Engineering Guide - IEC61850

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Engineering guide IEC 61850 Station

About this manual Document No: 1MRK 511 193-UEN Issued: July 2006 Revision: -

© Copyright 2006 ABB. All rights reserved.



Chapter Chapter 1

Page Introduction ..................................................................... 1 Introduction to the IEC 61850 Station Engineering guide.................... 2 About the complete set of manuals for an IED ............................... 2 About the IEC 61850 Station Engineering guide ............................ 3 Intended audience .......................................................................... 3 Related documents......................................................................... 4 Revision notes ................................................................................ 4

Chapter 2

IEC 61850 station engineering ....................................... 5 Station engineering in IEC 61850 ........................................................ 6 Engineering process in IEC 61850 ................................................. 6 Designation model of IEC 61850 ......................................................... 9 IEC 61346 designation model used for IEC 61850....................... 12 Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)...................... 14 The Substation section ................................................................. 16 The communication section .......................................................... 20 The IED section ............................................................................ 22 Signal engineering ........................................................................ 24 Buffered Report Control Block (BRCB) ................................... 25 GOOSE Control Blocks (GoCB) .............................................. 29

Chapter 3

IEC 61850 Station configuration tasks ........................ 31 IEC 61850 Station configuration tasks............................................... 32

Chapter 4

PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering.... 35 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering ........................... 36 PCM 600 views and windows ............................................................ 37 PCM 600 the toolbar and the mouse ............................................ 41 PCM 600 options for operation .......................................................... 44 PCM 600 access .......................................................................... 44 Connectivity package support for PCM 600 ...................................... 50 PCM 600 Set up communication link per IED 670............................. 52 PCM 600 Set up communication link per Generic IEC 61850 IED 52 CCT views and windows.................................................................... 53 The toolbar and the mouse........................................................... 56 Spreadsheet features ................................................................... 57 CCT Column visibility control........................................................ 61 CCT options and features.................................................................. 64 Execution mode ............................................................................ 65 Logger options .............................................................................. 65


Navigator structure options........................................................... 66

Chapter 5

Set up a project in PCM 600 ......................................... 69 Set up a project in PCM 600 .............................................................. 70 Managing projects in PCM 600 ......................................................... 71

Chapter 6

Set up a project in CCT ................................................. 75 Managing projects in CCT ................................................................. 76 Import/export station.SCD files .......................................................... 79 Import station.SCD file.................................................................. 79 Export station.SCD file.................................................................. 80 Import/export ied.ICD files ................................................................. 81 Import ied.ICD file ........................................................................ 81 Import of a client IED via CCT into a station project ..................... 82 Export ied.ICD file......................................................................... 83

Chapter 7

Station configuration with PCM 600 ............................ 85 Set up a substation for IEC 61850 ..................................................... 86 Naming conventions for IEC 61850 .............................................. 87 PCM 600 selection of an IED........................................................ 89 PCM 600 Generic IEC 61850 IED ................................................ 91 Set up communication for IEC 61850 ................................................ 94 Import/Export station.SCD files ......................................................... 96 ied.CID file generation for IED 670 ............................................... 98

Chapter 8

Signal engineering with CCT........................................ 99 IEC 61850 Attribute Editor ............................................................... 100 Data set engineering........................................................................ 102 Predefined DataSet .................................................................... 105 BRCB engineering ........................................................................... 106 GoCB engineering ........................................................................... 113

About this chapter

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 1 Introduction About this chapter This chapter explains concepts and conventions used in this manual and provides information necessary to understand the contents of the manual.


Introduction to the IEC 61850 Station Engineering guide

Chapter 1 Introduction


Introduction to the IEC 61850 Station Engineering guide


About the complete set of manuals for an IED The user’s manual (UM) is a complete set of five different manuals:

Application manual

Technical reference manual

Installation and commissioning manual

Operator´s manual

Engineering guide


The Application Manual (AM) contains application descriptions, setting guidelines and setting parameters sorted per function. The application manual should be used to find out when and for what purpose a typical protection function could be used. The manual should also be used when calculating settings. The Technical Reference Manual (TRM) contains application and functionality descriptions and it lists function blocks, logic diagrams, input and output signals, setting parameters and technical data sorted per function. The technical reference manual should be used as a technical reference during the engineering phase, installation and commissioning phase, and during normal service. The Installation and Commissioning Manual (ICM) contains instructions on how to install and commission the protection IED. The manual can also be used as a reference during periodic testing. The manual covers procedures for mechanical and electrical installation, energizing and checking of external circuitry, setting and configuration as well as verifying settings and performing directional tests. The chapters are organized in the chronological order (indicated by chapter/section numbers) in which the protection IED should be installed and commissioned. The Operator’s Manual (OM) contains instructions on how to operate the protection IED during normal service once it has been commissioned. The operator’s manual can be used to find out how to handle disturbances or how to view calculated and measured network data in order to determine the cause of a fault. The IED 670 Engineering guide (EG) contains instructions on how to engineer the IED 670 products. The manual guides to use the different tool components for IED 670 engineering. It also guides how to handle the tool component available to read disturbance files from the IEDs on the basis of the IEC 61850 definitions. The third part is an introduction about the diagnostic tool components available for IED 670 products and the PCM 600 tool.


Introduction to the IEC 61850 Station Engineering guide

Chapter 1 Introduction

The IEC 61850 Station Engineering guide contains descriptions of IEC 61850 station engineering and process signal routing. The manual presents the PCM 600 and CCT tool used for station engineering. It describes the IEC 61850 attribute editor and how to set up projects and communication.


About the IEC 61850 Station Engineering guide The Engineering guide IEC 61850 Station contains the following chapters: •

• •

• • •


The chapter “IEC 61850 station engineering” is not an introduction to the IEC 61850 standard, but gives a short definition and task description for those parts of the standard needed to do station engineering and process signal routing. The chapter “IEC 61850 Station configuration tasks” gives a description of the principle tasks and steps to do station and signal engineering. The chapter “PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering” presents the two tools used for IEC 61850 station engineering. It illustrates views and windows and describes CCT options and features. It also describes how to set up a communication link between PCM 600 and the IED. The chapter “Set up a project in PCM 600” describes how to set up and manage a project in the PCM 600 tool. The chapter “Set up a project in CCT”describes how to set up and manage the CCT tool and the import/export procedure of files. The chapter “Station configuration with PCM 600” describes how to set up a substation for IEC 61850 and how to set up communication for IEC 61850, in order to fulfil the IEC 61850 requirements for signal engineering. The chapter “Signal engineering with CCT” describes the IEC 61850 attribute editor, how the data objects in IEC 61850 are configured to data sets and engineering of the different control blocks.

Intended audience General This manual addresses system engineers, project engineers involved n the engineering process for a project, installation and commissioning personnel, who use technical data during engineering, installation and commissioning, and in normal service. Requirements The system engineer must have a thorough knowledge of protection and/or control systems, protection/control equipment, protection/control functions and the configured functional logics in the IED 670 devices. The installation and commissioning personnel must have a basic knowledge in the handling electronic equipment.


Introduction to the IEC 61850 Station Engineering guide


Chapter 1 Introduction

Related documents Documents related to the PCM 600 and CCT tool set

Identity number

Connection and Installation components

1MRK 013 003-BEN

Test system, COMBITEST

1MRK 512 001-BEN

Accessories for IED 670

1MRK 514 012-BEN

Getting started guide IED 670

1MRK 500 065-UEN

SPA and LON signal list for IED 670

1MRK 500 075-WEN

IEC 61850 Data objects list for IED 670

1MRK 500 077-WEN

Generic IEC 61850 IED Connectivity package


Protection and Control IED Manager PCM 600 Installation sheet


Engineering guide IED 670 products

1MRK 511 179–UEN

Latest versions of the described documentation can be found on



Revision notes Revision



First release

About this chapter

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering About this chapter This chapter gives a short definition and task description for those parts of the IEC 61850 standard which are needed to do station engineering and process signal routing. A reference to the IEC 61850 parts and clauses is given where needed. The reason for this chapter is to have the common platform about the tasks and the used wording. It can and will not be an introduction to the standard.


Station engineering in IEC 61850


Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

Station engineering in IEC 61850 The way of engineering and configuring a station according to IEC 61850 standard is described in part 6 of the standard. The title of this part is: “Configuration description language for communication in electrical substations related to IEDs” This chapter contains some explanations about the definitions made by the standard. They may be requested to get a better understanding and as a reference when the different engineering steps made with the tools PCM 600/CCT are described. It is expected, recommended that the reader has a general knowledge about the IEC 61850 standard and especially of the parts 6 and 7.


Engineering process in IEC 61850 IED Capablity ied.ICD

System Sepcification stat.SSD

System Configurator

Station DB

Vendor B


Vendor A

Vendor C Substation Configuration stat.SCD ied.ICD IED Configurator Vendor A

IED Configurator Vendor B

IED Configurator Vendor C

Configured IED ied.CID

IED HSI Vendor A

IED Control Vendor C

SA Gateway

IED Protection Vendor B

IED Control Vendor C


IED Protection Vendor B

Substationn en06000105.vsd

Figure 1:


IEC 61850–6: Station engineering process

Station engineering in IEC 61850

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

The standard defines two tools and four file types for station engineering. The above figure shows these tools and files in their relation. In the ideal situation from top down the engineering process and the used tools and files have the following relation: •

System Configurator tool (SC) - Import a station.SSD file when available. If not continue with the next step - Import the ied.ICD files of the products which will be used - When no station.SSD file is available, configure the primary equipment (Busbar, Transformer, Apparatus, connections etc. to voltage level and bays. Make a single line diagram of the station. Remark: This step and the next one is not direct needed to do signal engineering in a station for IEC 61850 based communication. A minimum configuration of the plant structure is requested only. - Place the Logical nodes to the primary equipment they belong to within a bay. - Configure the communication with their subnetworks. - Place the physical IEDs in the communication subnetwork and define the access points per IED - Place the IEDs with their Logical devices and Logical nodes in the plant structure - Do signal engineering. Configure DataSets, Control Blocks and link the communication path between server and clients or between servers (GOOSE). - Export the complete station configuration in the station.SSD file for further use by the various IED Configurator tools IED Configurator tool (IC) - Import the station.SCD file and extract the information valid and used for each used IED. - Do additional engineering steps when necessary (vendor specific) - Check for received GOOSE messages and do GOOSE signal marshalling when necessary - Prepare the ied.CID file and download the file to the IED - Precondition in this case: The IED is fully engineered to its function in the project. The ied.ICD file was exported with the complete configuration to the SC tool as described above. SSD file = System Specification Description file - This file describes the single line diagram of the substation and the required Logical nodes. It is expected that the utility is able to support the project with such a file. ICD file = IED Capability Description file - This file describes the full capability in Logical nodes and Logical devices of an IED without any relation to the substation and communication organization. This is the basis for the SC tool about the volume and capability of the selected IED for signal engineering. This file is possible in two principle variants. First it is a general description without a direct project specific configuration and programming. This file describes the general capability. Second it is the ied.ICD file of the full engineered IED according to project


Station engineering in IEC 61850


Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

specification and requirements. In this case the volume of available Logical nodes and therefore signals will be the final one. Which variant is used must be clarified within the project. SCD file = Station Configuration Description file - An SCD file is given when the substation and communication section contains configured values. This file contains all IEDs, a communication configuration section and a substation section. CID file = Configured IED Description file - The CID file contents is not part of the standard. It is vendor specific. It should contain the result of the engineering process on IED and station level. As it can be seen there are various possibilities in which order the engineering will be done. Especially the bay level IED for protection and control may need in most cases project specific adaptations and configuration, which has influence on the volume of used Logical nodes and therefore data objects. The concept allows to re-import an extended ied.ICD file and to add or delete signals in the station. The tools have to support this concept.

Designation model of IEC 61850


Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

Designation model of IEC 61850 The description in the following sections will reference to an example station. This is relevant for the description of the object designation and signal addressing requirements. A substation of any size consists of buildings, a lot of primary equipment, substation control equipment and a lot more. Each item has a name and will be identified by explaining to which part it belongs to. The rules will differ from country to country and by each utility.

=DeStat (DemoStation) =E1 (e.g. 135 kV) =Q1


=Q3 =- WA1 =- WA2










=-QB9 =-BI1 =-BU1

=-QB9 =-BI1 =-BU1

=-QB9 =-BI1 =-BU1


=E1.Q1 =-SB1 IED Control


=-FP1 IED Protection


=E1.Q2 =-SB1


IED Control

IED Protection

=E1.Q3 =-SB1 IED Control

=-FP1 IED Protection

=-WH1 (station bus, optical) IED NCC Gateway




Figure 2:

Example station for object designation


Designation model of IEC 61850

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

The IEC 61850 standard is based on the hierarchical addressing and designation model in a station. It follows in this way the structure of the substation equipment independent of IED structure and organization. This designation and addressing model is also visible in the IEC 61850 telegrams because the address is presented in MMS as an ASCII string, so the address can be seen directly in a readable form. The above figure shows a virtual example station. The identification is based on the IEC 61346 concepts. Reasons to use the IEC 61346 model: • • • • •

the IEC 61346 has the task to define structuring principles and reference designations. the standard is international in the same way as IEC 61850 is the standard has made a concept which can be used in all industrial systems independent of a language, project etc. the standard use only single characters per level which makes the total designation very short and therefore saves bytes to be transmitted. by using this designation model in IEC 61850 it allows to use an easy project independent identification.

The designation of a Logical node and its signals (DO) is needed to identify it to the primary object etc. The hierarchical order in a substation is the path to identify the LN.


Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

Designation model of IEC 61850

Station = DeStat










stVal q








=P =B



=-BI1 =-BU1






Figure 3:

IEC 61850: Object identification model based on IEC 61346 (FuncName)

The designation path to get the position of the circuit breaker as an example would be: • •

DeStat => E1 => Q1 => LD1 => QA1 => XCBR1 => Pos => stVal in IEC 61850 = DeStat.E1Q1/LD1QA1XCBR1.Pos.stVal

and for the operate signal of the time overcurrent protection: • •

DeStat => E1 => Q1 => LD2 => P => PTOC => Op in IEC 61850 = DeStat.E1Q1/LD2P.PTOC.Op


Designation model of IEC 61850

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

The above model of designation identification is possible when the station configuration is based on the “FuncName” method in IED 61850. This is specified in the Header section of the SCL file. The standard identifies these object or signal designations as the technical key. The standard recommends to use the IEC 61346 based designation model, but it is not a must. But a similar naming structure is requested when an existing identification concept has to be used.


IEC 61346 designation model used for IEC 61850 Basics of the IEC 61346 standard: •

three different views are defined - the functional view (identified by =) - the product view (identified by -) - the location view (identified by +) to separate two levels in a row the character “.” is used. It is allowed to leave the “.” out, when the last character is a digit and the first character of the next level is a letter. the transition from one view to another is visible when both identification signs are used in the sequence from > to. E.g. =-QA1 indicates this is a transition from functional view “=” to product view “-”. The functional view is here the bay Q1 and the product is the circuit breaker QA1. each level is represented by one character. A second character is used to identify a type within a level, e.g. QB = HV switching equipment of type disconnector, QA = circuit breaker and QC = grounding disconnectors.

The IEC 61346 defines the rules etc. and gives explanations how to organize the structure and the use of the characters but it does not give a model for each industrial area. This has to be done by working groups. For the substations for electrical energy distribution the German community of interest “IG EVU” has taken this task. Member of the IG EVU are beside others the main vendors and the main utilities of Germany. The papers are available and free of charge via Internet “”. The documents can be found on the page “Veröffentlichungen”. The following extracts of the designation trees shows the position of the used elements.


Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

Designation model of IEC 61850

Function Level 2 and 3 A B C D E F G H J K L M N etc...

Objects for overall control Switchgear > 420 kV Switchgear 380 ... 420 kV Switchgear 220 ... 380 kV Switchgear 110 ... 220 kV Switchgear 60 ... 110 kV Switchgear 45 ... 60 kV Switchgear 30 ... 45 kV Switchgear 20 ... 30 kV Switchgear 10 ... 20 kV Switchgear 6 ... 10 kV Switchgear 1 ... 6 kV Switchgear < 1kV

AA Central control system


Products Level 3 and 4 A B Detection equipment BI Current transformer BU Voltage transformer F Protective equipment FA Surge arrester FP Protective relay Q HV switching equipment QA Circuit breaker QB Disconnector QC Earthing switch S Controlling equipment B Control unit W Transporting equipment A Busbar Signal and control cable, H data bus (optical) en05000646.vsd

Figure 4:

Extracts of IEC 61346 designation trees


Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)


Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

Substation Configuration description Language (SCL) The SCL language is based on XML. It is of course not needed to know the XML file in its details and do any step which requests XML knowledge, but the organization of the information within the SCL files (ied.ICD and/or station.SCD) might be of interest. Especially to know where the engineering additions like DataSets and Control Blocks belongs to. The SCL XML file is defined in five sections or descriptions, which are specified in IEC 61850–6 clause 9. These sections are: • • • • •

the Header the Substation description (section) the Communication description (section) the IED description (section) the Data Type Templates

The first two sections can be seen as tasks to organize the IEDs within the substation and to establish the communication. These tasks are done by the PCM 600 tool. The Logical nodes as part of the IED are logically linked to the substation section by PCM 600. The signal engineering task and routing of the signals is the task of the CCT tool. Its precondition is that PCM 600 has done the complete organization on the two sections substation and communication. The DataSets and Control Blocks configured by the CCT tool are located in the IED section because they are logically defined as part of the Logical nodes (see IEC 61850–7–2 clause 9). The CCT needs the correct configured communication section when it comes to GOOSE engineering. The Data type templates section is requested to give the correct content description of each Logical node type to all user of the information. These are the clients. Each IED and vendor may have/has its own Logical node type definitions.


Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)



Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

FuncName or IEDName

Id ToolId Nam eStructure

Substation VoltageLevel Bay IED








Communucation Subnetwork Connected AP IED Nam e




IED Nam e




IED Services AccessPoint Server Authentication LDevice LN0

LN DataSet


Report Control GOOSE Control Inputs




DataTypeTemplates LNodeType DO DOType DOType DA


DAType BDA Enum Type Enum Type


Figure 5:

IEC 61850: Principle structure of the SCL XML file

Figure 5 shows a principle structure of the SCL XML file with its five sections. The arrows show the link between the different sections given when an IED is integrated in the substation structure and/or in the communication structure. All available Logical nodes of an IED are linked to the substation section.


Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

A reference to the GoCB is included in the communication section when the GoCB is configured. The above graphical presentation of the XML file is a standard view of XML editors. It gives a better picture about the structure of the XML contents.


The Substation section The substation description in IEC 61850–6 clause 9 describes the organization of the primary equipment in a single line diagram on one side. On the other side it describes the used LNs belonging to a bay. The second part is of interest for the signal engineering. In part 6 clause 8.4 of the standard the object and signal designation rules are described. The identification for the signals are therefore also used in the telegrams defined in IEC 61850–8–1 is named “Technical key”. The technical key is used within the SCL description to identify and reference objects. See chapter 2, section 1 "Station engineering in IEC 61850" about the concept based on IEC 61346. PCM 600 generates an “SCL Technical key” independent of the naming given by the project. The PCM 600 generated technical key is based on the definitions given in IEC 61346 and for electrical substations. When a project is using its own naming model this will be used by the SCL description as technical key. PCM 600 allows to select the version which should be used in the SCL files when exporting a station.SCD file.

Signal identification in the communication system The signal identification rules used by IEC 61850 are described in part 7–2 clause 19.2. and used in part 6 clause 8.4.2 The signal designation consists of four parts: 1. a user defined part identifying the Logical device LD in the process (LDName) 2. a function related part to distinguish several LNs of the same class within the same LD/IED (LN-Prefix) 3. the standardized LN class name and the LN instance number, which distinguishes several LNs of the same class and prefix within the same LD/IED 4. a signal identification inside a LN consisting of data and attribute name as defined in IEC 61850–7–3 and IEC 61850–7–4


Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering


Figure 6:

Elements of the signal identification as defined in IEC 61850–7–2

The above figure is taken from the standard IEC 61850–6 (figure 5). The standard defines two options how to use part 1 and part 2 above: 1. Function related naming • identified in the SCL header with NameStructure = FuncName 2. Product related naming • identified in the SCL header with NameStructure = IEDName Within one SCL project only one option can be used.


Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

Function related naming 1



2 3









LD2 > LNs VL2



LD2 > LNs

2 3





Bayy LD1





Elements of signal identification IEC 61850-7-2 LNName LDName LN Prefix

LN class

LN instance no

6 Substation section




IED section

Substation section



Signal naming using functional naming Figure 7:


IEC 61850–6: Function related naming

The part 1 = LDName of signal identification is build out of the objects Substation (1), Voltage level (2), bay (3) and the LD (4). The LN Prefix in this case is an additional element which belongs to the LDName part. It identifies the equipment or sub-equipment object in the primary


Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

structure. The typical example is the circuit breaker QA1, when the LN classes XCBR, CSWI and CILO are used. It has to be regarded that in this model the IED is not included and the naming is based in the process objects only. The LNName is in this option the LN class and the LN instance (6) only.

Product related naming Substation



2 3
















LD2 > LNs






Bayy IED 5









Elements of signal identification IEC 61850-7-2 LNName LDName LN Prefix

IED section

IED section



LN class

Signal naming using product naming Figure 8:

LN instance no



IEC 61850–6: Product related naming


Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

The LDName part is build in this option out of the objects IED (A) and LD (B). The link to the primary process is not given in this model. The LNName is in this option the LN Prefix, the LN class and the LN instance no (C). The LN prefix allows in this model to identify several versions of a LN class. For example the eight different versions the LN class PDIF. The link between the IED and the primary process (Substation (1), Voltage level (2), bay (3)) is given in the substation section of the station.SCD file but not in the signal identification in the telegram. The project may decide how to deal with this matter. The IED name may be extended with a short form of the three missing levels. The IEDName must be unique in this designation model. Remark: The standard defines the maximum length for the signal naming and for identification parts to 32 ASCII characters each. This has to be regarded for the object identification for part 1 to part 4 (see figure 6). In addition it might be possible that client IEDs have additional restrictions which have to be taken into account. Most vendor have to use the LN Prefix to identify their versions etc. Therefore the product related naming model (IEDName) will be used.


The communication section The organization of the physical IEDs to the communication network is independent of the substation structure. The IEC 61850 standard defines the communication network with no relation to an existing media and protocol. The first mapping to an existing media and protocol is done in IEC 61850–8–1 with: • •

Ethernet as medium MMS (Manufacturing Message Specification) protocol as defined in ISO 9506–1 and IOS 9506–2.

The IEC 61850 standard describes in part 7–2 the Abstract Communication Service Interface (ACSI) in a media and protocol independent form. Part 8–1 specifies the mapping of this ACSI to the existing MMS. The communication section in the SCL file describes the minimum of what is needed to identify how information is routed between the IEDs in a project. This is. • • • • • •


the used subnetworks the IEDs connected to the different subnetworks the access points per IED to the subnetworks the address the IP address of the LAN network is as an exception also part of the address elements and, extended during signal engineering and routing, the link to the GoCB message in transmission direction.

Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

IED (client)

IED (client)

- Access Point (AP) - Address - GSE; GoCBs

- Access Point (AP) - Address - GSE; GoCBs








- Access Point (AP) - Address - GSE; GoCBs

- Access Point (AP) - Address - GSE; GoCBs

- Access Point (AP) - Address - GSE; GoCBs

IED (server)

IED (server)

IED (server) en06000101.vsd

Figure 9:

IEC 61850–6: Communication network

Figure 9 shows the contents of the communication section. Additional information about the server etc. is part of the IED. The link to the IEDs is done by PCM 600 when the IED is placed and the link to the subnetwork established. The list of “Connected AP” in the communication section of the SCL file includes all IEDs with their APName. A station as shown in figure 3 the station uses two voltage levels with a set of bays and IEDs per bay. The communication network can be done in several ways for this station. The most typical variants are shown in figure 10.


Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)

Client IED 1

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

Client IED 2

Subnetwork 1





VL 1



VL 2

Client IED 1

Client IED 2

Subnetwork 1 Subnetwork 2




VL 1




VL 2 en06000103.vsd

Figure 10:

Communication section: Possible network configuration examples

Both variants fulfil the requirements and performance. Variant 2 may be used, when the availability question is discussed. In this case only one voltage level of the station is lost when a subnetwork fails. The client IEDs must be able to handle two access points.


The IED section The IED section describes the complete IED as it is needed for IEC 61850 communication and signal engineering. The Data Type Template part of an IED may be seen as part of the IED, even when separated in its own section. The ied.ICD files includes the description of the LNs, their Data Type Templates and the used/supported services. The structure of the IED section follows the definitions made in the IEC 61850 standard. There are two basic IED types which are used: •


station level IEDs - IEDs located on station level and dealing with the information transmitted from/to the bay IEDs are identified as client IEDs. They are represented by Logical nodes of group “Information (I)”. This are the LNs = ITCI, IHMI and

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)

ITMI. They are the receiver of information in monitoring direction and sender of commands (control). These LNs have no data objects. They are only used to do the link of the report control blocks (BRCBs) from the server IEDs. bay level IEDs - all IEDs on bay level are server IEDs.

Signal engineering is done within the server IEDs.

Subnetwork AP


Server SB1.LD1 Logical Node LLN0 LPHD










Data Attribute




















Control en06000104.vsd

Figure 11:

Organization of LDs, LNs, DOs and DAs in an IED

The above figure is a short summary about the logical organization of the signals below the IED. • • •

A server represents the communication interface to the subnetwork (Ethernet). one or more Logical device(s) are connected to a server a set of Logical nodes belong to a LD


Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)

• • • •

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

the LN LLN0 is a special LN per LD and contains the DataSets, the various control blocks, inputs (from GOOSE messages) etc. The LN LPHD is a special LN per LD and contains data objects which describe the status of the physical device (the IED) each Logical node represents a function and contains a number of data objects (DO) each DO is represented by a number of data attributes (DA)

The data objects are representing information signals which may be routed to station level IEDs. So the signal engineering task is to select the requested signals (DOs) and link them to the client IEDs as receiver. The control services are not directly engineered. They are included in the data objects which handle both directions the command (control) and the response (monitoring). So when routing the DO in monitoring direction the control is then also known by the clients. The organization of the IED from LD down to DAs can be viewed in the CCT tool. This organization concept has to be taken into consideration when DataSets are configured. The number of data objects and data attributes per DO is defined by the used LN type in this IED. The contents is taken from the Data Type Templates which belong to an IED type.


Signal engineering DataSets IEC 61850 has defined DataSets and report control blocks for signal transmission in monitoring direction. DataSets are also used for GOOSE messages in horizontal direction. Which data objects or single data attributes should be collected in a DataSet is not specified and can be done to rules which may be defined in a project. The following figure shows a DataSet where all position information of the apparatuses of a bay are put into one DataSet. The vendor of an IED can define DataSets as defaults which are part of the IED and always available. They need to be linked to the client IEDs only when you want to use them as they are. The vendor has to declare when these DataSets can be modified to projects need or not.


Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

















stVal q



t Origin

CVMMXU1 en06000106.vsd

Figure 12:

IEC 61850–7–2: Example of a DataSet

General rules for DataSet configuration: • • • •

All data objects or their data attributes which are signals in monitoring direction can be selected for a DataSet only those data attributes of a data object can/will be selected which have the same function constraint (FC). data objects with different FC can be selected for a DataSet. For example DOs with FC = ST and DOs with FC=MX can be member in one DataSet. a single data attribute can be selected when it is specified with a trigger option. For example the data attribute stVal of the data object Pos can be selected as a member of a DataSet, because it is specified with the trigger option data change detected (dchg).

