English Book for Spoken English

March 8, 2017 | Author: Saleem Khan | Category: N/A
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This book will help you in Speaking English , This book is Created by IIMS by easy and simple topic if you want to under...






SKILL’S OF A GOOD LEADER           


Self Introduction •

Good Morning, Good Evening, Good Afternoon, Good Night, Good Day, Bye, Good Bye

May name is/I am/this is me…….... I am from/I belong to………. I belong to small/big family My Fathers is works in ……. My Mothers is house wife/she work in…. My Education background • I have written …..th class exam. • • • • •

Address- Edhgha Market in Nyama Bazaar 1st floor, Laxmangarh-8003365708

• • • • • • • • • • • •

I am pursuing……from……… I have completed my graduation from….. My Skill sets I have good computer knowledge My Strength I can mingle with people easily I am punctual My Hobbies I like to read books I like browsing I like to travel Work experience i have work for ……month/year in ………. my position was as……… languages knows Hindi,English,Urdu… Nice to meet you,see you again bye take care

“what is your mind is conceive ,It can be achieve Part Of Speech Noun-is a word which is used as the name of person, place, a things.  Example:-Ram,Sita,Dog,Hospital

Pro Noun-is a word which is used in place of a Noun.  Example:-He,She,its,

An Adjective-is a word which adds soething to meaning of a noun or pronoun.  Example:- Good girl, Ram body color is black

Verb-is word which usually done by Human,animal Body.  Example:-Read,Run,Drink,Sleep all work done by Body of Person .

An Adverb-is a word which modifies every part of speech.  Example:-He run fast, He talks sweet.



   


SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE It is also called as present indefinite tense. it is used for your regular action and the action which doesn’t change. Example:-he goes to School . she reads Book . I play cricket. With singular we will use S or ES with main verb to show difference between of singular or plural. Singular:- a individual thing or person is know as singular He - a men or boy name She –a girl or a women name Tt - it is use for animal or things ex:- its raining. Name-it can be name of people or animal and things Plural:- which is more then one is know is plural. I , we , you , they , all QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS WITH NEGATIVE he plays cricket. She cookes food. They go to college. Father completes his work. Its rain here. Rammu reads book. She singes a song. Does it not rain there? Does she cook food? Do they go to college?

Present continuous Any actions which happening now.  Structure:-sub+hv+(is/am/are)ing+object.  For plural:-use of ARE with you,we,they,many things  Singular:-IS use he ,she, it, name, a thing  Use of AM its only with I  Use of ING its with only main verb. Examples: he/she/it is going in forest.  They/we/all are reading books.  I am playing cricket QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS WITH NEGATIVE (Is use positive) He is going now. She is playing game.

Address- Edhgha Market in Nyama Bazaar 1st floor, Laxmangarh-8003365708

It is raining here. (ARE use positive) You are going to school . They are fighting there. We are planning for party. (AM use) I am eating food now. I am bathing now. I am saying you. Question or negative Is he going now? She is not playing game. Is it raining there? Are you going to school? They are not fighting . We are not making plan. I am not eating food now. Am I saying you right?

Present perfect tense Any actiong has recently completed Structure:-sub+hv+v3+object Hv.:-has with singular, have with plural. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS  I have completed my dinner .  she has cooked food.  I have not completed food.  She has not cooked food.  Have i completed food?  Has she cooked food?

Present perfect continouos. Any action started in past and still is going on in future.  Structure:-sub+hv+v1+ing+object  In this tens we will use since(no fix time) or fore(fix time) QUESTIONS AND ANSWER  Examples: I have been living in Bahrain since 2008 .  He has been not reading fore two hours.  Have you been coming here since 1993?  Have they not been in Delhi fore two days?

SIPLE PAST TENSE DEFF:-any completed action.

