English to Tamil Glossary Book

April 26, 2018 | Author: Chandra Kumar | Category: N/A
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Short Description

An English-Tamil glossary, the first of its kind with more than 4,000 common English terms and their corresponding Tamil...



This glossary containing English terms and their Tamil equivalents is the culmination of the joint effort of the former Translation Standardisation Committee for the Tamil Media(TSCTM) and the current

Tamil Resource Panel (TRP) of the National Translation Committee (NTC). The terms are widely used by the broadcast and print media as well as other practitioners of the language, such as translators and interpreters in both the public and private sectors. We strived hard to get the corresponding Tamil words that are not only closest in meaning but also best capture the nuances of the source words, to retain their essence and flavour. Many of the terms in the glossary were once used by the MediaCorp Tamil Newsroom Unit and we wish to thank them for their generosity in sharing them with us. Members approached its work methodically, with accuracy foremost in mind, spending countless hours in constructive arguments on which Tamil words to use. The glossary was carefully vetted by the well-known retired educationist and grammarian, Mr P Kesavan. We are aware that there may be alternative Tamil words for some of the English words in the glossary. Language is constantly evolving and we will try and update it whenever necessary. The glossary does not strive to include every word, for it is neither a dictionary nor an encyclopaedia. It contains only the common words and terms used by our media, teachers, students and translators. But the TRP will continue to expand the list of words. The glossary can be found at the Tamil Language Council’s (TLC) website at www.tamil.org.sg. Additionally, it can also be downloaded in pdf format from the same website. We wish to acknowledge the valuable support given to us by Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) and its NTCSecretariat, Tamil Language Council, National Heritage Board, and the Umar Pulavar Tamil Language Centre. We would also like to thank Mr Jothi Manickavachagam for his kind contribution. We hope you will find the glossary useful. Any feedback you care to give would be very much appreciated and seriously taken into account when we go for a reprint in future. I

National Translation Committee - Tamil Resource Panel Members


Mr A Palaniappan



Dr T Venugobal Mr R Nadarasan

(Ministry of Education) (MediaCorp)

Mr Saba Muthu Natarajan Mr Sivanandan Nadarajoo

(MediaCorp) (State Courts)

Dr Tamilarasi Subramaniam (Ministry of Education) Mr G Krishnan

(Tamil Murasu)

Mr Azhagiya Pandiyan Mr R Rajaram


(former member of TRP)

(Chairman of TLC and former member of TSCTM)

          �       �                ,    ,      .         �    .  �        �       �    ,                           .    �     /   ,  , � ,          ,                �                        �                �  �  �           �  .  �      �  ,     �    .                 .         �                  III

        . �        �       ,    �     . �     . �        �         . �        �    �          .                �  �          .           .    �  �           ,     ,   ,   ,        �       .  ,      �             � . www.tamil.org.sg  �   ,            �   . ,   (PDF)        �  .    ,             ,    ,    ,     ,       �  .    �       .  �                 .


 

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 

   (

   )

  .   (  )  . �(  )  � .  (  )     (    )      (    )   (  )    (        .   ( ,          )


 )

       



1. Glossary of English to Tamil in alphabetical order 2. Compilation of names of Government Organisations 3. Compilation of educational terms 4. Compilation of titles of statutes

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1.  � �   2. �    �   3.   � �   4. �   

01 120 136 162


A la carte A path of democracy Abandoned children Abortion rate Above-average chance Absolute monarchy Abusive act

: : : : : : :

Academic achievement Academic performance Accomplice in crime Accountant Accounting Standards Council Acid test

: : : : : :

Acrophobia Acting Minister Active ageing Active participation Acute care Acute hospital

: : : : : :

Acute respiratory infection Additional assistance Additional tax Adhoc

: : : :

Administrative capital Admission criteria Adoption programme Advance Medical Directive (AMD)

: : : :


      /                           /                          /                                    /                   /   /             /           Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Advanced practice nurses Adventure club Adventure sports

: : :

Advisory panel Affordable fees Aftercare

: : :

Aftershocks (earthquake) Ageing issues

: :

Ageing population


Agenda Aggression

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           /       /             

Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority Agro-technology

: :

                  /        /     /    /   , ,       

Agro-tourism Aid agency Aide-De-Camp (ADC) AIDS (Acquired Immuno -

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             

Air crew


Air Marshal Air strike Air Traffic Controller

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Air conditioner Aircraft carrier Airport terminal Allergy Alliance Allied nations Alternative policies

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   /                       /                  /     



Deficiency Syndrome)



 

Aircraft carrier :

  

 

Altimeter Alumni Amalgamated Union of Public Employees (AUPE)

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         

Ambassador -at-Large Amicable solution Anaemia Anarchic situation

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Animosity Annual Variable Component Annual Wage Supplement Antenatal screening Antenna Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) Anti-submarine ship Anti-ageing treatment

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           /         /       /                                     /    

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms



Anti-piracy software Anti-Secession Law Antiseptic Anti-subversion Anti-terror pact Anti-terrorism act Anti-terrorism strategy

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                              

Anti-terrorist campaign Anti-war protestors Anxiety Applied science

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Apprenticeship Scheme


Approach of teaching Aptitude test

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Arbitration committee Archaeologist Architectural technology Armed group Armour headquarters Armour piercing rocket

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Armoured vehicle Arms dealing

: :

             /      /        /           /            /                                        / 

Arms inspector


Arson attack Artefacts Arthritis Artificial intelligence

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 /       /            / /    

Artificial limbs Artificial sweetener Artillery duel Arts Council Arts gallery Arts tourism Artwork

: : : : : : :

Asian Development Bank Asian Trade Promotion Assassination

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Asylum seekers


Asymmetric bars (gymnastics) Atomic power plant

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Atomic reactor Atomic watchdog Attack on democracy

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Arts gallery :

 ,        /                /      

          /        (  ,             )     /        (       

       

   Glossary of English to Tamil Terms



Attorney-General Audacious campaign (election) Audio visual aids Auditor

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Auto-saving system Automated Teller Machine (ATM)


Automatic application Automatic car Autonomous Schools Auto pay parking system

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Aviary Aviation policy Aviation safety / security

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Aviation summit




                  /        /                      

  /  (  

 )

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 

     


Baby Bonus


Backstroke swimming Bacteria

: :

Bad debt Bail order Balance of payments (Country)

: : :

Balanced diet Balcony Ballistic missile Bandit Bankruptcy petition Banks restructuring Banned weapons Bar code Bar Council Barbaric act Barge Barracks Barter trade Basic linkage Basic sports skill Batsman (Cricket)

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Beauty pageant Beauty parlour

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Beauty therapy Beneficiary

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     /          /  /   

  


 

    ( ) /           /                                                 ( )  

     /          /   ()    /   /  Glossary of English to Tamil Terms



Berth (shipping)


Best-run country Bi-Cultural Studies Programme

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Bidding Bifurcation

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Big walk Bilateral issues Bilateral relations Bilateral solidarity Bilateral talks Bi-monthly sale

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Bio-Economics Bioethics Bioethics Advisory Committee

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Biomedical research Biometric technology Biosafety network Bioterrorism Bipartisan support Bird flu Bird Park Birth rate Bitcoin Bitter recrimination Black Box (flight data recorder)

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Black Box (voice recorder)




 /                   /           /     /                            /                                                           ( ) /      ( ) /  

Black Cat Commandos Black market Blackout

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Blackout crisis Blog (web log) Blogger

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Blood donation drive Blood transfusion

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Bloodbath Blueprint

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Bodybuilding Federation Bomb making equipment Bomb Squad Bonded labourers Bone of contention Bonus Bonus points Bookie / bookmaker Botanic Gardens Bowling (Cricket) Bowling tournament Boys' Brigade Boys' Home Breach of agreement Breach of trust

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Breakaway group Breakaway region Breaking news Breast stroke Breast feeding Breeding sites (mosquito) Broad negotiations

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         

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                      Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Butterfly stroke (swimming) :    

Broadband Broadband market Broadcasting facilities Brownie Browser (Internet) Brutal condition Budget airlines

: : : : : : :

Budget allocation Budget blueprint Budget terminal Building & Construction Authority Build-To-Order (BTO) flats

: : : : :

Bullet-scarred building Bullish sentiment Buoyant industry Bursary Bush fire Business acumen

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 ( �)

      /         ( )       /                   ,                   ( )               /  

Business cartel


Business climate Business interests Business spending Business Summit

: : : :

Butterfly stroke (swimming) By-election


   /        /     /     /         /         

 (

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms




Cabin crew


Cabinet members Cable TV Cadre

: : :

Calamity Calamity management plan

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Calculator Campfire Capable leadership Capital controls

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Capital punishment Capitalism Carbon emission Care and Share Career counselling

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Campfire :  12


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  

Career prospects Caretaker government Caring Teacher Award CashCard Cash register

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Casino Casino Control Bill Casino legislation Casino Regulatory Authority

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Catchment area


Ceasefire Cell Censorship Review Committee Census Central Business District (CBD) Central Executive Committee Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB)

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Centre for Language Studies Centrist candidate Century Century anniversary Ceremony Certificate of Entitlement (COE)

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Certificate of Good Workmanship Challenging tasks Champion

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Championship Cup Charge d'Affaires

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                   /           /                             /       /    /                                       /  ( )     /               /           /     Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Charge sheet Charter Checkpoint Chemical agent Chemical tanker Chemical weapon Chess

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Chicken pox Chief Executive Officer Childcare centre

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Child sex Childcare leave

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Childhood diabetes Children's Day Choir Cholesterol Chronic illness Circuit board Circuit breaker Circular Citizens' Consultative Committee City outskirts Civet cat Civic consciousness Civic district Civic district trail Civil Defence Civil servants Civil Service College (CSC) Civil unrest

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Civil war Civilian casualties

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               /               /                       /                                                              /           



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                

Clan association Class monitor Classical Language Cleft lip Clemency petition Clerk of Parliament Climate disaster

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                      

Closed-circuit camera Coach (sports)

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Coalition forces Coalition partners (politics)

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Coastal belt


Cockpit Code of conduct Code of corporate governance Code on Religious Harmony Co-investment scheme Cold war

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        /    ( )        (  )     /                           /  / 

Chess : �

 Glossary of English to Tamil Terms



Collaborator in crime Collective agreement Collective cooperation Collective leadership Colorectal cancer Comcare fund Comcare network

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                             

Comet Commander-in-Chief Commando Commando free-fall Commercial Affairs

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                      

Department (CAD)

Commercial district Commission Commissioner of Charities Common cold

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Common corridor Common ground Common interest Common values

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Closed-circuit camera : 16


       / 


        /      /      /   

 

Communal harmony Communalism Communique Community Bonding Conference Community Chest Community Development

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                   

Community Engagement Programme (CEP)



Community Mediation Centres (CMC) Community Safety & Security


     /           

Council (CDC)


 

Programme (CSSP)

Compact disc Company merger COMPASS (Community and Parents in Support of Schools) Compatriot

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Complicated issues Complicating factor Comprehensive alliance Comprehensive plan Comprehensive review

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Compulsory Education Computer fraud Computer game Computer keyboard

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Computer Computer mouse peripherals Computer programme

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Computer science Computer software Computer-Aided Design (CAD)

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  /      ,      


       /               /                               /           Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Contempt of court Concede defeat Concession card Conciliatory remark Condominium Confidence building measures Confrontational approach

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                     

Congenial atmosphere Congenital heart disease Congress (USA) Conjoined twins Conman Consecration ceremony Consensus Conservatives Consistent policy

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                        /             /     /   

Constant companion


Constituency event Constituency walkabout

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Constitutional amendment Constitutional crisis Constitutional reform Construction boom Construction site Construction techniques

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     /       /                            

Constructive approach Consulate Consultation process Consumer confidence Container port Contaminated food products

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                       



Contaminated water Contentious issue Counterfeit currency Contested wards

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Contingency plan


Continuing Continuing crackdown exchanges Contraband items / goods

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Contracted Controversial issues Controversial law Convention centre Conventional threats

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Convicted war criminals


Cooling system


Cooperative relationship Co-operative society Coordinated attacks

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Co-payment Copyright Coralarium Core issues Cornea Coroner Corporal punishment Corporate culture Corporate governance Corporate scandal

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  

  /          /      (  )     /                    /                     /         /            /                                        /                Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Corrective Work Order (CWO)


Corrupt Practices Investigation


  

