English for Business Life Elementary

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Contents Introduction



Gifts and saying thank you



Checking facilities and information






Your colleagues



Your office building



How things work



Requesting information



Staying in a hotel




Booking conference facilities




Organising a trip



Hiring a car



Returning home


General note on contractions General note on capital letters in business titles Reference section Glossary of business-related terms Answers Audioscripts


UNIT 1 About you


UNIT 2 About your job


UNIT 3 About where you work


UNIT 4 Your business activities


UNIT 5 The location of your company


UNIT 6 The layout of your company



Meeting and welcoming

UNIT 8 The first tw o minutes UNIT 9

Partings and thanks

UNIT 10 Setting up a meeting




Confirming arrangements



Changing plans



Dealing with the unexpected



Explaining and apologising



Making contact by phone



Dealing with incoming calls



Leaving and taking messages



Email and telephone problems



Drinks and snacks



Eating out



Outings and sightseeing



Starting a journey


UNIT 23 Travelling


UNIT 24 Arriving and meeting contacts


96 97 118 121 135

Contents 3

Introduction This Self-study guide is part of the English for Business Life business English course. It follows the English for Business Life syllabus and language program me. Each level of the English for Business Life course has a Self-study guide - this is the elem entary level. This Self-study guide can be used: • as a stand alone self-study course • in class to supplem ent English for Business Life course work • for hom ew ork • as a key com ponent of the 'com prehensive' study track (the English for Business Life course has three study tracks: fast, standard and comprehensive) • as practice m aterial for learners w ho are following general English courses and need practice in everyday business English. Each unit begins with a recorded sum m ary of useful phrases and includes: • clear study notes • realistic practice exercises. At the back of the Guide are: • an easy-to-follow language Reference Section • a Glossary of key business-related terms • clear answers and audio text to support the practice exercises. The recorded m aterial is available on a CD which is included with the book. The recordings include standard accents and examples of people from different parts of the world speaking English. The comm on contracted forms used in real business com m unication (I'm, isn't, won't, etc.) are dem onstrated in the exercises. For details of the m ain contractions in this Guide, see the note on page 96.

Recommended study procedure • Listen to the Useful Phrases as often as possible and repeat w here appropriate.

4 Introduction

• Work through the Study Notes and refer to the Reference Section as indicated. • Note down words and phrases that are particularly useful to you. • Use a good dictionary to check the m eanings of unfam iliar words. • Work through the exercises and then check the answers at the back of the book.

Some study tips • Approach language learning with the same level of com m itm ent that you would any other project in your work. It can be useful to prepare a 'contract' with yourself in which you agree to do a certain am ount of work on your English per day/w eek/ m onth. • In our view, 'little and often' is m ore effective than occasional long study sessions. W hen you travel, take your Self-study guide with you. You can work with it at times that suit you - for example, w hen you are in your car, at hom e or on a plane. Journeys can provide a great opportunity for uninterrupted practice. • Use new language and phrases w henever possible. Live practice is the best way to learn new terms. • Keep a paper/electronic study file in which you note down the language most relevant to your everyday needs. • Relate the language presented and practised to your particular area of business. If there are term s you need which are not included in the material, do some research on the Internet, and consult Englishspeaking colleagues, friends and teachers. • Make use of the English-speaking media - in particular, facilities on the Internet. Listen to the radio and TV. Read professional journals and newspapers. Subscribe to an English magazine which interests you from a work or leisure point of view'.


About you Some useful phrases Listen to the recording and repeat Hello, are you Tom Young? Yes, I am. No, I am (I'm) not. Good morning, my name is Mary Segal. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening, Mrs Segal. I work for MAT. I work in the finance department. Finance


What do you do? I'm an accountant. an accountant a sales rep


an engineer a designer

Study notes H ello We often use hi instead of hello in informal situations. ... are you Tom Young? See Reference Section 11.1 for subject pronouns (I, you etc.) Listen to these pronouns and repeat. Singular I You He She It Plural We You They Are you ...? Yes, I am. See Reference Section 1.1 for details of the verb to be. My n am e is ... Notice these alternatives: first name given name family name last name

Christian name surname

G ood m orn ing, Mrs Segal. Listen to these titles and repeat: Mr Mrs Miss Ms

what is (What's) your first name? What's your number? It is (It's) 020259366 first name family name home number work number mobile number

I'm an accou n tan t. a becomes an before a vowel (a e i o u).

