English: Quarter 1 - Module 1 Journeying Towards Self Appreciation

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7 English

Quarter 1 – Module 1 Journeying Towards Self Appreciation 



English –  – Grade  Grade 7  Al ter nativ nat iv e Deliver Deli very y Mo de Quarter 1 – 1  – Module  Module 1: 1: Jou rneying Towards Self Self A ppreciation Republ ic A ct 8293, Republ 8293, sectio n 176 states 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, How ever, prior approval of the government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties. Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them. Published by the Department of Education Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones Undersecretary: Undersecretar y: Usec. Diosdado M. Antonio

Development Team of the Module Writer: Angie Writer:  Angie A. Pasaforte Language Editor Editor :  Hazel Sigrid D. Pederi   Reviewer: Maria Louisa Sapotalo Illustrator: K D. Lim Layout Artist: Kinna Artist:  Kinna C. Hijara Management Mana gement Team: Team:  Arden D. Monisit Monisit Nonale Q. Resoor Susan T. Balbuena Romel Victor A. Villahermosa Villahermosa

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________ Department De partment of Education – Education  – Region  Region VII, VII, Division of Guihul ngan City   Office Address:  Telefax:  E-mail Address:


Osmeña Avenue, Poblacion, Guihulngan Guihulngan City, Negros Oriental 4069, (035) 910-4066 [email protected] [email protected] ov.ph


7 English Quarter uar ter 1 – 1 – Modu  Module le 1 Journeying Jou rneying towa to wards rds Self Self Apprecia Ap preciatio tion n 




Intro ntroducto ductory ry Me Message ssage For the facilitator: Good day, dear parents, guardians, or elder siblings! My heart is delighted for you to have shown your willingness to embrace the new normal by letting your child continue his or her education despite the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic. And now, I would like to welcome you to this Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM), which is believed to be the best option for learning in this current situation. Also, I would like to inform you that anyone of you can help us bring about the delivery of this learning material to your child. So, at this point, before you facilitate let me ask you with a grateful heart to perform the following tasks before you let your son or daughter, niece or nephew, or foster child to start working on tthis his learning material. These are as follows;

a. Please orient the learner and support the parents, elder siblings, etc. on how to use the module. b. Remind the learner learner to use activity activity notebook or or separate sheets sheets of paper in answering the pretest, self-check exercises, and post test.

With your 100% participation and assistance, together we will realize the goals and objectives of this modality.

For the learner: Hi, there my dear 7 th grader! Welcome to Grade 7. This first quarter, you are going to discover more of yourself as this module is entitled “Journeying “ Journeying towards Self Appreciation.” Appreciation .”  Activities which are about knowing yourself more and your ancestors are presented. Also, significant information information is laid down before you in various texts and with the use of technology which will lead you to identify the genre, purpose, intended audience, and features of those viewed texts. Furthermore, you will enhance more your skills in grammar with a focus on the meaningful use of active and passive voice in varied contexts.

To ensure the correct usage of this module, I have here some reminders for you to read and understand.

a. Please do not not write anything in this this module. module. b. Use your notebook notebook or a separate sheet of paper paper in answering the pretest, self-check exercises, and post test.




c. Read and and understand understand the directions directions before performing performing the activities. d. Answer all all the questions with the observance of HONESTY. HONESTY. e. “I am yours but do not own me.” Have fun reading and answering and return this module after performing all the activities. This module has parts and icons that you need to know.

What I Nee Need d to K now

In this part, you will be able to know the things that you will learn in this module.

Whatt I Kn ow Wha

This is a test given to you to check how far you know about the lesson to take.

What’s In 

What’s New  

Whatt is It Wha

What’s More 

This section gives activities that connect the current lesson with the previous lesson.

This section gives an activity to present the new topic. It also provides new concepts, skills insights for better learning. learning.

This part elaborates further the content and activity of the lessons for the learner to fully understand.

