English Short Stories(1)

January 28, 2017 | Author: muhdaliyasin | Category: N/A
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NOTES OF ENGLISH BOOK-I (SHORT STORIES) Prepared By: MOHAMMAD BILAL (subject specialist) Chapter No. 1


1. Why did Arthur disagree with his wife? Arthur disagreed with his wife because he did not like to hurt anyone at any cost. She wanted to get 50000 dollars at the cost of murder of a Chinese peasant or a miserable native of Congo. Arthur was a man of conscience of so he could never think of getting money by killing someone. 2. Why did Norma persuade her husband to agree with her? Norma was a greedy woman who did not have any moral values. She wished to have 50,000 dollars at any cost whether she had to kill someone. She always kept on thinking to raise her standard of living. She wanted to live luxurious life. This was the only reason she tried to persuade her husband to agree with her. 3. What were the reasons Norma gave to her husband to accept the offer? Norma tried to persuade her husband to accept the offer by giving him certain reasons. Firstly it might be some kind of psychological research. Secondly it might be a game by some millionaire. Thirdly she told her husband that it would make no difference to kill some unknown person. 4. What is the significance if Arthur’s life insurance policy? Arthur’s life insurance policy was very much significant for Norma because she was the Nominee of her husband’s insurance policy. The insurance policy was worth 25,000 dollars with double indemnity. 5. Did Norma remain normal on hearing the news if the accident of her husband? For a moment she became upset and confused. It seemed to her as if everything had finished for her. She could not seem to breathe but after sometime she recovered her senses and she again became normal. 6. Why did Norma remain true to her husband? Norma did not remain true to her husband because she was very greedy and selfish. She wanted to get money at any cost. She could stoop to any mean action like murder. She desired to raise her living standard and lead a luxurious life. She tried all means to persuade her husband when her efforts ended in smoke she pushed the button on her own. 7. What moral lesson does the story teach? This story teaches us that the love of money is root of all evils. We should take care of humanity. We should have love for all and hatred for none. We should avoid evil at any level. It is a big sin to kill someone weather we know him or not. The husband and wife should try to understand each other. This story also teaches us that he who digs a pit for others falls into it for himself.

Chapter No. 2


1. Why didn’t the old man follow the advice of doctors? The old man did not follow the advice of the doctors because he knew that if he followed their advice he would have to leave every type of work. As a result he will become lazy and die soon. The old man had strong faith in “Allah Almighty” that the doctors can neither prolong someone’s life nor shorten it. He also believed that work will keep him fit and healthy. 2. Why did the old man take the steep path? The old man took steep-path for two reasons. Firstly, he wanted to save time and secondly, he wanted to show that he was quite fit, healthy and strong. While ascending the mountain he didn’t face any difficulty whereas his son was panting (breathless) and sweating horribly. 3. Why did the son at the age of six cried? When the writer was six years old his father made him a little wooden plough. He lost it in furrow. He cried and cried until his father made him another toy plough. But he didn’t like it as much as he did the first one. 4. What were the feelings of the old man at the age of seventy? He thought that he had almost completed the days of his life. The period of his life he was leading now was borrowed. He had lost hope to live anymore and wished to go back to places he knew and loved. It is also a hard fact that one desires to go back to the place where he has spent his childhood. 5. Why had the old man planted his secret garden? The old man had planted a secret garden because he wanted to give a surprise to his son who had not visited the top of the mountain for the last three years. Secondly he desired to grow some vegetable like yams, tomatoes, Potatoes over there with the belief that they would taste better. 6. What moral lesson does the story teach? The story teaches is the lesson that we should never lose heart under any circumstances but take the bull by the ho0rns instead. We should have strong faith in “Allah Almighty” because nothing can take place in the world without His consent. No doctor on earth can prolong someone’s life nor shorten it. If you have strong will you can even cheat death. Chapter No. 3


1. What the climate the Bittering family faced? They had to face there a very severe climate. The wind blew as if to flake away their identities. The atmospheric pressure was crushing. There was fog at night. It was severe hot in summer season. 2. What was the condition of Bittering family on hearing the news of war on earth? When they heard this news they became much upset and disturbed. Miss bittering held on to her husband and daughter Laura in disappointment and anxiety. Laura began to weep. Sweat popped up from Mr. Bittering’s face, hands and body. He was drenched in the hotness of his fear. Now they had list all hopes of going back to their native land.

