English Grammar 4

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ENGLISH GRAMMAR 4 by Edward R. Rosset

Written by / Escrito por: Edward R. Rosset Member of the Bachelor of Arts Association of Euskadi. Miembro del Colegio de Licenciados de Filosofia y Letras de Euskadi Revised by / Revisado por: BITEZ® LOGOS® Published by / Editado por: Editorial Stanley Layout / Diseho y Maquetacion: Angela Gomez Martin Front page design / Diseno portada: Diseno (runes © Editorial Stanley Apdo. 207 - 20302 IRUN - SPAIN Telf. (943) 64 04 12 - Fax. (943) 64 38 63 ISBN: 84-7873-196-2 Dep. Leg. BI-2919-02 Third edition /Tercera edicion 2003 Printers / Imprime: Imprenta Berekintza

INDEX 1 Adjective order


2 Adjectives. Formation, prefixes and suffixes.


3 Prefixes 4 Adjectives: Comparison 5 Adjective: Comparison (cont.)

32 Gerund after prepositions


33 Infinitive after certain verbs

_ 66


34 Inversion of the verb after certain adverbs

_ 68


35 Modal verbs. Revision


36 The one who / that / which The one with


37 Once + Present perfect


38 Passives: All tenses is considered / thought / said to be


39 Reported speech


40 Reported speech (cont.)


41 Remember (and other verbs) + gerund or infinitive


42 Suffixes and prefixes


43 Compound nouns


44 Tenses: General revision


45 Phrasal verbs 1


Phrasal verbs 2


Phrasal verbs 3


Phrasal verbs 4


Phrasal verbs 5


Phrasal verbs 6


Phrasal verbs 7


Phrasal verbs 8



6 Adjectives: degrees of intensity _ _ 12 7 Adverbs of manner


8 Adverbs of degree


9 As well as + ing - Although As long as - As (cause)


10 Used to + gerund


11 Because of - Bound to


12 By + time phrase By the time + past perfect


13 The causative


14 Clauses of reason


15 Clauses of comparison


16 Clauses of concession


17 Condition clauses


18 Clauses of purpose


19 Clauses of purpose (cont.)


20 Clauses of time


21 Conditionals type 1


22 Conditionals type 2


23 Conditionals type 3


24 Comparisons


25 Connective relative clauses


26 Discourse markers


27 Relative clauses: defining


28 Relative clauses: non-defining


29 Future tense: contrasts


30 Future tense: contrasts (cont.) 31 Gerunds after "for" and certain verbs

APENDIX 1 Exercise. Idiomatic expressions.

__ 101


APENDIX 2 Exercise. Idiomatic expressions with colours



APENDIX 3 Expressions with: to do • to make


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ENGLISH GRAMMAR 4 by Edward R. Rosset



Adjective order • Aunque es muy dificil dar un orden exacto, y hay ligeras variaciones entre las gramaticas mas usuales hoy en dfa, se puede considerar que el orden que damos a continuation es el mas aceptado. A big black cat. A long wide avenue. Cruel blue eyes, A small blue metal box. An old iron bucket. Yellow silk curtains.

1° Tamano excepto little. 2° Descripcion general incluyendo adjetivos de personalidad y emocidn. 3° Edad y el adjetivo little.

4° Forma 5° Color 7° Origen 8° Proposito generalmente gerundios: winding road, running shoes.

A small, nervous man. A large, patient group of men. A fierce, black dog. A kind, white doctor.

• A menudo usamos little, young y old, no para dar informacion, sino como una combination de adjetivo/sustantivo: Jimmy is such a nice, little boy. An athletic, suspicious, young man stood at the door.


A young, black woman. An old, Italian clock.

• Si queremos poner enfasis en el tamano es mejor usar small, que little. He was a small ambitious man.

• Cuando los adjetivos son predicatives, es decir, van detras del verbo, generalmente se pone and. The tea was sweet and strong.

6° Material

• Los adjetivos de personalidad y emotion vienen detras de los adjetivos de description fisica, pero antes que los colores:


• Cuando young y old se usan para dar information, ocupan la position num. 3.

Examples I had a black and white Italian chessboard. They sat at a big, round, conference table. She wore black, Spanish, leather boots. He played with an expensive steelframed tennis racket. The day was dark, wet and cold.



