English Pedagogical Module 3: Music Everywhere

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 What instrument  would you like to play?

English Pedagogical Module 3

Curricular Thread: Communication and Cultural Awareness, Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts Fifth Grade EGB


4 5

My favorite music

Comparatives, Superlatives

Music, Adjectives

M     u    s   i     c    



Music from Africa

    h    s     i     l   g     n     E

Music Everywhere

S     o    c    i     a    l     S     t    u    d     i    e    s   



1 Values



Violinist from age 2!  Alex Jimbo Viteri is a young musician from Guayaquil. He began

  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P

to play the violin at age 2, and played his first solo at age six. At your age, when he was 10 years old, he won the competition “ Young Ecuadorian Soloists”. oday, the young man plays in many countries with many different orchestras. What a talented Ecuadorian!  You  You can find out more about this talented musician at: https://bit.ly/2qWiokN

   l   o   m   a   y   n    /    k    i   p   e   e   r    F

  Do you think that it is easy to be a musician? Do you know any mu musicians sicians your age? 1


Lesson A

Communication and Cultural Cul tural Awareness  Value e: Respect  Valu

What’s your opinion? Everyone has an opinion about things! It’s important to listen to others’ opinions and respect those opinions.

•  aSitpencil in two circles in the classroom. YOn ou the need and a small piece of paper.You paper, write the name of a musician or a group. Write your opinion. “I like Shakira”. or “I don’t like Shakira". Crumple up your paper. •  Crumple up Make it small. •  Te teacher will point at you and say: “Go!”. Trow the paper to a classmate. He/she should open the paper, and report the sentence. He should say: “

 Ask your teacher if you don’t

(Your name) likes/doesn’t like (singer). Ten, he/she throws his/her paper to the next classmate.

know a word! “How do you say cantante  in English?

•  Continue until everyone has a chance to throw his/her paper.

  x    f   g   r    b    /    k    i   p   e   e   r    F

Guess the word! Look at the context and the words around “crumple”. It says to make the paper small. Here is a drawing a crumpled paper of ball.    k    i   p   e   e   r    F


  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P


Oral Communication Look at all the types of music! music! Tey are called ggenres. enres. How many genres do you know?   s   n   o   m   m   o   c   a    i    d   e   m    i    k    i    W

  a    i    d   e   p    i    k    i    W

 Alternative Rock

  a    i    d   e   p    i    k    i    W


  s   n   o   m   m   o   c   a    i    d   e   m    i    k    i    W



  s   n   o   m   m   o   c   a    i    d   e   m    i    k    i    W

  s   n   o   m   m   o   c   a    i    d   e   m    i    k    i    W

Country music

Soul Blues


   l   e   x    i   p   w   a   r    /    k    i   p   e   e   r    F


  s   n   o   m   m   o   c   a    i    d   e   m    i    k    i    W

  s   n   o   m   m   o   c   a    i    d   e   m    i    k    i    W

  s   n   o   m   m   o   c   a    i    d   e   m    i    k    i    W

Modern pop

Classic rock

  s   n   o   m   m   o   c   a    i    d   e   m    i    k    i    W

  s   n   o   m   m   o   c   a    i    d   e   m    i    k    i    W

  s   n   o   m   m   o   c   a    i    d   e   m    i    k    i    W



Electronic music

 Tiip  T

•  Make a list of 5 genres you are familiar with. •  Write a + beside the ones you like. Write a - beside the ones you don’t like. •  Write the reason reason you  you like them, or the reason you don’t like them. You You can write “I like jazz because…” or “I don’t like  jazz because…”

“Best” is used to compare more than two objects. It means more than good!

•  Put a star (*) next to the genre you like the best. •  Pair work. Ask a classmate about his/her choices.

 Vocabulary  Vocabulary genre. type of music genre.

 You can can ask:   n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P

reason. almost like the reason. Spanish word; tells why

  - Which genres do you like? Oh, so you like ……. - Why do you like ……? - Which genr genree d do o you like best?? the best

T i ip  

•  Ten, change so that the other classmate can ask the questions.

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F


G e  en   r e  e i s  s  w i  it  t  h    a z h p    p  ro  o  n   o unc e  ed  d    s r  o  ou   nd .


Reading Before reading  Tiip  T

Here is an interview with Justin Bieber. He is on the program Music Scene at Radio 567 about a concert in Mexico next week.

Interview sounds like a similar word in Interview sounds Spanish: entrevista. Did you see that?

interview,, you need to review Before you read the interview vocabulary for instruments instruments::

1 Guitar

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F

3 Harp

5 Maracas 4 Saxophone

6  Accordion

2 Keyboard/Piano

Interview with Justin Bieber Here we are at Radio 567, with our program Music Scene, Last night we talked to Justin 7  Violin

8 Drums

Bieber in a phone interview to ask him about his favorite instruments. You can listen to our interview now.

Grammar Tip

Scene:: Hey, Justin, how are Music Scene you tonight?

When you want to compare two things, add -er -er to  to the adjective with one syllable + than. If the adjective has more than one syllable, add “more” + than..

