english for waiters.pdf

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Dėst. Vilma Šiatkutė

Vilniaus kooperacijos kolegija 2006

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1.1.The ABC 1.2.Reading rules 2. At work: place and time 2.1. Describing work place: Present Simple Tense, there is/ are, prepositions 2.2. Indicating Time: prepositions, ordinal and cardinal numerals 3. Kitchenware. Crockery and cutlery 3.1. Kitchenware 3.2. Crockery and cutlery 4. Food 4.1. Vocabulary. Names of food 4.2. Indicating likes and dislikes 5. Drinks 5.1. Vocabulary. Names of drinks 5.2. Indicating likes and dislikes 5.3. Do you like and would you like 6. Breakfast. Second breakfast. Elevenses. Brunch 6.1. Meals of the day 6.2. Continental Breakfast and English Breakfast 6.3. Past Simple Tense 7. Lunch and Tiffin 7.1. Lunch 7.2. Tiffin 7.3. Future Simple Tense 8. Tea. Dinner. Supper 8.1. Tea 8.2. Dinner 8.3. Supper 9. Healthy food. Dietary and vegetarian food 9.1. Healthy food 9.2. Dietary food. 10. National food and cuisine 10.1. National food and cuisine 10.2. Present Continuous Tense 10.3. Past Continuous Tense 11. Methods of cooking/ preparing food 11.1. Methods of cooking and preparing food 11.2. Present perfect Tense 12. Serving the client 13. Orders on the phone 14. Revision References

3 3 3 5 5 7 10 10 11 14 14 15 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 23 26 26 27 28 30 30 30 37 38 38 41 43 43 48 50 51 51 52 55 60 63 64


1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. The ABC There are 26 letters in the English Alphabet. Remember that this type of pronunciation is valid for sole letters in the ABC only. Letters will be pronounced in a different way when standing in syllables. Pronounce the ABC letters.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg


Ii Jj

Kk Ll Mm

[ei] [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [ef] [d3i:] [eit∫ ] [ai] [d3ei] [kei] [el] [em]

Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr

Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww [en] [əu] [pi:] [kju:] [a:(r)] [es] [ti:] [ju:] [vi:] [d٨blju:] Xx



[eks] [wai] [zed]

1.2. Reading rules Pronunciation of vowels mostly depends on the kind of the syllable they appear in – an open syllable ends with a vowel while a closed one – with a consonant (e.g. “name” – open; “stop” – closed). Vowels standing in an open syllable are usually pronounced in the same way as in the ABC and they are shortened in closed syllables. Vowel Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu Yy

Open syllable ei i: ai au ju: wai

Closed syllable ٨, ə, e:, o: e (not pronounced if the word ends with “e”) i o u, ٨ i


PRACTICE 1. Pronounce the following words correctly: Make, cake, cut, salad, fat, no, my, five, bit, ten, pot, dot, nut, put, fall, lady.

Combinations vowel + vowel , vowel + consonant , consonant + vowel, consonant + consonant etc. make different sound structures: ar [a:(r)] – bar, far ck [k] – bucket, luck ur/ ear [з:] – blur, turn, burn ea [i:] – tea, sea our [o:] – pour, four ou [u] – could ue, oo [u:] – blue, food ow, ou [əu] – now, out er, air [eə] – where, air ear, er [ie] – dear, here oy, oi [oi] – boy, join ur, our [uə] – pure, tour y at the beginning [j] – yes ng [η] – sing, bring gh is usually silent [ ] – light, bright ss [s] – miss, kiss tt [t] – getting ch [t∫] – catch, match th [θ] – think, both th [ ] – that

PRACTICE 2. Pronounce the given words and transcribe them. Blanch





















2. AT WORK: PLACE AND TIME 2.1. Describing work place: Present Simple Tense, there is/ are, prepositions. Singular I am, have, do, like, go, can You are, have, do, like, go, can He, she, it is, has, does, likes, goes, can

We You They

Plural are, have, do, like, go, can are, have, do, like, go, can are, have, do, like, go, can

We use the Present Simple to talk about things in general. We are not thinking only about now. We use it to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly (sometimes, often, usually, rarely, seldom), or that something is true in general. Remember that we say: he/she/it -s. I work... but He works...

Question word

Auxiliary Verb/ to be

Negative Question

Subject I You We They He, she, it My brother Her friend The cake I You We They He, she, it My brother Her friend The cake


Sent. type

They like... but my sister likes...

When Why Where How What (kas,ką?) Whom (ką?) Who (ką?)

do does

am are is

I you we they he, she, it my brother her friend the cake

Auxiliary Verb


do not (don’t) does not (doesn’t)


Verb love make bring write taste smell am are, is love make bring write taste smell am not are, is not love make bring write taste smell


me you him her them us my dog a letter

Adverbial Modifier Manner Place


nicely beautifully tasty loudly precisely happily greatly bitterly

in the morning in the evening in the afternoon during the day at night in summer in winter at 8 o’clock

at work in the kitchen at home at the restaurant at school in prison in the café on the table



PRACTICE 1. Insert given words into the gaps: bake, cook, like (2). 1. My mum __________ cakes every Saturday. 2. I often __________ soup because I like it. 3. My friend ______ ______ fish. 4. _____ you _________ fish?

When we describe places where we find things we use There is. ………/ There are ……….. like in the example below: There is ……………………. + There is a cup on the table. - There is not any cup on the table. ? Is there a cup on the table?

There are …………………………… + There are some cups on the table. - There are not any cups on the table. ? Are there any cups on the table?

NOTE! * When we use some, we are not interested in the exact number. I have ten fingers (NOT I have some fingers). I have some friends in Great Britain. * We use any in questions and negatives. Are there any photographs? There aren’t any people.

PRACTICE 2. Tell your friends and ask questions what they can see in the kitchen. Use such words as cupboards(s), washing machine, a fridge (a refrigerator), a cooker, a dishwasher, a radio, plates, cups, sink, a table, a chair, glasses. Do not forget prepositions near, on, next to, in front of, behind, in, under. Describe what is there in your kitchen. Is it different from the one in the picture?


PRACTICE 3. Fill-in the gaps using a, some, any. It’s ___ modern kitchen, nice and clean with a lot of cupboards. There’s __ washing machine, __ fridge, and ___ cooker, but there isn’t __ dishwasher. There are _______ lovely pictures on the walls, but there aren’t _____ photographs. There’s ___ radio next to the cooker. There are _____ flowers, but there aren’t _____ plants. On the table there are ______ apples and oranges. And there are _______ cups and plates next to the sink. 2.2. Indicating Time: prepositions, ordinal and cardinal numerals. All events are usually connected with certain dates, seasons and daytimes. On every special occasion we should be able to provide our clients with necessary information about our working hours as well as other events taking place at our restaurant or café. E.g. The café opens at 9 o’clock each morning and closes at 7 o’clock in the evening. We do not usually work on Sundays and the café is never open on the first Christmas day. So to be ready to give our clients all the necessary information we should revise the names of weekdays, holidays, months as well as ordinal and cardinal numbers. We will also have a look and remember how to indicate what time it is. Look at the tables below. Remember the usage of prepositions.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

ON holidays

the weekend

AT Christmas Easter

night January midnight February March April May June July August September October November December

IN winter the morning 1957 spring the evening 2008 summer the afternoon autumn

PRACTICE 4. Translate: per Kalėdas




per šventes





vasarą 7

PRACTICE 5. Using the table say the following numerals in their cardinal (kiekiniai) and ordinal (kelintiniai) forms: 8, 698, 14, 40, 15, 59, 129, 3325, 45,89,78,77,17, 1998, 2004, 158:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen

the first the second the third the fourth the fifth the sixth



19 20

nineteen twenty

the twentieth

300 415



the twenty-first




the twenty-second


the ….. + th

the twelfth

the …..+ th

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 130 285

twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty thirty-one forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred one hundred and thirty two hundred and eighty five three hundred four hundred and fifteen six hundred and seventy eight one thousand

the twenty-third the twenty-fourth the twenty-fifth the twenty-sixth the twenty-seventh the twenty-eighth the twenty-ninth the thirtieth the thirty-first

the …..+ th

PRACTICE 6. Say the phone numbers. a 43816 b 933672 c (041)2287153 d (0923)4828661 e (0225)69026 What is your phone number?

PRACTICE 7. Tell the time using the questions and answers in the table below: What’s the time? What time is it? Could you please tell me the time? Do you have the time?

It is (it’s) ……


1.______________ 2.____________ 3._____________ 4.______________

5._____________ 6._____________ 7.It’s a quarter past four. 8.It’s a quarter to nine.

PRACTICE 8. A.M. and P.M. Write the time using a.m. and p.m. The first one has already been done for you.

1. eight minutes to ten in the evening 9:52 p.m.

2. forty-five minutes after midnight _____________________________

3. seventeen after seven in the morning _____________________________

4. fifteen after two in the afternoon _____________________________

5. twenty-four minutes after seven in the morning _____________________________

6. forty-seven minutes after noon _____________________________

7. eight-fifty in the morning _____________________________

8. five minutes after three in the afternoon _____________________________

9. twenty minutes after ten at night _____________________________

10. nine-fifteen in the evening _____________________________

11. nine minutes to noon _____________________________

12. seven minutes to midnight _____________________________

13. twenty-five minutes after midnight _____________________________

14. sixteen after two in the afternoon _____________________________

15. one minutes after one in the afternoon _____________________________

16. nine minutes to nine at night _____________________________

17. seventeen minutes after noon _____________________________

18. eight minutes after six in the morning _____________________________

19. ten-twenty-five in the morning _____________________________

20. eleven after six in the morning _____________________________ 9

PRACTICE 9. Read the following dialogue in pairs: A. Good morning! Can I help you? B. Good morning! I would like to ask what do you serve here. I cannot see any kind of tea on the menu! A. It’s a coffee bar Madam. Would you like a cup of coffee? B. Let me see. Well. Can I have a cup of espresso coffee? A. Just a minute. Here you are! Anything else? B. No, thank you. Are you open every day? A. Yes. We work from 10 a.m. till 8 p.m. every day except weekends. At weekends we start at 11 a.m. and finish work at 10 p.m. B. I see. And do you work on holidays? At Christmas for example? My friend is going to visit me at Christmas and I would like to bring him to this place. I like it here very much! It’s cozy. A. Thank you! I am glad you like this place! Yes, we work on holidays but we are open and close at the same time as at weekends. That is from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. B. Well, great! I will invite my friend here! A. Fine! Do you like your coffee, Madam? B. It’s strong and tasty. I like it. Thank you! How much is it? A. It’s 4,50 Lt. B. Here you are! A. Thank you. Have a nice day! B. You too. Bye! A. Good-bye! We hope to see you next time! PRACTICE 10. Now look at the important vocabulary and its usage and make your own dialogues.


Coffee & Hot Chocolate Maker

Blenders & Smoothie Maker


Jar opener


Can Opener


Toaster Oven

Sandwich Maker

Popcorn Poppers/Maker

Countertop Range & Burner

Water Purification

Ice Cream Maker





PRACTICE 1. Ask your friend questions: 1. about kitchenware that is commonly found in every kitchen; 2. about kitchenware he/ she can name/see in his/ her kitchen/ at his/ her workplace; 3. about kitchen equipment he/ she has at home; 4. whether the above-mentioned kitchen items are familiar to him/ her; 5. whether there are any new ones; 6. about items he/ she uses every day; the most commonly; very rarely; never. 3.2. Crockery and cutlery




Salt and pepper shaker


Salt-cellar, pepper-caster

Sugar basin

Butter dish




Beer mug


Margarita glasses


Table spoon, tea spoon

Fork and knife

PRACTICE 2. Compose word- groups from the words given in column A and B: A.


