English for You

February 16, 2017 | Author: Osmar Machado | Category: N/A
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Lesson 1 – Horror Films a ghost – is a spirit of a dead person. Some people think that can see ghosts. They usually live in a haunted house. a monster – a large frightening creature. They are usually a imaginary. Frankenstein is a monster. a vampire – It’s a bad kind of monster. They drink people blood. Vampires don’t like garlic, sun or crosses. a witch – a woman who has magic powers and she uses them to do bad things to the people. She rides in a broom and she can make magic drinks which are called portions. a werewolf – is a man who can turn into a wolf. a seance – a meeting where people try to talk to ghost. a cemetery – is a place where dead peoples are buried. Simple Present Tense I always go to horror films. (Describe events that happens regularly) A witch rides a broom. (Makes statements or facts, “Saturdays come after Fridays”) John believes in ghosts. (Express opinion. “My favorite games is Rugby”) The negative form of the simple present is: I don’t always go to horror films. A witch doesn’t ride a broom. John doesn’t believe in ghosts. The questions form of the simple present is: Do you always go to horror films? Does a witch ride a broom? Does John believe in ghosts? Look and Listen Marie loves to wear a werewolf costume on Halloween. Ken thinks there is a ghost under his bed.

Raymond never goes to the cinema if there is a horror film playing. Casper is a friendly ghost. Read and repeat Witches never were orange clothes. Susan’s favorite film is “Scream”. Olga doesn’t want to see that horror film again. Frankenstein has a big forehead. Present Continuous or Present Progressive (Describes actions that happen at the moment or right now) The witch is riding a broom. “Dracula” is playing at that theater next week. (Describe some action in the future) The boys are walking in the cemetery. The mad scientist is making a monster. (He is making a monster now) Negative form The witch isn’t riding a broom. The boys aren’t walking in the cemetery. Verbs that don’t take present progressive to love – I love to feel – I feel to need – I need Frankenstein is lying on a bed. Frankenstein isn’t running. The people are looking at Frankenstein. Look and Listen The monster is chasing the dog. Those people aren’t going to the horror film tonight.

The witch is making a potion. Lana is sitting in the front of the theater because she loves horror films. Read and Repeat The vampires aren’t sleeping now. The new horror film is playing at the Roxy. The man is changing into a werewolf. Joe is always thinking about ghosts. Future Tense (Will/ to be + Going to) I will go to the horror film with you tomorrow. (for prediction, promises and requests) Jim is going to draw a picture of a witch. (Future plan or intention) The vampire won’t wake up during the day. Dracula is going to change into a bat. Look and Listen The man will change into a werewolf at midnight. Dracula won’t wake up until nighttime. Paul is going to rent a horror film video. The witches are going to meet in the cemetery. Read and Repeat Paul won’t go to the horror film this weekend. Frankenstein is going to be angry at the scientist. A vampire will not go near that cross. The monster is going to die. Simple Past (Describe action or situation that began and ended in the past) Frankenstein ate the dog. (yesterday) Dracula drank the blood. (last week) The horror film started at 8:00.

The witch didn’t make a new poison. Regular verbs to walk – walked to jump – Jumped Irregular verbs to eat – ate to hide – hid to break – broke Look and Listen The witches flew over my house last night. The monster broke the man’s arm. The horror film finished at 11:00. The video store didn’t rent the horror film to the little boy. Read and Repeat The vampire didn’t wake up at midnight. The man changed into a werewolf. The witch rode a new broom last week. Alice said her grandmother looked like a witch. Past Continuous (describes an action or activity that was happening in a recent past, in progress in a recent past, in a specific time in the past, or during a period of time in the past) I was watching the horror film on TV. I wasn’t watching… We were watching the horror film on TV. We weren’t watching… The monster was screaming. The monster wasn’t screaming. Julie was renting a horror film while her mother was at home. Julie wasn’t renting… Frankenstein was running from the angry people. Frankenstein wasn’t running …

Look and Listen The ghosts were walking in the cemetery. The monster was chasing the people. The witch was mixing the love poison. The teenagers weren’t watching the horror film. Read and Repeat The werewolf was running away from the man with the gun. The horror film was playing at the new theater. The bats were flying over the castle. Yvonne was drawing a picture of Casper. The present perfect (can describe a action that don’t specified time in the past; we don’t know when) The vampires have started to wake up. The bats have lived in that castle for ten years. The ghost has just flown away. I haven’t been to the cemetery in three years. Some adverbs already, just and recently ever, never, still and yet Look and Listen The vampire has just left the castle. We haven’t seen “Halloween” yet. The ghost has already gone back to the haunted house. Dracula hasn’t opened his coffin yet. Read and Repeat We haven’t gone to the cemetery in two years. The vampire has smelled the garlic! Most people haven’t arrived for the new horror film. The witch has made a new evil poison.