The description of the DataSets with name and the list of data object members (FCDAs = Functional Constraint Data Attributes) is included in the SCL file in the IED section in the Logical device subsection. As specified in IEC 61850–7–2 clause 9, the DataSets are part of a Logical node. They are most likely included in the LLN0.


Buffered Report Control Block (BRCB) To be able to transmit the signals configured in a DataSet a BRCB must be configured which handles and specifies how the events will be transmitted to the clients.


Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

The contents of a BRCB is listed in IEC 61850– 7–2 in clause 14, table 23. The BRCB contains a lot of attributes which are of interest to handle and secure the communication between the client and the server and may be set once as default in a project. Others are of application interest in the way events are handled in a project. •

Buffer time - This parameter describes how long the report should wait for other expected events before it will send the report to the client. When it is known, that additional events will be generated as a follow up it is useful to wait for example 500 ms for additional events stored in the report. This feature reduces the number of telegrams transmitted in case of a burst of changes. But on the other side it increases the overall transaction time for events from IED input to presentation on HSI which is normally defined to be one second! Trigger options - The data attributes know three different trigger options (dchg, qchg, dupd). Within the BRCB the two other can be defined (integrity and general interrogation). The attribute Trigger option is a multiple choice and allows to mask the supported trigger options in this BRCB. Integrity period - When integrity is selected in the trigger option attribute, it is needed to define an integrity period to force the transmission of all data listed in the DataSet. This is done by the attribute Integrity period. This feature can be used as a background cycle to ensure that the process image in all partners is the same. Nobody is perfect and someone in the long chain from the contact up to the NCC may have lost an event. The background cycle can repair it. General interrogation - A general interrogation is only done on request from a client. Not all Data-sets may contain information which is needed for a general update of the client. For example data with T(ransient) = TRUE are not part of a GI. When the BRCB attribute general interrogation is set to TRUE a GI request from the client will be handled. The report handler will transmit all data defined in the Data-set with their actual values. The IEC 61850 standard defines that all buffered events shall be transmitted first before the GI is started. A running GI shall be stopped and a new GI shall be started, when a new GI request is received while a GI is running. Purge buffer - This BRCB attribute can be used by a client to clean the event buffer from old events. The events are discarded on request of the client. This feature can be used to delete old events not transmitted to the client due to stopped communication. After the link is reestablished the client can decide to clean the buffer or to receive the history.

Trigger Options IEC 61850 has defined in total five different TrgOp. Three of them belonging to data attributes and marked per data attribute in the column TrgOp of the CDC tables in part 7–3. The other two belonging to the configuration of control blocks. The five trigger options are: •


dchg = data-change

Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering


The classical trigger. Whenever a process value has changed its value either binary or a measurement a transmission is done. How it is detected and how the Logical node is informed is not part of the standard. qchg = quality change - Looking to the possibilities of the quality data attribute type (q) any changes in the quality description will be transmitted. dupd = data value update - This trigger option give the possibility to define that a transmission should be done on a condition which can be controlled by the application. integrity - This trigger will force the transmission of all process values defined in the Data-set when a timer value (the integrity period) expires. It can be used for example to do a process signal update in the background (e.g. every 15 minutes). general interrogation - This trigger is forced by the clients (= station level IED; NCC gateway, station HMI, ...). Normally a GI is asked for, when the client and the server start or restart a session. When the client is able to receive the actual values and when the Logical device has scanned all process values at least once, an image of the actual process signal status can be transmitted to the client.

Link BRCB to a client LN The BRCB has to know to whom the events shall be transmitted. This is the signal routing engineering step. The IEC standard 61850–6 describes that this is given by including the LN of the client IED in the ReportBlockEnabled option. The selected client IED with the corresponding LN (e.g. ITCI) is included in the SCL structure of the Report Control description of the IED section. CCT is doing it when the client LN is linked with the name field of the BRCB by the drag-and-drop method. The description of the BRCB with selected DataSet, configured parameters and selected IEDs is included in the SCL file in the IED section in the LN0 structure for the LD where this LN0 belongs to.


Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)

IED HSI Client 1


Client 2


Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

IED NCC GW m Client m



Server 1





Figure 13:


Link BRCB to a client LN

Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)


Data-set LN





Data-set LN










GOOSE Control Blocks (GoCB)



Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering
















Input Input Input DataSet DataSet DataSet




Input Input Input DataSet DataSet DataSet



Figure 14:

IEC 61850: Principle operation of GOOSE messages

The Generic Object Oriented Substation Event (GOOSE) class model is used to distribute input and output data values between IEDs on bay level (in horizontal direction) through the use of multicast services. GOOSE messages bypass the server and enables a fast transmission from publisher to one or several subscribers (receivers).


Substation Configuration description Language (SCL)

Chapter 2 IEC 61850 station engineering

GOOSE messages are unidirectional, send only messages which request an application specific method to secure that sender and receiver of the message operates safely. This implies that the receiver of the GOOSE message distributes also GOOSE messages and close the loop for communication (request — respond on application level). The return message is not a must. It depends on the application in which way a confirmation may be done. The GOOSE message concept will be used for all application functions where two or more IEDs are involved. Typical example is the station-wide interlocking procedure. The very simplified figure above shows the GOOSE concept for three IEDs which interchange GOOSE messages between each other. To send GOOSE messages a GoCB must be defined and a DataSet is needed which contains the data objects of single data attributes to be send. A GOOSE message is forced to be transmitted when a trigger change is detected for a data attribute. All members of the Data-set will be copied in the send buffer with their actual value and the message is sent. All subscriber which knows the address of this GOOSE message will receive the telegram. The GOOSE message includes sequence number etc. to verify that all messages are received. The concept what has to be done in case of a lost message etc. is part of the application and not described in the standard. The DataSet for GOOSE messages are configured in the way described above. A GoCB has to be defined per GOOSE-DataSet. GOOSE messages bypass the server and send direct from the communication part on the Ethernet. This is identified for the communication in the SCL communication section in the GSE element, where the name of the GoCB is listed under the ConnectedAP.

Link GoCB to an IED The IEDs which should receive this GOOSE message must be known and they have to be informed in the engineering state that they will receive GOOSE messages. This is given when the external Reference, the name of the IED and the member of the DataSet is included in the LN0 under the structure of the LD of the receiving IED. This part is identified as “Inputs”. The IEDs which shall receive the GOOSE are selected by CCT. CCT is doing it when the IED itself (the IED icon) is linked with the name field of the GoCB by the drag-and-drop method.


About this chapter

Chapter 3 IEC 61850 Station configuration tasks

Chapter 3 IEC 61850 Station configuration tasks About this chapter This chapter describes the principle tasks and steps to do station and signal engineering according to IEC 61850–6 definitions. It gives an overview about the corresponding steps to be done by PCM 600 and CCT.


IEC 61850 Station configuration tasks


Chapter 3 IEC 61850 Station configuration tasks

IEC 61850 Station configuration tasks The IEC 61850 standard defines the complete part needed for information communication in a substation. This can be split into the following parts: • • • • •

the definition of data objects and their common data classes with their data attributes the definition of Logical nodes (LN) as the communication interface for a substation function (e.g. a protection function) the definition of a basic communication structure for substation and feeder equipment the practical mapping of the communication to an existing protocol the MMS the definition of the engineering process for a substation control system in a configuration description language for communication in electrical substations

We refer to the IEC 61850 standards in their actual version as a basis for the engineering tasks described inhere by using the PCM 600 and the CCT. The main parts which are of interest are described in a brief form in chapter 2 "IEC 61850 station engineering". A short form of the complete station and signal engineering sequence can be described as shown in the following figure.


IEC 61850 Station configuration tasks

IEC 61850 Station Configurator

Vendor A prepare ied.ICD files

Vendor B prepare ied.ICD files

Chapter 3 IEC 61850 Station configuration tasks

Vendor X prepare ied.ICD files

PCM 600 y y y y y

configure station structure integrate IEDs load ied.ICD files configure communication subnetwork export station_PCM.SCD file

text station_PCM.SCD

CCT y y y y

configure DataSets per IED configure and link report control blocks configure and link Goose control blocks export station.SCD file


Vendor A prepare ied.CID files

Vendor B prepare ied.CID files

Vendor X prepare ied.CID files





Figure 15:

IEC 61850: Station configurator

The procedure can be split into three main parts 1. Configuration of the station structure including IEDs and communication with PCM 600 • configure the plant structure in voltage levels and bays • place all bay IEDs from ABB and other vendor (using the Generic IEC 61850 IED as a placeholder) in the bays • do IED engineering for ABB IEDs with PCM 600 to generate the ied.ICD files


IEC 61850 Station configuration tasks

Chapter 3 IEC 61850 Station configuration tasks

do the similar tasks for the other bay IEDs with their IED engineering tools and export the ied.ICD files or take the ied.ICD files from a vendors library • import all other ied.ICD files to their position in the station via Generic IEC 61850 IED. • check the communication subnetwork that all IEDs are connected to the same subnetwork • give each bay IED its IP address • export the station_PCM.SCD file 2. Signal engineering for the IEC 61850 signals with CCT • create a project in CCT, if it not already exists for the station • import the station_PCM.SCD file created by PCM 600 • actually import client IEDs with their ied.ICD file to the station configuration by CCT • link the client IEDs to the communication subnetwork and define the access point • save, close and load the CCT project again; only when client IEDs are added by CCT first time • check the pre-configured DataSets for report control blocks for your needs and for each IED. Generate additional DataSets for RCBs when requested • generate the needed DataSets for GOOSE messages • create and configure Buffered Report Control Blocks (BRCB) for each data set used for vertical communication. • link each DataSet for vertical communication to a BRCB • link the IED clients Logical node (ITCI IHMI) to the BRCBs • create and configure GOOSE Control Blocks (GoCB) for each DataSet configured for GOOSE messages • link the GOOSE DataSets to a GoCB • link the IEDs which shall receive the GoCB to the GoCB • update IEC 61850 data flow (CCT specific function) • export the station.SCD file for further use by the IED configuration tools 3. Preparation of ied.CID files per IED and download them to the IEDs • import the station.SCD file to all IED configuration tools for further activities • for ABB bay IEDs use the PCM 600 for IED engineering • do signal marshalling with the SMT tool in all ABB IED 670s which are involved to receive GOOSE messages • download the updated ied.CID file to the IED 670 with the SMT tool • do similar tasks for all other IEDs with their IED configuration tool This is a short form of the complete procedure for IEC 61850 with PCM 600 and CCT. The additional tasks for signal engineering for IEC 61850 in an IED 670 are described in the 'Engineering guide for IED 670 products'.


About this chapter

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering About this chapter This chapter explains the presentation of the two tools used for IEC 61850 station engineering. The PCM 600 and CCT tool.


PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering


Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering PCM 600 and CCT are state of the art tool sets based on technology. The two tools are able to do the station configuration tasks as defined by IEC 61850–6. They are doing it for the IED and subnetwork configuration in a plant structure and in a communication structure by PCM 600. The signal engineering which is defined by the DataSets, the report control blocks and the GOOSE messages is done with the CCT. PCM 600 is a tool which supports in itself the tasks needed to do IEC 61850 station engineering but it is also the platform for several sets of tool components used to support IED engineering for ABB IED product families. This manual describes the IEC 61850 station configuration task only. It is requested to use the IED engineering guide manuals in addition when ABB IEDs are part of the IEC 61850 based station project. The description of the PCM 600 is limited in most cases to the part needed for IEC 61850 station configuration. The CCT is a tool which is used by ABB as a base product for signal engineering of several protocols. This version of CCT is also limited to the tasks needed to do signal engineering for IEC 61850 protocol. The precondition to use CCT is that the plant structure with the IEDs and the communication structure is build by PCM 600. See chapter 3 "IEC 61850 Station configuration tasks" for a description of the general tasks for IEC 61850 station configuration by using PCM 600 and CCT.


PCM 600 views and windows


Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

PCM 600 views and windows The PCM 600 tool set runs under the operating system Windows 2000 or Windows XP. It is expected that the user is familiar with the handling and use of the Windows platform. In this chapter only those items are explained and shown which are specific to PCM 600 but still based on Microsoft windows methods. When you start PCM 600 and no project is already selected you will get an empty window with the base menubar and toolbar only. Once you have selected a project, you will be given the possibility to select different views. The start menu of a project may look like the menu shown in the figure below.

Menubar & Toolbar

Project Explorer & Object Types

Place for selected tool

Object Properties

Output & Logging


Figure 16:

PCM 600: base screen example


PCM 600 views and windows

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering


Figure 17:

PCM 600: base menubar

Possible views: • • • •

Project Explorer Object Properties Output Object Type

Project Explorer The Project Explorer window is the skeleton of the project organization. It is used to show the project in two different structures: • •

the plant structure the communication structure

The plant structure is the most commonly used view and shows the organization of the stations in the geographical order top down from a defined highest level (e.g. the network control center (NCC)) down to each IED logically connected to a bay in the station. The plant structure is used to select the tools per IED. The communication structure is not needed for normal operation. It is used to view the communication network and links from the PCM 600 to each IED. Only the private communication from the PCM 600 to each IED is managed and handled by the PCM 600. To select the communication structure do a right mouse click on the area next to the Plant Structure tab. Select communication and an additional page will be included which shows the communication structure of the PCM 600


Figure 18:


Plant structure: select communication structure

PCM 600 views and windows

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

Object Properties The Object Properties window is a standard Microsoft window which allows the user to view and when needed to modify properties of the selected object. In the PCM 600 frame this window is used by some tools like GDE to insert the IP address of the IED selected and some other properties like object naming in the HMI picture and so on. It might be necessary to check some properties for communication to adapt and synchronize the communication network. The shown properties in the object properties window follow the selected object in the Project Explorer or in a tool.