3. What was the advice Harry gave to the people? Harry disliked the Martian atmosphere and climate so he advised the people to build a rocket to go back to the earth. Harry feared that Martian wind would flake away their identities. He sought their help in building the rocket but they didn’t collaborate with hum. He was of the view that Martian climate and vegetation were not suitable for them. 4. How much dangerous a Martian virus can be? A Martian virus can be extremely dangerous. It can affect their lives adversely. It can destroy them and their identities completely. It may change their appearance and surroundings. Its impacts had started appearing in them because golden flicks had appeared in their eyes and their fair colour had turned into yellowish. 5. What circumstances did the bittering family face? The Bittering family had to face unfavorable circumstances. The wind blew as if to flake away their identities. The atmospheric pressure was crushing. The air had burnt their houses. There was fig at night. It was severe hot in the summer season. Martian virus had affected them adversely. It had brought about changes in their physical appearance and complexion. 6. How much social were the people of Mars? The people of Mars were not social at all. They were not caring and co-operative. They were black and ugly. They lacked aesthetic sense. They spent most of their time in idol tasks. They took everything easy. They had no desire to improve their standard of living. 7. How did the life of the Bittering family change? Was this better or worse? The Martian environment changed the people of earth completely. It changed their colour, physical appearance, language and way of living. They began to live with peace and with no sense of competition. It was a better change because they had become now peace-loving, friendly and uncaring. Now they were leading a happy and contented life. 8. What moral lesson does the story teach? The story gives moral lesson that one should be contented with what God has given. One should also have firm belief that the span of life has been determined by the Creator. No power on earth or place or circumstances can change it. No one can escape form death. 9. What differences can you point out in the life style of the people of two different planets? i. The people of earth are social and civilized but the Martian people are unsocial and uncivilized. ii. The people of earth have aesthetic sense while the Martian people lack it. iii. The people of earth are hardworking, caring and co-operative whereas Martian people are lazy, idle and uncaring. iv. The people of earth try to dominate one another. This results in quarrels and wars. But the Martians don’t have such instinct. They live happily and let others live in the same way.

Chapter No. 4


1. What did happen to the boy when he tried to snatch the purse? When the boy tried to snatch the purse of the woman the strap broke with the single tug. The boy lost his balance and fell on his back in the sideways. The woman bent down, held him tightly by the front of his shirt, picked him up and gave him jerk until he started shivering with fear. 2. What was the reaction of the woman when the boy tried to snatch her purse? When the boy tried to snatch the purse of the woman the strap broke with the single tug. The boy lost his balance and fell on his back in the sideways. The woman bent down, held him tightly by the front of his shirt, picked him up and gave him jerk until he started shivering with fear. She snubbed him and asked him why he had attempted to snatch her purse. 3. Why did the woman ask the boy to wash his face? The woman asked the boy to wash his face because she wanted to make him understand the difference between the right and the wrong. She wanted him to look presentable. The woman treated the boy like her own son as she couldn’t see his dirty face. 4. Why didn’t the boy run from the house of the woman? The boy tried to snatch the woman’s purse but failed. The woman caught him, snubbed and jerked him before her until his teeth rattled with fear. Then she took him to her house, got his face washed, served him with nice food and treated him like his real mother. The boy was very much ashamed on what he had done. The woman trusted him fully. She went to the kitchen leaving him alone in the hall. The boy didn’t want to be mistrusted now. That’s why he didn’t run. 5. What was the effect of the behavior of the woman with the boy? The woman treated the boy like his real mother. She had his face washed, served him with nice food and advised him to behave like a gentleman. She gave him ten dollars to buy blue suede shoes. The boy was tremendously impressed by her kind treatment and promised her to behave like a gentleman in future. 6. Why did she treat the boy kindly in her home after punishing him in the street? It was the need of hour to treat the boy strictly because if she had not treated him violently the boy would keep on struggling to break away. Naturally she was quite infuriated when the boy tried to snatch her purse but she treated hum kindly like her own son at home because she wanted to teach him the difference between the right and the wrong and desired to make him well-mannered boy.