Review Present Tense A witch RIDES a broom. A vampire DOESN’T LIKE the sun. Frankenstein always WALKS slowly. Present Continuous Dracula IS SLEEPING in his coffin. The vampire IS CHANGING into a bat. Casper IS always SMILING. The bad ghost IS LIVING in that house. The witches ARE FLYING on their brooms. The witch ISN’T WEARING her hat. Future Tense I WILL go to the horror film with my sister. I promised her. Henry IS GOING to go to the horror film tonight. WILL you come with me to the cemetery tonight? Past and Past Continuous What WAS the witch DOING two hours ago? A ghost! I DIDN’T SEE a ghost! I think you are crazy! Where? Frankenstein WAS a very scary film. WERE you afraid? Present Perfect The ghosts HAVE BEEN (be) in the haunted house for ten minutes. The vampires HAVE DRUNK (drink) the blood. The bats HAVEN’T LEFT (not leave) the castle yet. The bats FLEW over the castle yesterday. The bats WERE FLYING… WILL you GO to the horror film with me tomorrow? HAVE you SEEN the new horror film yet? Listen and Write 1. Witches are ugly people. 2. The monster doesn’t have two arms.

3. We are going to see the new horror film tomorrow. 4. Allan thinks it will be very scary. 5. Look! The vampire is waking up. 6. The mad scientist has created a new monster. 7. Kevin wore a Dracula costume to the Halloween party. 8. The werewolves were howling at the moon. 9. We haven’t seen that horror film yet. 10.The ghost wasn’t very friendly. Read and Answer Lou is a doctor. He has been a doctor for ten years. He still lives in the same house. He has lived in that house since he was a boy. He doesn’t want to move. There is a haunted house next door. Lou’s hobby is the study of ghosts. When Lou was a child, he didn’t believe in ghosts. One day, he was playing baseball with his friends. His brother threw the ball and it broke a window in the house next door. When Lou went to get the ball, he saw a ghost. It was standing in the hallway. Lou wasn’t afraid. It was a friendly ghost. Lou went to the house again the next day. Soon, Lou and the ghost were friends. Lou has gone back to that house hundreds of time since that first day. He has met many other ghosts in that house. They are all friendly. He has bought many books about ghosts and next year he hopes he will go to Europe. He is going to visit Transylvania. 1. How long has Lou been a doctor? He has been a doctor for ten years. 2. How long has Lou lived in the same house? He has lived in the same house since he was a boy. 3. What is Lou’s hobby? Studying ghosts is Lou’s hobby. 4. Did Lou believe in ghosts when he was a child? No, he didn’t. 5. What did Lou’s brother throw through the window? He threw a ball through the window.

6. What did Lou see in the hallway? Lou saw a ghost in the hallway. 7. What wasn’t Lou afraid? It was a friendly ghost. 8. How many times has Lou gone to the back to that house? Lou has gone back to the house hundreds of time. 9. Are all the ghosts in the house friendly? Yes, they are. 10.Where is Lou going to go next year? He wants to go to Europe and visit Transylvania.

Lesson 2 – Rock n’ Roll Musical instruments - Sentence structure and pronouns New vocabulary a drum – is a musical instrument that you hit with your hands or stick (drumstick). an electric guitar – is a musical instrument that you play with your fingers or with a pick. It is usually connected in an amplifier to make loud music and has 6 strings. an acoustic guitar – it is like an electric guitar, except its sound is soft. It doesn’t have a sound make loud electronically. a bass guitar – it is a musical instrument with 4 strings. It is usually use to play low notes. a tambourine – it is a circular musical instrument with small pieces of metal around its edge that make sound when you shake it. an organ – It is a large musical instrument with one or more keyboards. a band – it is a group of musician who play popular music. The man that sings in a band is called Lead singer or the lead vocalist. a microphone – it is a piece of equipment to speak to make your voice louder. Subject