        

Stuct:- sub+v2+objective I slept early last night. He completed his work on time. She cooked food yesterday. I did not sleep last night She did not complete his work on time. She did not cook food yesterday. Did she cook food yesterday? Did he complete his work on time?

Past continues tense Deff:-any action going on in the past.  struc:-sub+hv+v+ing+object.  I was enjoying last year in Bahrain.  They were playing cricket in UK.  She was dancing on stage last night.  I was not feeling well last night.  They were not playing cricket in UK.  Was she dancing on stage?  Were they not dancing on stage? Notes:-I and singular always with was and other plural with were.

Past perfect tense Def:-any completed action before another completed act.  Struc:-sub+hv+v3+object.  The train had already left before I reached to station.  I had reached the station and the train left.  A doctor had not arrived and then patient died.  I had not reached on bustop after that bus left.  Had the train already left before you reached staion?  Had doctore reached at home before patient died?  Had theif not run away before the police reached?

Past perfect cont. • • • • • • •

Deff:-any action going on until another action comes and stop it. Stru:-sub+hv+v1+ing+obj. I had been struggling for food until I got a job. We had been discussing past perfect till last Friday. She had not been preparing for exam since 10 days. I had not been singing a song for 2 hrs. Had she been dancing until her leg pain?

Address- Edhgha Market in Nyama Bazaar 1st floor, Laxmangarh-8003365708

• • •

Had seeta been singing a song for 3 hrs? Had she not been dancing until her leg pain? Had seeta not been singing a song for 3 hrs?

FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE DEFFI:-ANY ACTION THAT HAS TO HAPPEN. STUCT:-SUB+HV+V1+OBJ. Note:-with I and WE will use shall with others,we will use will . • Example:• I shall go to office. • He will not come today. • You will come today. • Will they not play cricket with us. • We shall have a small joke. • I shall not go in office today.

Future continouos tense DEFF:-ANY ACTION IS GOING ON IN THE FUTURE. STRUC:-SUB+HV+V+ING+OBJE. Hv.:-shall be ,will be  I shall be completing my work by tomorrow.  They will be enjoy in UAE next month.  Ram will not be writing exam.  They will not be celebrating Xmas in India.  Will ram be writing exam?  Will they be celebrating Xmas in India?

Future perfect tense DEFF:-ANY ACTION THAT WILL COMPLETE IN THE FUTURE AT ANY GIVING POINT OF TIME. Struc:-sub+hv+v3+obj. Hv:-shall have, will have • I shall have completed my degree in march 2015. • My brother will have married by the end of this year. • Ram will not have danced infront of his girl friend. • We shall not have reached at home by 9:00 PM today. • shall we have reached at our home by 9:00 cock today. • Will she have completed her degree in march.


STR:-SUB+HV+V+ING+OBJ. HV:-shall have been,will have been  I shall have been writing my final year exam in next week.  He will have been watching cricket tomorrow.  We shall not have been enjoying in UK.  They will not have been watching IPL match.  Shall I have been writing my exam in this year.

Normally using words (Question) (Answer) • Hi Hello • Excuse me yes • Sorry its ok • I am so sorry that’s allright • Thank you your welcome • Pardon (repeat your answer) • just coming • take care  as you like /as you please  anything else  that’s enough  never mind/doesn’t matter  what else  wait here  Well done  Wow  Wonderful  Of course  God bless you  How sad  Excellent  Hurry up please

ok come fast Thank you/you too care that’s fine nothing else it’s enough as your wish nothing special ok

Address- Edhgha Market in Nyama Bazaar 1st floor, Laxmangarh-8003365708

           

How terrible How dare you How sweet Congratulations What nonsense What a shame How disgusting Beware Slow, fast, go at once Look/see here there Get off, come down Be careful/be cautious

Articles Articles are two types 1) Indefinite Article(A,AN):-this articles A ,AN used to express a singular thing. A is use before the word starting with consonants and giving consonants sounds. Example:• a boy, • a car, • a table, • a uniform, AN is used before the words starting with vowels and vowels sounds. Example:• an engineer , • an hour , • an honest , • an M.P , • an MLA etc. 2)Definite Article(THE)-this is used only for unique things Example:• the sky , • The name of river. • The name of News, • the name of holy books • before The USA ,The UK ,the UAE etc…..