   /    

Bureau (CPIB)

Corruption-free society Cosmetic surgery Cosmopolitan

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        

Cosmopolitan Cosmopolitan city tone Cost of living Cost-cutting measure Consul Counter Council of Presidential

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                           

Counter coalition Counter proposal Counter-terrorism course County Coup Coup d’etat Coup chief Coup plot Courier service CPF top-up scheme Creative entrepreneurs Credibility Credible candidate

: : : : : : : : : : : : :

      /                                                 

Credit card Crematorium Crime gang Crime prevention Crimes against humanity Criminal Investigation Department (CID)

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       /                       /     

Advisers (CPA)




Cornea :


Criminology Criminal Procedure Code Crippling protests Crisis management Crisis situation

: : : : :

Critical thinking skill Cross-border raid Cross-border terrorism Cross-country run Cross-examination Crucial role Crucial witness Crude oil Cruise (Ship)

: : : : : : : : :

Cruise missiles cryptocurrency Cubic metre Cuisine Culinary skills

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                   /                                 /                 ,        Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Cultural capital Culturally incorrect

: :

Currency control Currency exchange rate Currency speculator Current strength

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Curriculum Curriculum & Pedagogy Review Committee Custodial sentence Customs checkpoint Cut waste panel Cutting-edge technology Cyber crime Cyber dissidents

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          /                    

  /      ,                                      


Daily-rated employee Dairy products

: :

Damning report


Database Dawn to dusk Day surgery

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Day-care centre Deadly attack Death penalty Debit card Decapitation Decathlon Decimal Decisive vote

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Declaration of Emergency Declining fertility Declining morale

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Decontamination centre Dedication ceremony Deep evacuation Deep excavation

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Deep Tunnel Sewerage System Deepening crisis

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Deeper engagement Defamation suit Defamatory statement

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            /   


  /                         /          /          /     /                 /                    /       /            /            Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Defected MPs




Defence capability Defence Cooperation Agreement Defence Ministry

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Defence Defence programme system Defendant Defending champion Deficit (Budget) Delegation Dementia Demilitarised zone Demography Demonstration

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Dentist Department of Statistics Departmental store

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Depot Depression

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Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP)


Desalinated water


Desalination Desalination plant Designer Destroyer (ship) Detention without trial

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         /   /        /                    /          (    )                     /    /             /     /       /   ,   (   )             

                

Dentist :


Devaluation Devastation

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Develop friendly relationship Development project Devotional songs Diabetes Dialogue session Diameter Diamond jubilee Dictator Diet (political)

: : : : : : : : :

Different trends


Differing needs Digital divide

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Digital image


 



                 (    )     (  )   /   (  -:  )    /              /          /   Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Digital media industry


Digital movie Digital Multimedia Broadcasting

: :

                


Digital rights management Digital technology

: :

        

Digital Digital television Versatile Disc (DVD) Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) Dilemma

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Diplomacy Diplomatic document Diplomatic drive Diplomatic note Diplomatic row Diplomatic sources Diphtheria

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Direct admission (school) Direct dealings Direct evidence Direct Tax Disabled

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Disarmament Disaster area

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            /        /                    /                   /       /     

Disaster Mitigation Task Force (DMTF) Discarded boxes Disciplinary action Disciplinary inquiry Disclaimer Discus (Athletics) Diskette

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                     





 


Dismembered body Disparage Displaced people Disputed waters

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Dissidents Dissolution

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    /           /           /  

Distinctiveness Diverse views Diversified economy Dividend Diving Divisive strategy Doctoral committee Doctrine Document Domestic animal

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     /          /               /   /     

Domestic exports Domestic interests Domestic sector

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         


Domestic animal :    Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Domino effect Donation pledge card Dormitory Down memory lane Downpayment Downtown Draft

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                      /     

Draft declaration Drastic review Drawn-out war Drug trafficking Dry season Dual citizenship Duplicity

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  

Duty-unpaid items


Dynamic economies


Dynamic workforce




                    /   /       /         /       


Early detection Early retirement scheme Earnings report Earth Hour Earth-tremor Eco-friendly measures

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Ecology E-commerce Economic decline Economic depression

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Economic Development Board (EDB) Economic downturn Economic fundamentals

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Economic growth Economic mind Economic outlook Economic plunder Economic recovery Economic reforms Economic Restructuring Shares (ERS) Economic Review Committee (ERC) Economic sanctions Economic stimulus package

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Economic turmoil


Economic upswing Economic upturn Eczema Editor-in-Chief Education for Living

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Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Education reforms Educational software Effective enforcement Effective network Efficiency Effigy E-government

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                    

Elder-friendly housing ElderShield scheme E-learning Election Commission Election gazette Election manifesto Election monitors Election rally

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Election rigging


                              /         

Elections Department Electoral boundary Electoral boundary change Electoral college (US) Electoral register Electric field Electronic litigation

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Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) Electronic sector Embassy Embezzlement Emergency Emergency crews

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Emergency exercise


Emergency handbook




 

             ( )          ,                     /     /      /      

Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) :   � 


Emergency shelters


    /      

Emerging economy


Eminent Persons Group


Employment Act Employment outlook Employment Pass Employment survey Endangered species Energy conservation Energy Market Authority (EMA)

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Energy security Enforcement Enhanced enforcement Enrichment activity Entomologist Entrepreneur award Entrepreneurship

  /  ::    :    :  /  :    :     :   


       /               (   )                 

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms

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Environment Environmental Health Institute (EHI) Envoy Epidemic Equator Equestrian competition Eradication of terror

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Eruption Escalate

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Escalator Espionage activity Essential nutrient Ethics Ethics committee Ethnic conflict Ethnic violence

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  /          /        /                 /     /               /  

Escalator :  32


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  /      



Eulogy European Union (EU) European Union Constitution Euthanasia Excellent opportunity Excessive bleeding Exchange Rate

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 /                       

Excise tax / duty Executive reforms Exiled leader Exit poll Expanding cooperation Expenditure estimate Explanatory notes Expressway Extended warranty Extensive research

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Extinct Extortion Extradition treaty

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Extremist E-magazine

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  /                   /      /         

                                 /  

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms




Facial mask Facilitation committee Facilitator Fact-Finding Commission

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 (            

Family first Family Recreation Fund Family Service Centre (FSC) Family violence Famine relief Fare card Fare hike Fare review mechanism Fast bowler (Cricket) Fast food

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                                   ( )   

Fax (facsimile) Federation Feedback Unit Fence mending visit

: : : :

Fertility rate Fertility treatment Festive season Fibre glass Field hospital Field officer Fiery speech

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FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) Fighter jets Fighting spirit Final-year exams


      /       /                          /                 



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Financial Education Programme Financial incentives Financial institutions Financial services Financing Fire drill Fire safety

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                /           

Fireworks First world standard Fiscal Year Five Power Defence

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            

Flash estimate Flash flood Flight simulator Floating stage Floor exercise (Gymnastics)

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      

Flu pandemic Flyover Foeticide Food regulation

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       /       


Arrangement (FPDA)

Flyover :

         (




� Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Food Standards Agency Football pools Forcible eviction Forecast Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Foreign Exchange (forex) Foreign interference

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                          

Foreign policy Foreign talent Forged licence Foul (Soccer) Foul play Fountain Franchise Freak accident Free Trade Agreement Free Trade Area

: : : : : : : : : :

          /      ( )  /                       

Freedom of speech


Freedom struggle


  /          

Fumigation : 36



   



Freelance employment


Freestyle (swimming) Freezer Fresh faces Fresh perspective Frigate

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Fringe benefits Frontline staff Frontline worker Frosty relations Fruitful talks Fuel efficiency Full Ambassador status Full employment Fumigation

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Fundamental aim Funicular train Furniture

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   /                                                     /    

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms

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Gall bladder Gambling addict Gaming machines

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Gas cylinder Gender-neutral policies General Agreement on

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    /                      

 /

    


General Assembly General Interbank Recurring Order (GIRO) Generation Generation change Generation gap Genetics

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    

Geneva Convention Genocide Genome Global challenges Global conference Global economy Global effort Global furore Global market Global peace

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 (   )      /                          

Global security Global surveillance Global warming

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Golden jubilee Gondola (construction) Good governance

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          /          ( ) 



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                  

Goodwill gesture Governing bodies

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Governing Council Government Linked Company (GLC) Government loyalist

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Government(GPC) Parliamentary Committee


Government Technology Organisation Government troops Governor Gracious society Graft busters Grain shortage Granite Grapevine

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Grassroots event Grassroots leader Grassroots network Grassroots session Gratuity Green issues Green revolution Green Transport Day Grenade

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Grey travellers Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Ground breaking ceremony

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Ground breaking event Ground rules Ground sentiment

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      /                 /      

  

                        


                                             /            Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Ground zero Group of companies Group Representation Constituency (GRC) Growing cost Growth forecast Guard -of- Honour (Inspect)

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Guerrilla fighters Guided missile Guilty plea Gun salute

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Gymnastics Gynaecology

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Guided missile : 40


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           ( )             (   

                 /              

 

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Haemorrhage Half-time

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Halfway house Hallmark event

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Hammer throw Handicraft centre Handloom Handover of power Harmony Circles Harsh penalty Hawker centre Hawkish (political stance)

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Haze Headscarf Healing force

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Health Declaration Form


Health Promotion Board (HPB) Health Sciences Authority (HSA) Healthcare cost

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Healthcare worker


Heart attack Heart palpitation Heartlander Heatwave Heavy downpour

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  /         ( )         /                             (    )    /          /         /                        /                Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Hefty compensation Hegemony Hepatitis Heptathlon Heritage Hermit state Heroin

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High Court High Definition TV (HDTV) High jump High profile trial

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High-end condominiums


Higher quantum High-level contacts High-level meeting High-security zone High-tech township Hijack Historic sites Historical background Historical circumstances Historical reasons Holiday mood Holistic Education Home Nursing Foundation (HNF)

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                    ,       /                                                       

Home Quarantine Order (HQO) Home Science Homegrown terrorists Homemade explosive Hometown Homosexuals

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               /        



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Honorary Consul Hooliganism Hormone Horsepower

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Horticulture Hospice

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Hospitality industry Host country Hostage Hostel fee Hostility House arrest House of Representatives (USA) House Union Housebreaking

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Household expenditure


Housing and Development Board (HDB) Housing grant Hub of militant activity Human Genome Human Organ Transplant Act (HOTA) Human Resource Human rights Human rights groups Human shields

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Human trafficking Humiliating defeat

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Hung Parliament


         (      



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Hurdles (athletics) : 

Hurdles (athletics) Hybrid vehicle Hydraulic machine Hypermart Hypocrisy

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 


              / /        /   /     



Ice skating Icon of democracy Ideological clash

: : :

Illegal aid


Illegal dumping Illegal motor racing Illicit trade

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Immediate goals Immediate reaction Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) Imminent Immune system (Health)

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Immunization programme


Ice skating :


       /          /                /          ,            /     (    /    

  



 � Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Impeachment proceedings


    () /          (  )      /          

Imperialist mentality




Implant contraceptive


Imported water Impotence drugs

: :

Impoverished islands


Improper conduct In good faith Inactive lifestyle Inaugural speech Inauguration ceremony Incentive travel Incineration plant Incitement Inciting unrest Inclusive society

: : : : : : : : : :

Income disparity Income gap

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                     /         /                 /                   /         

Income threshold Incompetent officers Inconclusive talks Increment Incumbent Incumbent President Incursion plan

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            /          




Independent candidate Independent check Independent Damage Assessment

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  

  

      

Independent inquiry Independent newspaper Independent Schools

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     

Indian diaspora Indian library services Indictment

: : :

Indigenous production Indispensable role Individual Physical Proficiency Test (IPPT) Indoor Stadium Industrial Arbitration Court (IAC) Industrial climate Industrial output Industrial Research Unit Industrial waste Industrialised nations Infant care subsidy Infectious Diseases Act Inflated claims

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Influential figure Infocomm Media Development

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              ( )                                                             


Centre (IDAC)

Authority (IMDA) Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) Information security management Information Technology Infrastructure

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    


                   /   Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) Innovation & Enterprise Innovative technology Innovative tours Inquiry panel Insecticide

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In-service course Institute of Mental Health (IMH) Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS) Institute of Southeast Asian Studies

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Institute of Technical Education (ITE) Institutions of a Public Character (IPC) Insurance policy Insurance premium Insurgents Integral part