Salt and pepper

















spoon 12

PRACTICE 3. Insert missing letters and write the names of kitchen equipment. Remember them. 1. C _ n


2. W _ _ _ _ e


3. W _ _ _ r P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n 4. C _ _ _ _ e & H _ t

C_______e M___r

5. S _ _ _ _ _ _ h M _ _ _ r PRACTICE 4. Put the words into the right order to make sentences. 1. usually/ soup/ for/ dinner/ I / cook 2. the/ table/ some/ are/ apples/ there/ on 3. is/ in/ the/ kitchen / a /cooker/ there 4. oranges/ are/ not/ on /there/ the/ plate/ any 5. you/ cook/ are/ a 6. I/yes/ am 7. I /not/ no/ am 8. a / dishwasher/ there/is / kitchen/ in/ the/ restaurant 9. Is/ there/ in/ your/ kitchen/a/ dishwasher 10. are/ plates/ some /the/ sink/ near/ there 11. are/ not/ cups/ there/ any /next/ to/ the/ plates 12. what/ does/ time/the/ open/ café 6. you/ could /the/ time/ tell/ me 7. now/ time/ the/ is /what 8. open/ is/ café/every/ the/ day 9. it/ at / does/ work/ weekends 10. are/ mugs/ a lot of/ cups/ and/ in/ the/ there/ cupboard. 11. there/ on/ the/ cooker/ and/ a pot/ a frying/ pan/ is PRACTICE 5. What is the English for: 1. virtuvės spintelės

11. stalčiai

2. virtuvės baldų komplektas

12. skalbimo mašina

3. šaldytuvas

13. viryklė

4. indaplovė

14. stalas

5. kėdė

15. kriauklė

6. stiklinės

16. puodeliai

7. arti

17. šalia

8. priešais

18. už 13

9. ant

19. po

10. keletas, kažkiek (teig. s.)

20. kažkiek, kiek nors (neig. ir klaus. s.)

PRACTICE 6. Complete sentences using is/ are and making plural forms of the words in brackets:

NOTE! In the English language there are nouns having irregular plural forms. They are such as: childchildren; foot-feet; tooth-teeth, mouse-mice; fish-fish; sheep-sheep; person-people etc.

4. FOOD 4.1. Vocabulary. Names of food Meat beef veal lamb mutton pork bacon (fat/lean) liver kidney tongue ham hamburger sausage (s) beefsteak; chop cutlet Vegetables aubergine tomato cabbage cauliflower spinach cucumber carrot garlic onion lettuce radish potatoes pulses beans peas

Poultry chicken chicken broth duck egg egg in its shell hard / soft - boiled egg scrambled egg (s) bacon and eggs to shell an egg white /yolk [jouk] of an egg goose (plgeese) omlet (te) pheasant turkey (s)

Fish cod plaice herring sardine trout salmon carp eel pike stuffed fish tinned fish

Seafood prawn/shrimp crab lobster crayfish oyster caviar(e)

Dairy products butter cheese cheese sandwich cheeseburger cream sour cream curds/cottage cheese yoghurt milk skimmed milk whole milk sour milk

Confectionery chocolate bar of chocolate ice-cream jam honey marmalade sweet biscuit cake doughnut pie cornflakes tart

Fruit apple apricot banana lemon orange melon peach pear pineapple plum cherry pomegranate tangerine grapefruit watermelon

Berries cranberry currant black / red / white currant; gooseberry grapes raisin raspberry strawberry bilberry wild strawberry

Nuts almond peanut walnut hazelnut

Herbs and spices parsley thyme dill mint cinnamon ginger nutmeg pepper mustard vinegar horse radish basil

Cereals corn wheat rice buckwheat cereal grain


4.2. Indicating likes and dislikes You can use the following expressions to indicate your likes and dislikes: My favourite food is fish. I (really) like apples but I don’t like bananas. I don’t like bananas very much. I don’t like tomatoes. I don’t like tomatoes at all! I hate onions. What is your favourite food? Do you like grapefruit? Yes, I do, but I prefer pears to grapefruit. Don’t you like bananas? Do you really hate onions? What food do you like? Why do you like watermelons?

We like different kinds of food because of some nutrients or taste. We can use such questions to find out the taste of a product or food: How does it (your salad) taste like? Do you like the taste of it (this cake)? Would you like to taste it (this pie)? To describe the taste we can use: Sweet, salty, bitter, sour, hot / spicy, bland, mild, tasty, tasteless, greasy: too much oil / fat, overcooked / overdone, undercooked / underdone, done to a turn, just perfect, not overdone, delicious, artificial additives. Food always has nutrients: minerals, proteins, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, fibre, starch.


NOTE! A Noun can be countable or uncountable. Compare:

PRACTICE 1. Tell your likes and dislikes. Complete the table below: Type of food

My favourite … is

I like …

I don’t like …

I hate …

Meat and poultry Fish and seafood Dairy products Confectionary Fruit and vegetables Berries and nuts


PRACTICE 2. Make a dialogue with your friend- ask about his/ her likes and dislikes. Get information why your friend likes these things. Complete the table below:

Type of food

My friend’s favourite … is … because …

He/ she likes … because …

He/ she doesn’t like … because …

He/ she hates … because …

Meat and poultry Fish and seafood Dairy products Confectionary Fruit and vegetables Berries and nuts

PRACTICE 3. Group the words below under the following headings: Cereals

Dairy products






Aubergine, bacon, barley, basil, beans, blackberry, chicken, cream, dill, flour, gooseberry, grape, herring, yoghurt, lamb, maize, mint, mustard, mutton, onions, parsley, pear, peas, plaice, rabbit, rice, rye, salmon, sausage, thyme, trout, veal PRACTICE 4. a) Find the pairs of antonyms. 1 ripe 8 stale

2 sweet 9 fattening

3 raw 10 sour

4 fresh 11 mild

5 slimming 12 cooked

6 spicy 7 tender 13 unripe 14 tough


b) Complete the sentences using some of the adjectives given above. 1. I can not eat this cake - it's too.....and I'm on a diet. 2. The curry burns my mouth, it is so...... 3. Could you pass me the sugar, please, I'll put some in this lemon juice, it's too...... 4. This steak is so ...... I can't even chew it! 5. I can't cut this bread, it's so...... 6. These apples are green and not very....., I suppose. 7. This fish is almost....., you have to cook it for fifteen minutes more,

PRACTICE 5. Replace the underlined words in the sentences with the words tasty, overcooked/ overdone, undercooked/ underdone, salty, greasy, tasteless, done to a turn, sour, season, there-course meal. Make changes if necessary. 1. My dish seems to have no flavour at all! 2. Oh, this meat was absolutely perfectly cooked ! 3. This fruit is unripe! I can't eat it! 4. You know, my chips have too much oil on them! 5. I think this cake has a very good taste. 6. There's a lot of salt in this salad! I don't like it! 7. This dish has obviously been cooked too long. 8. Have you added herbs, spices, salt and pepper? The stew seems tasteless. 9. This chicken has been cooked not long enough. 10. I'm not very hungry so I don't think I could manage a meal consisting ofthree courses.

5. DRINKS 5.1. Vocabulary. Names of drinks Drinks Still juice still mineral water milk-shake

Fizzy sparkling mineral water soda water Coca-Cola (coke) lemonade

Beverages (alcohol) Beer cider wine cocktail champagne whisky vodka tequila

Hot drinks coffee (black, with milk ) to make coffee to grind coffee tea hot chocolate cocoa


We usually say: A cup of

tea, coffee, cocoa, hot chocolate

A glass of

juice, mineral water, soda water, coke, lemonade, beer, wine, whisky, champagne

A mug of

tea, beer

5.2. Indicating likes and dislikes You can use the following expressions to indicate your likes and dislikes: My favourite drink is orange juice. I (really) like coffee but I don’t like tea. I don’t like tea very much. I don’t like vodka. I don’t like beer at all! I hate milk. What is your favourite drink? Do you like beer? Yes, I do, but I prefer apple juice to beer. Don’t you like milk? Do you really hate vodka? What cocktails do you like? Why do you like champagne?

PRACTICE 1. Move around the classroom and ask about your friends’ favourite drinks. Complete the table below: Favourite drink? Why?

Student’s 1

Student’s 2

Student’s 3

Student’s 4

5.3. Do you like and would you like: Would is the same in all persons. We use would like in offers and requests: I would like a drink. My friend would like a cup of tea and a sandwich. Would you like anything to eat? 19

Yes, please. I’d like some fish. I am hungry. Would you like anything to drink? No, thank you. I am not thirsty.

PRACTICE 2. Look at the pictures and make similar conversations in pairs. A B A B A

I'm thirsty. Would you like some tea? No, thanks. Would you like some apple juice? Oh, yes, please!


I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat? Would you like a biscuit? No, thanks. I'd like a sandwich. Cheese? Ham? Cheese and ham, please!

PRACTICE 3. Choose the correct sentence. 1) A Do you like a drink?/ Would you like a drink? B Yes, please. Some Coke, please. 2) A Can I help you? B Yes. I like a packet of cigarettes./ Yes. I'd like a packet of cigarettes, please. 3) A What sports do you do? B Well, I'd like swimming very much./ Well, I like swimming very much. 4)

A Are you ready to order your meal, sir? B Yes. I’d like a steak, please./ Yes. I like a steak.

6. BREAKFAST 6.1. Meals of the day breakfast; lunch; dinner; supper; snack / bite; to have a snack meal: the food taken at one time She eats three meals a day. dish: food prepared for the table course: a division or part of a meal What's the main course ? There are five meat and three fish dishes. dessert starter/hors d'oeuvre refreshments substantial meal 20

NOTE! We say:

to have

breakfast lunch dinner supper a meal a snack a bite a drink a smoke

6.2. Continental Breakfast and English Breakfast As a general trend, traditional breakfasts are less substantial and less elaborate in the warmer, more southern countries bordering the Mediterranean, while breakfasts are traditionally larger, with a greater variety of dishes and greater prevalence of hot dishes in the cooler northern- and central-European countries. An institutional meal plan based on lighter Mediterranean breakfast traditions and served in hotels world-wide is known as a European "Continental breakfast". It is a light snack meant to tide one over until lunch. It consists mainly of coffee and milk (often mixed as Cappuccino or latte) with a variety of sweet cakes such as brioche and pastries such as croissant, often with a sweet jam, cream, or chocolate filling. It is often served with juice. The typical German breakfast consists of bread rolls or toast with butter, honey, jam, ham or sausage, a soft-boiled egg, and coffee. However, cereals have become popular, and regional variation is significant. A typical breakfast in Denmark, similar to its southern neighbor Germany, consists of bread rolls or toast with butter and Danish slicing cheese, a buttery creamy white cheese, fruit jam, and a lot of coffee. A bigger and fancier spread might also include cold cuts (cold, thin-sliced ham, salami), soft-boiled eggs, muesli and sweet rolls of all types. A traditional Dutch breakfast consists of a combination of poached eggs, bacon, sausage, breakfast cake, and cold sliced meat such as smoked horse or smoked beef. In Eastern European countries with cold climates, such as Russia, breakfasts tend to be substantial. Zavtrak may consist of hot oatmeal, eggs, cheese, cured meats or sausage, rye breads with butter, and coffee or tea. Yoghurt or, especially in central and eastern Europe, kefir may be consumed. In some Balkan countries such as Serbia, savoury pastries are consumed with yogurt. In France a typical domestic breakfast will consist of bowls (rather than cups or mugs) of coffee, often café au lait, or hot chocolate with slices of baguette spread with jam - to be dunked. Croissants are also traditional. In Northern Greece a pastry is eaten with Greek coffee. 21

