English Course

April 7, 2019 | Author: Bruna Kharyn | Category: English Language, Grammatical Number, Syntax, Linguistic Morphology, Grammar
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Short Description

Slides for one out of 14 classes of introduction to the English language, directed to Latin students. Focus on structur...


English Course with Focus on Conversations CLASS 2

Review of previous class 


Personal pronouns

Verb to be

Basic vocabulary construction

Basic epressions !greetings" s#all tal$%&

2 ' e a c h e r B r

u n a

Alphabet - pronunciation Vowels( A E ) * +

, ' e a c h e r B r

u n a

Personal pronouns - singular

. ' e a c h e r B r


Verb to be:

) a#

) a# a #an/ ) a# happy to0ay1

u n a

Personal pronouns - singular

3 ' e a c h e r B r

  ou

Verb to be:

 ou are

 ou are a stu0ent/  ou are beautiful to0ay/

u n a

Personal pronouns - singular

5 ' e a c h e r B r

Verb to be:

4e 4e is a boy/ 4e is happy to0ay/

4e is

u n a

Personal pronouns - singular

6 ' e a c h e r B r

Verb to be:

She She is a girl/ She is happy to0ay/

She is

u n a

Personal pronouns - singular

7 ' e a c h e r B r

Verb to be:


)t is

)t is a cat/ )t is a blue boo$/

u n a

Personal pronouns - plural

9 ' e a c h e r B r

Verb to be:

8e 8e are frien0s/ 8e are Bra:ilian/

8e are

u n a

Personal pronouns - plural

;< ' e a c h e r B r

Verb to be:

 ou  ou are frien0s/  ou are Bra:ilian/

 ou are

u n a

Personal pronouns - plural

;; ' e a c h e r B r

Verb to be:


 'hey are

 'hey are frien0s/  'hey are happy to0ay/

u n a

Practice – Filling in

;2 ' e a c h e r B r

Fill in the verb to be( 

) ===== a stu0ent/

 ou ===== a teacher/

4e ==== a goo0 boy/

8e ==== ba0 in sports/

 'o##y an0 ) ==== ecellent 0ancers/

Bran0on" you ==== very nice/

Ro#eu ==== asleep/

Answers( 

am; are; is; are; are; are; is

 'o##y an0 ) > 8e Ro#eu !cat& > )t? 4e

u n a

Review of previous class – small talk  4i" @avi01

Dice seeing you > Bo# ver voc

4i" Cynthia1 4ow are you )# ne" @avi0/ An0 you

)# ne" too/// 8ell" nice seeing you/ Bye1 See you later" @avi01

;, ' e a c h e r B r

u n a

;. ' e a c h e r B r

Det( +ES')*DS 8)'4 VERB '* BE V*CAB+LAR AD@ EGPRESS)*DS

u n a

uestions – verb to be 

) a# free/

A# ) free

AHr#ative(((( Pronoun? Da#e I Verb to be I JJJJJ/

)nterrogative((((( Verb to beI Pronoun? Da#eI JJJJJJ

;3 ' e a c h e r B r

u n a

uestions – verb to be 

4e is a stu0ent/

)s he a stu0ent

She is ol0/

)s she ol0

8e are young/

Are we young

 ou are a boy/

Are you a boy

) a# tall/

A# ) tall

)t is blue/

)s it blue

;5 ' e a c h e r B r

u n a

Ko0el 4ey" @avi01 )s she your frien0


' e a c h e r B r

)s he your frien0

 es" she is/ %


4ey" Carl/ )s it your cat )s it blue  es" it is1

)t is very cute1



u n a

Pause for alphabet1 
























;7 ' e a c h e r B r

u n a


 'i#e for practice in class


' e a c h e r B r

u n a

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