English Language Basic Test-Solution

December 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Name : Nitin Dewangan Company : Kirloskar Brothers Ltd. Dept :CRED :CRED Location : Pune


English Proficiency Test

A. Choose the correct alternative: 1. Simon ........very tall.

Max.marks 60 (35 marks)

Is/are/has Is/are/has

2. She ..............like football very much. Don’t/ doesn’t doesn’t/hasn’t /hasn’t  3. How much does one lesson cost? Many/ much much/is /is 4. There ........ a big supermarket next to my house. Is/are/have Is/are/have 5. I .......... agree with you. Doesn’t/haven’t/ don’t  6. Neil can't ........ tennis. He's broken his arm. To play/playing/ play  7. ............... some more tea? Would you like/do like/do you like/ you’d like 8. Last week we ......... to Warsaw. Go/ went/ went/goes goes 9. I ..............  .............. the film we saw at the cinema on Wednesday. doesn't like/ haven't liked/ didn't like 10. Magda ........ in England for her holiday last year. Was Was// were/is …. 11. My mother .........never been to a cricket match. hadn't/ haven't/ Has  12. Joanna ........... her new mobile phone. is losing/ loses/ has lost  13. ...................... .................... .. ever seen a comet? Did you/ Have you/ you/ Do you 14. If I were rich, I ............ buy a huge farm in Somerset. Will/ shall/ would  15. They ............ pass their exam if they studied hard. Would Would// will/ did 1


16. I wish I ........... play a musical instrument. Can/ could could// should 17. When Gregory arrived at the disco, Hania .................... ............ ........ already left/ has already left/ had already left 18. If I ............. ........... .. on holiday to Poland, I wouldn't have met Donata. didn't go/ haven't gone/ hadn't gone

19. By the time you get this letter I .................. ............ ...... . will have left/ am going to leave/ would leave 20. A: What are you doing tonight? B: I'm not sure, I ........... to the cinema. will go/ would go/ might go  21. Simon forgot ................ ........... ..... the lights before he left. turn off/ turning off/ to turn off   

22. It's no use ........... to him. He doesn't listen. to speak/ spoke/ speaking  23. Karla was offered the job ............. having poor qualifications. Despite Despite// although/  even though

24. The offer was too good for David to turn ........ . off/ down down// away 25. Eric's father ordered him .............. out late again. not to stay/ stay/ not stay/ not staying 26. If only I ........ to the barbecue instead of staying at home. Went Went/had /had gone/ did go 27. Not only .......... to London but she also visited many other places in England. she went/ went she/ did she go  28. My sister ......... regretted turning down the chance of studying at the Teacher  Training College in Gorzów. Entirely/ bitterly bitterly// absolutely 29. Now remember, you ............ the test until the teacher tells you to. are not starting/ starting/ are not to start/ haven't started

30. She wasn't .............. to reach the ceiling. tall enough/ enough/ so tall/ as tall 

31. He was thought ........... the disease in Hong Kong. to catch/ catch/ catching/ to have caught. 2


32. My flat .................. as soon as possible. It's in an awful state. needs redecorating// to redecorate/ redecorated redecorating 33. He eventually managed ........... the door by kicking it hard. Open/ opening/ to open  34. There's no point .... staying up all all night if your exam is tomorrow.

On/ with/ in 

35. Rarely ...... meat. I eat/ eat/ do I eat/ I have eaten

B.Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets:   (5 marks) 1. My house is (big) than yours.

My house is bigger than yours   2. This flower is (beautiful) than that one. This flower is more beautiful than that one

  3. This is the (interesting) book I have ever read. This is the most interesting book I have ever read.

4. Non-smokers usually live (long) than smokers.

Non-smokers usually live longer than smokers. smokers.

5. Which is the (dangerous) animal in the world? Which is the most dangerous animal in the world?

C. Sentence Correction:

(5 marks) 3



One of the other prisoners was beat up.

One of the other prisoners was beaten up

2. A big chunk of his calf was being bitten off by the dog. A big chunk of his calf was bitten off by the dog.

3. The office had been being blown up by terrorists. The office had been blown up by terrorists

4. The task is braked down into smaller, manageable mini-tasks. The task is broken down into smaller and manageable mini-tasks.

5. This government could be bringing down by this scandal. This government could be brought down by this scandal. scandal .


D. Complete the crossword puzzle by using the appropriate opposites of the

(11 marks)

words given.

Opposite Words 4












T h



o b


2. hard-working 5. drunk l 6. fat

i 7. coward m



u n

e r






E. Fill in the blanks using


L a z y


u n 6


 b r a v



1. shy e 2. small d 3. modest 4. sharp 

(2 marks) 

1. He's gone to work. He's probably at work now. 2. On second thought, the green shirt is nicer. 3. Are you doing anything on the weekend? 4. We live at this address. 5


F. Sentence combining:

(4 marks)

Match the two columns to have a meaningful sentence. Use the boxes on the left to write your choices. e1. The rain started h2. Bob's car is old b3. He was a famous hockey player  g4. I wrote many books c5. They had to cancel the meeting f 6. 6. No one knows for sure a7. You won't succeed d8. Although it was raining

G. Choose the correct alternative:

a. if you don't try hard. b. when he was young. c. because the director did not show up. d. he went out without an umbrella. e. while I was driving home. f. who won last year's race. g. before I was awarded the literature prize. h. but he can't afford buying a new one.

(3 marks)

1. I've got a few money. Let's have coffee. (a little/a few) 2. He's been been in London for  for five five days. (for /since) 3. They made a few mistakes, but it was OK. (a little/ a few) 4. They haven't been used since many years. (for/since) 5. I've got a few stamps that you can use. (a little/ a few) 6. We have been waiting for  for twenty twenty minutes. (for/since)


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