English Factfile Teacher Book 6

October 20, 2017 | Author: Ruxandra Oprea | Category: Apollo Program, Neil Armstrong, Science, Space Programme, Nature
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Teacher's Book...



Alaviana Achim • Ecaterina Comi,el • Felicia Dinu . Loretta Mastacan • Ruxandra Popovici • Elena Teodorescu


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Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon Str eet, Oxford OX2 6DP , Unit ed Kingdom Oxford University Press, Edu cational Centre SRL, 43 .Ior ga Str eet , Buch a rest, Romani a Oxford New York Athens Auckland Bangk ok Buenos Aires Bogota Bombay Calcutta Cape Town Dar es Salaam Delhi Floren ce Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madras Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi Paris Singapor e Taipei Tokyo Toronto

and associated comp anies in Berlin Ibadan OXFORD and OXFORD ENGLISH are tr ad e marks of Oxford Univers ity Press ISB 0193120399 © Oxford Unive rsi ty Pr ess 1997

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Print ed in Romania

Contents Introduction Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Round Up 1 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Round Up 2 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Round p 3


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Tests Test 1 Units 1-4 Test 2 Units 5-7 Test 3 Units 8-10


Answer key



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Introduction •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Pathway to English is your English course for the seconda ry level. It is in eight part s, for Grad es 5-12 respec tively. Th is book at Grade 6 level is called English Faetfile. It builds on th e foundati ons laid by Gr ad e 5 English classes and assumes th at stude nts entering Grade 6 will have completed a course like Eng lish Agenda.

What are the organising principles of English Factfile? The syllabus is topi c-b ased . Thi s decisi on was ma de in recogn ition of the fact th at learners are more likely to be motiva ted by topi cs than by structural or functi onal he adin gs to units. Howev er this does not mean that structures. functions and voca bulary are ignor ed . Th e topi c basi s is und erpinned by a syste matic. gr ade d gr ammatical syllabus, some of it recycling grammar tau ght in Gra des 2-5, and som e moving on to new areas. Vocabulary is largely organised round the topi cs. Importantly, th e main focu s of English Factfile is on e ffective communica tion. which me ans that gr eat att ention is paid to langu ag e in use , with an emphasis on th e four language skills of listeni ng, speaking, r eading and writing, and on communica tive function s . We have also includ ed a syste ma tic introdu ction to English word and sente nce stre ss. The interrelationship between the different elem ents in th e syllabus is sbow n in th e chart at th e begin ning of th e Studen t's Book.

What kind of methodology does English Factfile imply? I »oktng at the language primarily as a means of communication ha s consequences for the way we teach it. In writing English Factfi.le, we were aware, too, of th e need to tak e acco unt of wid er developments in tJ,c field of language teaching and oducation ill gene ral. Here are the main principl es we have tried to put into practice in this ne w course: 1. Learner-centredness . The le arn er is at the ce ntre of all classroom processes. Without learners , ther e would be no teach ers . Yet in so m any lan guage class es, it is th e teache r wh o dominates and gets more languag e pra ctice. We have tri ed to reflect learners ' interests as far as pos sibl e in our choice of topi cs. We have tried (through pair-work and group-work activiti es) to maximise

oppor tunities for practice in sp eaking th e language . In Rom anian classr ooms , pair wo rk is generally easy, since most stude nts have a de skm ate they ca n work with. Groups of four can be form ed in at least two ways: a) with fixed desks :

(pairs of students turn round to face those behind th em ; the teacher (f) can move from group to group in order to monitor)

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