Justin: I’m doing just fine. I have a big concert Justin: next week in Mexico. Music Scene: Scene: Well, we wanted to ask about your favorite instruments.

1. Listen to the names of the instruments. Practice the names of the instruments with a classmate. Listen again, and practice again.

Justin: Justin: Great! I love drums. Tey are louder than the maracas. I really like guitars. Tey sound cooler than cooler than the saxophone. And, my favorite is the keyboard. I can play it louder louder   softer than  than the other instruments. or softer

Now, read the interview and check your answers. 2. ake ake turns reading the parts of the dialog in the interview in the box on the right side. aloud. One classmate takes the role of Justin, and the other takes the role of the radio station. Ten, change.

Music Scene Scene:: Tanks for your time. Good luck l uck with your concert next week. 3. Use these adjectives to make sentences to compare two instruments.

soft, loud, big, small, cool, interesting, expensive

 Vocabulary  Vocabulary cool. great cool.

4. Underline the comparisons in the dialog with Justin.

loud. loud. big volume soft. soft. small volume


Example:: Te harp is softer than the drums. Example

  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P



   f   r   x    f   r   g    /    k    i   p   e   e   r    F

1. Now, you try it. Sing with the music. 2. Here’s a challenge challenge!! With a classmate, fill in the blanks with your own instruments, i nstruments, practice, and then sing your song to another pair.

Rewriting Lyrics Words in a song are called “lyrics”. Words Here is a popular song with words missing. Listen to the song, and write the words you hear in the blanks.

Te more we sing together, the more we play together, the more we sing together,

Te more we sing together, the more we

the happier we’ll be.

together, the more we

Te more we play the


the happier we’ll be.

the more we play the the more we play the

Te more we play the

the happier we’ll be.

the more we play the


the more we play the


Te more we play the

the happier we’ll be.   n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P

Te more we play the

the more we play the


the more we play the


the happier we’ll be.

the more we play the


the more we play the


, ,

the happier we’ll be.

 Voc  Vocabulary abulary challenge.. something difficult challenge 5


Language Through the Arts Musical Instruments from South America Tere are many different instruments that musicians in the Andes use to play music. Some of them are string instruments; i nstruments; others are types of drums, and most of them need the musicians to blow to make sounds.

  s   n   o   m   m   o   c   a    i    d   e   m    i    k    i    W

1. Imagine you are part of an Andean band, and you can choose any musical instrument to play. Draw the instrument inside the box. Why did you choose it? Write two reasons on the lines. Share your drawing and reasons with a a classmate.

Interesting Interesting fact

Did you know that Ecuador has an Andean Instrument Symphony orchestra with more than 20 musicians?

• •

  c   u    d   e   n    i    M

2. Choose a traditional musical instrument and find from 3-5 interesting facts about the instrument. Prepare a small poster with drawings and a list of all the information you have. Share your poster with the class. 6

  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P


Oral Communication Te Quichua Mashis are a Latin, folk music band from Ecuador. Tey have performed in many states in the United States. Now, they have their own music company company,, called QM records, in Seattle, Washington, Wash ington, and they have produced several CDs.

   i   c    i   v   o    d   n   e   r    O   n   a   v   z   a    R    /   s   n   o   m   m   o   c   a    i    d   e   m    i    k    i    W

1. Listen to a dialog between the manager of the Mashis and a music producer who wants them to come to Guayaquil.

  Before you listen, with a classmate, predict what the two people might talk  talk about. Write three questions you think the manager might or the producer might want to know. Now, share your questions with the whole class. a. b. c. 2. Te manager asked three questions. Did you guess which questions he was going to ask?     n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P

Listen to the dialog again. Work with a classmate and write the three questions. • • •  Vocabulary cabulary  Vo might might.. maybe, possibly 7

  o    i    d   u    t   s    l   e   u    f   r   o    l   o   c    /    k    i   p   e   e   r    F


Lesson B

Communication and Cultural Cul tural Awareness  Young  Y oung musicians musicians around the world Serena Wang was 10 years old when she played the piano for the first time with a symphony orchestra in China. Can you imagine playing the piano in front of 500 people with 50 o other ther musicians! After that concert, everyone was astonished by Serena’s talent. When she was 15, she was invited to play with the United Nations in a special ceremony. In December,Orchestra 2016 she appeared as a soloist wi th the with China Philharmonic when they toured the United States.

  x    f   g   r    b    /    k    i   p   e   e   r    F

Serena started her piano lesson when she was four. After playing for only eight months, she won a prize. pr ize. When she was five, the became the youngest winner for piano playing at a university in the United States. Since then, she has won prize priz e after prize, and has become quite famous! Even though Serena is talented, she has to work very ver y hard to be an excellent pianist. She practices four or five hours a day, every day.