Figure 19:

PCM 600: Object properties window

Modifications are only possible in cells with their content shown in bold. Renaming of objects can be done more easily by using the Rename capability in the plant structure, which is made available by pressing the right mouse button.

Output The Output window is shown on the bottom array of the PCM 600 screen when selected. It is a log script which is used by PCM 600 to list all activities, warnings, error messages etc. which come up during operation of the PCM 600. It might be needed and used when a task does not operate as expected. The information in the output list may provide a clue as to why it does not operate etc. The Output view is not needed for normal operation and can be closed.


PCM 600 views and windows

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

en05000558.vsd Figure 20:

PCM 600: Output window

Object Type


Figure 21:

PCM 600: Object Type window

The window Object Type can be used to build up a plant structure using drag and drop and selecting the object type from the list of possible objects. It is opened in the same place and then the Plant Structure is presented. It is selected by clicking on the Object Types tab at the bottom of the window. The Object Type window contains some different panes depending on selected structure. For the plant structure view the two panes are selectable by clicking the menubar General or Transmission IED”. More details to different views etc. are given in chapter 5 "Set up a project in PCM 600".


PCM 600 views and windows

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

IED tools These tools are not used for IEC 61850 station configuration. Each started IED tool will be visible in the residual screen area surrounded by the three windows Plant Structure, Object Properties and Output. For normal operation only the Plant Structure is needed and it is recommended to close the other two windows. More then one tool can be open at the same time for one IED or for some IEDs in parallel. But only one tool at a time is active. The tool is selected either by its tool tab or by selecting the IED. See the IED engineering guide manuals for more derails.


PCM 600 the toolbar and the mouse For each IED 670 tool the PCM 600 basic menubar and toolbar is expanded by additional menu-lists and tool-icons. This is not given and needed for IEC 61850 station configuration. For more details see 'Engineering guide for IED 670 products'. The right button of the mouse is supported. Clicking the right mouse button opens a context sensitive menu. This menu presents all possible actions and selections corresponding to the selected object.


Figure 22:

PCM 600: Conditional selection by the right mouse button

Depending on selection as given in this example the alternative choice could be to select New.... In this case a new window will pop up and it shows the same selection possibilities.


PCM 600 views and windows

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering


Figure 23:

PCM 600: New object selection window

The window keeps open after your selection. Depending on the selected object it will show directly the possible choices.

Save tool engineering results PCM 600 stores additions and changes in the plant and communication structure direct in its database. This function is not needed for IEC 61850 station configuration. The PCM 600 stores all changes for which it is responsible directly in the database. This is useful because these changes are only of type organization and have no influence on IED data. Changes, additions etc. done within a tool are only moved to the project database when they are saved. This possibility is context sensitive and will be displayed in the PCM 600 base menu bar under File when a tool has the ability to save.


PCM 600 views and windows

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

Save tool result en05000574.vsd

Figure 24:

PCM 600: Save tool result window

Cut, copy, paste, drag and drop PCM 600 supports these functions where possible and useful. Depending on what it is and where it is inserted as a copy a request to rename the object may appear. It is indicated as “copy of... ” until it is given a unique name. All other possibilities are self explanatory or Microsoft Windows standard.


PCM 600 options for operation


Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

PCM 600 options for operation The options can be selected from the menulist Tools>Options. A pop up window will be displayed showing the entry point for the four different options. The four option windows are: 1. Log Configuration • to organize the log file which is produced during the sessions and shown in the Output view of PCM 600 2. Category Manager • allows the definition of user groups with different rights to work with PCM 600 according to their need and task. 3. System Settings • specifies the basic decision about access rights for PCM 600 by the authentication method 4. User Manager • is used to edit the list of persons or users which can use PCM 600 when an authentication method is selected


PCM 600 access The set up and the possibilities to organize PCM 600 access can be seen as a branch with three basic alternatives. For each of the three alternatives you have to set up information in the user manager and select a user category out of the list described by the category manager. Changes in the System Settings, Category Manager and User Manager can only be done by a user of the category type “System Engineer”. The used alternative is selected in the Authentication. Select the System Settings window to choose the authentication.


PCM 600 options for operation

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering


Figure 25:

PCM 600: Set authentication window

Set Data Access Password This password is used to control access to the MSSQL$PCMSERVER. It is recommended not to enter a password when several users have access to PCM 600. Only a single user with his own PC may use this. PCM 600 must be reinstalled and all projects will be lost if this password is not available!

User authentication The tasks and action in each branch can be sorted like this: 1. Use Authentication • NO = no selection. Everybody can use the PC where this PCM 600 is installed. • YES = Authentication is used. Select the method with one of the two choices: 2. PCM Authentication or 3. Windows Authentication Select the User manager.


PCM 600 options for operation

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering


Figure 26:

PCM 600: User profile window

The User Manager window has four input fields. Three of them are used to define the access for a user for either PCM or Windows authentication. The field Real Name might be used to identify the user, when the user name is a short version of his name. The PCM authentication uses the following inputs to identify a user: • • •

User Name Set Password (optional) User Category. The user category is defined in the category manager. It belongs to the user name and is not part of the authentication check.

The Windows authentication uses the following inputs to identify a user: • • • •

User Name Windows Account. User Category. The user category is defined in the category manager. It belongs to the user name and is not part of the authentication check. Set Password is not used!

PCM authentication When the PCM authentication method is used a Login window pops up after start of PCM 600. The user has to identify himself with his user name and the password when it is used for access control.


PCM 600 options for operation

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering


Figure 27:

PCM 600: Login window

Rules to set a password: • • • • • • •

can not be empty is at least 8 characters long contains at least one special character (like ! , \, &, etc.) starts and ends with an alphabetic character contains at least one number contains at least one uppercase character contains at least one lowercase character

Windows authentication In the Windows authentication method each user must have a different account on this PC. Only in this case a selective input is possible. In this case the user has already identified himself to the PC, when he started Windows. So a separate access control is not needed. A user can change his password, by entering his old password once, and then the new password twice. The system engineer can change passwords without knowledge of the old passwords.


PCM 600 options for operation

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering


Figure 28:

PCM 600: User window with password setting

Category Manager Different categories of default user are defined for PCM 600: •


System Engineer - has access to all tools and functions - is the only one who can edit user management Application Engineer - has access to all tools for engineering the IEDs - has access to the system monitoring tools to check during commissioning phase the correct operation of the IED - has no user management rights System Monitoring User - has access to the system monitoring tools to monitor the IEDs during operation - has no access to the engineering tools - has no user management rights

PCM 600 options for operation

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering


Figure 29:

PCM 600: Category manager window


Connectivity package support for PCM 600


Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

Connectivity package support for PCM 600 PCM 600 is a tool which allows the user to include the engineering tool components for product families of ABB for transmission and distribution. In the way you are using ABB products it might be that you will have several sets installed using the concept of connectivity packages. How to install a new product package or to add an additional communication protocol is described in the documentation for PCM 600. To engineer the ABB IED 670 product family you must have enabled the use of these tools and protocols in the connectivity package manager. Please check that before you may start the PCM 600.


Figure 30:

Connectivity manager: version selection window

Always use the latest version of a tool package or protocol. This can be easily done in the menubar Set Latest. In the above Connectivity Package Manager window the following packages are available •


Generic IEC 61850 IED connectivity Package - This package is very much needed for IEC 61850 station configuration.

Connectivity package support for PCM 600

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering


It will be used to include the ied.ICD file of bay IEDs in the station.SCD file. It will be used, when the DRH tool is used to read the DR files from all IEDs running the IEC 61850 protocol. See IED engineering guide manual for more details about the disturbance report handler (DRH). IEC 61850 Connectivity Package - This package is needed for IED 670 products, which communicate with PCM 600 on Ethernet, TCP/IP and using elements of the IEC 61850 protocol. LON Connectivity Package - This package is not needed for IED 670 products. It is used for products using LON to communicate with PCM 600. IED 670 Connectivity Package - This package is needed in the latest revision to engineer IED 670 products. It contains the description of the IED 670 products. SPA Connectivity Package - This package is not needed for IED 670 products. It is used for products using SPA to communicate with PCM 600.


PCM 600 Set up communication link per IED 670


Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

PCM 600 Set up communication link per IED 670 The communication between the IED 670 and the PCM 600 is independent of the used IEC 61850 communication protocol within the substation. It can be seen as a second channel for communication. When an additional link from PCM 600 to the IED 670 is requested see 'Engineering guide for IED 670 products'. The IP address used for the Ethernet channel with IEC 61850 protocol has to be filled in by the PST tool as part of IED 670 engineering.


PCM 600 Set up communication link per Generic IEC 61850 IED A Generic IEC 61850 IED (Gen-IED) can only communicate with the PCM 600 in the same way as the IED 670 products are when using the IEC 61850 protocol. That is only given for the disturbance file reading from the relays. The DRH tool is responsible for that task. For more details about the DRH tool see 'Engineering guide for IED 670 products'.


CCT views and windows


Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

CCT views and windows The CCT tool set runs under the operation system Windows 2000 or Windows XP. It is expected that the user is familiar with the handling and use of the Windows platform. In this chapter only those items are explained and shown which are specific for CCT but still based on Microsoft windows methods. When you start CCT you will get a screen with the different panels but no contents. Once you have selected a project, you will get the possibilities to select different panels. The typical screen with an open project may look like shown in the figure below.

Menu- & Toolbar

Project Navigator

Control & Action IEC 61850 Data Engineering


Output & Log en06000033.vsd

Figure 31:

CCT: Base screen example

CCT has different panels (in PCM 600 called views). The wording panel is taken here because the CCT use it. Possible panels:


CCT views and windows

• • • • • • •

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

basis and fix is the Menu and Toolbar Navigator panel Properties panel Output panel Column Visibility Control panel Actions panel (not used in this CCT version) the tool panel, which is the IEC 61850 Data Engineering

Project Navigator The Project Navigator shows the four sections in a SCL project in different levels of details. The known four sections are: •

Substation section - for information only. Only the sequence: Station > Voltage level > Bay is shown Communication section - for information only. Only the configured Subnetworks and their configured Access points are shown IED section - the tree structure can be expanded from > to: IED > LD > LN > DO > DA including the full extension of complex data objects - added DataSets, Report Control Blocks (RCB) and GOOSE Control Blocks are shown below the LN level when enabled to be included (normally below LLN0). - the configured Data objects (DO) are listed with all their Data attributes in the Attribute Editor within the IEC 61850 Data Engineering pane Data Type Templates - similar to the IED structure all existing LNodeTypes, DO Types, DA Types and Enum Types are shown in a tree structure. - The LN Types and their DOs are listed in the Attribute Editor within the IEC 61850 Data Engineering pane. The structure of DO Types, DA Types and Enum Types is not shown in the Attribute Editor

Properties The Object Properties window is a standard Microsoft window which allows to view and when needed to modify properties of the selected object. Due to the fact, that CCT operates only with the IED section properties should only be modified for the IED and the level below where useful and needed to be adopted. It has to be regarded, that most of the properties are under control of the configuration done by the station configurator PCM 600 or by the vendor of the IED. This is also valid for changes done for example in the given IED naming. It must be known that changing the IED name has influence on the substation section which is not supported by the CCT. The station configurator PCM 600 has control over the station wide naming and addressing rules.


CCT views and windows

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

Remark: The role of CCT is to do signal engineering and signal routing. The PCM 600 is responsible for the station configuration and naming within the project. The IEC 61850 Attribute editor may be used for monitoring and view of Logical nodes and their data objects and data attributes only. Even when it is possible to modify values, this may be done only in cooperation of the owner of this value which will be PCM 600 or the vendor of the IED. Remark Changes in the Properties may have influences to other SCL sections which are not updated by the CCT. When doing changes the position and influence of the attribute may be well known. They may have also influence on the IED configuration, which is vendors responsibility.

Output The Output window is shown on the bottom array of the CCT screen when selected. It is a log script which is used by CCT to list all activities, warnings, error messages etc. which come up during operation of the CCT. It might be needed and used when a task does not operate as expected. The information in the output list may give a hint why it does not operate etc. The Output view is not needed for normal operation and can be closed. There are two different views given: • •

Out - shows all messages unfiltered Log - shows only those messages with a category that is at least the same as the threshold defined in chapter 4, section 7.2 "Logger options".

Column Visibility Control (CVC) The CVC panel is available and can be used when “Report Control Engineering” or “Goose Control Engineering” is active. It allows to select only those columns which are of interest for signal engineering, like “Integrity Period”, “BuffTime”, etc. The list of selections shown when the Attribute Editor is selected are not foreseen for IEC 61850 views.

IEC 61850 Data Engineering This panel is surrounded by the above described various panels. For normal operation and after set up the Column Visibility Control the Output panel and the CVC can be closed. The IEC 61850 Data Engineering panel has four different tabs which are used for the different engineering tasks. • • • •

Attribute Editor Data Set Engineering Report Control Engineering Goose Control Engineering

More details to the different windows in the next sections.


CCT views and windows


Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

The toolbar and the mouse The toolbar is fix for CCT, because there is only one tool possible the IEC 61850 Data Engineering tool. The toolbar contains the three selection items: • •

File - is described in chapter 6, section 1 "Managing projects in CCT". View - enables to show a hidden panel again. The various panels are selectable. - allows to organize all possible panel in their default position again Tools - updates all links and writes the object elements for the data organization requested by BRCBs and GoCBs in the IED and communication section. Called “Update DataFlow” - does SCL file import and export of station.SCD files (SCL File) or import of ied.ICD files (ICD File). Export of ied.ICD files is selected in the Project Navigator with the right mouse button and selected IED.