1. Pon los adjetivos entre parentesis en la posicion correcta. Example: We saw a Japanese film, (new) We saw a new Japanese film. 1. an old picture (expensive/Italian)

19. a little restaurant (French/nice)

2. short hair (black/attractive)

20.a kitchen cupboard (handmade/ wooden)

3. a large town (new/exciting) 21. a leather handbag (small/black/shiny) 4. a small dog (thin/white) 5. a narrow street (small)

22. a huge milkshake (ice-cold/ strawberry)

6. a white face (fattish)

23. a Spanish waiter (little/friendly)

7. a wooden box (brown/large)

24. a clean room (bright/beautiful)

8. a black car (new/large)

25. a daring pilot (handsome/young/Air Force)

9. a pretty dress (blue) 26. A curious dog (little/brown) 10. a cold shower (refreshing) 27. A tall cowboy (handsome/dark/Texan) 11. a rainy day (miserable) 28. a green ashtray (Chinese/glass) 12. large eyes (red) 29. a conference hall (large/glass) 13. a British film (funny) 30. a carving knife (long/sharp) 14. a black skirt (leather) 31. a handy little calculator (black) 15. an old mansion (decrepit) 32. a curious monkey (little) 16. a beautiful woman (young) 33. an inexpensive dirty hotel (little) 17. an old man (grumpy) 34. a kindly coloured doctor (old) 18. a rare bracelet (emerald)




Adjectives. Formation, prefixes and suffixes. • Algunas palabras hacen la funcion solamente de adjetivos (small). Otras pueden ser sustantivos o adjetivos (cold). Muchos adjetivos que se relacionan con verbos o sustantivos tienen un final caracteristico (suffix). care careful change changeable • Los participios de presente tambien actuan enjoy enjoyable truth truthful como adjetivos: amuse amusing amused astonish astonishing astonished

• Adjectives ending in -ible •able

• Adjectives ending in -ive abortive abusive acquisitive deceptive defective defensive

lucrative pervasive plaintive repulsive submissive successive

discursive evasive excessive formative indicative intensive













• Adjectives ending in -ous











boisterous capricious extraneous fallacious fastidious homogeneous











understandable 4 STANLEY

ingenious ludicrous malicious miscellaneous monstrous obnoxious

precocious presumptuous specious strenuous supercilious

• Adjectives ending in -ate insubordinate elaborate desperate appropriate intimate

deliberate moderate duplicate desolate separate



1. En letra cursiva tienes una explicacion de la palabra que tienes que poner terminando en ble. Example: This word is impossible to pronounce. It is unpronounceable. 1. He had followed a course in elocution. His speech was quite without faults.

It was 2. I think that this plan will be impossible to put into practise. It will be 3. A masterpiece is impossible to define or explain.

It is 4. The number 13 can't be divided by any other number.

It is

2. Haz lo mismo con los adjetivos que terminan en ous. Example: Teachers prefer a class with pupils of the same level. It is an homogeneous class. 1. Children who develop faculties at an early age don't always become Einsteins. They are 2. Many children are difficult to please. They are 3. Her arguments seemed right, but they were not so. They were 4. The weather here is unpredictable and ever-changing. It is very

3. Haz lo mismo con adjetivos que terminan en ate. Example: Keep these ones apart from the others. Keep them separate.. 1. It was a very complicated plan. It was very 2. The place was deserted and uninhabited,

it was 3. They are very close friends. They are 4. That word was just the right word. It was very




Prefixes • Los prefijos a menudo tienen un efecto negative:

agreeable honest

disagreeable dishonest

Prefixes with: DISdisappointed disconnected disdainful disgusted dishonest disillusioned disloyal disobedient dissatisfied distinct, ILillegal illegitimate illicit illiterate illogical. IRirrational irregular irrelevant irreligious irresponsible irreversible. IMimmoral immovable impatient imperfect important impractical improvised imprudent impure impudent. 6 STANLEY

INincessant incidental incompatible incomplete incomprehensible inconsistent inconspicuous inconvenient incorrect incurable indecisive indefinable indented independent indescribable indifferent indirect indispensable indisputable ineffective inevitable inexperienced informal inseparable insignificant insincere invisible.

NONnon-interference non-military non-religious non-violent. ANTIantiaircraft anticommunist antiseptic antisocial.

UNunable unbroken unarmed uncertain unclear unconcerned uncomfortable unconnected unconquerable uncons-cious uncontrolled unconventional uncooperative uncultivated undecided undignified undisciplined uneasy uneducated unexcitable unexpected unexplored unfaithful unfavourable unfinished unfriendly unhappy unharmed unimportant uninjured unknown unlucky unmarried unnecessary unnoticed unpaid unplanned unpleasant unreal unreliable.

