English Translation

June 23, 2016 | Author: Budeanu Anca | Category: N/A
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I have a millionaire mind "If something do not go as you wish it means that there is something somewhere that you do not know." When you think you know everything, check your bank account. It is not an exact science, but, in general, rich people think in a certain way, the poor think in a completely different way, and this thinking determines these patterns and their modes of action. I am aware of how my own thoughts keep me away from wealth. Study the rich and how they think. Learn all you can about the internal workings of the mind. Focus primarily on the psychology of money and success. Financial Pattern Your income can only grow to the extent that you intend it to grow. To remember and never forget that I want to be a millionaire. If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible. Do not think at a superficial level of life. As human beings we are part of nature. We're not above it. Therefore, when you put yourself in accordance with the laws of nature, life arises easily. That is because we live in at least four different realities in the same direction: the physical world, the world of mental, emotional world and the spiritual world. You must realize that the physical world is largely just a result of the other three. Money is a result, wealth is a result, the disease is a result, weight is a result. We live in a world dominated by the principle of cause and effect. Think and Grow Rich The more you focus on what you want, the closer you get to your goal. Too many people give up just before reaching where have proposed and leaves others to enjoy their success. The aim is the cornerstone of any accomplishment, whether it is important or not. Alter your way of thinking about the meaning of your mission and you will see that the impossible becomes possible. The human mind can create any thing and it imagines and thinks. Miracles occur through self-knowledge. In life you do not always get what you want, if that something is not constantly

examined. Therefore, determine daily how much progress you made towards fulfilling your goals. Put each plan on paper. If you want to get to own a certain amount of money, put the plan on paper and refine it from time to time. It is not enough to say 'I want more money ". Determine the exact amount and read that plan twice a day, once upon waking and once before going to bed. While reading, see yourself already in possession of the money and know what you want to do with it. All thoughts that have become emotions, ie which were attributed to feelings that were combined with confidence turned in their physical equivalents. What is talent? Talent involves imagination, a necessary quality for any individual to combine specialized knowledge with ideas as well as organized plans. Do not forget! The idea is the key. Knowledge of speciality can be found just around the corner .... after any corner! There is a fixed price of ideas. The creator of the idea makes the price and if he's smart, gets that amount. Idea + imagination = exhortation to action Where can you find the knowledge you need:

1. own experience and education 2. experience and education that you can have access to through cooperation with others 3. colleagues and universities 4. public libraries (through books and magazines where you can find organized knowledge of mankind) 5. training courses (especially distance learning courses). Distance learning will increase the will power. "Where there is a will, no there is a way" - Proverb Write these big words in a place where you see every day: A Defeat never wins AND A winner never quits! Every year have these questions: 1. Did I achieve the goal for this year? (You must have a defined objective to be achieved in each year as part of the major objective of life) 2. Did we deliver high quality services in the best quality possible or I could improve these services? (QQS Quality + quantity + spirit sales = the art of selling a service perfectly) 3. Did we deliver the service in the greatest amount of which we are capable of? 4.Did I behave as I should and have always been cooperative? 5. Am I allowed that objective to effectively lower procrastination and if so, to what extent? 6. Did I develop personality and if so how? 7. Was I persistent in pursuing their plans through to completion? 8. Have we taken prompt and forceful decisions in all circumstances? 9. Am I allowed to decrease efficiency, and if so, to what extent? 10. Was I overly cautious or indifferent? 11. Have my relationships with service partners been good or bad? 12. Have I wasted energy by lack of attention or effort? 13. Was I open and tolerant? 14. In what sense did I improve the ability to provide services? 15. Did I cross the line? 16. Did I prove, directly or indirectly, of any form of selfishness? 17. My behavior towards associates was one that commands respect? 18. Were opinions and my decisions based on conjecture or accuracy of analysis and thinking? 19. Did I plan time, expenses or income and have been consistent on these plans? 20. While attempts have consecrated unprofitable for whom I could have used better purposes? 21. How can I recalculate the time change habits to be more efficient, to be more efficient in the coming year?

