English Form 4 Paper 2

August 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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SU!IT &&&'(2 Ba"asa In--eris Kertas 2 Mei 2)&* 2 Jam &. minit

SMK _____________________ 


BAHASA INGGERIS Kertas 2 Dua jam lima belas minit


1. Kertas Kertas soalan soalan ini mengand mengandungi ungi empat  bahagian:  bahagian: Bahagian A, Bahagian B,  Bahagian C  dan  dan Bahagian D. 2. Jawab semua soalan dalam kertas soalan ini. 3. Soal Soalan an-- soal soalan an dala dalam m Bahagian A mempunyai empat pilihan jawapan.

Instru$ti%ns# 1. This uestion paper !onsists o" "our se!tions: Section A, Section B, Section C  and  and  Section D. 2.  #nswer all  se!tions  se!tions in this uestion paper. 3. $uestions in Section A ha%e "our options.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 16 halaman bercetak. Se$ti%n A &&&'(2 2)&*

+!i"at sebela", SU!IT

2 &1' marks(

&Time suggested: 2' minutes(


The sign above states that A. B. . !.


one must bring in home-cooked food into the premises one is allowed to dine and take away food from the premises one must not take in any outside food into the premises one is allowed to bring outside food into the premises

"rom the dialogue above# we can gather that A. B. . !.

a person becomes very popular if she keeps changing $obs a person who changes $obs often will have lots of e%periences a person is unable to succeed in life if she keeps changing $obs a person becomes very self-conscious if she keeps changing $obs LABORATORY RULES No bags are allowed in the science labs. No students are allowed to eat or drink inside the science labs. Obey all instructions given by the science lab assistants.

&&&'(2 2)&*

Do not touch any chemicals without prior permission. +!i"at sebela",

In case you touch any acid, quickly wash with water. Inform the science lab assistants if you need any help.



These rules are normally to be followed by A. B. . !.

the school prefects on duty only the librarians on duty only any students entering the science lab premises any trespassers entering the science lab premises

PANTAI REMIS:  !he municipal council authori"ed the shooting of crows in town. !his came in light of complaints by the public that crows are becoming a nuisance in the area. #esidents of nearby housing estates are harassed by the crows. Not only that, the crows are very unhygienic due to their scavenging activities.


&hich of the following statements best describes the newspaper report' A. B. . !.


(t is a report concerning the dirty condition of )antai *emis. (t is a report concerning the shooting of crows in )antai *emis. (t is a report concerning )antai *emis +unicipal ouncil. (t is a report concerning the residents of )antai *emis.

The bar graph shows that most of the people work  A.

as farmers

&&&'(2 2)&*

+!i"at sebela", SU!IT


B. . !.

in factories for government in construction sites *alentine+s Day is a special occasion for many people. It is a time when young and old alike epress their a-ection for their loved ones through cards, chocolates and owers. Its celebration has become very commercialized  in recent years.


The word commercialized  shows that the occasion is A. B. . !.

for religious purpose for commercial purposes related to vocational emphasis associated with making profits

/oy is rich in calcium and iron. It is low in fat and is cholesterol free. !aking soy is bene0cial to us because the phytoestrogens is e-ective in preventing calcium loss, enhancing calcium absorption and increasing bone density. (ence, people who su-er from anaemia need to take in more soy as it is the most ideal source of iron and calcium. 1

&hich of the following is n%t true about the e%tract' A. B. . !.

,oy is rich in fats. ,oy is good for our body. ,oy contains lots of calcium. Taking soy prevents calcium loss.

%&'!(&# !OD') Mela3a  loudy with showers developing in late afternoon or evening. (solated thunderstorms are e%pected in the later part of the evening. Pera34 Ne-eri Sembilan4 Selan-%r an5 J%"%r   (solated thunderstorms or showers in late afternoon and evening.  &&&'(2 2)&*

+!i"at sebela", SU!IT

1 "rom the weather report# we can conclude that people in the southern part of )eninsular  '. . 3. D.

cannot go out the whole day. cannot go for their usual evening walks. can dry their clothes in the afternoon. can do their laundry during the day.

6uesti%ns ' 7 &.

 )ased on the "ollowing passage* !hoose the best  answer to "ill in ea!h blank. The air we breathe in is getting polluted. This /' 0 concern because air is very important to all living things. )eople all over the world are looking for ways to maintain clean air. ave you ever /&) 0 the smoke from chimneys rising high and spreading out in the air' 2r seen the smoke that /&& 0 from cars and lorries on the road' 2r watched the smoke trailing from a $et  plane' ,ometimes smoke may look fascinating in the air but it is harmful to breathe in. (f we are going to keep /&2 0 # we need to breathe in /&/ 0 air. Through research# scientists have found ways to stop or slow down the /&* 0 of pollution. &e must remember that /&. 0 the air clean is a collective responsibility. '








is caused




is causing



!. A.

is effecting saw

!. A.

filtering flow









!. A.

investigated puff

!. A.

occurrence maintain





&&&'(2 2)&*




+!i"at sebela", SU!IT







!. A.

puffed health








strengthened SE8TIN B

&1+ marks( &Time suggested: 2' minutes( 6uesti%ns &0 7 2.