Where are you from? I'm from MAT in Hamburg. Here is my card.

... an a ccou n tan t ... an en gin eer ... a sales rep ... a design er We use a!an before occupations. See also Reference Section 9.1.

It's nice to meet you. Pleased to meet you.

rep rep = representative

IT IT = inform ation technology

What's your num ber? Listen to these num bers and repeat: 0 (oh/zero) 1 {one) 2 (two) 5 (five) 6 (six) 7 (seven)

3 {three) 8 (eight)

4 {four) 9 (nine)

About you 5

Practice Telephone numbers

e.g. Is she an . . & ■ & ? a I work for a .............................company. b It's a .................... ........ job. c Is it a n ................ ............nam e? d It isn't a n ............ ................ company. e Are you a ........... f We're a ............... ..............company. g I think it's a ....... ..................... num ber.

1 Listen and complete these phone num bers.


73...?..... Q... 46...?,.. 100 . 8 ...... 39 2 ......... ............ 1 .. . ....62 .... ...6 1 .... 0 6 ...... ....... 52 ...... 2 628 3 ... 00

C aJL b c d e f


Simple exchanges

2 Listen to the dialogues and fill in the gaps.


D ialogu e 1 - a ..fcX&IAS£..!*£........................................................... are you Eddie Yung from BIT? - b .................................................................................. - c .................................................................................. d My name's Kurt Jarvis. I'm from Key Trading in Hong Kong. e ..................................................................................? -


D ialogue 2 Hi, I'm Tina Awola. - f ........................................................................ Tina. I work for the International Credit Bank, in Lagos. -


h ............................................................................. i ............................................................................. Here's my card. W hat do you do at the International Credit Bank? j

............................................................................ I'm a lawyer.

Vocabulary, a/an 3 Fill in the gaps using each of the words in the box once. accountant / Italian international 6 UNIT 1

Germ an good manufacturing

Japanese sales manager

Read the text, then complete the exchanges. Terry M aynard: 'M y nam e's Terry M aynard. I w ork for Fox Construction, Glasgow. I'm in the IT departm ent. I'm an IT manager. My work num ber is 765 67 100.' Lucy G om m e: 'I'm Lucy Gomme from Spar Engineering, Chicago. I'm an electrical engineer. I w ork in the m aintenance departm ent. My num ber is 34 67 22.' e.g. You: Is Terry M aynard an accountant? LG:

ke- j.SW.’t . r

. . B

. ^

r . .........

a You: ............................................................................. TM: No, she isn't. She's from Spar Engineering, Chicago. b You: Is your num ber 34 67 22? LG: .............................................................................. c You: ............................................................................. TM: No, it isn't. It's in Glasgow. d You: Is Ms Gomme's first nam e Mary? TM: ............................................................................. e You: ............................................................................. TM: No, I'm not. I'm in the IT departm ent. f

You: Is Ms Gomme an electrical engineer? TM: .............................................................................

g You: Are you from Fox Construction, Glasgow? LG: ..............................................................................


About your job Some useful phrases Listen to the recording and repeat What do you do? I work for an insurance company called Sarf. an insurance company a glass manufacturer

a bank a law firm

How do you spell Sarf? How do you spell that? S-A-R-F.



I work in Sales. I work in the European Sales Team. I'm (the) assistant manager. assistant


I'm (the) deputy sales director. Do you like your work? Yes, I do. No, I do not (don't). Yes, I like it very much.

W hat do you do? / 1 w ork for ... These are examples of the Simple Present tense. See also Reference Section 2.1. H ow do you sp ell Sarf? Listen to the alphabet and repeat: a b c d e f g h j k 1 m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Note the US and UI< pronunciation of z. UI< = zed; US = zee

I am (I'm) on the sales side. I work in the sales department. department

Study notes

I w ork in Sales. You can say: I work in Sales or I work in the sales department. See Reference Section 9.2 for uses of the. See also the notes on capital letters in business titles on page 96. I'm th e assistan t m anager. You can say, e.g.: I am the assistant manager or I am assistant manager. I am the IT manager or I am IT Manager. See Reference Section 9.2 for uses of the. See also the notes on capital letters in business titles on page 96. Yes, I lik e it very m uch. Notice these object pronouns: Singular Plural me us you you him they her they it they See also Reference Section 11.1.

About your job 7

Practice Listening for key information

Use o f the a n d -

1 Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps using the words in the box.