This part provides dependent and independent practices that will further enhance the learner’s understanding understandi ng on the topic. Correct answers of the activities can be checked in the key answer at the last part of the t he module. iii



What I Have Learned

This part gives the generalization of the lesson. It somehow presents the important ideas of the lesson presented in the module.

This section provides activities that will help the learners internalize and apply the lesson he/she has learned into real-life situations.

What I Can Do

This part evaluates the learner’s level of mastery in achieving the learning objectives. objectives.

 As sessm ses sm ent

This part provides additional activities for  Ad di ti on al A ct iv ities it ies


This section contains the correct answers of all the tests given in the module.  

 Answer Key

If you find it difficult to respond to the activities, don’t hesitate to ask your teachers, parents,












performing/responding performing/res ponding to the activities. Always remember you are not alone. We hope that this module will help you to learn and to better understand the lesson. You can do exactly that!




What I Need to Know  Know 

This module was crafted with you as the ultimate focus. It is here to help you master the competencies in Quarter 1. Its scope is intended to be used in many different learning situations. It uses language suited to your level. The lesson is supplemented with enough and relevant activities for you to learn and to reflect on. It focuses on the following competencies; competencies; •

  Competency number 1  –   –  Use the passive and active voice meaningfully in varied contexts (EN7G-III-c-2)   Competency number 2 – Identify  – Identify the genre, purpose, intended audience, audience, and features of various viewed texts such as movie clip, trailer, t railer, news flash, internet-based program program,, documentary,, video (EN7VC-I-d-6) documentary

 After going through through this module, module, you are expected expected to: 1. 2. 3. 4.

explain what a passive passive or active voice voice of the verb is; use the passive passive and active voice meaningfully meaningfully in varied varied contexts (EN7G-III-c-2); (EN7G-III-c-2); rewrite the sentences from active to passive and vice versa; identify the genre, purpose, intended audience, and features of various viewed texts such as movie clip, trailer, news flash, internet-based program, documentary, video (EN7VC-I-d-6); and 5. demonstrate an appreciation of one’s roots through a creative presentation.

What I Know  Know 

General Instructio ns General ns:: Proceed with the module if your score is 14 and below. Skip the module if your score is 15. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Part 1 Active and Passive Voice Directions: Write Directions:  Write ACTIVE  ACTIVE if  if the sentence is in its active form and PASSIVE PASSIVE if  if it is not.  not.  1. The Japanese soldiers attacked the Philippine Philippines. s. 2. The Filipinos were attacked attacked by the soldiers. 3. The Americans Americans helped the Filipinos Filipinos in this war. 1



4. The wounded wounded were healed healed by by the Filipino doctors. 5. President Quezon ensured an an efficient efficient and effective effective government. government. 6. The Philippines Philippines was invaded invaded by the Japanese Japanese government. government. 7. The conquerors conquered the Philippines. Philippines. 8. The invaders were banished banished from the country.

Part 2 Literature Directions: Read Directions:  Read the story below and answer the questions that follow. Choose the letter of the best answer.

Once upon a time in the Philippines, there was an old woman with strange magical qualities. The local villagers had noticed her house seemed brighter at night even though there was no electricity. According to rumors, some had even seen dwarfs helping a mysterious and beautiful girl at night. No one ever discovered the source of the mysterious nighttime glow.

She lived in the forest on the outskirts of a fishing village and was famous for her beautiful flowers. The fisherman would barter their treasured catch for f or her flowers.

 A young couple couple came to visit the village. village. They were were haughty and and were not from around here. A proud pair that hated anything they thought was ugly. They would make fun of anything they thought was ugly.

They were out exploring the village one day and came upon the old woman in the forest. Since they found her ugly, they t hey mocked her. After making fun of her, the old woman asked them to leave but they refused.

To punish them, she said, “Since you only like beautiful things I will turn you into the most beautiful insect.” She tapped them with her cane, and they became the first two butterflies.