In Italy breakfast is simply Caffè e latte with bread or rolls, butter, and jam. It is very common for Italians to have a quick breakfast snack during the morning (typically a bread roll). A distinctive breakfast of Europe is the Spanish early-morning fare of a doughnut covered in sugar, and very thick, sweet hot chocolate drink. A full “English breakfast”, or traditional fry-up, is a traditional breakfast meal in England. While weekday breakfasts in England often consist of a brief meal of cereal and/or toast, the fry-up is commonly eaten in a leisurely fashion on Saturday or Sunday mornings. Whether the fry-up is accompanied by orange juice and usually an abundant supply of tea or coffee, or only bacon, eggs, and toast, it is regarded as a ritual comfort and a wholly satisfying start to a day of work or leisure. The ingredients of a fry-up vary according to region and taste. At its heart, the meal it consists of bacon and eggs, but to earn the title of a "Full English" a number of other ingredients are expected. The bacon and eggs are traditionally fried, but grilled bacon and poached or scrambled eggs may be offered as alternatives. Some of the additional ingredients that might be offered as part of a Full English breakfast include: •

toast, fried bread, or bread and butter


fried, grilled or tinned tomatoes


black pudding

baked beans


possibly sauté potatoes, chips, hash browns or bubble and squeak

condiments such as ketchup and brown sauce

Fry-ups are no longer an everyday occurrence in most English households, but they are offered to tourists as traditional fare in hotels, guest houses and cafés, and occupy an important place in the English concept of the morning meal. In British hotels and bed and breakfast establishments, a Full English breakfast might include additional courses such as cereal, porridge, kippers, toast and jam or marmalade, kedgeree, or devilled kidneys. Fruit juice and dry cereal were added to the English breakfast after 1950. The term "Full English" is used to differentiate between the larger multiple course breakfast, and the simpler "continental breakfast" of tea, coffee and fruit juice, with croissants or pastries. Coffee at breakfast is a Continental tradition introduced through hotel fare. Common beverages at breakfast worldwide include fruit juices (orange juice, apple juice, grapefruit juice, etc.), milk, tea, and coffee. Cultures around the world commonly shun or restrict alcoholic beverages at breakfast. 22

PRACTICE 1. Answer the following questions: 1) What specific features of Continental breakfast can you name? 2) What were the reasons for Continental breakfast beeing “lighter” than English breakfast? 3) What specific features of English breakfast can you name? 4) What were the reasons for English breakfast to become more substantial than Continental? 5) Is the full English breakfast served in English families daily? Why? 6) Would you prefer English breakfast to Continental one? Why? PRACTICE 2. Compare Continental and English breakfast meals filling-in the table below. Discuss your answers with your friend. Meal Yoghurt Toast and jam Latte Bacon and eggs Poached eggs Croissant Savoury pastries Breakfast cereal Smoked beef Fruit juice Kidneys Fry-ups

Continental breakfast

English breakfast

My breakfast

6.3. Past Simple Tense We use the Past Simple Tense to indicate past time events. We know the time of the event. E.g. yesterday, last month/ year/ summer…, in 1980, on holidays, at Christmas etc. Study this example: My grandfather’s neighbor was a famous cook. He lived from 1922 to 1992. He opened his first restaurant at the age of seventeen. He had five famous Italian restaurants when he was forty. Lived/opened/had/was are all Past Simple. Very often the Past Simple ends in -ed (regular verbs): We invited them to our party but they decided not to come. But many verbs are irregular when the Past Simple verb does not end in -ed. For example: have – had - He had five famous Italian restaurants. see - saw - We saw Rose in town a few days ago. go – went - I went to the cinema three times last week. shut – shut - It was cold, so I shut the window. 23

For a list of irregular verbs, see the table below: Infinitive be become begin bite break bring burn buy catch choose come cost cut do drink eat fall feed feel find freeze get give go grind have lend lose make put shake smell speak spend spill take tell think throw

Past was, were became began bit broke brought burnt bought caught chose came cost cut did drank ate fell fed felt found froze got gave went ground had lent lost made put shook smelt spoke spent spilt/ spilled took told thought threw

Participle been become begun bitten broken brought burnt bought caught chosen come cost cut done drunk eaten fallen fed felt found frozen got given gone ground had lent lost made put shaken smelt spoken spent spilt/ spilled taken told thought thrown

Translation būti tapti prasidėti kąsti sudaužyti, sulaužyti atnešti (nu)degti pirkti pagauti pasirinkti ateiti kainuoti pjaustyti daryti, veikti gerti valgyti kristi maitinti jausti(s) rasti sušalti gauti duoti eiti malti turėti paskolinti pamesti pagaminti padėti kratyti, plakti užuosti, uostyti kalbėti praleisti, išleisti išpilti paimti pasakyti galvoti mesti

In questions and negatives we use did/didn't + infinitive (enjoy/see/go etc.): A.:

Did you go out last night?

B: Yes, I went to the cinema but I didn't enjoy the film much. The past of be (am/is/are) is was/were. NOTE! We do not use did in negatives and questions with was/were: • I was angry because they were late. • Was the weather good when you were on holiday? • They weren't able to come because they were so busy. 24

• Did you go out last night or were you too tired? Study the table: Question word

Auxiliary Verb/ to be

Negative Question

Subject I You We They He, she, it My brother Her friend The cake I You We They He, she, it My brother Her friend The cake


Sent. type

When Why Where How What (kas,ką?) Whom (ką?) Who (ką?)

Auxiliary Verb


did not (didn’t)


was were

I you we they he, she, it my brother her friend the cake


Verb, II f. loved made brought wrote tasted smelled was were love make bring write taste smell was not were not love make bring write taste smell


me you him her them us my dog a letter

Adverbial Modifier Manner Place


nicely beautifully tasty loudly precisely happily greatly bitterly

in the morning in the evening in the afternoon during the day at night in summer in winter at 8 o’clock

at work in the kitchen at home at the restaurant at school in prison in the café on the table


PRACTICE 3. Make dialogues using the examples below: What do you usually have for breakfast? What is your favourite breakfast dish? What did you have for breakfast yesterday? What do you have for breakfast at weekends? What did you have for breakfast on Sunday? Do you like cooking breakfast? And what about you? PRACTICE 4. In groups read the texts A-C and summarize the information given. Be ready to present your group’s text to your friends. A. Second breakfast Second breakfast is a meal eaten after breakfast, but before lunch. It is traditional in Germany, more specifically Bavaria, where special dishes are made only to be eaten during second breakfast. It is typical to 25

eat four to five meals a day in these locations. The second breakfast is typically a lighter meal or snack eaten around 10:30 in the morning. It consists of coffee, pastries, or some sausages. The sausage is prepared during the early morning to serve during the second breakfast. It is served with brezen, sweet mustard, and wheat beer. B. Elevenses In the United Kingdom and Commonwealth, elevenses is a snack that is similar to afternoon tea, but eaten in the morning. It is generally less savoury than brunch, and might consist of some cake or biscuits with a cup of tea or coffee. In Australia, it is called morning tea (often little lunch in primary school). The name refers to the time of day that it is taken: around 11 am. The word "elevenses" is seen as a little old fashioned, and few people still refer to morning tea as such. C. Brunch Brunch is a late morning meal between breakfast and lunch, as a replacement to both meals, usually eaten when one rises too late to eat breakfast, or as a specially-planned meal. The term is a portmanteau of breakfast and lunch. It originated in the USA, unlike Tiffin. Brunch can be served after a morning event or prior to an afternoon one, such as a wedding or sporting event. It is usually a more relaxed meal than breakfast or lunch, and considered appropriate for informal celebrations. Some restaurants and hotels serve brunch, especially on weekends and holidays. Such brunches are often serve-yourself buffets, but menuordered meals may be available instead of, or with, the buffet. The meal usually involves standard breakfast foods such as eggs, pancakes, sausages, bacon, ham, fruits, pastries, and the like. However, it can include almost any other type of food served throughout the day. Buffets may have large roasts of meat or poultry, cold seafood like shrimp and smoked fish, salads, soups, vegetable dishes, many types of breadstuffs, and desserts of all sorts. The dim sum brunch is a popular meal in Chinese restaurants world-wide. It consists of a wide variety of stuffed bao (buns), dumplings, and other savory or sweet food items which have been steamed, deep-fried, or baked. Customers select what they want from passing carts, as the kitchen continuously produces and sends out more freshly prepared dishes.

7. LUNCH AND TIFFIN 7.1. Lunch Lunch is a meal that is taken at noon or in the early afternoon. The term is short for "luncheon". Lunch is a newer word for what was once invariably called "dinner," a word nowadays only sometimes used to mean a noontime meal in the British Isles, and in parts of the United States, Canada and Australia. In parts of India a light lunch is known as tiffin. Lunch food varies. In some places, one eats similar things both at lunch and at supper - a hot meal, sometimes with more than one course. In other places, lunch is the 26

main meal of the day, supper being a smaller cold meal. German and Scandinavian lunch mostly is large and cooked (as opposed to, say, a sandwich). Lunch from Karnataka served on a plantain leaf.

7.2. Tiffin Tiffin is an Indian and British English dialect word meaning a light meal eaten during the day. The word became popular in British India, deriving from tiffing, an old English dialect or slang word for taking a little drink or sip. In modern day India, the word mostly is used for light lunches prepared for working Indian men by their wives after they have left for work, and forwarded to them by Dabbawalas (people who carry boxes) who use a complex system to get thousands of tiffin-boxes to their destinations. The lunches are packed in tin boxes, also sometimes called tiffins or tiffin-boxes. A common approach is to put rice in one box, dal in another and yet other items in the third or fourth. The other items could be breads, such as naan, vegetable curry and finally a sweet. In Chinese cultures, the stacked porcelain or metal round trays with handles are called tiffin carriers. People also refer to cups of tea as "a cup of tiffin".

PRACTICE 1. Answer the following questions: 1) What is Tiffin? 2) Where is the difference between lunch and Tiffin? 3) How can you explain the flowing: Dabbawala, tiffin, tiffin-boxes, a cup of tiffin?

PRACTICE 2. Complete each sentence with one of the endings. A B 1) There is nothing more refreshing on a hot a) I'm sure you would like them if you only tried summer day them. 2) The steak looked tender b) it is weak coffee. 3) The smell was so bad c) as the food and the service had been excellent. 4) These vegetables are very tasty d) but was afraid of making a scene. 5) I wouldn't eat those strawberries if I were you e) if you had put more garlic in it. 6) Please put some more water in my tea f) but it was as tough as old boots. 7) "If there is one thing I don't like, g) as there's been yet another increase in prices. 27

8) The sauce would be more tasty h) is keeping it in a fridge. 9) We must leave now. i) than a glass of ice-cold fruit juice. 10)My father decided to leave the waiter a big tip j) consists of some eggs and several rashers of bacon. 11)Food is very expensive now k) I had a second helping. 12)The customer wanted to complain to the 1) because it is too strong. waiter 13)A good way of preserving food m) they don't look ripe to me. 14) As the cake was delicious, n) that it completely put us off our food. 15) A traditional English breakfast o) Would you mind asking the waiter for the bill?

7.3. Future Simple Tense. Future Simple is used to describe future actions and events. We use I'll (- I will) when we decide to do something at the time of speaking. E.g.: Oh, I've left the door open. I'll go and shut it. What would you like to drink? I’ll have an orange juice, please.' In spoken English the negative of will is usually won't (- will not. E.g.: I can see you're busy, so I won't stay long. We often use will in these situations: •

Offering to do something: That bag looks heavy. I’ll help you with it.

Agreeing to do something: A: You know that book I lent you. Can I have it back if you've finished with it? B: Of course. I'll give it to you this afternoon.

Promising to do something: Thanks for lending me the money. I'll pay you back on Friday. I won't tell anyone what happened. I promise.

Asking somebody to do something (Will you..-?) Will you please be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate. Will you shut the door, please?

Shall I...? Shall we...? Shall is used mostly in the questions shall I...? / shall we...? We use shall I...? / shall we...? to ask somebody's opinion (especially in offers or suggestions)- Shall I open the window? Where shall we go this evening?

We often use will ('ll) with: probably

• I'll probably be home late this evening.


• I haven't seen Carol today. I expect she'll phone this evening.

(I'm) sure

• Don't worry about the exam. I'm sure you'll pass.

(I) think

• Do you think Sarah will like the present we bought her?

(I) don't think

• I don't think the exam will be very difficult.