HYPERhyperactive hypersensitive.

MALmaladjusted. OVERoverdue overcharging overdeveloped over-elaborate.

PREprewar. PROpro-American. SUBsubnormal submarine subtitle. SUPERsuperman superhuman superwoman supernatural. UNDERunderdone undercooked undfirdfi-velonerl



1. Pon el adjetivo contrario al que se te da. Usa los sufijos que has aprendido. Example: This person is not very honest. He is dishonest. 1. Smuggling tobacco is, of course, not legal.

It js

In fact, he is 17. He was not a very social man.

2. That boy is not responsible.

He was

He is 3. This person doesn't care about morals. He is a very

16. He is not very well known.


4.1 was not injured in the accident, I was 5. In America many people were against communism. They were 6. This thing is impossible to eat. It's 7. I'm afraid he is not very loyal.

He is 8. He is lacking education.

He is 9. You can dispense with him.

He is not 10. The bill was due to be paid some time ago.

lt is 11. It is not logical to do that.

It is 12. 'Is he satisfied?' 'No, he is 13. It was not at all planned.

It was 14. He is not very religious. On the contrary, he is

18. She is an extremely sensitive person. She is

19. It is not very well adjusted.

It is 20. This gold is not very pure.

It is 21. He has no illusions left in this life. He is rather 22. This treatment is not very effective. It


23. Johnny has never been very formal. He is rather 24. It was not a very real situation. It _was_quite_ 25. The meat is not done yet.

It is 26. This man is extraordinary.

He is a 27. It was not very consistent. It was rather 28. The report was not complete.

It was 29. It wasn't a regular situation. It was quite 30. The situation is not very favourable.

It is

15. They are not going to interfere. They have an 7 STANLEY



Adjectives: comparison • La mayor parte de los adjetivos monosilabos anaden er y est para formar el comparative y el superlative: cleaner cleanest

greater greatest

colder coldest

• Muchos monosilabos que terminan en vocal + consonante duplican la consonante: bigger sadder thinner wetter fatter

biggest saddest thinnest wettest fattest

• Los monosilabos que terminan en e anaden ryst: nicer nicest later latest freer freest safer safest


Otros ejemplos son: easy - tidy early busy dry ready heavy sleepy

- prettiest

- empty - funny - dirty

La exception es: - shy shyer * shyest

quantifier comparative superlative much- many more most little ess least 8 STANLEY





gentler more gentle less gentle

gentlest most gentle east gentle


more beautiful most beautiful less beautiful least beautiful

• Asi como gentle, otros adjetivos bisflabos pueden formar el comparative y el superlative

• Algunos adjetivos terminan en y precedida de consonante. El comparative y superlative se forman con i: - pretty

• Para formar el grado comparative y superlativo de los adjetivos de dos o mas silabas, se anade more/less para los comparativos, y most/least para los superlativos. • Less se puede usar con adjetivos de una sflaba (less cold).

common clever narrow happy tired

pleasant - handsome - quiet simple - stupid

• Los puestos de tales palabras (unpleasant, etc.) tambien forman el comparativo y el superlative de dos formas: unhappier more unhappy unhappiest - the most unhappy

Adjetivos compuestos He is more quick-witted than she is. John is better-looking than Peter. (more good-looking) He is worse-tempered than she is. (more bad-tempered)



1. Completa las frases con el comparative correspondiente. Example: Today is very wet. It is much wetter than yesterday. 1. He came very early. He came

than yesterday.

2. This picture is very grey. It's

than that one.

3. James is very shy. He is

than his sister.

4. My boss is very busy. He is

than I am.

5. This girl is very sad. She is

than her sister.

6. This boy is very fat. He is

than his friend.

7. These people are very free. They are those.


2. Haz ahora lo mismo con el grado superlative. Example: April is very wet. It's the wettest month of the year. 1. This desk is very tidy. It's the 2. This man is very thin. He is the

desk in the classroom. man in the country.

3. She is very funny. She is the

girl in her class.

4. This land is very dry. It's the

land in the state.

5. This picture is very grey. It's the

in the auction.