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Integrated entertainment centre Integrated Programme (IP - MOE) Integrated Resort (IR) Intellectual property

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Intelligence Intelligence analysts

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Intelligence Intelligence chief Reform Bill


Intelligence service Intense debate

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Intensive Care Unit (ICU)




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                  /         /         /                           /       / /        /        //                 /         /         

Interactive tuition Interactive TV Interceptor missile Inter-connected Interest rates Inter-governmental panel Interim council

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Interim election : Interim legislature : Interim net profit : Interim report : Interim Self-governing Authority (ISGA) : Inter-modal transport : Internal bleeding : Internal Security Act (ISA) : International Atomic Energy :

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                                                         

Agency (IAEA)

International Arbitration International community International Conference

Interactive TV :

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        

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Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


International consensus


International Court of Justice (ICJ) International Exposition

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International influence International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) International Olympic Council (IOC) International Press Institute International pressure

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International protest


International reconstruction aid International relief effort International Women's Day Internationally recognised

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Internet portal Internet radio Internet Service Provider (ISP) Internet Steering Committee Interpreter Inter-school competition Intransigent Intravenous feeding

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Introductory promotional fares Introductory visit Inundation

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Invasion Inventory system Investigative work Investment Guarantee Agreements

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   /        /    /                  /     /                      / 

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Investor confidence In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)

: :

Iris Irrational appraisal Irrigation facilities Isolated incident

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                        

Isolation centre




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Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


J Jailbird


       /          


 Javelin Jay walking

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Job assurance Job creation Job fair Job guarantee scheme Job Re-design Project Job security Jobless growth

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Jobs Credit Jobs task force

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Jogathon Jogging Joint Admission Exercise Joint Commission Joint committee Joint interrogation Joint ministerial meeting Joint ministerial statement

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Joint pain Joint protection command Joint venture

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Judgement Day Judicial Commissioner Judiciary Judicious

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                                                                                /               /   /  

Jupiter :

 (

Jumble sale Junior College Junk mail

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Jupiter Jurong Bird Park Jurong Town Corporation (JTC) Juvenile offender

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        ( )   

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  ( )             

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms



K Key appointment holders


Key players Keynote address Kick off (game)

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   /        /           ( )

Kickback Kidnap Kidney transplant Killer litter Kindness Week Knowledge-based economy

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  /                   




L Laboratory for terrorists Labour Foundation Labour movement Lack of unity Lacklustre response

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Lag behind Lakeside mansion Land grabbing Land parcel Land parcel sale Land reclamation Land resources Land surveyor Land Transport Authority (LTA)

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Landfill Landmark

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Landmark decision


Landmark ruling


Land surveyor : 

                 /


                         

       /         /         /   

   Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Landmine Landscape industry Landslide victory Language advisor Language competence Language proficiency Language Resource Centre

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          /        /     

Large scale projects Laser Last -ditch effort Last -minute rush Last respects Last-gasp effort Lasting peace Lasting solution Laudable effort Lavish lifestyle

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                    /          /           

Law Academy Law enforcement Law enforcement officials Law Society Lawmakers

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Lawn bowls Lay down arms

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Leader of the House


Leadership ability Leadership renewal Learning disability Least developed countries Left-wing candidate

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    /                             


Legal Aid Bureau Legal infrastructure Legal tender Legislative Assembly election Lethal drug

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Letter of Intent


Leukaemia Levy Liberal trade Licensing criteria Life expectancy Life insurance Life jacket Life raft

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Life science Lifespan Lifelong employment Lifelong learning Lift Upgrading Programme Light commercial vehicle Light Rail Transit

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Light Rail Transit :

      

                    /      

        /                /          /                     


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Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Light sensor Line of Control Linesman (soccer) Lions' Club Lipid Litigation Litterbugs

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         ( )          

Littoral states Live ammunition Liver cancer Liver transplant Living conditions

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Living organ donation Living organ donor Loan trap Loanshark

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Log book Logistics companies Long haul cruise Long jump Long range missile Long-standing dispute Long-standing tradition

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Long-term development Long-term plan

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Long-reigning monarch


Long-running crisis Long-running investigation

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Long-term healthcare Long-term view

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      /             /     /                  

                       /     /             

                          

Looting incidents Low cost (budget) carriers Low immunity level Low income households Low wage earners Lucrative business Lucrative career

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Lunar New Year Luxury hotel

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                                         

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


M Magnificent display


Maid levy Maiden flight Maintenance of Religious

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Harmony Act Maintenance service Major deficiency Major offensive

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Major powers Make room / make way Makeover

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Makeshift camps Makeshift hospital Makeshift orphanage

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Mammal Mammoth Management executive service Managerial concept

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Manpower policy


       /         /  /               /           /           /         

Manpower shortage Manslaughter Manufacturing sector Marathon Marching contingents Marine police Marine sector

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       /                   



    /         /     


Martial arts :  

Maritime & Port Authority (MPA) Maritime Information Zone

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Maritime trade


Maritime university Marked improvement Market condition Marketing agent Marriage Preparation Programme Mars exploration Martial arts Martial Law Mascot

: : : : : : : : :

Mass destruction Mass display

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Mass media


Massive corruption Massive evacuation

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  ,          /           /                                             /      

   /          /         

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Massive search operation


  

        /      /       /



Massive tremors Master plan Maternal instinct

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Maternity leave


Mature estate




Means testing


Meat eating virus Media campaign Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) Media spokesperson

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Media watchdogs Medical Hub Medical infrastructure

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Medical leave Medisave Medishield Scheme Meditation Medley swimming Memorandum of Understanding

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     /      /        /                        /                /                         /

(MOU) Memorial service Meningitis Menopause Mental health Mentor Mercury

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           /          /     ,  




 

 

Mercy Relief (organisation)


Meritocracy Meritocratic system Meteor Meteorology Microelectronic devices

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Microscope Microwave oven Midfielder (soccer)

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Mid-year examination


Migrant workers Milestone Militant Military aggression Military Intelligence Military operation Military rule Military setback

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Military skill Military strike Military tribunal Millennium Mindset change

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Mineral water Minimal impact

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Minister Mentor Minister of State Ministerial committee

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‘  ’      /                /  /                (  )    /      /         /                      /                      /              /               Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Mobile phone :  




Ministerial meeting Ministry of Home Affairs Ministry of Information, Communication and the Arts

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         ,  ,   

Minority candidate Minority candidate certificate

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Misinformation Missile Missile attack Missile defence agency Missile mishap Mission control (space) Mobile phone

: : : : : : :

Mobile phone coverage Mobile technology

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Mock explosion Models (fashion)

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Modest recovery (economy)


                                     /  /                          (   )   (  )



Modular lesson approach Modus operandi Molest trial Molotov cocktails Momentous time Momentum Monarchy

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 

                    /    

Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) Monsoon Monthly Variable Component (salary) Monumental task Moral Education Moral obligation

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Moral responsibility


Morale Moratorium

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Moribund economy


Mortality rate Mortgage Mortgage loan Motorcade Mounting problems Multi-lateral

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Multi party government Multi-purpose hall Multi-agency committee Multi-dimensional talent Multilateral exercise

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Multilateral trade talks


      /        (  )    /           /        /       /      ,   ,       /           /                      /              /         /             /     Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Multi-market strategy Multimedia Multimedia message service (MMS) Multimedia super corridor Multinational company Multiple bomb blasts Multiple journey visas

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                       

Multiple organ failure Multiracial issues Multi-tasking

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 

Mumps Music download Musical fountain Musicians Mutation of viruses Mutual agreement

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Mutual links Mysterious circumstance

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                    /                /        

N Narrow channel National achievement National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) National Archives

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National Arts Council National aspirations

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National Assembly National broadband network National carrier National consensus

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National Council on Problem




National Day National Democratic Alliance National Environment Agency National Family Council National Gallery Singapore National Heritage Board National Institute of Education National Job Bank National Kidney Foundation National Library Board (NLB)

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National Monuments Board


National movement / campaign National Museum National Neuroscience Institute National Parks Board

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      ,        

        /       /               /                 /                                                 /           /                     

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


National reading campaign :

National reading campaign National Service National Steering Committee National Trades Union Congress

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 

             


National Veterinary Services National Volunteer and Philanthrophy Centre National Wages Council National Youth Council Native speaker Natural disaster Nature reserve area Navigation system


                               /       /

Needy resident Negative outcome Neighbourhood Neighbourhood committee Neighbourhood schools Netball

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            /               



: : : : : : :


Netizens New capabilities New economic strategy New emerging force New plant New Singapore Shares NEWater

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                /      

NEWater Visitor Centre

Next generation team Niche programme Nightmare

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No Tobacco Day No-confidence motion/vote

: :

No-fly zone


                    /     /            /                       /               /                   /             -              /    

Noise pollution : Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) : Non-aligned movement : Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) Non-mature estates


Non-oil exports


Non-profit organisation Non-state actors

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Non-stop long haul flight


North-East Line (NEL) Nuclear armed rivals Nuclear arsenal

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Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Nuclear deal Nuclear medicine Nuclear non-proliferation treaty Nuclear science

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Nuclear terrorism Nuclear warhead

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Nuclear weapons programme Nurse Specialist

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Nursing course Nursing home Nutrition

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            /                   /         /        


O Oath of Allegiance Obesity Obstetrics Occupied area Oesophagus Off-Budget measures

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Office of Admissions Official contact Official status Official visit

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Offset measures


Offshore bank


                                       /        /       

Oil exploration Oil pollution Oil rig On hold

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   

Oil rig :

  

           

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Oncology One - track mind One-sided argument One-stop centre One-time payout One-to-one talk / one- on- one talk Ongoing process

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Online Online auction sites Online courses

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Online forum Online music Online sales Online shopping Online transaction Open bidding

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Open championship Open Market Value Open mobilisation Open Skies Agreement

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Opening match Operating procedures

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Operational Commander Operational issues Operationally ready

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                       /               

Opium Opposition party Ophthalmologist Optician Option to Purchase (OTP) Optional subject Optometrist

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                    



 /                                    /                 

  


Oral History Unit Oral vaccine Orange alert Ordinary Account (CPF) Organ transplant Organisation of the Islamic

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                 ( )        


Organisation secretary Orientation course Orthopedics Osteoporosis Out of bounds

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Out of breath Outcast Out-of-date Outpatient Outskirts Outsource Outspoken

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Outstanding contribution Overhaul Overplaying Overweight Overwhelming evidence

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Own accord


              /                        /                   /      

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


P Pediatrics Palliative care Palliative measures Palm-top computer Palpitation (Heart) Pancreas Pandemic Pandemic preparedness plan

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Panoramic view


Parachute Parade commander Parade contingents Parallel bars (Gymnastics)

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Paralysis Paralysis (economy) Parenting skills Parity (purchasing power) Park Watch Scheme Parliament Parliamentary censure

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    /         /             (              

Parliamentary debate Parliamentary Elections Act Parliamentary speech Participatory approach Partisan Partnership Password

: : : : : : :

                     /  



                  /                  /    /              (  )


Parachute : 

Pastoral Care & Guidance


Patchwork Patent Paternity Leave Patriarchal system Patriotism Payment voucher

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Peace envoy Peace initiative

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Peace negotiator Peace proposal Peaceful reunification Peace-keeping mission

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Peak hour traffic Peak period

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                    /       /        /          /    


               /          Glossary of English to Tamil Terms






Pedestrian mall


Peer mediation programme Penal Code Pension Pentagon (US) Pentathlon People Power Revolution

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People's Association People's Consultative Assembly People's forum Per capita income Perception

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Perennial problem


Performance indicators Performing arts

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Perimeter Perjurer Perjury Permanent membership Permanent split Perpetrator Persian Gulf Personal Auto-Link (PAL) Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)

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Personal envoy Personal opinion

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Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)



  /       /      /                       /           /       

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/ 

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    /         /   /                                                 /       

Personal Protection Order (PPO - Law) Personal tax Personal tragedy Pest busters (control) Petanque Petition

: : : : : :

Petty politics Pharmaceutical company

: :

Phenomenal growth


Photocopy Physician Physiotherapist Physiotherapy Picnic Pilot project

: : : : : :

Pioneer generation Pioneer groups Pivotal currency Pivotal point

: : : :

Photocopy :

   (  )        /            /    /  

 

          /      /                /       /                    

 /

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Pivotal report


Plague Plaque (dental) Plaque Plaintiff Plane wreckage

: : : : :