Chapter No. 5


1. Why did Manana accuse (blame) Hubert of picking the lost pocket-book? Mr. Hubert was a very economical person. Some people disliked him because of this habit and they had a low opinion about him. Mr. Hubert found a small piece of string lying on the ground and he picked it up. Mr. Manana saw him picking up something. He took it for the pocket-book. He was dead sure that the thing that Hubert had picked up was the pocket-book. 2. Why did the people think of Hubert when they heard the return of the pocket book by some other person? When they heard the return of the pocket-book by some other person, they thought that Mr. Hubert had dropped it somewhere to prove himself innocent. Whatever reason he gave, the people were not willing to believe him. Majority of the people think negatively and it is also a hard fact that some people enjoy by torturing and afflicting others. 3. Why did the people make fun of his innocence? The world is very cruel and pitiless (merciless). The people make fun and enjoy at the discomfort of others. Most of the people have negative approach and they cannot believe the truthfulness of a person like Mr. Hubert. Mr. Hubert thought it shameful to be called a liar. He took his matter seriously and tried to prove his innocence. The people made it Mr. Hubert’s weak point and exploited his situation. 4. Why did Mr. Hubert keep claiming his innocence before his death? Mr. Hubert was an innocent person and he could not tolerate the humiliation of being called a liar. This accusation of the people was a big burden on his conscience. With his allegation he could not die peacefully. Therefore, he kept claiming his innocence before his death. Eventually flood proved his innocence because everything in the town was devastated except his grave. 5. Why did the Mayor not believe the innocence of Hubert? Mr. Manana, the harness man claimed that he saw Mr. Hubert picking up something from ground. Mr. Hubert replied that he did not pick up the pocket-book. He just picked up a piece of string. The Mayor thought that Mr. Manana was a man of worthy credence. He could not mistake the string for a pocket-book. Therefore the Mayor didn’t believe the innocence of Mr. Hubert. 6. Was it necessary for Hubert to continue pleading his innocence? I think it was not necessary for Hubert to continue pleading his innocence. The world is cold, cruel and pitiless. Quite a number of people have negative approach and enjoy at the discomfort of others. Dishonest and insincere people never believe others. They think that other people are also like them. You cannot win the world. You should care the people as much as they do to you. Besides, excess of everything is always bad. 7. What moral lesson does the story, “A piece of string” give? We should never embarrass others for nothing. We should also believe others instead of thinking them liars and cheat. We should also learn a lesson that we should never make a weak point in our life. Excess of everything is very bad. Undue insistence upon something makes the situation doubtful.

Chapter No. 6


1. How did Jorkens suggest that a man can become a skating champion of Sahara? Jorkens thought that a determined man could become a skating champion of Sahara. According to him he would earn money and build a skating ring in the Sahara then he would organize a competition there. He would become a skating champion if he gave all his time to it and practiced hard with determination and iron-will. 2. How did Gorgios persuade his people to make his country strong? Gorgios determined to become a court acrobat. He went into politics when he became strong enough he preached his ambition openly. He told the people how the glory of their country and ancient throne would be increased by creating the post of acrobat. How the soldiers of the country would be influenced by the fitness and strength of the acrobat. 3. What were the arrangements made for the function of inauguration? Beautiful curtains of red and gold were hung along the walls. The high swings of acrobats hung down with gilded ropes from the ceiling. A row of neat hurdles was arranged on the polished floor. 4. Describe the scene of inauguration? Beautiful curtains of red and gold were hung along the walls. The high swings of acrobats hung down with gilded ropes from the ceiling. A row of neat hurdles was arranged on the polished floor. The doors opened with a flood of golden light. The lights glittered and a band started playing softly. 5. What were the feelings of Gorgios on the occasion of inauguration? He had slightly sad expression. He had achieved his lifelong object. He got respect, status and fame. Therefore he was satisfied on his achievement that day. He had proved that determination could lead one towards success. 6. How did Gorgios achieve his ambition? Gorgios only remained determined and stuck to his ambition. He went into politics when he became strong enough he preached his ambition openly. He told the people how the glory of their country and ancient throne would be increased by creating the post of acrobat. How the soldiers of the country would be influenced by the fitness and strength of the acrobat. 7. What moral lesson does the story teach? The story teaches us a lesson that we can achieve our ambition with determination and iron will. We must be sincere and honest in our intensions. It must be our strong conviction that “God helps those who help themselves” For the fulfillment of an ambition one should struggle hard and also seek help from Allah Almighty. 8. Which one is more important –determination or opportunity? Why? Both determination and opportunity are very significant but I am in a favour of opportunity. I think that opportunity is an easy and short way to get goal. Better the opportunity, bigger the benefit. On the other hand determination is an arduous (tiring) way to get objectives. One has to suffer from hardships, sufferings, trials and tribulations.