3 Fill in the gaps w ith the or - .

assistant law firm

Benedict manager

Claude M onaco

d epartm e nt Saffer Security


I am o n ..... ............... sales side.

b They work i n .....................Purchasing. c

She i s .....................deputy sales director.

d Do you work i n ....................service departm ent? e W ho i s ..................... finance director? N am e

C om pany

a Cld'ttde-

c ................ Rhodes Associates ( b ..............)

Dumas Mila e ..............

f ................ (insurance company)



P ositio n Accounts d ..............

g .............. head of the legal h .............

Object pronouns: me, him, etc. 2 Fill in the gaps using object pronouns, e.g. I lik e .... !.T.......(my job) very m uch. a

Do you k n o w ................. (Mrs Levison, the Assistant M anager)?

b You know your Chairman, but does he know ? c

She lik es................... (her colleagues) very m uch.


I don't k n o w .................. (the Finance Director, Mr Boyce) very well.

e We don't know the new manager, and he doesn't k n o w ..................... f

Does she lik e .................. (your ideas)?

g I know her, but she doesn't k n o w .....................

8 UNIT 2


Ivo and Maria work i n .....................European sales team.

g My boss is head o f .....................IT division. h They work f o r .....................insurance company o n .....................second floor.

Spelling 4 Practise spelling the following, a Your first name. b Your family nam e, c The nam e of your town/city, d The nam e of your company.

Identifying yourself 5 Read this statem ent, then w rite a statem ent about yourself. ‘My name is Paulo Chitolina. I w o rk fo r an insurance com pany called Etaak. It’s a Brazilian company. I w o rk in Sao Paulo. I'm an electrical engineer I w o rk on the maintenance side. I'm Assistant Manager


About where you work Study notes

Some useful phrases Listen to the recording and repeat Where do you work? I work in an office in the centre of town, office factory warehouse building What is (What's) the address? 97 Geneva Road. Road Street Avenue


it is (It's) near the station. It's not far from the airport. There are some good restaurants nearby. restaurants




There are not (aren't) any shops. Do you have a cafeteria? Do you have a car park? We have an excellent cafeteria. There is (There's) a car park in the basement. My office is on the first floor, first


We must meet for lunch. Good idea.


W hat is th e address? 97 G eneva Road. Road has a capital letter R w hen it is used in a nam e. Notice these abbreviations: Road - Rd. Street - St. Avenue = Av. Drive = Dr. Square = Sq. Place = PL 97 G eneva Road See Reference Section 20.1 for cardinal num bers: one, two, three etc. There are som e good restaurants nearby. There aren't any shops. See Reference Sections 1.2 for there is! are, and 13.1 for some Iany. Note that some nouns are 'countable' - we can count them: a shop, two shops, some shops. Some nouns are 'uncountable' - we m easure them : some milk (not a milk), a litre of milk, two litres of milk (not some milks). D o you h ave a cafeteria? We h ave an e x c e lle n t cafeteria. See Reference Section 1.3 for examples of the Present Tense of the verb to have. ... in th e basem en t. Notice the prepositions on the first Isecond floor and on the ground floor. But in the basement. UK English, ground floor = US English, first floor. ... on th e first floor. See Reference Section 20.2 for ordinal num bers: first, second, third, etc.

About where you work 9

Practice Saying what you do and where you work 1 Listen to the speaker and answ er the questions, a W here does she work? b W hat's the address? c W hich floor is her office on? d Do they have any warehouses?

Ordinal numbers Listen to these (ordinal) num bers and write the form of the abbreviations in full. First 6th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

7th 8th 9th 10th

The verb to have 4 Write the correct form of to have in the gaps.


Are there any cafes in M orton Street?

a The building.................................ten floors. No, it doesn't, i t .........................................nine.

Cardinal numbers 2 Listen to these num bers and fill the blanks. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

one two three four . i ' m ....... six seven eight nine ten twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen seventeen eighteen nineteen

10 UNIT 3

. ... a canteen? e.g. (y o u )....P? Yes, we do - it's on the seventh floor.