Everyone has special talents. Maybe your talent will not be the best in the world, but it makes you different fro from m others. 1.   Mark the areas that you might have talent in. Mark None (N), 1. Some (S), A lot (AL), I don’t know; I have never tried it (?)

  c   u    d   e   n    i    M

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F

   i    i    l   a   o    t    i   v   k    /   n   e    k    i    h   p   s   u   r   e   t   e   r   e    F   p

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F

  p   m   o   c    j    /    k    i   p   e   e   r    F

  c   u    d   e   n    i    M

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F

2.  Pair work. One classmate asks the questions; the other answers 2.  the questions. Ten, change.

a. Do you play the piano? Would you like to learn?   c   u    d   e    i   n    M

b. What are your special talents: sports, cooking, math, writing, singing, drawing, or something else? d ay? Do you practice for c. Do you practice your talent every day? hours each day? If you practice your talent for four hours every day, what happens? 8

  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P


Oral Communication Interview with a musician

Insertar photos de estos musicos:Shakira, Marta Gomez, Katy Pery, Jorge Drexler, Justin Biever

    s          n     o          m          m          co                    i a              d     e      m                    iki              W

1. Choose your favorite musician. Imagine he/she is coming to Ecuador for a concert! Work with another classmate to prepare an interview with him/her by phone. Write four interview questions together. Ten, role play the interview. One student is a reporter, and the other student is the musician. Ten, change partners, and repeat the interview with the new questions.

  Sample questions: questions: How long…how many...when...why...who...where. Reporter: Good evening. Tis is (your name) in (name of your town). Can I ask you some questions about the concert in Ecuador? Musician: Musician: Of course! Happy to answer! Reporter: Reporter: Musician:: Musician Reporter: Reporter:   n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P

Musician:: Musician Reporter: Reporter: Musician:: Musician Reporter: OK, thanks so much. Great to talk to you! Reporter: Musician: Musician: Any time! 9


Language Through the Arts Solve a problem in your classroom!

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F

1. Problem: Students want to have music in the classroom while they work silently silently.. Many teachers want silence. What happens in your classroom?

d. Te teacher divides the students into several groups, those who want music and those who don’t. e. In your group, list three reasons to support suppor t

a. In question: “Doyour younotebook, like musicwrite in ourthe class when you work silently?”

your proposal. leader. He/she One asks:person should be the

b. Ten, ask five classmate cl assmatess the question. Write their answers.

oo m   ro  lass r n  tt he c la   ii  n c  i  ic s  u  m   m g     n n  i  v a    h h is  y   is “ W h y idea? ”  baad  id  mes a g ood/ b so me t i m

c. Te teacher then asks the class to raise their hands if they would like to have music in the classroom sometimes. She writes the number of students on the board, and asks the students to give reasons proposal.. for their proposal

  Another person is the secretary. He/she writes the answers. Ten, several students write the ideas on the board. f. Te teacher decides if the reasons are good, and if the students can listen to music sometimes, or on a special occasion. Remember, you have to respect the teacher’s decision.

 Vocabulary  Vocabulary proposal. plan proposal. 10

  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P


Oral Communication

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F

 T  Tiip

1. Poems often are the basic of the lyrics (words) for a song. Here is a silly poem with rhythm. It’s full of the letter “r”. “r ”. Look at the Pronunciation ip box before you read and listen to the song.

R: Te “r” in English is pronounced with the tip of the tongue curled up at the bottom of your mouth. In Spanish, you touch the top of your mouth when you pronounce it. In English, you don’t!

2. With a classmate, make a list of all the words you know with “r” in your notebooks. Ten practice your list.

Rosey is a red hen, a red hen, a red hen. Rosey has rhythm, rhythm, rhythm.

Words with “r”: Words “r ”:

Rosey is a red hen, a red hen, a red hen, Rosey is a red hen who likes rock and roll.

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F

Read the poem silently.   n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P

Ten, read it aloud to yourself. Now, listen to the poem again. Ten, get with a partner, and read the poem. Have him/her listen for the “r’s”. Ask him/ her to tell you which “r” “r ” words you pronounce well, and which “r” words need work.  You can can ask: ““Am Am I pronouncing the R correctly in the word…..?”

3. Make sentences with your words, and practice the sentences. 11


Reading Before reading In Module 2, you learned about food and health. Do you think music can make us healthy? 1. One student asks the class to show “thumbs up” if they agree  agree  or disagree disagree..


   k    i   p   e   e   r    F

When you read a story or an article, you do not have to know all of the words to understand the ideas. You can use your Spanish to guess new words. For example, what do you think the word "calm" means? Yes, "calma". In the following paragraph, there are many words that are similar to Spanish.


While reading 2. See if you can guess the meaning of the underlined words. Write the underlined words. Work with a classmate. Ask him/her: “What do you think music means in Spanish?”

Did you see the comparative forms faster and greener in greener in the paragraph?

Music ca  can help us to be healt lth hy . Did y ou k  kn now  that  thousands of   y  y ear s ag o, king s used to hav e sing e r s sing   their  song s to h  heelp t  th hem keep c  caalm. 2. Te militar yy  use  music to  to build confidence and cour ag e. 3. Soccer  ev ents  pr ov ide music to g et people enthus iastic. 4. School-  childr en use music to memor ize th eir  A   A BCs. 5. Music  ic  also helps y ou to concentr ate and  f ocus mor e than   j ju ust being  in silence. 6.Shopping  m alls play  music to  g et people to  to stay  in the mall a  an nd buy  mo  mor e thing s.  7.Dentists play  music to  help calm ner vv o   us patients.  8. Plants g r  ro   w  f aster  and g r  re  ener  w hen they  ar e  e x  xp posed to sof t classical music.

