English Conjunction YDS

March 29, 2017 | Author: Fatih Mehmet Şen | Category: N/A
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YDS 2016 Özet Bilgiler 7. Many teenagers suffer from acne, which is triggered by hormonal changes at puberty, ---- it usually clears up as they reach their 20s.

♦ Bağlaç sorularında genelde zıtlık, sebep-sonuç, ekleme ve karşılaştırma bilgileri sorgulanmaktadır.

A) thereby D) because

B) but E) once

C) if

Sebep sonuç ilişkisinde iki tarafın da “+ “- / -“ olması gerekir.

/ +“ veya

1. Our facial expressions are stronger than verbal communication, ---- it is more honest and difficult to fake. A) even if D) because

 

A) unless D) during

commonly widely generally most majority until recently

1. ---- major reforms, small businesses still find it difficult to raise capital, as credit institutions often prefer to grant loans to established companies. A) In case D) Besides

B) Despite E) In addition

A) due to D) otherwise

A) though D) therefore

B) Now that E) Because

B) Given E) Though

B) Now that E) Just as

A) so that D) as if

C) besides

B) because E) whereas

C) whether

so that kendisinden sonraki cümlede genelde can / could / may / might gibi bir modal ister. In a workplace, standardization of skills involves considerable training of personnel ---- they can carry out organizational policies with few faults.

C) Now that

6. ---- commonly associated with hot and dry environments, reptiles are found in a wide range of habitats and climates around the world. A) Although D) Since

B) otherwise E) still

C) Therefore

5. ---- not widely used due to high costs, tidal energy is called the power resource of future given the depletion rate of current energy resources. A) Thus D) Rather

C) whereas

5. The Silk Route was an area of transit trade in ancient times, ---- it offered important pathways between Europe and Asia.

C) just as

4. ---- some genes are found to be associated with certain types of behavior, the contribution they make is too small to draw a proper conclusion. A) Even if D) Otherwise

B) although E) but

4. A nation shares a common history and language; ----, a nation-state is thought of as a place where people follow the same cultural and social patterns.

B) Regarding C) Although E) On account of

B) whereas E) much as

C) as

C) Even if

3. Most software errors and faults are fairly easy to fix, --- hardware errors can be devastating and harder to diagnose. A) since D) thus

B) before E) so that

3. Between 2000 and 2014, polar bear numbers dropped by 70% ---- the shrinking of ice shelf caused by global warming.

2. ---- the common belief, the Maya civilization was not a united empire but a combination of separate peoples with a common cultural background. A) Contrary to D) In view of

C) so that

2. Extinction occurs when the last individual of a species dies, and the loss is permanent, ---- once a species is extinct, it can never reappear.

Sorulara “+ / -“ ilişkisi bağlamında bakılmalı. Zıtlık gösteren sinyal kelimeler: still also some / many

B) in case E) as though

C) When

A) though E) as if

B) so that D) because

C) whereas

Science communicators explain complex science topics in simple language ---- public can understand. A) despite E) but

B) so that D) as if

C) although

YDS 2016 Özet Bilgiler      

Given Due to Owing to Because of In view of On account of bağlaçlarından sonra cümle gelmez; ancak “the fact that” ifadesi eklenerek cümle getirilebilir. This is the best possible outcome given the circumstances.

more / better / less / worse gibi comparative sıfatlardan önce gelebilecek kelimeler:

far more much more even better somewhat higher 

slightly better rather cooler a lot worse a little more

Cümle tamamlama sorularında mutlaka 3-Z (Zarf / Zaman / Zamir) kuralına en uygun ve konuyla en alakalı şık seçilmeli, boşa göndermelere dikkat etmeliyiz.

2012 KPDS İlkbahar If they are striving to do their work ethically, ----. A) history teachers will need to discuss the moral implications of events with their students B) no one can effectively teach children how people should behave in such a conflict Boşa gönderme C) citizens’ worldviews are often related to the realities of their daily lives D) there will be aspects of human rights that underpin society E) how processes are described in a society is very important

a more better life Zarf = If genelde if + present yapıları diğer tarafta modal (will) ister.

best / most / least / worst gibi superlative sıfatlardan önce sadece “by far” sonra ise “ever” kullanılabilir.

Zamir = they ikinci cümlede bu “they” kim belirtilir. Zaman = are striving * Son olarak, konuyla ilgili anahtar kelimeleri barındıran şık genelde

Of all / among kelimeleri genelde superlative (most / -est) sıfat ister.



whether genelde bilinmezlik/belirsizlik anlatan fiillerden sonra kullanılır.

Örnek: determine whether question whether

debate over whether controversy whether

---- sıfat ---- şeklindeki sorularda, devamında cümle varsa so / that, cümle yoksa as / as veya more / than cevap olacaktır.

With a nuclear weapon, the objective is to release the energy ---- rapidly ---- possible and produce a nuclear explosion. A) as / as D) so / that

Whether you are interested in the ancient, medieval, or modern world, ----. A) the Cities of the Dead are cemeteries in Cairo that have become home to thousands of the city’s poorest B) you can visit the Old City of Jerusalem, which is home to countless sacred sites, such as the Wailing Wall C) you can see the ancient cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro in Pakistan dating back to 3000 BC that are still under excavation D) you can find art and architecture from each time period anywhere people resided in the Middle East E) the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is a treasure chest of mummies, statues, and thousands of other items of historic value

B) both / and C) either / or E) not only / but also

Neither / Never / Not / Nor / No ve Only cümle başında verilmişse, cümle devrik olur. Devrik cümle gördüğümüzde de bu kelimeleri aramalıyız.

Advertising has increasingly less credibility with consumers ----. A) whether it plays a role in sustaining an established brand B) that a fundamental rethinking is clearly called for

Most developing countries do not have China’s bureaucratic depth and tradition, ---- do they have the ability to control personnel in the way that China’s party structure allows.

C) as if it were the indispensable foundation of marketing

A) thus

B) nor

E) since it was rarely effective in building a new brand

D) in case

E) such

C) much as

D) and yet they cannot always reject its messages

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