Figure 32:

CCT: Toolbar with View selected



Figure 33:


CCT: Toolbar with Tools selected

CCT views and windows

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

Right mouse button The right mouse button is partially only used in the Project Navigator. A general possibility is given to search for an item below the actual position highlighted.


Figure 34:

CCT: Search window

To find a node, write the name in the field and press return. The search function is not branching into a lower level for searching. The other use of the right mouse button is to import / export ied.ICD files in the IED section. See chapter 6, section 1 "Managing projects in CCT" for more details.


Spreadsheet features Based on concepts CCT allows the use of some features which may be used in long lists to search and to filter specific information.


CCT views and windows

Allow Grouping

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

Show filter row

Filter action

Row selection by text searching

Grouping Column header

Filter Pinning

Add a new row

Figure 35:


CCT: Spreadsheet features

The following features are available in CCT: •

in the column header row - Pinning - Filtering - Filtering with included filter bar - Column sorting in the spreadsheet - Grouping - Adding new rows and sub-rows where applicable - Sorting - Text matching search

Pinning Clicking the symbol in a column header will fix or release the column to be shifted, when the spreadsheet is moved in horizontal direction. The column will automatically shift to the next right ascending position of fixed columns, when the columns left from the selected one are not fixed. So to get a correct sequence of fixed columns start to fix the columns from left to right.


CCT views and windows

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

Filtering This is the MicroSoft standard method of filtering in a column. Clicking the filter icon pops up a drop down list with possible choices. The first four choices are standard, the following one is the list of possible elements in this column. Selecting an element out of the list will mark all rows where the filter criteria matches in a way as described by the toolbar Filter action selection. Filter selection possibilities The Filter Action drop down list in the Toolbar allows to select a variant of how the filtered and not filtered rows should be marked and made visible: • •

HideFilteredOutRows 1. hides all rows which do not match the filter criteria DisableFilteredOutRows 1. shows all rows but disables the possibility to make changes (edit) in the rows which do not match the filter criteria AppearanceOnly - will leave all rows visible but colors the rows which do not match the filter criteria. The color is predefined. Default - is the same then “HideFilteredOutRows”

Filter with included filter bar When the Filter bar icon in the Toolbar is selected an additional row will be blended in below the column header row. This row enables to select the specific filter criteria from a drop down list, to enter the filter criteria right from the selection icon, to select an available element out of the list of elements available in this column and to reset the filter for this column. It is an extended but simple to use choice possibility for filtering. Column sorting To sort the sequence of columns to your own criteria can be done by the standard MicroSoft methods. Select the header element of a column and move it left or right to the position you want to have it. The position where it will be placed will be shown by two red arrows. In the same standard way it is possible to adjust the width of a column by selecting the right border of the column and move it. Grouping Grouping allows to sort the rows of a spreadsheet in groups. The different groups which will appear depends on the type and contents of the selected row for grouping.


CCT views and windows

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering


Figure 36:

CCT: Grouping of rows in a spreadsheet

Sequence of operation: •

enable grouping by selecting the Show Grouping icon in the Toolbar - an additional area above the spreadsheet will appear which allows to build the grouping in a hierarchical order

select a column as grouping criteria and drop it in the grouping area above the spreadsheet - the name of the selected column will appear in a new icon and the complete spreadsheet is reorganized according to grouping possibilities - It is possible to select another column for grouping which will be then the second level of grouping within each group of the first level grouping toggling the button Show Grouping in the Toolbar will show the spreadsheet in grouped and in normal view to deselect grouping select the column icon in the grouping area above the spreadsheet and drop it somewhere in the spreadsheet.

• •


CCT views and windows

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

Adding new rows and sub-rows or deleting a row When the spreadsheet allows the adding of new rows this is be seen in the bottom area below the spreadsheet. The button Add allows to add a row. All rows and sub-row possibilities are visible by select buttons per row type. To delete a row or several rows you have to select these rows by the standard MicroSoft methods (CTRL or SHiFT button pressed). Press the keyboard Delete key to delete the selected rows. A confirmation window will pop up and you have to confirm your action.

Sorting You may sort one or several rows in alphanumeric order by selecting the columns you want to sort and click the direction for sorting button in the Toolbar. Be aware that a sequential order as it was given by the spreadsheet before is lost (e.g. the sequence of data objects and data attributes in a complex data object structure). You have to deselect the spreadsheet and select it again to get the logical sequence back.

Text matching search In a long list you may search for a specific row. This is possible by searching in a selected column for the start character of the element you are looking for. Select the column in which you are searching. Type the first character of the element. The first row which matches will be highlighted. Each time you type the character the next row which matches will be highlighted.


CCT Column visibility control The Column Visibility Control panel is only used to organize the columns of the • •

Report Control Engineering (BRCBs) Goose Control engineering (GoCBs)

The use and definition of the different columns is described in chapter 8, section 3 "BRCB engineering" and section 4 "GoCB engineering".


CCT views and windows

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering


Figure 37:

CCT: Column Visibility Control panel

There are three levels of selecting a column to be shown in the panel. 1. show all attributes 2. show all columns of a group 3. select individual columns to be shown Show all Attributes Selected = all possible columns are visible Show all columns of a group and / or select individual columns Selected = all possible columns of this group are shown. Not selected = all columns are disabled. Selected and shaded = each column can be selected individually See figure above for the different selection methods.


CCT views and windows

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering


Figure 38:

CCT: GoCB panel with all possible columns selected


Figure 39:

CCT: GoCB panel with some columns not shown


CCT options and features


Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

CCT options and features The options can be selected from the menulist Tools>Options. A pop up window will be displayed showing the entry point for the five different options. The five options are: •

• •

Environment - Execution Mode - LoggerOptions IEC 61850 Options - not supported in this CCT version - the shown DataSet rules are used in an ABB internal CCT version to build the default DataSets for IED products. These DataSets are always included in the ABB IEDs. Navigator Structure Options - IEC 61850 Structure Options - LogicalNode Types Structure Options; not supported in this CCT version - LogicalNodes by IED Structure Options; not supported in this CCT version MicroSCADA System Options - not supported in this CCT version NCC Gateway Communication Options - not supported in this CCT version


Figure 40:


CCT: selectable options

CCT options and features


Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

Execution mode


Figure 41:

CCT: Execution mode option window

This window is for information only. The User Role may not be changed. The three selections are for development purposes only. In the actual delivered configuration the changes are not taken and the user level keeps on Standard.


Logger options


Figure 42:

CCT: Logger options window

As described in chapter 4, section 6 "CCT views and windows" CCT writes a log about all activities. This log is made visible by selecting the panel Output. In normal operation and with skilled knowledge about the way it operates the list will include only the history of your actions. The output view may be used when a problem occurs and it is not apparent why.


CCT options and features

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

It is also used when a failure occurs or when any other abnormal sequence occurs which may be clarified by ABB. The log file is requested by ABB when you communicate a failure or any other item. It is therefore requested to keep the log file history for this purpose. You may clear your hard disc from the burden of the CCT history from time to time. Ways to configure the log: •

• •


Log Category - allows a selection from which message type upwards the messages should be listed in the Log window of the Output panel Log File Size - this is the size per file! A daily file of 1MB is hard to achieve. Be aware of the volume when you select a daily file. Clear the history from time to time! CCT extends the file name with the date when the file was started. So a daily log makes it easy to identify the file which is of interest. Append Log File - will continue to write in the existing file when a new session is started. The different parts of each session can be identified by date and time. Write Daily Log - we recommend enabling this function. A daily file makes it easier for search in a list as well to check other dates etc. Log File Path - the path is fixed and can not be modified Log File Name - the name is fixed and can not be modified

Navigator structure options


Figure 43:

CCT: Navigator Structure Options

CCT works with the IED section, the communication section and indirect with the Data Type Template section. The organization structure of these section is presented in the Project Navigator panel. The visible naming of the elements (Nodes) can be arranged to your demand by selecting the available name elements and concatenate them in a sequence. This can be arranged in the IEC 61850 Structure Option.


CCT options and features

Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

This is possible for six different Node types and for each node type up to three naming elements (Token) can be chosen. The available naming elements depends on the node type. You have to chose a Separator between the naming elements to get the string readable. Supported Node Types: •

Communication section - Subnetwork - Connected access points IED section - IED - Logical Node - Access point Data Type Templates - Logical Node type

The configuration of a Node Type can be done as follows: • • • • •

select a Node Type row or add a new one by clicking the Add button select a node type out of the drop down list select the various Token (1 to 3) and select a naming element out of the drop down list fill in the separators of your own choice when you leave the selected row, CCT detects the changes and starts to update the complete sections and the Project Navigator with the new presentation form. This takes some ten seconds depending on project size etc. Wait until CCT has finished the update. To see the result you have to close the option window and open the sections in the Project Navigator

An empty Token is left out. Make some examples to see the results and configure it to your demands.


CCT options and features


Chapter 4 PCM 600 and CCT tool set for station engineering

About this chapter

Chapter 5 Set up a project in PCM 600

Chapter 5 Set up a project in PCM 600 About this chapter PCM 600 operates on the basis of projects. This chapter describes how a project is handled by the tool.


Set up a project in PCM 600


Chapter 5 Set up a project in PCM 600

Set up a project in PCM 600 PCM 600 operates on projects. •

A project contains all information about the station configuration, the IEDs, the engineering of the IEDs when done with PCM 600, the uploaded and downloaded files and internal files produced by PCM 600 and the tool components used to run the project. A project is stored under the directory of PCMDataBase on the PC or workstation on which PCM 600 is installed. PCM 600 runs various projects under the control of PCM 600. But only one project can be active at a time. These imported projects are handled by the MSSQL$SERVER which is part of PCMDataBase. Projects may be grouped into two categories: - Engineering projects for IEC 61850 based stations. Engineering projects are focused on the complete engineering of a substation with its IEDs. The most practical size for a project is a substation. - System monitoring projects. System monitoring projects are focused on the monitoring information from the operating IEDs located in several substations. The most practical size for a project depends on the structure of the grid and customer's responsibility. This is described in the 'Engineering guide for IED 670 products'.

Tasks in an IEC 61850 station engineering project in PCM 600: • • • • • •

build up a plant structure for the substation place the bay IEDs to the voltage levels and bays place / check the bay IEDs to be connected to the IEC 61850 subnetwork engineer ABB IED products to generate their ied.ICD files load all other bay IEDs with their ied.ICD files export the station.SCD file for use in CCT

re-import the station.SCD file from CCT to update the ABB IED products and to generate the ied.CID files do signal engineering for the IEDs which are receiver of GOOSE messages.


Managing projects in PCM 600


Chapter 5 Set up a project in PCM 600

Managing projects in PCM 600 The PCM 600 manages the project in its own PCMDataBase which is placed on the PC or workstation running the PCM 600 tool set. The projects imported to PCMDataBase or set up in PCMDataBase are the actual available projects for PCM 600. They can be selected via the menu bar File. But once again only one project at a time can be open. These projects are handled by the MSSQLPCMSERVER which is included in the PCMDataBase. It is possible • • • •

to import projects to create new projects to export projects to delete projects out of the PCMDataBase

A PCM 600 project is identified by its suffix "project.PCMP" To open a project select File>Open/Manage Projects. The Open/Manage Project window will pop up.




Figure 44:

PCM 600: Open / Manage Project window

Choose an existing project • open the tree Projects on my computer. Projects available in the PCMDataBase are listed. • select a project from the list and click Open Project.


Managing projects in PCM 600

Chapter 5 Set up a project in PCM 600

you may also select the project in the traditional way from the list shown in the menubar File>list of last used projects.

Import a project • open the tree Projects on my computer. • select the icon Import Project. • a standard Windows file selection window will pop up • navigate to the directory where you have stored exported projects • select your project to import (suffix = PCMP) • PCM 600 will import the project. The contents will be reorganized according to the PCM 600 internal needs. Depending on project size this can take some time. • the imported project will be listed under the tree Projects on my computer. • select the imported project and open it.


Figure 45:

PCM 600: Import a project window

Create a new project • open the tree Projects on my computer • select the icon New Project • a New Project window will pop up • give the new project a name and include a description (optional) • PCM 600 will set up a new project • the new project will be listed under the tree Projects on my computer • select the new project and open it


Managing projects in PCM 600

Chapter 5 Set up a project in PCM 600


Figure 46:

PCM 600: Create a new project window

export a project • open the tree Projects on my computer • select the project you want to export • select the icon Export Project • a standard Windows file selection window will pop up • navigate to the directory where you want to store the project • the file name may be adapted to your needs • PCM 600 prepares the contents of the project for import. The procedure is opposite to the task listed under import a project • the project still exists in PCM 600 and can be continued to be used delete a project • open the tree Projects on my computer • select the project you want to delete • select the icon Delete Project • a warning window will pop up • be sure you have exported the project first before using it later • confirm that you want to delete the project • PCM 600 will delete all files etc. about this project from its PCMDataBase rename a project • this is only possible when the project is not active in PCM 600 • close the project when active


Managing projects in PCM 600

• • • • •


Chapter 5 Set up a project in PCM 600

select File>Open/Manage Projects. The Open/Manage Project window will pop up. select the project which should be renamed click Rename using the right mouse button rename the project and close the naming field PCM 600 will rename the project

About this chapter

Chapter 6 Set up a project in CCT

Chapter 6 Set up a project in CCT About this chapter This chapter describes how a project is defined, created and managed by CCT.


Managing projects in CCT


Chapter 6 Set up a project in CCT

Managing projects in CCT The CCT manages a project in its own data base per project. CCT uses the MicroSoft Access Data Base. The CCT projects can be stored and managed at a place which is selected by the user. It is possible • • • •

to open projects to create new projects to save the actual project to close projects

A CCT project is identified by its suffix "project.mdb".