6. This river is very long. It's the river in the world.

3. Usa er/est o more/most, less/least, etc. para completar las frases. Example: This street is very narrow. It's narrower/more narrow than those. 1. This situation is 2. He is well built. In fact he is 3. This is not very expensive. In fact, it's those, (expensive)

than that one. (common) than me. (built) than

4. That joke was not very amusing. In fact, it was the of all. (amusing) 5. This boy is very bad-tempered. He is his father, (tempered)


6. My boyfriend is very handsome. He is the know, (handsome)

boy I

7. They were all beautiful, but she was, perhaps, the . (beautiful)





Adjective: Comparison (cont.) El uso de than en la forma comparativa • Si la referenda es clara no hace falta ponerlo: This sleeve is longer. • Si estamos hablando de dos cosas podemos decir: Which is the longer? (of the two roads)

Superlative con ever This is the longest book (that) I have ever read. • Los superlativ-es pueden ser modificados con adverbios de grado: much, quite, almost, nearly, far, by far. - This is by far the most expensive book in the shop.

• Comparativo de igualdad as... as • Si than va seguido de nombre o pronombre actua como preposicion; cuando va - He is as tall as his brother. seguido de una oration, hace el oficio de • En negaciones se usa not as... as o not conjuncion: so/as as I know her better than you. - He is not so/as clever as his brother. - I know her better than you know her. • The same as y different from. • Comparativos con er and er My car is the same as yours. This girl is getting taller and taller. Our house is quite different from yours. • The + comparative + the + comparative The more money you have, the more you want.

Uso de la forma superlativa • Usamos el superlative cuando comparamos con mas de uno. This is the cleanest. That is the safest. • Casi siempre despues de un superlative ponemos in. London is one of the biggest towns in the world. - He is the tallest in our class. • Menos frecuentemente usamos of. John is the tallest of/in the family. August is the hottest month of the year. 10 STANLEY

Grados de parecido Those girls are exactly the same. The two brothers are completely different.



1. Termina la frase como en los ejemplos. Example: He is growing. He is getting taller and taller. He is ambitious. The more he has, the more he wants. 1. This boy is very greedy. The more you give him (take). 2. Flights are getting cheaper. They are getting every day. 3. 'Sometimes you have a lot of time and do nothing.' 'Yes, the more time you have, 4. 'Computers are becoming very complicated.' 'Yes, they are getting every day.' 5. 'If you make a lot of money, you spend a lot money.' 'Yes, the more money you make, ' 2. Pon la preposicion que falta. Example: He is the tallest boy in our class. 1. My girlfriend is the most beautiful girl

the world.

2. The 21st of December is the shortest day

the year.

3. The Nile is the longest river


4. She is the most clever/cleverest

her family.

5. That was the happiest day

my life.

3. Termina la frase con ever. Example: She is the prettiest girl I've ever seen. 1. This is the most interesting book (that)


2. He is the most conceited man (that/whom) I (meet)


3. That was the most expensive bicycle (that) . (ride) 4. Usa el comparativo de igualdad para completar las frases. Example: Your car is not as/so new as mine. 1. This house is just 2. No, this book is 3. My son is just 4. No, he is

(big) ours. (interesting) that one. (clever) yours. (hard worker) his brother.




Adjectives: degrees of intensity Recuerda • Los adjetivos se pueden dividir en dos ciases: ios que se pueden graduar y ios que no. • Un adjetivo es graduabie cuando se puede usar con palabras tales como very, too, enough, excellent, etc. • Un adjetivo es no graduabie cuando no se puede modificar: monthly, yearly, medical, dead. Very


• Very solo, no puede ir con comparativos y superlatives, pero very much si puede.

• Intensifica en grado sumo la accion del adjetivo.

This is very much faster than this one.

• Con alone: The poor woman has been very much alone lately.

• Very se puede usar con gerundios y participios.

'Was it good?' 'Yes, it was very good indeed!'

• -ly intensifiers. He is a particularly good element. The news was terribly confusing. This man works really slowly. She was extremely helpful.

She is a very interesting woman. She was very interested.

Very much, so much, such a/an • Much o very much puede ir en el medio de la frase. She is very much/much loved in this country.

• Si queremos ponerlo al final de la frase tenemos que usar very much. I like her very much.

• Con un sustantivo podemos poner such a + adjetivo, o so + adjetivo.


Mrs Smith was such a nice woman!/ Mrs Smith was so nice!

Jolly, pretty, dead + adjectives. He is a jolly good fellow. This train is moving pretty slowly. And he was dead right!