Preposition ON/OVER

She meets me on every Monday/date/day He spoke to me on telephone. Cat jump over table FOR I brought for my brother IN/INTO They played cricket in the morning. He has a pen in his pocket. Video songs converted into MP3,he jump into river. AT:She arrived at night Please meet him at his office. He is good at science. BY:It is 10 O’clock by my watch. the window was broken by him WITH/TOGETHER I write with pen She will come with mother They all will play together OF:I am not afraid of him. She is daughter of MR.Sudeer BETWEEN-AMONG:There are some disputes between Raju and Ravi. Please distribute the sweets among all partcipants. To I am going to school. We are coming to mosque.

Conjunction And-Ram and Shyam Going To jaipur. 2. Or-I will study or I will go USA. 3. Neither-Nor-Neither I will study nor I will work. 4. Either or-Either I will go foreign or I will be in india 5. Yet-I did not complete work yet. 6. Still-still he is doing same mistakes. 7. Until –I will not join college until I will not speak in English. 8. After-I will go to college after School. 9. Before-I learnt computer before joining school. 10. That-please show me that piece 11. Although-he is honest although he is poor. 12. Not only but also-i not only study but also I work. 1.

Address- Edhgha Market in Nyama Bazaar 1st floor, Laxmangarh-8003365708

13. But-I want to study but I do not have money. 14. And

then- i will study and then I will work. 15. After that-once I wll join college after that I will go for internship. 16. Before this-now I am learning computer before this I learnt English. 17. From-I will catch a bus from Jaipur. 18. Where-this is the place where my friend lived. 19. Which-this is a person which he fight with lion. 20. Whose-this is girl whose mobile had lost.  

  

   

Booking train/flight ticket and cancellations Hello sir where is bus stop/Travel  First take right/left/ and go straight after turn again right you will find it Thank you sir for telling me right way of bus stand/travel.  Your well come my dear friend. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hello/hi  hello/hi  how may help you? I want to buy/book a ………………ticket.  Which……….and from where to where? …………..to……………..flight/train name Sir try to give me confirm ticket  Sir we are searching for reservation ticket,yea we got.  Tell price and destination/hours Starting time at night or morning?  8:00 pm/10:00am Ok thank you sir take your ticket charge but plz discount.  No discount here this is net fair. Ok sir take it but not change now .  Please sir try to give change or give me I will give u change. Ok thank you sir see u again .  Ok my dear happy journey ,god bless you.

 Hello sir I want to cancel my ticket  Which ticket ??

 ………..my ticket is confirmed ,how much refund  As per air/train rule regulation we will give refund.  Ok sir

Buy and Sell activities 

hello/hi hello/hi how may help you? 

 

I want to buy.. ……………….. 

 

  

These are the …………….

I/We need to buy……………. Sir we are searching for good /fresh……………….  Ohh I see ,Tell price…………  Please try to give little discount Ok thank you sir take your charge but plz discount.  No discount here this fix/5% dis Ok sir take it but not change now .  Please sir try to give change or give me I will give u change. Ok thank you sir see u again .  Ok have you nice day/good day. Hello sir I want to return this……….. Why…… they/he/she do not like/its very costly plz refund amound  As per our shop rule and regulation.. Ok sir 

       

Can-I can ,we can,they can—I can not ,they can not ,we can not…do work. Could you work alone, could they work at night---I couldn’t do this ,we couldn’t do. May I come sir,may I attend pray. Might-todsy might rain come Must,you must attend English class should-if you want to get good mark you should study wel.

Here we will discuss about most common speaking words •

Hi.. my name is Rahul, I like to go zym but I don’t like to run.