Figure 47:

CCT: Handling Projects

Open Project • select File > Open Project to open an existing project. This is only possible when no project is active at this time. When you want to run another project you have to close the running one first. • a MicroSoft standard window to select a file pops up. Rout to your directory where the project you want to open is stored. • select the project and open it CCT will read the data base and opens the project. This will take some time and is partly shown in a progress bar at the bottom of the CCT window. When the project is loaded you may check that it is the one you are looking for. A typical station.scd project may look like the figure below shows in the four SCL sections. The right screen-shot shows the structure with available DataSets and report control blocks below a LLN0.


Managing projects in CCT

Chapter 6 Set up a project in CCT


Figure 48:

CCT: Section view in the Project Navigator

Create new Project • select Create new Project • a Create new Project window pops up • type a name for the new project • browse to the location where you want to store the CCT project (Project Path) • press OK, which is enabled when a project path is defined


Managing projects in CCT

Chapter 6 Set up a project in CCT


Figure 49:

CCT: Create new Project

CCT prepares the basics in the data base and generates the internal structure of an IEC 61850 SCL file. When it has finalized its preparation task the Project Navigator shows a basic structure with a placeholder in the substation section for a first Voltage Level and under the Data Type Templates section the list of IEC 61850 defined Base types of type Enum. The IED and Communication sections are empty.

Save • this action is always possible CCT stores all values in the data base, so all additions and modifications are taken to the data base.

Close Project • this action is always possible CCT asks to save the changes made, when it shall close the project and changes are pending. CCT will close the project which will take some time when it has to save the project before.


Import/export station.SCD files


Chapter 6 Set up a project in CCT

Import/export station.SCD files CCT as a tool for IEC 61850 signal engineering can do this tasks for a single IED or for a complete station with all IEDs linked to communication and defined in the substation section of the SCL file. This section describes the import and export of a station.SCD file.


Import station.SCD file • • • • • • •

select Tools > SCL Import/Export > Import SCL File a window pops up to prepare the file which should be imported select Browse and rout to the final directory where the station.SCD file you want to import is located select the SCD file. You may have to change the file-type to *.SCD to get the available files visible. CCT checks the file to be a SCL file. If the check is successful the Import button will be highlighted select/ check Delete superfluous Data not represented in SCL file to be selected press Import


Figure 50:

CCT: Import / export station.SCD file

CCT starts to read the station.SCD file and prepares the internals to operate the project with the file. This will take some time and is partly shown in a progress bar at the bottom of the CCT window.


Import/export station.SCD files

Chapter 6 Set up a project in CCT

When the file is established you may check that it is the one you was looking for. A typical station.scd project may look like shown in figure 48


Export station.SCD file • • •

• •

save your project before select Tools > SCL Import/Export > Export SCL File an export window will pop up which shows a default place where CCT will store the station.SCD file. This is done in the directory “SCL” below the directory where the project is stored. This directory will be created by CCT if it does not exist. browse and select another place and/or name for the file when necessary press Export

The CCT will generate a station.SCD file by keeping those parts which are not touched by the CCT which is the Substation and Data Type Templates section. The communication and IED section may have been modified and extended by CCT. In addition CCT creates a set of ied.ccf files per IED in the project. These files include the SCL part which is of interest for the named IED only. They may be used to re-import the IED part to the IED configurator tool directly. These files are located at the same place as the station-SCD file.


Import/export ied.ICD files


Chapter 6 Set up a project in CCT

Import/export ied.ICD files CCT as a tool for IEC 61850 signal engineering can do this tasks for a single IED or for a complete station with all IEDs linked to communication and defined in the substation section of the SCL file. This section describes the import and export of an ied.ICD file. CCT can be used to configure DataSets and report control blocks (BRCBs) for a single IED before it is integrated in a station project. This makes sense when the IED is used more then once in the project. Import of the ied.ICD file to CCT, do DataSet and BRCB engineering and export it back allows to use the extended IED as a template for similar or same control or protection IEDs. In the actual version of PCM 600 it is only possible to include client IEDs in a station project via CCT.


Import ied.ICD file • • • • • • • •

select Tools > SCL Import/Export > Import ICD File a window pops up to prepare the file which should be imported select Browse and rout to the final directory where the ied.ICD file you want to import is located select the ICD file CCT checks the file to be a SCL file. If the check is successful the Import button will be highlighted you can select more then one ied.ICD file to be imported at the same time. Repeat “Browse” until all files you may import are selected. check that the files you want to import are selected. The function “Generate defaults for MicroSCADA” is not supported in this CCT version. press Import


Import/export ied.ICD files

Chapter 6 Set up a project in CCT


Figure 51:

CCT: Import / export ied.ICD file

CCT starts to read the ied.ICD file and prepares the internals to operate the project with the file(s). This will take some time and is partly shown in a progress bar at the bottom of the CCT window. When the file(s) is/are established you may check that they are the ones you was looking for.


Import of a client IED via CCT into a station project A client IED will be imported in the same way as described above. To integrate it in a station project you have to load the station project first and then import the client IEDs in addition. • • •

• • • •


load the station project to which the client IEDs belong import the client IEDs as described check the client IEDs in the IED section. They must be presented in the tree structure as given in chapter 6, section 1, fiure 48. A client IED contains a logical device and at least three Logical nodes, the two standards plus a client specific LN of group “I” (ITCI or IHSI). select the access point of the IED in the Project Navigator and configure the subnetwork name out of the drop list in the Propertiespane. It must be the same subnetwork then the other IEDs are connected to. define the Access Point Name according to the rules of the project repeat the steps for all imported client IEDs save the project, close the project and open the project again the client IEDs are now completely included in the SCL structure of the IED section and in the communication section

Import/export ied.ICD files


Chapter 6 Set up a project in CCT

they are not included in the substation section. In this case it is a formal information which has no influence on the normal signal engineering for reports or for GOOSE messages

Export ied.ICD file • •

• •

save your project before the export of an ied.ICD file is only possible when the specific IED is selected. Select the IED in the Project Navigator and press the right mouse button. Select Export ICD an export window will pop up which shows a default place where CCT will store the station.SCD file. This is done in the directory “SCL” below the directory where the project is stored. This directory will be created by CCT if it does not exist. browse and select another place and/or name for the file when necessary press Export


Figure 52:

CCT: Export ied.ICD file

The CCT will generate an ied.ICD file for the selected IED. The file may be re-imported to the IED configurator tool for further use.


Import/export ied.ICD files


Chapter 6 Set up a project in CCT

About this chapter

Chapter 7 Station configuration with PCM 600

Chapter 7 Station configuration with PCM 600 About this chapter This chapter describes how a station can be configured to fulfil the IEC 61850 requirements for signal engineering. The configuration of the substation from voltage level to bay and IEDs and the configuration of the communication structure is part of this chapter.


Set up a substation for IEC 61850


Chapter 7 Station configuration with PCM 600

Set up a substation for IEC 61850 PCM 600 organizes the structure of a substation in the Plant Structure window. The plant structure is used to locate each IED in its location within the electrical grid. It is a geographical image of the substation and the bays within the substation. You will build up the plant structure according to your project requirements. To do this PCM 600 offers some elements which build the hierarchical order from a Center down to the IEDs in a bay. The organization of the station according to IEC 61850–6 is done in PCM 600 on the basis of the 'Product related naming' (IEDName). This is shown in chapter 2, section 3.1 "The Substation section", figure 8. The following levels are available: 1. Project = Center (not used for the naming) 2. Region = when your grid might be subdivided into regions this level should be used in addition (optional) 3. Substation = Name of the substation (relevant for object designation) 4. Voltage Level = identifies to which grid type or part in the substation the IED belongs to 5. Bay = Bay within the voltage level 6. IED = selection of the IED which is used in the bay. Several IEDs are possible within a bay (e.g. one control IED and two protection IEDs) Level (2.) is optional all other level are a must to identify an IED. Once a plant structure is built the identification should be renamed by the names/identifications used in your project and to the specification for object identification as described in chapter 2 "IEC 61850 station engineering". Use the right mouse button to build the plant structure and to rename the elements.


Figure 53:

PCM 600: Set up a plant structure

Building a plant structure using the Object Types view This is useful when a complete grid with a large number of IEDs have to be built.


Set up a substation for IEC 61850

Chapter 7 Station configuration with PCM 600

Steps to build a plant structure: • • • • • •

select the Object Types view place the Object Types window beside the Project Explorer window by selecting the Object Types tab and move it outside the Project Explorer window. select the General pane select the elements you need and place them in the plant structure by drag and drop to select an IED open the Transmission IED pane and follow the procedure described in the next chapter close the Object Types window

select IED en05000557.vsd

Figure 54:


PCM 600: Set up a plant structure by using Object Type window

Naming conventions for IEC 61850 The following definition is taken from IEC 61850–6 clause 8.4: The SCL model allows two kinds of object designation: 1. A technical key, which is used on engineering drawings and for signal identifications. This is contained in the attribute name as identification of each object. If this value is used as reference to an object, it is contained in an attribute name


Set up a substation for IEC 61850

Chapter 7 Station configuration with PCM 600

starting with a string denoting the reference target object type, and ending with the string Name. The technical key is used within SCL for referencing other objects. Observe that name is a relative identification within a hierarchy of objects. 2. A user oriented textual designation. This is contained in attribute desc. Attributes are not allowed to contain carriage return, line feed or tab characters. The semantics of desc shall also be relative within an object hierarchy. End of reference to the standard. PCM 600 takes care for these two possibilities. The two possible designations naming are available per object in the object properties for all hierarchical levels beginning with the station as highest level. The technical key is automatically generated by PCM 600 based on the rules and type specifications of IEC 61346 and the definitions done for substations by a technical committee. The technical key is shown in the Object Properties under “SCL TechnicalKey”. •

the start point is the station which is predefined by “AA1” where 1 is the index. Leave the station name untouched, even when it is the wrong station name. PCM 600 needs this start definition to build the technical key by itself. the second hierarchical level is the voltage level. The voltage level has to be selected in the Object Properties from a drop list. The corresponding character is automatically included in all objects. The drop list explains the voltage range for each character so it should be no problem to select the right character. The list is build on the definitions of the standard. the bay and the IED is appended with the coding defined in the IEC 61346 standard and the substation definition lists.

The “user oriented textual designation” is visible in the plant structure for each object. It is the name given by default or changed via the Rename possibility. It is shown in the Object Properties in the row Caption.


Figure 55:


PCM 600: IEC 61850 signal designation concept

Set up a substation for IEC 61850

Chapter 7 Station configuration with PCM 600

In the above figure the bay named in the example “B_TR42” is visible in the object properties with the two designations. The technical key AA1C1Q1 can be read like this: • • •

AA1 = station 1 in the project C1 = voltage level from 380 to 420 kV Q1 = the first bay in the voltage level

Selection of object designation for the technical key As described before PCM 600 supports two possibilities for object designation. One of this two possibilities will be selected for the technical key in the SCL file when you export the station as station.SCD file. Using the designation according to IEC 61346 guarantees (Navigator Object Technical Key) that the naming is correct but maybe not useful in the naming your station is using. Using your own designation model (PCM Navigator Object Caption) is useful and can be done when the total length according to IEC 61850 (32 characters) is regarded and the designation for each level is unique. It should also be checked and notified when one of the user IEDs (most likely the client IEDs) have additional rules for the length of each level etc. Be careful and make a general concept for all partners in the project. See the standard IEC 61850–6 and chapter 2 "IEC 61850 station engineering" for more details.


PCM 600 selection of an IED This section includes the description how to select an ABB IED 670 product as bay IED. For the total capability see 'Engineering guide for IED 670 products'. A control or protection IED 670 can be delivered in two general versions: • •

open configuration IEDs pre-configured IEDs

When selecting an IED 670 a wizard is displayed which helps you to make the correct selection.

Open configuration IED An open configuration IED is described by: • •

the delivered hardware the delivered lists of selected functions

It includes: •

a set of ordered functions available for engineering the logic and operation of the functions

It does not include: • • •

any configuration of the application configuration program any engineering preparation for the IO hardware and IO signals no defined settings other then the default values


Set up a substation for IEC 61850

Chapter 7 Station configuration with PCM 600

It is important to understand, that the list of delivered functions correspond to the list of available function blocks in the IED itself. You can not use more function blocks than ordered. An IED is selected by: • •

• •

selecting the correct IED version 1.0 onwards type in the IP address for the IED to communicate with PCM 600. This IP address may be the same as used for the communication protocol (e.g. IEC 61850 or DNP 3.0 on Ethernet) but it must not be the same. This IP address is the link to the PCM 600 tool set. Browse to the folder where your order specific zip-file is stored. When you do not use an order specific configuration indicate that in the selection box.


Figure 56:

Order specific IED selection

Pre-configured IED A pre-configured IED is described by: • •

the delivered hardware loaded with the basic functions and logic, ready for use after some project specific engineering additions like IO signal marshalling etc. the delivered engineering configuration - configured logic with basic functions active for direct use - predefined signals for IO which needs only to be routed to physical IO boards the optional functions are available in the engineering tool fully configured and presented in a template

It does not include:


Set up a substation for IEC 61850

• •

Chapter 7 Station configuration with PCM 600

adaptations to the project specific settings IO signal routing for application specific IOs

A pre-configured IED is ready to use after some minor engineering additions, which are in any way project specific. Similar to the order specific version it includes only those functions and options which are ordered and available in the IED itself.


Figure 57:

Pre-configured IED selection

When the pre-configured IED versions are not delivered in a zip file. Skip this window by selecting No PreConfig File. Check the availability of pre-configured IED versions in the CAP 531 template folder.


PCM 600 Generic IEC 61850 IED The Generic IEC 61850 IED (Gen-IED) has to be installed when additional non ABB bay IEDs are used in the project. The tasks to integrate these IEDs are: • •

select a Gen-IED where requested import the ied.ICD file which belongs to this IED


Set up a substation for IEC 61850

Chapter 7 Station configuration with PCM 600


Figure 58:

Generic IEC 61850 IED selection

The vendor has to supply an ied.ICD or ied.SCD file for each IED.