+ verb

+ object

The singer The man (direct) Madonna U2

was drinkinga beer. (direct) played his new is making will play



a new album. (direct) a new song. (direct)

The drummer broke the drumstick. The band doesn’t have an organist. Look and Listen The ban doesn’t have an organist. The guitarist needs a new pick. Larry bought a new tambourine. That Gibson is a beautiful guitar! Read and Repeat I prefer to play an acoustic guitar. The Beatles were a band. The lead vocalist has a new microphone. The bass player is a girl. He sang a song to me. (indirect object) She played the guitar for him. (indirect object) The lead singer gave Jean an autograph. (indirect object) Complements (adjective or noun) The lead vocalist is Irish. The drummer seems angry. The guitarist is handsome. The electric guitar is expensive. The lead singer seems angry. Look and Listen The lead vocalist is Italian. He is very sexy. The organist is American. He is very tall.


Read and Repeat The Rolling Stones are from England. Their drummer is bald. The guitarist doesn’t look tired. The bass guitarist was in a bad mood. Adjectives give us more information about noun or pronoun He is the best guitarist in the band. The man played a red organ. The curly haired singer had a great voice. Fred is a terrible drummer. Adjective Good Nice Young

Comparative Superlative Better Best Nicer Nicest Younger Youngest

SIZE, COLOR, ORIGIN, MATERIAL, PURPOSE, NOUN The small, purple, German, wooden, base guitar was on the table. Look and Listen The Beatles had long hair. Mary’s favorite band is Led Zeppelin. They aren’t using a new microphone! The French group was playing romantic music. Read and Repeat The organist is the most handsome man in the band. The lead guitarist was using a broken pick. Pink Floyd played strange music. She is the best vocalist in America.

Adverbs (a word or a group of words that describes or adds the meaning to the verb, adjective or another adverb). They can be time: early, late, yesterday; manner: well, quickly; place: upstairs, downstairs; frequency: always, often, sometimes, really. Adverbs always appear in the end of the sentences, but sometimes we can use in the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. NEVER can be used in the middle of the sentence. The guitarist played quickly. Marie always listens to Chuck Berry. I am going to buy a tambourine tomorrow. He plays the drums well. Look and Listen The band walked slowly to the stage. The famous organist died yesterday. The drummer plays well. The bass guitarist just ran upstairs. Read and Repeat Ken plays the tambourine easily. Allan often goes to rock concerts. The band arrived late for the show. Yesterday I met Paul McCartney. Prepositions – is the word we use to show the way which other words are connected. A preposition usually comes before a noun or pronoun. It can come also in the end of the clause in certain structure. The band played on the stage. The guitarist put his pick in his pocket. The concert will start at 8:00. The lead singer held his tambourine above his head.

It’s not something I am interested in. Some word always comes with prepositions. The guitarist was kind to his friends. She is good at singing. Look and Listen The singer jumped off the stage into the crowd. The microphone was in its holder. Carl loves to listen to rock music on his CD player. The teens left for the concert at 12:00. Read and Repeat In the morning, I am going to buy the new Neil Young CD. Fritz’s favorite concert was at Madison Square Garden. The organist played in the middle of the stage. The drummer put his drumsticks on top of his snare drum. Conjunctions – connects phrase, clauses or sentences. The girl plays bass and the man plays electric guitar. The amplifier broke, so we cancelled the show. He can’t play guitar but his sister can. She hates rock music because she says it has no melody. Rita loves rock music but her father hates it. Look and Listen The concert started at 8:00 so we had to leave early. I need a new microphone but I don’t have enough money. Jimmy Page played a 12 string guitar and John Paul Jones played a mandolin. Larry doesn’t have any CDs because he doesn’t like music. Read and Repeat The singer started to sing but he couldn’t. He had a sore throat.

Van Halen is playing again and the band will star a 49 city tour soon. I didn’t have a ticket so I couldn’t go to the concert. The Rolling Stones didn’t play “Angie” because Keith Richards forgot his acoustic guitar. Pronouns – is a word that we use in the place of noun or noun phrases. Subject pronouns are pronouns that we use in a place of subjects. Object pronouns are used in a place of the objects of the verbs. Reflexive pronouns are used as object of a verb or preposition when the object and the subject are the same. Possessive pronouns – is used to show possession. They not follow by a noun. I play the drums. (subject pronoun) She gave her two tambourines. (her = object pronoun) I built the guitar myself. (myself = reflexive pronoun) That amplifier is his. SUBJECT I You He She It We You They

OBJECT Me You Him Her It Us You Them

REFLEXIVE Myself Yourself Himself Herself Itself Ourselves Yourselves Themselves

Look and Listen I bought her the new Sting CD for her birthday. Did you learn to play the guitar by yourself? This tambourine is yours. The guitarist gave them all autographs.