 After reading reading  Ti  Tip

3. Write rue () or False (F) next to each sentence.

a. Music is healthy for us. “dis” makes a word opposite

b. Music can build confidence. c. Music can make soccer teams win games. d. Music can only help students in one way way..

 Vocabulary  Vocabulary agree.. think the same agree disagree. disagree. think differently differently

e. Music makes dental patients nervous. 4. Some of the sentences in the paragraph show how music can make us healthy. One sentence is not really healthy. Which one is not really healthy? Why? Work with a partner. 12

  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P


Writing Passback Story: Instructions are going to write a sstory tory with all of the classmates in your 1.  You are row! Remember to use past tense for the story. d. Next, you pass your paper to the person behind you. Te last person in the row, runs to the front of the class and gives his/

a.  You  You need a blank piec piecee of paper and pen. b. Choose a famous musician and write the sentence: (put the the first musician) had a“.... concert lastname week.of Something surprising happened during the concert”. Continue to write about the musician. You can write more than one sentence.

her paper to the first student in the row. e. When the teacher says, “Start”, you continue the story on your classmate's paper. f.  Again, the teacher teacher sets a timer timer..

c. Te teacher sets a timer (2 minutes); when the timer rings, you stop writing, even in the middle of a sentence.

g. When you receive your own paper again, you write a conclusion to your story, and share it with a classmate.

  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F



 Assessment Reading

1.  Read the story.

  z   r   o   p   a   u    t    t   r   a    /    k    i   p   e   e   r    F

 A kim Camar a w as only  tw o  y ear s old and still w ear ing   diaper s and speaking  baby talk, but he could r emembe r   the song s he hear d and t instr uments. His f ather  ahsek enda m chestr al  a etesa ocf h aelr l  toof   ttehaec ohr    h im  the v iolin. A   A kim par ticipated happily   and lear ned v er yy   f ast. He per ff o   r med at the ag e of  thr ee i n a Chr istmas  concer t. Te f amous v iolini st A   A ndr e R ieu hear d of  the  child’s talent, and took him  to play  in a lar g  g e concer t.  Te audience clapped and c lapped f or  the little v iolinis t.  Since then, he has play ed al l ov er  the w or ld.

2.  Answer the questions.

a.   How old was Akim Camara whe when n he first played in public? a. b. b.   What was his talen talent? t? c.   Did he like to play and practice? c. d. d.   Who is A Andre ndre Rieu? e.  Camara ra pla playy now? e.  Where does Akim Cama



1.  Prepare a sma small ll presentation about a musician or a group that you like to listen to. Give three reasons why you like his/ her/their music and when you usually

story ory of Akim, told by one of 1.  Listen to the st his violin teachers. Look at the questions before you listen! Ten, listen two times.  Answer rue () or False (F).

listen to start it. your presentation  Y  You ou can presentation like this: “One of my favorite singers/bands/ groups is …..”

a. a.   Akim’s teacher talks about a concert when Akim was two years old. b. b.   Akim listen listened ed to a song many times, and then, he memorized it.

presentation entation to yourself, 2.  Practice your pres in a low voice. 3.  Ten, get into a small group of three or four students. students. Each one p practices ractices h his/ is/ her presentation for the group. Te other students listen and give a “thumbs up, thumbs sideways, or thumbs down” after they listen. If they give a thumbs down,

c.   Akim practiced c. the violin every day day.. d.  Akim and his tea d.  teacher cher were very happy when he was playing the violin.

they should give a reason why. 4.  Finally Finally,, give your presentation to the entire class.

e.   Akim didn’t like e. his teacher. 14

  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P


 What instrument would ¿Xxxxxxx? you like to play?

 Assessment Writing

 Vocabulary  Vocabulary

1.  Write a paragraph d describing escribing the music that you prefer to listen to. Use a topic sentence. Give three reasons for your opinion. Ten, include a concluding sentence. Use the simple present tense.

1.  Complete the sente sentences nces with the words from the box:

music sing musician concert show

a. a.   I want to go to a high school musica musicall next month. b.  prefer er to list listen en to b.  I pref classical

, not rap.

c.  c.  My neighbors in Italian, and no one understands what they say. d.  d.  Akim will perform on a V on Channel 9, Sunday afternoon. e.  e.  He w was as a very famous when he was alive, and he had many fans.


1. Comparisons: Fill in the blank with the correct comparative fforms. orms.

a. a.   Akim is

(young) than his violin teacher teacher..

b.  Probably Akim is the b.  c.   Akim probably learned c. d.  d.  Serena was

(good) baby violinist in the world. (fast) than other children. (old) than Akim when she started playing music.

e. e.   Andean music is

  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F

(popular) than classical music in Ecuador.

I’m completing this self-evaluation of what I learned in the module Self-evaluation

I check I do it very well


 I can interview a musician. I can compare things. I can write about my favorite music and musician. 15

the box that most applies to me.