Address- Edhgha Market in Nyama Bazaar 1st floor, Laxmangarh-8003365708

Hi my name is sanju I like to buy vegitable but mother do not like to vegitable 1. I liked to go zym but I dd not like to go for run.

• •

Hi my name is sunita I want to study but I don’t want to job. Hi my name is rahul I want to eat ice-cream but brother don’t want it. 2. I wanted to study but I dd not want to go for job

• •

Hi my name rahul I have six care but I don’t have bike. Hi my name is kavita I have bike and sister has a bus. 3. I had one bus but I had not money for more bus.

• •

Hi my name pramod I have to go market but I don’t have to struggle. Hi my name punam I have to clean home and mother has to wash cloths. 4. I had to go temple but I had not bike

• •

Hi my name ajay I use to take smoke but I don’t use to drink alcohol . Hi my name ruksana I use to buy new new laptop but brother don’t use to buy. 5. I had used to drink alcohol but I had not drink much.

• •

Hi my name is puja I feel safe here but I don’t feel comfortable. Hi my name raju I feel better then past but sister do not feel much better. 6. I had felt thirsty but I had not a water bottle

Bank activities Talking with Customer and Bank Manager Customer-Excuse me ,may I speak with bank Manager of this bank Employee-Please go to that cabin, he is there Customer-may I come in sir? Manager-sure, Please have a seat. Customer - I want to open an account in this bank. Manager-can you tell me ,what kind of account do u want ? Customer-I want to open saving/Current account . Manager- ok we will open your account but some amount you have to pay. Customer –sir can you tell me to open an a account how much I have to pay. Manager-sir if you want to open account in saving1000,for current 5000. Custmer –sir can you tell me what are id is needed for an account? Manager-two id proof and two fotos and one introducer Customer –sir I dd not get introducer?

Manager –Introducer is a person who have already opened a account In this bank. Customer –ok sir today I do not have fotos but I have id its enough. Manager –no sir fotos is must for your identification, Customer –sir I will give you my fotos tomorrow its fine sir. Manager –yeah this is good idea ,you can give it tomorrow we will open ur a/c Customer –Thank your sir for opening my account in your bank. Manager-your welcome sir. Thank you for visiting in our branch.

Admission in New School and Taking TC from old school. P-hello good moring S-yes good moring how may I help you? P-Sir actually we heard about this school students result is good. S-yes sir we have 90% above students who get nice marks. P-sir our son he study in S.R school so how we can join here? S-sir if you want to join ur son here you have give TC and His last year mark sheet. • P-sir but we do not have his/her mark sheet they are in his school. • S-sir you have to bring that from there, where have they studied last year. • P-ok sir if its compulsory we will bring that TC and Mark sheet. • • • • • •

Taking Tc from old school of son/daughter for admission in new school. • P-hello sir • S-yes sir have sit plz how may I help you? • P-sir we are going to jaipur so I need my son/daughter TC bcz we will settle there. • S-ok sir if you are going to jaipur then we do not have any problem to give TC. • P-Thank you sir for understanding us but sir to get TC what we have to do? • S-sir nothing you have to do just write a application to get TC of your son/daughter. • P-only a letter anything else do you need to give TC . • S-nothing else just sign it on and give to us we will give TC

Birthday Party Celebration and Tour EnjoymentFFC Address- Edhgha Market in Nyama Bazaar 1st floor, Laxmangarh-8003365708

Html Notes for Students to Create a websites computer hardware notes download • first heading with big letters • second heading with small letters • To create underline of any letters use text • To change text into italian use text • To make small text use text • To make big text or pitcher text • To make bold text with text usetext • To change background color • To break line use text • To write paragraphTEXT • To change body text color use body text="red" THANK FOR CHANGING • To cut text use text • To show subscript text use text • Fifth To create into blinking text use text • To give link of other website on your site use
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