Planetarium Plastic surgery Points of Agreement (POA) Poison gas Polar bear Pole vault Policy framework

: : : : : : :

Policy report Politburo (communism)

: :

Political activity Political advisor Political analyst Political arena Political bargain Political consensus Political credibility Political crisis Political detainees Political divisions

: : : : : : : : : :

Political dynasty Political gain Political leadership Political leverage Political limbo

: : : : :

Political mechanism




   /           ( )                        /           (    )                                

             /        

Political mileage Political muscle Political observers

: : :

    

  /     /                /           /                 /      

Political persecution


Political prominence


Political reform Political repression Political rivalry

: : :

Political science Political scientist Political self-renewal Political syndicates

: : : :

Political system


Political tension Political thought Political tradition Political transition Political turmoil

: : : : :

Political uncertainty Political vendetta Political watchers Poll

: : : :

             /                / 

Poll fraud Pollination Polling card Polling booth Polling Centre Pollutants Pollutants Standard Index (PSI)

:: : : : : :

      /                     

     

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Poor enforcement


Poor housekeeping Popular cause

: :

Popular mandate Public support

: :



Portfolio (politics) Portfolio (finance) Position of seniority Positive feedback Positive step Postgraduate studies Post-independence generation Post-natal depression

: : : : : : : :

            (  )   ()     /                             

Post-poll alliance Poultry farm Poverty eradication Poverty yardstick Power outage Power sharing Power sharing deal Power vacuum Powerful tremors Practical compromises

: : : : : : : : : :

     ,                              

Practical test Precautionary measures Pre-dawn raid

: : :

Predicted cost Pre-emptive lay-off

: :

             /                 



   /                     

 /

Poultry farm :

, 

Pre-emptive strike


Prefabricated building materials Preliminary report

: :

Preliminary analysis


Presidency President's Challenge President's scholar Presidential Advisers (Council) Presidential candidates Presidential hopefuls Press club

: : : : : : :

Preliminary examination Preliminary information Preliminary inquiry Prelude Pre-paid cards Pre-quake condition Pre-registration Prerequisite President elect

: : : : : : : : :


     /             


                               /              ()         ()               /    Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


 

Press conference Prestigious award

: :

Pre-trial conference Preventive detention Price fluctuation Price list

: : : :

       /                 

Price tag / sticker


 

Primary force Primary healthcare Primary One registration Primary products

: : : :

Primary purpose Primary task Prime concern Prime condition Principal Secretary Prisoners of War (POW) Private clinic Private investment Private sector investment Privileged partnership Probation report Procreation policy Procurement executive Product & Design Centre

: : : : : : : : : : : : : :

    /    /    /                 /      /      /        /                                                

Production engineer Production operator Productivity Productivity growth Pro-enterprise panel Pro-family environment Pro-family package

: : : : : : :

          /                   



Pro-family panel Pro-family policies Professional exchange Profile of contestant Profligate government

: : : : :

Programme Advisory Committee


Progress package Project coordinator Project work Proliferation of nuclear weapons Prologue Prolonged battle Pronouncement Propaganda Proper remuneration Prosecution witness

: : : : : : : : : :

Protectionism (Trade) Protectionist policy Protective custody (Prison)

: : :

Protective tariffs


Protracted war Provincial election Proxy Psychiatric problems Public assemblies

: : : : :

Public Assistance Scheme Public consultation Public lecture Public life Public Officer Public Order Act Public outcry

: : : : : : :

                         (  )                        /       /          /         


    ( )          (   )    /           /                                     Glossary of English to Tamil Terms



Pulse :


Public restroom Public sector Public Service

: : :

Public transport Public Transport Council Public Trust Public Warning System Public work Publicity stunt Pugilist

: : : : : : :

Pulse Punter

: :





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Q QR code


Quadrangular contest Quadrilateral initiative Quadruple Qualitative leap Quality certificate Quality education Quarantine (Health)

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Quarantine camps Quarterly figures Quarterly report Quash

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Queen's Counsel


                               ( )            /  /  /         



  

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


R Race marshals Race-based parties Racial discrimination Racial equality Racial harmony Racial integration

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Racial tolerance Racist remarks Radiation Radiation suits Rainforest Rank and file Rape Rapid development

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Rate of exchange Rate of growth Ratification Rational thinking Rays of optimism Reactor (Nuclear) Readiness drill Reading ability Real Estate

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Realistic expectations Rear seat belts Rebate Rebel-held territory (militants)

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                  /                      /    /      /            /            /       /     

 

    /  /            /         (  )

Rebels Rebuilding works Recent comments Recent developments

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Recent discovery Recession

: :

Reckless behaviour


Reconciliation Reconciliation talks

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Reconstruction phase


Reconstruction plan




Recovery operation Recycled material Recycling Red alert

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             /                  /  /       /         /          /         ,              

Rear seat belts : 


Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Re-employment law Referee Reference books Referendum Referral form Reflation

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  

Reform Act Reform movement Reform strategy

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Refresher course


Refrigerator Refundable deposit Refused bail Regent Regional autonomy Regional bourses Regional competition Regional extremist network Regional headquarters Regional pressure

: : : : : : : : : :

Regional election Register of Electors Registered contractor Regular exchanges

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       /        /                   ( )                                      /                         

Rehabilitation Rehabilitation assistance Reinstatement

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Rejuvenate Relay swimming

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                  /     /

         /    /         

Relevant skills Relief camps Relief centre Relief effort Religious extremism Religious harmony Religious leaders Religious obligation Religious procession Religiously motivated group Remand order Remote control device Renal failure Rental rebate Repayment plan Representative government Reprisal

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

  /               /                    /                                        

Resale levy Rescue operation Research Research and Development Research institution Research report Researcher Reservist Residents' Committee Resignation rate

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       /         /                 /       /



Resolution Resounding win Respiratory problem Responsible government

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   /  /           /       Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Responsive curriculum Restive region Restlessness Restricted area Resume negotiation Retail sector Rethink

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             /                     / 

Retinue Retirement Account (CPF) Retirement housing

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Retrenchment Retrenchment benefits

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Retrenchment package


Return ticket Reunification Reunification talks Reunion dinner Revamp Rhetoric Rhetorical language

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Rhetorical question


Rheumatism Rice Genome

: :

       ( )                                    /     /             /       /      

Right of Self Determination


Right strategy Rights violation Right-wing candidate Right-wing extremists Rigorous scrutiny

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     /       /                 /    /  


Ring leader Riot police Rioters Rising religiosity

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Rising sea level Rival political groups

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River basin Road cave-in Road exit Roadmap for peace Robot Robust economic growth Rock climbing Rocket Rough ocean Rough waters

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      /         /         /      

Round-table conference Royalty Rubbish chute Rubble

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  

 /


Robot :

               /                    

  

     /      /  

   


Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Rule by proxy


Ruling coalition Ruling party Rumbling sound Run amok Run-off election

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    /           /          

Runs (cricket) Runway Ruthless regime

: : :

  



 ( )      

S Sabotage Sabre-rattling

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SAF Day Safe environment

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Safety lapse Safety Officer Safety precaution Safety precautionary measures

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Safety requirements Safety review Safety standards Safety violation

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Salvation Army Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) Sanctions Sanction

:: : :

Sand quarry Satellite Satellite technology Satellite towns Scaffolding Scan Scanning (Medical) Scanner Scant progress Scheduled weapons

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Scholastic assessment test School admission system

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  /       /              /                                             /    /  /    /                    ,         /                         

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Sea level :

School cluster School health service School ranking system Science Centre Science Council Science Park Scientific community Scorching heat Sea change

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Sea level Seabed Seaborne Search -and- rescue operation

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Seasoned politician Seat sharing (election) Second term Secondment Secretariat Secretary of State (USA) Secretary-General

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                          ,               ,    

   /                ( )    

Sectarian war Secular Secular consideration Secularism Securities & Futures Act Securities Investors Association

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Security breach Security concerns

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Security conference Security Council (UN) Security crackdown Security industry Security initiative

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Security threat Seed funding Seeded player Seizure Selection rounds Self-control Self-rule Self-employment Self-help group Self-reliance Semi-conductor Senior Counsel

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Senior Minister of State Sense of duty

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Sentence (law) Separatist faction Separatist violence

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       ,  



                  

      /          ( )            /                  /       /       /                            /  /    (  )        Glossary of English to Tamil Terms




Service sector Service standards Severe challenges Severe consequence Severely weakened

: : : : :

Severity of charges Sewer Sexual behaviour Shared border Shareware (computer) Shooting (Game) Shore up support Short message service (SMS) Shot put Shrewd campaigning Shuttle bus Siege Significant change Significant proposals Signs of violence Silent march Silver jubilee Simple majority Simulated blasts Simultaneous explosions

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Singapore Council of Women's Organisations Singapore Disability Sports Council


Singapore Discovery Centre





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                        ( )        ( )                                     /                 /              /       

Singapore Environmental Achievement Award Singapore Exchange (SGX) Singapore Indian Development Association (SINDA) Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM) Singapore Management University


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                  ( )            

: :

Singapore National Employers Federation Singapore spirit Singapore Sports School


     

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 

Single constituency Site supervisor

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Six-party talks Skills shortage Sky diving

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Sleazy character


Sleepers (railway track)



              /                 /       /    (

Shooting (Game) :   

 ( 

 

 )


Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Slim majority


Slimming centre Slogan Slum area Smart phone

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Snap election Snapshot Sniffer dog Snow-skiing Soccer hooligans

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Social evolution Social ills Social service programmes Social Service Training Institute Social stability Social visit pass Social welfare centre Social -worker- award Society for the Physically Disabled

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Sociology Softdrink Software Software glitch Soil movement

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Solar system Solar energy Solicitor-General Solid economic policies Solid progress

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Sow hatred


Smart card



 


  /            /            

     / ,           /                                             /                  

                   /      

Space shuttle Space station Spam

: : :

Speaker of Parliament Speakers' Corner Special Account (CPF)

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                       ( )

Special Assembly Special court Special privilege Special squad Specially designed Specific reprisal Speed warning device Spin bowler (Cricket) Spinal column Spiritual leader

: : : : : : : : : :

     /      /     /                      ( )   /      

Spiritual tour Spleen Sponsors of terrorism

: : :

Sporadic violence


    , /              

Solar system : 


Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Sports excellence programme


   



Sports facility Sports hub Sprawling archipelago Spy satellite Spying scheme

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Squash Stability pact Stable production Stagflation Stagnant economy Stagnant industry Stalled negotiation

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Standard of living Standby credit Standing Order Start anew State Assembly State funeral

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State of alert State of emergency State-of-the-art State election

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                           /       /                                    /       

Statement Statement to police Statistics Superpowers

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               

  



T Tainted food


Take a break Tanker (oil) Task Task force Tax break Tax benefits Tax cut bill

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Tax evasion Tax exemption Tax incentives Tax rebate Tax reliefs

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  /                    /             /     

Taxiway (airport) Teaching strategies Team spirit Technical glitch Technical support Technique Technocrat Technology sanctions Technopreneur Teenage pregnancy

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   (                  /                    /

Teenager Telecom exchange Telematch Telephone booth Telepoll voting Teletext

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         /                          Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Temporary ban Tender Terrace house Territorial integrity

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Territorial rights Territory

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Terror cell Terrorism Terrorist Terrorist network Terrorist hideout Tertiary institutions Testify Testimony Testimony before death Test-tube baby Tetanus Thanksgiving Day

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           /         /       /   /    

                        /  /               

Terrace house : �   102


Thawing of relations


Theme park


Thermal scanner Third front Third alternative

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Thorough investigation Three dimension Three -dimensional map Three-cornered fight Thrill of joy Thrilling display

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Through the grapevine


Ties at low ebb Timber Time bomb

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Timeframe Tissue engineering Tissues (body) Title deed

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To exhaust


Top brass Top priority Top-level Tornado Torrential rain

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  /                                      /     /  /          


     /      ,    /          ( )    /        /                   /     Glossary of English to Tamil Terms



Total Defence Touch screen Tourism Board Town Council Town renewal programme Trade barrier Trade Consultant

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                    

Trade Development Board Trade fair Trade imbalance Trade qualification Trade quotas Trademark Traditional arts

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Traditional values


Tragic end Tragic incident Train track pile Trained contractor

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Training centre Training cycle (National Service) Training method Traitor Trans border threats

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                       /          /     /       /        /       /                          (  )          