Import of an ied.ICD file for a Gen-IED


Figure 59:

Generic IEC 61850 IED import of ied.ICD file

After a Gen-IED is installed it is necessary to load the corresponding ied.ICD file. • • • • •


select the Gen-IED select Import IED SCL... with the right mouse button out of the menu a standard Microsoft windows for file selection pops up. Navigate to the directory where the ied.ICD or .SCD file is located and open the file for import a selection window SCL Import Options pops up leave the Import Type as set to “Update PCM Structure from SCL”. The existing already build SCL file structure will be extended with the contents of the imported file. In the other case the ied.ICD file would be append to the SCL file and is not included in the structure as already given and necessary. open the Advanced Options

Set up a substation for IEC 61850

Chapter 7 Station configuration with PCM 600

Select the “Replace... ” alternative. Because it is a Gen-IED it must be possible to replace the IED object types with the known Generic IEC 61850 IED object types. select “Allow overwriting... ” . The Gen-IED is a not known IED until now for the PCM 600. It must be possible to overwrite the default IED type with the type defined in the vendors IED.

The SCL file import starts and a progress window shows the status. A message will indicate the conclusion of a successful import. The IED name may not change by loading the file. Check and adapt the IED name to the projects definition with the Rename selection in the right mouse button menu.

Note The actual version of PCM 600 does not support the integration of client IEDs in the plant structure nor in the communication structure. This is actual only possible by adding the client ied.ICD file in the CCT and configure the communication section in the CCT with the additional client IED. See chapter 6, section 3 "Import/export ied.ICD files" how to do it.


Set up communication for IEC 61850


Chapter 7 Station configuration with PCM 600

Set up communication for IEC 61850 The actual version of PCM 600 supports a communication network with one subnetwork according to IEC 61850 only. Client IEDs can be integrated in a station project by CCT only. The communication structure can be checked by selecting it in the Project Explorer beside the Plant structure. By opening the tree structure it is visible that the OPC server of the PCM 600 itself is on top with the NETWORK below. All bay IEDs configured in the Plant Structure must be shown and connected to the NETWORK. In the figure below also the client IEDs are presented after re-import the station.SCD file from the CCT to PCM 600 for final IED 670 engineering.


Figure 60:

PCM 600: Communication Structure with IEDs

The Logical devices of an IED are listed when opening the IED. This is for information only

Adding the IP address of an IED The communication structure allows to add/modify the IP address of an IED in the Object Properties.


Set up communication for IEC 61850

Chapter 7 Station configuration with PCM 600


Figure 61:

PCM 600: Adding the IP address of an IED


Import/Export station.SCD files


Chapter 7 Station configuration with PCM 600

Import/Export station.SCD files The IEC 61850 standard defines four file types in the sequence of engineering. These files have a different definition which is explained in IEC 61850–6 clause 7. Three of this file type are used in the engineering process for an IED 670. • • •

ied.ICD = IED Capability Description station.SCD = Station Configuration Description ied.CID = Configured IED Description

Export a station.SCD file The procedure is a follows: • • • • • •

select the station in the plant structure. See figure 62 select “Export System SCL...” with the right mouse button a standard Windows menu pops up to select a location. Choose a destination where the file should be stored and give it a name PCM 600 starts the process and will generate a new selection window. See figure 63 select “SCL Object Naming” variant for your project. See chapter 7, section 1 "Set up a substation for IEC 61850". check that the selection box “Export Private Section” is blank (not set). IEC 61850–6 defines in clause 8.2.6 the possibility to include a private structure of presentation in the SCL file for later reuse etc. This is actually not supported and not needed. start export. A progress window will show the export procedure which will take some time depending on the number of IEDs.



Figure 62:


IEC 61850: Export station.SCD step 1

Import/Export station.SCD files

Chapter 7 Station configuration with PCM 600


Figure 63:

IEC 61850: Export station.SCD step 2

Import a station.SCD file When an exported station.SCD file is extended with the signal engineering by the CCT tool it is necessary to import the extended station.SCD file back and update the IED 670 products with the additional configuration. The procedure is as follows: • • • •

select the station in the plant structure. select “Import System SCL...” with the right mouse button a standard Windows menu pops up to select the file to be imported. Browse to the destination the file is stored and start the reading. a selection menu pops up which queries how the file should be handled during import. See figure 64. 1. The standard is the basic window as shown in the right screen-shot in figure 64 2. “Update PCM Structure from SCL” expects that the file is the one which was exported but now extended by configuration actions done in CCT. This is the normal case and set by default. 3. “Append SCL to PCM Structure” will append the information for each IED to the existing ICD part in the IED. This is useful, when the station configuration part is done on a basis ied.ICD file with no specific engineering or the ICD file does not exist for the IED 670 until now. 4. “Advanced Options” expand the window as shown in the left screen-shot of figure 64. 5. “Don't import ...” protects the existing IEDs in case the station.SCD file does not match the original configuration in PCM 600. 6. “Replace unknown ...” can be used when it is known, that the file includes additional IEDs which are needed. The IED of type “Generic IEC 61850 IED” is used to integrate these kinds of IEDs in the plant structure etc. 7. “Allow overwriting ...” should only be done when it is clear what happens and justified with the complete project.


Import/Export station.SCD files

Chapter 7 Station configuration with PCM 600

start “Import” when you have completed your definitions. A progress window will show the import procedure which will take some time depending on the number of IEDs.


Figure 64:


IEC 61850: Import station.SCD file

ied.CID file generation for IED 670 This part is described in 'Engineering guide for IED 670 products'. It must be seen in the whole engineering sequence and requests knowledge about the IED 670 engineering.


About this chapter

Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT About this chapter This chapter describes how the data objects in IEC 61850 are configured to data sets. How the different control blocks are configured and how the links for the control blocks to clients or other IEDs is done.


IEC 61850 Attribute Editor


Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

IEC 61850 Attribute Editor The IEC 61850 attribute editor in this CCT version is not used for editing. It is only allowed and possible to view the structure and contents of Logical nodes and their data objects and data attributes. The organization of Logical nodes and their contents is under control and responsibility of the IED vendor. The structure and content of a Logical node is defined in IEC 61850–7–3 and IEC 61850–7–4. It describes the data objects, the data attribute classes and the base types as mandatory or optional elements of a Logical node. The IED products define their Logical nodes based on this standards. But these Logical nodes are described as LN types, because these LN contain only the used and available data objects etc. So each IED product will have its own set of used Logical node types. The SCL structure takes care of this in the Data Type Templates section where all used and available Logical node types, their data object types and their data attribute types and when given their additional base types of type Enumerated are included. The reference to the LN types is given in the IED section for each logical node by the LN type name as part of the Logical node identification.


Figure 65:

CCT: IEC 61850 Attribute editor (viewer)

The attribute editor can be used to get an overview and to verify the content of a Logical node. Select a Logical node or a data object below the LN in the Project Navigator. Select Attribute Editor in the IEC 61850 Data Engineering pane.


IEC 61850 Attribute Editor

Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

The visible list may be sorted in the sequence as shown in the figure above. In the example figure a Logical node of type CVMMXU is selected. This LN type is used in IED 670 products and represents the standard measured values of a bay. A part of the list of data attributes of the data object “TotW” is shown. The different columns from left to right contain the description values of each data attribute in a row listed in column one (Name). No. Title

IEC 61850–

Description (taken from the standard)



6, clause 9.5.4, table 44 Reference of the last named data attribute or basic type described in this row



6, clause 9.5.4, table 44 Description in free text form of the data attribute



6, clause 9.5.4, table 44; Functional constraint of this data attribute 7–2, clause; 7–3 in data class tables


TrigOPt. dchg

6, clause 9.5.4, table 44; Trigger a report transmission when the value changes. E.g. new 7–2, clause; position of a disconnector. 7–3 in all data class tables


TrigOpt. qchg

6, clause 9.5.4, table 44; Trigger a report transmission when the quality value changes. 7–2, clause; E.g. oscillatory of a binary signal because of a sensor failure 7–3 in all data class etc. tables


TrigOpt. dupd

6, clause 9.5.4, table 44; Trigger a report transmission when a data value is updated. 7–2, clause; E.g. counter values are frozen and ready for transmission 7–3 in all data class tables


Basic Type

6, clause 9.5.4, table 44, Basic type according to definition in IEC 61850–7–2 clause 7–2, table 2; 7–3 in all 5.5.2 and the enumerated types in IEC 61850–7–3 clause 6 data class tables (Attribute Types)



6, clause 9.5.4, table 44 only used if “Basic Type” = Struct or Enum to refer to the appropriate enumeration type or DAType when Struct is given.



6, clause

Value of the data attribute when it can be taken from the SCL file


Short Address

6, clause

The short address of a data attribute which can be used for several purposes. Do not modify them.


Value Kind

6, clause

Special information about the state of engineering process. Used / modified by the engineering tools



6, clause 9.5.4, table 44 Used by the engineering tools internal. Optional for data attribute of type structure. Shall state the number of array elements in the case where the attribute is an array.


Data set engineering


Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

Data set engineering The concept of DataSets is described in a brief form in chapter 2, section 3.4 "Signal engineering".

select FC

select LN

add DataSet select DO select DA


Figure 66:

CCT: Generating a DataSet

When the Data Set Engineering pane is selected you will get a pane which includes four list boxes. One is for information only (Filtered Preview). The other three are needed to configure a DataSet: •


Data Sets - lists all available DataSets with their names located in that Logical node

Data set engineering

Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT


allows to add a new DataSet allows to remove (delete) an existing DataSet to change the name of a DataSet select the DataSet and click again. The field is ready to accept a new name entry - regard the rules for DataSet naming according to IEC 61850–7–2 clause Data Set Entries - lists all selected Logical nodes, Data objects or data attributes which are selected to be a member of the DataSet. - the used functional constraint (FC) is shown in brackets at the end - allows to remove (delete) a selected member out of the list. - the address (reference) of each selected FCD or FCDA is shown. The reference includes the logical device part below the server as start point. This gives the possibility to select any FCD, FCDA within the IED to be a member of the DataSet. In which way this is useful to get the right information sorted logically is a question to the project. - the selected Logical nodes with their data objects or the selected data objects directly are called Functional Constraint Data (FCD) or Functional Constraint Data attributes (FCDA) when the member is a direct data attribute IED Data Model - lists all Logical nodes within the IED with their data objects and data attributes in a tree structure - each element can be selected to be a member of a DataSet - allows, requests to select a FC to separate those attributes which will be member of the DataSet entry. Only FC = MX or ST are possible constraints for reports to clients. - allows to add the selected object to the list box of Data Set Entries. It will be then a member of the DataSet (Add) - allows to modify an already available member by overwriting its contents with the one of the selected object (Modify) Filtered Preview - This list box shows all data attributes of the selected FC of the selected object in the IED Data Model list box. These attributes will be transmitted in case one of the data attributes has forces a trigger to send the DataSet member.

Remark Analyzing all defined data attributes defined in IEC 61850–7–3 only data attributes with FC = MX or ST are marked with the capability to generate a trigger. And they belong to process data objects which contain the process information used at runtime. All other data attributes belong to control (commands), settings, functional configuration parameters or descriptions. These information are handled by other IEC 61850 communication services and are not part of a report.


Data set engineering

Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

select DA only DO with stVal; q; t


Figure 67:

CCT: DataSet with FCDA member

Remark CCT has to update the contents of all four list boxes whenever a new object, item etc. is selected. To do this it reads the main part of data base to identify which objects etc. have to be presented. This takes some time and it is not directly shown by an hourglass or similar. A small help in this situation would be to start the Windows Task Manager and minimize it. The small dynamic icon in the low right corner shows when the CPU is active.

Task Manager


Figure 68:


CCT: CPU activity

Data set engineering

Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

To configure a DataSet the following steps are requested in CCT: • • •

• • • • • •

select the Data Set Engineering tab in the IEC 61850 Data Engineering pane select the Logical node where the new DataSet should be located. This should be in normal cases the LLN0 of a LD. when requested and agreed in a project it is possible by the IEC 61850 standard to locate the DataSet in any LN. This is not allowed for DataSets which are used by GOOSE messages. These DataSets are only allowed in LLN0 ! press the Add button to add a new Data Set in the Data Sets list box give the DataSet a name. The name must be unique within the station to be able to identify it in the communication between a client and a server IED. select the FCD or FCDA which should be member of the DataSet in the IED Data Model list box. select the correct FC out of the list in the Func. Constraint list box click Add to add the FCD, FCDA to the Data Set Entries list box click Modify when the selected member of the Data Set Entries list box should be replaced or modified by the FCD, FCDA selected in the IED Data Model list box

Repeat the procedure for all DataSets which are needed in this IED. Continue to do it for all IEDs where additional DataSets are requested.


Predefined DataSet The IEC 61850 standard allows to have predefined DataSets which the vendor of an IED has included in his product. These predefined DataSets will be visible when you open an IED and will be listed under the LLN0. These DataSets may be modified or extended in a project. The possibility to do it must be announced by the vendor of the IED. ABB has defined four predefined DataSets for the IED 670 products: •

• • •

MeasFlt - includes those measured values which will be transmitted on dchg trigger given by a threshold value (deadband) StatIed - includes the behavior status of all Logical nodes StatNml - includes the trip signals (operate) of all protection Logical nodes StatUrg - includes the urgent alarms of the Logical nodes. The definition of what is urgent was done by ABB experts and may be checked by the project


BRCB engineering


Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

BRCB engineering The concept of buffered report control blocks (BRCB) is described in a brief form in chapter 2, section 3.4 "Signal engineering".


