Descripción: Examen de nivel de ingles para estudiantes intermedios....
Units 1–2 A
Listen Listen to the the conversat conversations. ions. Check Check () the correct correct answers answers.. (4 POINTS)
1. Matt grew up in
3. According to Kate, there
aren’t enough safe paces to ride !ic"ces.
is too $uch traffic.
%ashington, &.C.
aren’t enough !uses.
'. Mia used to
. ivia can *oin a car poo !"
pa" with od to"s.
asking a neigh!or for a ride.
coect co$ic !ooks.
visiting a we!site.
watch $"steries.
riding to work with +o!.
Co$pete the conversations. se the past tense.
1. A- %here %here / #- 0 was !orn in ok"o. ok"o. '. A- &id &id in in high schoo/ #- 2o, she didn’t pa" soccer in high high schoo. he pa"ed !asket!a. 3. A- %hen fro$ fro$ coege/ #- he" graduated fro$ fro$ coege in '411. '411.
Circe the correct word or phrase.
1. 5ver" su$$er, su$$er, Kara Kara used to go to the (!each 6 cra"on 6 cat) with her friends. '. 0 rea" en*o"ed en*o"ed pa"ing pa"ing (scrap!ook (scrap!ook 6 video ga$es 6 to"s) when 0 was a teenager. 3. Mike had so$e unusua pets, incuding a fish and a (co$ic !ook 6 ra!!it 6 pa"ground).
7ut the words in the correct order to $ake sentences.
1. (ights 6 needs 6 cit" 6 $ore 6 this 6 street) . '. (poution 6 is is 6 and 6 $uch 6 there 6 traffic traffic 6 too 6 air) . 3. (fewer 6 shoud 6 noise 6 there 6 ess 6 !e 6 cars cars 6 and) .
Co$pete the conversation. se the correct for$ of used to and the ver!s given.
A- (go) to the pa"ground when "ou were a chid/ #- =uestions and the words given. (4 POINTS) %hen does the $useu$ open/ (&o) Example: Do you know when the museum opens? 1. %here is the nearest su!wa" station/ (&o) '. ?ow $uch does a train ticket cost/ (Coud) 3. %here is the !est !ookstore in town/ (&o) . %hat ti$e do the dut">free shops cose/ (Can)
+ead the artice. hen check () the correct answers. (4 POINTS)
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