POSSESSIVE Mine Yours His Hers Its Ours Yours Theirs

Read and Repeat They left the concert early. These concert tickets are ours! George went to the concert by himself. I told you to bring your camera to the show! Review The lead vocalist sang her a beautiful song. Vocalist is the subject. Sang is the verb. Song is the direct object. Her is the indirect object. The guitarist threw a pick to his bass player. Guitarist is the subject. Threw is the verb. Pick is the object. Bass player is the indirect object. The organist is Russian. Organist is the subject. Is is the verb. Russian is the complement. Adjectives Ringo Star: He has long hair. He is an excellent drummer. He has a strange voice. Anastasia: Her hair is blond. She sings romantic songs. She is a very sex woman. Jimmy Hendrix: He played the guitar with the left hand. He had black curly hair. Adverbs Monika NEVER goes to rock concerts. She doesn’t like them.

Walk SLOWLY! The concert doesn’t start for two more hours. I can’t go to the concert TOMORROW. I have to study. Prepositions Under – The tambourine is under the chair. Pronouns Cindy went to a concert. Henry had bought HER a ticket. Alex went to the concert by HIMSELF. Give ME the tickets! You will lose them. I will put them in my pocket. Listen and Write 1. The singer played a tambourine. 2. The guitarist was drinking a coffee. 3. The bass player was wearing black, faded jeans. 4. The beautiful vocalist threw the pink roses into the happy audience. 5. The organist played his solo slowly. 6. Robert always buys his concert tickets at the door. 7. I want to meet the bass player and my brother wants to meet the drummer. 8. We were waiting outside for an autograph, but Rod Steward had already left. 9. You can go to the concert by yourselves! 10.That guitar pick is mine. Read and Answer Callie is a groupie! This means that she loves to go to exciting rock concerts and meet the musicians in the band. When the show is finished, she always tries to go backstage by herself. Sometimes she is lucky. Sometimes, a big, angry security guard escorts her outside quickly. Fortunately, one of the security guards is her boyfriend. He sometimes helps her go backstage and meet the stars. Sometimes, he can’t help her because his boss is working.

Callie has met many famous stars. She met Bruce Springsteen in March. She thought he was friendly. He was busy but he still found a minute to meet her. She met Avril Lavigne last summer. Avril was very shy and quiet. It was her first tour. Callie wants to meet Bono. She wants him to give her an autograph. Unfortunately, U2 is not on tour this summer. Callie is Irish so, of course, she loves U2. 1. What is a groupie? A groupie is a person who likes to meet rock stars. 2. What does Callie always try to do when the show is finished? She always tries to go backstage by herself. 3. What is her boyfriend’s job? He is security guard. 4. Why can’t he help her sometimes? He can’t help her sometimes because his boss is there. 5. Who did Callie meet in March? She met Bruce Springsteen in March. 6. What did she think about Bruce Springsteen? She thought he was friendly. 7. When did she meet Avril Lavigne? She met Avril last summer. 8. Why was Avril shy?It was her first tour. 9. Who is Bono? He is in the group U2. 10.What is Callie’s nationality? She is Irish.

Lesson 3 – Space Passive: simple present tense New vocabulary Astronomy – it is study of stars and planets. A telescope – it is an instrument which we use to see stars and planets seems closer. A nova – a star which explodes and became bright for short time. A constellation – it is a group of stars that have a shape and a name.

A comet – a bright bow with a long tail and moves around the sun.

Lesson 20 – Review: Lessons 10-18 Each aisle is dirty. It seems like we went to every grocery store in the city. There were several kinds of cereal on sale. Ted’s Grocery Store had many shoppers. each; every; several and many = expression of quantity: come before a countable nouns a little; much; a great deal of; plus = come before non countable nouns. There was a great deal of noise in the store. Most; all; a lot of; plenty of: come before countable and non-countable nouns. There were plenty of shoppers at the store. (countable) There was plenty of traffic in front of the grocery store. (uncountable)

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