I wonder

• I wonder what will happen. 28

I shall... / we shall... Normally we use shall only with I and we. You can say I shall or I will (I'll), we shall or we will (we'll): I shall be tired this evening, (or I will be...}. We shall probably go to Scotland for our holiday, (or We will probably go...) In spoken English we normally use I'll and we'll: We'll probably go to Scotland. The negative of shall is shall not or shan't: I shan't be here tomorrow, (or 1 won't be...) Do not use shall with he/she/it/you/they: She will be very angry, (not 'she shall be') Study the table Question word

Auxiliary Verb/ to be




Sent. type

When Why Where How What (kas,ką?) Whom (ką?) Who (ką?)

shall will

Subject I You We They He, she, it My brother Her friend The cake You They He, she, it My brother Her friend The cake I We We I you we they he, she, it my brother her friend the cake

Auxiliary Verb


will not (won’t)

shall not (shan’t)


Will/ shall + Verb love make bring write taste smell be


love make bring write taste smell was not were not love make bring write taste smell

me you him her them us my dog a letter

Adverbial Modifier Manner Place


nicely beautifully tasty loudly precisely happily greatly bitterly

in the morning in the evening in the afternoon during the day at night in summer in winter at 8 o’clock

at work in the kitchen at home at the restaurant at school in prison in the café on the table


PRACTICE 3. Read the situations and write sentences with I think I'll... or I don't think I'll... . 1) It's a bit cold. You decide to close the window. You say: I think I’ll! close the window. 2) You are feeling tired and it's quite late. You decide to go to bed. You say: I think ………………… ......................................................... 3) A friend of yours offers you a lift in his car but you decide to walk. You say: Thank you but......................................................................................................................... 4) You arranged to play tennis today. Now you decide that you don't want to play. You say: I don't think............................................................................................................................. 5) You were going to go swimming. Now you decide that you don't want to go. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 29

PRACTICE 4. Put in will ('ll) or won't. 1) Can you wait for me? I hope I won’t be very long. 2) There's no need to take an umbrella with you. It................................rain. 3) If you don't eat anything now, you................................be hungry later. 4) I'm sorry about what happened yesterday. It................................happen again. 5) I've got some incredible news! You................................never believe what's happened. 6) Don't ask Margaret for advice. She................................know what to do.

8. TEA. DINNER. SUPPER 8.1. Tea Tea is the afternoon/evening meal, called that even if the diners are drinking beer, cider, or juice. It traditionally takes place at sometime around 6pm (though these days, it often takes place as late as 9pm). In Scotland, Northern England, a significant part of the English Midlands, New Zealand, and sometimes in Australia and Northern Ireland, tea as a meal is synonymous with dinner in Standard English. Under such usage, the midday meal is sometimes termed dinner, rather than lunch. 8.2. Dinner Dinner is a term with several meanings. Around North America in general, dinner may be a synonym of supper – that is, a large evening meal. However, in parts of Canada and the United States, dinner can be a synonym of lunch, with the evening meal in turn called supper. For the most part these terms only persist in rural areas, particularly in the Southern United States and among older Americans. In the United Kingdom, dinner traditionally meant the main meal of the day. Because of differences in custom as to when this meal was taken, dinner might mean the evening meal (typically in the higher social classes) or the midday meal (typically in lower social classes, who may describe their evening meal as tea). There is sometimes snobbery and reverse snobbery about which meaning is used. "Dinner", especially outside North America, is any meal consisting of multiple courses. The minimum is usually two but there can be as many as seven. Possible dinner courses are: 1) Hors d'oeuvres (also known as appetizers, starters) refer to the food served before or outside of the main dishes of a meal. The purpose of the hors d'œuvre is to whet the appetite; if there is a long waiting period between when the guests arrive and when the meal is served might also serve the purpose of sustaining 30

guests during the long wait. Hors d'œuvres may be served at the table; for example, as a part of the sit-down meal; or they may be served before sitting at the table. Hors d'oeuvre might include canapés, snack foods, cheeses, sausages. 2) Soup course. Traditionally, soups are classified into two broad groups: clear soups and thick soups. The established French classifications of clear soups are bouillon and consommé. Thick soups are classified depending upon the type of thickening agent used: purées are vegetable soups thickened with starch; bisques are made from puréed shellfish thickened with cream; cream soups are thickened with béchamel sauce; and veloutés are thickened with eggs, butter and cream. Other ingredients commonly used to thicken soups and broths include rice, flour, and grain. 3) Fish course. Some commonly harvested and eaten fish species include: salmon, cod, anchovy, carp, tuna, trout, mackerel, snapper, dogfish. Other water-dwelling animals such as mollusks, crustaceans, and shellfish are often called "fish" when used as food. 4) Salad course. A salad is a food item generally served either before or after the main dish as a separate course, as a main course in itself, or as a side dish accompanying the main dish. Salad also commonly refers to a blended food item— often meat, seafood or eggs blended with mayonnaise, finely chopped vegetables and seasonings— which can be served as part of a green salad, but is often used as a sandwich filling. Salads of this kind include egg, chicken, tuna, shrimp, and ham salad.

5) Main course (also known as meat course) A main course is the featured or primary dish in a meal consisting of several courses (a full course dinner can consist of ten or even twelve courses). The main course can also be called the entrée; however, in some menus the main course follows the entrée, or entry, course, and the salad course. It is sometimes called the meat course. The main course is usually the heaviest, heartiest, and most complex or substantive dish on a menu. The main ingredient is usually meat, fish or fowl; in vegetarian meals, the main course sometimes attempts to mimic a meat course. In formal dining, a well-planned main course can function as a sort of gastronomic apex or climax. In such a scheme, the preceding courses are designed to prepare for and lead up to the main course in such a way that the main course is anticipated and, when the scheme is successful, increased in its ability to satisfy and delight the diner, with the courses following the main course acting as a sort of denouement or anticlimax, calming both the palate and the stomach. It is most often preceded by a starter or a salad, and followed by a dessert. Formal meals can consist of many more courses.


6) Cheese course. Cheeses are eaten raw or cooked, alone or with other ingredients. As they are heated, most cheeses melt and brown. Some cheeses, like raclette, melt smoothly; many others can be coaxed into doing so in the presence of acids or starch. Fondue, with wine providing the acidity, is a good example of a smoothlymelted cheese dish. Other cheeses turn elastic and stringy when they melt, a quality that can be enjoyed in dishes like pizza and Welsh rabbit. Some cheeses melt unevenly, their fats separating as they heat, while a few acid-curdled cheeses, including halloumi, paneer and ricotta, do not melt at all and can become firmer when cooked. 7) Dessert Dessert is a course that typically comes at the end of a dinner, usually consisting of sweet food but sometimes of a strongly flavored one, such as some cheeses. The word comes from the Old French desservir, meaning "to clear the table". Dessert as a standard part of a Western meal is a relatively recent development. Before the 19th-century rise of the middle class, and the mechanization of the sugar industry, sweets were a privilege of the aristocracy, or a rare holiday treat. As sugar became cheaper and more readily available, the development and popularity of desserts spread accordingly. Some cultures do not have a separate final sweet course but mix sweet and savoury dishes throughout the meal as in Chinese cuisine, or reserve elaborate dessert concoctions for special occasions. Often, the dessert is seen as a separate meal or snack rather than a course, and may be eaten some time after the meal (usually in less formal settings). Some restaurants specialize in dessert. Common types of desserts: •

Biscuits or cookies In British English, Australian English and New Zealand English, a biscuit is a hard baked product like a small cake which in North America may be called a "cookie" or "cracker"; it should be noted, however, that it has become increasingly more common within England and Australia for "cookie" to be used to differentiate between the softer, more chewy "cookie" and the harder, more brittle "biscuit".

Cakes. Cake is often the dessert of choice for meals at ceremonial occasions, particularly weddings or birthday parties. In some traditions the bride and bridegroom are the first to eat their wedding cake, often serving each other a piece in their fingers. For birthdays, a frosted (iced) cake, often with inscriptions in frosting and figural decorations, is covered with candles, which are blown out after the celebrant makes a wish. Cake is considered delicious in many cultures.

Crumbles. A crumble is a dish of typically British origin containing stewed fruit topped with a crumbly mixture of fat, flour, and sugar. The crumble is baked in an oven until the topping is crisp. It is often served with custard, cream or ice cream as a hearty, warm close to a meal. Popular fruits used in crumbles include apple, blackberry, peach, rhubarb, and plum. Sometimes sour milk (vinegar and milk) is added to give the crumble a more extravagant taste. Also, brown sugar is often sprinkled 32

over the crumble topping. A similar dish, without sugar, can be made with a filling of minced beef or lamb. •

Custards. As a dessert, it is made from a combination of milk or cream, egg yolks, sugar, and flavourings such as vanilla. Sometimes flour, corn starch, or gelatin are also added.

Fruit. When discussing fruit as food, the term usually refers to just those plant fruits that are sweet and fleshy, examples of which include plum, apple and orange. However, a great many common vegetables, as well as nuts and grains, are the fruit of the plant species they come from.

Gelatin desserts. By far the most popular use for gelatin products is as gelatin dessert, in the United Kingdom and Australia gelatin desserts are referred to as jelly, and in the United States and Canada (where "jelly" is a clear preserve stiffened by pectin and spread on bread) by its trademarked name, Jell-O.

Ice cream (originally iced cream) is a frozen dessert made from dairy products such as cream (or substituted ingredients), combined with flavourings and sweeteners. This mixture is cooled while stirring to prevent large ice crystals from forming. Although the term "ice cream" is sometimes used to mean frozen desserts and snacks in general, it is usually reserved for frozen desserts and snacks made with a high percentage of milk fat. Frozen custard, ice milk, sorbet and other similar products are often also called ice cream. Governments often regulate the use of these terms based on quantities of ingredients.

Meringue is a type of dessert, originally from France, made from whipped egg whites and caster sugar. Some meringue recipes call for adding a binding agent such as cream of tartar. Meringues are often flavoured with a small amount of essence, e.g., almond or coconut. They are very light and airy and extremely sweet. It is believed that Meringue was invented in the Swiss town of Meiringen by an Italian chef named Gasparini (legend varies in regard to the date of invention, between 1600 and 1720).

Pastry is the name given to various kinds of dough made from ingredients such as flour, butter and eggs, that are rolled out thinly and used as the base for baked goods. Common pastry dishes include pies, tarts, and quiches. A good pastry is very light and airy, but firm enough to support the weight of the filling. The shortening is distributed between the flour-and-water in many thin layers or sheets; when baked, the resulting pastry is delicate and flaky. Good pastry must be uniformly mixed to achieve this layering, and should not have any large bubbles of air in it, as these will expand during cooking and spoil the texture. However, overworking of the pastry will cause long gluten chains to form, resulting in a tough product. Thus the manufacture of good pastry is something of a fine art.

Pies or tarts. A pie is a baked dish, with a baked shell usually made of pastry that covers or completely contains a filling of meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, cheeses, creams, chocolate, custards, nuts, or other sweet or savoury ingredient. Pies can be either "one-crust," where the filling is placed in a dish and covered with a pastry/potato mash top before baking, or "two-crust," with the filling 33

completely enclosed in the pastry shell. Some pies have only a bottom crust, generally if they have a sweet filling that does not require cooking. These bottom-crust-only pies may be known as tarts or tartlets. One example of a savoury bottom-crust-only pie is a quiche. Tarte Tatin is a one-crust fruit pie that is served upside-down, with the crust underneath. Blind-baking is used to develop a crust's crispiness, and keep it from becoming soggy under the burden of a very liquid filling. If the crust of the pie requires much more cooking than the chosen filling, it may also be blind-baked before the filling is added and then only briefly cooked or refrigerated. Pie fillings range in size from tiny bitesize party pies or small tartlets, to single-serve pies (e.g. a pasty) and larger pies baked in a dish and eaten by the slice. The type of pastry used depends on the filling. It may be either a butter-rich flaky or puff pastry, a sturdy shortcrust pastry, or, in the case of savoury pies, a hot water crust pastry. Occasionally the term pie is used to refer to otherwise unrelated confections containing a sweet or savoury filling, such as Eskimo pie or moon pie. A pie crust is an important component of many pies. •

Pudding is either of two general types of food, the second deriving from the first. The older puddings were foods that were presented in a solid mass formed by the amalgamation of various ingredients with a binder, which might include batter (as in Yorkshire pudding), blood (black pudding), eggs (bread pudding), or a mixture of suet and flour or some other cereal (plum pudding). These kinds of puddings could be either baked, steamed, or boiled. This older type of pudding, still commonly made today in the British Isles, was often a main-course type of dish. Boiled puddings, in particular, were a common meal on board ships in the British Navy in the 18th and 19th centuries, and the usual manner in which daily rations of flour and suet were prepared. The newer type of pudding is almost exclusively a dessert-type dish. The usual form is for milk with sugar and other added ingredients to be solidified by means of some gelling or structural agent, including cornstarch, gelatin, eggs, tapioca (cassava), and other starches. Forms of these include custard and blanc-mange. They are available in forms which require cooking or in instant form. Related foods include gelatin desserts such as Jell-O and aspics. The Danish society Royale Danske Buddingentusiaster (Royal Danish Pudding Enthusiasts) was founded in 2005 and is organizing the promotion of the Danish type of pudding, i.e. using boiled milk, sugar and starch or gelatine as the base of flavours ranging from the classic vanilla and chocolate to the newer tequila and ginger.