1. En todas las frases tienes adjetivos. Tienes que aumentarlos o disminuirlos de intensidad si se puede. Example. She was a nice person. She was a very nice person. 1. This is a very good cake. That one is 2. This newspaper is daily. It is a 3. The pot is hot. It is 4. Your answer is wrong. It is not 5. The water in the pool is warm 6. I get paid every month. I get paid 7. Byron is 8. It was 9. I enjoyed the party 10. The masterpiece was the only one.lt was 11. Nothing could be heard. The place was 12. We all like him. He is a 13. 'You were very wrong.' 'Yes, I know I was 14. The wounded needed a doctor. They needed

good. newspaper. hot to touch. right. to swim in. . admired in Greece. nice party! . . quiet. fellow. wrong.' attention.

2. Usa estos adverbios de intensidad y juntalos con la oracion que creas va mejor. 1 All the bodies were 2 He is an honest man ', \ 3 He has been many years with the firm as he is a 4 The situationcheap was F incredibly 5 The poor girt felt 6 He djdn't trust him^ He felt 7 She is getting old and

A extremely comfortable B whiter than white extremely tight tight D well lined-up E mostly wrong F incredibly cheap G horribly mutilated H completely mistaken I perfectly planned

8 The raid into enemy territory was

J bad|y needed K works really slowly

9 They all missed her She was

L deePly suspicious M terribly confusing

10 You are wrong.You are 11 This _ _ leather .. _ _bag _? is 12 Your answers were

N terrib|y confused 0 particularly good worker [. *, p highly respectable

13 The soldiers were 14 That pullover is 15 Those sheets are 16 This armchair is





Adverbs of manner • La mayoria de los adverbios de manera se forman ahadiendo "ly" a los adjetivos: - glad mad

. gladly . madly

• Los adjetivos que terminan en I duplican la I: careful . carefully

• Si terminan en y despues de consonante: busy


• Los que terminan en e ahaden ly:

Adverbios con dos formas que se usan de la misma manera cheap. cheaply clean . cleanly - clear . clearly close . closely dear . dearly fair . fairly ^fine .finely

firm . firmly first . firstly loud . loudly quick.quickly quiet. quietly slow . slowly thin .thinly

We bought the house cheap/cheaply.

possible possibly

Prases preposicionales usadas como adverbios • Cuando no existe un adverbio para lo que queremos expresar recurrimos a una frase adverbial. We came here by train. They all came to us in a rush.

Posicion de los adverbios de manera 1. Despues del objeto: They watched us curiously.

2. Despues del verbo: It rained heavily last night.

3. Despues de una particula adverbial: He put the ladder up carefully.

Adjetivos que terminan en "ly" brotherly cowardly * elderly fatherly - friendly * heavenly

likely silly sisterly lively unfriendly lovely - unlikely * manly motherly ugly sickly

He is a friendly man. (adjective) - He always greets me in a friendly way. (adverb)

Adjetivos y adverbios con la misma forma y el mismo significado A fast (adjective) car is a car that goes fast (adverb). She works hard (adverb) because she likes hard (adjective) work. 14 STANLEY

• En narrativa a veces empezamos la frase con adverbios de manera, tales como: gently



• Estos adverbios van seguidos por una coma. Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him.



1. Completa las frases siguientes con adverbios. Example: This is, possibly, the show in town (possible). 1. It was an

difficult situation (extreme).

2. This boy is 3. This is

in love with that girl (mad). the same thing (basic).

4. We didn't go out because it was raining


5. We pay our bills


6. I always drive very


7. They all left


8. I'm sorry, I hear very


9. It was a very

evening (live).

10. That girl speaks

quickly (incredible).

11. They decided to leave town


12. It was not a 13. I was

successful book (whole). in love with you (true).

14. The train didn't go very


15. They didn't work very


2. En este ejercicio tienes que decidir cual de las dos palabras es la apropiada. Tacha la que no lo sea. Example: He spoke 'tyti&/quietly in the dark. 1. She is terribly/terrible upset about losing her boyfriend.

9. She waited nervous/nervously in the waiting room.

2. He drove very careful/carefully along the narrow road.

10. The two men were seriously/serious injured.

3. All those people were very colourful/ colourfully dressed.

11. She was bitter/bitterly y disappointed.

4. After years in Paris she speaks very good/well French. 5. His English is not very good but his German is almost fluent/fluently. 6. Both of them are very happy/happily married. 7. It has rained continuously/ continuous for two weeks.