I do it somewhat well

I can improve

I can’t do it without help


Project 1 Making Balloon   a Balloon Drum

Materials you will need: •  A large can, or a bowl, or a flower pot. No glass, please •  A large balloon. Maybe you need two or three, in case you pop one! pop one! • Scissors • ape

   i   c   r    i   m   e    d    f   u   s   u   y    /    k    i   p   e   e   r    F

Steps to make the drum: 1. One end of your can or pot needs to be open. 2. Cut the balloon at the smallest part.

 Vocabulary  Vocabulary

3. Stretch Stretch the  the balloon over the opening.

balloon.. plastic circle that balloon expands when you blow in it

classmate to help hold the balloon; 4.  Ask a classmate you put on the tape.

pop. pop. explode stretch. expand stretch.

5. Now you are ready to play. What can you use for sticks sticks??  Ask your teacher to to bring some music ffor or you to play along with. All of the class can play together! 16

sticks.. plural of stick; long, sticks thin pieces of wood used to play the drums

  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P


Let's Review

1.  What can you do now? What did you learn in this module? Circle the phrases that you can do now in English.

Understand vocabulary about instruments

Play the violin

Listen to interviews about music

Read about young musicians Practice a musical instrument

alk about your favorite singer Compare two things

Write a song   n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F

Listen respectfully to your classmates’ opinions

Describe musical instruments



Lesson C

Communication and Cultural Cul tural Awareness Music Children all over the word like to sing and play instruments. Here is an adaptation from a traditional song in Africa.

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F

 Tiip  T

Rhyme looks like a word Rhyme looks in Spanish. Can you guess the word?

Most rivers in Africa depend on the rains. During the dry season, they look like a snake.. In the rainy season, brown, curving snake it rains and rains and rains. Tere is thunder and lightning. thunder and lightning. And horrible flying ants always  always appear right before the first ants big storms!

Where Is the Rain? giraffee and the elep elephant hant we went nt ffor or a walk. •  Te giraff Tey stopped near a tree and started to talk; giraffee with a sigh sigh.. •  "I wish it would rain," said the giraff "I'm tired of watching the clouds pass clouds pass by!" "Yes," s," said the eelephant, lephant, "Where is the rain? •  "Ye leaves again.  again. I wish I could eat green leaves •  Te sun is so hot, aand nd the ground is ground is so dry; When will the rain fall from the sky?"

 Vocabulary  Voca bulary snake.. a long, thin reptile snake thunder thunder.. a loud noise when it rains lightning lightning.. a z-shaped light in the sky when it rains and thunders ant.. a tiny insect that ant can carry a lot sigh. sigh. a sound that people make when they are sad

he sk skyy turned grey grey,, •  Later in the day tthe Te flying ants flew out to say, smell it  it in the air! •  "Te rain is coming! We smell  And in the distance, distance, thunder we hea hear!" r!" giraffee and the elep elephant hant looke looked d up at the sky •  Te giraff eagle give  give his cry,  And heard the the black eagle •  "Te rain has come; the rivers will flow; Te dry season is over; now the green grass will grow!"

  c   u    d   e   n    i    M

cloud. cloud. white shapes in the sky leaf/leaves. grows on trees leaf/leaves. ground.. earth ground smell smell.. to perceive with your nose eagle.. a large bird eagle

1.   Pair work. In your notebooks, write the words at the end of the 1. lines that rhyme. Some of them are not exact rhymes. Put a star

next to those. 2.  2.  Listen to the song as a chant. Get into pairs. Practice saying two lines. Ten, all of the class stands up, and the pairs recite the song. 18

  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P


Oral Communication  Your  Y our v very ery own R Rap ap Directions: 1.  1.  Choose a topic. Make sur suree you know lots of words in English about the topic. It could be food, family, family, school, music, or something else. 2. 2.   Brainstorm all of your wor words ds on a sheet of paper in a list. Use only short words.   s   n   o   m   m   o   c   a    i    d   e   m    i    k    i    W

3.  rhyme yme with words 3.  ry to find words that rh in your list. Ask your classmates and your teacher for help with words that rhyme. You can ask: “What “ What word rhymes with ………?   For example:

Snoop Dog 

 TOPIC: weather (but now you can’t use this one!!!) •  Words and rhymes: (not all words will have rhymes)

        4         2      o


     o  f




               h     c

     /        k      i

   p    e

   e     r



      r       e

      t       e      g


      e         t



     g     r

     a      p              j


     p         k





        k           i

         k         i




   e    r      F


   e      r      F       s


      a       e

    m      e


 o      s            /






   e    r


coat/cold (not a rhyme, but sounds similar. Tat’s OK, too!)   n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P

4.   Create a ra rap p on your topic, and put some rhythm to it (you can 4. use a musical instrument if you want). Each sentence should have 3 or 4 words to keep the rhythm. Write 2 or three lines.  You  Y could have som something likee the sun. It is fun. I ou hate the snow. Go,ething go go. like this: “I lik 5. 5.   Ask a classmate ffor or help. Ten, share your rap with him/her. him/her. Ten, share with the class. 19

sun/fun   o    l   o   p   e    D   n   e   v   e    t    S    /   r    k   c    i    F


Reading Kidz Bop is a singing group of children who sing contemporary popular songs. Te group has existed existed for  for a long time, since 2001. When the children grow up, they leave the group, and different children apply to enter. Teir songs are popular

appropriate for young people. Tey make the lyrics more “kid friendly”. Te group is popular with many children, teenagers, and adults, too. Te company has sold more than 16 million albums, and today, has expanded to include merchandise merchandise,, music

charts or  or on the songs that are high on the charts radios. Because they sing for other children, they often change the lyrics that are not

videos, and talent search competitions. Summary of an article from the magazine, "Kids and Music".