Transfer of sovereignty


Transit passenger Transitory Governing Council Trans-national crimes Transport hassle Transport operators

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    /                       

Transport subsidy Travel fair Travel restrictions Travel warning Treason Treasure hunt Treasury

:    :   :    :     :   /   :    : 

Treated water


Treaty of Amity and Cooperation Tremendous

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Trespass Trial adjourned Triangle Triathlon Tribal region Trilateral partnership

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Tripartite Tripartite partners task force Triple jump Tropical countries Trouble shooter

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Truce / ceasefire


Trust fund Trustee Tumultuous period Turbulent politics Turning point TV ratings system

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Twists and turns Two-thirds majority

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Two-tier family


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       /       /  /                                        /       /       /                                    Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


U Ultra nationalist


   /         – (     )

Umbilical cord UMNO (United Malays National Organisation)

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Unanimous Unauthorised entry/access

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Unauthorised training


Unconventional style


UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) Under - developed Underground

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  /   /     /        /         /              /  

Underground activities


Underground nuclear test Underlying problem

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Undermining Underworld figures

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Undivided support Unearth

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Unemployment Unequivocal UNESCO (United Nations Education, Science and Cultural

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   /            /       /          /             /          /      ,  ,    


Unethical tactics




  /  


Underground :   /

Uneven bars (gymnastics)


Unexpected sights Unforgettable experience

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Unfounded allegations Unglamorous jobs

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UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund)


Unilateral attack


Unilateral ceasefire


Unilateral claim Unique approach Unique identity Unique political climate Unit Unit trust United Front

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     (  )                   /     /           /             /        /                         /  /          Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


United Nations


United progressive alliance Unity government Universe Unlicensed moneylenders Unmanned plane

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Unnecessary stress Unopposed (returned in an election)

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Unprecedented crisis Unprecedented global catastrophe

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Unrealistic goal Untenable Unwanted pregnancy Urban management

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Urban Redevelopment Authority Urgent attention

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Urinary bladder US Federal Reserve Uterus Utility rebate



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   /                        /        /  (                         


 

 )     

       /    

        

    


V Vacant place Vaccine Valid concern

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Valuable feedback


Value added


Value for money


Values and priorities Vandalise Variable Payment System Various perks Vault Velodrome

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Vendetta Venerable

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Venus planet Verbal message Veteran leader Veteran politician Veteran (armed forces) Veto Viable alternative

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Vicious attack Vicious cycle

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Victim Victory declaration Victory parade

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  /          /           /       /                       /       /     /    /                                    /         /       /     

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Void deck :

  /  

Video Video classification

: :

  

Video Disc (VCD) Video Compact post-production Viewers' choice Vigorous criticism Village health workers Vindictive action Violation of agreement Violent reaction

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    /         /                   /       (   ),   

Virology laboratory Virus Vision statement

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Visual art Vital issue

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 /      


       /       /          

 /  

Vital role Vital shipping channel Vital statistics Vocational training

: : : :

Voice mail Void deck

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                  /          /  

Volatile situation Volcano eruption Voluntary Retirement Scheme Voluntary Welfare

: : : :

              


Organisation (VWO)

Volunteerism Vote counting machine Voucher Vulnerable

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      

  

 

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


W Wafer fabrication Wage cut Wage flexibility Wage freeze Wage guidelines Wage restraint Wage restructuring Waiver of bills Walk a-jog Walkathon Walking aid

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Walkout War games

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War mongers War on Corruption War shrine War strategies Warehouse Warm community ties Warm-hearted Warming ties Warm-up exercise Warning signs

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Warrant of arrest


Wartime occupation Waste disposal Waste management Waste water treatment Watchdog agency

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       

                      

  /           /     

                     /             /       /    /               

Water conservation Water consumption Water efficient home programme

: : :

Water polo Water saving device Water ski

: : :

Water sources Water treatment plant Weak coalition government Wealth management hub

: : : :

Weapons cache Weapons inspection Wear and tear Weather forecast Web addict Web page Web portal Webcast Weblog (blog) Website Weightlifting Well-educated workforce Wellness and health Wet market Wharf

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Wheel clamp Wheelchair Whilst stocks last White collarworker White House Widening income gap Wide-ranging dialogue

: : : : : : :

                    


                 /          /                      /     /            /                               Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Wheelchair : �

 

Wide-ranging issues Widespread fraud Widespread havoc

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Widespread problems Wildlife Win-win relationship

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Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)


Wireless Broadband Network Women Network Council Woodpecker Work appraisal

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            /                             

Work ethics Work Permit Workers' rights Workers' strike Workfare Workforce Development Agency Working committee

: : : : : : :

                    



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Work-life balance Workplan Workshop World Convention World Court World Cup World Cup qualifying round

: : : : : : :

         /                

World Food Programme World Health Organisation World Heritage Site World record World Trade Centre

: : : : :

World Trade Organisation Worldwide ban Worldwide project Wreckage

: : : :

                     /                 

Wrestling Writ Writ of Election WWW (World Wide Web)

: : : :

        

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Xylophone :

 �


 

 �

X X-ray Xenophobia

: : :




         /     


Y Year book Year of Assessment Year-end examination Yellow alert (Health)

: : : :

Youth Day Youth Flying Club

: :

    ( ,       ( )    

) 


Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Zebra crossing :

� 

  


 

Z Zoo Zebra crossing

: :

Zero defect zero emission Zero tolerance

: : :



                           

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms




 


 

� 


Attorney-General Solicitor- General Deputy Solicitor-General


: : :

Special Consultant

                      :   /  

Quality Services Manager

:  



  


     :     

Deputy Auditor-General

Assistant Auditor-General Quality Service Manager Public Relations Officer Group Director (Govt Audit) Group Director (SBAD 1) Group Director (Performance & IT)


      /           /    


:         /       :     :     :    (     ) :    :    ( ,    )


Prime Minister Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for National


:   :    

, 

    


Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic

: 

 ,   

 ,  

   

and Social Policies

Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure : and Minister for Transport Minister for Trade and Industry (Trade) : Minister for Trade and Industry (Industry) Minister for Manpower Minister for Communications and Information, Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs and Minister-in-

      ,     ,      ( ) : ,      (   ) :    :  ,   ,       ,    

charge of Cyber Security

Minister for Defence Minister for Foreign Affairs Minister for Home Affairs and Minister

:     :    :    , 


for Law

Minister for Health Minister for Finance Second Minister for Finance Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Minister, Prime Minister’s Office Minister for Social and Family

:    :    :      :   , ,     :  ,     :  ,    


Minister for National Development Minister for Environment and Water

:   :  , 

   


Minister for Education (Schools) and Second Minister for Transport Minister for Education (Higher Education and Skills) and Second Minister for Defence



: 

   ( ),       :     (  , ),      


President of the Republic of

( 

: 

 



Principal Private Secretary to the President Assistant Principal Private Secretary to the President (Operations) Assistant Principal Private Secretary to the President (Staff) Private Secretary to the President

: :

          




 

  ( )         (  )     


, 

Deputy President Registrar Assistant Registrar

:   :   :  

Office Supervisor Verbatim Reporter Stenographer Special Grade

:       :     :    


Senior District Judge District Judge Magistrate


Judge of Appeal

 


 

        

:     :     :  


Chief Justice Private Secretary to Chief Justice



:      :          :      Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Judge Judicial Commissioner Registrar Deputy Registrar Senior Assistant Registrar Assistant Registrar Quality Service Manager Legal Analyst Justices' Law Clerks

: : : : : : : : :

                                   


Speaker Prime Minister Emeritus Senior Minister Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for National



:     :   :      :   ,        


Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic and Social Policies Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure and Minister for

: 


 ,  ,              ,  

 



Minister for Communications and Information, Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs and Minister-in

: 

 ,   ,      ,    

-charge of Cyber Security

Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Minister for Defence Minister for Education (Schools) and Second Minister for Transport Minister for Education (Higher Education and Skills) and Second Minister for Defence 124


:   , ,     :     :     ( ),       :     (  , ),      

Minister for Finance Second Minister for Finance Minister for Foreign Affairs Minister for Health Minister for Home Affairs and

:    :      :    :    :    , 


Minister for Law

Minister for Manpower

: 

Minister for National Development Minister for Social and Family

: :

 

  , 

    



Minister for Environment and Water

: 

, 



Minister for Trade and Industry (Trade) : Minister for Trade and Industry (Industry) Minister, Prime Minister’s Office

,    ) : ,    (   ) :  ,   

Senior Ministers of State Ministers of State Senior Parliamentary Secretaries Parliamentary Secretaries Mayors South East CDC North West CDC Central Singapore CDC

: : : : : : : :





North East CDC

                                     :      

South West CDC Members of Parliament

: :

    

     

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms



Chairman Deputy Chairman Member Secretary Personal Assistant to Chairman


:    :     :   :   :    





  

Minister Minister of State Permanent Secretary Chief of Government Communications Deputy Secretary (Industry and Information)

: : : : :

Press Secretary Prime Minister Director (Specialto Duties) Press Secretary to Minister Quality Service Manager

::     )     ( :       :    

                   (   ,  )


  ,



 

Minister Senior Minister of State Parliamentary Secretary

:   :    :  

Permanent Secretary Deputy Secretary (Culture) Deputy Secretary (Community, Youth and Sports) Deputy Secretary (Designate) Press Secretary to Minister Quality Service Manager

:      :     (  ) :     ( , ,  ) :     (     :       :    




  




Minister for Defence Second Minister for Defence Senior Minister of State Permanent Secretary (Defence) Permanent Secretary (Defence

: : : : :


                  ( )      (  



Deputy Secretary (Technology) Deputy Secretary (Special Projects) Deputy Secretary (Policy) Deputy Secretary (Administration) Chief Defence Scientist MINDEF Quality Service Manager Future Systems and Technology Architect Group Chief, MINDEF Communications Director, Legal Services Director, National Service Affairs Head, Internal Audit Department

:     (   ) :     (   ) :     (  ) :     ( ) :         :    ,    :   ,       :    ,  ,    :  ,   :  ,      :   ,    




Minister for Education (Schools)

: 




Minister for Education (Higher

: 




, )

Education and Skills)

Minister of State Parliamentary Secretary Permanent Secretary (Education) Permanent Secretary (Education

:    :     :      ( ) :      (  

Development) Glossary of English to Tamil Terms



Director-General of Education Deputy Secretary (Services) and Group Director (Human Resource) Deputy Secretary (Policy) Deputy Secretary (SkillsFuture) Deputy Director-General of Education (Curriculum) and Divisional Director

:         :     ( ),    ( ) :     (  ) :     (   ) :          (    ),  

(Curriculum Planning and Development) Deputy Director-General of Education (Schools) and Directors of Schools Deputy Director-General of Education (Professional Development) and Executive Director, Academy of Singapore Teachers Quality Service Manager Senior Deputy Director, Media Relations (Schools), Press Secretary to Minister (Schools) Senior Deputy Director, Media Relations (Higher Education and Skills), Press Secretary to Minister (Higher

   ( )      :          ( ),    :          (   ),    ,        :     :    ,    ( ),       ( ) :    ,    (  , ),       (  , )

Education and Skills)



Minister for Finance

: 


Second Minister for Finance Senior Minister of State Permanent Secretary (Finance) Permanent Secretary (Finance)

:    :    :     :    

    ()  () (



Senior Consultant Deputy Secretary (Policy) 128


:    :     (



Deputy Secretary (Performance) Press Secretary to Minister for Finance

:  : 

Quality Service Manager

: 

    


Minister for Foreign Affairs Senior Minister of State Permanent Secretary Second Permanent Secretary Ambassador-at-Large Deputy Secretary (Southeast Asia and ASEAN) Deputy Secretary (Asia-Pacific) Deputy Secretary (Management) Senior Specialist Adviser Director (Special Duties) Senior Deputy Director (Special Duties) Quality Service Manager

  (  

) 

  


:    :     :      :        :  :     (    ) :     (  ) :     ( ) :      :   (  ) :     (  ) :    


Minister for Health Senior Minister of State

:  :  

Minister of State Permanent Secretary (Health) Second Permanent Secretary Director of Medical Services Deputy Secretary (Development) Deputy Secretary (Policy)

: : : : : :



  

        ( )                (  )     (  ) Glossary of English to Tamil Terms



Managing Director (MOH Holdings) Press Secretary to Minister for Health Quality Service Manager


   ( �  ) :       :    