9. Who is the main main character character in the story? a. Old woman

c. Young couple

b. Many villagers

d. Colorful butterflies

10. Who is the intended audience of the story? a. Men and Women

c. Children

b. People of all ages

d. Adults

11. What do you think is the purpose of the story? a. To entertain the readers b. To capture capture a moment or event event and immortalize immortalize it c. To share significant information d. To instill moral values

12. The young couple made fun of the old woman. This part of the plot is the ________ of the story. a. Resolution

b. Introduction

c. Climax

d. Falling Action

13. The young couple played as the _______ in the t he story. a. Protagonists

b. Antagonists Antagonists

c. friends

d. heroes

14. What kind of story is this? a. Novel

b. legend

c. epic

d. myth

15. Can this story be a possible topic for a documentary film? a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe


d. Not at all



Lesson 1 

 Ac  A c ti v e an and d Pas Pass s i v e Vo Voii c e

In this lesson, you will learn how our ancestors interpreted the natural phenomena when they constructed tales of the creation or the beginning of life. You’ll also address the question, “How can I learn from my beginnings?” While you’re on this path, you’ll learn le arn skills that will assist you in your final task of organizing information from a viewed content through a graphic organizer and with the application of the use of the passive and active voice of the verbs.

What’s In  In 

Task Ta sk 1: A Humbl e Be Beginni ginni ng Think of an appropriate diagram and make your family tree. You can also design one. Place pictures, dates, and other highlights in your diagram. Answer the following questions on your notebook.




1. How many many are are you in the family? 2. What is is your your pastime pastime as as a family? 3. Do you go out and watch movies? 4. Do you watch the same TV Programs? 5. What other information information about your family would you like to share?

What’s New  New 

Task 2:  2:   Language Connection Connection s : Read the excerpt below and take note of the statements used. Write at least two sentences in the active and passive form on the t he appropriate column.

 Animated movies have changed  changed   a lot over the last 100 years. Winsor McCay is considered the considered  the father of animation. In the early 1900s, McCay animated animated his  his films by himself. He drew drew every  every picture separately and had them photographed, one at a time. Hundreds of photographs were needed to needed  to make a one-minute film. Sometimes it would take him more than a year to make a five-minute cartoon.

In 1914, the development development of celluloid celluloid (a transparent material) made animation easier. Instead of drawing each picture separately, the animator could make a drawing of the background, backgroun d, which remained remained motionless,  motionless, while only the characters moved moved..

Walt Disney took took animation  animation to a new level. He created created Mickey  Mickey Mouse, added added sound  sound and music to his movies, and produced  the first full-length animated film, Snow White and produced the the Seven Dwarfs. Many people think he was a great cartoonist, but he wasn’t. Instead, he was a great story editor and clever businessman who had other artists do most of the drawings.

Today most animated films are not drawn drawn   by hand. The animation is done  done  by computer software. Also, special effects for movies, such as Star Wars, are done by done by computer animation. 5



To create the illusion of movement, an image is put on put  on the computer and then quickly replaced by replaced  by a similar image with a small change. While this technique is similar to hand-drawn animation, the work can be done  done  much faster by computer. In fact, anyone with a home computer and special software can create a create a simple animation. (National Geographic Learnin Learning g n.d.)

Statements Sta tements in Acti ve Voice

Statements Statements in Passive Passive Voice

What’s is it

Guide Questions Questions : 1. What have you observed observed with the statements you have written in the first column? column? How about in the second column? 2. Are the structures structures the same? same?

Mini Lesson Part 1  A news flash  flash   is a single item of important news that is aired separately and often interrupts other programs.

 A wea weather ther report is report  is usually a part of an entire news program that tells and foretells weather conditions on a specific area.

 An internet-base internet-based d program is program  is a program that is informative and can be accessed through the website.

Movie trailer  is  is a short clip from a film. 6



Documentary is Documentary  is a research-based research-based reporting that deals with a specific topic and format.

 A movie or film clip is clip  is a strip of motion-picture film, especially an excerpt excer pt from a longer film or one inserted as part of another presentation, as of telecast or full-length motion picture. (dictionary.com)  A movie movie   is a story or event recorded by a camera as a set of moving images and shown in a theater or on television. (google.com)

Part 2  Ac ti v e Voi ce 1. When the subject does or “acts upon” the verb, the sentence is said to be in the active voice. These examples show that that the subject is doing the verb’s actions.  actions.  ➢ 

The old father  (subject)  (subject) gives gives (verb)  (verb) the money to the boy.