Chapter No. 7


1. What was the behavior of the child with the doctor? The child did not cooperate with the doctor. The doctor tried to coax the child for the examination of her throat but she was quite reluctant (unwilling) to open her mouth. Instead of cooperating with the doctor she resisted violently. In fact, she knocked his glasses flying and they fell several feet away from him on the kitchen floor. 2. Why did the girl break the wooden blade? She was stubborn by nature. She was quite reluctant to let the doctor examine her throat. Therefore when the doctor tried to do so with force and put the wooden blade (spatula) in her mouth she broke it onto pieces with her teeth. The girl had a misconception that the doctor would harm her through operation or bitter medicines. 3. Why did the parents keep the child in kitchen? The parents kept the sick child in the kitchen because it was warm there. She was suffering from Diphtheria. It is a serious infectious disease. Such a patient should be kept at a warm place. 4. How did the doctor succeed in examining her throat? The doctor tried to coax (persuade gently) the child for the examination of her throat. Instead of cooperating with the doctor she attacked at his eyes and hit away his glasses. The child’s father put her on his lap and held her wrists. The doctor grasped her head with his left hand and put the wooden spatula into her mouth. She broke it into pieces with her teeth. Now the doctor put a heavy silver spoon in her mouth, down her throat till she gagged. In this way the doctor succeed in examining her throat. 5. Describe the feelings of the doctor in his struggle to diagnose the disease? It was necessary to examine her throat to save her life. Therefore the doctor decided to use force for the purpose. The doctor tried to examine her throat forcefully but she reacted violently as a result the doctor lost his temper and used force for her throat’s examination. 6. Under what circumstances the use of force can be justified? Where love and kindness fail, the use of force becomes justified there. Try to make others understand by love and patience. Avoid the use of force as far as it is possible. If you think that there is no time to wait further then you should use force. To save the lives of innocent people and irreparable losses the use of force becomes justifiable.

Chapter No. 8


1. What was the advice given by Nushirvan to his people? Nushirvan was an honest, just and kind king. He advised his people to be just and kind to others. He was if the view that the evil must be nipped in the bud because the beginning of the evil was very small. With the passage of time, it grew bigger and bigger. It is just like leaking of water from a canal which can be blocked with a straw at the initial stage but in case of delay it cannot be blocked even with logs. 2. What was the remedy suggested by the physicians for the disease of the king? The physicians suggested that the disease of the king can be cured by means of bile of a person endued with certain qualities. For this purpose, search was made and it was the son of a poor peasant whose parents got ready for the killing of their son by getting a lot of wealth. On the day of killing, the boy looked towards the sky and prayed to God for mercy. 3. Why did the boy look to sky and smiled? When the boy lost all hopes of getting mercy and pity from his parents, the Qazi and the king he looked towards the sky and smiled. He prayed to Allah Almighty to take pity on him. The king was influenced, burst into tears and spared (freed) the life of the boy. 4. Why did the king weep? When the boy looked towards the sky and smiled, the king asked him the reason for that. The boy replied that he was disappointed from his parents, the Qazi and even from the king to get justice so he prayed to Allah Almighty to take pity on him. On hearing it the king burst into tears that how selfish he was who was going to kill an innocent child for his health. 5. How did the king recover? The king realized that he was going to commit a very big sin. On hearing the narration of the boy the king wept and felt ashamed of what he was going to do. He spared the life of the boy. Allah Almighty approved his act of kindness. It is said that the king also recovered within a week. 6. Why did Nushirvan send the boy back to pay for salt? Nushirvan was a just and kind ruler. Once he sent a boy to bring salt from a nearby village. When the boy had brought salt he inquired of him if he had paid for the salt. The boy replied in negative. At this, he sent the boy back again to the village to pay for salt. He said that the beginning of evil was very small. If a ruler takes an egg free, his soldiers will destroy the whole village and eat all the chickens in it.