12. It's a reasonable/reasonably cheap hotel. 13. The food in here is extremely/ extreme good. 14. I'm terrible/terribly sorry. I didn't mean it. 15. The exam was surprising/ surprisingly easy.

8. Why is that girl so unfriend/ unfriendly?





Adverbs of degree • Los adverbios de grado mas corrientes son: enoug quite almost rather altogether fairly - hardly somewhat - barely nearly too a bit

• Sin embargo, cuando quite se usa con adjetivos como good o strong, el resultado es ligeramente mas debit. The play was good. The play was quite good. (ligeramente inferior)

• Se pueden usar como adverbios de grado. - very much a little a lot etc. much

• De todas formas depende mucho del entasis que le damos a la palabra.

I don't like her very much. They don't drink much wine in this country.

• Ambos significan 'moderadamente', pero fairly se usa generalmente con adjetivos y adverbios favorables (nice, good, well, etc.) mientras que rather se usa generalmente con adjetivos y adverbios desfavorables (ugly, bad, silly, etc.): Jimmy is fairly clever, while his sister is rather stupid.

Quite • El sentido de quite depende de la clase de palabra que lo modifica. • Puede expresar el sentido de 'completamente, mucho' con: full all right right determined empty wrong finished etc... The bottle is quite full. You were quite right.

Con palabras tales como: amazingly perfectly unique astoundingly etc. This man is quite amazing. He plays quite amazingly.


quite le da a la palabra un valor superlative.

Rather y fairly

• Estos se pueden usar con participios: She was fairly comfortable; he was rather astonished. He is a fairly good speaker, but rather lazy.

Hardly, barely y scarcely • Los tres son muy parecidos, con un sentido generalmente negative. • Hardly se suele usar con ever, any, at all, o con el verbo can. She can hardly speak. The soup was barely warm. hardly barely scarcely ever puede ser reemplazado por almost never. I hardly ever go to London. I almost never go to London.



1. A continuacion tienes unas frases con fairly y rather. Tacha la que creas que no esta bien. Example: This man is rather/fairly stupid. 1. During the driving test she was fairly/rather relaxed. 2. The old woman walks fairly/rather slowly. 3. This book is rather/fairly interesting. 4. It was a rather/fairly boring film. 5. The box was fairly/rather light. 6. It was a rather/fairly heavy box. 7. Johnny is rather/fairly intelligent. 2. Completa las frases que van a continuacion con el adverbio apropiado: fairly, rather, quite, hardly. Example: The meal was quite good. I enjoyed it. 1. That old man is 2. It's 3. I 4. They 5. She

an expert on Roman coins. a shame that we have to work on Sundays. like raw fish. spoke on the way. knows a word of French.

6. He is

certain that she'll come back to him.

7. I was

sure that you'd come.

8. The case was so heavy that he could

lift it.

9. Frank is clever but 10. It's a

lazy. good play. I wouldn't go again though.

11. The job was


12. There was 13. It's

anybody left. a nuisance that we can't park here.

3. Vuelve a escribir estas frases usando almost. Example: I hardly ever see him nowadays. / almost never see him nowadays. 1. There's hardly any good news in the newspapers today. 2. We hardly ever go out nowadays. 3. Your son barely ever knows his lesson.





As well as + ing - Although - As long as - As (cause) As well as + ing

Although y though

• Cuando as well as se usa con un verbo va seguido de gerundio. As well as breaking his arm, he hurt his leg. He worked at night as well as working during the day. - As well as running a marathon, he went to the disco.

• A menudo se usan indistintamente: He's a nice chap though/although I don't like the way he behaves. Though/although he lacks official support, he continues the fight.

• Hay una pequena diferencia entre: They act as well as dance, (actuan y tambien bailan) They act as well as they dance, (actuan tan bien como bailan)

• Though es mas informal y a menudo se pone at final de la frase: The weather didn't help. I enjoyed myself, though. • En este caso se puede traducir por 'sin embargo' y hace el oficio de adverbio. • A veces usamos even con though para darle mas enfasis: Even though I didn't understand her, I liked her voice.

As long as


• Despues de as long as en ingles se usa el presents de indicative, mientras que la misma frase en espafiol se pondria en presente de subjuntivo: We'll go with them as long as there is room for us. (siempre que haya sitio)

• A veces tiene el sentido de although.
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