  Carlos Carlos Bulosan (subject) Bulosan  (subject) revealed revealed (verb)  (verb) the reality about social discrimination discrimination in the text.


The rich man (subject) man  (subject) accused accused   (verb) the poor family of stealing the spirit of his family’s food by smelling.  smelling.  


The ju dg The ju dge e (subject) pounded pounded (verb)  (verb) the gavel.


My brothers (subject) brothers  (subject) threw threw (verb)  (verb) a small change in a straw hat.

Passive Voice 2. When the subject receives receives the action of the verb, the sentence is said to be in the passive voice. These examples show that the subject-verb relationship relationship has changed. ➢ 

The money is given by given  by the old father to t o the boy. (active verb- gives: passive verb- is given)


The reality about social discrimination discriminat ion was r evealed evealed by  by Carlos Bulosan in the text. (active verb-revealed: passive verb- was revealed) 7




The poor family was accused  accused  by the rich man for stealing the spirit of his family’s food by smelling. (active verb-accused: passive verb- was accused)


*The gavel was pounded by pounded  by the judge. (active verb- pounded: passive verb- was pounded)


A small change was thrown by thrown  by my brothers in a straw hat. (active verb- threw: passive verb- was thrown)

Because the subject is being “acted upon” (or is passive), such sentences are said to be in the passive voice. voice.

What’s More  More 

 Ac ti vi t y 1 T Tran ran sf or m in g s ent enc es f ro m acti ac ti v e tto o p as assi si v e Directions: Transform the following sentences from active to passive. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

1. President Aquino Aquino visits the victims of the typhoon. typhoon. 2. Volunteer students students initiated a Feeding Program in remote public school schools. s. 3. The Department of Health spearheaded spearheaded the clean-up drive to fight against dengue. 4. The Grade 7 students receive receive the award in the poster making co contest. ntest. 5. DOST scholars volunteered volunteered to mentor some students in pub public lic schools. 6. The poor but deserving students request financial financial support from the Alumni Foundation Foundation.. 7. The teacher explains explains the rubrics in comic strip making. making. 8. Red Cross accepted some donations donations of goods from the OFWs. 8



9. A group of parents donated books during the Book campaign. 10. Pope Francis reminded reminded the Filipinos to be prayerful prayerful especially especially at this critical time.

 Ac ti vi t y 2 Directions: Choose whether the following sentences are written in the t he active or passive  passive  voice. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1) Thomas feeds his dog. 2) The dog is fed by Thomas. 3) The family went to the beach. 4) The letter was written by Marshall. 5) The game had been won by the blue team. 6) The problem was solved. 7)The stunt man risked his life. 8) The fire was extinguished. extinguished. 9)The car was being cleaned by its owner. 10) It gets cold here during the winter.

 Ac ti vi t y 3 Directions: Rewrite the passive voice sentences as active voice sentences.

Passive: Pa ssive: The dog was hit by th e car.  Ac ti ve: _________________ ___________________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ ____________ ____ Passive: Pa ssive: The house will be built by the constr ucti on crew in five month s.  Ac ti ve: _______________ _________________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ ______________ ______




 Ac ti vi t y 4 Directions: Transform the following active voice into passive voice.  voice.   Ac ti ve: Ju li e answer ans wered ed the t he q uesti ues ti on . Passiv Pass iv e: _________________ __________________________ __________________ __________________ _________________ _______________ _______

 Ac ti ve: Regine Regi ne s ang th e so ng ng.. Passiv Pass iv e: _________________ ___________________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _____________ ____

 Ac ti vi t y 5 Directions: Write one sentence using the active voice, and one using the passive voice.  Active: ______________ ______________________ __________________ ___________________ _________________ ___________________ _____________ __ Passive: _____________________________________________________________