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F

 Vo  Vocabulary cabulary exist. just like Spanish exist. chart. i nformation chart. box with information merchandise. merchandise. things to buy and sell

1. Pair work. With a classmate, write two questions about the reading. With another pair of students, ask and answer the questions. 2. With a classmate, decide you are going to start star t a children’s singing group. What’s the name of your group? How many children are going to sing in it? Where are they going to sing? Anything extra you want to say? Present your group to the class. 20

  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P



  x    f   g   r    b    /    k    i   p   e   e   r    F

  x    f   g   r    b    /    k    i   p   e   e   r    F

Remember, when we compare two nouns, we use the Remember, comparative comparat ive form of the adjective. When we compare three or more nouns, we use the superlative form. Comparatives


 Add -er to -er to the adjective, and than than,, when the

 Add the the and  and -est to -est to the adjective when the

word is short.

word is short.

Example: faster than

Example: the smartest

richer than

older than

the biggest

the coldest

 Add more... than when than when the adjective has three syllables or more.

 Add the most most to  to the adjective, when the word has three syllables or more.

Example: more intelligent than more wonderful than

Example: the most beautiful

the most impressive

1. Compare the groups Kidz Bop and the Quichua Mashis.

Use your opinion, the information from the texts, and the adjectives below. famous





Example:: Te Quichus Mashis group is newer than the Kidz Bop group.   Example a.   n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P

b. c. d. e. f. g. 21




Language Through the Arts

   l   e   x    i   p   w   a   r    /    k    i   p   e   e   r    F

   i   c   r    i   m   e    d    f   u   s   u   y    /    k    i   p   e   e   r    F


  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .   a    t   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P


Oral Communication Beto works for a large music company in Mexico. He gets information on all of the music that is played on radio stations. He checks to see how many people listen to the song. Ten, he puts all of the information on charts, and decides which songs are the Most Popular songs of the week.

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F

1. Pair work. With a classmate, make a list of the songs you think should be on Beto’s Most Popular list this week.

2. Share your Number 1 song with the class. he teacher can keep track of the songs on the board to see which song is the Number 1 in the class. 3.  Agai  Again, n, w with ith a par partner, tner, wri write te fi five ve q quest uestions ions you want to ask Beto about his work. Use question words and present tense.

Most Popular Songs of the Week  1

Questions for Beto  2

•  3

? •




  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .

? • ? •

   t   a   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P




Lesson D

Communication and Cultural Cul tural Awareness Social Studies 1. Read the Music Culture online newsletter on young, Ecuadorian musicians.

May 20, 2019  A new generation generation of talented m musicians usicians are emerging in preserving the  the country’s emerging in Ecuador, preserving musical traditions, and at the same time, creating new music. Here is an important, new musician.

Mateo Kingman Mateo Kingman has emerged as one of the most interesting young musicians in Ecuadorian combining musical  musical traditions past and music, combining present. He incorporates hip-hop with folklore. His music is filled with jungle with jungle-like -like sound effects, and many of his songs have nature as a central theme. Mateo grew up in the Amazon city of Macas, near the Shuar tribe, which influenced how he sees the world.

 Vo  Vocabulary cabulary

  s   n   o   m   m   o   c   a    i    d   e   m    i    k    i    W

  c   u    d   e   n    i    M

2. Imagine it is the year 2025, and you are becoming an important Ecuadorian musician. Using the newsletter as a model, write a similar newsletter from Music Culture of yourself!

emerge.. to start emerge preserve. preserve. to keep combine. to put together combine.

Here is a new musician you should know about:

 jungle.. many trees together,  jungle in a tropical climate, like in the Amazon

(Your name) (Your name) has emerged as one of the key players in Ecuadorian music.

  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .

  y   m    t   o   y    h    t    i   m    S    /    k    i   p   e   e   r    F

   t   a   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P



Oral Communication Musicians Move Forward Game 1. Pair work. With a classmate, read the instructions for the game. When you finish, try to tell each other the instructions that you understood.  