Sorbet (or sorbetto, sorbeto) is a frozen dessert made from iced fruit puree and other ingredients. The term "Sherbet" is derived from the Turkish word for Sorbet, Sherbat. Sorbet is a form of gelato that contains no milk, unlike ice cream. Sorbets may contain alcohol (which lowers the freezing temperature, resulting in a softer sorbet). Unlike ice cream, the machinery used whips almost no air into the sorbet, resulting in a dense and extremely flavorful product. This allows sorbet to match and sometimes exceed dairy-based gelato or ice cream for taste. Sorbets are traditionally served between the starter course and main entrée in order to cleanse the palate. 34

A soufflé is a light, fluffy baked dish made with egg yolks and beaten egg whites combined with various other ingredients and served as a main dish or sweetened as a dessert. The word soufflé is the past participle of the French verb souffler which means "to blow up" or more loosely "puff up" an apt description of what happens to this combination of custard and egg whites. Every soufflé is made from 2 basic components: a base of flavored cream sauce or purée; beaten egg whites. The base provides the flavor and the whites provide the "lift". Common varieties include cheese, chocolate, and lemon (the last two made as desserts, with a good deal of sugar). Soufflé is considered a great delicacy. When it comes out of the oven, a soufflé is generally very large and fluffy, and will 'fall' after 20 or 30 minutes (as risen dough does). For best results, soufflé should be eaten quickly, while hot and before it falls. Souffle can be made in containers of all shapes and sizes, but the best are tall cylindrical containers which conduct heat well. It is traditional to make souffle in "souffle cups" or ramekins.

Trifle is an English dessert dish made from thick (or often solidified) custard, fruit, sponge cake, fruit juice or, more recently, gelatin dessert and whipped cream, usually arranged in layers with fruit and sponge on the bottom, custard and cream on top. Some trifles contain a small amount of alcohol (port, or, most commonly sweet sherry or madeira wine) - non-alcoholic versions use fruit juice instead, as the liquid is necessary to moisten the cake. Trifle containing sherry is sometimes called "Sherry Trifle" or referred to as being "High Church". One popular variant has the sponges soaked in liquid-gelatin dessert when the trifle is made, which sets when refrigerated. The cake and jelly bind together and produce a uniquely pleasant texture if made in the correct proportions (there should not be too much jelly added, or nucleation will not occur). A well-made trifle is often used for decoration as well as taste, incorporating the bright, layered colours of the fruit, jelly, jam, and the contrast of the creamy yellow custard and white cream. Trifles are often served at Christmas time, sometimes as a lighter alternative to the massively dense christmas pudding. A Creole trifle (also sometimes known as a Russian cake) is a different but slightly related dessert item consisting of pieces of a variety of cakes mixed together and packed firmly, moistened with alcohol (commonly red wine or rum) and a sweet syrup or fruit juice, and chilled. The resulting cake contains an arabesque of color and flavor. Bakeries in New Orleans have been known to produce such cakes out of their leftover or imperfect baked goods. ----------------Dinner is generally followed by tea or coffee, sometimes served with mint chocolates or other

sweets, or with brandy or a digestif. When dinner consists of many courses, these tend to be smaller and to be served over a longer time period than a dinner with only two or three courses. Dinners with many courses tend to occur at formal events such as dinner parties or banquets. This formal version of the meal is generally served in the evening, starting some time between 7.30 and 8.30 (in the Netherlands typically at 6.00). It may be served at midday or shortly afterwards. However this tends to be more common practice in Scotland than in other countries. 35

PRACTICE 1. Summarize the texts read filling-in the table below: Dinner courses starter







PRACTICE 2. Answer these questions yourself and ask your friends: What are your favourite dinner courses? Why? What are your favourite desserts? PRACTICE 3. Can you recognize the following desserts? Use the hints: meringues, Christmas pudding, cake, cherry ice cream, gelatine dessert, American honey biscuits, custard, pie, pastries.


PRACTICE 4. Study the examples below and compose your own menu for dinner. Ask your friends: what’s on the menu today/ what was on the menu yesterday.

8.3. Supper Supper is the evening meal - ordinarily the last meal of the day. In the United Kingdom, supper is a small meal just before bedtime, often preceded by high tea; what a Canadian or American would refer to as supper, then, would be called dinner. However, "dinner" can be used to refer to lunch in Britain and parts of the United States and Canada. In English-speaking countries such as Britain, Canada, and the United States, the evening meal is usually served in the early evening, sometime between five and nine p.m. However, supper customs vary in European cultures. In Spain, supper can be as late as ten or eleven p.m. In Britain and Ireland, the understanding of "supper" is typically a meal taken in the evening (between 6pm and midnight) when one's main meal or "dinner" has been eaten during the day; in place of "dinner", when the main meal of the day is usually taken in the evening, or distinct from "dinner" in that it is another light meal taken several hours later on the same evening. "Supper" is typically a lighter meal, often served cold and unlikely to involve either elaborate preparation or more than one or two courses. PRACTICE 5. 1) What type of a meal is supper? 2) What is there in common among lunch, dinner and supper in Britain, Canada and the United States? 3) What do like for supper? 37

9. HEALTHY FOOD. DIETARY AND VEGETARIAN FOOD 9.1. Healthy food. You are going to read a magazine article about food and old age. Eight paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A-I the one which fits each gap (1-7). There is one extra paragraph, which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0). Eat Greek and Live Longer If you want to live to a healthy old age and eat well along the way, then perhaps you should move to the Greek mainland or Crete. These are the areas of Europe whose population -live longest, thanks to their varied diet.

0-C But although these people are healthy and live longer, this surprises some experts. A study of several villages on Crete and the Greek mainland showed that fat made up 40 per cent of the average person's calories, well over what most experts consider to be healthy. 1Researchers cannot yet explain why, though all of these products are produced by cows, they should have such different effects on people. It is possible that a chemical change could take place during the process of making cheese and yoghurt. 2Whether it's lactose or not, national patterns in other parts of Europe appear to confirm this theory. For example, Finns have one of Europe's highest rates of heart disease, and it could be because they consume four times more milk and butter than the Greeks do. Another puzzle has come out of the study. This concerns tobacco. 3But it appears that their diet is so good that it can even overcome the dangers of smoking. This kind of diet could account for the surprising health of one of the study's subjects, an 82-year-old Greek carpenter. He


has enjoyed food and wine all his life and has never dieted or taken special exercise. He starts the day with bread and milk. At midday he eats a large ; lunch with lots of vegetables and feta cheese. 4He says he hardly ever eats butter and his, favourite dessert is full-fat natural yoghurt with walnuts, honey and fruit. There is a high level of chemicals which resist poisons in this kind of diet and it could be the chemicals that limit the effects of smoking. 5The study also suggests that wine is an important part of the Greek formula, but only at certain times and in certain amounts. The people who were studied drank wine regularly, but in moderate amounts and always with meals. This backs up a recent study, this time done in Italy. 6Or could the secret be in olive oil? All the people studied consumed large amounts of olive oil, although experts are still not certain it could be the oil, which helps them live longer. A final part of this mystery could be a vital fatty acid, which according to research can prevent heart disease. 7But the search for a single magic ingredient may not be the answer. It may be that it is the whole diet that helps people to stay healthy and live longer, not just one of its individual parts. A B C D E F G H I

But most of this fat comes from cheese and yoghurt and very little from butter or milk. This could be the T"- factor which makes the difference. The resistant chemicals and many vitamins that are found in fruit and vegetables have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and other illnesses. There seem to be similarities between the Greek mainland and Cretan traditional diets that may offer scientists a clue as to their beneficial effects. Cretans consume 68 per cent more of this acid than the average European. Walnuts contain a great deal of this acid, and these are eaten in large quantities by Cretans and rural Greeks. He eats all kinds of meat but mostly chicken. Everything is cooked in olive oil, and he also puts it on just about everything: salads, vegetables and cheese. Many of the people studied, who are in their eighties, are smokers. Tobacco is a big risk factor for heart disease as well as cancer. It has been proved that some foods prevent illness. Some other foods however, encourage it. A Greek professor who worked on the study believes it may have something to do with lactose, which is the protein found in milk. Men who drank between meals had a higher death rate than those who only drank when they were having a meal, in women there was an even greater difference.


PRACTICE 1. Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list. Use the word(s) only once. confirms to live

high whether

to take the effects

heart to overcome


1 ........................level of fat

4 ............................disease

7 He ...............ever drinks.

2 ..............................longer

5 .....................the dangers

8 ......................of smoking

3 ............it's lactose or not


9 It....................the theory.

..............regular exercise

PRACTICE 2. Read the text about Genetically engineered food and summarize it. Be ready to present the summary to your friends. You didn't ask for it, and you might not know about it. But you've probably already eaten some of it. It's genetically engineered food. Perfectly round tomatoes all exactly the same size, long straight cucumbers and big fat chickens are now a normal part of our diets. They are made that way by genetic engineering - not by nature. Their genes have been changed. Every living thing has genes. They are passed on from generation to generation. They make sure that humans give birth to humans and cows give birth to cows. They also make sure that a dog cannot give birth to a frog, or an elephant to a horse. Genetic engineers take genes from one species — for example, a scorpion, and transfer them to another - for example, corn. In this way a new life form is created. Genetic engineers put duck genes into chickens to make the chickens bigger. They put hormones into cows to make them produce more milk. They put genes from flowers into soya beans and from scorpions into corn. This does not make them cheaper, tastier or healthier. It makes them easier and faster for the farmer to grow. The effects of genetic engineering on our health are not known. Many of the genes which are used such as those of scorpions, rats, mice and moths — are not part of our diet so we do not know how dangerous they may be. For example, people can develop allergies to food, which has been genetically engineered. The effects of genetic engineering on the natural world may be disastrous. The engineers may create life forms - monsters - that we cannot control. The new life forms have no natural habitat or home. They will have to find one, fight for one — or kill for one. Moreover, the effects of these experiments can often be cruel. In America, pigs were given human genes to make them bigger and less fatty. The pigs became very ill and began to lose their eyesight. Greenpeace is trying to prevent all such food experiments. Some — but not all — food companies are refusing to use genetically engineered foods. We must all be aware of what is happening. Some people believe, though, that genetic engineering could be the solution to the problem of famine. Plants, which grow faster, or cows which produce more milk, can save the lives of starving people. 40