20 tw enty 21 tw'enty-one 22 23 tw enty-three 24 tw enty-four 25 26 twenty-six 27 tw enty-seven 28 tw enty-eight 29 tw enty-nine 30 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 a hundred

b W here do you make your products? W e .................................a factory near Naples. c

(your h o te l)....................................a car park? No, it doesn't.

d (th e y ).................................a w arehouse near the airport? Yes, they do. e The factory ................................... any cafes or restaurants nearby. Yes, I know, but i t .................................. a good canteen.


there is/are; some/any

5 Fill in the gaps in the dialogue using words from the box.

6 Complete the examples using there isIare and/or some!any.

address in

any near

basement on

fo r some

have w here


A: We m ust m eet a ........................................lunch. B: Good idea. A: b ......................do you work? B: I work c ......................an office d ....................... the station. A: Are there e .........................restaurants nearby? B: No, there aren't, but there are f ...................... good restaurants g ......................Start Street. And we h ......................an excellent canteen. A: W hat's the i ......................?

e.g. - Is there

- No, b u t ...................................... m ineral water. a - Are th e r e ......................shops near your office? - Yes,........................ b - Do you have a car park? - No, b u t ........a car park near the station. c - Do you h a v e ......................shops in the building? - Yes,..........................on the ground floor. d - Is th e r e ......................milk? - Yes, it's in the fridge. e

- .....................cafes or restaurants nearby - Yes, that's true, b u t ......................in Henry Square.


- ..................... a translation unit in the building? - Yes,........................ one in the basem ent.


- .....................good bars near here? - N o ,........................

B: 69 Axel Road. My office is j ......................the sixth floor. A: Do you have a car park?

fruit juice?

B: Yes, its in the k ........................

- ......................in Oslo Street? - No, b u t ......................in Oslo Place.

About where you work 11


Your business activities Some useful phrases Listen to the recording and repeat What does your company do? We make parts for computers. We are (We're) in the IT industry, make parts export shoes import cars sell insurance We're in the insurance business. What are you working on at the moment? We're working on a new product. We're developing a new management information system. We're building a factory in Thailand. We're opening an office in Russia. How is (How's) business? Is business going well? Yes, it is. No, it is not (isn't). We're making a lot of money. Where are your main markets? We do a lot of business in Western Europe. We do not (don't) do much business in the Far East. We do 90% of our business in South America. Do you do much business in Eastern Europe? Yes, quite a lot. No, not much.

Study notes m ak e p a rts/d o a lo t o f busin ess Make m eans to create or construct. We make parts for computers. Do is used to talk about activities, especially work: We do a lot of business in Western Europe. Note the expressions to make money and we are making a lot of money. See also Reference Section 18.1 for uses of make and do. W hat are you w o rk in g on at th e m o m en t? We are d e v e lo p in g a n e w ... system . Compare the Present Continuous tense and the Simple Present tense. What does your company do? (Simple) What are you working on at the moment? (Continuous) See Reference Section 2.2 for the Present Continuous tense. We are m ak in g a lo t o f m oney. We d on 't do m u ch b u siness in ... Notice these examples a lot of/lots of much and many. A ffirm ative: We are making a lot of/lots of money. They export a lot of/lots of shoes. N egative: We aren't making much money. They don't export many shoes. Interrogative: Are you making much money? Yes, (quite) a lot. / Yes, a lot. / No, not much. Do they export many shoes? Yes, (quite) a lot. / Yes, a lot. / No, not many. See also Reference Section 13.3. ... W estern Europe. ... S ou th A m erica. See Reference Section 20.13 for parts of the world. 90% o f our business 90% = ninety per cent 75% = seventy-five per cent

12 UNIT 4

Practice Dialogue


i We have an excellent production manager. ii We are having an excellent production manager.

B: W e're b ........................................................................ We c ............................................programmes from the States and Japan.


i Business goes very well, ii Business is going very well.

A: W here d ..................................................................... ?


i I like my work very much. ii I am liking my work very much.

1 Listen to the dialogue and fill in the gaps. .

A: W hat a d oer






........................ ?

B: About e ....................................................................... our business is f ....................................................... A: Do you do g ...............................................................? B: No, h ............................................................................ A: How are things going i ............................................ ?

Questions 3 Match the questions with the responses.

B: Very well. W e're selling a new programme for managers in medium-sized companies, and j ....................................................................................

The Present Continuous vs. the Simple Present 2 Choose the correct form of the verb. . W hat do you do?

i I work for a company called Nix.


ii I am working for a company called Nix. i We make spare parts. ii We are making spare parts.

g h i

W hat does your company do?

□ □

How is business?

i Not good. We don't make any money. ii Not good. We aren't making any money.

□ □

i How do you spell your name? ii How are you spelling your name?

□ □

i We build a new factory in South Africa. ii We are building a new factory in South Africa.