Chapter No. 9


1. What did the quack do with the old woman? The quack intended to cure the old woman of her disease of goiter. For this purpose he wrapped a blanket around her neck and hit the swollen part with a mallet. The blow was so violent that the old woman died instantly. 2. What was the punishment inflicted upon the quack by the villagers? The foolish quack tried to cure the old woman in his own way. He wrapped a blanket around her neck and hot the swollen part with a mallet with the result the woman died instantly. The villages got infuriated. They wanted to take him to the court of the king but an old wise man suggested that he should be compelled to dig the grave for old woman. After that they could beat him and let him go. 3. What did the quack do in the next village? Uninfluenced with his first experiment the foolish quack went to the next village and announced that he could cure goiter. This time his patient was an old man. He got ready to treat the patient on the condition that if the old man was killed, the villagers wouldn’t compel him to dig his grave. 4. Why didn’t the villagers let the older man cured? The foolish quack put a condition before the villagers before he could start the treatment of the old man. He said that if the old man was killed during the treatment they wouldn’t compel him to dig his grave. On hearing this, the villagers were amazed and angry. They thought him to be an eccentric (strange) doctor who talked of digging a grave first of the patient before starting the treatment. So, they did not let him cure the old man. 5. How did the camel men cure their camel? The owner of the camel tied a blanket around the camel’s throat. Then he struck the place with a mallet. Instantly the melon broke in the throat of the camel and the animal swallowed it easily. In this way, the camel man cured their camel using wisdom and applying a good technique. 6. How did the quack come to realize his error? The foolish quack killed his first patient and when he wanted to treat the second patient the people didn’t let him do that because he talked of digging the grave of the patient before starting the treatment. At this, he went back to the camel men to learn the right way of curing goiter. Failing to put across his ideas, a camel man hit his grazing camel with a strong stick with little effect on the animal. Then he hit the quack with the same stick and with the same might. He fell and fell unconscious. When he got his senses, he understood the difference between an animal and human being. 7. How did the camel-man prove the stupidity of the quack? The foolish quack killed his first patient and when he wanted to treat the second patient the people didn’t let him do that because he talked of digging the grave of the patient before starting the treatment. At this, he went back to the camel men to learn the right way of curing goiter. Failing to put across his ideas, a camel man hit his grazing camel with a strong stick with little effect on the animal. Then he hit the quack with the same stick and with the same might. He fell and fell unconscious. When he got his senses, he understood the difference between an animal and human being. In this way the camel-man proved the stupidity of the quack.

8. What moral lesson does the story, “The Foolish Quack” teach? The story teaches us the lesson that everyman knows his job well. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing. We must not poke our nose in the jobs of others. If we do so we shall burn our fingers. We should also learn that first deserve and then desire. Chapter No. 10


1. Why did the farmers throw wet leaves on fire? When the farmers saw the swarm of locust flying in the sky they got alarmed. They started doing what they could do to keep the locusts away from their crops. They threw wet leaves on fire to make it acidic and back. So that the locusts run away from bitter smoke and the crops are invisible to them in dark smoke. 2. Why are the locusts compared with bad weather? Like bad weather locusts also destroy crops. No one can predict when natural calamities would come. Similarly no one can foresee (predict) about boisterous (energetic) attack of locusts. Both bad weather and locusts cause great harm to the crops. 3. How did farmers try to prevent the main swarm of locusts from landing on their farms? They tried all the ways by means they knew to keep the swarm of locusts away from their crops. They lighted huge fire all around the farmlands and threw wet leaves and grass on fire to make the smoke acrid and black. Someone went to the shop and brought empty tins to beat them. Ploughshare was being beaten to frighten away the locusts. 4. Why, even after all the crops destroyed, did the man continue to fight the swarm? Through all the crops were destroyed yet the main swarm had not settled anywhere. They were heavy with eggs. They were looking for a place to settle and lay eggs. If they got a chance to lay their eggs, thousands of locusts would be hatched who would become a perpetual source of destruction. Therefore the farmers continued to fight the swarm to avoid this danger. 5. What was the condition of the land when the locusts had moved to the south? The insects ate every blade of their crops leaving the fields to give a look of a devastated landscape. There was not a single blade of grass left on the farm of the cattle. It seemed as if nothing had been cultivated on this patch of land. Now everything had to be replanted for their own livelihood and for the green fodder of cattle. 6. What moral lesson does the story “A Mild Attack of Locusts” teach? We learn the lesson that we should be contented under all circumstances if any calamity comes we should face it with patience and forbearance. We should always be pleased with the will of Allah Almighty because in this world whatever happens is under the command of Allah Almighty. Even a leaf of a tree cannot flutter without His permissions.