We would all like a better, healthier and longer life, and genetic engineering might give us this. On the other hand, it may be a dangerous experiment with nature. In the story, Frankenstein created such a terrible and dangerous monster that he had to destroy it. We must make sure that it remains a story — and no more than that. PRACTICE 3. 1) Did you know anything about genetically engineered food before reading the text? 2) What is your personal opinion about genetically engineered food? Is it good or bad to apply this method? 3) Ask your friends’ opinion. 9.2. Dietary food. Some people can keep slim without any effort, but a lot of people do put on too much weight and don't like it. Some of the people put their faith in exercise, but the problem here is that you can sweat off a couple of pounds playing tennis or jogging but you put it all back again with a big plate of macaroni, cheese or stake and chips or bread and jam. The only reliable solution is dieting. Some people stick to milk and bananas. Others keep to the theory that if you eat things like hard-boiled eggs, apples with their skins on, and lean meat, you get thinner because they are hard to digest. This is because you use up the fat in your body to get the energy to digest the food. For most of us these methods are too eccentric. The simplest system is to cut down on the carbohydrates or, if possible, to cut them right out, That means avoiding bread, potatoes, cake, biscuits, jam, sugar, rice, spaghetti, macaroni and so on. Still others like to be more scientific. They are the calorie-counters. They get a table which tells them that, for example, lOOg of roast leg of lamb gives you 330 calories and a 50g helping of Yorkshire pudding gives you 130. lOOg of raw cabbage is only 15, a 100ml glass of wine is 75 and a pint (568ml) of beer is 160. A fried egg will cost you 145 calories, but a boiled one will give you only 65. The calorie-counter will then allow himself say 1000 calories a day. A well-balanced diet should provide all the vitamins we normally require. Vitamins are vital for growth, good health and maintenance of the normal functions of the body. Modern methods of preserving, freezing and long-term storage of food, together with overcooking, destroy many of the vitamins, Everybody knows that vitamins A, B, C, D are essential for our body. Dairy products, vegetables, margarine, liver, fruit contain a lot of vitamin A; meat, milk, fish, whole cereals contain vitamin B and fresh green vegetables, fruit, potatoes, tomatoes contain vitamin C. People who are overweight are more likely to become ill as they get older. Poor diet has also been linked with heart disease, cancer, blood pressure and strokes. A healthy diet is one, which gives us all the nutrients we need to stay fit and well. To get all the nutrients we need we should eat a balanced diet containing a range of different foods. Most people eat too much fat, salt and refined sugar. In order to improve our health we should: • try to avoid becoming overweight • increase out intake of dietary fibre and starch 41

• eat less fat, sugar, salt and alcohol Here is a list of some foods, which are good for us: Cereal foods. These are a good source of starch and protein as well as a good source of vitamins and minerals. Cereals include: wheat, rice, oats, barley, maize and rye. Bread is the main product made from wheat. Breakfast cereals are made from a variety of different cereals. Starchy vegetables. These contain a lot of starch. Examples are potatoes and sweet potatoes. Fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are important for good health because of the dietary fibre and vitamins they contain. It is important to eat at least three portions of vegetables or fruit a day. Pulses and nuts. These are a good source of protein. Here is a list of some foods which are bad for us: Sugar, sugary foods and drink. These foods provide very little in the way of useful nutrients. They have a damaging effect on teeth and should only form a small part of our diet. Examples are: cans of fizzy drinks, sweets and sweet cakes. Fats. Although we do need some types of fat in our diet we do not need very much. Fat is found in chocolate, butter, cream, cakes, cheese, some meat (often in beef burgers and sausages). More and more teenagers (and indeed whole families) are eating fast food or convenience food rather than food cooked from fresh ingredients. If you would like to have a healthier diet here are some simple, positive steps you can take: •

Cut down on fizzy drinks, sweets and chocolate.

Eat a healthy breakfast before you leave for school in the morning.

Eat fresh food when you want a snack.

Don't eat chips and hot-dogs every day.

PRACTICE 4. Discuss the following points with your friends. 1) What is a healthy diet? 2) What food is good for us? Bad? 3) What would you advise a person who wants to lose weight? 4) What are your eating habits: •

how much meat or fish you eat on a typical day

• what you eat a lot of • what you eat a little of • how much you drink 42

• whether you think you have a healthy diet (give reasons)? PRACTICE 5. Look at the Checklist in the text for Healthy Eating and discuss with your partner what you eat too much of? What you don’t eat enough of? Compose dialogs in pairs. PRACTICE 6. Study the Vegetarian food pyramid and compose a vegetarian food menu.

10. NATIONAL FOOD AND CUISINE 10.1. National food and cuisine PRACTICE 1. Read the text. Summarize each paragraph into 1-3 sentences. Be ready to present it to your friends. Bread. One of the oldest and most fundamental Lithuanian food products was and is rye bread. Rye bread is eaten every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Bread plays an important role in family holiday rituals and agrarian ceremonies. Two kinds of bread are traditional, plain fermented and scalded.


Soup. Lithuanians eat soup every day. Soup is the main dinner and supper food. In olden times, soup was also eaten for breakfast. Rich soups are served for dinner and easily digested milk soups are supper fare. Most popular are sour soups, sauerkraut, beet and sorrel, with smoked meat stock as the base. Sauerkraut soup is also made with goose pieces. Meat cooked in soup is often eaten as a second course. Meatless soups are eaten on fast days. Most soups are served with bread or potatoes. Sauerkraut and beet soups are eaten in winter, while sorrel, beet greens and milk soups are eaten in spring and summer. Cold beet soup with hot potatoes is a very popular summer fare. Cold sweet soups are also popular, especially in summer. In olden times and now, sweet soups made with berries, fruit and tiny dumplings are a treat. Another summer soup, mutinys, made with dried black bread, water, sugar and crushed fruit is very refreshing on hot summer days. Meat. Lithuanians consume a lot of meat and meat by-products. Pork has always been the most widely used meat, fresh, brined or smoked, and continues to be so to this day. The greatest variety of pork dishes is prepared by Aukstaiãiai, the Highlanders and Suvalkieciai, people of the southwestern region. December, January and early spring months are traditional pig slaughtering times. Bacon and hams are salted and cold smoked. The lesser cuts are cooked during slaughtering time because the meat is softer, more tender. Juniper branches are added towards the end of smoking, to give the meat a special flavor. Meat curing by smoking is not practiced in Dzûkija, the south eastern region. Instead the salted cuts remain in brine or are hung and air dried. For longer keeping, many varieties of sausage are made. One of them, skilandis, was mentioned as early as 16th century. Skilandis, also known as kindzius, is made of coarsely chopped, top quality pork meat, highly seasoned, tightly stuffed into a pig's stomach and intensely smoked. Skilandis and other smoked meats are robust and delicious, very popular foods. These sausages are served to visitors, eaten during holidays and during busy summer days. Each homemaker works hard to prepare the best tasting skilandis. The taste depends on choice, quantity of seasonings, quality of meat and method and duration of drying and smoking. The traditional smoked meat technology has remained the same throughout the years. Fowl meat is also popular. Domestic birds are cooked, smoked and baked. Game birds appear rarely in the Lithuanian kitchen. They are the domain of hunters. Potatoes came to Lithuania relatively recently, in the eighteenth century and soon became popular. Now every farm grows potatoes. Potatoes have become Lithuania's second bread, an essential starch staple and are eaten throughout the year. Many delicious, tasty dishes are made with potatoes. They are eaten alone or as an accompaniment to a main course of soup, meat, fish, mushrooms, eggs and dairy products. The most popular potato dishes are "zeppelins", potato sausages, potato casserole and pancakes. Lithuanian recipes reflect the diversity of potatoes.

Milk. Lithuanians eat sweet and sour milk. Milk is used to whiten soups, make cheese, cottage cheese and churn butter. Milk products have been popular since ancient times. However, in some regions 44

milk products are more popular. Dishes prepared with cottage cheese are favored among the Highlanders, Aukštaiciai. The Samogitians, žemaiciai, prepare an ancient, original butter, kastinis, with butter, sour cream and a variety of seasonings. Most popular is Lithuanian cheese, fresh or dried, which can be sour, sweet or flavored with caraway seed. Mushrooms. Lithuania is rich in mushrooms, more than four hundred edible varieties are found in the forests. The most popular are boletes, the kings of all mushrooms. Also collected are chanterelles, blevits, morels and many others. Mushroom season begins early spring and continues till late autumn, autumn being most abundant season. Then entire families go mushrooming and return with overflowing baskets.The most abundant forests are in Dzukija, the south eastern region. Traditionally the inhabitants of this part of the country are the most prolific mushroom gatherers and this region's cooks are known for the most creative mushroom recipes. All over Lithuania mushrooms are used in many dishes, to add special flavor to meat, fish and potato dishes. Mushrooms are used fresh, dried, salted or marinated. Fish. In Lithuania most fish eaters live along lakes or the sea coast. Along with fresh water fish, salt water fish are also popular. Fish are much used for food reserves, small fish are dried, while larger ones are salted. Some salted fish are hot smoked for immediate use. Fish for salting are seasoned with black pepper, powdered bay leaf, crushed juniper berries and ground cardamom. Herring are popular throughout Lithuania.

Vegetables. The most popular vegetables have always been cabbages, beets, carrots, cucumbers, onions, turnips, radishes, parsnips and horseradish. Cabbage is eaten fresh and fermented, seasoned with caraway seed, cranberries, apples and salt. Beets are used fresh, fermented and are available all year round. In summer, cucumbers are eaten fresh and in autumn and winter, fermented and pickled. Onion is the traditional, primary, aromatic vegetable. Other popular aromatic plants are dill, caraway, marjoram, garlic and horseradish. Almost every household in Lithuania has an orchard where the apple is the main tree. There are also pear, plum and cherry trees and gooseberry and currant bushes. The forests are full of goodies: raspberries, wild strawberries, blueberries, cranberries and nuts. Fruits and berries and some vegetables are seasonal. During summer they are eaten fresh. For winter supplies, fruit and berries are dried, made into preserves, sauces, fruit leathers and fruit cheeses. Grain. Another basic Lithuanian food is grain. Lithuanian agrarian traditions are ancient, farmers have always planted a large variety of grain, such as rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, peas, beans and oil crops (hemp, poppies, flax seed). Rye was and still is the most important crop, used mainly for rye bread. Second place goes to barley, which is used to make groats and flour. Wheat is in third place and oats in fourth place. Buckwheat was and is grown in the hilly regions of northern and southern Lithuania. Peas and beans are 45

eaten raw, cooked and are also ground into flour. Dishes made with peas and pea flour are popular in Aukštaitija, the northeast region. Among oil crops, hemp and poppy seeds have always been used to make hemp and poppy milk, which replaces cow's milk during fast days and special holidays. Flax seed is fried with different seasonings and this mixture is used as a flavoring for many foods, especially potatoes. Hemp seed is also used for similar flavorings. Peoples' well being always depended on the grain harvest. To assure an abundant harvest, certain traditions were observed. The farmer never went to work in the fields on an empty stomach, for then the ears of grain will grow empty. Even better, when preparing to sow barley, it is best to have eaten a pig's tail. According to legend then the barley ears will grow long, like the pig's tail. Groats have been used in Lithuania since olden times. Farmers used wooden mortars and pestles and hand grinders to make groats. Today groats are available commercially. The biggest gruel eaters are the Samogitians, Žemaičiai. Pancakes are also an ancient food and a popular breakfast food among the Highlanders, Aukštaičiai. Rye and wheat flours are most commonly used throughout the country. Eggs. Lithuanians use eggs in many dishes because of their versatility and because eggs adapt well to a variety of cooking techniques and combine well with many ingredients. Chicken eggs are more popular than other eggs. Eggs are boiled and baked. They are the basis of many recipes and are included in meat, fish, vegetable dishes and baked goods. Today the traditional omelet remains a favorite dish among Lithuanian cooks, especially when an unexpected guest arrives. Baked goods and sweets. Lithuanian people do not have a sweet tooth. Baked goods and sweets are not a part of daily eating. However each homemaker does her very best to be creative and to pamper the family especially during holidays and special occasions. Formerly, for holidays and weddings a variety of cakes, cookies and sweet rolls was baked. Tables were laden with beautifully decorated, delicious masterpieces. At wedding receptions, all eyes would be on the ''karvojus'', a large wedding tart which was decorated with a variety of dough birds and animals. Earlier all cakes and dainties were baked by the homemaker herself or a person, famous for her culinary prowess would be hired. At the beginning of this century, many new foods came to Lithuania, among them tortes and the famous baumkuchen from Germany, which now is a must for every special occasion. Today Lithuanian homemakers have many recipes for all occasions. Most popular baked goods are made commercially from recipes based on traditional and newly arrived sweets. However, the most appreciated baked goods are homemade and for this reason each homemaker is intent on creating recipes which will awe everyone and will please her family. Drinks. Mead and beer are ceremonial and traditional drinks. Mead, midus is the oldest and noblest drink, served during banquets and special occasions. Travellers and chroniclers wrote about the manufacture and use of mead by Lithuanians and Prussians as early as the eleventh century. Good conditions existed to 46