22. Did I make myself not guilty of any conduct which was approved by my conscience? 23. In what way were the services that I performed superior in terms of quality and quantity, compared to the ones they have performed? 24. Have I wronged someone, and if so, how? 25. If I were the buyer of their services, would I be satisfied during the year for my purchase? 26. I do what I like, something to which I am inclined, and if not, why? 27. Where am I located in relation to the fundamental principles of success? This evaluation is done correctly and honestly, then a person brave enough should correct it accurately.

Failure does not have an excuse. The 11 secrets of leadership: 1. Courage. It is based on knowing yourself and your profession very well. No employee wants to be dominated by a leader that is not brave enoughand does not trust himself. No employee will be dominated by a leader like that. 2. Self-control. A person who does not have self-control will never be able to control the others. Self-control represents an incredible example for the employees, for the most intelligent ones who will try to immitate him. 3. A sharp sense of justice. Without the sense of justice and corectness, no leader can lead effectively and cannot enjoy the respect of his/her employees. 4. The ability to make ferm decisions. A person who hesitates when making decisions proves that he does not trust himself. He cannot lead others successfully. 5. The capacity to make clear plans. A successful leader has to make his plans. A leader that acts according to suppositions, who does not have definite plans can be compared to a ship that floats whti no direction. Sooner or later it will find its end on a desert island. 6. The habit of working extra. One of the "punishments" of a leader is the necessity to do more than he asks his employees. 7. A nice person. No doubtful person can become a successful leader. This position imposes respect. No employee will ever respect a leader who does not have a nice personality. 8. solidarity and understanding. The leader who wants to be successful must be jointly and severally with his subordinates. Moreover, he must understand them both themselves and their problems. 9. Attention to detail. A successful leader must know details that involve leading position. 10. Willingness to assume full responsibility for their mistakes and shortcomings of his subordinates. Saca tried to escape from this responsibility will be considered a leader. If one employee makes a mistake and proves to be incompetent, the superior should feel directly responsible for that mistake.

11. The spirit of cooperation. A successful leader must understand and apply the principles of cooperation, and to be able to induce subordinates to do the same. The leading position requires power, and power requires cooperation. There are two models of leadership: Model 1: The leadership agreed. This leadership consists of the consent and sympathy subordinates. Model 2: leadership by force. This is done without the consent and sympathy subordinates. History proves that leadership by force can not last forever. These are the 11 secrets. Thanks to them you can have the most beautiful life, but to have part of it should know and what not to do, so I will present the reasons why a leader fails. Why leaders fail? 1. Inability to master the detail work. Require effective leadership and organizational ability mastery of detail. He is never "too busy". A successful leader must be the master of all details connected with his position. That means, of course, that he knows that he must delegate to subordinates the petty affairs. 2. Not doing little errands. True leaders are willing when necessary to perform any kind of work they would ask others to do so. "The greatest among you must be servant of all." 3. Claim to be paid for "what they know" and not for what they do with what they know. The world pays individuals for what they do or what provokes others to do. 4. Fear of being replaced by one of his subordinates. The leader who has this fear, realizes that this will materialize sooner or later. A general truth is that people are paying more for their ability to make others act than on their own efforts. Through the knowledge it owns the personal charm, a leader manages to significantly increase the efficiency of others. 5. Lack of imagination. An unimaginative leader can not handle emergency situations and can create effective plans for his subordinates. 6. Selfishness. The leader is content just to notice the honors, when they exist, and let them know their subordinates, because he knows that many of them will work harder to increase appreciation and gratitude to receive than would do it just for the money. 7. Lack of moderation. Lack of moderation in any of its many forms and viability endurance destroy all who manifest it. 8. Disloyalty. Perhaps this cause ought to be in the top. The boss who is loyal to himself, his associates, those of higher rank and the rank lower than him can not maintain the leading position for too long. Lack of loyalty is one of the major causes of failure, regardless of the field. 9. Emphasizing the "authority". A true leader leads through encouragement. Superiority towards employees makes them try to impress the "authority" to try to lead by force. A leader is imposed only by the behavior or compassion, understanding power, courage