Minister for Home Affairs and




 





Minister for Law

Senior Minister of State Parliamentary Secretary Permanent Secretary (Home Affairs), (Prime Minister's Office) and (National Security and Intelligence

:     :     :      (  ), (  ), (   ,     )


Second Permanent Secretary Deputy Secretary (International) Deputy Secretary (HR and Finance) Deputy Secretary (Policy) Chief Science & Technology Officer Quality Service Manager Press Secretary to Minister for Home Affairs

: : : : :

           ( )     ( , )     (  )     ,    :     :        


Minister Senior Minister of State Permanent Secretary Deputy Secretary Director (Special Projects) / Special Assistant (Legal) to Minister 130


:  :   :   :   :   (  


         (   ) /      )


Press Secretary to Ministry Quality Service Manager

: : 

 


   


Minister for Manpower Minister of State Permanent Secretary Deputy Secretary Deputy Secretary (Development) Press Secretary to Manpower Minister Quality Service Manager

                   (  )        :    

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                 ( )     (  )     (  )          


Minister Parliamentary Secretary Permanent Secretary Deputy Secretary


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Minister Senior Minister of State Minister of State Permanent Secretary Deputy Secretary (Services) Deputy Secretary (Planning) Deputy Secretary (Development) Press Secretary to Minister Quality Service Manager

 

, 


:   :     :      :     Glossary of English to Tamil Terms



Quality Service Manager Press Secretary to Minister

:  :

 



Minister Senior Minister of State

:  :  

Permanent Secretary Deputy Secretary (Special Duties) Deputy Secretary (Policy) Senior Director (Management) Director (Environmental Policy) Director (Water Policy) Director (International Policy) Director (Futures and Planning) Director (Energy and Climate Policy)

: : : : : : : : :

Director (Corporate Development) Director (Communications and 3P Partnership Network - People, Private, Public) Quality Service Manager Press Secretary to Minister

: :

           

Minister (Trade)


Minister (Industry) Senior Minister of State Minister of State Parliamentary Secretary Permanent Secretary Deputy Secretary (Trade) Deputy Secretary (Industry)

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, 

  

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    ( )   (  )   ( )  (   )  (   ) (   )  ( ,   ) (  ,     )

  (  )   (  , 3     - ,      ) :     :      



   








  (   )                     ( )     (  


Deputy Secretary (Industry Transformation) Director General, Trade Division Press Secretary to Minister Quality Service Manager

: 

   (     ) :     ,   :       :    


Minister for Transport Second Minister for Transport Senior Minister of State Permanent Secretary Deputy Secretary



:     :     :     :      :     (, 



(Land and Corporate)

Deputy Secretary (International) Senior Adviser Press Secretary to Minister Quality Service Manager

:     ( :    :     :    


Prime Minister Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for National


:   :    

)  

, 

    


Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic

: 

and Social Policies Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure

        :   :     :   

Minister Senior Minister of State Minister of State

 :

 ,  

 ,  

 


Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Permanent Secretary (Prime Minister's Office) Permanent Secretary (Prime Minister's Office) (Special

: 

    (   ) :      (   ) ( )


Secretary to Prime Minister Principal Private Secretary to Prime Minister

:     :       

Special Assistant to DPM Teo Chee Hean Special Assistant to Emeritus Senior Minister Special Assistant to Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic and Social

:           :           :   ,  ,             



Press Secretary to Prime Minister Press Secretary to Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating

:       :   ,  ,       

Minister for Economic and Social



Press Secretary to Emeritus Senior Minister Senior Manager (Corporate Services) Senior Manager (Events) Manager (Finance) Manager (Communications) Manager (Events) Manager (HR/Admin)


Manager (Estate and Facilities) Quality Service Manager Quality Service Executive

:   ( :   :  



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       




        (    ()  ()  (  )  ()  (  /  ) , )    

   )


Glossary of English to Tamil Terms












 (



Abacus Ability-Driven Education Academic Degree Academic Value-Added

:    :     :    :    

Academy Accent Accuracy Achievement-based Education Achievement Awards Acquisition Action Research Active learning Active personality Active state

:    :   :    :      :   :    :  :     :    :  

Activities & Achievements Adaptability

:     :  /      :    :    :     :     :      :     :        :       :  /  /   :     :     :   :    /    

Adjusted learning Administrative records Admission Adolescent Adult Education Adult Literacy Advanced Elective Modules Advanced Placement Examination Aesthetic Affective factors Affective meaning Age-appropriate Agricultural Education

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Aims And Objectives Algebra Alphabetic method Ambiguity Ambiguous Analogy Analytic method Anatomy Anecdote Anniversary Announcements Anthropology Apps Appeal Application Applied and Practice-Oriented Learning

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Applied graded subjects


             /      /                 /              /        

Appropriate level Appropriate strategies

       :     :   :     :   /   :    :  

Appropriate syllabus materials Aptitude Archaic Articulation Artificial Assessment Assessment and Examinations

:    :   :   : ,   :   :  :  

Apprenticeship Approach Approach to Teaching Appropriate assessment




 


Assessment for Learning Assessment formats Assessment methods Assessment of learning Assignment Assistive Technology Devices

: : : : : :

Assumption Asynchronous learning Attendance Attention Attitude Attribute Audibility Audio Clip Audio Recording Audio-Lingual Teaching Method Audio-Visual Aids

: ,   :      :   :   :    /   :  :    ,   :   :   : -      : -   / -  : -    :    :   /    /     :     :      :   :  :   /   :    :     /     /     :    :  

Audio-Visual Approach Aural and oral Authentic Authentic materials Autism Automatic Auxiliary Babbling Baby Talk Basic Education Basic operations Behaviourism

               /         

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Best Practice Awards Bias in Education Bibliography Bilingual Bilingual Education Binary Biography Biology Bit Blackboard Blasphemy Blended Learning Blog Booth Botany Boundary

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Boy Scout Boyhood Broadcast Browse Cadet Camp-fire Cancellation Capitation Grant Category Causative Centralised Qualifying Test Centre of Excellence for Professional Development Changing language environment Chapter Character

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        ,                            /     

         /               /         /                     :    : /    :  ;  

Character Development Character Development Programme Characteristics Chart Chat Childhood Chinese (Special Programme) Choral recitation Civics Civics and Moral Education Classical learning Cliche

Co-Curricular Activities (CCA)

        ,       /         (  )                      /    :    :    :    

Co-Curricular Programme Executives Code mixing Code switching Co-Education Cognitive development Cognitive meaning Cognitive theory Coinage Coincidence Colloquial

:      :   :   :     :    :    :     : ,  :    :  

Combined Humanities Comment Commentary Committee on Pre-School Education Common Language Communication

:   :  :  ;   ; :     :   :   

Cluster Superintendent Cluster Teachers

: : : : : : : : : : : :


Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Communication channel Community Involvement Programme Community organisations Comparison Competence Competition Composition Compound Comprehension text Compulsory Computer-based Learning Concentration Concept Concession Conclusion Concord

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Concrete Concept Conditional Conduct Confidence Confusion Connection Conservation Consonant Contemporary

:    :         :  ,  : ;    :    :   :  :   : 

Content Content Analysis Context Contextual Meaning Contextualised Questions Continuation Schools

:   /   :     :  :    :     :    



                 ,     /  ,                  /


Continuing Education Contract Adjunct Teachers Contrast Control Room Conundrum Convention Conversation Conversion Co-occurence Cooperative Learning Correction Correlation Correspondence Course Creative Skill Creative Thinking Cross-Cultural Communication

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Cryptography Cryptonalyst Cultural Content Cultural Setting Culture Curiosity Curriculum Framework Curriculum Literacy Curriculum Materials Curriculum Plan Customised Teaching Approaches

: : : : : : : : : : :

Data Data Collection Day Dream

         /        /      /                                 

                    /       /                            :   /  :     :   

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Dead Language Dean

: : 

Design & Technology Desired Outcomes Destination Detoxification

: : : :

Development Awards Diagnostic Test Dialect Different Abilities

:   :    :   :     /     :   :      :   :    :   :           :     :   :     :   /      :   :  : 

Differentiate Differentiated Instruction Diglossia Diploma In Education Direct Method Direct Polytechnic Admissions Direct School Admission Director Directory Disciple Discontinuation Discourse Discovery Discrete Channel Discrete Elements

:    :    /     :    :   :   /   :    ( )

Discussions Displacement Disposition Disquisition 144


          ;                   ,  ,  

Distinction Distinctive Distortion Of Speech Diverse Diverse Home Language Environment Documents Domain Dominant Home Language Dominant Language Dramatization Drill Due Date Duration Echo Economics Educability

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

      /                               ,       /             /    

Educate Education Leadership Development Centre Education Policy Educational Qualification Edusave Award Edusave Scholarship Effective Elective Elective Modules

:  :   :  :  : ‘ : ‘ : : :

Eligible Elocution Eloquence Email Address Embedding

     :  /  :    /    :    :     :  

 ,                  ’   ’          /         /

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Embroidery Emotion Emotional Involvement Emotive Speech Emphasis Empirical Research

:      :    :    :     :  /  :     /   

Employability Skills System Enabling Masterplan

: :

Encoding Encyclopaedia Engaging and Realistic Contexts Engaging Hearts & Enriching Minds

: : : :

Engaging learning activities


Engaging pedagogy


Enhanced Vocational Training Programme Enriching Learning Experiences Epics Equation Equivalent Essential qualification

: : : : : :

Ethnic group Ethos of care

: :

Etymology Evaluate Everyday situations Examinable subject

: : : :



        ,                     ;                      (  )                  /               (  )     (, )        

Examination-Driven Approach Exception Exclamation Exclusion Excursion Exhibit Exhibition Existence Expatriate teachers Experience Experiment Experimental research Experimenter Experts Explicitly Express course

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Expression of thought Extension Extinction Fable Facilitation Fact Finding Fairy Tales

: : : : : : :

Fantasy Featured resources Feeble mindedness Feedback Feeder schools Feminism Field

    ,   ,    ,       /   /          /    /                     

       /     /   /          /     :    :   

:   :   /    :   :   :  / 

  /

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Financial Assistance Scheme Flag hoisting Flash card Flexibility Fluency Focus Group Discussions Folk Literature Foreign collaboration

Fundamentally Fusion Course

:     :   :   (    ) :   /   :  :      :    :   /   :     :   :   :       :      : ,    ,    /   :   :      :  :    /   :        :    :      /     :   :     

Future Generations


Gallery Gazette General General Certificate of Education Generalization

: : : : :

Foreign System School Formal language Formal Tamil Formally-Structured Approach Formative Assessment Formative, Informal, Continual Assessment Forum Foundation-level subjects Fragments Framework Free and Compulsory Education Free form Functional approach



  /       /            


Generate Geography Gesture Gifted Education Programme Girl Guides Global city Globalisation Globe Glossary Good Progress Awards Government-aided school Grade Grammar Grammar Items Graph

:   /   :  /  /    :  :      :    :    :   : ,    :   /        :     :     :  :   :    : ,  

Graphic stimulus Grassroots Organisations Group discussion Groupings Head, Heart and Hands Headmaster Headmistress Heartware Helpdesk

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Helping hands Helpline Heuristic learning High School Education High-ability student Holistic Report Card

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           ,  ,              ,          

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms




Home study Home work Homograph Homonym Hotline Hypotheses

:   :    :   :   :       :  

Icon Ideology Idiom Idiosyncracy Illiteracy Illiterate Image Imagery Imitate

:  /     :  /   :     :     :   ,    :    ,    :  ,  ,  :    :  

Impact Implementation Incidental learning Incompatible values Inculcation

:  :    /  :      :    :     ,    :     :     :      /     

Indirect Learning Individualised feedback Induction Inference Influence Information Communications

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  

  /    

  / 


Technology (ICT)

Informal Assessment Informal Education Innovation in Information Technology 150


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In-service education Inspection circle Instinct Institute of Technical Education (ITE) Instruction Integrated teaching of values

:    :      :   :       :  ,   :       

Interactive Interactive activities Interest in learning Interesting teaching method International Friendship Day Internationally recognised Interpersonal Interpretation Intonation

:     :       :     :       :    :     :       :    : 

Invention Invigilation Irony Isolation Joint Admissions Exercise Joint venture Key Performance Indicator Language competence Language environment Language games

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  /                              

Learning Learning Journey Learning outcomes Learning types Learning with multimedia Lesson observation