make mead because Lithuanians since early times took honey from wild bees in tree hollows. Today people have several hives on their farmsteads, to satisfy their family needs. Mead ten or more years old was the landlord's pride, for mead's quality increases with age. Often to celebrate the birth of a child, the father made a batch of mead. This batch was kept and aged until the child's wedding. There was a time when mead took second place to vodka. However about 30 years ago there was a revival and mead was made again, using ancient recipes. Mead is again found on holiday tables, together with songs about mead and its traditions. Beer has been brewed in Lithuania since ancient times and even today is a popular, traditional drink. It is always brewed for family celebrations, feast days, barn raisings and funerals. Beer is brewed from sprouted barley malt. The most popular malt beer is made in Central and North Eastern Lithuania, where a strong beer is popular. In Samogitia, Žemaitija, beer is brewed using dried bread, hops and sugar. Most often the man of the house brews his own beer. However, for special occasions, to brew extra good beer, a well known brew master is hired. During festivities, the brew master's other job is to make sure that pitchers are always full. The making of home made wine in Lithuania was begun at the beginning of the twentieth century. Most wine was made in the South Western region, Suvalkija, from forest and orchard fruits and berries. Another ancient drink is made from birch and maple sap, collected in early spring. Sap is drunk fresh and fermented for summer drinking. To satisfy thirst, Lithuanians brew a semi sour drink, gira kvass. Much appreciated from ancient times are linden, thyme, caraway seed, mint, raspberry, strawberry, camomile, dill seed and other herb teas, which not only refresh but also have healing properties.

PRACTICE 2. Discuss your favourite national food with your friend. What food don’t you like?

PRACTICE 3. Classify the most popular Lithuanian food filling- in the table. Discuss what particular food is used on special occasions (Christmas, birthday party, wedding etc.)

The most popular Lithuanian National food and drink Bread













10.2. Present Continuous Tense Present Continuous Tense is used to describe events, which are in progress now, at the moment of speaking and are not finished. Study the table: Question word

To be: am are is

Negative Question


I You We They He, she, it My brother Her friend The cake You They We He, she, it My brother Her friend The cake I


Sent. type

When Why Where How What (kas,ką?) Whom (ką?) Who (ką?)

am are is

I you we they he, she, it my brother her friend the cake

To be: am are is am are


Adverbial Modifier Manner Place


making bringing writing tasting smelling cleaning crying


are not (aren’t) is not (isn’t) am not (I’m not)



making bringing writing tasting smelling cleaning crying

me you him her them us my dog a letter

nicely beautifully tasty loudly precisely happily greatly bitterly

at work in the kitchen at home at the restaurant at school in prison in the café on the table

at 10 o’clock during the day






at 8 o’clock

making bringing writing tasting smelling cleaning crying

PRACTICE 4. Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs in the correct form: come happen

at night



1) 'You're working hard today.' 'Yes, I have a lot to do.' 2) I...................................................for Christine. Do you know where she is? 3) It...................................................dark. Shall I turn on the light? 4) They haven't got anywhere to live at the moment. They...................................................with friends until they find somewhere. 48

5) 'Are you ready, Ann?' 'Yes, I....................................................' 6) Have you got an umbrella? It...................................................to rain. 7) You................................a lot of noise. Could you be quieter? I................................to concentrate. 8) Why are all these people here? What...................................................?

PRACTICE 5. Use the words in brackets to complete the questions. 1) 'Is Colm working this week?' 'No, he's on holiday.' (Colin/work) 2) Why...................................................at me like that? What's the matter? (you/look) 3) 'Jenny is a student at university.' 'Is she? What...................................................?' (she/study) 4) ...................................................to the radio or can I turn it off? (anybody/listen) 5) How is your English?...................................................better? (it/get)

PRACTICE 6. Put the verb into the correct form. Sometimes you need the negative. 1) I’m going (go) to bed now. Goodnight! 2) We can go out now. It isn't raining (rain) any more. 3) 'How is your new job?' 'Not so good at the moment. I...............................……….. (enjoy) it very much.' 4) Catherine phoned me last night. She's on holiday in France. She ........................................ (have) a great time and doesn't want to come back. 5) I want to lose weight, so this week I...................................................(eat) lunch. 6) Angela has just started evening classes. She................................................... (learn) German. 7) I think Paul and Ann have had an argument. They................................................... (speak) to each other.


10.3. Past Continuous Tense Past Continuous Tense is used to describe events, which were in progress in the past at a certain time. Study the table. Question word

To be: was were




Sent. type

When Why Where How What (kas,ką?) Whom (ką?) Who (ką?)

was were was

Subject I You We They He, she, it My brother Her friend The cake You They We He, she, it My brother Her friend The cake I I you we they he, she, it my brother her friend the cake

To be: was were was were was

were not (weren’t) was not (wasn’t)




Adverbial Modifier Manner Place


making bringing writing tasting smelling cleaning crying making bringing writing tasting smelling cleaning crying

me you him her them us my dog a letter

nicely beautifully tasty loudly precisely happily greatly bitterly

at work in the kitchen at home at the restaurant at school in prison in the café on the table

at 10 o’clock during the day at night at 8 o’clock

making bringing writing tasting smelling cleaning crying

PRACTICE 7. What were you doing at the following times? Write one sentence as in the examples. The Past Continuous is not always necessary (see the second example). 1) (at 8 o'clock yesterday evening) I was having dinner with some friends. 2) (at 5 o'clock last Saturday) I was on the train to London. 3) (at 10.15 yesterday morning) ...................................................................................................................... 4) (at 4.30 this morning)................................................................................................................................... 5) (at 7.45 yesterday evening) ......................................................................................................................... 6) (half an hour ago) ........................................................................................................................................


PRACTICE 8. Put the verbs into the correct form, Past Continuous or Past Simple. 1) Jane was waiting (wait) for me when I arrived (arrive). 2) 'What...................................................(you/do) this time yesterday?' ‘I was asleep.' 3) '................................................... (you/go) out last night?' 'No, I was too tired.' 4) 'Was Carol at the party last night?' 'Yes, she............................………(wear) a really nice dress.' 5) How fast........................................(you/drive) when the accident.......................................(happen)? 6) John...................................................(take) a photograph of me while.........................................(not/look). 7) We were in a very difficult position. We...............................................(not/know) what to do. 8) I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last...................................................(see) him, he ……………….. ................(try) to find a job in London. 9) I.............................................(walk) along the street when suddenly I......................................... (hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody..............................................(follow) me. I was frightened and I .............................................(start) to run. 10)When I was young, I...................................................(want) to be a bus driver.

11. METHODS OF COOKING AND PREPARING FOOD 11.1. Methods of cooking and preparing food There are a lot of various ways to prepare food. Look at the table and decide which of them are the most familiar, usual to you and which ones you do not use in every day life. Translate the unknown words. Method of cooking/ preparing food

ways of cooking food

ways of preparing food



to steam to simmer to boil to fry to bake to roast to grill to stew to barbecue to smoke to mix to peel to stir to mince to cut to chop to slice to grate 51

to crack to season to sprinkle to dry to pickle to marinate PRACTICE 1. Answer the questions: 1) Do you like cooking? 2) Does your friend like cooking? 3) What are you cooking on Sundays? 4) What were you cooking yesterday?

PRACTICE 2. Match the method of cooking with its definition. 1) baking

a) cooking in steam; used for puddings, fish, etc

2) boiling

b) cooking meat or fruit in a small amount of water and its own juices

3) frying

c) cooking foods in enough water to cover them, at a temperature lower than 100°C

4) roasting

d) cooking in fat; used for chips, doughnuts, etc

5) simmering

e) the food is placed in the oven; used for preparing cakes, breads

6) steaming

f) is done by placing the food in the oven or oven coals and cooking until it is tender;

7) stewing

used for cooking meats g) cooking foods in enough water to cover them, at 100°C

PRACTICE 3. Fill in the blanks with the words given on the right. (1).....the crab into large pieces. Then fry black beans, garlic, ginger and (2).....onions

a) minced

e) fry

very quickly before adding (3)..... meat. (4)..... again for one minute and then (5).....

b) cut

f) stir

the crab pieces, half a pint of chicken stock or water, and a little dry sherry or rice

c) add

g) chop

sprinkle wine, (6)..... for ten minutes and then add two beaten eggs. (7)..... slowly for

d) serve

h) heat

one minute and then (8)...... 11.2. Present Perfect Tense. Present Perfect is used when we want to describe that something has happened/ has been done but do not indicate the time of the event - it is only the fact that is important. But the action in the past has a result now:


The present perfect is have/has + past participle. The past participle often ends in -ed (finished/decided etc.), but many important verbs are irregular (lost/done/been/written etc.). For a list of irregular verbs, see pages 23 and study the table below. Question word

To have: have has

You They We He, she, it My brother Her friend The cake I

Negative Question

Subject I You We They He, she, it My brother Her friend The cake


Sent. type

When Why Where How What (kas,ką?) Whom (ką?) Who (ką?)



I you we they he, she, it my brother her friend the cake

To have: have has have


have not (haven’t) has not (hasn’t)


Verb been made brought written tasted smelt cleaned cried seen been made brought written tasted smelt cleaned cried seen been made brought written tasted smelt cleaned cried seen


Adverbial Modifier (Manner) Place

the cake drunk to me the room them my dog his brother him them


at work beautifully in the kitchen tasty at home loudly precisely happily greatly bitterly

at the restaurant at school in prison in the café on the table

PRACTICE 4. You are writing a letter to a friend. In the letter you give news about yourself and other people. Use the words given to make sentences. Use the Present Perfect. Dear Chris, Lots of things have happened since I last wrote to you. 53

1) I / buy / a new car. I've bought a new car. 2) my father / start / a new job............................................................................................................................ 3) I/give up / smoking.......................................................................................................................................... 4) Charles and Sarah /go / to Brazil.................................................................................................................. 5) Suzanne / have / a baby...............................................................................................................................

PRACTICE 5. Read the situations and write sentences with just, already or yet. 1) After lunch you go to see a friend at her house. She says 'Would you like something to eat?' You say: No, thank you. I’ve just had lunch. (have lunch) 2) Joe goes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the caller says 'Can I speak to Joe?' You say: I'm afraid........................................................................................................................(go out) 3) You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your plate away. You say: Wait a minute!................................................................................ (not/finish) 4) You are going to a restaurant this evening. You phone to reserve a table. Later your friend says 'Shall I phone to reserve a table?' You say: No,...........................................................it. (do) 5) You know that a friend of yours is looking for a job. Perhaps she has been successful. Ask her. You say:......................................................................................................................................? (find) 6) Ann went to the bank, but a few minutes ago she returned. Somebody asks ‘Is Ann still at the bank?' You say: No,.............................................................................................................(come back) PRACTICE 6. Put in been or gone. 1) Jim is on holiday. He's gone to Italy. 2) Hello! I've just................................to the shops. I've bought lots of things. 3) Alice isn't here at the moment. She's................................to the shop to get a newspaper. 4) Tom has................................out. He'll be back in about an hour. 5) Are you going to the bank?' 'No, I've already................................to the bank.' PRACTICE 7. You are asking somebody questions about things he or she has done. Make questions from the words in brackets. 1) (ever / ride / horse?) Have you ever ridden a horse? 2) (ever/ be / California?) ................................................................................................................................. 3) (ever / run / marathon?).................................................................................................................................. 54

4) (ever / speak / famous person?)...................................................................................................................... 5) (always / live / in this town?).......................................................................................................................... 6) (most beautiful place / ever / visit?) What ...……..........................................................................................