Ten, play the game with the class.

 tiions: ruc t  tr Ins t

 le   be a b le you need to go outside or be  his game,  yo  t hi  y t  la y o p la  he   h t he  hroug h   ward t hr  ve f or wa  line and mo ve to start in a li  ws.  lassroom ro ws c la  vorite musician on a   her f a vo  his/ he  writes hi  h student wr Eac h   he papers, and   lects t he  her co l le piece of  paper. Te teac he  k.  her des k.  his/ he  x on hi  bo x   hem in a bo puts t he  he   he goes to t he  leader. He/s he  he le  he students is t he One of  t he  kes one   x. He ta ke  bo x.  he bo  xt to t he  lassroom, ne xt  he c la f ront of  t he of  t he  he papers and sa ys  ys: “..............  l( m  ) o ve  vtse s  en u dm t )   hicei asn of u ts he  hree steps.” A  l l   wo/t hr  ward one/t wo f or wa  ho   w ho  ward. Te students w  ve f or wa  hat name mo ve  h t ha  wi  wit h   he game!  win t he  ker first wi  he spea ke ve to t he arri  ve

  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F

   t   a   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P



Reading Paca the Frog  heed a  watc h  hee  wa  y s h da y    e  h  he t   d e g n a  h  ha c   e f i  li l   s  ’s  ’ g o r  hee F Paca t h  k concert,  was a roc k  e. It  wa m i t   t s r fi   e  h  he t   r o f    V   T V T   n o   r singe hair.  long  ha  ’s lo inger ’s s   e  h  he t    h  h  t i  w w   d e t a n i c s a f   s wa and Paca  wa hair!  ””  long  ha  ve lo ha ve want to  ha   wa I   . r i a  ha h    y   y t t e r  pr p   t a  h  ha  W W   !  h  h! "O  hee  ha hadn ’t  ’t be  been to sc h  ho oo l   l   y a frog. S h was on l y  But Paca  wa   o s   , r i a  ha h   e  ve  v ha  ’t  ha  haat frogs don ’t  w t h  kno w  and didn ’ ’tt kn  ve   hee ga ve  w if s h  ld gro w  ou ld  w   w r i a  ha h   r e  he h   t a  h  ha t   t  h  ht g u o  h  ho  hee t s h  k music,   h  roc k  it h  wi w    k   k r o  wo w   t  ’t  ’ n d i d    k   k a o r c   r e concerts. H  hee  nd sang some more. S h a   g n a s   e  h  he s   t u  bu b   ,  p,  p o  po p   r o    peera o p ea and mountains,  s   e  h  he t   o t   , s e i t i c   d n a   s n  w  weent to to w  ve   hee ga ve  y s h  l one da y  i l  t n u   s n e d r a g   d n a   s t e e r t into s  lon.  y sa lo beaut y  a concert in a  be hair from a customer  e of  ha c e i  pi   p e g r a  la l   a   d n a   , g n a s   a Pac  hee  was! S h  y Paca  wa a p p y   ha h    w   w o H   !  h  h! O   . d a e  he h   s  ’s  ’ a c a P fe l  l l onto  hair! had  ha y  ha fina l  ll  y  outed.   ho  hee s h ” s h hair!  ”   ve  ha ha ve ir; I  ha “I ’ ’m m so  ha ha p p  y.  y. I  ha ha v  ve ee  ha hbaeaut y   wo ke  ke u p   p wi  wit h  h    lon, wo  y sa lo   be  he  hee cat in t h  kiie t h B l laac k d,  a e  he h    ’s  ving on Paca ’s o vi m   r i a  ha h   e  h  he t    w   w a s   e H   . e s i  hee no t h hair   hee  ha  pe  ped on t h m u  ju j   e H   . e s u o m   a   s a  w w   t  htt i oug h  ho and t h  hee   peed out of t h  ho p p nd ho a   d e  pe  p m u  ju j   a c a P   . d a e  he h   s  ’  ’s on Paca hair.  hee  ha out t h  ho  wit h  lon,... wi  y sa lo  b  beeaut y 

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F

 Tiip  T

Main idea: the most important idea that summarizies a story. stor y.

“beauty salon” is like a phrase in Spanish. Can

Can you choose the main idea?

you guess what it means? Salón...

ip: idea ea does not ip: Te main id talk about small details.

 Vocabulary cabulary  Vo

1. Mark the sentences with Main Idea (MI) or Details (D). Tere is only ONE main idea.

croak.. the soung frogs make croak

a.  a. 

Blackie jumped on Paca’s head.

sea.. ocean sea

b.  b. 

Paca was a frog.

garden.. plants and flowers near a house garden

c.   c.

Paca wanted something

d.  d. 

she didn’t have. Paca sang in a beauty salon.

shout shout.. make a very loud voice mouse mouse.. a very small little grey animal; a little rat

e.  e. 

Paca hopped out of the beauty salon.

hop hop.. to jump on one foot or two feet at a time

customer.. a person who buys in a store customer


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Writing Comparatives


Te adjec adjectiv tivee GO GOOD OD h has as tthis his fo form: rm: b bett etter er tthan han..

Te aadjec djectiv tivee GO GOOD OD h has as tthis his fo form: rm: tthe he b best est..

Te adjec adjecti tive ve BAD has has tthi hiss fform orm:: w wor orse se than than..

Te ad adje ject ctiv ivee B BAD AD has has tthi hiss fform orm:: tthe he wo wors rst. t.

1. Write your own story about an animal who is a musician. Make him/her the best musician in the world or the worst musician in the world. Include:

•  •  •  •  •  • 

Te name of your animal A description of your best/worst musician What instrument he/she plays What he/she does to be the best/worst musician A problem he/she has A solution to the problem!