Chapter No. 11


1. What was the cause of Negroes discontentment? The Negroes were hated and ignored in the society. They were treated as slaves. They could not enjoy a free and independent life. They were kept back in every field of life. They were judged by the colour of their skin and not by the content of their character. 2. What are the qualities of veterans of creative suffering? The veterans of creative suffering face hardships and trials with great courage. They do not wallow in the valley of despair. They continue to work with the faith that unearned sufferings are redemptive. They are optimistic people who do not give in before trials and tribulations. They take the bull by the horns and come out of every difficulty successfully. 3. What was the dream of Martin Luther king J.R? He had a dream that a time would come when there would be no racism in the United States. All men will be considered as equal citizens. They will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character. There will be brotherhood, equality, fraternity, in all states of “America” (U.S.A). His dream was that the sons of former slaves and the sons of their masters will be able to sit together at the same table and eat together. 4. Write a note on the struggle of Martin Luther king J.R for the Negroes? Negroes were leading a miserable life in the United States. They were treated cruelly and were considered inferior beings like the Sudras of India. Marin Luther king J.R fought for the equality and equal rights of Negroes. He led demonstrations though out the south. He united the Negroes and inspired in them a ray of hope and success. He had a dream of a world free from racism, inequality and disparity. 5. What was the condition of Negroes in the days of Martin Luther King J.R? In his days the Negroes were leading a miserable life. They were treated justly and fairly and were considered inferior beings. The forced inequality, disparity and racism and even in their own native country. They were hated and ill-treated everywhere. The word Negro was a highly offensive term for a black person. They were judged by the colour of their skin and not by the content of their character. Chapter No. 12


1. Why did Della sell her hair? Della loved Jim from the core of her heart and she wanted to present a very precious gift to him on the eve of the Christmas. She could not even imagine of celebrating this auspicious day without presenting him a lovely gift. Unfortunately she did not have enough money to purchase the gift. Therefore she sold her long, beautiful, soft and brownish hair. 2. Why did Jim sell his golden watch? Jim loved Della from the core of his heart and he wanted to present a very precious gift to her on the eve of the Christmas. He could not even imagine of celebrating this auspicious day without presenting her a lovely gift. Unfortunately he did not have enough money to purchase the gift. Therefore he sold his beautiful gold watch for his beloved’s sake.

3. Why did Jim not welcome her when he stepped in? Jim sold his watch and bought combs. Now those much loved combs were hers at last but her hair was gone. When Jim saw this he had strong feelings. He had thought that he would be overjoyed on presenting those combs to her and most probably he desired to put them in her hair with his own hands. Now his dream could not come true. That is why he did not welcome her. 4. What was the wisdom in selling the most valuable things? Jim and Della loved each other from the core of their hearts. Lovers are willing and ready to sacrifice their most precious things. Love always demands sacrifice. Exchange of gifts on the holy occasions make life most loveable. They did so to follow the example of magi who had brought the most valuable gifts on the birthday of baby Christ. 5. How did the Magi want to celebrate their Christmas? The Magi were extremely wise men. They came to Bethlekan from the east to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. They wanted to celebrate their Christmas by having a look of King of the Christmas Jesus Christ. They had brought the most valuable and precious gifts on the birth of baby Christ.

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