 Ac ti vi t y 6 Directions: Complete the following sentences using appropriate active or passive verb forms. Choose your answers from the given options. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

1. The problem ____________________ to the children. (explained / was explained) 2. Those pyramids __________________ around 400 AD. (built / were built) 3. All the trouble __________________ by your mother. (has caused / was caused) 4. The visitors _____________ (were shown / have shown) a collection of old manuscripts. 5. I__________________ him ten thousand pounds last year. (lend / lent / was lent)




What I Have Have Learned Directions: Using Directions:  Using a Venn diagram, compare and contrast the following;

a. Movie trailer and movie clip b. News flash and weather report c. Documentary and internet-based internet-based program d. Active and passive voice

What I Can Do  Multiple Choice. Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following best describes describes a documentary? documentary? c. It is based on myths and

a. It uses uses figures of speech.


b. It has specific topic and

d. It cannot cannot be made as film.


2. Which of the following following is a part of an entire entire news program that tells tells and foretells weather conditions through the website? a. News flash

c. Weather report

b. A movie trailers

d. Documentary

3. A movie trailer  is   is a single item of important news that is aired separately and often interrupts other programs.

a. True

b. False

c. Sometimes


d. Never



4. It is a short short clip clip from a movie. movie. a. Documentary

b. News Flash c. Trailer

d. Film

5. Anyone can can access the internet-based internet-based program even even without an an internet connection. connection. a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe

d. Sometimes

6. Which of of the following following sentences sentences is in the active active form? a. The beauty of Maring was known far and wide. b. Innumerable suitors came to woo her.

c. One day, Maring was espied by the deer. d. The deer deer was offered to her as a token of their first meeting.

7. Which of of the following following sentences sentences is in the passive passive form? form? a. Maring prayed to the gods for help. help. b. The fate of the three royal suitors was grieved grieved by the king and and the spectators. spectators. c. The marriage was consented by the king. king. d. To mark the happy union of the two young people, the island kingdom was named Marinduque,, after Maring and Duque. Marinduque 8. The active form of the verb verb is formed by the linking linking verb verb and the main main verb. a. True

b. False

c. Sometimes

d. Never

9. In the passive passive form, form, the subject subject is the doer doer of the action. a. True b. False c. Sometimes

d. Never

10. Which of the following f ollowing subjects receives the action? a. The king gave her daughter the freedom to choose her husband. b. The deer was offered as a token token for their first meeting. meeting. c. The spectators spectators grieved over the fate of the the three royal suitors. suitors. d. The king consented the marriage. 12



Assessment   Assessment Directions: Rewrite the sentences from active to passive or vice versa. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answers. 1.  The teacher dismissed the class. 2.  The boy watered the plants. 3.  The marriage was announced by the king. 4.  Duque offered the deer to Maring. 5.  The three royal royal kings were named as Tres Reyes Reyes or Three Kings by the the king.

Additional Activities  Activities  My Treasure ➢ 

Think of a thing or an an object that that will best remind you of of the pre-Colonial pre-Colonial Philippines. Philippines.


Draw/Write Draw/Wr ite about this thing and about how proud you are of your beginnings.


Observe the use of active and and passive passive forms of of the verb. verb.




Answer Key  Key 

References Almonte, L, et. Al (2015). Celebrating Diversity through World Literature- Grade 10 . Meralco Avenue, Pasig City. REX Book Store, Inc..  https://pt.slideshare.net/jenyx2/speech104extracredit/3?smtNoRedir=1 Google.com Quizlet.com




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References Management Team of Grade 7 Learner’s Material. English Learner’s Material . Meralco Avenue, Pasig City. FEP Printing Corp.

n.d. National Geographic Learning. Accessed August 8, 2020. https://ngl.cengage.com/assets/downloads/grcontext_pro0000000013/in_context_3_su.pdf  . 

n.d. English For Everyone. englishforeveryone.org. Accessed August 6, 2020. https://www.englishforeveryone.org/PDFs/Active%20%20Passive%20Voice.pdf.




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