 T  Tiip

Use a Mind Map to organize your ideas!

  w   a    d   r    d    /    k    i   p   e   e   r    F

  n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .    t   a   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P



Language Through the Arts Game: Play Tag Do you remember Comparatives and Superlatives that you learned in this module? Now you are going to use them to play ag with your friends fr iends outside the classroom. Here

4.  someone,, everyone 4.  As soon as he tags someone stops. Te tagged person shouts out a sentence using a comparison. 5.   Te first student goes to the side 5. and sits down.

are the rules: 1. 1.   Te teacher designates a student to start.

6.  6.  He counts to three, and everybody runs again.

2.  ount of three everybody runs all 2.  At the ccount around the patio.

7.  starts rts running 7.  Ten, this new student sta trying to tag someone else.

3.   Te selected student tries to tag 3. another classmate cl assmate..

8.  Repeat the steps until eeverybody 8.  verybody sits down.

  x    f   g   r    b    /    k    i   p   e   e   r    F


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Oral Communication It’s not easy to be a musician. You have to be really good, as there is so much competition. You have to practice for many hours every day. Sometimes you have to play one song a hundred times to perfect it. Ten, you have to play the same song over and over again in different concerts. When you perform, per form, you have to smile and be energetic during the concert, even if you are sick and feel terrible. All musicians have lots of difficulties.  mean to you? Make a mind map with at 1. What does difficulty  mean least five related words, and then write them all around the circle. Ten, make more circles for each different, related word.

2. Now think of a personal situation where you had a difficult problem and you overcame it.

It was a moment when   n    ó    i   c   a   c   u    d    E   e    d   o    i   r   e    t   s    i   n    i    M  .    t   a   n   e   v   u   s   a    d    i    b    i    h   o   r    P

Now,, share your difficult situation with a classmate. Now 29

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F


 Assessment Reading

My  band is such a  g rr e  at  g rr o   up! A   A lan is in  char g  g e of  play ing  t he  dr ums, and he lik es t o  hit  t hem w it h st ic ks like a R ockst ar  ! J oseph  is our  g uit ar  her o … he is alw ay s cr e at ing   new  song s and ly  rr  ics. Nat haly  is t h e v ocal  sin r  caen ldi kshe has a sw eet  v oice t hat  ev er yy   audg  ieen es t o hear . My  br o t her  Er nest   play s t he v iolin, a nd I  play  t he t rr  ian g le and  t he flut e, depend ing  on t he song  a nd t he  melody  t hat  w e n eed.

1. Read the following description of a band and then make a drawing of it. It's OK to use comic drawings!



1. Imagine that you have the chance of writing a song that will become very famous in the future. Present your choices to the class.

1. Dictation: Listen to your teacher and write the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives you will hear.


a. Describe what the song will be about.

b. c.

b. b.   Say what language you will write the song in.


c. Choose a group who can sing your song.


d.   Name sev several eral countries where the group d. will sing your song. 30

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 What instrument would you like to play?


1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjective.

a. Salsa is (loud)

than baby lullabies.

b. Te violin has the (beautiful)

sound of all the instruments.

c. Shakira is the (good)

dancer of all.

d. Te drums are (difficult)

to play than the guitar.

e. I think Marta has the (pretty)

voice of all of the singers.

 Vocabulary abulary  Voc


1. Write a paragraph about your favorite music group. Use a topic sentence. Give three reasons why you like li ke them. Use a concluding sentence. Remember to indent five spaces.

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1. Write a sentence for five vocabulary words related to music.

I’m completing this self-evaluation based on what I learned in the module Self-evaluation

I check Topics

I do it very well

I can write questions about a reading. I can write a story about an animal musician. I can use the comparative and superlative form of the adjectives in my sentences. 31

the box that most applies to me

I do it somewhat well

I can improve

I can’t do it without help


Project 2 c he r s  a e  t   t  t a  t h  n k t  se s   t  t h i n  s a  u  l o c    y y    r   r  i o  D  t he  n t  i n d o u t !  ic i  n   n  s  i   i  f f  u    s  ’  m m  t   e e L  u s ec t s ?  L  j  b  u  s s    r  fo r o t he

Instructions: 1.   Choose a p 1. partner. artner. During rrecess, ecess, or if your teacher gives you permission during class, ask three teachers if they use music in their classes. If they use music, ask them how they use it. If they don’t use music, ask them why! 2.  Of course, you will ha 2.  have ve to ask the teachers in Spanish! Tat’s OK, because you will be reporting the answers to your class in English.

   k    i   p   e   e   r    F

3.  3.  When you have the answers, get with another group. Now,, you will be four students Now working together together..

4.  Fill in the ffollowing 4.  ollowing chart: Teacher Nº.

Subject they teach

Do they use music in the classroom? Yes or No.

Reason for using or not using music

1 2 3 4 5 6 5. One of your group will report to the class.

“We interviewed _____ (number) teachers. Most of the teachers (use/don’t use) music in their subjects. Most of them said they (use/don’t use) music because (give some reasons). reasons).””


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