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  ,            /                   Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Life-Long learning Listening and Speaking Listlessness Literal translation

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             /    :   :   

Literary usage Loan word Lukewarm Master Master Teacher Masterplan for IT in Education Materials Meaningful evaluation Medal Media information Medium of Instruction Melody Memorisation Memory span Memory store Merged stream Metaphor Metaphoric meaning MOE Language Centre MOEMasterplan of Awards for Schools Monitor Monolingual Monologue Moral values Most popular Most recent 152


:   ;     :   :     :         :  :   :  :   :    :  :    /   :   :   :    :   :    :        :       :   ,  :   :   /  :   ,  :    :   


Motive Motivation Motivational strategies Motor learning Multi-media presentation Multi-purpose schools Multi-cultural Multi-cultural heritage Multiple Choice Question Multiple Intelligences (MI) Murmur Narration National Council of Social Services

:   :  /   :   :    :    :   :      :        :    :     :  :   /   :   


National Education National Examinations

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      

National Institute of Education (NIE) Resource Centre NE Symposium

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New password New rubric Niche of Excellence Niche Programme School Non-verbal communication Non-Tamil Indian Languages

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Notes of lesson Notifications Nursery rhymes Nurture students’ competence

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            /           /                            

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Official capacity


Official languages Official secret Officiating capacity Omission Opportunity

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 ,                ,   

Options Oral approach Oral assessment Oral examination Oral presentation Oral Proficiency Certification Organisational effectiveness Outstanding Development Awards Over learning

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                               

Overall Overall feedback Overall level Overdue tasks Pedagogy Palaestra Paradigm Paralogia Participant Partnership in Education

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                  /                      

Part-Time Teaching Programme Pedant Percentage Perception Perceptual learning Performance-based Assessment

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                




 

Personality Physical & aesthetics Physical Education Physical health Physics Picture description Play therapy Polytechnic Polytechnic-School Review Committee Portfolio work

:   :     :     :  :  /  :   :     :        :            :   /    Post-Secondary Education :        Post-Secondary Education Institutions :          Practical relevance :     Practical work :    Pragmatism Predominant Preface Prefect Pre-requisite Pre-School Education Previous Pre-vocational Process model

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Professional development

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Professional Development and

 

                      


Proficiency Proficiency descriptors

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Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Proficient language users Progress Pronunciation Prose Prosody Prototype Psycholinguistics Public Gallery Quality Assurance Framework Question bank Quotation Racial dialect Racial Harmony Day Rational learning Rational validity

:     :   /  :  ,  : :  :   :  :   ,    :     :    :   :   :    :   :    

Reader Reading fluency Reading strategies Recitation Reconstruction Record Red Cross Society Re-education Re-examination Refresher course

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Regional dialect Regional varieties Reinforcement Report book Responsive curriculum

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 ,          ,               


 


Revised syllabus Role-play Root word Rootedness Rote learning Scholar Scholarship School Advisory Committee School-based Assessment School Cluster System School-Community Partnership School Distinction Award School Excellence Award School Excellence Model School Graduation Certificate School Holistic Report Card

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            /         ,                                         /     

School Management Committee School motto School ranking Science of dharma Second language Secondary education Secret code Self Help Groups Self-reflection

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Self - learning Semester Senior Teacher Sequential code Show-and-Tell Silent reading

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                               / 

                  



Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Simultaneous Singapore School for the Visually Handicapped Singaporean flavour Singapore's identity Situational context Sketch

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     :     :     :  :   

Social communication Social dialect Social learning Social studies Spaced learning Speaking and Learning Environment Speaking skills Special Admissions Exercise

:     :    :    :    :    :       :   :      Special Assistance Plan Schools (SAP) :    

Special course Special Needs Officers Specific recommendations Speech-like Texts Spoken Tamil Spontaneous speech Stakeholders Stammering Standard dialect Standardised Tamil Terminology

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Standard-level Subjects State enterprise Static state Stationery Stereotype

 :        :      :   :   :  ,   




                             

Stimulus : ,  Strategies for Effective Engagement :     and Development (SEED)     Structural approach :    Structure :   Student all-round development :     Student attitude :       Studious

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Subject-Based Banding Subject-matter Substitution learning Suggestive meaning Suitability Suitable Suitable passages Summary Summative Assessment Survey Sustained Achievement Award Syllabus Symposium Tamil alphabet Tamil alphabet learning Tamil Language Curriculum and Pedagogy Review Committee

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Tamil-speaking community Teacher Training and Development Teachers’ Network Teaching aids Teaching approaches Teaching methods Teaching notes

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  ;               ,               ,      ,                         ,                                   Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Teaching techniques Teaching units Team work Text book The Board for the Teaching & Testing

:     :    :   /   :   :    of South Asian Languages (BTTSAL)        The Committee on National Education :      The Desired Outcomes of Education The Singapore Story The Task Force on Greater Engagement with SPED School Thesis Tamil Language Curriculum Tamil Language Curriculum Framework Tamil Language Specialists Total Defence Day Touching Hearts & Enriching Minds

:       :     : ‘ ’            :   ,   :      :          :      

Tractive effort Training Trait Translation Transliteration Transmitter Transmitting culture

:       :    ,      :    :  ,   :   :   :  ,   :   /   :     

Trophy Truancy Tutor Two-key system Uniformed groups University

:   :    :   :     :    :   




 

Vacation Vibrant Video Video recording Vision for the Tamil Language Vocabulary

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Vodcast Voluntary Welfare Organisations

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   



Volunteer Water colour painting White space Whole Learning Method Whole school approach

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Glossary of English to Tamil Terms







Accountants Act Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority Act Accounting Standards Act Administration of Muslim Law Act Adoption of Children Act Advance Medical Directive Act Agency for Science, Technology and Research Act Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority Act Agricultural Pests Act (Repealed) Air Navigation Act Animals and Birds Act Application of English Law Act

:       :             :        :        :       :       :  ,          :         :        (  ) :       :          :       

  :    :      :           Arbitration (Foreign Awards) Act (Repealed) :    (   )   (  ) Arbitration (International Investment :    (  Disputes) Act   )   Arbitration Act :      Architects Act :       Arms and Explosives Act :       Arms Offences Act :      Asian Development Bank Act :      Audit Act :       Apportionment Act Apportionment of Rents Act Appraisers and House Agents Act

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Banishment Act Banking Act Bankruptcy Act Betting Act Betting and Sweepstake Duties Act

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Bills of Exchange Act Bills of Sale Act Biological Agents and Toxins Act

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Boundaries and Survey Maps Act


Boy Scouts Association Act Bretton Woods Agreements Act

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Broadcasting Act Building and Construction Authority

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                    ,                                             /      ,    


Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act Building Control Act Building Maintenance and Strata Management Act Buildings and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act Bus Services Licensing Authority Act (Repealed) Business Registration Act Business Trusts Act

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,                                  ( ,  )          (  )         

Carriage By Air (Montreal Convention, 1999) Act Carriage by Air Act 164



  (   :  

  

  1999) 

Carriage of Goods by Sea Act Casino Control Act Cattle Act Census Act Central Provident Fund Act Charities Act Chemical Weapons (Prohibition) Act Child Care Centres Act Children and Young Persons Act Children Development Co-Savings Act Chit Funds Act Cinematograph Film Hire Duty Act Cisco (Dissolution) Act Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore Act

Civil Defence Act Civil Defence Shelter Act Civil Law Act Civil List and Pension Act Civil Service College Act Clean Air Act (Repealed) Co-operative Societies Act Coin Act Commercial and Industrial Security Corporation Act Commissions of Inquiry Act

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     :       :     :        


:      :     :    ( )   :          :        :        :     :        :   ( )   :           :       :         :     :   ,     :       :      (   ) :      :        : ,       :      Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Commodity Trading Act Common Gaming Houses Act Community Care Endowment Fund

:      :       :   


Community Mediation Centres Act




Companies Act Competition Act Compulsory Education Act Computer Misuse Act

:     :     :        :         Consular Conventions Act :         Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act :     (  )   Consumer Protection (Trade Descriptions :     And Safety Requirements) Act (        )   Contact Lens Practitioners Act :       Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act :    (     )   Contributory Negligence and Personal :       Injuries Act     Control of Essential Supplies Act :          Control of Imports and Exports Act :     (Repealed)   (   ) Control of Manufacture Act Control of Plants Act Control of Rent (Abolition) Act 2001 Control of Rent Act Control of Vectors and Pesticides Act



:      :       :     ( )   2001 :       :            

Controlled Plants Act (Repealed)

:        (  ) Controlled Premises :      (Special Provisions) Act (    )   Conveyancing and Law of Property Act :              Copyright (Gramophone Records and :   ( , Government Broadcasting) Act (Repealed)    )   (  ) Copyright Act :     Corrosive and Explosive Substances and : ,   Offensive Weapons Act           Corruption (Confiscation of Benefits) Act : (     (Repealed)  )   (  ) Corruption, Drug Trafficking And Other : ,      Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits)        Act (      )   Countervailing and Anti-Dumping :       Duties Act       Creche Establishments Act (Repealed) :        (  ) Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act :   (   )   Criminal Procedure Code :       Currency Act :     Customs (Dumping and Subsidies) Act :    (   (Repealed) Customs Act

 ) :   

  (  

Dangerous Fireworks Act

: 

Debtors Act

: 

    



Glossary of English to Tamil Terms



Decorations and Uniforms Act Defamation Act Defence Science and Technology Agency Act Dental Registration Act Departmental Titles (Alteration) Act

:        :    :            :      :      ( )  

Deposit Insurance Act Destitute Persons Act Destruction of Disease-Bearing Insects Act (Repealed) Development Fund Act Development Loan Act Developmental Investment Fund Act Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oaths and Fees) Act

:       :      :       (  ) :     :      :       :          (     )  

Diplomatic and Consular Relations Act

:         Diplomatic Privileges (Commonwealth :     (  Countries and Republic of Ireland) Act      )   Distress Act :      District Cooling Act :        Drug Trafficking (Confiscation of Benefits) :      Act (Repealed) (      )   (   ) 

Economic Development Board Act Economic Expansion Incentives (Relief From Income Tax) Act Education Act Education Endowment and Savings Schemes Act 168


: :

          (     )   :     :          

Education Service Incentive Payment Act :  Electric Lamp and Electric Appliances Act (Repealed) Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Act Electricity Act

        :          (  ) :               :     

Electronic Transactions Act Emergency (Essential Powers) Act

:       :   (     )   Employment Act :      Employment Agencies Act :       Employment of Foreign Manpower Act :        Endangered Species :     (Import and Export) Act (  )   Energy Market Authority of Singapore Act :          Enlistment Act :     Entertainments Duty Act :      Environmental Protection and :      Management Act     Environmental Public Health Act :        Estate Duty Act :     Evidence (Civil Proceedings In Other :  (    Jurisdictions) Act    )   Evidence Act :    Exchange Control Act Exchanges (Demutualisation and Merger) Act Executive Condominium Housing Scheme Act Explosive Substances Act

: :

        (        )   :         :     Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Export of Plants (Control) Act (Repealed) :    ( )   (  ) External Loans Act :       Extradition Act :          

Factories Act Feeding Stuffs Act Fees Act Films Act Final Supply (FY1998) Act 1999 Finance Companies Act Financial Advisers Act Financial Procedure Act Fire Safety Act Fire Service Act (Repealed) Fisheries Act Foreign Recruiting Act Foreshores Act Free Trade Zones Act Frustrated Contracts Act Futures Trading Act

:      :      :     :      :   (  1998)   1999 :      :      :      :     :      (  ) :     :       :      :         :        :     

Gas Act Geneva Conventions Act Geographical Indications Act Goods and Services Tax Act Government Contracts Act Government Hospitals Act 170


:     :        :     : ,    :        :       

Government Loans (Conversion and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Repealed) Government Proceedings Act Government Procurement Act Government Securities Act Guardianship of Infants Act


    (     )    )                         

 ( : : : : 

Hazardous Waste (Control of Export, Import and Transit) Act Health Products Act 2007


Health Promotion Board Act Health Sciences Authority Act High Court (Admiralty Jurisdiction) Act

: : :

Hijacking of Aircraft and Protection of Aircraft and International Airports Act


Hire-Purchase Act Holidays Act Home Affairs Uniformed Services Superannuation Act Homes for the Aged Act Hotels Act

: : :