*ead the pamphlets below# then answer the 3uestions that follow. TRIANG COLLEGE We ofer 

*ecord-breaking 4nglish (nstitute in the city. (ntensive classes in speaking and business writing. *esult guaranteed. ,hort 4nglish course available.

Full-time and evenin !la""e"# $%u&"e" %' ( m%nt)" t% * +ea&"#

 5ass 3ommunication for those who want a career in public relations. )ou will bene0t from our oral presentation classes. /tudents can be part6 time or full6time. /essions include talks by well6known speakers.

,u&ati%n:  t% . +ea&"

78I 9IN'N3& /3(OO7


We are a reputable business and ICT school of   international standard. Our  courses prepare you for  careers in marketing, management and nance. We oer tinning degree  programmes a!liated ith the best uni"ersities throughout the orld.

,u&ati%n: * t% ( +ea&"

&&&'(2 2)&*

9or the super slim girl : aunt your assets. &nrol at our school today. Our classes are conducted by supermodels. %e have grooming courses in beauty and posture as well as 0tness

+!i"at sebela", SU!IT


programmes ,u&ati%n: / t% . 0ee1"

#8'#'N!&& $8/IN&//  !hose interested in an 'rts business soon. &hat should she do'

   ;1 mark< 2. (f you want to become a model you need to enrol for a  duration of course. ;1 mark<

&&&'(2 2)&*

+!i"at sebela", SU!IT

? Se$ti%n 8

&2' marks( &Time suggested: '+ minutes( 6uesti%ns 209/& are based on the "ollowing passage whi!h is about the bene"its o" setting up a

home library. +any of us have books at home. These books can range from reference books


to encyclopaedias# $ournals# maga:ines or even fiction books. owever# we lack the knowledge to convert these books into a home library. The books are normally stacked in bo%es and left in the attics or storerooms to collect dust. &hat is a home library' A home library is a little area of space in a corner of a



home or even a small room where we can place all our reading materials# references and electronic resources. A home library can be turned into a cosy room of references  by the family members. ere# the family may run activities that are related to reading such as games like ,crabble# chess# word pu::les and crossword pu::les. 8ormally# a home library contains printed and non- printed reading materials.



+aterials such as reading tools can also be placed in the home library. ,ome e%amples of such reading materials are the dictionaries# atlas# encyclopaedias# manuals on bikes or cars# recipes or even telephone directories. (n addition# it is good to add in some light reading materials or viewing


materials in the home library. There are a vast collection of novels# picture books#


maga:ines# family photo albums and articles that can be collected by the family members for reference. 2ther added collections to the home library are videotapes# cassettes# !- *2+s# board games and even brochures. +ost people do not reali:e that having a home library is beneficial. A home


library can foster a long- life love for reading among the family members. hildren


can be given the opportunity to be e%posed to reading books at a young age. (ndirectly# the young readers can be inculcated with the love for reading. *eading can  be made as one of the activities for the family members. The parents can guide the children to read books and at the same time# foster good family relationships. hildren can also be fostered to adopt a positive attitude to appreciate reading


materials and knowledge that is of value to them. (n the long run# the family members can develop their reading process. A home library enables the family &&&'(2 2)&*

+!i"at sebela", SU!IT

@A members to read materials within the confines of their own homes. The materials can

 be easily accessed at any time. +oreover# the reading activities can be carried out to improve the thinking skills of family members.


There are many activities that one can carry out in a home library. (n this little


library of knowledge# one can test the family members on skill of chess# ,crabble or  +alay strategic game called ?congkak@. (n this small corner of a room# one can also teach the family members to make some handicrafts like origami. A family can also sit together to test their command of vocabulary through ,crabble# a crossword


 pu::le and a list of other board games. There are also games that challenge the mind that can be stored in this home library. 2ne e%ample is the ?,ahibba@. To make a home library a good resource centre for family members and even


friends# one e%ample is to get the help of the state public library management on ways to manage and run the home library. ,ome bookshelves will be needed to make


the place :resentable . Another way is to arrange the books according to the types and interests. (t is easy to set up a home library. 9et your home organi:ed and have a corner 

of your room or even a special room to get this place started. =ou may be surprised that your family members will actually need such a room.


20 "rom paragraph #

/a0 what is a home library' ................ ..................................................................................................................................;1 mark< /b0 which word in this paragraph has the same meaning as $%m;%rtable ' ..;1 mark<

21 "rom paragraph # what kind of games are related to reading' 7ist t
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