□ □

□ □ □ □ □ □

Who do you work for? W hat business are you in? W here's your office? W here are your m ain markets? How m any people are there in your departm ent? Do you have any factories in Eastern Europe? How m uch business do you do in the Far East? W hat are you working on at the m om ent? How's business?

□ □ □ m

□ □ n

□ □

i We do 90 per cent of our business in North America. ii Yes, we have one in Hungary and one in Poland. iii iv V information system. vi vii viii ix

Your business activities 13

Writing about your company

Parts o f the world; percentages

4 Read this statem ent, then write a statem ent about your company (or one you know).

6 Write sentences about your company, using the table as a guide.

‘Prada SA make satellite dishes.Their head office is in Paris, but th e ir main factories are in IndiaThey are building a new factory near Bombay at th e m om ent.They are developing a new "m ini-dish".’

a lot of/m uch/m any; make/do 5 Complete these sentences with: - a lot of, a lot, much, many - the correct form of make or do e.g. - Are y o u ..... ...................... any profit? - No, not v e ry ..........*V./W£rl'V.......... a - W hat does your c o m p a n y ............................ ? - We sell shoes. b W e .......................... ................................work for Microsoft. c - H o w ................... ........ sales reps do they have? - N o t..................... d W e .......................... .. parts for the car industry. e We h a v e ................ ...........customers in France. f - Are th e r e ............................ hotels near you? - Yes, q u ite ................................ g We d o n 't ................ business in Central America. h We a r e n 't.............. money. ? i - W hat are y o u ... - I 'm ...................... ..... a telephone call. j - H o w ................... ........ time do you need? - N o t..................... k I like my job very .. I I 'm .......................... coffee - would you like some? 14 UNIT 4


We; d?. fo-hp.yt.. 3 5 7 ° . .P'W blASjw&SS . ..i.'H jrWe- F ftr.frx s f ...........................................

We do about

ten per cent (10%)

of our business in

Western Europe.

We import about

fifty per cent (50%)

of our materials from

the Far East.

We export about

ninety per cent (90%)

of our products to

South America.


jp j

The location of your company Study notes

Some useful phrases Listen to the recording and repeat Where are your company's main offices? Our head office is in Singapore. Our engineers' offices are ... ... two kilometres away. ... five kilometres west of the city. ... ten kilometres to the south. north




Do you have any distributors in Korea? We have one in the south-west of the country. south-west north-west

south-east north-east

Where are your production plants? They are (They're) not far from Seoul. Where are they exactly? They're in Inchon. It is (It's) a big city. city


It's a small village. village


Is it far from Pusan? It's about 300 kilometres away. It's about 300 kilometres from Pusan.

... your com pany's m ain ... Our en gin eers' o f fic e s ... Notice these examples of possessive nouns. See also Reference Section 10.4. ... m ain offices Notice these regular plurals: office —* offices kilometre —* kilometres distributor —► distributors See also Reference Section 10.1 for com m on exceptions. Our head office ... Listen to these possessive adjectives. Singular: my your his her Plural:our your their See also Reference Section 11.2.


...i n th e so u th -w e st o f th e country. Notice these prepositions: It is south of the city. It is in the south of the county. See also Reference Section 20.12 for the points of the compass. Is it far from Pusan? Notice the propositions: They are not fa r from Seoul. It is about 300 kilometres aw ay (from Pusan). 300 k ilom etres Numbers 100-1000 300 three hundred 900 nine hundred 360 three hundred and sixty 920 nine hundred and twenty See Reference Section 20.1 for m ore examples.

The location of your company 15

Practice Reading a map; compass points

Possessive adjectives and possessive nouns

1 Listen to the recording and m ark the places listed in Box 1 on the map. Then write sentences giving the location of the places in Box 2. Box I


M anchester

D o ve r


Complete the sentences using the inform ation below. N am e

N u m ber


Tinto Inc

6872 543

Non-Executive Directors

Ray Bunghi Mai Nixon

4002 356 3679 901

M anaging Director

Wallace Bright



Cathy Fongello

6871 730

Sales M anager

Anne Grundig

6871 774


Maria Cobb

6871 395


Box 2 Plymouth

C ardiff



e.g. .The



i s ..

Tinto Inc.


........................................................ 6872 543.


........................................................ Wallace Bright.


........................................................ 6871 227.


........................................................ Ray Bunghi and Mai Nixon.


....................................................... 4002 356 and 3679 901.