House To House and Street Collections Act

Housing and Development Act Housing Developers (Control and Licensing) Act HUDCHousing Estates Act Human Cloning and other Prohibited Practices Act


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   (  ,  )        2007              (    )       ,   ,                                 �        

:  ,          ( , )   :  ( ,    )      :              Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Human Organ Transplant Act Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act Immigration Act Income Tax Act Indecent Advertisements Act Industrial Relations Act Infectious Diseases Act Info-Communications Development Authority of Singapore Act Inheritance (Family Provision) Act Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore Act 

Innkeepers Act Inquiries Act 2007 Institute of Education (Repeal) Act 1996 Institute of Education Act (Repealed) Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Act Institute of Technical Education Act Insurance Act Insurance Intermediaries Act Intellectual Property Office of Singapore Act Internal Security Act International Arbitration Act International Development Association Act International Enterprise Singapore Board Act International Finance Corporation Act 172


:    : �  (  ) :   :   :      

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                :           :      

International Organisations (Immunities And Privileges) Act Internationally Protected Persons Act 2008 Intestate Succession Act Intoxicating Substances Act


  (   )   :        2008 :       :      

Judges’ Remuneration Act Judicial Committee Act (Repealed) Judicial Proceedings (Regulation of Reports) Act Jurong Town Corporation Act

:       :      (  ) :     (     )   :         

Kidnapping Act




Land Acquisition Act Land Improvement Act Land Officers Powers Act Land Revenue Collection Act Land Surveyors Act Land Titles (Strata) Act Land Titles Act

:      :      :        :       :      :    (  )   :     

Land Transport Authority of Singapore Act : 

       Landmarks Act (Repealed) :       (  ) Layout-Designs of Integrated Circuits Act :          Legal Aid and Advice Act :  ,     Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Legal Profession Act Legitimacy Act Lifelong Learning Endowment Fund Act

:      :       :         :     :        

Limitation Act Limited Liability Partnerships Act Loans (International Banks) Act

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 (  )   Local Forces (Relief of Financial Hardship) :    (    Act   )   Local Government Integration Act :        (Repealed) (  ) Local Treasury Bills Act :        

Maintenance of Parents Act


Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act Maintenance Orders (Facilities for Enforcement) Act

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Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act Malaysia Revenue Vessels Act


Manufacture of Optical Discs Act Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Act Maritime Offences Act Martial Arts Instruction (Repeal) Act 2003

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Martial Arts Instruction Act Mass Rapid Transit Corporation Act (Repealed) 174



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           )      ( )                                           ()   2003                 (  )

Massage Establishments Act Media Development Authority of Singapore Act Medical (Therapy, Education and Research) Act Medical and Elderly Care Endowment Schemes Act

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Medical Registration Act Medicines (Advertisement and Sale) Act

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Medicines Act Mental Disorders and Treatment Act Merchant Shipping (Civil Liability and Compensation for Oil Pollution) Act

Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution) Act

             :   ( ,  , )   :  ,         


(    ( )  )                      ( )         (     )  

Merchant Shipping Act


Metrication Act Military Manoeuvres Act Minister for Finance (Incorporation) Act

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Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act


Misuse of Drugs Act Monetary Authority of Singapore Act Money-Changing and Remittance Businesses Act Moneylenders Act

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                   : (   )       Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Motor Vehicles (Third-Party Risks and Compensation) Act


    (    )   Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid :      Selling (Prohibition) Act      ( )  Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act :         Mutual Benefit Organisations Act :     

Nanyang Polytechnic Act


                  (   )                ,        (  )                       (   )                                  (  )                      (  )     

Nanyang Technological University (Corporatisation) Act


Nanyang Technological University Act


National Archives and Records Centre Act (Repealed)


National Arts Council Act National Cadet Corps Act National Council of Social Service Act National Emblems (Control of Display) Act National Environment Agency Act National Heritage Board Act National Library Board Act National Maritime Board Act (Repealed)

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National Parks Board Act : National Police Cadet Corps Act : National Productivity Board Act (Repealed) : National Registration Act 176



National Registry of Diseases Act 2007 National Research Fund Act National Servicemen (Employment) Act

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National Theatre Trust Act (Repealed) National University of Singapore (Corporatisation) Act National University of Singapore Act Nature Reserves Act (Repealed) Newspaper and Printing Presses Act Ngee Ann Polytechnic Act Notaries Public Act Nurses and Midwives Act Nursing Homes and Maternity Homes Registration Act (Repealed)

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) :   (  ) :    

        

 

(  )   :        :     (  ) :       :          :    

 2007

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Oaths and Declarations Act Oaths of Office and Allegiance Act Official Secrets Act Optometrists and Opticians Act 2007


           :          :        :                

Parking Places (Surcharge) Act


  (  )

  

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Parking Places Act Parks and Trees Act Parliament (Privileges, Immunities and Powers) Act

:      :         :   ( ,      )   Parliamentary Elections (Temporary :    (   Suspension of Overseas Voting) Act 2001       )   2001 Parliamentary Elections Act :      Parliamentary Pensions Act :       Passports Act :     Patents Act :     Pawnbrokers Act :      Payment and Settlement Systems :   ,   (Finality and Netting) Act   (       )   Payment Systems (Oversight) Act :     (  )   Payroll Tax Act :       Penal Code :      Pension Fund Act :     Pensions (Expatriate Officers) Act :   (    )   Pensions Act :     People’s Association Act :      Personal Injuries :     (   (Emergency Provisions) Act   )   Petroleum Act :      Pharmacists Registration Act :      Pineapple Industry Act (Repealed) :       (  ) Planning (Cancellation of Permission) Act :   (    )   Planning Act :     178


Plant Varieties Protection Act Poisons Act Police Force Act

:      :     :    (  )   Political Donations Act :       Port of Singapore Authority Act (Repealed) :        (  ) Post Office Savings Bank of Singapore : (Transfer of Undertakings and Dissolution) Act Post Office Savings Bank of Singapore Act : (Repealed) Postal Services Act : Premiums on Leases Act : Preservation of Monuments Act : Preservation of The Peace Act Presidential Elections Act Prevention of Corruption Act Prevention of Crimes Act Prevention of Pollution of The Sea Act

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Price Control Act Princess Elizabeth Fund (Repeal) Act 1998

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Princess Elizabeth Fund Act (Repealed)


Printers and Publishers Act (Repealed)


      (     )           (  )                                                      ()   1998       (  )        

  (  ) Prisons Act :       Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics Act :            Private Investigation and Security :       Agencies Act      Private Lotteries Act :       Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Private Security Industry Act 2007

:       2007 Probate and Administration Act :         Probation of Offenders Act :          Professional Engineers Act :         Property Tax (Surcharge) (Abolition) :   (  ) Act 2007 ( )   2007 Property Tax (Surcharge) Act :   (  )   Property Tax Act :     Protected Areas and Protected Places Act :           Public Entertainments and Meetings Act :          Public Order (Preservation) Act :    (  )   Public Service (Monthly Variable Component and Non-Pensionable Annual Allowance) Act


Public Service (Variation of 1984 Annual Wage Increases) Act 1987


Public Service Commission and Legal Service Commission Act Public Transport Council Act Public Trustee Act

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Public Utilities Act


   (             )      (1984      )   1987                     


Radiation Protection Act Railways Act Rapid Transit Systems Act 180


:      :     :      

Reciprocal Enforcement of Common Wealth Judgments Act

:            Reciprocal Enforcement of Foreign :      Judgments Act     Redundancy Payments Fund Act :       (Repealed) (  ) Registered Designs Act :         Registration of Births And Deaths Act : ,     Registration of Criminals Act :       Registration of Deeds Act :     Registration of United Kingdom :       Patents Act (Repealed) (  ) Regulation of Employment Act (Repealed) :       (  ) Regulation of Imports and Exports Act


Republic Polytechnic Act

Residential Property Act

:          :        :    

Retirement Age Act Revised Edition of The Laws Act Road Traffic Act Road Vehicles (Special Powers) Act

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Rubber Association of Singapore (Incorporation) Act (Repealed) Rubber Dealers Act (Repealed)

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Requisition of Resources Act

Rubber Industry Act

,  




                     (  )  

    ( )   (  ) :        (  ) :      

Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Sale of Commercial Properties Act Sale of Drugs Act Sale of Food Act Sale of Goods (United Nations Convention) Act Sand and Granite Quarries Act School Boards (Incorporation) Act School Crossing Patrols Act Science Centre Act Science Council of Singapore Act (Repealed) Secondhand Goods Dealers Act Securities and Futures Act Securities Industry Act (Repealed) Sedition Act Sentosa Development Corporation Act Service Lands Act Settled Estates Act Sewerage and Drainage Act Silver Jubilee Fund (Singapore) (Repeal) Act 2000 Silver Jubilee Fund (Singapore) Act (Repealed) Singapore Academy of Law Act Singapore Armed Forces Act Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Act 182



      :       :     :    (     )  

:  ,        :     ( )   :        :       :       (  ) :       :           :       (  ) :      :          :     :      :  ,    :    ( ) ( )   2000 :    ( )   (  ) :        :       :    , ,    

Singapore Business Federation Act

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Singapore Corporation of Rehabilitative Enterprises Act Singapore Council of Social Service Act (Repealed) Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board Act Singapore Family Planning and Population Board (Repeal) Act

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Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research Act (Repealed) Singapore Labour Foundation Act

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Singapore Land Authority Act Singapore Management University Act

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                     (  )                        ()               (  )                       

Singapore Polytechnic Act

:          Singapore Red Cross Society Act :        Singapore Sports Council Act :        Singapore Totalisator Board Act :         Singapore Tourism (Cess Collection) Act :     (   )   Singapore Tourism Board Act :         Singapore Workforce Development :        Agency Act    Skills Development Levy Act :       Slaughter-Houses and Meat Processing :     Factories Act          Small Claims Tribunals Act :        Glossary of English to Tamil Terms


Smoking (Control of Advertisements and :   (  ,    Sale of Tobacco) Act    )   Smoking (Prohibition In Certain Places) Act :   (   )   Societies Act :     Spam Control Act :        Stamp Duties Act Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board Act State Immunity Act State Lands Act State Lands Encroachments Act States of Malaya Customs Duties Collection Act Statistics Act Statute Law Revision Act 1986

:     :  , ,      :     :     :       :           :     :      

Statutory Boards (Taxable Services) Act


Statutory Bodies and Government Companies (Protection of Secrecy) Act


Statutory Corporations (Capital Contribution) Act 2002 Statutory Corporations (Contributions to Consolidated Fund) Act

: :

Street Works Act Subordinate Courts Act Supplementary Supply Act Supply Act

: : : :


  

     


     (    )   :    (  )   2002 :    (      )  

Statutory Declarations Act Strategic Goods (Control) Act



          ( )                  

Supreme Court of Judicature Act

:     


Telecommunications Act Temasek Polytechnic Act

: :

Termination of Pregnancy Act : Terrorism (Suppression of Bombings) : Act 2007 Terrorism (Suppression of Financing) Act : Timber Industry (Repeal) Act 2001


Tin and Tin-Ore (Disclosure of Smelters' : Stocks) Act

                      (   )   2007   (    )      ()   2001  ,   (       )         

Tokyo Convention Act


Tourist Promotion (Cess Collection) Act


Tourist Promotion Board Act


Town Councils Act Trade Disputes Act Trade Marks Act Trade Unions Act Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Act

: : : : :

Travel Agents Act Treasury Deposit Receipts Act Trust Companies Act Trustees Act

:     :      :       :     

    (   )                                      

Undesirable Publications Act

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Glossary of English to Tamil Terms

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United Kingdom Designs (Protection) Act (Repealed) United Nations Act Urban Redevelopment Authority Act

:    ( )   (  ) :       :      

Vandalism Act


Victoria Theatre Act Vigilante Corps Act Visiting Forces Act Vocational and Industrial Training Board Act (Repealed) Voluntary Conveyances Act (Repealed)

:       :     :       :             (  ) :         (  ) :      

Voluntary Sterilization Act


Water Pollution Control and Drainage Act (Repealed) Weights and Measures Act Wholesome Meat and Fish Act Widows’ and Orphans’ Pension Act Wild Animals and Birds Act Wills Act Women’s Charter Work Injury Compensation Act Workplace Safety and Health Act



:            (  :     :   ,    :          :  ,    :     :    :     :         


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 �      www.tamil.org.sg      .  PDF      � 


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Glossary of English to Tamil Terms





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