and demonstrating that know their job. 10. Emphasizing the titles. The person who puts too much emphasis on his title has little else revealed. Office or informality and simplicity. Any of them is sufficient to cause failure. Study the list carefully and make sure that you do not make these mistakes .... If you aspire to be a leader. Perseverance is a state of mind. Remember! Perseverance is a state of mind. It can grow to terms. 1. A clearly defined objective. Knowing what you want is the first step and perhaps most important in the developmental perseverance strong motivation to help you overcome any obstacle. 2. Desire. It is much easier to become and remain persistent when your order ardently follows. 3. Self-confidence. Faith skill to bring out the plan encourages the individual to follow that plan with perseverance. 4. Plans well organized. Plans well organized, even if fragile and totally ineffective, develops perseverance. 5. Fairness knowledge. "Assumption" instead of "knowing" destroys persistence. 6. Cooperation. Compassion, understanding and harmonious cooperation with other developing perseverance. 7. Will. The custom of the plan will focus on building that will help you achieve welldefined objective leads to perseverance. 8. Habit. Perseverance is the direct result of habit. The mind absorbs and becomes part of the daily experience of which it feeds. Fear. Fear is the biggest enemy of ours. How can you heal? The way to cure efficiently by triggering fear is repeated acts of courage. All those who were on the front of battle know that. This mood can have an inventory. Call "inventory perseverance." 1. Failure recognition and defining precisely the desire of the individual.

2. Delaying plans with or without cause. Usually, people use a lot of habits and excuses. 3. Lack of interest in acquiring specialized knowledge. 4. Indecision, the habit of placing the responsibility to someone else. Instead of honestly facing problems. Also supported by the alibis. 5. The habit of relying on alibis instead of trying to conceive well-defined plans for solving problems. 6. Selfishness. Few remedies. 7. Indifference, usually reflected in the individual unavailability of compromise instead to face adversity. 8. Habit of others towards for our mistakes and accepting unfavorable circumstances as being unavoidable. 9. The fragility of desire caused by a careless choice of the reasons that causes action. You must be strong and thoughtful reasons for a successful action. 10. Desire, even eagerness to quit at the first sign of defeat. 11. Lack of thorough plans designed in writing to be easier to analyze. 12. The habit of moving quickly from one idea to another to not take advantage of an opportunity when it shows up. What is the definition of power? Power should be defined as "organized and intelligently directed knowledge." The sources of knowledge are: Experience. Experience or that portion of it that was organized and registered., Can be found in any public library. An important part of this is learned in schools and universities. Experiment and research in science and virtually every other area, people meet daily classify and organize new facts. This is the source from which the individual must turn when knowledge not available through "experience," and this should be used rather creative imagination. "Two minds never entered not come together without thereby creating a third force is not invisible untouchable that can be likened to a third mind ' This is the fundamental principle that you can get enormous power! How to define "great minds" The coordination of knowledge and effort in harmony between two or more people in order to achieve a defined objective. No individual can have tremendous power without "brilliant mind". With plans well organized with the help of discernment in selecting the "mastermind", your goal will be reached in half. % 0% -> 100% Caution !. High percentage in favor of the objective. Mystery transmutation sexual energy. Transmutation = changing or transferring the chemical element or join one form of energy into another You will become aware of how that helps women and men to achieve success you will

understand how to make the most of this age-old truth. Sexual contact desire is so powerful and exciting that people risk their lives and reputation to enjoy it. When exploited and redirected towards other areas this force mantains all attributes that can be used as a powerful creative force in literature, any art or profession or other activity, including of course the accumulation of wealth. Transmission of sexual energy requires exercise the will to be one reward is worth effort. Desire should not be suppressed or eliminated! Science has shown significantly these realities. 1. People with great achievements are people who have a very developed sexual nature. They are those who have learned the art of sexual transmutation. 2. Men who have accumulated wealth and acquired the extraordinary recognition in literature, industry and other fields ASRT were motivated by a woman. When this man is driven by emotion, he runs a superpower. Understand the truth and will you find the true meaning of sexual energy transmutation declaration according to which it will raise the status of the individual genius. Sexually secret emotion creative capacity. Mentally stimulated. Good and bad. The human mind responds to stimuli by Naum can be "activated" high vibration levels, teas as the enthusiasm, creative imagination. Mind stimuli they respond best are:

1. Love 2. A burning desire for fame, power, financial gain money. 3. Music 4. The friendship between people of the same sex or the opposite sex 5. A mastermind group based on the harmony between two or more people who allies, in order to achieve a spiritual or secular developments 6. Mutual suffering, such as that experienced by people persecuted 7. Autosuggestion 8. Fear 9. Drugs and Alcohol The desire for sexual expression is in the forefront of stimuli because vibrations establishes best minds and incite action. Genius is the man who discovered how to increase the vibrations of thought to the point that freely communicate with sources of knowledge not available routinely. Easy to say, right? But how does one communicate with sources of knowledge not available routinely? The sixth Sense. Creative imagination. Those who use creative imagination voluntarily and who understand the functions they are geniuses. Creative imagination is the direct link between the finite mind of man and infinite intelligence. All so-called revelations, referred to in any religion of the world, and all of finds dating basic principles of the new principles or occur through creative imagination. An excellent strategy. When an individual is mind flashed ideas or concepts, they come from one or more sources. 1. Infinite Intelligence. With imagination, one can transpose the idea to materialize them. When you want an extremely hard intervenes infinite power. One example is that Buddhism started from one man, and now has over 200 million followers. 2. subconscious. There are stored every sense, every feeling and every impulse of thought that have ever reached the brain through any of the five senses. 3. From the mind of another person who has just released the thought or idea or concept through conscious thought. 4. From warehouse to another person unconscious. Once raised to a higher level of thinking like an individual occupies relatively the same position as a person who boarded a plane at a height where you can see over the horizon and beyond ordinary thinking. Besides "A Defeat never wins AND A winner never quit" also writes "The Sixth Sense distinguish between Pioneer and A ordinary individual." Inner voice. Consciousness works entirely on the basis of the sixth sense. Great artists, writers and poets became "great" because they used to rely on "inner voices". The biggest ideas appear as so-called "insights".

Much of the sexual energy is lost. Most people who have achieved success have achieved this after age 40, and their true pace began after age 50 years. The reason is because people tend to dissipate energy and the extreme attention paid to physical expression of sexual emotion. Most men never learn that sex drive can occur in other ways that go beyond mere physical expression in importance. Most of those who make this discovery do after they wasted a lot of years, a period in which sexual energy overflowing. The desire for sexual expression is the most powerful and exciting of all human emotions and, exactly for this reason this desire, when harnessed and transformed into action, other than the expression of physical, it can lift the individual status of genius. We already know that between sexual desire and spiritual impulses there is a very close relationship. This explains quite well the unusual behavior of people participating in orgies known as the "revival" of religion, common among primitive peoples. Emotions rule the world and establish enough people. Individuals are influenced in their actions more emotion than by reason. Creative imagination is stimulated by emotions, not reason. The most powerful of all human emotions from sex. There are other mental stimulant, some of which have been listed in this chapter, but none of them, not all combined can not equal the power of mobilizing the sexual impulse. Through the 10 sources, individual can communicate with intelligible infinite storage or access another person's subconscious, a procedure that constitute the essence of genius. Sex and art sale. People with particularly high sex drive are the most effective sellers. The explanation is that the factor of personality known as "personal magnetism" is neither more nor less than stamina. People with highly developed sexual magnetism always have a surplus, by cultivating and understanding them, this life force can be attracted and used for bringing large advantage in relationships. This energy can be transmitted to others by: 1. handshake. Reaching hand indicates, instantly, the presence or absence of magnetism. 2. tone of voice. Magnetism, or sexual energy is the factor that gives life voice, melodious and enchanting does. 3. Clothing and allure body. People with "sex appeal" emotion correlates with sexual thoughts; they can do it whenever they want and are able to influence others. 5. Ornamenting the body. People with "sex appeal" are usually very careful about their appearance. They chose clothes that fit their personality and physique. People who lack sexual energy enthusiasts will never become, nor does it will inspire others, and enthusiasm is one of the most important requirements in the profession of trader. Regardless of what sells this individual. Add to this the fact that most people can be influenced only by a call made to their emotions and understand the importance of sexual energy as part of the innate abilities of a commercial agent. Sellers skilled

masters in achieving the status of trade because, consciously or unconsciously, transform sexual energy into enthusiasm! The commercial agent who knows how to mind away from the subject of sex and a direct sale with such enthusiasm and such a motivation, that this appears to be its main purpose, mastered the art of transmuting sexual energy. Most of them do so involuntarily. Sexual Transmutation involves very strong will. Those who find it difficult to do so may gradually acquire this ability. Even if everything supposes exercise and toil, the reward is worth the effort.

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