. You eat too much junk food. She goes to the local school. It was a very happy marriage. I don't eat meat. I have a good memory for names. What's the best method of solving this problem? next year That's not enough. What are your plans for the weekend? They're practising for tomorrow's concert. My mobile takes really good photos. I find it difficult to relax. a jazz singer I don’t get enough sleep. When you land on a dark square, answer the question. I'm going to stay in China for a few more years. work-related stress films with subtitles

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tails take turns take up text

Let's toss a coin - heads or tails? The children took it in turns to hold the baby. I took up languages. a page of text

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the same throw too much

He looks exactly the same as he did ten years ago. Amy threw the ball to the dog. Don't eat too much junk food.

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