........................................................ 6871 395.


........................................................ Maria Cobb.


........................................................ Anne Grundig.

Dialogue 3 Fill in the gaps using the following words and phrases. about m ain.-'

A: B: A: B: 16 UNIT 5

away place

exactly th a t

far from to the n o rth

W here's your a ....... !*$■.)1S....... production? It's in a b ..........................called Denia. W here's c ......................... ? It's in Spain.

A: But w here d ..........................? B: It's e ..........................a hundred kilometres to the w'est of Valencia. A: Is it f ..........................Madrid? B: Yes, Madrid is about 400 kilometres g .........................., to the north-w est. A: And how far is it from Marseilles? B: Oh, Marseilles is about 900 kilometres h ............................

Numbers 100-1000; plural nouns 5 Re-write the inform ation below using plural nouns e.g. factory/730 &&&............. f h .ir t ^ .^c^tjrpr j&s........................................ a salesperson/350 ...................................................... b boss/1 2 6 .................................................................... c branch/248 ......... ..................................................... d shelf/580 ...................................................................

Writing about your company 4 Read the statem ent below, then write about your company (or one you know).

e w om an/870 .............................................................. f

m an/121 ...................................................................

g radio/690 .................................................................. h com pany/916...........................................................

‘I w o rk fo r a com pany called DFG Electronics. It’s a small com pany w ith its main offices in Bristol. Bristol is about 120 miles w est o f London. O u r main sales office is in a place called Slough, a to w n about 20 miles w est o f London. A hundred and th irty people w o rk fo r th e company: ninety men and fo rty w om an.’


address/412 ..............................................................

The location of your company 17


The layout of your company Some useful phrases Listen to the recording and repeat Can you sign in please?

This is your visitor's pass. The main building is that way. This place is a warehouse. The sales department is through those doors, this that these those Where is (Where's) the service centre? It is (It's) over there, it's behind the main biock. It's next to the sales department. The entrance is opposite the showroom.

Study notes This is you r visitor's pass. T he to ile t is th a t w ay. This I these are used with people or things that are near to the speaker: This is my boss. It's up these stairs. That!those are used with people or things that are not near to the speaker: That woman is an accountant. Production is in those buildings. See also Reference Section 12.1. ... th rou gh th o se doors. Notice these prepositions of direction. See also Reference Section 17.3.


How do I find it?

Go down here.

Drive up there.

Walk along this road. It's on the left, road corridor left right

The toilet is that way. It's upstairs. upstairs


It's the second door on the right.

18 UNIT 6

□ past

... b eh in d th e m ain block. Notice these prepositions of place. See also Reference Section 17.2.

B straight on

-£ > through




□ on

next to

in front of


.Ln R on the left of

•0 behind Ln R . on the right of

Go d o w n here. D rive up there. Here, go I drive are imperatives. You form the imperative from the infinitive. to go —►Go along here. to drive —►Drive down here. You form the negative with do not: (Do not) Don 'tgo that way. [Do not) Don't drive this car. See also Reference Section 5.

Practice Identifying buildings


1 Listen to the recording and complete the key. The speakers are at the main gate.

3 Fill in the gaps in this dialogue using the words in the box. along on

behind main /

block place

entrance that

how your

A: That's the a .... .................production building over there. B: W hat's this b ..........................? A: It's the testing area. B: W here's c ..........................R&D section? A: It's in the workshop and m aintenance d ........................... 1

B: W here's e ..........................? A: It's f ......................... the adm in building. B: g ......................... do I find it? A: Go h ......................... here, past the car park. It's the second building i ..........................the left. The j ......................... is opposite the main gate.

Giving directions 4

Demonstrative adjectives: this/that etc.

Complete the exchanges. You are at the Main gate.

Site plan

2 Write this, that, these or those in the gaps. e.g. 'fh'fof..... building there is the conference centre. a ......................... places on the left here are all workshops. b I s ................. path here the way to the m ain gate? c Is the personnel section i n ............... offices here? d The accounts departm ent is th ro u g h ..................... door over there. e W h a t's......................... place here? f

......................... room over there is my office.

g The paint shop is th ro u g h ......................... doors over there.

I Conference centre 2 Testing area 3 Paint shop 4 C ar park 5 Main block

6 Main production building 7 W orkshops and Maintenance 8 W arehouse and Stores (G oods Inwards)

9 Main gate The layout of your company 19

a W here's the conference centre?

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