PRACTICE 1. Study the vocabulary: restaurant snack bar café pub bar canteen self-service / help-yourself fast food service waiter waitress menu on the menu There's no roast beef on the menu to choose (chose, chosen) to decide to order Please, take my order. What would you like to order? bill receipt I paid the bill and he gave me a receipt. change tip service charge to treat sb to sth She treated us to a very delicious cake. to pass Pass me the salt, please. to help oneself to Please, help yourself to some more cake. helping to do with / manage another helping / think I could do with another helping, the pie is so delicious. hearty eater - megejas gerai pavalgyti. 55

to have a sweet tooth My friend has a sweet tooth. to pour May I pour you some wine? to recommend What would you recommend?

PRACTICE 2. Put the following events into the correct order. The first has been done for you. a) look at the menu......

f) decide to go out for a meal ..1...

k) sit down......

b) give the waiter a tip......

g) leave the restaurant......

1) order the meal......

c) have dessert.......

h) have the starter......

m) ask for the bill......

d) pay the bill......

i) go to the restaurant......

e) book a table......

j) have the main course......

PRACTICE 3. Read the story. Choose the most suitable word - I'm not very hungry. I think I'll skip the first course /dish/serving. I’ll order just one plate/dish. I might have fowl/chicken /poultry/hen, sheep/lamb or hog/pig/pork. - It isn't good for you to have so much flesh /meat. I'm going to have fish, Alice said to me. - I'll have a veal / steak / mutton, I said. - This is a wonderful restaurant..-Mice said, looking round.-The food/kitchen is very good here. My meal was very tasty/tasteful. We enjoyed the meal and finished with fruits / fruit, followed by cafe / coffee. -

The account / bill / receipt was quite reasonable, I said, as we were leaving.- We should come here more often.


Alice didn't agree.- From tomorrow, she said, we'll be back on a diet!

PRACTICE 4. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. 1) You are refusing food that is offered. You say, “....."

a) Thank you b) No, thank you c) Thanks

2) "Waiter, could you bring me my.....?"

a) addition b) bill c) account

3) You want some coffee. You say, "..... a cup of coffee, please,"

a) I like b) I love c) I'd like d) I may like

4) Do you drink coffee? -1 do, but I don't..... now, thank you.

a) want b) want any c) want some d) want i

5) A lot of people don't eat......

a) pig b) pork c) hog

6) This ..... is a speciality of our restaurant. 7) This chicken is not what I.....


a) plate b) serving c) dish a) called b) ordered c) commanded


8) Have you decided what to have for your main.....?

a) course b) helping c) food

9) I avoid eating biscuits and cakes because I don't want to......

a) get fat b) fatten c) get fatty

10) That was fantastic. Could I have a second..... please?

a) plate b) helping c) course

11) I bought this bread five days ago and now it's......

a) bad b) rotten c) stale d) hard

12) Can you give me the ..... for these biscuits. They're delicious.

a) receipt b) ingredients c) recipe

13) This salad should be dressed ..... oil.

a) with b) in c) by d) to

14) You like ice-cream, and......

a) me too b) I too c) so do I d) also I

15) Would you like.....?

a) a fruit b) some fruits c)fruits d) some fruit

PRACTICE 5. Complete each sentence with one of the endings. 1) There Is nothing more refreshing on a hot summer day

a) I'm sure you would like them if you only tried them.

2) The steak looked tender,

b) it is weak coffee.

3) The smell was so bad

c) as the food and the service had been excellent.

4) These vegetables are very tasty;

d) but was afraid of making a scene.

5) I wouldn't eat those strawberries if I were you,

e) if you had put more garlic in it.

6) Please put some more water in my tea,

f) but it was as tough as old boots.

7) If there is one thing I don't like,

g) as there's been yet another increase in prices.

8) The sauce would be more tasty

h) is keeping it in a fridge.

9) We must leave now.

i) than a glass of ice-cold fruit juice.

10)My father decided to leave the waiter a big tip

j) consists of some eggs and several rashers of bacon.

11) Food is very expensive now

k) I had a second helping.

12)The customer wanted to complain to the waiter

1) because it is too strong.

13)A good way of preserving food

m) they don't look ripe to me.

14)As the cake was delicious,

n) that it completely put us off our food.

15)A traditional English breakfast

o) Would you mind asking the waiter for the bill?

PRACTICE 6. Write the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation between a waiter and a customer. 1) Here you are. Would you like anything to drink? 2) Good evening, madam. Have you reserved a table? 3) Thank you. Could I see the menu? 4) I'm sorry, madam. The restaurant is no smoking only. Can I take your order? 5) Yes, I think so. Come this way, please. May I take your coat? 6) Yes, could I have a gin and tonic? Oh, and an ashtray please.


7) No, I'm afraid not. Could I possibly have a table near the window? 8) Yes, I'd like the crab salad, a beefsteak with vegetables and an ice - cream for dessert.

PRACTICE 7. Work in pairs. Compose your own dialogs and present to the rest of your group. PRACTICE 8. Put the words in the right order to make a dialogue. Capitalize the words where necessary. A: must / some / have / chicken / you / more.

A: with / you / have / tonic / won't / a / me / gin / and.

B: you / no / thank. I / too / had / already / much/ have.

B: kind /1 / that's / you / but / don't / will / very /

A: it / to / me / take / just / please.

A. think /1 / of.

B: OK/1 / manage/ a/ piece/ maybe/ small/ could/ very.

B: think / time /1 / off / it's / was /1.

A: about / a / coffee / you / before / cup / how / of / go?

A: So soon? stay / a / longer / can't / little / you?

B: if / having / you / one / are / only.

B: could /1 / mustn't / too / wish / late /1 / but / be /1.

A: take / milk / do / sugar / and / you?

A: pity / a / what!

B: much / and / too/ milk/ not/ just/ a/ spoonful/ please.

B: much / for / thanks / the / very / party / enjoyable.

A: you / to / what / like / drink / would?

A: was / to / pleasure / it / have / a / you. coming /

B: light / just / please / a / beer.

driving / am / I / know / you.

for / you / thank.

PRACTICE 9. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions with your partner: •

Where do you usually have your meals?

When do you eat out?

What do you prefer: eating out or eating at home? Why?

PRACTICE 10. Read the conversation and make notes under the following headings: Starter

Main course



In a Restaurant Waiter: Good evening, sir... madam. Shall I take your coats? Mr Brown: Thank you. Where shall we sit, Jane? W:

Oh, would you like to sit over here, sir? Near the window!

Mr B: Ah, yes... Could we see the menu? W:

Yes, certainly. Here it is.

Mr B: What would you like for a starter? Mrs B: Mm....I think I'll have the prawn salad. I'm very fond of prawns. What about you? Mr B: Fm not sure. I can't decide. Mrs B: Oh, Fd have the trout, if I were you. You always say that you like trout, and you haven't had it for a long time. W:

Are you ready to order, sir?

Mr B: Yes... a prawn coctail for my wife and the trout for me. W:

And the main course, sir?

Mr B: Veal for my wife. I can't decide between the veal and the chicken. What do you recommend? W:

Oh, if I were you, I'd have the veal

Mr B: OK! I'll take it And two mixed salads, please. W:

Any vegetables, sir?

Mr B: Yes. Some cauliflower, some tomatoes and some boiled potatoes, please. W:

Anything to follow?

Mr B: Yes, we'd like a bottle of dry white wine. W:

May I suggest something?

Mr B:

Of course.


Why don't you try a bottle of English wine? You'll be surprised... it's very good.

PRACTICE 11. Using the above dialogue as an example compose your own dialogues “In a Restaurant”/ “What’s on the menu today?”.


13. ORDERS ON THE PHONE PRACTICE 1. Study the vocabulary and compose sentences with the following words: telephone/ phone to phone to call/ make a call to dial to contact/ reach up tax to send a fax emergency call call collect to lift/ pick up the receiver to be on the phone hold the line/ hold on line the line is engaged to order/ make an order to delay the order to change the order to accept an order to reserve/ make a reservation account cash/ to pay in cash credit card/ to pay by credit card


PRACTICE 2. Read the dialogues A-C in pairs. A. A. Browns’ Restaurant. Can I help you? B. Good morning. I would like to reserve a table for 3 people for tomorrow dinner. A. I am happy to reserve you a table for tomorrow. What time exactly are you coming? B. I think at 6 p.m. A. I see. Smoking or non-smoking? B. Non-smoking please. A. Would you like to sit near the window or it would be a better variant to have a table in the corner for you? Corner tables are usually a quieter place. B. It would be good for us to sit in the corner I suppose as we are having a business meeting tomorrow. A. Fine! I have just made a reservation for a corner table! Would you like us to set the table for dinner before you come? B. That would be nice! A. And would you like anything to drink as soon as you come? B. No, thank you. We will have a look at the menu and decide tomorrow. A. Great! So we will set a nice table especially for you! C. Thank you! A. Thank you for calling! We will wait for you tomorrow at 6 p.m. Have a nice day! B. You too! Bye! A. Good-bye!

B. A. “Sweetie Rose”. Good afternoon! B. Good afternoon. Do you accept orders? A. Yes. What would you like to order? B. I would like to order a couple of birthday cakes for my anniversary. A. I am glad to help you! What kind of cakes would you like to order? B. I would like to have 2 fruitcakes. Biscuit and fruit, you know. A. Sure. They are very delicious. And what time would you like to receive your order? B. I would like to get it at 5 o’clock tomorrow evening. A. I see. Let me note your order onto the register. Yes, I have just placed it. Your fruitcakes will be ready to collect at 5 o’clock tomorrow. Would you like to pay in cash? 61

B. No. I would prefer paying by credit card. A. Fine. So we will fix that tomorrow then. B. Thanks! Bye! A. Thank you! Have a nice anniversary!

C. A. “John and Jane”. Can I help you? B. Hello. I would like to make money transfer into your account but I am not sure about the exact number of it. A. I see. And what kind of service would you like to pay for? B. I ordered 20 baked wedding decorations last month and I haven’t paid for that yet. A. That’s OK. You can successfully transfer money into our account No. xxx xxx xxx xxx. B. Fine. I’ll do that this afternoon. A. No problem. Your orders are always welcome! B. Thank you! Bye! A. Good bye! PRACTICE 3. Compose your own dialogues


14. REVISION PRACTICE 1. Work in groups. Choose a topic covered and ask your friends 10 words from the topic you have chosen. Give 1 point/ a word. The winner is the group having received the biggest number of points. PRACTICE 2. Answer the following questions. Pay attention to the structure of the questions. 1) What is the time now? 2) What are your working hours? 3) Do you work full time/ part-time/ shifts? 4) What kitchenware can be found there in your kitchen? 5) What’s on the menu today? 6) How much does cappuccino coffee cost in your café? 7) What’s your favourite food/ drink? 8) What do you usually like for breakfast? 9) What will you have for lunch today? 10) What did you have for dinner yesterday? 11) What dinner courses do you know? 12) What would you like for supper this evening? 13) What meals are included into traditional English breakfast? 14) What is traditional Lithuanian food? 15) What is healthy food? 16) What methods of food cooking/ preparing can you name? 17) Do you like eating out? Why?


REFERENCES 1. B. Imbrasienė LITHUANIAN TRADITIONAL FOODS, Vilnius, 1998 2. D. Guščiuvienė, L.Lenkauskienė 14 ENGLISH TOPICS, Kaišiadorys, 1998 3. L.Soars, J. Soars HEADWAY STUDENT’S BOOK, Oxford,1999 4. L.Soars, J. Soars HEADWAY WORKBOOK, Oxford,1999 5. R. Murphy ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE, Cambridge, 1997 6. V. Evans, J. Dooley ENTERPRISE 3 COURSEBOOK, Swansea, 1998 7. V. Evans, J. Dooley ENTERPRISE 3 WORKBOOK, Swansea, 1998 8. V. Evans, J. Dooley MISSION COURSEBOOK, Newbury, 2000 9. V. Evans, FCE USE OF ENGLISH, Newbury, 2000 10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki 11. http://www.vegsource.com/nutrition/pyramid.htm 12. www.bicyclegermany.com/german_food_&_drink.htm


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