Figure 69:

CCT: Generating and link of a BRCB

When the Report Control Engineering pane is selected you will get a pane which contains a list with several columns and some or a lot of rows. Each row represents a BRCB description with all BRCB attributes which are of interest. When already client IEDs are linked to that BRCB this is visible by the icon element to expand the BRCB for next level rows. Each next level row contains the identification of a linked client IED. The five main steps to generate a BRCB are: •


add a new BRCB row to the list by clicking Add... Report Control in the bottom area of the pane

BRCB engineering

• • •

• •

Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

give the BRCB a unique name according to the rules described in IEC 61850–7–2 clause and the rules defined in the project select the DataSet out of the list of available DataSets for this BRCB. Always only one DataSet per BRCB. See the example in the figure above link the BRCB to the client IEDs which should receive these event telegrams. This is done by selecting the icon of the Logical node of the client IED (e.g. ITCI or IHSI) and link it to the name field of the corresponding BRCB by using the drag-and-drop method. Repeat this for all client IEDs which should receive the information. See the arrow in the figure above. configure the BRCB attributes to the standards defined in the project. do Update DataFlow by selecting this task via the menubar Tools > IEC 61850 Data Flow Engineering. CCT will now add the needed information in the SCL file in: - the IED section for the 'BRCB' in the Logical node defined for this DataSet and therefore for the BRCB. Should be normally LLN0 - the IED section with the identification of the connected client IEDs per BRCB


Figure 70:

CCT: Update Dataflow

Configuration of the BRCB attributes The possible attributes which are needed to describe the operation etc. of a BRCB are included in • • •

IEC 61850–6 clause 9.3.8 and listed in table 22, table 23 and table 24 IEC 61850–7–2 clause 14.2 and mainly listed in table 23 the attributes used by the CCT to get the description from the user are all listed in the CVC selection box for the BRCB.

For the identification of a column the same text is used in the BRCB list and in the CVC. To see them in the CVC completely you have to select an element. The complete description will pop up, when there is more text then in the visible part. The sorting order for the column may be changed to your demands. So the only element to make the link to CVC is the identification text of the column. How to operate the CVC see chapter 4, section 6.3 "CCT Column visibility control".


BRCB engineering

Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

BRCB attributes 1


Client IED attributes


Figure 71:



BRCB engineering

Table 1:

Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

BRCB attributes

No. Title

IEC 61850–

Description (taken from the standard)



6, clause 9.3.8, table 22,1; 7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,1

Name of the report control block. This name is relative to the LN hosting the RCB, and shall be unique within the LN



6, clause 9.3.8, table 22,2

The description text



6, clause 9.3.8, table 22,3; 7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,5

The name of the data set to be sent by the report control block; datSet can only be empty within an ICD-File.


Identifier 7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,3

The attribute RptID shall be the client-specified report identifier of the BRCB that has caused the generation of the report. If the report identifier value of the BRCB is NULL, then the instance name (the whole path-name) of the BRCB shall be reported as the report identifier. NOTE: The report identifier field may be used by clients to distinguish between reports from various BRCBs. This value is mirrored by the server.


Integrity Period

6, clause 9.3.8, table 22,4; 7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,19

Integrity period in milliseconds see IEC 61850-7-2. Only relevant if trigger option period is set to true If TrgOp is set to integrity, the attribute IntgPd shall indicate the period in milliseconds used for generating an integrity report. An integrity report shall report the values of all members of the related DATA-SET. BufTm shall have no effect when this change issues a report. A value of 0 shall indicate that no integrity reports shall be issued. NOTE: An integrity scan may transmit the same values as a general interrogation. The integrity scan is issued by the server. The general-interrogation is issued by the client.


Config. Ref.

6, clause 9.3.8, table 22,6; 7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,6

The configuration revision number of this report control block



6, clause 9.3.8, table 22,7

Specifies if reports are buffered or not; see IEC 61850-7-2


Buff. Time

6, clause 9.3.8, table 22,8; 7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,16

Buffer time; see IEC 61850-7-2 The attribute BufTm shall specify the time interval in milliseconds for the buffering of internal notifications caused by data-change (dchg), quality-change (qchg), dataupdate (dupd) by the BRCB for inclusion into a single report. Upon receipt of the first internal event notification of the referenced DATA-SET, the BRCB shall start a timer of the duration buffer time. When the timer expires, the BRCB shall combine all internal events that have been received during the time interval into a single report. The next internal event following the timer expiration shall signal the new start of that timer. The default value of 0 shall be reserved to indicate that the buffer time attribute is not to be used by the BRCB. Each internal event shall cause the BRCB to send a single report. The value shall be settable in 1 ms increments and shall be able to convey up to 1 h of buffer time


BRCB engineering

Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

No. Title

IEC 61850–

Description (taken from the standard)


Max. Enabled

6, clause 9.3.8, table 23,2

Defines the maximum number of report control blocks of this type, which are instantiated at configuration time in the LN (and then used online)


Report 6, clause 9.3.8, table Enabled 23,1 Description

The description text


TrigOpt. Dchg

The attribute TrgOp shall specify the trigger conditions which shall be monitored by this BRCB. The following values are defined:

7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,18


TrigOpt. Qchg

7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,18

data-change (dchg)

quality-change (qchg)

data-update (dupd)



The trigger options dchg, qchg, and dupd refer to the attribute trigger option (TrgOp) of the DataAttribute of the common DATA classes in IEC 61850-7-3. The trigger options integrity and general-interrogation shall be trigger conditions defined by the attributes IntgPd and GI of the BRCB respectively Details related to the generation of a report based on the different trigger options shall be as specified in


TrigOpt Dupd

7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,18


TrigOpt. Period

7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,18


Seq. No. 7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,8

If a BRCB does not support one or more of the trigger options, the attempt to set the TrgOp attribute to TRUE for one of these not supported values, shall cause a negative response of the SetReportControlValues service.

The attribute SqNum shall specify the sequence number for each BRCB that has report enable set to TRUE. This number is to be incremented by the BRCB for each report generated and sent. The increment shall occur once the BRCB has formatted the report and queued the report to the N-1 protocol layer. The first report following the setting of the report enable to TRUE shall contain sequence number 0. If TRUE SqNum shall be included in the report.


Time Stamp

7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,9

The attribute TimeOfEntry shall be the time, when the entry is added to the buffer. That time may be different to the time stamp of the data, which shall be the time when the event occurred that caused the entry to be created. If TRUE TimeOfEntry shall be included in the report.



Data Set 7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,11

DataSet-name; If TRUE DatSet shall be included in the report.

BRCB engineering

Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

No. Title

IEC 61850–

Description (taken from the standard)


7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,10

The reason for inclusion shall be included in the report if the optional fields to include in report attribute (OptFlds) of the BRCB includes reason for inclusion (=TRUE); otherwise, it shall be omitted. The value for the reason for inclusion shall be set according to the TrgOp that caused the creation of the report. The value range for reasons for inclusion shall be as listed

Reason Code

data-change (caused by TrgOp = dchg in an instance of DATA)

quality-change (caused by TrgOp = qchg in an instance of DATA)

data-update (caused by TrgOp = dupd in an instance of DATA)

integrity (caused by the attribute IntgPd in the BRCB)

general-interrogation (caused by setting the attribute GI of the BRCB to TRUE by a client).

reason-for-inclusion. If TRUE ReasonCode shall be included in the report. 19

Data Ref.

7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,12

The parameter DataRef shall contain the functional constrained data (FCD) of the DataAttribute values included in the report. data-reference. If TRUE DataRef or DataAttributeReference shall be included in the report.


Buffer Overfl.

7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,13

BufOvl – buffer overflow occurred The parameter BufOvl shall indicate to the client that a buffer overflow occurred. The BRCB shall set this field in the first report that is sent with events that occurred after the overflow. buffer-overflow. If TRUE BufOvfl shall be included in the report.


Entry Id. 7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,14

EntryID = entry identifier The parameter EntryID shall represent an arbitrary OCTET STRING used to identify an entry in a sequence of events of a BRCB. entryID; If TRUE EntryID shall be included in the report.


Conf. Ref.



7–2, clause 14.2, table 23,15

conf-revision; If TRUE ConfRev shall be included in the repor.


BRCB engineering

Table 2:


Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

Client IED attributes

No. Title

IEC 61850–

Description (taken from the standard)



6, clause 9.3.8, table 24,2

The instance identification of the LD where the LN resides





6, clause 9.3.8, table 24,3,4,5

The LN prefix. The LN class according to IEC 61850-7-4. The instance id of this LN instance of below LN class in the IED



Sequence order number within the list of client IEDs ????


Client Logical Node Name

The combined name out of listed elements to get the complete address of the client

GoCB engineering


Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

GoCB engineering The concept of GOOSE control blocks (GoCB) is described in a brief form in chapter 2, section 3.4 "Signal engineering".


Figure 72:

CCT: Generating and link of a GoCB

When the Goose Control Engineering pane is selected you will get a pane which contains a list with several columns and some rows. Each row represents a GoCB description with all GoCB attributes which are of interest. When already IEDs are linked to that GoCB this is visible by the icon element to expand the GoCB for next level rows. Each next level row contains the identification of a linked IED. GOOSE messages are not handled by the server. They are directly send by the communication handler as Unicast messages. The access to the Ethernet may need additional address information and timing parameters to monitor the correct sending. These parameters can/must be set per GoCB in an additional address definition row.


GoCB engineering

Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

The main steps to generate a GoCB are: • • • •

• • •

add a new GoCB row to the list by clicking Add ... GSE Control in the bottom area of the pane give the GoCB a unique name according to the rules described in IEC 61850–7–2 clause and the rules defined in the project select the DataSet out of the list of available DataSets for this GoCB. Always only one DataSet per GoCB. See the example in the figure above link the GoCB to the IEDs which should receive these GOOSE message. This is done by selecting the icon of the bay IED and link it to the name field of the corresponding GoCB by using the drag-and-drop method. Repeat this for all bay IEDs which should receive the information. See the arrow in the figure above. configure the GoCB attributes to the standards defined in the project. configure the address parameters to the standards defined in the project do Update DataFlow by selecting this task via the menubar Tools > IEC 61850 Data Flow Engineering. CCT will now add the needed information in the SCL file in: - the IED section for the 'GoCB' and for the 'Input' structure elements in the LLN0 - the communication section for the GSE structure precondition to do the update dataflow is a correct and complete communication section including all IEDs with their subnetwork and access point identification


Figure 73:

CCT: Update Dataflow

Each IED which is selected to receive the GOOSE message will get the description of an 'Input' structure in its SCL IED section in the LLN0 of the LD. It is then the task of IED engineering to route the input signals of a GOOSE message to the application which deals with the information. See the brief description in chapter 2, section 3.4 "Signal engineering".


GoCB engineering

Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT


Figure 74:

CCT: Project Navigator with selected Input of a GOOSE message

Configuration of the GoCB attributes The possible attributes which are needed to describe the operation etc. of a GoCB are included in • • • • •

IEC 61850–6 clause 9.3.10 and listed in table 22 for the additions in the IED section IEC 61850–6 clause 9.3.13 and table 30 for the designation of the input block in the receiver IED IEC 61850 clause 9.4.4 and listed in table 34 for the additions in the communication section IEC 61850–7–2 clause 15.2 and table 28 the attributes used by the CCT to get the description from the user are all listed in the CVC selection box for the GoCB.

For the identification of a column the same text is used in the GoCB list and in the CVC. To see them in the CVC completley you have to select an element. The complete description will pop up, when there is more text then in the visible part. The sorting order for the column may be changed to your demands. So the only element to make the link to CVC is the identification text of the column. How to operate the CVC see chapter 4, section 6.3 "CCT Column visibility control".


GoCB engineering

Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

GoCB attributes 1

GoCB address parameter 1

GoCB receiver IEDs 1


Figure 75:

Table 3:



GoCB attributes, address parameters and receiver IEDs

No. Title

IEC 61850–

Description (taken from the standard)



6, clause 9.3.10, table 26,1

The name identifying this GOOSE control block.



6, clause 9.3.10, table 26,2

A description text.



6, clause 9.3.10, table 26,3

The name of the data set to be sent by the GSE control block. For type=GSSE, the FCDA definitions in this data set shall be interpreted as DataLabels according to IEC 61850-7-2. The attribute datSet can only be empty within an ICD-File.



6, clause 9.3.10, table 26,5

If the type is GSSE, then only single indication and double indication data types are allowed for the data items referenced in the data set, otherwise all data types are allowed. Note that on stack level, each type might be mapped differently to message formats. The default type value is GOOSE



6, clause 9.3.10, table 26,6

A system wide unique identification of the application to which the GOOSE message belongs.

GoCB engineering

Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

No. Title

IEC 61850–

Description (taken from the standard)


Config. Ref.

6, clause 9.3.10, table 26,4

The configuration revision number of this control block.



6, clause 9.4.4, table 34,1

Textual description


MinTime 6, clause 9.4.4

The Mintime and Maxtime elements specify the following times: Mintime: the maximal allowed sending delay on a data change in ms. Maxtime: the source supervision time in ms (supervision heartbeat cycle time). Within this time, a failure of the source shall be detected by the client. Mintime and Maxtime may influence SCSM parameters. Which parameters and how they are influenced is defined in the appropriate SCSM



6, clause 9.4.4

The Mintime and Maxtime elements specify the following times: Mintime: the maximal allowed sending delay on a data change in ms. Maxtime: the source supervision time in ms (supervision heartbeat cycle time). Within this time, a failure of the source shall be detected by the client. Mintime and Maxtime may influence SCSM parameters. Which parameters and how they are influenced is defined in the appropriate SCSM


MAC Address

6, clause 9.4.3

see the standard



same as: 6, clause 9.3.10, table 26,6, see also clause 9.4.4, table 34,2

The instance identification of the LD within this IED, on which the control block is located. An LN is not necessary, as these control blocks are only in LLN0.






Client IED

6, clause 9.3.13, table 30,1

The name of the IED from where the input comes



Sequence order of all IEDs linked to the GOOSE message


GoCB engineering


Chapter 8 Signal engineering with CCT

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